Treatment of male infertility and results of first , S. Simi
Treatment of male infertility and results of first , S. Simi
ORIGINAL article Journal of Andrological Sciences 2009;16:91-97 Treatment of male infertility and results of first level assisted reproductive techniques I. Natali, P. Turchi*, S. Simi*, S. Cipriani**, G. Mario Lentini, L. Carignani, I. Ingrassia, L. Niccoli Sterility Centre, Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit, Azienda USL 3 Pistoia, Pescia, Italy; * Andrology Service, Azienda USL 4 Prato, Prato, Italy; ** 2@@4 Group for Epidemiologic Research Milan, Italy Summary Key words Male infertility • Couple infertility • Sterility • Assisted reproductive techniques • IUI • PTS • Capacitation test Objective. To study the impact of a systematic clinical approach to male infertility on seminal parameters and pregnancy rate both spontaneous and obtained by artificial insemination. Materials and methods. Two groups of male dispermic partners of infertile couples were compared. Group I: 26 consecutive men submitted only to seminal evaluation before assisted reproductive techniques; Group II: 41 consecutive men submitted to a complete clinical evaluation and treatment, if indicated, before artificial insemination. Results. Mean values of sperm concentration in Group II were 6.70 x 106/ml before treatment and 11.90 x 106/ml thereafter. The sum of a + b motility and only type a motility were (mean ± standard deviation) 58.1 ± 24.3 and 6.7 ± 7.7 before treatment and 82.3 ± 14.1 and 35.8 ± 25.9 thereafter, respectively. The statistical test showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) in all the seminal parameters taken into account. The pregnancy rates obtained in Group I, per cycle (3.2) and per couple (7.7) were lower compared to those obtained in Group II, with male treatment, per cycle (12) and per couple (46.3). Conclusions. Treatment of pathological conditions, in males, leads to an improvement in the sperm count and in the sum of a and b motility and the a motility alone. Even if the scientific literature fails to validate guidelines for the treatment of male infertility, the present data strongly support the importance of meticulous screening of infertile males and the possibility to achieve improvements in fertility by means of the commonly used treatment procedures. Introduction Infertility, once considered to be mainly due to female factors, is now known to be attributed equally to both the male and female components 1 2. The gradual increase in the role of male factors in determining couple infertility, occurring over the last few years, has led to increased attention being focused on the physio-pathological mechanisms of male infertility and its treatment, including also the use of assisted reproductive techniques (ART) 3-5. Male infertility can result from gonadal or Corresponding author: Ilaria Natali, Sterility Centre, Gynecology and Obstetrics Unit, Azienda USL 3 Pistoia, Pescia, Italy – Tel. +39 0572 460342 – Fax +39 0572 460223 – E-mail: ilarianatali@ 91 I. Natali, et al. extra-gonadal diseases 6, but also from environmental pollutants 7 and increased age at which a man, today, seeks paternity 8-10. The difficulty in defining the mechanism of injury, intrinsic in this multi-factoriality, results in medical treatment of male infertility having uncertain indications and often not leading to the expected benefits. If we exclude treatment of infertility due to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, scientific evidence of the benefits of drug therapy is, still today, somewhat limited 11. Furthermore, studies on the clinical applications of treatment for male infertility, correctly performed from a methodological viewpoint, are, unfortunately, a minority. Indeed, the few published trials often lack appropriate selection of patients, frequently classified generically as “infertile” or as belonging to seminal categories (oligozoospermic, asthenozoospermic, etc.) regardless of the pathogenesis. Management of male infertility has evidencebased indications only as far as concerns hormone treatment of hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism and surgical blockage of the seminal tract 12. Hormone treatment, conversely, lacks a clear role in the empirical treatment 13 although it has been reported that male treatment with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), before intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) improves the implantation rate, probably by improving embryo quality 14. Infection of the accessory glands often contributes to the condition of male infertility. It has been reported that the use of carnitines, after treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or natural anti-oxidant, produces encouraging results in patients with prostate-vesciculo-epididymitis 15-16. The administration of natural anti-oxidant in patients with abacteric leukocytospermia, leads to an improvement in sperm function 17. The effect of antimicrobial drugs on accessory gland infections, on seminal parameters and pregnancy rate (PR), is still under debate and the conclusions of various studies are, sometimes, controversial. Although in chronic bacterial prostatitis, the indication to antibiotic treatment is established by the most authoritative guidelines, there is not sufficient evidence concerning the benefit in terms of PR. Similar considerations can be made regarding the surgical approach, for which, excluding the treatment of seminal tract obstructions, there are no clear indications. The chance of correction of varicocele itself, in infertility, is the object of debate. Despite this uncertainty in the indications to pharmacological and surgical treatment, clinical assessment of the male partner, in an infertile couple, is considered a critical step in the diagnostic and therapeutic iter of the infertile couple, both by the scientific community and, in Italy, by the law that regulates the ART (Law 40/2004). The aim of the present 92 study was to establish, in the management of infertile couples, whether treatment of the male partner would improve seminal parameters, to increase pregnancies, both spontaneous and obtained by artificial insemination, compared to couples in whom male treatment is not carried out. To answer these points, a comparison has been made of the results, namely of seminal values and PR, obtained in two homogeneous groups of couples treated in a first level ART centre. Materials and methods Overall, 67 consecutive infertile couples, seen at the Infertility Centre of the Hospital of Pescia (USL 3 Pistoia, Italy), and assessed for male factor, were divided into two groups, uniform for men’s and women’s age (< 40 years) and exclusion of infertility related to endometriosis or tubal factors. The first group (control group) comprised 26 consecutive couples, with the above-mentioned features, seen at the Centre between 1996 and 2002. Males, in this group, were considered infertile due to varying degrees of dyspermia but had not undergone clinical evaluation. The second group (study group) consisted of 41 consecutive couples also with the features described, seen at the Centre between 2002 and 2006. Males, in this group, underwent andrological examination and, where indicated, medical and/or surgical treatment. This split is not randomly assigned, but chronologically, since the couples were observed consecutively both before and after the beginning of a systematic collaboration between the Centre and the Hospital Andrology Service. Evaluation and treatment of males and females For basal assessment of males, 2 semen specimens were required for examination, one month apart, one from the other, and one capacitation test. Semen examinations were repeated, at each control following medical or surgical treatment. All semen tests were performed in the laboratory of the Centre and always by the same operator. The diagnostic protocol, applied after 2002, has been standardized and included, not only a detailed clinical history and physical examination, but also echography with colour Doppler evaluation for spermatic funiculus, as well as endocrinological and bacteriological assessment. Trans-rectal prostato-vesicular echography and a genetic analysis (karyotype and evaluation for Y chromosome microdeletions) were performed only in cases of azoospermia and severe asthenoteratozoospermia. The therapeutic criteria are outlined in Table I. The 41 Treatment of male infertility and results of first level assisted reproductive techniques cases, in Group II, belong to a group of men “treated” (irrespective of the problem and the treatment performed) since the purpose of the present study was not to evaluate the efficacy of one as opposed to another, but to consider the overall results where the better combined diagnostic and therapeutic criteria were applied. Cases of genito-urinary phlogosis, with or without positive cultures, were treated with antibiotics and antioxidants; varicocele was treated in accordance with the American Urological Association (AUA) and American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM ) guidelines 18; idiopathic infertility was treated with anti-oestrogens or FSH (when FSH values were < 6.9 IU/L) or were not treated (Table I). The diagnostic protocol for females included: hormonal profile in the various phases of the cycle, evaluation of tube patency, and examinations to exclude infectious disease. Patients were assigned to hormone treatment, defined on the basis of their hormone profile and ovarian and endometrial echographic characteristics when inseminations were scheduled, and, in some cases, even when targeted intercourse without insemination was programmed. Preparation of semen samples Spermograms were performed according to WHO guidelines 19. On the day of insemination, or spontaneous intercourse, males were required to present with not more than 3 days abstinence and sperm was collected by masturbation. Immediately after liquefaction, semen was centrifuged on a gradient density [Purception, Sage IVF (Cooper Surgical Group), USA]. If the entire volume exceeded 2 ml, it was divided into samples of 2 ml and layered onto a gradient comprising by the phases 40% and 80% in 15 ml conical centrifuge tubes. The samples were centrifuged at 300xg for 20 minutes, and the pellet obtained was then suspended in 2 ml of medium [Sperm Wash, Sage IVF (Cooper Surgical Group), USA], and centrifuged at 300xg for 7 minutes. The pellet obtained was again suspended in 4 ml of medium for insemination [Sperm Assist, Sage IVF (Cooper Surgical Group), USA] ready for insemination. Data on the volume, physico-chemical properties, concentration and type of sperm motility were recorded both before and after preparation of the semen. Insemination procedure The insemination was performed using a dual way catheter (Coppetta Cervix Adapter, Wisap, Germany) for sperm fallopian sperm perfusion (FSP), after thorough cleaning of the uterine portio. Capacitate (4 ml) was introduced followed by 3 ml of air. The system remained attached to the uterine portio for ~30 minutes after being appropriately clamped 20. Patients received support treatment during the luteal phase with progesterone until the pregnancy test. In the case of a positive test, treatment was continued Table I. Models of male factor treatment. Male infertility factor Idiopathic Oligo-AstenoTeratozoospermia (iOAT) (only in cases of recent infertility, in couple without evident gynaecological problems and female age < 37 yrs) Anti-oestrogens; gonadotropin; anti-oxidants Tamoxifen 20 mg/day for 3-6 mos; rFSH or hMG 75-150 IU 3 times/wk x 3-6 mos; L carnitine 2 g/day; L acetyl-carnitine 1g/day x 3-6 mos; Vitamin E 600 mg/day x 3-6 mos Prostatitis & vesiculitis FANS & cortisones; antioxidants; antibiotics (if positive cultures) Celecoxib 10 mg/day x 2 mos); Nimesulide (200 mg/day); L-acetyl carnitine (1 g/ day) + L carnitine (2 g/day) for 12 wks; Fluorquinolones (E. coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, Chlamydia); doxycyline or azithromycin (Streptococcus) Varicocele If > 2 degrees, with seminal alterations, FSH < 10 IU/l, and female age < 37 yrs Surgical repair or percutaneous embolization Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism Urinary or recombinant gonadotropin HCG (1000-2000 IU 2-3 times/wk) + FSH (75-150 IU 3 times/wk) Anejaculation Induction of an antetrograde ejaculation Penile vibromassage; TESE Retrograde ejaculation Induction of a antetrograde ejaculation Imipramine 25-75 mg, desipramine 50 mg Obstructive azoospermia (OA) Restoring (where indicated) patency Epididymovasostomia Non obstructive azoospermia (NOA) Cryo-conservation from TESE or TESA Sending to III level 93 I. Natali, et al. until the 10th week of pregnancy. Cases in which the gestational sac, vitelline sac and fetal heartbeat were identified have been considered as pregnancies. Description of sample and statistical analysis All seminal parameters analyzed refer to capacitate semen. The following aspects were then compared: 1) concentration of spermatozoa in Groups I and II; 2) concentration at baseline and after treatment in Group II; 3) type a + b motility in Group I vs. II; motility type a + b before and after treatment in Group II; type a motility in Group I vs. II; 4) type a motility before and after treatment in Group II. Parametric (Student t test) and non parametric tests (Wilcoxon test and Testing signs) were applied. The statistical analysis of data was performed on the findings shown in Tables II and III. Statistical differences have been considered significant for p < 0.05 values. Results Sperm concentrations in Group I were between 1.2 and 60 x 106/ml, with a 95% confidence interval (95% CI) between 10.30 and 24.50 x 106/ml and a mean value of 17.40 x 106/ml. Spermatozoa concentration values, in Group II, before treatment, were between 0 and 26 x 106/ml, 95% CI 4.70-8.60 x 106/ml, mean 6.70 x 106/ml; finally, sperm concentration following treatment ranged from 0.2 to 65 x 106/ml, 95% CI 8.20-15.60 x 106/ml, and a mean equivalent to 11.90 106/ml (Table II). In Group I, the sum of a + b motility was between 40 and 95% (mean 71.7, SD 17.6), while motility type a ranged from 0 to 60% (mean 13.1, SD 13.1). In Group II, the sum of a + b motility, before treatment was between 0 and 90% (mean 58.1, SD 24.3), and after treatment, between 40 and 95% (mean 82.3, SD 14, 1), only type a motility, before treatment, ranged from 0 to 30% (mean 6.7, SD Table II. Description of samples (Groups I and II). Group I includes males not subject to andrological assessment. Group II includes males subject to clinical evaluation and treatment. Concentration 1 is before and concentration 2 after treatment. The concentrations of sperm are obtained after capacitation. Upper limit Lower limit Mean Concentration Group I 24.50 10.30 17.40 Concentration 1 Group II 8.60 4.70 6.70 Concentration 2 Group II 15.60 8.20 11.90 Table III. Description of sample (mean, range and SD) (all parameters are referred to capacitate) in the two groups. Group I - Line 1: Concentrations, Line 2: Sum of a and b motilities, according to WHO classification, Line 3: only type a motility. Group II - Line 1: Concentrations before treatment, Line 2: Concentrations after treatment, Line 3: Differences in concentrations 1 and 2, Lines 4 and 5: Sum of a and b motilities before (1) and after (2) treatment, Lines 6: Differences in the sum of a and b motilities before (1) and after (2) treatment. Lines 7 and 8: Type a motility before (1) and after (2) treatment and Line 9: Differences between values before and after treatment. Motility is expressed as %. Group I Variable Mean (range) 95% CI SD Concentration 17.4 (1.2-60) 10.3-24.5 17.6 Motility type a + b 71.7 (40-95) 64.2-79.1 18.4 Motility type a 13.1 (0-60) 7.8-18.4 13.1 Mean (range) 95% CI SD Group II Variable Concentration 1 6.7 (0-26) 4.7-8.6 6.1 Concentration 2 11.9 (0.2-65) 8.2-15.6 11.7 5.3 (-9-43) 2.3-8.3 9.4 Motility type a + b 1 58.1 (0-90) 50.5-65.8 24.3 Motility type a + b 2 82.3 (40-95) 77.8-86.8 14.1 Difference mot. a + b 1 and mot. a + b 2 Difference conc. 1 and conc. 2 24.2 (-36-66) 16.1-32.2 25.4 Motility type a 1 6.7 (0-30) 4.2-9.1 7.7 Motility type a 2 35.8 (0-90) 27.6-43.9 25.9 29.1 (-16-75) 21.3-36.9 24.8 Difference mot. a 1 and mot. a 2 94 Treatment of male infertility and results of first level assisted reproductive techniques Table IV. Significance of tests: p values. Comparison Parametric test Non-parametric test 1) Concentration between the 2 Groups 0.0054 0.0067* 2) Concentration in Group II 0.0009 0.0008** 3) Motility type a + b between Groups 0.0179 0.0199* < 0.0001 < 0.0001** 4) Motility type a + b in Group II 5) Motility type a between Groups 6) Motility type a in Group II 0.0303 0.0238* < 0.0001 < 0.0001** * Wilcoxon Test; ** Signs Test. 7.7) and after treatment values were between 0 and 90% (mean 35.8, SD 25.9) (Table III). Application of the parametric test (Student T test), showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in all the parameters taken into account; given the small number of samples, non-parametric analysis was also performed which led, for each analysis, to a complete overlap of the results (Table IV). Finally, with regard to the pregnancies obtained, the small number of samples did not allow statistical tests to be performed, however, also reported were data on pregnancy rates either spontaneous or evolutive obtained, without male treatment, in Group I, per cycle (3.2) and per couple (7.7) and those obtained with male treatment, in Group II, per cycle (12) and per couple (46.34) (Table V). Treatment of male disorders leads to an improvement in the concentration of sperm (both in the treated group and when comparing the two groups), the sum of a and b motility compared to the control group, and motility a and b of spermatozoa of the same cases after treatment compared with the previous data. Tests applied became more significant (p < 0.0001) if referred to the sum of motilities and the only to type a motility, considering the same subjects before and after treatment (Group II). Discussion Analysis of samples The present study can be considered part retrospective, i.e., data related to the control group or Group I, and part prospective, i.e., data on the study group or Group II. Each parameter (concentration, a + b motility, a motility) taken into account in this study refers to the semen treated in the laboratory, namely capacitate, and, therefore, no conclusions can be drawn on basal seminal parameters. When studies are focused on evaluations of the effect of a treatment, methodological approaches require that the recruited subjects be randomly assigned to one or the other treatment arm, in order to obtain two homogeneous groups. This is, indeed, a limit of the present study, namely, the fact that the two groups did not emerge from a randomization procedure and this is immediately obvious from the level of concentration which is statistically different. Albeit, the aim, in this study, was not to compare two treatments arms, but rather to compare findings in a group of couples in which the male had not been clinically evaluated with those obtained in another group of couples in which the male has been both assessed and treated. Moreover, in the latter group, a statistically significant difference has been recognized in the levels of concentration after treatment compared with basal findings, thus representing a statistically significant improvement in a factor that should produce an improvement in the final objective. This statistically significant result, even if on a limited number of cases, offers useful information regarding the effectiveness of treatment aimed at improving the levels of concentration, which is a favorable prognostic factor with regard to the possible outcome in a pregnancy. These data could support the proposal launched for a randomized study to be carried out on two arms each undergoing specific treatment to be carried out according to strati- Table V. Pregnancy rate per cycle before and after male treatment. No. couples No. cycles Induced Evolutive Multiple Without male treatment 26* 62 4.8 3.2 1.6 With male treatment 33** 92 14.13 13 2.17 * Number of couples without male treatment is equal in Tables 5 and 6 as couples who achieved pregnancy spontaneously were in temporary suspension of treatment. ** Group of couples (33 to 41) in which pregnancies were achieved after having undergone insemination. In remaining group of 12 pregnancies were achieved spontaneously. 95 I. Natali, et al. fied randomization for some important factors including also the type of diagnosis. sent useful predictive criteria of the results of assisted fertilization. It cannot be excluded, however, that the use of a single value, including various parameters (up to 9: concentration, motility, circular speed, straight speed, average speed, linear and lateral movements of the head, morphology, according to the WHO 1999, and to the Tygerberg criteria) may represent an estimate of pregnancies closer to reality 24. Bollendorf et al., in 1996, published details of a study on 950 IVF cycles and 1448 IUI cycles. In the IUI cycles, following preparation of the semen, couples without sperm type a in the capacitate had a PR equal to 2.5% while couples with sperm type a in the capacitate had a PR of 10.2% 19. Thus, the presence of sperm with type a motility in the capacitate significantly increases the chances of pregnancy in IUI cycles. In in vitro fertilization, proof of the link of the spermatozoa to the pellucide zone (PZ), associated with the presence of type a sperm, is a significant test in predicting failure of fertilization of oocytes in cases of unexplained infertility and moderate male factor infertility 25. Analysis of data Motility type is an important parameter in the evaluation of effectiveness of spermatozoa for oocyte fertilization 21 and our records confirm that improvement in this parameter correlates with an increase in pregnancies. Unfortunately, due to the limited number of cases, it is not possible to perform a statistical analysis of the pregnancies observed, however, it is quite clear that as a result of improvements in seminal parameters, the PRs (both spontaneous and obtained with insemination), are higher (Tables 5, 6). Few studies have correlated an improvement in seminal parameters with an increase in PR. In a study published in 1998, the only parameter significantly related with the PR was sperm motility following semen preparation, regardless of the concentration. Almost 50% of couples with good sperm motility achieve pregnancy, but only 8.3% of couples with low motility conceive 22. The same conclusions were reached in another retrospective study on 504 couples, submitted to 1,636 cycles of intrauterine inseminations 23. Couples, in that study, were divided into 5 groups, based on the total number of mobile sperm after preparation (TMSC). However, it was noted that it was not the parameter TMSC that correlated with the PR, but the percentage of sperm moving in the capacitate. The percentage of live births increased significantly when the percentage of mobile sperm reached 40% or more whereas below this value, only one live birth was achieved. In our study, moreover, we can see not only an increased number of pregnancies per couple resulting from insemination (from 7.7% in Group I to 46.34% in Group II), but also an increase in spontaneous pregnancies (3.8% vs. 14.6%), as well as an increase in evolutive pregnancies in the spontaneous (3.8% vs. 14.6%) and induced pregnancies (7.7% vs. 39%). Examination of sperm motility in semen, after capacitation, may represent a significant parameter associated with the probability of success of insemination, thereby supporting the relative reliability of basal seminal parameters. Both the sum of motility a + b, and only type a motility of capacitate sperm could repre- First level treatment (artificial insemination) Couples suffering from idiopathic infertility or from male subfertility, should be directed first towards first level treatment, since success is comparable to that obtained with in vitro fertilization techniques, with the advantage of low costs 26. With the exception of cases in which the use of in vitro fertilization (IVF or ICSI) is due strictly to a male or female factor, proposing a first-level treatment must be part of a gradual approach to the techniques of artificial insemination and is, indeed, an attitude justified by factors not of secondary importance. In fact, the use of artificial insemination has proved useful in cases of idiopathic infertility, low stages of endometriosis, as well as in mild-moderate male infertility. Artificial insemination is a valid low cost method, minimally invasive and easily acceptable from the female’s hormone treatment point of view. Complications are rare and of little clinical importance 27. Conclusions As already pointed out, the scientific literature has, so far, failed to validate guidelines for the treatment Table VI. Pregnancy rate per couple without and with male treatment. No. couples Spontaneous Evolutive Multiple Induced Evolutive Multiple Without male treatment 26 3.8 3.8 0 7.7 7.7 3.8 With male treatment 41 14.6 14.6 0 46.34 39 4.88 96 Treatment of male infertility and results of first level assisted reproductive techniques of the various forms of male infertility, albeit our data strongly support the importance of adequate screening of the apparently infertile male and the need to achieve improvements in fertility by means of the male infertility treatment options currently available. It is tempting to suggest that the limited size of the sample studied may not provide sufficient data to assess the significance with any certainty since the more the observations, the more reliable the results. Albeit, the interesting data emerging from the present investigation suggest that further studies on a larger number of subjects and with adequate randomization would no doubt support these interesting findings. References Krause W. 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