Volume Nine, Issue Four


Volume Nine, Issue Four
Volume Nine, Issue Four
Q&A with D’Andra....................................3
Shiny, Thick Hair, Radiant Skin, and
Strong, Beautiful Nails.............................4
Type I Diabetes: Why It Shouldn’t
Be Forgotten ............................................5
Prostate Cancer: Fact or Fiction............7
Ultimate Living International, Inc.
P.O. Box 191326
Dallas, TX 75219
(214) 220-1240
[email protected]
D’Andra Simmons
Information Line
Toll-Free Orders Only
Fax Order Lines
Website Address:
Email Address
[email protected]
Dear Friends,
After a lot of hard work and countless hours of
proofreading, I am thrilled to announce that we
have launched our brand new website! The new
and improved website has more information about
all of our products, lists our monthly specials and
shows you our featured items. It is easier than ever
to order online, and thanks to the latest technology,
you can see every order you’ve placed and reorder
with the click of a button. It is so fast and easy.
Please visit our website frequently, as we will be
updating our specials and adding new products on
an ongoing basis. Plus, we will soon have video
clips for you to view. The address hasn’t changed.
Thus, go to www.ultimateliving.com to explore our
new site.
Also this month, we are releasing a fabulous, new
product – Hair, Skin and Nail Formula. Our
customers have been requesting this product
for years, and we recently found the perfect lab
and chemist to make the highest quality product
possible. Our new Hair, Skin and Nail Formula
is a unique combination of nutrients specifically
formulated to support and maintain the growth of
healthy hair, skin and nails. We have also included
exotic ingredients like bamboo and horsetail root
extracts in this new product. Find out more about
this wonderful product on Page 4.
We’ve also included an article about diabetes in this
month’s edition of Health & Wellness. Since it has
far-reaching health implications and because it is
quickly becoming an epidemic, diabetes has been
a hot news topic lately. Unfortunately, the media
is primarily focused on type 2 diabetes, often
neglecting to even mention type 1 diabetes. In the
article on Page 5, you will learn why we shouldn’t
forget about type 1 diabetes. We also discuss the
warning signs associated with type 1 diabetes, as
well as some of the symptoms you should look for
in your own children. This article also includes the
story of a woman and her daughter who were struck
with type 1 diabetes in very different ways.
In the article on Page 7, we are revisiting the
important topic of prostate cancer. This informative
article reveals the facts and the fiction pertaining to
this frightening disease. Unfortunately, there are
many misconceptions about the risk factors for
prostate cancer, and these are thoroughly discussed.
We also share some statistics and shed some light
on the most common procedures that men undergo
as part of the diagnostic process. Finally, we
discuss some easy steps you can take to improve
your prostate health, including some foods that can
be beneficial. It’s an article you won’t want to miss.
Also, we are so happy that you are excited about
the new Green Miracle Shaker. We appreciate all
your emails and phone calls telling us how great it
works and how many other uses you’ve found for it.
It’s a wonderful gift idea for the holidays.
Once again, don’t forget to visit our new website
and take advantage of our special offers. Our new
website is just another way that Ultimate Living is
staying on the cutting-edge of technology to bring
you the latest news and information on health
and wellness. We are dedicated to keeping you
informed. I wish all of you the best of health and
Stay healthy,
I use Ultimate Living’s products daily and love
them. I am 58 years old and believe me - I’ve
tried about every product out there. I take your
Lung Formula, Flex-Support Formula, MultiVitamins, Ionic Trace Minerals, Green Miracle
Capsules and Immune Support Formula. Also,
Lung Formula
Item # 2023 $30 your skincare line is the very best I have ever used.
I use the Daily Skin Care
Collection everyday, and my skin looks
wonderful. I will never use anything else
and that applies to all of your products.
Even my little Westie, Airlie, loves the
Green Miracle for Pets. Keep up the
wonderful work!
A very loyal and happy customer,
Daily Skin Care Collection
Item # 3065 $149
Flex Support Formula
Item # 2021 $50
K.S., Maryland*
Green Miracle
Item # 2009 $55
Multi-Vitamin (Capsules)
Item # 2011 $25
Green Miracle for Pets
Item # 2006 $30
Memory Formula
Item # 2039 $35
I use a lot of your products,
and I stand by them. I
Vision Formula
take your Green Miracle
Item # 2030 $35
Capsules, Aloe-Papaya,
Ionic Trace Minerals, Immune Support
Formula, Vision Formula, Memory Formula,
and Multi-Vitamins. I even buy the MultiVitamin 4 Kids to give to my grandchildren. I tell
everyone about your wonderful products, and some
of my family members have started taking them. I
have type 2 diabetes. After taking your products,
my blood sugar and cholesterol levels have
gone down. Thank you!!
P.W., Florida*
F. D., Florida*
I use many of your products, and I like them very much. When
I called, the Customer Service department told me about your
brand new product, the Green Miracle Shaker. I ordered one,
and I like it very much. Now, I don’t have
any lumps in my Green Miracle and AloePapaya mixture. I shake it, and it comes
out very smooth and nice to drink. As an
added benefit, I no longer spill the drink on
my counter like I did when I would stir it
in a glass. It’s less mess for me to clean up,
and I don’t waste any of my Green Miracle
and Aloe-Papaya mixture. Thank you for
your good work in promoting good health.
B.H., Michigan*
Multi-Vitamin for Kids
Item # 2008 $15
I am writing this letter to thank you for your
product, Green Miracle. It has made all the
difference in the world to our family. Ten
years ago, my husband was diagnosed with
metastasized carcinoma of the neck. A
wonderful surgeon in Dallas performed radical
neck surgery, which took over eight hours.
The surgery was followed with radiation
and months of healing. The surgeon and
oncologist completed all they could for him,
but the prognosis was
not good because the
lymph nodes were
involved. The doctors
did not have any further
advice. They just told
us to wait. Months
followed with my
Green Miracle Powder
Item # 2010 $50
husband feeling sick,
weak, and in despair.
A few months later, he found it impossible to
work. We searched for answers. A wonderful
doctor, who mainly treated women with breast
cancer, helped us find the right treatment.
Patients who have cancer treatments need a
“cure for the cure.” She explained that the
treatments had also destroyed good cells and
weakened his immune system. The doctor’s
treatments included Ultimate Living’s Green
Miracle to boost my husband’s immune
system and fill him with antioxidants to help
his body fight any reoccurrence. He faithfully
drank the Green Miracle, and with time he
grew stronger. The oncologists have been
surprised to see the change. He has taken
Green Miracle for 10 years now, and we have
a wonderful life. Today, he is a healthy man.
The real test of time is
that we are healthy and
happy. Thank you.
Green Miracle Shaker
Item # 8030 $6.95
Ionic Trace Minerals
I take Green Miracle, AloeItem # 2016 $18
Papaya, Ionic Trace Minerals
and Immune Support Formula.
Item # 2028 $22
When I started taking your products, I had a very
large lump in my breast. After a month of taking these products, I
started to notice a difference. The tumor
was getting smaller. Through your
products and lots of prayer, the tumor is
now gone. I thank God for you all and
what you are doing.
J.H., Arkansas*
*Not all consumers should expect to experience the attested results.
Health & Wellness
ORDER LINE 1-800-360-0988
Immune Support Formula
Item # 2018 $45
Ultimate Living International, Inc.
Dear Dee and D’Andra,
Dear D’Andra,
I have a 20-year-old daughter who is being treated
for asthma. She was hospitalized last July for one
week, and it was quite serious. I was wondering
about your Lung Formula. Do you think it would
be helpful? Thank you.
I have recently purchased your Immune Support
Formula, and I am unsure about how I should
take it. Do I mix it in just water or can I put it in
juice? Can I make it into a hot tea? I just want to
make sure that I am taking it properly, so that I can
receive the most benefit from the formula. Thank
you for your time.
Julie W.
Dear Dee and D’Andra,
Dear Julie,
My 65-year-old sister has restless leg syndrome.
Her condition is so serious that she can only
sleep three hours at a time, even after taking her
prescription medicine. Then, she walks the floor.
She was given another prescription to correct
this problem, but it has given her very negative
results. Medical doctors have not helped her, but
I believe that Ultimate Living products can help.
What supplements would you recommend for this
condition? Thank you.
I am sorry to hear about your daughter and the
difficulties she is having with her asthma. Our
Lung Formula helps relieve respiratory problems,
dry cough, and lung and sinus congestions. It can
aid in alleviating bronchial spasms, wheezing and
coughing by assisting in relaxing the bronchial
tubes. In addition to taking the Lung Formula,
there are several things your daughter can do to
breathe easier. Incorporating the following simple
steps into her daily routine will help her to achieve
long-term results. She should drink 8-10 glasses
of pure water per day, identify and eliminate
molds and mildews in her home, avoid exposure
to household dust, pet dander and pollen, adapt
an exercise program, eat a diet rich in green leafy
vegetables, and add Green Miracle to her daily
Can my 7-year-old child take the Ionic Trace
Minerals? If so, what dosage do you recommend?
Dear Cindy,
Betty H.
The Immune Support Formula should be taken
on an empty stomach in cold or tepid water. Even
if you are taking the formula 1 to 3 times a day, it
is still important to take it on an empty stomach.
You also need to wait 20 minutes before eating
or taking other supplements. I do not suggest
mixing it into anything hot, in order to maintain
the integrity of the herbs.
Dear Betty,
For restless leg syndrome, I suggest our Circulation Formula. It helps promote healthy blood
pressure, helps improve circulation, and helps
increase blood flow to the heart, veins and
capillaries of the lower extremities. It also helps
strengthen the walls of the blood vessels and
capillaries, helps improve varicose veins, and
helps lower cholesterol. Also, taking four of our
Cal-Mag Plus before bed is great for relaxation.
Dear D’Andra,
Over the past few months, I have noticed that my
hair has begun to break all of the time. It looks
dull and has lost its shine. I also have a lot of split
ends. My hair used to be shiny and healthy. What
supplements or herbs can I take to help strengthen
my hair?
Lynn W.
Dear Lynn,
What perfect timing for your question! Just this
month, we are releasing a new product called
Hair, Skin and Nail Formula. This product
was specially formulated for people just like you
– people who are tired of having dull hair. We
have included several ingredients that can help
fortify and strengthen your hair, retain moisture
to promote shine, and help repair damage from
treatment processes. Try this fabulous new
formula, and your hair will be shiny and strong.
As an added bonus, your skin and nails will be
healthy and radiant, as well!
Dear Becky,
Yes, you may give the Ionic Trace Minerals to
your child. I recommend that you start with four
drops a day (two in the morning and two at night)
mixed with apple juice. You may also give your
child Green Miracle mixed in applesauce for
optimum health.
Circulation Formula
Item # 2037 $35
Cal-Mag Plus
Item # 2013 $30
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Health & Wellness
ORDER LINE 1-800-360-0988
Ultimate Living International, Inc.
Introducing the New Ultimate Living
Hair, Skin and Nail Formula
Shiny, Thick Hair, Radiant Skin and Strong, Beautiful Nails
By Angi Schiltz
very year people spend tens of thousands of
dollars on products to improve their hair, skin
and nails. These products target just one of the
three areas. For example, there are countless
products for your hair: shampoos, conditioners,
spray gels, mousse, anti-frizz serums and much
more. It’s the same story for skin, with an array of
lotions, creams and gels on the market. There are
also lots of products on the market to improve your
nails, such as hardening nail polish and nourishing
creams. Again, all of these products target just one
area. In addition, they only work on the surface,
and they are temporary. Our new product, Hair,
Skin and Nail Formula, can help improve the
condition of all three areas, as it addresses all of
the nutritional needs of the integumentary system,
which is formed by the skin, hair, nails, and
associated glands. “The integumentary system
enwraps the body and is the most visible organ
system and one of the most complex. Diverse in
both form and function—from delicate eyelashes
to the thick skin of the soles—the integumentary
system protects the body from the outside world
and its many harmful substances. It utilizes the
Sun’s rays, while at the same time shielding the
body from their damaging effects. In addition,
the integumentary system helps to regulate body
temperature, serves as a minor excretory organ,
and makes the inner body aware of its outer
environment through sensory receptors.”1 This
system never stops growing. In fact, it must grow
each day, and our formula supports the healthy
growth of these tissues at the only time it can
be done – when they are inside your body being
Although hair, skin and nails have similar
properties, there are different concerns for each
one. Let’s discuss them individually.
The most disconcerting hair problem is hair
loss. Hair loss affects about 35 million men and
21 million women in the United States alone.2
Certain diseases (e.g., thyroid problems, diabetes
or lupus) can cause hair loss. Certain medications
and chemotherapy can also make you lose your
hair. Other causes of hair loss include a low
protein diet, family history and poor nutrition.
Another frequent hair complaint, although not
nearly as upsetting, is weak hair. Weak hair is
brittle, fragile and breaks easily. It often has split
ends and looks very dry. Weak hair is the result
hair, skin and nails from the inside out. Following
are some of the essential ingredients for healthy
hair, skin and nails that we have included in our
new formula:
of over processing (e.g., hair
color, perms, highlights)
and even a lack of nutrition
to the hair. Without proper
nutrition, hair begins to look
dull, limp and damaged.
Hair, Skin and Nail Formula
Item # 2035 $25
Averaging approximately 21.5 square feet, the skin
is the largest and heaviest organ of the body.3 The
skin’s functions include protection, sensation, heat
regulation, excretion, absorption, and secretion.
The skin is composed of three major layers. The
outermost layer is the epidermis, which forms the
protective layer of the skin. Cream and lotions can
only reach this outer layer. The next level is the
dermis, which contains the blood vessels, sweat
glands, oil glands, hair follicles, etc. The innermost
layer of the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, supports
the other two layers and gives the skin its contours.
It is important to give all three layers of the skin
the nutrition it needs, which includes supporting
the skin internally, as well as externally with the
use of topical creams.
Nails are small in size compared to other visible
body parts, but they play an important role in
helping protect your fingers and improve dexterity.
They have also become another beauty concern
for women. No one wants brittle, chipped, or
unhealthy nails. Nails are composed of laminated
layers of protein called keratin, which is also in
your hair and skin.4
As I mentioned earlier, it’s important to keep your
hair, skin and nails healthy with good nutrition.
Because the structure of hair, skin and nails is
very similar, they require almost identical raw
materials to grow and remain healthy, and we’ve
packed these ingredients in the Ultimate Living’s
Hair, Skin and Nail Formula. Fortunately, it is
no longer necessary to buy individual products to
nourish each area separately, which is one of the
reasons I am so excited to introduce our new Hair,
Skin and Nail Formula. This formula targets
Bamboo Extract:
• Helps fortify and strengthen hair
• Promotes the growth and regeneration of hair
• Helps strengthen the hair follicle and retain
moisture to promote shine
• Capable of curing baldness
• Helps delay graying of the hair
• Helps brittle nails
Silicon Amino Acid Chelate:
• Provides outstanding lubrication and delivers
amino acids or proteins to the hair fiber
• An organic form of silicon, which is a mineral
found in nails
• Can help repair damage from treatment
processes like permanent waving or dying
• May help build strong and healthy hair, skin and
Folic Acid:
• May aid in preventing hair loss
• May delay graying of hair
• May promote thick hair
Horsetail Root Extract:
• Rich in silica, an important mineral that helps
strengthen connective tissue, skin, hair and nails
• Promotes faster growth of hair and collagen (the
protein found in connective tissue)
Vitamin B3 (Niacinamide):
• Maintains normal function of skin
• Helps protect against pollutants and toxins and
helps give you healthier looking skin
• Helps prevents water loss in skin and helps reduce
• Provides beneficial effects for people with nail
defects and helps promote nail strength
MSM (Methyl Sulfonyl Methane):
• Helps provides the body the sulfur that is required
for healthy collagen and keratin, which are
essential for healthy hair, skin and nails.
Just like the rest of your body, your hair, skin
and nails need good nutrition to stay healthy.
Unfortunately, it’s difficult for a regular diet to
supply all of the key nutrients necessary, which is
why taking a supplement is important. We have
worked hard to bring you a unique formula that
can help provide the ultimate nutrition for all three
crucial areas. Try the Ultimate Living Hair, Skin
and Nail Formula today and see how easy it is
to have shiny, thick hair, radiant skin, and strong,
beautiful nails.
Body by Design V1: The Integumentary System. Retrieved September 17, 2007, from:
Hair Loss Learning Center. Hair Loss – It’s More Than Skin Deep. Retrieved September 17, 2007, from:
Body by Design V1: The Integumentary System. Retrieved September 17, 2007, from:
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). How to keep your fingernails healthy and strong.
MayoClinic.com. Retrieved August 30, 2007, from: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/nails/WO00020.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Health & Wellness
ORDER LINE 1-800-360-0988
Ultimate Living International, Inc.
Type 1 Diabetes: Why It Shouldn’t Be Forgotten
By Angi Schiltz
When Jodi Willardson was twelve years old, she knew that
something was wrong. “I remember being really hungry and thirsty
all of the time. I would easily eat four hamburgers at one sitting, and
I would continue to lose weight. Once I was so thirsty that I even
drank the water at the bottom of the cooler on a family boating trip
– something that I would have normally found disgusting. Then, I
began to get in trouble at school for sleeping in class and asking to
go the bathroom every fifteen minutes. When my mom found me
sleeping on the bathroom floor at three o’clock in the morning, she’d
had enough.”
odi went to the doctor, where he took
a blood and urine sample. When her
blood-sugar level was an unbelievable 800,
it was quickly determined that she had type
1 diabetes. (The normal range is 60-120.)
Jodi was immediately sent to the hospital for
two weeks to learn about insulin injections
and the now out-dated method of food
exchange. (With the food exchange method,
you calculated how much insulin to take by
counting how many fruits, vegetables, breads,
etc. that you planned to consume in that
particular meal.)
of insulin (short and long acting), about four
times daily. This improved method allows
her to be more consistent in maintaining good
blood-sugar levels.
The cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown
and remains difficult to pin down. There are
certainly genetic links, but they are far from
being black and white. For example, there is
no clear explanation why Jodi’s first daughter,
Kelsey, has type 1 diabetes, while her second
daughter, Brooke, does not.
Jodi says, “As a R.N., I knew what signs to
look for when Kelsey was a baby. When
she was 15 months old, I started noticing
some abnormalities. In the mornings, her
diapers where soaking wet. Plus, they were
leaking all of the time. Kelsey was also
obsessed with eating ice cubes, and she had
an incurable diaper rash. I took her to the
doctor, and he assured me that she was fine.
He told me, ‘She just has a stubborn rash, and
she likes ice cubes.’ He went on to stay that
there was nothing to worry about and that I
was being overly concerned. I took Kelsey
home. Three days later, I decided to take her
blood-sugar level myself, and it was 406. I
knew that a blood-sugar level that high was
very dangerous for such a young child. I
called the doctor immediately, and he told
me to go straight to the hospital. When I
arrived, I was a little hysterical and crying,
and I said, ‘my baby has diabetes, someone
help her.’ Everyone looked at me like I was
crazy. I told them, ‘I just tested her blood, and
it’s 406. Hasn’t my doctor called yet?’ As
I found out later, the reason the staff was so
shocked is because when a baby that young is
20.8 Million Children and Adults in the United States have Diabetes
“The doctors were very avid about me learning
how to do everything myself. I remember
learning how to give myself an insulin shot
with a syringe and an orange. At the time I
thought, HA!, like sticking this syringe into
an orange is going to be the same as putting it
into my leg,” she says with a laugh, “but to be
fair, they use an orange because the amount
of pressure you need to use to get the syringe
into the orange is very similar to when you
put it into skin.”
There have been many medical advances
since Jodi’s diagnosis in 1974. “When I
was younger, I had to test my blood-sugar
levels using Clinitest, which was a way to
test urine for sugar. I only had to take one
type of insulin, and I only took it once a
day.” Nowadays, Jodi tests her blood, as do
most diabetics, with a glucose monitor 6 to 8
times daily. She also takes two different types
Type I Diabetes (Insulin-dependent): Results from the body’s failure to produce insulin. An
estimated 5-10% of Americans with diabetes have type I diabetes. Usually begins before age 25.
Type II Diabetes (Non-insulin dependent): Results from insulin resistance (a condition in which
the body fails to properly use insulin), combined with relative insulin deficiency. Most Americans
who are diagnosed with diabetes have type 2 diabetes. Usually occurs in people over the age of 40,
but can also occur in young people. 1
Glucose Balance Pack
Item # 2067 $144
Ultimate Living’s Glucose
Balance Pack is a safe and
effective supplement plan loaded
with ingredients specifically
designed to regulate and stabilize
glucose levels. In fact, our Green
Miracle® has been tested by the
Diabetes Resource Center and
has been awarded their SEAL
of APPROVAL as a beneficial
food acceptable for diabetic
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Health & Wellness
ORDER LINE 1-800-360-0988
Ultimate Living International, Inc.
taken to the hospital with diabetes they are
almost always in a coma. Most people don’t
catch it early enough. I was very lucky.”
Following is a list of the amazing and powerful ingredients
in the Immune Support Formula:
Lately, the news has been focusing quite
heavily on type 2 diabetes and the fact that it
is becoming an epidemic. Even though type
1 diabetes accounts for only 5-10 percent of
diagnosed cases of diabetes, it should not
be forgotten or ignored. “The rise in type 1
diabetes is parallel to the rise in type 2. The
incidence of type 1 diabetes is increasing
rapidly worldwide, and is also presenting at
an earlier age.”2 “Even more disconcerting,
the risk of developing type 1 diabetes
is higher than virtually all other severe
chronic childhood diseases. There are an
estimated 500,000 to 1 million people with
type 1 diabetes in the United States today.”3
Parents need to be aware of the facts and
keep a close eye on their children because
the symptoms of this disease can mimic the
flu in children.
Cat’s Claw - a powerful and stimulating immune-strengthening herb that is perhaps the
single most important immune augmenting, antioxidant botanical to come out of the Amazon
Sheep Sorrel – concentrated with chlorophyll, it can assist in oxygenating the blood and
may help increase the body’s ability to fight off many invasive bacteria, viruses, parasites and
malignant cells.
Burdock Root – an extremely effective herbal blood purifier that may help stimulate the
pancreas to produce insulin.
Slippery Elm Bark – may aid the body in eliminating toxins, help coat membrane linings,
and may provide an antibiotic and antimicrobial effect. As this herb moves through the
digestive track, it attaches to toxins and expels them out of the body, thereby helping cleanse
the entire bodily system.
Turkish Rhubarb – may help remove toxins from the body and may help cleanse the liver.
Watercress – has been used by Native Americans to treat liver and kidney problems. Rich
in various mineral salts, as well as Vitamins A, B-2, D, E, and C, it may help dissolve kidney
Type 1 Diabetes
• Extreme hunger but loss of weight
• Unusual thirst
• Frequent urination
• Blurred vision
• Extreme weakness and fatigue
• Irritability and mood changes
Type 1 diabetes develops when the body’s
immune system destroys pancreatic beta
cells, the only cells in the body that make
the hormone insulin, which regulates blood
glucose. Type 1 diabetics are dependent on
insulin, which is normally administered by
injection, to survive. This type of diabetes is
normally found in children. However, onset
of this disease can occur at any age. “Risk
factors for type 1 diabetes may be autoimmune,
genetic, or environmental. There is no known
way to prevent type 1 diabetes.” 4
There is a bright side to the story. Diabetes is a
very manageable disease, and most diabetics
lead long, full lives. It is true that type 1
diabetics will still be dependent on insulin,
even after following a strict diet (including
Green Miracle), exercising and taking herbal
supplements. However, the amount of insulin
needed may decrease, and the chances of
experiencing long-term detrimental effects
(e.g., loss of limbs, blindness and kidney
failure) can potentially be avoided. Every
diabetic knows that the more you keep
your glucose levels in the “safe” range, the
less likely you are to suffer from these
life-altering repercussions. Ultimate
Living’s Immune Support Formula
can help diabetics stay within the
normal blood-sugar range on a more
consistent basis. The ingredients
in the Immune Support Formula
are blended together using a special
processing method to protect the
integrity of each herb.
The Immune Support Formula has a very
concentrated blend of the ingredients listed
above, and it can help lower blood-sugar levels,
as well as insulin requirements. The Immune
Support Formula may even help repair
diseased pancreas cells or generate new
ones, thereby increasing the production of
insulin. By helping to detoxify the liver
and helping to stimulate the pancreas,
the body can begin regulating its
own blood-sugar levels, without the
help of insulin. Help your body fight
this disease and order the Immune
Support Formula today!
Immune Support Formula
Item # 2018 $45
American Diabetes Association. All about diabetes. Retrieved September 17, 2007 from:
Devendra, D., Liu, E., Eisenbarth, G. Type 1 diabetes: recent developments. BMJ.com. Retrieved August 13, 2007,
from: http://www.bmj.com.
University of Maryland Medicine. Type 1 Diabetes. UMM.edu. Retrieved August 13, 2007, from:
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC). National Diabetes Statistics. NDIC. Retrieved August 13,
2007, from: http://diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/statistics/index.htm.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Health & Wellness
ORDER LINE 1-800-360-0988
Ultimate Living International, Inc.
Prostate Cancer: Fact or Fiction
By Angi Schiltz
For the 218,890 men that will be diagnosed with
prostate cancer this year, it is a very scary and
intimidating disease. There are frightening
statistics to face and multiple tests to undergo.
In addition, a host of myths and misconceptions
exist regarding risk factors for this type of
cancer. Furthermore, the symptoms and steps
to take to help prevent prostate cancer are often
unclear. Let’s set the record straight.
First the Fiction
There are many widely held beliefs about what
puts men at higher risk for prostate cancer. Many
of these are simply not true. It is important to
realize that men can have prostate problems and
certain illnesses without increasing their risk of
developing prostate cancer, even though some of the
symptoms may be similar. Having BPH (benign
prostatic hyperplasia), prostatitis or a healthy sex
drive, does NOT make a man any more or less
likely to develop prostate cancer. BPH is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate, resulting
from excessive growth of the prostate tissue. The
urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder
out of the body, runs directly through the prostate.
When the prostate is enlarged, as a result of BPH,
it squeezes the urethra, making it difficult and often
painful for men to urinate. Prostatitis is an infection
in the prostate, and it is the most common cause of
urinary tract infections in men. It can affect men of
all ages and may be caused by bacterial infection.
Now the Facts
Risk Factors
Of course there are actual risk factors for prostate
cancer that men should be aware of. Age is a major
factor. The older you are, the more likely you are to
be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Although only 1
in 10,000 men under age 40 will be diagnosed with
prostate cancer, the number increases significantly
to 1 in 39 for ages 40 to 49, and 1 in 14 for men from
age 60 to 69. More than 65% of all prostate cancer
is diagnosed in men over 65 years old.1 Ethnicity
also plays a significant role. According to the
Prostate Cancer Foundation, “African American
men are 61% more likely to develop prostate cancer
compared with Caucasian men and are nearly 25
times as likely to die from the disease.”2 Although
men with prostate cancer in their family’s medical
history may be more likely to develop the disease,
it is likely that social and environmental factors
also have an impact. Studies have also shown that
altering your diet may reduce the risk of developing
prostate cancer, reduce the risk of reoccurrence, or
slow down the progression of the disease. 3
Men’s Formula
Item # 2015 $28
If you are suffering from any of the symptoms
listed below, you should go see your doctor as
soon as possible to be screened for prostate cancer.
Screening for prostate cancer is quick and easy
and involves two different tests: the PSA (prostatespecific antigen) blood test and the digital rectal exam
(DRE). PSA is a protein produced by the prostate.
It is released into the bloodstream in very small
amounts. When there is something wrong with
the prostate, more PSA is produced, which is easily
detected in the blood. PSA levels under 4 ng/mL
are usually considered normal, while results over 10
ng/mL are considered high, and results between 4
and 10 ng/mL are usually considered intermediate.4
However, excessive PSA is produced with many
prostate problems including BPH (benign
prostatic hyperplasia) and prostatitis, which is why
Symptoms to Watch for:
• A need to urinate frequently, especially at
night (Nocturia)
• Diffi culty starting urination or holding
back urine
• Weak or interrupted flow of urine
• Painful or burning urination
• Blood in urine
• Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower
back, hips or upper thighs 5
both PSA and DRE are used to detect the presence
of disease. During the DRE the physician examines
the prostate through the rectum to determine any
abnormalities in size, shape, and texture. In many
cases, the DRE can be used to determine whether
a patient has prostate cancer or another condition,
such as BPH. “The American Cancer Society
recommends that both the PSA and DRE should be
offered annually, beginning at age 50, to men who
have at least a 10-year life expectancy. Men at high
risk, such as African American men and men with
a strong family history of one or more first-degree
relatives diagnosed at an early age, should begin
testing at age 45.” 6
Protecting your Prostate
The best way to avoid having prostate problems is
to take every step possible to prevent disease. The
following list provides some easy guidelines you
can follow to aid in prevention:
Eat more fresh fish, as fish contain fatty acids the
body uses to produce prostaglandins, which help
keep the immune system strong.
Eat peas, beans, lentils, walnuts and almonds, as
they can also help protect the prostate.
Taking Green Miracle every day will help provide
your daily serving of fruits and vegetables.
Avoid eating fatty meats, because excessively highfat diets have been linked to prostate cancer, heart
disease and numerous other ailments.
Try not to eat foods containing hydrogenated oils,
such as margarine, donuts, cookies, potato chips,
and other deep fried foods.
Limit the amount of dairy in your diet and only
consume organic dairy, as consumption of dairy
products has been linked to prostate cancer.
Avoid eating refined sugar, salty food, and alcohol.
Avoid smoking. Exercise, such as swimming and
walking, are great to help increase circulation. As a
rule of thumb, you should exercise at least 30 minutes,
three times a week to enhance your overall health.
Take two capsules daily of our Men’s Formula to
help protect your prostate. This formula is packed
with powerful ingredients specifically designed to
help keep your prostate soft and healthy.
Key ingredients:
Pygeum – may help support proper inflammatory
response in prostate tissue, promote healthy urinary
functions, and reduce congestion and edema in the
Saw Palmetto – may relieve prostate discomfort,
strengthen the whole male reproductive and urinary
system, and fight against BPH
Vitamin A & E – may help strengthen the capillary
walls and may help maintain healthy nerves and
Hawthorne Berry – may help dilate the blood
vessels and can help promote circulation
Pumpkin Seed – proven in France to treat prostate
Stinging Nettle Root – clinically established to
relieve BPH
Tomato Powder – may help reduce the risk of
prostate cancer by 21%
Oat Straw – may help soothe inflamed internal
Zinc – may help reduce prostate enlargement
Like every part of the body, the prostate needs a
steady supply of vitamins, minerals, amino acids,
carbohydrates, essentials fatty acids, and enzymes.
That is why it is so important to make sure you get
proper nutrition each day. Our Men’s Formula can
help you accomplish that goal quickly and effectively.
Start taking the right steps to improve your overall
health and prevent prostate cancer today!
Prostate Cancer Foundation. About Prostate Cancer.
ProstateCancerFoundation.org. Retrieved August 14,
2007, from: http://www.prostatecancerfoundation.org.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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