How To Play The Diabetes Diet Game and Win!!


How To Play The Diabetes Diet Game and Win!!
How To Play The
Diabetes Diet Game
and Win!!
Your Ultimate Guide to
Diabetes, Health and Wellness
…Without Drugs
Julia Hanf
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents…………………………………………………………………….
Why Do I Need This Book?.........................................................................................
Before Diabetes……………………………………………………………………....
Diabetes Through Time……………………………………………………………....
The High Cost of Low Insulin………………………………………………………..
What is Diabetes?.........................................................................................................
The Myths and Truth About Diabetes………………………………………………..
The Different Types of Diabetes……………………………………………………...
Who Gets Diabetes and Why?.....................................................................................
Risk Factors…………………………………………………………………………..
Celebrity Diabetics……………………………………………………………………
Symptoms of Diabetes………………………………………………………………..
Diagnosing Diabetes………………………………………………………………….
Treatment and Management……………………………………………………….....
You, Your Partner and Diabetes…………………………………………………......
Common Medications Prescribed in Diabetes……………………………………….
The Downside of These Chemical Compositions……………………………………
Fighting Type 2 Diabetes, Naturally…………………………………………………
Food and Diabetes……………………………………………………………………
A Matter of Fat……………………………………………………………………….
Understanding Carbohydrates………………………………………………………..
Foods to Enjoy and Avoid……………………………………………………………
Mind and Body……………………………………………………………………….
All That You Must Know About Food Labels……………………………………….
Alcohol, Smoking and Diabetes……………………………………………………...
Exercise—a MUST…………………………………………………………………..
Herbs – Do’s and Don’ts……………………………………………………………..
Complementary Care…………………………………………………………………
End Notes……………………………………………………………………………..
A Dummies Guide for Diabetes………………………………………………………
Recipes for Diabetes………………………………………………………………….
Bonus Sections………………………………………………………………………..
t’s a fact! Diabetes can be reversed. My husband, Tim Hanf, is living proof! When
he collapsed due to a spike in his glucose levels on the day of our wedding, I was
determined to find a way to beat this disease.
According to a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at UCLA, changes in diet
and moderate exercise can actually reverse
diabetes in at least 50% of patients in just
three weeks!
Imagine, in just three weeks; the amount of
cholesterol and free radicals in the blood
could be lower and the nitric oxide levels
could be made higher ---- both key factors in
arresting the deadly disease before it begins
to take its toll on our limbs and life.
Diabetes is the number one cause of leg
amputations in the United States.
The American Diabetes Association
estimates that about 15.7 million
Americans have diabetes (see Box 7.2),
with most having Type 2 diabetes and
the others having Type 1. About 10.3
million are aware of the disease, and
5.4 million are not. Half of the 16
million have the disease but are
unaware of it, and people from minority
groups are more likely to go
undiagnosed. The disease itself may go
undetected for years because the
symptoms are sometimes so mild.
Diabetes increases in frequency with
aging so that about 18.4 percent of all
Americans over 65 may have it.
"Sixteen million Americans --- 6% of the population --- have diabetes, and one third of
them don’t even realize it; 800 000 will be diagnosed this year. It is the leading cause of
blindness, end stage renal disease, and leg amputations and the seventh leading cause of
death," Dr Susan Hershberg Adelman told a seminar in New York
We can prevent all this and more with this e-book. In fact, with this e-book I will show
you not only how to beat diabetes but teach you how you can learn to stave off heart
disease, strengthen your central and peripheral nervous system and cause natural
reduction of the excess fat accumulated in your body. These are just some of the many
positive, health-promoting tips that you
are going to learn from this e-book.
Believe it or not, one strategy revealed
here eliminates the need for taking an
Insulin shot in 70% diabetic patients!
My husband is now diabetes free using
this strategy. Other amazing tips will
help you halt erratic fluctuations in your
blood sugar level, reduce stress on your
pancreas and help return your body to its
normal, healthy state of blood sugar
The most amazing thing of all: You will accomplish all this and more with minimum
hassle, expenses, side-effects or toxicity that is normally brought about with the use of
prescription drugs and over-the-counter Allopathic medications.
How Long, Oh Lord, How Long!
This, believe me, is the century of instant gratification, instant oatmeal, instant
downloads, and even instant millionaires!
Unfortunately, no one has yet found the key to instant health or the secret to curing
diabetes instantly!
But there’s a saying, “Easy come, easy go.” So if you want to seriously create an
effective plan to achieve long-lasting health and wellness, acknowledge to yourself that
it’s going to take some amount of time; weeks, months or even a year for the new habits
to take firm hold in your life.
Further, the information shared in this guide does not imply a ‘magic pill’ or ‘miracle
cure’ --- although the results you can achieve with these natural interventions are, indeed,
miraculous --- you will still need to go that extra mile in order to internalize specific,
natural health strategies that would be ‘at war’ with a lot of your old, debilitating,
disease-inducing habits.
The destination is important, but so is the journey. As long as you're making forward
progress, that's what counts. My goal is that you will start to challenge yourself to make
forward progress, day after day, and eventually bring yourself one step closer to a life
that is not marred by a devastating disease.
It's not important how long it takes, what is important is that you would have learned the
secret to halting your diabetes --- permanently, and naturally.
That day will mark a new beginning, a new dawn in your life, when you will wake up to
feel the sensation of a new body, a new mind, and a whole new you!
It would signify a life without prescription drugs, without insulin injections, and without
those frustrating, routine blood sugar tests. You can do it.
Why Do I Need This Book?
hy indeed?
Because, although it may be hard for you to digest it, diabetes
treatment is both a science and a commercial industry. And like any
industry driven by profits, greed and dishonest science, this industry also is based on
questionable worldwide practices that focus merely on alleviating the symptoms of
diabetes, rather than eradicating them permanently or uprooting the real cause of the
Ask any diabetic. The suffering, the discomfort and the excruciating pain of diabetic
symptoms and the fear of future complications, returns time and again to hurt torture and
haunt them. The wounds may temporarily heal but the scars remain and below the scars
they fester indefinitely.
However, in our experience and through my interaction with thousands of diabetes
patients, I know honesty and good science can reverse diabetes. All it takes is a natural
process of restoring the body's blood-sugar control mechanism.
Insulin Is Not a Miracle Potion
For decades, diabetics have been told that they can take any amount of sugar and sugarbased food products, so long as they continue with their insulin therapy --- but nothing
can be farther from the truth.
High levels of insulin can be as dangerous to the body as sugar to a diabetic. Repeat and
prolonged exposure to insulin in fact, is positively detrimental.
On the other hand, glucose-lowering drugs may temporarily succeed in lowering blood
sugar levels, but eventually increase the risk of death from cardiac arrest. These drugs
also are associated with innumerable unpleasant and often painful side effects including:
weight gain, elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, nausea, diarrhea, constipation,
stomach pain, drowsiness and headaches.
What Comes Naturally
To avoid all these negative effects, we can gradually improve our diabetic condition with
what are known as natural remedies. The methods I discovered through my husbands
journey to living diabetes free, are intended to help you develop your own customized
system for treating, curing, and preventing diabetes -- all by yourself.
But first, I will begin by giving you a basic understanding of your diabetes. Over the next
few pages, we’ll explore the causes and symptoms of diabetes and then move on to a
discussion of the various time-tested traditional methods that can be used to not just
manage but also eventually and permanently cure the disease.
All this will take is commitment, a few dietary changes and lifestyle management
including a daily regimen of exercise and stress reduction, as well as a smart and easy
program of nutritional supplementation and herbal remedies.
Good health is closer than you think!
Before Diabetes
efore people develop Type 2 Diabetes, most suffer from a condition known
as "pre-diabetes.” It is a condition where in blood glucose levels can shoot
to a higher than normal level but yet is not high enough to be diagnosed as
diabetes. In the U.S., pre-diabetes affects about 41 million people, most of them between
the ages of 40 and 74.
Some long-term damage, especially to the heart and circulatory system, can begin to
occur during undetected pre-diabetes stage. However research shows that if you take
action and are able to control your blood glucose level at the pre-diabetes stage, you can
delay or altogether prevent Type 2 diabetes from ever developing in your body1.
Testing, Testing, 1-2
There are two different tests you can take to determine whether you have a pre-diabetes
condition. The first is the Fasting Plasma Glucose Test (FPG) and the second is the Oral
Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). Both these tests help determine whether you have
normal metabolism, or pre-diabetes or diabetes condition.
If your blood glucose level is found to be higher than normal with an FPG, the
implication would be that you have Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) condition and if your
blood glucose level turns out to be abnormal following an OGTT, the conclusion would
be that you have Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT).
Either way, you would be at risk of developing a chronic illness that has been a blight on
humanity since ancient times, as chronicled in the Egyptian history.
Diabetes Through Time
nlike many of the diseases and health challenges we face today, Diabetes
has been with us for centuries.
1552 – The earliest recorded reference to Diabetes, mentioned on 3rd Dynasty
Egyptian papyrus by a physician by the name of Hesy-Ra; refering to frequent
urination as one of the major symptoms of diabetes.
100 – The condition was described by Arateus as 'the melting down of flesh and
limbs into urine.'
164 - Greek physician mistakenly diagnoses diabetes as an ailment of the kidneys.
Until 1200 A.D., water-tasters, people who drank urine of those suspected of having
diabetes, were invited to make the diagnosis. The Latin word for honey is mellitus and
because the urine of diabetics is ‘sweet’ the condition later came to be known as Mellitus
1600's – For the first time, Paracelsus, a renowned physician identifies diabetes as
a serious general disorder.
1800's - Chemical tests were created to measure the presence of sugar in urine.
Diabetes in the 1800’s
In the 19th Century, research into diabetes actually began to boom. Around the world,
especially in Europe, doctors and scientists began to look for answers and insights which
could lead to an effective treatment of this debilitating disease.
In France, one physician (Priorry), advised diabetes patients to consume more sugar as an
effective means of treatment. His colleague, Dr. Bouchardat, noticed the disappearance of
glycosuria during the rationing of food in Paris during the Franco-Prussian War. This
caused him to pioneer the idea that diabetic diets need to be individualized.
In Germany, a medical student discovered that the pancreas contains two systems of cells
--- one set secretes normal pancreatic juice, while the function of the other was yet
unknown. Several years later, these cells were identified as the 'islets of Langerhans.' It
was a German scientist, Georg Zuelzer who developed the first injectible pancreatic
extract to suppress Glycosuria. Unfortunately, there were extreme side effects to the
treatment, so its use was discontinued later.
20 th Century Treatment
Many fad diabetes diets became popular in the early part of the century. Among the first
and most popular was: the 'oat-cure', milk diet, rice cure, and 'potato therapy’. At one
point, even opium was proposed as a ‘dietary supplement’ for people identified with
One of the most important findings of the early 20th Century emerged from the work of
Frederick Madison Allen. He published Studies Concerning Glycosuria and Diabetes, a
book on which the contemporary treatment of diabetes is based. Other milestones in this
timeline include:
1921 – The discovery of insulin as a treatment after a dog, whose pancreas was
removed, was successfully treated with it.
The 1940’s were pivotal years in diabetes research. Researchers discovered a vital
link between diabetes and long-term health complications such as kidney and eye
disease. Concurrently, Diabetes management was standardized with the
development of a uniform insulin syringe.
1955 – The first oral drugs to help lower blood glucose levels became available to
1959 – Diabetes was broken down into two types: Type 1 (insulin-dependent)
and Type 2 (non-insulin-dependent)
The 1960’s and 1970’s saw significant progress in Diabetes treatment
The purity of insulin was improved.
Advancements in home
testing for sugar levels in urine gave people greater control over their bodies and
the disease. Blood glucose meters and insulin pumps were developed and laser
therapy was first used to help slow or prevent blindness in some people with
1983 - First biosynthetic human insulin was introduced
1986 - Insulin pen delivery system was introduced
With the 1990’s, came the realization that more frequent insulin doses and
personalized treatment regimens based on a patient’s activity level and eating
patterns can delay the onset and progression of long-term complications in
individuals with Type 1 Diabetes. The importance of good glucose and blood
pressure control in the delay and/or prevention of complications in Type 2
Diabetes was also recognized.
21 st Century
Scientists began investigating various means of administering insulin without the use of a
syringe. Reports of the first major clinical trials successfully using a new inhaled form of
insulin were published. This insulin device is similar to an asthma inhaler. It delivers a
dose of insulin in a dry powder form through the mouth directly into the lungs from
where it easily enters the bloodstream. Scientists have also begun experimenting with an
in-the-cheek (buccal) insulin product. This insulin is sprayed into the mouth and is
primarily absorbed through the inner cheek walls.
But perhaps the most revolutionary advancement during this time comes from genetic
research. This includes islet cell transplantation (islet cells produce insulin), and genetic
Looking Back
Despite advancements in science, medicine, and technology, the 21st Century seems to be
a time when “everything old is new again.” So, while people across the world continue to
embrace progress, they are also beginning to reconsider alternative health strategies and
starting to prefer a more natural approach to health and healing.
The High Cost of Low Insulin
iabetes affects approximately 17 million people (about 8% of the
population) in the United States. More than a trillion dollars - $1.2 trillion
to be exact -- is spent in the United States on health care, 75% by people
with chronic health conditions like diabetes. Also, an estimated additional 12 million
people in the United States have Diabetes and remain undiagnosed.
Diabetes is in fact, the third leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease
and cancer. Over time, diabetes can lead to blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage.
Diabetes is also an important factor in accelerating the hardening and narrowing of the
arteries (arteriosclerosis), leading to strokes, coronary heart disease, and other large blood
vessel diseases.
Globally, the statistics are staggering. The number of people around the world suffering
from diabetes has skyrocketed in the last two decades, from 30 million to 230 million.
China now has the largest number of diabetics over age 20, nearly 39 million people.
India has the second largest number of cases with an estimated 30 million suffers, a
staggering 6% of the adult population.
The Prime of Life
Unfortunately, this disease affects people in their most productive age. According to the
statistics published by The Diabetes Atlas the largest number of people affected by Type
2 Diabetes is between the ages of 40 and 59. Once regarded as a ‘mature’ person’s
disease, the Atlas reports that today, the age of onset for Type 2 diabetes has drastically
dropped so people are getting sick in the prime of their life. Long-term health problems
are also common in people who have poor blood sugar control. Some of these
complications include:
Heart disease - Heart disease is the leading cause of diabetes-related deaths.
Adults with diabetes are two to four times more likely to die from heart disease
than adults without diabetes.
Stroke - The risk of stroke is two to four times higher in people with diabetes
Kidney failure - Diabetes was a leading cause of end-stage renal disease in 2002.
Blindness -Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness in adults 20 to
74 years old. There are 12,000 to 24,000 new cases of diabetes-associated
blindness each year.
Amputations – Diabetics account for more than 60% of lower limb amputations
in the U.S.
Nervous system disease - 60-70% of diabetics suffer from sort form of nervous
system damage, which includes decreased sensation in feet or hands (neuropathy),
slowed digestion in the stomach, and carpal tunnel syndrome.
Dental disease - 33% of Diabetics suffer from severe periodontal disease with
loss of attachment of the gums to the teeth
Diabetes Kills
Diabetes claims millions of lives and taxes the ability of health care organizations the
world over, according to data published by the International Diabetes Federation.
Already, each year some 3 million deaths are tied directly to diabetes, with death rates
expected to rise 25% over the next decade. Even more frightening, the number of people
with diabetes throughout the world is expected to double by 2030, according to a new
study published by the World Health Organization.
This can change. Like my husband and me, you can make a difference in your life and in
the life of someone you love. Don’t remain a cold statistic. Instead, choose to be on the
leading edge of a new wave of health. On the following pages, you will learn about a new
and natural way to giving diabetes the boot for good!
What is Diabetes?
iabetes mellitus is a disease which prevents your body from properly using
the energy from the food you eat.
Diabetes occurs when
The pancreas (an organ behind your stomach) produces no insulin
The pancreas produces too little insulin
The pancreas makes insulin, but the insulin made does not work as it should.
(This condition is called insulin resistance.)
At this point, you’re probably asking, “What is insulin?”
Good question! Insulin is a naturally-occurring hormone, produced by the beta cells of
the pancreas that helps the body use glucose for energy. To understand Diabetes better,
it helps to know more about how the body uses food for energy.
Your metabolism is responsible for turning food into fuel and delivering it to your hungry
cells. Our bodies are made up of millions of cells. To make energy, the cells need food in
a very simple form. When we eat or drink, much of what goes into our mouths is broken
down into a simple sugar called glucose. The blood and blood vessels transport glucose
from the stomach or the liver to our muscles (where it gets converted to energy) or our
cells (where it is converted to fat).
Man does not live by glucose along. (Woman don’t either!) Glucose cannot go into the
cells by itself. This job is assigned to insulin. The pancreas release a substance called
insulin into the blood. Insulin serves as the helper, or the "key" that unlocks glucose and
releases it into the cells to be used as energy.
When glucose leaves the bloodstream and enters the cells, the blood glucose level
automatically gets lowered. Low glucose is a benchmark of diabetes.
Car Talk
In many ways the human body is like a car. For example, to start a car, you must turn the
key to move the gas to the engine. Without insulin, or the "key," glucose cannot get into
the body's cells for use as energy. This causes the retention of a lot of glucose in the
blood, also called "high blood sugar" or diabetes.
If you have recently been diagnosed as diabetic, don't fret. With proper treatment and
care, you can once again be motoring along the highways and byways of your life. You
may need to make a few changes in how you drive (your lifestyle), but chances are it’s
about time for a tune-up anyway.
Fact is that our bodies, like our car, needs regular care and maintenance. And while your
doctor is a good mechanic and an important element in your health care plan, it’s time
you took some responsibility yourself and responsibility starts with understanding.
So let’s get started right away!
The Myths and Truth About Diabetes
Myth #1: Type 1 diabetes always starts in childhood, Type 2 starts later.
The Truth: Usually, but not always. Type 1 Diabetes can be diagnosed as late as 40 and
an increasing number of people are being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes at a younger
age because of rising rate of childhood obesity.
Myth#2: You can be diabetic without knowing it.
The Truth: This is true only for Type 2 because the symptoms can get overlooked in a
majority of cases. People with Type 2 generally have the condition for 5-10 years on
average before being diagnosed. However, with Type 1 diabetes the symptoms are much
more obvious.
Myth#3: Only fat people get diabetes.
The Truth: Type 1 Diabetes is not caused by the fat accumulated in the body and even
with Type 2 diabetes, which is strongly linked to obesity; around 20% of sufferers are of
normal body weight. You can be slim and develop Type 2 diabetes if you have other risk
Myth#4: Diabetics cannot – must not – consume sugar.
The Truth: Once you find out the degree of your condition, you can then determine how
to effectively manage your sugar intake.
Myth#5: People with diabetes must cut out all carbs from their diets.
The Truth: Carbs are vital for providing energy and should form the basis of any diet.
However, diabetics should aim to eat foods that provide a slow, steady energy release.
The glycaemic index (GI) is useful because it shows how quickly carbs are converted into
blood sugar. Generally it is advisable for diabetes to make small changes in their diet,
like swapping white bread and long-grain rice for lower-GI granary bread, and combining
a high-GI food like a jacket potato with a low-GI food like beans.
Myth#6: Diabetes is not dangerous.
The Truth: There is no running away from the fact that diabetes is dangerous and can
have serious long-term complications, leading to heart disease, blindness, kidney failure
and nerve damage. It can be dangerous if not managed or controlled.
Myth#7: Diabetes in pregnancy is just a blip.
The Truth: Gestational diabetes goes away once the baby is born, but it means you are at
more risk of developing Type 2 diabetes later on in life. It is an indicator that our body is
not producing or using insulin as efficiently as it could be.
Myth#8: Diabetes is caused by over consumption of sweets.
The Truth: Being overweight puts us at higher risk of Type 2 diabetes, but as mentioned
before, it makes no difference which food made us fat. Sugar is high in calories so it can
contribute to weight gain, but it doesn’t directly cause diabetes. And Type 1 diabetes isn’t
caused by diet at all. It’s believed to be an abnormal auto-immune reaction to the body’s
own cells.
Myth#9: Diabetics just need a daily shot of insulin to survive.
The Truth: This may be true in the case of Type 1 diabetes because the body cannot
produce any insulin itself, but not in the case of people with Type 2, which has to be
treated with a carefully monitored diet and exercise schedule.
Myth#10: Alcohol is completely ruled out for diabetics.
The Truth: Alcohol is fine in moderation, i.e., 1-2 units a day for women and 2- 3 for
men. However, alcohol can also cause low blood sugar so it should not be consumed too
quickly, or on an empty stomach.
Myth#11: Diabetics cannot --- or rather should not --- exercise
The Truth: Exercise in fact does aid the body’s use pf insulin. With Type 1 diabetes,
exercise may cause erratic swings in blood sugar levels, but that does not mean we should
not exercise, as the benefits outweigh the risks. We may just have to adjust our
medication to compensate for the extra glucose being used.
The Different Types of Diabetes
Iabetes, as explained in the preceding chapter is a medical term that
signifies a problem with the body’s relation to insulin and insulin
production. Diabetes implies that the pancreas is not producing enough of
the sugar-regulating hormone insulin. There are two major types of diabetes --insulindependent, also known as type I diabetes, and non-insulin-dependent, or type II diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes
When the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas have been destroyed, so the
body can no longer produce any insulin.
Type I diabetes, (also known as Juvenile Diabetes) is usually found in young children and
teenagers, but can also occur later in life. In Type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce
adequate quantities of insulin, a hormone needed to convert blood sugar into energy. The
general treatment for people with Type 2 diabetes is daily injections of insulin. This
keeps keep the blood sugar level within normal ranges.
Chin Up! Steve Redgrave, one of the world's greatest Olympic athletes
battled Type 1 diabetes to win five Olympic Gold medals in rowing!
Type 2 Diabetes
When the body can still produce some insulin but not enough to keep blood sugar
levels stable, or the body cannot use it effectively.
Type 2 diabetes (also referred to as Mature Onset Diabetes) is the second most common
form of diabetes. With Type 2 Diabetes the body can either be producing lesser quantities
of insulin than is required or may not be reacting to the insulin correctly. Either way, the
result is the unbroken glucose starts accumulating in the bloodstream instead of getting
absorbed by cells, which can lead to many serious, long-term health consequences.
Type 2 diabetes usually appears later in life, often between the ages of 35-45 years. As it
often develops slowly, many people may
not recognize the symptoms, so it
The toll
remains undetected and untreated for a
Diabetes kills more than 182,000
Americans each year and is the country's
second most-costly disease, behind
mental health. High-risk groups include
African-Americans over 45 who are
overweight, who rarely exercise and who
have a family history of the disease.
Warning signs of diabetes include
excessive thirst, frequent urination,
extreme hunger, irritability, unexplained
weight loss, tingling in fingers or toes,
nausea, fatigue and vomiting. In addition,
people with diabetes also run a higher
than average risk of developing
atherosclerosis. In this condition, the
blood vessels to their legs become
narrowed, which cause cramps, cold feet,
pain upon walking and climbing stairs,
and even skin ulcers and gangrene.
Peripheral neuropathy, chronic kidney
failure and diabetic retinopathy are
possible complications that are treatable
and preventable with good glucose
Source: Diabetes Mellitus Manila Bulletin, July
very long time.
Chin Up!
Many people have
diabetes without knowing it, and
are at a greater risk of long term
medical complications. At least,
knowledge is power, you can
now do something to alter your
14, 2005.
Ladies Only – Gestational Diabetes
The third type of diabetes, Gestational Diabetes is only reported in pregnant women. In
this condition, a woman’s blood sugar is always higher than normal because some other
hormones produced by the body during pregnancy begin to interfere with the insulin that
is being produced naturally.
apparent during the 24th to 28th week of
pregnancy, and, in most cases, disappears of
its own accord after the baby is born.
Women with gestational diabetes usually do
NOT have an increased risk of having a
baby with birth defects. However there can
be some complications caused by gestational
diabetes, although nothing so serious that
they cannot be managed with careful
attention to nutrition and blood sugar levels.
Secondary Diabetes
"Secondary" Diabetes refers to elevated blood sugar levels caused by another medical
condition. Secondary diabetes for instance may develop when the pancreatic tissue
responsible for the production of insulin gets destroyed by disease, such as chronic
inflammation of the pancreas or by toxins released by the consumption of excessive
alcohol, trauma, or after surgical removal of the pancreas.
Diabetes can also result from hormonal disturbances, such as excessive growth hormone
production and Cushing's syndrome.
It can also be a result of damage to the pancreas caused by chronic over-indulgence in
alcohol (Please refer to our special section on Alcohol and Diabetes for more information
on this subject).
Finally, certain medications may worsen diabetes control, or "unmask" latent Diabetes.
This is observed most commonly in patients on steroid-based medications (such as
prednisone) or those taking drugs for the treatment of HIV infection (AIDS).
With so many factors contributing to the development of diabetes, and considering the
chronic, long-term health threat that this disease poses, it’s never too soon to start making
healthy adjustments in our lives.
And that’s exactly why you purchased this book!
Who Gets Diabetes and Why?
nyone, anywhere, at any age can develop diabetes. Often, it takes several
years for diabetes to be detected in a person, usually when they have
already developed some complication, such as visual impairment, kidney
failure, heart disease, stroke or nerve damage.
In the underdeveloped part of the world, people with diabetes are not diagnosed at all;
consequently, mortality from diabetes-related complications is extremely high in these
countries. This is tragic, because diabetes for most part is a manageable disease.
The Basics of Diabetes
In medical terminology, insufficient
production of insulin or the inability of
See your doctor if you are suffering from
these symptoms which can indicate
diabetes, because early treatment is
extremely vital for an effective diabetes
control and management program:
cells to use insulin effectively is called
hyperglycemia that eventually leads to
diabetes. This latter condition affects
mostly the cells of muscle and fat
tissues, and results in a condition known
Increased thirst and fatigue
• The need to visit the loo all the
time, especially at night
• Sudden weight loss or gain
• Blurred vision
as "insulin resistance." This is a primary
problem in Type 2 Diabetes.
Glucose is a simple sugar found in food. It’s an essential nutrient that provides energy.
Without insulin, the cells become starved of glucose energy despite the presence of
abundant glucose in the bloodstream. This abundant, unutilized glucose later gets
wastefully excreted through urine.
Insulin is a hormone that is produced by beta cells of the pancreas. Since it helps in the
cell absorption of glucose, it regulates the level of glucose present in the blood. After a
meal, the blood glucose level rises naturally. In response to this increased glucose level,
the pancreas automatically release more insulin into the bloodstream to help glucose enter
the cells and lower the high glucose level in the blood after a meal. After this level falls
to normal again, insulin release from the pancreas automatically gets switched off, once
Risk Factors
In case of Type 1 diabetes, the risk factors are mostly out of our control. However in
Type 2 diabetes, there are some choices that we can make --- relating to lifestyle and
dietary management --- that can reduce
the likelihood of developing this
Experts recommend regular diabetes
screening if you have TWO or more of the
following Type 2 risk factors:
Risk Factors for Type 1
environmental triggers, such as:
Family History – If a member
(parent or sibling) has Type 1
You are white and aged 40+, or
Asian/Afro-Caribbean aged 25+
• Your mother, father or sibling
had/has diabetes
You are overweight (BMI over 25)
• You do not exercise
You have heart disease, circulation
problems or high blood pressure
You had diabetes during pregnancy
You have polycystic ovary syndrome
and are obese
• You have been diagnosed with
impaired glucose tolerance or
impaired fasting glycaemia
likelihood of us (or our child) having it, too.
Autoimmune Conditions - Type 1 diabetes is generally an autoimmune disease,
i.e., it is caused by the body's immune system attacking its own insulin-producing
cells in the pancreas. Auto-immune diseases that trigger this condition are
Addison's disease, Celiac disease, Grave's disease, Hashimoto's disease, and
Pernicious anemia.
Birth and Early Childhood –Being born to an older mother or a mother with
pre-eclampsia during pregnancy could be predisposing factors, but more research
needs to be done to establish this correlation. There is also some disagreement
over whether cow’s milk, fed to infants in the first 6-8 months of their life
increases their risk of developing Type I diabetes.
Ethnic Background – It’s been discovered that people of northern European or
Mediterranean ancestry are at a higher risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes.
Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes:
Age - 90-95% of people with diabetes are of Type 2 variety and the risk of
developing this disease increase as you age.
Obesity - Over 80 % of people with Type 2 diabetes have been found to be
overweight. The greater the obesity, the higher the risk.
Family History – Heredity link has been proved in numerous research papers.
Again, the closer our link with the member of the family who has diabetes, the
greater our chances of developing it ourselves.
Scientists have discovered many new genes that appear to increase the risk for
developing Type 2 diabetes. Understanding how these genes contribute to the disorder
may lead to new strategies for prevention and treatment. These studies have appeared in
the April 26, 2007 online editions of Nature Genetics and Science and some of their
major conclusions are discussed below:
Physical inactivity - The less exercise we do, the greater our chances of
developing diabetes.
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) - Impaired glucose tolerance is a level of
blood glucose which is higher than normal, but not high enough to be in the range
where doctors can classify this condition as diabetes. It does, however, put the
body at risk for developing full-blown diabetes, later in life.
Race/ethnicity - Although little research has been done outside of the U.S.,
American studies show that African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native
Americans, and Pacific Islanders are at a higher risk of developing diabetes.
While the risk for Type 2 Diabetes is higher among Asian-Americans, the risk is
lower among Asians (including Japanese, Chinese, and Koreans) and Mexicans.
Celebrity Diabetics
iabetes makes no distinction between rich and poor, and stars such as Halle
Berry, Larry King, Patti LeBelle, Sharon Stone, and Elizabeth Taylor are
well-known cases of celebrity diabetes. They do not, however, allow it to
have a negative impact their professional or personal lives.
The implications of not controlling diabetes on the other hand can also be serious as in
the premature death of music legend Johnny Cash. Most celebrities however are learning
that the best way to fight chronic disease and go on to live long and happy lives by
following a healthy lifestyle pattern.
Symptoms of Diabetes
arly Diabetes symptoms can be subtle or appear to be harmless…- or we may
not experience symptoms at all. So pay close attention to them for early
Excessive thirst and increased urination - Excessive thirst and increased urination are
classic Diabetes symptoms.
When we have
Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes, excess sugar (glucose) builds up in our
Increased thirst
blood. Our kidneys are forced to work overtime to
Increased urination
filter and absorb the excess sugar. If our kidneys
can't keep up, the excess sugar is excreted into our
urine along with fluids drawn from our tissues.
This triggers frequent urination, which may leave
us dehydrated. As we drink more fluids to quench
our thirst, we’ll urinate even more.
Weight loss even though the
individual is eating more
Fatigue, nausea, and vomiting
Skin infections, blurred vision,
bladder infections
Impotence in men and cessation
of menses in women
Flu-like feeling - Sometimes diabetes symptoms resemble a flu-like illnesses. We
may notice fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite. That's because poorlycontrolled Diabetes hampers our body's ability to use sugar for energy. Instead of
fueling our cells, the sugar remains in the blood. This leaves us feeling tired and
run down.
Weight loss - When we lose sugar through frequent urination, we also lose
calories --- creating a feeling of persistent hunger. The combined effect is
potentially rapid weight loss, especially with Type 2 diabetes.
Weight gain - Excess weight can make the tissues more resistant to the action of
insulin, which increases blood sugar levels. The more fatty tissue present, the
more resistant cells become. This is why obesity is a prime risk factor in
developing Type 2 diabetes.
Blurred vision - High levels
of blood sugar pull fluid from
Other problems associated with diabetes
affect our ability to focus.
Gum Diseases: People with diabetes are at
significantly higher risk for severe gum disease.
Research indicates that good diabetes management
will slow down the progression of gum disease and
that blood sugar levels are more easily controlled if
periodontal disease is treated1.
Left untreated, diabetes can
Vision-related problems
cause new blood vessels to
Many people with diabetes are at risk of unnecessary
blindness because they are not receiving regular eye
screening, according to a new report by the charity
Diabetes UK1
Patients with long-term diabetes are at risk of
retinopathy - a disease of the eye which is the
leading cause of blindness in working age people
across the world. Yet a survey of more than 1,000
diabetes patients in the UK found that 41 per cent
were either not receiving regular screening for the
condition or were not being screened using a digital
camera as recommended by experts.
the tissues, including the
lenses of the eyes. This can
form in the retina as well as
damage old vessels. For most
people this can cause mild
vision problems, such as dark
spots, flashing lights or rings
around these lights. But for
others, these symptoms can
be more serious. In rare
cases, diabetes can also lead
Athletes foot
Problems with circulation, open sores or ulcers on
your feet or oozing or weeping around your toes, is a
good indication of diabetes.
Vaginal thrush
The presence of untreated diabetes mellitus can help
the fungi that cause thrush to flourish.
to partial or complete blindness.
Slow-healing sores or frequent infections - High levels of blood sugar impair
the body's natural healing process and the ability to fight infections. For women,
bladder and vaginal infections are common.
A tingling sensation in hands and feet - Excess sugar in the blood can also lead
to nerve damage. Tingling and loss of sensation in the hands and feet, as well as
burning pain in the arms, hands, legs and feet.
Red, swollen, tender gums - Diabetes may weaken our ability to fight germs,
which increases the risk of gum infection and in bones that hold our teeth in place.
The gums may pull away from the teeth, causing them to become loose, or we
may develop sores or pockets of pus in the gums - especially if we have a gum
infection before diabetes develops.
One severe symptom of diabetes is Diabetic Ketoacidosis. This symptom sometimes
produces slightly sweet-smelling breath that is caused by acetone, a metabolic byproduct,
when the body is forced to burn fatty acids rather than glucose. This process becomes
more and more toxic to the body as it continues; the individual may develop diabetic
coma and die. Ketoacidosis occurs when individuals are either not getting enough insulin
or the insulin is not adequate to allow cells of the body to utilize the glucose.
Another severe symptom of unregulated diabetes is Hypoglycemic Coma (insulin
shock). This condition is usually brought about by too much insulin. A hypoglycemic
reaction causes trembling, weakness or drowsiness, and headache, dizziness, confusion,
double vision, and difficulty in coordination. Eventually, convulsions or unconsciousness
can follow.
Listen to Your Body!
If you notice any possible diabetes symptoms, our advice is contact your doctor,
immediately. The earlier the condition is diagnosed, the sooner the treatment can start.
Diabetes is a serious condition. But with active participation and the support of a health
care team and family, we can manage diabetes while continuing to enjoying an active,
healthy life.
Diagnosing Diabetes
The disease can be detected through a routine blood test. New recommendations suggest
all adults 45 years of age and older be tested for diabetes every three years. For higherrisk African-Americans, it is suggested that testing begin at a younger age and be given
more frequently.
The most common test for diabetes is the fasting blood glucose (sugar) test. It is easy to
perform and convenient. After the person has fasted overnight (at least 8 hours), a single
sample of blood is drawn and sent to the laboratory for analysis. This can also be done
accurately in a doctor’s clinic using a glucose meter. A random blood glucose test can
also be used to diagnose diabetes. A blood glucose level of 200 mg/dl or higher indicates
The Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) is another gold standard for testing diabetes.
For an OGTT also, the person has to fast overnight. After this test, he or she is
administered 75 grams of glucose (100 grams for pregnant women).
measures blood glucose levels five times over a period of three hours. In a person
without diabetes, the glucose levels rises and then falls quickly. In someone with
diabetes, it rises higher than normal and fails to come down to normal as fast.
Another requirement for this test is that the person must be in good health, i.e., without
illness or cold. Also, he/she should be active (not lying down, for example, as an
inpatient in a hospital) and should not be taking medicines that could interfere with
his/her blood glucose level.
Again, for three days before the test, the person should have eaten a diet high in
carbohydrates (150- 200 grams per day). The morning of the test, it is recommended that
he/she not smoke or drink coffee.
Test Results and What They Imply
Test results may lead to one of the following diagnoses:
Normal response: when the 2-hour glucose level is less than 140 mg/dl, and all
values between 0 and 2 hours are less than 200 mg/dl.
Impaired glucose tolerance: when the fasting plasma glucose is less than 126
mg/dl and the 2-hour glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dl.
Diabetes: when two diagnostic tests done on different days show that the blood
glucose level is high.
Gestational Diabetes: a 100g OGTT, a fasting plasma glucose of more than 95
mg/dl, or a 1-hour glucose level of more than 180 mg/dl, or a 2-hour glucose
level of more than 155 mg/dl, or a 3-hour glucose level of more than 140 mg/dl.
Treatment and Management
No cure has yet been found for diabetes mellitus. There is no question that type I diabetic
requires insulin. Insulin preparations have been used in the treatment of diabetes since
1922. Since insulin is not absorbed orally, it must be injected. Your physician will show
you how to use a syringe to inject the insulin just under the skin of your thigh, arm or
As for Type II diabetes, diet alone is enough to cure diabetes mellitus in many cases. The
main objective of diet control is to restrict the amount of carbohydrates we eat at one
meal. When type II diabetes cannot be controlled satisfactorily with diet therapy, medical
doctors recommend drugs known as oral hypoglycemic agents. They appear to stimulate
the secretion of insulin by the pancreas as well as enhance the sensitivity of body tissues
to insulin.
Diabetes Management
People who are at-risk can reduce their chances of getting diabetes by eating a low-fat
diet, exercising regularly, controlling their weight and taking natural suppliments. The
same applies to those who have been diagnosed with the disease and want to control it. In
fact, regular exercise is crucial to the management of diabetes and can help keep the
disease at bay forever, doctors say. Increased physical activity can help reduce the
amount of insulin or oral medication to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and
control weight gain. In addition, exercise can improve self-esteem and counteract the
emotional blues of having a chronic disease. But experts recommend consulting with a
doctor before any life style changes.
Fact is that people who best adapt to their diabetic condition are the ones who are able to
adapt their lifestyle. It starts by regular doctor visits to monitor the body's ability to make
insulin, decreasing the amount of glucose the liver makes, slowing down how quickly
glucose gets into the bloodstream or working on the cells' ability to use insulin.
Doctors stress that while a good
relationship between a patient and
physician, eye doctor, nurse and
Learn about diabetes
Know your ABCs, wherein A stands
for levels of blood glucose or sugar, B
for blood pressure and C for cholesterol
Manage your diabetes
Get routine check up and care
important thing for diabetics to
understand is that much of their health is in their hands. It is important that we assume
the responsibility for our care, which includes diet and weight control, checking urine for
sugar, exercising appropriately, regular comprehensive medical check-ups and living as
naturally as possible with the natural gifts that are on our earth.
This is something Gladys Knight understands. The Grammy Award-winning entertainer
lost her mother a little more than a year ago from complications of the deadly disease,
and has a brother and cousin who have also been diagnosed with diabetes.
"My mother lived with diabetes for many years. But for her, and our family, education
was the key to her living successfully with this disease," Knight says. "And because she
had all the available facts about this disease, she was able to live a long and productive
You, Your Partner and Diabetes
“I have had diabetes for many years and have now become impotent as a result of the
complications of the disease. I've tried everything, but nothing seems to help. I'm really
worried that my marriage is going to fall apart.”
----- Anonymous
Id you know that erectile problems in men and orgasm difficulties in
women affect nearly 20% of diabetics.
In fact, there is no gender
discrimination in diabetes. Researchers recently conducted the largest
study ever on the sex lives of women with diabetes and found that 27% women versus
15% men, reported sexual dysfunction. The good news however, is these problems are
often caused by psychological rather than pure physiological factors. Often, women with
sexual dysfunction tended to be frustrated with their diabetes treatment, which lead them
to depression and this eventually begins to reflect on their sexual lives.
Here is what experts have to say about maintaining a normal and happy sexual
relationship, despite diabetes.
To begin with, seek medical assistance the minute you suspect a problem and get a
complete checkup. According to Detroit urologist Isaac J. Powell, a thorough
examination would include a heart scan and tests for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
(STDs), besides diabetes and hypertension. If undetected, the physical ramifications can
range from chronic discomfort to sterilization or death. In this context, Dr. Powell says,
"Hypertension causes blood vessels that go into the prostate to have decreased blood flow
because of a plaque that builds on the vessels. This causes an obstruction that interferes
with the man's ability to get an erection."
To maintain an erection, three systems have to be working in sync: production of the
hormone testosterone, blood vessels that are flexible and open, and nerves that transmit
the electrical messages from the penis to the brain, must also be in order. Often with
diabetes erections may occur but be less reliable, and then the associated worry about
whether the erection will last leads to a cycle of anxiety about performance. What starts
off as a physical problem gets compounded by the emotional reactions to it which are
often overwhelming.
As a preventive measure, young men between the ages of 15-35 should be screened for
testicular cancer (the so-called "young man's cancer"), and men who are 40 and older
should investigate the condition of their prostate. It has been recorded that prostate cancer
strikes more African-American men than any other group, and the irregular urination and
painful ejaculation associated with the disease can adversely affect your life.
Women likewise, should go through regular breast examinations and pap smears. It is
critical to fully disclose all health concerns to the doctor. Here are a few suggestions that
he or she may make:
Nonsurgical Options
Intrapenile injection is recommended if a physical cause of the problem is found.
This gives good erection that lasts for about 30 minutes. Although men often
shudder at the thought of getting this shot, they do feel relieved after their
performance improves.
Another treatment option is the vacuum device. It’s a plastic cylinder fitted with a
pump. This is placed over the penis, which fills with blood "passively," and an
elastic band is then slipped off the cylinder onto the penis to create a workable
erection. Although somewhat cumbersome, this device can be an effective nonsurgical approach for men who do not want to go under the knife.
Penile Implant: It is another mechanical device that is surgically placed in the
shaft of the penis. There are several different types, but the most commonly used
has a small pump located in the scrotum that allows the implant to be inflated
when needed. When an erection is desired, one has to squeeze on the scrotum.
Most users say it is quite effective and not as strange as it sounds. Approximately
90% of men with implants report being satisfied. At this point, 25,000 are inserted
each year. And if you have a caring partner, you both will be happy with the
renewed sexual contact.
But before you go in for this procedure, you should also know its disadvantages:
First, the procedure is not reversible. The implant can be removed, but a natural
erection will never again be possible.
If the pump fails, another will have to be put in.
It’s difficult for some men to accept the notion of something "foreign" inside their
It would thus be a good idea to speak to a few couples who have gone through the
procedure before opting for it. Feel free to ask how it works, how it looks and feels, and
whether there are any surprises.
A Word of Caution: At times diabetes may make the blood supply so bad that surgery
gets completely ruled out. There may interfere with the healing process or infections and
tissue damage in the penis after healing may make it necessary to remove the implant.
Therefore, it’s extremely important to carefully discuss all the “ifs and buts” with your
physician and do a cost-benefit analysis.
Fighting it With Drugs
Viagra and other medically-approved
drugs can be an option. Contrary to
popular belief, youth alone won’t
younger men are affected by erectile
dysfunction due to nicotine and
alcohol abuse in addition to health
clogged arteries caused by high
cholesterol, according to Dr. Powell.
Men who have a history of heart problems or who have suffered a recent heart attack are
not considered good candidates for Viagra. So consult your physician and don’t go for
self-medication. Also, remember, never, ever to use someone else's prescribed
If nearing menopause, hormone-replacement therapy can be sought. The symptoms of
menopause may range from uncomfortable to unhealthy –– night sweats, hot flashes,
painful sex and loss of libido. The hormone estrogen has been proven to protect women
from cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. It may be a good idea to treat menopausal
symptoms with hormone-replacement therapy and a proper diet. Physicians can
determine the best treatment plan for each of us.
Vitamins Help
Vitamins are organic substances should be added to our regular diet. Even the healthiest
of meals cannot provide all of the 45-plus nutrients that are needed. Marginal deficiencies
of one or more nutrients can interfere with good health. The two vitamins that can be
effective in this regard are: Vitamin B1 and E. Vitamin B1 converts sugar and starches
into energy and Vitamin E is believed to increase fertility in some men. Carefully choose
a vitamin regimen that best suits your needs. Zinc stabilizes (or, in some cases, increases)
the testosterone level, which fuels the sex
drive in both men and women.
Ten Commandments for Revving
up your sex life
1. Get physical
2. Exercise regularly
3. De-stress and relax
4. Beat the clock
5. Combat impotence
6. Take your vitamins
7. Eat to live and love
8. Avoid nicotine
9. Don't drink in excess
10. Get enough sleep
Eat Healthy, Live Hearty
It’s a well-acknowledged fact! Experts at the U.S. Department of Agriculture have found
that the mineral Boron is vital for hormone production and sexual function. Boron is
found in dark green leafy vegetables, fruits (not citrus), nuts and legumes. The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) meanwhile suggests that adults eat a healthy
breakfast, drink 100 percent fruit juice and load their diets with fruits and vegetables. We
can also make meal preparation a romantic twist by doing it together –– it will not only
boost energy, but for many, the act of food preparation itself can be a bonding
Quit Smoking, Alcohol
According to a recent study at the New England Research Institute in Watertown, Mass.,
importance is more likely to strike men who smoke. Other research has linked nicotine to
constricting the arteries and blood vessels –– including those that are responsible for a
man's erection. In women, nicotine can interfere with a woman's ability to achieve an
orgasm, and may reduce fertility, and trigger early menopause.
In addition, our drinking habits can also lead to a range of serious problems, including an
enlarged liver, yellow jaundice, cirrhosis, hepatitis, emphysema, arthritis, osteoporosis
and stomach ulcers, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH data
maintains that an occasional glass of wine or liquor can be good for the constitution and
may help prevent certain forms of heart disease. Even postmenopausal women have been
shown to benefit from an increased level of estrogen stimulated by wine. And, of course,
wine has been known to stimulate the mood as well. But remember, too much of a good
thing can have the opposite effect.
Exercise Regularly
The Harvard School of Public Health reports men who are physically inactive are 40
percent more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than men who exercise half an
hour a day. According to Terry Mason, chief urologist at Chicago-based Mercy Hospital,
working out will not only make us look and feel better, it will also increase our stamina
and level of control. "An enhanced body as a result of exercise provides visual
stimulation. Everybody wants somebody who visually turns them on," Dr. Mason
explains. "Secondly, cardiovascular exercise increases endurance, and that can be a
paramount issue in being able to have the level of intensity that the couple would like to
Learn to Relax
Daily stress can erode our health and love life. Learn to de-stress together at the end of
the day in more romantic ways, such as enjoying a lathery bubble bath for two, complete
with scented candles and a mug of warm milk and honey. Or just watch a movie together.
Spend quality time together. If you are adventurous, try sailing, bike riding, walking
marathons or roller-blading.
Try and catch eight hours of sleep, minimum. Getting adequate sleep is essential to
maintaining good health and reducing stress. If you have difficulty in sleeping, then
redecorate the bedroom to suit both of you comfortably or stock your nightstand with
good reading materials. We can also try some exercise and eat dinner a little earlier in the
evening. Insomnia will, however, need medical help.
Common Medications Prescribed in Diabetes
f a person is not able to achieve normal blood sugar control through diet and
Common Oral Medications
recommend oral medications to
insulin resistance as well as improve the
blood sugar levels in the body. Oral
medications complement other lifestyle
Sulfonylureas - Amaryl,
Chlorpropamide, Diabinese,
Tolazamide, Tolinase, Acetohexamide,
Glipizide, Glucotrol, Tolbutamide
Orinase, Glimepiride, Glyburide
(DiaBeta, Micronase), Glibenclamide,
Meglitinides - Prandin (Repaglinide),
Starlix (Nateglinide), and Mitiglinide
habits that support healthy living with
diabetes. However, these medications
cannot be regarded as a substitute for
healthy eating and exercise. There are
several oral medications that stimulate
insulin secretion. The most common is
Biguanides - Other names include
Metformin and Glucophage.
Thiazolidinedione - Other names
Pioglitazone and Actos.
Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitors - Other
names include Acarbose, Precose,
Glucobay, Miglitol and Glyset
sulfonylureas group of medication. What
type gets prescribed will depend on age and medical history.
Other oral medications work more indirectly, for instance, they help in sensitizing the
body to insulin through their effects on other body organs. Biguanides, also known as
metformin for instance can inhibit glucose production in the liver. This causes insulin
receptors to become more responsive or sensitive to insulin. Insulin sensitizers increase
insulin action, without increasing insulin secretion, i.e., it makes it more potent, thereby
increasing the risk of high sugar retention in the blood.
Another type of medication slows carbohydrate digestion from the stomach. These are
called Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors. They block the digestion of carbohydrates, which
then delays the release of sugar into the bloodstream. These medications are usually
prescribed with a meal to lower blood sugar levels after a meal. Sometimes, this group of
medication is prescribed in combination with sulfonylureas or insulin therapy. Remember
just because your doctor prescribed it for you DOES not mean it is healthy for you. A
drug is a drug for reason… it is an unnatural substance for your body.
The Downside of These Chemical Compositions
he biggest drawback with conventional Allopathic medicines --- one that the
doctors don’t warn us about --- are the many unintended side effects they
cause. Fortunately there are more natural ways to protect us from the
cumulative effects of uncontrolled diabetes without experiencing these unpleasant side
effects or inviting these health-threatening risks.
Among the most common reactions to diabetes medication are skin rashes and muscle
aches. People taking certain medications may also experience loss of appetite or a
metallic taste in the mouth. Other common effects of oral medication include bloating,
gas, diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Following is a list of side effects of:
Sulfonylurea medicine:
Hypoglycemia (low blood glucose)
Upset stomach
Skin rash or itching
Weight gain
Biguanide medications:
Upset stomach (nausea, diarrhea)
Metallic taste in mouth
Elevated liver enzymes
Liver failure
Respiratory infection
Fluid retention
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors:
Cramps and diarrhea
Low blood sugar
Upset stomach
Many side effects pass over time. However, low blood sugar is a serious side effect that is
more common when taking new medications or when combining oral medications. In
addition people who have history of heart, kidney or liver disease need to weigh the risks
of oral medication for Diabetes as well as the possibility of interactions with other
To better understand the full range of medication side effects talk with your doctor about
your family health history.
Alternative Medicine
Conventional medical system has often been flawed for its limited role in suppressing
symptoms and overtaking the role of the body's natural immune responses. It’s charged
that the American Medical Association (AMA) has colluded with the multibillion dollar
pharmaceutical industry to promote Allopathic medicine, even when it is known and
acknowledged the world over that for some debilitating diseases, such as diabetes and
cancer, natural care is often the best. Perhaps the only area where modern medicine has
proved its utility is in surgery, emergency and trauma management.
In all other diseases management areas, Alternative Medicine has proven to be more
effective and cost-effective especially for diseases like cancer, heart disease, rheumatoid
arthritis, asthma, gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, sinusitis, etc.
Alternative methods work by assisting your body to heal itself instead of introducing
strong drugs into your system. They emphasize prevention over cure and address the root
cause of the disease rather than just provide temporary symptomatic relief.
Two Medicines Are Better Than One
The Chinese have an old adage according to which "walking on both feet," is better than
walking on one. In our present discussion, it would imply that a combination of Eastern
and Western medical systems can produce better results than a single procedure. Many
practitioners of alternate medicine do just that. Since there may be many underlying
factors influencing our health -- poor digestion, nutritional deficiency, toxicity, emotional
stress, etc – holistic healthcare along with the use of modern medicine’s hi-tech, scientific
diagnostic tools can be very effective in diabetes management.
Unfortunately, a conventional doctor who has 20 patients with diabetes will often provide
each of them with the same protocol, thus treating the condition and not the patients
individually. An alternative practitioner in contrast realizes that diabetes can have many
causes. He or she will try to identify each of these causes and treat them individually and
differently. This difference between these two approaches is the cornerstone of
alternative medicine.
Become Your Own Healthcare Provider
Doctors today agree that the "cut, burn and poison" approach to disease completely
ignores the role of our natural defense mechanism, i.e., our immunological system. In
fact, many invasive procedures and chemical protocols weaken the immune system that is
already under assault from the disease producing germs and microbes.
A doctor can’t cure diabetes! The cure eventually comes from our own immune systems.
The doctor's job is merely to provide all the requisite tools and conditions that would
make the job of our stressed out immunological system a wee bit easier.
So ultimately, it’s our job to preserve our health!
Fighting Type 1 Diabetes, Naturally
Because of its very nature, Type 1 diabetes does require regular blood sugar tests and
medical intervention. But in addition to a traditional medical protocol, we can pursue a
number of natural health and wellness steps that can support those efforts:
Try chromium therapy: Under the strict supervision of a doctor, take 200 mcg a
day of this essential trace mineral to improve glucose tolerance
Fight back with fiber: Stabilize blood sugar by drawing fiber from whole grains,
beans (legumes), vegetables, and fruit.
Protect yourself with alpha lipoic acid: We can protect ourselves against several
diabetic complications, such as nerve and kidney damage, by consuming 600 to
1,200 mg of this supplement per day
Discover EPO: Help relieve pain from diabetic neuropathy by taking 4 grams of
evening primrose oil supplements per day
Please Note: These recommendations are not comprehensive and these are not intended
to replace the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.
Fighting Type 2 Diabetes, Naturally
he glycemic index system for rating carbs can actually help you beat
diabetes, heart attacks, an appetite that's out of control, and more. It can offer
dramatic health benefits not just for diabetics, but for almost everyone.
Invented in the early 1980s by University of Toronto researchers as a tool to help control
diabetes, the glycemic index ranks carbohydrate foods by their effect on your blood sugar
From the Research Lab
A 1999 Swedish study of Type 2 Diabetes found that 4 weeks on a low-GI diet lowered
blood glucose and insulin by 30% compared to a high-GI diet. In a 4-month study led by
the University of Toronto's Thomas Wolever, MD, a low-GI diet markedly improved
insulin sensitivity in a group of pre-diabetic insulin-resistant people.
In a 6-year study of male health professionals, men eating the lowest-GI diets were 25%
less likely to get Diabetes. In the Nurses' Health Study, the most powerful diabetes
protection--a drop in risk of one-third or more--came from eating a low-GI diet and
getting lots of fiber from cereal (7.5 g daily).