Scrabble A id Max Learning's
Scrabble A id Max Learning's
Max Learning's ® Scrabble Aid Quicker than a dictionary! Revised Apr ‘09 Print one for each player! Game Situation Example GOAL: Find a 3-letter word that starts with b and ends with a. SOLUTION: Look in the End with A [3]-letter section where you’ll find b(a,o,r)a which when combined yields baa, boa, or bra. Alphabet Letter Spellings (21) bee, cee, dee, ef/eff, gee, kay, el/ell, em, en, pee, kue, ar, es/ess, tee, vee, ex, zed/zee. Two-Letter Words (101) Play 2-letter words parallel to (alongside) existing words to create 3 words and boost your score! * No 2-letter words begin or end with C or V. * No 2-letter words end with J, K, K Q, Q or Z. * One-letter starts / ends: Go, Jo, Q i, Re, Za / aB, aG. * You can add an S to only the bolded words below. A B D E F G H AA A I AS BA DE ED EN FA GO HA AB AL AT BE DO EF ER FE HE AD AM AW B I HI EH ES EL ET AE AN AX BO HM EM EX AG AR AY BY HO AH I J K ID IF IN IS IT JO KA LA MA MO NA OD OM OW K I L I ME MU NE OE ON OX LO M I MY NO OF OP OY NU OH OR MM O I OS L M N O P Q S T U W X Y Z PA QI SH TA UH UP WE XI YA ZA PE R SI TI UM US WO XU YE PI RE SO TO UN UT MaxLearning.Net © 2009 Scrabble® is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. YO 3-Letter Words (915) Keepers (7) For J, K, Q, V, X, and Z, see those sections. Best letters to retain for building words: R,E,T,A,I,N,S a(ah,al,as,ba,bs,by,ce,ct,dd,do,ds,dz,ff,ft,ga,ge,go,gs,ha,hi,hs,id,il, Builders (146) im,in,ir,is,it,la,lb,le,ll,lp,ls,lt,ma,mi,mp,mu,na,nd,ne,ni,nt,ny,pe,po, pp,pt,rb,rc,re,rf,rk,rm,rs,rt,sh,sk,sp,ss,te,tt,uk,va,ve,vo,wa,we,wl, wn,xe,ye,ys,zo) b(aa,ad,ag,ah,al,am,an,ap,ar,as,at,ay,ed,ee,eg, el,en,es,et,ey,ib,id,ig,in,io,is,it,iz,oa,ob,od,og,oo,op,os,ot,ow,ox,oy, ra,ro,rr,ub,ud,ug,um,un,ur,us,ut,uy,ye,ys) c(ab,ad,am,an,ap,ar,at, aw,ay,ee,el,ep,hi,ig,is,ob,od,og,ol,on,oo,op,or,os,ot,ow,ox,oy,oz,ru, ry,ub,ud,ue,um,up,ur,ut,wm) d(ab,ad,ag,ah,ak,al,am,an,ap,aw,ay, eb,ee,ef,el,en,ev,ew,ex,ey,ib,id,ie,if,ig,im,in,ip,is,it,oc,oe,og,ol,om, on,or,os,ot,ow,ry,ub,uc,ud,ue,ug,uh,ui,un,uo,up,ye) e(ar,at,au,bb, cu,dh,ds,ek,el,ff,fs,ft,gg,go,ke,ld,lf,lk,ll,lm,ls,me,ms,mu,nd,ng,ns,on, ra,re,rg,rn,rr,rs,ss,ta,th,ve,we,ye) f(ab,ad,ag,an,ar,as,at,ax,ay,ed, ee,eh,em,en,er,es,et,eu,ew,ey,ez,ib,id,ie,ig,il,in,ir,it,ix,iz,lu,ly,ob,oe, og,oh,on,op,or,ou,ox,oy,ro,ry,ub,ud,ug,un,ur) g(ab,ad,ae,ag,al, am,an,ap,ar,as,at,ay,ed,ee,el,em,en,et,ey,hi,ib,id,ie,ig,in,ip,it,nu, oa,ob,od,oo,or,os,ot,ox,ul,um,un,ut,uv,uy,ym,yp) h(ad,ae,ag,ah, aj,am,ao,ap,as,at,aw,ay,eh,em,en,ep,er,es,et,ew,ex,ey,ic,id,ie,im, in,ip,is,it,mm,ob,od,oe,og,on,op,ot,ow,oy,ub,ue,ug,uh,um,un,up,ut, yp) i(ce,ch,ck,cy,ds,ff,fs,gg,lk,ll,mp,nk,nn,ns,on,re,rk,sm,ts,vy) l(ab,ac,ad,ag,am,ap,ar,as,at,av,aw,ax,ay,ea,ed,ee,eg,ei,ek,et,eu, ev,ex,ey,ib,id,ie,in,ip,is,it,ob,og,oo,op,ot,ow,ox,ug,um,uv,ux,ye) m(ac,ad,ae,ag,an,ap,ar,as,at,aw,ax,ay,ed,eg,el,em,en,et,ew,ho,ib, ic,id,ig,il,im,ir,is,ix,oa,ob,oc,od,og,ol,om,on,oo,op,or,os,ot,ow,ud, ug,um,un,us,ut,yc) n(ab,ae,ag,ah,am,an,ap,aw,ay,eb,ee,eg,et,ew, ib,il,im,ip,it,ix,ob,od,og,oh,om,oo,or,os,ot,ow,th,ub,un,us,ut) o(af, ak,ar,at,ba,be,bi,ca,da,dd,de,ds,es,ff,ft,hm,ho,hs,il,ka,ke,ld,le,ms, ne,no,ns,oh,ot,pe,ps,pt,ra,rb,rc,re,rs,rt,se,ud,ur,ut,va,we,wl,wn,xo, xy) p(ac,ad,ah,al,am,an,ap,ar,as,at,aw,ax,ay,ea,ec,ed,ee,eg,eh, en,ep,er,es,et,ew,hi,ht,ia,ic,ie,ig,in,ip,is,it,iu,ix,ly,od,oh,oi,ol,op,ot, ow,ox,ro,ry,si,st,ub,ud,ug,ul,un,up,ur,us,ut,ya,ye,yx) r(ad,ag,ah,ai, aj,am,an,ap,as,at,aw,ax,ay,eb,ec,ed,ee,ef,eg,ei,em,ep,es,et,ev,ex, ho,ia,ib,id,if,ig,im,in,ip,ob,oc,od,oe,om,ot,ow,ub,ue,ug,um,un,ut,ya, ye) s(ab,ac,ad,ae,ag,al,ap,at,au,aw,ax,ay,ea,ec,ee,eg,ei,el,eg,en, er,et,ew,ex,ha,he,hh,hy,ib,ic,im,in,ip,ir,is,it,ix,ka,ki,ky,ly,ob,od,ol, om,on,op,ot,ou,ow,ox,oy,pa,py,ri,ty,ub,ue,uk,um,un,up,uq,yn) t(ab,ad,ae,ag,aj,am,an,ao,ap,ar,as,at,au,av,aw,ax,ea,ed,ee,eg,el, en,et,ew,he,ho,hy,ic,ie,il,in,ip,is,it,od,oe,og,om,on,oo,op,or,ot,ow, oy,ry,sk,ub,ug,ui,un,up,ut,ux,wa,wo,ye) u(do,gh,ke,lu,mm,mp,ns, po,ps,rb,rd,rn,rp,se,ta,te,ts) w(ab,ad,ae,ag,an,ap,ar,as,at,aw,ax, ay,eb,ed,ee,en,et,ha,ho,hy,ig,in,is,it,iz,oe,ok,on,oo,os,ot,ow,ry,ud, ye,yn) y(ag,ah,ak,am,ap,ar,aw,ay,ea,eh,en,ep,es,et,ew,in,ip,ob, od,ok,om,on,ou,ow,uk,up). Add beginnings and/or endings to root words. Example: root = build --- rebuild, builder, building, rebuilding. BEGIN: a(b,d,nte,nti,ny,uto); b(e,i); c(o,om,on); d(e,i,ia,is); e(l,m,n,nter,r,very,x); f(or,ore); m(al,id,is); non; p(ar,ost,re,ro); re; s(emi,ub,uf,uper); t(rans,ri); u(ltra,n,ni). END: a(ble,ce,de,e,ge,l,n,nce,nd,nt,ry,te); b(le,y); ce; dom; e(d,e,er,n,nce,nt,r,re,ry,se,ss,st,th,tte); f(old,ul); g(e,raph); hood; i(a,al,ble,c,cal,de,e,ed,er,es,est,le,ly,ne,ng,re,se,sh,sm,st,te, tis,ty,um,ve,ze); kin; l(e,er,ess,et,ike,ing,y); m(e,ent); ness; o(m,n,r,us); r(m,y); s(hip,ion,ome,ter); tion; u(le,r,re); w(ard,ays,ise); yze. BEGIN OR END: a(bout,round,way); back; down; in; o(ff,n,ut,ver); u(nder,p). Consonant Blends (47) & Doubles (11) Blend shrl with the listed consonants to build words. [s]c,ch,cr,h,k,l,m,n,p,ph,pl,pr,q,t,tr,w c,g,p,s,sp,t,w[h] b,c,ch,d,f,g,k,p,ph,sp,st,t,th,w[r] b,c,ch,f,g,k,p,ph,s,sp[l] Example: [h] blends --- ch, gh, ph, sh, sph, th, wh. Double these consonants to build words: d,f,g,l,m,n,p,r,s,t. Example: f doubles --- buffer, muffle, suffer. Vowel Pairs (168) Make 3-letter words by adding a letter before or after a [pair]. Example: b[aa]h,l,s --- baa, aah, aal, aas. A: b[aa]h,l,s g,h,k,m,n,s,t,w[ae] r[ai]d,l,m,n,r,s,t h,t[ao] e,s,t,v[au]k b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,r,s,w,y[ay]e,s E: k,l,p,s,t,y[ea]r,t,u b,c,d,f,g,j,l,n,p,r,s,t,v,w,z[ee]k,l l,r,s[ei] [eo]n f,l,j[eu] b,d,f,g,h,k,l[ey]e I: p,r,v[ia] d,f,g,h,l,p,t,v[ie] b[io]n p[iu] O: b,g,k,m,z[oa]f,k,r,t d,f,h,j,r,t,v,w[oe]s p[oi]l b,c,g,l,m,n,t,w,z[oo]h,t f,s,y[ou]d,r,t b,c,f,h,j,s,t[oy] U: q[ua] c,d,h,k,r,s[ue] d,t[ui] d[uo] b,g[uy] Y: p,r[ya] a,b,d,e,k,l,p,r,t,w[ye] Scrabble®Aid’s 2200+ words conform to the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary 4th Edition (OSPD4) for use with the Scrabble® Brand Crossword Game. To print more copies or get the latest revision (periodically, official words are declared invalid or new ones are added) visit Please email any errors or omissions you find to [email protected] * San Diego, CA J Words (107) [2] jo. [3] ja(b,g,m,r,w,y); je(e,t,u); ji(b,g,n); jo(b,e,g,t, w,y); ju(g,n,s,t). [3] h aj; r aj; t aj. [4] ja(ck,de,gg,il,ke, mb,ne,pe,rl,to,uk,up,va,zz); je(an,ed,ep,er,ez,fe,hu,ll,on,rk, ss,st,te,ux); ji(ao,bb,be,ff,ll,lt,mp,nk,nn,nx,ve,vy); jo(ck,es,ey,hn,in,ke,ky,le,lt,sh,ss,ta,uk,wl); ju(ba,be,co,do, ga,ju,ke,ku,mp,nk,pe,ra,ry,st,te). [4] aj (ar,ee); d j i n; f u j i; ha (d j,j i,j j); k oj i; m ojo; puja; r aja; soja. K Words (163) [2] k(a,i). [3] ka(b,e,f,s,t,y); ke(a,f,g,n,p,x,y); khi; ki(d,f,n,p,r,s,t); ko(a,b,i,p,r,s); kue; kye. [3] a (r,s,u)k; d ak; e (ek,ke,lk); i (c,l,n,r)k; l ek; o (ak,ka,ke); s (ka,ki,ky,uk); t sk; u ke; w ok; y (a,o,u)k; z ek. [4] ka(as,di,gu,if,il,in,ka,ki,le, me,mi,na,ne,on,pa,ph,rn,rt,ta,va,yo); kbar; ke(ck,ef,ek,el,en, ep,et,ir,lp,lt,mp,no,nt,pi,pt,rb,rf,rn,to); kh(af,an,at,et); ki(be, ck,ef,er,ll,ln,lo,lt,na,nd,ne,ng,nk,no,rk,rn,ss,st,te,th,va,wi); klik; kn(ap,ar,ee,ew,it,ob,op,ot,ow,ur); ko(an,bo,el,hl,is,ji,la,lo,nk, ok,ra,ph,re,ss,to); kris; ku(do,du,fi,na,ne,ru); kvas; ky(ak,ar,at,es,te). Q Words (92) Q: [2] q i [3] q(at,is). [3] s uq. [4] qa(di,id,ts); qoph. [5] qa(dis,ids,nat); qophs. [5] b urqa; f aqir; t ranq; u miaq. [6] qi(ndar,ntar,viut); qwerty. QU: [3] qua. [4] qua(d,g,i,y); quey; qui(d,n,p,t,z); quod. [4] a qua. [5] qua(ck,ff,il,ke,ky,le,lm,nt,re,rk,rt,sh,si, ss,te); qubit; que(an,en,er,ll,rn,ry,st,ue); qui(ck,et,ff,ll,lt,nt, pu,re,rk,rt,te); quo(in,it,ll,ta,te,th); qursh. [5] aqu ae; equ (al,id,ip); (fi,pi,ro,to,tu,us)que; squ (ab,ad,at,aw,eg,ib,id). J, K, Q, V, X, or Z words that do NOT begin with these letters are shown in italics. Z Words (136) [2] za [3] za(g,p,s,x); ze(d,e,k,p); zi(g,n,p,t); zo(a,o); zuz; zzz. [3] a (dz,zo); (b i,c o)z; f (e,i)z; w iz. [4] za(ny,rf); ze(al,bu,in,ps,rk,ro,st,ta); zi(ll,nc,ne,ng,ti); zo(ea,ic,na,ne,nk, om,on,ri,uk); zyme. [4] a (dze,zan,zon); b (ize,ozo,uzz); c (hez,ozy,zar); d (aze,itz,oze,ozy); f (aze,izz,ozy,riz,utz,uze,uzz); g (aze,eez); ha (ze,zy); i zar; j (az,ee)z; l (aze,azy,utz); m (aze,azy,eze,ozo); o (oze,ozy,rzo,uzo,yez); p (hi,re,ut)z; q uiz; r (aze,azz,itz); s (ize,izy,paz); t zar; w hiz; y utz. [5] za(ire,mia,nza,ppy,xes,yin,zen); ze(bec,bra,sty); zi(bet,lch,ncy,neb,nes,ngy,nky,ppy,ram,zit); zlot(e,y); zo(eae,mbi,nae,nal,ner,oid,oks,oey,oty,uks,ril,wie); zuzim. Dumps (34) Use dumps to get rid of excess vowels or consonants. 4 vowels with consonant: aecia, cooee; adieu, audio, oidia; aalii, aioli, looie, louie; miaou; aquae, queue; aerie, areae, aurae, aurei, eerie, oorie, ourie, uraei; zoeae. All consonants: [3] brr, cwm, hmm, nth, pht, pst, shh, tsk. [4] brrr, pfft, psst. [5] crwth, phpht. Embeds & Reverses * Look for words embedded inside another. Example: The word path contains pa, pat, pah, at, ah. End with A (264) [2] (a,b,f,h,k,l,m,n,p,t,y)a. [3] a(b,g,h,l,m,n,v,w)a; b(a,o,r)a; e(r,t)a; goa; k(e,o)a; lea; moa; o(b,c,d,k,r,v)a; p(e,i,y)a; qua; r(i,y)a; s(e,h,k,p)a; t(e,w)a; uta; via; wha; yea; zoa. [4] a(bb,ct,gh,gm,lb,lf,lg,lm,mi,ng,nn,no,ns,nt,qu, re,ri,se,tm,ur)a; b(ab,em,et,im,ol,or,ot,un,ur)a; c(as,ec,hi,oc, od,ol,om,ox,ym)a; d(ad,at,ev,it,iv,on,op,um,ur)a; e(ph,tn,yr)a; f(av,et,il,le,or)a; g(ag,al,am,et,ig,li)a; h(ah,il,or,oy,ul,yl)a; i(de,le,li,lk,ni,ot,sb,xi)a; j(av,ot,ub,ug,ur)a; k(ak,an,ap,at,av, in,iv,ol,or,un)a; l(am,av,ev,im,ip,ir,oc,ot,un)a; m(am,an,ar,as, ay,eg,es,et,ic,in,ol,or,ox,ur,yn)a; n(ad,al,an,ap,em,ip,om,on, ot,ov)a; o(bi,de,hi,kr,le,ll,rc,rr,ss)a; p(ac,ap,ar,ic,ik,im,in,it,le, ro,uj,ul,um,un,up)a; r(ag,ai,aj,ay,he,ot,ug)a; s(ag,er,et,he,hw, ik,im,ku,ob,oc,od,of,oj,ol,om,or,oy,to,ub,ur)a; t(ak,al,ap,ax,el, ep,oe,og,ol,or,ub,uf,un)a; u(ln,lv,re,rs,ve)a; v(ar,as,el,en,er, ig,in,is,it,iv)a; w(ek,ho)a; y(og,uc,ug)a; z(et,oe,on)a. End with I (120) [2] (a,b,h,l,m,p,s,t,x)i. [3] a(h,m,n)i; chi; dui; ghi; k(h,o)i; lei; obi; p(h,o,s)i; r(a,e)i; s(e,k,r)i; tui. [4] a(br,nt,sc)i; b(an,id)i; c(ad,ed,ha,on)i; d(ef,el,en,uc)i; e(lh,tu)i; f(oc,uc,uj)i; g(ad,yr)i; h(aj,il)i; i(mp,nt)i; k(ad,ak,am,ep,iw,oj,uf)i; l(ar,at,ir,oc,ot,we)i; m(ag,ax,id,in,ir,od,om,un)i; n(ao,ev,id,is,od,or)i; p(ad,er,fu,ik,il,tu,ul,ur)i; q(ad,ua)i; r(ag,ak,am,an,ot)i; s(ad,ak,ar,at,em,hr,ol,or,yl)i; t(al,ax,ik,ip,it,op,or)i; u(na,nc)i; vagi; wadi; y(ag,et,og,on)i; z(it,or)i. * Reverse a word and see if it contains other words. Example: Reversing path yields htap which contains ha, hap, ta, tap. End with O (182) [2] (b,d,g,h,j,l,m,n,s,t,w,y)o. [3] a(d,g,p,v,z)o; b(i,o,r)o; coo; duo; ego; fro; goo; hao; loo; m(h,o)o; noo; o(h,n,x)o; pro; rho; t(a,h,o,w)o; u(d,p)o; who; zoo. [3] va(c,n,r,s,t,u,v,w); ve(e,g,t,x); vi(a,d,e,g,m,s); vo(e,w,x); [2] ab. [3] a(l,r)b; b(i,o,u)b; c(a,o,u)b; d(a,e,i,u)b; ebb; f(a,i,o,u)b; g(a,i,o)b; h(o,u)b; j(a,i,o)b; k(a,o)b; l(a,i,o)b; m(i,o)b; n(a,e,i,o,u)b; [4] a(er,gi,ls,lt,mb,mm,rc,rv,ut)o; b(ir,oh,ol,oy,oz,ri,ro,ub)o; vu(g,m). [3] av (a,e,o); d ev; e ve; g uv; i vy; l (a,e,u)v; orb; pub; r(e,i,o,u)b; s(a,i,o,u)b; t(a,u)b; urb; w(a,e)b; yob. c(al,am,ap,er,ha,ia,oc,oh)o; d(ad,at,ec,em,id,in,od,oj,ur)o; o va; r ev; t av. [4] va(gi,il,in,ir,le,mp,ne,ng,ra,ry,sa,se,st,tu); ve(al,ep,er,il,in,la,ld,na,nd,nt,ra,rb,rt,ry,st,to,xt); vi(al,be,ce,de, e(ch,dd,rg,ur,xp)o; f(ad,an,ar,ic,id,il,in)o; g(ir,ob,og,yr)o; ds,ed,er,ew,ga,le,ll,na,ne,no,ny,ol,rl,sa,se,ta,va,ve); End with C (45) h(al,el,er,ob,om,yp)o; i(nf,nr,nt)o; j(at,ia,uc,ud)o; vo(id,le,lt,te); vrow; vu(gg,gh). k(ay,en,et,il,in,ob,ol,ot,ud)o; l(en,ev,id,il,im,in,ob,oc,og)o; [3] arc; doc; hic; lac; m(a,i,o)c; orc; p(a,e,i)c; r(e,o)c; s(a,e,i)c; tic; vac. [4] alec; bloc; c(hi,ro)c; disc; e(mi,pi,ti,xe)c; f(is,li,lo)c; m(ak,an,ay,em,en,il,is,oj,on,oz)o; nolo; o(le,li,nt,rd,rz,tt,uz)o; X Words (118) p(ep,es,is,oc,ol,om,ra,yr)o; r(at,ed,ep,ot)o; huic; laic; m(arc,erc); narc; o(dic,tic); pyic; s(pe,yn)c; t(al,or)c; [2] x(i,u). [2] a x; e x; o x. [3] xis. [3] a xe; b ox; c ox; s(ag,eg,hm,ho,il,ol,um,yb)o; t(ac,ar,hi,hr,ir,op,or,oy,ri,yp,yr)o; uric; z(in,oi)c. d ex; f (a,i,o)x; g ox; h ex; k ex; l (a,e,o,u)x; m (a,i)x; n ix; u(mb,nc,nd,nt,pd)o; v(et,in)o; wino; zero. ox (o,y); p (a,i,o,y)x; r (a,e)x; s (a,e,i,o)x; t (a,u)x; v (e,o)x; End with H (30) w ax; z ax. [4] xyst. [4] a (pex,xal,xed,xel,xil,xis,xle,xon); [2] (a,e,o,s,u)h. [3] a(a,s)h; bah; d(ah,uh); e(d,t)h; f(e,o)h; End with U (61) b (oxy,rux); c (alx,oax,oxa,rux); d (exy,oux,oxy); h(a,e,u)h; ich; n(a,o,t)h; ooh; p(a,e,o)h; rah; shh; ugh; y(a,e)h. [2] (m,n,x)u. [3] amu; cru; e(a,c,m)u; f(e,l,o)u; gnu; jeu; e (aux,xam,xec,xed,xes,xit,xon,xpo); f (alx,aux,ixt,lax, leu; piu; s(a,o)u; tau; ulu; vau; you. [4] b(ab,ea,ed,ub)u; lex,lux,oxy); h oax; i (bex,lex,xia); j (eu,in)x; l (uxe,ynx); e(cr,me)u; fugu; g(en,ur)u; h(ab,ak)u; iglu; j(eh,uj,uk)u; m (axi,inx,ixt,oxa); n (ext,ixe,ixy); o (nyx,ryx,xen,xes,xid,xim); Scrabble®Aid * MaxLearning.Net © 2009 k(ag,ud,ur)u; l(at,ek,ie,it,ua,ul)u; m(en,eo,um)u; p(ra,up)u; p (ixy,lex,oxy,rex); r oux; s (ext,exy); t (axa,axi,ext); v ext; raku; sulu; t(ab,ho,hr,of,ol,ut)u; unau; vatu; zebu. w axy. [5] xe(bec,nia,nic,non,ric,rox,rus); xy(lan,lem,lol,lyl). V Words (96) End with B (54)