Ontario Provincial Police
Ontario Provincial Police
GOODLIFE FITNESS MEMBERSHIPS – NEW REGISTRATIONS The Ontario Provincial Police Association, OPPA Credit Union and GoodLife Fitness Clubs are pleased to offer the corporate discount on fitness memberships to members of the OPPA. If you choose to participate in the corporate wellness program, your membership fee for a one year term will be $440.00 (applicable taxes included). If the date is past March 1, 2016 please see the pro-rated fee schedule attached. If you are interested in joining GoodLife through the OPPA Credit Union or OPPA, please complete the attached registration form and mail it to the address below. Savings provided by this program are approximately 50% off the current regular club level rates. Spouses/Significant others and dependent children residing with OPPA members are also eligible for this preferred membership rate. Upon registration, GoodLife will generate a corporate membership number which will be issued to the participant at the GoodLife Fitness Club of choice. You do not receive a membership number/card from the OPPA Credit Union. Simply go to the gym on your start date and they will issue a key fob after looking you up by name. Photo ID may be required. If for any reason you experience any issues at the gym, please call the OPPA Credit Union office directly 1-800-461-4288. GOOD LIFE FITNESS MEMBERSHIPS – RENEWAL REMINDER We would like to remind members who took advantage of the GoodLife Corporate discount in 2015 that the membership expires on February 29, 2016. This is the expiration date regardless of when you originally signed up (as the rates were pro-rated at the time of registration). Renewals for the next season: Must be received on or before February 22, 2016 to ensure continuous member status Must submit the registration form found on the OPPA Credit Union website www.oppacu.com. Total renewal cost is $440.00 (applicable taxes included); please send registration form along with cheque or money order payable to OPPA Credit Union – GoodLife. Cheques must be dated no later than February 22, 2016. No post-dated cheques please. OPPA Credit Union members can authorize a payment from their OPPA Credit Union account and email the completed form to [email protected]. Additional terms and conditions regarding memberships: OPPA members can access any GoodLife location across Canada and Energie Cardio clubs in Quebec. Group Exercise classes are included as well as swimming and squash at the locations. Child minding, tanning, Hot Yoga, personal training and any classes led by a trainer (i.e. boot camps, TRX) would be an additional fee and would be set up directly at the club. No cancellations, holds or refunds are permitted during the term of this agreement. Please send payment and completed registration form (attached) by mail to: OPPA Credit Union 123 Ferris Lane, Barrie ON L4M 2Y1 GOODLIFE FITNESS WELLNESS PROGRAM MEMBER NAME: Badge/WIN #: Address: Daytime Phone #: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ E-Mail: ____________________________________________ RENEW GOODLIFE MEMBERSHIP □ I wish to RENEW my GoodLife Membership. □ I wish to RENEW my spouse’s GoodLife Membership. GOODLIFE MEMBERSHIP CARD #: ___________________ GOODLIFE MEMBERSHIP CARD #: ___________________ Name of Spouse: _________________________________________________________________________________ □ I wish to RENEW my dependent (s) GoodLife Membership. GOODLIFE MEMBERSHIP CARD #: ___________________ Name of Dependent (s): ___________________________________________________________________________ NEW GOODLIFE MEMBERSHIP □ I wish to enroll myself as a NEW member □ I wish to enroll my spouse as a NEW member Effective Date: ______________________1 , 20______ Effective Date: ______________________1 , 20______ Name of Spouse: _______________________________________________________________________________ □ I wish to enroll my dependent (s) as a NEW member Effective Date: ______________________ 1 , 20______ Name of Dependent: ___________________________________________________________________________ PAYMENT: □ Enclosed please find a cheque in the amount of $________________ , payable to OPPA Credit Union – GoodLife Mail completed form and cheque to OPPA Credit Union, 123 Ferris Lane, Barrie ON L4M 2Y1 □ Please take the payment of $______________ from my OPPA Credit Union Account #________________________ I, (name) ____________________________________ authorize the OPPA Credit Union to take my GoodLife membership fee from my OPPA Credit Union account on (date) __________________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Email completed form to [email protected] or mail to OPPA Credit Union, 123 Ferris Lane, Barrie ON L4M 2Y1 IMPORTANT INFORMATION This is a benefit for OPPA Credit Union members, OPPA members and their *spouses (significant other) and dependent children residing with them ONLY. *Spouse /Significant other are defined as husband, wife, same sex partner, boyfriend/girlfriend (living together under the same roof)* Payment in form of Cheque, Money Order and made payable to the OPPA Credit Union – GoodLife or a direct transfer from your Credit Union account ONLY. No Post-dated cheques please. NO REFUNDS PERMITTED. Memberships cannot be put on hold under any circumstances You WILL NOT receive a membership card from the OPPA Credit Union, simply go to the gym on your start date and they will issue you a key fob after looking you up by name. Photo ID may be required OPPA Credit Union, 123 Ferris Lane, Barrie ON L4M 2Y1 [email protected] (800) 461-4288 or (705) 726-5656 OPPA PRO-RATED SCHEDULE March 1, 2016 to February 29, 2017 MONTH March 1, 2016 April 1, 2016 May 1, 2016 June 1, 2016 July 1, 2016 August 1, 2016 September 1, 2016 October 1, 2016 November 1, 2016 December 1, 2016 January 1, 2017 February 1, 2017 TOTAL $440.00 $403.00 $367.00 $332.00 $296.00 $260.00 $225.00 $189.00 $153.00 $118.00 $ 82.00 $ 46.00 **All prices include admin. fee and HST** WELLNESS WORKSHOPS Presentations are one hour in length. An accompanying handout summarizing key points is available to print. Ask us about our "book 4 workshops and save $100" incentive! Our most popular workshops are listed in bold; workshops also available in a 30-minute format** ACTIVE LIVING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Deskercise** Exercise in Colder Weather Exercise in Warmer Weather How to Fit Exercise into Your Busy Life** Learn to Run a 5K Walk this Way: the benefits of walking** HEALTHY EATING 1. 10 Easy Steps to a Healthier Body** 2. A New Way to Look at Food Labels 3. Boosting the Burn: metabolism raisers** 4. Brain Foods & Stress Busters** 5. Chocolate, Sugar and other Cravings 6. Detoxification: the once over 7. Exploring Nutrition Myths 8. Food Label Lies: Marketing Tactics Exposed 9. Good Mood Foods 10. Healthy Eating on the Run** 11. Healthy Eating While on the Road 12. High Performance Nutrition for Endurance Athletes 13. Holiday Eating Survival Techniques 14. Is Gluten-Free for Me? 15. Nutrition for a Healthy Heart 16. Nutrition for Shift Workers** 17. So, you “Know Your Numbers”… Now What? 18. Superfoods for Super Immunity 19. Supermarket Savvy 20. The Kitchen Clean-Up 21. Vitamins & Supplements: be informed HEALTHY LIVING 1. Back Basics: a holistic approach to back health 2. Building Personal and Organizational Resilience 3. Butt Out! Successful Smoking Cessation 4. Diabetes Prevention 5. Female Hormones, Memory and Mood 6. Flu Prevention and Remedies 7. Healthy Heart: what women need to know 8. Men's Health: taking ownership for YOUR health 9. Naturopathic Medicine: benefits and modalities 10. Personal Ergonomics 11. Shift into Health: Wellness for the non-“9-5er”** 12. Sitting Disease** 13. Supporting the Health of the Men in Your Life 14. The Menopause Phase of Life STRESS-REDUCED LIVING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Brain Fitness for Memory and Mental Agility Developing Mental Resiliency Life Balance and Happiness Managing Stress in the Workplace Meditation and You Stress or Something Else: anxiety & depression Stress & Tension Tamers Stress Management in the Moment** The Power of Sleep: from A’s to Zzzzz’s Looking for a topic that does not appear on the list? Let us know! 416-752-7779 | 1-877-348-8742 | goodlifefitness.com/workplacewellness 1|Page
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