2012 Annual Report - OPPA Credit Union
2012 Annual Report - OPPA Credit Union
TABLE OF CONTENTS Agenda of the 41 Annual Meeting Page 2 A Look at 2012 Page 3 Report of the Board of Directors Page 4 Chief Executive Officer’s Report Page 5 Report of the Senior Manager, Credit and Risk Page 6 Audit Committee Report Page 7 Five Year Operating Highlights Page 8 Board of Directors Page 9 Board Committees Page 10 2012 Management and Staff Page 11 OPPA Credit Union Staff Service Awards Page 12 Management’s Responsibility for Financial Reporting Page 13 2012 Auditors’ Report Page 14 Financial Statements Page 15 Contact Us Page 20 st OPPA Credit Union Vision Statement Our focus is to provide the OPP family with a lifetime of superior financial experiences. We equally value safeguarding of Member Assets; Member Satisfaction; and Employee Satisfaction. OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 1 AGENDA OF 41 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING st DATE: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 TIME: Registration at 6:30 p.m. Meeting at 7:00 p.m. LOCATION: Sheba Shrine Club 142 John Street Barrie, Ontario AGENDA: 1. Call to Order 2. Registration Report & Declaration of Quorum 3. Official Welcome 4. Adoption of Minutes of 40th Annual Meeting 5. Adoption of Reports: • Auditor’s Report • Audit Committee Report • Board of Directors Report • Chief Executive Officer’s Report • Senior Manager, Credit and Risk Report 6. New Business: • Appointment of External Auditors 7. Election of Directors 8. Service Awards Presentation 9. Question Period 10. Door Prizes 11. Adjournment DINNER AND REFRESHMENTS 2 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life A LOOK AT 2012 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 3 REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS On behalf of your Board of Directors, it is my privilege to present the 2012 Annual Report of the OPPA Credit Union. The Board of Directors establishes the strategic direction, creates and maintains policies, oversees management and ensures compliance with all regulatory and statutory requirements. Annually, an independent audit is conducted by an audit firm approved by the membership at our Annual General Meeting. The 2012 Auditor’s Report and accompanying financial statements form the basis of this report. This past year we continued to operate in a challenging economic environment. These challenges are compounded by a changing landscape in the world of policing such as the recommendations of the Drummond Report, declining new recruit rates and other potential government austerity measures. As a result, the Board of Directors continues to focus on the following three issues through our 2011-2014 Strategic Plan: • Manage growth, liquidity, capital and interest rate risk; • Ensure effective service delivery by investing in our human resources and infrastructure; and, • Make our members aware of the unique value that we provide through value added personal service. In addition to the above challenges, the Board of Directors is approaching a period of significant regulatory change with respect to the demands on, and expectations of, board members. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I wish to thank the management team and the staff for their hard work, courteous service delivery and dedication. The goals and vision of the Board can only be realized by the staff implementing them. Our overall success is based on the quality people who deliver our services. In closing, I would also like to thank you our Members for your confidence and support. Remember, as our website states, we are “with you for life”. Steve Ridout 4 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT I’m pleased to report the OPPA Credit Union achieved moderate success in 2012 and has met and even exceeded some of the targets set by the Board of Directors at our Strategic Planning Meeting. The economic and low interest rate environment continues to put significant pressure on our operation. Interest rates are anticipated to remain low and, while the economy is expected to remain stable, there is no expectation for strong economic growth. We will continue to strive for solid growth by building our business one customer at a time by providing excellent and value added advice. We operate in a highly regulated industry and are facing increasing regulatory and compliance requirements. Ensuring employees and directors are properly trained and meeting these requirements is an ongoing challenge. On the financial front, we achieved asset growth of $11,862,398 or 8.06%. Lending products experienced growth of $10,340,154 or 7.48%. Looking forward to 2013, we will continue to employ the resources of the Credit Union to ensure the financial viability and overall profitability is secured for today and for the future. The OPPA Credit Union continues to give back to our members with the Image and Awareness Program. During 2012, awards were paid to our members as follows: Educational Scholarship Award Program $7,000, RESP Award Program $1,000 and Retirement Award Program $4,000. Our staff and management team are dedicated to providing the highest quality of services to our members. We are in the business to help our members with their financial needs and assist them in meeting or exceeding their life goals. Our strategic focus to increase member awareness of all OPPA Credit Union products and services will continue. During 2012, a number of upgrades were introduced to keep pace with current technologies. The RFS banking system was upgraded to a new platform which mirrors Microsoft’s Outlook navigation and display. Member Direct was enhanced to allow members to open various deposit accounts on-line. Mobile SMS banking enables our members to check account balances and recent account activity information from anywhere they can get a digital signal. Looking forward to 2013, we will be launching a new website and introducing the iPhone App. Special thanks to our Board of Directors for offering clear direction and vision throughout the year and to our Management team and staff for continuing to offer dedicated and knowledgeable advice to our membership. In closing, I would like to thank our members for your continued loyalty, support and feedback. Bryan Neely Chief Executive Officer OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 5 REPORT OF THE SENIOR MANAGER, CREDIT AND RISK For 2012, I’m pleased to report that considerable growth was achieved in our lending portfolio and we have continued to follow our fundamental principal of building long-term relationships with our members. Our credit granting is performed in accordance with approved policies and procedures and applicable legislation. Lending practices are set by the Board of Directors in policy and put into practice through procedures. In 2012 the new position of Advisor Support Rep was created to provide service and lending support to our Advisor teams. This allows the Advisors to have the maximum time available to provide value added service and advice to their members. The statistics outlined below represent the number of loans for 2012 with 2011 comparison figures. Loan Type Number of Loans Loan Value 2012 2011 2012 2011 Personal Loans 239 240 $ 4,489,107.70 $ 4,637,566.35 Recruit Loans 116 59 986,739.99 505,471.53 Mortgages 171 129 37,083,18.21 27,929,984.77 Commercial Mortgages 5 3 745,581.61 377,777.02 Bridge Loans 26 19 5,139,915.84 3,231,387.70 Meritline/Lines of Credit 169 127 5,248,965.00 4,745,500.00 Totals 726 577 $53,693,828.35 $41,427,687.37 Number of loans declined – 81 Delinquent loans over 90 days at December 31, 2012 - Nil I thank the Member Service Advisors, Advisor Support Reps and Member Service Assistants for providing our members with outstanding service during 2012. Our staff will continue to build relationships with their members and provide them with advice on their everyday financial needs as well as long-term financial goals during 2013. Karen Zammit Senior Manager, Credit and Risk 6 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT The OPPA Credit Union establishes an Audit Committee composed of members appointed by the Board from among its directors as required by the Credit Union Act, Section 125 (1). Our Audit Committee consists of three Board appointed members, with the CEO and Board Chair as exofficio members. The Committee held 5 meetings during 2012, guided by our Terms of Reference, to fulfil our oversight responsibilities for: • Financial reporting and disclosure • The external audit function • The internal audit function • Risk management and control environment • Compliance In addition, a committee meeting was held on November 19, 2012 with our internal auditor to review the internal audit plan. The Committee also met with the external auditors to review and discuss the audit plan. The audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 have been reviewed and the Committee has recommended their acceptance and approval by the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee also recommends that Jones & O’Connell perform the annual external audit for 2013. We confirm that all significant recommendations made by the Audit Committee have been implemented and that the Committee is conducting its affairs in accordance with the Act, Regulations and Credit Union by-laws. Committee Members: Scott Couse Scott Couse Fred Bertucca Audit Committee Chair Michael Martin OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 7 FIVE YEAR OPERATING HIGHLIGHTS MEMBERS STAFF Total new memberships in 2012 were 338. We continued with a comprehensive membership review and transfer of inactive memberships during 2012. ASSETS (including Assets Under Administration) NET PROFIT NOTE: Printed copies of complete financial statements along with accompanying notes and all required disclosures are available on request. Call 1-800-461-4288 or [email protected]. 8 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2012-2013 OPPA Credit Union Board of Directors is accountable to our membership for sound financial decision-making and a commitment to the OPP community. Each director has a duty to ensure that the Credit Union is managed in the best interests of all members, now and for the future. Date Term Elected Expires Steve Ridout, Chair 2006 2015 David Don, Vice-Chair 2001 2013* Michael Martin, Secretary 2009 2015 Scott Couse, Audit Chair 2001 2013* Fred Bertucca, Director 2008 2014 Kim Patterson, Director 2008 2014 Suzanne Chaddock, Director 2012** 2013* * Term expires at Annual Meeting ** Appointed in September 2012 Front Row (left to right): Fred Bertucca, David Don, Kim Patterson Back Row (left to right): Scott Couse, Michael Martin, Steve Ridout Absent: Bill Soule, Suzanne Chaddock OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 9 BOARD COMMITTEES Committee Members Audit S Couse (Chair), F Bertucca, M Martin Governance D Don (Chair), S Ridout, M Martin, S Couse Nominating K Patterson (Chair), F Bertucca, M Martin General (CEO Performance Management/Policy Review) K Patterson (Chair), D Don, S Chaddock Bill Soule The Board of Directors wish to recognize the contribution of Bill Soule to the governance of our Credit Union. Bill was elected to the Board of Directors in 2004 and has served as our Board Secretary, Vice-Chair and Chair of the Governance Committee during his terms of office. Bill resigned from his position in September 2012 and we extend sincere thanks for his dedication to the OPPA Credit Union. In Memoriam Our deepest sympathy is extended to the families of the members of the OPPA Credit Union Limited who passed away during 2012. Steve Ridout Board Chair 10 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 2012 MANAGEMENT AND STAFF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Bryan Neely Andrew Shannon MANAGEMENT Karen Zammit - Senior Manager, Credit and Risk Debbie Sokoloskie – Senior Manager, Business Development Laurie Dennis – Manager, Member Service Administration Shelley Jong – Member Service Supervisor SENIOR MEMBER SERVICE ADVISOR Casey Thompson MEMBER SERVICE ADVISORS Shannon Antonio Dale Gamble Jennifer Collins Victoria Simpson ADVISOR SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVES Bettyann Bielak Carmen Langford Tammy Lewis Lorraine McCluskey Tanya Verkerk SENIOR MEMBER SERVICE ASSISTANT Jill Bennett MEMBER SERVICE ASSISTANTS April Brockman Jolene Hollmann MEMBER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES Bonnie Elliott Tammy King * Danita Hellingman Joanne Norrena ADMINISTRATION STAFF Iris Bilokrely Starr Cook Tineke Schmidt Irene Stacey Donna Trebble * *Part-time OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 11 OPPA CREDIT UNION STAFF SERVICE AWARDS Each year presentations are made to staff recognizing significant milestones in their career with OPPA Credit Union. We are pleased to present the following at the 2013 Annual General Meeting: 5 Years of Service: Bettyann Bielak - Advisor Support Representative Tineke Schmidt - Senior Accounting Administrator 10 Years of Service Laurie Dennis - Manager, Member Service Administration 15 Years of Service Jill Bennett - Senior Member Service Assistant 25 Years of Service Irene Stacey - Administrative Assistant 12 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life MANAGEMENT’S RESPONSIBILITY FOR FINANCIAL REPORTING The accompanying summarized financial statements of OPPA Credit Union Limited and all the information in this annual report are the responsibility of Management and have been approved by the Board of Directors. The financial statements have been prepared by Management in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. When alternative accounting methods exist, Management has chosen those it deems most appropriate in the circumstances. Financial statements are not precise since they include certain amounts based on estimates and judgements. Management has determined such amounts on a reasonable basis in order to ensure that the financial statements are presented fairly, in all material respects. Management has prepared the financial information presented elsewhere in the annual report and has ensured that it is consistent with that in the financial statements. OPPA Credit Union maintains systems of internal accounting and administrative controls of high quality, consistent with reasonable cost. Such systems are designed to provide reasonable assurance that the financial information is relevant, reliable and accurate and that the Credit Union’s assets are appropriately accounted for and adequately safeguarded. The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that Management fulfils its responsibilities for financial reporting and is ultimately responsible for reviewing and approving the financial statements. The Board carries out this responsibility principally through its Audit Committee. The Audit Committee is appointed by the Board. The Committee meets periodically with Management and the external auditors to discuss internal controls over the financial reporting process, auditing matters and financial reporting issues, to satisfy itself that each party is properly discharging its responsibilities and to review the annual report, the financial statements and the external auditors’ report. The Committee reports its findings to the Board for consideration when approving the financial statements for issuance to the owners. The financial statements have been audited by Jones & O’Connell LLP, the external auditors, in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards on behalf of the owners. Jones & O’Connell LLP has full and free access to the Audit Committee. Bryan Neely Chief Executive Officer OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life Andrew Shannon Chief Operating Officer 13 14 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 15 16 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 17 18 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life 19 CONTACT US Our Barrie Office: 123 Ferris Lane Barrie ON L4M 2Y1 Telephone and Fax: Toll Free: 1-800-461-4288 Local Telephone: (705) 726-5656 Fax: (705) 726-1449 Website: www.oppacu.com Your Member Service Advisor Each Member Service Advisor is assigned to a group of members, depending on the first letter of your last name. To reach your Member Service Advisor by phone, call our main telephone number and enter the extension. Our Advisor Support Reps provide technical member service and retail lending support to our Member Service Advisor team. Surname Alpha Member Service Advisor Advisor Support Rep A,C,I,J,K,N,O Dale Gamble Bettyann Bielak Extension 2231 Extension 2228 Shannon Antonio Tammy Lewis Extension 2223 Extension 2225 Jennifer Collins Carmen Langford Extension 2224 Extension 2249 Casey Thompson Tanya Verkerk Extension 2240 Extension 2234 Victoria Simpson Lorraine McCluskey Extension 2222 Extension 2239 B,D,T E,F,G,H L, M, U-Z P,Q,R,S 20 OPPA Credit Union - With You For Life
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