Time sure flies when you are having fun. Here we... some new hopes and dreams. During this time of year...


Time sure flies when you are having fun. Here we... some new hopes and dreams. During this time of year...
January / February 2014
Time sure flies when you are having fun. Here we go again with a new calendar year and
some new hopes and dreams. During this time of year we take a break from our usual Wednesday
evening programming. We will meet for a meal and fellowship and also begin to reflect on the past
year at HUMC. We will share our passions and hopes for what the future might hold. I always look
forward to a time to celebrate what has been accomplished, evaluate what could be improved and
discern the leading of the Holy Spirit for the future.
As we prepare for this time together, please be reflecting on your own commitment to Christ
and your role here at Hindman United Methodist Church. Every member is important towhat God has
in store for us. I believe that for the health of our church, we all need to continue to grow and stretch
ourselves. We want to avoid getting stuck in a groove and becoming complacent with that. It seems
that most personal Christian growth occurs when people step out of the boat and step up to the next
challenge. It naturally follows that church health and effectiveness improves in correlation with the
growth of the individuals. We have several examples of that in our own history here at HUMC. I‘m
sure we all have seen the results of churches that did not continue to grow and change. Let u all
commit to stretching ourselves and come together to see what Christ might want that to look like for
our ministry. I‘m looking forward to it!
Blessed to be your pastor,
our Pastor‘s family, especially Tracey, for preparing
so much food on ―Christmas Gift Sunday‖ as their
way of saying ‗thank you‘ to us for supporting them
throughout the year.
The chairs we use during our worship
services were moved to the storage room, the
tables and folding chairs came out. Each table was
beautifully decorated with a red or green table
cover, a poinsettia or a candle, and the food was
enjoyed by all.
After the feast, everyone that wanted to was encouraged to share their gift to Jesus
with music, by the reading of a poem, or the promise to use their God given gifts in service to our Lord. With Ian
Farquharson‘s help, Pastor Rob showed off his juggling skills. We were impressed! For more pictures, please visit our
Facebook page. We are truly blessed to have each other.
As every Christmas, the women of the church and their friends enjoyed a great Christmas
Party. The food that was served was diverse and delicious, as it always is.
Christmas is the season for sharing, and this year we elected to collect gifts for the Spouse
Abuse Center in Hazard rather than exchanging gifts among ourselves. We were told that there is a
waiting list to get into the shelter, and that is very disturbing, not only that the center is not large enough, but that it is
necessary at all.
As a thank you gift to our long-time president Jan Stumbo, Hindman United Methodist Women will give $100 to
the Orphans Home in Gulu, Uganda. This amount will ensure one child‘s education for one year. Dr. Stumbo and Jan
have been very involved with the Gulu project since their Children‘s Choir visited us several years ago. If you want to find
out more about their and our church‘s involvement with Gulu, you may contact either Dr. Stumbo or Jan and they can give
you more information and direct you to the appropriate contact persons.
Please check our church‘s website and the link to the calendar to find out when we will meet again.
You don’t have to be a member of Hindman United Methodist Church to attend our meetings.
~ Karin Ritchie
We have ‘Read Through the Bible’ material on the round table at the back of the sanctuary. More copies of these
guides are available in the office, so just ask for them. Alternatively, consider one of the following online resources:
The following audio Bibles are available online:
Faith Comes By Hearing – Find several free audio Bible downloads, or listen online to the Streaming Bible;
BibleGateway.com – Listen online to a comprehensive 365-day Bible reading plan;
BibleStudyTools.com – Register for a customizable daily reading plan, including an audio Bible.
Blue Letter Bible – Read or listen to the daily reading selection;
StudyLight.org – Read or listen to the daily reading selection, with several Bible translations to choose from;
Alternatively, the following Bible apps with audio features are available:
Bible by YouVersion – iTunes Store;
Bible by YouVersion – Android Market;
Bible.is – iTunes Store;
Bible.is – Android Market;
Daily Audio Bible – iTunes Store;
Daily Audio Bible – Android Market;
Wednesday night JUMP activities ended for the 2013 year on December 11 with a Christmas program presented
by the children. We have a few needs for teachers when JUMP begins again in March of 2014. Staff will meet on
Wednesday, February 28 at 6:30 pm. We need at least two (2) Pre-K teachers and a teacher for the Grades 5-6 class.
Students are encouraged to remember they were learning the books of the New Testament last semester and all
who can recite them on the first Wednesday back without assistance will receive a prize.
We need story-tellers and greeters for Worship and Wonder. We hope to have a training session with Lois
Weinberg and Jan Stanfill shortly after New Year. Please call the church office if you are interested or notify Lois, Jan, or
~ Belinda Conley
Fellowship Team
Weather permitting, the Fellowship Team will meet on Sunday, January 5 immediately following the worship
service. Soup will be served so bring something that will complement soup.
The 2014 winter Fellowship Wednesdays will begin with a "brainstorm" session on Wednesday, January 8 at 6
pm. The main dish for the meal will be various types of soup. There will be a sign up sheet available. Your ideas and
input are needed as plans for January and February are made. Come and bring your family and maybe a friend who
normally doesn't attend. Members of the Youth group will have activities with the children during Wednesday night
fellowship events. This childcare is a fundraising opportunity for the youth. We are asking one dollar ($1.00) per child.
The largest group ever were blessed to be able to visit with our shut ins and those in the Knott Co. Health and
Rehab Center on Sunday, December 15. Thirty-nine adults, youth and children spent much of Sunday afternoon singing
to Anna B. Pigman, Nan Taylor, Linda and K. Amburgey, Marcia and Jim Stamper, and Jo Cornett, Mildred Collins,
Adeline Ward (Grady's aunt) and others at the nursing home.
A special "Thank You" to Paul Parks for providing us with lunch. Many in the group were adorned with
Christmas hats and jingle bells that added Christmas spirit to the outing.
~ Jan Stumbo
The Christmas Season is past but hopefully the message of
God‘s immense love for us will continue with each of us as we enter a New Year.
The kids and volunteers of JUMP enjoyed several giving opportunities this
session. A total of $150 was collected to send to children of Uganda. This offering will
be used to purchase mosquito netting for children‘s beds to help prevent the spread of
On December 4, kids were invited to shop for their parents from gifts provided by volunteers in the church. Thank
you to every person who helped with this project. On December 11, the last night of JUMP for the winter session, kids
and youth presented their annual Christmas program for friends and family. Stacy Burnett, Mike Hicks and the youth
portrayed the wonder of Christ‘s birth, His ministry to a hurting world, and His resurrection over death to make eternal life
possible to those who will believe. (Myles Burnett as baby Jesus was simply precious!) The younger children shared the
Nativity story with each class presenting a part of the story—the angels, the shepherds, and the wisemen. Lori Boggs is
due a special ―thank you‖ for finding a Christmas program that was spiritual and easy to present. The kids enjoyed
making their own crafts to use as part of the portrayal.
From all the JUMP staff, we pray God‘s blessings upon each family of the church in this coming year.
~ Jennifer Hale
Bethlehem Bound
- In one night, the JUMP kids created props, rehearsed, and
presented a fun Christmas play. They went from rehearsal to performance—all in one
We joined Marty and Ramona, a Bible-times couple, as they lead the way on the journey to Bethlehem on the
night of Jesus‘ birth. They crossed paths with Mary and Joseph, a musical caravan, Wise Ones going to meet the baby
king, harmonic angels, and shepherds with a flock of inspiring sheep—all played by our very own JUMP kids, decked out
with amazing props they created!
This terrific performance took place on Wednesday, December 11th. Kids in preschool through 6th grade put on
a fabulous performance with the help of Maggie and Franklin, who played the parts of Mary and Ramona. Great job kids!
~ Lori Boggs
Some of the youth helped with Trunk or Treat this year. There was a large amount of
kids from the community that came.
The youth participated in the JUMP Christmas program by doing an interpretive movement to the song "Mary Did You
Know", which will be performed on December 22nd during the church service as well. Performers were: Maggie Hoffman
as Mary, Myles Burnett as baby Jesus, Matthew Hicks as adult Jesus, and those Jesus healed as mentioned in the Bible
were Corey Clark as the blind man, Maleisha Pigman as the dead, Karys Conley as the lame, Aaron Thomas as the mute,
and Sara Hicks as the deaf.
Thank you to everyone who gave a donation during our chili fundraiser in November!
Upcoming Event: Winterblitz January 24th-26th
~ Stacy Burnett
Think PINK
Once again, on Sunday, December 22nd there was a lot of
pink at HUMC. Why so much pink? Well, it was another meeting of
the special program for girls entitled Think Pink. The Think Pink
program is designed to teach girls in grades 1st through 6th about
the important role of kindness in our lives. This month our focus
was on the bible verses Matthew 22:33-40. The girls learned about
God‘s second most important commandment to us - love others as he has loved us. We
discussed using acts of kindness to show God‘s love to others.
This special Think Pink meeting also included the creation of some very cute pink peanut snowman ornaments
and edible pink ice cream cone Christmas trees. Our next Think Pink meeting will be in late January. Please invite all the
special young ladies in your life to attend our next Think Pink meeting. It really is a fun time for our girls to learn about the
very important role kindness can play in our everyday lives.
~ Lori Boggs
We are getting ready to host our 11th season of
UPWARD Basketball & Cheerleading Games
Time really is flying – practice sessions began the week of December 9, and after taking
a break for Christmas, the first round of games will start Saturday, January 4, at 9 am. Games
will be played each Saturday in January and February, it is an eight game season where each
child gets equal playing time.
As always, we welcome and appreciate everyone‘s help to make this program the success that it always is. It
takes time to take down the chairs after each Sunday‘s worship service, get the folding chairs out, and at game days we
always need someone to volunteer to referee a game or two, someone willing to give their personal testimony at halftime,
help in the kitchen, and after the games with clean-up and getting the gym area ready again for Sunday service. We have
a place for you, just let Pastor Rob, Patrick Conley, Dwight Fields, Karin Ritchie or Jan Stumbo know that you want to help
and we will be happy for you to take your part in this worthwhile program.
We invite you to come out and watch the children play and cheer, and also enjoy delicious food at the
Concession window. The money we raise through the sale of concessions will go toward the purchase of trophies and
Awards Ceremony entertainment.
Please refer to our website’s home page calendar link for any scheduling changes www.hindmanumc.org
Changes will be announced on our Facebook page as well
~ Karin Ritchie
The SWAP program is an outreach program of MCC
(Mennonite Central Committee), partnering with the Hindman Settlement School and
Hindman United Methodist Church. Our program coordinates groups of volunteers who come
to Knott County to do home repairs for low income families. Our goal is to create safe, warm,
and dry housing for our clients.
Since February of 2013, we have hosted ten volunteer groups who worked on 24 homes. There were 169
volunteers who contributed their time and energy to repair roofs, flooring, drywall, and siding, build ramps and stairs,
replace windows and doors, add a small room, and paint homes inside and out. Hindman United Methodist Church
provided a team which replaced a metal roof, repaired and painted siding, and repaired underpinning at one residence
and replaced a tub surround at another. The Church generously supplies housing for the summer staff as well as meeting
rooms for some of our evening sessions, kitchen facilities, and lodging for the volunteer groups. This summer marked the
end of Fern Nafziger‘s term of service with SWAP.
We continue to finish up a few projects and work on upkeep of MCC facilities as well as projects for Hindman
United Methodist Church and the Settlement School. In October we hosted an MCC Learning Tour, inviting twelve people
to join us here for an educational and recreational experience of eastern Kentucky. The Settlement School provided
lodging, some food, and other facilities. SWAP also partnered with the Housing Development Alliance in Hazard for a
Knott County Repair Affair on October 19, where we provided repairs for six homes in one day, using 51 volunteers.
Hindman United Methodist Church provided two work teams. We appreciated the partnership of the Settlement School in
providing the staging location and breakfast for the volunteers.
During the winter months, as well as promoting the SWAP program, we volunteer in the local library in addition to
the time we give to the church and the Settlement School. It is our goal to grow our program to include projects
throughout the year and to offer opportunities for many different kinds of volunteer groups. In May of 2014 we expect to
host a two-week study/service term for 32 students from Bluffton University in Ohio. The students will have opportunities
to work on home repair projects as well as learn about the culture, history, and environment of this beautiful area.
Once again, we greatly appreciate the support of the Hindman United Methodist Church in helping the SWAP
program reach out to the local community.
~ Phil and Joan Steininger
Location Coordinators
The Bible is about religious and moral issues, and not about money at all, let alone charitable giving
It is a common idea that the Bible has only to do with so-called religious matters, e.g., church attendance,
individual conversion, and personal piety. But this is a misunderstanding, probably derived more from cultural hearsay
than from careful reading of the Bible itself. Really, it would be fairer to say that the Bible is about everything. The Bible
covers the waterfront of human life because the gospel of God‘s redemption covers the waterfront of human life. In the
words of Scripture, God is reconciling all things to Himself through Christ (Colossians 1:20). ―All things‖ certainly includes
money and material possessions, so it is no surprise to find that the Bible speaks plainly and frequently about these
things. There are philosophies that separate reality into ―spiritual‖ and ―material‖ spheres, but Christianity is not one of
them. In the Bible, all of life (including the use of money) is spiritual because God is involved in it. When we take the time
to read the Bible carefully, we find that it has much more to say to us than we may have realized, not least of all about our
giving. Start by reading these key Bible verses on money and stewardship.
To Jennifer Hale and her family as they mourn the passing of her husband Tim on
Wednesday, November 13, 2013;
To the family of Jeanette Amburgey as they mourn the passing of her niece Janet
Michelle (Chelle) Mullins on December 18, 2013;
To Joyce Childers’ family as they mourn the passing of her aunt, Nadine Fults, on
December 28, 2013.
May God keep his loving arms wrapped around them and give them peace.
Grady and Jan Stumbo are proud to announce the birth of their granddaughter
Carly Addison Kress on Monday, November 18, 2013. Carly weighed at 7 lbs. 2 oz.
and was 19 inches long. Carly is the daughter of Dr. Jessica Stumbo and Greg Kress.
We pray God’s blessings upon the families.
“And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts,
living within you as you trust in him.”
Ephesians 3:7 TLB
Lord, this is my earnest prayer as I look toward a new year with You. Amen.
January 2
January 4
January 7
January 8
January 10
January 12
January 16
January 18
January 19
January 20
January 21
January 22
January 24
January 25
January 27
January 28
January 31
Chase Short
Etta Jo Gayheart
Karys Conley
Mandee Moul
Alan ―Mo‖ Moul
Deborah Combs
Michael Parks
Abby Maggard
Abbey Boggs
Norm Bishop
Autumn Slone
Tim Watson
Tyler Kilburn
Dallas Slone
Colbi Johnson
Jimmy Cox
Sam Hoffman
Cydni Trent
Donna Bishop
Shannon Burnett
Kristan Michelle Cook
Waldo Combs
Bob Wetmore
Todd Stumbo
February 1
February 3
February 5
February 9
February 10
February 11
February 12
February 13
February 19
February 23
February 24
February 25
February 26
February 27
February 28
Emma Grace Watson
Franklin Combs
Jennifer Hale
Victoria Amburgey
Matthew Hicks
Timothy Fields
Allyson Slone
Seth Williams
Patricia Bradley
Dwayne Amburgey
Gracie Ritchie
Courtney Fields
Cordell Gayheart
Frieda Mullins
Arnetta Stewart
Kermit Williams
Chasidy Watson-Collins
Austin Slone
Darrell Slone
$$$ Birthday Challenge $$$
In memory of Bethel Ritchie who challenged everyone to
make a donation to the Building Fund in honor of their birthday,
1 for each year.
Ephesians 2:10
January 8
January 11
January 19
Waldo and Jenaly Combs
Don and Billie Owens
Danny and Bertha Romines
Team Work
“For we are God’s handiwork, created
in Christ Jesus to do good works,
which God prepared in advance for
us to do.”
2:10 (NIV)
Lynn and Lori Pigman
February 15
Wm. K. and Linda Amburgey
What’s on your Heart
“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be
sympathetic, love one another, be
compassionate and humble.”
1 Peter 3:8 (NIV)
Pastor Rob Hoffman, his family
and the congregation of
Hindman United Methodist Church
are praying
God’s blessings upon you and your family
throughout the New Year