The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (ISSN 1948-7185) is published... by the American Chemical Society at 1155 16th St. NW,...


The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (ISSN 1948-7185) is published... by the American Chemical Society at 1155 16th St. NW,...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (ISSN 1948-7185) is published semimonthly
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Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University
Evanston, Illinois 60208-3113
(847) 467-2446; Fax (847) 467-2447
E-mail [email protected], [email protected]
Prashant V. Kamat
Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory
(574) 631-2817; Fax (202) 513-8813
E-mail [email protected]
Oleg V. Prezhdo
University of Rochester
Gregory D. Scholes
Princeton University
Joan-Emma Shea
University of California, Santa Barbara
Francisco Zaera
University of California, Riverside
Timothy S. Zwier
Purdue University
Constance M. Biegel
Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory
(574) 631-2817; Fax (202) 513-8813
E-mail [email protected]
Christine M. Aikens
Kansas State University
Anastassia N. Alexandrova
University of California, Los Angeles
Scott L. Anderson
University of Utah
Neal R. Armstrong
University of Arizona
John B. Asbury
Pennsylvania State University
Roi Baer
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Matthew C. Beard
National Renewable Energy
Mark A. Berg
University of South Carolina
Andrew B. Bocarsly
Princeton University
Joel M. Bowman
Emory University
Charles T. Campbell
University of Washington
Emily A. Carter
Princeton University
Robert J. Cave
Harvey Mudd College
Garnet Kin-Lic Chan
Princeton University
Christopher M. Cheatum
University of Iowa
Pi-Tai Chou
National Taiwan University
Qiang Cui
University of Wisconsin–Madison
Liming Dai
Case Western Reserve University
David A. Dixon
University of Alabama
Takayuki Ebata
Hiroshima University
Odile Eisenstein
Universite Montpellier II
Mostafa A. El-Sayed
Georgia Institute of Technology
Gregory S. Engel
The University of Chicago
Etsuko Fujita
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Laura Gagliardi
University of Minnesota
Giulia Galli
University of California, Davis
Mark S. Gordon
Iowa State University
Vicki H. Grassian
University of Iowa
Clare Grey
University of Cambridge
Martin Gruebele
University of Illinois at
Leif Hammarström
Uppsala University
William L. Hase
Texas Tech University
John M. Herbert
The Ohio State University
Johan Hofkens
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Gerhard Hummer
Max Planck Institute of Biophysics
Stephen J. Klippenstein
Argonne National Laboratory
Todd D. Krauss
University of Rochester
Anna I. Krylov
University of Southern California
Eugenia Kumacheva
University of Toronto
Timothy J. Lee
NASA Ames Research Center
Nancy E. Levinger
Colorado State University
Tianquan Lian
Emory University
Roland Lindh
Uppsala Universitet
W. Carl Lineberger
University of Colorado
Stephan Link
Rice University
Ru-Shi Liu
National Taiwan University
Alan C. Luntz
SLAC National Accelerator
Edward Maginn
University of Notre Dame
Spiridoula Matsika
Temple University
Gerald J. Meyer
Johns Hopkins University
William E. Moerner
Stanford University
Paul Mulvaney
University of Melbourne
Kei Murakoshi
Hokkaido University
Gilbert M. Nathanson
University of Wisconsin–Madison
David J. Nesbitt
University of Colorado
Amitava Patra
Indian Association for the
Cultivation of Science
Matthew Pelton
University of Maryland,
Baltimore County
Kimberly Prather
University of California, San Diego
Geraldine Richmond
University of Oregon
Ursula Röthlisberger
Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale Lausanne
Garry Rumbles
National Renewable
Energy Laboratory
Yang Shao-Horn
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Edwin L. Sibert, III
University of Wisconsin–Madison
K. George Thomas
Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research
Thiruvananthapuram (IISER-TVM)
Peter Tieleman
University of Calgary
Andrei Tokmakoff
University of Chicago
Mark E. Tuckerman
New York University
Fabrice Vallee
CNRS - Université Lyon 1
Sukumaran Vasudevan
Indian Institute of Science
Gilbert Walker
University of Toronto
Gary P. Wiederrecht
Argonne National Laboratory
Yun-Dong Wu
Peking University
Klaas Wynne
University of Glasgow
Sotiris S. Xantheas
Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory
Arie Zaban
Bar-Ilan University