fixed compiled


fixed compiled
Volume 06 Issue 03
Jersey Shore Area High School, 701 Cemetery Street, Jersey Shore, PA 17740
Editors in Chief
Ashley Weaver * Hannah Burdick
News Editor
Molly Hyland
Assistant News Editor
Mariah DeParasis
this issue
Features Editors
Taylor Curry * Kailyn Fausey
Sports Editor
Joshua Bowser
Assistant Sports Editor
Amber Kachelries
Opinions Editor
Eric Budd
Goddard Grant
Top Students
End of Limewire
Dane Cook
Classic books
District win
Top Athletes
Page 9
Page 14
Assistant Opinions
Abbey Haldeman
Editorial Staff
Kierstin Bathurst
Kortnee Blair
Samantha Boerner
Elasha Brown
Dereck Cannady
Lindsay Dudek
Chelsea Hartzel
Taylor Hawkins
Morgan Rhinehart
Evan Sander
Cassandra Sechrist
David Sweeney
Emily Thomas
Megan Tomb
Krista Weymouth
Introduction Staff
Utoa Agae-Naipo * Emily Confair
Madeline Dincher * Tiara Edwards
Leighanne Eisenhauer * Gage Feigles
Danyelle Fuller * Krys Fuller
Samantha Grinnell * Andrew Kiess
Victoria Mirabella * Emily Sander
Tawney Squier * Rebecca Cathcart
Mrs. Janna Riggle
The Paw Print
Jersey Shore Senior High
701 Cemetery St..,
Jersey Shore, PA 17740
Page 10
Page 4
Sudoku Puzzle
Solution: Page 25
did you know?
※ Fossil evidence shows that turkeys
roamed the Americas 10 million
years ago!!!!
※ Turkeys were one of the first animals
in the Americas to be domesticated.
※ The First Thanksgiving lasted for
three days.
※ 91% of Americans eat turkey on
Thanksgiving Day.
※ 535 million pounds of turkey are
eaten on Thanksgiving Day.
Halloween Dress
Up Had Great
Students dressed up as many different people,
from Mario and Luigi( including Yoshi) to superheroes such as Batman, Ironman, Spiderman,
and Wolverine.
3 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Preschoolers Trick-or-Treated in Our Halls
By Cassie Sechrist
Those short people
roaming the halls recently
dressed in costumes were
not next year’s freshman
class. They were the children
who attend the Bullpups
Playhouse Preschool and
they spent part of their day
trick or treating.
The three- to fiveyear-olds were escorted
through the halls in their
adorable costumes. They
were paraded around the
school by the teachers that
are juniors and seniors took
the three credit child care
program this year. Their
costumes included girls being cute princesses, the boys
as dragons, and many others. Each one was unique,
and very special.
These little kids were going trick or treating and visiting
certain teachers’ rooms to
collect candy in their various buckets. The youngest
group left at the end of second period, and the older
group went trick or treating
at the end of sixth period.
Many teachers volunteered
to let the kids come into
their classroom during
class so that they could give
them candy. They lined up
in the teacher’s room and
did a little fashion show to
show off their perfect costumes, and wiggled in excitement as they awaited
the clink as the candy hit
the bottom of their buckets.
The children had a
blast as they walked
through the halls in a “big
kid” school to get candy.
This was something they will remember and talk about all the way
home to their parents as they eat their lollipops and Tootsie Rolls.
Magic Was Also A
Popular Costume Idea
There were witches, tooth fairies, and even Harry Potter. Magic was
seen all over school on Halloween. Mrs. Hopple and Mr. Showers
decided to be supernatural
for Halloween.
4 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Masks, Shields, and
Even Wigs
Students went all out this year, dressing from head to
toe and accessorizing
their costumes to the
fullest extent. From
and Indians
to clowns
and zombies.
5 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Shore Sophomore Wins At Con-Con
By Dereck Cannady and Eric Budd
Jersey Shore students were among
those who participated in the Model Constitutional Convention held at Lock Haven University in October. This is a reenactment of the original 1787 Constitution
Convention held in Philadelphia, but
with modern day concerns and issues.
Many schools in the surrounding
“The whole
area represented states and presented
experience was
resolutions for the amendment of our
amazing and
Constitution. This is Jersey Shore’s second time participating in this event and
educational,” we came home with two of the four troVictoria
One person who earned a trophy was
Victoria Mirabella (10). This was her
first time in an event such as this but she
was able to receive the Best Delegate trophy. “The whole experience was amazing
and educational,” she says. She described the event as the best time of her
year and that she’d gladly do it again.
Her strategy was to use 60 percent of her
ears and 40 percent of her mouth. With
this method she was able to walk away
with one of the most valued trophies.
Just as we received the Best Delegate award, we also received
the Best Delegation
award. Ben Copenhaver (12), Dan Pellacore (12), and
Spencer Ross (9),
our delegation from
Mississippi, walked
away with another of
the four trophies.
was intriguing,” says
Ben. “It was very
interesting, a bit
awkward at first…It
was a great exercise
in in-depth thinking
on the spot on a
broad variety of topics.”
Congratulations, Victoria,
Ben, Dan, and
Spencer, as well as
every other Jersey
Shore student who
participated in Constitutional Convention. We hope to see you participate next year.
Goddard Grant- A Gift For All
By Sam Boerner
You may have noticed Mrs. LouAnne Gasperine this year with a fancy new
iPad. She received this through a program known as the Goddard Grant. The grant
is of $1.6 million in monetary value, but to the teachers who have received it and
the students who benefit from it, it is priceless. This grant was offered by former
Jersey Shore graduate Dave Morgan through Dr. Robert Conroy, assistant superintendent. The grant is associated with the PA3 Region which focuses on math, science, and technology.
After accepting the opportunity and signing on for the three-year program,
Mrs. LouAnne Gasperine, Ms. Jennifer Barnhart, and Mrs. Jodi English spent
three days at NASA as well as one week at Immaculate University for training. They
were taught by professors from Bucknell and elsewhere on subjects like electrostatics, partial physics, and Newton’s Laws of Motion. They were also required to take
a pre-test and post-test, which they will also need to take once again in May. Also,
monthly meetings are required to assure that what they have been taught is not
falling to the wayside. Their time spent in training gave them “good professional
development” as well as taught them content knowledge and how to work with new
technologies to better help them in the classroom, Mrs. Gasperine explained.
The grant benefits not only the teachers, who were paid for their time spent in
training, but also the students who are lucky enough to be taught by them. Teachers took part in several activities that they can bring back to the class as well as new
lessons incorporating NASA material.
Mrs. Gasperine believes that “if you increase the content knowledge of the
teacher it will influence their delivery of education,” in a positive way.
So this year, if your teacher received this grant, be prepared for some new and
innovative lessons.
6 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Stud e
Logan Engel
The Jersey Shore Lions’ Club Citizen of the Month for November is Logan Joseph Engel, son of Leo and Renna´ Engel of
Jersey Shore.
Logan’s activities include the following:
For 1 year:
For 2 years:
Technology Students Association
National Honor Society
For 4 years:
Bible Club
Logan has led the baseball team as its captain. Outside
school, Logan volunteers his time as a participant in Sycamore
Manor Health Center’s intergenerational programs. In addition
to being an altar server for his church, he is a vacation Bible
school volunteer and assists at various church functions. He
also performs volunteer service for Jersey Shore YMCA’s youth
basketball program.
Logan has earned the School Counts award for three
years. In addition, Logan won TSA regional recognition and the
Lions Club International Peace Project Award as well as the
Young Poets award for creative communication. He has earned
three varsity letters in baseball and the basketball shooting
Logan enjoys playing baseball and pickleball, hiking,
camping, swimming, working out and watching football. He
plans to attend college to major in health sciences and play college baseball.
Sarah Eck
The Business and Professional Women’s Club Girl of the
Month for November is Sarah Louise Eck, daughter of Randy
and Theresa Eck of Jersey Shore.
Sarah’s activities include the following:
For 1 year: National Art Honor Society
Spanish Club
For 2 years: National Honor Society
Women’s Ensemble
For 3 years: Mosaic
School Musical
For 4 years: Chorus
Sarah has served as secretary for chorus and treasurer for
the school musical productions for two years. Outside school,
she is active in her church youth group and earns extra income
by babysitting.
Sarah has been selected for the Pennsylvania Music
Educators’ Association district chorus for three years and the
regional chorus for two. She was Wegmans’ student of the year
and represented Jersey Shore at this year’s Flaming Foliage
Festival. As a freshman, she was selected by her peers to be a
member of the homecoming court. She has also earned a varsity letter in swimming.
Sarah’s interests are singing, scrapbooking, reading,
playing piano, running, and P90X. She plans to attend college
to major in vocal performance.
7 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Changes En Route For JS Elementary
Renovation of JSE with an addition and moving 5th grade to
JSM; and other 2 elementary buildings would become K-4.
Renovation of JSE without an addition; addition added to the
Changes are afoot! The school board has decided to make
some changes in the elementary schools. There is a predicted 10% Middle School, closing an elementary building, moving 5th grade
enrollment increase in the next decade, our Jersey Shore elemen- to the Middle School and the three elementary building would be
tary school is overcrowded as it is and the school district is moving K-4.
The Board requested information of closing the three outlinchildren to other less congested elementary schools. The school
ing elementary and building one K-5 elementary building at
board is discussing six options.
Renovation of JSE without an addition and keeping the other JSE. We did not yet receive this information.
These all were discussed in the initial meeting, there will be
elementary. All buildings would remain K-5.
Renovation of JSE without an addition and moving 5th grade others going into more detail and eventually choosing one option.
“The Board has not made any decision or indicated they are
to JSM; and other elementary buildings would become K-4.
leaning toward one option.” Mr. Emery states.
Renovation of JSE with an addition K-5, closing an elemenSo, what will happen? Only the future will tell.
tary building and other 2 elementary buildings would remain K-5.
By Taylor Hawkins
In our library
there are…
14,481: upcoming books
500: books
500: books in the
back room
45: magazines
10: tables
40: chairs
Embracing our Differences
By Molly Hyland
Diversity is a big issue in schools
everywhere, which is why Jersey Shore
recently hosted a “Diversity Training.”
This training was for student leaders to
come and learn how to deal with diversity issues in our school. This group of
leaders was made up of class officers,
club officers and sports captains.
In diversity training these students went to three workshops. One of
the workshops forced students to recognize stereotypes between men and
women and talk about them together. In
other words students were asked to celebrate themselves and the students
around you. Also, students went to a
workshop titled Solutions, where they
discussed ways to solve the problems in
their school.
This training was a definitely a
positive thing for our school. The issues
discussed and workshops attended were
things that we will be dealing with for the
rest of our life. As much as we all are very
different on the outside, deep down we
have a lot in common. This is something
everyone should realize. If everyone
would just open their eyes and their
minds to the people surrounding them
and realize all the positives about their
peers instead of the negatives, then our
school and everyone in it would be a lot
happier. Deep down, we’re not as different as we seem.
48: computers
37: computer tables
48: computer
10: bookshelves
1: projector
2: TV’s
8 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
JS Band Shines in Competition
By Chelsea Hartzel
“Detail! Attend Hut!” Everybody at one
time or another point has seen the Jersey
Shore Senior High Marching Band snap
silently to attention. These young musicians have been polishing their competition
style this year with excellent results.
The Jersey Shore Marching Bulldog
show is being called “The Bulldog Invasion”
with songs from across pond. They open
with Paint It Black, followed by Hey Jude/
Sergeant Peppers Lonely Club Hearts Band,
closing with Who Are You.
This is the second year the band has
competed, according to Mr. Chris Lahr,
band director. Last year they competed in
festival class, where they completed for
medal ranking.
This year they were in Class 1A for
scores. How was it different though, going
from medals to actual scores?
“People were more focused. They
wanted to do better and better, where as
with festival class it was ‘Ehh lets go do
this.’ There was more of a drive,” Mr. Lahr
Love Drama?
Here’s a Club for You!
they’ll learn and practice
throughout the year, to encourage the younger students to get
If you’ve ever dreamed of
into the performing arts. Once
performing on stage, Drama
the club has more members,
Club may be for you.
they will be able to go bigger
Drama Club has started
and better in their performing.
once again for the 2010-2011
“We’d recommended it to
school year. Drama Club was
started by Mrs. M. Long, one of other people in the school bethe English teachers. This club cause it helps people gain more
was started to give students the confidence in themselves. Also,
opportunity to have fun and act after students get finished with
any production they feel as if
out in live arts.
“Drama Club is a fun way to they have really bonded as a
express yourself outside of eve- family,” said Gwen Baier (12).
The officers for this year
ryday life,” said Riley Schaefer
are: President Vicky Snyder
(12); Vice President Clayton
Any plays? Yes. The club
Lose (12); Secretary Madison
plans on doing a few theater
Powell (12); Treasurer Gwen
plays this year such as chilBaier (12); Historians Riley
dren’s fairytales, Riley said.
Schaefer and Samantha Wool
They have also talked about
taking trips to the elementary
schools to perform the plays
By Morgan Rhinehart
Better is exactly what happened. The
band came home with a second place win at
Milton, a first at Southern Tioga, a first at
Shamokin and a grand finale second place
finish at Chapter 4 Championships at Shamokin.
“The band did exceptionally well; we
accomplished all the goals we set for ourselves,” said Mr. Lahr. “It seemed like everybody enjoyed it. There weren’t so many
complaints, and they all seemed to have
liked it.”
PJs for a Cause!
By Ashley Weaver
Until Dec. 2, Bullpups Helping Hands is doing a pajama
drive for Scholastic Inc., which is partnering with the Pajama
Program and donating a book with every pair of pajamas donated to children in need.
Many of the clubs have been asked to participate, and the
club that donates the most pajamas will be rewarded with a
donut and juice party. The pajamas should be new and unused,
sized from newborn to adult. They should be complete sets and
flame retardant.
Bullpups Helping Hands is a service club that has been advised by Mrs. Pat Girio for many years.
This club has an Adopt-A-Grandparent program where the
club is given a list of patients at Manor Care and the students
receive a name of a grandmother or grandfather. Then they make
a card each month for the holiday coming up for the grandparent. At the end of the year, a trip to Manor Care is planned to
visit the grandparents.
This club also raises money for buying Christmas presents
for children in low-income families. Mrs. Girio saw this opportunity to help people in the community, and brought it up at a club
Even though it is not heard about as much in school, it
makes a pretty big impact on the community.
9 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
next with 2,539 texts. Young
adults have the least with only
“Nelson! I just got the
Texting is the number one
phone bill, how many times do
I have to tell you to cool it with reason teens get phones, followed by safety and keeping up
the texting!”
Excessive texting seems to with friends. Voice calls have
be big issue these days. We all been dropping by 14%, but
know what it’s like to get yelled some might wonder, what’s so
bad about texting? Modernat after parents have received
the bill but really what’s the big Mom reported teens who text
deal? The Nielsen Co. recently excessively have the dangers of
lack of sleep, and underdevelanalyzed how much teens use
their phone mobile devices. On oped communication skills.
Perhaps worst of all are the
average, a single teen sends
dangers that come with texting
and receives 3,330 text messages a month. That’s six mes- while driving. So next time
sages every hour awake, every- your phone buzzes with that oh
-so-familiar text message
Teen females between 13- screen, think about just how
many messages you send and if
17 send the most with 4,050
messages on average a month. your texting habit could even
be hurting you in the long run.
Teen males between 13-17 are
By Chelsea Hartzel
A New Language Emerges
By Chelsea Hartzel
We all do it, shorten words in text messages. IDK, W/E,
Nething, etc. the list
goes on and on. But are
these space savers really
such a good idea? Some
of us rely on these quick
fixes to save time or
space, those oh so precious minutes that are
like gold, but then there
are people who find
them just plan annoying. And there’s the one
time you put IDK on a
test, and the teacher
gave you a zero, or in
Mr. Nagy’s case you get
a mark or points off and
the chance to fix it. You didn’t even realize you
did it, it was just natural anymore.
“No, I have not given a zero unless it was
an IDK on a question, then I usually put something like OMG, u should no!” said Mrs.
Text language has become a part of our
everyday language.
“The text language mistakes I see most is
the lower case i and U instead of you.” Said Mr.
So it could be said that
text speak is creeping
into our essays.
“It’s definitely creeping
into essays” Mr. Nagy
said. “Absolutely, I think
in the next few years it
will be socially accepted.”
You would think that this
issue is only one of the
English courses issues.
But even the Science
classes have seen it.
“I’ve see a lot of IDK, B/
C, and Ur, but I’ve seen it
all.” Said Mrs. Gasperine.
“For students own good
write longhand on big
test, shorthand is not accepted on most big
tests at big colleges.”
So in other words texting is only accepted
in the cell phones world and not at school
where your grade could possibly suffer from a
mix up.
Say What?
BRB- Be Right Back
TTYL- Talk to You Later
OMG- Oh My Gosh
IDK- I Don’t Know
W/E- Whatever
Nething- Anything
Neone, Any1, Ne1Anyone
KPC- Keeping Parents
BBL- Be Back Later
Ur- Your
U- You
LYL- Love You Lots
R- Are
You like a Sister/ Love You
like a Brother
LOL- Laugh Out Loud
GN- Good Night
ILY- I Love You
IKR- I Know Right
IDR- I Don’t Remember
IDRK- I Don’t Really
IDC- I Don’t Care
10 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
By Kierstin Bathurst and Krista Weymouth
Scorpio (October 23rd to November 21st) – This is your lucky month. You are going to get a turkey!!!!
Sagittarius (November 22nd to December 21st) – Be thankful for your loved ones, they will be the ones rewarding
you in the end. Smile more often and give compliments to everyone.
Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th) – Not everyone is as fortunate as you are. Give back to the others
who need it. Random acts of kindness will get that one you have been eyeing down to talk to you.
Aquarius (January 21st to February 19th) – Spend time with your family this Thanksgiving, and you will have a
great one!
Pisces (February 20th to March 20th) – Thanksgiving will give you all of what you wanted and more. Do not take it
for granted however, or it will disappear as fast as it came.
Aries (March 21st to April 20th) – Take life by the wings. Cherish the little moments that you had once forgotten
about. Remember that special someone? They will return.
Taurus (April 21st to May 21st) - This is not your lucky month. You will lose someone you care about. Fate is not in
your hands, fate decides itself.
Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st) - Instead of picking up that carrot, take a cookie. It’s okay to treat yourself this
month with goodies. Calories are not your worry, but school stress is.
Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd) – As the month dwindles down to Thanksgiving, be prepared for a storm of happiness! You will meet that person who will take your breath away.
Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd) – Many count their steps, others count their blessings. Make the little things count
this month no matter how small.
Virgo (August 23rd to September 21st) – As you know, there are seven days in a week and 24 hours in a day. Spend
each of them as if it is your last because time is short. You need to forgive and forget.
Libra (September 22nd to October 22nd) – Give to a charity, pick up trash, make a difference. It’s that time of year
again to give back. Happy Thanksgiving!
11 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Blowing Out the Candles
Nov. 2- Alexandria Johnson, Morgan Rhinehart, Brittany Weaver
Nov. 4- Kendell Edwards, Chad Helminiak
Nov. 5- Miranda White
Nov. 6- Cody McCracken, Kenneth Rook
Nov. 7- Zachary Kaczkurkin-Quigg, Ashley Kline, Lenea Lockcuff
Nov. 8- Jeffrey Dincher, Cheyanne Haagen
Nov. 12- Gregory Lowell, Daniel Pellacore, Mark Yeagle
Nov. 13- Cody Brewer, Cheyenne Myers, Jordan Peasley
Nov. 15- Ashlee Blum, Tyler Kessinger
Nov. 16- Gwen Baier, Alyssa Keller, Matthew Winkelman
Nov. 17- Dereck Cannady, Jessica Eichenlaub, Cassandra Sechrist
Nov. 18- Drew Eckenstine, Luke Womer
Nov. 19- Tessa Guillaume, Shannon Heck
Nov. 20- Jacob DeFonzo-Hess, Madison Powell, Haley Rinker
Nov. 21- Isaac Brady, Kyle Koch, Devin Thomas
Nov. 22- Alyssa Hampsher, Hao Lin, Vincenzo Mauro, Tyler Pauling
Nov. 23- Tiara Edwards, Alicia Flanigan, Kierstin Goodby, Jared Heck,
Aryanna Mundy
Nov. 24- Mitchell Willits
Nov. 25- Nicholas Corbett
Nov. 26- Stephanie Neal, Kurtis Welch
Nov. 27- Addison Crawley, Josephine Ely, Ethan Snyder
Nov. 28- Vincent Mirabella, Danielle Packer, Emily Packer
What’s in
By Kortnee Blair
Mr. Neuschafer
-Received a harmonica as a joke birthday gift one year and can now play two
songs on it: “Amazing Grace” and “Swing Low Sweet Chariot”.
1. Model Train
2. Stuffed Cow
3. Coloring Book & Crayons
4. Fly-Fishing Tie
5. Forks & Spoons
6. Pipe Cleaner
7. Band-Aids
8. Tooth Brush & Tooth Paste
9. Box of Pop Tarts
10. Umbrella
- Has always been interested in writing and is developing a story for a friend,
who’s going to put an indie comic book together in the Easton area.
-Never heard a Phil Collins song he hasn’t liked. “Don’t judge.”
-One of his favorite movies of all times is Talladega Nights, with Will Ferrell.
Shake and Bake!
-Really enjoys badminton. If Mr. Hess (“who is awesome at the game.”) ever
founds a JSHS team, he will definitely volunteer to be assistant coach.
12 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
What’s your favorite thing about
Ryan Spangler (12) - To cut the
Scott Neff (12) - Open the presents
Danielle Rozenburg (10) - Food
Austin Wilson (11) - Spending time
with the family and of course
Katie Wasson (10) - Turkey
Dan Wrench (10) - Food and starting hunting
Matt Shirey (10) - Chocolate Pie
Courtney Flook (10) - Mashed
Morgan Lucas (9) - Food
Leighelle Drammissi (10) - Pumpkin
Jake Defonzo-Hess (9) - Food
13 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Five Earn District Choir
By Dereck Cannady
Five Jersey Shore chorus students made it to District Choir. Seniors Gwen Baier, Clayton Lose, Susan Barrows, Amy Dick , and Sarah Eck. District Choir is a PMEA festival
where sophomores and seniors compete to participate in the January festival. Many
different school districts participate in this event and once they pass districts they move
onto regional.
The students described the process as a very fun experience where they were able to
make friends. Sarah Eck (12) described the experience as nerve wracking but fun.
“The auditions are nerve wracking because the judge’s backs are turned but the festival
is very exciting and fun,” said Sarah.
Susan Barrows, Sarah Eck, Gwen Baier, Clayton Lose (12) said “I was definitely afraid. The audition process is very stressful,
Clayton Lose, and Amy Dick
and the wait is even worse,” said Clayton.
But even with the stress of the competition he’s been able to make new friends from
other schools. Clayton expressed that this is a wonderful experience and he enjoys participating each year.
For these students it is great honor to participate in such an event and we should be proud of their achievements.
Hey Football Head!
By Taylor Curry
Remember back in the day when kindergarten was only a half day with snack time?
When flannels and overalls weren’t just for farmers? When MC Hammer had the most famous
pants ever? What else was so special about the 90’s? Probably that they had everyone’s favorite
So if you either have younger siblings, or just enjoy watching the modern Nickelodeon or
Cartoon Network you probably see something like iCarly, VICTORiOUS, or Big Time Rush. But
talk to today’s teens and they’ll tell you they miss Rugrats, Hey Arnold, and The Wild Thornberrys. Some even have the old episodes on DVD.
“The new shows are so stupid. I have Hey Arnold on Netflix!” said Rachel Willits (12).
Even one of our favorites, Spongebob Squarepants, started in 1999. Although it’s been on
for eleven years now, others weren’t so lucky. Catdog (1998), Hey Arnold (1996), Rocko’s Modern
Life (1993), Rocket Power (1999), The Angry Beavers (1997), Doug (1991), and Pinky and the
Brain (1995) are some popular cartoons that were unfortunately discontinued.
Others like Rugrats (1991) and The Wild Thornberrys (1998) even collided to make a
movie. If you were ever cleaning your room and found the Rugrats Gone Wild VHS tape that you
haven’t seen in eight years, you know what I’m talking about. Rugrats was even lucky enough to
have its own spinoff, All Grown Up. We got to see our favorite babies become pre-teens and even
a few more characters were added to the mix.
Wait a second! Let’s make it clear that cartoons aren’t just for children. Everyone remembers Beavis and Butt-head (1993) whether you were old enough to watch it or not. Shows like
South Park (1997), King of the Hill (1997), and Family Guy (1999) are still watched by many who
are looking for a good laugh. But just because we’re older doesn’t mean that we can’t view the
shows watched by the younger age group.
“The Angry Beavers and the Powderpuff Girls are my favorite. I have to pick Powderpuff
Girls because of Bubbles’ glasses and the mayor’s really tall assistant,” said Ian Endresen (11).
So go home and find your old Reptar stuffed toy. While you’re at it, look up episodes of Hey
Arnold on YouTube and talk in surfer lingo like the characters on Rocket Power. Enjoy reminiscing
even if it’s just watching some 90’s cartoons. If you don’t already, you’ll miss the memories.
14 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Kicking off Relay
By Ashley Weaver
Date for Relay is: May
6/7 2011
Theme is: Sports
Main Kick Off: Thursday, November 18 @
7:00 p.m.
Student Kick Off: (To
be announced)
Any students interested
in more information or
ready to start their
team, see Mrs. Muthler,
B232 for materials.
By Ashley Weaver
Relay for Life is a volunteer-driven fundraising event for the American Cancer Society.
Every year in May, our Relay for Life is held at the multi-purpose field. Mrs. Muthler is the advisor
for our high school, which means students need to speak to her if they are interested in participating
in Relay.
Relay for Life is a lot of fun for everyone, whether you are on a team and are there for the whole
24-hour period, or just stopping in to walk the track once or twice, grab a bite to eat, listen to the
music, or just hang out with friends.
Monica Richards (12) was a captain for Relay for Life when she was in tenth grade. She started
her team because her friends wanted to be on a Relay team, but they didn’t have one to be on. So,
they made one.
If she were asked to be a captain again, she definitely would because it was such a great experience. She has good memories from Relay. “It was fun being with all my friends and getting to spend
a whole 24 hours with them. Fundraising for Relay was also a good memory,” she said.
Being a part of Relay is important to her because it goes for a good cause, and all of the teammates had someone in their family who had passed away from cancer.
Limewire Shut Down
Turkey Day Plans
By Dereck Cannady
Limewire has been shut down. This is
a file sharing program which an estimated
one third of PC users use. This illegal software has become a phenomenon which
millions of people use. Four years ago the
RIAA filed a case against Limewire and it’s
finally finished. They filed the case on the
accusations that Limewire allowed illegal
downloading for music and movies. The
judges found Limewire and its founder,
Mike Gordon, liable for the peer to peer file sharing.
The company has made millions off of Limewire but will shortly pay
the price. It’s possible the company will have to pay over one billion dollars
said the RIAA. This means that companies and music artist are able to gain
more money. Limewire was the main way for young people to obtain music
and many are upset.
The students at Jersey Shore High basically all had the same views on
the matter. The majority of kids say this is a hindrance when it came to
getting music. Many said that it was their main way of obtaining music and
that they were disappointed. “I think it’s bad that they closed down
Limewire,” said Bethany Leman (11).
She explained that if she just wanted a song it was easy access and if
she found it appealing she would purchase it from Itunes. “If I want a couple of songs I can just easily download it off of Limewire and if I liked it I
would buy it. I just don’t see the need to pay a lot of money for music that I
might not like.”
Almost everyone agreed with her. Many people said that they wouldn’t
stop downloading music. They would use torrent sites very similar to
Limewire. In an alternative to Limewire shutting down are torrent based
sites like Frostwire or Pirate Bay. Even though the majority didn’t like
Limewire being shut down some are happy. Many were happy that it was
closed because they saw it as bad for the musician and their label. “It’s a
good thing for the musicians because they get to earn more money,” Vincenzo Mauro (11) said.
Some people felt that downloading music was wrong because essentially they’re stealing from the musician. Whether you’re happy with the
decision or not the closing of Limewire will change music forever.
By Kortnee Blair
This Thanksgiving people are doing some
interesting things. There are some people who are going out of town and some are just hanging with the
family around the house. Thanksgiving is a time to
spend with the family, laugh, and share old stories.
“I go to my gram and pap’s in the Poconos!
We go to flea markets, and my gram cooks dinner. It is
an amazing time! I love my grandparents!” Kendell
Edwards (10) said.
Rachael Fravel (10) said, “I am going to Pittsburgh to visit relatives. It is really fun! I just really
hope my boyfriend can go.”
“I am going to Tennessee to visit relatives,”
Jessica Bass (10) said. “I really, really can’t wait for the
road trip.”
Even though a lot of people are going to have
a great time with family and are looking forward to the
Thanksgiving holiday, there are a some people that are
celebrating the holiday in different ways.
“I am going to North Carolina to look at new
houses,” Emily Graves (9) said. “I am not excited at all.
It is going to be the worst holiday ever.”
Although most people will spend their vacation getting stuffed with delicious food, some people
actually take advantage of the break to get in some
“This year for the Thanksgiving holiday I am
participating in the Run for the Diamonds,” said Alissa
Hart (9). This Berwick race attracts runners from
around the world because the winners are awarded
This Thanksgiving there are going to be people all over. Thanksgiving is time for family, so have
fun with your family and eat a lot of turkey and stuffing.
15 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Fashion Trends
By Amber Kachelries
Pea coats!
Pea coats are a hot trend for both
men and women this November.
With their sleek, form fitting design they are flattering to almost
any body. There are tons of patterns to choose from, but a solid
color looks very sophisticated and
chic. Pair this trend with a
uniquely patterned scarf and
gloves and you’re guaranteed to
turn heads this winter.
Knee high
When you have great boots,
you need great jeans to go
with them! Yes, skinny
jeans are still IN! In fact,
skinny jeans and jeggings
(American Eagle’s combination of jeans/leggings) are
becoming a basic piece in
the fashion world. Stay
warm and look stylish with
a pair of skinny jeans or
Knee High boots are showing up all
over the runways this winter, and
there are tons of designs blooming
everywhere! From suede leather to
fur, knee high boots are a warm,
fashionable trend for women in the
fashion forward world. Whether
you’re wearing high heeled boots or
flat boots, you’re going to look hot!
Jeggings by American Eagle
16 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Neon/ Flashy Colors!
Neon colored clothing is a huge trend this winter. Neon can be used to express your mood, or just spice up your black clothing.
The most popular neon/color currently is purple, and any shade works! So get some plum and you won’t look dumb this winter!
Shirts for
V-necks might be considered feminine to most guys, but some girls think
that this trend is totally hot for guys! V
-necks look polished and make guys
look more refined, especially when
paired with a nice pair of dark wash
jeans. Either striped or solids, v-necks
are a huge trend for the guys this winter.
Loafers for
Let’s face it, loafers look suave on a
guy, and if you’re going to wear your vneck shirt with your nice dark wash jeans,
loafers complete the look. They’re also
comfy and easy to wear, and are huge on
the male model scene. Get a load of some
17 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Paranormal Activity 2 a Surprise Hit
By Megan Tomb
Did Paranormal Activity 2 live up to
the standards? Yes, although this may have
been because there weren’t very high standards to begin with.
The first installment was slow starting
and the only truly “scary” part was the end,
which is almost exactly the same as the
second movie. The storyline was interesting, and I say this because the movie was
actually a prequel and not a sequel.
The writers did a good job tying both
movies together and had a nice way of introducing the new characters and how they
Dane Cook visits
Bryce Jordan Center
By Emily Thomas, Megan Tomb and Taylor Hawkins
Oh, Dane Cook, I can’t even think that name without giggling in my head. Dane
Cook is one of the most famous comedians in the world and there’s no question about it.
On Nov. 3, Dane Cook visited Penn State’s Bryce Jordan Center. It was laugh-’til-youcry funny and trust us, we cried. Though a few jokes were inappropriate and others were
flat out dirty, the crowd was full of young and old spectators. But no matter the age,
everyone at the show was laughing out loud. We were five rows from the front and could
see everything from him spitting to the annoying little bug flying around.
Near the end, he broke out his guitar
and started to create his own remix of songs. He
sang songs from artists like Journey, Queen,
and Digital Underground. He sang birthday
songs, wedding songs, and self created jams.
But, he did more than sing. His comedy was
outstanding and hilarious. He even mentioned
a new movie he will be in, but he didn’t say the
name. The show wasn’t just for entertainment
purposes, but it was educational too.
“That’s probably a bad idea,” the crowd
sang as Dane played his guitar. Yes, Dane Cook
can play guitar and sing. Well, maybe singing
isn’t the word, but it’s close enough. A few lucky
fans were selected to go back stage, we weren’t
one of them.
Dane Cook was hilarious, witty and
entertaining. His crude humor made it all the
better. If you ever get a chance to see Dane Cook
live or even on Comedy Central, do it, it’s worth
fit in to the story. The acting was fairly
good, and for the most part the acting was
believable. I especially thought how they
got the dog and baby to look at things made
it seem even more convincing. The way the
movie was set up with the surveillance
cameras made the movie seem more real
than other movies.
There were some very creepy parts,
including scenes in a basement and also a
toy train. If you liked the first movie and
are easily scared, this might be the movie
for you. On the other hand, if you watch
scary movies for fun, you may want to
choose a different flick to see.
Fever Makes
a Splash
By Sam Boerner
A New All Time Low?
Have you ever found a band on YouTube that you fell absolutely in love with?
Well I have on several occasions. Highlight
the Night is a recent discovery of mine and
I rather enjoy the serendipity of it all. The
band consists of only three members, but
don’t let that fool you, Highlight the Night
has an amazing sound.
Rising from Atlanta, Georgia the three
band members Mitchell Gray (Vocals/
Guitar), Alex Kemp (Guitar), and Matt
Petrikas (Bass) were all interested in creating a pop-punk band with acoustic influences. They draw inspiration from bands
like All Time Low and The Maine without
copying their music. They remained unsigned but the future looks bright for these
three musicians.
Continued on page 20
“It was laugh-’til-you-cry
funny, and trust us, we cried.”
18 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Looking Back at Three Literary Classics
By Evan Sander
Books are wondrous things. They convey points that you cannot find in other
forms of social media. They take you to a
place that you otherwise cannot reach in
this world. They open your
mind to new experiences
and ways of living. They can
portray epic fight scenes,
seductive romances, and the
scariest monsters. They can
place you in the center of
history; they can put you in
the future. And they are
becoming more and more
obsolete in modern society.
It makes me sad that books
are becoming so obsolete
that there may not be any
authors that will be the voice
of our generation. But I digress.
Over the past few
months, I have had the opportunity to read some truly stellar books,
books that have influenced society and
opened up my mind to new cultures. These
books include The Catcher in the Rye,
Nineteen Eighty-Four, and The Kite Runner. The first two books were published in
the middle of the twentieth century, and
are still selling countless copies even today.
They are books that influenced people
when they were first published, and they
are even still influencing people today.
These are books that were published for the
reason of misunderstandings and alienation in society. These books had a huge
impact on the youth of their generation,
and they influence the youth even in today’s society and probably will forever on.
The latter book was a turn of the millennium book, and it can
still be lassoed in to
the above group,
dealing with alienation and isolation,
not so much in a literal sense as much of
a teenage sense.
The Catcher in
the Rye was a book I
read in two days,
because I didn’t want
to stop reading. Every
chapter kept looping
me back in, each ending in a slight cliffhanger that makes
you want to keep
reading, to continue on with the subject’s
journey. The book deals with teenage isola-
tion, not having anyone to talk to, and
more or less, the teenage mindset. The
prestigious book was published in 1951 by
J.D. Salinger through Little, Brown and
Company. In the book, a teenager named
Holden Caulfield is a troubled youth who
recently was expelled from
Pency Prep, a boarding
school in Pennsylvania.
His expulsion was to begin
on the Wednesday before
Christmas break, but he
takes off that weekend.
You experience Holden’s
life through three days in
New York City with a pocketful of cash, probably
around $25, a lot
in the 1950s. I
have talked to a
few different people
book, and there
were mixed opinions. I, personally,
liked the book because of Holden’s
free spirit and doing whatever
comes to his mind. Others, however, thought that Holden was a
jerk who went through experiences
that would normally change a person, and he still remains the person
he was when the book began. He
has been called a jerk, not giving
people a chance, calling people the
oh-so-famous word from the book
“phonies.” The book is a very quick and
easy read, being only 276 pages. This is
called a classic for a reason; definitely go
out and read this book.
Nineteen Eighty-Four was a little
longer read, switching themes and tones,
spanning a longer period of time than
Catcher in the Rye. This book left
me wanting to come back for
more, even when I was too tired to
keep my eyes open. Nineteen
Eighty-Four was published by
George Orwell, in 1949 through
Secker and Warburg, London. The
book takes place in London in the
year 1984, hence the title. The
world is divided into three supernations: Oceana, including London; Eurasia, and Eastasia.
Winston Smith is an outer party
member of Big Brother, working
in the Ministry of Truth, ironic
because the Ministry is actually
altering the truth to eliminate the
past, moderate the masses, and
further secure power through negligence.
He realizes the truth behind Big Brother,
and wants to do as much as he can to bring
the dystopian rule to an end. This is made
even more impossible by the presence of
the Thought Police, a force dedicated to
eliminating any people who have the intelligence to not buy in to the party’s lies and
stories. The book definitely has a darker
tone, giving a gritty, very dirty, destroyed
picture of London to the reader’s mind. The
book spans over a few years, staying in
London focused on Winston. These factors
contribute to a slower read, spanning my
read of the book to about a week to swim
through the 326 pages, plus an essay at the
end of the book concerning Newspeak, the
language of the futuristic dystopian society.
The book is a portrayal of the outsider’s
view on communism,
being published in the
middle of the Soviet
Union’s communistic
rule. It would be an
even slower read if
you cannot capture
the theme behind the
book and the motif
for writing it. Overall,
I believe I enjoyed
this book more than
Catcher in the Rye, so
you should check this
book out before you
read Catcher in the
The Kite Runner is
rather different than
the other two books I have read over the
past months. This book was published in
2003, written by Khaled Hosseini, through
Riverhead Books, 50 years after the other
two. Even though this book was recently
published, it can definitely fit in to the category of the first two. This book deals with
alienation in the figurative sense, focusing
on shutting out the past and discovering
that the past can never be locked away; you
cannot just turn your back on it and think it
will just go away. This book deals with an
Afghani boy named Amir who witnesses a
traumatizing event occur to his servant, a
Hazara boy named Hassan, who is, though
he never actually says it or recognizes it, his
best friend. This event creates a wedge in
their relationship, which will drive Amir to
rather extreme and rash things to try and
forget the whole event. He also has to deal
with an unaffectionate father who he is
always trying to win his affection. This
book is a longer read than the other two,
starting in the 1970s and taking place up to
the modern era, which really drives home
Continued on page 20
19 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
B.O.B and Ke$ha rock Bucknell University
By Emily Thomas
B.O.B and Kesha are blowing up the radios with hit songs.
They have people everywhere turning up their radios jamming
out to the hit songs. On Oct. 29 Kesha and B.O.B held a concert
at Bucknell University. To be honest I wasn’t sure if I would like
the concert but I was wrong. Joining the large crowd surrounding
the stage Megan Tomb (11), Alainah Rosencrance (11) and I
waited for the show to start. The pre-show began before the show
even started; a girl had an anxiety attack and fell on the floor
right behind us. After the
medical people rushed her
and her boyfriend to the
hospital, the gym floor began to flood with people.
Eventually there were too
many people and we moved
over to the side where the
view was better and we
weren’t smashed against
other people.
The lights were off and the
crowd waited while a loud
“Blah, Blah, Blah,” filled the
gymnasium. Kesha started
the night off with her songs
Blah Blah Blah, Tic Tok,
Dinosaur, Animal, and
Your Love’s my Drug. Kesha’s show was not disappointing, as I
expected. She had dinosaur heads and back up dancers dancing
along with the songs. Her performance was impressive too. She
played guitar and was smashing these huge drums on stage. She
had the crowd dancing and fist pumping to her catchy songs.
Here’s some quick Kesha facts: Kesha has an almost perfect SAT
score of 1500; she’s a certified genius that still lives in her mom’s
B.O.B was next in line. I thought Kesha was good, but B.O.B
was ten times better. He sang Magic and Airplanes, two of his
top songs. I liked B.O.B
better than Kesha, and I
didn’t think that’d be the
case. B.O.B was more interactive with the crowd
and he was really into the
music. Honestly, he was
pretty good looking.
All in all the show was
amazing and I was not
disappointed. It wasn’t the
best concert I’ve been to
but it was one of my favorites and I’d go to another.
If Kesha or B.O.B are in
town again, I’d recommend seeing the concert.
Summer Fever
Makes a Splash
Looking Back at Three
Literary Classics
Continued from page 18
Continued from page 19
They released their first EP, Summer Fever, on Sept. 21. Although this EP consists of only four songs, they are four songs
that you can’t help but enjoy. Despite this EP being an independent production,the quality is absolutely fantastic. The tracks consist of A Night to Remember, Summer Fever, This Town Ain’t
Big Enough for the Two of Us, and Dear California (The Real
Party Song). All of them are upbeat songs with enticing vocals
and relatable lyrics.
The entire EP is an ode to summer and the nights spent with
friends, and the memories created that will never leave us. It is
also portrayed in Summer Fever that you should enjoy the time
you have now, young and carefree. These boys may appear to be
your typical pop rock band or just another in a crowd of thousands, but their music is not something to lightly pass by.
Altogether I give this band 4 out of 5 stars simply because I
cannot wait for them to get signed and produce a full length album.
the fact that you think you can run away from your problems.
This book also opens your mind up to a whole new culture, as
you get to see, from an Afghani’s point of view, the country of
Afghanistan from the constitutional monarchy to the Soviet invasion, to the rise of the Taliban. Many people have misunderstandings about the Muslim culture, and this book is a very good
way to start to familiarize oneself with it. I would also recommend reading this book. It is a longer read due to the time span
of the book, but it is one you want to keep reading. It isn’t a difficult read for a book that has 324 pages of literature. If you do
decide to read this book, when you are done, check out A Thousand Splendid Suns, which is like a sequel; however this book
deals more with the Afghani culture from the female’s perspective. Definitely check out The Kite Runner; it is an excellent
These books are out there for a reason. For the majority,
they do not portray physical conflict, dealing more with the inner
workings of the human mind and the forces in society that act
upon it. These books will open up your mind to whole new perspectives on things, making some hazy topics rather clear. All
these books are excellent, and I highly recommend any and all of
them to all readers, whether you are an avid reader for recreation, or a person who only reads when you have to. These books
will definitely make you want to read more.
Highlight the Night
20 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Students Support Breast Cancer Survivors
By Krista Weymouth
With great effort put forth by the football team
and Coach Confer, the Pink Out was deemed successful.
The idea was developed by Mr. Confer to represent Breast
Cancer Awareness Month. He had seen other schools participate and thought Jersey Shore should make a stand for
breast cancer victims as well. Even the National Football
League wore pink socks, gloves, and shoes to support this
event inspiring the youths to do the same.
As a team, the Bulldogs sold shirts to raise money
to donate to the cause. The master mind behind the shirt
design was Coach Confer with Anne-Marie Dincher making
a few tweaks to complete the design. A grand total of
$1,775.00 was collected from the t-shirt sale with each shirt
costing ten dollars. All money was donated to Lundy Breast
Cancer a branch of the Susquehanna Health Center. The
Bulldogs did a miraculous deed in supporting breast cancer
victims all over the world.
Student Section Shakes the Stands!
Majority of the time, the chants are focused
upon the referee’s calls.
“Sometimes I feel like the referees
are unfair; however the viewpoint on the field
You may have heard their screams.
compared to the viewpoint in the stands can
You might have seen their get-ups. One
be determined differently,” claimed Scott Neff
thing’s for sure, however: Nobody can ig(12).
nore the student section at the Thompson
At a recent game, Tyler Smith (11)
Street Stadium.
said he witnessed a dedicated ex-football
This year’s student section is always
player showing his team spirit by painting his
packed and full of energy. No matter win
chest orange and black and addressing a
or lose, our students are still there every
name across his back like a jersey. Ben Saar
game cheering on the Bulldogs. Whether
(12) happens to be this committed fan, halfit’s wearing orange and black, or painting
dressed in freezing weather, proving his devotheir upper body, our student section is
tion. During the home games, Saar walks
proud of our Bulldogs.
down to the field and gives influencing chats
Occasionally the students become
to encourage the players to stay pumped, keep
excessively fervent in expressing their opintheir heads in the game, and never give up no matter what the
ions of the referees’ decisions by causing uproar.
scoreboard reads.
Logan Bechtol (11) said, “People can really get into the
Although football season has drawn to a close, this doesgame and express it through their chants.”
n’t mean that the student section is over… you’ll continue to see
The chants the student section has developed over the
years can be negatively and positively communicated boisterously. (and hear) them as we enter the winter sports season.
By Krista Weymouth and
Kierstin Bathurst
21 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Cross Country Team Makes Districts
By Mariah DeParasis
The boys’ cross country team made Jersey Shore proud by a first place finish at districts last month and the whole boys’ team
made it to states.
Senior Ben Copenhaver earned a first
place finish for the boys, beating the record
for the Bloomsburg cross country course.
Long rivals Vince Vadali and our own
Ben Copenhaver battled it out at districts but
Vince fell short of what was expected.
“Ben was a light year ahead of Vince!”
exclaimed Tess Nidetch.
On the girls’ side, Sara Fisher and Mariah
DeParasis bought in the girls group at districts. This is coach Gary Stiner’s last year
coaching the team. He said he is very happy
with the outcome of the race and that he gets
to take a team to states.
During his six years as coach of the cross
again, but I won’t know what country or state I will be in next seacountry team, Coach Gary Steiner led the team to win Districts,
son,” explained Steiner. The team wishes Steiner a safe trip and
and took them to states three times.
Coach Steiner will be going to Europe Dec. 28 with his family. hopefully a happy return.
“If I’m back I’ll take into consideration coaching the team
What? Girls Hunt Too?
fathers; others say it’s a
time to spend time with
their boyfriends, or at
least that’s what Rachael
It’s the anticipaFravel (10) said.
tion, the chase, the wait,
Different seathe kill. Hunting, looked at
sons attract different
as a common past time to
hunters. Rachael loves
most and sport to many
small game hunting,
has proven it’s not only a
Alyssa loves deer, espeguy thing, it’s a girl thing
cially junior hunting seatoo.
son, and Bethany Hughes
“I like to hunt for
(12) really enjoys spring
a couple of reasons first
gobbler. You find people
just to spend time with my
enjoying the junior and
dad alone. We can joke
spring gobble seasons
and it is just something
because it’s a beautiful
that we share together that
time of the year and it’s
no one else in my family
not freezing out. The
can say I did that. I also
preference comes from
like to just sit out in the
what you like to be able
woods and spend time; the
to say “I killed”. Girls are
smells are great and when
often portrayed as not
you shoot your game the
wanting to get out there
feeling is just amazing
Alyssa Fink (11) poses with a buck she shot.
and slay themselves some
thinking that you had to
have the patience and now all of it paid off”, said Alyssa Fink (11). animals but, because they consider it a sport they find themselves
competing in the biggest kill competition.
That moment when your game is right in front of you,
Many people think is different to be a girl who hunts and
your heartbeat speeds up, your hands start to shake; but your
Bethany enjoys it because of that. It’s not just the difference
body is still and patiently waiting for the right time to take the
though; many girls have the same mentality as men when it comes
shot. When you finally realized you got the kill, it feels like an
to hunting. It’s a relaxing and extremely thrilling activity that any
enormous weight has been lifted off of you. What is even better
boy or girl can participate in.
about that moment is experiencing it with someone else. Many
girls say that hunting is fun because it’s a time to spend with their
By Abby Haldeman
and Hannah Burdick
22 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Basketball Returns With Big Change
By Abbey Haldeman
There are new coaches all around.
This year, sports of all seasons have been
getting new coaches, first it was football,
and now its basketball, both boys and girls
actually. Many people know the “new”
boys head coach, and most teachers know
the girls’ “new” head coach.
This year the boys’ team will be
coached by Mr. Barnhart assisted by Mr.
Nagy and the girls’ team will be coached by
Mr. Bruce. With a new season comes a
fresh start but, with a new coach comes a
whole new beginning.
On the girls’ side, Mr. Bruce has
never gone out of coaching. However, this
is his first opportunity coaching at the varsity level, and he seems to be pretty confident in his ability to handle it.
His goals this season are to win between eight and ten games. Coach Bruce
said, “If they win one game, I’m like the
Since the season hasn’t actually begun
it’s hard to say how well the team is progressing, but he thinks that they are
“picking up on his philosophy.” Overall,
Coach Bruce thinks he has a very competitive group of girls and he is confident in
them this season.
As for the boys, the two coaches of
this team have worked together before,
with opposite roles. Five years ago, Coach
Nagy was the head coach of the boys basketball team assisted by Coach Barnhart so;
they’re “on the same page.”
With a break in between their coaching
careers it is safe to say there were some
nerves, but when walking in to the gym “it
all comes back to you,” said Coach Nagy.
Because tryouts have not taken place
yet, it is hard to predict the future with this
team as well. Coach Nagy said, “There are
some good basketball players; whether we
become a good team has yet to be determined.”
Cheerleading Injuries on the Rise
ing to the NCAA Insurance program, 25 percent of money spent
on student athlete injuries in 2005 resulted from cheerleading.
Almost 95,200 female students take part in high school
Do we ever realize how many people actually get hurt doing
cheerleading annually, along with about 2,150 males. This year at
sports? Well this year it seems like everybody is getting injured
Jersey Shore High school, three girls are already out with concusleft and right, especially this year on the cheerleading team.
Cheerleading is no longer what it used to be. It is now more of sions and the season has just started.
Mrs. Jackie George, the athletic trainer says, “Over the past
a performance with daring and risky routines. Yes, they still cheer
10 years I’ve been here, with cheerleading adding gymnastic and
at football games, basketball games and wrestling games, but its
stunts, you need muscle strength to hold, lift and catch the girl in
more about the competition they do. High school cheerleading
the air. It has become more competitive. Injuries range from
has accounted for 65.1 percent of all catastrophic sports injuries
miner strains of muscle’s and sprains to affected joints; it’s easy to
among high school females over the past 15 years. Catastrophic
get back pains from lifting and getting head injuries by a girl falinjuries to female athletes have increased over the years.
ling out of a stunt on a base’s (the bottom girl, lifter) head or even
Since the first report was published in 1982, cheerleading
by getting hit in the face.”
now involves gymnastic-type stunts which makes it that much
“Within the last 10 years, because of cheerleading becoming
more dangerous. Any type of injuries can happen in cheerleading,
more competitive, a back, head or neck injure is more common
from sprained ankles to head concussions. Children ages five to
eighteen admitted to hospitals for cheerleading injuries in the U.S. now because of lifting or being off balance when in the air. This
year there has been more elbow, shoulders and wrist injuries,”
jumped from 10,900 in 1990 to 22,900 in 2002. Some injuries
says Mrs. George.
were strains/sprains, soft tissue injuries, fractures/dislocations,
Whether cheerleading is considered a sport or not, it still inlacerations/avulsions, concussions/closed head injuries and many
volves being physically fit with weight lifting to get stronger and
other injuries. Between 1982 and 2007, there were 103 fatal, diskeeping your body healthy just like any other sport.
abling, or serious injuries recorded among female high school
athletes, with the vast majority occurring in cheerleading. AccordBy Elasha Brown
Giants Win Giant Title: WS Champs
By David Sweeney
The ultimate goal in
baseball is to go to the World
Series. Over the long season two
teams have made it. The Texas
Rangers and the San Francisco
Giants have achieved this goal.
The first game went to the Giants in a landslide victory.
By far, the superior pitching was the main cause. Even
though the Giants went on a
hitting spree scoring eleven
runs, the Rangers tried to battle
a comeback, taking
back putting up
the next two games
seven runs in all.
in style. The Giants
The second game
won their first
wasn’t much of a
world series since
game at all. From
start to finish the
Perhaps the most
Giants dominated
surprising bit of
the entire time
this World Series is
winning nine to
the peformance by
zero. The Rangers
Cliff Lee. The first
headed home to try
for a comeback. They put a fight game Lee was hit around like he
and won the third game four to hasn’t pitched in a year, giving
two. The Giants would not allow up eight runs. Before this World
Series he was pitching with an
era of under two and had a 7-0
record. By far he was the biggest disappointment, losing
both of his games.
All and all the Giants surprised the Rangers on both
sides of the ball. Hitting and
pitching were far better than
what was predicted. Not many
expected Giants to pull it off but
the underdogs pulled through
23 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Drier Impre
on the Socce
By Josh Bow
The male athl
ete for the m
Madigan Dri
onth of
er. Madigan
is a senior her November is
and the spor
t he plays is
e at Jersey S
Soccer. Mad
playing socc
igan has bee ore
er since he w
years old!
began at a yo is complex sport to learn
ung age and
but Madigan
very strategic
game. Madig he loves it because it is
cer and starte
an’s brother
also played so
d at a young
just like he d
Over the year
s Madigan h
lent soccer p
as become an
layer and
excelenjoys his pos
ition at
midfield. Alo
ng with
playing socc
er, Madigan enjoys w
the World C
up when
it comes aro
of his favorit . One
e soccer team
Enjoying socc s is D.C. United.
er obviously
family. He ev
runs in
en has an unc
le who plays Madigan’s
way in Japan
soccer all the
After high sc
hool Madigan
college at Sli
plans on atte
ppery rock o
r even at Kut
he attends, he
ztown. Whe
is definitely
planning on
soccer team.
trying out fo
r the
hopes her
By Mariah DeP a senior on the swim team,
Maddi has big
Maddi Thom
and get better.
we beat most of
team will co
am this
goals for the te st year,” she said.
im team Maddi
teams w
Being a se
runs mornen
hen the
ing practices w
e it.
coach can’t m
acts like
Maddi in a w
r girl’s
the eyes for he
team whe
the team
isn’t ther
younger kids on team is
Maddi is
technique. “The addi.
inters on their
said M
e boy’s team,”
strong this year
Male Athlete
Of The Month
Thompson has
Big Goals for
the Season
Female Athlete
Of The Month
24 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Tennis Squad
Ends Season
At Districts
By Cassie Sechrist
Lee Thompson is the new swim team head coach.
New Coach for Swim Team
By Lindsay Dudek
A new swim season and a new
coach. One of Jersey Shore’s finest
graduates, Leland Thompson, emerged
as the head coach for our Jersey Shore
High School Swim team.
Lee had been the assistant coach
under Mrs. LouAnne Gasperine and
Mrs. Jeri Demel. After Mrs. Gasperine
and Mrs. Demel retired after many successful years, Lee tried for the head
coach position and was very honored to
receive the position. With Lee still attending college he would have preferred
to continue to work under Mrs. Gasperine and Mrs. Demel for one more year,
but he is willing to take on the challenge
and is very honored and excited about
this year’s swim team.
Lee greatly expresses his gratitude
to Mrs. Gasperine and Mrs. Demel for
teaching him the other aspects of swimming. Since Lee had been a swimmer
he understood the physical part of the
sport but lacked the coaching aspect at
first. He said he had learned so much
about coaching from Mrs. Gasperine
and Mrs. Demel. But now he looks forward to learning more about the ‘behind
the scenes’ aspects of swimming, since
he hadn’t been a part of those aspects
while he was the assistant coach.
For Lee’s first year as head coach
he as quite the list of goals. First, he
wants to have more people on the team
than have previously been on the team
since he has been at Jersey Shore. Lee
said, “Swimming isn’t who wins the
race, wins the meet but points are given
to every place; making our thirds,
fourths and fifths help win the
meet.” With this it is clear Lee wants a
larger team. Though swimming has
never been a very large sport in our
school, it is a sport that is very fun, even
for new swimmers. Also, Lee wants to
have more swimmers participate in
PIAA districts. Lee said his third goal
was to impact the swimmers’ lives in
and out of the water. With these goals
the swimming season looks bright and
Over the summer Lee and a few
swimmers attended Clarion Swim
Camp. At Clarion, Lee had acquired
more strategies to help swimmers improve. Cross-fit was one; cross-fit is an
out of the water workout that helps with
cardiovascular training and muscle
building. He learned new techniques
and exercises for in the water too.
For practices Lee intends to make
the work outs different and more challenging. On the swim meet side, he will
be asking swimmers to do strokes out of
their ‘comfort zone’. Last year we lost
two handfuls of boys and girls that had
excelled at the more complex events
which will make other swimmers step
up and take their places.
Lee is very excited about this year
and extremely honored to be the head
coach. He wants to welcome anyone
and everyone to join the swim team.
“It’s health for your mind, body, and
you meet new friends and challenge
yourself,” said Lee.
So just jump in and give swim team
a try! You can never regret simply trying something and plus you will probably meet some new friends that share
the same interests as you.
Ace! Good luck returning that. The tennis
team had a great season this year with a record
of 12-3, and made it to districts. The tennis
players were excited about making it, and held
pride in their team.
Rachael Fravel (10) and Melissa
Bass (12) made it to singles in
districts. They were seeded number 4 and were a doubles team.
They played a great game, but unfortunately lost to Loyalsock in the
semi finals.
Hannah Burdick (12) and Amber
Kachelries (11) made doubles districts.
Hannah toughed it out when she injured her foot. In districts they use ad, which
is using advantages with their points. Amber
had never experienced using ad, and was confused at first. She said she kept asking Hannah
why they were still playing, and which side
they were supposed to be on.
In the middle of the match Hannah was
trying to explain to Amber what was going on,
and help her with the score. Then, Amber finally got it, and said she actually liked playing
using ad. Their match was a truly great game
when they lost the first set 6-4, but got a burst
of energy in the second set. During the second
set they made an amazing come-back, and won
the match 6-2. Even with Hannah being injured, they were very confident that they would
win this match. In the third set they led at 3-2.
They could have won, but Lewisburg had already gotten their 3 wins against the whole
Sudoku Solution
25 The Paw Print NOVEMBER
Last Laugh
Hot Videos of
the Month
By Emily Thomas and Megan Tomb
Have you checked out these hilarious YouTube videos
yet? These videos are sequels of previous hits online.
Brother and Sister Odyssey by Kayrush22. This brother
and sister deal with just having their wisdom teeth removed. With 1,992,226 views is one of our favorite YouTube videos. It’s a continuation of when the kids get in the
car. It is by far the best out of all the videos. With 442,577
the kids finally get inside their house and the fun just continues.
Hahaha by BlackOleg. With 145,309,410 views this
baby’s laugh is bound to make you laugh.
David After the Dentist by Booba1234. With
72,285,351 views David is a loopy after a dentist appointment.
Emily Thomas
We’ve all seen them...Facebook status updates that had us
laughing, crying, or just scratching our heads. Each month we will
highlight some of the status updates that caught our eyes. Note:
The statuses below were taken off of Facebook but the names have
been changed to protect the innocent.
Martha Could fifteen minutes save you fifteen percent or
more on car insurance? Does helium make an opera more informal and much more interesting?
Ashanti Life would be easier if I were a brownie
Fabio Dear Snuggie commercial, no college student I know
will wear one of your backwards robes to class, just saying.
Carmen I think I’m going to go all out for Christmas this
year, I’m hoping Google earth will be taking pictures of the area
because my house will be visible from space.
By Emily Thomas
Today, I won a million dollars, but I closed out of the pop
-up anyway. MLIA
Today, my wife left me and my house burned down. I quit
the Sims and did not save. MLIA
Today was sitting in Latin class doing a translation. A
loud-mouthed freshman wouldn't stop whining about how
hard it was. Out of nowhere, my Latin teacher reached under
her desk, pulled out a Nerf gun, and launched a bullet
squarely into the kid’s forehead. She then put the gun back
and continued grading papers as if nothing had happened.
Best. Disciplinarian. Ever. MLIA
The bully assembly and the diversity
 All those students who earned
distinguished and honor roll status.
Today, I was walking home quite late and as I crossed
one of the main streets I saw two old ladies fighting over who
got to press the button for the crosswalk. On the way across
the street, I heard the losing one say "It's not fair, you get a
little tipsy. I have to interrupt my episode of TMNT to get you.
And YOU get to press the crosswalk button?!" I love old people. MLIA
Today, I got mugged I was sad until I realized my purse
didn’t have money in it. I would love to see this guys face
when he realizes that all he stole was my tampons. MLIA
Cross Country made it to states.
No Snaps:
 Three girls got run over by a
spooked deer at cross country states and
one was sent to the ER
We actually needed a talk about
bullying and diversity.
Car accidents involving our students—Slow down and save
a life people!
25 The Paw Print NOVEMBER