Hamstreet Primary School Our Christmas Fair is nearly here!


Hamstreet Primary School Our Christmas Fair is nearly here!
Whole School Trip to
see Cinderella
9th and 10th January 2014
Don’t forget to send your slip in.
I am sure you are aware, we recently sent a letter to you
about a trip the whole school is making to the Folkestone
Leas Cliff Hall to see Cinderella. This is a special schools’
performance. KS1 (Lympne, Scotney and Deal Classes)
will be going to watch a performance on Thursday 9th
January. KS2 and Reception (Sandcastles, Leeds, Canterbury, Saltwood, Walmer, Sissinghurst and Chilham
Classes) will be watching a performance on Friday 10th
January. The cost of the trip is heavily subsidised by the
School Voluntary Fund.
Please ensure you return your slip as soon as possible as
we will need all slips back by Friday 6th December.
As the groups are expected back much later this year,
it will not be possible for the school kitchen to provide a cooked lunch (contrary to what was mentioned
in the letter). Could your child therefore bring a
PACKED LUNCH on the day (children who usually
have free school meals will be provided with a packed
Children in Need 2013
Almost everyone came to school dressed as
their favourite film character! The Teaching Assistants baked cakes to sell and Homewood’s Dance
Group visited with their Dance Dash. With all these
activities we raised a fantastic £484 - an amazing total! This is a massive achievement so thank you all
for your kind generosity.
Our male teachers sported some
magnificent moustaches for Movember!
They raised an amazing £96 which will be donated to
the charity Prostate Cancer UK.
Thank you to all who donated.
Carol singing and
Festive Food Night at Dobbie’s!
On Thursday 12th December, Dobbie’s are
organising a Festive Food Night between 5.00pm
and 6.00pm and would like Hamstreet Primary and
John Wesley School to join them in their celebrations
by singing together.
We will be meeting at Dobbie’s at 5.00pm and all are
warmly invited to join us (all age groups, families and
Please return the slip below if you are able to join us
so that we know how many song sheets to bring.
Thank you.
Carol Singing at Dobbie’s 2013
Child’s name:…………………………………………
We would like to join the carol singing at Dobbie’s on
Thursday 12th December at 5.00pm
Number who will be attending:……………….
Our Christmas Fair is nearly here!
Friday 6 December 5.30 - 7.00pm
We have many fantastic stalls and
attractions lined up for you including many new
ones as well as a number of outside visitors
with some exciting gift ideas, Santa’s Grotto,
tombolas, cakes and refreshments. Game
cards are available to buy in advance from the
school office.
If you are able to help set up (from 3pm onwards) we
would be very grateful. We would also very much
appreciate donations of cakes and biscuits - please
bring them to the school office on Friday 6 December. Thank you.
The Raffle Hampers are back
after yet another tremendous success last
year! Please, please donate to your child’s
class hamper/s with the following:
Sandcastles 1 & 2 Christmas Decorations
Cheese & Wine
Sissinghurst Drinks
Christmas Food
Secret Santa Stall
Our annual Secret Santa stall will be held on
Wednesday 18 December
Children are invited to bring money in (£1.50 for each
gift) on this day when they will be able to view all the
gifts available. They can then purchase a giftwrapped item which they can take home to keep
secret until Christmas day. The children will write
labels on them so they don’t forget who they have
bought presents for.
We can assure you the gifts are lovely and well worth
having – the children will be shown the items on sale
beforehand so they can decide whether they would
like to buy a gift or not.
It would be helpful if each child brought in a carrier
bag to carry their gifts home.
Children in Sandcastles Class will be sent a separate letter with more details and a parent
reply slip.
Santa’s Grotto
We still have some times available for children to visit Santa’s Grotto at our Christmas Fair.
6.30pm or 6.45pm slots are still available.
Please send the reply slip (sent out last week) with
your payment (£2.50 per child) as soon as possible.
Fri 6th
Saturday 7th
Friday 13th
Tuesday 17th
Tuesday 17th
Wednesday 18th
Friday 20th
H.S.A Christmas Fair 5.30-7.00pm
Highways Nativity
End of Term reports sent to parents
KS1 Christmas Productions 9.30am
and 1.30pm
KS2 Carol Concert 6.00pm
Secret Santa
Christmas Lunch
Monday 6th
Thursday 9th
Friday 10th
KS1 trip to Panto
KS1 and YrR trip to Panto
You may have heard that Mrs Stevens is to leave teaching
after 9 years with us at Hamstreet as she embarks on a new
path in her life; she is getting married in Australia in January
2014 and will then enjoy time with her new husband.
We are fortunate that Mr Lukehurst has agreed to return to
teaching after a very successful start with us in 2011/12.
We would like to present Mrs Stevens with a special gift (to
be decided) from the children. If you would like to make a
contribution to this, please send to the school office. (If you
can, please keep this a secret from Mrs Stevens!)
I am sure you will join me in welcoming Mr Lukehurst to Hamstreet Academy and wishing Mrs Stevens all the best for the
A message from Mr and Mrs Smith
Christmas Toy Service & Willow Centre Ashford
On behalf of the Willow Centre we would like to
thank all of you who kindly donated a Christmas gift. We took an incredible 121 presents to
the centre on Monday 2 December and they were
overjoyed. These will be given to children who
otherwise would have received very little this
Christmas. They join us in wishing you all a very
happy and blessed Christmas. Thank you
Over £150 was collected this year which was the
highest amount in the local area. Thank you all for
your generosity
Are there any willing parents who would be able to help our
librarians in the school library during the lunch hour? If you
can spare some time on any day of the week we would be
grateful. It would just involve helping children with their
‘research’, checking books in and out and entering details on
the computer system. Please contact Mrs Stevens in Canterbury Class who is our library coordinator.
Tel. 01233 732577
We have reminded parents on many,
many occasions that they are NOT permitted to
use the staff car park.
We had a near miss this week - late children
were walking across the car park unaccompanied by an adult and were narrowly missed by a
parent driving at speed into the staff car park.
To avoid any accidents we will now be closing
the gates to the car park at certain times. If you
use the car park and the gates are closed you
will not be able to exit the car park until the afternoon. You have been warned.
You may have noticed police presence outside
school last week. They had been made aware
of extremely inconsiderate driving and parking
by parents outside the school gates.
The police will visit from time to time to ensure
the roads (and pavements) remain safe for our
children. Please think carefully when you are
driving near the school and especially consider
unaccompanied children at all times. Thank
The lost property bin will be cleared out every
Friday - if items are named they will be returned to the child’s class.
Any lost property which is not named will be
recycled and either given to H.S.A second
hand uniform or to charity.
Therefore, please NAME your child’s uniform.
Thank you.
Our first match this term was against Furley
Park Primary and although Hamstreet lost, we
played really well together for the first time as a
team. Hamstreet went on to play Kingsnorth
Primary and the score was 1-1. We are looking
forward to playing some more matches before
the end of term.
Our new netball team practised so hard and
their team spirit was excellent. We lost to Tenterden Juniors who are a very strong team. We
will play a return match in the new year, so
watch out Tenterden!
Our Year 5 team came 8th out of 15 teams and
our Year 6 team came 10th out of 20 teams. It
was a great afternoon and our teams played
Sportshall Athletics
Again our teams did really well and came 6th
out of 20 schools.
Well done to you all, we are very proud of you!
Please visit the school website: www.ham-street.kent.sch.uk