Julie MacMillan 20119360


Julie MacMillan 20119360
Julie MacMillan 20119360
2014/2015 OGS Competition
Name: Julie MacMillan
ID #: 20119360
Email: [email protected]
Current Studies
Prog. Level:
Management Sciences
Full Time
Immigration Status:
Proposed Studies
Prog. Level:
Management Sciences
Full Time
Expected Start Date of Award:
Spring 2014
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Julie MacMillan 20119360
Research proposal/program statement
 Maximum 1 page, single spaced, using Arial 12 pt font with 1 inch margins
 Bibliography & citations page is not included in the page limit.
 Waterloo expects applicants to write their own research/program statement
independently, and that ideas and/or texts belonging to others are properly
 Provide a detailed description of the research and or project during the period in
which the award will be held. Be as specific as possible. Provide background
information to position the proposed research/project within the context of the
current knowledge in the field.
 For applicants with a research background:
o Be specific and state the objectives.
o Outline the experimental or theoretical approach to be taken.
o State the methods and procedures that will be used.
 The proposal should be written in plain language, so that it is readable by
someone with a background in the discipline but has no specified knowledge of
the applicant’s particular field of research.
 State the significance of the research or project in the particular field.
 If a specific project has not been decided upon, the applicant must still provide a
detailed description of a research or project statement that interests them. Be as
specific as possible.
 Do not refer to URL’s as the committees will not be able to look up the
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single spaced, using Arial 12 pt font with 1 inch margins
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Julie MacMillan 20119360
Awards and prizes
 Optional page, do not include if blank.
 List a maximum of 10 competitive post-secondary scholarships, fellowships,
prizes and other academic or professional awards that you have received and
that you think would be the most pertinent to the adjudication of your application.
o Scholarship or Award name / Source (institution, agency, or company) /
Year Awarded/ Duration / Value
 Examples of competitive scholarships include: awards from SSHRC, NSERC,
CIHR, OGS, QEII, Trillium and Vanier.
Example Scholarship or Award Name
Harry Potter Frist Place Prize
for Flying
Firebolt Inc.
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Julie MacMillan 20119360
Contributions (publications & presentations)
 Master’s students - maximum of 1 page.
 Doctoral students - maximum of 2 pages.
 Identification of each contribution is required (i.e. journal article, conference,
poster presentation, etc.) and whether it is refereed or not.
 Applicants should not include their thesis, work term reports or any articles that
are currently in progress or those on which they do not appear as an author.
 Applicants should not include any articles that are currently in preparation or
those in which they do not appear as an author.
 List of scholarly contributions including: articles published, accepted or submitted
(provide submission number) to refereed journals; other refereed contributions
including: papers in refereed conference proceedings, posters, specialized
publications and conference presentations and posters; contributions resulting
from participation in industrial relevant Research and Development activities;
patents and copyrights awarded such as software (include title and name of joint
 Required Format: full authorship as it appears/will appear in the original
publication, year, title, publication name, volume, page number(s), and chapters
if applicable. For example:
 Use the following format:
o Full authorship as it appears/will appear in the original publication (with the
applicant's name in bold);
o Year;
o Title;
o Publication name and volume;
o First and last page numbers;
o Work connected to undergrad, maters, doctoral or relevant work
Example - Articles published or accepted in refereed journals
MacMillan, J., Applicant, X.X., and Mussar, H. (2008) Chemical composition in potions
in Harry Potter. Journal of Alchemy. 269: 1120-1124 (PhD work).
Special Circumstances
 The candidate may add a maximum of 100 words at the end of the
Publications and presentations page starting a new page if needed, to
describe any special considerations such as health problems, family
responsibilities, disabilities, or other circumstances that have had an effect on
their performance or productivity, including any delays in disseminating their
research results or completing their degree. The weight to be given to any
special circumstances will be determined by Waterloo's OGS ranking
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Julie MacMillan 20119360
Academic Assessment Report
2 Academic assessments (reference letters) are required for each OGS application
Examples of acceptable referees include the applicant’s current supervisor,
industrial supervisor, or previous USRA supervisor
Completed assessments can be emailed, mailed or faxed to the student’s
graduate department coordinator
1. The applicant must complete the following sections on the academic
assessment form:
o Candidate Information
 name and student ID number
o Submission deadline
 Applicant to indicate the deadline for the referee to return the form
to the graduate department Coordinator.
o Department Contact
 Applicant to indicate the name, email, and mailing address of the
graduate department coordinator.
 The Referee will use this information when submitting their
completed form
2. The referee must complete the following sections on the academic assessment
o Academic/professional assessment
o Referee information
o Has an option to include a free form letter
 Maximum 1 page, on letterhead, 12pt Arial font with 1 inch margins
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