Document 6440763
Document 6440763
Thursday, May 13, 1965 Tonawanda NEWS Page 12 iiiiitiiiiiititiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiififiiiiitiiiiiitiittiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniig f News of: 'Youth Day' Representatives Are Announced for May 24 /I 5 / § ! Kenmore • Town of Tonawanda • Erie County | nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllimiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIl'f: Representatives of sever- High School, and Carol Cooking- Hoover Junior High School, and Frances Young, receiver of taxal area schools were named ham, town attorney, Kenmore es and assessments, Mt. St. West High School. last night to key positions John Ostopowicz, police chief, Mary Academy. for the coming May 24 St. Andrew's School; John Chi- Delegates from the council will Youth Government Day in azza, assessor, Cardinal O'Hara meet with Mrs. Wilfred T. PearHigh School and Thomas Mudra, son, adult advisor, and Mr. Ryan the Town of Tonawanda. town engineer, St. John the Bap- at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the KenJames Mahoney, son of Mr. tist School. more YWCA on additional plans and Mrs. James J. Mahoney, 272 Susan Gerth, peace justice, for Youth Government Day. Lowell Road, Town of Tonawanda, was elected at the Kenmore YWCA, as chairman for the day Barber Shop; 8 Euclid Ave., The Wiggery (EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the third in a when young people will "take Beauty Studio, and 12 Warren Ave., Kenseries of five articles about a current conover" their town's government. Information on the extent to jobholding and premium pay will more Furniture and Woodworking Shop. troversy hi the village of Kenmore concernThe program is one that the which workers in the U n i t e d be asked in addition to the reguing the village zoning ordinance and its enAlso 2806 Delaware Ave., Tremaine Shoe Youth Participation Committee of States hold more than one job lar monthly inquiry on employforcement.) Repair; 2868 Delaware Ave., Casa d'Eleganthe Kenmore - Town of Tona- will be obtained by the Census ment and unemployment Building Inspector Walter E. McCreadie za Hairstyling Inc., and 2938 Delaware Ave., wanda Community Youth Coun- Bureau in a population survey Jr. has the difficult role of keeping cool on Starlite Hair Fashions. cil sponsors each year. Town this month, James W. Turbitt, di- The data will be collected next a legal frying pan while he investigates more Also, 2965 Delaware Ave., Charles-MauCouncilman James V. Ryan will rector of the bureau's regional of- week from selected households in than 20 businesses in Kenmore for possible rice Studio; 2934 Delaware Ave., Kenmore aid pupils in working out details. fice in Boston, announced today. this area as well as other sample zoning code violations. Coin-o-Matic Laundry, and 2961 Delaware Those elected to "town of- The bureau will also ask ques- areas throughout the U.S. Mr. McCreadie, who is also village fire Ave. where a fire destroyed a pizzeria buildfices," and the schools they at- tions about overtime pay in the Census Bureau interviewers marshal, has been warned by Walter J. ing that has been razed. tend, are Steven Cavanaugh, su- survey, which is taken once each who will visit families in t h i s Brinson, a Kenmore lawAlso, 2035 Delaware Ave., Legion Barber pervisor, St. Joseph's Collegiate month to develop information on area are Mrs. Lucille Perrin, yer, that he faced legal Shop; 3135 Delaware Ave., Avenue Barber Institute; Jack Voelker, Council- employment and unemployment Mrs. Ruth Arendt, Mrs. A l i c e action unless he started Shop; 3163 Delaware Ave., Kenmore Shoe man Ryan's counterpart, Ken- for the U.S. Bureau of Labor Sta- Seibert and Mrs. Emily Barththe investigation—that is West High School, and tistics. The questions on dual olomew, all of Buffalo. Repair, and 3169 Delaware Ave., Edmond's now underway. Robert Sylvester, left, president of the Exchange Club of more Gary Kyne, Councilman Carlton Beauty Salon. mmmmmmmmm& m. mmm the Tonawandas, presents a check for $389 to Lt. Ray- D. Cruickshank's Mr. Brinson represents counterpart, Also 3104 Delaware Ave., House of ManAlbert P. Caruso, manmond L. Wood, officer in charge of the Tonawandas branch Kenmore Junior High School. uela, Hair Fashions; 3051 Delaware Ave., ager of an idle store at of the Salvation Army. The funds, which represent partial Norman Duttweiler, for Counwith (fur storage) notation, Kenmore Fur3020 Delaware Ave., Kenproceeds from the Exchange Club's recent peat moss sale, cilman Wilfred Goddard Jr., St. riers; 3229 Delaware Ave., Kleen Right more. Mr. McCreadie, on will be used to purchase kitchen equipment for the Salva- Paul's School; Gary Tanner, for FICKELSCHERER — Mary five grandchildren. Friends may Cleaners and Tailors, and 204 State Bank Katherine Fickelscherer of 6571 call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. April 13, turned down an tion Army's new facility on Main Street in Tonawanda. Councilman Wilbur T. Carlson, Building, loction of the Kurl Beauty Shop. the Hilliard Funeral Home application for a permit i^^^^^^^^^m^^^^^m^^^^s^^ ---•• •- & mm - Franklin Junior High School; Shawnee Road, Town of Wheat- at Listed by name were the Euclid Bakery Inc., 147 Delaware St., Tonawanfield, Tuesday (May 11. 1965). or "certificate of occuAnna Marie Hassett, for Council(SpeideTs), corner of Euclid and Delaware Beloved infant daughter of Don- da, where services will be Saturpancy" to use that store man Thomas J. Kelly, Blessed Avenues, and Watson's Restaurant, 2904 Delaald A. and Elaine Brown Fickel- day at 1 p.m. The Rev. Karl as a "Race-o-Rama" or Sacrament School, and Jerry ware Ave. scherer; sister of Donald Jr., H. A. Rest will officiate. Burial model car slot racing cenWorakomski, for Councilman Mr. McCreadie has sent letters to those James, Paul, Richard and Ann in White Chapel Cemetery. In ter. PATTERSON George J. Butler, St. Amelia's responsible for operation of the business esElizabeth Fickelscherer; grand- lieu of flowers, memorials may In an April 28 letter to School. tablishments listed in the Brinson letter. daughter of Mrs. John C. Fickel- be made to Salem United Church Mr. McCreadie, Mr. Brinson has raised, by Sandi Manikoff, town clerk, Those receiving letters are asked to meet scherer of Angelica, N.Y. of Christ, or to Health and Reimplication, the question: Are the 20 busiand Sue Gaby, superintendent of at the Municipal Building with Mr. McFriends may call from 2 to 5 and search Inc. of Roswell Park Meness places in Kenmore complying with the highways, both of Kenmore East John E. Stuermer, 21, of 537 (13-14) Creadie at their convenience, and describe 7 to 9 p.m. at the Bury Boule- morial Institute. "business district" provisions of the village Old Falls Blvd., North Tonawanwhat goes on in the establishments they opvard Funeral Home, 2335 Niagzoning code? da, was sentenced by Town of erate. ara Falls Blvd., where services KINZLY — William C. Kinzly, The Brinson letter that touched off the Tonawanda Peace Justice James The challenge facing Mr. McCreadie is to will be conducted Friday morn- 71, of 43 Riverview Ave., North zoning investigation listed the properties by L. Tippett yesterday to 30 days decide whether the business district proviing at 9:15, followed by a Mass Tonawanda, died Wednesday addresses only, with three exceptions. Mr. in the Erie County Penitentiary sions of the Kenmore zoning code permit of the Angels at Good Shepherd (May 12,1965) in the Buffalo VetMcCreadie has visited the premises in each for speeding. the activities conducted at each questioned Church at 10 o'clock. Friends are erans Administration hospital ease and, at this point, declines to indicate The unusually severe penalty establishment. invited. Flowers gratefully de- after a brief illness. He is surwhether he has found zoning code violation. was imposed in connection with clined. (12-13) vived by his wife, Elsie (nee SeeLocations include 7 Euclid Ave., Euclid (Tomorrow: Details of Zoning Code.) a variety of charges filed by poman) Kinzly; three daughters, lice after Stuermer allegedly left The eight - team Augustana GOODMAN-Wallace E. Good- Mrs. Milton (Beatrice) Thursam the scene of an accident in KenBaseball League, formed seven man, 62, of 30 Minerva St., Ton- of Sacramento, Calif.; Mrs. more in which a motorcyclist was years ago for boys, 10 to 12, who awanda, died Wednesday (May Christian (Ellen) Voelker of Grainjured. don't play in an organized Town 12, 1965) at Roswell Park Memo- nada Hills, Calif., and Mrs. JoThe Senate, by a vote of 47 to 9 ALBANY (TJPI) — A bill to Judge T i p p e t t suspended of Tonawanda league, n e e d s rial Institute after a long illness. seph (Lois) Mathias of San Ferabolish the death penalty in New Wednesday, nudged the bill into the charges of running two stop signs adult managers and assistants. He was born in North Tonawan- nando, Calif.; a son, Wilbur D. ERNST T. NEWMAN York State, except in two minor in- Assembly v/here it was given "an ex- and two red lights in the police "We need several men to help da and had resided in the Ton- Kinzly of North Tonawanda; nine chase which ensued after the accarry out our program this year," awandas all of his life. He was a grandchildren; his mother, Mrs. stances, was speeding today toward cellent chance" of passage, probably cident in front of Kenmore Poaccording to the Rev. Robert E. member of Salem United Church Emma Kinzly of North Tonawanby next Tuesday or Wednesday. final legislative approval. lice Headquarters. Mansbach, pastor of Augustana of Christ and Delaware Hose Co. da and a brother, Levant KinzStuermer still faces charges of Lutheran Church, Town of Ton- Mr. Goodman operated the ly of North Tonawanda. Friends driving while intoxicated and awanda, which sponsors t h e service station at Main and Tre- may call at the Fretthold Funer# leaving the scene of an accident league. "The call for assistance mont Streets, North Tonawanda, al Home, 1241 Oliver St. at Ward Council of Churches which are answerable May 18 in goes out to all men, regardless for 37 years. He is survived by Road, where services will be Kenmore Village Court. He has of church affiliation. his wife, Gladys (nee Heiden- conducted at 2 p.m. Friday. InFoe of Death Penalty been fined $25 for driving on un"We try to give those boys feldt); two sons, Roger L. of terment in Resthaven CemeThe Buffalo, Erie County Ernst T. Newman, 77, of 34 who may not be talented enough North Tonawanda and Richard tery. The family will be in atsafe tires by Village Police Jusand North Tonawanda CounHarding Ave., Town of Tona- to make one of the other junior C. of Tonawanda; one daughter, tendance at the funeral home tice John Cheney. cil of Churches has stepped wanda, a former Spaulding Fi- leagues the opportunity to play," Mrs. Ernest (Carol) Forth, and from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 In other cases, up its campaign for abolip.m. Mr. Kinzly was a lifelong Four Town of Tonawanda resi- Williams P. Collins, 21, of 98 bre Inc. foreman, died yesterday Mr. Mansbach explained. "Every ALBANY (UPI) — Governor tion of the death penalty. at the Niagara Lutheran Nursing boy who comes to a game w i l l resident of North Tonawanda, a dents and a local industrial firm Hotel Ave., and Robald PelczynRockefeller has signed a series The Rev. Robert L. Dady, received awards last night at the ski, 18, of 102 Argus St., both Home. play for at least two innings." retired employe of Remington of five bills implementing an allCARD OF THANKS chairman of the councils A Town of Tonawanda resident Rand, a veteran of World War I Teams play one night a week, seventh annual Future Unlimited out $1.7 billion drive in New Buffalo, were ordered held for f o r ears Mr public affairs department, and a member of American Leeither Tuesday or Friday, beginBanquet of Junior .Achievers Grand Jury action in conection ^ y » - Newman reand York State to cleanup lakes and said the group plans to notired 12 years ago after 20 years gion Post 264. (12-13) ning the first week in June. and business leaders at Hotel with a burglary March 19 at a streams in six years. tify Gov. Rockefeller of its IN MEMORIAM of service at the Tonawanda inMen wishing to volunteer their Statler Hilton. Town of Tonawanda service staThe heart of the anti - pollu- stand and to launch a letdustry. services can call the church at Joseph W. Kolkmeyer, 320 tion. ^ tion package is a $1 billion bond ter-writing WILLIAMS — Helen T. (nee campaign. Mr. Newman's wife, the forTF 2-5720; Frank Leuthner, Blackstone Blvd.; Warren W. Judge Tippett ordered the pair, issue which must be approved Callahan) Williams, 64, of 180 — In loving memory of Gilchrist, 105 Princeton Blvd. and charged with third-degree bur- mer Selma S. Swanson, died on league president, at 833-8255, or OPRIS by the voters in November. our beloved husband and father. Humphrey St., North TonawanGordon S. Knaier, 417 Woodgate glary, to the Erie County Jail. March 4. Both were natives of Robert Saxton, vice president, at Nicholas Opris, who passed away da, died Wednesday (May 12, Under the program as protwo years ago May 6, 1963; Road, all of whom counsel J. W. They were arrested by Town Pa- Sweden and resided in Buffalo 835-6026. 1965) at DeGraff Memorial Hosposed by Rockefeller, the state Gone is the face we loved so before moving to the Town of Williams & Co., whose JA com- trolman Carmen Manzella at Dipital after a long illness. She was would finance 30 per cent of the dear. pany had the year's largest gross Lullo's Gulf Station, 1042 Engle- Tonawanda. Silent is the voice we loved to born in Pennsylvania and had recost of public sewage treatment Survivors include a son, Walhear; sales, were named advisors of wood Ave. sided in North Tonawanda 22 facilities and pre - finance an Too far away for sight or speech. ter T. Newman; two daughters, the year. Florian E. Kolek, 2124 Grand equal share for the federal govBut not too far away for thouught years. She was a member of AsE. Newman and Mrs. cension Church. She is survived to reach. ernment The additional 40 per Members of the Safari Club in Neil M. Melbrod, 900 Riverview Island Blvd., Grand Island, was Martha Carl Vann; two brothers, John Sweet to remember him who by her husband, Russell P.; one cent would be financed by the Kenmore and the Tonawandas Blvd., representing the Buffalo fined $100 for speeding, and $50 Newman once was here. and Walter Nyman; will meet at 6 tonight at the Savings Bank, was named treas- for impaired driving. Judge Tiplocality. The Erie County Republican And who, though absent, is just daughter, Mrs. Albert (Ruth) four sisters, Mrs. Warren BickTransitown Plaza for a trailer urer of the year. pett also suspended Kolek's liSchoenfeldt; one son, Phillip; as dear. Other anti - pollution meas- caravan trip to the World's Fair etts, Mrs. Carl Edlund, Mrs. Ar- Executive Committee yesterday John M. Quirk of Niagara Falls Sadly missed by. cense for 60 days on the latter seven grandchildren; two sisters, ures approved: thur Berglund and Mrs. Otto endorsed former Family Court Mrs. Nicholas Opris Mrs. Katherine Waters of Levitat New York City. was named Mr. JA Teen-Age charge. — Allow private industry a About 15 trailers will be in the And Family Lonquist, and four grandchil- Judge Leon W. Paxon of Newtown, Pa., and Mrs. James stead to fill a new seat on the one - year income tax write off caravan unit that is expected to Executive. He is counseled by dren. THE FAMILY of the late Louise (Rose) Van Why of West Pittsthe Carborundum Co. Julie M. of the cost of constructing pri- return to Kenmore Tuesday. H. Wilson, wish to express their ton, Pa., and several nieces and The Rev. Fridolph Anderson, court. Beckinghausen of Cheektowaga, vate waste treatment facilities. Members of the same group sincere thanks and appreciation to The interim term will expire minister of the Evangelical Covetheir many relatives, friends and nephews. Funeral services will — Permit localities to grant are making tentative plans to go counseled by J. H. Williams Dec. 31. However, Mr. Paxon is nant Church, will officiate at neighbors, especially Doctor's Hos- be at 9 a.m. Saturday from the real propery tax exemptions on to the Tonawanda Seneca Indian & Co., was named Miss JA Exthe funeral at 1:30 p.m. Satur- certain to be the endorsed GOP pital, pallbearers and Frenchy's Skomski Funeral Home, 549 Oliecutive of the Niagara Frontier. privately constructed facilities. Reservation near Akron, N.Y., day at the Bury Funeral Home, candidate for election this fall Grill, for all their kindness and — Streamline enforcement pro- for a July 2-5 campout during Albert L. Sanderson, 152 Don- Kenmore. Burial will be in Elm- to a full 10-year term to the sympathy shown, beautiful floral ver St., North Tonawanda, and tributes sent, sympathy cards. at 9:30 in Ascension Church. The cedures under state anti - pollu- the Indian powwow at the Tona- Town Resident $25,000-a-year judgeship. caster Road, Town of Tonawan- lawn Cemetery. Mass cards and use of cars durtion laws. On another GOP front, County ing their recent bereavement, the Rev. Francis J. Hunt will offiwanda Seneca Community Buildda, yesterday was elected at De"Clean waters — from moun- ing grounds in Bloomingdale Becomes Trooper Chairman Thomas W. Ryan and loss of a dear mother, grandmoth- ciate. Burial in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Family will be present from to the board of governnors tain streams, to broad rivers Road. former chairman Robert W. er and sister. Robert J. Arkeilpane, 29, of 283 otroit f The Wilson Family 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.m. (13-14) and lakes and along our shoreWilmington Ave., Town of Ton- the American National R e d Grimm joined in honoring CounKey to abbreviations: Tonawan- ty Comptroller Clinton C. Couhig lines — will mean better health, awanda, was graduated yester- Cross. da (T); North Tonawanda (NT): GELOSE . . . Art In industrial expansion, rising propday from the 16-week basic train- John E. Roberts, 181 Willow- Town of Tonawanda (TT); Ken- at a testimonial dinner. FLOWED erty values and improved recmore (K); Amherst (Amh.l; It marked the first time both ing program at the Academy of breeze Road, Town of Tonawan- Wheatfield (W); Pendleton (P); HOUSE FLORIST reation and, perhaps most imthe New York State Police in da, chairman of the Buffalo Red Buffalo (B); Grand Island (GI). men had shared a head table portantly, will demonstrate that Serving Kenmore-Tona. 45 yrs. since Ryan defeated Grimm for Troop C Headquarters, Sidney. Cross Chapter, was named to the the people of this state are able Deerhurst United Presbyterian A 1954 graduate of Riverside nominating committee for the 4 LANDERS RD., KENMORE Court Cases the GOP chairmanship last StlTIIEITIl Clf T fairly and wisely to use the re- Church has offered its sanctu- High School, Officer Arkeilpane 1966 Red Cross convention at San HUMMEL FIGURINES month. %> ttm S E M I f f l E B T I L filfT TOWN OF TONAWANDA 178 MAIN ST. TONAWANDA NX 2-5200 sources which have been so gen- ary to Kenmore Presbyterian attended the University of Buf- Diego. Penalized Wednesday — Robert 875-0525, 875-9744 J. Forney, 3185 Niagara Falls Blvd. erously and abundantly entrust- Church during June, July and falo and served as a military Mr. Sanderson's e l e c t i o n (NT), fined $10, speeding; James August. ed to them," he said. policeman with the U.S. Army in marked the first time in the 49- F. Lettice. 2218 Sheridan (TT). ^ ^ About 50 persons were on Sunday services of the latter G e $100, speeding; Robert Matusiak, 88 He has ^ year history of the Buffalo chap- Old Colony (TT), $5, running stop hand for the bill signing cere- congregation •ngregation will be at 1 p.m. *« n<JZl u ;»,.,i ter that it has had a representasign; Joseph P. Wolf. 131 Brighto Troop B in Malone. mony, including legislative lead- Sundays during June at Deerton (TT), $25, disorderly conduct. tive on the national board. Mr. hurst During July and August, ers. Sanderson is executive vice presThe Ernie Pyle Post 29, AmSunday services will be at 11 Rites Set Saturday ident of the Marine Trust Co. of vets, will have a wreath laying a.m. Car Buying Involves APPOINTED Western New York. ceremony at 12:30 p.m. Sunday Patrick J. Hoar Jr. has been The Rev. Henry W. Eddy and For George Grobe 'Hidden Charges' at the monument to war dead at the Rev. Thomas MacMillan, Services were scheduled Saturappointed superintendent of blast the Kenmore Village Green. furnaces" at aTRep"Jbliclteel Cor^ ministers of Peering* Chart*, d foT ^ ^ Charles M. Michaloski, 20, of L G furnaces Republic Steel Cor7 Fire Companies ~»M,*W«,'0 Tw*»i« «*<«J and members of its Session have „ _ *' Buffalo, found $200 in "hidden Post Commander Franklin B. poration's Buffalo Ai***iM district steel NOTICE ered" tte~church~ ;he u^* - s -• attorney for 18 years and p ~ „ J #,A l „ « « charges" when he drove off in a Krohn and Carl H. Schildwaster, attorney f uerea past commander of Amvets in p ant, succeeding Maurice Plot- ° usechurch oi me cnurcn * * Buffalo KeSDOnd TO A l a r m car he bought for $40 from a Delaware Hose Fire Co., No. 2 because10 we its former Erie County and Erie County, will lay the wreath man in a Buffalo tavern. ner who retired after 43 years' Kenmore church because ite former Erie County and Buffalo •* All officers and members are requested to meet at the monument near Delaware bmWin A As Michaloski left the tavern service with the firm and other S Program has not ad- Democratic leader. defective sump pump was companies. at Co. quarters at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 14th at the wheel of his new posses- Avenue and Delaware Road. vanced as far as had been ex- G r o b e a e t i v e i n „-««., fftr blamed for a smoke odor which An Amvet firing squad will take poW i and proceed in a body to the Hilliard Funeral pected. Kenmore Presbyterian, n e a r I,y M* years ? 5 brought seven volunteer fire sion, a motorcycle patrolman part in the Amvets' first annual BKTACHROMK COLOR FILM stopped him. City Judge Alois C. PROCESSED CAREFULLY now in the process of a rebuild» apparently suf- companies to a school for retardHome to pay our last respects to our departed wreath laying ceremony on the Mazur fined Michaloski $200 on 135-Zf exp. $1.45 mounted ing program, will have its sanctu- *&&& a heart attack in his sleep, ed children conducted in the brother member, Wallace G. Goodman. green. 127 or 129 $1.55 mounted ary ready by September. A native of Buffalo, he served Church of the Nativity School, charges of driving without a license, failing to have a proper Thomas E. Newton Sr. Matt to Other parts of the church at as U. S. attorney until 1952. 1530 Colvin Blvd.,companies Town of TonAll five Town and inspection sticker, having imKENMORE COLOR FILM LAB Delaware and East Hazeltine Av- He leaves his widow, a son, awanda, late this morning. President Property Fine P.O. Bex S3 - Kenmore 17. N.Y. enues will be ready in the spring a daughter and six grandchil- firefighters from Kenmore and proper plates and not having loon Jr. The is minister. He resided at 47 Edgepark Grand Island responded to the proper registration as the owner. Of $25 Lodged of 1966. Rev. Robert D. Me- dren. 11:43 a.m. alarm as is customAve., Buffalo. Vincent F. Cooper, 156 Glenary when schools and other pubdale Drive, Town of Tonawanda, ST. JOSEPH'S fi IICC • o J *• buildings are involved. Tnere Parent Association yesterday was fined $25 in Bufbuy U.b. jOVingS BonaS was no damage reported. NOTICE Dance Is Saturday falo City Court for allowing a AUTO INSURANCENicholas S. Valvo, 120 Brendan property in Buffalo to become a Members and officers of American Legion fire hazard and a public nuiAve., Kenmore, will be honored ic Buffalo, Kenmore, Twp. of Ton. Post 264 are requested to meet at 7:30 tonight $46*50 Saturday by members of the sance. it City of Tonawanda . « . « « . . * . . • « * « « $34*20 Calasanctius Preparatory School City Judge Joseph P. Kuszynat the Fret thold's Funeral Home, 1241 Oliver St. 4r City of N. Tonawanda and Ward, to pay last respects to departed com$32*80 Parents Association at a ball at ski imposed the fine for ordithe Buffalo Trap & Field Club. nance convictions. John J. NutClassification 1AO, S Mo. Prem., 10-90-5 Bl&PD AT THE CHURCH GROUNDS rade William C. Kinzly. • Call Anytime—DELBERT E . McM ASTER—693-9841; 693-2878 Completing a one - year term tie, Buffalo's chief building in94 Coshway PL, Tonawanda, N.Y. PAYNE AVE. at WARD RD. Bernard N. Kowalewski as president of the association, spector, said the premises inNationwide Mutual Insurance Co.. Home Office, Columbus, Ohio Mr. Valvo is a sales representa- volved are at 19 Waverly St, Commander tive of the Niagara Mohawk Pow- Buffalo, where a building had been rased. er Corp, Zoning In Kenmore - 3 By Mel Patterson | Investigation of 20 Firms Is Conducted by McCreadie 'Moonlighting' Survey Slated Cheek Presented OBITUARIES Young Driver Draws 30-Day Jail Sentence Adults Needed To Supervise Church League State Senate OKs Bill Outlawing Death Penalty E. T. Newman, Ex-Foreman Dies at 77 Achievement Awards Made At Banquet Governor Signs Bills Designed To End Pollution Safari Group To Visit Fair Paxon Backed By Erie GOP A. L. Sanderson On RC Board For the Record mmm Presbyterian Rites Listed Pyle Post 29 To Lay Wreath CHOWDER SALE SATURDAY. MAY 15th Ready al 11 JLML Car Financing Arranged, New Cars 4%% Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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