Minutes of Meeting of Leitrim County Council held in Aras... Co Leitrim on Monday 7


Minutes of Meeting of Leitrim County Council held in Aras... Co Leitrim on Monday 7
Minutes of Meeting of Leitrim County Council held in Aras An Chontae, Carrick-on-Shannon,
Co Leitrim on Monday 7th October 2013 at 5.30 p.m.
Members Present:
Councillor Sinead Guckian
Councillor Martin Kenny
Councillor Paddy O’Rourke
Councillor Frank Dolan
Councillor Sean McGowan
Councillor John McTernan
Councillor Enda McGloin
Councillor John McCartin
Councillor Mary Bohan
Councillor Francis Gilmartin
Councillor Gerry Kilrane
Councillor Thomas Mulligan
Councillor Siobhan McGloin
Councillor Enda Stenson
Cllr Sean McSharry
Councillor Gerry Dolan
Councillor Gerard Reynolds
Councillor Tony Ferguson
Councillor Gordon Hughes
And Councillor Sean McDermott, Cathaoirleach presiding
Officials Present:
Councillor Caillian Ellis
Cllr John Ward
Mr. Martin Dolan, Leitrim County Manager
Mr. Joseph Gilhooly, Director of Services, Planning, Community & Economic
Ms Mary Quinn, Director of Services, Housing & Corporate
Mr Billy Lowe, Senior Engineer, Water Services
Mr Brian Kenny, Senior Engineer, Environment
Mr. Shay O’Connor, Senior Engineer, Infrastructure
Mr John McKeon, A/ Head of Finance
Mr Ciaran Tracey, Senior Planner
Mr Vincent Dwyer, Senior Executive Officer
Ms Carmelita Caslin, Senior Executive Officer
Ms Aideen McGovern, Meetings Administrator
Adjournment of Meeting
Councillor Mary Bohan proposed that the meeting be adjourned for 15 minutes as a mark of respect
to the late Johnny Gallagher R.I.P., former Member of Leitrim County Council. This was unanimously
Votes of Sympathy
The Members extended a vote of sympathy to the following:
William Guckian, Correish, Drumsna, Co Leitrim on the death of Annie Guckian.
Owen Roe O’Neill & Family, East Port, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal on the death of Joe O’Neill.
Mr & Mrs Sean Lynch, Annagh, Carrigallen, Co Leitrim on the death of Babes Cleary.
John Costello & Family, Drumard Jones, Mohill, Co Leitrim on the death of Hubert Costello.
Liam Guckian, Cornagillagh, Drumsna, Co Leitrim on the death of Mary Ellen Guckian.
The Family of the Late Paul O’Connor, Dromodmore, Dromod, Co Leitrim.
Mattie & Mary McGloin, Gubacreeney, Kinlough on the death of Bridie McGloin.
Patrick & Eamon Rooney, Tawley, Tullaghan, Co Leitrim, Via Castlegal on the death of Vincent
The Gallagher Family, Drumbrahada, Drumkeerin, Co Leitrim on the death of Johnny Gallagher.
The McNama Family, Knockacullion, Drumkeerin, Co Leitrim on the death Winnie McNama.
The Doherty Family, Derrinurn, Drumkeerin, Co Leitrim on the death of John James Doherty.
The Rogan Family, Corralustia, Drumkeerin, Co Leitrim on the death Mary Rogan.
Deimhniu Miontuairisci
Proposed by Councillor Enda Stenson, seconded by Councillor Martin Kenny and
“That the Minutes of the Meeting of Leitrim County Council held in Aras An Chontae, Carrick-onShannon, Co Leitrim on Monday, 2nd September 2013 be adopted.”
Household Waste Bye- Laws 2013
Report dated 1st October 2013 from Mr Martin Dolan, Leitrim County Manager in relation to Leitrim
County Council’s Draft Household Waste Bye Laws 2013, as circulated to each Member, appears as
Appendix 1 to the Minutes of this Meeting in the Minute Book.
Mr. Dolan outlined that the Draft Bye-Laws had been placed on public display following approval by
the Members at the July Council Meeting. He outlined that one submission had been received during
the public consultation process, that this submission had been duly considered and that the response
to this submission is outlined in the report as circulated and reflected in the amended Draft Bye Laws.
He outlined that one further amendment to the amended Draft Bye-Laws as now submitted to the
Council is proposed – he outlined that in relation to Section 5.1(3) of the Draft Bye Laws it is
proposed to delete the wording ‘on the anniversary of their tenancy’ in relation to the requirement for
Leitrim County Council housing tenants to confirm their registration for a waste collection service to
the Housing Authority. He outlined that linking this requirement to the anniversary of a tenancy would
be overly administrative burdensome and unnecessary.
This was agreed by the Members.
Mr. Dolan recommended that Leitrim County Council’s Household Waste Bye Laws 2013 as further
amended be adopted. He advised that the Bye-Laws will replace the Leitrim County Council
Household Waste Bye-Laws 2011 and will come into effect, if adopted, on 6th November 2013.
Proposed by Councillor Enda Stenson, seconded by Councillor Paddy O’Rourke and
“That Leitrim County Council’s Draft Household Waste Bye-Laws 2013 as amended be adopted,
subject to the further amendment to exclude the wording ‘on the anniversary of their tenancy’ in
Section 5.1(3), in accordance with Section 35 of the Waste Management Acts 1996-2012 and Part 19
of the Local Government Act 2001”.
Traveller Accommodation Programme 2014-2018
Report dated 3rd October 2013 from Mary Quinn, Director of Services, Housing and Corporate
Services in relation to the Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2014-2018 as circulated to
each Member, appears as Appendix 2 to the Minutes of this Meeting in the Minute Book.
Ms. Quinn advised that the Draft Programme has been approved by the Local Traveller
Accommodation Consultative Committee for submission to the Council for consideration for approval
to proceed to public consultation. She advised that following approval by the Council the Draft
Programme will be placed on public display for a period of two months and submissions invited.
Following completion of this public consultation period a report will be prepared by the County
Manager detailing any submissions received and the Manager’s response to any such submissions.
This report, together with the Draft Programme, will be submitted to the Council in January 2014 for
consideration for adoption.
Councillor Gerry Kilrane acknowledged that the Draft Programme had been approved by the Local
Traveller Accommodation Consultative Committee. He outlined that there had been significant
changes in terms of Traveller Accommodation in Mohill in recent times with associated work in
relation to integration. He outlined however that a number of issues have arisen in recent weeks
which need to be considered/addressed. Ms. Quinn advised that she was happy to discuss any
issues or concerns directly with Members. This was welcomed by Councillor Kilrane.
Proposed by Councillor Gerry Kilrane, seconded by Councillor Enda Stenson and
“That Leitrim County Council’s Draft Traveller Accommodation Programme 2014-2018 in accordance
with the provisions of the Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act 1998 be approved to proceed to
Public Display”.
Update on the Council’s Financial Position including 2nd Quarter EM/IMF
Quarterly Financial Report
Report from John McKeon, A/Head of Finance on the Council’s Financial Position including 2nd
Quarter EM/IMF Quarterly Financial Report as circulated to the Members appears as Appendix 3 to
the Minutes of this meeting in the Minute Book. Mr. McKeon gave a detailed overview of the report as
circulated and highlighted a number of issues arising.
Councillor Mary Bohan queried how the forthcoming Voluntary Redundancy Scheme will be funded.
Mr. McKeon confirmed that this Scheme would have to be funded from Leitrim County Council’s own
resources. He advised that the Scheme had not been notified to the Council at the time of preparation
of the Budget and no provision has been made in this regard. He advised that staff approved under
the Scheme have until 31st March 2014 to avail of same.
Councillor Bohan stated that, similar to the property Tax on Local Authority Houses, if the Department
is going to offer a Scheme it is up to the Department to make the necessary resources available. She
queried how local authorities can be expected to fund such a scheme and stated that the result will
invariably be that services will disintegrate further. She stated that Leitrim, with its very low rates
base, cannot sustain these costs and that a stop must be called and that these ‘initiatives’ are simply
being thrown at local government.
Mr. Martin Dolan, County Manager confirmed that the funding of this scheme is one of the issues
facing Leitrim County Council, similar to in 2012 when a significant deficit resulted from the last such
redundancy/early retirement scheme. He advised that applications under the Scheme will have to be
considered to determine whether people can be let go. He advised that as of now the Council will
have to carry the associated costs.
Councillor Bohan reiterated that where Government is offering an incentivised scheme they should be
meeting the associated costs. She stated that if a scheme is being offered people should be entitled
to avail of it. She proposed that a letter issue to Minister Hogan requesting that the Council be
reimbursed in respect of the costs of this Scheme.
Proposed by Councillor Mary Bohan, seconded by Councillor Tony Ferguson and
“That Leitrim County Council calls on Minister Phil Hogan, Minister for the Environment, Community
and Local Government to reimburse Leitrim County Council in respect of the costs associated with
the current Voluntary Redundancy Scheme for Staff”.
Winter Service Maintenance Plan 2013/2014
Report from John McGuinness, Director of Services, Infrastructure on the Leitrim County Council
Winter Service Maintenance Plan 2013/2014, as circulated to the Members, appears as Appendix 4
to the Minutes of this meeting in the Minute Book.
Councillor John McCartin queried as to why the R201 Carrigallen/Mohill Road was not included in the
Priority 1 Route Designation for treatment under the Plan. Mr. McGuinness advised that Priority 1
relates to the National Primary Routes which must be treated during all weather events. He advised
that the R201 is included in the Priority 2 Route Designation and will be treated as part of the normal
winter service on the forecast. This was welcomed by Councillor McCartin.
Councillor Sinead Guckian welcomed the Plan and in particular the inclusion, for the first time, of the
R299 Drumsna to Kiltoghert road as a Priority 2 Route Designation. She outlined that she and other
Councillors had campaigned for a number of years for this road to be prioritised and she stated that it
was important to acknowledge and recognise its inclusion. This was supported by Councillor Enda
Stenson. Mr. McGuinness outlined that it had been possible to include this route in the 2013/2014
Plan as an additional gritter was purchased earlier in the year which has resulted in increased
The Winter Service Maintenance Plan 2013/2014 was Noted by the Members.
7/10/2013 Regional Strategic Framework of the Central Border Region 2013-2025
Report dated 30th September 2013 from Joseph Gilhooly, Director of Services, Planning, Community
& Economic Development in regard to the draft Regional Strategic Framework for the Central Border
Region 2013-2025 as prepared by ICBAN, as circulated to the Members, appears as Appendix 5 to
the Minutes of this meeting in the Minute Book.
Mr Martin Dolan, County Manager advised that ICBAN had invited submissions from local authorities
on the Draft Regional Strategic Framework Consultation Document, a copy of which was circulated to
Members recently. He advised that a draft response had been prepared in this regard and invited Mr.
Joseph Gilhooly, Director of Services, Planning, Community and Economic Development, to take the
Members through the draft submission.
Mr. Gilhooly outlined that the framework document, prepared by consultants on behalf of ICBAN,
aims to set out a framework for the development of the ICBAN region for the period up to 2025. He
advised that Leitrim County Council had concerns about the content and role of the document in the
context of previous drafts and that through on-going discussions a number of issues have been
addressed in the current version. He advised however that there remain a number of areas of
concern as outlined in the report as circulated. He stated that the scene which the report sets for the
region is relatively traditional in nature and outlined that the proposed submission outlines a number
of issues that it is considered should be taken into account/addressed. He stated that it is important
that these issues are addressed in the final report, particularly in relation to the future economic
development of the region.
The Cathaoirleach, Councillor Sean McDermott stated that it is important that the Council expresses
our concerns and that hopefully they will be addressed in the final report.
Councillor Tony Ferguson proposed that the draft submission be approved.
Councillor Gerry Kilrane proposed that the issue of shared medical / hospital services be included in
the submission and this was agreed. The Cathaoirleach confirmed that this issue has been raised at
ICBAN Board meetings.
Councillor Martin Kenny queried whether Leitrim County Council has made its full contribution to
ICBAN in the current year. He stated that most people would acknowledge that the County has
gained a lot from the structures in place and he stated that he hoped that the Council could come up
to the full liability figure.
Mr. Gilhooly advised that the resources of the local authority sector have significantly reduced and
that this is not reflected in an ICBAN reduced contribution requirement. He outlined that the Budget
as adopted by the Council provides for a €9,000 contribution which will be paid. He advised that this
leaves a shortfall on the £10,000 contribution requested but that ICBAN have been assured that the
matter will be reviewed towards the end of the year in the event of any uncommitted expenditure. In
terms of how the County has fared in terms of grant assistance Mr. Gilhooly advised that the
INTERREG Programme is 100% funded and that ICBAN provides a delivery mechanism for this
funding. He advised that any funding secured is based on the strength of the projects put forward,
that this is a very competitive process and that it has taken a lot of work from a lot of players to
secure funding.
Councillor Gerry Dolan stated that County Leitrim could lose out in the future if the Council can’t pay
its fair share. Mr. Gilhooly advised that this is an equal partnership and that the partnership needs to
look at fair distribution etc. The County Manager outlined that Leitrim County Council is asked to pay
the same contribution as all the other constituent local authorities, many of which are significantly
larger in population terms etc. The Cathaoirleach outlined that the Board had got the contribution
reduced to £10,000 and stated that the County benefits hugely from ICBAN.
Proposed by Councillor Tony Ferguson, seconded by Councillor Martin Kenny and
“That Leitrim County Council make a submission to ICBAN in relation to the areas of concern outlined
in Appendix 5, with the addition of the issue of shared medical / hospital services, in regard to the
Draft Regional Strategic Framework Plan for the development of the ICBAN region 2013-2025”.
Section 138(1) of the Local Government Act 2001
Mr. Martin Dolan, County Manager outlined that there were no commitments to report in this regard.
Corporate Policy Group Report
Ms. Aideen McGovern, Meetings Administrator gave an overview of the items considered by the
Corporate Policy Group at their meeting.
Update from SPC’s:
Ms. McGovern advised that the Corporate Policy Group had received an update in relation to the
Infrastructure SPC meeting which was held since the last meeting of the CPG:
Infrastructure SPC:
Ms. McGovern advised that the Infrastructure SPC meeting had taken place on 23rd September 2013
and that a report from the meeting, which appears as Appendix 6 to the Minutes of this Meeting in
the Minute Book, has been circulated to each Member. She advised that the SPC had received an
update on Irish Water and a report on Graveyard Maintenance and Improvement Grants. She advised
that the recommendation from the SPC was that the report on Graveyard Maintenance and
Improvement Grants be circulated to the Council.
Councillor Paddy O’Rourke queried if there is funding available for Burial Grounds and their upkeep.
Mr. John McGuinness, Director of Services, Infrastructure confirmed that if a proposal is submitted
from a local community group it can be looked at.
Socio Economic Committee
Ms. McGovern outlined that the Corporate Policy Group had also considered the nomination of CPG
members to the frontrunner Socio Economic Committee for County Leitrim. She outlined that the
Chairperson of the SPC with responsibility for enterprise development – the Community, Cultural and
Enterprise Development SPC – is automatically nominated and this is Councillor Siobhan McGloin.
She advised that the second nominee as agreed by the Corporate Policy Group is Councillor Francis
Proposed by Councillor Sean McGowan, seconded by Councillor Gordon Hughes and
“That Councillor Siobhan McGloin and Councillor Francis Gilmartin be approved as the Corporate
Policy Group nominees to the Frontrunner Socio Economic Committee for County Leitrim”
Financial Position
Ms McGovern advised that the Corporate Policy Group had received an overview of the Council’s
financial position in line with the item listed on the Agenda for the Council meeting.
Council Meeting:
Ms. McGovern advised that the Corporate Policy Group had also considered an overview of the items
for the Council Meeting.
This update was noted by the Members.
Proposed by Councillor Enda Stenson, seconded by Councillor Mary Bohan AND
“The attendance of Councillor Frank Dolan at the Sport and Community Planning Seminar in the Park
Hotel, Clonmel, Co Tipperary from the 11th October 2013 to the 13th October 2013 be approved”.
“The attendance of Councillor Francis Gilmartin at the Nuclear Free Local Authorities All Ireland
Forum Autumn 2013 in the Council Chamber, Galway City Hall, Galway on the 11th October 2013 be
“The attendance of Councillor Frank Dolan at the Seminar on “Putting People First – Update on
Implementation to date” in the Bunratty Castle Hotel, Bunratty, Co Clare on the 25th to 26th October
2013 be approved”.
“The attendance of Councillor Mary Bohan at the seminar on “The Role of Universities in Regional
Development” in Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford on the 30th October 2013 be
“The attendance of Councillor Mary Bohan at the seminar on “Poverty and Migration in Ireland Today”
in Bunratty Castle Hotel, Bunratty, Co Clare on the 1st November to 2nd November 2013 be
“The attendance of Councillor Sean McDermott at the seminar on “Fostering Stronger Communities”
in the Connacht Hotel, Dublin Road, Galway on the 15th November to 16th November 2013 be
Proposed by Councillor Gerard Reynolds, seconded by Councillor Enda McGloin AND
“The attendance of Councillor Francis Gilmartin, Councillor Sean McGowan and Councillor Enda
Stenson at the Anthony Trollope Summer School in Drumsna from the 6th to 8th September 2013 be
retrospectively approved”.
Meeting Correspondence
Letter from the Office of the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
acknowledging receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to exploration
and extraction of shale gas.
Letter of acknowledgement dated 18th September 2013 from the Minister of the Environment,
Community and Local Government acknowledging receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim
County Council in regard to Group Water Schemes.
Letter dated 19th September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Health acknowledging
receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to mental health.
Letter dated 19th September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Health acknowledging
receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in relation to Discretionary Medical
Letter dated 19th September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Health acknowledging
receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to Ballinamore Hospital.
Letter dated 19th September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and
Marine acknowledging receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard seeking
an amnesty in relation to the repayment of over payments to farmers and forestry owners arising
from digitisation.
Letter dated 17th September 2013 from Andy Pollak, Centre for Cross Border Studies
acknowledging Leitrim County Council good wishes sent to him on his recent retirement from
the Centre for Cross Border Studies.
Letter dated 20th September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Finance acknowledging
receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to Third Level College Fees.
Letter dated 19th September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Education and Skills
acknowledging receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to Budget 2014
and Third Level College fees.
10. Letter dated 20th September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Finance acknowledging
receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to the 9% Vat Rate.
Letter dated 19th September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Education and Skills
acknowledging receipt of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to children with
special needs in schools.
Councillor Martin Kenny outlined that there had been a further public meeting recently in relation
to the issue of resources for children with special needs in schools. He stated that this is a huge
issue which is now impacting all children in schools. He proposed that a further letter issue to
the Minister for Education expressing the concerns of Leitrim County Council in relation to the
inadequacy of the provision for children with special needs in our schools with the associated
knock-on impacts for all school children in our main stream schools.
This was strongly supported by Councillor Enda Stenson who stated that no more cuts can be
tolerated in rural schools.
Councillor John McCartin also supported the motion. He outlined however that there is a flurry of
rumours in relation to the closure of small schools and that this is impacting negatively on small
schools. He stated that the message needs to get out there that schools are not being closed.
Councillor Sean McGowan stated that there is a fear that further schools will be closed.
Councillor Kenny stated that the issue is around the proposed increase in pupil-teacher ratios
which may force schools to close.
Councillor Gerard Reynolds stated that he agreed with the sentiment of what was being said but
outlined that the reality is, with 80% of the Education budget being spent on payroll and
pensions, the €100m in savings will only come from cuts to services which he stated he didn’t
agree with.
12. Letter dated 3rd September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Health acknowledging receipt
of Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to Alcohol Consumption.
Councillor Tony Ferguson welcomed the response from the Minister for Health in this regard.
13. Letter dated 23rd September 2013 from the Central Bank of Ireland acknowledging receipt of
Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to Credit Unions.
Councillor Tony Ferguson acknowledged the response received from the Central Bank of
Ireland in this regard. He expressed the hope that the Minister for Finance will take action and
ensure that Credit Unions in small towns are kept functioning.
14. Letter dated 25th September 2013 from Tony McLoughlin, TD in regard to IDA in County of
Email dated 25th September 2013 from Brian Mostryn on behalf of the Moylurg Ceili Band
acknowledging the gratitude expressed by members on the band winning 1st in the Ireland
Senior Ceili Band Title.
16. Letter dated 1st October 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Housing, Community and Local
Government acknowledging Resolution passed by Leitrim County Council in regard to the
recoupment of property tax.
17. Letter dated 27th September 2013 from the Office of the Minister for Transport, Tourism and
Sport in relation to dangerous roadside tress and structures.
The following items were also raised under Meetings Correspondence:
Watermain at Kiltymooden
Councillor Gordon Hughes queried if the watermain at Kiltymooden would be upgraded in conjunction
with the works ongoing at this location. Mr John McGuinness, Director of Services, Infrastructure
confirmed that he was aware of the problem and that they would endeavour to make an arrangement
in this regard.
Replies to Meeting Correspondence
Councillor Mary Bohan expressed her disappointment at the lack of substance in the replies being
received from the various Ministers on foot of Resolutions passed by Leitrim County Council. She
stated that the Council is getting acknowledgements rather than substantive answers and that this is
unacceptable and insulting.
Vote of Congratulations
The Members extended a vote of Congratulations to the following
Bishop Francis Duffy, St Mel’s, Longford on his recent Ordination as Bishop to the Diocese of
Ardagh and Clonmacnois.
Helen & Ray Bohan, Annaduff on their recent marriage.
Francis Boylan, Ross Lane, Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim and the Staff of Ocean FM on winning the
Ocean F.M. P.P.I. Awards recently.
P.J. Clancy, Manager of the Drumkeerin Ladies GAA Team, Lisnagowan, Drumkeerin, Co Leitrim
on the Drumkeerin Ladies winning the Junior County Ladies Championship.
St Mary’s GAA Team on winning the Senior County Final Championship.
Leitrim Tourism on the successful Leitrim Roots Festival.
Mohill Minors GAA Team on winning the Minor Football Championship for 2013.
Mohill Juniors GAA Team on winning the Junior “A” Champions 2013.
Mohill Minor Girls GAA Team on winning the 13-a-side Minor Ladies Title.
Glencar/Manorhamilton GAA Team on winning the Intermediate County Championship Final.
Part I - Notices of Motion.
9% Vat Rate
It was agreed to consider Motions 11, 16 and 17 concurrently.
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Gerry Kilrane;
"I ask for the support of this Council in lobbying the Minister for Finance to retain the existing 9% VAT
rate for the hospitality sector so as to retain and create employment in this sector of our economy."
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor John Ward;
"I propose that Leitrim County Council call on the Minister for Finance to maintain the VAT rate of 9%
for the tourism industry. Since this government reduced the rate, tourism employment has risen by
9,000. With input costs such as food and energy running at up to 18% above the EU average, this
measure has been pivotal in making our tourism industry more competitive on the international
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Gerry Dolan;
"I call on this Council to request the Minister for Finance not to increase the VAT rate from 9% to
13.5% on food served in restaurants as it would close some restaurants as people would not be able
to afford to eat out on their day out and this will also destroy our tourism business."
Councillor Gerry Kilrane stated that the 9% Vat Rate introduced for the hospitality sector has proven
very successful and that increasing this rate, which may originally have been introduced as a
temporary measure, could do huge damage to our hospitality and tourism sector. He outlined the
level of jobs created and anticipated in the sector and stated that the 9% VAT rate is keeping Ireland
competitive with other countries with very low VAT rates. He highlighted that The Gathering Initiative
has been very successful as has initiatives such as the Leitrim Roots Festival. He stated that Ireland
now has a value for money perception, with the 9% rate contributing to this, and he called on all the
Members to support the retention of the 9% VAT rate.
Councillor Enda Stenson moved the motion on behalf of Councillor John Ward and strongly
supported the motions.
Councillor Gerry Dolan stated that the loss of the 9% VAT rate would be detrimental to the tourism
industry and must be maintained.
Councillor John McCartin supported the motions. He outlined that over 9,000 jobs have been created
in the sector and that this VAT rate was a necessary measure and must be maintained.
Councillor Gerard Reynolds supported the motions. He acknowledged the initiative of the Minister for
Transport, Tourism and Sport in introducing the measure and stated that it must be retained.
All of the Members supported the Motions.
Proposed by Councillor Gerry Kilrane seconded by Councillor Gerry Dolan AND
"That Leitrim County Council lobby the Minister for Finance to retain the existing 9% VAT rate for the
hospitality sector so as to retain and create employment in this sector of our economy."
“That Leitrim County Council call on the Minister for Finance to maintain the VAT rate of 9% for the
tourism industry. Since this government reduced the rate, tourism employment has risen by 9,000.
With input costs such as food and energy running at up to 18% above the EU average, this measure
has been pivotal in making our tourism industry more competitive on the international stage”
“That Leitrim County Council request the Minister for Finance not to increase the VAT rate from 9% to
13.5% on food served in restaurants as it would close some restaurants as people would not be able
to afford to eat out on their day out and this will also destroy our tourism business."
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor John McCartin;
"In the aftermath of the recent economic implosion, employers looking for staff are less confident of
the sustainability of positions being offered. This lack of confidence is even more acute among those
looking for work. Many people on the live register are reluctant to take up employment now as they
fear that benefits such as medical cards, rent allowance and council houses will be lost for the long
term while their employment may only last for the short term. I propose that we write to the Minister
for Finance and the Minister for Social Protection asking that they allow an 18 month moratorium on
the cutting of such benefits. I have no doubt that this would be a self financing measure as it would
give people the confidence to emerge from the black economy hence increasing the tax take and
lowering live register figures."
Councillor John McCartin outlined the background to his motion and advised that many people on the
live register are reluctant to take up employment as they fear that benefits such as medical cards,
rent allowance and council houses will be lost for the long term while their employment may only last
for a short period of time. He proposed that a letter issue to the Minster for Finance and the Minister
for Social Protection to put in place an 18 months to 2 years moratorium on the cutting of such
benefits to encourage people to return to work and bed down in employment and improve the tax take
which in turn would help the economy to recover quicker.
Councillor Tony Ferguson strongly supported the motion. Councillor Gordon Hughes also supported
the motion and re-iterated that people are very reluctant to take up employment as they have the fear
of losing certain benefits. Councillor Martin Kenny supported the motion and stated that there should
be some mechanism put in place whereby medical cards can be retained for a period of time when
people take up employment with a review after a certain period of time to assess the eligibility for a
medical card. Councillor Enda Stenson supported the motion and stated that the loss of benefits is
completely counterproductive. Councillor Paddy O’Rourke also supported the motion.
Proposed by Councillor John McCartin, seconded by Councillor Tony Ferguson AND
“In the aftermath of the recent economic implosion, employers looking for staff are less confident of
the sustainability of positions being offered. This lack of confidence is even more acute among those
looking for work. Many people on the live register are reluctant to take up employment now as they
fear that benefits such as medical cards, rent allowance and council houses will be lost for the long
term while their employment may only last for the short term. That Leitrim County Council write to the
Minister for Finance and the Minister for Social Protection asking that they allow an 18 month
moratorium on the cutting of such benefits. It is considered that this would be a self financing
measure as it would give people the confidence to emerge from the black economy hence increasing
the tax take and lowering live register figures."
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Gordon Hughes;
"I ask this Council to seek a presentation from Vodafone regarding the ongoing issue with poor
mobile signal in the South Leitrim Area generally. This has been an ongoing problem over the past
12-18 months and I have received numerous representations from members of the public and
business people alike regarding the issue."
Councillor Gordon Hughes stated that there are serious issues with mobile communications reception
generally in the South Leitrim area and proposed that Leitrim County Council seek a presentation
from Vodafone regarding the poor mobile signal in the area. He referenced the recent 4G launch and
announcement and stated that the focus should be on having a basic service in place across the
country first.
Councillor John McCartin supported the motion. He stated that the situation in relation to coverage
has dis-improved dramatically. He stated that the issue is a huge impediment to business in rural
Councillor Francis Gilmartin acknowledged that the service has diminished but he expressed concern
in relation to the potential erection of further masts. He stated that the health of our citizens is more
important than getting through on the mobile phone.
Councillor Enda McGloin stated that the issue is the disintegration of the service which was in place
and is now gone. He stated that if there was a possibility of getting the companies in to address the
Members questions could be put to them. He outlined that he has been told that as more and more
people access the network the service goes down.
Councillor Mary Bohan supported the motion and stated that it is very important to have good mobile
phone coverage and broadband and that this is causing serious issues. She outlined that the Council
is trying to attract people into the County, people are trying to work or study from home, and the poor
mobile communications network is a serious impediment.
Councillor Sinead Guckian referred to the aerial capacity of different phone devices and stated that
this may be a factor to be taken into account.
Councillor Martin Kenny expressed his concerns in relation to the potential erection of more masts
and stated that sharing of existing masts must take place.
Councillor Sean McDermott supported the motion and stated that there was no Vodafone mobile
coverage in his area for a duration of 4 days recently.
Councillor Thomas Mulligan proposed that an Independent Consultant should be engaged to advise
independently on the matter. This was supported by Councillor Sean McGowan.
Councillor Gerard Reynolds supported the motion and stated that we are dependent on this
infrastructure which is now more important than our roads infrastructure. He stated that there were
serious consequences for the development of Leitrim if the service is reducing rather than expanding.
Councillor Gordon Hughes acknowledged the support of the Members and noted the concerns
expressed by Councillor Francis Gilmartin and Councillor Martin Kenny. He stated that the proposal
to bring in an independent consultant should be pursued but that he still felt that Vodafone should be
called to attend a Council meeting on the issue.
Mr. Martin Dolan, County Manager acknowledged that engaging an independent person may be more
objective but advised that this would involve costs and that the Council does not have the resources.
He recommended proceeding to invite Vodafone to attend a Council meeting on the issue.
Councillor Hughes queried whether the Council’s ICT Section would have any expertise in this area.
Councillor Paddy O’Rourke suggested that obsolete masts be replaced. Councillor Mary Bohan and
Councillor Francis Gilmartin expressed their concerns in this regard. Councillor Gerard Reynolds
stated that there is no definitive proof in relation to the health impacts of mobile phone transmissions.
He stated that there is a need for infrastructure to be put in place and acknowledged that citizens’
health and safety has to be considered.
Proposed by Councillor Gordon Hughes, seconded by Councillor John McCartin AND
“That Leitrim County Council seek a presentation from Vodafone regarding the ongoing issue with
poor mobile signal in the South Leitrim Area generally. This has been an ongoing problem over the
past 12-18 months and I have received numerous representations from members of the public and
business people alike regarding the issue."
Footbridge at Dromod Railway Station
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Sean McGowan;
"I ask the County Manager to make contact with Iarnród Eireann requesting them to remove the
temporary footbridge which was put in place while refurbishment works were carried out on the old
footbridge at Dromod Railway Station. The works have been completed since the end of last
February and the temporary footbridge is no longer needed and is an eyesore."
Councillor Sean McGowan complimented the marvellous job done on the old footbridge at Dromod
Railway station and stated the work is now complete and that the temporary footbridge is no longer
required. He highlighted that the temporary footbridge was mentioned in the Tidy Towns report as
being an eyesore.
Councillor Gerry Kilrane supported this motion and complimented Dromod Tidy Towns on winning
Gold in the National Tidy Town Awards.
Councillor Sinead Guckian also supported the motion.
Proposed by Councillor Sean McGowan, seconded by Councillor Gerry Kilrane AND
“That Leitrim County Council contact Iarnród Eireann requesting them to remove the temporary
footbridge which was put in place while refurbishment works were carried out on the old footbridge at
Dromod Railway Station. The works have been completed since the end of last February and the
temporary footbridge is no longer needed and is an eyesore."
Hedge Growth
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Tony Ferguson;
"There are a number of public roads which have unacceptable hedge growth and are impeding the
safe passage of vehicles with some having parts of trucks, trailers and cars damaged. The owners
pay excessive road tax, and tax on fuel and parts and maintenance. This matter must be tackled in a
much more aggressive way."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Leitrim County Council has advertised the opening of the hedge cutting season advising all
landowners of their responsibility to maintain hedges. The Local Authority undertakes limited hedge
cutting works where particular need arises. Notices are served on landowners where required and
where ownership can be identified. Given the opening of the season we would urge all landowners to
comply with their obligations in relation to the maintenance of roadside hedges."
Councillor Tony Ferguson stated that this issue has been discussed many times but that people are
increasingly becoming concerned in relation to hedges which, in many cases, are creating a canopy
over our roads and leading to dangerous driving conditions. He stated that hedges need to be cut
right down and that the Council should put proposals together in this regard. He welcomed the letter
received from Minister Varadkar, and copied in Meetings Correspondence, which gives local
authorities full authority to go ahead and do the works. He stated that people who pay huge taxes and
charges get a poor service on this side of the border compared to Northern Ireland.
Councillor John McTernan supported the motion and stated that he has received a number of
complaints close to Dromahaire. He stated that action must be taken and suggested meetings with
the Area Engineers to identify danger spots. He outlined that the issue of absentee landlords who
don’t maintain their hedges has resulted in compliant landowners withdrawing from maintaining their
hedges as other sections of roadway are not being addressed. He stated that the situation must be
dealt with.
Councillor Paddy O’Rourke and Councillor Mary Bohan supported the motion. Councillor Enda
Stenson supported the motion and stated that the issue needs to be tied into REPS.
Councillor Frank Dolan queried if the letter received from the Minister for Transport, Tourism and
Sport gives the Local Authority any additional powers in this regard. He stated that a letter should
issue to the Department calling for change as the issue of notices is a waste of time. He stated that
the cost to any landowner is not huge and pressure must be brought to bear on non-compliant
The Cathaoirleach, Councillor Sean McDermott stated that this is a very important issue which must
be addressed.
Mr. John McGuinness, Director of Services, Infrastructure outlined that the law in this regard is very
clear and the responsibility rests solely with the landowner. He advised that where the name and
address of the landowner can be ascertained notices will be served and this should continue to be the
approach. He advised that the letter from the Minister gives power but not without incurring significant
costs which there is no real prospect of recovering. He stated that the cost of any such works would
have to come out of the maintenance budget and that this couldn’t be facilitated. He stated that the
Council simply does not have the resources to cut hedges on a widespread basis. He confirmed that
action would be taken as areas and names are provided.
The Cathaoirleach, Councillor Sean McDermott queried if anyone had ever been taken to court on the
issue. Mr. McGuinness confirmed that court action had been initiated in a number of instances but the
experience was that the issue was addressed before getting into court.
Cycle Lane
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Sean McSharry;
"I call on Leitrim County Council to support the creation of a cycle lane from Manorhamilton Castle
through Lurganboy ending at Shanvaus cross. This would facilitate the large number of cyclists using
this road. Also that any further works in the town would accommodate a cycle lane where possible."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Leitrim County Council Design Office is currently preparing an application for submission to the
Sustainable Transport Division of the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for an "Active
Travel Towns" scheme for Manorhamilton. This application will be submitted on or before 15th
October 2013. The proposals will include for the provision of shared use and advisory cycle lanes in
the environs of the town. As part of this application, provision will be made for appropriate signage
and road markings to accommodate cyclists along the section of the L 2136, from Creamery Road
Manorhamilton to Lurganboy and onto the N16 junction at Shavnaus. A reduced speed limit will also
be required along the proposed cycle lanes."
Councillor Sean McSharry welcomed the reply received and thanked the Staff and Members of
Leitrim County Council who had attended the recent meeting on the matter. He queried whether the
speed limit through Lurganboy could be reduced.
Mr. Seamus O’Connor, Senior Engineer, Infrastructure advised that speed limits are generally
reviewed annually in block. He advised that this would be done in the next 6 months and that the
proposal could be considered in that context.
The Cathaoirleach, Councillor Sean McDermott acknowledged the great work being carried out on
this stretch of road and supported the motion.
Mr. John McGuinness, Director of Services, Infrastructure advised that there is no certainty of funding
being made available for this project but that every effort would be made.
Group Water Schemes
It was agreed to consider Motions 19 and 28 concurrently.
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Sinead Guckian;
"I ask the Director of Services, Infrastructure to outline to Members the up-to-date position with regard
to the taking over of Group Water Schemes throughout the County and also if he could clarify what
will be the position for schemes that will not be taken over when Bord Gais (Irish Water) get control of
our public water network, as there still seems to be a lot of confusion as to whether group water
scheme members will become collectors for the State, with no local authority assistance to fix leaks,
set prices or make arrangements for upgrading and monitoring of their water."
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Enda McGloin;
"I call on the Director of Services, Infrastructure and Head of Finance to provide an overview and
update for Councillors at the October meeting on the current situation in the County concerning Rural
Water Schemes and the on-going implications for the users of such schemes and this Local Authority
as we move closer towards the full establishment and roll out of Irish Water."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"From the 1st of January next Leitrim County Council will cease to be 'The Water Authority' for County
Leitrim and all of our water and waste water assets, liabilities and responsibilities will transfer over to
Irish Water. Leitrim County Council will continue to run the service under a Service Level Agreement
for Irish Water for a number of years. What this means in effect is that all of the major decisions in
relation to future investment, level of service to be delivered, new connections and water charges etc
will be made by Irish Water, in a regulated environment. The Council will act solely as agents for Irish
Water and will only carry out whatever is included in the Service Level Agreement. Irish Water is
taking control of the Public water and waste water infrastructure only and will have no responsibility
for anything not in the charge of the local authority before the 1st January 2014. Group Water
Schemes are privately owned and as such will not be under the control of Irish Water.
The Act giving effect to this transfer of assets, liabilities and responsibilities is due to be published
and enacted before the end of the year and the detail of the provisions are not yet known. It appears
that the Local Authority will remain as the 'Water Authority' for the private group schemes, and that
the Rural Water Programme will continue to be funded by the Department of the Environment,
Community & Local Government and administrated by the Council as before. Upgrades of existing
Group Schemes will continue to be administered by the Council but extensions to the network, which
will be served with public water supplied by Irish Water, will also require the approval of Irish Water
before any such extension can be grant aided.
The most up to date information available to this Council is that Irish Water will charge the private
group schemes based on the volume of water going through the bulk meter at the start of the group
scheme. This suggests a single bill, and it would be up to the trustees of the group scheme to arrange
collection of the monies due. This will obviously present considerable difficulty, not least in relation to
how the usage can be apportioned among the various members, unaccounted for water, water
passing through a group scheme into another group scheme etc. Given the very real difficulties that
such an approach would present it is the Council's view that Irish Water may have to consider
alternative methods of billing in relation to the group water sector.
Any suggestion that the Local Authority, as the Water Authority for the group schemes, could be billed
by Irish Water for the water supplied to the group scheme and that the local authority would then
collect the charges from the group scheme sector would be totally unacceptable to the local authority,
and not sustainable.
The situation in County Leitrim is quite different to most other Counties; the water infrastructure was
built in this County on the back of the group water scheme sector. Historically there was no funding
for regional schemes and so regional schemes were provided by subventing group schemes to
ensure that the size of their water mains were increased in order to allow for other group schemes to
connect to the original scheme. Working in co-operation with the voluntary group water scheme
sector, potable water was delivered to every parish in the County. In a number of cases the group
schemes were much larger than the public scheme. Because of the origins of many of the group
schemes, the fact that they are all served with public water and the very real difficulty that the
changeover to Irish Water will cause them, it was felt that an opportunity should be offered to allow for
the takeover of such schemes before 2014. In most other Counties such schemes would already be
public schemes. The fundamental requirements for taking in charge are that two thirds of the
members on a scheme wish to have the group scheme taken into public charge and that agreement
is reached with the Council in relation to any outstanding charges. While Leitrim County Council has
contacted all of the group water schemes, there are only 10 to 15 schemes actively working with us to
meet the deadline of the end of the year. After the 1st of January, Irish Water will decide whether a
group scheme is taken over by them and on what conditions. In 2014 the Council will not be in a
position to assist group water schemes in either leak detection or repair as it is unlikely that the
service level agreement will allow for this.
The setting of water charges will be a matter for Irish Water, the Regulator, and the Commission for
Energy Regulation."
Councillor Sinead Guckian thanked the Director of Services, Infrastructure for the detailed reply. She
outlined however that there is still significant confusion around Group Water Schemes. She queried
the position in relation to the Service Level Agreement. She outlined that the Act is due to be
published and enacted by the end of the year but the position is still that the specific provisions of the
legislation are not known to us. She outlined that the position in Leitrim is unique and she sought an
indication of when particular schemes will be taken in charge. She also queried the position if a
scheme is not in a position to request a takeover now and whether there is any indication that a
takeover facility will be available after January. She also outlined that she was aware of a Scheme
that is serviced by another scheme and the main scheme hasn’t reached agreement in relation to
take over. She queried what the position would be in relation to the ‘subsidiary’ scheme.
Councillor Enda McGloin outlined that some of his queries had already been raised by Councillor
Guckian. He outlined that it is understood that approximately 10-15 schemes are actively working
towards being taken in charge but queried the position in relation to the rest. He also queried the
situation where there is no agreement in relation to outstanding charges and what the future of
schemes will be post-January.
Councillor Mary Bohan stated that the Members of Leitrim County Council have been raising these
issues for months on end with no clarification. She outlined that she had attended the Federation of
Group Schemes County Leitrim meeting last week and there were more questions than answers at
the end of the night. She stated that there is a total lack of information available to Group Schemes
and that there are excellent Groups out there who don’t know what to do. She stated that there are
three questions to be answered before Schemes can ask Members to vote as follows:
What will the cost be – will it be the same charge for everybody
Will there be subvention grants available as at present for the maintenance of schemes
Will the domestic allowance available to households remain as at present or be reduced
She queried how Group Water Schemes can make a decision in this context and stated that the
Minister and Irish Water are rolling ahead and people have no idea what is happening.
Mr. John McGuinness, Director of Services, Infrastructure confirmed that there is a difficulty in relation
to the lack of information. He advised that the public water and waste water infrastructure will transfer
to Irish Water from 1st January 2014 and Irish Water will be the Water Authority. He stated that it is
fairly certain that private Group Water Schemes will stay with Leitrim County Council as the Water
Authority. He advised that there will be a Rural Water Programme. He advised however that the
difficulty arises in terms of where the water is produced. He advised that currently in Leitrim the water
is produced by the Council and this will transfer to Irish Water. He advised that current information is
that Irish Water will bill the Group Water Scheme at the bulk meter. He outlined that he expected that
the price will be common across the entire country but advised that there is currently no indication as
to what this will be. He advised that the Regulator will have major input in this regard and that there
will be a domestic allowance but a Government decision is awaited in this regard. Mr. McGuinness
advised that it would appear that the subvention grant will be abandoned. He advised that it is
understood that any schemes in public charge will move across to Irish Water. He outlined that Irish
Water will have to be paid for all public water going into Group Schemes and that it is expected that
there will be some facility for taking in charge but the question will be what standard the scheme
would have to be at. He outlined that in some other Counties customers on Group Water Schemes
were being billed directly and this is something which may be considered. Mr. McGuinness outlined
that the water service in County Leitrim was built on the back of Group Water Schemes with schemes
feeding other schemes in some instances. He stated that it appeared only reasonable to look to take
in charge any scheme that wished to be taken in charge. He stated that the parent scheme will have
to be taken in charge first and that it would not be possible to take over a scheme that is fed by
another scheme, in isolation. He outlined that a number of Schemes have been taken over as
detailed in the Manager’s Orders, with a further number scheduled for takeover in the current month
and others at various stages of submitting information etc. He advised that, as part of the taking in
charge process, all the assets of the scheme are transferred. He advised that most schemes are
indicating that they don’t have any money.
Councillor Sinead Guckian stated that one of the major difficulties is that current information is that
the charge will be based on the bulk meter and the question is why would members of a scheme
become unpaid collectors for the State.
Councillor Mary Bohan stated that the situation is unbelievable and that people who have given their
time voluntarily to develop, manage and maintain Schemes are left completely in the dark. She
acknowledged and paid tribute to the staff of the Water Services Department for all their work with
and assistance to the Group Scheme sector. She stated that it is totally unacceptable that basic
clarifications cannot be obtained from the Department / Irish Water. She stated that Group Water
Schemes need clarification in relation to subsidies, how Irish Water are going to charge, what the
allowance will be etc in order to make informed decisions. She stated that Group Schemes need to
be given the facts to decide if they are still in a position to manage their schemes etc. She outlined
that there are some very well run schemes that would like to continue to run their schemes. She also
outlined that people on Group Schemes have paid a connection fee and have also been paying an
annual charge and she stated that the current situation is an absolute disgrace.
Councillor Martin Kenny concurred with all that had been said. He stated that people who have put a
lifetime of work into schemes now feel that they are in a position that they have no option but to give
them up. He stated that Leitrim County Council is effectively going to be sub-contracted to run the
service and Irish Water is simply a layer of bureaucracy. He stated that the situation is neither fair nor
Councillor Enda Stenson paid tribute to the staff of Water Services for the huge amount of work and
assistance given to Group Water Schemes over the years. He also paid tribute to the Finance staff
who are working with Schemes to come to an agreement in relation to outstanding charges. He
stated that personally he believes that it is in the interest of Group Water Schemes to be taken in
charge. He stated that Group Schemes should come in and discuss the issue with Water Services
and Finance staff who he indicated are bending over backwards to assist Schemes.
Councillor Enda McGloin acknowledged the sentiments and feelings of the public on this issue. He
advised that he had made enquiries with Department Officials. He advised that the Bill is currently
being drafted. He stated that this Bill will be critical in terms of details of future arrangements and
support to Group Schemes etc. He stated that the Department has indicated that it will be retaining
overall responsibility for water services which is a matter of some comfort. He stated that local
authorities are to continue to be responsible for the supervision of the sector. He stated that it is
important that the views of the Council are submitted to the Department.
Councillor Sinead Guckian reiterated that despite raising these issues and queries for many months
there is no clarification forthcoming and there is huge confusion. She stated that it is totally
unreasonable that clarification would not be available at this stage as the takeover date approaches.
Councillor Mary Bohan reiterated that the situation is disgraceful. She stated that nobody seems to be
in a position to provide answers and when are these answers going to be available. She stated that
the decision to dispose of a piece of land must come before the Council and yet legislation could be
changed in relation to the transfer of assets in this instance.
Mr. McGuiness reiterated that Leitrim is unique in terms of the extent of group schemes in the County
serviced by public water. He advised that in anticipation of difficulties associated with the changeover
to Irish Water, it was decided to invite expressions of interest from Group Water Schemes in relation
to take over in light of what the sector has done in the County. He suggested that Schemes should at
least start the process and get the information together etc pending clarification of the issues and
queries arising. He reiterated that whatever is in charge on 1st January 2014 will transfer and that
while there is likely to be some takeover arrangement going forward this is unlikely to be a high
priority in the short term.
Mr. Martin Dolan, County Manager stated that this is a major change programme and he
acknowledged the huge volume of work that has gone into this area behind the scenes by Mr.
McGuinness and his Team in Water Services as well as by the Finance Team and the HR Team. He
advised that the information given is the best up to date information available and that information will
be clarified as it becomes available.
Councillor Sinead Guckian acknowledged the huge amount of work put in by staff on this issue to
Dog Fouling
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Sean McDermott;
"I ask Leitrim County Council to deal with the serious problem of dogs fouling the footpaths and
walkways in Manorhamilton Town - several people have complained to me about this problem."
Report by Director of Service, Environment, Emergency and Cultural Services
"It is the responsibility of those in charge of dogs to remove and dispose appropriately of dog foul on
footpaths and public walkways. Dog owners are reminded that failure to take responsibility for dog
foul is an offence under the Litter Control Act and an on-the-spot fine can be issued with a more
substantial fine being imposed in the event of a court conviction."
The Cathaoirleach, Councillor Sean McDermott stated that this is a growing problem in
Manorhamilton and that dog owners must take responsibility. He stated that the issue is not just in
towns and villages and queried if the law could be enforced more strongly.
Councillor Sean McSharry supported the motion and stated that the issue is becoming an increasing
Councillor Enda McGloin stated that the Community Wardens were responsible for such enforcement
in the past but stated that it was impossible for 2 Community Wardens to marshal the situation. He
stated that without prosecutions the situation will not be resolved.
Councillor Paddy O’Rourke queried where the dog licence fee goes to. He outlined that the new dog
licencing fee will cost €140 which will cover the dog for its lifetime and will include chipping which will
assist in identifying dogs.
Mr. Martin Dolan, County Manager advised that the issue of assigning authorisations under the
legislation to additional staff would be considered in the context of increased enforcement.
Councillor Enda McGloin queried whether the issue could be targeted for a particular week, with
media coverage etc. Mr. Dolan confirmed that this could be done but stated that the Council shouldn’t
have to resort to this and that people have a civic responsibility to ensure that they remove and
dispose of dog foul appropriately on public footpaths and walkways
Road Repairs
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Caillian Ellis;
"I propose that Leitrim County Council carry out repairs on the Corriga/Gubbs road and particularly on
the Gubbs part of this road."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The road in question will be included in the programme for Routine Maintenance work to be carried
out in the next month, and repairs as required will be undertaken within the confines of the limited
funding available."
Councillor Paddy O’Rourke moved the motion on behalf of Councillor Caillian Ellis.
Drainage work at Monien Houses, Kinlough
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Siobhan McGloin;
"When will the proposed drainage work be carried out at the Monien houses Kinlough."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The proposed works on the Mill Road in Kinlough will commence following completion of this years
road surfacing programme."
Councillor Siobhan McGloin welcomed the reply.
Masonite Ireland and Bank of America
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Enda Stenson;
"I ask the County Manager what is the present update on the employment situation at Masonite
Ireland, and Bank of America. It is vital for Leitrim that we maintain and increase the levels of
employment in those Companies as it is critical for the survival of structures within the County that we
can hold on to our youth, and the only way this can happen is to have proper jobs within our County."
Report by Director of Service, Environment, Emergency and Cultural Services
"The Council maintains contact with the key employment agencies on an ongoing basis in relation to
job growth in the County. We have again been in contact with the IDA and Enterprise Ireland in
relation to the companies referred to in the motion, and have reiterated the importance of sustaining
and creating employment in the County, and we await their update."
Councillor Enda Stenson stated that employment in the County is at a critical point and that many of
our young people are leaving the County resulting in a loss of structures in terms of schools, clubs
etc. He stated that the Institutions must come back to Leitrim to address the issue – he stated that
there must be a big push to keep existing employment and generate additional employment in the
County. He stated that every Elected Member has a responsibility in this regard. He paid tribute to the
recent Nationwide programme on RTE which showcased Leitrim in a very positive way.
Councillor Sean McGowan supported the motion and re-iterated that communities are suffering due
to the lack of employment in the County. He referred to various Expo events which were held
highlighting the positives of County Leitrim and he stated that this should be renewed again. He
complimented Vistamed on its success and expansion in the County.
Councillor Martin Kenny supported the motion and emphasised that the Government need to be have
a more hands-on approach in this matter.
Councillor Siobhan McGloin paid tribute to the Nationwide series which presented County Leitrim in a
very positive way and she referred to Nora Casey’s visit to Kinlough recently for the 2013 Gathering
and emphasised that more should be make of this type of link/opportunity.
Councillor Sean McSharry supported the motion and said it is very important that something is put in
place to keep our young people in Ireland.
Councillor Enda McGloin stated that one of the biggest issues for companies in terms of location is
access and that the N4 Dublin Sligo route from Mullingar to Sligo presents difficulties in this regard.
He stated that the IT in Sligo is working very closely with industry and that there are some positives in
this regard.
Councillor Paddy O’Rourke paid tribute to Minister Ring and Minister Varadkar for introducing the
2013 Gathering initiative which has proven very successful. He stated that this initiative had come out
of a think-tank and that another open forum / think-tank should be considered.
Councillor Gerard Reynolds supported the motion. He outlined that apart from jobs there are serious
issues in relation to rates etc. He stated that the biggest difficulty that the IDA has is getting
companies in – he stated that these companies don’t want to go outside of Dublin and that this is an
issue that is going to be hard to get over. He highlighted that there are a number of very positive
initiatives going on behind the scenes and paid tribute to Mr. Joseph Gilhooly, Director of Services,
Planning, Community and Economic Development and his Team for all their hard work in promoting
the County. He stated that the Government need to give some initiative and put policies in place to
support enterprise.
The Cathaoirleach, Councillor Sean McDermott stated that we must further develop our tourism
industry which has huge potential.
Mr. Joseph Gilhooly, Director of Services, Planning, Community and Economic Development stated
that it is important to recognise the sectors which we have in terms of tourism, the creative sector,
medical devices, software development, innovation centre etc. He stated that work has been ongoing
to build on these areas. Mr. Gilhooly highlighted the very successful Carrick 400 initiative and outlined
that the Carrick 2020 Vision is in place and moving forward to implementation mode. He outlined that
some very good work has been done with Manorhamilton Enterprise Forum and that the Bord na
Mona led business initiative has had a number of meetings with further meetings planned. He stated
that there is a lot of work to do but that the commitment is there and that there is potential in terms of
energy, forestry etc. He stated that we must be realistic in relation to what agencies can do and that
we must continue to work on our strengths locally. He outlined that some €2m is being invested in
tourism projects currently and that there had been a very successful tourism outing in New York
earlier in the year. He stated that there are a lot of tangible operations going on at local levels. He
stated that there has been a 3-4fold increase in the number of people resident in the County with 3rd
level education and that businesses operating here are very satisfied with workforce availability,
retention etc. He reiterated that we must maintain focus on what we have and build on our strengths.
He stated that the SEC’s give a renewed opportunity for engagement and that it is hugely important
that agencies be represented.
Property Tax on Farmland
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Martin Kenny;
"I propose that Leitrim County Council call on the Government not to extend the property tax to
farmland under any circumstances. There must be due recognition of the vital role that the food and
agriculture sector has to the overall economy, and to rural areas in particular. Placing a tax on land
would be counter-productive."
Councillor Martin Kenny outlined the background to his motion and stated that many people expect
that farmland will be next to be taxed. He stated that this has been recommended by the Troike and
by the Commission on Taxation. He stated that land and the agricultural sector is vital to our economy
and called on the support of the Members in calling on Government not to extend the property Tax to
All of the Members supported the Motion.
Proposed by Councillor Martin Kenny, seconded by Councillor Sean McGowan AND
“That Leitrim County Council call on the Government not to extend the property tax to farmland under
any circumstances. There must be due recognition of the vital role that the food and agriculture sector
has to the overall economy, and to rural areas in particular. Placing a tax on land would be counterproductive."
Road Repairs
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Mary Bohan;
"I propose that this Council carry out repairs on the road from Killavogy Bridge on the Drumkeerin
side. This road has subsided and is extremely dangerous at present."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Leitrim County Council is aware that a short section of the road in question has subsided. This
section of road subsided over 2 years ago and it has been monitored closely since. No further
movement has occurred here over the past 2 years and it is not proposed to carry out any work here
at this time. The Area Staff will continue to monitor the situation. The location can be included for
consideration in the preparation of the 2014 Roads Works Programme."
Councillor Mary Bohan expressed her disappointment with the reply received. She stated that this is
an ongoing issue and that the Council should not be waiting for further subsidence at this location.
She stated that she had discussed the matter with the Area Engineer and she proposed that works at
this location be included in the 2014 Road Works Programme. She requested that signage be erected
in the meantime as this is a very narrow road.
Councillor John McTernan supported the motion and stated that this section of road is in a dangerous
state of repair and must be addressed urgently.
Mr. Seamus O’Connor, Senior Engineer, Infrastructure confirmed that this section of road will be kept
under review and considered for the 2014 Road Works Programme.
Road beside the Social Centre at Liscarbon
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Francis Gilmartin;
"I request that this Council repair the road beside the Social Centre at Liscarbon where a hump has
developed which low cars are hitting and which, if left unattended, will burst car sumps."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Repairs to the road at this location will be carried out in the near future when a patching crew are
due to carry out routine maintenance in this area"
Councillor Francis Gilmartin expressed his disappointment with the reply received and queried who
had investigated the complaint. He stated that the issue couldn’t be repaired by a patching unit and
asked that the matter be revisited and addressed.
Councillor Paddy O’Rourke and Councillor Martin Kenny supported the motion.
Driving Licences
To consider the following Notice of Motion submitted by Councillor Paddy O'Rourke;
"I ask that an information campaign be launched to inform citizens of this County as to the changes
regarding the issuing of driving licences from October 24th 2013 in order to avoid the huge queues
witnessed in relation to the changes regarding motor taxation recently."
Report by Director of Service, Environment, Emergency and Cultural Services
"The RSA (Road Safety Authority) has overall responsibility for the licensing service since January
2013. Motor Taxation Offices will continue to deliver the service up to 29th October 2013 after which
the RSA will deliver the service through the new NDLS (National Driver Licensing Service). The
Council understands that a national public information campaign, as appropriate, is about to be
launched to make the public aware of these changes. Further information is also available on
Councillor Paddy O’Rourke outlined that he is asking for an information campaign to inform citizens of
the County about the new changes taking place in regard to issuing of Driving licences. He queried if
it is correct that the RSA is proposing to rent/lease premises in Carrick to deliver the new service.
Mr. Martin Dolan, County Manager confirmed that the Road Safety Authority will be organising a
national campaign which is scheduled to commence shortly. He confirmed that there will be an office
in Carrick on Shannon and in every other County to facilitate the issuing of Driving licenses.
Councillor Mary Bohan paid tribute to the staff of the Motor Tax Office for the manner in which they
had dealt with the huge volumes of customers attending the offices in relation to the recent motor tax
changes. This was reiterated by Councillor Francis Gilmartin who also acknowledged the assistance
of the Gardaí in signing forms in this regard.
Mr. Martin Dolan, County Manager also paid tribute to the Motor Tax Staff who he stated worked over
and above the call of duty in dealing with the volumes of customers presenting and the subsequent
backlog of applications/transactions.
Part II - Questions.
Group Water Schemes
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Gerry Kilrane;
"I ask the Director of Services, Infrastructure to outline the relevant procedures and criteria for the
Local Authority to take charge of a Group Water Scheme."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Prior to taking in charge, the following information is required to be submitted to Leitrim County
Council by the Group Scheme:
1. A letter from the Group Scheme Secretary requesting Leitrim County Council to take over the
2. Consent forms signed by no less than two thirds of the members of the scheme to be received by
Leitrim County Council. (Consent Form)
3. Site Location Map.
4. Where these exist, Record Drawings for the entire scheme indicating the exact location of all
fixtures and fittings, valves, hydrants, stopcocks, meters, identification and location of each
connection of the scheme, indicating whether or not such connection is metered.
Where such Drawings do not exist, by virtue of length of time passed, then at a minimum a 1:50,000
drawing will be required.
5. Where possible, submit names and addresses of all consumers on scheme indicating type of
connection Domestic or Non Domestic also indicate whether it is a house only, house & land, Land
only, site etc. (Connection Details Form)
6. If any of the group scheme mains/pipes are laid through private land, wayleave agreements, where
these exist, together with maps to be made available for all sections of the lands. Where no
wayleaves exist, then agreements will be required from the landowner. (Wayleave Agreement Form)
(In the case of GWS where it is not possible to get individual wayleave agreements that the trustees
on behalf of the group shall assign to the local authority all of its rights in regard to access to for the
purpose of maintenance and renewal if necessary).
7. Any pump houses, reservoirs, etc, which are part of the scheme must be transferred to Leitrim
County Council, or a minimum of a signed and witnessed consent form for take over, to be completed
by the landowner.
8. Change of billing form from ESB to Leitrim County Council. Include meter reading on date of
9. Where there are outstanding charges due to Leitrim County Council an agreement must be made
with the Council in relation to these charges.
10. All assets of the GWS such as pipelines, reservoirs etc will be passed over to the Council, with
title also being given for the related sites and where such title is not established then agreement to so
handover same shall be given.
11. Indenture signed by the Trustees.
At a certain stage in the process, a representative of Leitrim County Council will carry out a technical
inspection. The representative will recommend that either:
(a) The Group Scheme is taken in charge subject to completion of a “ Snag List” of work to be carried
out by the Group Scheme, or
(b) That the scheme is suitable for Take-Over."
Taking in Charge of Group Water Schemes
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Gerry Kilrane;
"If a Group Water Scheme is taken in charge does this include taking over monies held at the time by
the Trustees in trust for the members of the Scheme?"
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"When a Group Water Scheme is taken into the control of the local authority, following the consent of
two thirds of its members, then all assets of the scheme, including monies, transfer to the Council at
that time."
Keeldra Lake
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor John McCartin;
"The concrete jetty surrounding the swimming area at Keeldra Lake has severely eroded and cracked
over the years. I ask that the Council either repair the existing jetty or replace it with a floating jetty."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The Jetty will be examined to assess options for the repair or replacement of the existing structure.
Any works will be dependant on securing the necessary funding."
Handball Alley in Carrigallen
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor John McCartin;
"I ask that the Council, through the Sports Partnership, investigate the possibility of cleaning up and
renovating the Handball Alley in Carrigallen? The owner of the land and those living adjacent are
happy to accommodate in whatever way they can. There is considerable interest locally in the sport
and the cost would be minimal."
Report by Director of Service, Planning, Community and Economic Development
"Leitrim County Council, in association with the County's Sports Partnership, would be happy to assist
a local group in the development of this sport and to advise the group in regard to identifying steps in
relation to the renovation of such facilities in the County. Those interested in furthering the project
should make contact with the Sports Partnership Co-Ordinator for the County, Declan Boyle, at the
offices of Leitrim County Council."
Road Widening
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Gordon Hughes;
"I ask the South Leitrim Area Engineer to kindly advise when the Council will widen the roadway
leading to Cloone village from the crossroads at Gorvagh PO (LP1512) as it poses a safety risk to
traffic due to the series of bad bends with poor visibility along this route. It was agreed to carry out
this work as far back as 2011 but still has not been done."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The road in question would benefit from realignment at the locations indicated. Due to the reduction
in funding however for roads works over the last number of years, it has not been possible to carry
out any realignment work on County Roads. All of the reduced funding available has had to be used
on very necessary surface repair and improvement works to the existing roads."
Footpath Provision in Ballinamore
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Gordon Hughes;
"I ask the South Leitrim Area Engineer, further to previous representations that I have made, is there
any update in relation to the provision of a footpath from Martins house at Stradermot, Ballinamore in
the direction of Oughteragh as this is a busy road frequented by walkers etc going out to the
graveyard together with residents living alongside this road."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The provision of a footpath at this location would require significant funding. A community sponsored
application for Leader funding is ongoing and if successful will enable the footpath to be constructed."
River Shannon
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Sean McGowan;
"I ask the County Manager if there has been any update from the Office of Public Works in relation to
managing of the River Shannon. They are the Body with overall responsibility for the Shannon and,
as we head into another winter, we want to avoid the dreadful situation we faced in
November/December of 2009 with the serious flooding that happened in our County and right along
the Shannon Corridor at that time."
Report by Director of Service, Environment, Emergency and Cultural Services
"The OPW is the body responsible for Flood Risk Management for the country. To this end it has
commissioned a number of detailed surveys which include a detailed survey and analysis of the
Shannon, Bonet and Erne catchments among others. As part of this work models have been created
of each river system and maps are being prepared which will identify the risk of flooding under certain
weather events for the areas deemed to be at risk. These Flood Risk Maps are expected to be
available for public consultation next Spring and are expected to inform Development Plans and any
capital expenditure deemed desirable. At present the ESB and Waterways Ireland are responsible for
managing the level of the Shannon. The ESB has indicated that it has no strategic interest in Lough
Allen in respect of generation of electricity while Waterways Ireland are solely concerned with the
maintenance of minimum navigation levels. There is no reason then that levels would not be
maintained as closely as possible to minimum navigation levels. Levels will inevitably rise however in
periods of prolonged rain when the inflows exceed the rivers' ability to discharge them. This is a
function of the shallow slope and sometimes narrow width of the river. Desirable changes, if feasible,
will be highlighted by the studies referred to above. In the meantime minimising levels now in October
is the most appropriate approach."
Road Repairs
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Sean McGowan;
ask the South Leitrim Area Engineer to carry out repairs in the current year to the
Drumgilra/Drumshanbo Road in Gortletteragh (Road No. LS-5610-0) as there are a number of
depressions and it has fallen into a state of disrepair."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Routine maintenance will be undertaken as required, within the confines of the limited funding
available at this time."
Undergrounding of Services in Kinlough
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Tony Ferguson;
"I will ask the County Manager if a problem exists with the Councils' working with Eircom in a positive
way to sort out problems, for example in the case of the undergrounding of services on the R280 near
the Community Centre in Kinlough where a contractor was on site on 14th November 2012 ready to
surface and complete the development?"
Report by Director of Service, Planning, Community and Economic Development
"The Council is not aware of any problems existing in the working relationship between the Council
and Eircom. We understand that the issue referred to relates to the undergrounding of overhead lines
fronting a private estate - Dartry View, Kinlough - to enable the completion of the surfacing and
turning lane at the entrance to the estate. Whilst the extent and nature of the works are agreed the
issue of costs has yet to be resolved. This is a matter between those in control of the development
and Eircom."
Water Pressure
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Tony Ferguson;
"I will enquire as to why the water pressure is so bad in the Glenade/Ahanlish Area following the
upgrade of supply and a lot of work on the network. The water is very weak in some homes."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"A contractor has been appointed and will commence upgrade works on the Erriff Scheme in the next
few weeks at a cost of 300,000 euro. This work involves the fitting of new bulk meters, extension of
the scheme along the Regional Road to Aghanlish Bridge and other works. These works will highlight
where problems exist and will help to alleviate any issues."
Road No LT 73051
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Gerry Dolan;
"I ask this Council as to when it is intended to have the Laragan Drumshanbo Road repaired."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Road number LT 73051 at Laragan will be assessed shortly and routine maintenance works carried
out if required within the confines of the reduced budgets available in 2013."
Disabled Parking Space
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Sean McSharry;
"I ask the Director of Services, Infrastructure to provide a disabled parking space outside the Post
Office in Manorhamilton."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The matter will be investigated with a view to providing the necessary disabled parking space."
Litter Bins
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Sean McSharry;
"I ask the Director of Services, Environment, Emergency and Cultural Services to provide a bin
outside the Manor Astro/Tennis Courts in Manorhamilton as a large number of people use these
Report by Director of Service, Environment, Emergency and Cultural Services
"Litter bins if required at this location should be provided and serviced by the management of the
Astro Turf/Tennis Courts facility."
Film Commission Body
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Sinead Guckian;
"I ask the Director of Services, Planning, Community and Economic Development to commence a
new initiative of creating a Film Commission Body within the Council. The aim of this group would be
to highlight and promote the potential of Leitrim’s landscape, architecture, period villages and
stunning scenery for film and TV locations, while streamlining the process for film-makers too re
permitting etc. Given the wonderful promotion of the County recently through the production of “Black
Ice”, written and directed by Johnny Gogan, filmed on location in Dromahair, and the expected media
attention when Ken Loach‘s next movie “Jimmy’s Hall” is released, which is currently being filmed in
the County, the Council should create a mechanism to attract more Film Companies to use Leitrim as
a location for Film Production. We already have a wealth of film industry professionals living and
working within the County that may be interested in participating in the formation of this new film
commission group."
Report by Director of Service, Environment, Emergency and Cultural Services
"The current Leitrim County Council Arts Plan has as an objective to 'Work with Cinema Northwest,
Screen Northwest and Leitrim Tourism to develop leitrimfilm.ie as a portal for filmmakers so that they
can access information about the county, the services and supports available to filmmakers, and local
and national opportunities available to the sector'. This work has already commenced. The layout of
the website has been designed in collaboration with Screen Northwest and much of the material
compiled. As well as providing information, it states the key point that Leitrim County Council will
endeavour to ensure that making a film in the County is a simple, practical and hassle-free
experience. The Arts Office already provides a key role in this regard – most recently working with the
production team of ‘Jimmy’s Hall’, promoting services and locations within Leitrim, and facilitating
contact between the production team and the various Council services – Roads, Fire, Area Offices
etc. which were vital to the production. In addition the initiative is also intended to be a welcome to
emerging and established members of the film industry who would like to become part of the
burgeoning community of filmmakers who have chosen to make Leitrim their home."
Extension of Public Sewer
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Sinead Guckian;
"I ask the Director of Services, Infrastructure to meet again with residents in Jamestown, who,
although they reside in quite close proximity to the sewerage treatment plant for the village, their
houses are not connected to it. It is my understanding that there are only four houses in total not yet
connected although they are the nearest houses to the plant that services the village."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The Water Services Section of Leitrim County Council is available to meet with the residents in
question at any time. There is however currently no funding available to extend the public sewer at
this location. A group sewerage scheme may be possible but only one such scheme received funding
in 2013 and Leitrim County Council has had no indication that grant funding will be available in the
future. It is also unclear whether or not the Council will have any role in relation to such grants after
Irish Water take charge of the water and waste water infrastructure in January 2014."
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Caillian Ellis;
"I ask Leitrim County Council to erect two signs at Anskert Cross at Cornageeha indicating the road
leading up to Drumshanbo South."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The signage at the junction in question will be assessed and appropriate signs provided as
necessary, when funding is available."
Signs at Gorvagh
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Caillian Ellis;
"I ask Leitrim County Council when they intend to re-erect the signs they removed at Gorvagh when
they carried out works at this junction."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Arrangements will be made to have the signs re erected as soon as possible."
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Siobhan McGloin;
"I ask that a stretch of the R280 south of Kinlough Village be included in the 2014 Roads Restoration
programme at Vincent Mc Gowan's house."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The R280 at this location will be assessed and considered for inclusion in the 2014 Roads
Programme, subject to the level of funding available and the priorities at that time."
Hedge Cutting
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Siobhan McGloin;
"I ask the North Leitrim Area Engineer to cut the verges on the Gubercreeny/Kinlough road as a
safety measure"
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Hedge Cutting notices will be issued to the landowners involved."
Dangerous Crossings at Treanmore and Summerhill
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Enda Stenson;
"I ask could the following junctions be included in the Road Works Scheme for 2014 - the very
dangerous crossing on the R201 at Treanmore, Mohill and the junction at the top of Summerhill and
the Community School Road, Carrick on Shannon."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"A detailed design review of both locations will be undertaken and appropriate schemes can be
included for consideration in drafting the 2014 Road Works Scheme, subject to the level of funding
available and the priorities at that time."
Leitrim Village
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Enda Stenson;
"I ask the Director of Services, Infrastructure did the proposed meeting with Leitrim Village residents
ever take place regarding the obstructed view coming up from the Church."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"This meeting was to have been arranged by the local representatives. It has not yet taken place, but
the Roads Department are available to meet with the residents and public representatives at any
Drinking Water
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Martin Kenny;
"I ask has there been any investigation or survey carried out by Leitrim County Council Environment
Section into the possible toxic substances seeping from the old gas exploration wells in Glangevlin
just across the Cavan border from Leitrim. This substance eventually makes its way into the Shannon
in Leitrim. Has there been any contact with Cavan County Council to find out if they know the nature
of the substance. If there have not been any investigations into this matter, I am asking that the issue
be pursued as a matter of urgency."
Report by Director of Service, Environment, Emergency and Cultural Services
"Such investigation or survey is a matter for Cavan County Council and we have been in contact with
them in this regard. It is important to stress however that water quality in Lough Allen (more than 4
locations), upstream of Leitrim village (one location) and upstream of the water intake at Carrick-onShannon(one location) is tested on a regular basis. Ecological and chemical tests are undertaken.
These are designed to detect the presence of toxic residues in the water. No such traces have been
found and the water is deemed suitable for abstraction for drinking water."
L56003 at Drummeen, Cloone
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Martin Kenny;
"I ask the Director of Services, Infrastructure to carry out works on the road L56003 at Drummeen,
Cloone. This is a short stretch of road which is very rough and potholed and really needs to be
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Routine maintenance will be carried out as required, within the confines of the limited funding
available at this time."
Killavogy Bridge to Ardvoley Road
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Mary Bohan;
"When will repairs be carried out from Killavogy Bridge to Ardvoley Road."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"Local road LS 8277-1 at Killavogy will be assessed shortly and routine maintenance works carried
out if required within the confines of the reduced budgets available in 2013"
Signage Policy
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Mary Bohan;
"What plans has this Council to address the problem in relation to the multitude of signs erected
around our County for various sales, events etc. Some of these signs remain in place for months and
even years."
Report by Director of Service, Planning, Community and Economic Development
"The Council has an adopted Signage Policy in place in the recent past and has, over the Summer
months, commenced the enforcement of this policy. The process is being carried out on a phased
and incremental basis around the County and will continue to be pursued as resources allow."
Signage and Road Markings
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Francis Gilmartin;
"When is this Council going to erect the signage and maybe road markings at JJ Farrell's house,
Drumcong which was promised to the man after his shed was knocked by a car. Since then one of his
houses on the other side of the road was hit."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"There are currently advance warning signs in place along the R208 at Cornaleck warning road users
of series of bad bends ahead. The Council proposes to supplement the existing signage with a series
of signs on the bends at the location in question. This work will be carried out in the coming weeks."
Vacant Property
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Francis Gilmartin;
"I ask this Council to please clean around the vacant house at Aughacashel which is a home for
vermin the way it currently is. I have previously contacted the Housing Department in relation to the
letting or selling of this property. I request that the gardens be cut without delay as it is impacting on
the appearance and value of nearby properties."
Report by Director of Service, Corporate Services & Housing
"Arrangements are currently being made to have this property cleared out and the grounds tidied."
Footpaths in Carrigallen
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Paddy O'Rourke;
"When will repairs to the footpaths in Carrigallen be carried out where they were disturbed when
repairs to water services were carried out. Many of these sites are dangerous and unsightly."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The locations in question will be inspected and a programme put in place to reinstate the footpaths
as required."
Road Repairs
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Enda McGloin;
"I ask Leitrim County Council to repair the very large potholes or provide a tarmacadam overlay along
the street in front of Kathleen Mc Morrow's house at Dowra, Co Leitrim before the winter months."
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"The location in question will be inspected shortly and the necessary remedial works carried out when
a patching crew are carrying out remedial work in this area."
Warning Signs
To consider the following Question submitted by Councillor Enda McGloin;
"I call on Leitrim County Council to place 'step by step' Slow Down signs at the approach (from the
Drumshanbo side) to John Joe Farrell's corner at Drumcong which is the location for some very bad
accidents. Motorists not familiar with this junction build up too much speed as they approach the bend
and often fail to take the bend so I urge Leitrim County Council to erect the appropriate warning
Report by Director of Service, Infrastructure
"There are currently advance warning signs in place along the R208 at Cornaleck warning road users
of series of bad bends ahead. The Council proposes to supplement the existing signage with a series
of signs on the bends at the location in question. This work will be carried out in the coming weeks."
The business of the meeting concluded at 8.50 pm.
Councillor Sean McDermott,
4th November 2013
Aideen McGovern
Meetings Administrator