Document 6441418


Document 6441418
11 .,
Obituary News
A Voice In 'Waste Land' Dies
late Frank and Mary Vail
Poland Born
Wife Of Firm Head
Adolph Baginskl of 221 AshOct. 23, 19L2 she was marMrs. Agnes M. Kammerer of
115 Rosehill Ave., New Ro- burton Ave., died yesterday at j1 ried in Yonkers to Harry T.
chelle, foimerly of Mount Ver- St. John's Riverside Hospital. Brown who died in 1953.
non, jjjpther of Harry J. Kam- He was in his 70's.
Mrs. Biown had resided in
Mr. Baginski came to Yon- I New Roehelle for 20 years and
merer of Bronxville and Mrs.
Mark (Agnes) Berlow of East- kers from his native Poland 55. j was a communicant ol Holy
chedfer',' died yesterday at New years ago.
Family Church there.
He was a communicant of St.
Surviving are two daughters,
She was the wife of the late Joseph's Church.
Mrs. Frank Limardi of the
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. ( home address; Miss Isabelle
Harry M. Kammerer who was
president and founder of Kamco Patricia Trachimowicz Slifka iBrown of White Plains; two
Aluminum Products of Mount j Baginski; a son Peter Baginski; sons. Hany T. Brown Jr. of Ortwo daughters, Mrs. Lottie Sam- i lando, Fla., and Richard C.
Bom in New York City, she ple and Mrs. William (N'ada- Brown of Yonkers; five grandwas a daughter of the late Mr. line) Havrish, both of Yonkers; children and three great-grandand Mrs. Christopher W'essner. ! and five grandchildren.
Mrs. Kammeier was a communCHARLES FRIED
icant of Holy Family Church, I MRS. HARRY T. BROWN
New Roehelle and a member of Yonkers Born
Mrs. Anna Dwyer Blown, 72,
the Catholic Daughter of AmerCharles Filed of 829 Bronx
of 1 Beaufort Place, wife of the River Road, died Saturday at
ica. .
Suiviving arc another son, late Hany T. Brown .died yes- Mount Vernon Hospital. He was
William T. Kammoror of Pound terday at New Roehelle Hospi- a salesman with the Kaufman
Ridge, another daughter, Mrs. tal after a long illness.
! Carpet Co., Inc. at Cross CounBorn in Yonkers on Aug. 3, ty Center.
Robert (Lynn) Andrews of New
Roehelle; and 18 grandchildren. ; 1892, she was a daughter of the
A fonner Mount Vernon resident, he had lived in Yonkers
17 years.
Mr. Fried was past president
of the Hebrew Mutual Society
in New York City.
AVEZZANO—Julius V,'. of W4 Orchord O'CONNOR— Margaret T., formerly of
Surviving are his wife, Mae;
Yonkers, on Saturday, Jonuary 2, 1765.
Street. On Jonuory 3, 1965. pevotea
Beloved wife of David J. O'Connor,
husbond of Julio Horwylok Avezza'-o.
of the
niolher of Dovid W. ond Willlom E. a son, Sanford Filed
Devoted fother of Fronk. Julio. Georgp,
O Connor. Daughter of Willlom F. Navy stationed in Puedo Rico;
Mrs. George (Irene) Hoscoe and JosThomos ond the late Mory Ellis Thomos
eph Averiono. Slep-'olher of Mrs Morio
ond niece of Mrs. Leslie (Florence) a daughter, Mrs. RhooTi Green(Lllllon) Forlno, Mrs. Bruce (Ello) EvLeach. Funeral from the E. W. Moloerett, Herbert ond John Waller. Brother
ney and Sons Funeral Home Inc., 732 berg of Flushing, L.I.; and three
of Mrs. Irene Lockwood, Mrs. Mildred
Avenue, on Thursday, Jonuory grandchildren.
Monorese, Thomos ond Edward Aveiz-
7. at V:30 A.M. High Moss of Requiem
ono. Also survived by seventeen grondIn the Church, of St. John The Baptist
chlldren. Reposing, Whalen Funeral
at 10 o'clock. Interment Gote of Heaven
Home Inc., 168 Pork Avenue, corner of
Cemetery. Visiting hours 1-4, 7-10 P.M.
Glenwood. Requiem Moss, St. Joseph's i
Church on Thursday, January 7 at
10:00 A.M. Interment, St. Josephs Cem- I
etery. Visiting hours 1:00 to 4:00 ond t P E T E R - M o r i e Adelaide. Of 93 Spring
7:00 to 10:00 P.M.
Brook Troll, Sparta, New Jersey. On
Jonuary 2, 1965. Wife of the late William Peter. Mother of Frederick B.
BAGINSKI — Adolph. Of 221 Ashburton
Peter, Mrs. Henry (Margaret) HohnAvenue.
Beloved husbond ol Mrs.
sted. Sister of Oscar, John and WalPotrlclo Sllvko Boginski. Father ol
ter Bouer. Service ot Havey's FunMrs.
Lottie Sample, Mrs.
eral Home Inc., 107 North Broodwoy,
(Madeline) Havrish ond feler Baginski.
Yonkers on Tuesday, January 5 at
Funerol from the Nepperhan Funeral
10:00 A.M. Interment, Ooklond CemHome, 107 Yonkers Av-inue on Tnu.setery.
Visiting hours 1:00 to 4:00 ond
doy, Jonuory 7 ot 10:30 A.M. High
7:00 to 10:00 P.M.
Moss of Requiem In St. Josephs
Church ot 11:00 A.M. Interment, St.
Joseph's Cemetery. Chopel visiting hours ROCKEFELLER—Morgaret
Buhler, of
1:00 to 4:00 ond 7:00 to 10:00 P.M.
34 Kinross Place, orVJanuory 4th, 1965.
Wile of the late Blaine A. RocksfHer.
Funerol services will be held ot the
• ATTISTA—Angelina Age 75 on JanPhillips Funerol Home, 50 Ludlow
uary 3, 1945 of 2 Osmun Place, YonStreeet on Thurday ol 10:00 A.M. Interment, Pleasant Valley Cemetery. The
kers. Interment Mount Hope Cemefamily will receive their friends on Wedtery on Wednesday 10:30 A.M. Renesday from 1:00 lo 1:00 ond 7:00 to
posing Yonnantuono Funeral Home, 88
10:00 P.M.
West Lincoln Avenue, Mount Vernon.
Visiting Hours 1-5 and 7-10 P.M. 1-5
SCHUSS— Frances, of 4 Meadow Avenue
BENFORD—Louise K. On January 3,
West, Bronxville, N.Y.
Formerly of
1965. Of 4 North Tenth Avenue, Mt.
Glosser, N.J., on January 3, 1965. BeVernon, N.Y. Beloved mother of Mrs.
loved wife of Philip Schuss. Molher of
Louise Deon, Samuel M.. Edward M.,
Mrs. Gerold (Mae) West and Mrs.
Daniel P. and Dr. David M. Benford.
Frances Bonadles. Resting at Havey's
Service ot the Jenks Funeral Home,
Funcrol Home Inc., 107 North Broad23 Eost Second Street, Mt. Vernon,
way, Yonkers. Moss of Requiem ot
Wednesday, 2:00 P.M. Interment, Mt.
St. Joseph's Church, Bronxville en
Hope Cemetery.
Wednesday, Januory 6 ot 10:00 A.M.
Interment, Gote of Heaven Cemetery.
Vlsltlna hours 1:00 to 4:00 ond 7:00 to
BROWN—Anna, on Monday, January 4th,
10:00 P.M.
1965, of 1 Beaufort Place, New Roehelle, N.Y. Devoted wife of the la:c
Harry T. Brown, mother of Harry, SMITH-Peter F., of Bronxville, N.Y., on
Richard, Mrs. Frank Llmard and Miss
January 4lh, 1965. Beloved husband of
Isobelle Brown. Reposing at Cancro FuHelen Baldct Smith, devoted father of
neral Home, 104 Fourth Street, New
Lawrence Adrian and Peier F. Smith,
Roehelle. Mass at Holy Family Church,
Jr. Alo surviving are four grandchilMayflower Avenue, New Roehelle. 12
dren. The family will be present at
Noon. Thursday. Interment, Mt. Hope
The Fred H. McGrath & Son Funeral
Cemetery, Ardsley, New York. Friends
Home, Bronxville, from 2:00 P.M. unmay call 2-5 and 7-10 P.M.
tlll 4:00 P.M. ond 7:00 P.M until 9:00
PM. Wednesday ond Thurday. Requiem
CIOK—Alexader, of 107 Ash Streeet. BeMass, St Joseph's Church, Bronxville,
loved husbond of Joephine clok, father
Friday, January dth af 10:00 AM.
of Alfred Clok. Funeral from the Nep1-6
perhan Funeral Home, 107 Yonkers Avenue on Thursday, January 7th at ?:00
A.M. Solemn Mass of Requiem In St. SPERLE — George, of 798 New Moln
Coslmlr's Church at 9:30 A.M. InterStreet, on Monday, Jonuary 4, 1965.
ment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. Chopel
Beloved husband of Agnes Sderle (nee
vlsltlna hours: 1:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to
Doyle). Father of Mrs. Florence M.
Curley, Gcorqe F., Henry J. and Robert A. Sperle.
Brother of Mrs. Lee
General Caslmlr Pulaski Society Group
Willord, John ond Henry Sperle; also
No. 263— Members will meet on Wednessurvived by five grandchildren. Rcposday evening at 8:00 P.M. at the NcppJrIna at the Flynn Memorial Home, 82
hon Funeral Home to pay our repects to
Ludlow Streel, off South Broadway.
our departed member, Alexander Ciok.
Funeral on Thursday at 9:30 A.M.
Frank Dombek, President.
High Mass of Requiem af St. Mary's
Church at 10:00 A.M. Interment, family
plot. The family will receive friends
FRIED — Charles. Beloved husband of
from 1:00 to 4:00 and 7 to 10 P.M.
Moe. Devoted father of Rhodo and
Sanford. Loving grandfather. Service to1-6
2 P.M., ot "The Riverside,"
Westchester, 21 West Broad Street,
Fleetwood, Mount Vernon.
1-4 SULLIVAN — David J. Of 32 Moquctte
Row. On Januory 3, 1965. Son of the
late Dovld D. and Margaret Howley SulHANNAH—Peter, of 185 Valentine Lone, • llvon.
Brolher of George, Edward, Joon January 5lh, 1965. Beloved husband
Russell, Mrs. Harold (Ann) Long
of Marian Smith Hannah. Funeral ^scrand Miss Josephine Sullivan. Survived
vlces will be held at the Phillips Fuby two nephews. Reposing, Wholen Funeral Home, SO Lgdlow Street on Thursneral Home Inc., 168 Park Avenue,
" day at 2:00 P.M. Interment, Mt. Hope
corner of Glenwood. Requiem Mass,
Cemetery. The family will receive
Josephs Church on Wednesday, Jonfriends on Wednesday f-om 1:00 to 4:00
uory 6 at 10:00 A.M. Interment, St.
ond 7:00 to 10:00 P.M.
Josephs Cemetery. Visiting hours 1:00
to 4:00 ond 7:00 to 10:00 P.M.
Clan MocGregor S106, O.S.C.
It Is with d v r regret that we announce the death of Brother Clansman
Peter Honnoh. Services will be held Wednesday evening at 8 P.M. at Phillips
Funeral Home, 50 Ludlow Street, Yonkers.
Robert Kelso, Chief.
Alex Dennlson, Secretory.
HOLLANDER—Max. Beloved husband of
Mttrle Hollander, devoted father of
Mrs: Oscar (Lillian) Groeocl of Phoenix,
Arliono; Mrs. Sam lEIalne) Zager.
Grandfather of four. Devoted brother of
Mrs. Rose Klein, Mrs. Bertha Edelbtrg, Sam and Morris Hollander, Service will be held 1:00 P.M. Jonuary 6th
from the Weiss Memorial, Inc., 326
Rlverdole Avenue, Yonkers, N.Y.
Dunwoodle Lodge No. 863, F. and A. M.
It fs with profound sorrow
thot we note the passing of
Brother Mox Hol'onder, Masonic funeral
P.M. Januory 5th, 1965 ol
Weiss Memoriol, Inc., 326
1 Rlverdale Ave. Please attend.
Willlom Roth, Master,
Lee M. Ettinoer, Secretary.
HUFNAGEL — Anoellna
Sudol). Beloved wife of George Hulnogel. Devoted mother of Theresa Ann ond
Andrew Hufnaqel. Dauahter of Mrs.
Anno Sudol ana sister of Mrs. Stephen
(Helen) Yopchanyk ond Stanley Sudol.
Fufierol from the Nepperhan Funeral
Home, 107 Yonkers Avenue on Wednesday, Jonuary 6 ot 9:00 A.M. Mass ond
obsolullon In St. Casimirs Church at
9:30 A.M. Interment, St. Joseph's Cemetery.
SULLIVAN — Jeremiah J. Of 1450 Ncoperhan Avenue. On Friday, January 1,
1965. Beloved husband of hthel Sullivan
(nee Toombs). Father of Jeremiah J.
Jr., Donald E., Eugene M., Warren J.
Sulllvon. Brother of John Sullivan.
Also survived by eight nrandchlldren.
Reposing ol the Flynn Memorial Home,
82 Ludlow. Street, off Soulh Broadway.
.Funeral on Wednesday ot 9:30 A.M.
High Moss of Requiem, Sf. Antnony's
Church, Nepera Park ot 10:00 A.M. Interment, St.
The family will receive friends from
1:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 10.10:00 P.M.
SWANSON—Josephine. On Jonuory 4th,
1965. Of Crestwood, New York. SVlfe of
the lote Albert Swanson, molher of
Harry, Mrs. Robert M. (Joseohlne)
Cook and Ivor Swanson. Also survived
by five grandchildren ond three greatgrandchildren. Prlvote service at 1he
Westchester Funerol Home, Inc., Midland Avenue ot Moln Street, Eostchester, on Wednesday mornlnq.
WALLIN—Irene Sheppard. Of 3S Lincoln Terrace. On Jonuary 3, 1965.
Wife of the late Woltcr W. Wollin.
Funeral services will be held ot the
Phillips Funeral Home, 50 Ludlow
Street on Wednesday at 11:00 A.M.
Interment, Oakland Cemetery. Vlsltlna hours 1:00 to 4:00 and 7:00 to
10:00 P.M.
WUERTELE— Gertrude (nee Kneuer), on
Jonuary 3rd, 1965. Beloved wife of the
late Chorles, devoted mother of Constance Schulre, sister of John, August
nnd Pauline Schwab. Funerol from the
Krone Funeral Home, 102 Ml. Vernon
Avenue, Mt. Vernon. N.Y., Thursday,
JENKOFSKY—Anthony, of 41 Victor St.,
Jonuary 7th, V:30 A.M. Requiem Moss,
on Mondoy, Jonuory 4, 1965. Beloved
SI Mary's Church, 10:00 A.M. Interhusbond of Stella Jenkofsky ond dement, Ml. Hope Cemetery. Visiting
voted father of Terry, Anthony Jr.;
hours: 1.00 to 5:00 ond 6:00 to 10:00
Robert ond Michael Jenkofsky. Beloved
son of Mrs. Victoria Jenkofsky and
brother of Williom ond John. Reposing
o f the Duchynskl Funeral Home, 1)1 WINKLE— Jomes, of 11 Belmont Terroce,
on Tuesdoy, Januory 5, 1965. Son of
Yonkers Avenue. Arrangements to be
the late Jomes P. ond Katherine Sulliannounced later.
van Winkle. Beloved brother of Mrs.
1 5'65
Katherine Winkle Hotte. Mrs. John
Emmctt (Tcrcso) Murphy.
Uncle of
W A T H E W S O N - H . Edword, on January 4.
Mary Ellen Hotte, Sister M. Corduln
1965, formerly of Scarsdale. Husbond of
C S.A., Mlchoela, Delrdre Murphy and
the lote Moe Mothewson; father of
John Emmett Murphy, 11. Reposing ot
Mrs. Merl« Brown. Masonic Service,
the Flynn Memoriol Home, il Ludlow
Wednesday, Jonuory 6. ot 7:30 P.M.
St., off South Broodwoy. Funerol on
Religious service ot 7:4} P.M. Both to
Thursday ot 9:30 A.M. High Moss of
be held ot the Westchester Funcrol
Requiem, Sacred Heort Church ot 10:00
Home Inc.. Midland Avenue ot Moin
A M . Interment, St. Mory's Cemetery.
Street, Eastchester. Friends may call of
The family will receive friends from
the funeral home Wednesday, 2-4, 7-9
1:00 to 4:00 ond 7:00 ot 10:00 P.M.
1 5 65
MIHALENKO—Joseph Sr. Of 27S Nepperhon Avenue. On Sunday, Januory
5. 1965. Beloved husband of Mory
O'Leory Mlholenko. Devoted father of
Joseph, Michael, John, Chorits, Miss
l.orelto Mlholenko ond Mrs. Victor (Cecelia) Benvenufo and the lote Morooret
Mlholenko. Resting at fhe Memorial
Home, 108 Yonkers Avenue. Funerol
on Thursday ot 9:30 A.M. High Moss
of Requiem, Most Holy Trinity Church;
trinity Street of 10:00 A M . Interment.
St. Joseph's Cemetery. The family will
receive friends from 7:00 to 10:00 P . M .
M O O N C Y - M o r g o r e t M. (nee Cori). On
Jotwory 3, 1965 Reloved Wife of Harold Mooney. Devoted mother of MorQoret Mary, Jone ond Oougios Moonsty. Loving daughter of Victor Cor I Sr.
Sister of Victor Corl Jr. Funerol from
Dovld J. Hodder «. Son Funerol Home.
•9? McLean Avenue, near
Avenue, Yonkers, Thursday, 9:30 A M
Interment, Gote of Heaven Cemetery.
T h * family will receive friends ot the
Fvnerol Home fron 1:00 to 4:00 ond
7:00 fo 19:00 P.M.
MOYNIHAN—Arthur J., of 225 W o o d e d
Avenmt, tueMenly, on J jonuory 3, 1965.
Son of the lote Humphrey ond Mory
O'Donrvfll Moynthon. Brother of Fred
A. Moynlhon. Reposing ot the Wholen
Furvtrw Homo Inc.. 1M Pork Avenue,
corner of Glenwood. Requiem Mass In
•ft* MofSOftfry Church of the Soared
H«Ort on ThunVfJav, Jonuory 7, at 11
A.M, Intsrment, SI. Mory's Cemetery.
VUftfnq howri U, M 0
WYNNE-Brldget. Of 5) Worburton Avenue. Native of County Wotertord, Ireland. On Jonuory 2, 194$. Oouqhler of
the lote Thomos ond Bridget Troy
Wynne. Sister of Margaret Wynne,
Patrick ond the lote Corrett Wynne.
Reposing, Wholen Homr lfi( ,
1<MI Pork Avenue, corn.-r of Glenwood
Requiem Moss, St. Joseph's Church, ori
Wednesdoy, January 6 ot 11:00 A M
Interment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. Vistlng hour* 1:00 to 4:00 ond 7:00 to
10:00 P.M.
In Memoriom
BATES Rose. A Mos« will be offered
7:30 A.M. Wednesdoy, Jonuory «th,
19*5 ot Mt. Cormel Church, Yonker*.
Hoppy Birthday In Heoven, Pose.
Always in our hearts.
Pother, Mother, Sister ond Brotner.
Hi?170—Julio. In loving mtmorY ©f our
beloved Mother ond groodmother who
possed owoy Jortoory 3, 196}.
Although you ore no longre here,
You will remoln with v% always
In fhlrtcrJ we do when vou were her*.
love: Doughter. Helen, Sort-In low,
Grandchildren ond Greof-grondchlldren.
NIGRO-Chorlw. «th AnnW»rsory.
Although you ore no longer here
You rernom forever deor.
Wife, *on, dough tee-in law
ond grnnocniidren.
Card Of Thanks
K A U M A N N - J o c o b L. Of 7 Moquetfe
Row. On Jonuory 4, 1965. Musbond of
Maude Lowton Noumann. Funerol j * r . M E I K L P — Rot*r». | wish fo fhonk oil
View svNI be held ot the Phillips Funour friends, neighbors and the ttoff of
#r«f Horn*, SO Ludtow Sfreet on WedS South at Sf. John's ftlversid* Hosptiol
ot 2:00 P.M. Interment, St.
for their kind expressions of sympathy
Jonn i Cometery. Visiting; hours J:00 , during my r*etert b*r«qv«m«rtf.
t » 4:00 ond 7:00 »0 10:00 P/k
1-i '•»
Morgoref M«ikl*.
Company Founder
Max Hollander, 71, of 122 Caryl Ave., one of the founders of
Picko Pickle Products on Woodworth Ave., died unexpectedly
Born in Yonkers on Jam 15,
1893, he was a son of the late
Joseph and Minnie Hollander.
Mr. Hollander was a life
member of the Dunwoodie
Lodge of Masons and also was
a member of the Independent
Brotherhood of Yonkers.
Surviving are his wife, Marie; two daughters, Mrs. Oscar
(Lillian) Groebel of Phoenix,
Arizona and Mrs. S a m u e l
(Elaine) Zager of Yonkers; two
brothers, Samuel Hollander of
Yonkers and Morris Hollander
of California; two sisters, Mrs.
Rose Klein and Mrs. Bertha Edelberg, both of Yonkers;' and
four grandchildren.
Peter F. Smith, 70, a retired
engineering inspector for the
City of New York, died unexpectedly yesterday. He had been
a Bronxville resident for most
of his life and was living at 1
Vincent Road at the time of his
Mr. Smith was graduated from
the Bronxville schools and had
been an inspector with the Bronx
Borough Works for 32 years. Before his retirement, he had
been a trustee of the Engineering Technical Guild and a delegate to the Employes Benevolent Association. A communicant
of St. Joseph's Church, Bronxville, he was married to the former Helen F. Baldet of EastChester on Oct. 19, 1917.
Mr. Smith is survived by his
wife; two sons, Lawrence A.
Smith, of New York City and
Peter F. Smith of Massapequa
Park, L. I., and four grandchildren.
Native Of Austria
Funeral services were held
Sunday for Mrs. Helen Rubin,
79, of the Bronx, mother of Paul
and Joseph Rubin of Yonkers.
She was the widow of Saul Rubin who died in 1961.
Born in Austria, Mrs. Rubin
came to this country in 1904.
For the past three years she
had lived at the Daughters of
Jacob Home for the Aged where
she died Saturday.
Also surviving are two other
sons, Robert of the Bronx and
Meyer Rubin of Long Island;
and two daughters, Mrs. Martha
Paroly and Mrs. Miriam Kosak,
both of Levittown, Pa. THOMAS M. ASH
Recreation Aide
Thomas M. Ash, 39, of 32
Touissant Ave. died on New
Year's Day at Yonkers Profes-
LONDON (AP) — Private
funeral services are planned for
T. S, Eliot, one of the 20th. century's greatest poets.
Eliot, 76, a native of the United States and a British subject
since 1927, died at his home in
London Monday night. The
cause of death was not announced.
A voice of the "Lost Generation" between the world wars,
Eliot revolutionized poetry nnd
also was a noted critic and successful playwright. He won the
Nobel - Prize for 1 iterature in
The same year he was awarded the Order of Merit, one of
Britain's highest honors, l a s t
believe there was a w^y out of
the waste land. In "Murder in
the Cathedral" and "The Cocktail Party" he developed th«
thesis that Western man must
choose between a pagan society'
and a way of life guided by
Christian principles.
year he received the U.S. Med?l
of Freedom, highest civil honor
the president can bestow.
Eliot's best known poem was
"The Waste Land," published in
1922. Other major poems included "The Love Song of J. Albert
Prufrock" (1917), "The Hollow
Men" (1955), "Ash Wednesday"
(1930) and "The Cocktail Party," in 1950.
"The Waste Land" depicted
an age of uncertainty, despair,
squalor and decay through
which a wanderer struggled in
the hope of finding an% abiding
faith but met only disillusionment.
Eliot later was converted to
Anglo-Catholicism and came to
The son of a St. Louis brick
manufacturer, Eliot was educated at Harvard and the Sorbonne in Paris. After 1914 he
made his home in London. He
taught for a time at a boyi'
school, worked for'seven years
in a bank, and then settled down
at Faber & Faber. one of Britain's leading publishing houses,
as a full-time director. He did
his writing after hours.
Scout Officers Stay On Job
Seventeen leaders of Yonkers District of Boy Scouts,
elected to office over a year
ago, today reported they will
continue in office without new
nominations and elections, under a moratorium during
which the district's controversy with Washington Irving
Council is being investigated
and settled by National and
Regional Scout Councils.
The decision, made at the
first meeting in 1965, was unanimous, says Herbert K. Kanarek, the group's chairman,
"in keeping with the letter and
spirit of the mutual moratorium agreement between the
executive committee of the
National Council and the Yonkers District."
Till End Of Controversy
The committee agreed to
continue "until the end of the
S c o u t i n g controversy," he
The district officers were
"dissolved" by the parent
council early last year. Ambrose V. McCall Jr. was appointed reorganization committee head, and he was elected late in May at a special
election In the City Club, which
Mr. Kanarek and his slate had
repudiated as illegal. The controversy has : been under inquiry by a National Council
group since July 8.
Mr. Kanarek said he will
continue in office "as directed
by the committee, and continue negotiations unjil an honorable and democratic solution
is reached for the purpose of
bettering the Scouting program in the City of Yonkers."
He reported that seven monthly district meetings were
held during 1964, bringing together over 1,000 Scouters and
their wives. Fourteen district
officer meetings took place
during the year, he added,
with "100 per cent attendance
at each and with institutional
Says 300 Boys Suffer
Walter Tice, training chairman, reported four training
sessions were held, and Walter Kardash, organization and
extension chairman, said his
committee had reviewed charters and brought Scouting to
more boys in Yonkers during
the year than in the preceding three years. He expressed
dusappointment that those
charters reviewed by his committee were at first accepted
by Washington Irving Council
and then "not accepted" after
February. '
Church, Getty Square, and the
Vassar Chapter, Order of the
Eastern Star in Poughkeepsie.
Surviving are a brother, Peter G. Buhler of West Hollywood, Fla.; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Mottram of Oak Forest,
sional Hospital after a short ill- JJJ., and several nieces and
ness. He was a foreman for the nephews.
Yonkers Recreation Commis- ALEXANDER CIOK
He was born in the Bronx, a, Sexton
son of Mrs. Jennie Ash and the
Alexander Ciok, 78, of 107 Ash
late Thomas Ash, and attended St., died unexpectedly at his
schools there. He served with home yesterday. He had been
the Navy during World War H. sexton at St. Casimlr's Church
He married the former Felicia for 16 years.
Richmond of Yonkers and had
Mr. Clok who came to Yonkers
been a resident here since. from his native Poland had been
Mr. Ash wa,s a member of St. !a resident ot this, city for 55
Augustine's Church on Locust years'.
Hill Ave.
He had previously been emSurviving besides his wife and ployed by the National Sugar Remother are four sons, Thomas finery in Edgewater, N. J.
Ash Jr., Kirk, Tyrone and Dante - Mr.,Ciok wrfs a member of the
Ash, all of Yonkers; five daugh- General Casimir Pulaski Society,
ters, Mrs. Herbert (June) Con- Group No. 263 of the Polish Naley of Long Island, Shirley, Pa- tional Alliance.
tricia, Terri Lynn and Robbln
Surviving are his wife, the forAsh of Yonkers; four daughters mer Josephine Spolnlk and a son
by a previous marriage, Mrs. Alfred Clok.
Frank (Madeline) Cole, Thomasina, Marsha and Pamela Ash, MRS. HAROLD MOONEY
all of the Bronx; six sisters, Wife Of Driver
Mrs. Gwendolyn Toppin, Mrs..
Mrs. Margaret M. Mooney, 40,
Alice Edmonds, Mrs. Janet
955 McLean Ave., died unexWallace, Mrs. Jacqueline Thorn,
on Sunday. She was the
as, Mrs. Valada Verona- and
Miss Barbara Ash; and two wife of Harold Mooney, a driver
brothers, Ricardo and Aaron for Anchor Motor Freight Corp.
Ash, all of the Bronx; and five in Tarry town.
Born in the Bronx July 16,
1924, she was a daughter of
Victor Carl Sr. of Yonkers
and the late Mary Farrahy Carl.
Widow Of IBM Man
Mooney was a graduate of
Mrs. Margaret' G. Rockefeller, 78, of 34 • Kinross Place, St. Barnabas School and attendwife of the late Blaine A. Rock- ed Commerce High School. She
efeller, a retired employe of In- was a communicant of St. Barnternational Business Machines, abas Church and a former member of the Ladles Auxiliary of
died yesterday.
Born in New.City on Dec. 22, the Charles N. Bajart Jr. Post,
1886, she was a daughter of the American Legion.
Besides her, h u s b a n d and
late August and Margaret Caufather, Mrs. Mooney is also sur11 Buhler.
Mrs. Rockefeller was a mem- vived by two daughters, the
ber of St. John's Episcopal Misses Margaret Mary and Jane
Ten units at this time
"have not been properly registered by the council," he
complained, and he asserted
that this "is holding back the
Scout program from 300 boys,
thus denying them all recognitions and awards."
Although hospitalized, John
Hangac, camping and activity
chairman, reported that 250
attended the annual camporee,
that his committee had inspired attendance at the 1964 summer Scout camp, and that
home troop leadership was at
an alltime high. For the first
time, he said, wives of Scouters had been invited to participate in a district training
Tiff Over 400 Days Old
Mr. Kanarek .praised the
work of Ralph Verto and Louis
Hipsky Jr., "banished comMooney; one son, Douglas Mooney, and a brother, Victor Carl
Jr. of Yonkers.
Tuckahoe Resident
Funeral services were held
today for Mrs. Katherine Urbanowlcz, 80, of 111 Pleasant
Ave., Tuckahoe, who died Saturday at her home after a long
illness. She was the widow of
Karol Urbanowicz who died 20
years ago.
A native of Lithuania, she
came to this country as a young
woman and had been a resident
of Tuckahoe 50 years. Mrs. Urbanowicz was a communicant of
the Assumption Church..
Surviving are two daughters,
Mrs. Anne Walsh and Mrs. Olga
Moore of the Tuckahoe address;
a son, Archie Urban of Carmel,
N. Y.; four grandchildren and
four great-grandchildren.
Daughter In Eastchester'
Robert F. Briggs, 69, of
Charleston, 111. — father of Mrs.
Donald Glaser of 45 Highland
Ave., Eastchester — died Sunday in a hospital in Charleston.
Mr. Briggs was retired secretary of the General Telephone
and Electronics Corp. in New
York City. At the time of his
retirement four years ago, he
had been with the firm 32 years.
Born in Charleston, Mr.
Briggs had lived in Mount Vernon for more than 30 years,
before returning to Charleston.
He is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Florence Wright Briggs;
a son, Robert W. Briggs of
Charleston; a brother, W. Manning Briggs; a sister, Miss Katherine Briggs of Chicago and
three grandchildren.
Welfare Walkout
Closes 9 Centers
NEW YORK—Nine Manhattan Welfare Department centers were forced to close,yesterday as 8,000 workers went
on strike.
Approximately .4,500 nonstriking . employes
picket lines to maintain most
services and keep the city's
16 other centers open.
(Continued from Page One)
a very, veiy hard man but he
was also a generous man,"
one leader remarked.
"He read the handwriting
on the wall," another commented. "When you don't
have the votes you have to
withdraw or be beaten in a
showdown. Tom didn't want a
showdown. He didn't have the
votes any more."
"He did an awful lot for the
city way back when," a young
Democrat offered. "It's different now. He felt little groups
stirring against him. He couldn't fight anymore."
Mr. Brogan voiced his contempt for the current ouster
movement in his parting letter: "I would have pinned
their cars back 10 vears ago."
'He Can Hardly Sit*
But Mr. Brogan is 80 now.
"He has arthritis very bad on
one leg," a friend said. "I
know he feels the pain something fierce. Sometimes he can
haixily sit. Rut you never sea
it on his face."
"He knew politics better
than anyone else in the city,"
said Kenneth T. Grosse, a former Democratic councilman.
"He served the city well."
"He was a tough competitor," said a city official
who fought and served with
Mr. Brogan. "He was the best
in his day—tops in the old
"I can't see why he's quitting," said one district leader.
"He never quit anything before. I guess he's just getting
'A I/sider Of Men'
One leader hailed his resignation as "beneficial to the
party." "This gives us a
chance to rejuvenate the Democratic Party through new
"Tom Brogan just plain
stayed in power too long,"
another polltlcan said. "There
are a lot of bad things you
can say about htm—he could
be real mean at times—but
he was a leader of men."
A group of Democratic leaders here who have been working for Brogan's ouster as
city leader had no comment
on his retirement.
Sol Friedman, Yonkers lawyer who also was working for
his retirement, said, "This action will remain for the immediate moment a matter for
conjecture. I believe I will
have more to reveal in the
coming month."
As Mr, Brogan announced
his retirement, Mr. Friedman
Untitled Document
was firing off letters to Democratic ward leaders asking
to be heard on issues against
Who Wrote His Letter?'
He urged that time be taken
in the selection of a successor to "insure the election of
only the very best man. There
are many worthy young leaders within the present. Democratic ranks who have proven their integrity, independence and community value."
"I wonder who wrote his retirement letter?" asked an anti-Brogan leader.
Michael J. Kehoe, former
Sixth Ward councilman and
supervisor and a longtime
Brogan friend, said '.'The city
is, losing one of the most
prominent leaders we'll ever
Mr. Brogan recently was
efected .to his '58th term as
president of the Chippewa
Club, Sixth Ward Democratic
organization he formed and
had headed since 1907. The
installation is Thursday night.
'Tom Brogan wiH be installed as president whether he is
well enough to attend or not,"
Mr.-kehoe said.
'The l/«t Hurrah*
"It's like the motion picture "The Last Hurrah" in
Thomas M. Tryniski
309 South 4th Street
Fulton New York
real life," a Republican district leader remarked.
"I remember when I was
a kid. Tom Brogan used to
pitch pennies at us on Lake
Avenue." This recollection
came from a man now in hi*
' . "I owe Tom Brogan everything I have today," a Sixth
Warder declared. "It
during the Depression and my
kids were starving to death.
I went to Mr. Brogan and.
asked for a Job. He got me
"Yon can say what you
want," this man added, "but
If it weren't for Mr. Brogan
I wouldn't be here today."
This type of loyalty is not
uncommon even today among
people helped by Mr. Brogan.
Next Move: Florida
What will Tom Brogan do
now? For the immediate future it is predicted by friends '
that he will be up and around
TAXI miMim,
YO 5-1771
YO 8-2800
'•Wejtyer Closed
missioners," whom he credited with service to more than
500 boys.
Alberto P. Gavascl, former
district chairman, reported on Official Forecast:
three official meetings with
Fair today, high temperaturt
the National Council executive mostly 40 to 45. Cloudy tonight,
low in 16w 30s and upper 20s.
Noting that the Scout con- Becoming fair tomorrow, low in
troversy has now passed 400 low to mid-30's.
days, Mr. Kanarek said the
Extended outlook: Fair with
district committee will attend seasonable temperatures Thursthe annual business and elec- day.
tion meeting of Washington
Irving Council Thursday night TIDES
in White Plains.
Today 10:50 11:32 4:47 5:31
11:23 - —
5:17 6:02
Thurs. 11:59 12:11 5:45 6:32
A. J. Moynihan,
Lawyer Here,
Dies At 63
Arthur J. Moynihan, 63, a
native of Yonkers and a lawyer
here for nearly 40 years, died
unexpectedly at his home on
Sunday. He had lived at 225
Woodland Ave.
Born on Feb. 24, 1901, he was
a son of the late Humphrey and
Mary O'Donnell Moynihan. He
was graduated with honors from
Sacred Heart Grammar School
and from Yonkers High School
where1 he received both a RegeHts and a four-year scholarship to New York University.
Upon graduation from college
Mr. Moynihan received his
law degree from Fordham College and was admitted to the
bar a year later in 1926.
Mr. Moynihan practiced here
in association with Myron J.
Shon at 20 S. Broadway. He
specialized in real estate. Unmarried, Mr. Moynihan was a
long-time communicant of the
Monastery Church of the Sacred Heart.
He is survived by a brother,
Fred A. Moynihan of the home
Death Probed
Investigation continued today
into the death of Mrs. Margaret
Mooney, 41, of 955 McLean Ave.,
who was found dead in her bedroom Sunday morning, with her
arms and legs tied.
Dist. Atty. Leonard Rubenfeld
said that "at this point it was
apparently a natural death despite the circumstances surrounding the finding of the
The district attorney explained that Mrs. Mooney had
returned home Saturday night
after apparently having been
drinking heavily and members
of her family fastened her to her
bed to prevent her from falling.
In the morning she was dead.
TOKYO (AP) — Japan's population increased by about 1,029,000 during 1964, the Welfare
Ministry reported. The country
averaged a birth every 19 seconds and a death every 48 seconds.
Brogan: A Good Guy Or A Czar?
T :
The left-turn ban on the
Bronx River Parkway at the
Fondfield Road exit will go
into effect tonight, according
to Westchester Parks Commissioner Charles E. Pound.
The county, at the same
time, will close the St. Nicholas Ave. access entirely. It is
a small street north of Pondfield Road.
The 1,000 cars which make
the turns daily at Pondfield
Road will have to find alternate routes until the county
constructs new and safer access at the cost of up to $150,000, about 300 feet south of the
present location.
How Many For
Very Special?
The prospect of selling a
Chevrolet Impala, described
as "very special" — would
anyone in Westchester be
interested in making such a
purchase? A S c a r s d a l e
owner soon d e t e r m i n e d
whether or not prospects
would be receptive. He did
it this way—by placing the
following inexpensive "For
Sale" want ad cbuntywide
in The Herald Statesman
and the other Westchester
Group Newspapers:
Chevrolet Impola 19SI. New 409 enplne, trl-power, 3-speed Corvette
franvnlsslon. Very special. SC &-0000.
"I couldn't keep track of
all of the calls—and I sold
the car! It was extremely
pleasing," said the advertiser.
Yes, want ads sell. Try
YO 8-8500
— All expense
tour to
Owing out
& entcit.iinmcnt
every night
GR 8-0061
near the end of the week and
then go to Florida for his annual vacation.
Some say he will remain the
power behind the scenes. But
others say he has lost his
grip completely.
"He's through, let's face
it," said one Democrat. "Even
the people he got Jobs for are
running out on him."
"As long as he's able physically and mentally he'll remain active in politics," said
a friend.
,Mr. Brogan was the last of
the old guard in Yonkers. The
flatfooted days of slugging it
out face to face have given
way to the suave, modern
Mr. Brogan claims victory
at the polls in the last 40 of
56 years. "My record stands
for my opponents to better,"
he said in stepping down.
'<If they can," added a
Reel E$tat*
AefHMfSAl* A
Left-Turn Exit
From Parkway
Closes Tonight
8!NCB 1869
MtiMnwMk, MY. OW S4SI0
YO 3 - 6 8 9 5
Free Parking