Dorchester Reporter


Dorchester Reporter
Dorchester Reporter
“The News and Values Around the Neighborhood”
Volume 29 Issue 27
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Funding for Dot sidewalks
falls short in roads bill
By Gintautas Dumcius
News Editor
State Rep. Marty Walsh
had pushed for the funding
of $3.5 million for Dorchester
sidewalks in transportation
legislation that was on the
move on Beacon Hill, but
the version of the bill that
reached Gov. Deval Patrick’s
desk last week did not include
the money, and the matter of
the sidewalk repairs remains
under discussion.
The proposed replacement
of sidewalks would start at
the intersection of Gallivan
Boulevard and Granite Avenue and end at 100 Morrissey
Boulevard, at UMass Boston.
The deteriorated condition of
the sidewalks has prompted
frequent complaints from
neighborhood activists.
Dr. Rev. Bill Loesch stands at the entrance of the newly renovated park named for him. The park will be re-dedicated on
Saturday. Photo by Elizabeth Murray
New name, amenities
at Loesch Family Park
Re-opening set for Saturday
By Elizabeth Murray
Special to the Reporter
For 27 years while living
across the street from the
Cronin/Wainwright Park on
Brent Street, Dr. Rev. Bill
Loesch spent time planting
flowers and trying to make it
more attractive for visitors.
Now, the newly renovated
park he worked so hard to
beautify will bear his name, as
it will officially be unveiled as
‘Dr. Loesch Family Park’ this
Rev. Loesch founded the
Park Partners group to rally
the neighborhood for improvements to the grounds and
later called for city support to
make the park a safe place for
neighbors to meet. Rev. Loesch
and his neighbors held twiceweekly meetings in his house
for years to brainstorm ways
to improve the neighborhood.
Meetings usually averaged
about five people unless a
more serious topic was to be
“The major concern was
always, ‘This is here, what
can we do to improve it?’” Rev.
Loesch said.
Rev. Loesch has always
been a very active member
of his community, helping
form the Codman Square
Neighborhood Council and
the Breath of Life Dorchester
(BOLD) teen group. He was
very active in civil rights
issues in Boston, marching
side-by-side with Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. and riding to
school with students during
the 1970’s busing crisis in
Boston. Rev. Loesch and his
daughter Cynthia have most
recently been outspoken civic
leaders in the Codman Square
“I’ve always been a person
that was raised to be very
active in my family and very
active in whatever church or
group I’m involved with,” Rev.
Loesch said. “Be very active
with those right around you
because that’s what counts
is getting to know people and
work with them. I’ve sort of
lived that way.”
(Continued on page 12)
$32.5b budget seen ‘positive’
for Dot, Mattapan. Page 5
Patchwork repairs mark the
sidewalk outside St. Brendan’s church. Ed Forry photo
“The sidewalk has been a
disgrace for 20 years,” said
Sean Weir, president of the
Cedar Grove Civic Association.
Temporary patches, like asphalt in front of St. Brendan’s
Church, are not the solution,
Weir said. He also said city and
state agencies had spent years
pointing fingers over who is
responsible for maintenance
of the sidewalks, before the
state Department of Transportation’s acknowledgement
of responsibility for Gallivan
Walsh called the sidewalks’
condition “terrible” and a
“disaster,” adding that the
money would go towards new
curb cuts.
But the Senate did not agree
to the inclusion of the funds,
(Continued on page 5)
Codman Sq.,
Four Corners
take stock
By Elizabeth Murray
Special to the Reporter
In one of the largest gatherings of residents and stakeholders in Codman Square
and Four Corners, over 130
people filled the Great Hall
in Codman Square on June
19 to participate in planning
processes for the neighborhood.
“I haven’t seen this much
energy or resident involvement on a large scale in over 20
years,” said Candice Gartley, a
long time resident who works
at Codman Square Health
Center, in a statement.
This was the first of three
planning groups that would
be held over the summer in
order to develop a 10-year
plan for the neighborhood.
The event in Codman Square
was put on by a collaboration
of organizations, residents
and businesses all under the
banner of the Millennium Ten
Initiative. The next event will
be held on July 24 at Second
Church in Codman Square.
Millennium Ten is the third
planning process like this in
Codman Square and Four Corners in the last three decades,
and it has been encouraging
residents and stakeholders
to come together and discuss
the neighborhood’s future
since 2010. Since the Millennium Ten neighborhoods
Over 130 people attended a working group meeting at the Great
Hall in Codman Square last month to help develop a 10 year
plan for the neighborhood. Photo courtesy Millennium Ten
Residents find Mattapan
a fair/good neighborhood
By Tayla Holman
Special to the Reporter
After a year of reaching out
to the community, Mattapan
United revealed the results of
resident feedback at its “give
back” meeting Wednesday
evening at the Young Achievers School.
Most respondents said the
quality of life in Mattapan was
fair to good, with few responses
for poor or excellent. “People
like living here,” said Donna
Haig Freidman, director for
the Center for Social Policy at
UMass Boston’s McCormack
(Continued on page 13)
(Continued on page 9)
New York Giants head
coach Tom Coughlin,
left, has not forgotten his
Brockton “scrapper” of 20
years ago. Page 15.
All contents copyright
© 2012 Boston
Neighborhood News, Inc.
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Page 2
THE Reporter July 5, 2012
Reporter’s Notebook
Council okays budget
with unaccustomed ease
By Gintautas Dumcius
News Editor
City councillors last week signed
off on Mayor Thomas Menino’s $2.5
billion fiscal 2013 budget. The budget
vote, which usually draws criticism
from District 4 Councillor Charles
Yancey, was unanimous and uncharacteristically matter of fact. Menino’s
press office, in a press release hours
after the 13-0 tally, re-used some of the
quotes by the mayor that were deployed
in the April release announcing the
budget and its highlights.
The budget, for the fiscal year that
began on Sunday, shows an increase
of 3 percent – or $72 million – over last
year’s bill. The five-year $1.8 billion
capital budget, which includes funding
for a number of projects in Dorchester
and Mattapan as well as money for the
redevelopment of Dudley Square and
its long-neglected Ferdinand building
and for 40 miles of rebuilt roadways,
was also approved in the unanimous
The public schools budget received
a separate vote, with a lone “no” from
District 8 Councillor Michael Ross,
who emerged as a vigorous critic of
the school department’s proposal to
relocate a Mission Hill school out of
his district and into Jamaica Plain.
The Menino administration pointed
out that five teen centers will be
undergoing a redesign effort and noted
an increase in funds for the Boston
Police Department’s Neighborhood
Watch Unit.
Harvard institute offers
report on three strikes bill
As a six-member committee of
legislators worked on an overhaul of
the state’s sentencing laws, a Harvard
Law institute issued a report saying
there is “no need” for the legislation.
The Charles Hamilton Houston
Institute for Race and Justice, run by
Prof. Charles Ogletree, an opponent
of the legislation, released the 26-page
“It will further burden our severely
overcrowded prisons, and risk the
safety of employees and prisoners,”
Ogletree said in a statement accompanying the report. “Our communities
of color will suffer the most from these
The bills (S 2080 and H 3818), known
together as “three strikes” legislation,
tackle changes to the habitual offender
laws. The bills passed the Senate
unanimously, and overwhelmingly in
the House, with the exception of “no”
votes from the caucus of black and
Latino legislators.
The report claims the bills will cost
the state an additional $125 million
a year. “It is not too late,” the report
says. “The bills can be stopped by the
Conference Committee or amended
to target the most serious repeat
offenders, while preserving resources
for programs that actually improve
public safety and strengthen our
Crimes listed as “strikes” in the
bills should be narrowed to “only the
most serious offenses,” and habitual
offenders with life sentences should
be eligible for parole after serving 25
years, the report says.
“By properly limiting the applicability of the habitual offender provisions,
Massachusetts will be able to reinvest
in its people through education,
treatment, training, and community
development programs,” the report
concludes. “Unlike mandatory prison
sentences, these programs have a
proven effect on reducing recidivism
and, better still, strengthening our
communities to prevent the creation
of future offenders.”
With the conference committee
working on a compromise – state
On The Record
Adams Corner plaudits
Rep. Russell Holmes, a Mattapan
Democrat is keeping an eye on the
negotiations – the content of the
legislation has shifted in the last few
months, and potentially shortened the
shelf-life of the report.
The State House News Service
asked the head of the House half of the
conference committee, Rep. Eugene
O’Flaherty, about the request from
groups to postpone action on the bills.
O’Flaherty noted that the Judiciary
Committee has considered similar bills
over the years. “In terms of delaying
an issue because of further study,
respectfully I would suggest that’s not
where we are at this point,” he said.
Lawmakers are working under a
July 31 deadline for controversial and
complex bills since they adjourn formal
sessions after that day and turn their
focus onto the campaign trail.
It’s another girl for the Forrys
On Sunday night, state Rep. Linda
Dorcena Forry gave birth to a baby
girl, Norah Marianne, who joins John
Patrick (8), Conor Joseph (5), Madeline
Casey (2), and Dad Bill at the Forry
homestead. Mother and baby, who was
born at St. Elizabeth’s at 9:17 p.m., are
said to be doing well.
Rep. Forry, a Dorchester Democrat
who has served in the House since
2005, is married to Reporter managing
editor Bill Forry.
Quote of Note: Gov. Patrick on
whether the individual mandate
is a tax
With policy dealt with – the Supreme
Court deciding to uphold President
Obama’s health care reform effort –
talk inside and outside the Beltway
quickly turned to politics last week:
What does Chief Justice John Roberts’
designation of the individual mandate
requiring people to buy health
insurance as a tax mean for the 2012
presidential election.
Republicans immediately seized on
the development as a weapon to batter
Democrats. All Republicans except the
de facto party leader, Mitt Romney. If
the Affordable Care Act’s mandate is
a tax, then so is the mandate in the
similar health reform effort Romney
championed in Massachusetts while
governor (and, to be fair, was also
approved by an overwhelmingly
Democratic Legislature). A Romney
surrogate told NBC’s Chuck Todd
on Monday that the former governor
believes the mandate is a “penalty.”
It’s worth checking in on what
Romney’s Democratic successor, who
has spent some of his time in office
implementing and seeking to tweak
the Massachusetts health care reform
law, is saying: “I don’t care what it’s
called,” Gov. Deval Patrick told reporters. “What it is is a solution and it’s
an important one. It’s one we’ve tried
here in Massachusetts. It’s working
very well and it’s done a lot of good
for a lot of people.”
Patrick, a former assistant attorney
general under President Clinton,
added: “I’m not the Constitutional
scholar on this. Look, I’m not afraid of
the word tax. I know that you like to
ask people in elective office and watch
them squirm when the word is used.
That’s not my issue. That’s not my
concern. And I think it doesn’t help to
quibble over whether the penalty is a
penalty or whether it’s something else
masquerading as a penalty.”
EDITOR’S NOTE: Check out
updates to Boston’s political scene at
The Lit Drop, located at
litdrop. Material from State House
News Service was used in this report.
Email us at [email protected]
and follow us on Twitter: @LitDrop
and @gintautasd.
The Adams Corner Merchants Association presented honors to two local men
for their efforts in supporting the local business and residential area. Pictured
at the June 28 ceremony are (l-r): Association president Mary Kelly, BPD Area
C-11 Captain Richard Sexton, Gerard Adomunes, owner of Gerard’s Adams
Corner, and State Rep. Martin Walsh. Ed Forry photo
Woman attacked by knife-wielder at Ashmont
A woman in her 20’s was attacked by a man with a knife on Tuesday morning
near the south entrance of the Ashmont MBTA station shortly after arriving at
the station on a Brockton Area Transit bus. The victim was rushed to Boston
Emergency Medical Services and is said to be recovering after being stabbed in
the upper right shoulder and chest. The woman was conscious after the attack,
and police reported her wounds were not considered life-threatening. Police
say the suspect was a black man, 35-40, with a full beard, wearing blue jeans,
black sneakers and possibly a burgundy shirt, last seen walking north on Dot.
Ave. carrying a jacket in a plastic bag. The incident is still under investigation.
More meetings set on assignment overhaul
Boston Public Schools officials are hosting more community meetings this
month as they work to overhaul the much-maligned student assignment process.
A July 12 meeting is scheduled in Mattapan at the Mildred Ave. K-8 School.
The Thursday meeting starts at 6 p.m. Haitian Creole interpreters will be
Suffolk University will host a separate meeting on Wed., July 11, at 6 p.m.
in its ninth floor conference room at 73 Tremont St.
Other meetings are set for East Boston (July 17, 6 p.m., at Mario Umana
Academy on Border St.); Roxbury (July 18, 5 p.m., at the O’Bryant School of
Mathematics and Science); Charlestown (July 19 at 6 p.m. in the WarrenPrescott K-8 School on School St.); Chinatown (July 21 at 10 a.m. at the Boston
Chinatown Neighborhood Association on Ash St.); and Allston-Brighton (July
24, 6 p.m. in the Edison K-8 School on Glenmont Rd. in Brighton).
Mayor Thomas Menino and Superintendent Carol Johnson attended a previous meeting in Dorchester on June 24 at the St. Peter’s Teen Center. At the
meeting, Mayor Menino and Dr. Johnson visited with parents and students.
A plan revamping the school assignment process is expected to be released
in the fall, with a School Committee vote likely during the coming winter.
Networking breakfast with Menino July 12
The Ashmont Grill, at 555 Talbot Ave. in Peabody Square, will be hosting a
free networking breakfast with Mayor Thomas Menino on July 12. The session
is scheduled to start at 7:30 a.m. and run until 9 a.m. The agenda includes a
safety update for businesses from local police officials.
Mass. business confidence index drops
An index that measures business confidence among Massachusetts employers
last month took its second biggest tumble in its 21-year history. The Associated
Industries of Massachusetts Business Confidence Index fell 8.5 points in June
to 48.3 - readings below 50 are considered in negative territory.
A Readers Guide to Today’s
Dorchester Reporter
July 5, 2012
Boys & Girls Club News............. 14
Opinion/Editorial/Letters............... 8
Neighborhood Notables.............. 10
Community Health...................... 13
Business Directory..................... 16
Obituaries................................... 18
Days Remaining Until
Next Week’s Reporter.................. 7
Labor Day................................... 60
First Day of Autumn.................... 79
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July 5, 2012
The Reporter
Page 3
Top-flight chef brings food passion to non-profit
By Elizabeth Murray
Special to the Reporter
After spending 11 years as
a chef at Legal Seafoods, Tim
Williams is starting anew
at Community Servings, a
non-profit food service based in
Jamaica Plain. Williams, who
was the regional executive chef
for six Legal Seafood restaurants between Philadelphia
and Washington D.C., decided
to make a change when his
wife’s job was transferred back
to Boston.
Community Servings was
founded in 1989 in Dorchester
by a group of AIDS activists,
faith groups and community
organizers to provide home
delivered meals to individuals
living with HIV/AIDS. Now,
according to David Waters,
CEO of Community Servings, the non-profit serves
about 1300 people per year
across 250 square miles in
Massachusetts, offering 25
different medically tailored
diets. In the past year, 168
clients in Dorchester and 56
Mattapan clients were served
by the non-profit. Community
Servings serves people unable
to cook or shop for themselves
because of critical illnesses
like HIV/AIDS, cancer, MS
and Lou Gehrig’s disease as
well as their family members
and caregivers.
A former resident of Jamaica
Plain, Williams’ passion for
cooking comes from spending
time in the kitchen with his
mother when he was young.
His father was a naval officer
stationed in Asia where his
mother would visit and bring
back new recipes to try. Williams later spent five years
in the army as a Food Service
Specialist to receive his GI
Bill and then moved onto the
Culinary Institute of America
to pursue a culinary degree.
Williams worked in several different restaurants
and hotels around the world,
including Perry Restaurant
Group in Vermont, Riversong
Lodge in Alaska and the Marco
Polo Hotel Group in Russia
and the Republic of Georgia
before joining Legal Seafoods.
Williams said his area of
expertise is seafood since he
worked at another seafood
restaurant right before joining
Legal Seafoods. While at Legal, Williams helped the chef
open nine new restaurants
within the chain and managed
the entire process of opening
and training the kitchen team.
The decision to leave the
corporation was huge for Williams, he said, since he would
basically have to start all over
with building new relationships and finding a place in the
company. Williams still has a
good relationship with Legal
Seafoods, he said, since there
were no hard feelings when he
left the company.
“It took a lot of soul searching to make the decision, but
I’m very happy that I made
[it],” Williams said.
Williams began his job
search on the alumni website
job board of Culinary Institute
of America, where he saw the
listing for a position as execu-
tive chef in Jamaica Plains at
Community Servings.
“I’d never really seen a job
listing with that scope of a
job that I’m qualified for at
this point of my profession,”
Williams said. “It popped right
out so I started doing some
As executive chef, Williams
oversees all kitchen operations
and works with volunteers
and trainees in the job training program. Waters said
he is very excited to have
Williams as the executive
chef as Williams’ professional
background was exactly what
Community Servings was
looking for. It helped that
the expectations in the Legal
Seafoods kitchens were very
similar to those of Community
servings as far as cleanliness,
safety and quality of food goes,
Waters added.
For Waters, Williams brings
the “perfect personality” to
the job.
“He has a great sense
of beautiful food and the
rigor of running a professional
kitchen,” Waters said. “We
produce 2,000 meals a day
out of our kitchen, and he’s
got a great training for that.
He’s also very excited about
the mission – the opportunity
to give back and serve people
is what I think drew him to
the job.”
Williams said the toughest
part of his transition was going
from a menu and food inventory that was so defined to one
that was defined by the donations Community Servings
Chef Tim Williams, a 11-year employee of Legal Seafoods,
recently left that company to become executive chef at Community Servings, a non-profit that serves critically ill people
across Massachusetts. Photo courtesy Community Servings
receive from farms and other
people. The main goal, he said,
is preventing wastefulness by
getting all the food processed
and cooked quickly since the
donations are sometimes
overwhelming. Williams has
a passion for incorporating
freshness and brightness into
the meals, and he said his job
also demands organization as
well as efficiency.
“You really have to just be
on your game and think in the
moment and … be creative
on the spot,” Williams said.
“There’s a learning curve to
any job, but I’ve jumped right
in with both feet and I’m really
starting to enjoy it.”
“I get to see the best of
humanity every day,” added
Williams. “At this point in
my career, it’s not about me,
it’s everybody else. To find a
mission as powerful as this
one... it’s really the defining
thing that makes me get up
every day and look forward to
doing this.”
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Page 4
THE Reporter Boston College
High School
Ainsley M. Bowen,
Anilson J. Lopes, Deontae E. Ramey-Doe, Edgar
E. Martinez, Johann
A. Williams, John C.
Flaherty, Maghayevbosa
S. Nosamiefan, Matthew
D. Doyle, Patrick J.
O’Sullivan, and Tyler
A. Jones.
Pope John Paul II
Catholic Academy
Grace Patricia Cadogan, Anthony Cao, Isaiah Ignatius Christian,
Makayla Marie Coleman, Julie Collins, Grant
James Godding, Gregory
John Godding, Jr., Grant
Joachim Hamilton,
Wayne Michael Harper,
Michael James Henderson, Matthew Michael
Hernon, Meghan Mary
Lescinskas, Gabriele
Lomba, Lexie Ange
Louis, Kayla A. E. Martin, Thomas John Moran,
Taylor Christina Nickerson, Katherine Ann
Nolan, Stephanie BaoTran Nguyen, Douana
Shanice Offre, Jeanette
Nneka Orji, Richelene
Pierre, Anthony Vu, Eric
Christopher Watts and
Maeve Ellen Williams.
Richard A. Andujar,
A Nadia Timas Barbosa, Brendan Patrick
Brock, Tariel Angelique
Brown, Loyanni D. Carvalho-Mendes, Nerissa
F. Cummings-Trotman,
Avelino Damoura,
Janissa DaVeiga, Benjamin Thomas Delahunt,
Ashley Angelina Gomes,
Alyxianne Alejandro
Guzman, Xanique
Brianna JahdaishaGiraudel, Osarume I.
Idahor, Joshua Lopes,
Isaiah J. Mathieu, Brianda Glenisa Mendez,
Belarmino Monteiro, Jr.,
Kiet Nguyen, Triet Minh
Nguyen, Trevon Damien
Niles, David Pelczar,
Bianca Liz Perillaarias,
Mariel Elena Rojas, Yasmel Martinez Rosado,
Andrew John Schmitz,
Christine Teixeira, Johanna Thermitus and
Kerranda Sarah Vicente.
Lower Mills
Stevana N. Allen, Da-
July 5, 2012
izy Goncalves Andrade,
Pascal Bernard, Xeila
Kiara Centeio, Jovan J.
Grant, Fadil Hanley, Jr.,
Evan E. Harris, Jenaya
A. Hobson, Daniel JeanLouis, Imran Khan,
Valorie Leo, Andrew
A. Royes, Matthew
Samuels, Derek Anthony
Tyler, Jonathan Villard,
Cindy Vo and Charles L.
Williams, Jr.
Kaylan A. Austin,
Neissa Kristy Casseus,
DeAndra Clarke, Frederick Alexandre Dauphin,
Jean-Phaudet Dolce,
Oren Evans, Christopher
Ralph Fleurima, Elizabeth Germain, Brian
Damatius Grant, Rayla
Johnson-Daye, Gregory
R. Pierre, Christian
St. Pierre and Legend
UMass Boston
Kristy Abrahim,
Melchisedek Alce,
Rashaan Allen, AyattAlmasi, Luis Anjos,
Makesha Balgobin, Nicole Barreiros, Tachise
Bastien, Shekeria Beale,
Maria Bekhtereva, Carine Belizaire, Stephen
Bickerton, Taronna Billingslea, Shanika Birkett,
Julia Burgess, Anastasia
Burns, Winifred Campbell, Steven Campbell,
Elizabeth Casso, Janice
Chicha, Amy Chin,
Tobias Conn, Allison
Costello, Charlyn Cuffy,
Aline Da Fonseca, Maria
Deoliveira, Mary Dever,
Trinh Dinh, Bao Dinh,
Huong Duong, Amanda
Fergus, Eric Fernald,
Matthew Flynn, Lauren Forsythe, Angela
Francis, Luc Francois,
Midori Gleason, Deidre Griffiths, Alicia
Grimaldi, Justin Halton,
Cassandra Hanneman,
Danielle Hawk, Jessica
Hayes, Chanel HughesShearer, Sequita Hunt,
Petrina Jacob, Michael
Kerin, Maria Knight,
Kristopher Kranzky,
Ferenkeh Kumalah,
Ieva Laucyte, Thu Le,
Roshanda Leak, Katherine Lee, Tariana Little,
Jessica Lopez, Timothy
Malloy, Elizabeth Manning, Kathleen Marc, Aristoteles Martins, Keisha
Mateo, Shauntelle McK-
Members of the Class of 2012 thank their families and teachers for their support during their time at Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy
ain, Severin McKenzie,
Matthew McKinnon,
Nicholi McLaughlin,
Chantal Medley, Opal
Mitchell, Temitope
Mokuolu, Michael Molinari, Ashley Montgomery, Fariyda Mulrain,
Kiara Munir,Ken Ngo,
Tai Nguyen, Mylinh
Nguyen, Dannhi
Nguyen, Dung Nguyen,
Oliver O’Brien, Keelia
O’Donnell, Owen Oboite,
Henry Ozulumba, Ronak
Patel, Frantzley Paul,
Gwendolyn Perry, Mark
Peters, Quiana Philogene, Octavio Pinto,
Marlene Pontes, Lorna
Riach, Elizabeth Smith,
Jarvis Smith, Jimmy
Smith, Timothy Smith,
Steeve St Leger, Andrei
Stanchik, Undrea Steele,
Jeremy Steinbruck, Milo
Stella, Denice Stewart,
Sonja Styblo, Courtney Sullivan, Marleny
Suriel, Katherine Talbot, Michelle Tanney,
Maria Jose Teixeira,
Danny Tieu, Ivan Timas,
Shantae Toole, Jessica
Townsend, Duong Tran,
ThuyDuong Tran, Phuong Trinh, Xi Wang,
Patricia Wasiolek,
Nathan Weaver, Amber Whitner, Rahama
Wood-Davidson, Tiffani
Yolanda, Amani Yousif,
Qing Zeng.
Newton Country
Day School
Sister Barbara Rogers,
Headmistress of Newton
Country Day School of the
Sacred Heart, honored
outstanding Dorchester
residents at the 132nd
Prize Day ceremonies.
Red Ribbons, denoting
Dorchester’s Myjah Snape ’12 receives her diploma from Rachel Friis Stettler,
director of the Winsor School, on June 7, 2012. Talia Weingarten ’12, also of
Dorchester, at the Winsor School’s ceremony. Photos by Gustav Freedman an average of a B+ or
above with no grade
below a B- were awarded
to senior Jolivia Barros, freshman D’Jonita
Cottrell, eighth grader
Monet Eugene, seventh
grader Ghiana Guzman, and sixth grader
Vinou Val. Academic
Prizes were awarded to
Barros for Gospel Choir,
Cottrell for Spanish I,
Eugene for Dance, and
Val in English.
Boston College
The following local
residents graduated from
Boston College: Amancio
Lopes of Dorchester has
graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from
the University’s Carolyn
A. and Peter S. Lynch
School of Education with
a major in Human Development and History.
Tram Nguyen earned
a Bachelor of Science degree from the
University’s William
F. Connell School of
Nursing) Nicole Joseph
earned a Bachelor of
Science degree from the
University’s William
F. Connell School of
Nursing. Gerald Matthews graduated with
Boston College High
School Honors
High Honors: Brendan Liam Caulfield
’13, Xhonatan Mezini
’14, Sean Michael
Broderick ’15, Anthony Pina Do Canto
’15, Ryan Matthew
Sweeney ’15.
Honors: Austin
Llewellyn Guiney ’13,
Nathaniel Zeh Guevin
Lawrence Academy
High Honors: Sharon
Centeno, junior.
Newton Country Day
Sister Barbara Rogers,
Headmistress of Newton
Country Day School
of the Sacred Heart,
honored outstanding
Mattapan residents at
the 132nd Prize Day ceremonies. Red Ribbons,
denoting an average
of a B+ or above with
no grade below a B-
a Bachelor of Science
degree from the University’s Wallace E. Carroll
School of Management with a major
in Marketing. Mayra
Cardoso graduated with
a Bachelor of Science
degree from the University’s Wallace E. Carroll
School of Management
with a major in Finance.
Jacqueline Durant
graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from
the University’s College of Arts & Sciences,
majoring in Psychology.
Commencement was
held on May 21 in Alumni
Stadium on the Boston College campus in
Chestnut Hill, Mass.
There were more than
4,400 undergraduate
and graduate degree
recipients in the Boston
College Class of 2012.
Mass Bay
Community College
Corey Dominic Chapman, Associate in Arts,
Liberal Arts; Jakeen
Clovis Cobb, Associate
in Arts, Liberal Arts;
Jorge Alejandro Diaz,
Associate in Science,
Criminal Justice; Dolsie
May Harding, Certifiwere awarded to junior
Yasmin Francis and
seventh grader Mariane
St. Juste. Francis received the Headmistress’
Award and St. Juste was
presented an academic
award in French.
Red Ribbons, denoting
an average of a B+ or
above with no grade
below a B- were awarded
to senior Jolivia Barros, freshman D’Jonita
Cottrell, eighth grader
Monet Eugene, seventh
grader Ghiana Guzman, and sixth grader
Vinou Val. Academic
Prizes were awarded to
Barros for Gospel Choir,
Cottrell for Spanish I,
Eugene for Dance, and
Val in English.
Brimmer and May
Mattapan resident
and Brimmer and May
student Genevieve
Lefevre ’15, daughter
of Elizabeth Lefevre,
Mattapan Campus Valedictorian Frederick
Dauphin addresses his
fellow members of the
Class of 2012
cate, Practical Nursing;
Vanessa Sade Haynes,
Associate in Arts, Liberal Arts - Psychology/
Justin Allen Holliday,
Associate in Science,
Business Administration; Junior Laurent,
Certificate, Surgical
Technology; Matthew
Michael MacNeil, Associate in Arts, Liberal
Arts - Psychology/Sociology/Anthropology; Shanice Lynette Marshall,
Associate in Science,
Criminal Justice; Endry
Marte Santana, Associate in Science, Criminal
Justice; Theresa Chinwe
Okey-Igwe, Certificate,
Practical Nursing; Gandhy Yasmari Sanchez,
Associate in Science,
Criminal Justice; Zachary Allen Steinbruck,
Certificate, Paralegal
Studies; Duckenson
Theragene, Associate
in Science, Criminal
Justice; Clarie Marjorie
LaBeach, Certificate,
Practical Nursing; Phuong Kim Tran, Associate in Science, General
Genevieve Lefevre
made High Honor Roll
for the 2011-2012 year.
To earn High Honors
in the Upper School, a
student must have at
least an A-average (the
equivalent of 3.67 GPA
for a term) with no mark
lower than a B+.
Brimmer and May is a
Pre-K-12, coeducational,
independent day schoo
which serves a student
body from over fifty
communities in Greater
Boston and fourteen
foreign countries.
July 5, 2012
The Reporter
Page 5
$32.5b state budget called ‘positive’ for Dot, Mattapan
By Gintautas Dumcius
News Editor
The state budget under
review by Gov. Deval Patrick this week contains
additional funding for
statewide food pantries
and State Police patrols
on roads and recreation
areas in Dorchester and
Mattapan. It does not
contain new taxes or fees.
Lawmakers, in largely
bipartisan fashion,
agreed to the $32.5 billion budget for fiscal year
2013 last week, sending
it to the governor’s desk
after a unanimous vote
in the state Senate and
just three dissenting
votes from freshman Republicans in the House.
Legislators passed a
temporary budget as
they continued to deliberate on the final spending plan and provided
time for Patrick, who has
the option of vetoing or
amending various items,
to review the final bill
once it reached his desk.
The budget increased
by $58.7 million while in
a six-member negotiating committee and drew
on $350 million from the
state’s rainy day fund.
Lawmakers included
$10.9 million for community colleges to use
for matching the state’s
workforce development
with its students. Patrick first pushed that
issue in his state of the
commonwealth address
earlier this year.
The budget also includes $6.25 million for
a popular youth violence
prevention program
known as the Shannon
The Louis D. Brown
Peace Institute received
its own line item, pegged
at $125,000.
School aid for cities and
towns rose 5.3 percent, to
$4.2 billion.
“Positive things happened in this year’s
budget particularly for
Dorchester and Mattapan, despite difficult
times,” Sen. Jack Hart, a
South Boston Democrat
and assistant majority
leader, said in a statement. “I am pleased that
I along with members of
the Dorchester delegation was able to preserve
district priorities.”
The all-Democratic
Dorchester delegation
includes Sen. Sonia
Chang-Diaz and state
Reps. Martin Walsh,
Linda Dorcena Forry,
Carlos Henriquez, Russell Holmes, and Nick
According to Hart’s
office, the budget also
includes $125,000 for the
Massachusetts Beaches
Commission. Other line
items include funds for
community mediation at
UMass Boston, restoration of funding for the
Boston Home, and additional money for homeless elder programs at
Boston Medical Center.
The Department of
Public Health would also
receive level-funding
for substance abuse
The budget includes
electronic benefit transfer card reform and a
requirement for motor
vehicle registration applicants to have “proof
of legal residence.”
“While if left to the
devices of House Republicans this budget
might look different,
this document demon-
strates to the residents
of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts that
we as a governing body
are committed to jobs,
government transparency, and local aid,”
House Minority Leader
Brad Jones said in a
The spending plan is
among a flurry of bills
lawmakers are ripping
through as they look to
July 31, the end of formal
Material from State
House News Service was
used in this report.
Funding to fix sidewalks fails to make state road bill
$49 million to the perennially cash-strapped
MBTA. Fares rose on
Sunday, the start of the
new fiscal year, as part
of the MBTA’s efforts to
close a massive deficit.
In Washington, federal
lawmakers passed their
own transportation bill,
which included a tunnel inspection program
championed by US Rep.
Michael Capuano, a
Somerville Democrat
who represents parts
of Dorchester and Mattapan.
The bill offers up
$105 billion in funding
“The sidewalks along Gallivan Blvd. are a disgrace,” according to one civic
leader. Ed Forry photo
(Continued from page 1) shopping districts; it of sidewalk are badly
Rep. Walsh’s office said
Monday, which pushes
the money to be debated
down the road.
“This project is very
important to my district
because this area is home
to churches, schools, and
is frequented by many
families with young children and senior citizens,
who use wheelchairs
and walkers,” Walsh, a
Dorchester Democrat,
said in a statement.
“Repairs on this stretch
The bill, without the
sidewalks but with
$200 million for road
and bridge repairs, was
signed by Patrick on
Friday. A separate bill
signed by Patrick sent
Bankers warn against
foreclosure mediation plan
A required mediation
program for all mortgage
loans in Massachusetts,
included in a Senate bill
intended to curb foreclosures, will lengthen
the foreclosure process,
increase costs and hurt
home values “without
any measurable benefit
for delinquent borrowers,” according to the
president of the Massachusetts Bankers
If the provision survives conference committee talks between the
House and Senate, access
to credit could tighten
since banks would have
to weigh additional risk,
Daniel Forte, president
association, wrote in a
June 27 “opinion” post
on the group’s website.
Forte noted the Massachusetts already
grants a borrower a
150-day period to “cure
the default” and allow for
ongoing talks with lenders to resolve potential
“Ironically, most of the
problems with lenders
and foreclosures do not
apply to our local banking industry, but this
legislation surely will,”
Forte wrote. “It has the
potential to slow down
the entire real estate
market, something no
one wants to see.”
During Senate debate
on the mediation provision, Sen. Karen Spilka
said individuals could
voluntarily opt in to the
program, which would
be administered by the
Massachusetts Office
of Public Collaboration
at UMass, and called
mediation “another tool
to try to get the parties
to the table to resolve
more of the renegotiation
prospects of keeping
people in their homes.”
Spilka said, “The
beauty of mediation
is you get a neutral
third party who meets
with both parties and
helps them to come to a
Sen. Harriette
Chandler of Worcester
also spoke in favor of
the mediation effort,
saying such programs
were in place in other
New England states.
Chandler said Worcester
County leads the state in
In addition to hurting
families, Chandler said,
foreclosures are eroding
property values and
lowering property tax
“This issue is much
broader than simply
mortgages,” Chandler
said. The mediation
provision was approved
by a 31-2 Senate vote.
Sen. Bruce Tarr said
the mediation provision
departed “radically”
from the tradition of
needing to be agreed to
by both parties and from
the principle of sharing
the costs involved.
for transportation programs, and $1.9 billion
will be heading to the
Bay State.
The tunnel inspection
program was sparked by
the July 2006 death of
Milena Del Valle, who
was crushed by a Big Dig
tunnel’s ceiling panel.
According to Capuano’s
office, the bill calls on the
federal Department of
Transportation to create
minimum requirements
for tunnel inspections
and a certification program for inspectors.
“Although this is not
the bill I would have
written, due to the current fiscal climate and
Republican resistance to
seeking increased funding for transportation, I
think it’s an acceptable
compromise that will
bring millions of dollars
into Massachusetts over
the next two years,”
Capuano, a member of
the House Committee on
Transportation, said in a
President Obama is
expected to sign the bill
later this week.
Material from State
House News Service was
used in this report.
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Page 6
THE Reporter July 5, 2012
Arts & Entertainment
Historical Society showcases
Dot artists past and present
Last Friday at “Dorchester Artists: Past and Present,” Kyara Andrade, at left, a contemporary Dot artist, chatted with Karen MacNutt, daughter of deceased Dot artist Glenn Macnutt, whose “Mother and
Child” canvas is seen behind them. The painting depicts Ms. MacNutt as a baby. Photo by Andrea Kunst
Note: Father and daughter have different capitalization of surname.
By Chris Harding
Special to the Reporter
As part of its second
annual Dorchester Descendants festivities last
weekend, the Dorchester
Historical Society (DHS)
threw open its doors
for a double-barreled,
century-spanning art
display at the William
Clapp House, the DHS
headquarters at 195
Boston Street.
“Dorchester Artists:
Past & Present” featured works by painters,
photographers, sculptors, ceramicists and
cartoonists who lived at
some point in their lives
in the neighborhood.
Works by artists largely
Insurance Agency
Specializing in Homeowners and Automobile
Insurance for over a half
century of reliable service
to the Dorchester community.
from the nineteenth
century were selected
by DHS President Earl
Taylor and hung in the
“second best parlor”
while an unjuried show
of contemporary pieces
was coordinated by
Andrea Kunst, Chair
of the Board of the
Dorchester Arts Collaborative (DAC), in the
“best parlor.”
Taylor printed up an illustrated mini-catalogue
full of fascinating facts
about 23 bygone local
visual artists. In addition to the well-known
Impressionists F. Childe
Hassam and Edmund
Charles Tarbell, Taylor
spotlighted eminent
book illustrator Frank
Merrill, represented by
his images for Dumas’
“The Count of Monte
Cristo” and for “The
House on the Downs,”
a 1925 mystery novel
by popular Dot author,
Gladys Edson Locke.
Many visitors indicated as their favorites
in this section the breezy
Dorchester street scenes
by Canadian born Glenn
Macnutt (1905-1987),
an early pioneer in the
use of acrylic and a
practitioner of the motto
“You have to learn to
paint what you see.”
Kunst pulled together
the display of 32 pieces
by such present-day
locals as Gary Gartley,
Barbara Ward, Martha Kempe, Jennifer
Johnson, Marcia Sewell,
Howie Green, Kyara Andrade, Vincent Crotty,
Bob Tobio, Elaine CroceHappnie, David Stokle,
Ina Nenortas, James
Hobin and Joe Bagley.
Compared with the
relative sameness of the
landscapes, portraits and
sketches of the earlier
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New Accounts
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eras, the modern pieces
evinced a much wider
variety of themes, media
and techniques ranging from Jim Hobin’s
familiar color lithograph
of “Sledding Down Savin
Hill” to Howie Green’s
pop impressionist rendering of the “Clapp
Pear” statute in Edward
Everett Square.
Joe Bagley, who just
became the caretaker
of the William Clapp
House, impressed visitors with his amazingly
intricate hand cut black
paper art, some pieces
being valued at $6000.
Another crowd-pleaser
was Ina Nenortas’ irregularly shaped quilt
of photo transfer fabric
images of 100 different
Dorchester houses, one
of the few pieces not for
By all accounts the
opening reception on
Friday night was a
tremendous success
with a crowd of more
than 70. According to
Kunst the evening was
“a wonderful bridging
of the historic with the
present. No one was tied
to just one room or the
Though more visitors streamed through
this “pop-up” show on
Saturday and Sunday,
many expressed the
wish that it could have
been up for a longer
period. There was talk of
remounting the exhibit
in some form for the
2012 October Dorchester
Open Studios.
In any case, Taylor and
Kunst both said their
organizations would be
happy to do something
like this again next year.
Coming Up at the Boston Public Library
Adams Street
690 Adams Street • 617- 436-6900
Codman Square
690 Washington Street • 617-436-8214
Fields Corner
1520 Dorchester Avenue • 617-436-2155
Lower Mills
27 Richmond Street • 617-298-7841
Uphams Corner
500 Columbia Road • 617-265-0139
Grove Hall
41 Geneva Avenue • 617-427-3337
Mattapan Branch
1350 Blue Hill Avenue, Mattapan • 617-298-9218
Adams Street Branch
Monday, July 9, 2 p.m. – Dream Catcher Craft.
Native Americans believe that the night air is filled
with dreams. Beginning in July, all Boston Public
Library locations will be hosting six weeks of summer
reading programming for young people. Pick up a
complete list of events at your neighborhood library
location or visit
Tuesday, July 10, 10:30 a.m. Dream Big —READ!
Preschool Story Time.
Wednesday, July 11, 6:30 p.m. – Stuffed Animal
Library Sleepover. What happens when the library
lights go out? Visit your local library to find out.
Children and stuffed animals are invited to enjoy
a bedtime-themed story. After the story, children
will “tuck in” their stuffed animal and kiss them
goodnight. Children will come back the following day
to pick up their stuffed friends and learn all about
their library night-time adventure.
Codman Square Branch
Thursday, July 5
4:15 p.m. – Boy Scouts.
Friday, July 6,
10:30 a.m. – Preschool Story Time.
Tuesday, July 10, 11 a.m. – Preschool Story Time.
Thursday, July 12, 4:15 p.m. – Boy Scouts.
Fields Corner Branch
Thursday, July 5, 11 a.m. –Dream Big — READ!
Drop-in Craft program.
Tuesday, July 10, 6:30 p.m. – Stuffed Animal
Library Sleepover. Children will come back the
following day to pick up their stuffed friends and
learn all about their library night-time adventure.
Wednesday, July 11, 10:30 a.m. – Preschool
Films and Fun.
Thursday, July 12, 11 a.m. – Dream Big — READ!
Drop-in Craft program.
Grove Hall Branch
Thursday, July 5, 12:30 p.m. – Computer Class.
Geared toward the beginner, these classes explore
basic computer skills, the Internet, email, and
Microsoft Word.
1 p.m. – Gaming Afternoon.
5 p.m. – Pizza Party for Teens.
Friday, July 6, 10:30 a.m. – Pre-School Storybook
Monday, July 9, 6 p.m. – Superhero Movies. Tuesday, July 10, 2:30 p.m. – Teens Make Stuff
at the Library.
Wednesday, July 11, 11:15 a.m. – ReadBoston
4:30 p.m. – Nerds Geeks and Gamers Discussion
Thursday, July 12, 12:30 p.m. – Computer Class.
Geared toward the beginner
1p.m. – Gaming Afternoon.
Lower Mills Branch
Thursday, July 5, 6:30 p.m. – Romance & Mystery
Book Club.
Wednesday, July 11, 10 a.m. – New England
Aquarium. Conversations about tide pools, sharks,
and penguins are on the schedule when educators
from the New England Aquarium visit.
Mattapan Branch
Thursday, July 5
6 p.m. – Summer Laptop
Friday, July 6, 2:30 p.m. – Scary Movie Night.
Films for kids in grades 7-12.
Monday, July 9, 1:15 p.m. – ReadBoston
Tuesday, July 10, 1 p.m. – Monsters Under the
Bed Craft.
6 p.m. – Stuffed Animal Library Sleepover.
Thursday, July 12, 1 p.m. – Monsters under the
Bed Craft. Visit the library and make a monster
using felt. Summer reading for students in grades
7-12 is listed at
6 p.m. – Summer Laptop Classes.
Uphams Corner Branch
Tuesday, July 10, 10:30 a.m. – Family Story
Time. Pre-reading children and their parents or
caregivers are invited to join us as we read stories,
sing songs, do rhymes and fingerplays, and have
fun. Story time lasts about 20 to 30 minutes and is
followed by a craft and an open play time. Wednesday, July 11, 2 p.m. – Dream Catcher
Craft. Native Americans believe that the night air
is filled with dreams. To ensure you catch your
wonderful dreams, visit your local library to make
a traditional dream catcher.
July 5, 2012
Sister Peggy Sullivan greets guests during before
the liturgy.
On June 24, the Sisters
of St. Joseph of Boston participated in the
Transition of Leadership
for their congregation.
Over 500 sisters, associates, colleagues, friends,
and family members
were present at Our
Lady Help of Christians
Church, Newton, for the
Mass of Celebration. The
women who have been
elected by the Congregation to serve in the
ministry of leadership
for the next six years
are: Rosemary Bren-
nan, CSJ, Marylou
Cassidy, CSJ, Maureen Doherty, CSJ,
Margaret L. Sullivan,
CSJ, Roseann Amico,
CSJ, Gail Donahue,
CSJ, and Patricia E.
McCarthy, CSJ.
Rosemary Brennan,
CSJ, moves into her
position as president
of the Sisters of St.
Joseph from her current
position as a General
Councilor. Other members of the Leadership
Team completing their
six-year term are: Mary
Bubbles’s Birthdays
And Special Occasions
By Barbara McDonough
Congress approved the Panama Canal on June
2. The Museum of Fine Arts opened on July 4,
1876. July 4 will be the 39th annual Boston Pops’
Fourth of July Concert. “Yankee Doodle” was
composed on July 4, 254 years ago. John Adams
and Thomas Jefferson died on the same day, July
4, 1826. Katherine Lee Bates published “America
the Beautiful” on July 4, 1895. The bikini was
introduced on July 5, 1946.The Calgary Stampede
runs from July 6 to 15. The Republican Party was
formed on July 6, 1854. Mother Frances Cabrini
became the first American to be canonized on July
7, 1946. Construction began on the Hoover Dam
on July 7, 1930. Col. John Nixon was the first
person to read the Declaration of Independence
in public, on July 8, 1776.
Dr. Daniel Hale Williams performed the first
successful open-heart surgery on July 9, 1893.
The 83rd annual All Star Game will be played in
Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, MO, on July
10 this year. John Quincy Adams, who became the
sixth president, was born in Braintree on July 11,
1767. Babe Ruth made his Major League debut
on July 11, 1914, pitching for the Boston Red
Sox. “The Newlywed Game” premiered on July
11, 1966. The US spacecraft Skylab fell to earth
on July 11, 1979. The first Boston Pops Concert
was held on July 11, 1895.
Celebrities having birthdays are: Gina Lollobrigida, 85 on July 4; Eva Marie Saint, 88 on
July 4; Huey Lewis, 62 on July 5; Nancy Reagan,
91 on July 6; Sylvester Stallone, 66 on July 6;
Ringo Starr, 72 on July 7; Kevin Bacon, 54 on
July 8; and Brian Dennehy, 74 on July 9.
Those celebrating their birthdays are Fr. Jim
Hickey, meteorologist Mark Rosenthal, Joe
Mazzone, Bill Shaughnessy, Irene Roman, Lisa
Nutley, Pat (Finnegan) Collins, Kevin James
Doherty, Joe Madden, Debra (Cook) Wilson, Mary
Jepsen, and Mary Beth Harden.
Also observing their birthdays are Sean
Sweeney, Patricia O’Neill, Kaitlyn Cote, WBZ’s
Dan Rea, William Leahy, Erica Brugman, Lou
Pasquale (86 years young), Charles Maneikis,
Marcia (Coleman) O’Brien, Bill Mulroy, Alexandra
Larkin, Dom Roche, Bill Mulroy, and Dave Benoit.
Special birthday greetings are sent to Catherine
Those celebrating their anniversaries are
Thomas and Mary Scalight, Jim and Ellen Wyse,
and Bill and Barbara Guerard (their 62nd). Best
wishes are sent to Tom and Kay Walsh on their
50th wedding anniversary.
The Reporter
Page 7
News about people
in & around
our Neighborhoods
Sister Ellen Powers, CSJ, former Area Councilor,
presents a candle to Sister Gail Donahue, CSJ, as
symbol of the transition of leadership.
Sister Gail greets Sister Dionetta McCarthy during
the reception following the liturgy.
L. Murphy, CSJ, President; Lee Hogan, CSJ,
Assistant President;
and Marilyn McGoldrick, CSJ, General
Councilor; Brenda
Forry, CSJ, Helen
Sullivan, CSJ, and
Ellen Powers, CSJ,
Area Councilors.
the school became part of
the newly formed Pope
John Paul II Catholic
Academy in 2008, she
became Director of Guidance and worked from
the Dorchester-based
office of the academy.
Another member of
the new team is Sister
Dorchester residents
and Brimmer and May
students Shalise DePina ’13 and Paul Lafferty ’16 received awards
at the School’s Honors
DePina, daughter of
Antonio and Maria
DePina, was awarded
the Barbara Shoolman
Scholarship, which is
given to the Upper School
student who shares former Director of Admissions Mrs. Schoolman’s
commitment to Brimmer
and May and best exemplifies the school’s core
values. Lafferty, son of
Joseph and Christina
Lafferty, received the
Citizenship Award for
eighth grade. This award
is presented to a boy and
girl in each of the middle
school grades who are
considered by classmates
and teachers to possess
the qualities of honesty,
responsibility, reliability,
and a strong sense of
Nick Correira ’17,
of Ana Correira,
made High Honor Roll
for the 2011-2012 year
at Brimmer and May.
To earn High Honors
in the Middle School, a
student must have at
least an A- average (the
equivalent of 3.67 GPA
Sister Gail Donohue,
who will serve as Area
Councilor, has spent
many years in leadership
roles within Catholic
schools in the Archdiocese of Boston. Sister
Gail served as principal
at St. Angela’s, Mattapan, from 1991. When
Margaret L. [Peggy]
Sullivan, who grew
up in Mattapan and
attended St. Angela
School. For the past six
years Sister Peggy has
served as a canon lawyer
in the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese
of Boston.
Robert W. Baker of Chelsea was presented with a 70-Year Pin at IBEW Local
103 annual ceremony on June 26. Shown above are Chuck Monahan, Financial
Secretary, IBEW, Local 103, Robert Baker, and Michael P. Monahan, Business
Manager of IBEW, Local 103.
for a term) with no mark
lower than a B+.
IBEW Local 103, held
their 35th Annual Pin
Night at their Dorchester hall on June 26 to
recognize the years of
service of its member
and present scholarships
to 10 students. John
P. Dumas, President
of IBEW, Local 103,
Chuck Monahan, Financial Secretary, IBEW,
Local 103, and Michael
P. Monahan, Business
Manager of IBEW, Local
103, presented 319 members with pins ranging
from 20 years of service to
70 years of service to the
IBEW. Robert W. Baker
of Chelsea was presented
with a 70-Year Pin. A pin
is given starting at 20
years and then every 5
years up until 50 years
of service and then every
year after 50 years. Scholarships were presented
to 10 students who each
received $10,000. A total
of $100,000 in scholarships was awarded to the
“I want to thank all
the hardworking men
and women of IBEW,
Local 103, for their involvement, vision and
sacrifices and making
this one of the best construction local unions
in the country,” said Monahan. “IBEW, Local
103, members are the
safest, most productive
electricians and technicians on the job site and
developers see the IBEW
Local 103, as an asset
because of the hard work
of our members.”
EXCEPTIONAL CARE CLOSE TO HOME A 123 bed sub‐acute rehabilitation center located in Dorchester  In‐house Physical, Occupational and Speech therapy  Certified Wound Nurses  Consulting Orthopedic Physician  On‐site Nurse Practitioners  IV & Pain Management  Multilingual Staff (Vietnamese, Creole, Spanish) 617‐825‐6320 Page 8
THE Reporter Editorial
July 5, 2012
Point of View
Mappers tackle
Voters deserve better than debates
boundary disputes over debates in Senate campaigns
The ongoing confusion around the boundaries of
the city’s neighborhoods has been largely caused
by decades of indifference by city officials who
callously shifted lines and blurred boundaries to
reflect political and demographic changes in the
last century. This chaotic, cartographic tug-of-war
has resulted in large sections of Dorchester and
Mattapan being shifted back and forth to the point
where boundaries on many present-day maps bear
little resemblance to the realities on the ground in
disputed areas.
Officials at the Boston Redevelopment Authority are sympathetic to local protests about these
changes— including repeated ones from the
Reporter. And technology has made it possible for
the city to allow anyone to create maps based on
individual notions about neighborhood lines. This
is much appreciated.
Still, this approach fails to build the consensus
necessary to create a broader understanding of the
actual neighborhood lines— especially among policy
makers who need to make important decisions but
don’t necessarily understand the city the way the
people who live here do. Then there’s the matter of
historical accuracy, which should be reason enough
to try to get things right.
This week, we learned of an emerging effort by a
pair of professional mapmakers to resolve the issue
of Boston’s neighborhood boundaries using a new
website, The site is run by two
self-described “cartography geeks” — Tim Wallace
and Andy Woodruff— who have roots in Boston.
Bostonography allows individual users to draw
their own boundaries and submit them to the site.
They then generate maps that reflect the boundaries
of the city that are more accurate, ideally, because
“they include the input of those who know the city
“This map is a tool for drawing top-level
neighborhood boundaries… as you see them, and
submitting them to a database that will be used
to map the areas of agreement and disagreement
among participants,” Wallace and Woodruff write.
Currently, there are relatively few submissions
to the site for Mattapan and Dorchester, but over
time— with participation from our readers— we
think this will be a productive exercise to help
officials, community development corporations,
developers, and the media better understand the
“lay of the land.” Thankfully, the Bostonography
team has dropped the archaic approach of applying a “north-south” division to Dorchester, which
continues to be a divisive and unnecessary tool at
the city level.
We encourage everyone to visit the site and
spend a few minutes to create (if we can do it, it’s
not too hard) your own map of the neighborhood.
But, the Bostonography team cautions, “You can
submit as many or as few neighborhoods as you’d
like, but please only draw a neighborhood if you
think you have a decent idea of where it is.” Now,
that’s a novel idea.
– Bill Forry
Special delivery
The Reporter is pleased to announce the birth of
a new member of its family: Norah Marianne Forry
was born on Sunday, July 1 to Rep. Linda Dorcena
Forry and Reporter managing editor Bill Forry. It
is the couple’s fourth child. Norah joins younger
siblings John, 8, Conor, 5 and Madeline, who turns
2 on July 13. Welcome to the neighborhood, Norah!
The Reporter
“The News & Values Around the Neighborhood”
A publication of Boston Neighborhood News Inc.
150 Mt. Vernon St., Suite 120, Dorchester, MA 02125
Worldwide at
Mary Casey Forry, Publisher (1983-2004)
Edward W. Forry, Associate Publisher
William P. Forry, Managing Editor
Thomas F. Mulvoy, Jr., Associate Editor
Gintautas Dumcius, News Editor
Barbara Langis, Production Manager
Jack Conboy, Advertising Manager
News Room Phone: 617-436-1222, ext. 17
Advertising: 617-436-2217 E-mail: [email protected]
The Reporter is not liable for errors appearing in
advertisements beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error.
The right is reserved by The Reporter to edit, reject,
or cut any copy without notice.
Member: Dorchester Board of Trade, Mattapan Board of Trade
Next Issue: Thursday, July 12, 2012
Next week’s Deadline: Monday, July 9 at 4 p.m.
Published weekly on Thursday mornings
All contents © Copyright 2012 Boston Neighborhood News, Inc.
By Peter F. Stevens
Reporter Staff
There’s no question that US Sen. Scott Brown
and his Democratic challenger, Elizabeth Warren,
are “debating.” The televised debate proposed by
Vickie Kennedy, widow of the late senator Edward
M. Kennedy, to be moderated by heavyweight Tom
Brokaw fell apart after Brown’s conditions – that
she not endorse either candidate and that MSNBC
not be a sponsor – were not met.
Brown showed political savvy in ducking what he
and his team viewed as a “Kennedy/NBC/Liberal
Media” set-up, but one can’t help but ask if his real
concern was having to field questions from Brokaw,
not Vickie Kennedy’s certain endorsement of Warren. But while Brokaw would surely have made
Brown own up to and defend his record of so-called
bipartisanship, the veteran newsman would also
have pressed Warren about the “Cherokee heritage”
After stepping away from what he saw as a
Democratic ambush, Brown turned around and
blasted Warren for backing out of a WBZ-AM radio
debate hosted by conservative/libertarian Dan Rea.
Rea’s show is often entertaining and almost always
provocative; he is also an unabashed supporter and
self-avowed friend of Scott Brown. So…it’s fine for
Senator Brown to slip out of a debate sponsored by
Vickie Kennedy, but shocking for Warren to nix a
sit-down with Dan Rea as an “impartial” moderator?
To the media, Brown expressed his “disappointment” at Warren’s decision to “duck the first debate.”
He contended that Warren “is saying one thing
but doing another.” Actually, both candidates are
debating about avoiding debates that each feels is
biased. Warren has agreed to venues hosted by
the Boston Herald, which is deep in Brown’s camp,
and by a WBZ television debate moderated by Jon
Keller, who can hardly be deemed partial to Warren,
given his commentary on the “Cherokee identity”
as a “big issue.”
Warren has certainly blundered in her handling
of her ancestry, providing both Brown and the
media the chance to zero in on this sole topic and
to give secondary coverage of the candidates’ sharp
differences on taxes, banking and Wall Street reform,
the national debt, and all aspects of the economy.
Unless actual proof that Elizabeth Warren used her
claim of Native American ancestry to advance her
career surfaces, it’s high time that a Senate race
about genuine issues begin. My suggestion: Let Scott
Brown’s “misstatements” about his secret meetings
with royalty and Elizabeth Warren’s mentioning
of her Native American heritage cancel each other
out, and the real debate, the one we all deserve,
Don’t Hold Your Breath Until
Clerics Leave the Political Fray
Another ongoing debate boils on between America’s
cardinals and bishops and the Obama health-care
bill. By the time this article goes to press, the argu-
Elizabeth Warren Scott Brown
ment might well be a moot point if, as expected, the
US Supreme Courts rules 5-4 that the health-care
mandate is unconstitutional. If so, the prelates
will have their chance to prove that their objections
truly were based on religious beliefs and not at all
in politics – specifically, support for the Republican
Party over the Democrats.
On June 13, in preparation for Fortnight for Freedom, the Catholic Church’s initiative on religious
liberty that ends on July 4, Archbishop William E.
Lori delivered a speech in which he asserted that
the “Fortnight is strictly about the issue of religious
freedom, at all levels of government here in the US,
as well as abroad—it is not about parties, candidates,
or elections, as some others have suggested.”
So it’s not about parties when the prelates and
arch-conservatives have tightly lined hands on the
issue of “Obamacare.” It might not be about politics,
but the archbishop himself raised the specter of the
IRS taking a hard look at the church’s role in the
debate. While skeptical of the prelates’ claims that
none of this is political, this writer does not think
that the church should have its tax status challenged
by the government. Still, Archbishop Lori contended
that the Obama health-care bill showed no concern
for “the consciences not only of employers, but also
of the various other stakeholders in the health
insurance process, such as insurers and employees.”
These are highly charged political words, whether
he admits it or realizes it. By not specifying “religious
employers,” such as the church or Catholic universities, Lori seems to be asserting the right of any
employer to deny coverage for any medical treatment
on religious grounds. It’s even more troubling to listen
to the archbishop trumpet insurers’ rights to deny
coverage on moral grounds. Not political? Sounds
like the very ideas embraced by Congressman Paul
Ryan and other conservative Republican/Tea Party
Again, all of this becomes a passing storm if the
Supreme Court tosses out the health-care bill and
the Catholic church steps out of the political fray.
I hope it does, but something tells me that the
cardinals and bishops will keep on finding ways to
let their political preferences show.
Letter to the Editor
Royal overkill: ‘Deputy mayor’
breaks with boss over re-election
To the Editor:
(The following letter was delivered to the Reporter
this week. It was titled, “A message from The Lord
Deputy Mayor, and Arch Duke, of Dorchester to
his people.”)
Let me begin by thanking all of you who joined
in our celebration of Dorchester Day a few weeks
ago. It was an incredible experience to see so many
people line Dorchester Ave and cheer me on as I
walked in the parade. Dorchester Day 2012 was an
unforgettable experience because of all of you. I also
want to thank my family, friends, and supporters
for being a major part of my journey to the Parade,
although you were not physically walking with me,
you were there in spirit.
I want to also say that I look forward to spending
the next year alongside our Mayor [Katie Hurley]
in fundraising for the parade and applaud her
unprecedented efforts in doing so. Her dedication
and unwavering commitment to our community is
That being said, come 2013, I look forward to seeing
her support my efforts in being crowned Mayor.
I know what you are thinking: Can the kingmaker really become king? The obvious answer
is, of course. I saw, in last week’s Reporter, “Her
Highness”announced her candidacy for re-election.
Kinda jumped the gun a little, didn’t ya girl? But
seriously, it didn’t cross your mind to consult your
Deputy? How about your Communications Director,
Joint Chiefs of Flamingos, or Deputy Chief of Staff
for Strategic Communications? They all would have
advised you to step aside and allow some fresh blood
to take over. It is okay, though, we know you will
see the light after reading this message.
I have directed my office to ensure victory in 2013
at all costs. I have also put them on permanent
stand-by should Mayor Hurley, for whatever reason,
be unable to fulfill her duties.
My campaign is going to be a positive one. I
understand, however, that some of those who don’t
support a brighter future for Dorchester have been
spreading malicious rumors. These include that I
am running a shadow government, I am trying to
turn the position of Mayor into King of Dorchester,
or that I am on the short list for a couple presidential
candidates to be their Vice Presidential Nominee.
These, as well as the rumor that I was voted
“Dorchester Day’s Best Dressed”, are unsubstantiated and unworthy of a comment from my office.
In closing, I would just like to say, flock to me. Be
a part of the Pat O’Brien Generation.
2013! 2013! 2013! 2013!
- Patrick A. O’Brien
“Lord Deputy Mayor of Dorchester”
July 5, 2012
The Reporter
Page 9
Letter to the Editor
Plea to Romney: Join us in fighting violence against children
Following are excerpts from a letter sent last week
to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney
by the organization “Mothers Vote Too,” which
espouses, among other things, the need for the issue
of violence against children to be part of the national
conversation during this election campaign.
Mitt Romney
P.O. Box 149756
Boston, MA. 02114-9756
Dear Mr. Romney,
Mothers for Justice and Equality (MJE) was
founded with the dream that our children will no
longer fall victim to violence because of the color of
their skin or the neighborhood they live in.
In the fall of 2010, mothers, clergy, and nonprofit
leaders came together determined to no longer mourn
silently and watch hopelessly as our children
continued to be murdered at an alarming rate.
Instead, MJE works at the grassroots level to identify
and support motivated community members, particularly mothers, since we believe that empowered
and engaged mothers, working together, are key to
ending neighborhood violence.
MJE is developing community leaders by providing
civic education and engagement opportunities.
We believe that the general lack of response to the
growing epidemic of violence against our children is
related to disparities in social wealth and economic
means. We hope you will help us to raise the national
attention needed to properly address this issue and
join us in September for a conversation with mothers
and fathers who have lost children to violence.
The goal of our Monthly Empowerment Meetings
is for our members to be inspired, informed, and
educated about the issues affecting our lives.
It is important for our membership to know that
they can bring their concerns to their elected representatives in Washington. It is equally important
that our representatives are aware of the crisis of
violence in our cities and its impact on families.
Children are dying. The Center for Disease Control
noted that youth violence is a national crisis: 16
youths per day between the ages of 10 and 24 are
dying from homicide and/or suicide in this country.
In Chicago, 43 people were hurt in shootings over
Memorial Day weekend; 11 of them died. One of
those shot was a 7-year-old girl. Five boys, ages 14
to 19, were killed (
In one week during the summer of 2011, seven
people were shot on four different Boston streets.
Six of the victims were men; one victim was a
4-year-old boy playing in a park. One year earlier,
Boston witnessed the killings of a 2-year-old boy,
his mother, and two young men in their 20s in a
single, horrific incident ( There were 72
murders in the city of Boston in 2010; 63 murders
in 2011; and thus far in 2012, 16 murders in 2012.
More than 50 percent of the victims of these crimes
were young men between the ages of 14 and 25
(Boston Police Department, Suffolk County District
Attorney’s Office, and The Boston Globe, as cited on
These numbers are mirrored nationally, as
well as in other Massachusetts cities. Somehow,
this violence and loss of young lives has become
unsurprising. We hear the news, and if it does
not impact us directly, we go on with our day. In
American society, violence has become normalized.
It is time for that mindset to change.
In the year and a half since our founding, we have:
• Impressed upon Massachusetts Gov. Deval
Patrick the urgency of addressing neighborhood
violence. After meeting with our mothers, the
governor announced in his 2012 State of the State
Address that ending youth violence will be a priority
for his administration. We believe he is the only
governor in the country to do so.
• Humanized homicide statistics by telling the
stories of our children who were killed by knife
violence prompting the passage of the City of Boston
Knife Ordinance.
• Partnered with the City of Boston Public Health
Commission to create our first Parent-to-Parent
Circle, which is charged with advising the Defending
Childhood Initiative on the implementation of their
• Raised awareness of the impact of violence
on our communities through multiple newspaper
articles, television and radio appearances, a public
service announcement, meetings with the police
commissioner, the mayor, the Department of Health
and Human Services, private foundations and
Stakeholders plan ahead in
Codman Sq./Four Corners
corporations, and through billboards.
• We were recognized by the Boston Globe
100 as one of the most innovative initiatives in
Massachusetts. We received the Boston Business
Journal’s Extraordinary Leadership Award, the
Codman Square Neighborhood Development
Corporation’s Community Leadership Award, and
the Asian American Civic Association’s Community
Leadership Award.
• We established Monthly Empowerment Meetings to motivate, inspire, educate, and engage our
membership on issues affecting our communities,
the importance of their voice on these issues, and
the skills needed to affect change. Our speakers
and workshop leaders have included US Sen. Scott
Brown of Massachusetts, Democratic Senatorial
candidate Elizabeth Warren, Boston Mayor Thomas
menino, Youth Build Vice President for Public Policy,
Advocacy, and Government Relations, Charlotte
Golar-Richie, and Massachusetts NAACP President
Michael Curry.
We have a dream that our children will live in
a world where they will not fall victim to violence
because of the color of their skin or the neighborhood
they live in. We believe that if this injustice was
happening in affluent communities, we would see
more of an urgency of Now.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Injustice
anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere; we are
caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied
in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one
directly affects all indirectly.” It is too easy to become
desensitized to loss and this lack of sensitivity
dehumanizes us all.
We will continue to fight the fight for life and
continue to believe in Reverend Dr. King’s dream
of a world in which justice and equality exist for all
of God’s children. We hope you can join us.
Monalisa Smith
President, Mothers for Justice and Equality
[email protected]
For more information on “Mothers Vote Too” visit
the organization’s website:
Swim at Dorchester House Multi­Service Center A working group organized by Millennium Ten is shown at work in the Great
Hall in Codman Square last month.
(Continued from page 1)
are at the hub of new
transit in Boston, with
MBTA stops being added
on Talbot Avenue and
Washington Street, coordinator Jenna Tourje
said the meetings are
necessary so community members’ priorities
would not be forgotten.
“The working groups
are where we’re engaging people,” Tourje said.
“For the past year we’ve
been collecting data
from the community...
to get what people find
as valuable from their
From the data collected from 690 people
in the neighborhood, five
key priority areas were
discovered: connectivity/
communication, safety,
physical environment,
youth and economic development. The people
who came to the meeting
have been separated
into five groups to each
address a priority area,
Tourje said. This way,
they are committed to
the working groups in
the future. Tourje said
it was important that
different stakeholders
and businesspeople
came out as well to try
to get businesses more
involved with the plan
that will develop.
The event began with
a dinner buffet provided
by Merengue Restaurant
in Roxbury. This was
followed by an introduction to the engagement
efforts of Millennium
Ten and the priorities
the groups would be
discussing. Tourje said
she put sticky notes
on the tables so people
could write down goals
and priorities, and she
collected them after the
meeting to organize and
present them at the next
“I have thousands of
sticky notes in my office
of things that people said
during the meeting,”
Tourje said.
Tourje said she was
very impressed with
the turnout. The mood
during the event was
very “high-energy” as
she said she noticed
people were very excited
and motivated to help
their community.
“I’m excited about the
opportunity for stronger
relationships between
neighbors and
stakeholders and the
real change, I believe,
this action planning
initiative will bring”,
said Paul Malkemes, a
resident leader of the
Talbot-Norfolk Triangle
Neighbors United, in a
Tourje thinks next
meeting’s turnout will
be even larger. She
does not think that
having so many people
working on a plan will
be a detriment to the
planning process at all.
“Residents are definitely a positive,” Tourje
said. “There’s no doubt
about that. People live
in a community. They
should have the opportunity to see what they
want to see happen in
it, and we help to make
that happen.”
Take a dip in the Dorchester House pool! We have open pool hours, affordable swim lessons, and fun exercise programs for all ages. Open 6 days/week! Mon­Fri: 6:30am­8:30pm Sat: 8:00am­3:30pm Questions? Email: [email protected] Call: 617­740­2234 Visit: 1353 Dorchester Avenue Public swim is only $1 per child or senior, and $3 per adult — Don’t miss out on this hidden gem! Page 10
THE Reporter July 5, 2012
Reporter’s Neighborhood Notables
civic associations • clubs • arts & entertainment • churches • upcoming events
District C-11 News
Non-emergency line for seniors: 617-343-5649.
The “Party Line” phone number, to report loud
For info, call B-3’s Community Service Office at
Mattahunt Community Center, 100 Hebron St.,
Mattapan, on Mondays 6:30 p.m., for those living
on and near Cummins Highway. For info on dates,
call 617-791-7359 or 617-202-1021.
Meeting on the first
Thursday of each month
at the Plasterers’ Hall, 7
Fredericka St., at 7 p.m.
The association meets the third Thurs. of each
month, 7 p.m., at the Uphams Corner Health Center,
636 Columbia Rd, across from the fire station. The
meeting dates are: July 21, Aug. 18, Sept. 15. Oct.
20, Nov. 17, and Dec. 15.
gatherings, is 617-343-5500.
Police District B-3 News
Eastman-Elder Assn.
Ashmont Hill
Freeport-Adams Assn.
Meetings are generally
held the last Thursday
of the month. For info,
see or
call Message Line: 617822-8178.
Cedar Grove
Civic Assn.
The monthly meeting,
usually the second Tues.
of each month, 7 p.m.,
in Fr. Lane Hall at
St. Brendan’s Church.
Meetings, however, have
been suspended for the
summer. Info: [email protected] or
Clam Point Civic
The meetings are usually held on the second
Monday of each month
(unless it’s a holiday) at
WORK, Inc. 25 Beach
St., at the corner of
Freeport (new meeting
place); on street parking
available; at 6:30 p.m.
Hill Civic Assn.
The meetings will be held the second Wed. of the
month, 6:30 p.m., at the Fields Corner CDC office
(the old Dist. 11 police station), 1 Acadia St.
Neighborhood Assn.
The GHNA meets on the third Wed. of each month,
7 p.m., in the Kroc Salvation Army Community
Center, 650 Dudley St., Dor., 02125. For info, call
857-891-1072 or [email protected].
Hancock St. Civic Assn.
The next meetings are July 19, Aug. 16, and Sept.
20, in the Upham’s Corner Library (for the summer,
through Sept.), 500 Columbia Rd., from 6:30 to 8
p.m. Info: [email protected].
Lower Mills Civic Assn.
The monthly meetings are held the third Tuesday
of the month in St. Gregory’s Auditorium, 7 p.m.
(Please bring bottles and cans and any used sports
equipment to the meeting for Officer Ruiz.) Now is
the time to become a member: send a $7 check to
DLMCA, 15 Becket St., Dor., 02124-4803. Please
include name, address, phone, and e-mail address.
McCormack Civic Assn.
Meetings, the third Tues. of each month, at 7
p.m., in Blessed Mother Teresa Parish Hall. Please
bring canned goods to the meeting for a local food
bank. Info: or 617-710-3793.
Membership is only $5.
Meetinghouse Hill Civic Assn.
The monthly meeting usually on the third
Wednesday of the month, 7 p.m., at the First Parish
Church. Info: 617-265-0749 or civic@firstparish,com.
Melville Park Assn.
Meetings the first Mon.
of each month, 7 p.m.,
at the Little House, 275
East Cottage St. For info:
Clean-up of the MBTA Tunnel Cap (garden at
Shawmut Station), the first Sat. of each month,
from 10 a.m. to noon. The meetings are held at 6:30
p.m., at the Epiphany School, 154 Centre St., Dor.
Cummins Valley
Assn, meeting at the
Pope’s Hill Neighborhood Assn.
Cummins Valley
Peabody Slope Assn.
The Peabody Slope Neighborhood Assn’s next
meeting, the first Mon. of each month, at Dorchester
Academy, 18 Croftland Ave., 7 p.m. For info: or 617-533-8123.
• Now accepting new patients
• Open seven days a week
• Extended evening hours available
Where Exceptional Primary Care Meets Convenience.
Neighborhood E-Mail
Alert system; sign up at
com, giving your name,
address, and e-mail address. PHNA meetings,
usually the fourth Wed. of
each month at the Leahy/
Holloran Community
Center at 7 p.m. The next
meeting will be in Sept.
Port Norfolk
Civic Assn.
Meetings the third
Thurs. of every month at
the Port Norfolk Yacht
Club, 7 p.m. Info: 617825-5225.
St. Mark’s Area
Civic Assn.
Meetings held the last
Tues. of each month in the
lower hall of St. Mark’s
Church, at 7 p.m. Info:
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The headquarters of
the DHS is the William
Clapp House, 195 Boston
St., 02125, near Edward
Everett Square. The DHS
seeks volunteers and donations to help preserve
the society’s artifacts.
Contact ERMMWWT@
(Continued on page 16)
July 5, 2012
The Reporter
Page 11
The Friends of Savin Hill organization has been awarded a $2,500 grant from the non-profit organization
Save the Harbor / Save the Bay to support two Dorchester Beach Festival Family Movie Nights this
summer. (Dates are still being finalized for the movie nights in August.) Above, families relax at the
Friends of Savin Hill Shores’ Family Movie Night last summer. At right, representatives of Friends of
Savin Hill Shores accepted the grant from representatives of Save the Harbor / Save the Bay, Harpoon
Brewery and JetBlue Airways. Shown from left to right are Donnie Todd, Paul Nutting, Bruce Berman,
Maureen McQuillen, and Charlie Storey.
Photos courtesy SH/SB
as leading
Zuzana Mendez, DMD
Managing Care the Right Way
Commonwealth Care Alliance
Senior Care Options Program
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•Speak to a nurse 24 hours, 7 days a week
Our program is for people who:
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•$0 premium and $0 out-of-pocket if eligible
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•Have MassHealth Standard
•Are a Massachusetts resident living in Essex,
Hampden*, Middlesex*, Norfolk*, Plymouth*
or Suffolk county
* Denotes partial county, please call us for more information. Commonwealth Care Alliance
Senior Care Options Program has a contract with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts/EOHHS.
Enrollment is voluntary.
1-866-610-2273 (TTY 1-866-322-7357)
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
MHPA7 Approved 05102012
Zuzana Mendez, DMD,
was recently recognized
as one of the “Ten Under
10” by the Massachusetts Dental Society
(MDS). Dr. Mendez is the
Dental Director at the
Upham’s Corner Health
Center and also resides
in Dorchester.
In an effort to highlight
the impact that new
dentists are having on
the dental profession,
the MDS Standing
Committee on the New
Dentist created the Ten
Under 10 award program
in 2005. To qualify for
this recognition, dentists
must have graduated
from dental school within
the past 10 years; be an
MDS member; and have
made significant contributions to the profession,
their community, and/or
organized dentistry.
“In the community
health center, I have a
great team,” says Dr.
Mendez. “Our mission is
to promote oral health,
education, and awareness to our patients to
have better oral health.”
Dr. Mendez received
a dental degree from
both the Universidad
Autonoma de Santo Domingo in the Dominican
Republic and Tufts University School of Dental
Page 12
THE Reporter July 5, 2012
New name, added amenities at Loesch Family Park
(Continued from page 1)
More than $1,000,000
in improvements to the
park were funded by
Mayor Menino’s Capital
Improvement Program
and by a Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities
(PARC) grant from the
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and
Renovations for Communities.
The 2.24 acre park,
popularly known as
Wainwright Park for
the street that defined
its western edge, was
originally named in 1922
for James L. Cronin, a
Dorchester man killed in
action during World War
I. A memorial to another
war hero, 20-year-old
Navy Corpsman James
F. Keenan, who was
killed in action in Korea,
has been moved to a
more prominent place
in front of the entrance
from Melbourne Avenue.
Rev. Loesch said he had
suggested the park’s
name be changed to
‘Peace Park’ or ‘President Barack Obama
Peace Park.’
“Then the next thing
I know, they didn’t take
my suggestion,” Rev.
Loesch said. “But it’s
very humbling. They
don’t name parks after
living people, so that’s
even a bigger honor.
I’m very honored to
have been active with
the park and have the
park named after me,
and then to be part of
watching all these folks
use the park and enjoy
[it]. My goal is to make
it a happier park, a
friendlier park.”
On a tour around
the newly renovated
park, Rev. Loesch told
the Reporter, “It was
terrible [before the renovations].”
Rev. Loesch said the
process of renovation
was a result of talking
A walkway that now stretches around the perimeter of the newly renovated Dr. Loesch Family Park is meant for
families who want to get some exercise in the park. Rev. Dr. Bill Loesch is also known for planting flowers in the park
during his time living across the street from the grounds. A memorial dedicated to war hero Joseph F. Keenan, a Navy
Corpsman killed in action in Korea, has been moved to a more visible area. The children’s playground can be seen in
the background. Photo by Elizabeth Murray
to different individuals
and groups in the community, like children,
basketball players, and
parents, to put together
a list of things that
needed improvement.
He stressed that all the
things may just seem
like little pieces, but they
all matter.
The renovations will
increase opportunities
for active recreational
activities and will provide respite for park
users. The basketball
court has been expanded
to meet National Basketball Association (NBA)
regulations, and a second
smaller multi-sport court
has been added as well.
Rev. Loesch said this will
prevent younger players
from having to wait for
the bigger hoops and
from being exposed to
profanity from the older
players. Both courts are
fully illuminated until
10 p.m. each night, and
a set of bleachers has
been installed next to the
NBA-sized court.
“The point is physical
exercise, more opportunities to get physically
fit, and more opportunities to get out of the house
instead of just sitting in
the house and watching
TV,” Rev. Loesch said.
“The whole point is
encouraging more people
to get out of the house
and enjoy nature, enjoy
getting to know your
The former tennis court
has been eliminated
completely to redesign
circulation paths and
better reflect existing
foot traffic patterns.
New lighting along the
pathways will enhance
public safety at night
and the former chain link
perimeter fence has been
removed and replaced to
make the park look more
welcoming, Rev. Loesch
The path loops around
the park to encourage
walking and jogging
groups to exercise in the
park. Rev. Loesch said a
The newly renovated children’s playground features jungle gym equipment for both younger
and older children, a seating area for parents and a water sprinkler. The floor of the playground is a much safer foam material to replace wood chips. Photo by Elizabeth Murray
path also stretches from
the corner of Wainwright
Avenue and Brent Street
diagonally across the
park since people cross
through the park to get to
the Shawmut T station.
“People for 20 years
would cut through here,
so there was a little dirt
path in the outfield of
the baseball field,” Rev.
Loesch said.
The existing Little
League field has been
converted into a multipurpose field, and the
playground has been
expanded to accommodate older and younger
children. It also has a
seating area for parents
and a water spray feature, which Rev. Loesch
said has been very
popular lately because
of the heat wave. He
further pointed out that
the park is now home to
13 benches as opposed to
the two it had before the
renovation, making it
easier for neighborhood
families to meet.
Other features — like
groundwater infiltration of water from the
spray feature, remotecontrolled court lights,
bike racks at every park
entrance, and 20 new
shade trees— are aimed
at making the park more
eco-friendly. The play
equipment was supplied
by a certified manufacturer that used a rubber
surfacing consisting of 67
percent recycled material. More trash barrels
have been added to the
park to encourage people
to keep the park clean
and more flowers were
Rev. Loesch said the
rubber surfacing for
the playground was an
especially good invest-
ment since it was much
safer than wood chips
or mulch where things
like pieces of glass could
easily be hidden.
“It’s expensive, but
we’ve been guaranteed
it will last for a long
time,” he said. “You can
see everything that’s
on the surface and then
can remove anything
that shouldn’t be on the
Rev. Loesch said he is
pleased with the renovations made, but not all of
the requests were met.
These needs, like more
trees and picnic tables,
are not as urgent as the
renovations that were
made and can be met
over time, he said. He
has also encouraged
members of his BOLD
teen group to spend time
in the park talking to
visitors to see what else
could be improved.
During the park tour,
Rev. Loesch did just that,
greeting neighbors and
strangers alike, asking
them what they thought
of the park and inviting them to Saturday’s
grand opening at 2 p.m.
The reopening celebration will include face
painting, a community
string quartet and refreshments provided by
H.P. Hood LLC as well
as a visit from Mayor
Menino. In the case of
rain, the opening’s rain
date is set for July 21.
“I’m extremely happy
with what I’ve seen happen because everyone got
involved with designing
it,” Rev. Loesch said.
“The Parks Department
did a super job getting
the job done with quality work. I’m looking
forward to having more
families [visit].”
July 5, 2012
The Reporter
Page 13
Community Health News
Fireworks demand safety: Enjoy but please be safe!
Mattapan Community
Health Center
Many people celebrate
the Fourth of July and
the days following with a
bang, literally. Fireworks
are a staple to summer
holiday barbeques and
celebrations throughout America. With
the Fourth this week,
Mattapan Community
Health Center would
like to reiterate the
importance of firework
safety. In 2010, 8,600
people were treated with
firework-related injuries
last. Over the past ten
years, thirty to thirtythree percent of these
types of injuries were
due to illegal fireworks.
In Massachusetts, it
is illegal for private
citizens to use, possess, or sell fireworks,
or to purchase them
legally elsewhere and
then transport them into
the state. There are designated places around
the city where people
can view fireworks such
as on the Esplanade by
the Charles River and at
the Brockton Fair off of
Route 123. Nonetheless,
the following safety
tips must be taken into
consideration whenever
fireworks are being used,
especially if you plan on
visiting states where
fireworks are permitted.
The most important
thing to remember when
using fireworks is that
Residents find Mattapan
a fair/good neighborhood
(Continued from page 1)
Graduate School, who
gave a presentation
of the main themes
from the questionnaires,
one-on-one interviews,
and a recent “visioning”
Mattapan United is a
grassroots organization,
funded by the Local
Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC), whose
goal is to create sustainable improvements in
the community. It is
one of three Resilient
Families grants in
Boston, the other two
being Roxbury/Warren
Gardens and Codman
The agenda included
slideshow presentations
of the organization’s
purpose and goals and
the data collected in
the last year, as well
as introductions for the
chairs of the seven action
groups that were created
in response to residents’
main concerns.
Milly Arbaje-Thomas,
director of ABCD Mattapan Family Service
Center, and Karleen
Porcena, lead organizer
for Mattapan United,
presided over the meeting.
The survey found that
48 percent of Mattapan
residents were homeowners, and that there
was very little turnover.
“Mattapan, in contrast
to some of the other
neighborhoods, has a
very high level of people
being here for a very long
time, which is a sign of
neighborhood stability,”
Friedman said.
One resident pointed
out that one of the slides
showed that Mattapan
had a lower homicide
rate than other areas
in Boston, although it
was higher than the
city as a whole, which
was contrary to the
media’s perception of the
On the challenges side,
the surveys showed only
21 percent of the labor
force is able to work in
the community, and
that residents typically
have a longer commute
to work than people in
other neighborhoods.
There was also a significant health challenge,
with a 37 percent obesity
rate in the community,
compared to 22 percent
for Boston as a whole.
Although the intention
was to keep the meeting
light and focus on the
positive, Arbaje-Thomas
had troubling news to
share with attendees.
“[On June 27] The
Department of Elementary and Secondary
Education cut all of the
Mattapan funding for
adult-based education,”
she said.
Seven GED and ESOL
(English for speakers of
other languages) classes
held at the Church of
the Holy Spirit and
the Haitian American
Public Health Initiative (HAPHI) were cut,
and ABCD’s Mattapan
center lost $155,666 in
Arbaje-Thomas said
that back in February
when the list of programs
was being put together,
ABCD was “so 100 percent sure that Mattapan
was not going to lose its
“They actually said
they were going to real-
locate the funds outside
of Boston because it was
getting too much,” she
said, “but at no time did
they say that were we
even remotely at risk.”
The meeting ended
with a call to action and
attendees were urged
to contact the commissioner of DESE, Mitchell
D. Chester, to ask him to
reconsider the decision.
As part of Mattapan
United’s “Summer of Action,” the action groups
will meet twice a month
from July to September.
The groups are business
development, community fabric, jobs, safety,
open/clean spaces, housing and health. Meetings
will be held from 5:30
to 7:30 the second and
fourth Wednesday of
each month at the ABCD
Mattapan Family Service Center, 535 River
St., Mattapan.
To get involved with
an action group, contact Karleen Porcena
at karleen.porcena@ or 617298-2045, ext. 245.
To learn more about
Mattapan United, visit
their website
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they are dangerous
and must be treated
with respect. They
are basically controlled
explosives that may
lead to lacerations,
burns, and even death
if not used properly and
under adult supervision.
Firecrackers, sparklers,
and skyrockets account
for over 50 percent of
injuries accumulated
due to fireworks and
must be handled with
special consideration
and care.
The National Council
on Fireworks Safety offers these common sense
safety tips for using
consumer fireworks in
the hopes that injuries
to consumers can be
greatly reduced this
• Parents and caretakers should always closely
supervise teens if they
are using fireworks.
• Parents should not
allow young children to
handle or use fireworks.
• Fireworks should
only be used outdoors.
• Always have water
ready if you are shooting
• Know your fireworks.
Read the caution label
before igniting.
• Obey local laws. If
fireworks are not legal
where you live, do not
use them.
• Alcohol and fireworks do not mix.
• Wear safety glasses
whenever using fireworks.
• Never relight a “dud”
firework. Wait 20 minutes and then soak it in
a bucket of water.
• Soak spent fireworks
with water before placing them in an outdoor
garbage can.
• Avoid using homemade fireworks or illegal
explosives: They can kill
• Report illegal explosives, like M-80s and
quarter sticks, to the
fire or police department
And note these special
safety tips, if using
• Always remain
standing while using
• Never hold a child in
your arms while using
• Never hold, or light,
more than one sparkler
at a time.
• Never throw sparklers.
• Sparkler wire and
stick remain hot long
after the flame has gone
out. Be sure to drop spent
sparklers in a bucket of
• Teach children not to
wave sparklers, or run,
while holding sparklers.
The National Council
on Fireworks Safety
urges Americans to follow these common sense
safety rules this Fourth
of July and through the
weeknd in their holiday
The National Council
on Fireworks Safety is
a 501(c) (3) charitable
organization whose sole
mission is to educate
the public on the safe
and responsible use of
consumer fireworks.
Mattapan Community
Health Center would
like to wish everyone
a safe and blissful Independence Day week!
Please enjoy the firework
displays happening
throughout the Boston
area, where professionals with licenses
are permitted to use
them. Leave the hard
work up to the experts.
Just remember, there
are better places to
spend the Fourth of July
holiday week than in the
emergency room.
Statistical data
taken from The National
Council on Fireworks
Safety. Please visit for more
information concerning
safe use of fireworks
and specific state laws
concerning them.
Page 14
THE Reporter July 5, 2012
Boys and Girls Clubs of Dorchester
Boys & Girls Club
Holds Member Recognition Night
Last Thursday night
the Club closed out the
school year program
with our 38th Annual
Member Recognition
Night Dinner. Over 300
club members, parents,
elected officials, staff and
board members were in
attendance as members
were recognized for their
participation throughout
the various program
areas. After a dinner
created by Patriot’s Kids
Café Director, Maureen
Cooper and her staff,
followed by a beautiful
rendition of the National
Anthem by Club Member, Michelle Beazley,
Maureen Peterson, Past
President of the Board
of Directors, presented
the Youth of the Year
finalist Awards to: Sean
O’Donnell, David Barry,
Bernard Barbosa, and
Marissa Sneed (Youth
of the Year). Marissa
also represented her
fellow award winners
at the Statewide Youth
of the Year judging held
in Fall River in May.
Next up were the Program Director Awards,
the top award in each
program area. These
award winners were:
Social Recreation – Jocelyn Sammy; Aquatics
– Ciara Murphy; Athletics – Bernard Barbosa;
Walter Denney Youth
Center – Nora Hernandez; Art – Najwah
Nelson; Education – Jessica Batista & Ismael
Balde; Music – Manny
Brandao and; Teen Center – Karim Harris.
We then launched into
program awards for
Athletics (Summer &
Fall), Education, Fine
Arts, Music, and Social
Recreation followed by
the Club’s Band – The
Era, performing two
songs. We then closed
the night with awards
for Athletics (Winter
& Spring), our Walter
Denney Youth Center
Unit, The Teen program,
Aquatics and a salute
to all of our graduating
Senior Class members.
Congratulations to all of
the members recognized
on this night for their
leadership, participation and sportsmanship.
We would also like to
thank our friends at
The Greater Boston
Food Bank for their
help providing dinner,
as well as the following
members of the Club’s
Band, The Era, who provided the entertainment
for the evening: Sachi
Vicente, Joshua Phillips, Dashawn Borden,
Manny Brandao, Patrick
Connolly, Shane Kelly,
and Emily Carvalho.
Jr. Police Academy
The Social Recreation
program will be offering
a special opportunity
for club members ages
8 to 12 to participate in
the Jr. Police Academy
program. In collaboration with the Boston
Police Department, the
Academy will be held
the week of August 6th
and will run on a 9:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. schedule. The Academy offers
participants a chance to
visit sites related to the
field of law including a
courthouse, a jail and
police headquarters as
well as offering fun activities such as a Duck
Tour, bowling and the
movies. The Academy
also gives members a
chance to see what it is
like to be a Police Officer
and to meet officers from
the local station. The
week-long Academy will
be open to the first 10 invited members returning
a signed permission slip
and please note, there is
no cost to participate. For
information, please contact Social Recreation
Director, Zack Solomon
at ext. 2121.
Senior Class
Night Event
On Wednesday, July
25th, as part of the
Safe Summer Streets
program, we will hold
a special event for our
Award winners in the Music program gathered with Music Director Ayeisha Mathis at the Boys and
Girls Clubs of Dorchester’s Annual Member Recognition Night. The ceremony closed out the school-year
program and helped launch the summer program that began this week.
Joining Bob Scannell, President & CEO, and State Rep. Martin Walsh, are the Boys and Girls Clubs
of Dorchester’s Youth of the Year finalists. Marissa Sneed, David Barry, Sean O’Donnell, and Bernard
Barbosa were recognized at the Club’s Annual Member Recognition Night last week.
incoming Senior Class.
This group of members
will be invited to a
workshop with Tania
Glinski, an Admissions
Representative from UMass Boston to be held
on the Campus. The
workshop will help the
members of the Senior
Class prepare for this
very important year,
ensuring they are aware
of all the steps needed to
move their educational
goals forward. We will
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Drechsler, L.L.P.
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review the college application process, discuss the S.A.T. exams,
financial aid, scholarships, visiting schools
and more. The workshop will be followed
by an ice cream social
for all participants. In
September, this group
will be invited back to
the Club to meet with
the Club’s Education
Director. At this meting
participants will learn of
the activities being offered within the College
Bound program during
the upcoming school
year designed to assist
them throughout the
admissions process. For
more information please
contact Education Director, Emily Capurso at
617-288-7120, ext. 2320.
Walter Denney
Youth Center News
Our Walter Denney
Clubhouse, located in
the Harbor Point community has also kicked
off the summer program
this week. The on-site
program for ages 5-12
will operate on a Monday to Friday schedule
from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. through August
15th. Meanwhile, our
teen members will be
provided nightly transportation to take part
in the Safe Summer
Streets program which
will take place in our
Marr Clubhouse from
5:00-11:00 p.m. on a
Monday to Saturday
schedule. Special events
include bus trips to
the Museum of Science
(7/11), the Hanover
Movie Theater (7/18)
and the Carousel Family
Fun Center (7/25). For
more information please
contact Unit Director,
Queenette Santos at
ext. 3120.
Join the google group to receive the
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liquor liability and premises liability
Telephone (617) 265-3900 • Telefax (617) 265-3627
Dorchester Historical Society
195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA 02125
July 5, 2012
The Reporter
Page 15
Coach Coughlin keeps faith with his Brockton scrapper
Most football fans
know New York Giants
Coach Tom Coughlin,
the winner of two Super
Bowl games against the
New England Patriots
of Bill Belichick, as an
intense, no-nonsense
guy who brooks no dissent from his autocratic,
perfectionist ways of
running his team. He’s
the man who is known
for fining his players
when they arrive for a
9 a.m. meeting at 9 a.m.
To him, 9 a.m. meetings
apparently begin no later
than 8:50 a.m.
Coughlin has used his
intensity to fashion a
very productive record
as an NFL coach: After
leaving Boston College in
1983 after three years at
the Heights as receivers
coach during the Doug
Flutie era, he became
an assistant with the
Philadelphia Eagles and
the Green Bay Packers before joining the
New York Giants where
he was a colleague of
Belichick’s under Bill
Parcells when the team
won the Super Bowl in
1990; as an effective head
coach at Boston College
for three season (19911993) where, in short
order, he transformed a
bedraggled outfit into a
winning machine; as the
first head coach of the
Jaguars of Jacksonville,
where he made a start-up
team a winner right out
of the gate: and now with
the Giants, the reigning
NFL champions, as the
head coach. You could
look it up.
But away from the
sidelines and the clubhouse and the glare of
cameras, the hard-nosed
“Iron General,” as some
staffers have been known
to call him, carries a
torch for one of his BC
boys from the ’90s, a
scrapper from Brockton,
home of the real “Rocky”
of boxing, named Jay McGillis, whose untimely
death from a fast-track
leukemia left all who
knew and loved him
bereft and questioning.
Last weekend, as the
Sports/Tom Mulvoy
McGillis family waited
on the 20th anniversary of Jay’s passing, the
Daily News of New York
published a 3,000-word,
four-page account of the
continuing CoughlinMcGillis relationship.
Written by Daily News
sportswriter Kevin
Armstrong, himself a
BC graduate, it is a
story about football,
constancy, loyalty, life
and death – and about
Tom Coughlin’s commitment to the memory of an
athlete whose very being
seemingly touched the
inner heart of this austere, demanding man.
Herewith a few excerpts from Armstrong’s
“The sun shone
brightly on the morning of July 7, 1992, as
mourners emerged from
cars outside Our Lady of
Lourdes Church, a red
brick, one-story building
with a pitched roof 20
miles south of Boston.
It was a Tuesday following a tortuous holiday
weekend. Family and
friends, dressed in dark
suits and black dresses,
negotiated their way into
narrow wooden pews.
They genuflected and
folded hands in prayer
as Boston College safety
Jay McGillis’s funeral
Mass commenced.
“McGillis, diagnosed
with leukemia the previous November, had died
four days earlier. In
seven months, he had
lost 75 pounds, his red
hair and, finally, his
life. Resigned to death
after his body rejected a
bone marrow transplant
from his oldest brother
Michael, Jay McGillis
returned home for his
final 48 hours, lying in
bed, not speaking or
Kathy, his oldest sister,
sat to the left of his bed
on the second floor of the
family’s two-story house,
holding his hand as he
inhaled, then let out his
last breath. Fireworks
went off outside. She ran
down the hall, opened
her calendar book and
penned an entry: ‘I will
never let him leave my
heart. Please stay with
me forever Jay — I need
“Supporters, including
his coach, Tom Coughlin,
then 45 and fresh off
his first season at BC,
a 4-7 campaign, had
offered around-the-clock
support. Now more than
3,000 gathered to remember the 21-year-old
McGillis. From the 15th
row, to the right of the
altar, Fran Foley, BC’s
director of operations,
looked at Coughlin, a
rigid, red-faced disciplinarian whose staff
referred to him as “The
Iron General.” When the
mahogany casket was
rolled down the center
aisle, Foley’s eyes met
Coughlin’s. ‘It was the
first time I realized Tom
was human,’ Foley says.
“Twenty years on, McGillis’s memory remains
intertwined in countless
lives, most notably Tom
Coughlin’s. Kathy keeps
the worn, sweat-stained
baseball hat her brother
donned during chemotherapy, replete with the
red hair he lost to the
treatment. The No. 31
he wore at BC is quietly
retired, worn only on senior day, and his wooden
stall is still preserved
in the locker room. In
his name, Coughlin has
established The Jay
Fund. It has allotted $3.5
million in grants to families suffering through
cancer’s financial costs. ‘I
pray to Saint Jay because
I believe he’s a saint,
Coughlin says.’
“Following the funeral,
Coughlin joined the
procession to Calvary
Cemetery. Once the casket was lowered into
the grave, he returned
to the family’s home
on Harwich Street in
Brockton, a leafy dead
end. Pat McGillis, who
is also known as Sis, received Coughlin warmly.
He asked to see her
son’s deathbed. ‘Tom, it’s
nothing special up there,
just a modest house,’ she
said. She took his hand,
walked up 12 carpeted
steps and turned left.
Together they stood
rooted in the doorway.
The walls were stripped
of picture frames and
sanitized with liquid
disinfectant. There was
a twin bed in the middle,
a golden crucifix affixed
to a wall. ‘It was just
something I wanted to
do,’ says Coughlin, his
eyes reddening with
tears behind rimless
glasses. I just wanted to
see where he grew up,
where he slept.’ ”
“Jay McGillis lost
strength as he underwent aggressive chemo.
… Support pulsed
during visiting hours.
Most mornings, Kathy
McGillis, who left her
pre-law school internship at Skadden, Arps
in Washington, slept
in her brother’s room
and awoke to the phone
ringing. Jay looked at
her. It was Coughlin….
He exhorted McGillis to
the end, lifting weights
with the team for charity
and raising awareness.
The last phone call was
from McGillis. He was
going home to die. ‘Don’t
give up,’ Coughlin told
him. ‘I won’t, coach,’
McGillis said.”
The “scrapper”
The “Iron General”
“[The number] 31 is a
thread that binds them
all. Coughlin was born
on August 31. When
David McGillis entered
the Masschusetts Firefighting Academy, he
was assigned No. 31.
Butch’s locker at the golf
club is No. 31. Michael’s
daughter, Emma, had
“J31” tattooed into the
back of her neck. [Serrano, who dated McGillis
until he died and has
since married, grabs
No. 31 uniforms for
each of her four children
in youth leagues. His
varsity jacket hangs in a
basement closet. “I think
about him every day,”
she says.
“Nine a.m. on May
29, the Tuesday after
Memorial Day, and Sis
McGillis, dressed in
white from cardigan
to dress shoes, wipes
the pollen off the black
granite headstone that
marks her son’s grave.
It lies beneath a maple
tree in the cemetery’s
south end. “It’s tough to
keep clean this time of
year,” she says.
“Friends and family
find different ways to
honor Jay McGillis in
his final resting place.
His brother David left
a Bull’s Eye putter the
year that Jay died, and
it still rests against the
headstone. There are
typically 31 cents — one
quarter, one nickel and a
penny — sitting in a row
next to an American flag.
His parents do not know
who leaves the exact
change. …
“Coughlin once sent
flowers to the grave in
order to commemorate
his first big win at BC. It
was on Oct. 17, 1992, the
day McGillis would have
turned 22. It was also
the second anniversary
of the day Coughlin’s father, Lou, died. Coughlin
remembered both men as
he walked out of Happy
Valley with a 35-32 win
over No. 9 Penn State.
“The parents stand
together, their images
reflected in granite. Pat
reads the epitaph:
‘The quality of a man’s
is measured by how
he has touched
the lives of others.’ ”
Boston Water and Sewer Is
Coming to Your Neighborhood
A Boston Water and Sewer Commission
Community Services Department
representative will be in your
neighborhood at the places, dates,
and times listed here.
With the help of the many teen coaches and Coach Jeff Tobin, the Garvey Park
Prep League completed another terrific session of baseball skills for neighborhood children in memory of Dick Duchaney at Garvey Park. The Prep League,
held June 27-29, was sponsored by St Ann’s Parish and organized by Corrine
Ball. This early summer classic, featuring fundamental baseball skills as well
as a few competitive baseball games on the baseball diamond, has been enjoyed
by generations of local children. The league was started by Dick Duchaney,
a local teacher, policeman, veteran and coach. Photo courtesy Tom Leahy
Uphams Corner
Municipal Building
500 Columbia Road
Fridays, 10 AM–12 PM
July 15
August 12
Our representative will be available to:
Kit Clark Senior Center
Accept payments. (Check or money order
1500 Dorchester Avenue
Mondays, 10 AM–1 PM
only–no cash, please.)
July 18
Process discount forms for senior citizens
August 22
and disabled people.
Resolve billing or service complaints.
Review water consumption data for your property.
Arrange payment plans for delinquent accounts.
Mattapan Public Library
Need more information? Call the Community
1350 Blue Hill Avenue
Fridays, 10 AM–12 PM
Services Department at 617-989-7000.
July 8
August 5
Page 16
THE Reporter July 5, 2012
Neighborhood Notables
(Continued from page 10)
Dorchester Board of Trade
It’s time to pay DBOT dues: $75 for 10 or fewer
employees, or $125 for 11 or more employees. Send
check to the DBOT, P.O. Box 220452, Dor., 02122.
Contact the Board at 617-398-DBOT (3268) for info.
Friends and Family Fun Bowling, hosted by the
DBOT, on Sat., Sept. 15, 2 to 5 p.m., at Boston Bowl,
Morr. Blvd. Cost, $20 pp. which includes bowling,
shoe rental, soda, and pizza; raffles also. Proceeds
to benefit DBOT Scholarship Fund. New website is
coming; call 617-398-DBOT for info.
Community Center
Youth Beginner 1, on Tues. and Thurs., 4:20 to
4:50 p.m. @$25 pp. For info, check with the Aquatic
Staff at 617-635-5150. Membership is just $20 per
family. Irish step dancing classes on Thurs. evenings
from 7 to 8:45 p.m. handicapped
Kit Clark Senior Services
Kit Clark Senior Services for those over 60:
health care, socialization, adult day health, memory
respite, homemakers, personal care attendants,
mental health and substance abuse counseling,
and transportation. The Kit Clark’s Senior Home
Improvement Program for eligible homeowners with
home rehabilitation and low-cost home repairs. Info:
Knights of Columbus
Redberry Council #107, Columbus Council #116,
and Lower Mills Council #180 merged into a new
Dorchester Council #107, with meetings held the
second Wed. of each month at the V.F.W. Post,
Neponset Ave., at 7 p.m. (earlier starting time). Info:
contact Mike Flynn at 617-288-7663.
Kennedy Library
For reservations for the free programs and forums:
617/514-1643 to be sure of a seat or visit the web
Carney Hospital’s Programs
A Breast-Cancer Support Group, the second
Wednesday (only) of each month, 6:30 to 8 p.m.
The Carney’s adult/child/infant CPR and First Aid:
instructions every week for only $30. Call 617-296-
Based in Ashmont Hill, Dorchester, MA
Telephone: (617) 212-5341
Grass Cutting, Hedge Trimming
& Weed Wacking
Spring Gutter & Downspout
Cleaning & Repair
Minor Interior & Exterior Painting
Trash Removal & House Cleanout
Minor Tree Work – Branches & Limbs
Minor Carpentry & Plumbing
Odd Jobs
Free Estimates
• 24 Hour Voicemail
• Friendly Service
We aim to work
within your budget
• No job too small
Commercial • Residential • Industrial
Bonded • Fully Insured
Driveways • Parking Lots
Roadways • Athletic Courts
Adams St. Library
Become a member by sending dues to Friends of
the Adams St. Library, c/o M. Cahill, 67 Oakton
Ave., Dorchester, 02122. Family membership is $5;
individuals, $3; seniors, $1; businesses, $10; and
lifetime, $50.
Wednesday Evening Concerts
The dates for the Wednesday Evening Concerts
on City Hall Plaza are: July 18, Motown; Aug. 1,
Disco Night; and Aug. 8, Air Force Band.
Irish Pastoral Centre
The IPC, now located in St. Brendan Rectory, 15
Rita Road, welcomes seniors to a coffee hour each
Wed. morning, from 10 a.m. to noon. There will be
a speaker each week. Call 617-265-5300 for info.
The IPC has a “Music for Memory” Program, with
Maureen McNally, with welcome and refreshments
at 4 p.m., and singing from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Call the
IPC for dates and further info. The singing session
is free; donations for refreshments are welcomed.
Irish Social Club
ISC dates: Sat, July 7, Fintan Stanley; July
14, Andy Healy Band; and July 21, Noel Henry’s
Showband; Fri., July 27, Sean Wilson, at a fundraiser
for the Irish Social Club. On Sun., July 29, a Blood
Drive, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., sponsored by the ISC of
Boston, the Boston Irish Music Club, the Norwood
Irish Music Club, the Donegal Association of Greater
Boston, and the Knights and Ladies of St FinbarCork Club. at the club, 119 Park St., West Roxbury.
Donation is $10 at the dances. Music begins at 8 p.m.
Franklin Park
Enrichment Day, Sat., July 7, with presents given
to many of the animals. Gigi, the Gorilla’s 40th
birthday celebration on Sun., July 15.
Parkarts’ Marionette Puppet Show, at the Martin
Tot Lot, Hilltop St. and Myrtlebank Ave., on Tues.,
Aug. 14, at 11 a.m., with free admission.
Temple Shalom
The temple has relocated; the office, 38 Truro
Lane, Milton; the mailing address, P.O. Box 870275,
Milton, MA 02187; and the sanctuary, The Great
Hall, 495 Canton Ave., Milton. The phone number
remains the same: 617-698-3394 or e-mail: office@ for info.
Divine Mercy Celebration
The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy celebrate the
Eucharist in honor of Divine Mercy on the third
Friday of each month, at St. Ann’s in Dorchester,
with Exposition at 6 p.m., Chaplet of Mercy at 6:30
p.m., and Mass at 7 p.m. For further info: call the
Sisters at 617-288-1202, ext. 114.
First Parish Church
The church welcomes donations of food and
clothing for the needy each Sunday. Pot-LuckFamily-Fun-Night, the first Fri. of each month, 6
p.m., in the parish hall. The church is located at 10
Parish St., Meetinghouse Hill.
St. Ambrose Church
Fr. Paul Cloherty is now in residence at Marian
Manor in South Boston. Sovereign Bank is allowing
parishioners attending Sunday Mass to park in their
parking lot while at Mass. The church roof is in need
of repair; the estimate is $128,600.
St. Christopher Church
Small faith groups, on Thurs., 2 to 3:30 p.m., in
English, and at 11 a.m. on Sun., in Spanish.
St. Ann Church
Lucky Thousand Drawing, the second Monday
of each month in the school cafeteria, at 7 p.m.
Voice, piano, guitar, violin, and viola lessons are
now available. See the flyers at the rear door of the
church. Vacation Bible School will be held with two
one-week sessions: July 9 to 13 (for those K to Gr.
3) and July 16 to 20 (for those Gr. 4 to 6). Further
info: [email protected].
(Continued on page 18)
Celtic Day Care
Fully Insured
Free Estimates
106 Houghton Street
Dorchester, Neponset
State Reg.
[email protected]
(617) 436-8828 DAYS
(617) 282-3469
McDonagh Roofing
Steinbach’s Service
Station Inc.
NOW State Inspection Center
Interior & Exterior
Exterior Lifetime Guarantee
N inc.
Plumbing • Heating • Gas Fitting
Power Washing/Deck Staining
Light Carpentry
(617) 825-1760
(617) 825-2594
FAX (617) 825-7937
Free Pick-Up & Delivery Service
150 Centre Street
Dorchester, MA 02124
Charles Yancey’s 26th annual Book Fair, at the
Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center, 1350
Tremont St., Boston, on Sat., July 7, noon to 3 p.m.,
with free books, entertainment, and fun. To make a
donation of new books, call 617-635-3131.
Corner of Gibson Street
Yancey Book Fair
Martin Tot Lot
321 Adams St., Dorchester 02122
Serving the Commonwealth
4012, X2093 for schedule. The next Senior Supper
will be held on Wed., Sept. 12.
• Water Heaters • Boilers
• Drain Cleaning • Faucets, Toilets, Disposals
• Dependable Service • Repairs/Installs
Call Dan @ 617-293-1086
Lic. #15914 / Insured
• Free Estimates • Emergencies • Senior Discounts
Geo. H. Richard & Son
Roofing Co.
Established 1865
All types of Roofing
Fully Insured
Free Estimates
Harry S. Richard
MA Reg. #102415
Licensed & Insured
Free Estimates
License #99713
July 5, 2012
The Reporter
C.S.I. - C-11
Page 17
By Officer Mike Keaney, C.S.O.
Boston Police, Area C-11
A little girl has a bike because a boy has the right stuff
On June 9, the CSO
office had our annual
Bike Safety Rodeo in the
parking lot of the McKeon
Post. The weather was
perfect, my cooking didn’t
kill anybody, and 100
kids/parents enjoyed
themselves. We also gave
out 40 bike helmets and
three brand new bikes,
courtesy of Jeff Brewster,
owner of McDonald’s on
Gallivan Boulevard. and
Chris English from the
mayor’s office.
During the free raffle
for the first bike given
away, an extraordinary
act of kindness took
place. The winner of the
brand new boy’s bike
was already sitting on a
replica of the bike he had
just won. It was then that
the young man (around
10 years of age), noticed
a little girl standing
there with her mother.
The little girl (about 5
years of age) was telling
her mother how she had
hoped to win the raffle
so that she would be able
to pedal around with
her friends because she
didn’t own a bike.
The little guy then
asked us if he could give
back the bike he had
just won in exchange for
a much smaller bike we
had with training wheels
on it. He then walked the
bike over to the little girl
and gave it to the stunned
This act of unselfish
kindness truly represents
the youth of Dorchester
and I thought it was
something that should be
reported. Unfortunately,
the boy and his dad left
the event before we could
get his name, which is
a shame, because he
certainly deserves some
type of recognition. A
very fine young man,
In addition to Mr.
Brewster and Mr. English I would also like to
thank the McKeon Post,
Vivian Giraud, Sheriff
Cabral’s office, retired
Detective Frank Olbreys
and the Kaitlyn Keaney
Scholarship Fund for
helping out at the Bike
If the people in these
next few stories had half
the character of our little
philanthropist, then they
wouldn’t find themselves
in the crap they are in
right now.
April 2, 6 p.m.
A South Boston woman
parked her vehicle on
Westville Street, leaving
her leather purse containing $300 on the front
seat, and was “shocked”
to find it missing an
hour later. While driving
her vehicle to C-11 to
report the theft, she
heard a ringing sound
coming from between
the seat cushions. It was
a cell phone, with the
owner’s picture on the
screen saver. The woman
answered the phone and
it was the cell phone’s
owner attempting to
negotiate the return of
his property. He was told
he could pick it up at C-11
if he returned the purse
he took. To date, he hasn’t
shown up. A warrant for
the 46-year-old-South
End man for B&E motor
vehicle is pending.
May 31, 12:08 p.m.
A man walked into a
Stoughton Street grocery store and asked
the woman behind the
counter how much a loaf
of bread was and she
replied $2.50. The man
took out his wallet and
handed the woman $3.
When she opened the
register, the man lunged
across the counter while
brandishing a knife and
attempted to grab the
cash tray, which the
woman suddenly and
with much force closed
on the man’s fingers. The
man accepted his failure
as a thief and asked
the woman to give him
change for the bread, and
the woman handed him
two quarters. The man
took his change and fled
in a gold colored SUV,
but the moron left his
wallet atop the counter.
Detectives are searching for the 34-year-old
Dorchester boob whose
license was in the wallet.
June 3, 9:02 p.m.
Officers responded to
the rear of Lopez Florist
on Saranac Street for a
report of a man breaking
into vehicles. On arrival
they spoke to a woman
who stated that she heard
loud screeching outside
her home followed by a
bang. When she went to
investigate she noticed
that her vehicle had
been broken into and
that someone had also
taken the Florist van
and driven it through the
back fence. The thief also
left his Blackberry phone
inside the woman’s vehicle. The stupidity of the
local criminal element is
of epidemic proportions.
Minutes later, an officer
spotted the van parked
on Semont Road and a
young male with long
sideburns breaking into
another car. After a short
foot chase the 19-year-old
South Boston man was
arrested with the keys to
the van in his pocket. He
faces a series of charges
in Dorchester District
While at the booking
desk, the suspect asked
if the officers had found
his Blackberry. Oh, we
did, and he can get it back
after the trial.
See you in two weeks.
Alert to Laconia: Here
come the Keaneys.
Patrick signs teacher bill that enhances evaluations
By Michael Norton
State House
News Service
Legislation that gives
teacher performance
and evaluations greater
weight in public school
personnel decisions was
signed into law last Friday
by Gov. Deval Patrick.
With minimal debate,
lawmakers last month
sped the bill to the governor’s desk in an effort
to see a more sweeping initiative petition
dropped from consideration for the fall ballot.
A spokesman for Stand
for Children, backers
of the ballot question,
said on Friday that the
organization would not
file signatures next week
to secure a ballot spot,
effectively ending their
campaign. The group
negotiated the legislative alternative to its
ballot question with the
Massachusetts Teachers
“Today, Massachusetts
made state history when
the governor signed into
law legislation to put
teacher effectiveness
first,” Stand for Children
Executive Director Jason
Williams said in a statement. “This legislation,
which ensures that performance comes before
seniority in teacher
staffing decisions, is
a win for teachers,
parents, children, and
all of Massachusetts.”
The bill (S 2315) passed
the Senate and the House
without recorded votes.
According to the new law,
its purpose is to assure
effective implementation
of education evaluation
systems adopted by the
Board of Education, provide training for teachers
and administrators in
Community Organizer
Boston Alliance for Community Health (BACH)
Health Resources in Action is a non-profit, public health
and medical research funding organization based in Boston,
Massachusetts whose mission is to help people live healthier
lives through prevention, health promotion and support of
medical research. Be part of an exciting organization that
works with communities in the Boston area, New England,
and across the country to identify and address health issues
in innovative ways. Boston Alliance for Community Health
(BACH) is an independent community alliance for which
HRiA is the fiscal sponsor.
The Boston Alliance for Community Health brings
together neighborhood coalitions and other public health
and community partners to create a healthy Boston through
data-driven, evidence-based health planning and improvement
initiatives on the neighborhood and city-wide levels. Our goal
is to reduce health disparities and improve the health status
of Boston’s residents.
We are currently engaged in a neighborhood-based, citywide health planning process: Mobilizing for Action through
Planning and Partnerships (MAPP). MAPP is a phased
community organizing and planning process using community
health as its central theme. Position Summary:
The Community Organizer reports to the Director of
the Boston Alliance for Community Health (BACH) and is
responsible for leading community engagement efforts with
neighborhoods and communities not currently affiliated with
BACH and providing membership development services to
BACH’s current members. This is an exempt, full-time position.
Duties & Responsibilities:
Community Engagement
• Reach out to neighborhoods and communities not currently
affiliated with BACH to build and strengthen BACH in order
to increase their capacity to engage in community health
planning and improvement activities
• Develop relationships with community and organizational
leaders in targeted neighborhoods
• Collaborate with Director to engage community members
and BACH volunteers in advocacy campaigns and activities
• Create systems and training for integrating new participants
into BACH’s structure in collaboration with the Director and
Manager of Health Planning
• Assist in organizing Annual Meeting and other gatherings
Technical Assistance and Training
• Provide staff support to the Education and Training Team
as it develops and implements a training calendar
• Work with existing coalitions to strengthen their presence
in their communities.
• Ensure that all constituencies (e.g. youth, elders, etc.) are
actively involved in BACH neighborhood planning activities
and implementation initiatives.
• Assist in organizing training to support existing BACH
neighborhood coalitions in addressing health disparities
through activities including accessing and utilizing health data;
needs and resource assessment; community health planning
and evaluation; outreach and inclusion; cultural competency;
and other aspects of coalition sustainability.
• Assist in organizing training and education on advocacy
skills and key public health issues and campaigns.
• Work with BACH’s Director to communicate with BACH
members, partners, funders and other stakeholders.
• This position requires at least 4 years experience in the
field of community organizing or equivalent life experience. Bachelor’s degree a plus.
• It requires a self-motivated individual who is able to engage
with a range of community activists, organizations and public
policy decision-makers.
• Knowledge of and experience working in Boston’s
neighborhoods and with communities of color is strongly
• Understanding of public health, social determinants of health
and approaches to community organizing is a plus.
• This individual must possess strong volunteer and community
engagement skills
• Must be well organized and experienced in organizing events
• This position also requires strong verbal and written skills
This description is intended to indicate the kinds of work
duties that will be required in this position. It is not intended
to limit, or in any way modify, the rights of any supervisor
to assign, direct, and contract work of staff under his/her
supervision. The use of a particular illustration describing
duties shall not be held to exclude other duties, not mentioned,
that are of a similar level or difficulty.
HRiA is seeking to hire a staff that represents the racial and
ethnic diversity of its constituents. Specifically, we are seeking
people of color with expertise and dedication to public health. Diversity and inclusion is an ongoing organizational practice
and a core value of HRiA with the goal of having culturally
competent services, materials, resources and programs. Our
hiring practices are informed by an appreciation of the strengths
offered by differing cultures, races, religions, ethnicities,
classes, sexual orientation, physical capacities, and age groups.
HRiA offers an attractive benefits package, including medical,
dental and life insurance, retirement plan, tax-deferred annuity,
and generous vacation.
Send resume, cover letter and salary requirements to:
Health Resources in Action
Attn: Human Resources
95 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116
Or [email protected]
evaluation and training,
and ensure that “indicators of job performance as
evidenced by evaluation
and other factors are
the primary factors in
school staff decisions.”
The law also calls for a
data collection system to
assess the effectiveness
of the evaluation system.
Patrick previously called
the ballot question “illtimed and unnecessary,”
while congratulating
Stand for Children and
the MTA for striking
a deal that led to the
alternative plan. The
governor added that the
bill advances “by a couple
of years something we’ve
been working with the
teachers and other professionals in education
on already.”
Page 18
THE Reporter July 5, 2012
Neighborhood Notables
(Continued from page 16)
St. Brendan Church
Men’s clothing for the Long Island Shelter is still
needed for the Long Island Shelter for the Homeless:
shirts, pants, sweatshirts, sweaters, coats, jackets,
rainwear, footwear, belts, hats, and white sox. The
Food Pantry is in great need for non-perishable food.
Please be generous. Bible Camp, July 23 to Aug. 3, 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. Call Mrs. Çonnolly. Wrestling camp,
July 9 to 13 (boys entering grades 6 and 7): July 16
to 20, (grades 4 and 5). St. Brendan’s Blood Drive,
Wed., Aug. 15, 2 to 7 p.m., in St. Brendan Hall.
St. Gregory Parish
The Prayer Group meets each Wed., 7:30 p.m.;
enter by the side door across from the rectory garages.
There will be no Eucharistic Adoration for July and
August. 150th Anniversary Celebration of the parish,
on Sat., Oct. 20; mark your calendar. Legion of Mary,
each Sunday following the 9 a.m. Mass.
St. Mark Parish
A small Food Pantry has been set up by the St.
Vincent de Paul Society; come to the rectory on the
third Monday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
to receive a bag of groceries. Items needed are toilet
F. of East Falmouth,
formerly of Dorchester.
Beloved husband of
Alice “Theresa” (Lyons). Father of Eileen of
Falmouth, and the late
Michael J. Grandfather
of Leah, James, and Rachael McDonald. Brother
of Claire Gallagher of
Hull, and the late Marie
Parella, John McDonald,
Hazel Gallagher, and
Phyllis Godek. Brotherin-law of Francis Lyons,
Ann Reardon, and Eileen
Crowley. Also survived
by many nieces and
nephews. Paul was a 50
year member of the Local
tissue, paper towels, cleaners (Ajax, SOS, etc.,) and
shampoos, soaps, etc. A Holy Hour, each Monday,
from 6 to 7 p.m., in honor of Our Lady of Fatima,
in the church.
Adams Village Business Assn
For info on the AVBA, call Mary at 617-697-3019.
St. Gregory’s Boy Scouts
Meetings each Tues., 7 p.m., in the white building
in the rear of the Grammar School, for boys ages 7
to 14.
K Club
The meetings are held every other Monday (July
9) in Florian Hall, 12:30 p.m.
St. Gregory’s 60 & Over Club
The club meets on Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. for
refreshments and 1 p.m. for Bingo, in St. Gregory’s
Auditorium. Meetings are suspended for the summer
but will resume Tues., Sept. 4, at noon.
Dot House Senior Guys & Gals
Bingo each Tuesday, 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the
Dorchester House, 1353 Dorchester Ave.; also offering
many trips. All are welcome. Info: 617-288-3230.
Blessed Mother Teresa Seniors
Lunch each Wed. at noon, followed by Bingo,
dominoes, and cards, from 12:30 to 2 p.m. All are
Boys and Girls Club News
Dorchester Boys and Girls Club need tutors for
those in grades K to 12 who need homework assistance
after school one to 2 hours per week. Volunteers need
not be teachers or experts on the subject. High school
students can fulfill their community-service hours.
Call Emily at 617-288-7120, to volunteer.
Upham’s Corner Main Streets
All committee meetings are held at the UCMS
office, 594 Columbia Rd., #302, buzzer #6, Dor.,
and are open to the public. Info: 617-265-0363 or
Field’s Corner Main Street
100 City Hall Plaza
Boston, MA 02108
653 Gallivan Boulevard
Dorchester, MA 02124
Attorneys at Law
“Close to Home”
Cedar Grove Cemetery
On the banks of the Neponset
Excellent “Pre-Need” Plan Available
Inquiries on gravesites and above-ground
garden crypts are invited. Non-Sectarian.
Greenhouse Now Open
for your home gardening and cemetery needs
Cemetery Office open daily at
920 Adams St.
Dorchester, MA 02124
Telephone: 617-825-1360
The Board meets the first Wed. of the month, at 1452
Dot. Ave., 6:30 p.m. Info or to apply: 617-474-1432.
Four Corners Main Street
“Groovin’ to Motown,” Fri., July 20, 7 p.m. to
midnight, at the IBEW Hall. 256 Freeport St. Four
Corners Main Street, located at 420 Washington
St., Dorchester, 02121; mailing address: P.O. Box
240877, 02124; phone: 617-287-1651; fax number,
Docket No. SU12D0969DR
To the Defendant:
The Plaintiff has filed a Complaint for
Divorce requesting that the Court grant a
divorce for irretrievable breakdown of the
marriage pursuant to G.L. c. 208, Sec.
1B. The Complaint is on file at the Court.
An Automatic Restraining Order has
been entered in this matter preventing
you from taking any action which would
negatively impact the current financial
status of either party. SEE Supplemental
Probate Court Rule 411.
You are hereby summoned and
required to serve upon: Cynthia Floord,
32 Nelson St., Apt. 1, Dorchester Center,
MA 02124, your answer, if any, on or
before 08/23/2012. If you fail to do so,
the court will proceed to the hearing and
adjudication of this action. You are also
required to file a copy of your answer,
if any, in the office of the Register of
this Court.
Witness, HON. JOAN P. ARMSTRONG, First Justice of this Court.
Date: June 21, 2012
Sandra Giovannucci
Register of Probate
Women’s basketball,
at Hemenway Park, each
Wed. Call 617-640-0338
for info.
Meetings held the third
Wed. of each month, 6:30
to 8 p.m., in the Board
Room on the second floor
of Carney Hospital. See:
Friends of
Ronan Park
The meetings are on
the first Tuesday of
each month. 6:30 to 7:30
p.m., at the Bowdoin St.
Health Center. Mailing
address: Friends of Ronan Park, P.O. Box 220252,
Dor., 02122. See: [email protected].
College Bound Dorchester
College Bound Dorchester (formerly Federated
Dorchester Neighborhood Houses) offers a range
of educational programs at multiple locations in
Dorchester including early education for infants to
six-year-olds, out of school time programs for six to13year-olds, adolescent development programs, and
alternative and adult education. The site locations
include the Little House, Log School, Ruth Darling,
and Dorchester Place.
Mattapan United
Mattapan United is a grass roots community organizing initiative that connects residents and other
leaders to define the future of their neighborhood
and improve the quality of life in Mattapan. Info:
Karleen at ABCD, 617-298-2045, X245 or Karleen.
[email protected].
Dorchester Multi-Service Center
DotWell’s Mommy/Daddy & Me fitness classes
at the Dorchester Multi-Service Center, 1353
Dorchester Ave., on Mondays from 9:30 a.m. to
10:30 a.m., and Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30
a.m., in the gym, for children two years and older.
On Tuesdays, from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., a “water
babies” class for children six months to 2.9 years.
Info: 617-740-2235.
Patch Council
The Patch Council, advocating the needs of
Dorchester families, meets the third Tuesday of
each month at Dorchester Cares, 200 Bowdoin St.,
at English H.S., 144c McBride St., J.P., from 6 to
7:30 p.m. Info: 617-474-1256, X222.
Dorchester People for Peace
The group usually meets the second Monday of
each month, 7 to 9 p.m., at the Vietnamese-American
Community Center (wheelchair-accessible), 42
Charles St. Info: call 617-282-3783.
Horizons for Homeless Children
Horizons is seeking volunteers to interact and
play with 200 children living in family shelters.
Commitment: two hours per week for six months.
Info: call 617-445-1480.
Hope for Troubled Families
Families Anonymous: a self-help support program
for parents, grandparents, other relatives, and
friends, concerned by the substance abuse of a loved
one; meetings at the Tynan School, 650 East Fourth
St., South Boston, Mondays, 7:30 p.m.
Mattapan Adult Day Care
The Mattapan Adult Day Care Program is held
each weekday from 8 am to 4 pm, 229 River St.,
Mattapan. Services included: nursing, social services,
arts & crafts, games, breakfast/lunch/snack, and
transportation. Call 617-298-7970 to schedule a visit.
Volunteers Needed
Friendship Works, visits elderly and disabled
adults in our area. Call 617-482-1510 for further
info. VITA, the Volunteer Income Tax, Assistance
Program needs volunteers throughout the state to
work helping low-income tax payers to prepare their
tax returns. In Boston call 617-918-5259. Friendship
Works needs caring people to offer help and support
to isolated seniors and to drive elders to and from
medical app’ts. For info call 617-482-1510 or visit
fw4elders,org. Volunteer residents needed to conduct
a community knowledge pilot in communities of color
that have the highest incidence rate of HIV/AIDS.
Contact HCC at 617-445-8979.
Docket No. SU12E0054QP
To The Keeper of Records of Births,
Deaths and Marriages of Boston in the
County of Suffolk and to the Unknown
Father of Parts Unknown, in the matter
of Emelyn Lisbeth Yaque Damian born on
June 11, 2010, of Boston in the County of
Suffolk, a minor child.
A petition has been presented to said
Court by Sonia Yaque of Boston in the
County of Suffolk and is the mother of
said minor child. Praying that this Honorable Court grant the Keeper of Records to
correct her middle name on her daughter’s
birth certificate #045979 lists her as Sonia Lizabeth Yaque Damian and should
be corrected to Sonia Elizabeth Yaque
Damian, and for such further relief as
this Honorable Court may deem just and
proper for the reasons more fully described
in said petition.
If you desire to object thereto, you or your attorney must file a written appearance in said court at boston, suffolk probate and family court, 24
new chardon street, p.O. Box
9667, boston, ma 02114, before ten o’clock in the FORENOON on
the 30th day of August, 2012, the return
day of this citation.
Esquire, First Judge of said Court this
20th day of June, 2012.
Sandra Giovannucci
Register of Probate
24 New Chardon St., Boston 02114
(617) 788-8300
Docket No. SU12P0394EA
DATE OF DEATH: 10/19/2005
To all interested persons:
A petition has been filed by: Wakil R.
Hakim of Dorchester, MA requesting
that an Order of Complete Settlement of
the estate issue including to approve an
accounting and other such relief as may
be requested by the Petition.
You have the right to obtain a copy of
the Petition from the Petitioner or at
the Court. You have a right to object to
this proceeding. To do so, you or your
attorney must file a written appearance
and objection at this Court before 10:00
a.m. on 07/12/2012.
This is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline
by which you must file a written appearance and objection if you object to this
proceeding. If you fail to file a timely written appearance and objection followed
by an Affidavit of Objections within thirty
(30) days of the return date, action may
be taken without further notice to you.
Witness, HON. JOAN P. ARMSTRONG First Justice of this Court.
Date: June 11. 2012
Sandra Giovannucci
Register of Probate
Docket No. SU12P0563GD
Notice to all Interested Parties
1. Hearing Date/Time: A hearing on a
Petition for Appointment of Guardian of a
MInor filed on 03/20/2012 by Laurianne M.
Trzcilnski of Dorchester, MA will be held
07/25/2012 09:00 AM Guardianship of Minor
Hearing. Located at 24 New Chardon Street,
Boston, MA 02114.
2. Response to Petition: You may respond by filing a written response to the Petition
or by appearing in person at the hearing. If you
choose to file a written response, you need to:
File the original with the Court; and
Mail a copy to all interested parties at least
five (5) business days before the hearing.
3. Counsel for the Minor: the Minor
(or an adult on behalf of the minor) has the
right to request that counsel be appointed
for the minor.
4. Presence of the Minor at hearing: A
minor over age 14 has the right to be present
at any hearing, unless the Court finds that it
is not in the minor’s best interests.
court proceeding that may affect your rights has
been scheduled. If you do not understand this
notice or other court papers, please contact
an attorney for legal advice.
May 24, 2012
Sandra Giovannucci
Register of Probate
July 5, 2012
The Reporter
Page 19
Reporter’s Calendar
Tuesday, July 10
• Friends of Ronan Park monthly meeting from
6:30-8 p.m. at the Bowdoin Street Health Center.
• Boston Public Library Compass Roundtable will
take place at 12:30 p.m. in the Orientation Room
at the Central Library in Copley Square. Join in a
discussion about the Fun principle with Exhibitions
Manager Beth Prindle. Those not able to attend are
welcome to leave a comment at or
send an email to [email protected].
Wednesday, July 11
• Neponset River Greenway Council meeting,
7 p.m., St. Brendan Church, 589 Gallivan Blvd.,
Thursday, July 12
• Boston Public Schools (BPS) will host a community meeting at the Mildred Ave. K-8 School,
6 p.m. to talk about ‘what we are hearing’ in our
analysis of community feedback and the next steps
in the student assignment redesign process.
Creole interpretation provided.
• St. Mark’s Area Main Street hosts a free networking Breakfast with Mayor Menino at Ashmont Grill,
555 Talbot Ave. 7:30 a.m. Call to RSVP: 617-825-3846
or email at [email protected]
Saturday, July 14
• Living Better with Arthritis event at UmassBoston campus center. Free, starts at 10 a.m.
Sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation. Expert
seminars on research, treatments, pain management. Interactive demonstrations: simple things
YOU can do to live better with arthritis. Free shuttle
from the JFK/UMass MBTA station and is ADA
accessible. Contact: 617-244-1800 or sgauthier@
• Kite, Bike and Frisbee Festival at Ronan Park,
Dorchester,10 a.m.-2 p.m. Fly a kite, ride a bike,
and learn to play frisbee! Fun for the whole family.
Free food and drinks!
• Bowdoin Geneva first annual Multicultural
Festival, 2 p.m., 200 Bowdoin St. Performances will
include representations of creativity with heritages
that are Cape Verdean, Caribbean, Irish, Latino
and Vietnamese. Resource tables will proffer health
screening for adults and recommend healthy life
styles practices for all ages.
• Mattapan Farmers’ Market opens for season
at the Church of the Holy Spirit, 525 River Street,
Mattapan. For more info contact 617-696-2900 or
[email protected]
Docket No. SU12P1058PM
in the MATTER OF
§5-304 & §5-405
(Person to be Protected/Minor)
To the named Respondent and all
other interested persons, a petition has
been filed by Ethos Inc. of in the above
captioned matter alleging that Andrew
Sherman is in need of a Conservator or
other protective order and requesting that
Jewish Family & Children’s Services of (or
some other suitable person) be appointed
as Conservator to serve Without Surety
on the bond.
The petition asks the Court to determine that the Respondent is disabled,
that a protective order or appointment
of a Conservator is necessary, and that
the proposed Conservator is appropriate.
The petition is on file with this court and
may contain a request for certain specific
You have the right to object to this
proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or
your attorney must file a written appearance
at this court on or before 10:00 A.M. on the
return date of 07/12/2012. This day is NOT
a hearing date, but a deadline date by which
you have to file the written appearance if
you object to the petition. If you fail to file
the written appearance by the return date,
action may be taken in this matter without
further notice to you. In addition to filing the
written appearance, you or your attorney
must file a written affidavit stating the
specific facts and grounds of your objection within 30 days after the return date.
The outcome of this proceeding may
limit or completely take away the abovenamed person’s right to make decisions
about personal affairs or financial affairs
or both. The above-named person has the
right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone may make
this request on behalf of the above-named
person. If the above-named person cannot
afford a lawyer, one may be appointed at
State expense.
Witness, Hon. Joan P. Armstrong, First
Justice of this Court.
Sandra Giovannucci
Register of Probate
Date: June 7, 2012
Docket No. SU12P1057GD
in the MATTER OF
PURSUANT TO G.L. c. 190B, §5-304
Alleged Incapacitated Person
To the named Respondent and all
other interested persons, a petition has
been filed by Ethos Inc. of in the above
captioned matter alleging that Andrew
Sherman is in need of a Guardian and
requesting that Jewish Family & Children’s
Services of (or some other suitable person) be appointed as Guardian to serve
on the bond.
The petition asks the Court to determine that the Respondent is incapacitated, that the appointment of a Guardian
is necessary, and that the proposed
Guardian is appropriate. The petition is
on file with this court and may contain
a request for certain specific authority.
You have the right to object to this
proceeding. If you wish to do so, you or
your attorney must file a written appearance at this court on or before 10:00 A.M.
on the return date of 07/12/2011. This day
is NOT a hearing date, but a deadline
date by which you have to file the written
appearance if you object to the petition. If
you fail to file the written appearance by
the return date, action may be taken in
this matter without further notice to you. In
addition to filing the written appearance,
you or your attorney must file a written
affidavit stating the specific facts and
grounds of your objection within 30 days
after the return date.
The outcome of this proceeding may
limit or completely take away the abovenamed person’s right to make decisions
about personal affairs or financial affairs
or both. The above-named person has
the right to ask for a lawyer. Anyone
may make this request on behalf of the
above-named person. If the above-named
person cannot afford a lawyer, one may
be appointed at State expense.
Witness, Hon. Joan P. Armstrong, First
Justice of this Court.
Sandra Giovannucci
Register of Probate
Date: June 7, 2012
GospelFest returns to City Hall Plaza on Sunday, July 15 from 5– 8 p.m. The headliner of this year’s
festival is Kim Burrell. Photo courtesy City of Boston
Sunday, July 15
• GospelFest from 5-8 p.m. on City Hall Plaza
features vocalist Kim Burrell. Call 617-635-3911
or visit
Tuesday, July 17
• Solarize Mass - Boston workshop at the Mattapan
Public Library starts at 6 p.m. Learn how to save
money with Boston’s solar program.
Friday, July 20
• Movie night at Ronan Park, Dorchester 8-10
p.m. Watch a family-friendly movie under the stars.
Bring a blanket to sit on, and enjoy free snacks and
entertainment! Sponsored by Friends of Ronan Park,
Monday, July 30
• The Boston Parks and Recreation Department’s
ParkARTS brings its free photography workshop to
Schoolmaster Hill, Franklin Park, Dorchester at 6
p.m. Free.
Wednesday, August 1
• Neponset River Greenway Council meets at 7 p.m.,
Foley Senior Residences, 249 River St., Mattapan.
Wednesday, September 5
• Neponset River Greenway Council meets at 7
p.m., Milton Yacht Club, 25 Wharf St., Milton.
Friday, October 5
• The All Dorchester Sports League (ADSL) hosts
its annual fundraiser at Florian Hall. This year’s
event will honor Coach Jim Collyer, who has been
the backbone of the ADSL baseball program for 23
years. Jim is an 83 year-old resident of Dorchester
who played for five decades in the Boston Park
League. Tickets are $50 each, $500 for table of
ten. Sponsorship packages available. Contact
[email protected] or call 617-287-1913.
Friday, November 2
• Grammy Award winner Queen Latifah headlines the 50th Anniversary celebration of Boston
antipoverty agency Action for Boston Community
Development (ABCD) at the Boston Marriott Copley
Place. For information about the Gala, Ticket
Sales, or Sponsorship Opportunities, call 617-426ABCD (2223) or visit
793 Adams Street, Adams Corner, Dorchester, MA
(617) 282-8189
7 Reasons to consider a Buyer(s) Agent
The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is a powerful tool that only Realtors
have access to. When listing agents market a home for sale, they typically
allow any Realtor to present the home to potential buyers, and to present
contracts for purchase. The MLS is a database of all homes listed by
Realtors, and represents roughly 99% of the homes for sale in any given
market. As technology advances, so does the MLS. It has evolved into
an extremely powerful search engine that allows your buyer’s agent to
enter in search criteria, and returns only homes that match those specific
parameters. Buyers can find a lot of this information online through IDX
feeds available on many websites, but this information is a “watered
down” version of the MLS because the IDX search engines aren’t quite
as powerful, and don’t return as detailed profiles as the MLS.
2) Maximize Your Time
While driving neighborhoods is an excellent idea to help you decide
which locations you prefer, it’s not a very efficient way to find your new
home. Gas is expensive, and your time is valuable. Your Buyer’s Agent
will listen to your needs, make fantastic suggestions based on your likes
& dislikes, and provide you with a list of homes that ALL match your
wants & needs. Your Buyer’s Agent has helped MANY new homebuyers
through MANY purchases, and will help you better organize your search
& decision making process – saving you valuable time.
3) Representation
Listing Agents enter into legally binding agreements that require them to
always act in the best interest of the seller. They are the seller’s “coach”
and will make sure that their clients’ best interests are looked after.
Luckily, your Buyer’s Agent is there to make sure YOUR best interests
are accounted for. With your expert Buyer’s Agent in your corner, you
can rest assured that you’re on, at least, even ground with the home seller.
A football team would be at a pretty significant disadvantage without a
coach – just as you would be without a Buyer’s Agent.
4) Negotiating Power
The MLS maintains a record of, not only all homes listed by Realtors
in a given market, but also the sales price of those homes. Your Buyer’s
Agent will run a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to determine a
prospective home’s Fair Market Value (FMV). In simpler terms, your
Realtor will look at similar homes in the same neighborhood that have
sold recently. This way, you will know whether or not the seller has
their home priced fairly. If the home is priced over Fair Market Value,
your Buyer’s Agent can present your “under asking price” offer with
plenty of firepower – and a greater chance that the offer will be accepted.
5) Experience
The average person buys 3-5 homes in their lifetime. A good Buyer’s
Agent will assist in 3-5 home purchases every month. What might seem
complicated and intimidating to you is fairly common and familiar to
your Realtor. Your Buyer’s Agent will know what to expect, and will
know when to alert you if anything out of the ordinary occurs.
6) Industry Contacts
It takes a lot of people to close a real estate transaction – Buyer’s Agent,
Listing Agent, Loan Officer, Inspector, Appraiser, Insurance Agent,
General Contractors, and sometimes more! A good agent will come with
a strong closing team that has performed in the past, and will continue to
perform. A transaction is only as strong as its weakest link – with your
strong Buyer’s Agent & their closing team, you can rest assured that you
will have plenty of support.
7) Piece of Mind
If you are like most people, your home is the largest purchase you will
ever make. The average person spends around 1/3 of their total monthly
income on their home. This is a big decision and you don’t want to go at
it alone. When you use a trusted Buyer’s Agent, you know that your best
interests are accounted for, and that you can feel confident in your purchase.
Purchasing a home can be a fun and exciting process. However, the
home buying process can be intimidating, and mistakes are possible. A
Real Estate Professional who specializes in working with Buyers can
help alleviate the fears & possibilities for mistakes. Make sure and use
a Buyer’s Agent on any real estate transaction and you will help ensure
that you are making the right decisions.
Call us when considering buying your home. With our years of experience,
we will be happy to assist you in the process.
THE Reporter July 5, 2012
Supreme Liquors
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Bud & Bud Light .........30pk . ..... $18.99
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Baileys Irish Cream ................ $39.99
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Amaretto Di Saronno .............. $21.99
Bulleit Bourbon ....................... $26.99
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Grand Marnier ........................ $29.99
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Kraken Rum ........................... $16.99
Speyburn 10yr ........................ $19.99
Woodford Res. ....................... $29.99
Svedka Vodka ........................ $19.99
Dr. McGillicuddys Schnapps . . $13.99
Napa Cellars Cabernet .............. $15.99
Freixenet ..................................... $7.99
Angeline Pinot Noir . .................... $8.99
Korbel ........................................ $10.99
Bacardi Rum . ......................... $21.99
Grey Goose ............................ $49.99
Jack Daniels ........................... $39.99
Bombay Sapphire ................... $35.99
Hennessy Cognac .................. $59.99
Ciroc Vodka ............................ $49.99
Jagermeister . ......................... $35.99
Bushmills ................................ $34.99
Captain Morgan Spiced .......... $27.99
1800 Silver Tequila ................. $34.99
Old Thompson ........................ $12.99
New Amsterdam Vodka .......... $17.99
Apothic Red ................................. $8.99
A By Acacia Pinot Noir . ............. $10.99
Cigar Box Cab/Malbec ................ $8.99
Kendall Jackson Chardonnay . .. $10.99
Pomelo Sauvignon Blanc ............ $8.99
Ghost Pines Merlot ................... $12.99
Cupcake Varietals ....................... $8.99
Sonoma Cutrer Chardonnay ..... $17.99
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SALE EFFECTIVE 6/28-7/4/12
Page 20