Document 6442470
Document 6442470
HERALD STATESMAN, YONKERS, N.Y., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1963 Samuel H. Dow Past, American Legior, and was one of the original filers of the post's Fife and Drum Corps. He also belonged to Terrace City Lodge, Order of Elks. ' -was promoted to sergeant. He re% JOHN DE LUCA He was a member of the Yon-14 Months OJd j ceived certificates for outstand- kers Civil Defense Corps and John De Luca, the 14-month-old | ing police work in 1939 and 1942 was a radio operator on its Resson of Michael and Lillian De- ] from the Department of Public cue Team. Luca of 2 Highland Place, died I Safety's Honor Board. Mr. WilSurviving besides his mother Saturday. at-St. John's Riverside liamson retired in 1952 after 27 j are four b r o t h e r s , Douglas, Hospital after a brief illness. years of service with the force. jAbrom, George and Wilfred, all Also surviving are his maternSurviving besides his wife are of Yonkers; five sisters, Mrs. : d grandparents, Dominick and four sons, Thomas R. of Mount I Mary Bunch of Connecticut, Mrs. Pierina Attili: a brother, Michael, Vernon and John J., Joseph R. j Carrie Ferguson - of Brooklyn, • ind a sister, Maria, all of the J r . and Robert G., all of Yon- Mrs. Carmelita Walton and Mrs * lorae address. kers; a daughter, Mrs. Joseph j Bertha Jarvis. both of Yonkers, (Carolanne) DiSciorio of YonMiss Rosella Walker of New JOSEPH K. WILLIAMSON SK. kers: two sisters. Mrs. Michael I and Rocheile, and several nieces and Retired Police Sergeant (Marion) Rodak and Mrs. Edson i nephews Joseph R. Williamson Sr., 60, tMae) Knibbs, both of Yonkers ' of 12 Boone St., a retired ser- and five grandchildren. MRS. WILLE CLARK geant with the Yonkers Police j South Carolina Native Department, died Monday at his FRANK A. WALKER Mrs. Margaret Clark, 57, of 15 home. ! Monroe St., wife of Willie Clark, Civil Defense Aide Born on March 25, 1902 in YonFrank Augustus Walker, 37 of I died Monday at Cross County kers. son of the late Thomas R. 1444 Maple St., an employe of I Hospital after a long illness. and Nora Hogan Williamson, he the Hastings Moving & Storage I Born in Sheldon, S. C , on Jan. attended St. Mary's School. He Cc. on Saw Mill River Road, j 18, 1906, daughter of the laj,e married the former Margaret died Sunday at his home. Jack and Ella Pinckney, she Sloan in St. Peter's Church on Born in Yonkers on June 16 came to Yonkers in 1924. She July 4, 1926. 1925, son of Mrs. Ella Price was married to Willie Clark in Mr. Williamson was appointed Walker and the late Thomas 1938 in New York City. Her husto the police force on Aug. 16, Walker, he attended Yonkers band is employed with the City 1925 as a patrolman. He served public schools and served in the of Yonkers Sanitation Departwith trie-Detective Division from U.S. Army during World War II. ment. 1S30 to 1942. On Feb. 1, 1942, he Surviving besides her husband Mr. Walker was a member of OBITUARY NEWS DEATH NOTICES AUTHORITY TO APPEAL are a son and two daughters by a previous marriage, Enoch Robinson of Bridgeport, Conn., Miss Alice Robinson of Mount Vernon and Mrs. Frances Castle of Yonkers; two daughters by her second marriage, Mrs. Russcener Smith and Mrs. Eloise Barnwell, both of Yonkers, and five grandchildren. MRS. ELLA McVICKAR Long Resided Here Mrs. Ella Van Ness McVickar of 42 Park Ave. died yesterday in St. John's Riverside Hospital after a short illness. The daughter of the late Gertrude Radcliff Jenkins and David Tomlinson, she was born in New York City Jan. 4, 1879. - The Tomlinsons moved to Yonkers in the 1890s and in her youth Mrs. McVickar was a member of the first U. S. golf club on the grounds of the Sheets Estate on North Broadway at Shonnard Place. The informal group later became the St. Andrew's Golf Club. She is survived by a daughter, Ada J. McVickar, of the home address, and a sister, Mrs. John M. Longaere of Philadelphia. MELVILLE PARKHURSTWas Otis Machinst Melville Parkhurst, 86, a form e r resident of Yonkers, died Sunday at his Jacksonville, Fla. home after a long illness. Born in Maine on Aug. 4, 1876, he married the former Gertrude Crotty in 1899 at Tarrytown and moved to Yonkers in 1905. His wife died in 1949. Mr. Parkhurst was a machinist with Otis Elevator Co. for many years until his retirement about 16 years ago. He moved to Jacksonville in 1952. Surviving are two sons, Harold of Yonkers and George of Jacksonville; two daughters, Mrs. Frank (Lila) Clark and Mrs. Frank (Delia) Tynan, both of Yonkers, eight grandchildrena nd nine greatgrandchildren. W Court Ruling Upsets Tubes-Trade Center LUIGI SCEPPAQUERCIA, former delegate for the Rock Drillers Union in Yonkers and proprietor of a grocery store on Willow St. for many years, whose . obituary appeared in yesterday's edition. Corona (Continued from Page One) WALTER BORGHARD Walter Borghard, Electric Firm Executive, Dies Walter J. Borghard, 56, of 1 Bronxville Road, executive vice president of the Ward Leonard Electric Co. of Mount Vernon, died of a heart attack yesterday at Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington, Mass. Born in Richmond Hill, L. I., on Nov. 28, 1906, son of the late William and Catherine Merton Borghard, he attended PrattInstitute in Brooklyn. With Ward Leonard since 1934, Mr. Borghard was promoted to his final position last_year. Prior to that he was a member- of the firm's board of directors. In 1957 Mr. Borghard won the Westchester Personnel Management Association's award for "outstanding achievement in industrial relations in the county." He was a member of the Westchester P e r s o n n e l Association and of the -National Electric Association of Manufacturers. Mr. Borghard also maintained a residence in Hillsdale. Surviving are his wife, the former Elizabeth Deckert; three brothers, Herbert J. of Bellrose, L. L, William J. of Mount Vernon and Eugene H. of Hillsdale, and two sisters, Mrs. Irene Powers and Miss Mildred Borghard, both of Cambria Heights, L. I, and " a total ruin of a thriving business community." The association was formed to represent merchants in the a r e a where Ihe proposed trade center would stand. Association attorneys contended that the statute was so broad it would allow the Port Authority to create the trade center "for private use and private benefit." "In the circumstances," the Appellate Division ruled, "we find that portion of the act which permits the creation of a World Trade Center to be unconstitutional. Proceeding Blocked "In consequence," it added, "and because of the (trade center - railroad) unification provision, the authority may not go forward with the condemnation proceeding in connection with the tube project." In Albany, the New York Assembly speaker, Republican Joseph F . Carlino, said: "Whatever we can do to overcome the court decision and correct the situation, I would think the Legislature would do. Of course, we will want to examine the decision thoroughly." Republican State Senate' Majority Leader Walter J. Mahoney Railroad to Continue A Port Authority spokesman was not available for comment. said several days probably will elapse before the Appellate Division ordpr is formally entered into the court's records. Until then, he said, the railroad's | (Continued from Page One) operation will continue in the hands of the authority's Trans the Venezuelan government are Hudson Division, which took it considered political and no Braover last Sept. 1. zilian law was broken. The-New York and New Jersey Brazil followed this line with Legislatures passed identical acts Portuguese rebel Henrique Galauthorizing condemnation of the vao two years ago after he bankrupt H&M system, which seized the luxury liner Santa connects Manhattan and New Maria and brought her to Brazil. Jersey by tunnels under the HudThe ship's second mate and son River. eight stowaways were reported to The legislative actions en- have commandeered the freightabled the bistate Port Authority er shortly after she left La Guito purchase the railroad and its ara, port of Caracas, on Feb. 12 terminal buildings in Manhattan. for the United States. Communist sources in VenezueThe authority planned to construct around the terminal build- la claimed other members of the ing on Manhattan's lower West 36-man crew joined the hijackSide a $270 million World Trade ers, who identified themselves as of the pro-Castro Center in an area bounded by guerrillas Church, Liberty, Vesey and Bar- Armed Forces for National Libclay Sts. and the Hudson River. eration (FALN). Merchants F e a r Harm The authority said income from CHRISTMAS TREE STAYS SYRACUSE, m —City fathers the center, housing offices of international trade concerns, would will permit a Christmas tree 50 pay off bonds issued to finance feet tall to remain in Clinton Square in N the heart of the busithe construction. The Downtown Small Busi- ness district—for a while. Businessmen's Association challenged nessmen in the area asked that the legality of the condemnation the tree be left in the park. In act, saying the trade center previous years, the city's Christthreatened them with "sub- mas trees have been removed in stantial and irreparable injury" early January. NEW YORK <*>—The Appellate Division of the State Supreme Court has ruled unconstitutional the acquisition of the Hudson & Manhattan Railroad — more familiarly known as the Hudson Tubes — by the Port of New York Authority. The court, in a 3-2 decision yesterday, said it was issuing a temporary injunction "restraining tho condemnation of the tubes and tubes properties" because of the authority's plan to tie in the acquisition with a proposed World Trade Center in lower Manhattan. The ruling held that the statute passed by the State Legislature to allow the acquisition was so broad in terms that it violated the state constitution's limit on the rights of eminent domain. The court said the act also opened the way for private enterprise to profit from the trade center. The Port Authority, stating its intention to appeal the verdict, said it will seek, a formal stay of the order until the state's highest tribunal — the Court of Appeals in Albany — has a chance to study the issues. moriy against her because he was the only witness capable of testifying. Griffith waived immunity and 8LANCHARD—William H. of 1 Sunny- G L A S S — G e o r g e . Of 249 West 62nd 8MYTH—Joseph E. of - Bronxville on fide Drive on Monday February 18. Street. New York City. On February Feb. 18. 1963. Beloved husband of testified against Mrs. Corona be15. 1963. At Veterans Hospital. NewReglna Lynch Smyth. Devoted father 1963. Beloved husband ol Erna K fore the grand jury, Mr. RubenYork City. Survived by wife. Grace of Joseph C. Smyth and Joan P.. Blancliard. F a t h e r of William McGilvery Glass. Also survived by Flaherty. Also survived by four H. Jr., Robert C , and James 1 . feld stated and added that he had three daughters.- Barbara. Grace grandchildren. Reposing at Fred H. Bianchard. Brother o'" Mrs. Helen agreed to do the same at the and Nancy Glass, one sister, Mrs. McGrath and Son Funeral Home. Ge:sz. Reposing at the Flynn Memtrial. -Lester (Ann) Norberg and one brothEro'nxville. Requiem Mass at St. orial Home, 82 Ludlow Street at er. Edward Glass of Jac'.ison Joseph's Church. Bronxville on Stanley Place. Funeral on T h u r s According to the reports of the Heights. Long Island. Interment was Thursday Feb. 21st at 9 a.m. 2-20 day a t 9:30 a.m. High Ma;-s of crime, Mrs. Corona had never Tuesday, February 19 in Pine L.nwi St. Peter's Church ut Requiem National Cemetery, Long Island. thought her daughter-in-law good 2-20 10 a.m. 2-20 WATTENBERG—Grace A., of Bronxenough for her son. She was alville. N.Y., on Feb. 19th, 1963. BeYonkers Naval Militia Veterans reloved wife of the late J o h n Wattenlegedly jealous of the girl and Srets the passing of our shipmate. H A R T - L o m t a (Tierneyi. Of Tuekaberg. Devoted mother of Marjorie hoe. On February 18. 1963. Beloved William H. Bianchard. Post services had opposed the marriage to her Cummlngs arid Richard Wattenberg. wife of Thomas P. Hart. Sister of v ill be held at 8:00 P.M., Wednesday Reposing at the Mortuary Chapel of son James, 23, a beauty shop Elizabeth Fosberry and Margaret evening at the Flynn Memorial Home. Christ Church after 3 P.M. ThursPepe. Reposing 8t Fred H. McOrath worker. • J. W. S t a h l . Commander Pro-Tern. day. Service at Christ Church, fc Son Funeral Home, Bronxville. 6-20 Grandmother Cares for Baby Bronxville. on Sat., Feb. 23rd at Requiem Mass. immaculate Concep10:30 A.M., 2-20 After the killing, the young tion Church. Tuckahoe. on T h u r s Uembers Alan F. Waite Post No. day, February 21 at 10:00 A.M. American Legion Mrs. Corona's baby remained in 299. MRS. WILLIAM C. BAUM 2-20 WILLIAMSON — Joseph R. Sr. Of 13 will gather on Wednesa crib in the apartment, unatBoone Street. On Monday. February Native of Yonkers day evening. February tended about.eight hours before 20 at 8:00 P.M. at HEATH—E. Blanche. On Feb. 19, 1963. 18. 1963. Beloved husband of M a i Mrs. Anne Marie Baum, 39, of Flynn Memorial Home, garet Williamson (nee Sloan). Father Beloved mother of Mrs. Gertrude his father arrived home. Since to pay respects to their of John J., Joseph R. Jr., Thomas 165 Hillcrest Road, Mount Vernon Webb. Service at Havey's Funeral departed comrade. WilR., Robert G.'Williamson, Mrs. Jo- a native of Yonkers, died Mon- the death the baby has been Home Inc.. 107 N. B'wy.. Yonkers iam H. Bianchard. seph DiSciorio and orother of Mrs. day at Grasslands Hospital in cared for by the dead woman's on Fri., Feb. 22 at 3:00 P.M. InterWilliam T. Tolany, Commander. Michael Rodak and Mrs. Edson ment. Oakland Cemetery on Sat. 2-20 mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Corona Knibbs. Reposing a t the Flynn Mem- Valhalla. morning. 2-22 had been married less than a orial Home, 82 Ludlow Street at BOROHARD—February 19. 1963. SudBorn on July 26, 1923, daughter Stanley Place. Funeral on Thursday B. On Feb. year when the crime took place. denly, at Fairview Hospital. Gr?at McCLAIN — Raymond 19th. 1963. Beloved husband of at 9:30 A.M. High Mass of Requiem, of the late Carmine and Mary Barrington, Mass. Mr. Walter J. Mrs. Corona's husband, Angelo, Catherine Gill McClain of 20 PaliChurch of St. John the Baptist at Hesslin De Nisco, she moved to Borghard. Husband of Elizabeth and her daughter, Mrs. Mary sade Ave. Father of Edward J.. 10:00 A.M. Interment, St. Joseph's Deckert Borghard of Hillsdale. N.Y. Mount Vernon at ah early age Catherine and Joseph McClain, broCemetery. 2-20 Ann Cerullo of the-Bronx, were snd Bronxville. Funeral services ther of Edward F., Frank W. and and had resided there ever since. Frjday at 11:00 A.M. from St. John present at yesterday's pleading. Harold McClain and Mrs. Peter Her husband, William C. Baum, in the Wilderness Episcopal Church. (Alice) Walsh. Reposing at Yonkers Mr. DiRienzo said that he had Copake Falls. N.Y. Friends may call In Memoriam. is employed with the New York Funeral Home, 67 South Broadway at the Peck & Peck Funeral Home, discussed the matter thoroughly OTHER DEATHS at Highland Ave. Requiem Mass. Telephone Co. Copake, Wednesday and Thursday. Immaculate Conception (St. Mary's) FARINA- George ARTHUR GRIFFITH, 76, rewith them before permitting Mrs. 2:00 o'clock to 4 0 0 o'clock and 7:00 Mrs. Baum was a communicant Church, on Saturday at 10 A.M. InHappy birthday In Heaven. tired chief editorial writer for o'clock to 9:00 o'clock. The family terment, St. Joseph's Cemetery. 2-22 2-20 Wife daughter fz granddaughter. of the Church of the Sacred Heart Corona to plead. have requested In lieu of floweis, Mr. DiRienzo told Judge Gal- the Miami Herald, at Miami, F l a . in Mount Vernon. contributions to St. J o h n in i h s McVICKAR—Ella Van Ness Tomllnson. loway that there were mitigating FRANK A, MESTA, 68, execuWilderness Episcopal Church. 2-21 LEPORE—Emanuela. Surviving besides her husband Of 42 Park Avenue. On February Three years have passed since t h a t circumstances in the crime. He tive vice president of and'treas19, 1963. Beloved mother of Ada are a daughter, JoAnne of the sad day. . CONTRASTANO—John B. Of 379 East Jaffray McVickar. Daughter of Ihe The one we loved was called away, home address, and a brother, said also, "I think she (Mrs. urer of Mesta Machine Co. since lfi2nd Street, Bronx, N.Y. On Sunlate Gertrude Radcllffe Jenkins and God took her home, it was His will, John DeNisco, and a sister, Mrs- Corona) is sick, maybe not under 1954, at Pittsburgh, P a . day. February 17, 1963. Beloved David Tomlinson. Sister of Mr* But in our hearts she liveth still. the law, but sick. If she was prohusband of Tessie Cacciatore ConJohn M. Longaere. Funeral privale. Husband, children tz grandchildren. Katherine Congello, both of Mount JOHN STRAWBRIDGE, 88, a t r a s t a n o . Devoted father of Leonard, Please omit flowers. 2-20 voked by hatred, it was hatred 2-20 Vernon. Morris. Joseph. John and Mrs. Joformer partner of W. H. Newbecause she loved, He said he seph iMariei Picarello. Reposing, at MINICHETTI—Adelina (nee DIFigirilo). t h e Edward Piacente F u n e r a l Home. "Oa Tuesday, February 19. 1963. At LUTZ—Anna. In loving memory of :>ur PIETRO FAZIO hoped Mrs. Corona would receive bold's Son & Co.^ and a member 285 East 149th Street. Bronx. N.Y. dear Mother who passed away Febher home, 38 Park Hill Avenue. (in prison) the. mental aid she of the Philadelphia Stock ExRetired Contractor " High Mass of Requiem, Thursday, ruary 20. 1959. Beloved wife of the late Nicola change since 1897, at Philadel'• February 21. 11:00 A.M. in St. Mlnichetti. Mother of" Mrs. Frank Four years have passed since that Pietro Fazio, 82,. of. 17 Ridge needs." Anthony's Church. Willow Street. sad day. (Eva) Serena. J o h n . Romeo and Police traced Mrs. Corona phia, Pa. St., Eastchester, a retired conI n t e r m e n t , S t . Joseph's Cemetery. Ettore Mlnichetti. Funeral from t i e One we love was called away, through a taxicab driver and 2-20 Cola Funeral Home. 136 Yonkers God took her home, it was his "will tractor, died Saturday at LawAvenue. Saturday. February 23 at But In our h e a r t s she liveth still. rence Hospital.iitBronxville after scratches on Griffith's face. The Daughters and Sons 9:30 A.M. Solemn H'8h Mass of 2-20 DOYLE—James V. of 6* Corbalis PI. arrest was made March 27 by a short illness. Requiem. Mt. Carmel Church at suddenly on F e b . "18. 1963. Beloved Yonkers police. Det. Lt. AlexBo'rn in Italy on Oct. 8, 1880, 10.00 o'clock. Interment, family plot. husband of the l a t e I r e n e Moore ORMOND — Katherine. A First AnniPatterson, New Jersey. „ :>-22 Doyie. Son of the late Abert N. andversary Mass will be offered a t 9:00 son of the late Antonino and ander Reid, Det. Sgt. Joseph NaLqretta Doyle, devoted father of A.M.. Friday, February 22 in St. Giuseppina Consolo Fazio, he der and Dets. Charles Jackson A., of 625 James A. Doyle J r . and nephew of MORRISON—Raymond Joseph's Church. South Broadway, on Mon. Feb. 18. came to the U.S. and Cleveland, and Charles Taylor of the YonkMae and Frances Doyle. Reposing Dear mother you have gone, 1963. Beloved husband of Elsie Morat the Whalen Funeral Home. 168 With the. Saviour to dwell; Ohio, in 1906. He married t h e ers police received police honor rison (nee Yonick), father of RayPark Ave., corner v of Glenwood. We'll miss you, 'tis true. mond J.. Mrs. Lucille Overaas. the former Maria G. Ricciardi in awards from the Macy WestHigh Mass of Requiem in St. Anthings well. late Margaret Ann Morrison, brother 2-20 But God doeth chester newspapers for their sothony's Church. Nepera Park on Italy in 1903. Children fc brother. of Frank A. Morrison. Reposing a t T h u r . Feb. 21- at 10 A.M. Interment lution of the crime. the Flynn Memorial Home, 82 LudMr. Fazio moved to Eastchesfamily plot. ' 2-20 low St.. at Stanley Place after 1 These men were responsible ter 17 y e a r s ago and had resided Card Of Thanks P.M. Wednesday. Funeral on Saturthere since. He retired in 1947. for finding a man who saw a FORREST—Edwin B on Feb. 18. 1963. day at 8:30 A.M. High' Mass of ReBeloved husband of Anna Tondra quiem, St. Margaret's Church. River- HOOLIHAN—Margaret & Fdward. We Surviving besides his wife are taxicab stop in front of the Forrest. Resting at Havcy's Funeral dale at 9 A.M. Interment, St. M a r y s wish to extend our heartfelt thanks a daughter, Mrs. Josephina La- apartment at 185 Bronx River Home. Inc.. 107 No. B'way. YonCemetery. 2-21 and appreciation for the acts' of kers. Mass of Requiem at St. Barkindness, messages of sympathy. quidara of Eastchester; a Son, Road on the day of the killing. tholomew R. C Church, Palmer Rd. NICHOLSON - - Mary (nee O'Rourke) beautiful floral offerings. Spiritual Anthony, of Cleveland; a brother, The man remembered seeing a *.- Saw Mill River Rd. on Wed. Feb. formerly of Yonkers, at Patchogue, bouquets, those who donated cars white woman and a Negro man 20 at 10 A. M. I n t e r m e n t Gate of L. I., on Feb. 18th. 1963. Beloved that we received from our kind Vincent, of California; two sisHeaven Cemetery 2—20 wife of the late Francis G. Nicholfriends, neighbors and relatives dur- ters, Mrs. Mary Tomasello of get out of the cab and enter son and mother of Mrs. William ing our recent bereavement. We Cleveland and Mrs. Rose LoPres- the building. (Mary) Erickson, Mrs. Leo (Eileen) especially want to thank the Priests No date has been set for the . Rellly. Richard J.. George J.. Wilat St. M a r y ' s ; ' t h e Church of I:n- ti of North Hollywood, Calif.; six liam N. and Francis O. Nicholson. v. maculate Conception: the Nurses and grandchildren, sentencing of either Mrs. Corona' and one greatFuneral from the E. W. Maloney & Aides on the Third Floor of 5t. or Griffith. grandchild. Sons Funeral Home. 11 Ludlow St., J o h n ' s Hospital: " the Ballas. Pennel on Sat.. Feb. 23rd at 9:30 A.M. High Asst. Dist. Atty. Warren J. and Mosher families; the Water REASONABLE Mass of Requiem in St. Denis Bureau of the City of Yonkers; MRS-NICOLA MINICHETTI Schneider represented the proseChurch at 10 o'clock. Interment, PRICES City employees: Holy Name Society; Mt. Carmel Communicant family plot. 2-22 cution in court. Teamsters Local "No. 456. the WoMrs. Adelina Mlnichetti, 74, of men's Institute, friends from Grady's, Dr. _Queally and ?>trs. Whalen of 38 Park Hill Ave., widow of the "Whalen Funeral Home. regularly $1995 The Powers <fc the Hoolihan families. Nicola Minichetti, died yesterday at her home. 2-20 Born in Italy on Oct. 13, 1888, (Continued from Page One) KOWALSKI - M a r g a r e t . We wish to daughter of the late Donato and extend our hearifelt thanks and Giovanna Sarenci DiFigirilo, she Sow Mill River Rood appreciation for the a r t s of kindstriking unions — the AFL-CIO HASTINGSON-HUDSON 6. N. Y. FOR ALL OCCASIONS ness, messages of symathy -And came to thrr U.S. and Paterson, Cleveland Newspaper Guild—has Tcl.GR 8 - 1 1 8 8 beautiful floral offerings received N.J., in 1935. She moved to YonFREE PROMPT DELIVERY (one week only) undisclosed terms of a peace from our kind friends and neighbors during our recent bereavement In kers in 1959. Her husband died -pact offered by publishers. The YO 5-1742- 20 TUCKAHOf RD. * the loss of our beloved wife and two years ago. guild has given tentative approvsister. We especially t h a n k ' the Mrs. Minichetti was a mem- al of the new contract. Priests of St. Bartholomew's Church and St Casimlr's Church; the Im- ber of the auxiliary of the Sts. maculata .Group of St. Caslmir s Cosma & Damiano Society, Inc. 3 1 Approval Church: the Third Order of the At ITU headquarters in ColoSacred Heart; employees of Otis here. She was a communicant of rado Springs, Colo. r the printers' Elevator Co : employees of BurOur Lady of Mount Carmel X on-Sectarian roughs Welcome. Tuckahoe: the Church on Park Hill Ave. and a union announced that its memNurses of Professional Hospital. ~~ bers over the nation have apSaw Mill River Road 2-20 Husband, sisters fc brothers. member of the church's Sacred proved nearly 3-'to-l a special ] Heart Society. Hastin0$-on-Hud»on, West. Co., N. Y' She was formerly a member additional one-year assessment ! ASSEMBLY' SEAT FILLED , Single grave* and family lots. of Sf. tvco's Church in East to aid members in New York and Cleveland. NEW YORK m — Attorney Paterson. Reasonably priced. Terms arranged. ; T h e International Executive Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Noah Goldstein, a Democrat, Write for Book of Photographs Frank (Eva) Serena of .Yonkers; Board of the American Newspaj will fill the state assembly seat three sons, John of Yonkers, per Guild, meeting in WashingVisit the ..Cemetery or | left vacant last Dec. 15 by the Romeo of Lodi, N.J., and Ettore ton, urged the New York pubNew York Office: 551-5th Ave., New York 17, N. Y. \ death of Attorney Samuel Bon- of Caldwell, N.J,; a sister, Mrs. lishers to enter into "genuine Rosaria D'Aurizio of Paterson, collective bargaining, e i t h e r (om, also a Democrat. and six grandchildren, abandoning their claims of poverty or substantiating it." RAYMOND B. McCLAIN The board also urged the five Hubirshaw Clerk newspapers which shut down volRaymond B. McClain, 63. of 20 untarily to resume publication as Palisade Ave., a stock clerk at soon as possible. the Habirshaw Wire and Cable Co., died yesterday at St. John's SHOT OUT THE I J G H 1 5 Riverside Hospital after a short BURNEY, Calif. (* - A huntillness. ' . er shot a 60,000 volt line apart Mr. McClain had been with the and the town of Burney was company for 25 year*. H e . w a s without electricity for 12 hours^ a native of New J e r s e y , ' born Now you can save on this world famous walking LROAL NOTICI Deo. 29. 1899, and a son of the late Frank and Alice Duffy McNotice It her«br tfvtn th»t »rr;t,-»shoe, specially priced for xme week only. Clain. RrouRht to. Yonkers as a tlon h»» t*«n tntd« to the Common FOR THE PAST SEVERAL MONTHS WE HAVE PLACED AT THE DISPOSAL O f OUR of the City of Yonkere br youngster, he attended schools Council Jtmelra Butei. Inc. for » content to FAMILIES. THE UNLIMITED USE OF A NEW NINE-PASSENGER VOLKSWAGEN BUS AT here »nd served in the Navy ooertte » motor but line on and tlont N O ADDITIONAL EXPENSE. certain hicnwtrt In Uie city of Yonduring World War I. ker*. t« followt: -Block, Blue, Brown, Bone and White Suede, THIS COMFORTABIE VEHICLE HAS BEEN SO WELL RECEIVED THAT WE HAVE DE His first wife, the former Mary ALONG New York 8tkte Thruway beilnnlnt tt the boundary line of the CIDED TO EXPERIMENT A STEP FURTHER. I/nighlin, died in 1958. He later City of Ne* York end the City of Sizes 5 to 11, AAA A to C widths. married Catherine Gill. Yonkert: thence tlont New York AWARE THAT MANY FRIENDS Of THE BEREAVED ARE UNABLE TO VISIT WITH THEM A former member of the Pacoy aute Thruwty t« Interchtnce 2 Street): thence tlont Yonkert AT THE FUNERAL HOME DURING THE RECEPTION PERIOD BECAUSE O f TRANSPORTAGub, he was a communicant of (CUrk Aveaue between Centrtl Park Avenue > TION PROBLEMS, WE HAVE DECIDED TO EXTEND THE FREE USE OF OUR SHUTTLE BUS the Church of the Immaculate •ad the entrance to Yonkert Raceway In the vicinity of Trenchaxd Street, Conception (St. Mary's). FOR THEIR CONVENIENCE. THIS BUS WILL OPERATE WITHIN THE CONFINES Of OUR and return via the tama route. ^Surviving besides his w i f e ' a r e ALSO, alont Central Park Avenue CITY BETWEEN THE HOURS O f 1 AND 4 P.M. DAILY. SIMPLY CALL YO 3-5179 BEfORE New York State Thruwty two sons. Edward J. ot Brewster, between 686 WHITE PLAINS ROAD • Vernon BuM Shopping Center Interebante 2 and Interchantt 1 (Hall N O O N O N THE DAY YOU WISH TO VISIT. and Joseph of the Bronx: a daugh- Place), at part of a route or routat EASTCHESTER OR 2-0100 John J. Flynn, Jr. • William / . Fhnn • J ants E. J-^nn ter, Miss Catherine McClain of In the City of Yonkert. between the City of New York and Yonkert RaceLong Island; a step-dauffher, way. ALSO: 516 5th AVE. corner of 4Srd And that purtuant to Section M of Mrs. Joseph (Marie) Melville of Trantportatlon Corporations Law Long Island; three brothers, Ed- the 5SS MADISON AVE. corner of 54th and a resolution duly patted by tald ward F . of Demarest, N.J., snd council, a public heating will be had [Frank W. and Harold C. of on such application at the Common Council Chambers. City Hall. City of Yonkers; a sister, Mrs. Peter Yonkert. New,York, on the 26th day at DIVISION Or r L O R S H t l M SHOKS | (Alice) Walsh of Yonkers; a«d of Pebruary. 1M3 at (00 r w time and place all person* ineight grandchildren. He was the which teretted In such application will be brothrr also of the late Owart heard. JOHN S. MAHKK and Thomas McClain and the lafe City Clart. City of Yonkert Mrs. Anna Radigan. *—20 ,m. * Freighter THAYER, CNEIL SPECIAL $ 90 15 MONUMENTS SEND InlliM^nfrliH Fapers FLOWERS #yD'AGOSTINO MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY the J&J Slater PERFIA AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO OUR FRIENDS FLYNN MEMORIAL 82 LUDLOW STREET HOME,,ma YO 3-5178 : Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 \