11 Myrre Eileen Bielfelt (Aug. L3,tg22--
11 Myrre Eileen Bielfelt (Aug. L3,tg22--
1990 #8 Philip David Bielfelt (Dec.31,1876---June 3,1948) Age 71 ldarried in C1eveland, Ohio on Wednesday Sept.16,1903, to: #9 Cora Rose Decker (f'ef.7,1884---Ncnr.16,1934) Age 50 A11 children of this marriage were born in Cuyahoga County, Ohio: 1 Caroline Susan Bielfelt (lune 7,LgOA---Apr.13,1905) Age 10 mo. 2 Dorothy ldarguerite Bie1felt (Au9.3,1905--3 David Horrard Bielfelt (,lune 1,1907---lday 15,1980) Age 72 4 Phifip Theodore Bielfelt (fef.5,1910---0ct.20,1910) Age I mo. 5 Hanrey David Bielfelt (Sept.2,1911--6 Mildred Rose Bielfelt (,Jr:ne 13,1914---May 5,1921) Age 6 7 Grace Lillian Bielfelt (Apr.23,l9l6---Noy.22,l97B) Age 62 I Lillian Bernelda Bielfelt (1tar.26,1918--9 #4 James Ralph Bielfelt (ttay 9,1920--May 29,7982) Age 62 10 Robert Charles Bielfelt (auq.13,\922---Au9.16,1985) Age 63 (twins) 11 Myrre Eileen Bielfelt (Aug. L3,tg22--- Philip David Bielfelt was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the youngest of 10 children born to Frederick Bielfelt and Caroline, nee Huey (see #16 & +17). Philip vas baptized ldar.20,187'7, by Reverend Jacob Ernst, pastor of the First, United Bretheren Churctr wtrich w-as on Peach (now West 42nd Street) at the corner of Orchard. Philip had two brothers and two sisters nho grenr to maturity: ,fohn, Caroline, Katie, and Edrnrd. Philip was raised on the near West Side of Cleveland, as his father worked as a ship carpenter in a shipyard on the River. Philip attended Walton Sehool in Cleveland, and graduated from school onJune 19,1891. He is recorded in the Cleveland CityDirectories, in 1896 & '97, as a laborer living at 1371 Denison Avenue, with his parents. After that year they are no longer recorded. Philiprs mother had inherited about 8 acres of what had been her parent's farm (the ttuey homestead) on Clinton Road in Brookllmr Ohio. It rras deeded to her on Feb.11,1898, and it must have been about that time that Philip mcnred there with his mother and father. Ttris farm ras the second farm avay frqn where Cora Decker lived. The' Seither farar was located between the Bielfe1ts and the Deckers. Philip had a friend, Gottlieb Hofer, who lived in Hinckley, Ohio. In later years, Philip talked of how he rode his biryc1e aII the uay out to Hinckley (about 16 miles frcrn Brool<lyn). On the 1900 census, there was a 24 year old farm laborer'fran West Virginia, named Ernest Hofer, living on the Decker farm. Philip rras 23 at that time. Perhaps Gottlieb's name nas really Ernest, or C,ottlieb was Ernestts brother. Perlaps Philip's friendship rith this Hofer is hon he became better acguainted rrith Cora. Cuyahoga g:ranurcrr 2 Cora Rose Decker was the daughter of rfolur William Decker and Susan Arur, nee Derrer (see #18 & #19). Cora nas probably born on her parent's farm on Clinton Road in Brookl)m, since all children were born at home in those days. She vas the fifth of seven children, four of whom died as babies. Cora was raised on the Decker family farm, with an older sister and brother: Susan, dnd ilohn. Cora vas very fond of her parents. fn school, Cora took a special eourse in sewing. Philip and Cora had a common aunt and uncle by marriage. Philip's Uncle Mike Huey rras married to Corars Ar:nt Anna (Oerrer) Huey. Philip BieLfelt and Cora Decker vere married in the late surmer of 1903, by Reverend Edgar E. Scovill, pastor of the Denison Avenue Congregational Church. Philip rras 26 years o1d, and Cora rras 19. On their appl-ication for marriage license, Philip's occlrpation vas given as farmer. It says they both lived in Linndale, and it also says Cora was born in Linnda1e. Perhaps Linndale vas the closest connnrurity to uhere they lived in Brooklyn Torrnship. Once married, Philip and Cora lived with his parents on the land that Philip's mother had inherited. Philip farmed the 8 acres that rrere his mother's share of the old Huey homestead, his Uncle Mike's ground, which vas also about 8 acres that adjoined it, and the farm nerct to theirs that, Phi1lp rented. He raised all kinds of truck garden produce. He grew asparagus in a bed that covered about 3/4 of an acre, and also hay for the hay market in Cl-eveland. On the farm that Philip rented vas a cherry orchard and some apple trees. Alsor ttrere was a greengage plum orchard across the drive frorr the house. Tlreir children used to play there, and had a sring on one of the trees. Philip built a big chicken cocp in vtrich he raised l{hite Ifyandottes and Rhode fsland Red chickens. fn the ninter when he had no other crops, PhiJ-ip lrould take 2 half-bushel baskets of eggs c,ver to the farmerrs market, riding on the streetcar. Tfre Bielfelb farm house vas partitioned into two separate homes. Philip, Cora, and their children lived in the main part of the house, and Philip's parents lived in a couple of roqns that had been built onto the back of the house. Threy each had their own kitchens. Philip's father would help with the chores, or help ma)<e repairs around the farm. His mother usually took care of the mil-k frcm their cows, and helped with the children. Ttrey appear on the 1910 census of Brookllm Township, living on their farm. Philip r.ras 33 years oId, and Cora uas 27. They had three children: Dorothy, 4; David, 2; and Phllip, 2 monttrs old. Philip and Cora had been married 6 years, and Cora had four children, of rvtrich three were still living. Philip's parents lived with them: Frederick,'l6i and Caroline, 73. Philip r.ras self enployed as a truck farmer, and his father helped out as a farm laborer. It vas recorded that Philip onned the farzr, free of any mortgaqe (?). Corars parents were neighbors, as were Corars brother .fohn and his family. On Sr:nday afternoons, they alvays had guite a bit of ccnpany. Philip's brothers and his sister Carrie vould come with their families to visit their parents. Whatener rJzls in season would be brought, in to be eaten. If eorn vas in season, Philip nould bring ssne in and they would cook ears of corn by the dozensr depending on hon many people vere there. In muslcnelon season, Philip would cut up lots of melons, almys trying every melon he cut, saving the seed fron the best and sneetest to plant the next year. He alrrays saved his own melon seed, and also his own tomato seed. He alr+ays raised some green onions and radishes for the early spring rnarket. Philip used to put rat poison under the old chicken coop. In the morning, he would always go out and look aror:nd where he had laid the poison, and if any rras left he'd pick it up before he 1et the chiclcens out. One morning he looked and didn't find any. There were some tal1 weeds in part of the yard, and a rat had carried scrne of the poison there. Seventeen of their drickens and ducks 3 killed by the poison that they found in the weeds. Phifip had a horse named Dan, who could open the barnyard gate and let himself and their other horse out, but as soon as-they saw Philip or his father come out, they vould head back into the barnyard. Philip,s father died suddenlfr in the spring of 1913. His moLher died | years later, in 1917. In April of 1916, Philip vas coming home from the hay market in a thunder storm. He pulled into the drive and looked up to see that their barn r.tras on fire. It rnias a large barn, and it had been struck by lightning. Philip had a team of horses in the barn, and one of the horses was just recovering from an illness. He also had. a horse in the barn that he had borror+ed from Corars brother John, who lived dovn the road. The lightning tnd come down ttrrough the tnlmow, and stmck and kilIed the sick horse. Philip ran into the barn and turned out the other trvo horses, and he put the cows out into the pasture. The horse that vas borroved from John just trotted home by itself. The other horse, O1d Dan, went around to the front of the house and stood there headed into the pord, whi1e the barn br:rned to the ground. After Philip's mother died, late in l9l'7, that portion of Lhe farm that belonged to her became jointly or.rned by Philip, his two brothers, and tvo sisters, and entered as sudr into the property records on Apr.2111919. The property was then sold on Nov.30rl92\, to fhomas L. Jotu:son, I'lho was probably a land speculator. (Tfr-is vas not the same Thornas L. Johnson who was mayor of the City of Cleveland from 1901 to 1909, since ttnt man died in 1911). fhis property is now part of West Park Canetery. A few mcnths after Philiprs mother died, he and Cora left the o1d homestead that tnd been in the family since ].B54 (72 years). They msved their family in Mardr of 1918, to Cook Road in Olmsted To'rnship, Ohio, where they resumed farming. Here, besides the trucl< gardening that Philip did, he also raised gladiolus for the florist trade, and flowers for I'dathers Funeral Home. At the time they moved to Olmsted, they trad a big old dapple gray horse named Frank. When they first moved to Olmsted, the d:ildren were taken Lo school in an enclosed horse drarrn "school wagonr" an early version of a sehool bus. A couple of years later, a sort of truc]< with a canvas covered bed was used as a school were bus. ehifip and Cora werentt very velI off, and their farm in Olmsted vas actually ovrned by Cora's parents. Cora's father had made a trip to California at one time to consider buying a farm out there, but instead bought about 100 acres in Olmsted Tou'nship. There rras 70 or 75 acres on the south side of Coo]< Road that her father sold off sometime before he died in 1933. On the north side of the road was 25 3/4 acres, which he deeded to his daughter Cora. In 1923, philip decided to guit farming, and they staged an auction sa1e. However, they stiI1- kept their cc,ws. Phifip then worked for Sam Dean at a greanSouse, as a stationary fireman stoking the boilers. The greenhouses in Otmsted were cn Bagley Road. He r.rorked a 12 hour shift, all night 1ong. I'lhen he came home in the morning, he uouLd make wtnt was for him, dinner. He would reheat the previous evenings Leftovers or fry some potatoes. Hel,Jas especially fond of fried macarcni, dnd made it often. He sometimes even popped popcorn before going to bed to sleep through the day. In the afternoon he would get up, have dinrer with the familyr and then be off to work again. During guiet moments, when there r.ras nothing to do at the greentrouse, he carved intricate objects out of wood. A11 meats were Corars codcing nas strictly farm cooking, no frivolity. favorite meat. on was his liver and foods, fried liked Ff.ifip done. weLl, welt whil-e he read popcorn mitk drink and eat to like to used Philip w-inter evenings, his nervrspaper. 4 Cora's mother died in 1925, and shortly aftenrard her father came to live with them. He lived rsith them until he died of otd age in 1933. Philip and Cora could both speak German, having been raised with the language as ctrildren. Tlrey used it at home when they didnrt reant their children to understand what they were saying. Cora was a short heary set, voman tvith beautiful coal black hair. Philip rv-as 6 feet tall, rrith a slender buifd (he veighed 165 pounds in 1946). He also trad black hair. Philip chewed tobaccrc, and also smoked rough cut tobaccrc in his pipe. As an exclamation he would say 'rBy Jove!" And instead of saying thank you, he'd say "Much obliged.', Cora vould always advise "ff you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at a11.,' furd aLso "Cleanliness is nqct to Godliness. " Cora had her orm Bibte. She didn't go to chr:rch very often, but she always got the drildren off to Sr:nday Sctrool every week. Phifip vould never go to churdr. His attitude uas that he could pray anyutrere, rather than be a hlnpocrite in cLrurch They didnrt have muctr spare time, but when they did, Philip enjoyed rea<ij-ng Zane Grey western magazines. He could play the violin, and Cora could play the zither. She liked gospel music and hymns. fn the sunmer of 1929, the family got their first radio; a battery set. Ttey bought a new electric radio in 1932. Cora had tuo soap operas that she especially enjoyed: Stella Dallas, and Ttre Goldbergs. Philip named their sons, and Cora named their daughters. It, appears that they sometimes didn't consider names untit after the child was born. When 'Jim r.las born, Philip vanted to name him Larabee, after a charaqter in a Zane Grey novel. Nobody else liked that name. So somehow it uas later settled that his name would be James. When the twins were born, no one gave either one of them formal names. T'l:e ctrildren, for lack of something to call them, began calling their yor:ngest brother and sister Bub and Sis. It wasntt untit they were to be enrolled in school ttrat they were given the names Robert and Myrle, but all their lives they were cal1ed Bub and Sis by their brothers and sisters. When Bub and Sis were tiny babies, Cora used to sing this song around the house: sti1l as any mouse There are babies in our house Not a doI-1y, not a toy One's a girl- and one's a boy. Stre adapted it from the Iu1laby: Hush be sti1l as any mouse There's a baby in our house Not a doLlyr not a toy Hush be But a laughing, crying boy. and Cora tad eleven children, including the set of tw-ins. In those days babies were born at home. Caroline, Dorothyr Dave, Philip, Harvey, Millie, and Grace were all born at home sr Clinton Road. Lillian was born at Corars parent's home crn Clinton Road because the family was in the process of moving to Olmsted at the time. Sg, Cora stayed with her moLher for a couple of weeks with the new baby. Jim, Bob, and I'fyrle were all born in the farmhouse on Cook Road. They were able to raise four sons and four daughters to maturity. Carol-ine anC Philip died in infancy, and Millie died in dril-dhood. When their baby, Phi.Iip, suffocated to death in his crib in 1910, it sesoed to effect Cora Philip psychologically. One time lrtien lill-ian vas smaLl, she fel-l- off the steps and cut her head. Cora became frantic, and kept, saying, "What am I going to do!? Wtrat am I going to do!?" Dorothyr who was about 15 years old at the time, had to keep presence of mind and take ctrarge of the situation, and tended to Lillian and stopped the bleeding. 5 Cora was terrified of storms. Drring nighttime thunderstorms, she vould get all of the drildren out of bed, and get them in a circle downstairs. She r.rould draw all the shades, so as not to see the lightning. It upset lorothy, becau.se she felt, that Cora was frightening the younger ctrildren. There nere too nrany children, and not enough money. With so many children, and the general decline of agriculture throughout the cor:ntry during the I920s and r30s, Philip and Cora didn't have much time for anything but work. philip was a faithful and hardr.iorking husband. He rriorked long hotrrs. Home life was rough. Cora was a loving and kind mother, but she was alvays tired and suffered from hlpertension. She was always ailing from terrible migraine headadres. Cora suffered a paral-ytic stroke about Thanksgiving Day of 1931. In October of 1933r sh€ had another stroke while out in the orchard picking up apples for cider, drrd c"ollapsed under the trees. On Nov.15,L934, near midnight, she had yet another stroke. It las the third paralyt,ic stroke that had come upcn her in recent years. Cora died on the farm the next day, suddenly at about 1:00 p.m., of a cerebral hemorrhage. It sesns as though they were friendly with relatives and had family gatherings until Cora died. Then it sesns as though they lost contacb with many of their relatives, especially on the Decker side. Philip hadn't besr working since the sunmer of 1934, when a limb from a tree fetl on him and hurt his bacl<. Then Cora died in Novenrlcer of the same year. So two months later, in the laLter part of ,fanuary of 1935, Philip decided to go to Arizona to visit his w'idowed sister Carrie, who lived in Glerdale. He took tris five youngest children with him, and seL out for Arizona on Feb.15,1935. They traveled by automobile, stopping for the night at tor:rist cabins. It took them 9 days to readt their destinat,ion. While there, they tool< short trips to points of interest in and around the Salt River Valley (in the vicinity of Phoenix) . Tlrey left Glendale on I'{ay 2 11935, and arrived back in Olmsted on May 10th. EVentually, Philip moved to G1enda1e, Arizona in October of L943. The 1945 Phoenix City Directory says he was a "hsotrmn" (?) for Parsons Air Conditioning Conpany, and lived in Glendale. TLre 1948-49 Phoenix City Directory says he was a mechanic for Parsons Air Conditioning Conpany, and gives his address as "Rt.3, Box 425." One of Philip's favorite spots in Arizona vas an isolated pJ-ace along the road betweerr Congress and Prescott, that, eventually became the srnalt conmrmity of Nowhere, Arizona. Philip went back to visit in the Cleveland area from time to time, but lived in Glendale for the last 4\ ya,rs of his life. He died in Glendate (or rvas the hospital in Phoenix?) on Jr:ne 3,1948, at the age of 71. He worked right up to the day he died. He had a heart attack while at work, and fell from a lad&r. His daughter Grace, wtp vas also living in G1endale, stayed at the hospital w-ith h-im for about 5 hours. He talked with Grace right up tiI1 the end (about 5 minutes before he died). Philip and Cora are bobh brrried together in the same urunarked grave in the Bielfel-t family plot in Monroe Street Canetery in Cleveland (Grarre 10, West )l Lot 30, Section C; Plrilip is on top of Cora). The farm on Cook Road was divided into 8 lots which eadr one of the children inl:erited. Dave and Grace had gone to Arizona; Dorothy vas in Buffalo, New York; Jim was in Euclid, Ohio; and Sis (l,fyrre) lived out east of Cleveland. Hanreyr Lillian, and Bub (Bob) all built homes on their lots. Hanrey later moved to Sevi11e, Ohio; but Lillian and Bub stayed. Bub rvas born, Lived his whol-e 1ife, and died on this farm. LilLian is stilL there, and has lived there her whole life (over 70 years). The o1d farmhouse is still standing (1987) and is at 27270 Cook Road, though it is no longer ouled by the family. 6 In 1956, Philip and Corars drildren began organizlng the Bleffelt Family Reunicn. The first qle was held on Sunday &9.1911956, and they hane been held anrmally errer since (as of, 1989) r genarally qr bhe 3rd Strnday of August. Eventually, the Blelfelt Family Reuniqr came to ernbrace all descendants of Fredericl< and Caroline (ttuey) nietfett. On Sunday Art9.22,1976, Ptririp and Corars chlldrenr all eight brothers and sisteis were together for the first time since 1935 (41 years). Tllo l€ars later Grace Bielfelt Ang1e died; in another tlrc lears hve Bielfelt died, ln ]tet another tuo years rlim Bielfelt, died; and three years aft€r that Bub Bielfelt died. 7 Children of PHILIP BIB,PELT and CORA DECKER 1 Caroline Susan Bielfelt (1904-1905) was born prematurely (at 6 monttrs) at home Township. She was usually catted Carrie. She died of "hydrocephalus" (uater on the brain) in infancyr at the age of 10 months. She is buried in the Bielfelt family plot in Monroe Street Cemetery (Grave 7, West ! Lot, 30, Section C). 2 Dorothv I'{arquerite Bielfelt was born in the surmer of 1905, at home on Clinton in Brookllm Torrnship, Ohio. She was married on her l8th birthday, At9.3,1923, to .John Hugh otterson (oec.B,1898-- Aug.30,1931). John was born in Olmsted Falls, Ohio, the son of Hugh K. Otterson, and his mother,s maiden name 'was WaLkden. John had an older brother, Silas. Dorothy and ,fotrr had three children: 21 Dale Erwin Otterson (Sept.13,1925-22 ,James Willard Otterson (Apr.24,7927-23 Myrle Estelle Otterson (fef.2,7929-Dale l,ras born in Clerrelandi and 'Jim and Myrle were both born in Olmsted Fa11s. 'John died in the sunner of 1931, at the age of 32. Dorothy r"ras married a second time, in BuffaLo, New York, on Jan.12,1937, Lo Leonard Frank Jenkins (May 14,1889--Ju:re 1,1952). Dorothy and l,eonard had one son, born in Berea, Ohio: 24 Clarence David .Tenkins (Jr:ne 13,1940-Leonard died in L952, at the age of 63. Dorothy t,ES married a third time, on Oct,.16,1953, in Clarence, New york, to Dr,right Rue Burton (May 7,1895--Au9.1,1965). Dwight vas born in Kentud<yr the son of William Burton. Dright had two grown daughters by a previous marriage: I,Iarion Elizabeth Burton (.rufy 6,1926--), and Cora Gertrude Burton (Sept.1,l929-). Dwight worked on the railroad. He and Dorothy tived on Union Road in Ctreektowaga, New Yor]<, vhere Dorothy continues to 1ive. Dwight died in Buffalo at the age of 70, and is buried there. Road 3 David Horrard Bielfelt (1907-1980) vas born at home on Clinton Road in Brookllm Township, Ohio. He vas married at the age of 23, on I.,Iay 16,1931, in Olmsted Fa1ls, Ohio, to Eleanor Louise Knuth (fef.11,191l---Dec.20?,1940). Eleanor was born in Cleveland, the daughter of Carl Itnuth and Antoinette (last name unkrrown). She was the second of six children: Dorothy, (nteanor), Eve11m, Alberta, Charles, and Hormrd. Dave and Eleanor had two children, both born at Berea Hospital, Berea, Ohio: 31 Sherman Walme Bielfelt (Sept.25tl932-32 Nancy Ellen Bielfelt (Sept.25,L933--Eleanor died in Akrqr, Ohio of tuberculosis, at the age of 29. She is buried in Chestnut Grove Canetery in Olmsted Fal1s. Dave was married a second time, on 0ct.3,1943, in Phoenix, Arizona, to Betty Patterson. They were later divorced. Dave was married a third time, on Au9.31,7947, in G1enda1e, Arizona, to ELsie Brinkley. Elsie had three daughters by a previous marriage: twins Marletta (erinxt-ey ?) and Arletta (erinxtey ?) born about 1933; and Virginia Ann (nrint<tey ?) born about 1947. Dave and Elsie were later divorced. Elsie died in I'{ardt of 1989. Dave r.ras married a fourth time, on May 311958, in Phoenix, to Bernadlme Marquardtr n€€ Gleascn (July L7,L927--). Bernie was born in Michigan, thc by a previous marriage: Mike had a son dar.ghter of Laurence Gleason. She I ldarguardt (May 29,1948--- ). Dave and Bernie had three children, all born 33 Iaurel Louise Bielfelt (Oec.17,1959--34 Kerin Jay Bielfelt (Ncr/.27,1960--35 Lawrence David Bielfelt, (Sept.9,1963--Dave and Bernie becane separated in i963-64, and then later divorced. Dave ras found dead in his hcnre in Houston, Tercas at Lhe age of 72. His body vas taken back to Ohio, to be buried vith his first wife, Eleanor, in in Phoenix: Chestnut Grove Cemetery. 4 Philip Tfreodore Bielfell (1910) was born at home on Clinton Road in Brookllm Tonnship. He died in infancyr accidental.ly suffocating to death in his crib. He is buried nect to his parents, in the Bielfelt family plot in Monroe Street Cenetery (Grave 1, West \tr,t 30, Section C). 5 tla::irgv David Bielfelt tas born at home on Clinton Road in Brookllm Tor+nship, Ohio, in the summer of 1911. He nas married in a Lutheran Ctrurch in Berea, Ohio on Sept.l3,1943, to l-eona Pedrea Christensen. Leona vas born Nov.30,1916, in West Dover (now Westtake), Ohio, the daughter of Niels ,J. Clrristensen and Sophie .J., nee Sorensen. Ha:rrey and l-eona had one son, born in Ebrea: 51 Brruce Hanrey Bielfelt (Apr.1,1949--Hanrey farmed all his life, in Ohio. They live on their farm in Seville, Ohio. 6 Mildred Rose Bielfelt (L9L4-1921) vas born at home on Clinton Road in Brookltm Townshipr Ohio. Mi1lie died of dlphtheria at the age of 6, on the family farm on Cook Road in Olmsted Tovnship. Stre is br:ried in the Bielfelt fami1y plot in Monroe Street Cernetery (at the foot of Grave 7, West \ trt 30, Section C). 7 Grace Li[ian Bielfelt (1916-1978) was born at home on Clinton Road in Brod<11m Townshipr Ohio. She mcnred to Glendale, Arizona in 1946. She ms married in Glendal-e on 'Ju1y 411953, to Wilbur Eugene (Webb) Ang1e. Webb had a son by a previous marriage: Eugene Angle, born abouL 1942. Grace and Webb were divorced in 1962. Grac€ died rather suddenly of aeute florid leukqnia, at about 1:00 a.m.r orl Ncnr.22,L9'78, at St. ,foseph Ho.spital in Phoenix. She had been a supenrisor of records for the J.C. Penney Ctrris-Tovn Store for L7 years. She is buried in Genr:ng Cerneteryr at Peeples Valley, Arizona. 8 Lill1an Bernelda Bielfelt was born in 1918, in her girandparent's hcnne (the -She Brooklyn Tonnship, Ohio. was married at Olmsted Cornrunity Churctr in Olmsted Fa1ls, Ohio on Mar.9,1946, to Melvin Ioyd (Bud) Axford. Bud vas born in Cleveland, Ohio on lday 37,1922, the son of William Charles A,:<ford and Helen Marie, nee Badger. Bud was the second of four ctrildren: Charles George, (Bua) r' Harold, and William Charl-es. Lillian and Bud had three children: 91 Carol rlean Axford (Ifar.6 ,L947-82 Clif ford ilames Axford (fel. L3 tl949--83 Lavern ,foyce lo<ford (OcU.29rl953--Carol rias born in Elyrla, and Cliff and laverne vere both born in Ebrea. Liffian and Burd make their horne on Cook Road in Olmsted Tor+nship. 9 (1920-1982) was born at home on Cook Road in Olmsted 'fames Ra1ph Bielfelt, Townshipr Ohio. (See #4 & +5). He r.ras married in Euclid, Ohio on Aug.3,L94O, to Garnet l"{arie Stroyer. Garnet was born in Cleveland, Ohio on,Jan.1r1920, the daughter of Arthur Cornelius Stroyer and Georgiena Lattimer, nee Mayer. Garnet vas the second of four daughters: Helen, (Garnet), Lois, and Dorothy. Jim and Garnet had for:r childrenr all born in Cleveland: 91 Arthur .fames Stroyer BieUeIt (wov.19,1941--- 9 92 C,eorge Tlromas Bielfelt (Oct.28,L943--93 Eugene Carl Bielfelt (Aug.3r1948--94 ,Janice Ia.verne Bielfe1t, (Au9.3,1948-died in Congress, Arizona at the age of 62. He lJas crernated, and his 'Jim scattered on Tenderfoot Hill, at Congress. ashes eolrrt glfarles-El-e1fe1t. (1922-L985) lvas born at home on Cook Road in Olmsted ally called Bub, and was a twin to Myrle (Sis). Bub was married on July 11,L942, to Betty Ruth Er&nan, at Betty's parentrs home on Cook Road in North Ridgeville, Ohio. Betty r+as born on Dorrer Center Road in Westlake, Ohio on ,fu]-y 9,1921, the daughter of William Fredrick Erdman and Martha Ruth, nee lTames. Betty was the second of three children: Eruna Louise, (Aetty), and Fredrick William. Bub and Betty had seven children: 10-1 Richard Allen Bielfelt (Apr.22,1943--l0=2 Donald E&rard Bielfelt (Apr.25tl946--10-3 Roberta Ruth Bielfelt (Aug.8,1947--lO-4 Sharon Eileen Bielfelt (.fufy 21,1949-10-5 Barbara ,Jean Bie1felt (I.{ar.1,1955--10-6 Benrerly Anne Bielfelt (Au9.23,7956--10-7 Raymond Charles Bielfe1t (May 3,1959--Richard and Donald were both born in Elyria, and Roberta, Barbara, Beverly, and Ralmond were all- born in Berea. Bub and Bet,ty made their home on Cook Road in Olmsted Township. Bub vorked as a precision tool grinder. Br:lc died in the sumrrer of 1985, at the of 63. He is buried in Sunset Memorial Park in Oryahoga Connty (crave 1, I.ot 22O, S*Lion 2X). Lp 11 }&r1e Eileen Bielfelt was born at home on Cook Road in Olmsted Township in the sr.uruner of 1922. She was usually ca1led Sis, and was a twin to Robert (Bub). Sis nas married in North Ol-msted on Jdne 18,1938, to Norman Paul Sparr (May 10,1919-). Norman r+as born in Elyria, Ohio and rras the yor:ngest of seven ctrildren: Harriet, Errin, Fred, George, .Tim, Harold, and (trlorman). Sis and Norman had three children: 11-1 Harold Phillip Sparr (Donald ,Iack Pitcher) (Nov.4,1938--ll-2 a sti1lborn son (apr.11,1941) 11-3 Sa1ly Bess Sparr (ntten sue) (i.tov.24,1943--Harold and the stillborn baby vere both born prernaturely. Harold vas born in Berea, dnd Sal1y vas born in Elyria. Myrle and Norman vere divorced, and she ctranged her name to Helen Rose l,IcQuinn. Haroldrs name r,l-as dranged to Donal-d ,Jack, and Sallyts name was dtanged to Ellen Sue. Helen vas married a second timer on Aug.29rl947, in Covington, Kentuclqrr to William Leroy Pitcher. firey tnd three children, all born pranaturely: 11-4 Billy Roy Pitctrer (ocu.29,L948) 11-5 Kenneth Glenn Pitcher (ffi.2,L949) 11-6 Irene Faye Pitcher (Mar.24,1952--t"lay L5,1952) Age 1 mo. Bi11y r.ras stillborn, and Kenneth lived only a couple of hours. frene died in a hospital in Houston, Texas. Billy was born in Geneva, Ohio; Kenneth in Painesville, Ohio; and Irene in Houston. Helen and Willialn vere later divorced. Helen trad another prernatur€ sorlr born in Prescott, Arizona: Ll-7 Charles Daniel McQuinn (Pedersen) ('1an.9,1957--- 10 Danny, Helen had a set of tv'ins. Prernaturely born at home, they r+ere both stillborn. Helen had nine drildren altogether. Helen nas married a third time, on May 1811966, in Ias Vegas, Nerrada, to Leo Alford Pedersen (,Ian.1111915--Apr.13r1978). Leo rlas born in Lincolnr Nebr:aska, the son of Alford Anthony Pedersen and Mina Elizabeth, nee May. Danny was adopted by Leo. Leo died of cancer at the age of 63, in Prescott. He is buried in @nr:ng Cernetery, at Peeples Valleyr Arizona. Helen vas married a fourth time, on Aug.L3rL987, in Congress, Arizona to Roy A1an Austin of Congress. Roy r'ras born in National City, California on Apr.19,L923r the son of Randall Austin and Mabler n€€ Fleming. Roy had six grown ctrildren by a prerrious marriage: Susan Austin, Roy Austin, Scott Austin, Mary Austin, David Austin, and Patti Austin. Helen and Roy sti1l live in Congress, Arizona. Mter 11 (Second Generation) in Cleveland, Ohio in 1925. He vas married @z,toE1izabethSe11ers(ttay22,1g21-__).Tney 21 Dale Er-win Otterson r+as born one son: 1n had 211 Donald DaIe Otterson (ltar.7,l948--Apr.14,1977) Age 29 Dale and Betty were divorced in or near Los Angeles, California sometime after 1964. DaIe norv lives in Nashville, Tennessee. Z?,lemes ltli1lard otterson was born in otmsted Fa1ls, ohio in 1927. He lras married in Sa1t, Lake City, Utah, by ,Iudge ,-Tohn Harter, on May B ,lg4}, to Ann Elizabeth sperber scherrer. she vas born in Dortmund Horde, Germany Mar.l,l92L, the daughter of Paul Sperber and Anna, nee Wolem, both of whom rrere born in Westfalen (Westphal-ia), Germany. Ann had two brothers and a sister: Karl, He1en, and August. Annrs marriage to Jim was her second. Her first husband vas Russell 'fohn Scherrer, whom she married Oct.1911939, in Buffalo, New York. Ann and Russell were divorced Apr.23,7948, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Jim and Aru: adopted tno sons in Seattle, Washington: 221 ,James Paul Otterson (Feb.17r1955-222 Robrt Hugh otterson (1tar.29,1957--,fim and Ann vere eventual-Ly divorced. Jim Otterson l.ras married a second time, in Houston, Te>ras, on Nov.BrLg76, to Barbara Diane sperber. she r.ras born in oklahoma city, oklahoma, on May 911953, the daughter of Karl Paul Sperber and Catherine Mary, nee Bernatt. Barbara had two yormger sisters: Virginia, and Carol. Jim and Barbara have tvo sons, both born in Renton, Washington: 223 Jolvt Michael Otterson (eu9.23,1979-224 l"taLLhew A11en Otterson (l,tar. 4,1986--fley live in Auburn, Washington (between Seattle and Taccnra). f SrGLuti 23 Myrle*s#ele-Otterson was born in Olmsted Fal1s, Ohio, f,,qr1929. She was rk on ocL.26,7946, to Robert **B Sehl (May 25,1924-). He was born in the State of New York, the son of Robert Seh1. fhey tnd five drildren: 231 Diane Loretta Sehl- (Apr.5,1947--232 Karen Joanne Sehl (Feb.4,1949-233 I'lalare Douglas Sehl (Sept.2,1952-234 Scott Braciy Sehrl (SepL.A,l95B-- /F,,.i--\ uwrrrr'' 235 Bonnie ,Joyce Sehl (Sept.4,1958-- \ They live in Cheektowaga, Nev York, near Buffalo. 24 Clarence David .fenkins lras born in Berea, Ohio in 1940. He was married Cteelctowaga, NeIr'York on Sept.2l,L96B, to Barbara Frances Osrnola (t'tov.2L,l944--- ). They had tlo sons: 241 David Francis ,fenkins (trlov.25,lg9i--242 Deniel Ralmond ,Jenkins (Jan.26,l9B5-- in in Berea, Ohio in 1932. He was married on sseel Elsenius. Louise was born in Oakland, California on Feb.L6,L937, the daughter of Albert Martin Elsenius and Louise Rosseelr D€€ Hart. Sherm and Iouise had. tvo sons, both born in Oakland: 311 Steven Stanley Bielfelt (l{Ey 2,1963-312 Edward Albert BielfeLt (ttov.26,7965--Dec.20,1985) age 20 They live in Scnoma, California, north of San Francisco. 31 Sherman Wairne Bielfelt r.ras born r2 32 Nancv Ellen Bielfelt was born in Berea, Ohio in 1933. She r.ras married in Arizona to Donald Sparm, and they trad one son, born in Arizona: 321 Tracy Alan Spann (Sept.25,1962-They live in Phoenix, Arizona. 33 in was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1959. She vas married California, at Norton Air Force Base, on Feb.27,l9BB, Lo laurel Louise Bielfelt San Bernardino, Bmce Taft. 34 KevinJav Bielfelt rvas born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1960. He was married in Terpe, Arizona, at the Tenpe Church of the Nazarene, on Feb.L4rL987, toLauren Ann Norman. Iauren las the daughter of Robert M. Norman. Kevin and Lauren live in Chandler, Arizona, near Phoenix. 35 Lawrence David Bielfelt was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1963. ******* 51 Bruce Har:rey Bielfelt r+as born in Berea, Ohio in 1949. He rras married in Maryland on July 9rL977, to JoAnne l,farie Houska. JoAnne was born in Baltimore, Maryland on Feb.9,1951, the daughter of Henry 'fohn Houska and Lois Marie, nee Dr:ncan. Bruce and JoAnne have three children: 511 Brittany Paiqe Bielfelt (Sept.6,l97B-512 Dane Ctrristian Bielfelt (Jan.19,1981-513 Drer,i Alexander Bielfelt (oct.30,1984-fley live in Alpharettar Georgia, near Atlanta. 81 Carol Jean Axford lras born in Elyria, Ohio in 7947. She was married at Fort Rucl<er, Alabama on June 311966, to Richard Anthony Thomas Campanalie. Richard rvas bornNov.13,7946, the adopted son of Eugene Campanalie (his natural father's name lias Malenoski). Carol and Ridrard had tno children, both born in Cleveland: 811 Theresa Mictrele Campanalie (Sept.4,1969-812 Erik David Canpanalie (Jr:ne 22,7971--_ Carol and Rictrard were later divorced. Carol married a second time, at the CuyahoEa County Court House, in Cl-eveland on Jwre Lltl976, to Henry (Hank) Ifatowitz. Carol and Hank were divorced in August of 7979. Carol lives in Fairvier+ Park, Ohio. 82 Clifford,fames Axford r.ras born in Berea, Ohio in 1949. He iras married in 1969, to.fannette ldarie Burrows, and they had no children. Cliff andJan were divorced in L972. Cliff vas married a second time, at Elyria Court House, in E1yria, Ohio, on Nov.22,1974, to Karen Virginia Pugh. Karen was born Aug.9rl954, in Croswille, Tennessee, the dar:ghter of ,foseph lee Pugh Sr. and LilLian Virginia, Karen was the youngest of seven drildren: Joan, Joseph, Howard, nee [er. Charlesr Esther, l4yrt1e, and (Xaren). Karen alreadyhad a daughter, born in Bay VilJage, Ohio, that Cliff later adopted: 821 Virginia Kay Axford (oec.12,19'72-C1iff and Karen had three daughters: 822 Wendy ,fo Axford (Jan.76,1976-823 Angela Denise Axford (May 16 tl979-824 Candace Rae Axford (Oec.3,1979-They live in Crossrille, Tennessee- i3 83 Laverne Joyce LxforC was born in Berea, Ohio in f 953. She r',as ma:rit:.j :1L i:.1',;: Colunbj.a Roaci Baptj.si Church, in Norbh Olrnsted, on Airg .23 ,i97i, Lc Da..-ij !-l',-.::.'.1 lioit. Dave was born in Cler,'el-:.rr-i, crir .iu3.?a,19,19, Ll'e sr:t s,5 Flh,--r:i ::i',' -l''l l Dol-ores (rnaiclen nane u'rkncrun). ile ;.-L:; f,lpdr:nr:i-y -:ll Ol ir', C;,1i-. L..l'\'::;l:::'..-. had titree chiliren: 831 Jason Jerome tiolt (Uay 6,i980-832 Adam Alan riolt (.rury 29,1983--833 Samantha Su Holt (Feb.12,1985--They live in Ferris, Texas, south of Dallas. Da'v'e 9L Arijtur Ja:res Sr-ri;ver Bielfelt iras Dorrl iii CleveLa:-Lj, O'i1io in 194i. He i,ES marrieC aL St,. Christ.ine's Catholic Church in EuciiC, Ohio, on Sept.5,1964, to Ilarylyn Gail Skully. Marylyn was born Feb.7,1946, the daughter of Blage Louis Skully anC Pau1a Marie, nee Bojac)<. i'farylyn had an older brother, Blase James Skully. Art, and Marylyn had two daughters, both born in Cleveland: 911 Paula Marie Bielfelt (mov.22,1966--912 Marla Christine Bielfelt (ttar.1,1969-They live in Mentor, Ohio. 92 Georle Thornas Bielfelt iras born in Cleveiand, Ohio in 1943. He rras marrieC in Cleveland in June of 1961, to Maris Lynn Zingale ( 1944-45---about Jut_y 31, 1983). She was the daughter of Harry Zingale and i'Iary ( tast name r.rnknolrn) . George and Maris haC one son, probably born in Euclid, Ohio: 921 George T'ironas Biel-feit, Jr. (oct. 16, 1961---ocr. 26,t965) Age 4 George divorced Maris sometime betr+een May of 1963 and June of 1964. George rras married a second time, on June 8,L961, to Renee Fiscus, maiden narne Romano. Renee was divorced r,rith five children from her previous marrj.age to Harry Fiscus: Annette Fiscus (about, 1950 ?--922 Harry Fiscus (name changed to Jim Bi-elfelt) (about 1952 ?--923 Iris Fiscus (Bielfelt) (about 1954 ?--924 Huey Fiscus (eierrett) (about 1956 ?--925 Lauren Fiscus (gietrert) (about 1959 ?--George adopted the last four. Renee was about 15 years older than George. George and Renee had one son, probably born in Euclid: 926 George Thornas Bielfelt, Jr. (fen.24,1965-George divorced Renee Mar.29,L984. George.rras marrieC a thirC time, on Dec.13r19B5, to Julie Alfonso, maiden name I'Iahler. Julie r+-as born about 1950, the daughter of Wif liam C. I'Iahler. Julie '..ras divorced rsith three children from her previous marriage to Donald Alfonso: Dina Alfonso (June 26,1972-1973-74--Frank Arfonso ( Jennifer Alfonso (lan.B,1978-- They live in Mentor, 93 Euqene CarI Bielfelt. Bielefeld. Ohio. Bielfelt was born in Cleveland, ohio in 1948, a twin of Janice to live in Germany and Germanized his name to Eugen Karl Gene went 94 Janice Laverne Bielfelt was born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1948, a twin of.Eugene Bielfelt. She never married. She lives in orovil1e, California. '14 ' 10-1 Richard Allen Bielfelt was born lives in North Ridgeville, Ohio. in E1yria, Ohio in 1943. He never married. He 10-2 Donald Edrrard Bielfelt r+as born in Elyria, Ohio in 1946. He was marrieC in El Cerrito, California on Dec.30,1965, to Diane Shire. Diane was born on Oct.28,1945, the daughter of John Shire and Violet (last name unkeovn). Dia:te had an older sister, Eileen. Don and Diane haC Lrqo chilCren: 10-21 Dee Dee Ann Bielfelt (Jan.I9,L967--LA-22 Robert Paul Biei-felt (Jan.lB,1969-They live in Phoenix, Arizona. Bielfelt vas born in Berea, Ohio in 1947. She was marrieC at in North Olmsted, Ohio, on JuIy 20,1964, to AnCrer,r Andy was born in ClevelanC, Ohio on Feb.28,1945, the son of 10-3 Roberta Ruth James Eck Jr. AnCrew James Eck anC l-averne Florence, nee Schmot,zer. Berta anC Andy ha-l children, aIl born in Berea: 10-31 Parneia Jane Ecl< (feU.23,1965-10-32 Tnomas A11en Eck (Ju1y 13,1967--1,0-33 David AnCre-'; 3c].; (Oct.25,1971--They live in North RiCaeville, Ohio. threr 10-4 Sharon Eileen Bielfelt was born in Berea, Ohio in 1949. She rv-as married in 1975, tc Kenneth Mullins. They had one daughter: 10-41 Jennifer Anne Mullins (oct.5,L976--Stnron and Ken rvere divorced. Sharon lives in Olmsted Township, Ohio. was born in Berea, Ohio in 1955. She lras married at in North Ol'nsted, Ohio, on Aug.lO,1974, to Douglas Smith. He r,as born in Lakewood, Ohio. Barbara and Douglas had three 1O-5 Barbara Jean Ascffi Graham Bielfelt children: 10-51 Dawn Heather Smith (uay f0 tt975-10-52 Christa Anne Smith (Nov.27 ,1976--10-53 Andrew Douglas Smith (ttov.3,1979-Barbara and Douglas were divorced in December of 1981. Barbara was marrieC a second time, in Berea, on Dec.18r19B7, to Jeffrey Leonard Centanni. They live in Nort}-r Ridgeville, Ohio. was born in Berea, Ohio in 1956. She was married at inNortho1mSted,ohio,onAug.2,l974,toDavidVernolt Allen. DaviC was born Nov.1911955, the son of Vernon A1len and Bettyr oee Wopeika. David was the second of three sons: Richard, (David), and RonalC. 10-6 BeverlI Anne Bielfelt Beverly and David had two sons: 10-61 Daniel Joseph A11en (,lune L,1919-70-62 Rory DaviC A1len (,lune 21,L980-They live in Wooster, Ohio. 10-7 Ravmond Charles Bietfelt was born in Berea, Ohio in 1959. He was marriej trinity Lutheran Church in Orlando, Florida, on Aug.14,L9B2, to l.,Iarilyn Louise Heins. I.,larilyn r.ras born in Orlando on June 21,1954, the daughter of i',]::r Henry Heins and Catherine Margaret, nee Littmann. I,larilyn was the yotrngest of three children: David CarI, .feanne Kathryn, dnd (ttarifyn). Ray and I'(arilyn na:J aC three children: 10-71 Brian John Bietrert (MaY 2L,L9B3--- Bielfelt (Mar. 12,1986--10-73 Timothy Bielfelt (aug. 13, 1987--They live in Orlando, Florida. L0-72 Megan 15 ******* 11-1 Harotd Philip Sparr was born in Berea, Ohio in 1938. His name was changed Donald Jack Pitaher. He uas married May 2,1959, to Janet Lea Richard. They were divorced for a short time in 1912, and then remarried to each other again. Don and Janet had four dtildren: 11-11 Brain Raymond Pitcher (oct.9,1966--1L-12 Karen Sue Pitcher (AueI.1,1968-11-13 ,Iennifer Lynn Pitcher (apr.28,L973-11-14 Amanda ilean Pitcher (Feb.10,1975-Tkey live in Phoenix, Arizona. to 11-2 Saltv Bess Sparr rv'as born in Elyria) Of,io in 1943. Her name w.as changed to Ellen Sue Pitcher. She vas married in Medina, Ohio on July 16,1960, to ,fohn Alexander (Jack) de Luna. Jack was born in lakewood, Ohio on Nov.9,1942, the El-Ien and,fack had three son of George S. de Lr:na and Jean, nee Littlefield. children: 11-21 Sandra Jean de Luna (oec.20,1960-Ll-22 Alexander George de Lr:na (reu.74,7967--Ll-23 Andrew John de Luna (Jan.7,1969-Ellen rllas divorced from Jack in December of 1979. She then married Thomas Conrad Begush on Apr.1,1980. ElLen and Tom had a son: Ll-24 Thomas John Begnrsh (Apr.12,1981--- to Roswell, Georgia, 1n 1989 Mc{uinn lns born in Prescott, Arizona in 7957. He was - 11-7 Charles Danielwas adopted by his stepfather, Leo Pedersen. Danny was caftea Dannyr and married in Wickenb*g, Arizona on,July 24,19'75, to Debra Ann Hearn. TLrey had no ctrildren and were later divorced. Danny Pedersen was then married a second time, to Debra Rae Brown. Dan and They moved Deb had a son: L1-7L ,John Edmund Pedersen (aug.Ll,1982-They live in Wickenb*g, Arizona. 16 (ThirC Generation) 211 DoOald Dale Otterson (1948-1977) vas married Sept.2,1969, to Pettie name unlfllown). fhey had I daughter, born in California: Dawn Heather Otterson (Juty 19,1971--This marriage vas annulled in California when they brok€ upr as Pettiers previous divorce rras not final when she and Donny were married. Don r,ras killeC in a motorcycle accident on Easter Sunday 1977. f21 James Pqql Otterqon \ras the adopted son of 1221 James WilLard Otterson. riedatseaLt,te,Washingt,ononSept.14,19B4,toa Philippino girl named Jessica (last name believed to be Pimenta). Tlrey live in Spokane, Washington. 222 Robert Huqh Otterson vas the adopted son of [22] James Willard born in 1957. He lives in Seattle, Washington. Otterson. He ruas 223 Joln Michael Otterson vas born 224 I'laLLhew Allen Otterson at Valley was born General Hospital at Valley in General Hospital Renton, in Renton, 231 Diane Loretta Seh]- was born in Buffalo, New York in 1947. She was married - in Buffalo on JuIy 31,1965, to Ctifford John Moorhouse. Clifford was born AnS.22,7945. 232 Karen Joanne Sehl u.as born in Cheektot'aga, Netr York in 1949. She rv-as @onJune27,lg74,toRodneyDuaneRau1s.Rodneyi.rasborn Feb.24,1947. Karen and Rodney had trro sons, both born in New York State: Eric Mathew Rauls (fef.5,7977--Brian Miclrael Rauls (reu. 24,l99l--233 Wayne Douqlas Seh]- was born in Cheektowaga, Net'r York in L952. He ruas married at Most Holy Redeemer Churdr in Cheektowaga, NewYork on Au9.6,1977, to Janice Irene Kubicki. She was the daughter of Chester E. Kubicki. Walme and Janice had a daughter: Jennifer Lauren Sehr (l'{ar.9r1980-- 234 Scott Bradv Sehl vas born Bonnie Sehl. in Cheektowaga, Netr York in 1958, a twin to 235 Bonnie Jovce Seh]. nas born in Cheektowaga, New Yori< in i958, She was married Sept.5r1987, to Daniel Wese1ak. Scott Sehl. 241 David Francis Jenkins was born in 242 Daniel Raymond Jenkins was born in a tr,rin to 1981. 1985 in Oakland, California in 1963. Called VaIleYr California. 311 Steven gqa44y_Bie1fe.L!. vas born 312 Edvard Albert Biel-felt (1965-1985) uas born in oakland, carifornia' Ec dieci l7 321 Tracy Alan Spann was born 511 in Arizona in Brittanv Paiqe Bielfelt ms born in 512 Dane 1962. Colurubus, Ohio in 1978. Ctrristian Bielfelt las born in Tucker, Georgia in 513 Drew Alexander Bielfelt rv-as born in T[cker, Georgia in 1984. 811 Theresa Michele Campanalie was born in Cleve1and, Ohio 812 Erik David Campanalie vas born in Cleveland, Ohio in 821 Virqinia Kav A"xford was 1981. in 1969. 1971. the adopted daughter of [82] Cfiff Axford. born in Bay Vi1lage, Ohio in 1972. 822 Wenqljq_rlEqord rras born in C1eveland, Ohio 823 Anqela Denise Axford r+as born 824 Candace Rae Axford was born 831 .fason Jerome Holt vas born 832 AdAm AIa4 - Holt 833 Samantha Su was born in Inring, in lrving, Christine Bielfelt 921 Georqe Thomas defective heart. 1979. 1980. 1983. in Cteveland, Ohio in was born Bielfelt Jr. in in in 1985. 911 Paula I'{arie Bie1fe1t was born 912 l,{arla Texas 1978. Tennessee Texas r,ras 1976. in Cleveland, Ohio in in Croswille, Holt vas born in in She 1966. in Cleveland, Ohio in (1961-1965) died 1969.' just after his 4th birthday of 922 Harry Fiscus Bielfelt was the adopted son of [gZ] eeorge Bieffielt. He changed his name to Jim Bielfelt, but is cormnonly ca11ed Gig. He has been married and divorced. He has at least one chilC, maybe more. 923 Iris Fiscus Bielfelt was the adopteC daughter Iive in Tecas ot l92l Ceorge Bielfelt. She 924 Huev Fiscus BietEelt vas the adopted son of [gZ] Ceorge Bielfelt. He has besr married and divorced. He sometimes uses his original name, Hugh Fiscus. 925 Lauren Fiscus Bielfelt, was the adopted daughter of 192] C,eorge Bielfe1t.. d, and they had at ieast one child, miybe more. 926 Georqe Tlrcmas Bielfelt 'Jr. (2nd) rvas born in 1965. He vas supposed to have besr married in CleveLand, Ohio on.Jan.5r1985, to Penny (last name unlcrovn). They tnve a daughter: Brittany Bielfelt (Sept.19,1986--- a 18 10-21 Dee Dee Ann Bielfelt was born in Clevetand, Ohio in 1967. Jackson. They had a Jef frey Midrael Jackson (t'tar. 14, 1987--Dee Dee nas divorced from Kenneth in 1987. She vas marrieC son: \9-22 Robert Paul Bielfelt vas born in Berea, Ohio in 1969. 1tQ-31 Pamela 'Jane Eck was born in Berea, Ohio in 1965. She r,as married at Christ the King Lutheran Churdr in North Olmsted, Ohio on Mar.5,1983, to James Michaet. Case. ,James was the son of Robert Case, and he had three younger sist,ers. pam and James had a daughter, born at Carp Lejeune, Jacksonville, No:th CaroLina: Kristen Marie Case (Aug.4,L9B3-Pam and James were divorced in 1987. Pam had another son: Joshua Carlin Case (July 27,1988--- 10-32 Tlromas A11en Eck was born in Berea, Ohio in 1967. He was married A19.5,1989, to Marky Lewis. She vas born at E1yria Memorial Hospital in Etyria, Ohio on Sept.27,1969. 10-33 David Andrew Eck was born 10-41 Jennifer Anne Mullins 10-51 Dawn Heather Smith in Berea, Ohio in las born in r,i-as in 10-53 Andrer,r Douqlas Smith was born 10-61 Daniel Joseph Al1en vas born 10-62 Rory David Al1en was born 10-72 Meqan Bielfelt Bielfe1t 10-73 Timothv rsas Bielfel-t was Havre de Grace, Maryland in HeidelberE, Germany in Wooster, Ohio in in Wooster, Ohio in in in 1976. 1979. 1979. 1980. 1983. 1986. born in 1987. 11-11 Blaine Ravmond Pitcherwas born 11-12 Karen Sue Pitcher vas 1976. born in Orlando, Elorida in born in was Virginia in born at Fort Hood, Texas in 1975. 10-52 Christa Anne Smith was born 10-71 Brian John tr^lest 1974. born.in in Massachusetts in 1968. 11-13 ,Jennifer Lvnn Pitcher was born in Arizona in 1973. 11-14 Amanda Jean Pitcher r.ras born in Arizona in 1975. 11-21 Sandra Jean de Luna vas born in Medina, Ohio in 11-22 Alexander Georqe de Luna was born in She She 1982. is calleC Jenny. is called 1960. in Medina, Ohio in 11-23 Andrew 'John de Luna was born in 1969 11-24 Ttrcnras John Becrush was born in Ohio in 1981. 11-71 John E&nund Pedersen was born 1966. 1967. l,,landy.