OO FEDERAL BUREAU OF FREEDOM OF INVESTIGATION INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: TUPAC SHAKUR FEDERALOF BUREAU INVESTICQION FOIPA DELETED PAGE Serial Description Total Deleted Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page ~ Page s! Duplicate -| Duplicate ~ Duplicate ~ Duplicate ~ Duplicate ~ Duplicate ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -I ~ -: ~ 4-: ~ ~ Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate Duplicate b7C b7C "COVER "28 INFORMATION SHEET SHEET O1/03/1997 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECTT O FILE NUMBER Tupap _S11:;kyr___ ii I _ __ 266A-OLA-2Q1_8Q74 VI-IQ! __ _ _ _ _ SECTION NUMBER: _,7 _1_ _ _ _ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 2/3:/1995! FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 01/03/1997 4/{oz FBIHeadquarters Attn: From! Los NSD, CT Branch, DTS, DTOU Angeles NSD~6 ApprovedI By: I Drafted By:mpbh }I92'I'I'M' Case ID #= 266A-LA-2o1so7,¬3 I - ECEASED!; _ ERIC WRIGHT,AKA EAZY~E VICTIMDECEASED!; WC AOT DT DEATH THREATS 00; LOS ANGELES ARMED AND synopsis: Status of investigation DANGEROUS and request for extension to PI. Previous Title: |_| ET AL; TUPAC SHAKUR VICTIM EAZY-E VICTIM DECEASED!; DECEASED!; ACT-DT-DEATH THREATS; O02 LOS ANGELE$ Preliminary Inquiry Initiated: 10/1'7/1996, set to expire 01/17/1995. Enclosures: One Memorandum, dated Details: original and 01/O3/1997. Title marked five copies changed to of a reflect the Letterhead true name of EAZY-E. copies of contains the Enclosed for aLetterhead current the Bureau are one original and Memorandum, dated O1/03/1997, which status of captioned matter. five b2 b7D b7C ALL llroammon uonulm I anus rs UNOLABSIFID oATzJ§ Lm m @ at$353 E? ~ To: FBI Headquarters From: Los Angeles Re: 266A LA~201807, 01/03/1997 b7D b Several leads regarding captioned interviews of remain outstanding matter. Los witnesses and at Los Angeles Angeles anticipates victims. Several several LAFO files need to be reviewed for background information onE::::::kherein he is referenced, to include the following files: f blc7C 12-61-0 26-66697 87-473 92-6836 179-914 183-1734 b3 b7C b7C b7D It is extended thirty requested that days as this Preliminary aresult of pending ARMD AND'DANGEROUS 2 Investigation be investigation. ALLawoaxnmn oouuum W In92 ux 4,¢~:v:2»W-mu-nv 1% uncuastrlir oArsJi4Lm @ 1;K353?! . .1 i~'L7 _¢{l5l_.; mZ; _ '_:__ ' _~~_ __ _ '_y i_ ' -1: ~ _ 2.-:1 r-="=r>-_"-2'1. 15"" d'~ " Lesf=.1 -Si ........_....=filenumberMm I ,.. .- .-.._>.... . _ ~.»-- . , __,..-..-._.__,__-,,..... .,_,._._ _,,-.~.-.~_.._,.,_,~...._.-_,,_______ ___,_ ...,~ __ _ _,_ ___ --- f - ~_ 92 ,... 4.. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION COMMUNICATION MESSAGE FORM 0-93 Rev.01/25/91! TRANSMIT ii ./= VIA: PRECEDENCE: CLASSIFICATION: E] Immediate CI TOP SECRET Tbkqpe DATE: L/LH/1? LPAGE or FM DIRECTOR TO FBI LOS U Priority SECRET IX! Routme CONFIDENTIAL UNCLAS E 1 UNCLAS E , ~ F T0 FBI bbA~LA-E0160?!/ROUTINE/ ANGELEX b"/C BT UNCLAS CITE: //D51Il// .921 -_ /V, SUBJECT: N1 DECEASEDH DEATH I?ETAL;TUPAC JSHAKUR VICTIN ERIC THREATS? REFERENCE O0: PI LOS LOS PRELININARY 1|/1|?/ T71 9292IRIGHT~|AKA EAZY-E VICTIN TO EXTENDED IS EXTENDED AOT-DT- ANGELES- ANGELES INQUIRY DECEASEDH EC PI! DATED 11/3/ I7. INITIATED TO EXPIRE LU/L?/ I71 ON E/lb/ J7. FOR A 30-DAY PERIOD TO ALLOU ADDITIONAL TIME FOR L08ANGELES T0DETERMINE wnhuza suaazcw |:|AN» ownsARE ENGAGED IN AND/OR *E POLITICAL AE I NOTE: Copy Designati ApprovedBy _ MRI/JUL 3 Transmitted CRIMINAL ACTIVITY GOALS. IN DURING FURTHERANCE THIS OF THEIR INVESTIGATIVE SOCIAL PERIOD-| LOX 5_>92 /-' .,'"-r.'.4~ I/I ~ "-L3 $3 *******¥' FOR COMM CENTER uszONLY ******* W Are On The Last Page Of This Teletype!!! ,_ ,_L__, _ O 7/JAN 3 1%I997 ISN ALL xnroaurxml oolrnnua HIHIII I8 UNCLASSIFIID A @m_1.~.s==;:92:,[email protected]§.P c~rs 0-93A Rev.ouzs/91! DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION COMWHHHCATKHTNH%SAGEFURh[ PAGE E UNCLAS ANGELES SHOULD ATTEMPT To DETERMINE ACTIVITY BEING CONDUCTED BE FINANCIAL BACKING FINANCIAL GAIN. IF LOS FOR THEIR ANGELES DESIRES UHETHER EXTORTIONATE me mo OTHERS IS ToPROVIDE ORGANIZATION FURTHER THE oa IS EXTENSION ONLY OF FOR PERSONAL THIS PI A REQUEST FORSUEH EXTENSION SHOULD BESUBMITTED T0 THEDOMESTIC TERRORISM DATE. BT //// OPERATIONS UNIT1 FBIH01 PRIOR TO THE E /lb/ I? EXPIRATION DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE ' 0»93B Rev.01/2s/91! FEDERAL BUREAU OF lNVES'l'IGA'I'lON COMMUNICATION MESSAGE FORM PAGE 3 !,d?.!11_N 15 lflél IJLF- ?|92L<l_'|j l TIL K l-,5 E _C_° U N11! NOTE! THIS TELETYPE AUTHORIZES A PITHIS IS THE FIRST EXTENSION 3U DAY OF THIS EXTENSION PI. OF CAPTIONED 92 Draftegi av:@=+;,jg _Room/TL n:1.1m]. Phon_e,No=_ COPY DESI6NATIONS= rw L - MR. -L - MRI 1. - HR. b7 ~ cm-?r=v. . '-a=-*~'=*-=8-'.~' -WEE ' ' c=;-.~1.m.:.».1q. Lear-WI -S *"a" ,. 9.-,-J» !:;.:i:-?»za!_ _.. ii _--:. '-""$?"P15*41 "" -~ ¢,L=, vi.-esmr ____...? i-Fm --_.-_--_._ vii &f:r.g..i=.f!s. hi-:92;.}-~.§. _ _,..__,._ Tf2-" --"-f}_...._.__- D¢¢utyL f:"::!=:r _I::s;=.:=:1ier:,,__._...._ ass Rev.01/25/91! DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION COMMUNICATION MESSAGE FORM TRANSMIT VIA: . PRECEDENCE: Teletype CLASSIFICATION: E1 Immediate TOP sncmvr Priority DATE-=3/1- V [3 *7 SECRET Routine CONFIDENTIAL 1: FT UNCLAS 1. PAGE OF 2 0 UNCLAS FH DIRECTOR FBI T0 FBI L08 by. ANGELES ET=bA~LA-BULBS?!/PRIORITY/ B1 UNCLAS CITE: A //D5 +]|// 0/ SUBJECT: I 7 DECEASED!% DEATH ERIC URIGHT1 THREATS% 00: L08 REFERENCE L08 PI IS EXTENDED - VICTIM DECEASED!% AOT~DT- ANGELES. INQUIRY EXTENDED T0 E/LE/371 AKA EAZY-E ANGELES PRELIMINARY |ET AL-'92 TUPAC SHAKUR - VICTIN J EC PI! DATED E/LE/5?. INITIATED LU/1?/R51 T0 EXPIRE ON 3/16/17- FOR THIRTY DAYS T0 ALLOW TIME T0 RECEIVERESPONSES T0 0UTSTANDING LEADSAND T0 FOR L08 ANGELES DETERMINE WHETHER THE EXTORTIONATE ACTIVITIES OF SUBJECTARE IN FLTRTHERANCE ,10aw1»/9 - 2.0/XD7»//7 II: I 7 IE E IE I ' IE I néa stnFORVCOMM CII;N'fEREU51§C usazsz !NLy NOTE: Copy Designations re On The Last Page Of This Teletype!!! 13713 Approved By _ __ MRI/JUL ISN Trmmilie cZ9'7§Z__._f§B I 8 I997-ALL zlroalurron Oonrgmm , HIHIII IS INCL-A8$ITI@ vm- 1-J9_.§J_' _ n 0-93A Rev.oms/91! DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL.BUREAIIOFINVEFUCMJTON CONHHHUCATUMWNESSAGEFORMI PAGE E UNCLAS OF THE SOCIAL AND/OR POLITICAL GOALS OF THE JEUISH DEFENSE LEAGUE. IF REQUEST LOS ANGELES FOR SUCH OPERATIONS BT //// UNIT1 DESIRES EXTENSION FBIHQ1 A FURTHER MUST PRIOR REACH EXTENSION OF THIS THE TERRORISM TO THE 3/L8/R? DOMESTIC EXPIRATION PI1 DATE. A 0-93B Rev.01/25/91! DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION COMMUNICATION MESSAGE FORM PAGE 3 AD I_N_I§TRAT,'[_Y§ NOTE/TIC_KL._EK_ COUNT? NOTE: THIS TELETYPE AUTHORIZES A 3D-DAY EXTENSION OF PI. THIS IS THE SECOND EXTENSION OF THIS PI. CAPTIONED Qy~a§te_d__B3¢; __TJ_61j'.j_g Room/TL n=_1,S1,1a1.__ __Pij1o_n,e_No: :| cop? DESIGNATIONS: 192-NR]1~l'1R- h"/C »u <11 1 ,,,._._ __ =_:Hr'."_... ,_ _-.. L .»~ A! .Q? ' FD-36 Rcv. 3-29.35 ! 0:11 :4_1=k;;r*=l14c>:>t:= Us . ~ FBI TRAYSNIIT VIA! l"l' ASSIFICATION: TOP SECRET "YEDENCE: [X] Temypg -E; s,-mediate El Facsimile I1-iority U U Ru-.:ll'll2 SECRET CONFIDENTIAL UNCLAS EFT O UNCLAS nm__3/1'1/9? ,1 L23 ' FM FBI LOS ANGELES 66A~LA~201807!_ P! To nzascwon FBIIROUTINEI BT UNCLAS - b7C CITE: //341o=nsn»6// PASS: FBIHQ _ FOR NSD, CT BRANCH, DT SECTION, DTOU. SUBJECT: I DECE..%ED!: ERIC P" urn l ET AL; TUPAC saaxun -vxcwzm WRIGHT, AKA THREATS; oo= EAZY-E TT DATED PRELIMINARY INQUIRY 02/1a/91. PI! INITIATED "-.6/9'7, EXTENDEDTO 3/18/97. ON O3/18/97. BUREAU, CAPTIONED ALL IQWQTHI DATE. ll! I SUNCLASSIFI- »m.s.-.a.~.u_ mwaw.%w Approved:_O Jr Time Received: MRI/JULIAN 1 ' {~¬A 1'TEIR EXPIRED CONDUCTED NO INVESTIGATION THE; EXPIRATION B$!I 10/'17/95,TO EXPIRE! ' OF THE LOS ANGELES CONDUCTED AFTER AO I - nos ANGELES. REFERENCE BUREAU FOR INFORMATION VICTIM DECEASED!; ________O_____ _ __ ___Original Iel19::- _________m ___________________~___ Telpn DATE: FOX DATE8: TIME OF ACCEPTANCE: i WAS Q_ . ~- 0s-.1 0=u¢u¢;».<44»=>:>u I-'.U.J I 92 ! 111- '15 ' ,J1 D_ PAGE 2 yazm, 266A-LA 201807, LOS ANGELES ,1». "._ UNCLAS REQUESTS AN mcwmzsxon TO . TI-IE PI mm TO RECENT xnronmrzon concanmm AN mnxrxom vxc-rm mm2v|:| [:3 '1':-rs ALLEGATION zmnzmwss opsmwxm sBEHALF on 137C or maaswxsa DEFENSE LEAGUEw1-111.12 JDL! smonr1uc|:| mu-o REQUESTS PI mxrmrszon T0 as-r:-mums mzwonwxomws. mrxvrrzss or suacnzcrr SOCIAL AND/OR GOALS OF BT POLITICAL Ana IN THE JDL. WI-iE.'1'l-IER ms runzraazumca or was . I mnawwouunn I I? nErAnJwunn'or1usrunz ' FEDERAL.BUREAU M?D _ PRECEDENCE: EH Tea" - ~ cLAssuncATunm E] hnma mn [3 ITHPSECRET n P m y BA'lV1-/ E= W smcnmr El Routine connmsmmn E F T0 UNCLAS OF 2 UNCLAS FM DIRECTOR T0 FBI LOS ; § 1GATHHi K WN R CATKHiN EAGEIKHMH TRANSMTPWHA: IPAGE 2% FBI ANGELES ELLA-LA-EDIBU?HPRIORITYI BT UNCLAS CITE: //lJ5'lI// SUBJECT:I J lav AL% TUPAC SHAKUR - VICTIM l/ 7/ DE EASED!% nzawu ERIC runzarsa - ~ HRIGHTw AKA EAZY-E oo= L08 - VI TIH AOT-DT- ANGELES. REFERENCE LOS ANGELES cc vars» 3/1?/1?- PRELIMINARY INITIATED IuauIRv znscsasznaa PI! b7 In/I?/Rs. cxrcuncn T0 H/L?/1?. PI Is T0 RECEIVE zxwzunzn RESPONSES FOR THIRTY nnvs T0 oursrannzus WHETHER THE EXTORTIONATE ACTIVITIES TO ALLOH LEADS or TIHE AND T0 suauzcr FOR Lo: ANGELES DETERMINE ARE IN FURTHERANCE a/,#z¢~/a/./4- am/W7~/*/7 I I ' I I I I ¢mn:¬;n-fgi USE' jj92]LY no-lrau NOTE: CopyDesignations Are On The Last PageOf This Teletype!!! Approvedliy r__ ____ Mmunn. __T____442%%§§E%Q§QL lsn~55 mm l _' APB "-* 02mg!mrqannxon , oolnuw ' ' ' --IIIIII I8 UIIGLAISIIID DA'l'I. "'I! -ii-J-I--' 0-93A Rev. 01/25/91! DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAI-BUREAU DNHHTGATHMV COMWHHHCNHONDGEEAGEFDRM PAGE EUNCLAS OF THE SOCIAL AND/OR POLITICAL GOALS OF THE JEUISH DEFENSE LEAGUE. _ - LOS ANGELES EXTENSION LOS ANGELES IS REHINDED OF THIS PI. BT //// AT THE MUST EITHER INVESTIGATION IF THAT THIS END OF CONVERT UARRANTED! OR IS THE THIS INVESTIGATIVE THIS MATTER CLOSE THIS THIRD AND TO A FULL INVESTIGATION. FINAL PERIOD1 DEPARTMENT OF o_-933 am. 01/15/91! JUSTICE FEDERALIHHHHJOFINVESHGATKHJ COMmnH CATRMWh $AGEl uud PAGE 3 AIQINISIKAIIIE NOIE/TI§§LE§ CQQNI: NOTE: THIS TELETYPE AUTHORIZES A 3D-DAY EXTENSION OF PI. THIS IS THE THIRD AND FINAL EXTENSION OF THIS CAPTIONED PI. 1LU! .9.!i EH_]'_92L£LL1l.9I ___R00lI/TL Ji Ill?!! ___Ph9n.§* NW COPY 1- DESIGNATIONS "R- I' "R- =b7C | I 7'-/I 0052 nu: 00390 Q! RUCNFB as FBILA #0000 J TRASF 0010027 zwa uuuuu 20100212 APR 07 :1 F81 LBSANGELES 9226EA-LA-Z0180?! 1?! 13 ornscrun 0T FSIIRUUTINEI I' uv uns c112: //3~1o=ws0-0/1 Ph$S: FBIHU . FUR N500 CT BRANCH; UT SECTION; DTOU- | FTAL;TUPAC JHAKUR ~ VICTIH SJBJECT: N DECEASED!?ERIC HEIGHT; AKA ElZY E DT DEATH THREATS? OD! LBS VICTIM lDECEl$EDli ADI- ANGELE$b7C REFERENCEBUREAUTT DATED PRELIHINQRY 2/16/971 INQUIQY INITIATED - _ 10/17/969 TD EXPIRE UN EXTENDED TU 3/18/97- FDR INFORMATION UN 03/18/97. PI! 02/18/97. LOS UF THE ANGELES BUREAU; CONDUCTED MD CIPTIUNED MATTER INVESTIGATION EXPIRED AFTER THE exwlnnvzow oats. . 7//9 ALLIIIWIIIIGIOUIIAIID mu: ta uncusamm varz£M4Lng * U..v..., -Q; -j I > PAGE THO DE FBTLA 0006 QNCLAS T LOSANGEL-ES REQUESTS AN EXTENSION TD THE PI DUETD RECENT INFORMATION CJNCERNING an Aanxnnu-A_ vxcnn NAHED :|ma ALLEGATIDN InP|.ICATE$ ovsanlus S on BEHALF b /C OFTHE JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE_lJDL} alrULE EXTORTING: LAFU REQUESTS 9! EXTENSION TU DETERMINE WHETHER THE EKTURTTUVATE QCTIVITIES OFSUBJECT ARE IN FURTHERANCE OFTHE SEJCIAL ANOIOR BI #9006 NNNN POLITICAL GUQLS OF THE JDL. 2/31/1995! i - I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE To: /FBI Date: 09/22/1997 Headquarters Attn: NSD, CT BRANCH. DTOU Birmingham Boston Cincinnati Dallas Indianapolis Las Vegas New York San Diego ' San Francisco Attn: Santa Rosa RA Seattle Los Angeles FrOm: NSD-6 Contact: SA I *===fs=*lilml-=>bh BY= ** ? Case ID #= '266A-LA-201807 ~--T" " Title: | _AOT-DT-DEATH THREATS;' _ OO: LOS ANGELES Synopsis: Request for subscriber Previous Title:| checks. I I TUPAC SHAKUR -VICTIM DECEASED!; EAZY-E VICTIM DECEASED!; _bqp AOT DT DEATH THREATS; .- O0: LOS ANGELES Full Field Investigation Instituted: Details: For 1996, Fi d information of apreliminary a group of i " ' 04/15/1997. receiving offices, inquiry PI! was initiated on October at Los ocorroborate source information t 17, Angeles known organized crime figure, -along with a unidentified individuals were utilizing death threats in the furtherance of extortion attempts targeted towards two former prominent rap musicians from the Los Angeles area and other victims yet unidentified. ' 92" re orted that 92 kb7D I 1 92 92 4 | ALL IIIORIATIOI ooummco 92 .1 uzuum-I xs mvmssrrzm !_>1*-'1. i':_.l-Q.'.l..'. t .§.i:...,,;>&# ' To: FBI Headquarters From: R92 266A'LA 20l807, Los-Angeles 09/22/1997 ~. JDL, and others yet unidentified have been extorting money from ' rap music stars via death threats. The scheme involves 1 other subjectstelephonic making threats death the to rp sar. Subjects then offering protection WRIGHT, also Woodland Hills, prior to intercede by, for afee". contacting Source reported known as EAZY-E, who owned RUTHLESS California was avictim of this dying fromAIDS.Shad also TUPAC SHAKUR prior to his recent murder in the victim and that ERIC b7C RECORDS, extortion scheme - reportedly targeted Las Vegas, Nevada. b'} C |::::| *i§ P, III On March 27, 1995, fileda civillawsuit against RONALD SWEENEY, Entertainmen ney This lawsuit, titled COMPTOWN RONALD SWEENEY, et al", for the WRIGHT estate. RECORDS INC, et a1 V. LAW OFFICES civil case number BC 124555 was filed Los Angeles Superior Court, Los Angeles, California and erty rights of RUTI-ILESS RECORDS. During the lawsuit, in pertains ffered as e twoletters purportedly signed by ERIC letters deeme wereorged byan expert witness. dvised WRIGHT, granting the results require of this asubpoena, part ownership lawsuit were which is of RUTHLESS classified confi pending. It .The en ia is believed and b'7C that received approximately $1.5 million in thecourt settlemen; |:l E brgc I br/C hI 2b'.7C b7D To: FBI Headquaxcers From: Los Angeles Re: 266A LA-201807, 09/22/1997 b7Q b7D from the offices in aforementioned court Los Angeles appreciates the this matter. LEAD S! Set Lead settlement. assistance of receiving q l b'~ : 1: b7C :2/31/199:! " |FI5I3lEFlI92l.IBIJFIEUKIJ IF:l|U92II55?T1CiIYT1 !ll Precedence: ROUTINE T 0: NSD Date: 10/20/1997 Los Angeles Attn: SAg?:iiff::f ?f::::] Attn C .' T NS From: Sacramento l' Contact: IAI ApprovediN By: I 6/ b7C 7" ; Case ID #= Title: 266A-LA-2oieo7<Q Pending! LE'1'1n..,- ' TUPAC SHAKUR EAZY-E AOT -VICTIM VICTIM DT -DEATH DECEASED!; DECEASED!; THREATS ' O0: LA Synopsis: subscriber No info available for ithout issuance of Full Field subpoena or order to Pacific Bell. Investigation Instituted: Reference: 266A-LA-201807 Details: A court review of O4/15/1997 Serial 289 current local indices wasnegative for telephone directories and Itis noted that is Sacramento b7C handled Pacific by Bell Telephone Company, WhlC now requires asubpoena or court order for any published or nonpublished subscriber information, directed to 2150 Webster Custodian of Street, Room Records, Pacific 735A, Oakland, Bell Telephone Company, California 94612. ,,b7C ix. ALLIINUBILTIOIOUITAIIQD I/92 oAwznn;$;sY % 1-mans xv uiwusszrxm FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT__ _T_l_1pac Shakur A FILE NUMBER _266A-LA-ZOl?8O'ZI I SECTION NUMBER FEDERAL BUREAU ___ ,_ O L I I OF INVESTIGATION _ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 10/17/1996 To: FBIHQ Attn: NSD, CT Branch, DTS, DTOU Los Angeles From: Los Angeles NSD-6 contact:SA b7C Approved By: Drafted By: mpbh eV C_ 12.7.-L .mmmmn @92°" ET @~~~m "=' ., . ....o__.__ Title: | . mzza TUPAC SHAKUR-VICTIM DECEASED!; °920k92kou~lp GU QLU EAZY-E-VICTIM nscmsno!; uusow? 3 AOT"DT-DEATK THREATS; oo= LOS ANGELES ARMED Synopsis: Request to open and extortion involving rap EAZY-E deceased!, and other Details: _Oq_2!11/3§, AND DANGEROUS a 266A matter regarding death threats music stars TUPAC SHAKUR deceased!, victims yet unidentified. wriggg ' v was contacte concerning matter captioned: UNSUB S!; BOMBING OF THE AMERICAN ARAB ANTI~DIsCRIMINATION COMMITTEE OFFICE, 1905 E. 17TH STREET, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA, 10/ll/85; ALEXANDER MICHEL DEVICE: O0: ODEH-VICTIM DECEASED!; LOS ANGELES ri1 EXPLOSIVE ADC! AND INCENDIARY 74A-3595!. ' w advised writer hat WC 10711 |and ofhers yet unfHenfif1ed_ ave been ,;1 ,,<,,-L/,~ /10180 ' ., extorting money. from various rap music The schemeinvoives[::::]and other stars via .I death threats -0 to the 1 rap star ' 0 Subjects then n contacting the victim and offering protection .victim and their family are taken to asafe private estate, associated C and are with the . . protected by LEAGUE JDL! onvince the victim they have worked person s! making the death . threats and .. victim then pays the subjects for rendered and resume their normal further intercede by c for afee haven", usually gun-toting body JEWISH DEFENSE . death threats 0 - subjects making telephonic The a guards The subjects . adeal out with the the threats cease The . .' the protection *7-< b./K, services 7 lifestyle with no fear of b' death threats :identified EAZY-E deceased! targeted by subjects for complications associated extortion prior with AIDS. who reportedly to dying from EAZY-E resided in Van was Nu s, Californi In addition to the Det. LAPD! aforementioned, on 10/8/96, and writer interviewed a Los Angeles source of proven reliability, concerning the During that interview source corroborated ODEH bombing matter. the above information. According source,[:::::]reportedly to enlists the services of one not further escri e as a capper or extortion scheme. identified this atto assist time!, whom source with the ambulance chaser, Source stated when he would rip off drug amount being extorted is Since two that[::::]used this dealers. Source in the $50,000 range. Writer is familiar with names have surfaced in the ODEH captioned JEWISH DEFENSE LEAGUE; IOOA-LA 169742-Closed!. matter, it that same scheme stated the monetary captioned subjects as their investigation and also acase D5/T; OO: L05 ANGELES" independent sources is recommended 7 a266A have reported matter be captioned opened and I ] LASD! as case co agents.D :::::] assi ned 60 to writer with Det nd De ~ ~-92 ._! 92 ._! CPNet.com - TupacShakur Pagel of 2 To Front Page CollegePress Network Shakur avictim of his message Rapper cannot escapeworld he idealized TupacShakur:Oneoftheleadinggures ofgangsta rap. I993 le photo. .B?_K§Mw TN_ 6_E.6I; é ET.,. CPNet Opinion Editor LastFriday, dozens of Tupac Shakur fans gathered outsideUniversityMedicalCenterin Las Vegasto mourn the death of their slain idol. Mortallywounded duringa drive-byshooting nearthe Vegasstrip,Shakur nally metthe endhe so . vehemently invokedin many of hissongs. Butin thistimeof griefandmourning, whatwastherealimpactof hismessage? In a societywhereracialequalityhasyet to be reached,Shakursimplypolarized the opposingsideswith hismessageof hateandintolerance.Insteadof usinghis talentsto bring the racestogether,he did everythingimaginable,whether intentionalor not, to makepeacefulco~existence impossible. Living ina countrywherehomicideratesarethe highestin the world, Shakur blindlypromotedthe indiscriminateuseof guns andviolenceto makeamends. Shakurevenbecamea victim of his own messagewhenhe was shot ve times during a 1994 robberyattempt. AlthoughShakurtriedto conveya positiveimageof women andfatherhood in someofhisearlysongs, whatever credibility hepossessed quicklydeteriorated whenin 1995 he wasarrestedand sentenced tojail for sexuallyattackinga 21-year-oldwoman Shal<ur's detrimentalmessagefueledthe res of politicalconservatives who called for suchextremesascensorship andnation-wideimposition of what they consideredto be "true"family values.Even in pronouncinghis own First Amendmentrights,Shakurmaragedto attractnegativepublicityto thismost intrinsicright guaranteed to all Americans. LastSunday, theRev.Jesse Jackson wasquotedin a LosAngelesnewspaper as onl8 1996 0§;s1 AM PNA§§§s§gmmm maneWK D ' " as er i 4-1 p .'5 ~ J D_ CPNet.com~Tupac Shakur -Page 2 of 2 saying: "Thisis so,so sad.Sometimes the lure ofviolent cultureis somagnetic that even when one overcomes itwith material success, it continues to call." What I would like to know is what the Rev. Jacksonconsiders overcomingviolence. As I recall, Shakurovercame violence by explicitly endorsing it.Therefore, hecould never haveovercome it. On the contrary, hejust becameanother victim in a hopelessly tragic way of life hehimself helpedadvance. Of course, Shakur is not alone. Hejoins the long list of "dead heroes" who in living have donetheir partto propagate aperilous way of life withoutregard tofuture consequences. Just as JerryGarcia in his promotion of drug use during the 60s and 70s, Shakur will forever be remembered for leadinga generation down theroad of neglect and despair. Unfortunately in our world, all the wrong role models attractthe attention of the masses. Whether they beathletes orpoliticians, these individuals degrade the most basic values of integrityand rectitude. To makematters worse, in shamethey are still heralded by their fellow peers. Tragically, thosewho seekto makea positivedifference,simplygo overlooked or are suppressedby the powers thatbe. It is disappointing that 28 years afterhis death, Dr. Martin Luther King's message of non-violence and assimilationcan be supersededby the narrow, intolerant message professed by individuals such as white supremacists,anti-Semite andin this case, Tupac Shakur. New index of collegenewspapers online Subscribe to our free CPNews email service Free stuff Posted: September 18, 1996. Copyright © 1995, 1996,Colle ePress Network. All rights reserved. http://www.cpnet. com T Oct 18 1996 08:51 AM Qe Q l ' -92! Zpac Pages Newzletter Edition 2 VolumeI Page Inside The 1of 2 Mind Of 2pac Shakur I MK ix Kif I ! K7 Disclaimer: The following is an excerpt fromVibe Magazine. gme.n92n=pn__,a - There was I I A,LLI]II"¢"" F*92"," Y" f~ L -...4-L:-.. .'~'.. an 1,___, .l : HERE-W W-l°1~ 13 15$Il' Qu°92'?. aouowa q92O92u8 l; ~92$°*= i Qxszul neverabeef, onlyadifference of opinion. My homeboy Suge gave me the best advice that I could ever get from anybody. When people ask him if he's bee ng with Bad Boy and with Puffy, he's says it s like me going to the playground to pick on litle kids. That's like me being mad at my little brother cause he's getting cash now. I'm not mad at that, I'm just mad at my little brother when he don't respect me. And when you don't - respect me, I'm spank a that ass.Idon't give afuck how rich you got tn the block I'm your big brother. I'm abreak your big ass down. That's myonly point. I feel as though he wrong, he got out of hand. He got seducedby the power-not because he's evilanperson, but because money is evil; ilit's not handled right. If you lose your composure you could do anything.Fear got stronger than love and uiggas did things that they weren't reallysupposed to do. They know in their hearts, that's their why in hell now.They can't sleep. That's why they're telling all the reporters and all the people "Why they doing this? They fucking up hip-hop, blah, blah, blah"cause they in hell. They can't make money, they can't anywhere, go theycan't look at themselves causethey know the prodigal son has retui-ned.I'm alive; the ghost is walking around. And I'm around talking, in jail Ididn't talk. Now, everybody who thinks that Idisrespected, I love my eastcoast fans. I'm from there. I'm eating New York Pizza, Idrive New Yorkjeeps but I'm saying let's keep it real for asecond. If you're halfthe lover of music that you are, go back and study. Study how Party And Bullshitwas me before I met Biggie. You don't hear my style in his raps. Studyhow after I met Biggie, Ready To Die comes out and his whole stylechanges study. Study why I would be mad when half of the major NewYork rappers or their managers, or their agents or their somebody wasthere when Igot shot-and nobody couldn't give me no information. Juststudy that. Study how when Wu-Tang got their chain snatched atsix-six-duece, I not only found who did it but gave them the message thatif they wanted to see the niggas that Oct18 1996 08:51 AM yo g 10 ZpacPages Newzletter Edition 2 Volume I Page 2 of 2 did it, they could seethem. Man to Man, just you and them-no guns, no nothing if you feel like that. That's all I ask for. If you're goingto act like a gangster or a "G" or a king of New York, I'm a expectthat. And when you don't comethrough, then Pmgoing to want to crush your empire. And that's what it's time for. for thelatest on Visit Y_ibeMagazine Qnline and checkout the rest of this interview. Its pretty interesting,and de nitely checkout the video clipsof the interview alsoavailable on Vibe Magazine Online. This Pageis Webmastered by Oct 18 1996 Gurjeet Litt [email protected] ~08:51 AM "92 11 4 Shakur Hurtin Drive-By Shooting Page 1 of 3 Shakur Hurt in Drive-By Shooting Controversial Rapper Critically Injured Fi By Sharon Waxmcm ' A-LL IIV'I'. CQNTILINED ?8R.l B c 929292°92'1l SpecialThe to Washington Post qU92¥92P92-#10 Monday, September 9 1996; Page D01 After Tyson W-1:92'9292a92l 0 AL,5°; ' l"""~$92392-vii q92$7__q92 The WashingtonPost LOS ANGELES, Sept. 8--"Gangsta" rap star Tupac Shakurwas incritical condition in a Las Vegas hospital today afteran assailant pumped four bullets intohis headand chest during a drive-by shootingSaturday night. The 25-year-oldrap starwas shotas heand Marion"Suge" Knight,chairman ofDeath Row Records, Shakur's label, wereon their way to anightclub about 11:15p.tn. afterwatching the Mike Tyson-BruceSeldon heavyweighttitle ght at theMGM Grand Hotel, policesaid. Shakur underwent emergency surgery for multiple gunshot woundsand remainedunder heavy police and private guard inthe trauma-intensive care unit,according to aspokesman for University Medical Center.Knight, 31, was hitin the head-by shrapnel and wasreleased from thehospital today. The shootingwas themost seriousin astring of violent incidents involvingthe rapstar, who appeared Wednesday at theMTV VideoMusic Awards, where he and members of his . entourage gotinto an argument withseveral menin the lobby of New York s Radio City Music Hall. Police werecalled tobreak it up. In November1994, Shakurwas shot ve times in the lobby of a New York recording studio when muggers stealing his jewelryopened re. He hasspentmuch of the past2 1/2years in court or in custodyon variouscharges. A handsome, swaggering man with longeyelashes and apenchantfor showy jewelry, Shakur hasbeenaprominent symbol for gangsta rapmusic, enthusiasticallyfollowed by teenage fans and longcriticized by adults for its explicitly violent andsexual images.Saturday's incident underscored the link betweensome rapstars~despite their celebritystatus --and the dangerous milieuthat gave rise to their music. . Oct 18 1996 08:47 AM __ -.. , .. ! Page 2 of 3 ShakurHurt in Drive-By Shooting In the weekend shooting, Knightwas driving with Shakurin aconvoy of IO carsabout a quarter-mile from the glittering casinostripwhena whiteCadillac withfourpeople inside pulledupalongside their blackBMW anda passenger openedre. Localmediareports said dozens of witnesses looked on in horror. Policesaidtheyhadbegunan investigation intotheshootingbuthad no suspects yet. "Drive-byshootings arenotmilmownhere,buttheyusuallyoccurbetweenrival gang memberswhosereasonsarefor retaliationfor othershootings," saidLasVegasPoliceLt. MarcMaston."I can't tellyouthemotivation behind this." But he saidpolicewereoptimistictheywould nd theassailants. "Thisparticularincident apparently hadseveral witnesses. If theyarecredible, with goodinformation, thisshould be solvable." Spokesman for DeathRow Records couldnotbe reachedfor commentasto possiblemotives fortheshooting. Shakur saidearlierthisyearthathebelieved the 1994 robbery-shooting was a setup,fuelingspeculation in thehip-hopindustrythatrivalrybetweenEastCoastandWest Coastraplabelsmayhavetakena violentturn. Shakurhimselfhashadmanyrun-inswith the law in recentyears.In June,thesingerfaceda l20 daysentencefor probationviolationsstemmingfromoffensesincludingassaultand batteryanda 1994sexualabuseconvictionin New York. He hadbeenallowedto remainfree on$1.4 million bail -- paidby DeathRowRecords -pendinghisappeal. Shakurservedll monthsin prisonfor his involvement in theattackon a 21-year-oldwoman in a New York hotelroom. He hadbeenconvictedin LosAngelesof assaultandbatteryon a musicvideoproducerandfor carrying a loaded,concealed weapon,andwasscheduled for sentencing thisweek on theweaponscharge. Butin theworld of rap,Shakur's convictions seemed onlyto enhance hisstatus. Hisfourth soloalbum,"All Eyezon Me," a two-volume,27-trackrecordingfeaturingguestturnsby fellowrappers_$_r3 oopAIQoggy Dogg, l§appin' 4;'l_"ay and__Method Man,debuted earlier thisyear andhassoldmorethan 5 millioncopies. Hisprevious album, Me Against theWorld, had thedubious distinction of beingthe rstalbumtoreachNo. 1 whileitssingerwasin prison. ShakuralsostarredoppositeJanetJackson in the 1993movie"PoeticJustice"andhasbeen workingon another lm, "Gridlock." In interviews earlierthisyear,Shakur hadsaidhewastiredof livinguptohisoutlawimage, onehe hadchronicledin a tattooonhischestthatpronounced "ThugLife." "l livedThugLife," he said."It wasstupid . . . it's suicidal." But therapperalsosaidthathe expectedhe woulddie violently.In July,Shakurtoldthe Britishnewspaper theObserver: "It's goingto happen. All the[blackpeople] whochange the worlddie in violence.Theydon't getto die like regularways.{Expletives] cometaketheir lives." Oct 18 1996 0g;47 AM QQt 1 Shakur Hurt in Drive-ByShooting Page 3of 3 @CAPTION: Tupac Shakur inNew Yorkat the MTV VideoMusic Awards, three days before the attack. @CAPTION: Rapper Tupac Shakur, shown here last week, took fourbullets inthe headand chest ina drive-byshooting Saturdaynight in Las Vegas. ©Copyright 1996The WashingtonPost Company Back to the tog Oct 18 1996 08:47 AM 1 _3 ~J PageI of 4 TupacandtheFallontheRoadtoCalvary Tupacand theFall on the Road to Calvary By JordanPelaez The rsttimel entered thegalleryin The Prado where Raphael's TheFallontheRoadtoCalvaryca.15l 7! hangs, I simplystared atthismonstrous tenfoothigh, eight footwide F 7 canvas, and letthe tears ow forten minutes. If the friendI l waswithhadn't snapped meoutofit, I might stillbein Madrid. - I Raphael painted amob scene, teeming withRoman soldiers, execution spectators, horses, carts, mourners, and, way off in thedistance at the endof theprocession, Calvary,morea 77777 ' T77" 7 I Al.-... in WW ,,,. parenting mg. 1 n§ 3=tu°92§LZ.*& <te|_;u¢, qgtttgt, 1,, Q N we¢92 moundthana hill, wheretwo crosses havealreadybeen erected.But at thepainting's centerarejust two gures.Jesus,I , . fallenwith his left handon a rockandhisrightstill tryingto f support themassive weightof thecross, looksbackoverhis 1 le shoulder.Therestandsa groupof ve women-- rstand 7' foremostamongthem,Mary, hismother.Mary holdsherhandoutstretched, willing evennow todoanything shecanto saveherchild.Herlookpersoni es despair andalienation. Thelook in Jesus's eyesbespeak compassion for thetrialof hismother;evenin thiscrisis,he seems like he's tryingto consoleher. I knewthoselookswell. They werethelooks,I thoughtthat rst time,thatpassedbetween my wife andmy daughter as thelatterlay dyingof cancer.But furtherviewingsbroughtme to a differentunderstanding. My ownfaceonceboreoneof thoselooks,andso doesthe faceof everymother,andeverychild,whofacesan untimelydeath. SowhenI gotthenewsthatTupacShakurhaddiedof his drive-bywounds,I thought instantlyof hismother.Giventhelife of distress that Tupac andhismotherlived,how many timeshadtheysharedsuchglances,heldthem,broken them off only because thepainof sustaining suchmomentsof intensityis nally too muchfor anyheartto bear? The otherdayon theAOL discussion groupTheVelvetRope,somefool mockedtheidea thatTupaccouldbe compared in anyway to JohnLennon.But TupacandLennonandElvis at leasthadthis in common:The rst, perhapsgreatest, loveof theirlife wastheirmother. And thisis no smallthing,because all of themmadesomeof theirmostimportantmusic becauseof it: Lennon's "Julia,"theearlyElvisballadsthatareclearlydirectedat hismom catchtheendof hissecond lm, LovingYou!, andTupads"DearMama." Oct 18 1996 08:48 AM OO s Cl Tupac and the Fallon theRoad toCalvary Page Of course,thafs not the only could bemadebetween Tupac 2 of 4 comparison, oreven necessarily the mostimportant onethat and thegreat rockrebels.Fools are reluctant toadmit Tupac to full equality in this matter, because that would mean admittingother things.For instance,that Tupac equaled the greats in theemotional intensity and rhythmic power ofhis records. Or that themajority ofTupac s songs were uplifting,positive, respectful of women,and concerned with encouraging young black men notto commitcrime,whichhe generally portrayed as afoolish and uglything evenwhen it's seductive or unavoidable. would It require admitting that Tupac was sent to prisonfor acrimethat white rock starshave committed, andcontinueto commit, with absoluteimpunity. It would require acknowledging that although Tupacdid once shoot twomen, itwas inself-defense; they were off-duty Georgia cops who haddrawn down on himin theafter-midnight streets of Atlanta.It would require recognizingthat Tupacis not the onlyrock starwith unsavoryassociates. But refusingto allow Tupac to enter thelists of rock's greats fallen isthe leastof the sins fools makewhen talkingabout them.These fools,who includejust aboutevery writer I've read onthe subject,spend alltheir time avoiding asimple truth:Tupac wasnot amurderer; he gotmurdered. Hewasnot the criminal thistime; hewas thevictim of a shooting.But of course, ifyou tell the storythat way,you can tcome outand say,as themedia from Newsweek to The VillageVoice have done, that this thuggish young nigger got what's comingto him. _ On thatbasis, sodid Jesus,who preferredthe companyof whores,thieves, taxcheats from the governmentend!, andother miscreants. Not that Tupac wasanything like Jesus. Butthose Bible storiesexist to try to teachus notabout Jesus so muchas aboutforgiveness and compassion. What cases like Tupac'sover prove, andover again, is thatwe livein atime and aplace where theconcept offorgiveness does not exist.Our societyisn't about forgiveness, it's about vengeance--which, it's tempting tosay, isone reasonit turns out somuch artlike Tupac's, soand little like Raphael's. iZ in i ii But that wouldn't a terribly be accurate thingto say, either. Inthe rst place, Raphael's society isour society--the hideous American cultural landscape of today l produced i brought people, l and grew straight up out of theculture that the Renaissance,and the colonialism that Tupac's ancestors and myown to America. And while it may be truethat Raphael's world valued harmonyand orderfar morethan ours,that's mostly trueof its artistic productions--formost who hadno accessto art at all, the Renaissance world was amiserably impoverished dangerous place to dwell. Itmay be true,as JohnBerger putsit in his newbook, Titian:Nymph andShepherd Prestel, $24.50!, that "our century[is]...always searching for rageand wisdom, rather than harmony." But it is not the declineof belief in God or theholy RomanCatholic churchor the clinical application of the artisticvalues ofthe Renaissance that hasmade itso.Itis rather the way we haveallowed theother side-~the colonizing, predatory,"nature redin tooth and Oct l8 1996 08:48 claw" AM 00 wT! Tupac and the Fallon theRoad toCalvary Page 3 qf4 side--to dominate.In the society thatworships notGod orJesus butthe freemarket, competition and"the sanctityof the contract," compassion and forgivenesshave beenerased. When was the lasttime youoffered acold cupof waterto thesick orvisited theimprisoned? But no artist is bound entirely by the prejudicesof his time. Greatartists transcendour everyday pettiness. There isno excusefor the Tupac lyricsthat demeanother people, and in portraying violencewith so much explicitnessthat it became forsome sadsouls allegedly attractive, heplayed a dangerous game. Great art,we havebeen reassured, escapes the small-minded bigotryof its time. Maybenot always.If we looked atThe Fall on the Road to Calvary theway theart of Tupac andother rapperformers isusually seen,Jesus andMary would not be thecentral gures. For standingjust aboveJesus inthe picture,closer toits center andwith a more directlyactive rolein theproceedings, isalarge muscular man.His head isturned tothe right,whereamountedRoman of cerwavespapers at him; thisis surely Simonthe Cyrene,the manwho accordingto the gospels wasordered tohelp Jesus carry thecross afterhe stumbled.Simon isrepresented here, however, inanother umnistakable way:Raphael drewthis LibyanJew, aloneamong thecompany, withahuge hooked nose,which in his time wasaway of saying "Hymietown." Judgedthe wayour society judgesrap--by caricature,not context -TheFall on the Roadto Calvary is antisernitic. According to Luke 3:28-31!, the womenlooking on weptwhenJesus stumbled, and hefound the I energy tospeak tothem. "Daughters of Jerusalem,"1 Luke hashim say, "weep notfor me,but weepfor yourselves, andfor your children. Forbehold the days arecoming in the which they shallsay, l Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that never . bare, andthe papswhich nevergave suck.Then shall theybegin to say tothe mountains,Fall onus ; and tothe hills, Cover us."' , If I do not quite believe that we have reached thosei days,Tupac is one ofthe reasons. With allmy heart,I wishthat hehad hadthe timeto grow in wisdom and maturity;that hecould have continued to fall. But avoided thelethal situationsinto which he I have seen his video for l Ain't Mad At Cha" and I know that he had come muchfurther alongthe paththan thosewho treathim asif he were themurderer. That videohas mostlybeen described in termsof its sensational opening moments, inwhich T upacis shot in the chest anddies, "justlike in reality"; and inevitably, in terms of the dead musical celebrities that Tupac then encounters in heaven. But thosedetails have nothing todo with what the videois about,nor is itsurprising that folks would rathertalk aboutanything else, including trivia. Becausethe truetopic of "I Ain't Mad At Cha" isprecisely compassion and forgiveness. In thevideo, Tupac forgives everyone-~the brothers known and unknown who couldnot stay the course, his partners in ThugLife, themother about whom hismusic oftenexpressed such deep but con icted emotion but whostayed beside him thatlook undoubtedly upon herface! that longweek inthe hospital, those who condemned him from thestart andalong the way. Oct 18 i996 08:48 AM 92 .. , f ! Tupac and the Fallon theRoad toCalvary Page 4 of4 He alsoprays forother ghetto youth tohaveabetter chance--and ahappier result. Thevideo's nal images tell the true story.The friendwho waswith Tupacwhen hewas shotdresses up, visits hisfriend'sthen grave, goes home, where he hugs mother, wifeand babygirl. Fadeto a black screen,on which iswritten: Dedicated toMutula Shakurand GeronimoPratt. Tupac's fathers. Inthe end,the sonforgives hisfathers, whichis ascloseas Icould imagine anyone coming in this life to reachingakind of emotionalmaturity. Wewill not be permitted to knowwhat kindof grownman ormature artist Tupac Shakur might have become. Those who donot thinkthis isatragedy,or believethat whathe had done tohim isonly whathe haddone toothers, miss the pointfar, farmore than those ofus who, all along, forgavehim his © CopyrightI996. The Oct 18 1996 08:48 sins because of his talent Unofficial Death Row HQ.All RightsReserved AM 0 Q t'3 , 2pac Pages Newzletter Edition 2 Volume1Page * 4 1 of2 2p acNewz ~Hs~..a'".s wEmmQL_B ""* -""" "r"" *" "°9292m.L ******** u$q queues- Meow °9292Sa=-it Tupac Shakur has lined up his next acting gig. The rapper will co-star opposite Tim Roth in the dark comedy "Gridlock." Actor Vondie Curtis Hall wrote the script and will direct. The movie is about two druggies who want to go straight, but can't get into any rehab centers. They are framed for the murder of adrug dealer andthen thepolice comeafter them aswell as the real murderers. Tupac has also completed the script for an up coming movie called "Live to Tell", he will also be staring in this one. Back in April Zpac was sentencedto 120 days for violating his parole, he was to start serving this sentence on June 7/96 but the judge granted him an extention until Tupac has nished production on an upcoming movie. Tupac isappealing this sentence, and the word right now is that he should win. Zpac will you please stayout of jail!!! Last Month 2pac appeared in court to face Illegal weapon charges and instead of the Judge giving Tupac jail time, he ordered Zpac to put on a benefit concert in Californiafor underprivillaged youths. As I had stated last month in Q Zpac Pages N ewzletteglpac has nished making two videos, "2 of Americaz ost an e , and How Do UWant I It". Well, 2pac is also making avideo for his new track called "Hit Em Up", which is not avaliable on his new album So, y'all be on the lookout for that. NEW ALBUM, Zpac will be releasing anew album. The material on this newalbum will be similarto "Me Against theWorld". A release date has not been set yet. Within the month, there will be anOf cial 2pac Homepage comingup on the net,I will post theaddress assoon as Irecieve it.On the Of cial 2pac Homepage youwill be able topurchase thosehard tond singles andother merchandise, aswell askept upto datewith 2pac's future projects. Oct 18 1996 08:48 AM .-'-92 . ! _i I Zpac Pages Newzle er Edition2 Volume1*_ ___,.. ....,_ .92_ ' Page 2of 2 '~ ThisPage is Webmastered b'{Gurjeet Litt [email protected] "--~.._ _ Oct 181996 08:48 ,- AM v I I i ' 5! Zpac Pages Newzletter Edition 2 Volmne1 Page 1of 2 The New 2pac Track c There was someconcern from some ofyou that I was being hypocritical because I praised the 2Pac record that attacks bad boy while at the same time I've been advocating peace...I wanted to clarify acouple of points... First and foremost..I'm de nitely forpeace.. If there is anyway Ican help facilitate that.. Iwould and will do that.. One of the things Iwould most likely not do is play the song on my radio show without abriefcommentary before and after.... What I rst thought about hit u up wasits ferocity.. It was astraight up dis song... and in the context of throwingdown and being com petetive on wax..I likeed it on that level.. Up untilnow people have been beating around the bush.by using fancy metaphorsand similes and saying something but not saying nothing..ie LALA.. The 2Pac song reminded me 0LTim.. .. and my rst thoughts werewillTim Dog come back I with aresp0nse...after Iprinted the message..Iremembered that he did..but it was weak... So really I guess I just liked thedirectness of the song and considering whatwas said some of the remarkswerein line... ie Mobb Deep _ aweek after 2Pachad beenshot weredown inwashingtonn<: 6ii'si'ga" ""' making jokes about it.. They kept saying theyknew who shot Pac...So they got stepped too...Because ifit's Biggie/Zpac a thing..why is Mobb Deep enetring the arena..? Chino..who Ilike alot, alsospoke.. In one of hisrhymes he spoke about getting bent over in jail like2Pac.. There was arumor going around that said he got pumped in jail..Again why jump in?..So Pac called them outon record..Now atthis juncturein the game one of two things will happen..either this dissing onwax will continue..orfools willsit downand talk and work itall out..orthey ll do like Luke and Dre did make dis records so they all make money.. Iwill admit..Pac went abit too far by talking about Biggie's wife..But as astraight up dis record which we have always had in hip hop..I found the song funny... Ithink at this point in time.. the wars will cease..... and soon viewed the way we look at Me if folks recall there Crew back these records will retire and be Shan and KRS-One...old battle records.. And was an awful lot of tension between BDP and the Juice then.. Davey D M1,, n~n3'onMA'r10192I UONTAINED http://www.daveyd.com 15 HEREIN DATE92 W B _e on 18 1996 Qusou, gybaaz §§%§ Quwuug sq <3 °92 92s'2_1.92 os;49 AM l s ', ZpacPages Newzletter Edition Q 2 Volume1 Page2of 2 What are your comments,do you think Zpac is justi in ed making this track? And for all of y'all that have heard this track Hit Em Up", What do you think? Is it on point? This Page is Webmastered by GurjeetLitt yu108654@,yorku.ca QC! I8 1996 08:49 AM .~v to Eazy-E "The Hip-Hop Thugster" Page 1of 2 SunriseZ963 ' Sunset1995 ____ I IIII II This page is dedicated in thememoYy'<¬Ei'ie Wright R.I.P! ! "Eazy-E" * I~ II II II I II I II II I<;I' __i 1" II_I_I_*: i II I Eric "Eazy-E"Wright gotthe wholeU.S.A plusthe restof theworld towake upwhen it came to the blacks in situration the American in comunity the middle theof Under 80's. T his alias,Eazy-E, hestartedarecord comapny, -Ruthless Records-, withhelp of moneythat he hadcollected asa smallthief anddrug-dealer, andcreated thegangsta-rap,apart of hip hop thathad millionsof headlines worldwide. 31years old,he died,only 2months after that he fund out that he had AIDS. He wasborn in Comptonin a middle-class familyin 1963,he losthis grip in the teenages and became acriminal, the lifeasasmall gangsta didn't have theplans forthe futurethat Eazy-E were dreaming i-of,-_~so-after "cemtéatea the schoo-l,~ he started in themusic buisnes. Together wiih__I_'c"e-Cube, Dr.Dre, MC Ren and D_J Yella, 1986 he puttcd togetherof the one most controversial rap~group ever, N.W.ANiggaz With Attitudes!. When their "Boyz n the Hood" startedto conquerthe lists in USA, they puttedCompton andLos Angeleson the rap-map. Withfat basesand heavyfunk, Boyz n' Hood the soonbecame thenational-song of hip hop.Everybody that were livingin theso calledprojects" suddenly had something that was their,a songwith lyrics that showedthe hardreallity that got -the"white America" to tripp. That wasjust the begining. WithN.W.A, RuhtlessRecords gotadream start and1989 the album Straight outta Compton, that wasareal classic wereout. Thefans selebrated. With soungs like Fuck thePolice andGangsta, Gangsta made the FBI andthe LAPDto shake teeth andthe politicansstarted toshow interestsin hip hop butnot in apositive way. The gangsta rapalso splittedinto two camps betwenthose whothought N.W.Ajust descrined things asthey wereand thosewho thoughtthat hip-hophad aresponsibilty totake andno encurige andglorify that violence thatwas aboutto stranglethe Latin Americans andthe black people. In the middle of that Eazy be followedby Dr.Dre that saw howhis life work wasfailing apart. Ice-Cube left first, then to started Deth_ I§g!y _Records together with Suge Knight, with artists like Snoop DoggyDoggp Tha Dogg Poundtatttong others.was It hard for Eazy-E when Dr. Dre left Ruthless Recdrdsr--Dr:"Dr e were the inventor of the West Coast sound and Eazy, that actually didn't do so muchon the records suddenly becameasecond-part- gureon the rap-stage. Plus that the oldmembers sue each other, and ifthat wasn't enough, they came out with solo albumswere theydidn'tfor back anythingjust to diss eachother,Eazy-E eaven publicat pictures of Dr. Dre ineye-liner and lipstickon his second solo album, It's on Dr.Dre! 187 um Killa 1993. Eavendogh it wasn'tEazy-E easy, continiudeon his way, hard-headed he stuck tohis visionsand hisgangsta mentality. His recordswasn't sellin' as Au. nt't~ c:-it/mrtoit CO N'1 AJ1l'ED Oct 18 1996 HEREIN 1'3 UKCLASSIF gag - Qt! 03349 °929292ot'2. °"1L mTE 3 <>.92~.> ianew .§ £§?? . AM ' .2 er iv Eazy-E "The Hip-Hop Thugster" Page2of 2 good anymore, but 1994,he gotinto contact with thegroup Bone Thugs n' Harmony" from Cleveland. Eazy-E had nose for talents,and Ruhthless onceagain had a groupthat could sell millions of records. Just then,fate strokewith all it's power. Eazy-E's buring self lifestyledemanded it's tribute. A cold showed up tobe ain amation ofthe lungs,may seems like apiece of cake,but notin this case.AIDS the doctors con rmedand twomonths laterhe wasdead. A er ll523 days on theearth, EricWright died the 26thMars 1995,in ahospital bed, withonly his family at his side.The gangsta pionee Eazy-E didn't became no victimof abullet, it wasAIDS,amuch bigger threat to thehumanity than the gangstas. R.I.Pi PERSONS HAS SHOWED THAT ARN'T YOU FOROG This pagemight be good, butit ain't the official, so checkOut TheReal OneOut! Some Lyrics , Just TahLet Ya know Str8 off tha streetz ofmuthaphul-akin Compton! Wut would U do off Str8 tha streetz of muthaphukkin' Compton! Exxtra specialthankz Itson Dr.Dre! l87um killa! 4 tha E video verision! Yella -One moe nigga to go! Phat Link l. Egy-E Homepage Ea_zy-E Memorial Page Ruthless Records Official Site Of cial Eazy-E Homepage Bone Thugs n' Harmony Dead Celebrities _ Dead CelebritiesEazy-E pagg Another Eazy-Epage Kxayzids Homepage Send your comments [email protected] [ OtherUsers|E] This serviceis providedby Concept Systemdesign AB The materialon thispage are the responsibility of its author, notConcept Systemdesign AB. Oct 18 1996 ;49 AM Q! DEAD CELEBRITIES: EAZY-E ERICWRIGHT! Page 1 of 1 We-E _ Eric Wright! 1963-1995 . Eric Wrightwas bomin Compton,California toamiddle-classfamily in 1963. As ateenager, much for hope the Ericschool nis::i in became 1986 andasteamed he Eazy-E w Eric hadtrouble with the law, but hefound thatlife as a small-timegangsta didn't give him Ice-Cube, Dre,.MC Dr. Remand J Yel orming one of the most controversialgroups rap in history, N. WA. ND?!/.:»t;'put on the gang map with their hit album Boyz n the Hood, and gaveLos Angeles/Comptonrap credibility in therap scene. Eazy-E's Ruthless Records, started with moneyhe collectedas asmall-time thiefand drug dealer, foundits rst hit with Boyz n the Hood,but thatwas justthe beginning.Straight Outta Comptonwas RuthlessRecords nextrelease, andit provedas biga hit as Boyzand just as controversial.Songs likeFuck thePolice andGangsta, Gangsta rubbed policeand politicians the wrong wayand gave rap abad name in non-rap circles. Thisonly proveda challenge toEazy, whothought thathip-hop hada responsibilityto shedlight on that Latin and African Americans wereliving with every day. At this time, N. W./1. started tofall apart.Ice-Cube wasthe rst the violence to leave,planning a solo-career, and Dr. Dre wasn't far behind. Dre went on to start Death Row Records, and the animosity between Eazy s RuthlessRecords and D_re's Row Deathhad begun. Lawsuits between N. W.A.'s members and publicbattles between the nowestranged rappers made more headlines thenthe artiststhemselves. Eazy-E's second soloalbum It's on Dr. Dre! ]87um Killa, releasedin 1993, was adirect attack onDr. Dre and thepublic lost interest asthe original vision of Eazy swork waslost. Eazy gotback ontrack when,in 1994,Ruthless Records signed Cleveland rapyartists Bone Thugs n Harmony. AsEazy wasclimbing backonto hisfeet, he was diagnosedwith the AIDS virus. Two monthslater, onMarch 26, 1995, EricWright, betterknown asEazy-E, was dead. Eazy-E biography edited from the Eazy-E: The Hip-Hop Thugster page. With specialthanks toNils Hagmark Dead Celebritieslogo, designand layout© 1996,Christopher M.Bowley. **~ '1» l <%é'5*¬i¬¢92f¢§@w~92< 92 °W no taste-»92l on 92°92 <- ¢92o92~92mu.L¢ tq 4- U5q QQEIDQQ °9292 SQg92 if Oct 18 1996 08:49 AM 0, ..o 2pac Pages Newzletter Edition 2 Volume 1 Fresh Page 1 of 3 Out Of Jail StreetHeatrepresentatives metup with TupacShakurin LasVegasduringNovember 1995.Pacandtha Dogg Poundperformed aftertheHoly ght eld-Bowe at Club 662. Everybody wasthere...incIuding ,Rappin' 4-Tay,ThaAlkaholiks, Pepa, andtheposse down with Pac andthaDoggPound. Onthedayof the show we caught upwithPacandkickedit for awhile. ' Wewerein theback of the club in ownerSugeKnight's of ce.Suge,youmay know, is the owner ofDeathRowRecords. SugeandDeathRownowhandle Pac'scareer andPacspent themonth of Novemberin thestudiorunninthroughthe nal touches of hisdoublealbum. So,Pac, a lot of peoplewant to know, since isthatwhy you leftInterscope? ' Death Row Recordsput up your bail money, "It didn't havenothingto do with themoney,"saidPac."It hadnothingto do withthebail. I wasalready, um, I hollered at Sugebeforethebailsituation when Iwas stillanimnatein the correctional facilityand I waslookingat like servingthreeyears, I calledSugeandsaid, Iyo, wantto be with theRow. I want you to manageme because I'm in jail--andno one is handlingmy bizniz while I'm injail, nobody's puttingit downlike I wantto putit down. I knewhe's a manthat would putthingsdown. I trusthim, hisword,you know, um. I really couldn't trustnobody in bizniznomore,soI c osehim youknow?" ALLINFORMATION CONTAINED °929292°921§<%ou»9292u=92l rrannnr rsoneness f>'~g°9292<92ko5 5Ci °'° °92 is "2_u,92 HQ Wasn't it during the time that Interscopewasrumored to be leavingWarners and all that? "Yeah,thatwasanotherfactor,"repliedTupac."Because I waslike, 'Dang, theydon't care aboutus. I mean, it's not Interscope's fault,buttheyreallydon't oweus anythingandat any minutewe could be you know, alonewithouta contracta er youputall yourhearton the line,yourmusicontheline,youwentoutthereand gave all yourtalent up andall of sudden,it's not goodenoughanymoreandthey'll kick you off. So I waslike, by a goingto DeathRow,it's like two superpowers joiningup.Youknow,it wouldbesimilar to theUS andEnglandteaminup againstanybody,youknowwhatI mean?So I felt it waslikejoining twosuperpowers. And if rapmusicwasgoingtohaveto ghtforitsrighttobeuncensored, thenthiswastheteamfor meto geton,to wagethatbattle." Did jail changeyour perspectiveon the world? "Yeah...Doingelevenmonths of maximumsecuritypenitentiary time for a crimeyoudidn't Oct l8 I996 08:49 AM 2pac Pages Newzletter Edition 2 Volume1Page 2 of 3 commit would definitely makeyou a little bitter," said Tupac."But I'm trying not to be bitter. I'm to trying letthat bemy ambition.Now I mvery ambitious. This yearwill markanew ground forTupae where I'm relentless. There's boundaries. no I'm not lookingat no stop signs. I'm going fullspeed ahead. I'm planning on touching everything with my nameon it, and there's a lot of stuff with my nameon it, so I'm out there.S0 I got with the Row, that's move numberone, I wrote a movie, that's move numbertwo. Did the doublealbum -- 1at's never been four. And done before -- that's move number three. Got the divorce, that's now it's just aboutstanding by my grind, stay Tupac has often said that the move number up onmy music,stay outof trouble." media have misrepresented him.What is the real Tupac Shakur like? "I-Ie's human a being with all sides," replied Pac. "Multi~faceted, ups anddowns. Goods and bads. Mistakes.Everything, youknow. All they wantto show is one side, which is distorted. That's distorted a view. S0 what Isaid was true.Ifthey would showthe good things and the bad things,I would have nocomplaints, andit would even makethem look better. Whenyou 'show just medoing all this badstuff, then people gonnajust startthinking like wait aminute, this dude can't doing be all this badstuff. I mean, come on. They don't nothing show else. S0 it's really helpin' cause me, it's making it look one-sidedand untrue.But the thing that bothers me isthat it's just notacross the board. They do thisto rappers oryotmg black males --inner city people.You know, they dothat to us butthey don't do thatfor everybodyelse. Butthat bothers me,but I'm not gonna harp on everythingthat's unfair, causelife is unfair. Nobody said it's gonna be easyor fair. I'm even notgonna trip off it. I'm just gonnapush forward. WhenIstop, I stop. When thewheels fall off, the wheelsfall off. But until then I'm gonna put the foot to the metal." t < t Tupac has already starred in a number of movies including "Above the Rim" and "Poetic Justice." So weasked what his future acting projects are. "I just wrote amovie called"Live To Tell." We talking aboutdoingamovie now, me and Snoop, thatPooh isworking on, and everythingelse isbefore me.I haven't even started looking into that, butit's going down." I P Tupac talked about his upcoming double album, the rst by ahip-hop star. "The lastalbum wasone sideof Tupac," he said."And it's the otherside, youknow what I mean?Idid what Ihad to do with "Me Against the World" as faras lettin' people knowthat rappers thinkand wefeel andwe care.I did that. Now it's time for me to just get into the music. Thisalbum ismore like about unrestricted.I'm rying not to tell amessage. I'm just getting alot of frustrations out from being injail for elevenmonths. Andjust speaking my mind, talking about thingsthat I seeand just groovin', having fun. They like more upbeat tracks thanthis. My last albumwas kinda sad and down.This oneis like way high. There's Oct 18 1996 08:49 AM J _P sq P P Zpac Pages Newzletter Edition 2 VolumeIPage 1 3 of 3 only two slow songson there." Street Heat gives props George Pryce and Greg Howard ofDeath Row Records for getting us with Tupac. Street Heat Homepage This Page is Webmastered by Gurjeet Oct 18 1996 08;49 Litt [email protected] AM - >.- t! ~92 l ap star TupacShakuris gunneddownagain thistime in LasVegas v 1 I i i I I 92 Though Shaluir renounced the 1hu¢li!e" In 1995.violence caught up withtherlooer andproducer linlghlabove left. inLasVegas lasthnttlrylneartheVega!Strip right!. J-e: _=...1;-:1-a-.-1.5:!"" ' I IIz-Quh!" ' .-_ 92__' . ;-ii,-'3.-¢. ,,§3 _ 0 ONECANsawTHATTUPAC RowRecords label,stopped for alight ~. -~.:s;=" é ~-5- *» I"'§~ift".° 3 Shakurhasn't experienced neartheStrip while riding in Knight's yq; =~"-., 3-1-'-V. t'?*.¬_s;=1.;. !'-!t »_ :2=i_ 1".l:f"-;;¢ » 4 :.., §.~ ~ *@.. - i..-. - 3-,4.-. - .-1». » » blackBMW 750.A late-model white rsthandthegangsta life he t*L~_.,.'_ ,-;_ ,, e»-,,.,,..'. ....M 1. ." -'lif-'1>;;'Q "' ..-3'-is H-.~.,. ' rapsabout. Two yearsago, Cadillac pulled up alongside them.and -.~i¢¢?,;§r.¢--'--W =n?a'. x-»=a*~ <i{ Yr. whileawaitingtheverdictandhis r -we ~. ~~ e. ;:--tr-=~.'-.Tv.-Ju.*.'*.» someone unleashed ahail oi bullets 3 -w ,. asyT*=~.;~,-.55; »-;<.§,-==.»:&# »..3-.1; eventualimprisonment on rape intothepassenger sideof Knight's car ;,~:.*.;.¢,/we --~>s ;:-:.".=-M. ¢ 5§'*% . §~;5;'_:f' l ii» Bi -'-,..A charges. he wasbeaten,robbedand beforespeeding away. ' ,.f "*"* 'v <2W-M-?:l::'92"&# -""'"f't"t"" ~- > i '_ 1:.. knit?shot vetimesoutsidea Manhattan The31-year-old recordexecutive ,_~¢ar;.'-. ._ ',_ -- ~". .0. 1.7. " '..?I§=_».": ;, $"?'l" -w_-:7 I"..,;,1 3-.. £1 ., 1;=7,,,,_:_ ;_t&# recording studio.Shaker.now25. sur- suffered only minorinjuries.but . ...-.-,. .' - -_.-. 1",." ..e;-"$11,435; -.-'--, kn , »-.0-I ms -. , _' .~, vivedtheattack andevenbragged Shakurwasseverelywounded in his -:?»i;'3-iii-.92*¢i -it"'1 .P' _./,_ aboutit on hislatestalbum.thisyear's chest.pelvisandhands.He wastaken All Eye:anMe " ve shotsandthey At midweekhe remained in critical to LasVegassUniversityMedical stillcouldn't kill me"!.Lastweekin Center, where doctorsperformed condition. andhisprognosis was LasVegas.after heattended a Mike guarded.Buttherewasno doubtabout threeemergency surgeries to repair Tyson ght.dangercamecallingagain. internalinjuriesandto removehis the supportthe singer,whoseAll Eye: At 11:15pm. on Sept.7. Shakurand rightlung.Four days later.Shakurwas hassoldmorethan5 millioncopies, wasreceivingfromotherblack still bleedinginternallyasdoctors Marion Suge"pronounced Shoog! Knight,theheadof Shakur's Death searched franticallyfor thesource. celebrities. hisfamily and friends.In V wt iz rzetiirlzae ma/asPEOPLE T5 ALLn_,_.,._,.,.,,_,_,____ , e866»?-4+J20/.907/9' 3343 .13.-.-Q .'5 f...43:'-I 3'1'l4§~1192-' B¥D°*~ lPU ED q -qn'<'-92c>u=u Ltst at 1-tout, SEARCHED inurxin; mm semauztp 7>r'  I 'o9292°l I _f8l_-.L iii Qa obq °92 to W °l NOV 5 I996 9!!/AN >llSU!lIl L >ra an image he has to keep up to sell records." H78 a friend lhouf Shaina": gangsta pose. But at the Sept.4MTV Awards, Shaltur Milli, Iilb $0000 DOES! Doggl MIT ! came tohlmn with fellow reaper Nos. YThislrllldylull hmbmr heart, up nlnle inducer Brad llrevoyol Shaltur Ion Satvrday lgblliuln Fdruaryl. YHis not the bad person everyone thllh he la," says ex-wile Keisha Mania, who stood byShaltur as he recovered tron: a 1994 shooting lbolmv. NewIn l rm tive isreputed to have ties to the Bloods street gang. For Shakur, who once studied the- Clul. artist manager Joan Hyler, stresses that the singer was not toblame for the ater atthe BaltimoreSchool forthe Arts and drew praise for his sensitivity and social consciousness, shooting the shooting. Just because he's had prob- comes at atime when he is free on $1.4 lems inthe past, is it fair to condemn million bailposted by Knight!, while him?" Hyler asks. "He's extremytal- appealing his rape conviction and makented and bright.Ijust ho ndis- ingaconcerted effort to keep two catance himself from his ." Shakur's reers ontrack. Shakur, who starredin ex-wife Keisha Mor ' ,with whom he l992's]uice withand Janet Jackson in remainsongrms, says, He's an I993 s Hxticjuslirc, recently returned entertainer ta gangster. As aperto making movies. His latest, Gridlock, son. Tu is verymisunderstood." adark comedy costarring Pulp Fic!|'on's in fa tthe shooting itself seems Tim Roth, is due outin February. And equally dif cult to fathom. LasVegas just the week before he was shot. Shakur wrapped Gang Related. in which complained they that were receiving he plays acorruptcop. He wasagreat little cooperation from anyone in spirit on the set, positive uplifting," and Shakur's camp, even though there says Gang producer Brad Krevoy. police. who say they haveno leads. were about 10 cars full ofbodyguards Considering what you heard about and friends with Knight.'l"hey're him, that was allin hispast." telling us they didn't see anything and What effect the shooting might don't know anything," Las saysVegashave on Shakur's asaperfuture Metropolitan Police Sgt. Kevin Manformer remains to be seen. The quesning. He adds that police have conclud- tion last week was. Would he survive? ed theshootings are not related to a While he continues battle to forhis additionhis to mother. Afeni Shakur, a shouting match Shakur got into with life, those close to therapper remain founding member of theBlack Pan- an unidenti man ed during the Tyson hopeful they as keep up their vigil. thers, the unconscious Shakur was vis- ght. Theashy-dressing, 315-lb. My prayers are with him," says exitedby the Rev. Jesse Jackson, rapperKnight. who reportedly boasted that wife Morris. "He s survivor, a and l Hammer and actress Jasmine Guy. whorivals had contracts out on hislife, was knowhewill pull through." would say only thatTupac's is family still dodging police days after theincigrateful for the public's support." No dent. Although his company has one elseclose toShakur wouldcomment on the shooting, but one friend, 76 5123195 People amassedafortune estimated atover $100 million, the Compton. Calif., na- 1c.92|.92'|X Btlitilt - |t.92m;r s|t.92||.sronu LasinVegas. rm! ;l'.92.92 in Los Angeles r.Fl-' and llllll0l92'lI in sr92l:||i'n92 MawYork Cily » C. o T upac sdeath: Agangsta omen? By BniceHaring USA TODAY lClan. $885 the rap ; waochword ddistributori. most ly traded. They will censor ttle more from album artwork to whatever they saylyrically justto avoid pressure fromthe outside,he says. But ultimately.the ue is nolikely everto vanish completely. I honatty wish that it would Arecord from slainrapper Illpac Shaltur, The Don Kilitmtimti The 7-Day Theory,Bout today, butrecord executlves.managers andart- ism,say theganpta rap style be helped popularueIS no longer the force thatit oncewas The majorplayersin the teud that has dividedthe gngsta rap world vy says m hoping maybe formostotthapm year Ma|-ion people will think twice about the "Suge" Knight.headoi Shakurs re types oflyric: that they're choosing cord company.Death Row.and Bad to usenow. Butto anyit's going to Boy Entertainment head Sean change, especially overnight. l Combs -- were already expandingtheir artsilc scope belore Ch ty. mnmger or Sbakur diedoi gunshotwounds SepiCoolJand head otviolatorRecords. I3. seeking new horizons beyond admits corporate doors may be elmgritty talesor urban mayhem lng, ll only tonewcomers. But an industry thathas already "lthinkltwillmakeltharderlt made millionsfrom page rap isn t you're new-up-and-coming the gangexactly racingaway from the style. sta rap label and you're "Vim to with hugesale still expected from break in the door rightnow, you're the 2Paealbum and an upcoming going tomeet resistance." one fromSnoop Doggy Dog Rusell Simmons. whose DelJam l think the record companythat Reconb is one of rap s leadingla2Pac's isprobably on eatingitup bebels. says no one should expect cause now he's probably even selling much change because of Shakur. more recorth. says rocker lairrle Jlml Hendrixdied oian 0.D.Did B. of Manhole,aformer rapper lor the rock n rollworld forgetits pre Eazy-E's Rutnles Recortht "lt's a occupation withdnig? Simmora sad thingto say.But its like when 1 asks. Reallite inspire art. it reKurt Cobaindied." ny. his death wil have on the tunua oi tfartgsntrati lleets the reality thatpeople! live. Knight hassaid littleabout Death Row's future in the wake of tlte Shakur Knight. whowas withSbakur whenhe spitittnckoutthroughtheirrn cor slaying. ADeath Rowspokesman declinedwas shot.is currentlyunder arrst tor pa- painting orplays orpoetry." requests tor interviews. as did Death role violations The 3i-year-oldhas been Chuck D oi Public Enemy saysllany Row's distributors, MCA MusicEntertain- accused ina tederal racketeeringsuit oi change comes post-Shakur. record compament andlnterscope Records. visiting Ruthiem Records with baseball nies particularly black musicdivisions Heavy D,the rappertumed headof Up- bats tosettleabusln dispute. - needtotakegreaterinterstindireco town Entertainmentalso says there won't ing young artists, much as the National beawbolaale nah awayfrom thegenre. yond gangstarap summer with Basketball Amociationotters its rookie "At the end oi the day, lrom amains artist DannyBoy. whoquickly droppedall counseling standpoint, it's all aboutmoney." the charts.and soonplans torelease analYou could say whateveryou want to Sales oigangta rap albulm have de- bum by pop rapperHammer. Suchsate sayinnsongbutwhenitcoma downto clined trom their early '90s peak a material may become more common- whetherornotyougetthrown outotaho trend mirroredby theoverall llatsal in tel, tightbackstage, or get arrmed in other the musicindustry. Still.2Pac'sAll onEye:'¢t. . states, thatneeds tobe checked."he says. Me. whichtopped theBillboard 200 earlier Steve Rlfklnd. prsident of-Loud Re became whatit doesis itsheds a bad light this year.was stillNo. 20alter 36 weeks. cords,alabel whose acts include Wu~'l ang and ashadow onthe an iorm." $0!- or tn?been-. is." that wouldbhalttzltlo no." I LL say mw or that they lnternallze ;siTlie But Death Row {huge its lltst tong l sllacethe in future, some executives pre- Bad B0y s Combs denies feuding with Death Row 92 Sean "hilly" Combs wants lem withTupac ora problem a lucrativejoint venture with orlglnal stylists IS posing clear the air betweenhis with SugeKnight 0| problem Arista Records;he s opening from thescene. Bad Boy Entertainment. with Death Row,aproblem his ownrstaurant in Manhat"I think there aredlderent loaders oi the East Coast with anybodyin theindustry. tan, Justin's, devoted tosoul types of hard-core rap or school oi rap. and the Wat lormatter. that and Caribbeanfood; andhis ganpm rap."he says. There Coast'sRow Dmth Records The only thing I've heard debut album as an artist is are the thing that are real. I think people haveamiss the records that you've due outin January.with con- attectlng people's livs. and conception thatrst ol all we heard. I've never been ap- tributiom from most of his then peoplethat areinst saywere in a teud," he says "l proached onany other level Bad Boyroster. ing anything that sounds don't think you can be in a besides that.So it was more Re ecting onhis tortuous, hard-core orsounds dark and teud withsomebody ifthere's hype thananythins" Combs agrees that some disnml l think some oi not two people arguing l Combs isbranching outin gangta rap - particularly those thing may beon their mean, I've never hada prob- abig way. I-lehas justsigned that madeby initiatorsot the way out." ,to AI-1. from 1.-- ' ~*--1" :_r~:.nmo J d J4._.._. "- Jéé -£4-Do/20'?-/3 " Q 92lqq_z "~ Qq!bqL:4 Z j $£R|AuzEo__$l_Ht£o_ __ g INDEX __ {D °tu92-Wlv °92 C.» Wttsgq Lthtq plqq at lsau l NOV 5I996 W "Q i rC9 TTY. I-A Coanutenzed Request Record _it Form , _L!-5P _"é !:L{L/ TO: TELETYPE ROOM RETURN 01 one: 92 l -OS»-3 Q FILE N mesa; j_J:%A~j.A g_1J_';'. -J Drivers Licenseomm License O DataL1! 0 Registered L Photograph CA StateCriminal Angelea CA DVehicle Data D Cnty NCIC Criminal 10-28Neh .b7C I24> I£07 StateNCIC Wants O Wants ' Cl History cur CIHistory Ili!' Cl egistration @:£V¢4.Fl IF'rJi>"4 _f V 1 _ VWiw i Nameof$ubject: Aiias es!:_ j i _@ f W_e W j j iji i 92 Address: _ _'_ Previous Address: 4 _ Driver's License Number: _ i f- Date of Birth or approximate age!: Vehicle LicenseNumber andState: Z__ _ __ i Sex: @MaIe O Female Social Security Number: HeightlWeighUHairIEyes:_c i_ _c c ji ?_ 7 _ Other IdentifyingInformation Specify!: Reason':_ i c cdméms:gm ammo _ W _ tween fr-;92/am" 92 i»:.J1>~u "' ALL DIFORMAHONCONTAHED HEREJ.'N UNCLASS IS :- wmmm_n w °l rtqzz, %w~92t»u -L4-avbfv 7-1/0 °9292> -ttoulp <-9292°92L¢> S 25Q, 92""gE E*&# L92 qigapo o, 92g_,g_92.l I lsearrtrzrn 4- ~F'l , u Per aDOJ. reason for request the alenumber and mandatory. are E8 Nov1996 5 - L05 ANG ' I3 O, E110 ~EVENT NAME SEARCH NAME! SHAKUR CRIME ~_ w /TUPAC CODE __@_ REQUEST FOR JDS EVENT# " DATE RANGE EXACT MATCH /_m_______ _ _- - ___"__ REPT /__ SEX DIST m_ M RACE REPT DEPT M DOB~YR __ Y ORR# -____ NOTE= ENTER EI10~PARTIAL EVENT CRITERIAI LAST SEXM RACE DUB DATES FROM: Y FUR EXACT MATCH NAME INQUIRY SHAKUR YR STAT FIRST TUPAC CODE DEPT/RD BEAT! RD 20239 20882 030213756 20989 030809429 PDT 030928694 EVENT# 20643 6 17:05 0406185i9 NU MSGS ~LAST 100 100 NAME /FIRST NAME /SEX JDS MIDDLE SUF REQUIRED _m Q" EI10 - EVENT -Q NAME SEARCH NAME! SHAKUR CRIME CODE __-_ JDS EVENT# /TUP C DATE / RANGE _I___" qm__MM_w_ w_m_ _ REPT / __ _m_~__ In DIST REQUESTFUR EXACTMATCH Y DPR% __ wm NOTE: ENTER Y FOR EXACT SHQKUR SHAKUR SHHKUR TUPAC MQTCH mwwt w LAST NAME / FIRST 121695 rurmc am a1 m SHAKUR SHAKUR TUPAB Aw 1'uPnc:»~»--u-»<~ A SHHKUR TUPAC£cu¢¢.92{ A 072093 030206 TUPAC Au.-.A$9IWl4' 0400 031193 0021 031393 0053 4400 0500 M 0300 072093 JD5000 NO MORE INFORMATION OUTPUT MSG 045. PAGE 02 HVA OF 031 M S M S H S 121695 SEX M RACE _ _ __ REPT DEPT DOB YR __ "_ 5 EI10 ~ EVENT NAME! NHME SEARCH SHAKUR / CRIME CODE _,", REQUEST OPR# JDS EVENT# TUPHC / ____m,___ DATE RANGE ____um FUR EXACT MATCH " _ __ _ / __" REPT DIST SEX H "_,_ ¢m,_mm__ RACE _ D B YR mm REPT DEPT ,, Y _m _, NOTE: FREE - Sc? ENTER Y FUR EXACT MATCH ~ LAST NQME / FIRST NAME / SEX REQUIRED 001 OUTPUT MSG 045, PQGE 03 OF 03. FROM JD1@ ii/05/96 17=0é NU MEGS WAITING 92 , I 92 '§ FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT W Tgpac FILE NUMBER SECTION NUMBER FEDERAL BUREAU Shakur, R, 2§6A-LA-201807 , ,2 OF INVESTIGATION " ./1 1 U.S. Department of Justice Q! Federal Bureau of lnvesngauon 1 R=P'¥~ P'=a§= [1 1 Rf; 1O 0 0Wil shire Blvd . File No.AAED LosAnge le s, CA 9 0 24 0 °929292°92'L'Z. q _ 9 [5nuary 1997 3, DA; "°" - *2! <=92<>92-9292.92-I4 ° 92 5ouq=Q'|m:i <= ET g;._u, we AL °92b w-92 to-92 III TUPAC SHAKUR ERIC WRIGHT, -VICTIM AKA EAZY-E DECEASED!; - VICTIM DECEASED!; ACT OF TERRORISM DOMESTIC TERRORISM DEATH THREATS OFFICE OF ORIGIN: LOS ANGELES All informants information in the mentioned herein have provided reliable I past. _ Date Investigative On October initiated at Los Summary Prepared: 17, 1996, Angeles Field apreliminary Office to January 3, inquiry PI! 1997. corroborate source was b7C information that|_h FFJ known a organized crime I figure, along wit agroup of unfaenti ied individuals are utilizing death targeted towards Angeles area threats inthe furtherance of extortion two former prominent rap musicians from and other victims yet unidentified_ attempts the Los b2 b7D and oEhersyet un1dent1t1ed'ha arious rap G and rap star. music stars via death threats. The D73 scheme involves other subjects making telephonic death threats to the Subjects then intercede b contacting the victim and offering protection for a"fee1:::::£ireported that ERIC WRIGHT, also known California as EAZY E, was avictim who owned RUTHLESS RECORDS, Woodland of this extortion scheme prior to Hills, dying from AIDS.t:::::]hadalso reportedlytargeted TUPAC SHAKUR prior to his recent murder in Las Veqas, Nevada. II ~ ~ -"44 /"' ¢1<:>/rz»7-.4/- ~ 3? ; " Following ERIC WRIGHTs death ued for 50% ownershi oq @ be able to provide gurther details regarding tutthat she was not available for interview until mid-January, 1997. RUTHLESS RECORDS. Z would On March 27, 1995,G filed RONALD SWEENEY, This lawsuit is titled.'COMPTOWN OFFICES RONALD filed in roperty rights for the RECORDS INC, SWEENEY, et al", civil case Los Angeles Superior Court, pertains to acivil Entertainment Attorney lawsuit against WRIGHT estate. et al V. LAW number BC 124555 was Los Angeles, California b7C of RUTHLESS RECORDS. During the lawsuiméoffered as evidence two letters purportedly signed by ERIC WRIGHT, granting: ownership of RUTHLESS Efffiiif. The letterswerepartdeemed forged an expert by witness. advised con 1 earl 199Y9 her and not yet the results ential" and a of this require ein lawsuit were asubpoena, classified which is pending. filed alawsuit against Qin ade tele 9a her family after ERIC been reviewed at Los death P honic WRIGHT died. Angeles. trea These records b-~» 'l sto have b7C Los Angeles Field Office is currently court transcripts and related documents mentioned I r. .. . compiling the in the above 5Investigatorsare awaitinthe results of several 9 records checks and anticipate several interviews of witnesses and victims in this matter. In addition investigators continue review FBI files as they relateto: including matter. Investigation continuing at Los to the copyright Angeles. b7c T ~.! ..K HosAugelcs diimes My COMPAY TOWN THEB|Z_ / CHUCK PHILIPS andALAN ABRAHAMSON RapperLeaves Tangled tr Financial, Legal Legacy Slain rap star TupacShakursoldmore than$60millionworthof albumsthis year artists contracts are skewed in favor of alone, making him one of the top-selling domestic artists. Yet, at the time of his record companies.Even if Shakur had recordedadditional albums, he wouldlikely The disputeillustrateshow recording death,the rapperowedhisrecordcompany have remained in debt for years to come, $4.9million, Shakurattorney s says. sourcessaid. Tupacwasone of the mostsuccessful Shakuz- smother-who last week won a court battle forcing Death Row Records and two other companiesto stopselling unauthorized Tupac merchandise believesDeathRowshortchanged hersonout artists in the music business and yet somehow, on the day he di . he had absolutely nothingto show or it," said ' ' is co-admin- of loyalty payments and has hired an New York attorney Ri who along with Atem auditor to conductan independentac- istrator of the ps countingof the rap label's books. that Death Row wi eld royalty payments from Tupac d tailed to deliver many of the adv promised under his contract." - l leuesee'1 HEB1Z,IW The allegationsstem from an unusual handwrittenthree-pagecontractdrafted and signedwhile Shakurwasin prisonin 1995. _ s te."We believe I I I l 1.mmomtmon o0N'rAIN'ED "9 *"* rcnass av ,,e,mQ, W i°i»"ls; Q 9292°92'l.l 9-929292$Dloa92 °92u929292o92.n °92 mt» q-92 °92t>uulL¢t92 <92 92s9-3t Qbé/l 'l~/l 9~Oi807~Fé szmcnto i mutxso7" SERIALIZEDE FILED 'DEC2 A I996 _ _Z |_;_Ll_i_$,ANGELES, Z iii: -,_L OO THEBIZ: Rapper ShakurTangled s Legacy _ , . _ _ _~ chargebeforeKnightshowed Continued fromht "P A reprcscnmlive forDeathBow witha promise tobsilhimout , Topaz was : one of the most successful artists in the "Thiscontractis not like any denied thatthe<loU'lP3'W hasmisotheragreement I've everseenin handled Shakm-'s account. blaming ~music liusiness-andyetsomehow, onthedayhe mylite,"Flschbein said."it's noththe.rapper'a debtson his own dlod, he had absolutely nothing to show for it. .' . . ingbuttoiletpaper. extravagant spending habits. The agreement, which grants We bollovo that Death Row withheld royalty payments in theyearpreceding hisslaying. Death Row had advanced fromTupacand failedto delivermanyof the advances Shakur largesinusoi cashtobuy - _ promisedunderhiscontract. severalcars,tor hlmseliand a house {or hismother- funds that RNHARD FISQHBEIN series ofadvance payments promthe rapperwasrequired to pay Attorney andco-administrator oftherapstar's estate isedto Shakur-many<1!which back.DeathRow sources said. Plschbeiri alleges therapper never Shakur also charged to theoomreceived pany lease-payments ior three Fischbein alsocomplains that residences as well as a slewof Shakur didnothaveproper reprelavishbills,including a $300,000 tate,Fischbein said WWsentation when he signed the tab at the Peninsula Hoteland lt wasJimmylovinewhotool: agreementAccording Thepapers weredrawnupat s to Fischhundreds ofthousands ofdollars in Nov.1 meet'mg theleadin gettingtheballrolling bein, between Shakur's the rappet_ l>P¢i!'$ to have invoices forjewelry, furniture. sethismess out."Fisch- beenrepresented Fischbein, lnterscope co- tostraighten by Kenner. W110 curityand limoservice,sources mother, bein said. Nothing would have founder J lmmy Iovine and a group alsowasthe attorney for Knight said. happened if it wasn't for him. of attorneys. Death Row owner and Death Row at the time. In addition, Shakur ran up more MarionSuge" Knightwasin' ' at DeathRowneverevencametothe Fiachbein accuses oi Kennerof than $2 million in advances tor a probation violtion tabletohaveadiscussion." having acon ict ofinterest when he recording andvideocosts-which, thetimeon Shakur's motherhasalsocast drafted andcouldnotattendthem ting. thecontract andgaveadvice according to standardindustry Death Row attorney ' doubt onthevalidity oitherecord- to Shalmraboutsigning it. Kenpractice, mustberecouped by the ingcontract thatDeath Rowstruck ner-who wasfired by Shakur record company before hisaccount wasalsonotpresent. with her son on Sept. 16, 1995. During themeeting. ln rscope's about three eeksbefore therapper can turn a pro t, DeathRow Unlike a standardrecording diedattorneys alsopledged an addiariyconfiictoi interest. sources said. agreement, typically thick and tional $2 million in advances to be insisting t Shakur was repreNevertheless, whenShalrui-'8 ct complicatedsented the time by attorney Aprilandhelped nego- lacedwith dozens motherthreatened in October to paidbefore l letree could not Shakur s in theroyaltyrate termsand conditions, sueDeathRowandbartherelease tiateanupgrade forcomment Monday. from12%to18%!Paidtoherson pactwithDeathRowishand-writ» be oiherson's posthumous "Makav cit It's unclearwhetherShakur sten and just three pageslong. The Don Killuminati album, torpastreleases. insists thatInterscopeShahur signedthe agreement, mot wouldseekto havethe DeathRnw distributor s Intersoope Fischbein written contractdisavowed. Fischbein suggests. because he forgave about50%otthe Records worked out a dealtopay attorneys andhadbeenincar- ButWchbeinsaidDeathRowhas an immediate $3-millionnonre- $4.9-milliondebt-a pointwith wasunhappy thenecessary books formonths ona sexabuse yettoprovide fundableadvance toShakui-ess whichDeathRowadamantly dis- cerated that would allow the estateto conduct anindependent audit- Deathitowtherlgbttorelease many as tour albums. spells out ii ,-. Kr ' l . _-~1 Q, 1 .. rQ s | l I Ant. --~-.=--|- - ?.'= - -~.-' ' - "1:-12."-r""' . BIZ= . Continued from D1. A representative for Death Row . - . -. __.Vv ,3 .Z't .: ~ _ 1 . ' _ .- -q, ~---.1.»-.--i'£r£:.am -_-0I. -1- -. f -= -,.~u _ . V__"____'§ |'l 1"-*-'2 -..i._ before 7"charge Knigh_t showed-up 1 -_'""with a'pron_1ise tobailhim"o_ui.=-_ . Taped was one of_the mos't succe§§iuL§_i;jtlsfts§ln.-_thi§ fi ""1"l'his.'contract"l not.likeany deniedthatthecompany has'mishandledShakm-'s account, blaming the'_:_'apper's ' debtson his own extravagant spending habits. In the year precedinghis slaying, Death Row had advanced Shakurlarge sums of cashto buy several cars for himself and a house for his mother iunds that Amusic buslness and yetsomehdw; __oii'-theiday hea -_other__agreement I've ever__seer_ in "-mylife. Fischbein said.' nothlt s dled,'he had_ah_'solutely .nothln_'g_to' show'for;;ltj.} 3* f? ing but toiletpaper!~ " ; Webelieve thafbeatli Row withheld royalty paymentsThe agreement,which _ grants -Death Row the right to release from-Tupac andfailed todeliver many oitheadvancesmanyas four albums,spellsoutasa " the rapper was requiredto pay Shakuralsochargedto the company lease-paymentsfor three as a slew of lavish bills. includinga$300,000 tab at the PeninsulaHotel and -. _- .~ --P I_ '. -_ *_~" RICHARD nscnasm_ =,, received. ' U ~~.- ' The paperswere drawn up at a It was Jimmylovine who took hundreds of thousands of doilarsin Nov.1' meeting betweenShaltur s the leadin getting-theball rolling invoices forjewelry,furniture, se_- mother,Pischhein,Interscopeco- tostraighten thismess out,"Fischcurity and limo service, sources said. ' ln addition, Shakurranupmore than "$2 million in advances for recording andvideocosts-which, according to standard industry practice.mustbe recouped by the founder Jimmy - Fischbeinalso "complains that Shakurdidnothaveproperrepresentation when he signed the I tate,li '.ischbeinsaidi ' ' if 3gT¬Q 5- series of advancepayments prohi- isedto-Shalgur-many of which '-Fischhein allegestherappernever V Altomeyandco-administrator of therapstar's estate 2 - back, Death Row sources said. residences as well .P promisedunderhiscontract. ' . t lovineandagroup beinsaid."Nothing wouldhave of attorneys.Death =Row-owner Marion"Surge" Knightwasinjail at agreement. According to Fisch- bein, the rapper-_ appearsto have beenrepresented by Ke_nner, who also was the attorney for Knight and Death Row at the time. ' Fischbeinaccuses of Kennerof happened if it wasn't 'for ~h1m. having a con of ict interest whenhe Death Row nevereven came to the drafted the contract and gave advice a discussion . ? . "' the time on a probation violation table tc have to Shakurabout it. Kenandcouldnotattendtheameeting. Shakur s_mother has also cast her-_-whowas fired by Shakur DeathRowattorney DavidKenner dohht onthevalidity of_i:he reodrdabout tin-ee weeks bdfore therapper . _- ingcontractthatDeathBowstruck died-deniedanycon record company before hisaccount wasalsonotpresent. of ict, iniermt, withhersononSept._'l6. 1995.Duringthe meeting,Interscope's can~_turn_4 a_ profit, Death Row insisting that Shakur was repreattorneysalso pledgedan addi_Unlike;a._.standard - recording sented at the time by attorney sourcessaid tional $2mlllioh inadvances tobe agreement,typicallythick and CharlesOgletree.Ogletreecouldnot 1/Nevertheless, when Shakur's paidbefore pril andhelpednego- laced mother threatenedin Octoberto hviui dozefu$'o£ ciiu'1p1icated :hereachediorconunentMonday._ _ sue Death Row and bar the release s whether tiate alnaupéade inthe royalty rateternis and conditi'ons.'.Sh'aktir '. It's unclear an immediate $3-million nonre- fundablef? advance to Shakur ess $4.9-milliondebt-a point with which Death Row-adamantlydis- t Wis. smart #1-_92<U1§4. less". ices- that would allow the estate to cerated formonths _on'-a sex.ahuse' ' -dohductanindependent audit. u-_..~- .i-'. l 1 Shakur's from' 12% to 18%! paidto her son pact with Death Row is hand-writ, mother would seek to have the forpastreleases.1. -: .". . 'ten and-just~ long. handwritten contract disavowed. The Don Killuminati" album. DeathRow's distributor Inter-scope Fischbein insiststhat Interscope Shakur signed the agreement, But Fisehbeinsaid Death Row has Recordsworkedout a7dealto pay attorneys forgave about'50% of the Fischhein-suggests, ;l_>ec'ause_ he _yet to provide the necessarybooks of herson's posthumous lllakavelh 6 Q2 rv-850 Rev. s-a-at i 92 i __ . V. _ ".1 Pi i MountC pplng InSpaceBelow! V__ Indicatepage,nameoi e. , city ~ andslale.!|_OS J newspaper, . _'l'l-IE BIZ /Cl-lUCl_ PHILlPSandALAN ABRAHAMSON U §§},,,;m "W4 PAGE 1;! L05ANGELES, CA ;RapperLeaves ngled Ta 11I 1 t ' Slainrapstar'lShakur upacsoldmore than$60millionworthof Legacy¢~»;¢@~@s Classmcahon; The d_ispute ill_ustrabes how recording -alone.makinghim one of the top-selling art1'sts 4_contracts areskewed in favorof domesticartists.Yet, at the time of his record,companies.Even if Shakur had - death. therapper owed hisrecord company} recorded additional albums,he wouldlikely $4.9 millipn, Shakur attorneylsays. ' s 'f' u_" have remained in debt for years to come, Shaktu-'s -mother--who last week wona ~.3 Isoiii-mssaid. ~ ' .,' courtbattleforcingDeathRowRecords and two-other companies to stop selling unauthorizedTupac merchandise-bellevesDeathRowshortchanged her sonout of royalty paymentsand has hired an auditor to conduct-an independent_ ac-, Submitting Oi ce: L08ANGELESiWWW Indexing: Tupacwasoneof the mostsuccessful artistsin the musicbusiness and yet somehow,on the day he died. he had absolutelynothing to show for it, said New York attorney Richard Fischbein, whoalongwith AfeniShakuris eo-admincountingof the rap label's hooks. estate. We believe The allegationsstem from an unusual istratorof therapstar's handwrittenthree-pagecontractdrafted that Death Row withheld royalty payand signed while Shakur was in prison in 1995. mentsfromTupacandfailedto deliver rnany of the advances promised under his contract." ' I Plcasesee'1'HE BlZ,D7 ALL E'Ii7¥.'.':F=II*--i'..~"='_'-"-f_' ' E §§§$j%§ aee%eennconP" queens i lvti FBI/DOJ .3604-1.4! ~/ X3/J 7 --iii . - '> *0 0», l2Bln995! = FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE To: FBI Date: 02/12/1997 Headquarters From: Los Attn: NSD, CT Branch, DTS, DTOU Angeles NSD 6 ApprovedI:Izv Bw Drafted BY: £9 b7C F ALL rr71'- cw-.-*_@.'rI"t~:-I " -5" - Case#' ID 66A LA 201807 I ' Tim-= ET 92 AL °l=9292u92-92 <9292 TUPAC SHAKUR-VICTIM DECEASED!; Iqu9qI911 ERIC WRIGHT, AKA EAZY E VICTIM DECEASED!; qI!929292,92_,[_ AOT-DT-DEATH THREATS 00; LOS ANGELES ARMED AND Synopsis: Status DANGEROUS of investigation and request for extension of PI. Preliminary Inquiry O2/16/1997 Initiated: 10/17/1996, Enclosures: One original Memorandum, dated copies of extended to expire . and five copies of aLetterhead O2/05/1997. Enclosed for aLetterhead the Bureau are one original and five Memorandum, dated 02/05/1997, which contains the current status of captionedmatter. by b7C Several leads regarding captioned rema' outstandin at Los w 1C identifying ssociates. located at the Superior Court, Los LAFO copyright matter which located for An eles matter. b7D review purposes. may assist in T ecivil case file has not Angeles. In addition, the been was closed in 1995 has not been D Searches are on for C both case files /17/1997, Case Unit, who as an LOS ANGELES Agent met with Detective POLICE DE ' 'strative informant who knows k - - - ' 9 m: Vice in the next weeks two concerning pg@é#_;#-Q fffff The informant has to meet with Case Agent SEARCHED __W INDEXED ___ .stamuzzn Fnrn 5? i sl To: FBI Re: 266A LA 20l807 thirty Headquarters It days will is From: 0! Los Angeles ~ anticipated that investigation resolve the issue of activity being conducted byr thers financial backing for their aniza lOI1 or financial extended during the next whether the extortionateb7c is to provide ' only for personal is gain. It is requested another thirty that this Preliminary Investigation be days as a result of outstanding leads. ARMED AND DANGEROUS O 2 U.S. Department of Justice :""%:'"'*-1 Fedenn Bureau oflnves ga on In Reply,Please Refer to ]_]_QQ[! Wilshire Blvd _ File No. ALL 5-mmc____,Am_,,92., CATWAHIED Los Angeles, CA 90024 l£ a.i92»'a. L1-JL. u'..' §,*b1§mE3Qm§§:L m§@ms3 12, 1997 |@J February "c mu '-Net->L¢ ? % ET AL TUPAC SHAKUR -VICTIM DECEASED!; b"_7Q ERIC WRIGHT, AKA EAZY E VICTIM DECEASED!; ACT OF TERRORISM DOMESTIC TERRORISM DEATH OFFICE OF information in All informants the past. On October information thaq wit Qand rap sar 1997. i was source Ia known organized crime individuals are of extortion musicians from the attempts Los yet unidentified. yet unidentified music stars inquiry PI! to corroborate prominent rap other victims reliable February 5, apreliminary Field Office two former and and others various rap 17, 1996, agroup o uni enti ied threats in the furtherance targeted towards Angeles area have provided Summary Prepared: Los Angeles figure, along utilizing death ANGELES b'}7C mentioned herein Date Investigative initiated at THREATS ORIGIN: LOS via death have been extorting money threats. The rom scheme involves b2 other subjects making telephonic death threats to and the b"/B Subjects then intercede by contacting the victim b7c offering protection for afee g;;;Eeported that ERIC WRIGHT, also known as EAZY E, California, was fromAIDS. ?had to his recen murder avictim who owned of this RSS RECORDS, Woodland extortion scheme Hills, prior to dying also reportedly targeted TUPAC SHAKUR prior in Las Vegas, Nevada. I0"/C 1b7C '~ P» Following ERIC WRIGHTs death, ued for 50% ownership RUTHLESS RECORDS. be able was not to provide available for further details interview until regarding ut mid January, 1997. On March2'7, 199S,Zfiled RONALD SWEENEY, This lawsuit filed Entertainment Attorney is titled OFFICES RONALD of b7¢ oula acivil in Los Angeles Superior pertains erty rights of lawsuit against for the COMPTOWN RECORDS SWEENEY, et al", WRIGHT estate. INC, et civil case al V. number BC Court, Los that she LAW 124555 was Angeles, California a >75 RUTHLESS RECORDS. During the lawsuit, ffered a ce two letters purportedly signed by ERIC WRIGHT, granting ownership art RUTHLESS of RECORDS. The letters were eemed forged by an exp ert witness. [;:::;;ladvised the results of this lawsuit were classified con iential and require asubpoena, which is pending. filedalawsuit againstp in 1379 early 199 aeging ta made telephonic her and her family afte IGHT died. These not yet been reviewed at Los Angeles as they misfiled at the Superior Court, Los Angeles. death t reats to records have have reportedly been |:1 b7 '1 92.! ll__'l ! Los Angeles court transcripts court cases recor Fiefa Office and related for review rior to is currently documents mentioned the interview 1 ing eresu F compiling the ' of ts of schecks. several b7 C b7C b7D InvesE1gaEion conE1nuing at Los Angeles. FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT Tupacz Shakur f FILE NUMBER 266A-LA;201807 SECTION NUMBER I 4S I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION I r FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE Date: 04/15/1997 To: FBIHQ Attn: NSD, CT Branch, DTS, DTOU /26$/Angeles From: Los 92 | I Angeles NSD 6 ALL INFORMA I ICN COH'I AINED Approved By: HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED Case ID Title: I #: 266A-LA 201807 Pending! TUPAC SHAKUR VICTIM EAZY-E VICTIM DECEASED!; AOT-DT-DEATH THREATS; 0O: LOS ° oL929292u °929292qi2 lqwgq q 92L>92-92bu_L, m l ET-KL; mu NED Q DECEASED!; ANGELES ARMED AND Synopsis: Request Investigation. Field SSA Details: Reference DANGEROUS authorization to open aFull Field Los Angeles EC, dated 04/03/1997 which lcontaing criminal historg1andassociates criminal of On 10/17/1996, initiated at aPreliminary Los 1 information that! Ia wi agroup Inquiry PI! ' ' utilizing death threats in known of unfaen the furtherance was corroborate source ' ' figure, along b7 1 ied org nized cr me b7g a' i individuals are of extortionate activity targeted towards two former prominent rap musicians the Los Angeles area and other victims yet unidentified. from -I b7C b7D I éd 44 °""5 7'/7: . $1§=°»1%E % {Bl-LO W i_ APR2Z I997 I 1 1 To: FBIHQ From: Los Angeles Re: 266A-LA-201807, April 15, : and 1997 others yet unidentified have been from various ra music stars via extorting money death threats. The scheme involvesstar.ther subjects making telephonic death threijjé Subjects then intercede by contacting the ' to the rap victim and known as offering protection for a"fee". ERIC WRIGHT, also EAZY-E, who owned RUTHLESS RECORDS, Woodland Hills, California was avictim from AIDS.o reportedly of to SI-IAKUR's recent murder this extortion in Las scheme prior to dying targeted TUPAC SHAKUR prior Vegas, Nevada. b7C ! F 73 |:| ' Ii] _ On March 27, 1995, : RONALD SWEENEY, filed acivil Entertainment Attorney for the lawsuit against This lawsuit is titled COMPTOWN RECORDS INC, et OFFICES RONALD SWEENEY, et al", Civil case number This case was filed in Los California and pertains to During the lawsuit, Eoffered Angeles Superior property rights 92 WRIGHT estate. al-vs. LAW BC 124555. Court, Los of RUTHLESS as evidence tw letters b"iC Angeles, RECORDS. purportedly signed by ERIC WRIGHT, granting part ownership of RUTHLE RE RDS. the results of were The letters were deemed forged by an expert witness. advised the case was settled out ofcourt and E I !1a 1996 a egingtat in early threats to classified confidential her and her family after ERIC by the judge. ' alawsuit ed against b7c ade telephonicdeath WRIGHT died. l':'_| |:| Ii! b / C J 1 To: FBIHQ From: Los Angeles " Re: 266A LA-201807, April 15, 1997 I l:| W &# b7C b"/C |:| E: 1b7 On 04/11/1997, :3 investigators were civil court complaint, dated Plaintiffs vs '=' A C7 prov a_' 0_3-'/11/1996, entitled an individual, WATERSIDE _CAN'IINC INA a California MISSION BAY RESTAURANT and C15 INC., aCalifornia orpora ion, Co oration bin; f ind1viHua1s;'F .M.L. PHASE REKLT A ASSOgATES, limited pa' Does 1 through 50, ONE D VE P192QENT,___I C. , California corporations, inc sive, Defendants . is BELM PARK believed to The civil complaint 0'7/28/1995, at approximatel l_Q:O0 forcibly entered a business alleges that p.m., several be the on Friday, individuals ' ' ' ere identified as and two 2 unidentified subjects referred to uwsma #1. and UNSUB #2. UNSUB#1 is believed to be: WC as ,_ who to represent inci ent, claimed UNSUB brand #1 ed . Durin weaponéUNSUB at the #2 stated he represented and RUT CORDS. After physical and psychologica intimidation, onsidered the threat to his complaint further be committed patrons and alleges that the same left the business :had committed acts against eoccupied. The and caused to RUTHLESS RECORDS. Following the takeover ofgnightclub on 07/28/1995, reportedly you know who I am? I'm with ef . asked: Don J .92 l To: FBIHQ From: Los Angeles Re: 266A-LA 201807, April 15, 1997 DYC It has since been learnedantsthatg:::::Ldropped the and the other defen ased on fear and lawsuit against: 1 intimidation. - lawsuit reveal FBI records checksthe of defendants ingcivib-VIC the following: 92 in Ehe toilowing files: LA 192B 290 NK 1OOA 57409 - Commercial - Commercial Domestic Security JDL related RICO! NK 174A¢276o-1 NY 183G-3546 the following IFOIMS references! Hobbs Act Hobbs Act HQ 192-1866 l I - JDL bq Institutions! Institutions! i 1 related case! case! /FOIME references; iin 1 ee: b7C NY 281A 192451 I 1 I ! OC/DI! NY 281A 20l963 in the SA 245C 34965 Hl which FOIMS references in LA 179B-914 IFOIMS references n b'° following case: OCDE! the following case: ECT! FOIMS refe . LA 2a1A-1o2e32 001! bqg :| 1 . - .- 0 To: FBIHQ From: Los é Angeles Re: 266A LA-201807, April 15, 1.997 Lqc Hi &# 1 in FOIMS, unknown identical. if I'_" "" 1 Further checksregarding theabove individualswill be necessary to fully identify them. I , Investigators are currently compiling transcripts and related documents mentioned in the cases for review and analysis for lead potential. the court above court Investigators bin: are awaiting the results of several records checks to include b7D Based on the extortionate activity and other criminal activity yet unidentified, that a Full Field Investigation be initiated There appears to be a reasonable indication conducting extortionate/criminal continue to do so criminally liable. acting in concert with activity for as long as he is successful presented herein, itis recommended in this matter. thatsas been some time and will 5 and not , Los Angeles sources believe :to be or on behalf of the JDL held _p and its b"c 5 associates. It is identify whether on behalf MS et anticipated a the extortionate al, for Full Field Investigation will activity is being perpetrated personal gain the JDL. and/or on behalf of ; l - ARMED mm mmcsnous 1°76 O0 1 -,_....._...__.ii_. ____._____~.__di_.____.___i_J l2f3l/199$! l " FEDERAL BUREAU OF lNVESTlGAT|ON Precedence: T0: Los ROUTINE Date: Angeles 04/21/1997 , b7C From: Los Angeles NSD-6 Approved By: Drafted Case By: ID mpbh #= , 66A-LA-201807 LA as-sea sue A'!7§/ Title: I IET AL TUPAC SHAKUR EAZY E VICTIM AOT oo= or LOS 1 VICTIM DECEASED! DECEASED! DEATH ll THREATS ANGELES ARMED AND DANGEROUS Synopsis: Request for authorization of Full Field Investigation Instituted: Details: On October initiated at 17, 1996, mail cover. 04/15/1997. a preliminary Los ' ' corroborate information that known of 1 figure, along with agroup I inquiry PI! was source organized crime are unidentified individuals utilizing death threats in the furtherance of extortion targeted towards two former prominent rap musicians from Angeles area and other victims yet unidentified. attempts the Los b7C an 0 rom vari us ers ra involves other nd to the rap star. ye music uni n ie stars Subjects via threats. I b7D av death P 5 The scheme subjects making telephonic death threats then intercede b contacting the victim andoffering protection fora fee breported . that ERIC WRIGHT, also known as EAZY-E, who owned RUTHLESS RECORDS, Woodland'Hills, California, was a victim of this extortion scheme prior to dying from AIDS. :had TUPAC SHAKUR prior to his recent also reportedly targeted murder in Las Vegas, Nevada. ~»¢:-¢4'i:/?@7'1 Ann! *"Wm-mun Aynnm§§{g§§§§%%§é&£uQ£££ smnmm mm. J <=m '392mused-1 <iz '*' °92atL920Jn!-9 °92929l~,gQ_ ,_ ° ="»*M92 °9292w9292 - M10 1991 vI ' 0I ! I ]._ "YI Tb'7C gag! b?B 1 I r___________________1b -----'---RUTHLESS RECORDS. The civil INC et al V. LAW OFFICES number BC 124555 and Angeles, California. Ii lawsuit is titled "COMPTOWN RONALD SWEENEY, et al , civil case was filed in Los Angeles Superior RECORDS Court, Los During the lawsuit,:offered as b7C 1 l evidence two letters purportedly signed by ERIC WRIGHT, granting part ownership of RUTHLESS RECORDS. The letters were deemed by forged eierj art witness. G could produce no original letters. advised were classified con iential" the results of this and require a subpoena, lawsuit which is pending. ddition, _ against in led a early 1996 death threats to her aleging and her On 04/11/1997, family telephonic after ERIC WRIGHT died. investigators were provided aco civil court complaint, dated 03/11/1996,entitled an individual, WATERSIDE CANTINA, INC., aCalifornia MISSION BAX RESTAURANT and Plaintiffs, vs. CLUB ' individuals; INC., California ONE DEVELOPMENT, ASSOCIATES, alimited of a Corporation, ' ' R.M.L. REALTY, corporations, BELMONT partnership, and i % lawsuit K -"C t at made W bC INC.; PHASE PARK Does 1 through 50, . inclusive Defendants . The civil complaint alleges at approximately 10 O0 pm were identified a business owned and that on Friday, 07/28/1995 ,forcibly entered o erated These individuals b "II =1 F #2. UNSUB #1 is believed be to ho claimed to represent < Durin e inci ent, SUB #1 and two unidentified subjects brandishe a represented ORDS concea e and psychologica his patrons and further alleges committed the ref wea rUB #1, and on SUB #2 stated intimi ation,::onsidered left the business he :l committed same acts against he After physical occupied The the threat and caused RUTHLESS RECORDS 2 UNSUB complaint to be to Following the la 1 ' |:l I :11 IIII b7C |:':| [II |:| The focus following individuals: of the requested mail cover includes the ! 1 i class mail date the It is requested the mail cover and last for a period of thirty request is received by the District Charge, located attorney who during the in Pasadena, California. To the best of my represents the period of the Mail cover laws: 1! Title knowledge, the name and address mail cover subject is unknown. If, mail cover, attorney retained by the case agent, such information following U.S. the name mail cover will be subject is and address subject becomes promptly furnished. allegedly in of an of an known to violation the of the 18, U.S. Punishable by Code, Section fine or years or both; and 2! Title 21, U.S. ?unishable depending No subject include first and second days commencing on the Postal Inspector in of this 1951 imprisonment not Code, Section on quantity mail cover more than 841 and and type is presently twenty 846. of narcotics. under indictment or formally charged with any violation of criminal law. Should any subject be indicted or formally charged during the period of the mail cover, the postal inspector will be 3 I W. ' ' promptly»advised . Bo the It is mail cover may understood the be immediately results of the mail 2009, are the property of the U.S. Postal Service and limited to law enforcement agencies. The results can in the case agen s office as an investigative tool for of 60 days and then returned to the canceled. cover, PS Form its use is be retained aperiod following address: I ! . a E |____i__.| W Postal Inspector ISOSG Mail Cover P.O. BOX South San It is authorized to Section 9000 Francisco, CA 94083-900 recommended that enhance captioned a mail cover request be investigation. Investigation continuing at Los Angeles. i 1 4 Q .92 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT Tupac FILE NUMBER SECTION NUMBER FEDERAL BUREAU Shakm; I W 266A-LA-201807 _ 6I OF INVESTIGATION _____:_.a_-1 FD-350 6-8-81! RSV. "I lo ..._O 5. 92 92 _¢/J II Indicate page,name of newspaper. clty and state.! _ _ _7 Il51oun_i Cllpplngrln Below} Space _92 41 _, Q~ 23:38 ; LP,vfL i.5 Title: Character: or Classi cation: Submitting Ol cez LA s, ,..a5 mmetseraasmm ta<~<»W* '80l Quad .qQSo¢$ euuq r l@ °t slésiii p . lndexin Man Namedas Suspectin Death of Shakur Sues theRapper s Estate ICourts: Orlando Anderson says he was assaultedthe by star It is unusual for gang disputes to end up in civil lawsuits, but Anderson's action is particularly surprising because it could and othersin aLas Vegas hotel. hoursbefore fatal shooting. subject him to renewed scrutiny in connec- By CHUCKPHILIPS just off the Las Vegas Strip by gunfire tion with Shakur's death. Shakur, oneof the brightest starsin rap and a budding actor, was fatally wounded TIMES HAFF WRITER A reputed Los Angeles gang member once named by-police as asuspecl..in the murderoi Tupac Shakur hasfiled alawsuit against theslain rap star's estate-a -year and aday afterShakur wasgunned down. Orlando Anderson's lawsuit contends that he was assaultedby the rapper and severalDeath Row the lobby of Records employees in the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas just hours _before Shakur Was gunned down. No arrestshavebeenmade. it it ,_______,,_......_.....i.-.-.._. _ .. -.., ... ... wbileriding ina car driven by Death Row founder Marion Suge" Knight. Ever since, there has been widespread speculation about the relationship betweenthe killing and the MGM altercation. The. suit, filed late Monday inLos Angeles Superior Court. also names Death Row andKnight asdefendants, and alleges that Anderson suffered physical injuries and severe emotional and mental distress. Representatives forShakur's estate and Death Row declined comment Tuesday. I vt ," kw. t _ fr, fe Rapper Tupac Shakur wasgunned down Please SI-IAFKUB, see B3Las Vegas ln September 1996. in _ i[lo 'l+ . As-clues _. .. _. ._- .._ - -.. .- i. ..- ..__...-.. . . ....... ...<_ - ---~ FD-350 Rev.so-s1! . ..~ ' . _ ,.. O J Indicatepage,nameof newspaper,city andstate.! Mount Clipping inSpacer Below! Date: Edition: 1-'}'§siig92ir;siia_Knigh£ had gone tothe Mike Tyson-BruceSeldonheavy- -;._we_ignt,rig1it_{ai;,im; MGM.Onthe Death R_0w -af liated -members of the Mob-Piru Bloods 'Conlin_uedtrom'B1_'___ 92ReneeL. Campbell, who_repre.--way out,ShakuniKnight andsev- and the Southside Crips,-ofwhich"Ander.. ;_er_a'i Row employees _'I'!e*'ath1 _i<icked. '_L sents"Anderson,. aclinowledgéd sonandseverslofhis»-relatives are ja"nd.struck' Anderson_ in that her client was:told last__fall punched Anderso_n was the lobby,thelawsuitstates. ' - al1eg'edly. .m'embei_'§. '92 that he wasa suspécttin Sh_akur's attacked, ' {meTaffidiivit ' said,_be-. About three hours later; Shakur l killing;but-deniedI-hat J16-had causehe_ hadallegedlystolena inKnight's anything todo,withtheshooting. - andKnightweresitting gold chain fromoneo'f;the Qeath 759 ZBMW at a'red light when - it is-clear-thatif -thereis any ROW emi>l0yees".d!1rinx H sans. gunfire erupted froina white latevictim, 'my client"isthevictim,"5 af eai-lier'at a Lakemodel_ -Cadillacii-carrying four souffle- month i 3 _Campbellsai_d.-1 *---5' 7_' W°°d lt92.illI r . me_n}-th_a't had-pu_l_led' up_in ' the .. Kni ght /was i sent -to prison in Accordingto the affidavit," Annext f lane. Shakur died .si;<,_ days February" for a probation. violation dersonw'a.s'seen severaldaysafter late,i1inaLas'Vegas hospital.-stemmingfrom. his ,ro_le.in'.the wjthla-Gl6ck' .40-,caiiY - BeforeShakurdieddetectives in theshooting assaullt onAnderson, whichwas Las Vegas-andComptonwere in- capturedon_ a' hotel-surveillance videotape.At a hearinglast fall, Anderson testifiedthat Knight "did not participatein the beatingbut triedtohelpstoptheattack. undated with ii flurry of tips from informants contending thatAnder- bar handgu n-'_-_"t_.he samekindof weaponusedin theihomicide- and his cousinwas seendriving a white late-modelCadillac-intoan auto shopin Compton. That sameWeek, goesby such 'gang_r'nonikers as Las Vegas detectives examineda Whenasked"-whether Anderson. L-ando"and Lane -was respon- box of .40-caliberroundsconfisshooting, catedby -Comptonpolicefrom a who ls listed in policei lesas a siblefor Ptherapper's police n_iember_of theSouthside Cripsgang accordingto -a .Compton_ whereAnderson's cousin 26 to ob- residence iii Compton, hadpeijuredhimselfon affidavitpreparedSept wasliving.Theyalsocon scated the-standin November,Campbell tainsearchwarrantsfor a pending weapons froma Compton residence ' . . said her client testi ed the way -he s=nsrai¢ i_ .' of_Anderson's uncle,_-Dwayne Keith didoutoffearforhissafety." _» _ Accordingto the affidavit,_the _ Kee_fee D ?Davis, who sources theMGMlobbywasthe On the evening of Sept: 7. 1996. ruckusin saidis listed,in policefilesas a = ,-.-/"'_' '_-" " V "'-" ' _'._' ;_ ,_ result of gang rivalry between son-.a Lakewood resident who memberof the SouthsideCrips. During an Oct" 2 Il ' ' I . gang raid ..-J i ,. _ ~ redbyshootings after'S_hak. Notorious B.LG.who wasgunned ' tors that hemet Wallace neagly leath,Anderson iwas-"taken ,,downMarch9 outside of thePeter- two "yearsbeforethe"rapperwas :ustody-on an outstanding sen Automotive Museum in the -slain.sourcessaid.The two were . nt stemming from_aslaying Mid-Wilshire district. introduced by a mutualfriendafter 'aconcertinAnahéiml "' 1; ' nptonunrelatedto_Shakur's" y. in May.-LosAngeies'investiga- I Y "ALasYegas detective who torsseizedDavis Chevyvlmpala The friend,_a'drug déa]er_fi-pm ipated intheraidtoldAn'de fromr-his girlfriend's house in Harlem, broughtllhvls toWallaeefs hat he was a suspect -in Compton.The two-door sedan -hotel altertheshowand'tol<_! the |r s shooting.accordingto - .matched .. .the dcscri . P-tion of the car. rapper thathecouldpijovide protecused_inV{allace's'shooting. . .sonfsformerattorney, tionin LosAngel_es_ l or _Wal1ace s -Policehave not returnedthe entourage. should lie everneedit, lerson'.was released_'Oct. 4 vehicle.ources sayinvestigatorssources said.Wallaoe'tu;ned_down bos An ge1_es prosecutors de- interviewedDavis-inJunebuttold the.offer,_e:iplaining thathisrecord to file chargesagainst" him himthat he is not awsuspect in company hadalready body-' ' .3; aCompton slaying; In F ebru; Wallace's murder.No arrestshave guards,sour_c_essaid. ''_ gas _ Vegas police told; The_-beet_1madeinthe.c_ase1. Davis told poiioedhathe also" i-that Anderson was'~stlll '. investigator's havebeen focusingattended the1inii;¢h l industry 1aosi¢ lered ai_n Sh.akur's"_ i on~tbeideathat Wallace's shooting party-atthe__Petersen Miisemn_and ng._ Biittheinvestigation re- .:§tenimed '.'from,a pcmonal disputespokewith =Walla'ce" and.s'ev'eral ~ _ , I-- zit with_a Con|ptgang on member- members ofhisentot'i lessthan rag_e eallegations against: my cli- possibly the result of an un id an hourbeforethe rapperwasshot, "*1 - '- Jo. thatWallace-.and his,j ~-.~:Da_vis_ could_ b_é.;r_eachedA|for not 1,,-theaffidavit are totally_..fse;;urity;j_bilI, -soimces. said;Police some-=said Ede'§l§? one,Campbell , -.w" hesay they bald nosubsequentr'éco'rd7j.comj5any "chairman, Sean comment "AttorneyFaal'de_ nied rt with Anderson;-"But:fthe - ff,l§%921f.f>"I' the-sug'gestiori;tha hada' -t Combs!. ooen_-..émployed $.41 ofmsuncle, Davis. resiirféded - inémljeré oftheSouthside_Cifips as z iig todo -4wi_th' _.Wal1ac8'§ j-Law enf'1'-cement 'sources_say£-' it inonthslater durii1g'~the security -_-an -allegation Combs igation or thekilling.ofShak- [adamant denies ._ ly... :,~'-.,.-. vestlgators havenotuncovered yiislcal rival.Christopher WaijDu'rlng {an _in i.erv,iew'7 June evidence in uia'mvdusae'§muia ei "q>'nne'c:tcd. ss;ro"s1rysg.vF; New Yorkrapstarknown as--.,with;-police;'iI!avis_ told.'investig;a'.r.... _ _-~-D.--.~ -,-- -...__-..-.< l-.; -, .. FBI/D04 FEDERALOF BUREAU INVESTIGQION FOIPA DELETED PAGE Serial Description Total Deleted Page 3 "b7C, Page s! b7D " COVER "1 INFORMATION SHEET SHEET 02/05/1998 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT, Tupac Shakur_ FILE NUMBER_ _ __ 266A-LA-ZQI 80j SECTION NUMBERI _7S FEDERAL BUREAU _ _ OF INVESTIGATION i uuunwn FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Precedence: ROUTINE 1 l Date: 02/O5/1998 To: LosAngeles ~t/ Attn: s From: Los Angeles t//F b7C NSD 6 Contac C 2 umnon commnmn APPr Od B .Y ve . UNQLASSIFIED $§,;m92;g_92;E,_ . Q/ AA Drafted| BY 1 q9292<92 Q<9292o Z' _Q0 -9292n92192 e9292 92 1 Case ID #= 266A LA 20l80'7 Pending! '-92k&>U Title:NI ETAL; AOT DT DEATH OO: LOS THREATS ANGELES Synopsis: Requesting approvalinterviewl to I for THE NEW YORKER MAGAZINE. areporter Details: For-your information, on preliminary inquiry was PI! October 17, initiated at 1996, a Los An b7C eles Field Office tocorroborate source information that auni en known organized were crime figure, along with agroup of utilizing death threats in the ified individuals furtherance of extortion rap musicians from the attempts targeting Los Angeles area two former and other victims prominent yet unidentified. v an others yet rap music the unidentified have stars via been extorting death threats. other subjects making telephonic star. Subjects then intercede offering protection also known for as EAZY-E Woodland Hills, and then scheme, prior to dying from targeted TUPAC The scheme by contacting SHAKUR before owner the victim his recent rap and b7C ERIC WRIGHT, of RUTHLESS AIDS. :had and to the Source reported was avictim various involves: death threats aAfeez. California, money from of RECORDS in b7D this extortion also reportedly murder in Las Vegas, Nevada. b7D I'____ l b7C b7C gamete *5 I Q4, Q9, ;,A»9- >92'{{ 9 ~,O "7 To: Los Angeles From: Re: 266A-LA 201807, Los Angeles 02/05/1998 LEAD S!: Set Lead 1 1: LOS ANGELES AT AT LOS ANGELES interview reporter TI-IE romYORKER NEW MAG Los Ang ' ffice is requesting permission to telephone number 12 536-5400 or 840-3800 via telephone or by sending a lead to New York Field Office and have that office conduct same regarding the above mentioned information. .Research revealed[:::::hrote an YORKER MAGAZINE in the article on July 7, TUPAC SHAKUR for THE NEW 1997, issue. b7C | | 3 F 5 a | I I i jimmyIowinub !,tbsband qflnterxcape. ixbro/.-ering Ifxcitlermwr in .1:11 it brought byS/.11 rk/1/"J /mt/.w_ 11/1-ni. .:gm'n:t Dear/7 Row. 92., =:_,'¢ ~ 7 __" _V -'92 ,. I _: '-355:1 . l 1 is or $¥ fir ;| 0 o ~ ' 4-6 A REPORTER AT LARGE THE TAKEDOWN jl OF TUPAC Tupar Sbakur was one of gangsta rap : biggest stars. But be got caugbt in acollisionqfrultures when inner-city gangs met up with the multibillion-d0l1ar'rec0rd industry. eotrmntno AI L,£E3,§? lF°n, egcownle m;%'§°,,N$8 oaucrt ;| r i. mu ' §9292 9292 '~9292925 I .'.' Ii J 2|" til Ill ml . pac Shakurwas shot Tugwere gangsters just outof thepenitenand tiary. Theywould look killed inLas Vegas last an, right throughyou. No After Tupasfs murder, however, things at you, staring began tounravel forKnight. In the had pulled a gunon words would summer of1992, he two rappers, George and Stanley LynIntimidation was Suge Knight's stock- wood, for using aphone atthe studio. he wasriding inthe passenger seat of a have to be said." B.M.W. 750sedan driven by Marion Suge! Knight, the head of DeathRow in-trade. It is said that he forced ablack at arival company to Records. Death Row, theleading pur- music executive After beatingone ofthem withthe gun, he ordered them both down on their room and then madeknees, threatened to kill them, and veyor ofWest Coast gangsta rap, isa strip inthe men's forced themto takeoil" theirpants. He his company's music business phenomenon. The com- him walknaked through pany earned i r. three-hundredseventy- ve million dollars oflices. A mammoth, in revenueslast year.The rst album and- fteen-pound man, Knight hasa record, replete with Tupac made for DeathRow, All Eyez substantial criminal on Me, which wasreleased inearly violent acts. Even when he was on his dealing -say,withawhite 1996, sold over five million units. Tupac best behavior' enterhad madethree earlier albums, but they executive atone of the major had neverreached thestratosphere of tainment companies -menacehung the air. One man told me about quintuple platinum." Still, thedays pre- heavy in ceding hismurder wereanything but anegotiation he had in the apparent halcyon forhim. It had become increas- safety ofhis ownof ce. Knightwas atingly clear that there wasasteeppenalty tended byabodyguard,and whenthey to payfor having thrown inwith Suge reachedadifficult point inthe deal, the bodyguard osrentatiously leaned forKnight. Even forthe rough edged music in- ward andlet his gun, whichwas wom jacket, slip into dustry, which has historically been prone in aholster underhis to excess and to connections with crimi- nal elements,Death Rowwas aremark- was convicted on assault charges and put on probation. But fouryears later, just before Tupac was killed,Knight took part inthe beating ofa maninLas Vegas, and this puthim inviolation of his probation. InFebruary ofthis yearhe began serving anine-year sentence and is nowin San Luis Obispostate prison. In addition, hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of suits have now been led against Death Row thelargest being that ofTupac's charging estate, that he was defiauded of over fty million dollars, andseeking damages of ahundred and fty million!. Andthere maybe more tocome. Ateam ofagencies, inFor atime, the aura of violence served cluding the F.B.l., theD.E.A., and the ill view. It granted him enormous li- l.R.S., areinvestigating allegations able place. It wasnothing for Knight to Knight well. of cense in small things like keeping other money laundering, links tostreet gangs, ,1 for hours,without a drug trafficking, bills toTupac foraweekend sexpenses. executives waiting and organized crime at 25% ii Knight'sinoLbs ieeAngeles was dec- murmur ofobjection! and inlarger ones.Death Row. hand over astack of hundred-dollar orated in red, thecolor of the . it Bloods, Music andvideo producers who claimed "I think, Tupac, youbrought down were one ofthe most evil empires of mytime," one ofthe city's principal gangs. A guard that DeathRow owedthem money holding ametal detector stoodat the too frightenedto demandit, or to sue. one of his friends, who grew up inthe front door of the Death Row studio. I The potential for violence was also apow- music business, says. Hedid not intend have not been to one other studio to this Tupac; thisfriend, like er rl disincentive to anyone who might to romanricize talking to law-enforcementmany others, day whereyou haveto be searched be- have considered acknowledges Tupae that fore youget in, aveteranof theL.A. authorities about was famously split between what hehimquestionable practices. itnot keep him'omselfrefenedtoashis domusic businesswho worked with Tupac Moreover, did good"andhis evil |. 5 ekill told me. They haveachecklist of people who can goin with guns. Soyou have to gure, Theseguys haveguns, and it's along run to the front door,and ing business with two of the entertainment industrfscorporate giants. Death Row hasbeen Funded since itsinception by its disnibutor, lnrerscope, which for sides, andthat it was hisdarker sidethat seemed have to gained dominion during much of his tenure at Death Row, Nonetheless, these friends insist,that 5| gl . 1. 1! L $5 chc on Yn_ lio. un, lcir 1nd HePut yust aok Ve' his ' he and ;on. loliled .ing rhe io1~ lred Ibc in. the .s of ngs, we at own I 43 '< ! "l_i n-tr New roman. JULY 1, m1 mother, wasa member of nercities. Andthereal Tupac wastrying kur,Tupac's to leave Death Row when he was killed. theBlackPanther Party.Earlyin 1971, whileshewaspregnant withTupac, she wason trialforconspiring toblowup UWAMY or not, Tupac Shal<ur name sNew Yorkdepartment stores. She hasbecome synonymous withviolent several bullet holes in them or cuffs on his hands. None." The leaders of the black nationalist movement to which the other Shalmrs belonged hadbeenvirtually eliminated, largelythrough theeffortsof theF.B.l. stepfather, Dr. Mutulu tattooedacross hismidr-i '!. While hewas wereacquitted justa monthbefore Tu- In 1988,Tupac's whohadreceived a degree in bom.Hewasnamed for thelast Shakur, alive, hewascensured bypoliticians and,like pacwas in Canadaandusedhis Inca chiefto betortured,btutalized,and acupuncture otherrappers,waskept 'om drug-abuse~treatrnent someconcert arenas because promotersmurdered bySpanish conquistadores . .. skillstodevelop wassentenced tosixty years in could notinsure theevens thethreat a warrior, Afeni says.His surname, programs, forconspiring to commit armed is a kindofclannametakenby prison ofmayhem fromfans. At thesame time, Shalrur, andmurder. The crimes hewas in robbery however, hewassuspected bymanyinhis a loosegroupof blacknationalists accused of included theattempted robcoreghetto audience of notbeing cold- New York. a Brinkarmored s carin 1981, in Thephrase "Black Powerhadbeen beryof blooded enough to measure uptohisstao icers anda guard likea lullaby when l wasa kid, Tupac whichtwopolice tusasthearchetypal gangsta rapper. in a deposition hegave in 1995 werekilledandfor whichtheWeatlier These con icting views ofTupacre- recalled ra.p lyrics andthug life"aphrase Tupac had > and her codefendants the Panther 21 leader KathyBoudin was ect,to a degree, racial andsocial chasms.in a civilsuitin whichit waschargedUnderground Mutuluwasalsofound lyricshadin u- alsoconvicted!. Rap rns insist thatperformers be audien-thatsomeof Tupac's to breakTupac's ticrepresentatives ofghetto life:thatthey enceda youngmanwho murdereda guiltyof conspiring He rememberedaunt, AssataShakurJoanneChesilivethelifetheyrapabout,thatlifecon- Texasstatetrooper!. ourofprison. Shehadbeen conlivingin rnard!, formroart,soto speak. Rap critics, s on thatwhenhe wasa teen-ager, the other hand, areterri edthat life will Baltimore,wedidn't victedin 1977of murdering a NewJethaveanylights. l conformto art, that the behavior~the used to sitoutside bythestreet lightsand seystatetrooper, butescaped twoyears readtheautobiography of Malcolm X. laterand edto Cuba.Tupac's godfadrugdealing andtheviolence described ther, Elmer Geronimo! Pratt, is a forAnd it madeit sorealto me, thatl did.n't byrappers willseep intothemainstream I Parryleader whowas culture. The majority of ardentfansand haveanylightsathomeandI wassitting merBlackPanther oflcilling a schoolteacher duron thebenches readingthis convicted consumers ofrapare,in fact,middle-classoutside inSanta Monica in 1968. Andit changed me,it moved me. inga robbery whiteyouths. Seventy percentofthose book. I whobuyraprecords arewhite.!Itis the And then of coursemy motherhad He wasimprisoned for twenty-seven Hisconviction wasreversed a few booksby peoplelike . .. PatriceLu- years. fearof a violent,marginalized culture's andStokely Carmichael,Seize weeks agoontheground thatthegovin uenceon susceptible youngpeople tnurnba ernmentsuppressed evidence favorable thatfuelsmuch of thepolitical debate,theTime byBobbyScaleand'Soledad andthisfearisexacerbated bythewide- BrotherbyGeorge signi cantly that Jackson. Andshe tohimathistrialmost wouldtellthese stories of thingsthatshe theprincipal witness against himwasa spread adoption of hip-hop style. Controversy, ofcourse, hasnever hurt did or she saw or she was involved with paidpoliceinformant!. andit made mefeelapartofsomething. It wasahaunting salm. Tothecontrary. Tupac understoodthis lineage, andTupac raised meto thinkthatI was wouldfrequently invoke thenames of very well,asdidtherecord cornpany omen- Shealways the BlackPrinceof the revolution. Mutulu,Geronimo, tiveswhostood to pro tfromhis andother political Tupachadindeed become a prisoners talents, andhisnotoriety. Themore in hislyrics. It wasliketheir BlackPrincebythetimehewas words withmyvoice," hesaid. I just trouble Tupac gotintowiththelaw, wheretheyleftoff. I triedto killed,but not alongthe lines continued themorecredibility hegainedon the street--and the more viable a I triedto be the new laidout bythepoliticalactivists addsparkto it, rapstarhebecame. The huge- i t commercial success ofgangsta rap created a peculiarly volatilenexus between theworldsof inner-city of the sixties. Afeni and her friends were involved in what breed,thenewgeneration. I triedto makethemproudof me."But, at the theyperceived asrevolutionarysametime,he did not want to bethem. activityfor the goodof their Their revolution,andin mostcasestheir ' community. Tupacandhisfel- lives,too,wereashes. gangs andthemult;ibi.l.l.ion-dollar record industry. Tupac sometimes _ _/ /<, lowgangsta rappers sported saidthat he thoughtof hissongs as diamond-encrusted goldjewelry,drove parables, andnowit ishisownlife'Rolls-Royce his Corniches, andviedwith defended herself witha withering joumey intothose twoworlds, andhis oneanother in displays of gargantuancross-examination of a keyprosecution Nevertheless, Tupac didnotfor- witness,who turnedout to be an underimmolation at the pointat whichthey excess. were."Inmyfam- cover converged that seems almost allegoriml.getwhohisfbrebears government agent, a erheracquit- INthe Panther 21 trial, Tupac' mother l ily everyblackmalewith thelastname tal, thisunschooled but intellectually ofShakur thateverpassed theageof fTHE world ofSugc Knight and South CentralLosAng92'.les isatafarre- teenhaseitherbeenkilledorputinjail, movefrom the one in whichTupac Tupacsaidinhisdeposition.Thereare power-woman ll waslion-ized circles, invited tospeak atHarv:iii_lj'an Yale, and subsidized inanapartriiiiiit on Riverside Drive.Tupab and Shakur grewup,though each, initsown no Shakurs,black male Shalcurs,out NewYork's way,romanticized violence. AfeniSha- right now, free, breathing,without his sisterSekyiwa,who wasbom in s is LI. ilu in his ant =in led vas ib.in ird ner vas nd tc's SI !l"ler are fa- orvas Mmuss9! 68. SHAKEFPFARE 'en 1975,became smallPanther 49 3 J.» -s celebritieson the radical- chiccircuit. Thenevery- "cw thingchanged, thepolitical UV ble - .4,2: said inhis deposition. "VVe tidechanged over, Tupac went onwelfare, welived in theghettos of theBronx, *' _[_._ - - Ms. Z. ____ ___, 3... I 17 R r . E .I I f kl I A -:-ialmt tit-airy enrcigeil eiertueen Eur!Cans! mppm likeBiggie Snmll: left!andL./1.-based stars likeSnoop DogvDogg. 92 v_ ll .e=~¢ I . 4,I . E. ll I r .. J ._. r.- 7 ' l a F 92 Dan Qtayk BlackPantherParty."KarenLee.one gaveit to histeen-age daughter. She burnthat Vice-President of hispublicists. toldme. andat times tOlrl her Father how much she liloed it. saidhad noplaceinoursociety." he wanted to be." Lee said that he was tirtious that his mother's former com- pany that It t 5-1 92/Vhalley recalls being struck asmuch by Ixthe deposition Tupac gave in1995, Tupac's looksandby his presence as whenhewasasked tointerpret sevrades madenomoveto tryto rescue her by histalent.He remembers sayingto and her children when she became ad- hisassistant, on 2pacalypse Now, Haveyo-.1 everseeneyes eralof thesongs dictedtodrugs. Indeed.when he wasliv- like that?" hee92plained thatit washispractice no through ingin MarinCity iicstirure. withno lnterscopc hadpositioned itselfas introducea centralcharacter of a maverick in themusic whomhecoulddevelop a narrative, bk placeto stayhismotherandhehad something that before youcan lbught bitterly. andheaccused herofly- business, producing mostlyaltemativecausehe believed whatI mean.youhaveto rap.whichdrewon understand ingto himaboutherdruguse!-it was rockandgangsta ofthegangs ofSouth Cen- knowhowllivedorhowthepeople I'm mainlystreetpeoplewho triedto help theculture haveto him. Man Man CharlesFuller!.a friend tralLosAngeles for itsmaterial. Rap talkingto live.. . . You don't who would later become his road man- wasoriginally an EastCoastphenom- agreewith me,butjust to understand talking about. Compassion, to ager. provided himwith a bed.andkept enon.an elementof the hip-hopcul- whatI'm He alsosaidthathe himfrombecoming a Full- edged drug tore of the nineteen-seventies,which showcompassion. alsoincludedgra iti andbreakdanc- wasnotadvocating dealer. violence against the that Histbttunes began tobrighten slightly ing. Althoughhip-hop musicbroke policebutwassimplytellingstories in 1990whenhegot-.1 job with therap into the mainstream in 1979 with the described reality Foryoung black menstories at that.in which groupDigitalUnderground. asa road international hit Rappers Delight," andcautionary with violence manager anddancer. But hisrealbreak it wasnotuntilthe lateeighties, againstthe policeoftenleads On onecrack camethefollowing year.whenhewas the emergence of gangstarap,that it todeathorimprisonment. he says. They claim that l'm violent showed signs of becoming hugely compicked upbyInterscope-small .1 oom- justcuzIre rsetobesilent.Thesong whenit gained a hadjust beenfounded by mercial -especially of whiteyouths. much on the albumthat provedto be the the recordproducer jimmy Iovineand wideaudience theentertainment magnate Ted Field as blues.jazz, andearlyrockandroll mostpopular wasentitled"Brenda's Got anheirto theMarshallFieldfortune! had.In 1991.Interaeope a Baby."Tupacsaidthat he hadwritreleased Tupac's asajointventure withTimeWamer. firstalbum. lpacalypse Now,"which oenthesong afterreading a newspapu Tom Whalley.who signedTupac at was repletewith militant lyricsde- storyabouta twelve-year-old girlwho lntetscope. hadbroughtin a demo pictingviolencebetweenyoungblack became impregnated byhercousin and of . '-92 92 T ,- yle 95, ev- w,u IO l tgh M:an IO l David Kemter le wound ! upattbe top afane qftbe batter! black labels, Death Raw. t::bicl' -was cqfomtded Dr.Dre. thecon icting senti- did notjoineithergang.He wasatbotcinerutor. Asked by hislawyerwhether couldreconcile tom an observer and chronicler, proI heconsidered thesong a political state- ments.he says, I wrotethiswhen I'm about a charac- l"0nndl_92" ment.Tupac said,Yes. . . . Whenthis was seventeen. . . . It's utilitarian in hisapproach to songcameout,nomalerappers at all ter. somewhatlike myself,whojust experience and,somethought, people I0 wentfromhav- as well. .-ind South Central L.A.anywhere weretalkingaboutproblems gotintothetapbusiness, thatfemales werehaving,numberone. ind Number two, it talked about sexual , KO abuse.it talkedaboutchild molestation, : he it talkedaboutfamiliestakingadvanthe rageof families, it talkedaboutthe -hat of poverty, it talkedabouthow .'l_' e iscts rich ads foreigncountry ingnogirlsto nowthere's girlsallthe whichis almostlike -.92 timeandhe's justgetting somuch sex- withina city.sosingular andbaroque are customs. culture. andlawsthat ualattention andhe's, in hismind,a dy- thegang namo.He's RudolphValentino and govern it -was therichest territory he d FrankSinatra,he's everybody. . . . He inngetanybody hewanted. . . . I man Sol feltlilte. ..1 oneperson's problems moa 'ect a whole actorandlwasapoet. ever seen. ' He couldbe with this poet,this pimp.thisthug- he couldsuckeveryofthemandthatwould community of people. It talkedabout have to tell the multifacetednatureof thingfromeach being. . . .A mancanbesex- be partor him,"saidHan Man, the howtheinnocent aretheonesthatget a human | L" I l. / . at ; I 1 is _ . I1 "J r ._. <v _ " *1-; _' _-_-w" , J '/ll it I 5 ,,92I- V. 92 ~ * *92-_!.92-ill -l ll -hl'l..-..A 929292;" s a i -1 l:'i_?l§!I ¬' ' ~ A t III .. Q! _Tl-El92EW92OlKEl92.JUlX7.l997 close toTupsc since hewasasmallboy, wasapopleetic. "I said, What haveyou done?"Tyehimba recalledWetallned aboutit, andit becameclearthat he did t I./J; Q s 3 1 ittomakesureheneve "Q -461 W . or Not aem n't." IF ived trror iylte PP mm» ' ve lou'l: : the 92 - 11-I251-|oor|ne|~'An.AurA l Cripswouldn't thinkhewasa Blood. Hisbehaviorwasnot rigbehewason theedge.But theyjust guredhewas 5+ l meuevvom ! Dr. Shakur . ..were violated by the cowrcrrao program. GOINTELPRO abuse, sodomy, and also weapons charges was bythe relationships was initiated by theF.B.I. toneutralizeTyehimba alarmed two guns were found in thehotel room!, and warned Tupac to keep his distance. black activist leaders as well as certain lawyer, Paul Brenner, who tight wing extremists.! Recently,adein I told Tupac therst timelmet him, and Agnant's the Patrolmen's Benevotold Tupac, everyone toldhad represented velopment unlike not that in thecase ofCharles Fuller lent Association for many years, moved away from Iaoques. Geronimo Pratt, Mutulu wasgranted him heshould stay that his client's be case severed from his permissionleto amotionforanewtrial Tupac ignored the warnings. jaoques on the ground that jewelry, two codefendants', on the ground that evidence was discov- had allthis goldand diamond and Man Manhad been had money. He had only Tupac ered indicating that the government Man Mansays. He charged with the weapons offenses, and withheld information that would have anice H.M.W. He could getyou inany that therefore the indictment was imclub. Pac was just starting to be known been favorable to his defense. The prosecutor did not he couldn't get inall theclubs. properly joined. In thespring of 1994,about six months then, and about four or vethousandoppose themotion somethingthat after Tupac shot the police officers in At- Iacques spent lawyers ishighly unusual Tupac inthe beginning-heTupac'ssay lanta, Mutuluwas moved from thepeni- dollars on and the judge granted it. just overwhelmed him. According to tentiary Lewisburg, in Pennqivania, to the Itwas apparently after Agnanfs case was someone eisewho knew Agmnt, Madonna super-maximum-security federal prison severed that Tupac became convinced Tupac would become close! in Marion,Illinois, andfrom thereto the with whom wasagovemment informer was one of Agnantcelebrity s friends. that Agnant country's maximum-security most instiand had set him up. 'Tupac suspicions s On November 14, 1993,Iaoques Agnant tution, inFlorence, Colorado. In amemowere, inevitably, shaped by the experiand Tupac went to Neil's, downtown the randum writtenin February,1994, the ence of his extendedfamily; Jacques warden Lewisburg of argued that Mutulu New Yorkclub. Afriend ofAgna.nt's, right tome, says Watani as "Tim," introduced Tu-didn t smell needed "the controls ofMarion," inpart identi ed only Tyehimba, who considers himself paranineteen-year-old woman named because ofhis outside contacts andin- pac to ticularly attuned to the presence underof Ayanna Jackson. She expressed her interuence over the younger black element." because his of long history danced together; and shecover agents Mutuluis convincedthat Tupac be- est inhim; they orala in corner of the dancewith the Panthers and what he learned camealightning rod afterhe shotthe performedsex tiles obtained through floor. They went tohis hotel, where theyfrom COINTELPRO policemenAtlanta. in These disen 'anthe Freedom of Information Act. had intercourse. The next day, she called chised the young blackswho are poor in November, 1994, during many messages on his voice mail, One night and hopeless have no leader,Mutulu and left and Man Man, Tupac other things, how much thc trialof Tupac said Theirheroes are cultural and sports saying, among his prowess. Four days was ata clubwith theactor MickeyRourke heroes. Noone- not IesseJackson, not she'd enjoyed Benza, A.]. a she returned to and afriend ofRourke's, Ben Chavis,not LouisFarrakhan- has later, onNovember 18th, the DailyNews. Tupac told suite. There, she found Tupac, reporter for asmuch in uenoe with this segment as his hotel he believed that Agnant had an unidenti edBenza that rappers. when So Tupac stands to upa Man Man,Agnant, and later Benza white cop, shoots out, it wins the battle,friend ofAgnanfs. Theyall watched set himup.Acouple of days wrote an account the of conversation, retelevision in the living room, and then gets cutfree, and continues to say the she and Tupac went into thebedroom; calling thatTupac hadtold himthat things he's been saying decision - the to him upfrom later, the three othermen enteredthe Mike Tysonhad called destroy his credibility clear. is prison to wam him that Agnanrwas bad room. What ensueddisputed; is Jackson news." On the night of November 30th, claims that she was forced to perform N II-IETHER happenstance by not, or on Tupac deliberating, Tupac went about two weeks after the At- oral sex while Agnant partlywhile thejurywas studio rap to for and grabbed her 'om be- toaTimesSquare music lanta shooting something occurred that undressed her could not have beenbetter de- hind, andthat theythen madeher per- an artist,Little Shawn,who, accordingto Man Man, had ties to Agnant. WhenTuform oralsex onAgnant's while friend his entourage entered the lobby Tupac held her. ManMan, pac and she acknowledged, did not touch of the studio, threeblack menfollowed ultimately lead to hisundoing. guns, and ordered them to lie her.! Tupac claimed that he leii: them, drew VVhile in New York for the lming ofthe movieAbove 'V down. Tupac reached for his owngun, the room when the other men ., =2 -" . entered anddid not witness which he usually wore in hiswaistband, the Rim, Tupac hadbeen socializing ve - whatever happened. In any cocked. Themen thenshotTupac with a Haitian-bom music promoter, his gold jewelry, and ed testified thatshe leftthe times, grabbed Jacques Agnant. Tupac was playing thecase, Jackson Convinced that the shooting had also suite in tears and that Ag-nant told her to part ofagangster named Birdie i.n the the shootus would saying that he would hate beenasetup,and that movie, and he told friends thatspending calm down, checked to seewhat happened to Mike[Tyson] return tonish thejob, Tupac happen Tupac to : that is, awoman charg- himself outof the hospitalafew hours signed remove ro Tupac from circulation-and that would 1% tirnewithAgnantl1elpedhirninl1isporand movedsecretly to the ing himwithsexual assault, which iswhat after surgery, house ofthe actressjasmine Guy to,retrayal of Birdie as mueh outwith Jackson promptly did. She summoned the he retumedto the courthotel's osecurity icers, who called the cuperate. When the gangs in South Central providedhim and inawheelchai.r,_he with material for hislyrics. He said that police. Tupac, Man Man,and Agnant foom, bandaged of thethree sodomy counts A,gna.nt's left.!friendwas acquitted he was studying]aoques~ that]aoques were was arrested. Indictments were handed down on sex- and the weapons charges but, inam;a_p-. Birdie, Watani Tyehirnba recalls. But - ?/ ' nu 9t~@ 1 5° n!, I ..._ ho ' 0ed ais" 132 CH nd _-n"rot tat __ V85 zed I oer ms 5;.res ani at. tsnacrnmnrorsexuatas parentcompromise verdict,convicted of .er- two counts of sexual abuse speci rally, my . lC l -as forciblytouchingAyannaJackson's but- tocks. Bail was set at dtree million dol- lars,and'I'upacturnedhimse1fi.nandwas incarcerated. On February7, 1995,he eh was sentenced to a term of not less than one and a half to not more than four and I a halfyearsin prison. l -mg l PZC dismissed, andhe pleadedguilty to two irkc a,a misdemeanors. When I asked Melissa Mourges, the assistant districtattorney :old had , nza A fewmonthsafterTupacwassentenced, Jacques Agnant's indictment was . I- who had tried the caseagainstTupac, whyAgnanthad been dealtwith in such a favorableway, shesaid that Ayanna Jackson was reluctant to go throughthe case again.Jackson had,however, brought _-I _. .1 n4 I l p» . .> 56 ! Z -f_4§- _ .. _,___. .-_ _ 1 , ,1 r 1 ___ ' _ la/K-.9,"Vi ~_* ~.it . : I 2 I ;~ l. -r l l --'4 zit.I/I ia r »' O1;;7'7l ,.'-1.-5,3 /I lg -t them- 'It's time! It's time! Why a secondrectalsearch, whenhe'd beensittingtherein plainviewwithhislawyer, why, A. N except tohumiliate him?" Yaas2 myn Fula, who had knovm him =0, 1/ ." Q 1 since he was a baby, and who 0 ' I I/;'_ ,_ I I ,.,_~ _'qt_..-.1. _-_: ,p_#_ »,_ pp. " I I 1 visited himoftenin prison, re/ -¢ ry 49,, -. W .E_4f-;"_q§>E:~_ _pm _:i --2 _ F--at .---;;-2?;. -v .1" ;'_-;_;,= '-=14 ___ -- W!» . .- _ Z11 -..; ' / __.1/_',-;-'-1-=, calls, It wasa terribleexperi.. A. -. --,-.-.~.-:'.§~'-= , for ;".'.~"-ence him to becaptive, in =-~ ~...¢ »-. _, -./1; .. - '0 .4. -,1»: :_ -s _ u ».».~-'I. 14. ' - '; .'.;u't ::-,92}92.92 ye1-_-*5 g ~,,. - é - ~<: ,¢.; .-,.',':.-;' 1:.-I e a horri csituation, withguards '~92 ' *~@ t "/_l", 1 < .'.".>'; ~ '7; ;.'.'s,_,--;-_n| R. I ...-:- .¬"¢5;-,: .:t{:i_gg.': ~-~- ..-. .-w.... -~-.~-,-.'/1; hf * -K/1 ?'-1-,*-ff 1; .=¢."-"' __,.-§f:~-.Z._~~,.'-.1;-"-.';". " .- "'5/ /47§ -Jt<|.'I-%u:./.';; --es».-f=:'1; threatening tokillhim,inmates s» 1- -*5-_''4.-_t-.:-2-f',=> /,-'1 ,.19?-M--'-*1 ___- "' - -,-;t:r:'-'. l..'92j:_.._1;._-:.92,,,',%4:_,§»,,-, If .. ': l, , - .F""1-ztggzt-i ;-:3;-§',;<:~~;;:<.-_, _.=-,_3'~fi;'=;;¢ . -=t //.._":_T:¢I,-~.Z=.-',,.1? '17 _5,1.,9'-.¢;;'__ ~i !9 . / e» _-'92 _ , F we ' / _,_.'//1&7,-,=_;;2f-._ 4:- ~=_92_ -MI .».~ ;,-». /r"',' ,1 .'/"" / P ' ' '&'/44' l ;;-1; '1 "l l':' f; 97 gr-:52 .-,1»-:.li.é3r .=. 1/¢ .. . '-.-= t..¢.»» "4-_ - .e" " ' | '/4 - - .,rz&::--1 §=t . -.'i - ' -;= Z""'="-"cl threatening tokill him.. . . He ' L "1 - 7"<"-1'. 11.1, - ¢'~ , ',» ' i,>;i-'--.". "' ' ' " .r~¬".£7,; -- '.1 ,? "--$15.?5'-m :#Li¢*f"' ax? /!'<-"-..~.; ""--r_._ 4., ,:= "-" ' said, l have never hadpeople .F ~1/ -.'-1' _/ /--Q ,',¢é$¢_¢,..-.:__" _.; 5... ' ; 1 I , -» .-. -.é»':.==".»' ,,:,',_.'_;5_ .,T. ._-. v___ _ _ -__ F, V~z-l_$'§'_7la __-v__ U-. :__, . L-_>_*.,____;V._-:__ , _.__,.,¬J. __ .»¬'L -% .-, "'7 l=-.-.. ¢__ *0'1 ' r -__ ' _ - -EI W"52:1.1,-4.1%" demean me and disgrace meas ... ->air--/, __ ~92 D .92@. 92 __ T , __' __ .. __-. they have in this " _/..2-ass. ' '15 e 9_ ' Otherfactorsweighingon -b I Tupaccontributed to hisanxiety about being in prison.He _.._. wasthebreadwinner for a large "Sam itoevyfacussed. extended family--hismother, his sister,her baby,his aunt andherfamily,andmore.Iris KW F withthese plastic gloves, waving if?» ' , /' / -;.-' » 2'41" n-|e~ewtomten..u.Y7.|9'9'1 in illviewoftheguards. Then theguards started sayingTupaclTupacl' in thisfalsetto voice, putting uptheir ngers '//I/-u #1 I./7 //I l »i ._----- - Crews, oneof hisattomeys in .1- I t.4 | l» :- case - who hadbeenleery . . . she's nice,she's quiet,she's a the sex-abuse gaveme,I'm notinnocent interms of the school Tupacbut became bewayI wasacting. . . . I'm justasguiltyfor square, she's a goodgirl. She's my rst of representing Had beenthis and only girl iendI everhadin myen- guiledanddevotedhe not doingnothingas I am for doing mywife." things.He accepted blamefornothav- tirelifeandnowshe's foulmourhed,woman-hatingkid, 1 havedone it ! tecalledthat ingintervened onbehalfofAyanna_Iack TupacandMorristalkedaboutmov- wouldn't in courtwithabunch son. "I knowl feel ashamed- becauseI ing to Arizona,andwhat theywould onedayashesat wantedto be accepted andbecause I nametheirkids.He startedto organiu of youngchildrenclimbingall over arecess hehadremarked to didn't want no harmdoneto me,I d.idn t his nances, andattempted tosettlethe himduring work, these kids don t numerous lawsuits pending against him her, If I don't saynothing." beendeprived of hischildIn Aprilof199S', whilehewasstillin across thecountry. Butin theforbidding,eat. He'd feudal backdrop of theClinton hood,andthen,attwenty,hehadtwenty prison, hemarried Keisha Morris,whom almost Facility, hisefforts seemedpeopleto support,shesaid.Beyond he'd been datingfor aboutsixmonths Correctional legalfeesforcases beforehewasputin Erninently re- increasingly irrelevant. I-Iislawyers were that,hehadenormous sponsible andlevelheaded, shewasgo- Afternearlysix lingappeals inhiscase, andunder those all overthecountry. ingto schoolandholdingdownajob; circumstances he could have been al- months inprison, despite themoney beshedidn't smokemarijuana;and she lowedtopostbail,butthedistrict attor- ing advanced byInterscope, Tupac's didn't immediately havesexwith him. ney's o ice was ghting hisrighttodoso, funds were depleted. Morris told me that on their rst dare andtheproceedings dragged on,month month. Whathehadspoken ofinitheysawa movie,andthenTupacpre- after vailedon herto stayin hishotelroom. tiallywhen he wasat RikersIslandas solveall Tupac's nancialprobby Whensheinsisted ongoingtobed rlly prison's gift" ofrespite andintrospec- lems.DeathRowhadbeensmrted by SugeKnight and the rap producer dressed, heprotested onlythat"youcould tion -nowhadbeenovershadowed Dr. Dre in 1992. Knightwasa former of incarceration. takeofFyoursneakers. In thedepositionthenightmare of Nevadafootballstarwho hegave inthecivilcase brought against Dannemora was a hellhole -he had University him by thefamilyof the young manwho a one-to-four-year sentence, andthey had grownup in Comptonin South hehad hadmurdered theTexasstatetrooper, puthimin a maximum-security prison!" CentralLA. In thelateeighties, :DEA'1'I-I ROW RECORDS offered to Stewart says.worked asabodyguard intheburgeon,Tupacdescribed hisnewwife: _She one s of hislawyers, thatwhilehe twenty-two, she's a Scorpio, she..'. Levy justrecalls ingLA. rapscene, eventually developihga friendship withDre,whowasthen graduated fromIohn]ayCollege witha Tupae one day, "Tupac had*a i- ectal search when he came in oo the visita member of thegroupN.W.A. Knight degreein criminalscience,and she's ingarea.Thenwe spentsixhours there persuaded Dre that he wasgetting rakenayearo she'sgoingtogotolzw i *s .. . ..IA."Y . "J-4 l -.- av . ~. - ~ -Q - _ ,»§Iu , ,. -: a..-»:.-~'»~.~-»5='-1;-T-"-s.-t. .» - 7. n-/ 0 n .1 V was VARNERANDDEATH '. v - s1 possible criminal activities at cheated byhisrecord company andthat Row wouldcontinue.Then, in the late vestigating of1995,'I'une Wameragain came DeathRow.SugeKnighthasalways heshould leave.Knightis alleged to spring foritsinvolvement in gang- beenatpains toportray himself asaninhavethreatenedDre's producerwith underattack starap,thistimebythejoinedforces dependent operator.For example,he baseball batsandpipes inorderto break his contract. The release of Dre's album I Fl of Wi iam Bennett and C. DeLores boastedthat Death Row, u.nl.ike other Tucker,thechairwoman oftheNational smallcompanis,ownsits mastersthe of BlackWomen. originalrecordings of thealbums!. Since Chronic"shortlyafterDeathRowwas PoliticalCongress valueof raprecordings is founded helped establish thecompany as Tucker, pointing toTupac, Snoop Dogy thelong-term at thispoint,theowna majorforce.Bythesummer of 1995,it Dogg,andDr. Dre the lattertwo at onlyspcmlative is a matterof ego wasoneof thetopreoordcompanies in DeathRow!,allof whomhadproblems ershipof themasters that Interscope is more thaneconomis,a musicexemtive therap world. music Suge andDrere- withthelaw,declared Iv U. O The to me,andin thecaseof TimeWarnerneeds to get explained allywereamagical combination, ablack a company DeathRow itwas important fortheimoutof business withimmediately." Tupac wastoopromising anartist for agetosaytheywereblack-owned. But oneof thebigmusiccompanies toldme. s areheavily Theyweretrusted onthestreets.Vi/bite lnterscopc toconsider jettisoning-, but in factDeathRow masters andhavebeenusedassecuor blackexecutives, no matterwhat their therewasa compromise solution that mortgaged, loansandadvances from winking, werenotgoingto be trusted. might make it appear thatInterscope was rity againsr Indeed, DeathRowhasbeen fiomhim,andthesolution ap- Intezsoope. Ve're square tothem. And Knightwas insulated formidable manager.He neverreally parentlymadesenseto everyoneinnancially dependent onlntersoope from entertainment executivewho was then at l I1. J- remedtosleep. He hadaninstinct with volved -except thebeginning. Tupac. eopleaboutwhathethought theirmarVVhileKnightclearly hadagreatdeal SugeKnighthadwantedTupacat he andIovineworkedtohe of autonomy, etability could be. He could motivate DeathRowforsometime,although lre to nish what he started. And he hadnotbeen a Tupacsupporter at rst. getherclosely.It wasJimmyandSuge, idn't take no for an answer. Dre had cswhoknew HewasnotintotheTupac-artist thing, IimrnyandSuge,"someone rntially alltheideas, andSugetheman- a producer whoknowsSugesays.But them both well told me. since no one gcment muscle togetit done." that"set thencamehis thugnotoriety- being wantedto tellKnightanything Death Row owed its start to Intercalled a rapist, gettingin brawls. . . . his ise, hesaid,it wasIovinewhodealt he became moreat- withKnight. ;ope. jimmylovine andTedFieldhad With hisproblems, Therelationship wasvery ecided to fund Death Row and distribPromotions andmarketing for tractive toSuge." Knight hadbeen malt- hands on. DeathRowwerehandledby an lnte_rre its products in1992, whenother ingovertures toTupac withlnterscope's A music executive whoworked scope ampanies hadshied away. Oneexecu- blessing. employee. If a production company veat a majorstudiowho had turned with Inrerscope a video forDeathRow,its recalls Iovinesaying to wasmaking awnthe prospective DeathRowven- Knight,Take mightwellbe with lnterscope. thiskid,takehimplease.contract 5 The closenessbetween the two comout of control. You can control him. zretoldmethathe andhiscolleaguesHe's :lt that "life is too short" to assumethe Takehim."WataniTyehimba rememberspanies wasunderscored bytheirphysical sk that theybelievedan associationa meeting Until lastyeartheywereloin 1993 attended byTupac, proximity. thehallfromeachother andhimself, at which catedjustacross ith Knightmightpose.Timmy iscom- Knight,Iovine, ~rtable withgangsters, hecandealwith lovine,saying building inWestwood. it madesense forTupacto ina.noliioe workwith Dr.Dre,argued strongly that vesaid. He's a streetguyhimself."he shouldsignwith DeathRow.Tye- tern, it doesn bother t him, the execu- wine the sonof a Brooklynlong- himbawassurprised, but lovine ex- ONabusiness owchart, itmay have meant justshifting Tupacfrom plained thatInterscope andDeathRow oneboxtoanother, butforTupactogothe next David Geffen- wa11ted to make had fromInterscope to DeathRow,onlya a unique relationship -suggesting hismarkfast,andhewasimpatient with thatDcathRow's gainofTupac would hallway apart, wasto entera di crent, --1oreman, who,manysay,aspired to be : s I0 D >Y 21' Bl 1-._ 4 _,-.,_, »¥~4 '4l -1:, _J .,2.,» ' I; '5 theprogress of hisnewbusiness at rst. not meanInterscope's signi cant loss. reSohegambled, andreaped thepayoff: The exactnatureof that unique maybe of morethanacagangsta rapturned outto be agoldmine. lationship" But the disadvantage of beingin- demic interest to federal authorities involved withDeathRowwascontinuing reproaches fromsocialcriticsand incensedshareholders. Time Warner had succumbed to pressure of that nature whenit disengaged itself Ice-T 'omin 1993.By early 1995, however, thepro- tability ofgangsta rapseemed tobesppingthescales ofgreed andfear.VVhen I XV 4 aswellasdrugconvictions. Hewassaid to haveprovided theseedmoney for Death Row.KnightandHan-is's lawyer, David Kenner,who hadalsobe-'4 comethelawyer forDeathRow,were A92 92 ests.Therewereeventumorsthat supposed to beguarding Harris's inter- oompanywas being used no launder Time Warnerwasdismissing raisingits stake inInterscope fromtwenty- ve per centto y percent,theysought assurancesthattherelationship with Death and far more sinister, world. It was widelybelieved thatoneof themajorinvestors in DeathRowwasa drugdealer namedMichaelHarry-O!Harris,who wassewingtimefor attempted murder -§_,...-__.55'"-§_- money on a continuing basis. More'<:i92&# it wassaidthattherewereconuactsldliiill onKnight, and that Harris was uxihappiyii -%92_Z ..:5? L Ii ' +92u 'vF,¢ I Hi-b -. 7" its- :2= ." ~' . :"4-.'T" As. 4;t 92 .1.-1, _ -; 1- 0 - .. _ _i_.i__-_ fD .3 <_,;' . fr~ no w ..._.._._<__-.¬..-__. ._.. . < .. . , _ ___.. _ ._. .. ._._.._ ~ ' .- -_.... ,..,. EM! I to.It hadbecome notonly town;BadBoyEntertainment C.E.Q. with Knight's business practices. How theywanted many of these stories hadreached lovine attractive but vital to Death Row that SeanPuffy! Combs; therapper Chris- TupacjointhelabelOneof thecom- topher Wallace, known bothasBiggie andastheNotorious B.l.G.;and Knight's criminal record andpropensity pan!/sbiggest stars, SnoopDoggyDogg, Smalls forbrutality whenhe rstmadethedeal wasfacingamurdertrial.anditwasn1- others.Theyall denied anyinvolvewith Death Row, and as time went on mored on the street that Dr. Dre was ment.! At rst,ManMansaid, Tupac thatBiggie, whohad he became awareof the continuing cli- leaving. Drewould indeed leave byearly did notbelieve is not clear.He did, of course,know of mateofviolence thatenveloped theoom- 1996.! Death Row could not affordto beena goodfriendof his,andwhohad AndKnightsurely knew cometovisithimwhenhewasrecuperpany. A lawsuitagainst DeathRowand losebothartists. Intersoope was ledonbehalf ofa man thatTupac would bemorepopular than atingfromhis wounds,hadbeenin- term, stomped todeath at a DeathRowparty everalterhisprison in early1995. As for MichaelHarris bankrolling s of Death Row, Iovine told federal investi- gators thathehadhearda rumorabout it in 1994 or 1995, but it was not until December,1995, when Harris threat- inanyway. Butwhen Tupac more real volved was injail hewasgettingletters frompeople Biggiehadsomething to do with Even thoughlnterscopeadvanced Tupacsixhundred thousand dollars dur- it, hestarted thinkingaboutit, it gotso ingtheninemonths hewasin prison, he outof hand,it grew andonceit got wasbrokeandfrustrated. To Tyehimba, thatbig,publicly, youhadtogowithit. there seemed to be an unmistakable WataniTyehimba, Stewart Levy,and to his audiencethan he had been before. enedto suethecompany, claiming that synchrony atwork. Interscope would not Charles Ogletree allsaytheyargued vigit, that Iovine took time or couldnotprovideenough with Tupac abouthisdecision to funds for orously rumorseriously. If thiswastrue,then Tupac. AndasKnightbecame a more gotoDeathRow.told Tupac us, The lovinewasstrangely insulated, forin L.A. andmoreimportunate too suitor,Intersoopetroublewith all of you is, you're Tyehimbatoldme music circles I-latrisrole s waswidely gos- wassqueezing us to get us to go to nice," Levyrecalls. sipedabout.Indeed,in the summer of DeathRow,"Tyehimbasays.Knight- thatathislastmeeting withTupacatthe 1995,monthsbeforeHarriswroteto Io- accompanied by Death Row's lawyer, prison, Tupachugged him,wept,and vineabouthisintentions to sue,thehead DavidKenner, whohadcometo playa said,"l knowI msellingmysoulto the of theTime Warner musicdivision,Mimajorrolein thecompany, farexceed- devil." Kennerdrafted a handwritten, chaelFuchs, madeanoverture toarrange ingspeci legal agreement forTupac tosign. c taslcs made repeatedthree-page a prisonmeetingwith Harris.He was trips to Dannetnorato visit Tupac. Withina week,in a stunning coincitheNewYorkCourtofAppeals tryingto decidewhetherthe company Knight promised tosolve Tupac's most dence, should yield to the politicalpressure intractable problems. According toseveral grantedhim leaveto postbail. The aboutgangsta rapandsellitsinterest in peoplecloseto Tupac,Knightclaimed moneywasprovided by Interscope and lnterscope, andhebelieved thatit might thatKennercouldcurethelegal a division of TimeWarner,although wellbe Harris,not Knight,whocould andwinpermission to postbail.Knight Tupacalways gaveSuge ill credit.! speakwith-authority to Time Warner irtherpromised Knight andKenner arrived in a prithathe wouldputup about the future direction of Death Row. someportionof thebailand,moreim- vateplaneandwhitestretch limousine to Themeeting never took place, becauseportant,makeDeathRowthecorporatepick Tupac up.Underscoting thedegree Time Warner executivesand the board of guarantor between Interscope and fortheentirety. Knightswore of porousness directors quicklydecided thatthecom- hewouldmakeTupac a superstar, much DeathRow,Tupacwas,according to pany should shed itstroublesome invest- biggerthanhe'd familiar withthenegotiation, beenwith Intersoope.someone releasefromhislntermentby sellingits fty-per-cent stake And he wouldsolveTupac snancial givena verbal Hewould evenbuyAfeni a house. scopecontractAs for Kenner's backto lnterscope. lnterscope wasable worries. handlt was a dazzlinghand.VVhatwas written to exploitthatrebuffby turningaround document, Ogletree, whowould andsellingthe fty-per-centstaketo probably "Itwasn't Knight's trumpcard,however, notseeit untilmuchlater,says, MCAMusic Entertainment Group now wasthe thing that he, and he alone, a legalcontract. .. . It wasabsurdthat known asUniversal!, for a profit ofroughlycould olferTupac- the auraofgangsteranyonewith an opportunity to re ect a hundred million dollars. agree tothose terms. Itwasonlybepower.Eventhough Tupachadclaimed would thathehadoutgrown thegangster pose, cause hewasin prisonthathesigned it. hisstayin Danncmora hadmadehim Tupac wassaying,Myfreedom iseveryhe ownedhalf of Temnmo as Knight's oifers were DeathRowwasthepremier rap thing. If youcangetmemy eedom, you could back him, a record afteranother!, Tupaehadconsis-neededa label that tentlydeclined to leave Interscope. But friendwhovisitedhim in prisonthat INways large and small, inboth art feel more vulnerable than ever before. togetoutofjail, andhe canhave access tomyartistic product. " label,puttingout onemulti-platinum Hewanted in the summerof 1995, when it seemed summer says. "Thestreetshithadto be andlife, Tupac Shalcut instinctively asthoughhisincarceration mightcon- dealtwith,andSugehadpoweron the pushed pastcustomary boundaries, and Tupac brooded aboutbeingshot whenhecameoutof prisonandjoined tinueinde nitely for years even, ifhe street." wasnot allowedto postbail-he was intheTimes Square studio and DeathRowthatimpulse washeight- whathebelieved wasthesetup by ened. moredesperate than_he'd everbeen.It about Hewould workthelongest wasinthisbleak moment that Jacques Agnant. Healso suspected nineteen-hour stretches, despitezlthe and,apparently, Iovineaswell saw the whoweretherein thestudiothatnight: consumption of enormous amounts of opportunity to arrange thingstheway Andre Harrell, now the head of Mo- alcohol and marijuana!, hewould.;pe- ,vrI 1- - .d¥£~l~ .53 3. 5as ad 1c .d .-.d 3- 'us :l6 .:h so "ot r.. nd gto :1c 90 ne he ad ;ne :n, :n. :ia.ls he nd gh :i_ '4 -2 ! l 92 69 it "__ meYORKER NEW 1, :99 had areal star. Theyhad Snoop and in NewYorkaTuer come the biggest star, he would become hospital bedside in theTimes Square lobby!, Drrthe!/re entertainers. Snoop could asuperpower within the Dmth Row- pacwas shot dominated world of gangsta rap. Just the encounterfailed to satisfy him.It be sitting quietly overthere in acor- l nine months earlier, he had said,Thug was inSuge Knight,many thought,es- ner" he gesturedto oneend ofthe respecially when they sawthe twoto- taurant wewere sittingin but if Tugether-the slender, l.ithe youth shad- pac werehere hewould createsucha Pac waslike a chameleon, Syke says, would be saying, That's owed bythe other's massive bulk, the ruckus. People echoing acommonview among Tupac's had star aura. Suge saw that, one allanimation, the other exuding au- Tupac! He friends. Whatever he was around, that's what heturned into.And whenhe got thority -that hefound thatconnection. and he liked that. All of a sudden,there life to me is dead." Now he embraced it. these pictures of Suge, together Tupac andKnight seemed almost in- were all feeding off each other. in months a er Tupac's re- with Tupac, While Tupac had uansgtessed many separablethe around DeathRow, hetried to be that." r t ; i . . i t 92 t l i Y t y. social limits,he hadalso drawnto him lease from prison; they worked together DNCE Tupac came of out prison and "Gridlock d": You Friend Like Me." Coast rappers than anyone. For all the in thestudio, and socialized people who tried, with varying degrees of long hours were through. One ofTusuccess, tomoderate his behavior. But when they joined Death Row, heprobably when he set out for the province of pac'sremembers friends watching them did more to stoke the ames of amuch between East and West Death Row,he leftbehind vi.rtually all sing asong from the soundtrack of publicized feud of these putative guardians am0ng them, WataniTyehimba, KarenLee, Ain t Never Had a i posturing and the displays of bravado aspersions on casteveryone's inThe combination of Tupac and and the I was primarily afeud about to havebeen combustible,tegrity, this marriage was later annulled.! YaasmynKnight seems Man Man, even hiswife, Keisha. Their Fula, whowas oneof the few old friends money. Rap had originated in theEast, with each activating the most explosive who remained close to Tupac, says that elements in the other. Someone who has but, starting in the late eighties,the 1 92 gangsta rappers from LosAngeles were Tupac arrived at Death more successThen il. PuffyCombs's pletely differentsoldier mentality.He that itwas after he was out of his element. lt was a oom- known Knight well foryears points out was based in was fascinated by it because ofthe ab- Row that its signatureexcess becameBad BoyRecords. which sence of amale gure whocoidd say, evenmore pronounced- fancy clothes, New York, began puttingout its own 'Leave alone.' it " gold anddiamond jewelry especiallyversion ofgangsta rap whichthe West merely derivative. Watani "He was always looking for afather," heavy medallions, laden withdiamonds insisted was me thatmuch ofTupac's Watani Tyehimba says, inme some, in and rubies, bearing the Death Rowsym- Tyehimba told Mutulu some. But what he missed was bol of ahooded gure in an electric anger at Biggie Smalls, Pu 'y's suc- most one fatherwith the good andthe bad, chair!, Rolls-Royces four were pur- cess il rapper, was based on professional not acomposite. By the time Tupac chased to jealousy: Tupac was inja.il, andBiggie's celebrate Snoop Doggy Dogg's met the man who said he was h.is father acquittal on More Chance" was No.1on murder charges!, and lotsof single One a former Black PanthernamedBilly women. Before Tupac, aknowledgeable the charts. In an interview in The Saurce insider pointed out, DeathRow hadnot in ll/larch,1996, Tupac Garland, who materialized Tupac's at claimed he'd been Sleeping with Bigg-ie's Wife, the singerFaith Evans, and he went so far as to taunt ll - Biggie about it in asong: I icked your bitch, you fat motherfucker." Some of those close to Tupac wereappalled atthe Faith Evans imbroglio. She denies that such an encoun- ter with Tupac evertook ea}: U - 1'8 . 1C1 l J rid aly ch 25! he do .1 - Pr !n nut EA.$'l'COASl ISI, the CW .. VE.YTCQ°QT " WA-. ketingpossibilities. But it may alsohaveplayed into a real,not hyped,desirefor vengeance on Knight's part,sinoe he is saidto __-->'_____' -Q. ere _ .1. _ __ __ 92_'77I >$'s have blamed Puffy for a close'-=-5?; _____ i __~.--* ;_~_..1¢ .._ .wn in i , I, CS! ani , acs1 uc F r mil I i ;ie's Friend's murder. Thefeud moved ' , . Q, to a newplaneat a.Christmas D '-"' '~ - bash in 1995, hosted byDeath mansion, intheHollywood Hills. A record promoter fromNew York,MarkAnthony Bell, who isanassociate ofPu.fly Combs, is saidto havebeenluredupstairs U768 en r rife, and to a roomWhere Knight, Tupac, andtheirentourage hadbeen tunt * .fat e to "the 1She auntook r - ---- Row attheChateau LeBlane_i - __. IQ- . OH ' ;= 1 6| verbal,it wasuse ilfor its mar- "' - _-_¢ _~ _I _,- -~§% .4 -jour Cunalatres girls-!. ii_,,,a And ddr92"l fOf,gl 1"»:wooJs aretrawl- "*5 n9Fm wiih Plmsloarapheril 5_ l - -_' l. -1- ' . .,-.5 _;' "- -- 0- i _ i .--L _ 1-- drinking. Bellwasallegedly tied to a chair,interrogated about a-- x-_ ,-:_" *""'_"'_'-' ""l -_r-'-' .---"" ,-4-~. M "'*. ~..:i. id r -' -%-i '-" --_- ..|' thekillingof Suge's friend,and hounded fortheaddress of Puify andPu 'y's mother. He isalleged to have been beatenwith broken champagne bottles, andKnight issaidto haveurinated intoajat and told Bell to drink from it. Bell receivedan estimated six~ hundred-thousand-dollar settle- mentfrom Death Row, and he declined ; //all 9292.92 / CA MPAWAMNABE lg =a.~~ =| to presscharges. But a friendof Bell's told me that he had reachedhim in JaIn February, Tupachad decided to maica about a monthafter the incident, start hisownproduction company, called andBell hadsaidto him, I'm heretilll had."But shesuggests Euphanasia, and he askedhisoldfriend thanInterscope heal.Theybusted me up bad! People Yaasmyn Fulatocometo L.A. torunit. that she was not oblivious of the dark whowerewithTupacthelastyearof his Fulabegantryingto organize Tupac s sideof KnightandDeathRow.Shetold lifearenotsurprised thathewouldbein- business affairs. We weren't getting me thatTupachadnot allowedeither volved in something likethis. VVhencopies youngcousins the of the nancial accountings," she Sykeor Tupac's TupacwaswithSuge," onefriendsays, said."VVe'd Outlawz, who travelledwith him and askfor them,andthey'd with i I .! 92 9292 3} t92. i i ~ ___, .,,-.___-._.__1 oz _._ __ _ ..> ~- we» . 1' . >. ' ' ' _:- , -1. . . ~. '. . ..- , Q; _*_,,.- l. 4 - . - '*""i ' 7_ te ~*:~ .-. - -';¢ - .-. -,92,J, . =.'»*--I.-; -- Z1 a._;;,.<',+:" -- -. . ~ -' ;:. THENEWVYOR| .ER.JUl.YT.l997 r -".' -. .-~' i Rowhasmymoney, tellthemto send vi, ' the check. " When the check didn't if, ' : ,' G 3,1 - come,Ogletree continued, would I call 1 2. -i -;;__ Kenner.He wouldsay, It's in themail. 1 COFFEE »~=> »~ KICKINTHEPANT5 Then, when itnever arrived,he would 4? F°R;v92g;u_Y TEA AND SYMPATHY! ,- sayhe wassendingit FedEx.Then, whenit didn't arrive,hewouldsayhe'd wireit." Ogletree added,Weshould havebeenable to closethe deal,but it wasnever possible. Wehadtogothrough therecord company. It wasasthough he hadnolifeexcept thatgiven tohimby 1 l I ,92 Death Row. Bythelatespring, Ogleuee says, Tupacwascare illy plotting hisescape. HehadEuphanasia, hehadtheOutlawz, he had his movie deals he was -w 4 1 Pj-Q.-'.1-I.~iY.i§='-" 3 E .7- -/1' -' 1 ' // Z 4 1 l l in I if l | ii _ z. . .- .¢.. '- -_ . i n-CAJ O buildingsomething thatwasall to be partof oneentity. . . . He hada strategy- theideawasto maintain a friendly relationship with Sugebutto separate hisbusiness." Theprecedent of Dr.Dre's departure fromDeathRowdid not seem especially encouraging. A musicbusiness executive whowas iendly with Dre saysthatDre left because he was uncomfortable with Knights business whichKennerhasconsistently denied, thecon ictwouldbeevenmorepatent. It alsomightexplainhowhe - a white crirninal defense lawyerwho in the Dreabandoned hisinterest in 1995hewas,somethought, theprover- practices. in retumfor a relatively bialpower behind thethrone. To many the company high-pro ledrug, racketeering, and to the streets works in consort with a of Tupac friends, s the relationship be- modest nancialsettlement,and Inter- tweenKnighr andKennert a familiar scope facilitated thedivorce bygiving newcontract. Look at eighties handled someof L.A.'s most pattem: a blackgangster whohasaccesshima lucrative Dre," Ogletreesays. Sucha brilliant, whoisconnected tolevers creative musician. He started Death murder cases buthadvirtually noexpe- whiteplayer rience in entertainment law- oould have of powerin theworldat large. Knight Row,andinordertogetouthehadto emerged at thetop of oneof thehottest might wear a ring with the initials give up almosteverything.... Now, whatwouldit takeforTupac,thehotof M.O.B. -- Member Bloods" but labels. wasonly Kenner wastherealthing. teststararound,whosesuccess Kenner's entree,it nowseems plain, in theireyes camethroughMichael Harris. Paul growing?Froma legalstandpoint, Ogletree said, it wasnotsodii cult, the Palladino, a private investigator whohas Tupacashisentertainment law- contract signed in prisoncouldbechalworkedclosely with Kennerfor years, yerandashislawyer forcivilandcrimi- ler1ged. told me that back in 1991 or so David A . Butyouhavetoli92reafterthat.. . of howtowalkaway wasrepresenting MichaelHarrison his naloases in Califomia, butTupacasked It wasa question appeal, andHarrisintroduced himto Charles Ogleu-ee tocontinue torepresentwith yourlimbsattachedandbodily toldmethathere- functions operating. Suge."In hisun ledcomplaint against himaswell.Ogletree wroteletters to DeathRow,askDeath RowandInterscope, Harrisal- peatedly I remember seeinghimjustbefore Tupac hadsignedhistwenty- fth legedthathe hadhad a prisonmeeting ingtoseethecontract birthday," Oglettee conday.He in September, 1991,withKenner and withDeathRowin prisonandto nego- tinued.Hefeltit wasaglorious Knight,to dismiss thetermsof hisin- tiate a formal contract under more con- neverimaginedhe'd liveto be twentytherewasa sadnms in hiseyes, vestment in what would beoome Death sdonablecircumstances; butallhisefforts, five but hestillhadthese chains binding Row.HarrisandKnightwere to be equal he said,were met with silence,diver- because him. This was not where he wanted to partners, healleged, andKenner wasto sions,andoutrightmisrepresentations." black-music record DAVID KENNER began to represent I .1 M 97*, nd n't I all til. ild :n , e'd lld t it igh .he by Fu.pe. UT was be filtidly :ate 're's not sic- vith wasI rtess itin vsly I P't .orrnNoAnr_scA|>s if _/' 68 hehad Belushi. Thenightit wrapped, Tupac Afterthealmostnonexistentght- grazed.Hewouldlatermaintain Seldonout in lessthan a bulletlodgedin his head.!At thehoscelebrated by takingone of his law- Tysonknocked Tupac,andtheir pital,Tupacwentinto emergency yers, Shawn Chapman, to dinner at twominutes -Knight, sur- I. ~. 3-Q. attempt to leave DeathRowthatledto malpractice andbreach of duciary duty, smellinglike roses and not havethe hisdeath.Dre hadmanaged to doit, but chargingthat his purportedrepresenta- wild cardof Sugeand Kenner. A couple of monthsago, it wasreportedthat Death Row. A music-business veteran with his own interests inasmuch as Seagtam, theparentof Universal, iseonwho is close to Dre told me that if Kenner,thesuitalleges,wasbothanat- sideringbuying,for threehundred and Tupachadleft DeathRow. . . it would torneyfor DeathRow andan ownerof fty million dollars,the half of Interit. Severalpeoplecloseto the situation scope havebeenworsethan devastating it's that Universaldoesnot already pro t an insult. lt's apublicslapin theface.lt saythatthesuitisonthevergeof being own.This wouldmeana colossal is not tolerable. I've madeyou and settled,and that Interscopehashelped for Iovine and Field. To manyblacksin the musicbusiyou're going to leave me?And six to makethat possible. months alter Dre did it? In another culin thisparSinceTupac death, s Interscopehas ness,thelackof congruency ture," he concluded, peoplesueyou." repeatedlysoughtto mollify Afeni. In ticular moralitytale is bitterly familiar. In thelastfewmonths,Knighthas October,when she found Knight and SugeKnight has retainedMilton beenbuffetedbyonedamaging revelation Kcnner unresponsive and she was Grimes,whodefendedRodneyKing,to to blocktherelease of Tu- representhim in the federalinvestigaafteranother. The LosAngelesTime: threatening argues thatDeathRowdid pac's lastalbumunlessshegot anac- tion.Grimes reportedin Octoberthat he hadgiven a recording contract to thedaughter of the counting of the moneydue to him, it not operate in a vacuum._ Theirmoney only by l i92 l 1 I Tupac wasin hopeless con ict relinquishingany claim on tion of Interscope, andfromMCA, deputy districtattorney Lawrence Longo, wasjimmy IovinewhometwithAfeni came '0m whohadhelpedstrikehisprobationdeal andher lawyer,RichardFischbein,and and they -Interscope- were handsin the assaultcase,and also that David agreed that Interscope wouldpayheran on. So if therearegoing to be indictKenner had rented a n.i.neteen thousand- dollar-a-month Malibu It immediate three million dollars with fromtheLongo familyandthatKnight not Death Row, that underwrote a mehad stayedin it. Longo deniesany morial servicefor Tupac in Atlanta in wrongdoing.! Then,in December, the LosAngeles Time:reported thatSteve November. lnterscope has, in a way, been a model of corporateresponsibility.Ina principalin the L.A. of ceof Gelfand, deed,in a strictlycorporatesenseit has Rennert 8c Feldman, a division ofCoo done more than was required.Tupac s afpets8:.Lybrand,hadsignedadocument wasnot o -iciallylnterscope artist, sayingthat he stolefour anda half mil- ter all. But Interscopeexecutives may Cantrock, Death Row saccountantand l ments,letthemtakeon theindustry- Colony house more to come.And it waslnterscope, notjust thisoneblackbusiness." Thatlnterscope iswidelyregarded as the most successful new label since Geffen Records cannot be attributed solelyto its a iliationwith DeathRow. Interscopehas hugelysuccessful rock groups, including Nine Inch Nails, Bush,andtheWall owers, andthepop groupsNo DoubtandGod's Property. But it was Death Row that rescued lion dollars from Death Row. Cantrock feel a levelof responsibility for hav- themfromtheirearlydoldrumsandthat deliveredonemulti-platinumalbumafwassaidto havetold federalinvesuga ingpushed TupacintoSugearms. And s tors that he had been invited to a San thereisalso And the legacyof Death a compellingbusiness ratio- ter another. isa richone. Death to do everything pos- Rowto lnterscope FernandoValleyhousewhereKnight, nalefor Interseope anamazing purpose for InKenner, andothersweregathered, that sibleto quelltheskirmishing between Rowserved é ll03 i he had been forced to his knees and, investigators havereportedlybeenexam- pect for lnterscope -particularly in would not. They havejustified what iningpossible linksbetween DeathRow light of the ongoing criminal probe theydid byalludingto theFirstAmendand organized crime familiesin New of Death Row. ment,andto their beliefin givinga chaneeto blackartistsandentrepreneurs IFInterscopc escapes unscathed inthefrom the street,But Death Row was no federalprobe,SugeKnight's undo- enterprisezone.And anyonewho got ary,theyfocussed notonlyonKnight's role but on Kennel- sas well. ing couldwell provea boon. Iointven- near it couldhavepredicted that there turesareonlyassuccessas rltheopera- would be a price to pay for its cultivacloseto tion of gangsterism in lyrics,in social racketeering suitagainstDeathRow, tors arefrugal, an executive andperhaps in business pracSugeKnight, andDavid Kermer,alleg- lnterscope points out, and at Death conduct, In mid April, Afeni Shalcuraled Row the spendingwas obscene. If tices as well. spiracy tostealfromTupac.Thesuitin- they'can shift the DeathRowassets cluded a claim against Kenner for within Interscope, they'll come out Tupac,of course,paid the heaviest priceof all. 0 -- . ing that they were engagedin acon- I 1 Tupac's estateandDeath Row.As one terscope, an entertainmentexecutive fearing forhislife,signed thehandwrit- lawyercloseto the situationpointsout, told me. It helpedput themin the ten confession that Kenner had drafted ifA.fenididn't getwhatshewanted from black-musicbusiness. Today,no matter on thespot. Knightsaysthatnoforce Death Row shewould surelysuenot what happens, they/Ba-ue that.Peoplein wasinvolved.Cantroclcdeniesstealing only DeathRowbut lnterscopeaswell, that communityfeelthat theygavea were blackmanpower.Theygavea black themoney.!Canuock,who is in hiding, on the theorythat the companies ex- manautonomy. hassince beenforcedoutbyhis rm.He socloselyrelatedasto haveshared Theygavea blackman hasalsobeenreportedto havebeenan posure.Beingsubjectto a legalpro- money. Iovineand Field did bet on Suge intermediarybetweenKnight and al- cessof discoveryon this issuecould legedorganized-crime gures;federal hardly havebeen an attractivepros- KnightandDrewhenothercompanies York andChicago.VVhenfederalgrand jury subpoenas weresentoutlastFebru- i .1 l
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