Document 6447091
Document 6447091
L u t h e r a n C h i l d & Fa m i ly S e rv i c e s 2 0 0 6 a n n ua l R e p o rt Our Faith Our Foundation Our Future 2 0 0 6 A n n ua l r e p o rt LCFS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lewis L. Lundberg, President Ron Thieme, Vice-President Doug Koeneman, Secretary Tania Deng, Treasurer J. Darrell Bakken Lewis Beckwith David Colip Dr. Gary Carlson Tammy Haney Kara Hensley Rev. John Herfurth Janet Johnson Beverly Salyers Martha Schmidt J. Wesley Simms Kolecki Wright Randy Wright THE FOUNDATION FOR LCFS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Al Zimmermann, President Robert P. Kassing, Vice-President/Treasurer Sven Schumacher, CEO Philip J. Burck Tania Deng Jean Drey Michael E. Hanson Ron Hanson Lewis L. Lundberg Rev. Frank Machina Richard A. Otto Wayne S. Schmidt Evelyn Seeley Cheryl Troyer 1 C ommotion on Lutherwood’s campus suddenly erupts as a youngster bursts out of his dormitory and sprints toward Ritter Avenue. A youth specialist is in hot pursuit, concern and worry etched into her face. The youngster scoops up a fallen branch and turns to face his pursuer, striking out at her and cursing. The look on his face is one of anger, frustration and despair. Despite the threat of physical injury and the verbal insults, the youth counselor approaches the runaway carefully but lovingly. She “talks him down” and finally convinces him to drop the stick and return to the dorm. As she escorts him to his room, she drapes an arm across his shoulders and hugs him – and he returns her hug. Such encounters are typical for the front line staff caring for children who act out in a variety of ways. Even as children are healing, they often lash out at their caregivers with verbal and sometimes physical abuse. At LCFS, we are blessed to have dedicated staff who, despite the challenges, love and care for our children no matter what they do or say. Even as we continue to meet the needs of current Lutherwood residents and their families, this past year has been filled with changes to our ministries for everyone. Lutheran Child & Family Services and The Foundation for Lutheran Child & Family Services focused on three specific areas during 2006: • The campus construction project and related financing • Reorganization of the resource development department • The continued support of the children and families under our care in a changing environment The construction project is the most tangible aspect of our efforts. The open-air feeling and abundance of natural lighting in the new dormitories represent a much-needed improvement of our facilities. Hopefully these will convey a very positive physical environment to aid in the healing process for our children. In addition, the improved design and physical layout will provide more flexibility to meet the fluctuating needs of our residents. Phase II of the campus renovation calls for demolition of the Mikolon Family Center to make way for construction of a new family strengthening center in 2008. We took this opportunity to move The Sharing Place East from Mikolon to a new commercial building near Shadeland Avenue and East 10th Street. We also moved the Community-Based program staff into new offices in the same building. 2006 was also the first year of operating Lutherwood under a new, more restrictive State contract that required some changes in our operations and accounting procedures. The ramifications include the appointment of Executive Director Sven Schumacher as Chief Executive Officer of The Foundation for Lutheran Child & Family Agency and Foundation leadership included (l-r) Lewis L. Lundberg, President of the Board of Directors of LCFS, Glenn R. Johnson, Interim Executive Director of LCFS, Sven Schumacher, Chief Executive Officer of The Foundation for LCFS, and Al Zimmermann, President of The Foundation for LCFS. Services. The search for a new Executive Director concluded in December with the appointment of Mr. Michael Johnson, who will assume his responsibilities in March, 2007. When we look to the future, we anticipate increased restrictions on revenue combined with the growing needs of our clients. For many years, government sources (primarily per diem payments for residential care) have provided support for agency programs and services. Supplemental funding sources include United Way annual allocations, grants and individual and congregational gifts. To obtain the additional funding that will be necessary to carry out the mission of the agency and sustain programs for the future, we must find new sources of revenue. This prompted the Foundation Board to initiate a very aggressive resource development plan in mid-2006 to create a unified and coherent approach to fundraising. This includes raising money to support not only the construction project, but also to significantly expand our endowment for program support. This effort is off to a good start with the hiring of additional development staff and a goal oriented planning process. This report reflects the highlights of the activities of the agency as well as the efforts of the dedicated staff and volunteers who are so important to Lutheran Child & Family Services’ success in the community. You are our partner in the important work of providing programs of compassionate care and counsel to enhance the dignity and quality of life. We thank you for providing the resources we need to serve others in the name of Christ. Together, we answer God’s call to “care for the least of these.” Each one should be careful how he builds. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. —1 CORINTHIANS 3:10-11 Lewis L. Lundberg, President, Board of Directors of LCFS Glenn R. Johnson, Interim Executive Director, Lutheran Child & Family Services Al Zimmermann, President, The Foundation for LCFS Sven Schumacher, Chief Executive Officer, The Foundation for LCFS 2 LUTHERWOOD CAMPUS RENOVATION PROJECT 2 4 3 8 5 7 1 6 9 1. LCFS Administration 2. Huxhold Hall 3. Johnson Multi-Purpose Center 4. East dormitory (replaces Hertling and Carter halls) 5. North dormitory 6. Chapel 7. Family Strengthening Center 8. Carter Hall (will be replaced) 9. Mikolon Family Center & Hertling Hall (will be replaced) L u t h e rw o o d R e s i d e n t i a l Tr e at m e n t C e n t e r & S c h o o l E Under the watchful eye of Lutherwood staff member Sandy Beach, Lutherwood resident Miranda hangs a paper crane from a tree near the campus entrance. Miranda was among a group of students whose class project recognized the work of Dr. George Archibald, co-founder of the International Crane Foundation and the inaugural winner of the Indianapolis Prize for animal conservation in 2006. “Even youths grow weary — but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” — ISAIAH 40:30-31 3 xcitement began to grow among children and staff as they watched the new residential facilities rise above the mounds of dirt and protective chain link fence surrounding the campus. Like construction crews putting the finishing touches on the new buildings, youth specialists, counselors and teachers at Lutherwood add the “finishing touches” to the lives of the youth and families they serve. They combine love, consistency and support with lots of hugs and smiles to create a strong, secure foundation for life. 2006 ACCOMPLISHMENTS: • We completed campus-wide implementation of the “Circle of Courage” curriculum. This behavior modification program emphasizes four foundations of self worth: mastery, independence, belonging and generosity. In this supportive and nurturing atmosphere, residents and staff met once a week to celebrate progress toward behavior goals, moving to less restrictive units or other individual and group achievements. • As a result of the increasing need for specialized intervention among sexually maladaptive youth, several members of the clinical staff began training toward certification by IN-AJSOP, a professional organization promoting a best practice model of intervention. We plan to provide an intensely monitored program for these youth in two residential units designed for their specialized treatment and care. • Youth participated in groups that focused on social skills, mental health issues and the “skill-streaming” process, which uses modeling, role playing, performance feedback and homework to help youth develop competence in dealing with interpersonal conflicts. • An average of 90% of Lutherwood youth improved their reading scores significantly through use of the Read 180 program. The computer-based literacy program takes a four pronged approach to expanding reading skills: word recognition, spelling, comprehension, and reading fluency. Using the Lexile® measures (which reflect the difficulty of a text), Lutherwood youth met or exceeded their goal of improving reading scores by 75-100 points per year. Youth served in residential care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158 Referring agencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 (up 35% from 2005) Youth discharged from residential care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 ~52% returned home or to the care of a relative ~9% went into therapeutic foster care or a pre-adoptive home ~7% went to a group home or scattered site apartment ~32% went to a facility offering the same or a higher level of care Average Length of Stay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .247 days Indianapolis Public Schools day students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Average number of students in attendance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Residents that attended public school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Percentage of students requiring special education services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Approximately 70% C o m m u n i t y - Ba s e d P r o g r a m s C ommunity-Based programs are designed to provide intervention, prevention, or material assistance to clients directly in their homes or within the community. They include: • Foster Care/Adoption • Parenting Education • Youth Mentoring • The Sharing Place (East and West) FOSTER CARE Lutheran Child & Family Services contracted with the State of Indiana to prepare families for licensure as foster parents in Marion, Montgomery, Putnam, Boone, Hendricks, Morgan, Henry, Rush Wayne, Fayette, Union and Franklin counties. Licensing preparation includes educating and supporting families in their efforts to care for children who have been neglected and abused, need help adjusting to life changes or have a variety of emotional or behavior challenges. Step-by-step, LCFS caseworkers help families through the application process, conduct such screenings as criminal/child protective background checks and personal references and provide home studies. We also supply information about the children and make sure the prospective foster parents understand the responsibilities of foster parenting. Many of these families are relatives who generously step forward to take care of nieces, nephews or grandchildren. Children are less traumatized if they are able to stay with relatives they know and with whom they feel comfortable. Served: 107 families ADOPTION Lutheran Child and Family Services provides home study and post-placement supervision services to individuals and families in Indiana who are seeking to adopt children both domestically and internationally. Clients are self-referred and private-pay. They choose LCFS primarily as a result of: • Recommendation of an international adoption agency • Word of mouth • Previous experience with LCFS, i.e. seeking assistance with a second or third home study Although most domestic adoption services lead to infant adoption, the majority of international adoptions requiring home studies or post-placement services involve abandoned children from orphanages. Home studies evaluate prospective adoptive families to assure the safety and appropriate placement of vulnerable children. LCFS follows all state laws and regulations in the provision of services and is a Licensed Child Placing Agency in the State of Indiana. All home studies conducted by the agency are regulated by the United States Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS). The adoption program faced a number of challenges. • Financially, the program continually evaluated service fees and potential income to cover the operational costs of the limited services that are provided compared to the expense of highly experienced staff. • The number of international adoptions is dropping nation-wide. This is a result of more stringent eligibility requirements in some countries and occasionally, complete exclusion of outside adoptions. • Locally, competition is high to provide home study services for domestic infant adoption. Although LCFS has worked to increase contracts to provide home studies for private agencies, many of these organizations have hired their own social workers to perform this service as a cost-saving measure. The average number of cases (families) served per month was 4.5 for a total of 50 to 54 per year. Due to the length of services (anywhere from two months to two years, depending on the number of post placement visits required as well as timing of placement of a child), many families have ongoing cases. Lutherwood student artwork 4 C o m m u n i t y - Ba s e d P r o g r a m s Mentor Novell Graves helps his young 8-year-old friend with after-school homework. PARENTING EDUCATION MENTORING This 8-week program promotes personal growth and fosters independence among parents and caregivers who attend classes that focus upon: • Child development • Stress management • Bonding and attachment • Communication • Family strengths • Identification of supportive community resources Participants’ ability to solve parenting crises improves as a result of learning more effective ways to respond to their children’s behavior. A $25,000 grant from Citizens Gas & Coke Utility underwrote the parenting classes, which are always open to anyone who is providing care for a child. This includes not only individuals who attend voluntarily, but also those referred to the program by such organizations as the Marion County Office of Family and Children, St. Elizabeth’s Coleman Maternity Home, Chrysalis Academy and the Indiana Women’s Prison. Participants are often in the midst of family crises involving varying degrees of child abuse or neglect compounded by homelessness, chemical dependency or mental illness. The mentoring program is designed to help Lutherwood children and teens prepare to live in the community again. It pairs youth with adult volunteers who: • Encourage community involvement • Share fun and safe activities • Teach social skills • Help the child experience the community as a safe environment • Work with the child to solve daily problems Mentors are encouraged to take the children into the community where they can experience such normal everyday activities as going to the mall, shopping for groceries, going out to eat or attending church. By sharing one-on-one time, mentors give the children the opportunity to form trusting, positive relationships, which in turn, boosts their self-esteem. Individuals served: 201 5 Yvonne Perkins (l), Vice President of Community Affairs with Citizens Gas & Coke Utility, looks over the materials that will be included in the parenting education classes that Family Education Coordinator Megan Yturriaga (r) will teach. A generous grant of $25,000 from Citizens Gas & Coke supported the parenting program. OUTCOMES: 17 residents matched with 16 volunteer mentors Mentoring is provided to children at Lutherwood as a supplemental, supportive residential service. Community-Based program staff administer mentoring services but staff and program costs associated with this supportive service are integrated into Lutherwood's operating budget. THE SHARING PLACE Since it was founded more than 30 years ago, The Sharing Place material assistance program has become a well-known and highly respected ministry. It serves the most vulnerable people in our community, helping them attain stability and providing crisis intervention in the face of personal crises. Its connection to a faith-based organization makes it unique among such programs. It also attracts volunteers who enjoy serving in a caring, Christian environment, which makes a direct and positive impact upon the quality of care given to Sharing Place clients. Each year, The Sharing Place expands its partnerships in the community while serving the steadily increasing numbers of persons in need. Collaboration with IARCCA (An Association of Children and Family Services) and United Way of Central Indiana helps meet existing state and local prevention goals. The Sharing Place works in partnership with Gleaners Food Bank to provide food supplies to as many people as possible and donates surplus material goods and clothing to other social service and religious organizations for distribution to their clients. To make way for the new construction underway at Lutherwood, The Sharing Place East moved off campus in October to a nearby commercial building. Benefits of the move included increased public visibility and access as well as additional space for the clothing bank, food pantry, donation receiving area and offices for Community-Based program staff. It also allowed The Sharing Place to re-open its thrift store, where proceeds help support the operational expenses of the give-away programs. The Sharing Place program provides two unique services: “Ready, Set, Learn!” and triage. “Ready, Set, Learn!” is a back to school project that provides new school supplies to youth in kindergarten through twelfth grade. Triage is a referral service provided to clients who repeatedly visit The Sharing Place or who are in immediate need of resources other than food and clothing. It includes the completion of an informal needs assessment and identification of other community and government resources that may be available. Examples of referrals made for clients include: housing, employment, stabilization of domestic violence, medical needs, mental health services, and day care. The Sharing Place is located on the east and west sides of Indianapolis. The Sharing Place East 7049 E. 10th Street Indianapolis, IN 46219 317-353-6466 The Sharing Place West 3976 Georgetown Road Indianapolis, IN 46254 317-298-3180 Total served: 22,853 6 Drs. Tom Nottingham (l) and Jim Rasp of Circle City Chiropractic were among the first to bring food donations to The Sharing Place new eastside facility. The special in-gathering resulted in two pick-up truckloads of food and more than $1,000 in cash donations for The Sharing Place. Dr. Nottingham organized the first Circle City Chiropractic food drive for The Sharing Place in 2001. “I feel called to share my blessings with others. I also believe in leading by example. I’d love to show other professionals in the community – who have the ability to reach other people – that they can make a difference.” Fa m i ly P r e s e rvat i o n S e rv i c e s O Lutherwood student artwork ur Family Preservation Program has provided community-based services to children and families for more than ten years. In collaboration with Gallahue Mental Health (Community Health Network), the program provides intensive, family centered, strength based and culturally relevant care to children and families referred by the Marion County Department of Children’s Services and Marion County Juvenile Probation. Services are provided in homes, schools and communities. These services are proactive, flexible and accommodate the needs and schedules of the families. Interventions are wide-ranging and include: • Individual and family therapy • Case management • Assistance with basic needs • Advocacy with multiple child serving systems • Service referral and linkage • Crisis management services (24 hours per day, 7 days per week) Marion County awarded a contract to Family Preservation to provide specialized home-based counseling services to victims of sexual abuse and their families and adolescent sexual offenders and their families. Family Preservation also accepted referrals from Gallahue Mental Health Programs and is currently engaged in contract discussions with Choices, Inc. to provide community based services for the Dawn Project. Family Preservation services also included: • Intensive family reunification • Home-based counseling • Home-based case management • Community integration services for sexual offenders • Services to youth returning to the community from the Indiana Department of Correction The Indiana Family Risk Assessment of Abuse/Neglect is completed for all referrals. Some of the factors rated include the number of children in the home, prior reports of abuse or neglect, substance abuse issues, financial stability, domestic violence, discipline techniques or parenting skills. OUTCOMES: FAMILY PRESERVATION • Received 295 referrals • Served 415 families 7 • Served 1397 individuals • 69% of all families referred successfully completed the program • 75% of families completing the program had decreased risk factors for abuse and/or neglect • 96% of families had no new incidents of child abuse or neglect reported • 98% of all respondents (children, families and referral sources) who completed satisfaction surveys rated services as very good to excellent. Tr i n i t y H o u s e | Vo l u n t e e r R e s o u r c e s TRINITY HOUSE T rinity House is a group home where young men age 14-21 learn the skills they will need to live as productive, independent adults. Most of them expect to be entirely self-sufficient when they are discharged. The family-style, highly-structured environment of Trinity House is designed to support and guide residents while providing them with emotional and social growth opportunities. These include: • Readily available counseling services with the group home manager, who also serves as the on-site therapist • Increased community involvement • Use of “life-skills” coaches who reward appropriate behavior VOLUNTEER RESOURCES T he numbers of individuals and groups who donated their time and talent to the ministries of Lutheran Child & Family Services demonstrated the increased community awareness of volunteer opportunities with the agency. Volunteer opportunities included: • The Sharing Place (East and West) and utilize natural/logical consequences for inappropriate behavior • Use of the Ansell Casey Life Skills Assessment Program (ACLSA) to measure progress toward independence • Full-time school attendance or employment A discharge is considered successful if the boy returns home, moves into his own apartment or is placed in a lower level of care, i.e. a foster home. Those who do not succeed usually move to a higher level of care than Trinity House can provide. Number of male youth served: . . . . . . . . . .16 Successful discharges: . . . .6 • Adopt-A-Dorm • Special events • Mentoring • Tutoring • Service clubs • Give Hope a Home capital and endowment campaign • Christmas activities • Advisory boards and committees • Community service and office support OUTCOMES: Total number of volunteers:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 607 Total volunteer hours: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28,718 Total value equivalent* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $518,072 *In 2005, the Independent Sector announced that the estimated value of a volunteer hour was $18.04. (This time is based on the average hourly earnings of all production and non-supervisory workers on private non-farm payrolls (as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics). Independent Sector takes this figure and increases it by 12 percent to estimate for fringe benefits.) Volunteer chef Keith Fenley (l) cooks burgers and brats during a cookout at Lutherwood. He is among a faithful group of volunteers from Kroger’s Crossroad Farms Dairy who organize regular activities for the children throughout the year. 8 S p i r i t ua l G r o w t h | C o n t i n u o u s Q ua l i t y I m p r ov e m e n t SPIRITUAL GROWTH “G Chaplain Bob Hall hangs a banner made by youth at Trinity Lutheran Church & School in Indianapolis. od has motivated many to assist in our ministry and has provided His strength to our children,” noted campus chaplain, Rev. Bob Hall. In addition to offering weekly Bible studies to children and staff, Pr. Hall coordinated volunteers from area congregations to provide music for chapel services and serve as mentors. CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 9 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house upon the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.” T he Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) program of Lutheran Child and Family Services (LCFS) provides the primary means for internal review and evaluation of agency programs and services. It sets the standard for high-quality treatment of clients and prepares strategies to meet their ever-changing needs. As a team, members from each department gather data from LCFS specifically identified indicators that monitor trends of high-risk, high-volume, or problem-prone areas. They use this information to create practical action plans for the constant improvement of care, which helps maintain accreditation —MATTHEW 7:24-25 Lutherwood student artwork Under the guidance of Pr. Hall, the children practiced community service by hosting a bake sale to benefit Bethlehem Children’s Center in New Orleans. Hurricane Katrina had damaged the center and forced evacuation of the residents to neighboring communities. Lutherwood youth raised more than $300 by baking and selling cookies to the staff and visitors at neighboring Community Hospital East. status by the Council on Accreditation. Nationwide concern about the dangers of restrictive intervention demands that this area, as well as the rest of Lutherwood’s residential treatment program, be a primary focus of CQI. Frequent review of policies and procedures is also extremely important in order to maintain a consistent foundation and framework for the treatment and care of our children. The CQI team meets the challenge by standing ready to analyze, support, and reform policies as necessary. They gather, assess and maintain data to evaluate outcomes and measure client satisfaction. This provides continual assessment of our care and services and ensures our ability to carry out our mission. AmeriCorps N ovember marked the end of funding from a Corporation for National and Community Service grant to support the AmeriCorps program at LCFS. Known on campus as the “Preparing Opportunities for Development Corps (POD),” members served in The Sharing Place and in the areas of education and volunteer resources. Their responsibilities included: • Tutoring students • Organizing recreational activities • Designing and managing community service activities • Organizing service-learning opportunities for youth • Assisting with intake and food and clothing distribution at The Sharing Place • Facilitating trainings for LCFS staff • Raising awareness of community service and AmeriCorps • Serving as ambassadors for LCFS events (which included meeting and greeting corporate sponsors) • Re-opening the Lutherwood library • Creating an outdoor classroom Efforts of the POD Corps members’ resulted in successful programming that will endure beyond their three-year tenure on campus. At Lutherwood, the tremendous impact of POD Corps can be found in the outdoor classroom and in an integrated assessment system for measuring reading level achievements for the residents/students. Their legacy to The Sharing Place is the triage program operated by volunteers, which offers on-site guidance and service referrals to clients who visit The Sharing Place repeatedly for emergency assistance. POD Corps members laid a foundation for programming, activities, and systems that will lead to future success at LCFS. OUTCOMES: Triage component: ~ 90% client satisfaction rate ~ 50% of clients will review community resources ~ 65% of clients will develop a plan Educational component at Lutherwood: ~ 76% of Lutherwood residents reached their age-appropriate reading grade level prior to their successful discharge during the first year of POD Corps ~ During the 2005-2006 school year, 25% of students taking the ISTEP passed the exam compared to a 17.6% passing rate for 2004-2005 and a 12.1% passing rate in 2003-2004, the first year of AmeriCorps at LCFS. ~ AmeriCorps members were instrumental to the enhancement of the educational readiness, reading comprehension and character development of the special education children served at LCFS. Lutherwood students work in garden boxes that AmeriCorps members built for the outdoor classroom project. “Preparing opportunities for development by empowering individuals to identify their strengths and overcome barriers to success while guiding them to personal independence through civic engagement, educational enrichment and community service.” – POD CORPS MISSION 10 D o n o r H o n o r Ro l l THANK YOU! W e are blessed with generous donors who support our goals of expressing God’s love by offering programs of compassionate care and counsel to those in need. The following lists reflect total annual cash contributions to the annual fund as well as pledges and contributions to the Give Hope a Home capital and endowment campaign between January 1 and December 31, 2006. We have made every effort to be complete and accurate when compiling these lists. In the event of error or omission, please accept our apologies and notify the development department by calling 317-359-5467, ex. 320. He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, But whoever is kind to the needy honors God. —PROVERBS 14:31 * Denotes contributors to the Give Hope a Home capital and endowment campaign GOLD CIRCLE ($10,000 or more) Christ the Savior Lutheran Church–Fishers Citizens Gas & Coke Utility Emil E. Keck Charitable Trust Hamilton County Chapter, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans* Holy Cross Lutheran Church–Indianapolis The Indianapolis Foundation* Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Kassing Kenra, LLC* National Bank of Indianapolis* National City Bank* Denny & Donna Oklak* Dr. & Mrs. Michael Orr Peterson Family Foundation* Mr. & Mrs. William A. Schmadeke, Sr.* Thomas & Evelyn Seeley* Mr. & Mrs. Jack V. Skillman Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Troyer United Way of Central Indiana Dr. & Mrs. Richard Van Frank* SILVER CIRCLE 11 ($5,000 - $9,999) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Dick L. Boschen Brightpoint, Inc. Christel DeHaan Family Foundation* Ms. Tania T. Deng Mrs. Eleanor A. Greuling The Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis, Inc. Clif & Janet Johnson* Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Klemm Mr. & Mrs. Doug Koeneman Lilly Endowment Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Otto* Pilgrim Lutheran Church-Indianapolis* Dr. & Mrs. Paul Schmidt Mr. John A. Seest The Stanley Works Thrivent Financial for Lutherans “Giving Plus”* Dr. & Mrs. Normand T. Townley* Mr. & Mrs. William A. Young* BRONZE CIRCLE ($4,999 – $2,500) Association of Indiana State Troopers Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Baker The Beck Foundation Carmel Lutheran Church Mr. & Mrs. William Flohr Mr. Ralph L. Frauhiger Mr. & Mrs. D. Stanley Geiser* Grueninger Tours* Indiana State Employees Community Campaign Mr. & Mrs. Keith D. Johns* Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kendall* King of Glory Social Ministry Team* MDRT Foundation Miller Summer Mission for Children Fund (a Central Indiana Community Foundation fund) Ms. Caryl Schratz-Goeller* LEADERSHIP CIRCLE ($1,000 - $2,499) ADESA Corporation Anonymous Avnet Inc. Ayres Foundation, Inc.* Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Beck* Mr. & Mrs. Lewis D. Beckwith Bethlehem Lutheran Church-Indianapolis* Blackwell Williams Fund Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Bosma Mr. & Mrs. James Capron, Jr.* Central Indiana Community Foundation* Community Hospitals of Indiana, Inc.* Creative Street Media Group* Cross & Crown Lutheran ChurchIndianapolis Mr. & Mrs. Hank Dragoo* Duke Construction* Emmanuel Lutheran Church-Tell City Mr. & Mrs. Lester Esarey* First Indiana Bank* Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Fuhrman* Mr. & Mrs. Doug Gard Mr. Roger Gregory Mr. & Mrs. William C. Griffith, III Grube Family Foundation* Mr. & Mrs. William L. Holton Hook Drug Foundation Hoover Family Foundation Indianapolis Colts Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Kilgas* Kroger Company Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David L. Kroger Lawrence Sertoma Club* Lockhart Cadillac* Mrs. Grace Looney* Mr. & Mrs. Lewis L. Lundberg* M&B Restaurants, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. McCormick Mr. Daniel P. McGinley* Ms. Ann M. Merkel Mr. & Mrs. Chester A. Nielsen* North Marion County Chapter, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans* NPR Consulting, Inc.* Mr. & Mrs. David W. Parris Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rafferty* Resurrection Lutheran Church-Indianapolis Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Roberts* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salyers SBC Employee Giving/United Way Campaign-Princeton, NJ Mr. David L. Schaefer Mr. Curtis E. Shirley* Ms. Martha J. Siemers* Simon Property Group Mr. & Mrs. Micheal J. Smith* Speedway Christian Church St. Vincent Hospital & Health Services Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Employee Gift Match* United Way of Bartholomew County United Way of Tri-State/Merck UPS Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Denise Witt* Mr. Steven Witte Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich Wodarz* Youth Service America Zion Evangelical United Church of ChristIndianapolis* Zion Lutheran Church-New Palestine PARTNERSHIP CIRCLE ($500 - $999) Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Ahearn American Senior Communities* AMS Mechanical Services, Inc.* Anonymous Ms. Marion F. Behr Bose McKinney & Evans, LLP * Dr. Philip J. Burck* Calvary Willing Workers* Carmel Lutheran LWML Christ Lutheran Church-Noblesville Claus’ German Sausage & Meats, Inc.* Mr. & Mrs. Charles Collins Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Crouse Mrs. Joyce Donaldson* Rev. & Mrs. Norman B. Elling Elliott Foundation* Emanuel Lutheran Church-Arcadia Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Eppert* Mrs. & Mrs. Theodore Esping Mr. & Mrs. Michael Estridge* Eye Surgeons of Indiana PC Gethsemane Lutheran Church-Indianapolis Hancock County Chapter, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans* Haus Architecture, LLC* Mr. & Mrs. Mark Herzberg Mr. Jerry Hindel Mrs. Lucille Huxhold The Indiana Youth Institute Mr. & Mrs. Glenn R. Johnson The Kinsley Group Kiwanis of Indy East Mrs. Patricia Koeneman Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kovacs Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Kraabel Mrs. Barbara Kroemer Lutheran Church of Our RedeemerEvansville Mr. & Mrs. David D. Marquardt Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Meister* Mr. & Mrs. Fred Melcher* Meyer Financial Strategies* Mickey’s Camp* Noblesville Sunrisers Kiwanis Club Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Nolting North Indianapolis Sertoma Club* Mr. William J. Petriko Pleasant View Lutheran Church-Indianapolis RadioShack Corporation Ms. Jamie B. Ratner Republic Services of Indiana* Mr. & Mrs. Lee Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Richards* Ms. Shawna L. Rink* Ms. Lois M. Rust Salem Lutheran Church-Indianapolis Mrs. Diane Schaaf Mr. & Mrs. Bill Schein* Servants of Christ Lutheran ChurchIndianapolis Rev. & Mrs. George D. Silavs Mr. & Mrs. Gary St. Clair St. John’s Lutheran Church-Otwell St. Paul Lutheran Church-New Haven Stanley H. Byram Trust Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Strong Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Ulreich Variety Club of Indiana Mr. & Mrs. Tom Weigel Mr. & Mrs. R.D. Welch* Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Westphal* Mrs. Dorothy Whitehurst Mr. George Wiese, III Mr. Tom Wilfong Williams Hewitt Barrett & Wilkowski, LLP CARING CIRCLE ($250 - $499) Mr. & Mrs. Neil Aase* Advent Lutheran Church LWML-Zionsville Mr. & Mrs. Gayle Anderson Mr. Richard and Dr. Sally Beck Mr. David Bertolet* Mr. & Mrs. James Bramlett Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brandt Ms. Sandra Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Canada Mr. & Mrs. William Chambers Mr. & Mrs. James H. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Gary Coval* Mrs. Naomi Dart Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Dieck Ms. Linda J. Dillon* Mr. & Mrs. Dale Duckworth Mr. & Mrs. H. Burton Fisher* Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fivel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fleck Ms. Anne French* Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Kokomo Mrs. Susan Hall* Dr. & Mrs. Donald Hawes Mr. & Mrs. Wesley D. Hawk* Mr. & Mrs. Wes Hildebrandt* Mrs. Giannina L. Hofmeister-Connolly Mr. Chip Jefferson* JEWEL Christian Academy* Ms. Patricia M. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Steve Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Jung Mrs. Mary Ann Kehlenbrink Mr. Steve Kehlenbrink Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kiel* King of Glory Lutheran Church-Carmel Mr. Edward Kistler* Kiwanis Club of Indianapolis-East Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Koepper Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Kreckman LCFS Seymour Auxiliary Dr. & Mrs. J. David Leander Dr. Hans-Juergen Loyda & Dr. Marion Loyda Lutheran Service Club of Indianapolis* Mr. & Mrs. L. William Martin Mrs. Heidi Martinez Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mertens Mr. & Mrs. Theodore E. Mesh* Mr. & Mrs. Ross Morkal Mr. Lee R. Morrow, Jr.* Ms. Mabel M. Moss Mr. & Mrs. Tom Niessink Mr. & Mrs. Steve Nobis* Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Nowling* Rev. & Mrs. John R. Pavelka* Mrs. Rosalee Reikofski Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schild* Mr. & Mrs. John G. Schumm Mr. & Mrs. William L. Sherwood Vicar & Mrs. Jerrell Simmerman Mr. & Mrs. Brian Singer* Mr. & Mrs. Bill Smith* Mr. Michael D. Smith Ms. Marie Sorensen South Marion County Chapter, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans* Speedway United Methodist Church Ms. Laura K. Springman St. John Lutheran Church LWMLEvanston* St. John’s Synodical-Columbus St. Paul Lutheran Church-Bremen Mr. Kent Steele Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Tellman Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Thomas* Tyco Employee Matching Gift Program Mr. & Mrs. Rolf Westby Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wichman WINCO Construction Co., Inc.* Women of Messiah Lutheran ChurchBrownsburg Mr. Ernest Zeller Mrs. Ruth Zimmerer SHARING CIRCLE ($100 - $249) 12th Street Cruisers* 4000 Georgetown Realty* Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Aarstad Abundant Grace Lutheran ChurchGreenwood Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Albrecht* Mr. & Mrs. Kent Alder American Business Club* Ms. Esther August Mr. Thomas Baer Mr. William H. Ball, Jr.* Dr. & Mrs. John W. Barch Ms. Lauren S. Barker-Prange Ms. June Bartels Mr. & Mrs. Frank Basile* Mr. & Mrs. James W. Beatty Mr. & Mrs. John Beltz* Mr. & Mrs. James BeMiller* Ms. Marcia Berner Bethel Lutheran Church-Austin Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Billingsley Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Blickensderfer* Mr. Randy Bobb Mr. & Mrs. LaVerne Boeck Ms. Rosanne Bonjouklian* Mr. Ralph Boots Dr. & Mrs. Philip Borst* Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boso Mr. Scott Bova Mr. & Mrs. John H. Brandt* Mrs. Helen M. Brauer* Ms. Doris J. Brinkman Mrs. Gladys Brown* Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bryden* Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Budach Ms. Lois Bullerman Mr. & Mrs. John Bunch, Jr. Mr. Rod Burkett Burlington Northern Santa Fe Foundation Judith Campbell, M.D. Campfire USA East Side Club The Carpetbaggers, Inc.* Mrs. Nancy J. Chapman Ms. Lorraine V. Chauvette Mr. & Mrs. William Cheever Christ Lutheran LWML-Noblesville Mr. & Mrs. James C. Clark* Mr. David Colip* Mr. & Mrs. John Commorato Congregation Beth-El Zedeck-Indianapolis Ms. Marilyn D. Conner* Mr. & Mrs. Peter Connors* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Conrad* Mr. & Mrs. William E. Corley* Ms. Carolyn Darnell Mr. & Mrs. Harry A. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Delaney Ms. Judith F. Ditzler Diversified Business Systems* Mr. Darrel R. Donahue Mrs. Hazel Doup Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Doversberger Mr. & Mrs. James Dunaway Rev. & Mrs. James Dye Ms. Mary Alice Eckert* Mr. Donald E. Eckhoff Mr. & Mrs. Richard Effenberger Ms. Frances Eickhoff* Emanuel Lutheran Church-Tipton Emmaus Lutheran School-Indianapolis Mr. & Mrs. George Emrich, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Trevor J. Ewing First Quality Printing Ms. Melinda Ford-Raub Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Fosler Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Fox, III Ms. Crystal Francis & Mr. Dennis Frick Mrs. Eleanor L. Francis * Ms. Norma Sue Fremder Mr. & Mrs. Darroll French* Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Gaerte Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Galbreath Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Gambrel Mr. & Mrs. Doug Gard Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Gipson* Ms. Laurel Goodman Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Gresham Claudia E. Grossmann, Ph.D. * Mr. Robert Groth Ms. Mary Louise Hackman Ms. Kristine Hahn Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Carroll C. Hamner Mr. & Mrs. Dick Hamstra* Mrs. Ruth A. Hanenkratt* Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Hansford, Jr. Mr. Nelson Harder Mr. & Mrs. William Harter Mr. D. Jeff Hartling* Mr. & Mrs. Grover T. Harvey Ms. Betty D. Hazel* Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hazelrigg* Mr. & Mrs. Jack Heidt* Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hein Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Henley Dr. & Mrs. Eric Henricks Ms. Kara Hensley Mr. & Mrs. James T. Hidding Ms. Esther L. Hill* Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hiteshew* Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Hochstetler Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Hoevener Mr. & Mrs. Mike A. Holl* Mr. & Mrs. Frank Holland* Mr. Carl P. Hollinger Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Holmes* Holy Cross Lutheran Church-Shelbyville, KY 12 13 Ms. Mary Louise Hopkins Mr. & Mrs. Stan Hostetter Mr. & Mrs. Bud Howard Mr. Lloyd R. Howe Ms. Carol A. Hoyermann HP Products* Dr. Frank N. Hrisomalos* Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur D. Huffman* IKON Office Solutions Immanuel Ladies Aid 3-Seymour Immanuel Lutheran Church-Hamlet Immanuel Lutheran Church-Evansville Indianapolis Custom Carpentry, Inc.* Indianapolis Downtown Lions Club Indy Metro Church J.C. Hart Company, Inc.* Mr. & Mrs. Mark Janke Mr. & Mrs. David Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Jersild, Jr. Ms. Patricia Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Jones Mr. Walter G. Justus* Mrs. Annabeth Kamman Dr. & Mrs. Henry C. Karlson* Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Keck Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Kehr Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Kelley* Bishop & Mrs. Ralph A. Kempski Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kettler Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Kiel King of Glory “Gad-Abouts” * King of Glory Pre-School Mrs. Henrietta Kirkham Mr. & Mrs. Alan Klotz* Mr. & Mrs. John F. W. Koch Mrs. Alberta F. Krampe Ms. Sharon Kreigh Ms. Genevieve Kurz Dr. & Mrs. Michael Lahn Rev. Betty E. Landis Mr. John E. Langdon* Mrs. Marian Larson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lawrence Drs. Eric & Rosalind Leaming Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lechner The Legend Classic Irvington Café* Mr. & Mrs. Kenn Lehman Mr. & Mrs. James Leive Mr. & Mrs. Carl Lesher Ms. Sue Leuschke* Mrs. Evelyn D. Leversen Mrs. Dorothy Levihn Ms. Nancy Litterer Mr. & Mrs. Bill Logan Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lohss Mr. Hersey Mangels Dr. Jeffrey C. Marshall* Mrs. Jan Matthews Ms. Toni Mattioda Mrs. Charles McCord* Mrs. Judy McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCoy Mrs. Debra L. McDaniel Mr. & Mrs. Jesse L. McDaniel Messiah Lutheran Church-Evansville Mr. David Metzger Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Middendorf Mrs. Beverly Mikolon Mrs. Ruth L. Miller Mrs. Violet N. Mockler Ms. Tara J. Moenning Mr. & Mrs. William Moorman* Mr. Edward Morris Mr. & Mrs. Dave Murdock* Mr. & Mrs. Charles Myers* Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Myers Mr. & Mrs. Donald Newby Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Niederer Mr. & Mrs. Lothar H. Nitz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Norkin Mr. & Mrs. David P. Opel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Osborne* Ms. Paula Patrick & Mr. Jerry B. Wilkey Mr. Steven W. Perbix Mr. John Perine* Mr. & Mrs. Howard Peterson Rev. & Mrs. Stan Peterson Ms. Irene Pollert Ms. Alice Post Presbyterian Women in John Knox Church Mr. Ray F. Priebe Mr. & Mrs. Bill Puterbaugh* Ms. Julie A. Raasch Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Ramanis Mrs. Roberta Sabin Recker Mr. & Mrs. James Reiman Mr. & Mrs. William D. Renner Mr. & Mrs. Ferril Ressinger Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rhodes Ms. Patti Haney Richey* Rev. & Mrs. Alan J. Rider* Mr. & Mrs. N. Clay Robbins* Robert’s Glass & Service, Inc.* Mr. & Mrs. David J. Roller Mr. & Mrs. L. Jack Rothe* Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Rothenberger* Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rothenbush* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ruble, J.D. Mr. & Mrs. Keith Rupel Mrs. Sylvia Rust* Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rusyniak* Salem Lutheran Church Martha CircleIndianapolis Mr. & Mrs. William N. Salin, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Myron Sanders Mr. Alvin D. Schaaf, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mike G. Schaefer* Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Schaefer* Ms. Edith Scheutzow Mrs. Diane V. Schmadeke* Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Schmidt Ms. Carol P. Schoner John & Georgiana Schroeder* Mr. & Mrs. Steven F. Schroeder* Mr. & Mrs. Chris Schultz Rev. & Mrs. Paul J. Schumacher, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Schuster* Mr. & Mrs. John Schutte* Mrs. Delores Schwier Mrs. Anita Schaefer Ms. Patricia Shannon Mr. & Mrs. Roger Sheppard* Shirley Brothers Co., Inc. Mrs. Linda Singer* Mrs. Patricia Snyder Mrs. Helen A. Soltau Mrs. Stella Sommer Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Soonpaa St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church-Indianapolis St. James Lutheran Church-Holland St. James WELCA-Holland St. John Lutheran Church (Sauers)Seymour St. Paul Lutheran Church-Munster St. Paul’s Ladies Aid-Dewberry St. Peter’s Lutheran Church-Brownstown Mrs. Lucy Anne Steuber Stewart & Irwin* Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Stiller* Mr. & Mrs. Jim Stout* Mr. & Mrs. Herman D. Strakis* Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tad Stucky Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sundstrom Mr. & Mrs. John K. Swayze Mr. Billy R. Thomas* Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Truwe* Mr. & Mrs. Glenn W. Tuffnell* Ms. Carrie Turns Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Uhl United Way of Allegheny CountyPittsburgh Mr. Jeremy K. Van Deman* Mr. & Mrs. Keith Van Deman Mr. & Mrs. David Vanderveen* Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Vandrey Mr. & Mrs. Larry VanTries Mr. & Mrs. F. Ross Vogelgesang Mr. Paul E. Vogelgesang & Dr. Brooke Vogelgesang Dr. & Mrs. Victor J. Vollrath Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Watson* Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Webb, Jr. Ms. Jane Weeks Mr. & Mrs. Phil Wehmeyer Ms. Frances I. Wells Mr. & Mrs. Joachim E. Wernicke Mrs. Joseph Weyhaupt Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Wherry Mr. Marc A. White Mr. & Mrs. John B. Whitten Ms. Kimberly Wiita Mr. & Mrs. Jim G. Wiley* Wilkie Electric Co. Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Williams Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams* Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Williford Mr. & Mrs. Walter Willms Mr. & Mrs. Chuck E. Wilson* Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wilson Women’s Guild of Shepherd of Paradise Lutheran Church-Newburgh Mrs. Fonda Wray Mr. & Mrs. Stephan M. Zentner* Zeta Iota Chapter, IrvingtonIndianapolis East Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ziegele* Mr. & Mrs. William Ziegele* Zion Lutheran Church-Wabash Zion Lutheran Ladies Aid-New Palestine Zionsville Lighting Center Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Zwart* FRIEND’S CIRCLE (Up to $99) Mr. Joseph B. Abair Mr. & Mrs. Brad Ackermann Mr. & Mrs. Robert Adams Rev. & Mrs. Steve Albertin Ms. Hayley M. Alder Mr. Samuel K. Alder Mr. & Mrs. William Amberger Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Anderson Mr. James Anderson* Ms. Kristin Anderson, J.D. Mr. & Mrs. Robin P. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Gary Anderson Mr. & Mrs . Tom Angrick* Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Antonsen Ms. Heather Archer Mrs. Mary Evelyn Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Gayle J. Arvidson Association of International Women, Inc.* Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Baade Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Bachmann BAI Supply* Mr. & Mrs. William Baldwin Ms. Jeanne C. Ball* Mr. Ralph W. Bandt Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Barber* Mr. Terry Bareither* Mr. & Mrs. Adrian I. Barksdale Basic American Foods Mr. Kevin Bath Mr. Preston J. Batta * Ms. Mildred E. Baxter Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Bayley* Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Behlmer Ms. Karen Behm Mr. & Mrs. Tom Benda Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bercot* Mr. & Mrs. David Beringer Mr. & Mrs. Gary K. Bernardi Mrs. Esther E. Best Mr. & Mrs. Wilhelm Bilgram Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Blazek Mr. Kenneth H. Bode Mr. & Mrs. David P. Bogie Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Boldt* Mr. & Mrs. William Bonitz* Rev. & Mrs. Ed Boone Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bottoms Mr. & Mrs. Robert Botzum Mr. J. B. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Boxman Mr. Guy F. Boyd, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Dan R. Boyd* Mr. Keith Boyd* Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Bradakis Mr. Erwin Brand* Mr. & Mrs. Henry Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Billy Brant* Mr. & Mrs. Orville J. Bremer Rev. & Mrs. O.A. Brillinger Mrs. Evelyn Britten Mr. Brian Brown* Mr. & Mrs. James G. Brown Ms. Katherine Brown Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bruns Fr. & Mrs. David W. Brunton The Budreau Family* Mr. & Mrs. Mark Budreau Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin E. Buente, Jr. The Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis* Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bulger, Jr.* Mr. & Mrs. Marshall W. Burbrink Ms. Janita M. Burke Mr. & Mrs. John P. Burkhardt* Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Buzzetti Mr. & Mrs. Jay Cain Calvary Lutheran Church Adult Group “FAME”-Indianapolis Ms. Adeline Campbell Campbell Rinker Mr. & Mrs. William Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Capron Ms. Paula F. Cardoza Mr. & Mrs. John Carlson Carmel Lutheran MOPS Ministry Mrs. Ruth Carson Mr. Howard Catt and Mrs. Janet Maas Catt Mrs. Beverly A. Chambers* Mr. & Mrs. Don Chasteen Mr. Robert Chauvette Child & Adolescent Services Research Center Christ Church-The Lutheran Church of Zionsville Christ Presbyterian Church-McCordsville Mr. & Mrs. A. James Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Clark R. Christiansen Ms. Janice Christl Mr. Harry Claffey, Jr. Mrs. Marytha Clear Mr. Geoffrey J. Clore Ms. Tina D. Coffman Complete Solutions* Mr. Jack Connor Ms. Pat Cooney Ms. Holly Cotton* Mr. Louis Coy Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cozmanoff Mr. & Mrs. Carl L. Crabiel Mr. & Mrs. Larry Cranfill* Mrs. Evelyn M. Cubine Ms. Jane Cunneen* Mrs. Ramona Cunningham* Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Dalzell Dan Elliott, Inc. * Mrs. Dorothy Darlage Ms. Kay Darnell Mr. & Mrs. William B. Davenport Mrs. Betsy Davis* Mr. Bruce Davis Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Davis Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Day Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Decker* Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. DeCoursey* Ms. Jennifer S. Deem & Mr. Michael P. Shields Mr. & Mrs. Phillip D. Deem Ms. Helen Deen Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Deeter Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Delk Mr. Donald K. Densborn* Mr. Jared Dettmer Mr. & Mrs. Jim Diamond* Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Diamond Ms. Ann Diefenthaler* Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dietrick Mr. &Mrs. Andrew J. Diez* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Dispaldo Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dittmer Mr. Mark Doctor Dorcas Society-Our Redeemer Lutheran Church Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Douglas* Mr. James Doversberger* Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Downey* Mr. & Mrs. Otto Drittler Mr. & Mrs. Richard O. Dudley Duke Realty Corporation Ms. Patricia J. Duncan* Mr. & Mrs. Fredric W. Dunkman Ms. Marilyn Dunning Mr. & Mrs. Jim Durst EEA Chapter # 1354, Johnson County Aviators Mr. Richard Eagleson Mr. Garry M. Eckhard Mr. & Mrs. Brian Edelman* Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Edwards Mr. & Mrs. John Eling Ms. Barbara Elkins Mr. & Mrs. David Ellerbrook Ms. Elizabeth A. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Byron E. Ellis Ms. Lora C. Elrod* Emanuel Lutheran Church-Dudleytown Emmanuel Lutheran Women’s GuildTell City Mr. & Mrs. Murvin S. Enders* Mr. & Mrs. Dave Epperson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ernst* Mr. & Mrs. Lester Esarey Exclusive Marketing, Inc.* Faith Lutheran Church-Indianapolis Ms. Karen O. Fanning* Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Fehd Mr. Robert A. Fellwock Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Finchum Mr. Donald Finley Mr. & Mrs. Don Flamino* Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fleer* Ms. Jo Ellen Flynn* Ms. Nicole Freeman Ms. Clara Friel Mrs. Ruth Fuhrmann Funtastics Club Ms. Barbara Furlow* Miss Ruth Gallmeier Rev. & Mrs. Donald R. Garvue GE Supply, National Sales Center Gen II Marketing, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bart L. Gish Mr. & Mrs. Henry Glesing Mr. David Godby Mrs. Hulda Goecker Ms. Dorothy H. Gordon Ms. Brenda K. Grable Mr. & Mrs. Wolfgang Greven Ms. Maryann J. Griffiths* Mr. Robert I. Grubbs Mr. & Mrs. David E. Gruender Mrs. Regine Guenin Ms. Billie J. Guffey Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hall Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hall* Rev. & Mrs. Robert K. Hall* Hamlan & Company Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Hampton* Mr. Frank Hanak Mr. & Mrs. Greg Haneline* Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hannemann* Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Harbison Mr. & Mrs. Brad Hardesty Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Harlow Mr. & Mrs. John F. Harrington Dr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Craig F. Hart* Ms. Jo Ann Hartley Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Hartman* Mrs. Jeanne Hartman Mr. & Mrs. James Haycox Ms. Ruth M. Heffelmire Mrs. Laura F. Heidenreich Mr. Frederick Heinkel Mr. & Mrs. Charles Heintzelman* Rev. & Mrs. Alfred J. Hellert Ms. Bethel P. Hendrix Dan & Beth Henkel Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Henning* Mr. & Mrs. David Hennon Mr. & Mrs. Gary Henschen Ms. Louise S. Herder Dr. & Mrs. Guenther K. Herzog Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hetherington Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Heyne Mr. & Mrs. Brent Higgins Mr. Joseph A. Higgins* Mr. & Mrs. David W. Hilgendorf Mr. & Mrs. Jon W. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Dick Hillenburg* Ms. Ramona C. Hittle Mr. & Mrs. Stanley P. Hitzeman Mrs. Helen Hoehn Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hoffmann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William Hogan* Dr. & Mrs. Carl W. Holl, Jr. Mr. Doug Holland* Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Holland* Mr. & Mrs. Dave M. Holmes Mr. Lawrence Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Holmgren Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Homann* Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hoock* Rev. & Mrs. George Hoog Mr. Henry G. Horstmann Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Houchins Mr. & Mrs. Kirk A. House Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hoyt Mrs. Jackie Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Hudson Mr. & Mrs. Milton D. Hughes Ms. Viola Hughes Ms. Deana Hunter Mrs. Esther Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Terry M. Hutchens* Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Harry Huxhold Mr. Paul F. Huxhold & Mrs. Susanne G. Gorey Immanuel Lutheran Church-Seymour Mr. & Mrs. Jerry C. Imming Institutional Products IBEW Local # 481 Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Irwin Ms. Carolyn Isch* Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Karl Jacobsen Ms. Linda Jacobsen & Mr. Kai Ewald Ms. Judith Jakelsky* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas James* Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Janson Paul & Michelle Jasheway Mr. & Mrs. Ron Jennings Ms. Kristy Johnson Mrs. Margaret Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Jolitz Mr. I.C. Jones Mrs. Virginia Juergensen Mr. James R. Julian* K & J Janitorial Service Co. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kahl Gregory Kamp, D.D.S. Ms. Nancy M. Karner Mr. & Mrs. Jim Keeth Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kelsey, Jr. 14 15 Mr. Joseph H. Kempf Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Kempler* Ms. Sharon A. Kensell Ms. Shirley Kershaw Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kiel* Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kiemeyer* Mrs. Adele Kienzler* Ms. Suzanne B. Killen Mrs. Irene Kinnane Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Kirkwood* Ms. Marge Klapman Mr. & Mrs. Herschel F. Kleffman* Mr. &Mrs. Byron L. Klemesrud Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Kline* Ms. Diane K. Klocke Mr. & Mrs. John R. Klotz Rev. & Mrs. Harold W. Knappe* Mr. & Mrs. Herman Kohlman Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Koschmann Mrs. Dawn E. Kouns Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Krapf Mr. & Mrs. Edward Krueckeberg Mrs. Edna Krug Mrs. Mona E. Krupicka Mr. & Mrs. Randy Kruse Ms. Carol A. Kussman Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. LaCluyse Ms. Arlene Laesch Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lafferty Mr. Robert Laird Mr. & Mrs. Richard Latour Mr. & Mrs. David Laux Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Layman* Mr. & Mrs. Francis LeDonne* Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Leininger Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Lembke Mr. Andre Lenger Rev. Karl H. Lepper Ms. Debra Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Bill Linder Ms. Patricia A. Littell Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Little Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Long* Mr. Gary J. Love Senator & Mrs. Richard G. Lugar Mr. & Mrs. N. Lugo Mr. Wayne A. Lundy Mr. & Mrs. W.H.W. Lunn* Luther Anns of St. Johns Lutheran ChurchRochester Lutherans & Friends Fellowship Mr. & Mrs. Derek S. Lynas* Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Lynas* Ms. Nikki L. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. John MacBain* Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mackin Mr. & Mrs. Dean T. Maglinte Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Maki Ms. Jennifer A. Many Ms. Shirley Mark Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. Marsh* Mary Martha Society Mr. & Mrs. Stephan C. Masoncup* Mrs. Editha Masters Mr. & Mrs. Charles Mathias Mr. & Mrs. William R. Mattingly* Rev. & Mrs. Daniel P. May* Mrs. Sandie Maynard* Maytag Corporation Foundation* Ms. Betty M. McCain* Mr. & Mrs. Garth McClain* Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. McDonald Ms. Katie McKinney Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. McNeely* Ms. Donna J. Mechuta Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Meeks Mr. John Megenhardt* Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Meier Dr. & Mrs. Robert Meili Mr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Meister Mrs. Mary E. Mellencamp Mrs. Evelyn Messick Mr. Elmer G. Meyer Mrs. Marjorie Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Meyer* Mr. & Mrs. John L. Michael Mr. & Mrs. Scott Miley* Ms. Charlotte D. Millard Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Miller* Mr. & Mrs. Fred Miller Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. Miller* Mr. & Mrs. Rick Miller* Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miller Ms. Jan Millholland Mr. Thomas Milton Mr. & Mrs. John Miner Mrs. Lois Vivian Moeller Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Mong* Mr. & Mrs. Ray Moore Ms. Stephanie J. Mosher* Mrs. Edith Mossner Ms. Lois C. Moyer Mrs. Elizabeth J. Mueller* Mr. Jim Mueller Mr. Thomas Mueller Mr. & Mrs. James M. Mullin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Myer Mr. & Mrs. Glenis Napier Ms. Wanda Nasser* Mr. & Mrs. Sherman H. Neal* Ms. Barbara S. Near Mr. & Mrs. George Nelson Ms. Margaret L. Nelson Ms. Karen Newquist & Mr. Louis Jacobucci Mr. & Mrs. Mike Nicholas* Mr. & Mrs. John E. Nichols* Ms. Kay Nickey* Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard C. Niemann Mr. & Mrs. John H. Nine Mr. & Mrs. John C. Noel* Mrs. Marilyn Noller Dr. Thomas K. Nottingham Mr. & Mrs. Boyd D. Obermeyer* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Oelker Ms. Kay F. Oest Olde Dominion Assoc., Inc. * Ms. Marie Olson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Olt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Ordel Ms. Audrey Ortel Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Ortel Mr. & Mrs. Brad S. Osborne* Mr. & Mrs. Dale Osing Mrs. Dorothy Otte* Mr. & Mrs. Martin Otto Our Shepherd Ladies Circle-Indianapolis Mrs. Eva Overstreet Mr. George W. Overton, Sr. Ms. Lela Owens Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pachciarz Mr. & Mrs. James Palecek Mr. & Mrs. Dick Passwater* Mr. & Mrs. John R. Paulsrud* Mr. & Mrs. Richard Perko Ms. Opal Perry Rev. & Mrs. Edmund A. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Phillips* Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Fred Phipps Ms. Janeann Pitz Ms. Julie Plake Ms. Jean Plummer Mr. & Mrs. Bob M. Poehler* Mr. & Mrs. Bob Poindexter Ms. Patricia Pokorny Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Pollert Mr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Potter Mr. & Mrs. Will H. Potter* Mr. & Mrs. David R. Powell Mr. & Mrs. W. G. Poynter Mrs. Ruth Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Priebe Mr. James Prien* Ms. Clarabelle Prifogle Mr. Andy Proctor & Ms. Andrea Colombo* Ms. Anthanett Pumphrey Mr. Larry Pumphrey Ms. Norma J. Putoff Mr. & Mrs. Dan Quinn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rasmussen* Mrs. Harriet B. Redman Mr. & Mrs. Eric Reek Mrs. Doris Reinbolt* Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Reinhardt, Jr. Mr. Delore Reklau & Ms. Helen VanDevender Mr. & Mrs. James Reno Mr. Henry R. Resner* Mr. & Mrs. Paul Retzlaff* Mr. & Mrs. Barton Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Richart* Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Richart* Ms. Becky S. Ricks Mr. & Mrs. John Rieckers Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Riley Mr. & Mrs. James E. Riley Mr. & Mrs. Dave Rinehart Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Roberson Ms. Kathleen S. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Roberts Mrs. Linda J. Roberts-McCombs Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robertson Ms. Dawn Robinson Ms. Jane M. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. DJ Robison* Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Roeder* Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Roesener Mr. & Mrs. Michael Roman Mr. & Mrs. Arnold M. Rose Mr. & Mrs. Irwin R. Rose* Mr. & Mrs. Garry Ross Mrs. Joan Roth Ms. Ruth L. Ruechel Mr. & Mrs. John Runciman Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Rupprecht, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sabol Safeco Insurance Co. Dr. Donna Sandage Drake & Dr. John Drake Mr. & Mrs. John Sander Sara Lee Foods Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Sarber Ms. Karen U. Satori Ms. Marilyn Saum Mr. & Mrs. Colin C. Scheidt Mr. & Mrs. William Schilke The Schippnick Family* Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Schlegel Mr. Michael J. Schmatz & Ms. Chrystal Snow-Schmatz* Ms. Carol A. Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Orville Schnitker Mrs. Dorothy Schramm Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Schreiner Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schubert Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Schueler Mrs. Sharon Schulenberg Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Schultz Sven & Shannon Schumacher Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schurz Ms. Alison K. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Rob Sculthrop Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Seeman Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Selge Mr. Wayne Senter Mr. & Mrs. Ward E. Sexson* Sharing Place West Volunteers Mr. Dale Shepherd Sherrill’s Upholstery* Mr. & Mrs. John Sickman Mr. & Mrs. Jon Silverberg Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Simons Mr. & Mrs. Steve Siroky* Mr. & Mrs. Emmett K. Smelser Ms. Carol Smith Rev. & Mrs. David J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mickey E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. William D. Smith, Jr. * Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Smith F. Snively* Mr. & Mrs. Paul Snyder Mrs. Zoe W. Snyder* Social Security AdministrationIndianapolis Ms. Nancy V. Soller* Mr. & Mrs. John B. South Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sowatsky Ms. Audrey Spear Mr. & Mrs. Jim Spiller Mr. Kurt J. Springer Mr. & Mrs. Ross E. Springer Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Springman St. John Lutheran Ladies’ Aid-Wanatah St. John’s Lutheran Church-Evanston St. Paul’s Ladies Aid-Indianapolis St. Paul’s Lutheran Church-Decatur St. Paul’s Lutheran Sunday School-Bremen St. Peter Lutheran Ladies Aid-North Judson St. Peter’s Lutheran Ladies Aid-Brownstown Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Stein Mr. & Mrs. Keith J. Steiner Mrs. Ruth A. Stinnett Ms. Dolores G. Stoltenberg* Ms. Marie E. Storms Mr. & Mrs. Elner Strand* Dr. & Mrs. Ted Stransky* Ms. June Suhrheinrich* Mr. Mark Sundstrom Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery W. Sweeney* Ms. Diane Switzer Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Teusch* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thiel Mrs. Dalles R. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thoner, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Tiebert Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Timmerman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Toman Mr. & Mrs. Stew D. Tompkins* Ms. Janice Topp Mr. & Mrs. Ken Trapp* Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Trefz Mr. & Mrs. Kurt R. Trewartha Trinity Circle, Trinity Lutheran ChurchIndianapolis Trinity Ladies Aid-Crown Point Trinity Ladies Aid & LWML-Dillsboro Trinity Lutheran Church-Hammond Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid-Lowell Ms. Mary Beth Trotter Ms. Myrtle Trubey Mr. & Mrs. Robert True Mr. & Mrs. John Turmail Mr. Stephen W. Uebelhor Mr. & Mrs. Lester Uffelman United Way of Metropolitan Chicago United Way of the National Capitol Area Dr. James F. Usitalo* Mr. Trevor Vadas Valenti Real Estate Services, Inc. * M aking charitable gifts to remember and honor loved ones or special occasions is a wonderful way to celebrate God’s gift of people and events that are important to us. The names of those who were remembered or honored between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2006 appear in bold. MEMORIALS Mr. Morris A. Adams Ms. Melinda Ford-Raub Bob & Alice Allen Mrs. Eleanor A. Greuling Mr. Glen Allgood Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Peterson Mr. Ray Anderson Mrs. Peg Looney Ms. Joan Arnett Mr. Kevin Bath Ms. Deana Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Keith M. Leininger Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Meeks Ms. Julie Plake Ms. Jean Plummer Ms. Clarabelle Prifogle Rev. & Mrs. Garland Baer Mr. Thomas Baer Mr. Jack Baker Mr. Rick Berglund Mrs. Nancy J. Chapman Ms. Pam Graves Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Van Dyke* Mr. & Mrs. Leon Van Sant Mr. & Mrs. John Z. Vanags Mr. David K. Vanarsdall* Ms. Jane M. Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Maynard E. Vollmer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Von Bergen Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Waggoner Ms. Barbara K. Walker Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wallace Mr. & Mrs. John Wallace* Mrs. Patricia Wallace Ms. Luverne Walsh Mr. Randall Walter Ms. Monica Warren* Ms. Bertilla Washington Mr. & Mrs. Robert Waterman Mr. & Mrs. John Watkins* Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Weber* Ms. Gloria Webster Mr. & Mrs. M.D. Welsh Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Wendorf* Ms. Darla Werner Mrs. Wilma N. Wessel Ms. Rosemary Wesselman Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Wheeler Mr. & Mrs. Keith Wheeler Ms. Susan Whitten Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Wiebusch Mr. Wayne H. Wiese* Ms. Sharon A. Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Wilkie Mrs. Kathryn E. Wilkins Mrs. Donna Z. Wilkinson Ms. Barbara A. Williams* Ms. Brenda Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wilson Mr. & Mrs. James Winkelmann Mr. & Mrs. Sam Winters Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Wissler Mr. & Mrs. Erwin F. Witte* Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Wittman* Ms. Elise H. Wolf Ms. Brenda Wolters Women of the Moose Mr. & Mrs. Pat Woodworth* Mr. & Mrs. David E. Wright* Mr. & Mrs. Bob A. Wruble* Mr. & Mrs. Gale A. Wuollet Xscapeez, LTD Ms. Elizabeth York Mr. & Mrs. William A. Young Ms. Gertrude Zaiser Mr. & Mrs. Albert Zimmermann* Zion Lutheran Church-Friedheim Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Zoss* Franz & Hedwig Blessie Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lafferty Mrs. Helen Delang Mr. & Mrs. Keith Johns Mr. & Mrs. L. William Martin Ms. Earlene Bogie Mr. & Mrs. David P. Bogie Ms. Dorothy Bosma Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Bosma Mr. Amin Kahn Ms. Edna Kelly Pat Mahoney Mr. Michael Miller Mr. Richard Raths Mr. Andy Russell Ms. Candee Scherer Mr. Kurt Van Scoik Ms. Terri Vicenzi Ms. Fionnuala Walsh Henry & Edna Brandt Mr. & Mrs. David R. Brandt Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Bandt Mr. Ralph W. Bandt Mrs. Heloise Burck Dr. Philip J. Burck Mrs. Leona Bartels Mrs. Joseph Weyhaupt Earl & Helen Christea Mr. & Mrs. Robert Thiel Mr. Ora M. Baxter Ms. Mildred E. Baxter Ms. Irene Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Myers Mrs. Martha L. Beineke Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Roesener John & Georgiana Schroeder Mr. Earl Cristwell Mrs. Mona E. Krupicka Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Berner Ms. Marcia Berner Mrs. Roberta Blank Mr. & Mrs. Dave Epperson Mr. Arnold Brauer Mrs. Helen M. Brauer Mr. Robert E. Briedenbach Funtastics Club Mr. Curtiss L. Brummer Mr. Eleanor L. Francis P.L & A.E. Crouse Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Crouse Mr. Arthur Darlage Mrs. Dorothy Darlage Arnold & Mildred Dost Mr. & Mrs. Robert Robertson Mr. John R. Drake Ms. Mildred E. Baxter Mr. Robert G. Dunham Drs. Eric & Rosalind Leaming Mr. Casey Engel Mr. & Mrs. Garry Ross Mrs. Ingelore zum Eschenhoff Association of International Women, Inc. Ms. Rosanne Bonjouklian Mr. & Mrs. John P. Burkhardt Mr. & Mrs. Gary Coval Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. DeCoursey Ms. Ann Diefenthaler Ms. Jo Ellen Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Dick L. Hillenburg Mr. & Mrs. Earl Hoock Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Kline Mr. & Mrs. W. H. W. Lunn Mr. & Mrs. Stephan C. Masoncup Mr. & Mrs. William C. Mattingly Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. McNeely Mr. & Mrs. Mike Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. John C. Noel Olde Dominion Assoc., Inc. Mr. & Mrs. John R. Paulsrud Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rusyniak John & Georgiana Schroeder 16 Dr. & Mrs. Ted Stransky Ms. June Suhrheinrich Mr. & Mrs. Ken Trapp Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Tuffnell Mr. Ralph Evans Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Myers Mrs. Dorothy Firnhaber Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Trefz S. Shannon Fisher II Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kovacs Ms. Shirley Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Garry Ross Ms. Mary Fogel Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Delk Mr. Don Folkening Mrs. Linda J. Roberts-McCombs Ms. Marjane Frauhiger Mr. Ralph L. Frauhiger Ms. Ella Gandel Mrs. Eleanor A. Greuling Mrs. Peg Looney Ms. Lois Gatz, my mother Ms. Carol Smith Mr. George Gillespie Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Myers Mr. Earl Goecker Mrs. Hulda Goecker Ms. Lois. L. Goecker Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Boxman Mrs. Margaret Goolik Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fleck Mr. Charles Gordon Ms. Dorothy H. Gordon Mr. John A. Greuling Mrs. Eleanor A. Greuling Mr. & Mrs. George Nelson 17 Ms. Ann Elizabeth Grube, my granddaughter Mrs. Alberta Krampe Mr. Elmer Grussing Mrs. Patricia Snyder Mrs. Flora Hagenow Anonymous Mrs. Judy Hanak, my wife Mr. Frank Hanak Mrs. Alice Hartley Ms. Lois Bullerman Mr. & Mrs. A. James Christiansen Mr. & Mrs. Clark R. Christiansen Mrs. Marytha Clear Ms. Pat Cooney Mrs. Myrna Esarey Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Holmgren Mrs. Jackie Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Jolitz Mrs. Shirley Kershaw Ms. Marge Klapman Mr. Andre Lenger Ms. Charlotte D. Millard Ms. Lois C. Moyer Ms. Lela Owens Ms. Ruth L. Ruechel Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Schreiner Mr. & Mrs. John Schroeder Mr. Wayne Senter Ms. Bertilla Washington Mr. & Mrs. M. D. Welsh Mrs. Sue Wodarz Ms. Helen Haynes Webster Ms. Sharon A. Wilcox Ms. Michelle Hein Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hein Mr. Francis E. Henderson Ms. Lorraine V. Chauvette Mr. Marvin Hoehn Ms. Opal Perry Mr. J. Kennett Hoge Mr. Paul E. Vogelgesang & Dr. Brooke Vogelgesang Ms. Ruth M. Hollinger Mr. Carl P. Hollinger Mr. Fred M. Hopkins Ms. Mary Louise Hopkins Rev. Dr. Harry Huxhold Rev. & Mrs. Steve Albertin Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Antonsen Mr. and Mrs. James W. Beatty Mr. & Mrs. Steve Behlmer Ms. Doris J. Brinkman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bruns Dr. Philip J. Burck & Ms. Rebecca Burck Ms. Janita M. Burke Dr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Buzzetti Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell Mr. and Mrs. John Carlson Ms. Annette Delaney Mr. and Mrs. Jim Diamond Ms. Ann Diefenthaler Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dietrick Mr. and Mrs. Otto Drittler Rev. & Mrs. James Dye Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Eppert Mr. and Mrs. Lester Esarey Mr. and Mrs. William Flohr Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Gaerte Mr. & Mrs. D. Stanley Geiser Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glesing Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Greven Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hanson Dr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Harris Mrs. Laura F. Heidenreich Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hetherington Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Heyne Mrs. Helen Hoehn Rev. and Mrs. George Hoog Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hostetter Mr. and Mrs. Bud Howard Ms. Carol A. Hoyermann Mrs. Lucille Huxhold Mr. Paul F. Huxhold and Mrs. Susanne G. Gorey Institutional Products Mr. & Mrs. Karl Jacobsen Mr. & Mrs. Keith Johns Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Johnson Ms. Virginia Juergensen Bishop & Mrs. Ralph Kempski King of Glory "Gad-Abouts" King of Glory Preschool Ms. Genevieve Kurz Mrs. Marian Larson Mrs. Evelyn D. Leversen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Linder Mrs. Peg Looney Mrs. Judy McCormick Dr. and Mrs. Robert Meili Mrs. Evelyn Messick Mr. David Metzger Ms. Tara J. Moenning Mr. & Mrs. George Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Donald Newby Ms. Kay Nickey Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Nielsen Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard C. Niemann Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Otto Ms. Irene Pollert Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ruble Mr. and Mrs. John Runciman Dr. & Mrs. Paul Schmidt Ms. Carol P. Schoner Ms. Caryl Schratz-Goeller John and Georgiana Schroeder Rev. & Mrs. Paul J. Schumacher Thomas & Evelyn Seeley Mrs. Anita Shaefer Rev. George Silavs Mrs. Lucy Anne Steuber Mr. and Mrs. John Sundstrom Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Troyer Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Ulreich Mr. and Mrs. Larry VanTries Dr. and Mrs. Victor J. Vollrath Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Waggoner Ms. Barbara K. Walker Mr. Randall Walter Ms. Gloria Webster Mr. and Mrs. Tom Weigel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Wendorf Mrs. Dorothy Whitehurst Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Williams Mr. and Mrs. James Winkelmann Mr. Steven Witte Mr. and Mrs. William Ziegele Mr. Kenneth G. Johnson, my son Ms. Patricia M. Johnson Mr. Tom Kehlenbrink Mrs. Mary Ann Kehlenbrink Mr. Richard Kemp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Finchum Mr. Howard Kessler Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Schultz Mr. Robert Kirkham Mrs. Henrietta Kirkham Ms. Mildred Kleiman Mrs. Delores Schwier Ms. Jodie Klocke Ms. Diane K. Klocke Ms. Anita Koehnke Ms. Irene Pollert Mr. Donald L. Koeneman Mr. & Mrs. Doug Koeneman Mrs. Patricia Koeneman Mr. Guenther Kretzschmar Dr. Hans-Juergen Loyda & Dr. Marion Loyda The Rev. Werner P. Krug Mrs. Edna Krug August & Eva Krull Ms. Mary Louis Hopkins Ms. Mary Jane Laird Mr. Robert Laird Ms. Maye Lee Mr. & Mrs. Gayle Anderson Mrs. Sandie Maynard Edward & Freda Lohss Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lohss Loved Ones Mrs. Ruth Carson Loved Ones in Our Group Who Passed Away This Year Ms. Mildred E. Baxter Ms. Katherine Brown Ms. Nancy Maddox Mrs. Eleanor A. Greuling Ms. Madelyn McFadden Mrs. Ruth Pratt Robert & Martha McKinney Ms. Nancy M. Karner Mr. Harold Joergens Ms. Julie A. Raasch Ms. Mary R. McKnight Mr. & Mrs. Tom Benda Ms. Helen Deen Mr. & Mrs. Frederic W. Dunkman Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Miller Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Fred Phipps Mr. Arthur Johnson Mrs. Margaret Johnson Mrs. Marilyn McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. David Laux Ms. Helen W. Meares Ms. Kimberly Wiita Mrs. Ruth Y. Schaaf Mr. Alvin D. Schaaf, Jr. Mr. Mark Meili Mrs. Peg Looney Ms. Donna Schaefer Mr. David L. Schaefer Henry & Frieda Meyer Ms. Karen Behm Mr. William Schmadeke, Sr. 12th Street Cruisers Mr. & Mrs. Richard Albrecht American Business Club Mr. James Anderson BAI Supply Ms. Jeanne C. Ball Mr. William H. Ball, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Barber Mr. Preston J. Batta Mr. & Mrs. L. H. Bayley Mr. Guy F. Boyd, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dan R. Boyd Mr. Jack Boyd The Budreau Family The Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bulger, Jr. The Carpetbaggers, Inc. Mrs. Beverly A. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. James C. Clark Complete Solutions Mr. & Mrs. Peter Connors Mr. & Mrs. Larry Cranfill Ms. Jane Cuneen Dan Elliott, Inc. Mr. Donald K. Densborn Diversified Business Systems Ms. Lora C. Elrod Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ernst Ms. Karen O. Fanning Mr. & Mrs. Don Flamino Ms. Anne French Mr. & Mrs. Darroll French Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Hampton Mr. & Mrs. Greg Haneline Mr. & Mrs. Craig F. Hart Mr. D. Jeff Hartling Mr. & Mrs. Jack Heidt Mr. Joseph A. Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Frank Holland Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Holland Dr. Frank N. Hrisomalos Mr. & Mrs. Terry M. Hutchens Indianapolis Custom Carpentry, Inc. J. C. Hart Co., Inc. Ms. Judith Jakelsky Mr. James R. Julian Mr. Walter G. Justus Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Kempler Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kiemeyer Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Kirkwood Mr. John F. Langdon Mr. & Mrs. Francis LeDonne Ms. Sue Leuschke Lockhart Cadillac Ms. Dolores Lowery Mr. & Mrs. Derek S. Lynas Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Lynas Mr. Henry L. Meyer Dr. Philip J. Burck Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Hudson Mr. Robert C. Meyer Mrs. Marjorie Meyer Rev. Frederick Mildenburger Bethel Lutheran Church-Austin Ms. Eda Miller Fr. & Mrs. David W. Brunton Mr. Edward L. Mockler, Jr. Mrs. Violet Mockler Gertrude L. & Edgar Mueller Mr. Jim Mueller Ms. Emily A. Neyer Ms. Esther August Jacob & Margaret Nickey, my parents Ms. Kay Nickey Ms. Patricia O’Brien Dr. & Mrs. John W. Barch Mr. J. B. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Davis Ms. Nicole Freeman Mrs. Donna Z. Wilkinson Edgar G. & Elsie A. Opel Mr. & Mrs. David P. Opel Ed & Bessie Ortel Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Ortel Our Parents Mr. & Mrs. Bart Gish Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Krapf Dr. Hans-Juergen Loyda & Dr. Marion Loyda Mrs. Sedalia Overton Mr. George W. Overton, Sr. Mr. Frank Payton Mr. & Mrs. Jim Keeth William & Alice Peters, my parents Mrs. Mona Krupicka Mr. William Radjeck Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Ulreich Mr. Roy Redman Mrs. Harriet B. Redman Mr. Frederick Reikofski, my husband Mrs. Rosalee Reikofski Mr. Jerry Ross Dr. Judith Campbell Mr. Ken Roth Mrs. Joan Roth Mr. & Mrs. Garth McClain Mrs. Charles McCord Mr. John Megenhardt Chris Mellon Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Rick Miller Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Mong Mr. & Mrs. William Moorman Ms. Stephanie J. Mosher Mr. & Mrs. Dave Murdock Mr. Win Nash Ms. Wanda Nasser National City Bank Mr. & Mrs. Sherman H. Neal Mr. & Mrs. John E. Nichols Mr. & Mrs. Gregory L. Nowling Mr. & Mrs. Brad S. Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Dick Passwater Mr. John Perine Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Bob M. Poehler Mr. & Mrs. Bill Puterbaugh Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Richart Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Richart Ms. Patti Haney Richey Robert’s Glass & Service, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. DJ Robison Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Roeder Mr. & Mrs. Irwin R. Rose Mr. & Mrs. William N. Salin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mike G. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Schaefer The Schippnick Family Mrs. Diane V. Schmadeke Mr. & Mrs. Ward E. Sexson Sherrill’s Upholstery Mr. Curtis E. Shirley Mr. Jeff Silcox Ms. Kimberly Silcox Stewart & Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Teusch Mr. & Mrs. Stew D. Tompkins Dr. & Mrs. Normand T. Townley Valenti Real Estate Services Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Van Dyke Mr. David K. Vanarsdall Mr. & Mrs. John Wallace Mr. & Mrs. R. D. Welch Mr. &Mrs. Jim G. Wiley Ms. Barbara A. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Robert Williams Mr. & Mrs. Chuck E. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. David E. Wright Mr. & Mrs. Bob A. Wruble Mr. & Mrs. William A. Young Mr. Dave Yount Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ziegele Mr. & Mrs. William Ziegele Mr. David Schuette Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lawrence Mr. John Schulenberg, my husband Mrs. Sharon Schulenberg Ms. Mary F. Schurz Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schurz Mr. Stephen W. Uebelhor Mr. Byron Schwier Mrs. Delores Schwier Ms. Ruth Schwier Mrs. Delores Schwier Mr. William H. Sherwood Mr. & Mrs. William L. Sherwood Mrs. Ruth Silavs Ms. Louise S. Herder Mr. Dale Shepard Ms. Rachel Aurelia Springman Ms. Laura K. Springman Mr. Paul T. Starkey Mrs. Jan Matthews Ms. Arlene Strasen Ms. Karen Newquist & Mrs. Louis Jacobucci Ms. Allysa M. Strege Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Rhodes Ms. Mary Piel Sudbrock Mr. & Mrs. Fred Melcher Mr. & Mrs. Harold Swigart Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boso Dr. Lisa Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Normand T. Townley Mr. Robert I. Thompson Mrs. Dalles R. Thompson Ms. Amy Sue Townley Dr. & Mrs. Normand T. Townley Mrs. E. Ruth Tillis Sharing Place West Volunteers Ms. Isabel M. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Johnson Mr. Le Roy Turner, my father Mrs. Eleanor L. Francis Ms. Eva Uffman Mrs. Dorothy Levihn Mr. Fred W. Ulreich, Sr. Ms. Laurel Goodman Rev. & Mrs. Paul J Schumacher, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Ulreich Mr. Jim Waltz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mackin Baby Ward Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Meier Chester & Pauline Webb Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Webb, Jr. Ms. Alice R. White 18 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lechner Mr. Marshal Whitehurst Mr. & Mrs. John Commorato Mr. & Mrs. Richard Effenberger Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Harry Huxhold Mrs. Mary Ann Kehlenbrink Mr. & Mrs. F. Ross Vogelgesang Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Westphal Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wilson Mr. & Mrs. William Ziegele Mrs. Vicki Whitten Ms. Lauren S. Barker-Prange Mr. & Mrs. William B. Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Dispaldo Mr. & Mrs. Keith T. Gambrel Ms. Kristine Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Harbison Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Harlow Mr. & Mrs. Kirk A. House Mr. Lloyd R. Howe Mr. & Mrs. Dan Kahl Ms. Sharon Kreigh Mr. & Mrs. Bill Logan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lupo Ms. Nikki L. Lynch Ms. Jan Millholland Mr. & Mrs. James M. Mullin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Niederer Ms. Kay F. Oest Mr. & Mrs. Dale Osing Mr. Steven W. Perbix Ms. Alice Post Mr. & Mrs. Allen Post Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Ramanis Mr. & Mrs. John Z. Vanags Mr. & Mrs. John B. Whitten Ms. Susan Whitten Ms. Brenda Wolters 19 Clarence & Nel Arbeiter Mrs. Joyce Donaldson Mr. & Mrs. Norman Ashcraft Mr. & Mrs. Gayle Anderson The Brett Bontrager Family Mr. & Mrs. John Eling Rev. & Mrs. Paul Borg Mr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Potter Chip & Reginae’s September Wedding Dr. & Mrs. Eric Henricks Ms. Jillian Chrisman Ms. Mary Alice Eckert Ms. Ellen Coval Mr. & Mrs. Gary Coval Ms. Martha Davis Mr. Bruce Davis Mr. Kenneth Doversberger Mr. James Doversberger Mrs. Jean Drey Mr. & Mrs. Brent Higgins Mr. & Mrs. Donald Holmes Bishop & Mrs. Ralph A. Kempski Miss Julia Slavens Ronald D. Hanson, 2006 Quality of Life Award recipient Million Dollar Roundtable Foundation Art Hennig’s 60th birthday Ms. Katie McKinney Dr. & Mrs. Carl W. Holl, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mike A. Holl Ms. Sylvia Hugenin Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Little Ms. Mary Elizabeth Wicker Vicar & Mrs. Jerrell Simmerman Cliff & Janet Johnson Ms. Edith Scheutzow George & Mary Wiese, Sr. Mr. George Wiese, III Bob & Troy Kassing Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Watson Leo & Thea Wodarz Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich Wodarz Mary Ann Kehlenbrink Mr. Steve Kehlenbrink Miss Julia Slavens Mr. Bill Young Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Bosma HONORARIUMS Douglas Allgood Gayle & Phyllis Anderson The King of Glory “Gad-Abouts” The Kinsley Group Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sundstrom Gayle & Phyllis Anderson’s 50th wedding anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Jim Diamond Mrs. Eleanor A. Greuling Mrs. Virginia Juergensen Mrs. Peg Looney Mrs. Patricia Snyder Lutherwood student artwork Scott Mangels Mr. Hersey Mangels Marion’s Mother & My Parents Dr. Hans Juergen-Loyda & Dr. Marion Loyda Paul & Mary Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Hensley Mr. Joe Murdock The Kinsley Group My Family Mrs. Jean Drey My LCFS Adopted Children Mr. & Mrs. George Emrich, Jr. Rev. William Novak, Bethlehem Lutheran Church Rev. Betty E. Landis Dick Otto, nominee for Thrivent’s Volunteer Excellence Award Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Mr. Sven Schumacher Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Riley Mr. Mike Seime Mr. & Mrs. Herschel F. Kleffman Mr. Sam Simons Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Simons Thanksgiving Mr. & Mrs. Carroll C. Hamner Mr. Ron Thieme The Kinsley Group Those Who Have No Family Except Lutherwood Mr. & Mrs. Grover T. Harvey Ms. Teddi Tokoph, my mother Ms. Carol A. Kussmann Our Children, Hayley & Samuel Mr. & Mrs. Kent Alder Ms. Ingrid Toshlog Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Cozmanoff Ms. Elizabeth “Lizzy” Pace Mr. & Mrs. David C. Embler Mr. Bob Truitt The Kinsley Group Teddy Pezzullo and his grandparents, Phyllis & Joe Pezzullo Mr. & Mrs. Emmett K. Smelser Mr. Jeremy Van Deman, our son Mr. & Mrs. Keith Van Deman Ms. Suzanne Killen Mrs. Giannina L. Hofmeister-Connolly Bev & Skip Potters’ 50th Wedding Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Will H. Potter Mr. Todd Kleffman Mr. & Mr. Herschel F. Kleffman Mrs. Ramona Prough Mr. & Mrs. Kenn Lehman Mrs. Gertrude L. Klingler Ms. Gertrude Zaiser Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reek, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Reek Mr. & Mrs. Ed Kregenbeck Zionsville Lighting Center Mrs. Carol Ross Mr. & Mrs. Charles Heintzelman Rev. Betty Landis Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Billingsley Rev. David P. Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pachciarz LCFS Staff & Volunteers Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Richards Mr. & Mrs. John P. Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Rupprecht, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven F. Schroeder Love of Family Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. Ulreich 42 Years of Marriage to John Schulenberg Mrs. Sharon Schulenberg Mrs. Clara Vance Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Kreckman Mrs. Donna Vandergrift Miss Julia Slavens Ms. Kim Walton Mr. & Mrs. William C. Griffith, III Mr. Kent Whitten Ms. Susan Whitten Mr. & Mrs. George Wiese, Jr. Mr. George Wiese, III Ms. Kathy Williams’ Birthday Ms. Suzanne Killen Aggie Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kovacs L u t h e rw o o d S o c i e t y | L e g ac y S o c i e t y | I n - K i n d D o n o r s M embers of the Lutherwood Society have pledged to support the long-term stability of the agency with a 5-year pledge of $1,000 or more each year. CHILD’S CHAMPIONS CHILD’S GUIDES ($2,500/ year for 5 years) Mr. & Mrs. J. Darrell Bakken Mr. & Mrs. Lewis D. Beckwith Mr. & Mrs. Dick L. Boschen* Dr. Philip J. Burck Mr. & Mrs. James Capron, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Cortellessa* Ms. Tania T. Deng M.E. & J.I. Hanson Family Foundation * Ron & Sally Hanson * Bob & Troy Kassing* Mr. & Mrs. Jack V. Skillman Ms. Julie Slavens* Glenn & Cheryl Troyer* ($1,000/year for 5 years) The Donahue-Wold Family* Mrs. Jean Drey* Mr. & Mrs. David C. Embler Ms. Pamela Glenn* Mrs. Eleanor A. Greuling* Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Harry Huxhold* Clif & Janet Johnson Mrs. Mary Ann Kehlenbrink Doug & Onna Koeneman* Richard & Donna Otto* Tom & Pam Ruble* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salyers Dr. & Mrs. Paul Schmidt Thomas & Evelyn Seeley* Mr. John A. Seest Dr. & Mrs. Normand T. Townley* Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Walters Mr. & Mrs. John F. Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. Sam Winters Mr. & Mrs. Dietrich Wodarz * denotes Charter member T he Legacy Society was established to recognize our We remember and honor the following individuals: friends and partners who have made a financial Ms. Mabel Dierdorf Ms. Eleanor A. Poillion provision for Lutheran Child & Family Services in their Ms. Vera P. Goebel Mr. & Mrs. Louis Schneider Mrs. Alice Hartley Mr. Marshal Whitehurst estate plans, wills, life insurance or life income agreements. If you are considering making a gift that will help children and families far into the future, please contact Sven Schumacher, CEO of The Foundation for Lutheran Child & Family Services, or Suzanne Killen, Director of Development at 317-359-5467. I n-kind donations are vital to our stewardship efforts because they allow us to use designated cash gifts for program support. Although the following organizations and individuals assigned a cash value to their donations, all in-kind contributions are of value to those we serve. *Denotes contributors to the Give Hope a Home capital and endowment campaign $10,000 OR MORE Broady-Campbell, Inc.* King of Glory Lutheran Church-Indianapolis $5,000 - $9,999 Anonymous C.R. Electric Company* Cross & Crown Lutheran Church-Indianapolis Lenex Steel Co.* Top Quality Glass & Mirror* WINCO Construction Co., Inc.* $2,500 - $4,999 Accu-Temp, LLC* Cantol, Inc. Circle City Chiropractic Divine Savior Lutheran Church-Indianapolis Glenmark Construction Co., Inc.* Kinghorn Mechanical, Inc.* Lawrence Sertoma Club Pilgrim Lutheran Church-Indianapolis Ms. Alice Richardson SimplexGrinnell, LP* $1,000 - $2,499 Mr. Guy Carman Christ Church-The Lutheran Church of Zionsville A.N. Ellwanger Fairchild Communication Systems, Inc.* Mr. & Mrs. David E. Federspill Fresh Design* Mrs. Lucille Huxhold Indiana Ice* Indianapolis Fruit Co., Inc. NAEIR Nu-Tec Roofing Contractors, LLC* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Salyers Mr. Mark A. Strege Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ulerick Walgreens-Carmel Mrs. Sue Wodarz Zionsville Lighting Center $500 - $999 Anonymous Ms. Paula Bachert Brushstrokes Camp Lakeview-Seymour Community Church of Greenwood Ms. Jennifer Curry Ms. Opal R. Curry Deals Duke Realty Corporation Flying Fezz Club Fox & Hound Pub and Grill* Hancock County Chapter, Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hartman Mrs. Jackie Hubbard Indy Ya Yas Ms. Nancy Jeschke Johnson Controls, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. David Lindskoog Marion County Children’s Guardian Home Moeller Printing, Inc. * National City Bank Dr. & Mrs. Michael Orr Ms. Amanda Palmer Mr. & Mrs. George Rieke Risen Lord Lutheran Church-Bargersville Salem Lutheran Church-Indianapolis Ms. Mary Sanders Shank Public Relations Counselors* Ms. Kim Smith Walgreen’s-Lawrence Ms. Linda West Zion Lutheran School-New Palestine 20 Th e Fo u n dat i o n f o r L C F S T More than forty travelers visited Germany in September to follow the steps of Martin Luther with I-K Synod Bishop James Stuck and Sven Schumacher, CEO of the Foundation for LCFS. 21 The mission of the Development Department is to create a broader understanding of the special mission and the values of LCFS and to secure goodwill, participation and private support. he Foundation for Lutheran Child & Family Services was established as a distinct entity in 1989 to build an endowment and create a financially secure future for the agency of Lutheran Child & Family Services. It also holds Lutherwood Residential Treatment Center & School. In 2006, the Foundation assumed responsibility for management of all LCFS investments and philanthropic fund raising. This allows the agency to focus their attention on the important work of caring for children and families. Sven Schumacher, formerly the Executive Director, was appointed the Chief Executive Officer for The Foundation and Suzanne Killen, CFRE, joined the department as the Director of Development. Our mission was met through a variety of initiatives, programs, and opportunities that included: • Receiving a grant of $100,000 from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to support “Demystifying Planned Giving: A Special Invitation to Women”, a comprehensive planned giving program. • Raising more than $500,000 in additional cash gifts and pledges for the Give Hope a Home capital and endowment campaign. This included a grant of $100,000 from the Indianapolis Foundation. • Receiving a grant of $25,000 from the Community Investment Team of Citizens Gas & Coke Utility to sponsor our parenting program. • Launching a special event for women in early November where more than 140 women gathered for a special luncheon at the Indiana Historical Society to celebrate publication of Common Threads, Uncommon Deeds. The book traces the personal stories of twenty women who create change through their gifts of service to Lutheran Child & Family Services. • Organizing a trip to Germany with Foundation CEO Sven Schumacher and I-K Synod Bishop James Stuck, who guided more than 40 guests on a journey following the steps of Martin Luther. • Completing 80% of phase one of the construction project, comprising more than 32,000 square feet. LCFS was successfully able to utilize all of the $3.6 million dollars of the United Way/Lilly Endowment Building Grant. Many friends generously supported our ministries and programs as well as the Give Hope a Home capital and endowment campaign. As Martin Luther said, “The art of the giver makes the gift dear and precious.” So it is that each gift of support is not only dear and precious but vital to accomplishing the crucial work of Lutheran Child and Family Services. Members of the Development Team included: (seated, l-r) Jenny Deem, Resource Development Analyst, Suzanne Killen, Director of Development, Sven Schumacher, Chief Executive Office of The Foundation for LCFS, Tania Deng, Treasurer, LCFS Board of Directors, Chair, Development Committee of the LCFS Board of Directors, member, Board of Directors for The Foundation for LCFS, and Kathy Williams, Administrative Assistant. Members (standing, l-r): Anne Majewski, Corporate & Foundation Relations Coordinator and Mary Beth Trotter, Communications & Stewardship Coordinator. Not pictured: Barbara Walters, Chief Financial Officer. Income & Expenses 2006 INCOME 4% United Way 3% Contributions/Grants 2% Rental/Investment/Other 1% Retail Sales INCOME 2006 2005 Contributions/Grants $ 269,287 $ 747,614 United Way $ 305,081 $ 291,835 $ 7,012,582 $ 6,752,288 $ 54,888 $ 44,326 $ 180,823 $ 167,602 $7,822,661 $8,003,665 2006 2005 $ 5,348,957 $ 5,033,450 Family Preservation $ 539,285 $ 482,754 Foster/Group Living $ 505,333 $ 464,710 Sharing Places $ 321,566 $ 219,080 $ 46,188 $ 53,601 $ 385,011 $ 449,133 $ 1,038,447 $ 1,408,364 $8,184,787 $8,111,092 Program Service Revenue 90% Program Service Revenue Retail Sales Rental/Investment/Other TOTAL 2006 EXPENSES 5% Other Program Services 4% Sharing Places 1% Parenting 6% Foster/Group Living Residential Parenting 7% Family Preservation 13% Support Services EXPENSES 61% Residential Other Program Services Support Services TOTAL INCOME OVER EXPENSES 2006 2005 VARIANCE Net Operating Results $ (362,126) $ (107,427) $ (254,699) Change in Interest in Foundation $4,863,308 $1,159,095 $3,704,213 Change in Net Assets $4,501,182 $1,051,668 $3,449,514 The results depicted represent the operational results of the agency only. Consolidated audited financials for the agency and for The Foundation for Lutheran Child & Family Services are available upon request. 22 Layout & Design by Fresh Design Compiled & Edited by Mary Beth Trotter Lutheran Child & Family Services of Indiana/Kentucky (LCFS) is a multi-service 501(c)(3) member agency of United Way of Central Indiana. It is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a recognized service provider of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, member of Lutheran Services in America and accredited by the Council on Accreditation. Community Partner Lutheran Child & Family Services of Indiana/Kentucky annual report is now available online at Glenn R. Johnson, MSW, Interim Executive Director Shannon Bess, MSW, LCSW, Director, Community-Based Programs Leigh Riley Evans, MBA, Director of Staff Services George B. Hurd, MBA, Director of Finance Suzanne Killen, CFRE, Director of Development Daniel McGinley, ACSW, Director of Lutherwood Sven Schumacher, MSW, MBA, CEO of The Foundation for LCFS Barbara Walters, MBA, Chief Financial Officer Executive Team MISSION: In response to God’s love and grace in Jesus Christ, Lutheran Child & Family Services of Indiana/Kentucky serves human needs with the support of the church and the community by providing programs of compassionate care and counsel to enhance the dignity and quality of life. 1525 N. Ritter Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46219 317.359.5467 Indianapolis, IN Permit No. 721 PAID Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage