No.2 January 11, 2012 - The Current Newspapers


No.2 January 11, 2012 - The Current Newspapers
Serving Burleith, Foxhall, Georgetown, Georgetown Reservoir & Glover Park
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Vol. XXI, No. 23
The Georgetown Current
Mall empties for renovation work
magic man
■ Retail: Vornado also names
Nike for vacant bookstore site
Current Staff Writer
The vast majority of the
Georgetown Park mall’s storefronts
now stand dark, several having lost
their leases effective Jan. 1. Three
more are advertising going-out-ofbusiness sales. Intermix has shut
down its entrance from the mall’s
interior, opening only to the street.
And the D.C. Department of Motor
Vehicles is looking for a potential
new home.
But Vornado Realty Trust, which
manages and co-owns the Shops at
Georgetown Park at 3222 M St., still
isn’t saying what exactly it hopes to
317,000-square-foot mall.
A company spokesperson, who
asked not to be named, said Monday
that New York-based Vornado is not
renewing leases as they expire,
largely emptying the mall in preparation for “redevelopment.” The
spokesperson wouldn’t say when
renovations would take place or
what they would entail, but did note
that some stores can remain in place
while the work is done.
“We’re continuing to work hard
to come up with great solutions,” the
spokesperson said. “There isn’t a
See Stores/Page 24
Council votes to fine shoveling scofflaws
Current Staff Writer
Bill Petros/The Current
Eric Knaus, better known as “The Great Zucchini,” performed a
comedy-style magic show Saturday for kids at St. John’s
Episcopal Church. Proceeds will benefit children’s programming
at the Georgetown Neighborhood Library.
First came “Snowmageddon,” and then last year’s
“thundersnow.” And this winter, while the first serious
flakes have yet to fall, the D.C. Council is still trying to
pass a bill that would fine residents and businesses if they
don’t clear their sidewalks within eight daylight hours of
a snowstorm.
The bill’s chief sponsor, Ward 3 member Mary Cheh,
acknowledged last week that even if her long-awaited
“Winter Sidewalk Safety Act” wins a final vote in
February, so many complications remain that it wouldn’t
take effect until next winter.
“By the time this passes, and Congress reviews it,
winter will be over. So there’s plenty of time to work out
the best methodology on how to enforce it, and time for
an education campaign by the mayor,” Cheh told her
colleagues. “I was going to move it as an emergency, but
See Shoveling/Page 18
Bill Petros/Current File Photo
For failing to shovel snow from sidewalks, residents
would pay $25 and commercial property owners
would pay $125. A final council vote is next month.
City pushes for action
in Wesley Heights case
At-large candidates prepare
for April 3 council primary
■ Election: Orange draws
Current Staff Writer
A Wesley Heights homeowner who erected a huge
stone wall abutting federal parkland could be hauled
back into court by the District for allegedly flouting a
legal agreement to take it down.
D.C. Attorney General Irvin Nathan is asking a
Superior Court judge to reopen its case again Frank
Economides, who in 2004 completed the wall — 370
feet long and 30 feet tall at its highest point — in an
attempt to turn a steep slope adjoining Wesley Heights
Park into a level backyard for his home at 4825 Dexter
Terrace NW.
Neither Economides nor his lawyer returned phone
calls seeking comment. But court papers quote
Economides saying he attempted to comply with the
■ Feds to auction off
Georgetown plant in
July or August. Page 5.
■ Bill would offer tax
relief to more senior
homeowners. Page 7.
three Democratic challengers
Current File Photo
The District’s attorneys say property owner Frank
Economides is not fulfilling the conditions of a
settlement agreement to demolish the wall.
settlement agreement, but was delayed by the need to
obtain an additional permit to begin demolition. He then
“moved forward, capping two existing catch basins,” but
re-bid the job because construction bids came in at
“many times more than anyone envisioned,” the District’s
See Wall/Page 19
■ Gonzaga beats WCAC
rival in raucous game.
Page 11.
■ Mustangs top Cadets
in last-minute victory.
Page 11.
Current Staff Writer
Four past and present elected
officials are angling for a D.C.
Council at-large seat in the
Democratic primary race, including
the incumbent and the interim
council member he replaced.
Vincent Orange, a former Ward
5 council member, won a special
election in April to fill Kwame
Brown’s at-large seat when Brown
Live Green founder
looks back on his ‘Year
of Stuff.’ Page 13.
■ Wildlife group raises
money for animal rehab
center. Page 13.
was elected council chairman.
Orange toppled Sekou Biddle, who
had been selected by the D.C.
Democratic State Committee to fill
the seat a few months before;
Biddle is now running again.
Also seeking the at-large council
seat in the April 3 Democratic primary are E. Gail Anderson Holness,
a pastor who chairs Advisory
Neighborhood Commission 1B,
and Peter Shapiro, a D.C. native
who chaired the Prince George’s
County Council while living in
Maryland. The four Democrats met
last Wednesday’s deadline to file
See Election/Page 24
District Digest/4
In Your Neighborhood/10
Police Report/6
Real Estate/17
School Dispatches/14
Service Directory/25
Week Ahead/7
2 Wednesday, January 11, 2012 The Current
Assoc. Cre
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The Current
Bills aim to make students college-ready
Current Staff Writer
In an effort to get more D.C.
Public Schools students to consider
college, D.C. Council Chairman
Kwame Brown introduced legislation last week that would require
every high-schooler to take a college
admission test and apply to at least
one college.
“We have to make sure our students are college-ready, and give
every child the option to go to college,” Brown said at a news briefing
on the council’s legislative agenda.
He introduced two college-prep bills
at Wednesday’s legislation session;
both were referred to the Committee
of the Whole, which Brown chairs.
The first would mandate that
every public high school student
take either the SAT or the ACT
before graduation, and apply to at
least one post-secondary institution.
It would also beef up college preparation and assistance with applying
for financial aid during high school.
Brown’s second bill would start
even earlier, tracking students in
fourth through ninth grades to ensure
they’re up to speed in preparations
for high school, and then for college.
The so-called “early warning and
intervention system” would offer
extra assistance to those who are in
danger of dropping out, he said.
The council chairman said he has
been taking some District students
on college tours for the past few
years, and has been surprised by
how many never even considered
college, or didn’t know how to fill
out an application, get their own
See College/Page 18
D.C. to propose new school-success metric
Current Staff Writer
With few D.C. public schools having achieved the
federally required adequate yearly progress in standardized test scores, the District is planning to request a
waiver from those standards in order to use other metrics
to show progress.
Just 25 out of 187 public schools demonstrated the
required advances in both reading and math in D.C.
Comprehensive Assessment System tests in 2011 compared to 2010, according to Marc Caposino, spokesperson for the Office of the State Superintendent of
Education. The U.S. Department of Education has found
that an increasing number of school districts nationwide
are facing similar issues, and announced in August that it
would consider alternative school performance measurements.
Under current federal No Child Left Behind policy,
standardized test scores alone determine whether a
school is succeeding, and schools that don’t make sufficient annual improvements must take steps to show how
they will resolve their problem. But in the District, local
education officials said, that process would force schools
that are clearly strong to make unnecessary changes.
“We’re in just this narrow label of test scores, and
making that into teacher ratings and school ratings,”
Kamili Anderson, the Ward 4 representative on the D.C.
State Board of Education, said in an interview after discussing the issue at Monday’s Chevy Chase advisory
neighborhood commission meeting. “It really doesn’t
reflect what’s really going on in our schools.”
Among the well-regarded schools not meeting the
standards in 2011 were Wilson High, Deal Middle and
Lafayette Elementary. Schools that met the adequate
yearly progress standard in both math and reading
included School Without Walls, Janney Elementary and
Francis-Stevens Education Campus. A full listing of area
scores is available at
The superintendent’s office expects to release a draft
of its planned replacement metric on Friday, Caposino
said. “Under the waiver, test scores will be only part of
the accountability system,” he said, “whereas before
DC-CAS pretty much dictated how classrooms, teachers
and schools are measured.”
Caposino declined yesterday to share additional
details about the new “system of accountability,” but the
city plans to present it at a series of community meetings
after the draft is released. The office will submit the proposal to the U.S. Department of Education next month,
at which point the federal agency will ensure that it
accurately reports school quality.
Eleven states applied for the No Child Left Behind
waiver in November — including Florida, Massachusetts
and New Jersey — and others, like the District, have
announced plans to file by Feb. 23.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Current
District Digest
Police officials to
discuss robberies
Top Metropolitan Police
Department officials are scheduled
to attend a neighborhood meeting
tomorrow to discuss a series of
recent Northwest street robberies,
according to Ward 3 D.C. Council
member Mary Cheh’s office.
Second District Cmdr. Michael
Reese and several of his lieutenants
will discuss three Sunday night robberies and other recent incidents in
Ward 3, Cheh spokesperson Kiara
Pesante wrote in an email to The
Current. The department is expected
to detail the crimes and how police
are responding to them.
Tomorrow’s presentation will be
held during the Friendship HeightsAmerican University Park advisory
neighborhood commission meeting,
which starts at 7 p.m. at St. Mary
Armenian Apostolic Church, 42nd
and Fessenden streets NW.
of or suspects sexual abuse of a
child. The bill requires such an
adult to report the abuse immediately.
Bill would strengthen
D.C. child abuse law Mendelson targets
Citing the recent child abuse
‘flash mob’ crimes
scandal at Pennsylvania State
University, at-large D.C. Council
member Phil Mendelson said this
month that he wants to broaden the
city’s law requiring adults to report
suspected sex abuse of a minor to
law-enforcement authorities.
Mendelson said the District’s
reporting law currently covers only
“adults who have a professional
relationship” with a child, such as a
teacher, counselor, coach or clergy.
He introduced legislation early
this month to expand the requirement to any adult who either knows
Responding to a relatively new
phenomenon in which shoplifters
connect on social media and
descend on stores en masse to rob
them, at-large D.C. Council member Phil Mendelson is sponsoring
legislation to toughen penalties for
such “flash mob” attacks.
Mendelson said the crimes,
which terrorized a few small stores
in Maryland and Northeast
Washington last year, generally
result in charges of petty theft, a
misdemeanor. His “Flash Mob
Theft Act” would allow police to
consider the aggregate amount stolen by a flash mob, resulting in
stiffer charges.
His bill won co-sponsorship by a
majority of the council, and was
referred to the committee on public
safety, which he chairs.
D.C. delegation to
testify on statehood
New Hampshire state lawmakers
considering a resolution to support
the District’s statehood goals will
hear testimony from Mayor Vincent
Gray, D.C. Council members and
other statehood activists tomorrow,
according to a news release from
D.C. Council Chairman Kwame
Brown’s office.
D.C. officials and citizens will
testify at a hearing in Concord,
N.H., on state legislation calling for
the District to become the 51st state,
the release states.
Inspections to close
bridge, tunnel lanes
Drivers using some D.C. highways may face lane closures during
the next week or so as the D.C.
Department of Transportation
inspects a series of bridges and tunnels, according to a news release.
The inspections — which are
scheduled to begin tomorrow,
weather permitting — will be conducted between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
The scheduled closures include:
■ Thursday, Jan. 12: the right shoulder of the ramp from the Whitehurst
Freeway to Interstate 66.
■ Tuesday, Jan. 17: alternating right
and left lane closures of the northbound E Street Expressway
(Interstate 66) under Virginia and
New Hampshire avenues; corresponding southbound closures follow on Thursday, Jan. 19.
■ Wednesday, Jan. 18: alternating
right and left lane closures of the
12th Street Tunnel northbound
under the Mall; corresponding closures of the exit from Interstate 395
to the tunnel will follow on Friday,
Jan. 20.
Other scheduled lane closures
will affect South Capitol Street,
Pennsylvania Avenue SE and
Interstate 295. Full details are available at
In the Jan. 4 issue, the Events &
Entertainment calendar misstated
the date of a Fabrangen-sponsored
talk by New York University professor Hasia Diner. The event was
Saturday, not Sunday.
The Current regrets the error.
As a matter of policy, The
Current corrects all errors of substance. To report an error, call the
managing editor at 202-244-7223.
The Current
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The CurrentW
ednesday, January 11, 2012
Feds to auction Georgetown
heating plant over summer
Current Staff Report
The federal government plans to
auction off Georgetown’s West
Heating Plant and its nearly two
acres of land in late July or August,
a representative of the U.S. General
Services Administration announced
last week.
The property is currently
unzoned, according to Tim Sheckler,
director of real property utilization
and disposal for the administration’s
National Capital Region. He said the
site’s future use will not be a factor
in the sale, which will be on an “asis” basis.
Sheckler discussed details of the
sale at the Jan. 3 meeting of the
Georgetown advisory neighborhood
Commission chair Ron Lewis
called the property, which is located
between Rock Creek Park, 29th
Street, K Street and the C&O Canal,
“one of the best potential developable sites in D.C.”
Bill Petros/The Current
At least two development teams
have eyed the site.
In fact, one development team
has already announced a proposal to
convert the property into a public
park and an 80-unit luxury condominium, under the Four Seasons
Private Residences brand. And a
representative from D.C. firm
EastBanc told The Washington Post
last year that his company is also
interested in the site.
Still, some at last week’s meeting
suggested the importance of zoning
See Plant/Page 19
BID extends Adams Morgan litter pickup
Current Staff Writer
Residents living near Adams Morgan’s commercial strips will have cleaner sidewalks this year
thanks to the neighborhood business improvement
district, which has begun funding litter pickup in part
of the residential area.
The business improvement district, or BID, has
for years employed “Clean Team” contractors to pick
up trash strewn in front of neighborhood businesses.
But residents nearby have long complained that the
litter problem frequently spills onto their blocks.
“As people drift back to their cars, and they’re
parked all over the neighborhood, the problem
extends all over the neighborhood,” said Wilson
Reynolds, chair of the Adams Morgan advisory
neighborhood commission and a Champlain Street
resident whose home is near the 18th Street corridor.
“What you have is a trash distribution system of
thousands of people. … Over the years, it’s proven to
be consistently bad.”
When the BID hired a new litter contractor for this
See Litter/Page 18
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Current
Police Report
This is a listing of reports taken
from Jan. 1 through 8 by the
Metropolitan Police Department
in local police service areas.
■ chevy chase
Theft ($250 plus)
■ 3000 block, Birch St.; residence; 7 a.m. Jan. 3.
Theft (below $250)
■ 5500 block, Connecticut Ave.;
grocery store; 6:09 p.m. Jan. 7.
Theft from auto (below $250)
■ 5500 block, 30th Place; alley;
9 p.m. Jan. 3.
30% to 50% off
original prices
Select bedding and table linens
Foxhall Square Mall
3301 New Mexico Ave, NW
(202) 364-6118
psa 202
■ Friendship Heights
Tenleytown / AU Park
Robbery (gun)
■ 45th Street and Faraday Place;
sidewalk; 8:29 p.m. Jan. 6.
■ 3900 block, Jenifer St.; street;
6:07 p.m. Jan. 8.
■ 3600 block, Warren St.; alley;
6:15 p.m. Jan. 8.
Robbery (snatch)
■ 3900 block, Chesapeake St.;
school; 1:40 p.m. Jan. 4.
Theft (below $250)
■ 4300 block, 48th St.; grocery
store; 9:30 a.m. Jan. 2.
■ 4500 block, Wisconsin Ave.;
store; 2:30 p.m. Jan. 2.
■ 4400 block, Fort Drive;
unspecified premises; 4 p.m.
Jan. 3.
■ 4500 block, Fort Drive;
unspecified premises; 4 p.m.
Jan. 3.
Theft from auto (below $250)
■ 3600 block, Upton St.; street;
8 p.m. Jan. 1.
psa 203
■ forest hills / van ness
cleveland park
Robbery (gun)
■ 2500 block, Porter St.; sidewalk; 6:25 p.m. Jan. 8.
■ 3500 block, Springland Lane;
residence; 2 p.m. Jan. 7.
Theft (below $250)
■ 3000 block, Porter St.; street;
7 p.m. Jan. 1.
■ 4500 block, Connecticut Ave.;
residence; 8:20 p.m. Jan. 2.
■ 4400 block, Connecticut Ave.;
restaurant; 1:45 p.m. Jan. 4.
■ 4400 block, Connecticut Ave.;
hotel; 12:30 p.m. Jan. 7.
Theft from auto (below $250)
■ 3600 block, Veazey St.; street;
5 p.m. Jan. 1.
■ 3100 block, Macomb St.;
street; 9:30 p.m. Jan. 1.
■ 2900 block, Ellicott St.; street;
7:40 a.m. Jan. 5.
psa 204
■ Massachusetts avenue
heights / cleveland park
woodley park / Glover
PSA 204
park / cathedral heights
Robbery (force and violence)
■ 3000 block, 32nd St.; sidewalk; 7:30 p.m. Jan. 2.
■ 2700 block, Woodley Road;
residence; 8:30 a.m. Jan. 6.
Theft (below $250)
■ 2700 block, Wisconsin Ave.;
restaurant; 5 p.m. Jan. 2.
Theft from auto (below $250)
■ 2600 block, Woodley Place;
street; 1 p.m. Jan. 1.
■ Calvert Street and Woodley
Place; street; 9 p.m. Jan. 1.
■ 39th Street and
Massachusetts Avenue; street;
6:30 p.m. Jan. 3.
■ Calvert Street and Woodley
Place; street; 6 a.m. Jan. 6.
psa 205
■ palisades
/ spring valley
Wesley Heights / Foxhall
No crimes reported.
■ georgetown / burleith
Assault with a dangerous
■ 3100 block, K St.; unspecified
premises; 8 p.m. Jan. 6.
■ 3200 block, M St.; grocery
store; 2:30 a.m. Jan. 2.
Stolen auto
■ 3100 block, K St.; parking lot;
12:15 p.m. Jan. 6.
Theft ($250 plus)
■ 3800 block, Reservoir Road;
medical facility; 7:29 p.m. Jan.
■ 3600 block, N St.; university;
1 p.m. Jan. 6.
Theft (below $250)
■ 1600 block, Wisconsin Ave.;
store; 2:12 p.m. Jan. 2.
■ 1000 block, Wisconsin Ave.;
store; 8 p.m. Jan. 2.
■ 3400 block, M St.; unspecified
premises; 11:45 a.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1600 block, 35th St.; school;
12:30 p.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1800 block, 35th St.; school;
2:15 p.m. Jan. 3.
■ 2900 block, M St.; store; 2:40
p.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1600 block, Wisconsin Ave.;
store; 4:30 p.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1000 block, Thomas Jefferson
St.; unspecified premises; 7:45
p.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1600 block, 34th St.; residence; 1 p.m. Jan. 4.
■ 1200 block, 31st St.; unspecified premises; 3 p.m. Jan. 4.
■ 3000 block, K St.; office building; 5 p.m. Jan. 4.
■ 3400 block, Dent Place; government building; 7 a.m. Jan. 5.
■ 3000 block, M St.; store; 2:45
p.m. Jan. 5.
■ 34th Street and Volta Place;
park area; 2:30 p.m. Jan. 8.
Theft (shoplifting)
■ 3100 block, M St.; store; 5:50
p.m. Jan. 7.
Theft from auto ($250 plus)
■ 3000 block, K St.; parking lot;
2:20 p.m. Jan. 8.
Theft from auto (below $250)
■ 3400 block, Q St.; street; 5
p.m. Jan. 1.
■ 3200 block, M St.; parking lot;
1 p.m. Jan. 2.
■ 1200 block, 27th St.; street;
5:30 p.m. Jan. 4.
■ 1400 block, 26th St.; street; 6
p.m. Jan. 4.
■ 2700 block, O St.; street; midnight Jan. 5.
■ 2700 block, O St.; street; 6
p.m. Jan. 6.
■ foggy bottom / west end
■ 2100 block, F St.; grocery
store; 5:30 a.m. Jan. 6.
Stolen auto
■ 1000 block, Connecticut Ave.;
street; 1 p.m. Jan. 3.
Theft (below $250)
■ 1400 block, K St.; tavern/
nightclub; 1 a.m. Jan. 1.
■ 1700 block, K St.; office building; 8:50 a.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1400 block, New York Ave.;
unspecified premises; 11 a.m.
Jan. 3.
■ 1100 block, 17th St.; store;
11:27 a.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1400 block, New York Ave.;
restaurant; noon Jan. 5.
■ 1100 block, 15th St.; store;
1:15 p.m. Jan. 5.
■ 2400 block, Pennsylvania Ave.;
church; 6:30 p.m. Jan. 5.
■ 1000 block, Connecticut Ave.;
drugstore; 8:12 p.m. Jan. 5.
■ 1600 block, L St.; unspecified
premises; 5 p.m. Jan. 6.
Theft (shoplifting)
■ 2100 block, E St.; drugstore;
12:30 p.m. Jan. 8.
Theft from auto (below $250)
■ 1100 block, Vermont Ave.;
street; 5 a.m. Jan. 7.
■ 21st and L streets; street; 3
p.m. Jan. 8.
psa 208
■ sheridan-kalorama
dupont circle
Robbery (force and violence)
■ 1200 block, 19th St.; street; 3
a.m. Jan. 7.
Robbery (pickpocket)
■ 1500 block, Connecticut Ave.;
restaurant; 8:20 p.m. Jan. 8.
Assault with a dangerous
■ 1200 block, 18th St.; street;
2:09 a.m. Jan. 5.
■ 1200 block, 23rd St.; unspecified premises; 9:30 p.m. Jan. 8.
Theft (below $250)
■ 1800 block, R St.; office building; 8:45 a.m. Jan. 4.
■ 1600 block, Connecticut Ave.;
unspecified premises; 8:45 p.m.
Jan. 4.
■ Unit block, Dupont Circle; office
building; 1:45 p.m. Jan. 5.
■ 1600 block, 20th St.; restaurant; 6:45 p.m. Jan. 5.
■ Unit block, Hillyer Court;
unspecified premises; 6:30 p.m.
Jan. 6.
Theft from auto ($250 plus)
■ 1700 block, Rhode Island Ave.;
street; 4 p.m. Jan. 7.
■ 1500 block, N St.; street; 1
a.m. Jan. 8.
Theft from auto (below $250)
■ 1700 block, Massachusetts
Ave.; street; 10:30 p.m. Jan. 1.
■ 1800 block, T St.; alley; 3 p.m.
Jan. 2.
■ 1400 block, Rhode Island Ave.;
street; 9:15 p.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1700 block, N St.; parking lot;
8:45 a.m. Jan. 4.
■ 1700 block, P St.; street; 9:50
p.m. Jan. 4.
■ 2000 block, Florida Ave.;
street; 9:30 a.m. Jan. 5.
■ 17th and M streets; sidewalk;
10:45 a.m. Jan. 5.
■ 1400 block, Church St.; street;
9:30 p.m. Jan. 5.
■ 1600 block, N St.; street;
12:15 p.m. Jan. 6.
■ 22nd Street and Decatur
Place; street; 6:30 p.m. Jan. 6.
■ 1500 block, 15th St.; street;
8:30 p.m. Jan. 6.
■ 1700 block, 19th St.; street;
12:05 p.m. Jan. 7.
■ Dupont circle
Robbery (gun)
■ 1400 block, S St.; sidewalk;
11:05 p.m. Jan. 6.
Robbery (force and violence)
■ 14th and U streets; sidewalk;
3:53 a.m. Jan. 7.
Assault with a dangerous
weapon (gun)
■ 1400 block, R St.; sidewalk; 5
a.m. Jan. 7.
Theft (below $250)
■ 1800 block, 16th St.; residence; 6:30 p.m. Jan. 4.
Theft from auto (below $250)
■ 1700 block, S St.; parking lot;
6 a.m. Jan. 1.
■ 1500 block, Q St.; street; 4
p.m. Jan. 2.
■ 1500 block, S St.; street; 8:30
p.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1600 block, 16th St.; street; 6
p.m. Jan. 4.
■ 1700 block, Swann St.; street;
11 p.m. Jan. 5.
■ 2100 block, New Hampshire
Ave.; street; 12:45 p.m. Jan. 6.
■ 1600 block, 16th St.; street; 4
p.m. Jan. 7.
■ 1700 block, U St.; street; 7
p.m. Jan. 7.
■ 14th and S streets; street;
9:30 a.m. Jan. 8.
■ adams morgan
Robbery (gun)
■ 1600 block, Columbia Road;
grocery store; 7:32 p.m. Jan. 4.
Assault with a dangerous
■ 2400 block, 18th St.; sidewalk;
2:40 a.m. Jan. 7.
■ 2400 block, 18th St.; sidewalk;
3:30 a.m. Jan. 8.
Theft (below $250)
■ 1800 block, Columbia Road;
restaurant; 12:20 a.m. Jan. 7.
■ 2100 block, 18th St.; unspecified premises; 3:52 p.m. Jan. 7.
■ 2400 block, 18th St.; sidewalk;
6:30 p.m. Jan. 7.
Theft from auto (below $250)
■ 1800 block, Adams Mill Road;
gas station; 1 a.m. Jan. 1.
■ 1600 block, Euclid St.; street;
8 p.m. Jan. 1.
■ 2500 block, Ontario Road;
street; 10 p.m. Jan. 2.
■ 1800 block, Kalorama Road;
street; 3 p.m. Jan. 3.
■ 1800 block, Wyoming Ave.;
alley; 2 a.m. Jan. 4.
■ 1700 block, California St.;
street; 5:15 a.m. Jan. 4.
■ 1700 block, Lanier Place;
street; 7 p.m. Jan. 6.
■ 18th Street and Ontario Road;
street; 11 p.m. Jan. 6.
■ 2300 block, 18th St.; street;
11:45 p.m. Jan. 6.
■ 1900 block, Kalorama Road;
The CurrentWednesday, January 11, 2012
Council considers legislation to help seniors age in place through tax relief
Current Staff Writer
The D.C. Council this week heard public
testimony on a bill that could help more senior
citizens “age in place.”
The legislation would relax the income
threshold for D.C. homeowners over age 65 to
qualify for a 50 percent reduction in their
annual property tax bill. The permitted adjusted gross income would increase from $100,000
to $125,000.
The “Age-in-Place and Equitable Senior
Citizen Real Property Act of 2011” bill would
also redefine the term “household adjusted
income” to include income earned by all members of a household, not just those over age 65;
as well as the term “residence,” stipulating that
the tax break can be applied only to a property
that serves as a senior’s primary residence.
The bill also proposes adjusting the deadline to apply for property tax relief so it falls
after federal income taxes are due, to ensure
that residents would know whether they’re
eligible for the reduction.
The current income cap of $100,000 hasn’t
changed since the legislation was first passed
in 1992.
The week ahead
Thursday, Jan. 12
The Ward 4 Democrats group will hold its monthly meeting, which will feature a
discussion of the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability Establishment and
Comprehensive Ethics Reform Amendment Act of 2011. The meeting will begin at 7
p.m. at Emery Recreation Center, 5701 Georgia Ave. NW.
Ward 4 D.C. Council member Muriel
Bowser said that the current law stipulates “an
outdated income cap,” which hasn’t been
adjusted for inflation in nearly 20 years and
doesn’t account for steep increases in health
care, utility and fuel costs.
“I’m going to fight hard for this [bill] this
budget season,” she said, “and I hope other
members of the council will join me.”
Bowser introduced the legislation in
October along with Jack Evans (Ward 2), Phil
Mendelson (at-large) and Michael Brown (atlarge).
Despite his support, Evans, who chaired a
Tuesday, Jan. 17
The D.C. government will hold a community workshop and open house on reuse
of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center site. The meeting will be held from 6:30 to
8:30 p.m. at Shepherd Elementary School, 7800 14th St. NW.
■ The Crestwood Citizens Association’s bimonthly meeting will feature a discussion of
plant and design recommendations by expert gardeners. The meeting will begin at 7
p.m. at 1761 Crestwood Drive NW.
■ The Chevy Chase Citizens Association will hold its monthly meeting, which will feature updates on the association’s activities and a report from Ward 4 D.C. Council
member Muriel Bowser. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.
hearing on the bill Monday, raised the concern
multiple times that when the city chooses to
decrease revenue, it must find the money elsewhere. He said this typically means cutting
budgets for education, public safety or social
services, which together comprise approximately 85 percent of the city’s budget.
“Which one do you not want to spend
money on?” Evans asked.
It’s unclear what impact this bill could have
on the city’s revenue. Last year, approximately
22,000 households claimed the property tax
credit, but homeowners have to know to ask
See Seniors/Page 24
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Francis-Stevens Education Campus, 2425 N St. NW, will hold a preschool and prekindergarten open house at 9:30 a.m. A follow-up meeting will be held at 6 p.m. in the
community room at the Potomac Plaza Apartments Cooperative, 2475 Virginia Ave.
■ The D.C. Council Committee on Libraries, Parks, Recreation and Planning will hold a
public roundtable on the mayor’s nomination of Maria Casarella and Nancy Metzger
to seats on the D.C. Historic Preservation Review Board. The hearing will begin at 10
a.m. in Room 123, John A. Wilson Building, 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.
■ The D.C. Council Committee on Public Services and Consumer Affairs will hold a
public hearing on the nomination of Johanna Shreve to serve as the chief tenant
advocate. The hearing will begin at 11 a.m. in Room 412, John A. Wilson Building,
1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Georgetown
Davis Kennedy/Publisher & Editor
Chris Kain/Managing Editor
A time for leadership
In the wake of the resignation of Ward 5 D.C. Council member
Harry Thomas Jr., many political leaders have declared this a time to
look forward, not back.
It’s a common refrain when something scandalous or disgraceful
occurs. It’s also a recipe for further disaster.
Tempting though it might be to put Mr. Thomas and his thievery
out of our minds now that he has confessed to his crimes, doing so
would be a misguided reaction. It is essential that we learn about the
structural failings that allowed this to occur in the first place — and
that we fix them.
Some have suggested eliminating the Children & Youth
Investment Trust Corp., which Mr. Thomas used in his scheme. Such
a decision would be premature at this point, but either the D.C. auditor or inspector general needs to undertake a full accounting, as council members have requested.
Meanwhile, some legislators would undoubtedly like to resume the
problematic practice of earmarking funds to nonprofits, which the
council appropriately halted in the wake of another scandal. Properly
used, they say, earmarking is a way to help struggling nonprofits
serve the District’s neediest residents. Unfortunately, though, we’ve
seen it used improperly too many times.
The conversation now really needs to focus on steps we can take
to reduce the likelihood of any of this occurring again. That includes
ensuring that agencies engaged in ethics issues have the personnel
and funds to do their jobs.
We would also like to see a grass-roots push for good government
issues, including a tightening of the District’s campaign finance laws.
There were many voices last fall calling for ethics reform, but not
enough to prevent at least one legislator from saying the issue was
important only to the media and “the chattering class.”
A civic movement pushing for important changes — such as preventing corporate bundling of contributions — would belie that idea.
In the 1990s, D.C. voters imposed term limits and stringent restrictions on campaign donations, only to see the council overturn the
measures. That history has probably discouraged civic activists from
pursuing more ballot measures, but it may be time for someone to try.
This political crisis presents an opportunity for leadership — among
community leaders as well as elected officials.
Powerful planning
The redevelopment of the West Heating Plant is an exciting opportunity to enliven a moribund two acres of Georgetown now owned by
the federal government. The parcel, bordered by Rock Creek Park,
29th Street, K Street and the C&O Canal, has been out of use for a
decade and is slated to be auctioned off to a developer later this year.
But the process concerns us. The site is now unzoned and will
likely remain so until the auction. Only after the property is in private
hands will the city determine what classification should adhere to the
land and what uses will therefore be permitted on it.
That delay has a few disadvantages. Bidders could be scared off by
the uncertainty of a future zoning classification, driving down the
price potentially below what the government will accept for the land.
Conversely, a winning bidder could be emboldened by the zoningfree purchase and push back against future restrictions.
Both uncertainty and needless wrangling can best be avoided by
the city’s Planning Office, which should act quickly to offer guidance
to potential bidders. Officials should determine what classification
they will advise the Zoning Commission to place on the site, but they
should also instruct bidders that the property’s end use should include
a major public-park component, bordered as it is by federal parkland.
The city may not be able to officially zone the land while it is
owned by the federal government, but it can offer fair guidance.
For everyone’s sake, the city should inject some certainty into this
scenario — and potentially avoid a host of headaches down the road.
The Current
Poor Harry? What about the children … ?
Your Notebook has known Harry Thomas Jr. a
long time.
We knew his father, Harry Sr.
As a Washington Post reporter a while back, we’d
drag our young son to Ward 5, where our preteen
was always treated warmly by the Thomas family.
The senior Thomas also was good news copy. He
chaired the committee overseeing parking tickets.
By then, we were working for NBC4.
With cameras rolling,
we asked Harry Sr. if he
had any overdue tickets
“No, I don’t,” he
replied firmly.
“I can check,” we
“Don’t check, Tom, don’t check.”
The exchange still amuses those who saw it on
But there is nothing amusing about Harry Jr.
His heartless theft of $353,000 of our city money
over three years underwrote blatant, selfish and foolish spending sprees for himself.
Worse yet, that money had been intended for city
programs to help children in Ward 5 and elsewhere.
It was for sports programs that the junior Thomas
unendingly trumpeted as the way to keep young people focused and achieving, sometimes against great
Yet Thomas, according to the court papers and
prosecutors, began stealing from his very first days in
office in 2007, stealing from the children he laughed
with, played ball with and championed — at least in
words — every chance he got.
What a crock. What a crook.
Last week, the depth of his thievery officially
became known.
Thomas walked into U.S. District Court as a leader of the city and walked out a convicted felon. After
months of pious denials — his family, his children,
his reputation meant more to him than anything, he
had said — Thomas fessed up to it all. Only a handful of council members previously had called for
Thomas’ resignation. When the fact of his odious
criminality became unavoidable, there were a few
more calls for him to step aside, including, finally,
one from Mayor Vincent Gray. (Chairman Kwame
Brown’s statement said only that he expected
Thomas to resign.)
Nearly every official statement we read, however,
expressed more concern for Thomas and the impact
on his family than it did for the children who were
cheated. Various people called it a “sad” day for the
city, but that was about it. And some earnestly added
that the Thomas family and the city need to put this
ugly chapter behind us and “move on.”
Well, pardon the interruption, but don’t citizens
get a moment to just be angry?
It was vile greed. (Look it up if you don’t know
the word “vile.” It fits.)
■ Waste of time? At-large D.C. Council member
David Catania thought it would be a good idea for a
group of council members to travel this week to New
Hampshire. It wasn’t for the first-in-the-nation GOP
primary last night. It was to meet New Hampshire
legislators and rally
them for D.C. voting
rights and/or statehood
tomorrow. Catania says
it is time to “expand the
The Live Free or Die
state has been supportive in the past, but with the
Thomas embarrassment — and two criminal investigations, of campaigns run by Mayor Gray and
Chairman Brown, still going on — we hardly think
it’s time to go democracy shopping.
We are the first to attack folks who decry wrongdoing in local Washington as an excuse to oppose
congressional voting rights or even the right to govern ourselves. Those critics never seem to ask Illinois
to give up governing despite its two former governors in jail now.
It just seems now is not the time for this trip.
With the overall council’s approval rating at just
30 percent in a recent poll, maybe there’s more
immediate work to be done here in Washington.
We certainly know the prosecutors are still working.
As one friend wrote to us this past week, it’s one
down and two to go.
■ A final word. There was a terrific memorial service last week for the late Vincent H. Cohen, a true
powerhouse lawyer and civic leader in Washington.
The service needed one of the huge rooms at the
Walter E. Washington Convention Center to accommodate the friends and legal community that showed
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was in the
audience, as was U.S. Attorney for the District
Ronald Machen. In fact, the action against the disgraced Thomas was delayed a day or so because
Cohen’s son, Vinnie Jr., is a lead prosecutor in the
city investigations. Vinnie Jr. spoke eloquently about
how he “never had to go out in the street to find a
role model,” because his father was always there for
As we sat surrounded by the elite of local
Washington’s legal establishment, we couldn’t help
but think of that proud tribute by one son of our city
and the disgrace of another.
Tom Sherwood, a Southwest resident, is a political reporter for News 4.
Letters to
the Editor
An eventful year for
our neighborhood
It’s been an eventful year of
accomplishments to enhance our
Woodland Normanstone neighborhood. I’m pleased to report on
continuing progress following our
celebration of the centennial of
the 1910 act of Congress that
exempted our neighborhood from
the city grid plan for environmental purposes.
Our fourth tree planting with
Casey Trees was led by Joyce
Ketels, with a special celebration
for the 100th tree, near the corner
of 32nd Street and Woodland
Bruce Bradley managed a
Normanstone Drive cleanup to
remove years of tree debris, mostly left by tree contractors. Our
Centennial Stewardship Fund was
used to undertake the work.
The D.C. Department of
Transportation completed curbs
on 31st Street and 31st Place. The
agency is also looking at reconstruction of Normanstone Drive,
which needs work.
A group of neighbors led by
Coco Palomeque led a cleanup of
the National Park Service land
between Edgevale and
Normanstone drives. The Rock
Creek Conservancy assisted our
neighbors in the cleanup.
During our centennial year, we
landscaped city lands at 29th and
Woodland (Centennial Grove) and
30th and Woodland. The plantings
were paid for by our Centennial
Stewardship Fund. The landscap-
ing is now established, and Gin
Bell will oversee maintenance of
those areas for the association. We
will be looking to a neighborhood
cleanup for the public areas this
The D.C. Department of
Transportation removed several
dead trees on the city-owned
Normanstone Overlook next to
the Belgian Embassy on Garfield
Street, making the lovely view
accessible once again.
My special thanks to our active
board and especially Nancy
Bryant, our secretary-treasurer,
who is the glue that holds us
On behalf of the board and the
association, we hope everyone
had a happy holiday season.
Laurence J. Aurbach
President, Woodland Normanstone
Neighborhood Association
The Current
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
ANC should help ensure thorough cleanup
kent slowinski
’d like a chance to respond to some of the issues
raised at Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3D’s
Dec. 7 meeting regarding the Glenbrook Road resolution and in several articles and letters to the editor.
Many of the issues in the resolution were raised by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the D.C.
Department of Health, the D.C. Department of
Environment and American University — known collectively as the “Spring Valley partners” — at various
meetings. The minutes of most of these meetings are
posted at
These are not my issues; they were raised by
experts. Yet the Spring Valley partners and the
Restoration Advisory Board have failed to act on many
of these critical issues, which could cause the cleanup
to drag on even longer.
My main concern with the Army Corps’ “proposed
plan” for 4825 Glenbrook Road is that there is no contingency for cleaning up adjacent properties even
though several items indicate that munition burial pits
and contamination extend to adjacent properties.
While investigating two burial pits at 4801
Glenbrook Road in the 1990s, contractors found that
one of them extended onto 4825 Glenbrook Road.
Today’s property lines did not exist when the burials
took place in 1918. Is the Army Corps using today’s
property lines to limit the investigation and cleanup?
Unless the Army Corps does a thorough job, the health
and safety of neighbors could be at risk.
One such item is a photogrammetry study of the Sgt.
Maurer Burial Pit conducted by the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency’s Environmental Photographic
Interpretation Center. The most recent study, adjusting
for previous errors in the previous reports, indicated
that three of the four possible locations of the burial pit
are on the American University campus. Previous studies had indicated that two of the possible locations were
on the Glenbrook Road property.
Another item is a 1993 videotaped interview of several workers who built the two Glenbrook Road houses
in 1992. The workers pointed to places on a diagram of
the Glenbrook Road property where they said munitions remained buried behind a curved retaining wall
near the property line. Twenty years later, these areas
still have not been investigated.
Letters to
the Editor
Adopt a shelter cat
or dog this winter
As the weather grows colder, the
Washington Humane Society is
calling on members of our community to open their hearts and homes
to the many deserving animals that
are seeking adoption. Through Feb.
29, we are celebrating “Flurry of
Furries” to promote the adoption of
shelter pets during the winter.
The advantages are myriad:
■ Shelters are temporary homes to
hundreds of healthy, family-friendly
animals. Most pets end up homeless
through no fault of their own —
“moving” and “landlord issues” are
among the top reasons people offer
for relinquishing their pets. Our
A third document is a remedial investigation report
that shows arsenic contamination under the driveway at
4825 Glenbrook Road. University representatives have
asked that the retaining wall by the driveway be
removed, as the contamination likely extends under the
wall and onto 4835 Glenbrook Road.
How do I know all this? As one of the original
Restoration Advisory Board members, I attended partnering meetings, where the Army Corps, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, D.C. agencies and
American University made cleanup decisions. I served
on the board for six years and have attended board
meetings for more than 10 years.
I am concerned that the Spring Valley partners failed
to follow through on various commitments. For example, in 2001, the partners agreed to conduct indoor air
monitoring at 4825 Glenbrook Road and five other
properties to determine what chemical vapors were
migrating from the soil into the house. Someone at the
Environmental Protection Agency recently pointed out
to me that indoor air monitoring could tell us what
chemicals are on the property. Eleven years later, this
still has not been conducted at 4825 Glenbrook Road.
Another example is locating the contaminated soil
excavated from 4825 and 4835 Glenbrook Road during
construction of the houses. The Environmental
Protection Agency agreed to follow up many years ago,
but 600 to 800 tons of soil remain unaccounted for.
Advisory neighborhood commissioners do not need
advanced technical expertise to make informed decisions on these issues. There are many experts who can
explain the issues in ways that anyone can understand.
Examples include the Restoration Advisory Board’s
technical expert, Dr. Peter deFurr, who compiled a list
of the chemicals detected at 4825 Glenbrook Road;
American University’s public health consultant, Dr.
Paul Chrostowski, who asked the Army Corps to clean
up the Glenbrook Road site to a stricter standard given
the number of toxic chemicals detected on the site; and
the Environmental Protection Agency’s Terry
Slonecker, who identified the possible burial pit locations on the university campus.
Advisory Neighborhood Commission 3D needs to
practice due diligence to make sure that a thorough
investigation and cleanup of the Glenbrook Road properties is conducted. We need more oversight, not less, to
protect the health and safety of neighbors.
Kent Slowinski is a member of Advisory
Neighborhood Commission 3D.
organization has a variety of animals of different breeds, sizes and
exercise preferences to fit the needs
of individual families.
■ Shelter pets are a bargain —
often even more than pets that are
“free.” The savings really add up
once you add the cost of everything
our group provides to pet families.
All of our pets go home spayed or
neutered; current on vaccines, dewormer and flea/tick treatment, as
well as heartworm preventative for
dogs; and microchipped — a value
of several hundred dollars.
■ We conduct thorough behavioral
assessments of all of our pets to
help match them with the best-suited adopters. Plus, our behavior and
training experts can provide advice
on how to make solid, lifelong
human-animal relationships.
■ Every adoption saves a life.
When you adopt from a shelter,
you give a pet a second chance.
In addition to these benefits, all
of our cat and dog adopters receive
a free starter bag of Hill’s Science
Diet Food, a goodie bag from
Home Buddies DC, a free postadoption exam at a participating
veterinarian, and 30 free days of
health insurance from Shelter Care.
For those who already own a pet,
you’ll find that many animals enjoy
the companionship, exercise, social
interaction and mental stimulation
another pet can provide. Now is the
perfect time to grow your fourlegged family.
The community plays a crucial
role in helping to support animals;
together, we can help to end pet
homelessness in D.C. To learn
more, visit
Stephanie Shain
Chief Operating Officer,
Washington Humane Society
Letters to the editor
The Current publishes letters and Viewpoint submissions representing various points of view. Because of space
limitations, letters should be no more than 400 words and are subject to editing. Letters and Viewpoint submissions
intended for publication should be addressed to Letters to the Editor, The Current, Post Office Box 40400,
Washington, D.C. 20016-0400. You may send email to [email protected].
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10 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
g The Current
In Your Neighborhood
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At its Jan. 3 meeting, the commission:
■ re-elected Ron Lewis as chair; Bill
Starrels, vice chair; Ed Solomon,
treasurer; and Jake Sticka, secretary.
As former chairs of the commission,
Solomon and Tom Birch automatically remained vice chairs.
■ commission chair Ron Lewis
announced that as a result of a commission resolution, the city will
restore the Circulator bus stops westbound on M Street between 31st
Street and Wisconsin Avenue and
the northbound and southbound
stops at the corner of P Street and
Wisconsin Avenue by the beginning
of February.
■ Tim Sheckler, the director of real
property utilization and disposal for
the U.S. General Services
Administration’s National Capital
Region, told commissioners and a
host of local developers that the
West Heating Plant’s two-acre site
bound by Rock Creek Park, 29th
Street, the C&O Canal and K Street
will probably be auctioned off on an
as-is basis in late July or August.
■ commissioners unanimously designated the Friends of Volta Park as
the official community representative for Volta Park before city agencies.
■ commission chair Ron Lewis
reported that the Zoning Commission
will meet on Feb. 9 to discuss in
public the Georgetown University
campus plan.
■ Safeway spokesperson Craig
Muckle said the company has met
with the District Department of
Transportation about a problem with
the driveway off Wisconsin Avenue.
Cars turning left out of the store
must wait “a very long time” if a car
in front of them is turning right.
■ commissioners voted 3-0-1, with
Ed Solomon abstaining, to offer no
objection to a two-story rear addition
to 1738 Wisconsin Ave. as long as
existing parking remains unchanged.
■ after a long discussion, commissioners voted 3-0-1, with Jeff Jones
abstaining, to support the designs for
Macaroon Bee, which include a
sidewalk service window at 1669
Wisconsin Ave.
The Citizens Association of
Georgetown testified that while it is
generally opposed to the street sales
of fast food from a building window,
it does not oppose the application so
long as the window sales are limited
to macaroons.
Commissioner Ed Solomon
agreed and added that long lines
might arise even if the sales take
place inside the building, as occurs
at Georgetown Cupcake.
Neighboring business owners
said that long lines could block
entrances and hurt their businesses.
■ commissioners unanimously recommended that the Old Georgetown
Board reject a revised application to
demolish and reconstruct a garage
with an enlarged footprint at 3254 O
St. But commissioners had no objec-
Citizens Association of Georgetown
Did you know that the Citizens Association of Georgetown has an
active block captain program? We’ve been very busy over the last
several months — recruiting and training new block captains, sending
out alerts and safety messages, and working on the initial plans for a
series of block-by-block meetings with our local police officers.
So far, 67 residents have volunteered to be block captains, acting as
“crime communication central” for their close-by neighbors. Each
assembles a contact list for the households on the block and forwards
important information about public safety and community well-being
to the block residents who agree to be listed. The program coordinators
— Bev Casserly, Helen Darling and I — monitor crime reports, alerts
and news releases issued by the Metropolitan Police Department and
Department of Public Works, and gather additional information when
needed. Then we summarize the information and email the block captains so it can be shared. Block captains also report back to the association about problems on their block needing attention.
Right now, about 60 percent of the residential blocks in our neighborhood have a block captain. If you haven’t already heard from your
own block captain, you can check the list at for contact
information. If no one has volunteered on your block, please consider
volunteering yourself. Contact me at [email protected] for more
information, or call the office at 202-337-7313.
The block captain program is but one element in the association’s
overall Public Safety Program, which also includes the guards from
Securitas who patrol our area five nights each week, strong advocacy
with the police department, and a pilot program to install security cameras on some residential blocks. These efforts are funded by donations
from the community, and the association’s fundraising efforts are
ongoing. To contribute, please visit
— Diane Colasanto
tion to the removal of a chimney that
is not visible from the street.
■ commissioners unanimously
opposed plans of the Luigi Parasmo
Salon at 1510 Wisconsin Ave. to
alter the facade, replace the double
door with a single door and change
the awning of the former hardware
store. While there was no objection
to replacing the doors, the commission called for the awning to be
replaced with two smaller awnings
attached to the windows or with an
appropriate sign.
■ commissioners unanimously
opposed plans to replace the sign at
the DC Jewelry Center at 1432
Wisconsin Ave. as the owner has not
responded to commissioners’ questions and declined to make a presentation.
■ commissioners unanimously
agreed not to object to the concept
design presented by the Four Seasons
Hotel for a rear addition with a basement, window replacements, signs
and awnings.
Advisory neighborhood commissioner Charles Eason will hold
a public forum to discuss the
Board of Zoning Adjustment
application by the new owners of
Evermay, 1623 28th St. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Jan. 26, at the
Library, 3260 R St. NW.
The commission will meet at
6:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 30, at
Preparatory School, 1524 35th St.
For details, call 202-724-7098 or
■ Glover Park / Cathedral heights
The commission will meet at 7
p.m. Thursday, Jan. 12, at
Stoddert Elementary School and
Recreation Center, 4001 Calvert
St. NW.
Agenda items include:
■ installation of 2012 officers.
■ police report, including an update
on recent robberies in Glover Park.
■ discussion of the 2012 consideration of Glover Park’s liquor license
■ consideration of a resolution in
support of community garden locations at Fulton Street in Glover Park.
■ update on the Glover Park transportation and commercial district
For details, call 202-338-2969,
contact [email protected] or visit
■ spring valley / wesley heights
Wesley Heights
palisades / kent / foxhall
The commission will meet at 7
p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 11, in the
new medical building at Sibley
Loughboro Road NW.
Agenda items include:
■ police report.
■ community concerns.
■ consideration of applications for
certificates of need from the State
Health Planning and Development
Agency to permit MedStar Medical
Group to establish primary-care
physicians’ offices at 4901
Massachusetts Ave. (family medicine) and 3301 New Mexico Ave.
(internal medicine).
■ presentation on the Wesley
Theological Seminary’s proposed
2012-2021 campus plan.
■ discussion of the 4825 Glenbrook
Road cleanup project.
For details, call 202-363-4130 or
Athletics in Northwest Washington
January 11, 2012 ■ Page 11
Eagles down Knights in slobberknocker
Current Staff Writer
The Gonzaga Eagles basketball
team walked into a hornet’s nest at
Bishop O’Connell Thursday
night in Arlington.
The Knights were clearly
treating the contest as if it
were Washington Catholic
Athletic Conference playoff
game: It was a complete
sellout, with standing room
only in the noisy gym, and
several fans were denied
entry. O’Connell’s student
section was out in full force,
dressed in painted clothes,
various hats and tie-dye
shirts. Not to be outdone, the
Eagles’ fans — clad in purple — showed up in droves to add
to the raucous atmosphere.
O’Connell fed off its fans’ support and raced out to a 10-point lead
in the first quarter, but Gonzaga
weathered the storm and surged in
the second half to rout its conference rival 50-36.
“We knew coming into the game
that it was going to be a great atmosphere, it was going to be sold out
and a hard, tough battle,” said
Eagles junior forward Kris Jenkins.
“We were resilient and we played
as hard as we could until that last
buzzer sounded off and we were
able to win.”
During the Knights’ early scoring run, nothing went right for the
Eagles. Their shots were off, turnovers were abundant and all of the
momentum was in O’Connell’s
favor. Most coaches would call a
timeout at that point. But Gonzaga’s
Steve Turner took a different
approach: He called in instructions
to his players, trusting them to
make the changes.
“Our kids have learned to play
through it,” said Turner. “I try to
hold onto my timeouts until the end
in case we need them down the
stretch. We’ve got some hard-working kids who are intelligent enough
to make adjustments on the fly.”
Midway through the first quarter, junior point guard Nate Britt
snapped the Eagles out of their
offensive funk with a long jumper.
And on the Knights’ ensuing possession, junior forward Kris Jenkins
stole the ball and raced down the
court to hit an easy layup,
bringing the score to 12-6.
But after trading a couple
of buckets, the Knights went
on an 8-3 scoring run to
extend their lead to 23-15.
O’Connell capped the surge
when a Knight dunked the
ball and then stared down
the stunned-silent Gonzaga
student section. The Knights
took a 24-19 lead into the
locker room at halftime.
In the second half, Jenkins
and Britt made sure the
Knights paid for their bravado. After the teams traded a couple of baskets at the start of the
third quarter, senior forward Will
Rassman hit a pair of buckets in the
post to give the Eagles a 27-26
advantage — their first lead of the
game, and one they would not
The Eagles defense also locked
down on the Knights, who managed just 12 points in the second
“We wanted to try to turn them
over and get some steals,” Turner
said of the defensive adjustments.
“We got after them a little bit in the
Brian Kapur/The Current
Last week’s matchup drew raucous crowds, and the fans helped
propel the Knights to a strong start, but the Eagles won 50-36.
full court with our man pressure. In
the half court, we really wanted to
take the ball away from their
Late in the third quarter, Jenkins
See Gonzaga/Page 12
McNamara Mustangs stun St. John’s Lady Cadets with buzzer beater
Current Staff Writer
The St. John’s girls basketball team had to
battle more than one opponent Saturday at the
Show Place Arena in Upper Marlboro, Md.:
Bishop McNamara on the floor and several
gremlins off it.
During the game, there were three long
delays and in-game rule changes that muddled
the match and changed the dynamic of play on
the court.
The Cadets, who struggled defensively and
on the boards, were unable to overcome the
Mustangs, falling 67-66 on a last-second
buzzer beater. It was the Cadets’ first loss of
Matt Petros/The Current
Saturday’s match at the Show Place Arena featured three delays and mid-game rule
changes. The Cadets fell 67-66 to the Mustangs on a last-second basket.
the season in the Washington Catholic Athletic
“We were not very good defensively,” said
Cadets head coach Jonathan Scribner. “We let
them attack the basket the entire game — that
was [the difference in the] game to me. That’s
where we lost the game.”
Scribner acknowledged the off-court blips,
which included a busted shot clock and squabbles over possession, but said they weren’t
excuses. “It was a little bit of an unorthodox,
unusual game. [But McNamara] played better
than us and deserved to win.”
The game started sloppily for both teams in
a flurry of turnovers and hurried play. The
Mustangs took advantage of the frantic pace
and built a quick 10-4 lead. McNamara also
used a zone defense, which forced St. John’s
into jump shots rather than chances at the rim.
Scribner called a timeout to refocus the
Cadets. He implored his team to move when
they didn’t have the ball, to pass the ball
crisply in order to beat the zone and to not
settle for jumpers.
St. John’s made the adjustments and went
on a scoring run. Sophomore guard Chania
Ray sparked a 13-7 surge by stealing the ball
from a Mustang and passing it ahead to junior
guard Lindsay Allen, who scored on an easy
layup. Senior guard Jordan Labbe capped off
the run with a 3-pointer to tie the game at 17.
The Mustangs committed a technical with
just a second to play in the first quarter, which
allowed Ray to hit a pair of free throws, giving
the Cadets a 19-17 lead.
But the Cadets’ momentum lasted only
until the start of the second quarter, when they
were charged with a technical foul because of
miscommunication between the McNamara
scorekeeper and the officials. One of the St.
John’s players wasn’t in the book, but she was
added after she scored. After a 10-minute delay
and dispute among the coaches, scorers’ table
and referees, the Cadets were not assessed a
Still, the damage was done, and the Cadets
were unable to sustain their momentum. The
Mustangs took a narrow, 32-30 lead into the
locker room at halftime after forcing a turnover
and hitting a pair of free throws late in the half.
After halftime came two more unusual
glitches. First, St. John’s disputed who should
start the second half with possession. The
Cadets’ scorebook indicated that St. John’s
should have possession, yet the scoreboard
said it was McNamara’s ball. The Mustangs’
bookkeepers weren’t keeping track. The officials decided to go with the scoreboard.
After that dispute — which delayed the
start for seven minutes — a much bigger issue
arose: The shot clock above the Mustangs’
basket malfunctioned. After attempts to fix it
failed, the teams had a choice to make. They
See St. John’s/Page 12
12 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
From Previous
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The Current
Northwest Sports
Cadets rise over Falcons 74-60 in WCAC
Current Correspondent
Good Counsel walked into Gallagher Gymnasium
Sunday afternoon ready to grab the momentum from the
opening tip. At first, its chances against St. John’s
seemed rosy: The visiting Falcons hit a 3-pointer to take
an immediate lead. But the Cadets never flinched,
quickly erasing the setback and surging to the win.
With the 74-60 victory, St. John’s moved to 3-2 in the
ultracompetitive Washington Catholic Athletic
“We got out early in the first half and shot the ball
very, very well and really got our transition game going,”
said Cadets head coach Paul DeStefano. “In the second
half, [we were] a little tentative. Give Good Counsel a lot
of credit — their guards played very, very well and
really challenged us toward the end. Luckily, we were
able to finish the game out.”
The Cadets worked steadily to build a commanding
15-point lead by the end of the first half. Sophomore
guard Darian Anderson, who led the Cadets with 29
points overall, hit four of his five 3-pointers in the half.
In the second, the Falcons tried to chip into the lead,
but the Cadets responded each time with a basket, maintaining a double-digit lead until the end of the third
quarter. In the last minute of the third, the Falcons scored
nine points, including a momentum-swinging 3-pointer
to cut the lead to six as time expired.
In the fourth, the Falcons would get as close as five
points but never any closer. The Cadets’ defensive pressure, hot shooting and presence inside proved too much
for the Falcons to handle.
“We just had to slow down their guards, ... then the
bigs had to dominate because they didn’t have a lot of
bigs,” said junior Lennard Freeman, who notched 16
points and was six of eight from the free throw line.
Freeman punctuated the win with an emphatic slam
to score the last bucket for the Cadets with seconds
From Page 11
hit a jumper to put the Eagles ahead
36-30, but on the next play on
defense he committed his third
foul. By then both Jenkins and
Britt, who had four personal fouls
himself, were in danger of disqualification. Turner took an unconventional approach to the challenge,
seating the juniors sparingly.
Going into the fourth quarter, it
Matt Petros/The Current
St. John’s had a decisive win over WCAC foe Good
Counsel Sunday in Gallagher Gymnasium.
remaining. “I had to do it,” Freeman added. “I just ran
hard and then I was by myself and I just had to do it.”
was just a five-point game. Turner
trusted his junior duo to play despite
the fouls.
“In crunch time, you have to
forget about everything and play
smart basketball,” said Jenkins.
When you’re in foul trouble, “you
have to be aggressive, but you have
to pick and choose when you do it.”
Both Jenkins and Britt rewarded
Turner’s strategy with a 9-0 scoring
run in the final quarter that put the
game out of reach. Jenkins converted a 3-point play, Britt hit a trey
From Page 11
opted to play with no shot clock — a disadvantage for
the Cadets, who prefer to push the tempo on offense and
use the time limit as help on defense — and a 10-second
limit in the back court.
“It definitely hurts us. We want and need to play with
a shot clock — it’s our style,” Scribner said. “We like to
get up and down, and our defense likes to pressure teams
into difficult shots at the end of shot clocks. It takes away
from the style we want to play.”
But again, he didn’t use it as an excuse. “At the end
of the day, none of it matters. We didn’t defend well
enough today. Shot clock or no shot clock, it doesn’t
Scribner huddled his team together to explain the rule
changes and to stress that the shot clock was irrelevant.
“Let’s play the way we play so it’s not even a factor,” he
The Mustangs tried to stall at times, which forced the
Cadets to play more aggressively on defense. That tactic
and then Jenkins added in a 3-point
shot for good measure. Neither
player committed a fifth foul while
they worked to put the game out of
the Knights’ reach.
“Those two are our leaders,”
Tuner said. “They know how to
make adjustments and to make sure
they don’t pick up that last [foul],
and we trust them. When they got
in foul trouble, they did a great job
of not getting those late fouls, to be
able to stay in the game and make
plays for us.”
backfired when the Mustangs burned the defenders and
had a free run at the rim.
Despite the difficulties, the Cadets held a slim 64-61
lead with 1:43 to play.
But the Mustangs cut it to 64-63 with a pair of free
throws. The Cadets then committed a critical turnover
with 36 seconds left, giving the Mustangs an extra possession. McNamara took advantage with a driving layup
to take a 65-64 lead with 13 seconds to play.
With the game on the line, Allen was fouled and went
to the charity stripe. The junior nonchalantly hit two of
her free throws to give the Cadets a 66-65 lead. But the
Mustangs used the last seven seconds to win the match
with a buzzer-beating shot in the lane.
“She got over a trap we were trying to set up and
crossed over into the middle of the floor,” senior guard
Mooriah Rowser said of the Mustangs’ game-winning
play. “When a good player is in the middle like that, they
have the freedom to do whatever they want.”
Rowser and Allen combined to score 33 points, while
junior forward Tori Oliver added 12.
The Cadets will look to bounce back from their heartbreaking defeat when they travel to Holy Cross Friday.
The People and Places of Northwest Washington
January 11, 2012 ■ Page 13
Local environmentalist
shares his ‘Year of Stuff’
Current Staff Writer
teve Ma’s “Year of Stuff” list
gives some indications of how
his 2011 went.
He got engaged (his fiancée
gave him a stone necklace from
New Zealand). He got seasick on a
ferry while visiting her there (he
splurged on Sea-Legs, an anti-nausea pill.)
He taught a class on social
change at American University
(foldable photo cube as a thank-you
gift), he played flag football (free
Hoosiers shirt), and his cat needed
discipline ($50 wooden gate).
Every time Ma, the founder of
Live Green DC, bought or received
an item last year, he wrote about it
on a public blog.
He did so, he said, “as a way to
put my money where my mouth
Live Green, which Ma launched
in 2008, is a membership organization that connects consumers to
local green businesses and offers
the members weekly discounts.
To back a company that aims to
make green living “easy and
affordable” for locals, Ma thought
he needed to look closely at his
own behavior. “We don’t like to
offer suggestions that we wouldn’t
do ourselves,” he said in a recent
interview at his Lanier Heights
Ma was satisfied with many of
his lifestyle choices — he’s been a
vegan for 20 years, and he doesn’t
use a car — but he’d really never
taken stock of all of his “stuff.”
“Material goods I didn’t put a
particular focus on until this year,”
he said.
At the start of 2011, he decided
the blog would be a good way to
force himself to think more carefully about the items he purchased and
acquired. “I knew if I made it public, it would make [my choices]
more intentional,” he said.
His goal was to be conscious of
“the ripple effect” of his acquisitions — whether they came from
eco-friendly sources, and the
Photos courtesy of Steve Ma
Steve Ma posted every item he acquired in 2011 on a public blog, which encouraged him to make fewer
and greener purchases. Left, the four books he got last year and the gate he bought because of his cat.
impact they could have on the environment.
Through the year, Ma documented every single material item
that came into his life, with the
exception of food, services and
business-related fees. He included
pictures, costs and details on where
the item came from.
By New Year’s, the inventory
was complete.
Ma spent $913 on material
items in 2011. Among the items he
bought for himself were bike
brakes, a used pair of jeans from
Goodwill, detergent, a copy of the
Street Sense newspaper, toilet
paper and vitamins. He also spent
some money on others —
Christmas toys for his niece and
nephews and Café Green gift cards
as a Superbowl party prize.
The tally is low, in part, because
Ma came across a lot of stuff for
free — tennis balls and Steelers
paraphernalia from friends, for
example, and a replacement hard
drive that Dell gave him gratis.
And the figure doesn’t include
what he calls his “biggest purchase
of the year” — an engagement ring
for his fiancée, Elli Nagai-Rothe,
the cost of which he opted not to
disclose publicly.
But the blog itself also encourSee Stuff/Page 28
Group raising funds to open D.C.’s first wildlife-rehabilitation center
Current Staff Writer
ocal residents may be unaware of a
growing population inside the urban
jungle: wild animals.
As suburban and rural areas see increased
development, animals native to the region are
squeezed out of their natural habitats.
Coyotes, foxes and raptors are among those
finding their way to the heart of the city by
following Rock Creek.
And that shift brings new dangers for wild
animals looking to acclimate to the city: Cars
hit them, unfamiliar animals attack them, and
birds are injured when they fly into windows.
When a domestic pet is hurt, it goes to a
local vet. But what do you do if you come
across a bird with a broken wing or a turtle
that’s been injured crossing the street?
That’s where City Wildlife comes in.
The local nonprofit, established in 2008,
is dedicated to assisting orphaned and injured
wild animals — and to accomplish that goal,
the group is working to establish the first-
Courtesy of City Wildlife
City Wildlife is working to help local
animals as it awaits its new facility.
ever wild animal rescue and rehabilitation
center in the District.
“More than 1,700 wild animals are picked
up each year by D.C.’s Animal Control,” said
City Wildlife president Anne Lewis. “But
there aren’t any licensed wildlife vets here in
D.C., so the animals are taken to Second
Chance Wildlife Center in Gaithersburg.
Animal Control can’t run out there every
time they pick up a new animal because it
can take two or three hours round trip, so the
injured wait for care during what can be a
critical time, and some animals don’t make
“We desperately need a rehab center in
D.C. that can provide specialized care — for
Animal Control, for residents and for the
wildlife,” Lewis continued.
Her group is now one step closer to reaching that goal. Late last year, the organization
found what Lewis calls the perfect location
for the rehabilitation center: a 3,100-squarefoot warehouse on the campus of the
Washington Animal Rescue League at 15
Oglethorpe St. NW.
“People know where it is, and it’s accessible,” said Lewis, who also happens to be a
retired architect. She’s drafting plans for the
new space as she simultaneously works with
volunteers to raise the approximately
$300,000 to $350,000 the group estimates it
will take to operate the center each year.
“The beauty of having a facility is that it
serves as a way to get people interested in
wildlife,” said Lewis. “If someone brings an
injured animal in, we can teach them, engage
them. The center becomes a teaching tool.”
In the meantime, City Wildlife is already
helping a few special species. The organization has two rescue programs: Lights Out
D.C., which works to prevent migrating birds
from flying into tall glass buildings downtown and to rescue birds that do get injured;
and Quack FAQs, a program that helps
trapped mother ducks and their ducklings
find nutrient water sources so the ducklings
In Lights Out D.C., City Wildlife works
with property owners downtown, asking
them to turn off their lights after 11 p.m. during bird migrating season, which takes place
for several weeks in the spring and fall.
“People are always surprised to learn
about the problem with migratory birds hitting buildings in our city,” said City Wildlife
vice president Jim Monsma, who used to
See Wildlife/Page 28
14 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Current
Spotlight on Schools
Aidan Montessori School
Mrs. York’s upper elementary
class (fourth through sixth grade)
celebrated its annual Poetry and Tea
event. Each student recites a poem
in front of most of the teachers and
The sixth-graders recited a
Spanish poem, and the fourth- and
fifth-graders read or recited the
English translation.
This year, students had the
option to also read or recite their
own poems. There seemed to be a
couple of themes with the poems
this year: creepy, nature and silly.
Fifth-grader Eva Gondelman
said, “I really liked Poetry and Tea
this year because the variety of
poems were very interesting, especially mine. I recited ‘Ode to
Tomatoes’ by Pablo Neruda.”
Sixth-grader Sofia Brown said,
“I enjoyed my last Poetry and Tea. I
liked hearing everybody’s poems,
and then having the after-party. I
recited ‘These Precious Things’ by
Howard Alexander and Billy
After everybody’s lovely performances, it was time for the afterparty, or the tea part of the day.
There were many delicious snacks
and a large array of tea.
Fourth-grader Marshall
Cooperman said, “It was fun. I had
a really good time, and the snacks
and tea were delicious. I recited
‘The Land of Counterpane’ by
Robert Louis Stevenson.”
— Josie Schiffer, fourth-grader,
and Lucia Braddock,
Beauvoir School
In third grade, we did an art
project called “This Land is Your
Land.” Each class did different
paintings. For instance, the
Snapping Turtles painted the
Golden Gate Bridge and lighthouses. The Tasmanian Devils painted
the Statue of Liberty, the Jumping
Beans painted the Grand Canyon,
and the Thunderbirds painted farms.
To start the painting project, first
we sketched the paintings that we
chose from a variety of pictures.
Then we sketched the outlines of
the landscape such as the water,
mountains and whatever was in the
background. In the next art class,
we started painting our pictures.
Then, we painted the main objects
of the painting like the Golden Gate
Bridge. It was so much fun to mix
colors and work on the project.
— Mary Morgan Lilley,
British School
of Washington
On Friday, we went to the
National Air and Space Museum
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. I
learned that the Wright Brothers’
first plane did not have seatbelts. It
was very dangerous. I heard that a
person rode on that plane and then
died because she fell out of the
I also learned that there is a
plane called an Albatross. It is a
plane, but you use your feet to
pedal like a bike. When using it to
fly across the channel, you need to
train yourself to not fall asleep
because otherwise you will die. We
learned lots about planes and how
some can do stunts. I loved the
— Mati Cerisola, Year 3 Atlanta
Janney Elementary
The Janney Jaguars girls basketball team played an intense game
against the Adams-Oyster Tigers in
Janney’s brand-new gymnasium on
Jan. 4.
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The score jumped back and forth
in the first half. At the end of the
third quarter, Adams-Oyster led
14-10. The score stayed that way
for most of the fourth quarter until
Janney fifth-grader Edmee BrownEgue made two foul shots and a
layup to tie the game, 14-14.
With 20 seconds left, Janney
called a timeout. The Jaguars went
up the court and Edmee made a
shot — but it was a second after the
buzzer, and the game went into five
minutes of overtime.
Fans for both teams cheered
loudly during the extra time.
Adams-Oyster’s fans waved pompoms. The score stayed the same
until 17 seconds remained, when
Edmee was fouled. She missed the
first foul shot but made the second
to give Janney the lead, 15-14.
In the final seconds, AdamsOyster came close to scoring but
was not successful. The buzzer
rang, and Janney fans streamed
onto the court in celebration. “When I was taking the second
[foul] shot, I knew that if I missed I
would disappoint Janney,” Edmee
said. “When I did score, it felt
Janney coach Elizabeth Koruda,
a second-grade teacher, said the
game “was really nerve-wracking
but exciting.”
Janney has girls and boys basketball teams for the first time in
three years. — Nicholas Spasojevic,
Hyde-Addison Elementary
The second-graders studied habitats in science, library and reading
this December. There are a lot of
different kinds of habitats: woodlands, rain forests, arctic tundras,
grasslands, deserts, oceans and even
city parks!
In library, some of the kids
studying oceans researched sea
lions, dolphins, sharks and whales.
We learned that whales eat their
food using baleen instead of teeth.
We read about adaptation, which is
how animals change to protect
themselves. Chameleons change
their colors and so do octopuses.
Sharks are the same color as water
because it is easier for them to
blend in. That also helps them hunt.
In science, we made dioramas.
That’s like a 3-D model. We used
fabric, cut-out pictures of animals,
pipe cleaners and clay to build our
habitats. Then we went on a field
trip to the “Animal Grossology”
exhibit at National Geographic.
There were lots of gross things: We
saw sea cucumbers squirt their guts
out of their bottoms, a mechanical
cow burping and pooping and dung
beetles rolling poop. We also
learned things like when beetles get
angry, they box — that’s why they
are also called boxing beetles. It
was gross but interesting. We
learned about different colors of
blood like blue, red and white. Did
you know that lobsters have blue
blood like many ocean animals?
Orcas are ocean animals, but they
have red blood because they’re
mammals. Most insects have white
blood, but a ladybug has yellow
— Second-graders
Maret School
Something fun about Mr. Stone’s
class in third grade is that there is a
very special game called
Trashketball. We have Trashketball
every Thursday in math.
There are two rounds of
Trashketball. Before the first round,
you have to do something mathrelated, like calculating problems,
working in your math book or
doing a worksheet. Next, you get to
take shots at the basket! There are
eight shots for Trashketball and two
teams. The Trashketball is a tennis
ball, which someone colored. Since
we have 15 students in our class,
someone will get a second turn.
The first team starts at the one
shot and if the player makes it, the
next person on the same team
shoots the two shot. If that person
misses it, the next person on the
same team shoots the one shot
again. Once the first team is done,
the second team goes. After that,
Mr. Stone calculates what shots
each team made so far.
After the first round, you do
more work that is math-related.
This time around, we usually work
in our Dalmatian books (our math
journal is called a Dalmatian book
because it has black and white spots
on it). When we’re done with that,
it’s time for the second round of
shots, and whichever team makes it
to the highest level of shots wins!
— Kasey Orava, third-grader
Murch Elementary
On the cold morning of Dec.8,
Murch Elementary had a preliminary Battle of the Books. Two
teams faced off in a simulated battle. The Battling Badgers of
Pattersonia (Mr. Patterson’s fourth
grade) faced off against the Dreaded
Dragons of Ottenville (Ms. Otten’s
fifth grade). It was a close fight.
The Battling Badgers answered a
question wrong, and it was the only
mistake they made. The Dragons
answered it correctly. The Dreaded
Dragons won 10-7.
See Dispatches/Page 15
The Current
From Page 14
During the assembly, third-,
fourth- and fifth-graders were
enlisted to read a range of books,
and in March they will compete in a
Battle of the Books. Homerooms
will face other homerooms to
answer questions about the books
they read.
It is rumored that the Battle of
the Books goes back to the 1930s,
when it was part of a Chicago radio
program. Today it is a reading program for elementary, middle and
high schools. Books are selected
over a range of reading levels and
genres. Over winter break, students
begin reading the books. When we asked Principal
Cebrzynski what he thought of the
Battle of the Books, he said, “It’s
fortunate to have Ms. Hope bring it
here. It is great.” English Language
Learners teacher Holly Hope started
Battle of the Books at Murch this
We want thee to read!
— Zach Crouch and
Noam Jacobovitz, fifth-graders
National Presbyterian
School Here’s a rundown of what’s
going on in the new year at
National Presbyterian School.
Every year, we do a musical,
which is open to fourth, fifth and
sixth-graders. This year’s production is “Aladdin.” Of course, everyone wants to be the hilarious genie.
Mr. Nolan, the long-term drama
substitute, is directing it along with
Mrs. Hull, the long-term music substitute, who will be in charge of the
music part.
Also, basketball has just started
back up. We have a boys team and
a girls team. They are made up of
fifth- and sixth-graders.
Now to our oldest grade in the
school, sixth grade. The students
just took a really big test, the SSAT,
on Jan. 4, so they could get into a
new school after this one. The test
took the whole morning to complete.
Finally, our school is hosting an
Alumni Movie Night. We sure are
keeping busy around here in 2012.
Happy new year from National
Presbyterian School!
— Nina Carter, fifth-grader
St. Ann’s Academy
During the second quarter, the
seventh grade has had many amazing activities. We had our Christmas
concert. Some of the songs sung by
our class were “Jingle Bell Rock”
and “Rockin’ Around the Christmas
We also went on many field
trips, one being a trip to the
National Geographic Society to see
a movie about the Roman Empire.
We also went ice-skating at the
National Gallery of Art Sculpture
For many students, this was their
first time ice-skating and so the students who knew how to skate
helped those who didn’t. We sure
had a lot of falls and laughs. We
ended up with a nice lunch in
Chinatown. This trip will give us
many fond memories.
In social studies with Mr. Kane,
we are learning about the Roman
Empire. In Spanish, we are getting
ready for a quiz on time, place and
food. In science, we are going to do
a DNA test on strawberries. Yum!
In religion, we are getting ready for
a test on the 10 Commandments
and mortal/venial sin along with the
two greatest commandments. In
language arts, we are learning how
to write a thesis statement.
So far, this has been a great
school year.
— Claudia Silva and Victoria Dos
Santos, seventh-graders
School Without Walls
On Jan. 3, I arrived at Metro
Center and joined a slow-moving,
massive line that contained students
not only from Walls, but from all
across the city. At the line’s end
waited the Metro sales office.
Waiting in that line was unpleasant but essential. Student transit
passes are no longer sold at Walls.
Now, they can only be purchased at
the sales offices.
The pass is a necessity. For $30,
students ride “free” for a month.
Without it, even taking one bus to
school and one back costs more
than $15 a week.
Before purchasing a pass, student IDs have to be registered,
forms have to be filled out and
paperwork must be turned in. But
this only has to be done once.
On Tuesday, many of us at Walls
found ourselves in an uncomfortable position. I was informed that
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
the leniency period allowing people
to buy passes without forms ended
with 2011. Paperwork is now
required, each and every time. No
one, not the Walls administration,
not the school system administration, and most of all, not Metro,
informed students that leniency had
existed. Like many others, I was
forced to return the next day.
Metro singlehandedly controls
the means for a vast majority of students to get to school. It is a relationship that should not be abused.
There needs to be better communication between Metro and its riders.
There needs to be a change. — Keanu Ross-Cabrera,
Shepherd Elementary
During the winter break, I went
Christmas shopping with my mother, my sister and my grandmother. I
played with my sister’s new
Nintendo DSi and my American
Girl doll. I also started working on
my science project for the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration Science Fair. I sold
Girl Scout cookies for my troop.
And I got to see the “Ice! Merry
Madagascar” exhibit at National
Harbor. The huge ice sculptures
were really beautiful. The exhibit
had lights inside the ice — it was
amazing! We watched a preview of
the movie “Merry Madagascar,”
and a short clip explaining how the
ice sculptures are made. The sculpting artists came from China. It took
2 million pounds of ice to complete
this exhibit. I also saw ice sculptures of the Nativity scene with
baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The
best part was the lighted ice slide!
— Sophia-Rose Herisse,
& D O O X V W R V K D G R Z D V W X G H Q W D Q G E H D 7L J H U I R U D ' D \ % U D G O H \ % R X O H Y D U G ‡ 3 R W R P D F 0 D U \ O D Q G ‡ Z Z Z K R O \ F K L O G R U J
16 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Current
in co-op bldg with “Old World Charm” & “Art
Deco Flair”. Units have high ceilings, sep DR,
HWFs, lots of closets and low fees! EZ transportation, 1 Blk to RC Park. Priced at $149K & $135K.
Denise Champion
Chevy Chase Office
RARE 828 SF 1BR, 1BA with fabulous city views.
Loads of closets, freshly painted, fully equipped
kitchen with loads of cabinets and counters: All
just a short distance to the Cleveland Park
METRO. Monthly fee includes utilities.
Jeffrey Kochan
Foxhall Office
RENOVATED! One of the Hill’s prettiest Streets
3BR, 1.5BA, Granite & SS KIT; Great MBA
w/glass tile; Sep finished Studio space in charming Backyard. Beautiful heart of pine floors; gas
FP; just a few blocks to Barracks Row, METRO &
Eastern Market.
Susan Fagan
Chevy Chase Office
BEAUTIFULLY RENOVATED colonial featuring
3 finished lvls, brand new Pergo flrs, designer
granite, FR of kit, screened in porch with set
down deck, LL feature in-law suite w/BA. So
much more!
Sintia Petrosian
Friendship Hts
ONE OF THE LAST large parcels on Mass Ave, this
Circa-1926 mansion sits on almost a half-acre next to
the VP’s residence. Mediterranean-style villa w/ chestnut paneling, two kitchens, and over 8,000 sqft of living space. Two-car garage w/ sep apt plus add’l prkg.
Terri Robinson
Denise Warner
Georgetown Office
ALL NEW 2 lvl condo lives live house. 1200sf,
2BR/2BA, open layout, maple flrs, great light, &
modern look inside and Victorian look outside.
Phil Di Ruggiero
Friendship Heights Office
STUNNING 1900 SF 2BR, 2BA Penthouse with
sweeping views, updated gourmet KIT, MBR ste
with sumptuous bath & ample closets, huge living & dining rooms, spacious private balcony, &
garage parking space in top notch building with
pool. View at
Roby Thompson
Woodley Park Office
NANTUCKET CHARMER! Rarely available 3 BR
2.5 BA home in sought after neighborhd close to
the Palisade Rec Ctr. Open kit to fam rm leading
to priv grdn & deck. MBR w/ marble BA, steam
shower & huge walk-in clost. Convenient nearby
transpo shopping & dining. 5205 Sherier Pl. NW
Terri Robinson
Georgetown Office
BEAUX ARTS BEAUTY. Pass through the
most beautiful lobby in Washington
when you come home to The Wyoming.
Corner 1BR w/high ceilings, wood floors,
good closet space, xtra stor. Pet OK, 24hr desk, great bldg roof deck. Nr Metro;
42 bus at the door. Call for info.
Joe Kelley
Woodley Park Office
MODERN designer’s dream. Centrally
located, stunning, one-of-a-kind masterpiece. Large functional spaces, huge windows, custom lighting & sound system.
Contemp appliances including Bulthaup,
Meile., SubZero & Gaggeneau. MBR w/
mini kitchette & frplc. LL in-law suite.
Yusef Khatib
Foxhall Office
service bldg with pool and gym.
Elaine Conroy
Woodley Park Office
1680 Wisconsin Ave. NW
5101 Wisconsin Ave. NW
3201 New Mexico Ave. NW
20 Chevy Chase Circle NW
SUNNY, spacious custom home renov
and expanded to include 1st floor Mste.
Double LR, double FRs and large eat-in
KIT. Sunny exposure & sited on 2 acre
lot in Avenel. Three car garage with circular driveway on a quiet street.
Nancy Itteilag
Foxhall Office
Lots of Sunlight, gorgeous HWFs and
conveniently located to Public Transp,
Dtwn Silver Spring & Metro, all this and
Gar PKG! Fee incl all utils, except phone
Walt Johnson
Chevy Chase Office
BROADMOOR Co-op, Top Flr. Beautiful
lge 1BR w/ lots of light & park views.
Updtd KIT w/new ss appls & gran
Counters. Sep Dining. HWFs, Freshly
Painted & Custom Bookcases. Full Serv
Bldg. Garage PKG to rent. Walk to Metro
& shops. 3601 Connecticut Ave NW.
John Mammano
Woodley Park Office
BROADMOOR Co-op. Beautiful & bright
1BR + den. Just bring your suitcase.
Updated KIT w/ New SS appls. Large
rooms, HWFs, Formal DR, Freshly painted, Good views & Many period details.
Indoor PKG Avail/rent. 1/2 blk to Metro
& shops. 3601 Connecticut Ave NW.
John Mammano
Woodley Park Office
2300 Calvert St.
HARBOUR SQUARE… Spacious S-facing
Co-op Unit w/spectacular river & pond
views. 2 Balconies, 2 Lg BR, 2BA, Approx
1200 SF, newly painted w/refin flrs &
loads of closet space. Sought-after community has Roof Deck & Olympic-size
pool. Under 2 blks to METRO!
Denise Champion
Chevy Chase Office
PRICE REDUCED! Just 3 blks to Farmers’
market & ½ mile to METRO. Charming
3-4BR, 2.5BA home has much to offer:
Updtd KIT, LR w/FP, formal DR, terrific
FR add’n w/PR on 1st flr. Fin LL w/ Rec
Rm, BR & BA. New CAC, pretty landscaping, inviting Front Porch, Rear Deck,
& OSP!
Julie Roberts
Chevy Chase Office
SUPER WOW! Literally sun-drenched,
rare top flr unit. Virtuallly new & totally
hip open flr plan.
Daryl Laster/
Lance Horsley
Friendship Heights
2BA with International flair: high ceilings, high gloss parquet floors, brand new
windows & atrium door to balcony/patio.
Freshly painted w/both a real DR & lightfilled eat-in KIT. Gracious, spacious!!
Elizabeth Russell
Foxhall Office
STUNNING 2 story PH at the Wooster &
Mercer. 2BRs, 2BAs, over 1800sf
w/soaring ceilings, incredible lights from
flr-to ceilings windows. A MUST SEE!!
Tom Spier
Friendship Heights
2BR, 1.5BA, w/Bsmt, 2-car PKG, govt
approved $1,300/mo. High rate of
return! 1 mile to 3 METRO stops.
Hope to sell with tenant in place.
Timothy Healy
Chevy Chase Office
BRIGHT END UNIT townhouse with
$499,204 3BR/4.5BA, built in 1990. Fully finished
TRULY GRACIOUS space!! True 3BR, on 4 levels. Large, open LR/DR with
southern light. Chef's kitchen. Master
suite & terrace with views of VA. Family
room opens to garden. 3 fireplaces.
Sauna. Elevator. Garage. 3242 Reservoir
Rd. NW
Scott Polk
Tamora Ilasat
202 460-0699
Georgetown Office
RENOVATED. 1 of only 2 units at
Sheffield w/private terrace leading
to grassy courtyard-perfect for pet
friendly bldg. Large windows, great
light, open plan. Large LR w/built-ins,
renov KIT w/granite, stainless, lots of
cabinets. MBR w/WIC, & 2nd large
closet. Updated bath. W/D. HWD.
Condo fee includes cable, HBO,
Showtime. FHA approved. Garage
Parking & storage included. 2320
Wisconsin Ave. NW #112
Kristen Bell Farman
Georgetown Office
$249,900 - $259,900
Light filled, fantastic condos in THE
from 1BR w/den or 2BR/2BA. Quality &
affordability, finished with stylish and
superior materials: gran, ss, HW & bamboo, CAC & W/D in each unit. Walk
to Metro!
804 Taylor St NW.
Christy Zachary
Woodley Park Office
OPEN HOUSE JAN. 15, 1-4PM. Stately
brick colonial home with slate roof and
circular driveway. Gracious entry foyer
with den, living room, formal dining,
kitchen and powder rooms on main
level. Dining room opens to screened
porch that overlooks private landscaped
garden. 4 bedroom and 4 full baths.
Fireplaces in living room and lower
level family room. 0.25 acre on quiet
street. 4020 51st Street NW
Roberta Theis
Georgetown Office
SPECTACULAR, Bright & Especially
Large. Huge 2BR, 1BA situated in the
heart of the SW Waterfront with a modern open floor plan, WICs galore, and a
top of the line Chef's KIT complete
with granite and stainless steel. Full
Home is Sun-Filled and offers both East
and West Exposures / Spectacular Sunrise
and Sunset Views & a View/The National
Cathedral! So much more!
Connie Parker
Friendship Heights
to all levels of this classic Westover TH.
Move-in condition. Open floor plan
offers elegant kitchen/dining on one level,
gracious large LR. Mste includes French
doors to balcony too!! Assigned parking.
Nancy Itteilag
Foxhall Office
FABULOUS FURNISHED 1 BR penthouse w/spectacular views of the western
Georgetown skyline. Renov to the high
end with granite and hardwd flrs.
Gourmet kit, stainless steel appliances.
Sep dining area with French doors opening to large balcony. Garage prkg included in rent. 2555 Pennsylvania Ave #1011
Derry Haws
Long and Foster
A Look at the Market in Northwest Washington
January 11, 2012 ■ Page 17
Renovated Brightwood home is bright, clean slate
ome buyers — particularly
first-timers — looking for
single-family homes in
Northwest that won’t break the
carol buckley
bank typically concentrate on a
handful of neighborhoods. Among
them are Petworth and
Brightwood, both offering collections of pre-war housing that are
attracting investors and do-it-yourself renovators alike.
Just beyond Petworth’s northern
border, this Brightwood end-unit
property, built in 1924, has been
thoroughly updated, and the result
is a bright, clean slate for new
The entry from the grayish-tan
brick exterior opens into an openplan living and dining space divided by a central stair.
Original hardwood floors can
be found here and throughout
much of the home. Because the
property is semi-detached, windows line the length of the ground
floor, bringing in loads of light
even on an overcast winter day.
Beyond the hardwood-lined living room is another bright space.
The sunroom was once a screened
porch but is now an all-season spot
ideal as a casual living room; a
wall niche makes a nice location
for a television.
On the other side of the stair,
double windows let sunshine flood
the dining room and the adjacent
kitchen, which is also bright thanks
to a window and French doors
leading to a deck, the home’s rear
yard and a parking pad beyond.
The renovated kitchen balances
warm and cool tones and yields a
modern sensibility that retains a
homey touch. Stainless-steel appliances set amid wood cabinetry
include a gas stove, and granite
counters in a warm neutral offer
plenty of prep space for the cook.
A trio of doors just beyond the
kitchen add tons of utility to the
home: A half bath, coat closet and
storage with washer-dryer hookups wait behind them.
The trek upstairs offers plenty
of visual interest as it turns past an
exposed brick wall that’s been
painted a warm white.
Period details other than original floorboards wait on this level,
including fixed transoms above
bedroom doors.
The master bedroom is sunny
and sizable; a translucent door to
Carol Buckley/The Current
This end-unit home on Longfellow Street in Brightwood is
priced at $449,900. An open house will take place Sunday.
the master bath is a smart way to
visually maximize space.
The bath is also roomy, with a
spa tub and separate shower stall
lined in marble tiles, as is the floor.
A large closet has been fitted with
custom shelving, as have other
storage spots here.
A second sizable bedroom features exposed brick, also painted
white, that acts almost as molding
on the upper portion of the space.
It connects to a full bath that also
has a door to the hallway.
A third spot here could be a
bedroom, home office or more; it
lacks a window but gets natural
light through a skylight.
A finished basement lends itself
to use as a casual living spot or as
an in-law suite, thanks to plumbing
and wiring installed for a kitchen
here. A full bath, entrance to the
rear yard and closet with a washer
and dryer are also on this floor.
As development in the area
continues, particularly on Georgia
Avenue, this location is becoming
surrounded by more and more
amenities, including the proposed
This three-bedroom, 3.5-bath
home at 500 Longfellow St. is
offered for $449,900. An open
house will be held Sunday from 1
to 4 p.m. For details, contact
Realtor Dina Paxenos with Keller
Williams Capital Properties at 202256-1624 or dina@dinapaxenos.
18 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Current
Northwest Real Estate
From Page 3
transcripts or apply for financial aid.
Many of them “simply think college is not
obtainable,” he said. “But when they’re
exposed to it, they suck it up.”
From Page 5
year, it required that crews go one
block into residential neighborhoods
on Saturdays, Sundays and
Mondays, according to executive
director Kristen Barden. Although
she said the contracts aren’t directly
comparable, the BID will spend
$28,000 more on litter pickup in
2012 than it did in 2011.
“The board was overwhelmingly
supportive of doing this,” Barden
said. “They have all heard these
complaints from residents for a long
The broader litter cleanup pro-
A crowd of skeptical reporters at the press
briefing questioned details of both bills. Who
would pay for the tests, one asked. And isn’t
college unrealistic or unnecessary for those
who want to pursue a trade or construction
Brown stood his ground. He said most private schools require every student to take the
gram is typically funded by a mixture of BID funds — which come
from local businesses — and D.C.
grants. The city’s Department of
Small and Local Business
Development provided $90,000 of
the total $178,000 contract.
The additional $28,000 was shifted from the BID’s security budget,
where it would have been used to
hire extra private guards and
Metropolitan Police Department
officers on such special events as St.
Patrick’s Day. “We’ve heard from
the membership over the years that
security is less of a concern, and that
they’d rather have us spend money
on marketing and cleaning, and
we’re doing that,” said Barden.
! " # SAT or ACT, and District students should be
held to the same expectations. “It’s OK to
encourage kids to have high standards,” he
said. “I don’t see anything wrong with increasing the number of District students who apply
to college.”
Noting a current high school graduation
rate of only 57 percent in the District, he said,
From Page 1
we need to get enforcement in
Since 1922, the District has
required property owners to clear
their adjacent sidewalks after a
snowstorm. But under current law,
the process for enforcement — city
workers will clear the snow-covered
sidewalk, then go to court to seek
reimbursement, even if it requires a
lien on the property — is so convoluted that scofflaws virtually never
face a penalty.
Cheh’s bill, co-sponsored by
Tommy Wells of Ward 6, would
instead impose fines, although the
dollar amount has been halved since
last year’s non-action on the bill.
Proposed fines are now $25 for residents, and $125 for commercial
property owners. Warnings will go
out first, and fines will be issued
only once per day, under the softened bill.
In addition, the executive branch
will set up an exemption system for
those — senior citizens and the disabled, for example — who can’t
shovel. During debate Jan. 4, Cheh
agreed that no penalties will be
imposed until the exemption system
is in place.
Other cities have similar side-
“for all those who say this won’t work, doing
nothing in this city hasn’t worked for 30
Brown said details will be hashed out during the legislative process and with D.C.
Public Schools officials. Although charter
schools are not included in the legislation,
Brown said he expects some to follow suit.
walk-shoveling laws, some with
steeper fines, Cheh and Wells said.
Cheh argued that clear sidewalks
are “vitally important for all those
who walk.” She spoke of children
forced to walk in the street because
sidewalks near schools are not shoveled, and of seniors without cars
who are homebound after a heavy
snow. And if not shoveled promptly,
she noted, the snow can turn to ice,
making travel even harder.
“This is not a novel idea,” Cheh
said. “This law has been on the
books since 1922. Now it’s time to
enforce it.”
Still, the legislation has been
mired in complaints. Critics have
said the proposed fines would seem
like just another tax, punishing
seniors, the disabled and even small
businesses. They’ve argued that the
city and federal governments should
shovel their own properties first
before residents are fined. And they
worry that city workers have more
important tasks than handing out
tickets to shoveling scofflaws.
Ward 1 member Jim Graham,
who refused to move the same bill
two years ago when he chaired the
committee on public works, listed
his concerns: Who will write the
tickets? Who gets the ticket — the
property owner or the tenant? What
about poor people who can’t afford a
shovel — or a fine?
“Nobody wants to see gaps in the
sidewalk, but once we start issuing
fines, expect a very strong reaction,”
Graham warned. “I’m not sure if it
will result in clearer sidewalks. This
is just going to be a lot more people
paying money to the District government.”
Muriel Bowser of Ward 4 echoed
him. “My concern is parking
enforcement officers kind of
marauding the neighborhood giving
out tickets. There is a perception,
among people who live here and pay
taxes, that the government is nickling and diming them again and
The worst offenders, several
members said, are federal and D.C.
agencies that don’t clear sidewalks
around their property — parks and
schools, for example — but would
not be subject to the new fines.
The National Park Service has
acknowledged that it doesn’t have
funding to clear its many parcels of
parkland in the city. And as for the
city itself, Cheh said her bill would
not apply. “We’re not going to fine
ourselves. But it’s clear the District
government has to do a better job.”
The bill passed on first reading
— with Bowser, Graham and Ward
8 member Marion Barry voting no
— after Ward 2’s Jack Evans moved
to close debate. “We’ve been talking
about this forever,” Evans said.
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The CurrentW
ednesday, January 11, 2012
From Page 1
motion says, quoting Economides.
In December, according to papers
filed by the city, Economides left a
message with the D.C. Department
of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs
saying “the project is at a standstill
[because] everyone anticipated a
number when permits were issued
and we have had some bids come in
at over $750,000. Part of the agreement we made with the District is as
long as we got started there is no end
date. And with these types of numbers coming in, this could be a long
But assistant attorneys general
Maureen Zaniel and Fernando
Rivero reject that argument.
“Apparently, the defendant thinks he
can do something — or nothing —
on his own timetable,” they say in
their motion to reopen the case, filed
with Judge Judith Bartnoff in midDecember.
“Under no conceivably charitable reading of the Settlement
Agreement did the District agree
that, once the defendants commenced construction, they could
take one, five, ten, twenty years to
complete the work on their retaining
wall,” the District’s lawyers wrote.
They said cost is not a basis for stopping work and allowing “zoning
violations to persist.”
Ted Gest, spokesperson for
Nathan’s office, said it’s now up to
Judge Bartnoff to decide whether to
hold a hearing on the motion, or to
rule directly.
Economides’ wall has a tortured
history. He got permits in 2002 to
build a “retaining wall.” Neighbors
alarmed at the big block wall in the
narrow park appealed to the city
Board of Zoning Adjustment two
years later. After months of hearings,
the zoning board in 2006 ruled the
wall is actually “an artificially elevated platform structure” violating
❝Nothing visible has
happened at all. Zippo,
— Spence Spencer
setback requirements as well as a
zoning overlay intended to preserve
trees and delicate slopes in Wesley
During the proceedings, a geotechnical engineer for the National
Park Service described the wall,
with its 6,000 cubic yards of fill dirt
and concrete footings inches from
federal parkland, as a “mechanically
stabilized earth structure.” Park
Service witnesses also said they
feared it would block sunlight in the
park, creating a “dead zone” in the
vegetation below.
Economides appealed to the D.C.
Court of Appeals, which in 2008
also turned him down. Along the
way, Economides, a developer himself, was also charged with multiple
building code violations for demolishing part of an old house on the
property without proper permits in
order to build a grander new home.
That case also remains unresolved.
Instead, District attorneys last
year negotiated a legal settlement
that requires Economides to take
down the big wall “in a timely fashion” and replace it with a series of
4-foot-high retaining walls to create
a terraced backyard. Economides
agreed not to sue the District for
erroneously permitting the wall in
the first place, and District lawyers
agreed to drop the criminal case
involving building code violations.
Federal park officials, who intervened in the case to protect the narrow strip of parkland, which connects to Battery Kemble Park,
accepted that approach after experts
agreed it would address stormwater
problems and respect park boundaries. The settlement agreement,
signed this May, stipulated that construction would start in August.
But inspections by the regulatory
department in late September and
again in December, “revealed that no
work had been performed on the
retaining wall,” according to the
District’s motion.
“Nothing visible has happened at
all. Zippo, bupkus,” said Spence
Spencer, immediate past president of
the Palisades Citizens Association,
one of the neighborhood groups that
fought doggedly over the years to
get the wall taken down.
Today, said Spencer, “nothing is
growing in the area since there is no
sunlight. There are big stormwater
runoff issues in the park as well.”
Now city attorneys are waiting to
see if Bartnoff reopens the case.
“The agreement does have a provision that would allow us to re-file
criminal charges, but we’re not
going to speculate about the chances
of that happening,” said spokesperson Gest.
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plumbing I trim work I cabinets I carpentry I tile work I exterior wood repairs I drywall repair I painting I electrical work
From Page 5
the site before a sale takes place, to
ensure that new owners are aware of
the extent of possible uses. Lewis
said the neighborhood commission
will work with the city’s Office of
Planning to get that decision made
as soon as possible.
Asked if the government would
be willing to delay the sale until the
zoning classification, Sheckler said
probably not.
Lewis emphasized that many
residents hope part of the site will
become parkland, which would create a better connection between
Rock Creek Park and the new
Georgetown Waterfront Park.
One resident asked Sheckler if
the government could split the property into two parts, one for a park
and one for prospective development. “It’s typically not our practice
to do that,” he responded, but later
said it might be possible.
The federal government declared
the property, a 1948-built steam
plant that operated until 2000 as a
backup to other federally owned
facilities, “excess” late last year.
Before deciding to sell it, Sheckler’s
agency offered the site to other federal and local government entities,
and investigated whether it could be
used to house the homeless.
The government is currently
completing an environmental assessment of the site.
The buyer will undoubtedly face
problems with lead paint, Sheckler
said. But he said there shouldn’t be
any need for serious ground remediation, despite part of the site’s history as a coal yard.
Asked about the possibility of
coal pollution, Sheckler said:
“We’ve done sampling on the site.
… At this point, we don’t see a significant cleanup.”
Sheckler said there will probably
be an online auction for financially
qualified potential buyers, conducted after the government analyzes the
property’s value. The price evaluation will be based on several different zoning assumptions, he said, and
will be kept secret.
A public forum on the issue has
been scheduled for Jan. 26 at
Georgetown Visitation Preparatory
School, 1524 35th St. NW.
20 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Wednesday, Jan. 11
Wednesday january 11
■ A weekly workshop will offer instruction
in “Sahaja Yoga Meditation.” 7 p.m. Free.
West End Neighborhood Library, 1101 24th
St. NW. 202-724-8707.
■ Composer, singer
and songwriter Pierre de
Gaillande and his band
will perform English versions of songs by iconic
French poet/singer
Georges Brassens. 6
p.m. Free. Millennium
Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.
■ The Chris Byars Octet and pianist
Freddie Redd will perform jazz selections. 8
p.m. $15 to $25. Atlas Performing Arts
Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993.
Discussions and lectures
■ Eric Kaufmann of Birkbeck College,
London, will discuss “Shall the Religious
Inherit the Earth?” 4 to 6:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Mortara Building,
Georgetown University, 36th and N streets
NW. [email protected].
■ Richard Pomfret, adjunct professor of
international economics at the School of
Advanced International Studies Bologna
Center, will discuss “Alternative Future
Economic Scenarios for Central Asia.” 5:30
p.m. Free; reservations required. Rome
Building Auditorium, Johns Hopkins University
School of Advanced International Studies,
1619 Massachusetts Ave. NW.
[email protected].
■ Gina A. Rudan will discuss her book
“Practical Genius: The Real Smarts You Need
to Get Your Talents and Passions Working for
You.” 6:30 p.m. Free. Barnes & Noble, 555
12th St. NW. 202-347-0176.
■ David Major, retired FBI supervisory
special agent and director of counterintelligence, intelligence and security programs,
will discuss “2011 Espionage Debrief: A
Worldwide Year in Review.” 6:30 p.m. $15.
International Spy Museum, 800 F St. NW.
■ Hicks Stone, the youngest son of architect Edward Durell Stone and author of his
biography, will discuss the breadth of his
father’s life and career. A book signing will
follow. 6:30 to 8 p.m. $20. National Building
Museum, 401 F St. NW. 202-272-2448.
■ Linda Voris, assistant professor of liter-
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The Current
Events Entertainment
ature at American University, will discuss
“Gertrude Stein: A Writer Is a Writer Is a
Writer.” 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. $35. S. Dillon
Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive SW. 202633-3030.
■ Former
Washington Post columnist Donna Britt will discuss her book “Brothers
(and Me): A Memoir of
Loving and Giving.” 7
p.m. Free. Politics and
Prose, 5015
Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.
■ The Petworth Neighborhood Library will
present an episode of the documentary
series “Eyes on the Prize.” A discussion will
follow. 3:30 p.m. Free. Petworth
Neighborhood Library, 4200 Kansas Ave.
NW. 202-243-1188.
■ “The Met: Live in HD” will feature an
encore performance of the Metropolitan
Opera’s production of “Faust.” 6:30 p.m.
$18. AMC Mazza Gallerie, 5300 Wisconsin
Ave. NW.
■ A Kurdish film festival will feature
Shawkat Amin Korki’s 2009 film “Kick-Off,”
about refugees living in a soccer stadium in
Kirkuk. 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required.
Embassy of Austria, 3524 International Court
NW. 202-895-6776.
■ The Lions of Czech Film series will feature David Ondricek’s 2006 film
“Grandhotel.” 8 p.m. $11; $9 for students;
$8.25 for seniors; $8 for ages 12 and younger. Avalon Theatre, 5612 Connecticut Ave.
NW. 202-966-6000.
Sporting event
■ The Washington Capitals will play the
Pittsburgh Penguins. 7:30 p.m. $92 to $205.
Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328.
Thursday, Jan. 12
Thursday january 12
Book signing
■ George Norfleet will sign copies of his
book “A Pilot’s Journey,” about the Tuskegee
Airmen. Noon to 5 p.m. Free admission.
Museum Store, National Museum of
American History, 14th Street and
Constitution Avenue NW. 202-633-1000.
■ Electronic musician and vocalist Yoko
Kamitani will perform. 6 p.m. Free.
Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600.
Discussions and lectures
■ Joan Bradley Wages, president and
chief executive officer of the National
Women’s History Museum, will discuss
efforts to identify a site for the museum and
lobby Congress for a permanent facility.
11:30 a.m. $30. Woman’s National
Democratic Club, 1526 New Hampshire Ave.
NW. 202-232-7363.
■ Historian and human rights activist
Vadim J. Birstein will discuss his book
“Smersh: Stalin’s Secret Weapon: Soviet
Military Counterintelligence in WWII.” Noon.
Free. International Spy Museum, 800 F St.
NW. 202-393-7798.
■ Phillips Collection curator at large
Klaus Ottmann, author of “The Essential
Mark Rothko,” will discuss “Mark Rothko and
Color.” 6 p.m. Donation suggested. Phillips
Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202-3872151.
■ A gallery talk on “Evolution of a
Collector” will describe Duncan Phillips’ initial
dislike of the work of modern artists such as
Cézanne, Matisse and Picasso, and his later
decision to collect and champion their work.
6 and 7 p.m. Donation suggested. Phillips
Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202-3872151.
■ London-based architect Jim Eyre will
discuss the boundaries of art and science
through building scales. 6:30 to 8 p.m. $20.
National Building Museum, 401 F St. NW.
■ Savitri D, Bill Talen and Reverend Billy
will discuss the book “The Reverend Billy
Project, From Rehearsal Hall to Super Mall.”
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Free. Cullen Room,
Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th St. NW. 202387-7638.
■ PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley will
lead a panel discussion on “Remaking
America: From Poverty to Prosperity,” featuring Princeton University professor Cornel
West (shown), personal
finance expert Suze
Orman, filmmaker
Michael Moore, author
Barbara Ehrenreich,
poverty expert Jeffrey
Sachs, urban revitalization strategist Marjoa
Carter and Feeding America president Vicki
B. Escarra. 6:30 to 9 p.m. Free; reservations
required. Lisner Auditorium, George
Washington University, 730 21st St. NW.
■ Erik Demaine of the Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology will
discuss “Algorithms Meet Art, Puzzles, and
Magic.” 6:45 p.m. Free. Carnegie Institution
of Washington, 1530 P St. NW. 202-3286988.
■ Theoretical physicist and author
Lawrence Krauss will discuss “On the
Universe and Nothingness.” 6:45 to 8:15
p.m. $25. Baird Auditorium, National
Museum of Natural History, 10th Street and
Constitution Avenue NW. 202-633-3030.
■ The “Immigrants in America” book discussion series will delve into “Brother, I’m
Dying” by Elwidge Danticat. 7 to 8:45 p.m.
Free; reservations required. Cleveland Park
Neighborhood Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave.
NW. 202-282-3072.
■ Jodi Kantor will discuss her book “The
Obamas” in conversation with David Brooks.
7 p.m. $8 in advance; $10 on the day of the
event. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I St.
NW. 202-364-1919.
■ Randall T. Frost will discuss “The
Structure of Bowen Theory.” 7:30 p.m. Free.
Bowen Center for the Study of the Family,
Schein on piano. 7:30 p.m. $50. Embassy of
Austria, 3524 International Court NW. 202625-2361.
■ Journalist and
author Thomas W.
Lippman will discuss his
book “Saudi Arabia on
the Edge: The Uncertain
Future of an American
Ally.” 7 p.m. Free.
Politics and Prose, 5015
Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.
Thursday, january 12
■ Concert: The National Symphony
Orchestra and violinist Leila Josefowicz
will perform works by Debussy, Mackey
and Sibelius. 7 p.m. $20 to $85.
Concert Hall, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600. The concert will repeat
Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.
4400 MacArthur Blvd. NW. 202-965-4400.
■ “Classic Conversations” will feature
actor James Earl Jones and Shakespeare
Theatre Company artistic director Michael
Kahn. 8 p.m. $35. Sidney Harman Hall, 610
F St. NW. 202-547-1122.
■ The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at
American University will present the documentary “Chautauqua: An American
Narrative,” about the Chautauqua Institution
in western New York. A discussion will follow.
10 to 11:50 a.m. Free. Abramson Family
Recital Hall, Katzen Arts Center, American
University, 4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW.
■ The Alliance Française de Washington
will present Sylvain Chomet’s 2010 animated
film “The Illusionist.” 7 p.m. $9; $4 for students and seniors. Reservations required.
Letelier Theater, 3251 Prospect St. NW. 202234-7911.
■ The Topaz Hotel Bar’s weekly stand-up
show will feature local comics. 8 to 10 p.m.
Free. 1733 N St. NW. 202-393-3000.
■ Chris O’Brien, author of the book
“Fermenting Revolution:
How to Drink Beer and
Save the World,” will
lead a “tutored tasting”
of winter beers that
have been brewed in
ways that support their
surrounding communities. 7 p.m. $20 in advance; $23 on the day
of the event. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue,
600 I St. NW.
Friday, Jan. 13
Friday january 13
■ The Friday Morning Music Club will
present a concert of works by Franck, Ibert
and Kabalevsky. Noon. Free. Calvary Baptist
Church, 755 8th St. NW. 202-333-2075.
■ Philadelphia-based trombonist Jeff
Bradshaw will perform. 6 p.m. Free.
Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600.
■ The Embassy Series will present
“Schubert’s Birthday Celebration,” featuring
Earl Carlyss on violin, Kenji Bunch on viola,
John Patitucci on double bass and Ann
■ The Cleveland Park Chess Club will
review historical games, study scenarios and
play chess. 3:30 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park
Neighborhood Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave.
NW. 202-282-3080.
■ The Git-Hoan Dancers from
Washington state — comprised of members
of the Tsimshian, Haida and Tlingit nations of
southeast Alaska and led by carver David
Boxley — will perform traditional and contemporary dance wearing elaborately carved
masks. 12:30 and 2 p.m. Free. Potomac
Atrium, National Museum of the American
Indian, 4th Street and Independence Avenue
SW. 202-633-1000. The performance will
repeat Saturday at 2 and 4 p.m.
■ Theater Alliance’s “Hothouse on H”
series will feature a staged reading of
Nathan Louis Jackson’s “Broke-ology,” about
a loving African-American family facing its
troubles with humor, resiliency and grace. 7
p.m. Free. Capitol Hill Arts Workshop, 545
7th St. SE.
Special event
■ Sixth & I Historic Synagogue and
Turner Memorial African Methodist Episcopal
Church will present a Shabbat service commemorating the spirit and work of the Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Rabbi Abraham
Joshua Heschel. 7 p.m. $6; reservations
required. Sixth & I Historic Synagogue, 600 I
St. NW.
Sporting event
■ The Washington Capitals will play the
Tampa Bay Lightning. 7 p.m. $76 to $157.
Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328.
Saturday, Jan. 14
Saturday january 14
Children’s program
■ The “Saturday Morning at the National”
series will feature a performance by the
Revision Dance Collective. 9:30 and 11 a.m.
Free; tickets required. Helen Hayes Gallery,
National Theatre, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave.
NW. 202-783-3372.
■ Juliette G. Tahar will lead a class on
“Everyday Delicious Vegan Meals.” 10 a.m. to
noon. $25; reservations required. Smith
Center for Healing and the Arts, 1632 U St.
■ National Symphony Orchestra musicians Aaron Goldman, William Wielgus and
Janet Frank will present “Teddy and the Ten
Hats,” about a bear whose zany collection of
hats represents a variety of music from
Haydn to Sousa and beyond (for children
ages 3 through 5). 11 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
$18. Family Theater, Kennedy Center. 202467-4600.
■ The Mid-Atlantic Jazz Orchestra, featurSee Events/Page 21
ing students from premier collegiate jazz programs along the East Coast, will perform. 6
p.m. Free. Millennium Stage, Kennedy
Center. 202-467-4600.
■ The Capitol Hill Arts Workshop will host
a family concert by the youth of the
Bokamoso Youth Center in Winterveldt
Township near Pretoria, South Africa. 6 p.m.
Free; reservations required. Capitol Hill Arts
Workshop, 545 7th St. SE.
■ Singer Nancy
Scimone will perform
jazz selections. 7:30 to
11:30 p.m. Free. Blue
Bar Lounge, Henley Park
Hotel, 926
Massachusetts Ave. NW.
■ The Axelrod String Quartet and the Old
City String Quartet will perform works by
Haydn, Beethoven and Mendelssohn. 8 to 10
p.m. $31. Hall of Musical Instruments,
National Museum of American History, 10th
Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202633-3030. The performance will repeat
Sunday at 8:30 p.m.
■ Bettmann Dances will present “Quis
Custodiet,” about the issue of security and its
effect on creative expression. 7 p.m. $25;
$15 for students, teachers, seniors and artists. Woolly Mammoth Theatre, 641 D St.
■ The 19th annual NBC4 Health and
Fitness Expo will feature activities, exhibits,
health screenings, exercise classes and
cooking demonstrations. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Free. Washington Convention Center, 801
Mount Vernon Place NW. nbcwashington.
com. The expo will continue Sunday from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m.
■ “Paris to Fort Lee: French Filmmakers
and the American Industry” will feature
Étienne Arnaud’s 1912 film “Robin Hood,”
at 2:30 p.m.; and Maurice Tourneur’s 1915
film “Alias Jimmy Valentine,” at 4 p.m. Free.
East Building Auditorium, National Gallery of
Art, 4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Events Entertainment
Continued From Page 20
Discussions and lectures
■ “Flour Power” will explore how the city’s
last remaining 1800s grist mill used water
power to make flour and help advance the
Industrial Revolution. Noon and 2 p.m. Free.
Peirce Mill, Tilden Street and Beach Drive
NW. 202-895-6070.
■ Kenneth Pollack (shown) and Daniel
Byman will discuss their
book “The Arab
Awakening: America
and the Transformation
of the Middle East,” at 1
p.m.; and John M. Barry
will discuss his book
“Roger Williams and the
Creation of the American Soul: Church, State,
and the Birth of Liberty,” at 6 p.m. Free.
Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave.
NW. 202-364-1919.
■ Warren Perry, National Portrait Gallery
staffer and former Graceland tour guide, will
discuss his book “Echoes of Elvis: The
Cultural Legacy of Elvis Presley.” 2 p.m. Free.
National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets
NW. 202-633-1000.
■ Dance critic Alexandra Tomalonis will
use video of well-known ballets to help
explain the fine craft of making a ballet. 3
p.m. $15. Terrace Gallery, Kennedy Center.
■ Poet and Institute for Policy Studies
board chair E. Ethelbert Miller and political
analyst and playwright John Feffer will discuss “The Intersection of Art and Activism,”
followed by a sneak preview of Feffer’s
upcoming play “A Little Knowledge.” 5 to 7
p.m. Free. Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets,
1025 5th St. NW. 202-387-7638.
The Current
Special events
■ Chris Morganroth III, an elder of the
Quileute Tribe, La Push, Wash., will tell traditional stories and discuss how his tribe is
presented in the “Twilight” books and movies. 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Free. Rasmuson
Theater, National Museum of the American
Indian, 4th Street and Independence Avenue
SW. 202-633-1000.
■ David Boxley, a Tsimshian carver from
Metlakatla, Alaska, will unveil his specially
commissioned 22-foot totem pole, which tells
the story of Eagle and Young Chief. Noon.
Free. Potomac Atrium, National Museum of
the American Indian, 4th Street and
Independence Avenue SW. 202-633-1000.
■ The DC Anime Club and It’s Gosu will
present an afternoon of video game tournaments and anime screenings (for ages 13
and older). 2 to 5 p.m. Free. Room A-5 and
A-10, Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library,
901 G St. NW.
Sporting event
■ The Washington Wizards will play the
Philadelphia 76ers. 7 p.m. $10 to $500.
Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328.
Walks and tours
■ Native Washingtonian and freelance
writer Rocco Zappone will lead an interactive
“Walking Tour
as Personal
Essay,” filled
with his reminiscences and
impressions of a
lifetime in D.C.
10 a.m. or by appointment. $25. Meet at the
statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette
Square, 16th and H streets NW. 202-3415208.
■ A park ranger will lead ages 7 and
older on a vigorous winter hike in Rock Creek
Park. Noon. Free. Rock Creek Nature Center,
5200 Glover Road NW. 202-895-6070.
Sunday, Jan. 15
Sunday january 15
Children’s program
■ Children ages 5 and older will listen to
a story about writer, poet and art collector
Gertrude Steing and create a special piece of
art. 2 to 5 p.m. Free. National Portrait
Gallery, 8th and F streets NW. 202-6331000.
■ The All Points West Chamber Music
Ensemble will present a family concert. 11
a.m. Free; reservations required. Capitol Hill
Arts Workshop, 545 7th St. SE.
■ National Symphony Orchestra cellist
Yvonne Caruthers and a small ensemble will
present “Connections: MORE Language and
Music.” 1:30 and 4 p.m. $18. Family Theater,
Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.
■ The six-piece, Baltimore-based ensemble Jazz Caravan will perform. 4 p.m. Free.
Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, 1 Chevy
Chase Circle NW. 202-363-2202.
■ Mezzo-soprano Chrystal E. Williams
and pianist Lucas Wong will perform works
by Berlioz and others. 4 p.m. $20. Phillips
Collection, 1600 21st St. NW. 202-3872151.
Monday, january 16
■ Concert: The Kennedy Center and
Georgetown University will host their
annual “Let Freedom Ring” musical
celebration, featuring Grammy-winning
vocalist Bobby McFerrin and the Let
Freedom Ring Choir. 6 p.m. Free; tickets required. Concert Hall, Kennedy
Center. 202-467-4600.
■ The professional Choir of Christ Church
will perform works by Herbert Sumsion, H.K.
Andrews and Adam Drese as part of its
Choral Evensong series. 5 p.m. Free. Christ
Church, Georgetown, 31st and O streets NW.
■ Guest organist John Cannon from Fort
Collins, Colo., will perform. 5:15 p.m. $10.
Washington National Cathedral,
Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW.
■ A choir from the Refreshing Spring
Church of God in Christ in Riverdale, Md., will
perform gospel music in honor of the Rev.
Martin Luther King Jr. 6 p.m. Free.
Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600.
■ Americantiga, the National Gallery of
Art Chamber Players and soprano Rosana
Orsini will perform Brazilian and Portuguese
music. 6:30 p.m. Free. West Garden Court,
National Gallery of Art, 6th Street and
Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215.
■ Dahlak Restaurant will host its weekly
“DC Jazz Jam” session. 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Free. 1771 U St. NW. 202-527-9522.
Discussions and lectures
■ The Sunday Forum series will feature a
talk by Rabbi Harold White, Jewish spiritual
leader of the Interfaith Families Project of the
Greater Washington, DC Area and former
senior Jewish chaplain at Georgetown
University. 10 a.m. Free. St. John’s Episcopal
Church, Lafayette Square, 16th and H streets
NW. 202-347-8766.
■ Natalie Wexler will discuss her book
“The Mother Daughter Show,” at 1 p.m.; and
James G. Hershberg will discuss his book
“Marigold: The Lost Chance for Peace in
Vietnam,” at 5 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose,
5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.
■ Anne Markham Schulz, professor of art
history and architecture at Brown University,
will discuss “Woodcarving and Woodcarvers
in Late Medieval and Early Renaissance
Venice.” 2 p.m. Free. East Building
Auditorium, National Gallery of Art, 4th Street
and Constitution Avenue NW. 202-737-4215.
■ Fariba Nawa will discuss her book
“Opium Nation: Child Brides, Drug Lords, and
One Woman’s Journey Through Afghanistan.”
7:30 to 9 p.m. Free. Langston Room,
Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St. NW. 202387-7638.
■ “Maurice Tourneur: 1930s” will feature
the French-American director’s 1930 film
“Accusée, Levez-Vous!” 4:30 p.m. Free. East
Building Auditorium, National Gallery of Art,
4th Street and Constitution Avenue NW. 202737-4215.
■ Hip-Hop Cinema Cafe, Words Beats &
Life and the “Focus-In! Cinema for a
Conscious Community” series will present
Joshua Atesh Litle’s 2010 film “The Furious
Force of Rhymes.” 8 to 10:30 p.m. Free.
Cullen Room, Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th
St. NW. 202-387-7638.
■ Students from the St. Labre Indian
School in Montana will perform powwow-style
dances and drumming. Noon. Free. Potomac
Atrium, National Museum of the American
Indian, 4th Street and Independence Avenue
SW. 202-633-1000.
■ “Sunday Kind of Love” will feature
emerging and established poets, followed by
an open-mike segment. 5 to 7 p.m. Free.
Langston Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021
14th St. NW. 202-387-7638.
Sporting event
■ The Washington Capitals will play the
Carolina Hurricanes. 5 p.m. $78 to $157.
Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328.
■ A park ranger will lead ages 7 and
older on a vigorous winter hike in Rock Creek
Park. 10 a.m. Free. Peirce Mill, Tilden Street
and Beach Drive NW. 202-895-6070.
Monday, Jan. 16
Monday january 16
■ Sally Bedell Smith will discuss her book
“Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern
Monarch.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and Prose,
5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-364-1919.
■ The Washington Psychotronic Film
Society will present Steven Spielberg’s 1972
film “Something Evil.” 8 p.m. Donation suggested. McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon,
2401 Pennsylvania Ave. NW. 202-462-3356.
■ Theater J’s “Locally Grown Festival” will
feature a staged reading of Jacqueline
Lawton’s “The Hampton Years,” about a
Jewish professor and two students who struggle to create art at an all-black Virginia college amid World War II and segregation. 7:30
p.m. $10 to $30. Goldman Theater,
Washington DC Jewish Community Center,
1529 16th St. NW. 202-777-3210.
■ In honor of the Rev. Martin Luther
King, poets Carlos Parada, Kim Roberts and
Dan Vera will present dramatic readings of
speeches and poetry with a protest theme.
11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Free. Folger Shakespeare
Library, 201 East Capitol St. SE. 202-5447077.
Special event
■ “King in Our Midst” will feature interfaith dialogue and performances by groups
such as Malcolm X Dancers & Drummers, St.
Augustine Gospel Choir, poet Tony Keith,
Urban National H.I.P.-H.O.P. Choir,
Washington Performing Arts Society’s
Children of the Gospel Choir, and CityDance
with singers from School Without Walls. 2 to
4 p.m. Donation of a nonperishable canned
food item or a new children’s book requested. Washington National Cathedral,
Massachusetts and Wisconsin avenues NW.
Sporting event
■ The Washington Wizards will play the
Houston Rockets. 2 p.m. $10 to $475.
Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328.
Tuesday, Jan. 17
Tuesday january 17
Book signing
■ Allan Topol will sign copies of his book
“The China Gambit.” Noon. Free. Barnes &
Noble, 555 12th St. NW. 202-347-0176.
Classes and workshops
■ Arlington-based writer, book artist and
educator Sushmita Mazumdar will lead a
memoir-writing class. 10:30 a.m. to noon.
$10 per session. Iona Senior Services, 4125
See Events/Page 22
22 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Continued From Page 21
Albemarle St. NW. 202-895-9448, ext. 4.
■ Teacher and therapist Heather Ferris
will lead a weekly yoga class. Noon. Free.
Watha T. Daniel-Shaw Neighborhood Library,
1630 7th St. NW. 202-727-1288.
■ Yoga instructor Liz Nichols will lead a
six-week “Laughter Yoga” class that will combine deep breathing, stretching and laughter
exercises. 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. $10 per session. Iona Senior Services, 4125 Albemarle
St. NW. 202-895-9448, ext. 4.
■ Artist Chuck Baxter will lead a six-week
“Try Your Hand at Art” class. 2 to 4 p.m. $10
per session. Iona Senior Services, 4125
Albemarle St. NW. 202-895-9448, ext. 4.
■ The group Yoga Activist will present a
weekly yoga class geared toward beginners.
7 p.m. Free. Cleveland Park Neighborhood
Library, 3310 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-2823080.
■ An anniversary concert in memory of
legendary composer and recording artist
Debbie Friedman will feature local singers
Lisa Baydush, Sally Heckelman, Audrey Katz,
Teddy Klaus and Jill Moskowitz. 7:30 to 9
p.m. $15 in advance; $18 at the door.
Goldman Theater, Washington DC Jewish
Community Center, 1529 16th St. NW.
Discussions and lectures
■ The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at
American University will present a talk by
American University politics and journalism
professor and retired USA Today reporter
Richard Benedetto on “How the Obama
White House Manages the News Media.” 10
to 11:50 a.m. Free. Abramson Family Recital
Hall, Katzen Arts Center, American University,
4400 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 202-8954860.
The Current
Events Entertainment
■ Nichole N. Bridges, associate curator
for African art at the Baltimore Museum of
Art, will discuss “The Symbolic Elegance of
Lower Congo and Kuba Textiles.” Noon. Free.
Textile Museum, 2320 S St. NW. 202-6670441, ext. 64.
■ Cokie Roberts will discuss her book
“First of Hearts: Selected Letters of Mrs.
Henry Adams.” Noon. Free. McGowan
Theater, National Archives Building,
Constitution Avenue between 7th and 9th
streets NW. 202-357-5000.
■ A panel of Georgetown University faculty members will discuss “A Dream Deferred:
Dr. King’s Unfinished Campaign for Economic
Justice.” 4 p.m. Free; reservations required.
Copley Formal Lounge, Copley Hall,
Georgetown University, 37th and O streets
NW. 202-687-4134.
■ Merle Hoffman will discuss her book
“Intimate Wars: The Life and Times of the
Woman Who Brought Abortion From the
Back Alley to the Board Room.” 7 p.m. Free.
Politics and Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave.
NW. 202-364-1919.
■ The Palisades Book Club will discuss
“Bel Canto” by Ann Patchett. 7:30 p.m. Free.
Palisades Neighborhood Library, 4901 V St.
NW. 202-282-3139.
■ The Georgetown Neighborhood Library
will present the 1976 film “Taxi Driver.” 6
p.m. Free. Georgetown Neighborhood Library,
3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232.
■ The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgendered Arts Consortium and the
Capitol Hill Arts Workshop will present “A
Remembrance of Martin Luther King, Jr.,”
featuring a special appearance by the youth
of the Bokamoso Youth Centre in South
Africa. 7 p.m. Free. Capitol Hill Presbyterian
Church, 4th Street and Independence
in Photo Journ
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NW Wash. DC
■ Pianist Yael Weiss, violinist Mark
Kaplan and cellist Clancy Newman will perform works by Beethoven, Newman, Higdon
and Schubert. 7:30 p.m. $32. Terrace
Theater, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.
■ The Dan Roberts Trio will perform jazz
selections. 8 p.m. $15 to $25. Atlas
Performing Arts Center, 1333 H St. NE. 202399-7993.
Tuesday, january 17
■ Concert: Nashville-based pop
singer/songwriter David Mead will
perform. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium
Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600.
Avenue SE. 202-547-6839.
■ The Arts Club of Washington and First
Draft at Charter Theatre will present a reading of Mario Baldessari’s new comedy “The
Bison Beast of Dubois,” about a small town’s
attempt to revive its tourism industry. 7:30
p.m. Free. Arts Club of Washington, 2017 I
St. NW.
Special event
■ Dennis J. Pogue, vice president for
preservation at George Washington’s Mount
Vernon Estate, Museum, and Gardens, will
discuss “George Washington’s Mount Vernon
Distillery.” A tasting of four classic whiskey
cocktails will complement the presentation.
6:30 to 8 p.m. $45 in advance; $50 at the
door. Warehouse Theater, 1021 7th St. NW.
Sporting event
■ The Washington Capitals will play the
New York Islanders. 7:30 p.m. $45 to $138.
Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328.
Wednesday, Jan. 18
Wednesday january 18
■ The Smithsonian Encore Chorale, now
in its fourth year, will host a weekly rehearsal
of popular songs, Broadway musical selections, spirituals, opera and operettas, led by
professional conductor Jeanne Kelly (for ages
55 and older). 10:30 a.m. to noon. $201. S.
Dillon Ripley Center, 1100 Jefferson Drive
SW. 202-633-3030. The class will continue
through May 2.
■ Jonathan Foust will present “The Still,
Small Voice Within: Exploring the
Relationship Between Meditation and
Intuition,” featuring a talk and guided meditation practices. 7:30 p.m. $10 to $15 donation suggested. Smith Center for Healing and
the Arts, 1632 U St. NW.
■ The “Happenings
at the Harman” series
will feature pianist and
composer Burnett
Thompson performing
his musical setting of
Shakespeare’s sonnets.
Noon. Free. Sidney
Harman Hall, 610 F St. NW. 202-547-1122.
■ Rafrechi, a group of Haitian-born singers, will perform soul music. 6 p.m. Free.
Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-4674600.
Discussions and lectures
■ The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at
American University will present a talk by
Mary Bullock, Sarel Kromer and Laurie SegelMoss on “Rwanda Peace Narratives.” 10 to
11:50 a.m. Free. Temple Baptist Church,
3860 Nebraska Ave. NW. 202-895-4860.
■ Adam Goodheart
will discuss his book
“1861: The Civil War
Awakening.” Noon. Free.
McGowan Theater,
National Archives
Building, Constitution
Avenue between 7th
and 9th streets NW. 202-357-5000.
■ Kenneth D. Ackerman will discuss his
book “Young J. Edgar: Hoover, the Red Scare
and the Assault on Civil Liberties.” Noon.
Free. West Dining Room, Madison Building,
Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave.
SE. 202-707-5221.
■ The National Women’s History
Museum’s lecture series on “The Past,
Present, and Future of
U.S. Women’s History”
will feature a talk by
New York University professor Deborah Willis on
“New Negro Women and
Beyond: Posing Beauty
in African American
Culture.” 4 to 5:30 p.m. Free; reservations
required. Flom Auditorium, Woodrow Wilson
International Center for Scholars, 1300
Pennsylvania Ave. NW. [email protected].
■ Trita Parsi will discuss his book “A
Single Roll of the Dice — Obama’s Diplomacy
With Iran.” 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. Langston
Room, Busboys and Poets, 2021 14th St.
NW. 202-387-7638.
■ Jonathan Gruber, professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, will discuss his book “Health
Care Reform: What It Is, Why It’s Necessary,
How It Works.” 7 p.m. Free. Politics and
Prose, 5015 Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-3641919.
■ Julia Osman, professor of history at
Mississippi State University, will discuss “‘In
the Name of Honor’: Officers of the French
Army and Their Participation in the American
Revolution.” 7 p.m. Free. Society of the
Cincinnati, 2118 Massachusetts Ave. NW.
■ The Textile Museum will present the
2011 films “Fold Crumple Crush: The Art of
El Anatsui” and “Anatsui at Work.” Noon.
Free. Textile Museum, 2320 S St. NW. 202667-0441, ext. 64.
■ A film series on the civil rights movement will feature “Freedom Riders,” at 3:30
p.m.; and “No Easy Walk: 1961-1963,” at 5
p.m. Free. Tenley-Friendship Neighborhood
Library, 4450 Wisconsin Ave. NW. 202-7271225.
■ The “American
Repertoire” series will
feature Billy Wilder’s
1955 film “The Seven
Year Itch,” starring
Marilyn Monroe, Evelyn
Keyes and Tom Ewell.
6:30 p.m. Free.
National Portrait Gallery, 8th and F streets
NW. 202-633-1000.
■ A Kurdish film festival will feature
Hisham Zaman’s 2005 film “Bekas and
Bawke,” about two brothers who want to live
in the United States with Superman, and his
2007 film “Winterland,” about two Kurdish
refugees in Norway. 7:30 p.m. Free; reservations required. Embassy of Austria, 3524
International Court NW. 202-895-6776.
■ The French Cinémathèque series will
feature Cédric Klapisch’s 2011 film “My
Piece of the Pie,” about a single mother who
loses her job at a local factory but soon lands
work cleaning the Paris apartment of a handsome but cocky power broker. 8 p.m. $11;
$9 for students; $8.25 for seniors; $8 for
ages 12 and younger. Avalon Theatre, 5612
Connecticut Ave. NW. 202-966-6000.
Special event
■ “A Spiritual Tribute to Dr. King’s
Legacy” will feature the combined chapel
and gospel choirs of Georgetown University,
as well as Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee co-founder Bernard Lafayette Jr. 5
p.m. Free; reservations required. Dahlgren
Chapel of the Sacred Heart, Georgetown
University, 37th and O streets NW. 202-6874134.
Sporting event
■ The Washington Wizards will play the
Oklahoma City Thunder. 7 p.m. $10 to $605.
Verizon Center, 601 F St. NW. 202-3977328.
Thursday, Jan. 19
Thursday january 19
■ Members of the National Symphony
Orchestra Youth Fellowship Program will perform classical music. 6 p.m. Free. Millennium
Stage, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.
■ The National
Symphony Orchestra
and pianist Ingrid Fliter
will perform works by
Mozart, Schumann,
Glanert and Mozart. 7
p.m. $20 to $85.
Concert Hall, Kennedy
Center. 204-467-4600. The concert will
repeat Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.
Discussions and lectures
■ The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at
American University will present a talk by
Washington Project for the Arts membership
director Liz Georges on “The Washington Art
Scene.” 10 to 11:50 a.m. Free. Abramson
Family Recital Hall, Katzen Arts Center,
American University, 4400 Massachusetts
Ave. NW. 202-895-4860.
■ The “25 Architects in 25 Weeks” lecture series will feature a talk by Bill Kirwan of
Muse Architects on “How to Work With an
Architect.” Noon to 1 p.m. Free; reservations
required. District Architecture Center, 421
7th St. NW. 202-347-9403.
■ Peter and Syril Kline will discuss “The
Mystery of Shakespeare.” 6:30 p.m. $10.
Kreeger Museum, 2401 Foxhall Road NW.
■ Artist Barkley Hendricks will discuss his
artistic practice in conversation with Trevor
Schoonmaker, curator of contemporary art at
Duke University’s Nasher Museum of Art. 7
p.m. $20. Corcoran Gallery of Art, 500 17th
St. NW. 202-639-1770.
■ The Classics Book Group will discuss
“Martin Chuzzlewit” by Charles Dickens. 7
p.m. Free. Barnes & Noble, 555 12th St. NW.
■ The Georgetown Book Club will discuss
“State of Wonder” by Ann Patchett. 7:30 p.m.
Free. Georgetown Neighborhood Library,
3260 R St. NW. 202-727-0232.
The Current
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Events Entertainment
Exhibition targets ‘Twilight’ misconceptions
ehind the Scenes: The
Real Story of the
Quileute Wolves,” an
exhibit meant to clear up misconceptions resulting from the popular
“Twilight” books and films, will
open Friday at the National
Museum of the American Indian
and continue through May 9.
Approximately 20 objects of art
by the Quileute people of coastal
Washington state offer an authentic
interpretation of the tribe’s wolf
imagery and mythology, including
several wolf headdresses.
Located at 4th Street and
Independence Avenue SW, the
museum is open daily from 10 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. 202-633-1000.
■ George Washington University’s
Luther W. Brady Art Gallery will
open an exhibit today of more than
30 drawings by the Dublin-born
artist Michael Craig-Martin, who
grew up in Northeast D.C. but now
lives in London.
On exhibit
On view through Feb. 17, the
drawings portray subjects from
ordinary life using a mechanical
An artist’s reception will take
place today from 5 to 7 p.m.
Located at 805 21st St. NW on
the second floor, the gallery is open
Tuesday through Friday from 10
a.m. to 5 p.m. 202-994-1525.
■ The District of Columbia Arts
Center will open an exhibit Friday
that presents work by four artists
who competed in what the center is
billing as the “World’s First Art
Decathlon,” modeled on the sports
events that test all-around athletes.
Artists Shanthi Chandrasekar,
Lee Gainer, Lisa Rosenstein and
Mary Woodall competed in 10 artistic areas: textiles/fiber art, painting,
drawing, video, printmaking, photography, collage, sound, conceptual
art and sculpture. Their works will
remain on view through Feb. 5, during which time they will be judged
by an eight-person panel.
An opening reception will take
place Friday from 7 to 9 p.m., and
an artist’s talk and awards ceremony will be held Feb. 5 at 5 p.m.
Located at 2438 18th St. NW,
the center is open Wednesday
through Sunday from 2 to 7 p.m.
■ “Dan Tulk: Lines and Shadows,”
a memorial exhibition for Virginia
artist Dan Tulk, will open Friday at
Washington Project for the Arts
and continue through Feb. 3.
Tragically killed in a traffic accident last November, Tulk created
sculptural installations and small
sculptures from everyday objects
and inexpensive materials. His
works project a visual simplicity
and ephemeral nature that belie
their exacting and often elaborate
Keegan to stage Neil Simon look at TV comedy
eegan Theatre will present Neil Simon’s
“Laughter on the 23rd Floor” Jan. 21 through
Feb. 18 at the Church Street Theater.
Inspired by the playwright’s youthful experience as
a staff writer on Sid Caesar’s “Your Show of Shows,”
An opening reception will take
place Friday from 6 to 8 p.m.
Located at 2023 Massachusetts
Ave. NW, the gallery is open
Monday through Friday from 10
a.m. to 6 p.m. 202-234-7103.
■ “Art @ Work: A Collaboration to
Heal DC,” a community arts project, will open Friday at the Smith
Center for Healing and the Arts’
Joan Hisaoka Healing Arts
Gallery and continue through Feb.
Visitors to the gallery will be
invited to add their touches to a
growing graffiti-style mural in the
gallery. The completed mural will
be permanently installed in a local
neighborhood as part of the “Open
Walls” project of Albus Cavus, an
arts group that transforms commuSee Exhibits/Page 30
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Tuesday – Friday 11-4; Saturday 11-5; Sunday 12-4
the play depicts the harried writing staff as they frantically scramble to top each other with gags while competing for the attention of star madman Max Prince.
Performance times are 8 p.m. Thursday through
Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday, as well as at 8 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 23. Tickets cost $30 to $35. The Church
Street Theater is located at 1742 Church St. NW. 703892-0202;
■ American Ballet Theatre will present “La
Bayadère” and a mixed repertory program Jan. 31
through Feb. 5 at the Kennedy Center’s Opera House.
Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through
Saturday and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets
cost $25 to $99. 202-467-4600;
■ Faction of Fools Theatre Company will present an
adaptation of “Romeo and Juliet” Jan. 12 through Feb.
4 at the Mead Theatre Lab at Flashpoint.
D.C.’s commedia dell’arte theater company will
present a high-octane adaptation of the Shakespeare
classic, featuring
five actors in a
one-hour piece
that joins physicality with
poetry and highlights tragedy by
juxtaposing it
A commedia dell’arte production with humor.
of “Romeo and Juliet” will open
Jan. 12 at the Mead Theatre Lab. times are 8 p.m.
through Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $25
for adults, $20 for students and $15 for children ages
12 and younger. Flashpoint is located at 916 G St. NW.
■ The Kennedy Center will close “Ann: An
Affectionate Portrait of Ann Richards,” starring Emmy
Award-winner Holland Taylor, Jan. 15 in the
Eisenhower Theater.
This Quileute wolf headdress from the late 1800s or early 1900s is
part of a new exhibit at the National Museum of the American Indian.
All proceeds are used to support Bryn Mawr College Scholarships ~ Since 1977
Keegan Theatre will present Neil Simon’s “Laughter
on the 23rd Floor” Jan. 21 through Feb. 18.
Everything is bigger in Texas. For the late Texas
politician Ann Richards, that maxim held true not only
for her huge character and heart, but also her wit and
hairdo. Taylor wrote the play as a way of sharing what
it was about the down-home woman that affected so
many people so deeply.
Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday
through Saturday and 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Saturday and
Sunday. Ticket prices start at $54. 202-467-4600;
■ “Billy Elliot the Musical” will close at the Kennedy
Center’s Opera House Jan. 15.
Set in a small English town, the story follows Billy
as he stumbles out of the boxing ring and into a ballet
class, discovering a talent for dance that inspires his
family and whole community and changes his life forever.
Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday
through Saturday and 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Saturday
and Sunday. Ticket prices start at $25. 202-467-4600;
■ The Mariinsky Ballet will present “Les Saison
Russes” Jan. 17 through 22 in the Kennedy Center’s
See Theater/Page 30
24 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
From Page 1
specific plan or framework to talk
about except to say that we’re continuing our efforts … to transform
the mall as it is today into something
The spokesperson did identify a
new tenant for another Vornadoowned building in Georgetown: The
former Barnes & Noble at 3040 M
St., which emptied at the end of last
month, will become a Nike shoe
store, as The Washington Post
reported yesterday. A Barnes &
Noble spokesperson said the firm
may seek other space nearby.
The future of the Georgetown
Park mall is less clear. Some community leaders have said previously
that they believe the mall’s small
storefronts will be consolidated into
anchor stores, naming Target and
Bloomingdale’s as likely tenants.
But 10 months after those stores
were expected to have been finalized
as tenants, nothing has materialized
publicly, and the Vornado spokesperson had no comment.
“Do we need more communica-
Bill Petros/The Current
The former Barnes & Noble site
will be occupied by a Nike store.
tion? In a short answer, yes,” said
Bill Starrels, the advisory neighborhood commissioner representing
southern Georgetown.
Starrels said a December meeting
with the Georgetown business community, which he attended, was a
good start. At that meeting, according to Starrels, Vornado expressed an
interest in attracting more big-name
retailers to the mall — which he said
could attract more shoppers to the
Georgetown business district.
The last public activity at
Georgetown Park came over the
summer, when Vornado applied to
the Old Georgetown Board for per-
The Current
mission to add windows and
entrances to the mall. Some of the
changes would optimize space for
“a larger format tenant,” the project
architect said at the time. Board
members rejected those proposals.
The Old Georgetown Board, part
of the U.S. Commission of Fine
Arts, must grant approval to exterior
modifications to the neighborhood’s
buildings, including any signage.
Commission secretary Thomas
Luebke said there had been no new
applications for either the mall or the
Barnes & Noble site as of last week.
The Vornado spokesperson
wouldn’t say how soon Nike would
move in at 3040 M St. and declined
to offer any additional information.
The spokesperson also declined
to discuss why the company hopes
to change the Georgetown Park
mall, stating that the firm prefers to
“look forward.”
“We’re working through some
redevelopment ideas, we’re working
closely with the community, and
we’re very committed to the project,” the spokesperson said. “I think
at the end of the day, there will be a
Georgetown Park that really adds to
From Page 7
for it — it’s not automatically
applied to a property tax bill.
Ten members of the public testified at the hearing, including former
Ward 3 D.C. Council member Jim
Nathanson, who drafted the original
legislation in the 1990s. All were in
favor of the new bill, with one
exception: Kwame Boadi, who represented the nonprofit DC Fiscal
Policy Institute.
Boadi said that while his organization supports adjusting tax benefits to account for inflation, it questions whether this particular tax code
is the best choice, as it impacts residents who have income in excess of
Instead, his group advocates that
the council look at Schedule H, a tax
credit that would apply to homeowners and renters, including
seniors, who make less than $20,000
— an income cap that was set 35
years ago and, if adjusted for inflation, could impact a larger number
of low-income D.C. residents, he
From Page 1
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for the primary race.
Biddle didn’t respond to requests for an interview
for this story. On his campaign website and in previous
interviews, he emphasized his experience in education
— as a teacher, the leader of an advocacy group and a
Ward 4 representative on the D.C. State Board of
On his website, Biddle, a Shepherd Park resident,
also highlights his interest in ethics reform: “Sekou
believes the District of Columbia can only reach its full
potential when our leaders are as honest, competent and
hard working as our citizens,” the website states.
Biddle placed third in last April’s at-large special
election, behind Orange and Republican Patrick Mara,
collecting 9,373 votes to their 13,583 and 11,851,
respectively. He was selected narrowly over Orange to
serve as the interim at-large member in January 2011.
Holness said her three years on the Columbia
Heights advisory neighborhood commission, including
the last two years as the body’s chair, left her feeling
constrained by the position’s limitations.
“As an ANC commissioner, you’re not able to do
things that city council members can do,” Holness said,
adding, “I believe this is just an opportunity to take it
up a notch and serve more of the people.”
As an at-large council member, Holness said, her
top priority would be to improve the District’s public
education offerings, from pre-k through college. The
school system needs to gear students toward either
higher education or a trade, she said.
In addition to serving as an advisory neighborhood
commissioner, Holness is pastor of the Christ Our
Redeemer African Methodist Episcopal Church in
Petworth and president of the InterFaith Conference of
Metropolitan Washington. “I’ve worked in the community all of my life, since the age of 12 when I served
as president of the local Youth NAACP, … in every
quadrant of the city,” said Holness.
Orange, who did not respond to interview requests
and did not appear to have a website for his re-election
campaign as of yesterday, is a former Ward 5 council
member who served from 1999 to 2007. He ran unsuccessfully for mayor in 2006 and for council chairman in
2010 before winning the at-large seat last year.
In previous interviews, Orange emphasized a commitment to fiscal responsibility and eliminating fraud,
waste and abuse in D.C. government. He chairs the
council’s Committee on Small and Local Business
Eric Goulet, deputy chief of staff
for Mayor Vincent Gray, testified
that the mayor supports the concept
of the bill but has concerns about the
loss in revenue. By his office’s estimates, the bill could cost the city
$1.23 million. Goulet added that
there are currently more than 20 different tax credits that could otherwise help this demographic group.
He also emphasized that unpredictably high expenditures on
Medicaid, electricity and water and
police retention benefits are outpacing the city’s revenue gains.
Bowser responded by asking
about the status of awaited appointments to the tax commission, which
could stall the bill. Goulet said Gray
is close to filling the seats and that
his decision should “come soon, in
the next couple of weeks.”
Bowser said that if she lacks the
necessary votes for the bill she will
consider providing a graduated
property tax deduction. For example, homeowners with less than
$100,000 income could qualify for a
50 percent reduction in the property
tax bill, but those who make between
$100,000 and $125,000 might qualify for a 25 percent decrease.
Development, for which he recently ordered all D.C.
department heads to attend a hearing and discuss their
compliance with laws that require agencies to contract
with small local businesses.
Last fall, Orange also famously pushed for council
members to have higher salaries but
to be prohibited from holding outside employment and to be limited
to serving two four-year terms.
Shapiro, a Ward 4 Chevy Chase
resident, said he hopes to bring his
experience from eight years on the
Prince George’s County Council to
the District.
He said he’s “fed up” with the
D.C. Council’s behavior. “There’s
too much infighting,” he said. “I
think there’s a need for stronger and
more ethical leadership on the council. ... I’ve got a track record that
demonstrates that I’ll do what I say
I’ll do.”
Shapiro said his top priority Holness
would be job growth, which he
would achieve as an at-large council
member by designating “technology
districts” in blighted neighborhoods
that would offer tax incentives to
businesses setting up there.
“I think job creation is the No. 1
need that this city has right now,”
said Shapiro. “There are parts of the Orange
city that are just left behind.”
He pointed to his successful push
for an arts district in his Prince
George’s County legislative district
as an example of what he would
help accomplish in D.C.
Additionally, two D.C. Statehood
Green Party candidates filed for the
April 3 primary: G. Lee Aikin and Shapiro
Ann Wilcox, both of the Dupont
Circle area. Mary Brooks Beatty, a former Ward 6 advisory neighborhood commissioner, is unchallenged as
the Republican candidate in the November general
Two seats will be up for grabs in the November
election; under the home rule charter, each political
party can nominate only one candidate. Incumbent
Michael Brown, an independent, is seeking re-election.
Former D.C. Council aide David Grosso is also running
as an independent.
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28 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Current
Service Directory
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From Page 13
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From Page 13
work for D.C.’s Animal Control.
The U.S. Forest Service estimates that 550 million birds die
annually due to collisions with
buildings. The lights disorient nocturnal migrating birds — they navigate by the stars and are attracted
to the lights they see inside glass
“The tropical migrants are the
birds people most worry about —
they’re going from South America
to Alaska — and those populations
are the most endangered,” said
To help these birds, Monsma
and a rotating crew of volunteers
meet downtown almost every day
during bird migrating season at
5:30 a.m. They look for fallen birds
that may just be stunned and in
need of reorientation, or injured
birds that might need medical
attention. They also collect
deceased migrant birds to document what happened to them.
And they’re making a difference. The Thurgood Marshall
Federal Judiciary Building, which
is maintained by the Architect of
the Capitol, is one of many downtown facilities that has agreed turn
out the lights during migrating seasons. According to Lewis, the number of fallen birds at that building
alone has dropped by two-thirds.
City Wildlife is also active in
making way for ducklings. Lewis
is in training to become a licensed
wildlife rehabilitator in order to
handle rescued ducks. So far, during her apprenticeship, she has
helped rescue the mother duck and
ducklings that received a lot of
attention when they nested near the
National Geographic building’s
fountain, a non-nutrient water
source. She has also helped relocate mother ducks from the green
roofs on local buildings, as the
ducklings are unable to fly from
roofs and likely need water.
According to Lewis, tennis
courts are popular nesting areas for
mother ducks, which sometimes
enter when a gate is open but
become trapped when it’s closed. If
residents see that happening, they
can simply open the gate, and the
duck will relocate her brood.
City Wildlife is also planning to
launch a public education campaign to help preserve the habitats
of wildlife in city parks. Focusing
initially on Rock Creek, Glover
Archbold and Fort Dupont parks,
the nonprofit will help teach surrounding communities how to
maintain these areas for both local
wildlife and the enjoyment of city
“The wildlife is here to stay,”
said Monsma. “People who find
injured animals want to help —
and there is nothing more frustrating than finding an animal but not
being able to find anyone who can
help, particularly when children are
involved in the rescue.”
He added that teaching children
about rescuing animals can also
convey “compassion and responsibility.”
“The rehab center can become
an important part of the community
where we can all learn about and
appreciate the wildlife in our city.
It’s as important for the animals as
it is for us,” he said.
For more information about
City Wildlife, including how to
help, go to
aged Ma to be more conscientious
about his spending. “Every time I
bought a product, I thought, ‘What
am I going to write about this? Do
I need this?’” he said.
He became more careful, for
example, about not breaking or losing earphones — and when he did
need new ones, he lucked out by
finding a pair.
When he purchased items, he
tried to make smart decisions. He
switched brands of kitty litter, for
example, choosing a more ecofriendly product (100 percent cornbased) that also turned out to
“work better and smell better,” he
said. For his toothbrush, he found a
product that allowed him to regularly replace the brushes but not the
He even did his research on the
engagement ring he bought, finding
one made of recycled gold and fairtrade sapphire.
The people in Ma’s life who
were tracking his blog also thought
harder abut the items they gave
him. “I ended up getting more
thoughtful and gracious gifts,” he
His fiancée, Nagai-Rothe, said
she found herself switching from
buying Ma material items to choosing gifts that could be “experiences”— like tickets to a Steelers
“It certainly impacted my
behavior,” she said. “That happened to a lot of people.”
Ma emphasized that the experience wasn’t a monkish exercise of
self-restraint. “It was a full life for
me this year,” he said. “People
might see this as a struggle, … but
I had a lot of fun.”
Live Green is now tasking others to replicate Ma’s experience
through a three-month “Track Your
Stuff” challenge they can record on
Facebook, starting in February and
ending on Earth Day.
More information about the
company, including Ma’s “Year of
Stuff” list, is available at
Photos courtesy of Steve Ma
Items from Steve Ma’s “Year of
Stuff”: a free jersey, and a necklace from his fiancée.
Classified Ads
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The Wood Doctors
Proper cleaning-touch up of
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restoration of fine furniture.
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Commercial/ Residential
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OUR LOYAL honest housekeeper has
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STEVE YOUNG • 202-966-8810
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Hauling/Trash Removal
EXPERIENCED NANNY seeking position with infants. Available now, 3-4
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SEEKING FULL or part time work as a
nanny / housekeeper. Skills include
cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing,
driving and running errands. (have
own car)
Excellent with small
children. References available upon
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Cleaning Services
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Domestic Available
wonderful housekeeper is available –
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MY EXCELLENT cleaning Lady has
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Say You Saw it in
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HIRING PT nanny/housekeeper to
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Pick Up
Enjoy your guitar.
Studio: $1050-$1250
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Bernstein Management Corp..
Cat Care Services
Providing loving, attentive care for
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call 703-868-3038
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We would like a dog walker for one
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RESPECTFUL, NON-SMOKING, Buddhist, prof.female seeking unfurn
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Setting the Standard for Excellence in Pet Sitting and Dog Walking Since 1991
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30 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Current
Classified Ads
Senior Care
Nation Care, Inc. Home Health Services
We provide Home Health services
which include attendant care & escort, companion services, personal
care, homemaker/chore services,
HHA/CNA Meals etc. 202-459-1910
needed ASAP for sweet “Sophie.” Gogeous young black kitty living in tiny
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Ace Window Cleaning
Working owners assure quality,
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All work done by hand.
25 Years Experience
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Mid Day Dog Walking
Cat Visits/Medication
Washingtonian Magazine
Best Pet Care
DOWNSIZING SALE: Sofas, DR. table w/8 chairs. Books, Garden equip.
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Senior Care
CNA, 20 years experience seeking
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Assistant needed for independently living diabetic woman in 80s, ex-journalist & photographer, to assist with medical/diabetic management, driving,
cooking, shopping, doctor’s appointments, household management & administrative work. Intelligent, reliable,
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communication skills. Pls send resume, salary requirements to
[email protected]
and want to build it. . .
From Page 23
nities through public art.
An opening reception will take
place Friday from 7 to 9 p.m.
Located at 1632 U St. NW, the
gallery is open Wednesday through
Friday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
■ The National Portrait Gallery
will open a small exhibit Friday of
memorabilia and an iconic painting
of Juliette Gordon Low, who founded the American Girl Guides in
1912, which later became the Girl
Scouts of the USA. On view
throughout 2012, the exhibit celebrates the organization’s centennial.
Located at 8th and F streets
NW, the gallery is open daily from
11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. 202-633-1000.
■ Hemphill will open two exhibits
Saturday with a reception from 6:30
to 8:30 p.m. and continue them
through March 10.
“Franz Jantzen: Ostinato” features Jantzen’s photographic assem-
blages, which combine multiple
images of the same subject from
different angles, just as the ostinato
technique in music repeats notes,
motifs and phrases to build up a
Paula Lantz’s abstract paintings
are part of an upcoming exhibit
at Touchstone Gallery.
composition as a whole.
“Willem de Looper: Paintings,
1968-72” celebrates a Washington
Color School stalwart, presenting
four large-scale stained-color-field
canvases by de Looper (19322009).
Located at 1515 14th St. NW,
the gallery is open Tuesday through
Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
■ Cross MacKenzie Gallery will
open an exhibit Saturday of new
ceramic work by Korean artist
Hyun Kyung Yoon with a reception
from 5 to 7 p.m. and continue it
through February.
Located at 2026 R St. NW, the
gallery is open Wednesday through
Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 202333-7970.
■ “Into the Wild,” featuring bold
colorful abstract paintings by Paula
Lantz inspired by her recent safari
to South Africa, Botswana and
Zambia, opened last week at
Touchstone Gallery, where it will
continue through Jan. 29.
An opening reception will take
place Friday from 6 to 8:30 p.m.
Located at 901 New York Ave.
NW, the gallery is open Wednesday
through Friday from 11 a.m. to 6
p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from
noon to 5 p.m. 202-347-2787.
From Page 23
Opera House.
Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through
Saturday and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets
cost $29 to $150. 202-467-4600;
■ The hit musical “La Cage aux Folles” comes to the
Kennedy Center’s Eisenhower Theater Jan. 17 through
Feb. 12.
Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Tuesday
through Sunday and 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Tickets cost $65 to $130. 202-467-4600;
■ The Shakespeare Theatre Company will present
“The Two Gentlemen of Verona” Jan. 17 through
March 4 at the Lansburgh Theatre.
Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through
Saturday; 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday; and noon
Wednesday, Feb. 1. Tickets cost $37 to $90. The
Lansburgh is located at 450 7th St. NW. 202-547-1122;
■ Arena Stage will present “Elephant Room” Jan. 20
through Feb. 26 in the Arlene and Robert Kogod
Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through
Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost
$40. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW. 202488-3300;
■ Arena Stage will present John Logan’s Tony Awardwinning play “Red” Jan. 20 through March 4 in the
Kreeger Theater.
Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Tuesday,
Wednesday and Sunday; 8 p.m. Thursday through
Saturday; and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Tickets cost
$40 to $85. Arena Stage is located at 1101 6th St. SW.
■ Ford’s Theatre will present Richard Hellesen’s
“Necessary Sacrifices” Jan. 20 through Feb. 12.
Performance times are generally 7:30 p.m. Tuesday
through Sunday and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Tickets cost $20 to $33. Ford’s Theatre is located at 511
10th St. NW. 202-347-4833;
■ Rorschach Theatre will stage the world premiere of
Fengar Gael’s “The Gallerist” Jan. 20 through Feb. 19
at the Atlas Performing Arts Center.
Performance times are generally 8 p.m. Thursday
through Saturday and 3 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $25.
Atlas is located at 1333 H St. NE. 202-399-7993;
■ The In Series is presenting “Barber & Barberillo”
The In Series is presenting “Barber & Barberillo”
through Jan. 22 at Source.
through Jan. 22 at Source. A double bill of Samuel
Barber and Giancarlo Menotti’s “A Hand of Bridge”
and Francisco Asenjo Barbieri’s “The Little Barber of
Lavapies,” the show melds the American operatic piece
into a Spanish zarzuela.
Performance times are 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday
and 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost $40 for adults, $36
for seniors and $20 for students and youth. Source is
located at 1835 14th St. NW. 202-204-7763;
■ Scena Theatre is presenting Irish playwright Brian
Friel’s translation of “Hedda Gabler” through Jan. 29 at
the H Street Playhouse.
Performance times generally are 8 p.m. Thursday
through Saturday and 3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.
Tickets cost $16 to $40. The H Street Playhouse is
located at 1365 H St. NE. 703-683-2824;
■ Theater J is presenting Renee Calarco’s “The
Religion Thing” through Jan. 29 at the Washington DC
Jewish Community Center.
Performance times generally are 7:30 p.m. Sunday,
Wednesday and Thursday, 8 p.m. Saturday and 3 p.m.
Sunday. Tickets cost $35 to $60. The Washington DC
Jewish Community Center, is located at 1529 16th St.
NW. 202-777-3214;
■ Washington Stage Guild is presenting the world
premiere of the epic Civil War romance “Amelia”
through Jan. 29 in the Undercroft Theatre of Mount
Vernon Place United Methodist Church.
Performance times are 7:30 p.m. Thursday; 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday; and 2:30 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday. Tickets cost $40 to $50. The church is located
at 900 Massachusetts Ave. NW. 240-582-0050;
■ Studio Theatre is presenting Donald Margulies’
“Time Stands Still” through Feb. 12.
Performance times are 8 p.m. Tuesday through
Saturday, 7 p.m. Sunday, and 2 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday. Tickets cost $35 to $60. The theater is located
at 1501 14th St. NW. 202-332-3300;
Wednesday, January 11, 2012 31
The Current WFP
Estate on 2.4 gated acres just over Chain Bridge. Manor
home with 14,000 square feet of luxurious amenities, recreation/tennis pavilion and pool. 3BR, 2BA guesthouse.
Restored Federal with exceptional room proportions and
detailing. Double parlor & entertaining spaces. 6 bedrooms,
5.5 baths. Terraces, pool, pool house and 4 gated parking.
Grand family estate on sprawling lot, country club pool &
pool house, 6 bedroom main house, 5 full & 2 half baths,
and luxurious master suite. LL suite with kitchen, gym &
rec room. Fabulous outdoor space. $3,995,000
William F.X. Moody
Robert Hryniewicki
William F.X. Moody
Robert Hryniewicki
Ellen Morrell
Matthew B. McCormick
Brilliant redesign, renovation and expansion of impressive sun-filled Tudor on large lush lot with pool. Great
entertaining. Master bedroom with fireplace and his &
hers baths, great closets, 4 more bedrooms upstairs.
Marylyn Paige
Renovated colonial on sought-after Lowell Street at end of
cul-de-sac. 16,266 SF lot. 40' negative edge pool, 4,500 SF
of terraces & country club grounds. 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths.
Stunning contemp on private 2/3 acre lot. Renov, expanded
with beautiful architecture, chef's kit, open spaces for entertaining. Walls of windows, 2 decks & a private patio overlooking Koi pond. 5BR, 4.5BA, + 2 add’l rooms. $2,480,000
Beautifully renovated semi-detached East Village home
with three bedrooms, three and half baths, chef’s kitchen
with top-of-the-line appliances, master bedroom suite, Waterwork baths, patio and two car parking. $1,495,000
Fabulous home. Shows like a dream! Foyer, elegant living
room with fireplace, dining room, spacious table space
kitchen adjacent to family room, 4 bedrooms. Flagstone
patio and garden (10,000+ square foot lot)! $1,495,000
William F.X. Moody
Robert Hryniewicki
Tricia Messerschmitt
Mark McFadden
Nancy Taylor Bubes
Joanne Pinover
Federal with 4BR, 3.5BA, marble foyer, gas FP & cathedral ceilings, walls of windows, kitchen with breakfast
room opens to garden terrace, MBR ste with French doors,
office & 1-car garage. $1,325,000
Located in the Wooster building, this two story unit has three
sides of amazing windows streaming in natural light as it
faces south. This unit is 1600 SF of living space and has 2
bedrooms and 2.5 baths, large open floor plan and an amazing gourmet kitchen. 2 car parking. $1,085,000
Well-appointed 2BR, 2BA, perfect for d’town living, bright
& open floor plan incl chef's kit & island with brkfst bar,
sun-filled LR leading to balcony, DR, spacious MBR ste,
garage pkg, rooftop pool, deck, exercise room. $1,080,000
Stunningly updated rambler in one of Arlington's most
sought-after neighborhoods. Gourmet kitchen, walls of windows, contemp feel, natural light, dark hardwood floors,
spacious lower level with walks out to flat backyard, two
car garage and much more. Close to everything! $869,000
Ellen Morrell
Matthew B. McCormick
John Eric
Ellen Morrell
Matthew B. McCormick
John Eric
This two story loft is located on the top floor of the Wooster
with southern exposure. 1100+ square feet, 1 bedroom, 1
bath, chef's kitchen and an expansive living space. Large
outdoor patio, two parking spaces. $829,000
NEW LISTING! Charming three bedroom, two bath home
with hardwood floors, kitchen with granite countertops
opening to the formal dining room. Spacious family room,
rear deck and extended back yard. $699,000
2 bedroom, 2.5 bath unit in The Foxhall building with a
renovated kitchen bedrooms, large terrace, W/D in the unit,
and parking. The Foxhall has 24 hour reception, indoor
pool, tennis courts, fitness center. $575,000
NEW LISTING! Impeccable TH-style end unit in the
Christopher Mews. Updated kitchen and baths. 3 bedrooms,
2.5 baths. Large roof deck. Parking space. Close to two
metros. Newly installed fireplace. $559,000
John Eric
Nancy Taylor Bubes
Nancy Taylor Bubes
William F. X. Moody
Robert Hryniewicki
32 Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Current
associatEs, inc. rEaltors®
Chevy Chase, DC
Wesley Heights, DC
Foxhall, DC
Chevy Chase, DC
Not to Miss!
Beautifully remodeled 2-bedroom, 1-bath
with your own
back yard perfect for grilling.
This wonderful
house is a short
walk to Metro,
Whole Foods,
and other restaurants and retail.
Entertainer's Paradise
1,173-SF 1-bedroom. Cathedral views. Floorto-ceiling windows. Spacious balcony. New
appliances. Cherry cabinets. Wood floors.
Garage. Pool. Pets OK. FHA Approved.
Truly a Gem!
Beautifully renovated Georgian Colonial set
on 11,398 SF. Exquisite eat-in kitchen, 4
large bedrooms includes master suite with
fireplace, bright expansive lower level.
Chevy Chase, MD
Joan Caton Cromwell 202.441.8912
Chris Fischer
Katherine Martin
Gilda Herndon
Chevy Chase, DC
Spring Valley, DC
Takoma Park, MD
New Year – New Price!
Chevy Chase Colonial
This lovely home is located in a small enclave
of high quality homes off of Foxhall Road in
prestigious Colony Hill. With 6 bedrooms and
more than 6,700 SF this home has wonderful
rooms ideal for entertaining and daily living.
Must See Home!
Tom Williams
Great Price Reduction!
4 level Tudor with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths,
front and back porches, 2-car garage, finished basement, 2 fireplaces, and deep back
Wonderful Spring Valley 4-bedroom, 3.5bath home with new kitchen, updated baths,
gleaming floors, and many updates. Huge
deck overlooks private lot and pool.
Charming, historic bungalow that has been
expanded and remodeled. Surprising roominess with 4 bedrooms, 4.5 remodeled baths.
1st floor family room and finished basement.
Updated, large stone colonial with 4 bedrooms on 2nd, master bedroom loft office,
charming sunroom, lower level family room,
garage, lovely garden. Walk to Metro.
Frank Snodgrass
Dolly Tucker
Bret Brown
Lynn Raskin
Sue Hill
Andy Hill
Take Your Business to the Next Level…Expert Marketing...Professional Staff Support…Modern Space.
Contact: Kirsten Williams 202.552.5650, [email protected] for more information.
Poolesville, MD
Fabulous Renovation
Completely renovated with great attention
to detail. Beautiful hardwood floors, brand
new kitchen with granite countertops, 4 bedrooms, and great landscaping.
Anna-Maria Falcone
Chevy Chase, MD
Somerset House I
2,100-square-foot, 2-bedroom plus den, 2.5bath condo with southeast exposure. Luxury
building in prime Chevy Chase location.
Juanita Fogelman
Frank Snodgrass
Bryce Resort, VA
Bryce Beauty
~ Established 1980 ~
Bryce Resort, VA
Gourmet chef’s delight. Every possible appliance & built-in has been tastefully arranged.
Above golf course, 5 bedrooms, 5 baths,
rec room, workshop, and deck with views.
4-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 2007 Cedar home with
vaulted wood ceiling and stone fireplace;
main floor master suite; gourmet kitchen,
decks in the treetops, fine craftsmanship.
Kate & Kevin Brennan 240.731.3974
Kate & Kevin Brennan 240.731.3974