Document 6450118
Document 6450118
Christa McAuliffe Volume 1, Issue 4 December 2010 Message from Administration Important Dates: December x 7 PTA Meeting 6:45p.m. x 16 Eat-Out Night: Chuck E Cheese x 20-23 Silver Chip Events x 24 Holiday, Schools and Offices Closed x 27-31 Winter Break; Schools Closed Winter break is almost here! This is a time to celebrate the hard work of our staff and students and the continued partnership between home and school. Parent support is crucial for the success of our students. We applaud our students, staff and parents for a job well done! As we look ahead to the new year, we are enthusiastic to continue working on the goals we have established. Now would be a good time for our students to reflect on and refine the goals they’ve established at the beginning of the year. Assist your child in identifying an area needing improvement and then work on a strategy to achieve that goal. Encourage your child to focus on these ideas: x Complete homework CHRISTA MCAULIFFE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL x Develop organizational skills 12500 Wisteria Drive x Apply reading strategies Germantown, MD 20874 x Learn basic math facts (301)353-0911 x Arrive at school on time Exciting news! Students and staff at McAuliffe have just completed another successful food drive to benefit those in need in the Germantown area. Over 25 boxes were filled to the brim! The classes with the most goods collected were Ms. Swan's and Ms. JensenStone's. Thank you to everyone throughout the school community who showed such generosity and caring to those less fortunate. School Hours For Students 8:50-3:05 P.M. Loretta Favret, Principal [email protected] We wish you and your family a safe and happy break. May you have an opportunity to relax and refresh with family and friends. We look forward to your return from the winter break. Enjoy ! Celeste King, Assistant Principal [email protected] INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Help with Translating Communication between parents and school staff is very important to us. We are pleased to announce that we are once again able to offer Spanish to English translation in the office every morning between 8:15-9:15. Mr. Elmer Jurado, one of our paraeducators, will be in the office and he will be able to translate the concerns and questions of our Spanish speaking parents. Please do not hesitate to stop by or call. Message from Administration 1 Help with Translations 1 Super Star News 2 Reading Corner 3 Ayuda con Traducir de Ingles a Espanol Winter Chorus Concert 3 MSA and TN2 4 Student Government 5 Important Reminders 6 La comunicaacion entre padres y la escuela es muy importante. Estamos muy feliz anunciar que otra vez podemos ofrecer translaciones de Ingles a Espanol aqui en nuestra oficina cada manana entre 8:15-9:15. Mr. Elmer Jurado, un asistante, sera en la oficina para traducer con algunos problemas o preguntas que tiene. Por favor, puede llamar o visitor entre las horas y el puede ayudarle. We Expect Super Star News Responsibility Reach for the Stars Teamwork Safety Respect Bravo! It’s time to celebrate our students for showing respect, responsibility, safety and teamwork! Teams will be hosting Silver Chip events during the week of December 20th. So save your tickets and get ready for a good time. Congratulations to the following STARS of the Week: Kindergarten: Morgan Holt, Malaika Minofu, Nicole Nati, Ramiyan Varghese, Sammy Lakhal, Kobe Neal, Antoine Campbell, Zora French, Froylan Hernandez, Alex Nguyen, Lucien Lachance, Jakiha Hebron, Sophia Burke First Grade: Daniel Camacho-Lopez, Emily Bejeck, Paige Stuart, Samara Elliott, Gabriella Reyes, Jaden Coleman, Julius Smith, Caroline Quiroga, Minada Pandithage, Nehemiah Negron, Amaan Omar Second Grade: Jaylen Hammond, Alex Huerta, Chloe Bort, Alioune Diop, Hope Francois, Sydik Camara, Jordan Campbell, Alajah Roebuck, Britney Procopio, Giselle Badoo, Areej Khan Third Grade: Cayla Ymaya, Skylar Jeffries, Catherine Midlam, Devon Clyburn, Brian Arevalo-Carran, Sophia Clari, Ann Dahlman, Kayley Velasquez Fourth Grade: Claudia Diaz, Breezy Lachance, Jose Arevalo, Eric Solis, Alex Srey, Jasmine Combs, Kaitlyn Smith, Elijah Warner, Kevin Machado Fifth Grade: Troy Lee, Noel Snowdy, Christopher Lima, Mac Luu, Kayli Quaye, James Combs, Karen Granados-Sura, Sanya Brown, Alejandra Benetiz, Zion White, Angelica Barzola, Phoebe Qui, Tamara Alston Congratulations to the following classes. We are proud of your achievement! 1,000 star tickets: Mrs. Andrade (Morales), Ms. Gane, Mrs. Howington, Mr. O’Neil, Mrs. Riffle, Mrs. Sherman, Ms. Ortiz, Mr. Lord, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Whittington, Ms. Bobrow, Ms. Terrell, Ms. Holland, Mr. Howington, Ms. Pinckney 2,000 star tickets: Mrs. Jensen-Stone, Ms. Swan, Ms. Hill, Mrs. Allnutt 3,000 star tickets: Mr. Parker, Mrs. Ohm Hosted by: Grade level teams When: During the week of December 20th Page 2 Page 3 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 Reading Corner Is your child a reluctant reader? Here are some tips to help motivate him/her to read more. 1) Make reading relaxing and low key. 2) Read aloud to your child, maybe a funny or interesting part of your favorite book. 3) Draw your child in with riddle books, magazines such as Sports Illustrated, or comics. 4) Find a movie that is based on the book. Read the book together and then watch the movie. 5) Talk to your child about what you are reading. Most importantly, make reading fun. You can do this by playing games based on what your child reading, using computer programs, or creating incentives for reading. Congratulations to Mrs. Speer’s kindergarten class for receiving the Slice of the Month Award for having 57% of the class met their reading goal. Each month the class with the highest percentage of participants in the Pizza Hut Book It program is awarded the slice. The class with the most slices will win a pizza party in April. So, do not forget to encourage your child to read and fill out their reading chart nightly. Winter Concert Come and join us on January 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. for the Chorus Winter Concert. Our chorus will be combining their voices for a spectacular performance! The students will be singing a variety of songs featuring patriotic, jazz and gospel themes. For the first part of the year, chorus students learn the art of blending their voices together to try to make "one" sound as a group. They also spent time understanding the importance of aural memory and maintaining one tune while someone else next to you may be singing a different tune. Some parts of the concert pieces will be sung in unison, meaning "one voice" and other parts will be sung as partner songs where you will hear two sections of singers singing two different parts. Also featured in the concert will be a soloist, which is a very brave individual who will be singing by herself! Come and be dazzled by this performance!! Band and Orchestra Concert January 25, 2011 7:00 PM MSA and TN2 Assessments As you begin to plan your children’s spring appointments, please be aware of the upcoming spring testing schedule. Students in second through fifth grades will participate in standardized assessments. The Maryland State Assessment (MSA), which measures student performance in reading and mathematics, will be administered to students in grades 3, 4, and 5. Each testing session, which includes multiple choice and Brief Constructed Response (BCR), lasts approximately two hours and includes periodic breaks. Students in the second grade will take the Terra Nova 2 (TN2). The TN2 measures student performance in reading, language mechanics, mathematics and math computation. The strength of our instructional program is in part measured by the performance of our students. Students who are absent and are unable to make up the test receive a score of zero which is reflected in our total school score. It is critical that students are in school and on time during testing. Make-up tests may only be administered during the testing window. Please make every effort to avoid scheduling conflicts so that your child(ren) can take the test on the regular testing days with their peers. Assessment MSA Reading Testing Group March 7 and 8 Grades 3 and 4 March 9 and 10 Grade 5 March 11and 14 Grades 3 and 4 March 15 and 16 Grade 5 MSA Science April 11 - 15 Grade 5 TN2 April 4 - 8 Grade 2 MSA Mathematics Page 4 Dates Page 5 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 4 Student Government Congratulations! Ms. Swan and Ms. Terrell would like to thank all of the responsible and respectful student council candidates who worked hard to run for office. Our elected officials could learn a few things from the McAuliffe candidates. All of our students did a super job. In may cases, class officers won by only a few votes. What a close race! We are proud of all of our students. Congratulations to our elected Student Government Association officers for the 2010-2011 school year. President Vice President Sebastian Balcazar Breezy Lachance Treasurer Secretary Alexis Pulliam Chris Lima Historian Page Veronica Tabares Brian Arevalo Sergeant-At-Arms Aura Colachagua Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth grade classes also elected two representatives that will join the class officers for monthly meetings and assist them in developing ways to improve learning at McAuliffe. Class representatives will also be expected to share important details and event information with their homeroom classes. The elected class representatives are: Second Grade Representatives Ms. Bobrow James Byrd Aliyah Cupeta Ms. Gane Britney Procopio Syniah Foye Mrs. Jensen-Stone Tatiana Reyes Lindsay Sorto Ms. Mercer Jewel Epps Thomas Schaper Mr. O’Neil Lauren Gower Regina Balcazar Ms. Swan Emily Lachance Kelly Garretson Ms. Terrell Dineth Meegoda Chrisly Nguyen Third Grade Representatives Mr. Howington Sean Quiroga Jlen Johnson Katherine Midlam Ms. Ortiz Kush Savsani Elvis Gomez Ms. Pinckney Xiomara Choque Eric Ginsburg Fourth Grade Representatives Mrs. Ohm Ariana Colachagua Viet Phi Quach Mr. Parker Jasmine Combs Brandon Taylor Mrs. Riffle Sandra Aching Alia Collazo Fifth Grade Representatives Mrs. Chidakel Cheryce Coleman Aja Carter Mr. Lord Ashley Michalik Joel Gonzalez Ms. Hill Emily Elliott Luis Hernandez Mrs. Toomey Stacy Basmera Elizabeth Terry Student Council meetings will be held the first Friday of each month from 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. in Ms. Swan’s room. If you are a parent who is interested in helping us organize all of our great ideas and plan for future events, please contact Ms. Swan at [email protected]. Thanks for all of your support! School Calendar 'HFHPEHU 7 PTA Meeting 6:45p.m. 16 PTA Eat-Out Night: Chuck E Cheese 20-23 Silver Chip Events 24 Holiday; Schools and Offices Closed 27-31 Winter Break; Schools Closed -DQXDU\ 11 We’re on the Web! Winter Chorus Concert; 2:00pm & 7:00pm 13 Club and Candid Pictures 17 No School; Martin Luther King Day 21 Gold Chip Event 24 No School; Teacher Professional Day 25 Winter Band and Orchestra Concert; 2:00pm & 7:00pm 28 Family Bounce Festival 31 Vision and Hearing Screening; K & 1 )HEUXDU\ Vision and Hearing Screening; K & 1 Pennies For Patients Campaign begins 127($OOXSGDWHVZLOOEHSULQWHGLQEROG Important Reminders for Parents “Straight Talk: Helping Your Children Make Good Decisions:” Please join the PTA on Tuesday, December 7 at 6:45pm in the Media Center for this dynamic workshop presented by Mr. Wayne Whigham, former Principal of Seneca Valley High School. Label It! : Writing your child’s name on his/her clothing, backpacks and lunchboxes makes it easier for your child to reclaim lost items. Important Information to Know: Please make sure that your child knows his/her address, telephone number and how to reach a parent in an emergency.