Document 6450458
Document 6450458
DAVIDSON COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Keith Johnson, Director Lexington DSS Office P.O. Box 788 913 Greensboro Street Lexington, North Carolina 27293 336-242-2500 FAX: 336-249-7588 Thomasville DSS Office PO Box 2656 211 W. Colonial Drive Thomasville, North Carolina 27361 336-474-2760 FAX: 336-472-6635 Lexington Child Support Office PO Box 788 913 Greensboro Street Lexington, North Carolina 27293 336-242-2242 FAX: 336-242-1236 Thomasville Child Support Office PO Box 2656 211 W. Colonial Drive Thomasville, North Carolina 27361 336-474-2609 FAX: 336-474-2620 Davidson County Department of Social Services Board Meeting Minutes June 24, 2008 Board Members Present Mr. Art Burkhart; Chairman; Mr. Larry Potts; Mr. Sam Watford; Vice Chair; Rev. Tommy Wilson; Mrs. Aurelia Smith Others in Attendance Mr. Keith Johnson; Mr. Dale Moorefield; Mr. Chuck Frye; Mrs. Paula Harrison; Mrs. Joyce Roach; Mrs. Kathy Hitchcock; Mrs. Lynn Meeks; Mr. Randy Glass; Ms. Cindi Houser; Ms. Jane Wells; Mr. Ricardo Menendez; Ms. Teresa Bowers; Ms. Teresa Green; Mr. Matthew Essick; Ms. Jennifer Noonan; Ms. Ivy Holland; Ms. Shirley Lopp; Mrs. Lynn Hawks Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by the Chairman, Mr. Art Burkhart. Rev. Tommy Wilson offered an invocation. Adoption of Agenda Mr. Larry Potts made a motion to adopt the agenda; this motion was seconded by Rev. Tommy Wilson. The agenda was adopted as presented. Approval of Minutes Mr. Sam Watford moved that the minutes of the May 22, 2008 meeting be approved as presented. Mr. Larry Potts seconded this motion. The minutes were approved. Public Address There was no public address. Management Report Mrs. Lynn Meeks reported that we are underspending with our budget when you combine salaries, benefits and operating expenses. In Public Assistance, we came in right on budget for Day Care. Mr. Keith Johnson reported there will be budget amendments at the Commissioner Meeting tonight for the extra State and Smart Start monies received for Day Care. Mr. Keith Johnson reported we had five openings in May and all have been filled but one. The openings we had in Income Maintenance were due to staff being promoted within the Department. Child Protective Services has one opening. Mrs. Joyce Roach reported an increase in cases for Family and Children’s Medicaid and a small decrease in Adult Medicaid cases. There were no significant changes in the Board Fraud Report. Child Support is on target to exceed their goals. Mrs. Paula Harrison reported Work First had no major changes. We are still having trouble meeting our participation rate, but this is also a statewide issue. Mr. Johnson reported the Work First Plan is due and we will start the planning process and discuss at the July Meeting. There are currently 571 children on the waiting list for day care services. We will not go over the capped amounts in Emergency Assistance Programs. Mrs. Paula Harrison reported we will see an increase in June spending for CIP allocation because of purchasing fans and air conditioners. Adult Services and Foster Care/Adoptions had no significant changes. Mrs. Kathy Hitchcock reported that Child Protective Services surpassed the number of reports in eleven months over last year. Old Business There was no old business to be considered. New Business Employee of the Year Recognition Mr. Keith Johnson recognized the employees of the month and the Employee of the Year, Ms. Shirley Lopp. One Case Upgrade The Program Administrators led a discussion on the advantages of upgrading the current case management system (One Case). There will be a one-time additional cost of $12,000 and an annual maintenance fee of $2,400 per year for this addition. The upgrades will be paid for from performance based budgeting savings. Mr. Larry Potts made a motion to purchase the upgrade and was seconded by Rev. Tommy Wilson. The board voted unanimously in favor of the upgrade. Community Child Protection Team Member Mr. Art Burkhart had spoken with Rev. Tommy Wilson in regard to serving on the local Community Child Protection Team. Mr. Larry Potts made a motion that Rev. Wilson be appointed to serve on the team and Mr. Sam Watford seconded the motion. The board members voted unanimously in favor of the appointment. Record Destruction In accordance with the Record Retention and Destruction Policy a request was made to the Board for approval to destroy 1,126 records consisting of 772 Food & Nutrition, 84 Work First, 3 Emergency Assistance, 1 General Assistance, 67 Family/Children’s Medicaid, 198 Adult Medicaid and 1 Day Care case. Rev. Tommy Wilson made a motion the records be destroyed and Mrs. Aurelia Smith seconded this motion. Record destruction was unanimously approved by vote. Mr. Keith Johnson received next years’ membership dues for the North Carolina Association of County Boards of Social Services. The association meets at the North Carolina Zoo the third Friday of each month from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The Social Services Commission did reappoint Mr. Art Burkhart for another term. The County Commissioners will make their appointment this evening at their meeting. At next month’s meeting the chairman and vice chairman will be elected and 2nd term members will need to retake the oath of office. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Minutes Submitted by Keith Johnson, Secretary to the Board