the newsletter - Dr. Roy Wilson Learning Centre
the newsletter - Dr. Roy Wilson Learning Centre
APRIL 2015 Principal’s Message Upcoming Events At this time last year, the bottom floor of the school was just starting to get drywall and things like flooring and paint were far off dreams. Incredible how time flies. As the calendar turns to April we start to think of spring activities, being outside more often and enjoying different aspects of our facility. Special thanks to school council vice-chair Alexis Jennings for leading the work on developing our second playground structure. Best case scenario, we will see this go in during the Spring of 2016, but plans are under way. In the mean time we look forward to the additions of things like champ squares, hopscotch lines, some more basketball hoops and garbage containers. Landscaping will be completed around the current play structure as well. It should also be celebrated (with a special thank you to Lisa Perich) that as of this newsletter, our school council will be paying off the first playground in full. The school community has really done an excellent job of raising funds to fulfill our commitment to this project. Please watch for an announcement for a Grand Opening celebration to honour all of our supporters. Easter Holidays April 3– 12 Classes Resume April 13 Hot Lunch– Mikes April 17 Earth Week April 20-23 Cenovus Word April 20 Power Author Tour- K-2 Kathy Jessup & April 21 Permanent signage for our drop off zone will be installed this spring as well and we find that the mornings are working more smoothly than after school. Outside of the start of the day and after school, parking is permitted in the drop off zone. The staff parking lot is restricted to staff and people requiring handicap parking. We strongly suggest that families that need to pick up students use other areas around our facility as a meeting point. An example of this is Spruce Way (the south end of our bus zone – along the ball diamond). Students can walk to meet parents at their vehicle and avoid all of the traffic in front of the school. Cenovus Word District PD Day– Friday April 24 Finally, a thank you to all who were able to attend our Student Led Conferences in March. This is a great way for families to see what students are learning and even more importantly how well they understand the learning. Home Alone Course Sat. May 23 Gr 3 & 4 Sincerely, Corey Sadlemyer Babysitting Course Principal Spaces are limited Please return 2015-2016 Registration Forms A.S.A.P. Thank you!! Power Author Tour– Gr. 3-7 Rita Feuti & Davide Spaces are limited Sat. May 30 Gr 5 &6 ATTENTION: GRADE 3 and 4 PARENTS HOME ALONE COURSE GRADE 3 & 4 We are once again going to be offering the “Home Alone Course”. DATE: Saturday, May 23rd, COST: $50.00. Cheque payable to Dr. Roy Wilson Learning Centre. LOCATION: Wilson Learning Centre Please bring: from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. -Lunch and snacks for the day -Homemade first aid kit in a Ziploc Sandwich Bag made from supplies collected at home. Be creative! Course participants will explore the responsibilities of self care involved in staying home alone safely. Discussion and activities will include expectations of parents, time management, preparation, activities, coping with fears, healthy eating, dangers/safety , injuries/illness and first aid. The course is once again being taught by Shelly Longmore. Shelly comes to us with extensive experience in training and educating all age groups in Home Alone, Babysitting, Injury Prevention, First Aid and CPR courses. Please register in the office w/ Mrs. Weimer or Mrs. Heller as soon as possible as we can take a maximum of 20 participants. ATTENTION: GRADE 5 and 6 PARENTS BABYSITTING COURSE GRADE 5 & 6 We are once again going to be offering the 2 “Babysitting Course”. DATE: Saturday, May 30th from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. COST: $50.00. Cheque payable to Dr. Roy Wilson Learning Centre LOCATION: Wilson Learning Centre Please bring: -Lunch and snacks for the day, a doll or stuffed animal (one with a face and a body), homemade first aid kit in a Ziploc Sandwich Bag made from supplies collected at home. Be creative! This course teaches students all the aspects needed in order to become a successful babysitter: This fun-filled course will teach you skills for caring for kids of all different ages, rights and responsibilities, safety, and most of all how to have fun while doing it!! The course is once again being taught by Shelly Longmore. Shelly comes to us with extensive experience in training and educating all age groups in Home Alone, Babysitting, Injury Prevention, First Aid and CPR courses. Please register with Mrs. Weimer or Mrs. Heller as soon as possible as we can take a maximum of 20 participants. WOW! The WLC Parent Council would like to say a big *THANK YOU* to each student who brought in donations *big or small* to support the Medicine Hat Kinsmen Skate-A-Thon! This fundraiser is one that benefits both the Medicine Hat Kinsmen & the WLC Parent Council. Together, our school community raised $7,941.75! That is incredible! These funds will be shared between both groups ~ and ALL of it will benefit children in our school & community. The Kinsmen donated snacks for each student & staff person who were part of the skate days & also provided the prizes that were awarded to students this week. *Thank you* to Chelsey Edmundson & Cary Emerson who were our Kinsmen contacts they were fantastic to work with! Every dollar counts in a fundraiser like this so to each student who brought in a donation in any dollar amount, we want to share a (((HUGE))) thank you! And it's pretty cool to acknowledge that we had a few students who brought in some significant donations: ~Owen Fisher ~Abidale Wideen ~Kiera Van Der Ploeg-LaBelle n in Owe KA ised ey Ra en!! n o M w Most lations O ratu Cong SCHOOL FUNDRAISER Watch for the Wilson Learning Centre Cookbook Each Classroom provided 3 HEALTHY RECIPES SELLING SOON Watch for Details!! w e N Milk Sales $1.00 White or Chocolate sold at lunch time in the servery We would like to thank all the students who came out to make choir so memorable this year. We enjoyed meeting so many new students and seeing your talent! We appreciate all the work you put in for our Remembrance Day, Winter Wonderland and Telethon performances! Mrs. Peters Elkwater Flex Day Did Mr. Martens fall down, or is he just posing?? Please check our the lost and found items,, located o Please check the lost & found items area, located outside the gym as well as the second level. During Easter Holidays… any unclaimed items will be donated to a local charity. Recess fun! How can we catch a Leprechaun? Mrs. Friesen & Mrs. Hnetka KB & KE Leprechaun Traps KE KB Hats On FOR MENTAL HEALTH MAY 6TH, 2014