Document 6462033
Document 6462033
I BROOKLYN DAILY" E X G £ E , NEW YOKK, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1930 Ml • . - » ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT Home Relief Drop Teachers Hit Delay; In^oarcPs Report T h e Union yeeterdas' Tops-Pciak^lMjark protestedTeachers," t o Purchase Commissioner Forbes against the-delay i n puDlishlDf tthe 1835 report at t h e for Boroi Queens Russell Teacher* Retirement Board. I n % ADVERTISEMENT .ppeai to women Felt enne Urged as Fair In Sales at Auto Show Relief Bureau Official Airport O n e D e a l e r Says F e m i n i n e I n f l u e n c e C o u n t s 7 5 Emergency I>ireclor Reports Assim- woppiiNc; j^ V - Percent—Colors a n d S l e e k Styling A r e Bids f o r F a i r S e x F l a t b i i s h C h a m b e r Calls on Ingersoil to Ask for t h e Designation E JUST wish we could us« the full eight columns on this page to tell you about \ the magnificent new Salon of ; Helena Rubinstein, just, opened at \ 115 Fifth Ave. in Manhattan. . Every phase of beauty culture will v be practiced here, and the staff • engaged by Mme. Rubinstein i n \ eludes an impressive list of physio| therapists, gymnasts, dieticians, • c o s m e t i c stylists, artists in the V creation of coiffures, specialists in • skin culture and the development of personality. Can you possibly picture seven floors devoted to the beautiflcation of the face and flg!. nre? Well, it beats anything we've , ever seen. The new salou repre• sents the most advanced and ar• tistic establishment of its kind in the world, the decorations are exciting: and unique^ many of them • entirely, new j f the world of • beauty.{Visit .Helena Rubinstein's ' gorgeo\is\Jiause V£f beauiy" . . . ' you'll than^.me foW^migbiy good time. \.."" W C » » • The Rift counsellors at WM. LANGBE1N it BROS. <atways well informed on the needs for entertaining > personally selected the Si U G A R A C a n d t h e CRACKERAC from the Kensington collection in time for Christmas giving. Kensington pieces are beautiful in design and rhev h a r m o n i c perfectly with silver. Stop in at Langbein's at 161 Willoughby St. to see the Kensington line. » • » SEE WHAT 1 POUND! . . A KNITMASTER KNITTING MACHINE . . . portable, sturdy, and simple to operate. This practical knitting machine costs only 14.95, makes knitted fabrics for rugs, handbags, belts, unique gift ;novelties, quality worsteds and filler yarns. Stop in at Abraham <fc Straus, Gimbel's or Bloomingdale's for demonstration, or write to Ainslie Knitting Machine Co.. 750 Grand St.. Brooklyn, for illustrated Booklet "E." • • « : MUSLilFT B Y MILE. REIF. Re-establish muscle firmness by scientific method. No surgery, peeling or appliances. Free skin analysis. Mile. Reif at 1 W. 39th St., N. Y. C . PEnn. ^ 6-5080. or at 121 Flatbush Ave., ^Brooklyn, INgersoll' 2-6122. . • • • . REDUCE THE HOLLYWOOD WAY at MARIE ASBORN'S studio. By Swedish massage, ring roller (.works like magic on hips and thighs' and other scientific devices she gets rid of p o u n d s and i n c h e s . No starving . . no medicines! Reasonable rates, at 375 76TH ST.. cor 4th Ave. '71th St.. station B. M. T.). PhODe ATUntie 5-43!i4. • . • • Get out for a 3troll in the cool. crisp air . . . instead of doing the washing yourself. Send the bundle of linen. shirts, undies and other household t-hings to the UNIT SYSTEM, launcterers and cleaners, at 86B DeKalb Ave. It costs less than washing at home and they turn' out everything bright and fresh, sweet smelling, too. Phone NEvinx 8-6400 for. driver to call. H A I R ON r' A C K-. Get rid of it' Have a chat w i t h o n e of t h e S A I. M A N S, BropkHn'i oldest e i e e l r o i o g I * t s. at ifl Court S t , or at 5! K. 4id St . New York JuM phone TRiangle 5-5560 or MUrray Hill 2-5.110. One 'swing must Itnuw the latest steps to be a popular dance pannr-i So RCI coing to the W K B E K STUDIO, 489 WashingIon AVP. i t , the . finest school in Biooklvn and has born alt ended by wxjal Biooklvnile.5 for a quaiiei of a ceti• turv Phone PR aspect 9-6780. Supei Muous hail? C'OIIMIH Ids Ktsensteili, Brooklyn's electiolvsl.« ?pcc!ali?t. She ;<-!;.<. mr that hrr mpihrxi (irai* up stubborn ca,«e.« petma/tenlly aruf ha.* won the confldenre of hundied* of women. vShe says no pain i.« felt and no ^Cftrs left to iliar Ihr skin Cfti! FSplanade .S -1 R4.S for ::<-p uiai treatment 11>A R I S K N S T K I N I.I looatod at 2I9.S Ocean Air. ( O i l ) VVAVK ON lt.« w^> n » u jour fn: tout remodelrd i»\ I M K R 1 JAV I K K t i he well-known !ut tiaftsman. Koi %'ib he will refit. :rpnif and irlitif with nrw 5.1k I I II i I) It. clean j?ia/e and arid new loops a n d hut tons. \dditional fur at IOWO.M rost Mr. " ' < -rnd a hooded me*-r.jf Phone I Ark <-R78« oi •iwjif •»• Mrr—— !*•.' I'rfii: It""- 1^1 \\ K V 7th fiooi • op r>/\M > !>y ;- 0 81 Mdt of M?f> A. =H3sa«R =5= $E 1 \ "Something.'! like here? Hmmm ', . . I'm only human/' If you are discriminating about what you drink sighs Mr, Average Visitor at the Brooklyn Automobile Show you will cherish JOE SARTORl'S "private stock." It is masterfully balanced to produce the perfect whiskey Citing in glowing terms the ad- which entered it# fourth, day ajt the j 106th Infantry Armory, and is obtainable in either rye or scotch at JOE'S vantages Floyd B e n n e t t Field holds Bed ford, and ; Atlantic Aves., today. WORLD FAMOUS RESTAURANT AT 1» NEVINS Yesterday "was Safety 3>ay*— i : '•;;•;•::.• ST. We visited Joe's wine cellar recently and got the over every other airport i n the m e t at the show. Today4s;Women.>i conalderatioh for the other motorist ropolitan area, the Flatbush Chamthrill of a lifetime feasting these bewildered orbs on the rarest collection of vintages, liqueurs and whiskey ber of Commerce in a letter today Day. And fittingly so, Fbr, o n t h e road j tbftt; you would; .hate we just wish YOU were with us to see t h e cases to Borough President Ingersoll asked when it comes^t^.tJ^e sale ot for the hontt. -Acei,denU axe fewer,It'betpiled up to t h e ceiling! Perfect temperature control that he request t h e World's Fair cars i t appears that, t o a large e x - ter hlgb,w*y'»«UM^!^e ob»ejnfed.'' s is maintained br an air-conditioning installation. T h e tent, "it's u p t£- Use ladies." • , Testa Brake Effktatey '-• best is none too good at JOE'S, so stop in and do a authorities to designate the BrookOne car deafer" admitted last night Shown for the first.time in-puhr lyn field as the official airport for that woman's influence in car selllittle "tasting." the coming exposition. i ing is felt to t h e e x t e n t of 75 per- lie a t - t h e safety: booth afithaANew • • * York Police .Department, i n t h e BE PROUD OF YOUR COMPLEXION! T o secure the results you "Floyd Bennett transcends bv far i c* 0 '- C , U B > after reaching t h e stage show,'la * n e w machine known: a s any airport in a n d near t h e city ot mechanical perfection, are being are striving for . . . look into the safe, scientific the recording decelerometer. This method of GRACE DONOHUE. Her method defiwhich could be used t o accommodate built today with an appeal t o the device, about t h e SIM of a radio batnitely eradicates ACNE, PIMPLES. BLACKthe influx of passengers and mail eye. And it's woman's eye mainly tery, may be attached to t h e runHEADS, BLOTCHES and BLEMISHES . . . the AVord's Fair" will-bring to New chat it is aimed t o please, he said. ning board of a car to record brake Helene Carter, artist and secreyou actually step into a new world of beauty. And York." the letter said. tary of t h e Society of Illustrators, efficiencey. do let her correct nose-to-mouth Hues, jowls or a Less t h a n 40 minutes would be Visitors are testing their braking a visitor a t the show, saw-the colors ccepev neck . . . this beauty authority guaranrequired to transport passengers in speed i n a n emergency a t .the r e tees results or refunds your money. Stop in for a buses over existing routes a n d over of the 1837 models making a defi- action tester" which the Brooklyn nite appeal to women. Likewise, the sfcin and coutour. analysis, absolutely free of our best highways from t h e airport Edison Company h a s installed i n the charge, or for a demonstration of the Grace to the fair grounds, t b e letter s t a t e d . ' ffwouette, sleek appearance, flowing Police Department display. The Donohue preparations for home treatments. All lines and contours. driver w h o is quickest to step on Seaplane Facilities Cited service is rendered under the direct supervision of Display Appeals to Women Signed by B e n j a m i n j . King, ex- I Women looking over the fine car his brake is n o t always the safest, Albert C. Thierer. B.S. Call or write GRACE because h e relies too much o n v h l s DONOHUE. INC., 640 MADISON A V E , N. Y. ecuUve secretary of t h e chamber, | display at t h e armory do feel an lrbrakes and does n o t take into conPHONE PLAZA 3-6520. the letter recounts t h e numerous j resistible appeal for t h e offerings sideration the momentum of his car, » « •. times planes have been fog-bound! that run the gamut of color, the police representative in charge GOING PIJkCBS? Then be sure your coiflure is over Newark only t o find -Floyd B e n - j whether they be of sundown dusk, said. a bit more distinctive and lovely when you get there. nett Kield bathed in. s u n s h i n e with i t«"P WQ od brown, midnight blue. Sign Safety Fledges DUART permanent waves are "headline news" at the unlimltad*visibllity. I t \ cites a l s o ! old wine or t h e aristocrat in black, Safety pledges were signed by visOPPENHEIM COLLINS BEAUTY SALON, so phone the seaplane ramp on the Jamaica I l l ** s*' 0 T e v v e r itors at the Police Department's TRiangle 5-4700 to book an early appointment in ! Bay side of the field which will ac- i » e equally enthusiastic -time for holiday galas. The Duart method is x h e commodate ocean-going transports ! last night as they looked over the f « f « * * . - W ^ S W S ? ? ; M a n y w c hoice of Hollywood stars, and with smart New Yorkand other amphibian craft.. | "covered wagons," or trailers, on dls- j l£vlW--l>y Ifcpujy Police Inspector ers i t s a "MUST." Follow the well groomed woman to | The btw route suggested by the P l V and found them "adorable." « u « h Q. w " ^ * t o . s ! ? , i * 1 c o p i e ? the Oppenheim Collins Salon . . . the charge is ?10. ! chamber extends from the airport Sven hubby remarked that the I o t t h e N e w Y o r k »Ute Vehicle and Traffic law a t the boptb. Your hair will daxzle with beauty. down Fiatb;jah Ave. to Kings H i g h - ' P r i c e w * s " n o t so bad." A survey of cars on the-ermory way. to Eastern Parkway, to t h e I n - 1 u w a s R b u y l n j crowd in- a buy floor showed that many advances Taste "PRIDE OF terborough l^arkwav and to the fair in K m o o d o n t h e armory floor, .Drink more RKNKEN'S Mll.K have been made by the automotive NAPLES" tomatoes site in Flusnlng Meadows. . The spirit of the gathering during cold weather . . . it's good industry in the interests of safety-today" . then reflected in the observation of jstit for you. It provides practically you'll k n o w why lad seated at the wheel of a touring from the chassis- down to t h e last all of the food elements the hu,fine detail of equipment, much thousands of housesedan in runnymede green. / . man bodv needs. Phone MAln progress has been made, keepers always In"Boy! I could go to town in 2-6740 HEgeman 3-6212, HOUis sist upon this deBodies Built of Steel this!" he exclaimed. ^ 5-7650. or Rockville Centre 1400 to licious brand. "Pride More bodies than ever are built Variety of Models Offered place your order at the M. H. Dr. J. C. Hodge of the Babcock <k of Naples" tomatoes entirely of steel a n d the steel roof, RENKBN plant. \ Style leaders, richly appointed are luscious, rich in I Wilcox Co., manufacturers of boilthough n o t y e t universal, i s e m » » • flavor, the cream of ers, was the principal speaker at the models, cars that may be chauffeur ployed quite extensively, RemarkOh. madam! Are you nervous the crop! , second of a series of ten lecture* on or owner driven, cars t h a t are built' ably strong though moderately light and overweight? Let Christine i the fundamentals of welding spon- for dependability, safety, roominess in Weight; the steel frame affords Midskaug help you to sored by t h e New "York Chapter of and comfort are everywhere to be j better protection In case of accident, get rid of two to four pounds daily by the American Welding Society and found among the some 300 cars and the survey revealed. chassis on display. The designers of the new models workouts and masBrooklyn Polytechnic Institute, held Ralph De Palma, the Brooklynlte have taken definite steps to insure sages at the Swedish at Poly T e c h last night. J. C. Scott, who burned up t h e track in early against accidents with the use of Massage Institute at , chairman of the education commit racing days, in giving his views on wider and higher windshields, af427 Platbush Ave. Extee of t h e chapter, presided and I safety yesterday, said, "My slogan fording better vision. Drivers' seats tension. Phone NEvmore than 350 attended is courtesy first. Have t h e same that m a y be adjusted to ease each ' ins 8-2344 for appointment. . • .« letter t o Commissioner. Forbes, B r ling Tholfsen, chairman of t h e union's pension committee, pointed out tbat such report* were alwaya released heretofore i n September nlulion Into Industries. and said that teachers were "vitally concerned In the material contained Reduction of the home relief ca*e in the report." load in Brooklyn ^tnd Queens through placement i d private i n dustry reached a 1&-J6" peak lsust month, Miss Charlotte K. Oarr, executive director of t h e Emergency The annual freshman-sophomore Relief Bureau, announced today. dance of St. John's College will be More than 4,100 otheiJ home relief held tonight, in DeOray Hall, Lewis cases' were also removed from the and Willoughby Aves, T h e event c i t y list- during the moqth. Of this marks t h e close of the ^basing" p e group 1,867 were transf ef-jted t o WPA, riod for the members of the freshli[W were removed because of i n - man class. George McMahon of t h e surance adjustments, 17^ were able class of 1939 is chairman of t h » t o drop relief because of pensions, dance committee. and t h e remainder either left the city or their cases were \ taken over by private agencies-or relatives. During October t h e bureau gave SHAPEDTO FIT home relief to. 69,656 Brooklyn and Queens cases representing 230,643 AS NATURE men, women and children i n the two <boroughs. Of this total >,493 cases were i n Queens. — i , » _ . ; •» St. John^ College ' To Conduct Dance •.".•-, Individual operator Into the most efficient driving position; defrosters which work from t h e car heater and keep frost from forming on tbe windshield in sleety weather; wider front seats, so t h a t the driver is not cramped if three must be accommodated and vastly improved brakes are other improvements, the survey showed. " ; ~ - •• " ^ W . * ^ a m • '6 95 UP Ti»« Mark fit* thoft* to conlorta oxactly with th« sliapo of the loot . . . distributtag t o d y w*ight lo gira ubsolut* comfort. TREE MARK SHOES 8 Delancey St.. N. Y. -- Ss A New Personal Credit Service " T H E MANHATTAN PLAN" now available to salaried men and women, buslnea* and professional men, partners and corporation! Welding Expert lectures at Polv • «> Loans $50 to $2,500 Monthly payments up to 15 month* No deduction of interest • No charge for insurance L*<*rvj may b< arranted at any effic* of tht «> B A N K of the M A N H A T T A N COMPANY C*»rter^t l f M Xl«»tl*r federal Deposit Jjuvrena* CWj>0f«rim • Serve EHLERS GRADE "A" COFFEE on Thanksgiving Day ... . . your f a m i l y arid friends will love its de* H I I !**> licious goodness and mellow f l a v o r . E h 1 e r s Is a m a tc h1 ess blend of coffee r o a s t e d to perfection by an exclusive method, making more cups per pound. Save the coupons to get six-cup porcelain J1.25 Drip-O-Lator for only four coupons and 60 cents. LOSE W E I G H T and Jnche? without diet or drugs at SKULDS. Brooklyn's swanky body beautiful salon. Two-four treatment, *2.50. Electric cabinet, blankets, lamp baking, facial, exercises, b o d y massage.. Concession on a course. Enroll now. SKULDS. 44 BUTLER PLACE tcor. Sterling Place between Vanderbilt and U n d e r h l l l Aves.", Brooklyn. Phone STerling 3-9450. » » • Take heed if you're clever, of fhe distinctive service at DOUBEK'S beautiful sal o n » l 660 Flatbush Ave. Phone INgetsoll 2-5808 to book a perman e n t waving a p p o I n iment . . a w e l l I lained operator will design a coiffure, more lovely, becoming and lasting. Then consult this master hairdresser about a becoming new a retouch or finger wave. haircut. Get r o n r i e l f a smart looking warm coal at. the AI.BKE STUDIO for as Utile as $15 . . fur coal* start at $35. Most ar« m o d e l s used for posing and come in all sizes Run into Suite 407 at 1 DeKalb Ave. • Aloee Theater t.uilding^ MIV dav up to 9 .p.m. RIOK K ) R H K A I. I M AND BKAUTY! Select » frw ridinx logs at the TRIANGLE STORK, I8'i Flatbush Ave. Black and blown boots In all wanted .«l7.e.« ate as low as I.V9.V W h i p cord b ; r e i, ti e s ran^e from tl 89 to M.86 and wniiple riding coats aie as lo» *<H9h Luxurious Interiors F e a t u r e New Buieks Luxurious interiors chat ac.tei tze ihf 193'i Buichs wit. martceri «o »ances in trim, moldings and fillings Window and door moldings HIP locked In place bv Invisible clamps, fliniiiiating Hie usual pir.ence of .icrew heads. All trim is o( fisvi Active walnut finish in hannonv »iiti :ne costly upholstering ano altiaclivt mteiiot hardware. \ new instrument panel of atnactive design is edge lighted, with the iiiMiiimeni cluster plated ai i l u iefl in front of the driver and -r, r\c< \nc. clock mounted in ihe n(y>; of t.he glove compartment at nghi In additiot. grille and panel aie -provided in Hie ceilid <"•' Ht.-tninieni hoard foi >hr mo . o f loud .-.prater1! and ladio». r O iti • •V- Ak<M/fWra^,T2fr^^ W h e n y o u c o m p a r e cars, compare not o n l y p r i c e s , b u t what you fet for what ,vo« pay. A s k t h e q u e s t i o n * b e l o ^ r , a b o u t a n y car y o u are considering.' T h e a n s w e r * w i l l g i v e y o u t h e itnixtrtant fact? a b o u t the n e w 1 9 3 7 a u t o m o b i l e s . VI «* I Ask this a bout DRIVING ... RIDIM Does the ear you are looking at "almost dn»e itself"? • Can it offer yon the latest and greatest 1937 driving advancement, »hjch enables you to shift gears . . . at any apeed you desire . . . without ever pulling a jear lever or poshing a dutch pedal? • Can you drive it all day without ever taking either bajvd from the steering wheel? • Has it a lover center of gravity? A solid, onePK'ce front axle, and long leaf front springs, wholly free from steering and braking strains? •-1 Wvdwn clone ton o n m e r "YES" to efl rfe**e questiwu! A s k this about STYLE «.< ROOM la its style tompietMy >»*« . . . with longer, lower, more graceful lines? • Is rt ww.frU style. »ith no sacrifice of roominess and comfort? • Have wheelhaaes been increased to 122 *nd 129 inches? • Are bodies wider . . . front arata a full 56 toeoes wide? • Is there more We*d rocnn, shoulder room, k-fc room? • la tbe rear floor leeeJ (no hump}? • Can vrw have a front floor eieor of brake and g*»«r VeretW? • D« fabric*, tailorinj: and e^nioment eompare farrorably vith the costliost "hixnry" rara? Hwd»en o k n * can untwr "TtT" to all n%**« tcfl» y o u ho-w far t h e s e n e w all n e e d f o r u s i n g t h e g e a r s h i f t l e v e r o r Theft visit t h e ' n e a r e s t H u d s o n a n d Ter- 1937 H u d a o n « h a v e s t e p p e d a h e a d of all c l u t c h p e d a l , y e t l e a v e s y o u f r e e to s h i f t raplanc s h o w r o o m , and drive a duplicate t h e r e s t i n t h e t h i n g s that c a n b e .teen a n d g e a r s any time of the r e c o r d - m a k i n g H u d s o n , t h e t w e n t measured. you pleaae. One look about 3 PBTFOR^AMCE ^ ENDURANCE Doea it merely claim performance and en*nrajvco, or haa it pror+d them in the m<»t ptmirthing »<<x>k car "torture \**XJ of all rime . . . covering 2fM miles in ?.< honra at 8T.fi7 mitoa per hour? • XI new official recorda made by 1937 ear* ! • Has it prortd g*.<>oline economy of 20.02 mile* per gallon, at th# everyday apeed of 30 miles an boor . . uwtead of offering only aomeone'a ert^avarrant e«timHt*? • Are all the*« teats oflicytlly t+riifitH by the American Automobile A»aociatioti ? Hwdton «rtoo« cam entwef "Yl$" to •*! to<»*« bodies, on wheelbaae* 1937 o a r s c a o g i v e . T h e q u e s t i o n * at t h e increased to 122 a n d 129 i n c h e s . Y o u find interior.* e q u a l l y left b r i n g o u t s o m e md roominess that a c t s * n e w r e c o r d e v e n for H u d s o n . f o r m a n c e , e n d u r a n c e a n d e c o n o m y faott. Y o u c a n r e l a x in a 5S~i*ch S e e t b e s e n e w H u d s o n S i x e s nmi R i g h t s far a h e a d in l u x u r y front seat, with m o r e h e a d r o o m , m o r e leg room, N«w Selective Automatic at Shift AT THE AUTO SHOW durance tntroduetion HUDSON eliminates A N D TERRAPLANE t i l l h*tt»ri At* n i l 0 » » » r Ulafil A»«. **t a»th s». AMITTvtt 1 r -rm»ti M*ur a»u. SAT SRORR—Vl«t*f t. Ca«». »»«. r«sT HAMrroK--r»«t*t T « . I « r«SMTvnnAi.t—K»«t Atl* k<*ta>«. U>. 1<* M«rrt/A V n x l »A< W. V»l»< .*«. Of«t»T>.r»»4 l . i f i i C»«AH« S< n o S A I . f « » S - -T»»>»r * T » » t » S , I n t . i i i s a n s f . -f,.«M. A n**»\. in*. .0 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 a T»HJI IM', At». r » r r l m l « « at. They and economy 5?hifl Untitled Document (iitmiritiiiiftiiifitin^ Show. mobile 1 O.NO I ' l ' ' " •Wet «>-»g»><U wfHt^vl *»•»* W * * * l - M > tbe A u t o feature . . . H n d n o n ' s S e t o c t i v e Anton-mtic « c t r a ) . It per- a r e the ing test e v e r g i v e n a s t o c k c a r . f*ow*f incr«x»*d to 101, 107 m4 1M tm**ih henw« se«»M • DovbU C«rVw»*k»n to 5fao* tn w*ll m El^nts • Bodto* 6tocW« wkto/ * Lo«*»««' contor of groYfty • N«*f f>ovbto-Drop "S-X" frowa « B«d5*« oil of ito*{ *n'\ *+om\*n »(«*( foofa j * Dwo-Av^osqotk Hydeowlto frak* • Rodiol Sototy Cexrfrol • Hydroaftc Hfft-HoW (o^ op*(o»ol «Ytra) k*-*p-« r°«f cor Ir&m rolling bocV wl»«i »*opp-cJ &n sp-jpoxto*. first c a r t i n all h i s t o r y w i t h p e r f o r m a n c e , e n - A n d y o u d i s c o v e r a w h o l l y nevr d r i v i n g (an optional of t h e s e vital It H e v e r H a p p e n e d B©for® CERTIFIED a i . r f . 1 4 M . l . r »at*» SHIFT can't h e s e e n , H u d s o n g i v e s y o u Proof n o o t h e r r » u « « A«t« 1t-f«»i»»»a AUTOfyiATTC 2104 m i l e s in 2 4 , h o u r s in t h e m o s t p u n i s h - a rceointfced style loader. lx>wer, w i d e r Raas*4 M-«-r« SELECTIVE tpeed W h e n it o o m e s t o t h e t h i n g s that Y o u t e e b e a u t y »till f u r t h e r r e f i n e d , in Aftk this y o u p l e a s e , at any Association SALES OFFICIALLY by the A m e r i c a n hefort their Autofmhlic i V irtnxT *»Y H U D SOiNi r«»t*nAiM, t*n * mmon vx. v*e« • tntmm MM. tm • reanarraoai < A « , %rn. r*4 f,«. ». k. » S ' » CORP., Broodwoy ond 61if Str«ef, N«v York SSOOKI.VN tUfr Kilt* r«»H« a^rrlf* O a f a r * rt»|rrrOBT-~»if»»i« »r».. n l . S K COY*—Tt»» M»t»r S»)»« «I.RKOA(.K—H*l»»« X « i « r » . HIIWTtNGfOK—•J. A. C»r».« A » U C«. JAMAICA—M»tHfA »«»»••»»<. t « » . 1 rvasooa—.i»>m M. ».»h« orsTra SAT i. A. r . r » » A»«* r* • < ><"• S i . »01 » » H AT«. as R. •«-....1 »-.< at rn*» C»T» A»#. l i l t Mjrrlt* A»«. ana Xtw Y»tk At». U A - M ItllHM* A I I . ASt Mtrrirk *<s»A W M I M»ln SI. City r r s « | * t t s M»1»r a«t»« ASA M t n h i t l i n A M TS« K > m p « n M»(*r r » , C*.. I t l l S * t » r i 4»A I 07.0.NK r A S S - - R « n n S « r r M*i«rt »M4 l t k # r l » I n . rATCBOOUK -Albln, K»a A T » » t H 11A ».. Main S». T O S T W A S M I N O T O N — n » * » M M»l»ri A« f t . W««Klnr»*n BltA. SOCKVn.t.K CtXT*K~T1«*>tt OaMfA. Snntt»» H t r t i * ' ? . ^ * . M»rl«« S « « i ATONT lSSOOK —A. T. Orifftn WOOOaAVkV - Slthm«««4 Mill M«lA f *»!>• » - .t» l . w . U . A»N^ r II
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