Tablets Use in Emerging Markets: An Exploration Abstract


Tablets Use in Emerging Markets: An Exploration Abstract
Tablets Use in Emerging Markets:
An Exploration
Lucia Terrenghi
Google, Inc.
Tablet sales are growing worldwide and changing the
landscape of personal computing. This is true across
mature markets as well as emerging ones, however
little research has been done on the influence of tablets
in the emerging markets. This paper presents insights
gained during an exploratory study on the use of
tablets in four cities: Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Jakarta
and Bangalore. The results uncover similarities and
differences with regard to the use of tablets in mature
markets versus emerging markets and identifies
implications for design across markets.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
[email protected]
Laura Garcia-Barrio
Google, Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
[email protected]
Lidia Oshlyansky
Google, Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043
[email protected]
Author Keywords
Tablets; user study; emerging markets.
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.2. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g.,
HCI): User Interfaces
Copyright is held by the author/owner(s).
MobileHCI 2013, Aug 27 – 30, 2013, Munich, Germany.
The recent drop of the price of tablet devices ‎[3],
together with improved affordability of technology by a
growing middle class in emerging economies such as
India (IN), Indonesia (IN), Brazil (BR) and Mexico (MX)
‎[3], ‎[5], provides for interesting possible scenarios of
technology leapfrogging. Will people start using tablets
as a first and unique computing device? And who are
the first adopters of tablets in those markets?
With these questions in mind we found little research
on how tablets are being used in emerging markets. We
therefore conducted our own investigation: The insights
we present build on a study conducted with 17
participants across Jakarta (ID, 5), Bangalore (BR, 3),
Mexico City (MX, 4) and Sao Paulo (BR, 5). This paper
contributes a deeper understanding of the role that
tablet devices play in the lifestyles of people in those
geographies and draws design implications that are
grounded in the insights from the study.
Much has been written on mobile phones in emerging
markets (see ‎[2], ‎[4] as examples) but little has been
done around the particular use of and design for
tablets. Given the particularities of these markets in
terms of: relatively recent uptake of technology, led by
mobile devices; varying access to infrastructure,
connectivity and resources; an overall young
population, concentrated in large urban areas; and a
growing middle class ‎[1], ‎[6], ‎[11], we felt a need to
better understand possible geographical and cultural
differences. Therefore our study set out to looking for
insights into what tablet users were doing with their
devices and whether this differed with the users already
noted in the US. Specifically we aimed to answer:
Motivation and Background
While researching the tablets landscape we found much
in popular media, market research and academic
papers laying out a scenario where tablets are blowing
past PC sales worldwide and their price is dropping,
where more and more media content is consumed on
mobile devices, where tablets become TV watching
companions and education supporters. However, most
of these insights referred to mature markets, the US in
particular, and it was aggregated qualitative data (see
‎[9], ‎[12], ‎[14], ‎[15], ‎[16], ‎[17] as just a few
examples). Likewise, our colleagues in the US had
recently completed a study on the use of tablets in the
US ‎[7]. Meanwhile, we were reading about the
landscape in emerging economies, where demand for
tablets is growing exponentially (more 200% in 2012 in
Brazil), where local manufacturers are becoming
market leaders (DL in Brazil ‎[7]), and where
governments introduce programs for all of the students
in the country to have entry level subsidized tablets for
$20 in the next 7 years ('Aakash' program in India)
‎[10], ‎[13].
How do people use tablets in some emerging
How do tablets fit in people‟s ecology of devices?
How much of an internet vs. a computing device is
the tablet for them?
To address these questions we designed a study to
explore relatively quickly and cost-efficiently the use of
tablets by middle class users in those regions.
Study Methodology
We conducted in depth interviews with 17 participants
from Jakarta, Bangalore, Mexico City, and Sao Paulo.
The choice of the location was driven by the presence
of one of our company‟s offices in the city, so that we
could conduct some (12) of the interviews remotely,
having the participant visiting our local office and
connecting over video conference. We recruited people
with different occupation (e.g. a few students, two
teachers, a copywriter, a couple of developers, a couple
of entrepreneurs, etc.); age range was: 19-51; the
gender split was: 7 female, 10 male; and we strived for
a balance of tablets operating systems (10 iOS, 6
Android and 1 Kindle Fire users).
Figure 1: The visual script we
designed and administered to guide
the interview
A visual script (see Figure 1) was administered to each
participant in a semi-structured interview that would
cover the following topics:
general use: e.g., when and where the person
uses the tablet, what applications she has installed
and likes most, etc.;
buying experience: e.g., why and where she
bought the device, how much it cost, how did she
decide for a specific model, etc.;
communication patterns and devices: e.g.,
what devices she owns/uses, what she uses them
for, which communication tools she uses, etc.;
situations: going through different images, we
discussed diverse situations in which she uses the
tablet, e.g., in bed, in the office, commuting, etc.;
activities: similarly, we discussed the activities
that she would do on the tablet (e.g., browsing,
playing games, using social networks, etc.), how
often, and with which tools or applications, etc.;
overall experience: finally we asked for the
participant's evaluation of the overall experience,
what she liked most and least about her tablet use.
It’s an additional gadget, not a replacement
None of the participants used the tablet was a
replacement for another device. All of them had a
laptop or a desktop computer and 14 had a smartphone
too. Interestingly, most of the participants (9) did not
choose to buy the device, but rather got it as a gift
from someone or as a prize from some contest or
lottery. Most of the participants didn‟t feel like they
needed a tablet until they owned one. One participant,
for example, said: “I won it at a contest for creative
writing. I didn't think of buying one but now I cannot
think of being without it”.
It provides new contexts of use
As the tablet enters people's lives it takes up some
tools or activities from other platforms, allowing for the
use of those tools in new contexts. Some students, for
example, said they'd use the tablet in school for playing
games during boring classes. Some participants said
they'd rather watch a video on a tablet rather than on a
smartphone because of the larger screen, or use the
tablet for social networks in bed because it‟s more
comfortable and relaxing than using a laptop or a
desktop PC. Interestingly, 10 participants used video
chat on tablet to communicate with intimates living far
away, and in those cases it was the preferred device for
It’s more a “portable” than a “mobile” internet device
Only 4 participants had a 3G antenna and one of them
didn't actually use mobile data regardless. None of the
participants used a mobile dongle for connecting to the
internet. Still, all the participants said they‟d use the
device online most of the time, meaning they would use
it over Wi-Fi at home, school, or at hotspots available
in libraries, cafes or shopping malls. The reasons we
heard were multiple and diverse for different people
and regions: i.e., the prices of dataplan are too high
(as we heard for example in Jakarta); the quality of
mobile network is not worth the additional price (e.g.,
in Bangalore); there are safety concerns associated
with showing a tablet in public and crowded places, as
we repeatedly heard from participants from different
cities. One participant from Jakarta, for example, stated
“I have a 3G antenna so I can 'google' everywhere I am
if I need to look up something [...] But I don't have a
data plan because it costs too much, you know. I only
connect over WiFi [...]. If I am in a bus or public
transport I don't use the tablet or any device because
this is Indonesia. Too many people and I am also
scared about that".
There is a host and a guest
We observed different ways in which people share the
device, often depending on the frequency of sharing
and whether the tablet would be more of a home
appliance or a personal device. The fact that most
applications allow for only one account caused some
difficulties for people: Some participants would split
permissions between users by having one person using
the application and others accessing the tool only
through the service; One user would not install social
network applications because he shared the device with
his father so he would only use the service on the
browser and log in and out every time.
Document handling is cumbersome
Document handling is not straightforward. Several iOS
users adopted Notes as an application for note-taking
because it‟s already installed, but ended up not being
able to use those notes on other devices. Additionally,
several participants would use Microsoft Word on their
desktop or laptop, and could not find an easy way to
open and edit their docs on the tablet. One participant
said: “I read a lot of academic papers on my tablet.
Some are from paid magazines I can only access for
free from my university computer, on the school
network. So I have to download them on my notebook,
then transfer them to Dropbox, and from there I grab
them on my iPad. Then I open them on DocAS, an app
I bought that is one of the best for PDFs”.
Shopping is "for the tablet", not for goods or services
Almost no-one in our sample felt comfortable
purchasing goods or services using the tablet. The only
transactions were for paying for an app or a book, and
the amount was always very low (below 10 USD). The
reasons we heard were: that it doesn't feel safe and
some people would “trust the laptop more” ; several
payments interfaces do not render properly on the
tablet browser, causing problems with the entry of
personal data; some people felt they would be more
likely to make typing errors on the tablet.
Discussion and Implications
The study has some limitations in terms of
generalization of its results because of: the size of the
sample (17 participants); the time span of our
interaction with the participants (60-90 minutes); and
the setting of the interview (over video-conference
rather than in the participant‟s typical context).
Nevertheless we believe our results provide for some
meaningful insights, gathered in a time and cost
efficient way, and shed light on specific aspects that
larger ethnographic research could address going
forward. In particular, the study uncovers some
similarities and differences across geographies and
cultures, and provokes thinking around design
Similarities and differences across geographies
According to our study, the middle class in Sao Paulo,
Mexico City, Jakarta and Bangalore conceives of the
tablet as an additional device rather than a substitute
our results are similar in many ways to the ones from
the analysis of mature markets.
Figure 2: Our implications for
design, valid across markets.
Consistently with the quantitative and qualitative data
focusing on the US market (e.g., respectively [9, 8]). ,
our participants mostly used the tablet in-laid back
situations, such as in bed or while watching TV. The
most popular and recurring activities were casual
internet browsing, playing games, checking e-mails,
and watching videos.
On the other hand some of our findings diverge from
the ones based on the US population and suggest some
cultural differences that would deserve further
exploration. For example, none of the participants
would use the device while commuting. The recurring
reasons were: safety concern; lack of 3G antenna or
data plan; or poor quality of the mobile network.
Additionally, only 2 of our participants would use the
tablet in the kitchen: Cooking, especially in Asia, is
indeed a task often performed by helpers, a workforce
affordable by the middle class. While in the US and
other mature markets cooking and the kitchen space
have become essential parts of people‟s lifestyle (think
of the many food- and cooking-related applications),
they are not „aspirational‟ contexts in lots of emerging
economies yet. Furthermore, in several cultures there
are gender patterns for which only women cook or even
enter the kitchen. More ethnographic research in the
home space would probably provide a deeper
understanding of the different roles and use cases in
the households.
Implications for design
Based on our insights we could draw some implications
for the design of tablets applications and operating
systems (see Fig. 2):
Make the tablet excel as bridge device: Users‟ data
should be easily and readily available across devices
and support cross-platform interaction. In that sense
the tablet should not be considered in isolation but
rather as an element of a broader ecology of personal
Design for 'on spot' rather than ‘always on’
connectivity: In the markets we have investigated
mobile connectivity is not ubiquitously available,
reliable, or affordable. Additionally, showing a device in
a public space raises safety concerns. The interaction
with web services is situated most of the time, rather
than 'on the go' and seamless. Streaming, for example,
happens only in wifi spots, not ubiquitously.
Help students make the most out of their tablets:
Some students said that they got the tablet for study or
productivity purposes in the first place, but ended up
using it mostly for entertainment because it was
cumbersome to handle documents. Especially students
using iPad complained that the device is not very good
for productivity and files exchange.
Allow for different modes of device sharing:
Sharing patterns appeared to be quite different
depending on the role the tablet would play in people‟s
lifestyles: i.e., whether it was a study buddy, a
personal assistant or a home appliance (see Fig. 3).
Account switching should be simple on the device, on
the native apps, and on the browser in order to allow
Figure 3: We found that the tablet,
as additional device in an ecology
of devices, plays different roles for
different people lifestyles: is a
study and playmate for students; a
personal assistant or mobile
professionals, who use the tablets
at meetings and/or while visiting
clients; and a home appliance for
home users who use the device
almost exclusively at home.
for different sharing patterns. Android 4.2 for tablets
has partially solved the problem at the device level, but
the users in our sample did not have that. Besides, the
issue often remains at the application level.
[7] Madureira, D. Classe média busca seu primeiro
tablet (Middle class searches for their first tablet), Valor
Econômico (December 6, 2012)
Promote productivity apps in the cloud: Users
resort to the Notes app and email docs back and forth
because in many cases they haven't thought of using
Google Docs or similar cloud-based services. The tablet
is in many cases meant to be an assistant device for
work, but people struggle using it in that way because
the „seams‟ between devices and context of use are
somewhat disruptive and lots get „lost in translations‟.
[9] Nielsen Report. In the US, tablets are tv buddies
while e-readers make great bedfellows (May 2011).
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