
This is a one-time sale; first-come, first-serve. I’m trying to clear
out books I was going to sell a few years ago as well as thin
out my own library. Thanks for helping support my ministry
with a little extra cash flow…
Most of these are Used in very solid condition, but feel free to
ask questions about anything: [email protected]
SHIPPING: $3 for the first book, $1 each additional book, and
after 10 books the additional shipping is FREE!
Obviously, I don’t endorse all these books.
Please pass this on to anyone who may be interested in good,
cheap, Christian books!
The Kingdom of the Cults (1977) Walter Martin $1
Ancient Christian Writers: Embassy for the Christians & The
Resurrection of the Dead (in English) Athenagoras $10
Thy Word is Truth
Edward J. Young $3
Defending the Faith, Vol. 4 (transcripts of 14 apologetics radio
John F. Ankerberg $4
The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers Josh McDowell $2
Evidence that Demands a Verdict, Vol. 2 Josh McDowell $2
Orthodoxy G. K. Chesterton $4
Biblical Inspiration
I. Howard Marshall $3
The Goodness of God John W. Wenham
How We Got the Bible (1963) Neil R. Lightfoot $2
Is the Bible the Word of God? (1922!) W. Graham Scroggie $5
see also the C. S. Lewis, Biblical Study, and Theological Studies
The Shorter Life of D. L. Moody
A. P. Fitt $5
Life Sentence
Chuck Colson
Five Who Changed the World Daniel Akin $1
Through Gates of Splendor
Elisabeth Elliot $5
Shadow of the Almighty: The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot
Elisabeth Elliot $4
Seeing Beyond Gail McWilliams $1
In My Father's House Grace Nies Fletcher $1
Too Great a Temptation Joel Gregory $3
Menno Simons van Witmarsum
J. A. Brandsma $10
George W. Truett: A Biography P. W. James $10
Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther
Roland Bainton $3
Born Again Chuck Colson
see also the Church History section
The Volunteer Revolution Bill Hybels $3
Mastering Contemporary Preaching (Mastering Ministry Series)
Bill Hybels, Haddon Robinson, Stuart Briscoe $3
The Shape of Faith to Come: Spiritual Formation & the Future of
Brad J. Waggoner $5
continued next column
Still More High School Talksheets: 50 Creative Discussions for
Your Youth Group David Rogers $2
Design for Church Growth Charles L. Chaney & Ron S. Lewis $1
Transforming Church Boards into Communities of Spiritual
Leaders Charles M. Olsen $2
Conflict Management in Congregations collection of 20 articles
from the Alban Institute $10
Spiritual Leadership J. Oswald Sanders
Beneath the Surface: Avoiding Hidden Dangers in Your Voyage
to Biblical Manhood
Bob Reccord $1
Incarnate Leadership: 5 Leadership Lessons from the Life of
Jesus Bill Robinson $4
The Story We Find Ourselves In
Brian McLaren $3
On the Crest of the Wave: Becoming a World Christian C. Peter
Wagner $3
Games with a Purpose 2 (for youth ministry) Dale Connally $2
The Teaching Ministry of the Church
Daryl Eldridge & other
contributors $3
Broken Promises: Understanding, Healing, & Preventing Affairs
in Christian Marriages Henry A. Virkler $10
How to Start and Manage a Counseling Business: A Guide for
Churches, Ministers, & Professionals Kathie Erwin $10
Approved unto God: The Spiritual Life of the Christian Worker
Oswald Chambers
Planting Churches Cross-Culturally, 2nd ed. David J.
Hesselgrave $12
Leadership Library: Clergy Couples in Crisis Dean Merrill $2
Servolution: Starting a Church Revolution through Serving
Dino Rizzo $5
The Complete Book for Family Life Ministry in the Church Don
Hebbard $1
Church Growth: Strategies that Work Donald McGavran and
George G. Hunter III
Southern Baptist Preaching Yesterday dozens of historic
Baptist preachers $7
Balanced Church Growth: Church Growth Based on the Model
of Servanthood Ebbie C. Smith $1
Matering Transitions (Mastering Ministry Series) Ed Bratcher,
Robert Kemper, Douglas Scott $2
Compelled by Love: The Most Excellent Way to Missional Living
Ed Stetzer & Philip Nation $3
The Future of the Christian
Elton Trueblood $3
Leadership Library: Weddings, Funerals, & Special Events
Eugene Peterson, Calvin Miller, R. Kent Hughes, & others $2
Teaching for Results (Revised ed.) Findley B. Edge $2
Leading Change in the Congregation
Gilbert Rendle $1
The Disciple Making Church Glenn McDonald $2
Returning to Holiness: A Personal & Churchwide Journey to
Gregory Frizzell $1
The Heart of a Great Pastor H. B. London, Jr., & Neil B.
Wiseman $1
Disciples are Made, Not Born Henrichsen $3
The Pastor and His Work Homer A. Kent $4
Teaching to Change Lives Howard Hendricks
The 7 Laws of the Teacher Howard Hendricks
continued next page
As One with Authority: Reflective Leadership in Ministry
Jackson Carroll $1
Opening the Front Door: Worship and Church Growth James
Emery White $3
Competent to Counsel
Jay E. Adams $1
Is God Calling Me? Jeff Iorg $1
Too Great a Temptation Joel Gregory $3
Integrity Therapy John Drakeford $2
Prayer and Preaching Karl Barth $7
Navigating the Winds of Change: How to Manage Change in the
Lynn Anderson $2
Leadership Library: The Healthy Hectic Home
Systems-Sensitive Leadership: Empowering Diversity without
Polarizing the Church Michael C. Armour & Don Browning $1
The Pastor's Primer O. S. Hawkins
Leadership Library: When It's Time to Move Paul D. Robbins $2
The New Ministers Manual
Paul W. Powell $2
Your Church Can Grow
Peter C. Wagner $3
A Charge to Keep: And Other Messages Robert G. Lee
Morph!: The Texture of Leadership for Tomorrow's Church
Ron Martoia $2
Leadership Library: When to Take a Risk: A Guide to Pastoral
Decision Making Terry Muck $2
Breakout Churches Thom Rainer $3
Run with the Bulls without Getting Trampled Tim Irwin $2
The Second Reformation: Reshaping the Church for the 21st
Century William A. Beckham $1
4 Books in 1: Surprised by Joy, Reflections on the Psalms, The
Four Loves, The Business of Heaven (365 Readings) $6
6 Books in a Box: Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, Problem
of Pain, Great Divorce, Miracles, Abolition of Man $20
A Grief Observed $5
Chronicles of Narnia (a cool paperback set of all 7 books) $20
Letters of C. S. Lewis $5
Letters to Malcolm (Chiefly on Prayer) $5
Mere Christianity $5
Miracles $5
Of Other Worlds: Essays & Stories $5
Reflections on the Psalms $5
Screwtape Letters
Space Trilogy: Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous
Strength $10
Surprised by Joy $5
The Four Loves $5
The Grand Miracle $5
The Great Divorce
The Magician's Nephew $3
The Pilgrim's Regress (worn) $3
The Problem of Pain $5
The World's Last Night and Other Essays
Till We Have Faces $5
Penguin History of the Church, Vol. 5: The Church in an Age of
Revolution Alec Vidler $3
Penguin History, Vol. 4: The Church and the Age of Reason
Gerald R. Cragg $3
Penguin History, Vol. 3: The Reformation Owen Chadwick $3
Penguin History, Vol. 1: The Early Church Henry Chadwick $3
Penguin History, Vol. 2: The Middle Ages R. W. Southern $3
Christianity through the Centuries Earle Cairns $4
History of the Christian Church (8 Vols in 3 Bks) Philip Schaff $50
The 12: The Story of Christ's Apostles Edgar J. Goodspeed $5
The Restoration Movement Enos E. Dowling $5
Through the Ages: A History of the Christian Church Ernest T.
Thompson $2
Early Christians Speak Everett Ferguson $15
Church History, Early & Medieval Everett Ferguson $5
Demonology of the Early Christian World (Symposium Series)
Everett Ferguson $75
The Free Church & The Early Church: Bridging the Historical and
Theological Divide Everett Ferguson, E. Glenn Hinson, &
several other historians $3
Reformation Europe 1517-1559 (1963) G. R. Elton $4
Karl Barth & Evangelicalism
Gregory Bolich $1
The Baptist Heritage: Four Centuries of Baptist Witness H. Leon
McBeth $6
Protestant Biblical Interpretation (3rd Rev ed) Bernard Ramm$2
Understanding Fundamentalism & Evangelicalism George M.
Marsden $4
The Battle for the Bible Harold Lindsell $3
Heresy & Criticism: The Search for Authenticity in Early Christian
Literature Robert M. Grant $5
Gods and the One God (Library of Early Christianity) Robert
Grant $3
The Works of Josephus: Complete & Unabridged
"The Restoration Principle": 1962 Annual Bible Lectures,
Abilene Christian College 31 entries by various speakers $12
Gentiles - Jews - Christians: Polemics & Apologetics in the
Greco-Roman Era Hans Conzelmann
The Early Church Henry Chadwick $3
Beginnings in Church History Howard F. Vos $1
The Early Christian Church J. G. Davies $3
Swedish Baptists in America: A History (1933) J. O. Backlund $10
The Story of Christianity, Vols. 1 & 2 Justo Gonzalez $6
Our Baptist Story (1958) Pope A. Duncan $4
The Age of the Reformation Roland Bainton $5
How the Irish Saved Civilization
Thomas Cahill
Historical Documents Advocating Christian Union various
Restoration founders & leaders, ed. by Charles A. Young $16
Renaissance & Reformation William Estep
Alien Baptism and the Baptists (1962) William M. Nevins $10
Alexander Campbell as a Preacher Archibald McLean
The Story of the Restoration Bill Humble $3
History of Christianity in the Middle Ages William R. Cannon $3
Why Baptists? A Study of Baptist Faith & Heritage William R.
Estep $5
see also the Biography and Classics & Classic Authors sections
CLASSICS & CLASSIC AUTHORS (ancient & more recent)
St. Thomas Aquinas on Politics & Ethics (Norton Critical Edition)
Aquinas / Paul E. Sigmund $3
Ancient Christian Writers: Embassy for the Christians & The
Resurrection of the Dead (in English) Athenagoras $10
61 pamphlets: all kinds of various messages by Spurgeon in
almost tract-like form Charles Spurgeon $40
The Rule of St. Benedict Benedict $3
The Steps of Humility Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux $3
On the Love of God and Other Selected Writings Bernard, Abbot
of Clairvaux
Prayer (1926!) A. C. Gaebelein $12
The Sovereignty of God A. W. Pink $3
The Pursuit of God A. W. Tozer $4
Of God and Men A. W. Tozer $4
The School of Obedience Andrew Murray $2
12 Sermons on Commitment Charles Spurgeon $3
12 Sermons on the 2nd Coming of Christ Charles Spurgeon $3
12 Sermons on the Love of Christ Charles Spurgeon $3
12 Sermons of Comfort & Cheer Charles Spurgeon $3
12 Sermons on the Holy Spirit Charles Spurgeon $3
12 Sermons on Praise Charles Spurgeon $3
Creation and Fall / Temptation Dietrich Bonhoeffer $2
The Cost of Discipleship Dietrich Bonhoeffer $3
Letters & Papers from Prison Dietrich Bonhoeffer $5
The Necessity of Prayer E. M. Bounds $3
Power through Prayer E. M. Bounds $3
The Essentials of Prayer E. M. Bounds $3
The Possibilities of Prayer E. M. Bounds $3
Orthodoxy G. K. Chesterton $4
The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Ignatius $4
The Practice of Godliness Jerry Bridges $2
The Portable Milton (with several works) John Milton $3
The Works of John Wesley, Parts 1 & 2: Journals John Wesley
The Works of John Wesley, Part 3: Sermons John Wesley $10
The Works of John Wesley, Part 5: Letters, Essays, Dialogs,
Addresses John Wesley $8
The Works of John Wesley, Part 6: Thoughts, Addresses,
Prayers, Letters
John Wesley $8
The Works of John Wesley, Part 7: Letters, Grammars, Music,
Indexes John Wesley $8
The Interior Castle
Teresa of Avila $2
Imitation of Christ
Thomas A'Kempis$2
Summa Theologiae, Vol. 1, Part 1 Thomas Aquinas $2
The Angels of God
A. C. Gaebelein $3
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1 John Calvin $4
Sit, Walk, Stand Watchman Nee $4
God's Work Watchman Nee $3
The Confessions of St. Augustine (edited and condensed) $2
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God J. I. Packer $3
Spiritual Leadership J. Oswald Sanders
The Pursuit of Holiness
Jerry Bridges $3
Approved unto God: The Spiritual Life of the Christian Worker
Oswald Chambers
see also the Church History and C. S. Lewis sections
Praying God's Word Beth Moore $2
The Necessity of Prayer E. M. Bounds $3
Prayer (1926!) A. C. Gaebelein $12
Let Prayer Change Your Life Becky Tirabassi $1
Prayer Changes Things
Charles L. Allen $1
Sense and Nonsense about Prayer Lehman Strauss $1
Power through Prayer E. M. Bounds $3
The Essentials of Prayer E. M. Bounds $3
The Possibilities of Prayer E. M. Bounds $3
Prayer and Preaching Karl Barth $7
How to Win Them: The Challenge of Evangelism Today Roy
Fish, John Bisagno, Kenneth Chafin, & others $3
The Unexpected Adventure: Taking Everyday Risks to Talk with
People about Jesus Lee Strobel & Mark Mittelberg $3
The Way to God D. L. Moody $2
Five Who Changed the World Daniel Akin $1
Through Gates of Splendor
Elisabeth Elliot $5
On the Crest of the Wave: Becoming a World Christian C. Peter
Wagner $3
The Pilgrims: Missionary Life in Cartoon & Text Glover Shipp
(foreward by C. Peter Wagner) $5
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement (a large
missions reader, 3rd edition) Ralph D. Winter & Steven C.
Hawthorne, eds. $8
see also the UBS Handbook for Translators series under
Innovative Approaches to Counseling (Resources for Christian
Gary R. Collins $3
Broken Promises: Understanding, Healing, & Preventing Affairs
in Christian Marriages Henry A. Virkler $10
Counseling and Community Rod Wilson $3
Counseling for Violence and Abuse (Resources for Christian
Grant L. Martin $3
Counseling the Depressed (Resources for Christian Counseling)
Archibald D. Hart $3
Counseling Those with Eating Disorders (Resources for Christian
Raymond E. Vath $3
How to Start and Manage a Counseling Business: A Guide for
Churches, Ministers, & Professionals Kathie Erwin $10
Self-talk, Imagery, & Prayer in Counseling (Resources for
Christian Counseling) H. Norman Wright
Women: The Misunderstood Majority: Contemporary Concerns
in Counseling Women M. Gay Hubbard $5
Baby Boomer Blues: Understanding & Counseling Baby Boomers
and Their Families Gary R. Collins & Timothy E. Clinton $5
Southern Baptist Preaching Yesterday dozens of historic
Baptist preachers $7
The Baptist Heritage: Four Centuries of Baptist Witness
H. Leon McBeth
The Doctrine of Biblical Authority Russell H. Dilday, Jr. $4
continued next page
Five Great Questions of the Bible (1959) W. A. Criswell $5
Why I Preach That the Bible is Literally True W. A. Criswell $4
Too Great a Temptation Joel Gregory $3
Defining Baptist Convictions: Guidelines for the Twenty-First
Century H. Leon McBeth, James M. Dunn, Frank Stagg, and
several others $5
A Hill on Which to Die: One Southern Baptist's Journey Judge
Paul Pressler $3
The Baptist Distinctive & Objective (1926! worn) James S.
Kirtley $5
The Baptist Faith and Message (1971) Herschel H. Hobbs $3
Swedish Baptists in America: A History (1933!) J. O. Backlund
Authority: The Critical Issue for Southern Baptists James T.
The Pastor's Primer O. S. Hawkins
George W. Truett: A Biography P. W. James $10
The New Ministers Manual
Paul W. Powell $2
Back to Bedrock: Messages on Our Historic Baptist Faith Paul
W. Powell $2
Our Baptist Story (1958) Pope A. Duncan $4
How to Win Them: The Challenge of Evangelism Today Roy
Fish, John Bisagno, Kenneth Chafin, & others $3
The Doctrines Baptists Believe Roy T. Edgemon $3
Alien Baptism and the Baptists (1962) William M. Nevins $10
Why Baptists? A Study of Baptist Faith & Heritage William R.
Estep $5
see also Classics & Classic Authors section
The Basis of the Premillennial Faith Charles C. Ryrie $2
Prophecy for Today: A Discussion of Major Themes of Prophecy
J. Dwight Pentecost $4
The Divine Comforter: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit J.
Dwight Pentecost $10
Grace: The Glorious Theme
Lewis Sperry Chafer $10
Jesus and the Hope of His Coming Tim LaHaye & Jerry B.
Jenkins $1
The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament Walvoord &
Zuck, ed. $13
Alexander Campbell as a Preacher Archibald McLean
The Story of the Restoration Bill Humble $3
Living Word Commentary: Pastoral Epistles Carl Spain $5
The Restoration Movement Enos E. Dowling $5
Early Christians Speak Everett Ferguson $15
Who Is My Brother?: Facing a Crisis of Identity and Fellowship F.
LaGard Smith $4
The Pilgrims: Missionary Life in Cartoon & Text Glover Shipp
(foreward by C. Peter Wagner) $5
New Commentary on Acts of Apostles (2 Vols. in 1) J. W.
McGarvey $5
"For Such a Time as This": 11th Annual Lectures, Fort Worth
Christian College (1970) 18 lectures by various speakers $12
continued next column
"Messages of the Book of the New Testament": Fort Worth
Christian College Lectures, 1962 28 lectures by various
speakers $12
New Testament Christianity: The Message for Modern Man Pepperdine College Bible Lectures (Aug 1964 & Mar 1965)
30+ lectures $12
"The Restoration Principle": 1962 Annual Bible Lectures,
Abilene Christian College 31 entries by various speakers $12
A Commentary on Acts of the Apostles J. W. McGarvey $3
Communings in the Sanctuary Robert Richardson, edited by C.
Leonard Allen $6
Historical Documents Advocating Christian Union various
Restoration founders/leaders, edited by Charles A. Young $16
see also the Living Word Commentaries under the
Commentaries section
The Pursuit of God A. W. Tozer $4
The School of Obedience Andrew Murray $2
Passion and Purity
Elisabeth Elliot $3
Seeing Beyond Gail McWilliams $1
Permission to Speak Freely
Anne Jackson
Praying God's Word Beth Moore $2
Beneath the Surface: Avoiding Hidden Dangers in Your Voyage
to Biblical Manhood
Bob Reccord $1
The Dream Giver Bruce Wilkinson $1
The Prayer of Jabez Bruce Wilkinson $1
Holy Transformation Chip Ingram $1
Fixing Abraham: How Taming Our Bible Heroes Blinds Us to the
Wild Ways of God Chris Tiegreen $5
Everybody Wants to God to Heaven, But Nobody Wants to Die:
or the Eschatology of Bluegrass David Crowder $3
Blue Like Jazz
Donald Miller
Wide Awake Erwin McManus $3
The Pharisee's Guide to Perfect Holiness George R. Knight $3
The Top Ten List for Christians James W. Moore $1
Be All You Can Be John Maxwell
Dangerous Surrender Kay Warren $2
God's Blogs Lanny Donoho $1
Bad Girls of the Bible Liz Curtis Higgs $2
The Organic God Margaret Feinberg $4
The Sacred Echo Margaret Feinberg $4
Returning to Holiness: A Personal & Churchwide Journey to
Gregory Frizzell $1
The Practice of Godliness Jerry Bridges $2
The Pursuit of Holiness
Jerry Bridges $3
Sit, Walk, Stand Watchman Nee $4
God's Work Watchman Nee $3
The Complete Cheapskate Mary Hunt $1
The Steps of Humility Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux $3
The Cost of Discipleship Dietrich Bonhoeffer $3
Letters & Papers from Prison Dietrich Bonhoeffer $5
And the Angels Were Silent
Max Lucado $1
In the Grip of Grace Max Lucado $1
The Applause of Heaven Max Lucado $1
The Great House of God Max Lucado $1
continued next page
The Green Letters: Principles of Spiritual Growth Miles J.
Stanford $4
Moral Earthquakes and Secret Faults O. S. Hawkins
My Utmost for His Highest Oswald Chambers
The Three Success Secrets of Shamgar Pat Williams & Jay
Strack $2
Plan B Pete Wilson $4
Plan B Pete Wilson $4
Disappointment with God Philip Yancey $1
Reaching for the Invisible God Philip Yancey $1
Rumors of Another World Philip Yancey $1
Where is God When It Hurts? Philip Yancey $2
Celebration of Discipline Richard Foster $3
Communings in the Sanctuary Robert Richardson, edited by C.
Leonard Allen $6
Power & Passion: Six Characters in Search of Resurrection
Samuel Wells
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Holiness Stuart & Jill Briscoe $1
The Slumber of Christianity: Awakening a Passion for Heaven on
Earth Ted Dekker $1
Simple Life Thom Rainer & Art Rainer $5
One Simple Word: How to Have Life-Changing Conversations
Todd A. Sinelli $1
Our God is Awesome Tony Evans $2
Facing Your Feelings Vickie Kraft $1
I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt Vince
Antonucci $2
The Normal Christian Life Watchman Nee $4
Richard J. Foster's Study Guide for Celebration of Discipline $3
Discovering Joy: Daily Meditations for Friends of God Marie
Chapian $1
Gems for the Journey Bob Cole
God's Little Devotional Book for Parents
If My People…: A 40-Day Prayer Guide for Our Nation
Countryman $1
Environment: Go Green, Save Green
Nancy Sleeth $3
Finances: Antology: Lessons from the Ant for Our Own Financial
FutureO. S. Hawkins
Parenting: What's a Father to Do? (pamphlet) Don Schmierer $1
Parenting: Tips for Middle School Parents (pamphlet) Homer G.
Lindsay, Jr. $1
Parenting: God's Little Devotional Book for Parents
Romantic Relationships: Lady in Waiting: Developing Your Love
Relationships Debby Jones & Jackie Kendall $3
Romantic Relationships: Passion and Purity Elisabeth Elliot $3
All Relationships: The Language of Love Gary Smalley & John
Trent $1
Social Justice: Children of Hope Vernon Brewer & Noel Yeatts
Society: Declaration of Freedom Elton Trueblood $2
Society: The Life We Prize Elton Trueblood $2
Society: The God Who Shows Himself Carl F. H. Henry $2
Society: The Shaking of the Foundations Paul Tillich $3
Various Commentaries (more specific sets below)
John MacArthur Commentary: I Peter John MacArthur $12
A Commentary on Acts of the Apostles J. W. McGarvey $3
A Commentary on the Book of Revelation John T. Hinds$4
An Exposition of Hebrews A. W. Pink $15
Harris, James Montgomery Boice $6
Four Minor Prophets: Their Message for Today (A Devotional
Commentary on Obadiah, Jonah, Habakkuk, Haggai) Frank
E. Gaebelein $5
Genesis: An Introduction Claus Westermann $5
Gleanings in Joshua A. W. Pink $5
Holman New Testament Commentary: Hebrews & James
Thomas D. Lea $5
Harper's Commentary: Matthew Floyd Filson $4
Harper's Commentary: The Birth of the New Testament (some
damage) C. F. D. Moule
International Theological Commentary: Nahum, Obadiah, Esther
Richard J. Coggins & S. Paul Re'emi $3
Keil & Delitzsch Commentaries: Minor Prophets (both volumes)
Keil and Delitzsch $12
New Commentary on Acts of Apostles (2 Vols. in 1) J. W.
McGarvey $5
New Testament Commentary: Colossians and Philemon
William Hendricksen $5
New Testament Commentary: Luke William Hendricksen $6
NIV Application Commentary: Acts Ajith Fernando $12
Soncino Commentary: Proverbs
A. Cohen
The Bible Knowledge Commentary: Old Testament Walvoord
& Zuck, ed.
The Book of Psalms (1939!)
Arno C. Gaebelein
The Epistle to the Hebrews (1920 printing! worn)
Foss Westcott $12
The Expositor's Bible: Mark
G. A. Chadwick $5
The Gospel according to St. Matthew A. H. M'Neile $3
The Gospel of Matthew Rudolf Schnackenburg
The Gospel of Matthew (1910!)
Arno C. Gaebelein
The Letters of John William L. Hendricks $2
The Letters of Paul F. F. Bruce $5
The Sermon on the Mount W. D. Davies $1
The Troubled Triumphant Church: An Exposition of First
Paige Patterson $3
The Complete Biblical Library Commentary: Harmony of the
Anchor Bible Commentaries
2 Peter, Jude Jerome H. Neyrey
Acts Johannes Munck $6
Daniel Louis F. Hartman & Alexander Di Lella $6
Ephesians 1-3
Markus Barth
Epistles of James, Peter, & Jude
Bo Reicke $6
Ezekiel 1-20 Moshe Greenberg
Ezra & Nehemiah Jacob M. Myers $6
I & II Esdras (in the Apocrypha) Jacob M. Myers $5
II Chronicles Jacob M. Myers $6
John Bright $6
continued next page
COMMENTARIES: Anchor Bible Commentaries, CONTINUED
Job (2nd ed.) Marvin H. Pope $6
Delbert Hillers $6
Joseph A. Fitzmyer $10
Proverbs & Ecclesiastes R. B. Y. Scott $6
Psalms (3 big volumes)
Mitchell Dahood $20
Revelation J. Massyngberde Ford $8
Second Isaiah
Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (very cool old
commentaries that I’m only selling where I have duplicates
already – date is printing date)
Daniel (1936)
S. R. Driver $9
Exodus (1918) S. R. Driver $9
Ezekiel, revised ed. (1924) A. B. Davidson & A. W. Streane $9
Ezra & Nehemiah (1923) Herbert Edward Ryle $9
Galatians (1907) E. H. Perowne
Hosea (1913) T. K. Cheyne $9
I Corinthians (1899) J. J. Lias $9
II Corinthians (1897) J. J. Lias $9
II Kings (1887 or 1896)
J. Rawson Lumby $9
Isaiah 1-39 (1909)
J. Skinner
Isaiah 40-66 (1954) J. Skinner
Joel & Amos (1898) S. R. Driver $9
John (1923, damage inside cover) A. Plummer $9
Joshua (1899)
G. F. MacLear
Luke (1890) F. W. Farrar $9
Micah (1902 or 1909) T. K. Cheyne $9
Philippians (1895)
H. C. G. Moule $9
Psalms 1-39 (1930) A. F. Kirkpatrick $9
Psalms 90-150 (1912) A. F. Kirkpatrick $9
Hermeneia Commentary
Acts of the Apostles Hans Conzelmann
Hans Dieter Betz $25
Hebrews Harold W. Attridge $29
Joel & Amos Hans Walter Wolff
John 1 (covers John 1-6) Ernst Haenchen $19
Matthew 8-20 Ulrich Luz $39
The Johannine Epistles
Rudolph Bultmann $9
The Johannine Letters Georg Strecker $39
New International Biblical Commentary
1 & 2 Thessalonians David J. Williams $6
Robert H. Mounce
Philippians F. F. Bruce $6
Revelation Robert Wall $6
Romans James R. Edwards
New International Commentary on the Old / New Testament
Acts (1954 ed.) F. F. Bruce $7
James (1976) James Adamson $7
J. A. Thompson $11
John (1971) Leon Morris $7
Philippians Jac. J. Muller $5
The Epistles of John I. Howard Marshall $15
Commentaries continue next column
Tyndale Commentary
Genesis (hardback) Derek Kidner $6
Gordon J. Wenham $6
Psalms 73-150 Derek Kidner $6
Revelation (1969) Leon Morris $4
United Bible Society Handbook for Translators Commentary
J. Reiling and J. L. Swellengrebel $20
Mark Robert Bratcher and Eugene Nida $15
Romans Barclay Newman and Eugene Nida $12
Interpretation of the English Bible – classic commentaries by
B. H. Carroll
Colossians, Ephesians, & Hebrews $8
Daniel & the Interbiblical Period $8
Divided Kingdom & Restoration Period $8
Exodus & Leviticus $8
Numbers to Ruth $8
Pastoral Epistles & I Peter - Jude $8
Prophets of Assyrian Period (Isaiah & Hosea - Nahum) $8
The Hebrew Monarchy $8
The Poetical Books $8
Word Biblical Commentary
1 Chronicles Roddy L. Braun $10
2 Kings T. R. Hobbs $10
John (1987) George R. Beasley-Murray $6
Philip J. Budd$6
Psalms 101-150 (1983)
Leslie C. Allen
Word Biblical Themes: Isaiah John D. W. Watts $4
Word Biblical Themes: Micah - Malachi Ralph L. Smith $4
Interpretation Commentary
Leviticus Samuel E. Balentine $12
Psalms James Luther Mays $10
Song of Songs
Robert W. Jenson $10
Broadman Bible Commentary (different scholars on each book
of the Bible)
Complete 12-vol. Set WITH controversial original Vol. 1 $120
Complete 12-vol. Set with Revised Volume 1
Leviticus - Ruth
1 Samuel - Nehemiah
Esther - Psalms
Proverbs - Isaiah
Jeremiah - Daniel
Hosea - Malachi
Matthew - Mark (& NT General Articles) $6
Luke - John
Acts - 1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians - Philemon
Hebrews - Revelation
Daily Study Bible Commentary
Exodus H. L. Ellison $4
Micah - Malachi Peter C. Craigie $4
The Letters of John & Jude (Revised ed.) William Barclay $4
Commentaries continue next page
Expositor’s Bible Commentary (first version)
General Articles, OT Articles, NT Articles
a large collection of
biblical articles by well-known scholars $6
John - Acts Merrill C. Tenney, Richard N. Longenecker $6
Romans - Galatians Everett F. Harrison, W. Harold Mare,
Murray J. $6
Cambridge Bible Commentary
Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon G. H. P. Thompson
I & II Corinthians Margaret E. Thrall
Isaiah 40-66 A. S. Herbert $4
Judges James D. Martin $4
Letters of Peter & Jude
A. R. C. Leaney $4
A. W. Argyle $4
New Testament Illustrations Clifford Jones, compiler
Pastoral Letters Anthony Tyrrell Hanson $4
Philippians, I & II Thessalonians
Kenneth Grayston
R. N. Whybray $4
Revelation T. F. Glasson $4
Living Word Commentary
Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon Michael R. Weed $7
Robert L. Johnson
Genesis John T. Willis $10
HebrewsJames Thompson $5
II CorinthiansJames Thompson $5
Letters of John J. W. Roberts $15
Matthew 1 - 13:52 Jack P. Lewis $10
Matthew 13:53 - 28 Jack P. Lewis $10
Pastoral Epistles Carl Spain $5
New Century Bible Commentary
Ezekiel John W. Wevers $4
David Hill
Psalms 73-150 A. A. Anderson
Wuest’s Word Studies in the New Testament
Bypaths in the Greek NT
Ephesians & Colossians
Golden Nuggets from the Greek NT
Great Truths to Live By from the Greek NT
I Peter
II Peter - Jude
Pastoral Epistles
Prophetic Light in the Present Darkness
Studies in the Vocabulary of the Greek NT
Treasures from the Greek NT
Untranslatable Riches from the Greek NT
Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics Daniel B. Wallace $15
Analytical Concordance of the Greek New Testament (2 Vols:
Lexical Focus & Grammatical Focus) Philip S. Clapp, Barbara
Friberg, & Timothy Friberg, editors $49
Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible (NASB, Bonded Burgundy
Leather) Spiros Zodhiates $18
New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors
(1983) Gordon D. Fee $2
Students' Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary to the Old Testament
(1914) Alexander Harkavy $15
Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek (enlarged
1955 ed.) Bruce Metzger $2
The Bible and the Greeks C. H. Dodd $15
Supplementum ad Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros
Ludwig Koehler & W. Baumgartner, eds.
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament with Lexicon &
Synonyms (Zondervan, KJV)
see also Wuest’s Word Studies under Commentaries section
Everybody Wants to God to Heaven, But Nobody Wants to Die:
or the Eschatology of Bluegrass David Crowder $5
Permission to Speak Freely
Anne Jackson
The Shape of Faith to Come: Spiritual Formation & the Future of
Brad J. Waggoner $5
Incarnate Leadership: 5 Leadership Lessons from the Life of
Jesus Bill Robinson $4
The Story We Find Ourselves In
Brian McLaren $3
Wide Awake Erwin McManus $3
Dangerous Surrender Kay Warren $2
The Unexpected Adventure: Taking Everyday Risks to Talk with
People about Jesus Lee Strobel & Mark Mittelberg $3
The Sacred Echo Margaret Feinberg $4
The Organic God Margaret Feinberg $4
Fixing Abraham: How Taming Our Bible Heroes Blinds Us to the
Wild Ways of God Chris Tiegreen $5
Servolution: Starting a Church Revolution through Serving
Dino Rizzo $5
Plan B Pete Wilson $4
Scripture Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine R. C. Sproul $6
Morph!: The Texture of Leadership for Tomorrow's Church
Ron Martoia $2
Simple Life Thom Rainer & Art Rainer $5
I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt Vince
Antonucci $2
BIBLICAL STUDY (scholarly and otherwise)
The Missions of Jesus and the Disciples according to the Fourth
Andreas Kostenberger
The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early
Christian Writings Bart D. Ehrman $4
Protestant Biblical Interpretation (3rd Rev ed) Bernard Ramm$2
The Christian View of Science & Scripture Bernard Ramm $3
Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek (enlarged
1955 ed.) Bruce Metzger $2
The Bible and the Greeks C. H. Dodd $15
continued on next page
Life and Times of Josiah C. H. Mackintosh $10
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Complete Set - 10
Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth C. I. Scofield $2
Christ's Words from the Cross Charles Spurgeon $3
Tradition and Testament: Essays in Honor of Charles Lee
61 pamphlets: all kinds of various messages by Spurgeon in
Feinberg John S. Feinberg & Paul D. Feinberg, editors $4
almost tract-like form Charles Spurgeon $40
Insights from the Psalms (all 3 volumes) John T. Willis $12
Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics Daniel B. Wallace $15
How to Study Your Bible Kay Arthur $2
The Reformed Pulpit, Vol. 1 (14 sermons by various ministers)$4
A Survey of Israel's History (1970) Leon Wood $3
"Messages of the Book of the New Testament": Fort Worth
Supplementum ad Lexicon in Veteris Testamenti Libros
Christian College Lectures, 1962 28 lectures by various
Ludwig Koehler & W. Baumgartner, eds.
speakers $12
35 Simple Studies on the Book of Revelation M. R. DeHaan $2
Students' Hebrew and Chaldee Dictionary to the Old Testament
Reading the Bible Again for the First Time: Taking the Bible
(1914) Alexander Harkavy $15
Seriously but Not Literally Marcus J. Borg $4
Who Wrote Isaiah? Edward J. Young $10
Our Lord Prays for His Own: Thoughts on John 17
My Servants the Prophets Edward J. Young $4
Rainsford $4
An Introduction to the Old Testament Edward J. Young $5
Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period
Michael E.
Thy Word is Truth
Edward J. Young $3
Stone, ed. $40
The Yoke of Christ and Other Sermons Elton Trueblood $9
A Lexicon for the Poetical Books Neal Williams
Is There a Synoptic Problem? Eta Linnemann $20
How We Got the Bible (1963) Neil R. Lightfoot $2
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Origins of the Bible Eugene Ulrich
$7Analytical Concordance of the Greek New Testament (2 Vols:
Israel and the Nations F. F. Bruce $4
Lexical Focus & Grammatical Focus) Philip S. Clapp, Barbara
Peter, Stephen, James, & John F. F. Bruce $3
Friberg, & Timothy Friberg, editors $49
Paul: Apostle of the Heart Set Free F. F. Bruce $10
Scripture Alone: The Evangelical Doctrine R. C. Sproul $6
The Origins of the Gospel according to St. Matthew G. D.
Word Biblical Themes: Micah - Malachi Ralph L. Smith $4
Kilpatrick $6
Heresy & Criticism: The Search for Authenticity in Early Christian
The New Testament and Criticism George Eldon Ladd $2
Literature Robert M. Grant $5
The Pattern of New Testament Truth George Eldon Ladd $3
Jesus and the Word Rudolph Bultmann $4
Old Testament Theology, Vol. 1 Gerhard von Rad $4
Theology of the New Testament (both volumes) Rudolph
Old Testament Theology, Vol. 2 Gerhard von Rad $4
Bultmann $15
Survey of Old Testament Introduction (1974) Gleason Archer $3
Theology of the New Testament (both volumes in one)
New Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors
Rudolph Bultmann $15
(1983) Gordon D. Fee $2
History of the Synoptic Tradition Rudolph Bultmann $15
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth (3rd ed.) Gordon D. Fee
The History of the Synoptic Tradition Rudolph Bultmann $16
& Douglas Stuart $6
The Doctrine of Biblical Authority Russell H. Dilday, Jr. $4
Jesus of Nazareth Günther Bornkamm $4
Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible (NASB, Bonded Burgundy
Expositor's Bible Commentary (1st version): General Articles, OT
Leather) Spiros Zodhiates $18
Articles, NT Articles a large collection of biblical articles by
The Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation Uriah Smith $15
well-known scholars
Five Great Questions of the Bible (1959) W. A. Criswell $5
Cambridge Bible Commentary: New Testament Illustrations
Why I Preach That the Bible is Literally True W. A. Criswell $4
Clifford Jones, compiler $4
Is the Bible the Word of God? (1922!) W. Graham Scroggie $5
Creation and Fall / Temptation Dietrich Bonhoeffer $2
Paul's Prison Prayers W. Graham Scroggie $3
The 12: The Story of Christ's Apostles Edgar J. Goodspeed $5
The Trial of Jesus: Illustrated Edition Walter M. Chandler $10
The Battle for the Bible Harold Lindsell $3
Great Fundamentals of the Bible Walter O. Edwards $2
Paul and the Law Heikki Räisänen $40
The Criticism of the Fourth Gospel William Sanday $10
Paul: An Outline of His Theology Herman N. Ridderbos $5
The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
Biblical Inspiration
I. Howard Marshall $3
(all 4 volumes) Zondervan / Colin Brown, ed. $50
The Tabernacle: God's Portrait of Christ J. Vernon McGee $2
The Works of Josephus: Complete & Unabridged
The Hebrew Prophets James D. Newsome $4
The Complete Biblical Library Commentary: Harmony of the
New Testament Theology: The Proclamation of Jesus (worn)
Joachim Jeremias $5
Interlinear Greek-English New Testament with Lexicon &
The Origin of 1 Corinthians John Coolidge Hurd $7
Synonyms (Zondervan, KJV)
Word Biblical Themes: Isaiah John D. W. Watts $4
The Book of Isaiah: A New Translation with Drawings by Chaim
The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant
Gross (a cool big copy of Isaiah with illustrations)
John Dominic Crossan $2
No Wonder They Call Him the Savior Max Lucado $1
Kingdom Living Here and Now (on the Beatitudes) John
see also the Commentaries section
MacArthur $2
The Master: A Life of Jesus
John Pollock $1
continued next column
The Angels of God
A. C. Gaebelein $3
The Doctrine of Revelation
A. W. Pink $8
The Redeemer's Return A. W. Pink $8
The Doorway Papers: Man in Adam and in Christ Arthur C.
Custance $15
Benjamin B. Warfield $4
Jewish Writings of the Second Temple Period
Michael E.
Stone, ed. $40
Theology of the New Testament (both volumes) Rudolph
Bultmann $15
Theology of the New Testament (both volumes in one)
Rudolph Bultmann $15
Alien Baptism and the Baptists (1962) William M. Nevins $10
Christian Sacraments and Christian Personality Bernard J.
Cooke $2
The Sacrifice of Christ C. F. D. Moule
Frontiers in Modern Theology Carl F. H. Henry $2
The God Who Shows Himself Carl F. H. Henry $2
The Basis of the Premillennial Faith Charles C. Ryrie $2
Orthodoxy G. K. Chesterton $4
Growing Deep: Exploring the Roots of Our Faith Chuck Swindoll
Dave MacPherson
Tongues: The Answer to the Debate
Donald Barnett &
Jeffrey McGregor $2
To a Thousand Generations: Infant Baptism - Covenant Mercy
for the People of God Douglas Wilson $3
The Contemporary Explosion of Theology Elie Wiesel, Hans
Küng, Langdon Gilkey, and several others $2
Who Is My Brother?: Facing a Crisis of Identity and Fellowship F.
LaGard Smith $4
Understanding Fundamentalism & Evangelicalism
George M.
Marsden $4
Those Controversial Gifts: Prophecy, Dreams, Visions, Tongues,
Interpretation, Healing George Mallone $1
Primitive Christianity in Its Contemporary Setting
Bultmann $5
Kierkegaard Commentary T. H. Croxall $6
Jesus and the Hope of His Coming Tim LaHaye & Jerry B.
Defining Baptist Convictions: Guidelines for the Twenty-First
Century H. Leon McBeth, James M. Dunn, Frank Stagg, and
several others $5
The Protest of a Troubled Protestant Harold O. J. Brown $2
"For Such a Time as This": 11th Annual Lectures, Fort Worth
Christian College (1970) 18 lectures by various speakers $12
New Testament Christianity: The Message for Modern Man Pepperdine College Bible Lectures (Aug 1964 & Mar 1965)
30+ lectures $12
Letters on the Greatness and Simplicity of the Christian Faith
Henry Churchill King $4
Twelve Theological Dilemmas Higgins $1
Christian Theology: An Introduction to Its Traditions and Tasks
Hodgson and King $2
Prophecy for Today: A Discussion of Major Themes of Prophecy
J. Dwight Pentecost $4
continued next column
The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
(all 4 volumes) Zondervan / Colin Brown, ed. $50
The Divine Comforter: The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit J.
Dwight Pentecost $10
Beyond Fundamentalism: Biblical Foundations for Evangelical
James Barr $10
Authority: The Critical Issue for Southern Baptists
James T.
Sacred Writings set (big set with The Tanakh, The Apocrypha &
New Testament, The Qur'an, The Analects of Confucius, The
Rig Veda, & The Dhammapada) Jeroslav Pelikan, editor $20
Institutes of the Christian Religion, Vol. 1 John Calvin $4
Basic Christianity John Stott $2
The Sovereignty of God A. W. Pink $3
The Future of the Christian
Elton Trueblood $3
Demonology of the Early Christian World (Symposium Series)
Everett Ferguson $75
The Free Church & The Early Church: Bridging the Historical &
Theological Divide Everett Ferguson, E. Glenn Hinson, &
several other historians $3
Old Testament Theology, Vol. 1
Gerhard von Rad $4
Old Testament Theology, Vol. 2
Gerhard von Rad $4
Karl Barth & Evangelicalism
Gregory Bolich $1
Gentiles - Jews - Christians: Polemics & Apologetics in the
Greco-Roman Era Hans Conzelmann
Paul: An Outline of His Theology Herman N. Ridderbos $5
New Testament Theology: The Proclamation of Jesus (worn)
Joachim Jeremias $5
Why Baptists? A Study of Baptist Faith & Heritage
William R.
Estep $5
Summa Theologiae, Vol. 1, Part 1 Thomas Aquinas $2
Our Father in Heaven: Christian Faith & Inclusive Language for
God John W. Cooper $2
The Goodness of God John W. Wenham
The Humanity of God Karl Barth $8
Scientists Confront Creationism
Laurie Godfrey, ed. $1
Grace: The Glorious Theme
Lewis Sperry Chafer $10
What is a Healthy Church? Mark Dever $3
Dynamics of Faith
Paul Tillich $3
Dynamics of Faith
Paul Tillich $3
The Shaking of the Foundations
Paul Tillich $3
Back to Bedrock: Messages on Our Historic Baptist Faith Paul
W. Powell $2
Life in All Its Fullness: Reflections on the Central Issues of
Today's Ecumenical Agenda Philip Potter $1
The Nature and Destiny of Man (both volumes) Reinhold
Niebuhr $10
Experimental Religion Richard Niebuhr $4
Gods and the One God (Library of Early Christianity) Robert M.
Grant $3
The Doctrines Baptists Believe Roy T. Edgemon $3
Essays Philosophical and Theological Rudolph Bultmann
Existence & Faith: Shorter Writings of Rudolf Bultmann
Rudolph Bultmann $5
History and Eschatology Rudolph Bultmann $5
Jesus Christ & Mythology Rudolph Bultmann $5