to Porsche. - Porsche Holding
to Porsche. - Porsche Holding
From Porsche to Porsche. The history of an Austrian enterprise. The history of Porsche Holding Salzburg is deeply linked to Austrian history. It is influenced by political upheavals since the beginning of the 20th century. Marked by an enormous development in technology and the fascination with automobiles. Formed by a family who substantially contributed to the evolution of the automobile and whose family history and corporate history have been entwined over many generations. Over the last 60 years, Porsche Holding Salzburg has turned out to be the most successful automobile trading company in Europe. Now a 100% daughter company of Volkswagen AG, it has brought, since 2011, its vast knowledge of automobile trade to the Volkswagen Group. The Porsche saga. The Porsche saga begins with In 1902 F. Porsche has the honour of road and on rail. Although it is war- Ferdinand Porsche, the ingenious driving the Archduke Franz Ferdinand time, Porsche designs engines with designer. in the Lohner-Porsche on the occasion six cylinders in line and V12 cylinder of the imperial manoeuvres. drives, having a capacity of up to 400 HP. After the war, Ferdinand Porsche The story of the family starts in Porsche in charge of Austro-Daimler. Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Porsche, the ingenious technician and designer, drew his energy from the creative restlessness that marked his personality for a lifetime. Daughter Louise at the wheel of one of the cars designed by her father, as early as 1909. Ferdinand Porsche not only designed cars, but also drove them. In an Austro Daimler he won the most important motorcar event of his time, the Prinz-HeinrichFahrt, in 1910. The electric wheelhub motor was developed by Ferdinand Porsche while employed by Lohner in Vienna. The Lohner-Porsche caused a sensation at the 1900 Paris World Fair. Proud owner of a car at the early age of 11: son Ferry in a „small“ Austro Daimler, equipped with a 3.5 HP petrol engine, in 1920. Designed for Mercedes: the famous sports cars of the classes S, SS and SSK. builds the first two-seater sports car, the „Sascha“, which wins the famous Maffersdorf, Bohemia on September In 1903, Ferdinand Porsche gets 3, 1875. This is the married and in the following year day Ferdinand his daughter Louise is born. Porsche Targa Floria right after being launched. Porsche goes to Germany. Porsche is born as the third child of moves to Wiener Neustadt, where he his parents Anton and Anna Porsche. is to control the fortune of Austro- In 1923, Ferdinand At the time the automobile is being Daimler, the big Austrian automobile Porsche transfers to invented, Ferdinand Porsche is 11 company, for the next seventeen years. Daimler, Stuttgart, where he holds the years old. Electricity holds a particular fascination for him. At the age of 13 In 1909, his son Ferdinand, called he installs electric bells in his parents’ „Ferry,“ is born. During his time at house and provides it with electric Austro-Daimler, Ferdinand Porsche in charge of designing trucks, aircraft light when he is 16. designs automobiles, an aircraft en- engines and the famous sports cars, position of Technical Director. He is gine and a 6-cylinder engine with 100 type S, SS and SSK. As Benz and Daim- In 1893, Ferdinand Porsche starts his HP, for which he received an honorary ler merge to establish Daimler-Benz job career with Vereinigte Elektrizi- doctorate from the Technical Univer- AG, Ferdinand Porsche does not renew tätswerke Bela Egger & Co in Vienna. sity of Vienna. Also while at Austro- his contract, but returns to Austria Not more than four years later the Daimler, Porsche designs a hybrid to take over the management of the highly talented young man is appoin- drive combining internal combustion/ Steyr-Werke, Austria’s biggest automo- ted leader of the test centre for elec- electric components. bile plant at the time. tric motors, only to become assistant to the works manager a short time His private pas- In 1928, daughter Louise marries the later. sion, however, is Viennese lawyer, Dr. Anton Piëch. At car racing. At the that time Ferry Porsche attends a pri- Shortly before beginning of the 20th vate school in Vienna and improves the turn of the century he wins the his technical knowledge at the Steyr- century, Ferdinand Semmering Moun- Werke. Porsche starts to tain Rallye in a Lohner-Porsche in new work for the record time. The year 1910, however, Lohner Imperi- sees his biggest success in motor Ferdinand Porsche’s own enterprise. al and Royal Court Coach Factory racing, as he wins the „Prinz-Heinrich- In the wake of the world economic in Vienna. It is there that Porsche Fahrt“, the top event of the time, in an crisis, the bank of the Steyr Werke goes develops his first car equipped with a Austro-Daimler, boasting its revolu- bankrupt and is taken over by the CA. wheel-hub motor which garnered the tionary, streamlined, „tulip-shaped“ Due to the restrictions imposed on the praise of an international audience at torpedo body. development department, Ferdinand Porsche turns his back on the Steyr- the World Fair in Paris. Since wheelhub motors were mounted on each During World War I, Austro-Daimler Werke AG and retransfers to Stuttgart, of its 4 wheels, the Lohner-Porsche switched to military production. For where he founds his own design office was the first four-wheel drive vehicle the Austro-Hungarian army Porsche in 1931. in automotive history. 70 years later designs the „Landwehrzug“, which NASA used the same principle in has an internal combustion/ electric The young Ferry Porsche is already their lunar vehicle. drive and can thus move both on the integrated in the Dr. Ing. h.c. F. The Porsche saga. Porsche Konstruktionen GesmbH. (strength through joy) car. However, In the meantime, There Porsche designs all sorts of the Second World War forced the fac- Ferry Porsche is technical equipment, such as wind tory to convert to military production working in Gmünd power engines, turbines, as well as such as jeeps, like the „VW Kübelwa- to fulfil his dream engines and prototypes for a number gen“ and amphibious vehicles. Tank of building a fast of car manufacturers, like Wanderer, engines take the place of racing cars Zündapp and NSU. At that time on the drawing boards of the Porsche sports car based on its „father,“ the Ferdinand Porsche is offered the job Konstruktionen GesmbH. VW Beetle. The sports car is named Porsche 356, after its designer, and is of a director general for building up a car manufacturing industry in the A Porsche development: the 16-cylinder mid-engined racing car for Auto Union, invented and constructed by a team of Austrian technicians. The second part of the family saga. to establish the legendary reputation of the Porsche sports cars. Well over Soviet Union. Yet Porsche declines Created on the drawing boards of the Porsche design office: the Volkswagen Beetle, the world’s most widely produced car. and lightweight the offer. In 1933 Porsche designs the While the Second a dozen of these sports cars are still legendary 16-cylinder mid-engined World War is still manufactured in the Porsche work- racing car for Auto raging, the Porsche shop at Alpenstrasse, Salzburg, in the Union, which is to design company years 1949/1950. become one of the moves to Gmünd in Carinthia. The war most successful Immediately after mass production racing cars at the being over, Ferry Porsche and his team of the Beetle started in the rebuilt time. work on winches and tractors and Volkswagen plant in Wolfsburg, Ferry repair former military vehicles, also in Porsche approaches the then CEO of their workshop in Zell am See. VW, Mr. Nordhoff, to negotiate the Porsche designs the Volkswagen. contracts that have been due for a Camouflaged in a saw mill in the Carinthian Malta Valley: the Porsche design office in 1944/45. April 1, 1947, in Gmünd: Louise Piëch and her brother Ferry Porsche found the Austrian company, Porsche Konstruktionen GesmbH. On June 22, 1934 Louise Piëch and Ferry Porsche found long time. After all the Beetle was Ferdinand Porsche the Austrian company in 1947. designed in the Porsche office. is commissioned by the RDA (Associ- Since there was a In preliminary negotiations Ferry ation of the Auto- risk that the occu- Porsche achieves an agreement on a mobile Industry of pation forces might licence fee to be paid for every Beetle and the German Reich) to develop a car for seize all their pos- wins the approval to build a sports car the people, the Volkswagen. Its first sessions, Louise based on VW parts. At the same time prototypes are still built in the Stutt- Piëch and her brot- it is agreed that this sports car be sold gart workshop. Ferry Porsche is entru- her Ferry Porsche founded the Austri- through VW’s later worldwide distri- sted with the testing of the Volkswagen an Porsche Konstruktionen GesmbH in bution network. and is the first to cover thousands of Gmünd, Carinthia, on April 1, 1947. Ferry Porsche also manages to obtain kilometres in this car. Yet it is not until Formula One racing car from the Malta Valley, the „Cisitalia“: one of the first orders for the young enterprise; a flat, 12-cylinder midengine, 4-wheel drive. The money it brings in is used to buy the father back from internment. June 1948 in Gmünd: the sports car Porsche 356 is born. Ferry Porsche’s dream of his own sports car has come true. It is the start of the sports car legend. Proud of his son, proud of their own sports car: father and son. 1936 that the extensive test drives take At that time the the VW general importer’s license for place under the supervision of the company is com- Austria and eventually this agreement RDA. missioned by the is signed by Prof. Ferdinand Porsche, Italian tycoon Ferry Porsche, Louise Piëch and her In the same year, Ferdinand Porsche Dusio to design husband, Dr. Anton Piëch in Germa- travels to the States, where he familia- an all-wheel drive, ny (Bad Reichenhall). On September rizes himself with the mass production formula 1 racing car. However, the 7, 1948, the district administration of cars. In 1937 Ferdinand Porsche is „Cisitalia“ never took part in a race of Spittal an der Drau, Carinthia, named director in charge of the because of financial problems. Brother issues a trade license to “deal in Volkswagen project. On May 26, 1938 and sister use the proceeds made with motor vehicles and their spare parts, the foundation stone of the Volks- the Cisitalia as bail so that their father limited to products of the Wolfsbur- wagen plant is laid, and the Volks- can return home from internment in ger Motorenwerke“, (later known wagen comes to be called the „KdF“ France. as Volkswagenwerk), to the name of The Porsche saga. Ferdinand Porsche. The decisive step made, but business worked on the basis has been taken. of barter transactions. The Beetle made it possible. It is the time when In 1949 the company is transferred to Alpenstrasse in Salzburg. The Piëch family takes care of the automobile trade, while Ferry Porsche builds up the factory in Stuttgart. Both companies remain in the joint ownership of brother and sister. On April 16, 1949 the first 14 Beetles are delivered to Austrian customers. This is how the story of success is launched in Alpenstrasse, Salzburg. Porsche in Salzburg, In 1949 the Porsche company achieves Louise Piëch orga- Porsche in Stuttgart. a turn-over of 6,072,000 Austrian shil- nizes a nationwide lings with its company at Alpenstrasse, VW distribution Since it is obvious that business its branch establishment in Gmünd network. All over the cannot be conducted from Gmünd, and its establishment in Zell am See. In Louise Piëch and Ferry Porsche trans- fact the annual turnover of that time is prises mushroom, proudly displaying fer the company from Gmünd to Louise Piëch ran the Porsche enterprise for 20 years, thus creating the basis for the permanent success of the Austrian VW distribution organisation. A visible sign of upturn: the Porschehof in Salzburg opposite the Central Train Station. country VW enter- now achieved by the Austrian Porsche the brand’s trademark. Already at Alpenstrasse, Salz- concern in not more than 20 working this early stage an efficient customer burg. On February minutes. service system provides the basis for a successful automobile trade organisa- 28, 1949 operations start on a former From 1950 onwards, Dr. Anton Piëch tion. In 1954 the VW marque, holding a training area for runs the Salzburg company, having market share of 25.1 % with 5,218 pas- pioneers. been formally appointed General senger cars sold, for the first time rises Manager of Porsche Konstruktionen to the position of market leader, never Ferry Porsche, who has already forged GesmbH. The central spare parts ware- to lose it again after 1957. big plans in Gmünd, returns to Stutt- house is built in Salzburg in 1950, giving gart where he is in charge of buil- proof of the pre-eminently important Also in Austria the Beetle is considered ding up the sports car factory. Ferry strategic approach to guarantee opti- the symbol of the economic miracle. Porsche’s name comes to be insepara- mum support for all VW customers. In The Porsche company in Salzburg bly linked with the Porsche sports cars the midst of all these activities the fami- grew up with the Beetle to become – thanks to the sports cars the name ly is hit hard by two strokes of fate. On Austria’s most important automobile Porsche acquires worldwide fame and January 30, 1951 Prof. Ferdinand Por- company. As early as the beginning of becomes one of the best known brand sche dies an aged man. Only one year the fifties the Porsche company esta- names for motor cars which admirably later, the family is afflicted by Dr. Anton blishes own retail dealerships. combine aesthetics and sportiness. Piëch’s sudden death. The first of them In the meantime the Piëchs are sailing Louise Piëch and is Alpenstrasse full speed ahead in Salzburg. How- her brother, Ferry Salzburg, followed ever, both enterprises remain in the Porsche, are faced by the workshop joint ownership of Louise Piëch and with the question, opposite the central Ferry Porsche at all times. whether to sell or to continue the Salz- train station, next to the customer service building, the Start of the automobile business burg Porsche company. They decide to Porschehof I, which later came to be in Salzburg. continue and Louise Piëch, a mother nicknamed „the blue building“. Due to of four, takes over the management of its colour it stood out from the other The first Beetles arrive in 1949. On May the young enterprise. At that time the buildings erected later on. Louise Piëch 16, the import business starts in Porsche Salzburg staff consists of 71 runs the growing enterprise with pru- Salzburg. At that time 14 Beetles are members. And Louise Piëch tackles the dence and great commercial skill. delivered via Switzerland, the first six task with inimitable energy. of them being used as demonstration VW – The Austrians’ favourite cars. The seventh car is sold to the first Yet it is not until the liberalisation of customer, Viktor Piatnik, the producer automobile imports that business starts of playing cards from Vienna. The new booming. The real upswing comes in In 1957 the showroom opposite the Beetle becomes his personal ace of autumn 1953. Sales figures for the Beetle central train station is opened in the hearts. In those days no real sales were rise from 798 units in 1952 to 2,675. presence of Volkswagen’s CEO, Mr. car brand. The Porsche saga. Nordhoff. In 1959 later, the Rally-Beetles of Porsche After 20 years under the leadership of Porsche establis- Salzburg cause a tremendous sensa- their „boss“, as Louise Piëch is called hes its first branch tion and win the Elba Rally. with due respect, the Porsche company in Salzburg has become an operation at In 1957 the showroom at the train station is opened in the presence of Volkswagen’s CEO, Mr. Nordhoff. Louise Piëch and Ferry Porsche are rightly proud of what they have achieved together. The Porsche enterprises, both in Salzburg and in Stuttgart, are flourishing. Wiener Neustadt, With new ideas on the outstanding enterprise in the auto- which is run by road to success. mobile sector. Under the guidance of a Management Board the company is Louise Piëch’s eldest son, Ing. Ernst Motor sports history: Jochen Rindt wins in a Formula V, Porsche 917 carries the Austrian colours to victory in Le Mans, the Rallye-Beetle wins the Elba Rallye. Piëch. In 1961 an event calls for cele- With the introduction of the car restructured. Porsche Austria assumes bration in Salzburg: the 100.000th rental service in 1962 and the leasing the task of importing Volkswagen, VW has just been registered in Aus- business in 1966, Porsche starts at the retail activities are consolidated tria. At that time VW holds a market an early stage to engage in activities in one corporate division and a great share of 28%, with Fiat (16.8%) and around the car, thus boosting the number of new staff is being recruited. Opel (14.8%) trailing behind at a safe customer service sector. However, The 500.000th VW is registered. PIA distance. business is getting tougher and toug- builds dealerships in Dornbirn, Graz her. The Beetle is ageing. The models and Innsbruck, the Audi-NSU esta- In 1962, the Por- 411 and 1500 are not a successful blishments in Salzburg and Wiener schehof II in follow-up to the Beetle. Neustadt join the Group. the Fanny-vonLehnert Strasse is With intensive advertising, Porsche First steps in the built, and the blue starts to build up its marketing, direction of hol- VW trademark which at the time is not yet called ding interests in signalises for all Salzburg where VW marketing but sales support. Among other industries is based. The next years see the esta- other activities, the „fruit beetles“ (Portex) show that blishment of retail dealerships in Zell are launched, their name deriving am See, Saalfelden, Hallein, Kapfen- from the bright colours in which the of a lot of enterprises to gain ground berg and Vienna-Arndtstrasse, follo- Beetle presents itself for the first outside their core business is not so wed by the dealerships of Klagenfurt, time. easy after all. The Audi NSU importer, Villach and Wolfsberg in the 1960s. The retail sector of what is later to In 1962 the new Porschehof is built in the Fannyvon-Lehnert Strasse. however, is a different matter, since at The next step forward. become the Porsche-Inter Auto (PIA), Apart from importing cars, a retail division is being developed. following this trend that time it is still a company in which only an interest is held (the other part is gaining contour. In 1967 construc- 1971 marks a turning point in belongs to the manufacturer). For tion of the workshop at Sterneck- Porsche’s history. Louise Piëch and the time being the Audi dealership in strasse Salzburg is begun. Prof. Ferry Porsche decide that all Wien-Liesing develops most favour- family members are to give up their ably, later on Porsche becomes the At that time Por- operational functions both in Salz- general importer of all Audi cars. sche Salzburg burg and in Stuttgart and are to with- attracted worldwi- draw – like they themselves – to the The Salzburg location turns into a de attention due supervisory boards of both compa- huge building site. The workshop to its motor sports nies. The four children in each family, opposite the central train station activities. Formula begin to pursue their own job careers. makes way for the Porschehof III, V racing cars are built and cause a Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, for which houses the Head Office, but great stir. In addition, the Porsche example, the designer of the Porsche above all provides room for the new 908 and 917, racers starting for Salz- 911, founds his own design office in computing center, which since then burg, perform outstandingly on the Zell am See, Ferdinand Piëch trans- has facilitated a rapid flow of data. Nürburgring, at Watkins Glen and Le fers from Porsche to Audi and makes Handwritten notes, blueprints and Mans. They proudly bear the lette- his way to the very top, becoming typewriters with correcting ribbons ring „Österreich 1“ and „Österreich Supervisory Board Chairman of the are matters of the past. This develop- 2“ on top of their windscreens. Years Volkswagen AG. ment marks radical changes. The Porsche saga. Visible growth of the Porsche company: in spite of expansion, office space at the location near the train station is getting scarce. The Beetle becomes the most widely again in the following year. However, produced car in the world, thus out- these violent fluctuations are an stripping the Ford Tin Lizzy. With the opportunity for Porsche to further Porsche itself is also active as a sub- help of spectacular marketing activi- improve the swiftness and flexibility supplier on a small scale. The Porsche ties, Porsche Austria once more of the entire distribution network. „Produktions- und Handels-GesmbH“ pushes the aged Beetle to a high. Yet it Supported by Porsche Austria and with its workshop in Alpenstrasse has is the takeover of Audi imports by their creative marketing, outstanding from the very beginning specialized Porsche Austria that marks a decisive service support and excellent foresight, in manufacturing parts for the Por- step in the development. Nevertheless the distribution organisation is able to sche 356, and later on for the Porsche the Austrian distribution organisation take an exciting and successful deve- 911, supplying them to Stuttgart. By clearly feels the weaknesses of the VW lopment. investing in some Austrian industri- product range, which is why all hopes al enterprises (Fichtel & Sachs, Alu rest on the new models such as the In 1985 Porsche starts distributing Druck-Guss) and later by purchasing Passat, Golf, Scirocco and Polo. In view the Seat marque, a completely new the German Zipperle Group (1988), of this scenario, expanding the product distribution network is installed and Porsche makes headway also in this range by the Audi models, is a very with the help of the new generation of line. important move. Seat models, the market share can be gradually raised. Porsche crosses borders. First steps to go abroad. Sonauto, the Porsche importer in France, develops into a small but highly successful importer of vehicles from various manufacturers. Activities in new lines of business. Since Porsche has utilized the maximum of opportunities in the Austrian Opening the new spare parts distribu- automobile business – as the superior The Porsche Hol- tion centre is a milestone in the field of market leader holding a market share ding is taking sha- logistics, which proves as an advantage of about 20 %, this position can hardly pe, in France the in competition as Porsche moves into be surpassed with the current model Sonauto company countries of the former Eastern bloc. range – it makes sense to engage in the (a joint venture of The „Allgemeine Leasingzentrale“ sub-supplying business so as to have a the Porsche AG) is (Central Leasing Company) is replaced second leg to stand on. The purchase of placed under the direct control of by the Porsche Bank AG and the Por- Taylorix AG and the expansion of EDP Salzburg and a few years later, the sche Insurance AG, which develop into activities provides a third pillar. But it newly founded Porsche España joins a highly specialised company providing is exactly at that time that worldwide the Porsche Group. all financial services related to cars. restructuring in these two lines of business leaves no stone unturned. A Porsche has embarked on the way to Porsche gives impetus to few years later the Porsche Holding becoming a European trading compa- subsuppliers. gradually withdraws from these fields. the business is done on the Austrian Let’s take a short step back into the The chance of the century. market, since these two companies seventies. The idea of Bruno Kreisky, only supply niches of the European Federal Chancellor at the time, to build The political changes in Eastern Europe market with smaller marques of vari- an all-Austrian car, the „Austro Porsche“ afford a once-a-century chance for ous manufacturers. eventually fails due to insufficient dis- Porsche. As the borders come down, ny. It is true that by far the majority of tribution opportunities. Nevertheless, vast opportunities suddenly open up The Austrian market is of prime Porsche, the biggest Austrian auto- for entrepreneurial development. This importance. mobile importer makes tremendous is particularly true in view of the fact endeavours to get the sub-supplying that due to establishing a distribution In fact in Austria the introduction of business from Austria to the manuf- network in the new German states and the new VW model generation brings acturers on track. In retrospective due to the purchase of Skoda, the Volks- about the desired turning point. Porsche has made a significant contri- wagen AG does not have any manage- Thanks to the fact that the VAT is bution to the successful development ment resources left to become active in raised, sales rocket, only to plummet of Austrian sub suppliers. the reform countries straightaway. The Porsche saga. This is why the The disintegration of Yugoslavia and up its automobile trading activities in Volkswagen AG the ensuing war cut Slovenia off from Serbia and Montenegro as well as in commissions the the supply of VW and Audi models, Bulgaria. 2005 sees the start of business Porsche Holding which had so far been handled by the activities in Albania and Macedonia. In to set up a distri- manufacturer’s importer in Sarajevo. 2008 Porsche Holding starts its trading activities in Ukraine. bution network for Setting standards in the reform countries – Porsche Hungaria, the parade horse among the subsidiaries. Porsche takes shape as a European enterprise. the VW Group marques in Hungary. Porsche applies to Sharing a similar mentality with the be entrusted with neighbouring states and understan- the import business, ding the needs of the people in these with the advantage As to internationalisation, the Porsche countries predestines Porsche to lay a that it can point to Holding made an early start back in its outstanding suc- the seventies in France, where it acted sound basis for a successful future. The Growth in Slovakia. The importer Porsche Slovakia and the retail dealership in Bratislava. overriding aim is to build up national cess both in Hungary and in Slovakia. as an importer for a variety of minor enterprises and to staff them with local Porsche fulfils the task in record time. marques from all over the world. However, the Holding saw itself confron- employees up to the top echelons. With the help of an outstandingly successful Not later than six weeks after having ted with more and more problems, coaching system, Porsche Hungaria been commissioned, all supply chan- because in France, which is one of the becomes the model company among nels from the parts distribution centre biggest European automobile markets, the foreign subsidiaries. in Salzburg are working and the new practically all major car manufactu- car business starts in Slovenia. rers are represented by their own subsidiaries. This is why the possibilities At the same time Porsche manages to reanimate the Skoda marque in Growth in the East. Porsche starts importing to the southern neighbour Slovenia. for the Porsche subsidiary, Sonauto, which in its best times had been able Austria and is highly successful. Also in Romania Porsche builds up a distribution network for the marques of the Volkswagen Group. Growth in the West. With great ingenuity and know-how, The Porsche to sell up to 40,000 new cars and the newly founded Skoda importer Holding has long 60,000 motorcycles, became more and develops a distribution- and marke- realized that the more limited. ting concept tailored to the needs of chance to grow lies the marque. It is with this concept in the reform coun- The Porsche Holding therefore sought that in no time Skoda, still more of tries, where there is other opportunities for retail business an outsider, first becomes a coveted a great desire for mobility, yet the pos- in this big Western European market. car among insiders and later on, after sibility for people to buy a private car By holding interests in the PGA, one of qualitative improvement of the model is still a long way off due to the lack of the most successful automobile retail range, literally sells like hotcakes. purchasing power. It is in these coun- chains in France, the Porsche Holding tries that all European car manufactu- has established a totally new platform In Czechoslovakia, rers are eager to build up distribution in this country. the VW importer of networks so as to have a foot in the the manufacturer door for the long-term development Strengthened by the new partnership, commissions the of future sales. Porsche Holding takes the PGA first expanded their business Austrian Porsche a pioneer role in these markets and to Holland, where they acquired an Group to establish invests in long-term development of interest in the renowned Dutch car retail dealerships for VW and Audi, its car trading activities. Having been trading chain Nefkens (2001). One both in Prague and in Bratislava. As the commissioned to establish a distribu- year later (2002) PGA bought the country splits into a Czech and a Slovak tion network in Romania (1997) and French retail chain CICA and took a Republic, the supply channels that had the joint venture in Croatia (1999) are financial interest in the retail group been built up laboriously by the local further proof of the successful course GGBA. The PGA expanded its sphere VW importer break down, whereupon Porsche has been steering in these of action in France & bought the car Porsche also wins an importer’s con- countries since the beginning of the trading chain SAIP (2006) & SAS Car- tract for the Slovak Republic. 1990s. In 2004 Porsche Holding takes let (2007). The Porsche saga. The PGA acquires an interest in the Dutch automobile dealership chain Nefkens. In the year 2006 By adding the distribution of Bentley be able to respond to the distinctive- Nefkens bought (in 2000) and of Lamborghini (in 2001) ness of the markets, to the diverse the Ekris Group in to the business, the Porsche Holding pace of development and to the the Netherlands. is now represented in a further, highly varied wishes of its customers. In 2008 “Ellada” – exclusive segment of the market. In the new subsidiary April 2006 the subsidiary became an Since 1 March 2011, Porsche Holding of the PGA Group – starts in Greece. authorized distribution partner of the has belonged to Volkswagen AG as a The PGA Group acts as a totally inde- Bugatti marque in Austria and in the wholly-owned subsidiary and, there- pendent company and to date encom- South Eastern countries of Europe. fore, is part of the most successful European car manufacturer. It closes passes close to 250 enterprises. a historic circle which began with the The next step: China development of the Volkswagen by These companies are part of the distribution network for the marques Porsche Holding Ferdinand Porsche and the growth Peugeot, Citroën, Renault, Mercedes, entered China as of two successful companies in Salz- BMW, Mini, Volkswagen, Audi, Ford, the 1 European burg and Stuttgart, two jewels now Opel, Jaguar, Toyota, Landrover, auto trading being part of this greater whole. The Nissan and Honda. company in 2004. previous shareholders of the Porsche Within a very short and Piëch families will continue to st period of time, dealerships were esta- participate in the development of blished which exclusively focus on this automotive group as majority The beginning of 1998 marks the distribution and service of premium shareholders of Volkswagen AG and festive opening of the new Porschehof, brands. The entry was realized at just in their function as members of the which now provides sufficient space the right moment and offered Porsche Supervisory Board. for some 750 staff. Holding the possibility to share dyna- Growth in Austria. In 1998 the new Porschehof is opened. mics of the world’s biggest car market. Also in this year, Porsche Holding The Austrian Porsche currently has more than 1,000 is entrusted with new tasks in the Porsche dealer- Chinese employees at its 11 sites. Volkswagen Group. CROSS, the computer system for dealers, is im- ships have made a considerable leap Starting out from humble beginnings, plemented in the Group as standard in growth, since Porsche has become one of the most worldwide. As from 2012, Porsche in the era of Fer- successful European automobile tra- Holding takes over the Volkswagen dinand Piëch the Volkswagen Group de companies. Concentration on the import business in Colombia. The perfected its multibrand strategy core business activities around the Czech importer IVG becomes part thanks to the spectacular TDI tech- automobile, opening up of Eastern of Porsche Holding under its new nology and to innovative production European markets, the strong market company name Porsche CZ. Porsche techniques, while at the same time position in Austria and the new retail Holding takes over the management expanding the range of products to activities in France and in Holland of all Spanish and Polish retailers reach also market niches. afford the enterprise further possibili- owned by the Volkswagen Group. ties to grow. Since 2004, we have profited from the development possi- bilities in China, the world‘s biggest car market, in a very successful way. Here: Porsche Jinhua. Whereas at the beginning of the nineteennineties a market share of In the 65 years since its foundation, 20% seemed to be the very peak of Porsche has sold more than 4 million aspirations, Porsche Austria (VW, cars. Porsche is extremely successful, Audi), Allmobil (Seat) and Intercar be it in the highly developed markets Austria (Skoda) have expanded their of Central and Western Europe, be it market radius far beyond 30% by the in the Eastern European markets as end of the decade. well as in China, and thus proves to Chronicle. Chronicle. 1947 Porsche Konstruktionen Ges.m.b.H. founded in Gmünd, Carinthia. • Development of the Formula I racing car „Cisitalia” • Development of finger bars for harvesters, winches, turbines for generating electricity • Workshop in Zell am See for repairing the VW jeeps „Kübelwagen“ 1957 VW becomes market leader in Austria and has kept this position ever since 1948 First racing car bearing the name 1960 Annual VW Beetle sales top 20,000 Porsche built: Porsche 356 units for the first time • VW 1600 imported as the third model, joining the Beetle and the VW van 1949 Porsche Konstruktionen Ges.m.b.H. moved to the Alpenstrasse in Salzburg • World premiere of the Porsche 356 at the Geneva Motorshow • Austrian importer’s contract for VW signed • Porsche 356 „Nr. 1“ wins the first car race in Innsbruck (driver: Herbert Kaes) • First VW Beetles delivered to customers • Production of Porsche 356 convertible in Salzburg • Ferry Porsche prepares for establishing an own sports car production in Stuttgart 1950 Importation of first Beetle convertibles • Porsche 356 offered for sale • Central spare parts warehouse set up in Salzburg • Sports car manufacturing plant founded in Stuttgart • First Porsche 356 leaves the Stuttgart plant 1951 Porsche 356 produced in Austria wins at Le Mans – first Porsche victory in its class • Professor Ferdinand Porsche dies in Stuttgart and is laid to rest in Zell am See 1952 New sales outlet in Franz-Josef Strasse, Salzburg • Dr. Anton Piëch dies, Louise Piëch takes over the company in Salzburg • Porsche Salzburg and Porsche Stuttgart jointly owned by Louise PorschePiëch and her brother Ferry Porsche 1959 Zell am See holiday home (later Hotel Porschehof in Schüttdorf) opened • Porsche Konstruktionen KG, Wiener Neustadt, starts operating 1961 VW car rental company established • Porschehof II built in Fanny-von-Lehnert-Strasse in Saalfelden opened • The „Bayrischer Hof“ hotel acquired in Salzburg 1964 Dealership established in Hallein • Alpenstrasse workshop expanded • New motor sport activities: Formula V racing cars from Salzburg 1965 Beetle wins the Danube Rallye • VW leasing system introduced • Dealership established in Kapfenberg 1967 Porsche apartment house built in Salzburg • Central spare parts warehouse opened in Wiener Neustadt • Workshop in Sterneckstrasse, Salzburg, built • Sports car division with Formula V and Rallye Beetle established • Jochen Rindt wins on the Bahamas in a Salzburg Formula V 1968 VW 411 added to the model range • 1954 VW becomes most widely sold car 1970 VW Porsche 914 launched in Austria • 10,000th VW imported to Austria repairshop (Porschehof I) built opposite the Salzburg Central Train Station the first time as market leader • Mechanical engineering and tool making company, Porsche Maschinen- und Werkzeugbau GmbH, incorporated • Establishments in Klagenfurt Salzburg-Samergasse, Villach, Wiener Neustadt and Zell am See expanded • Majority of shares in Sonauto S.A., Paris, taken over 1973 Start of the new VW model generation: Passat added to the range • Porsche Graz opened • A Salzburg Rallye Beetle wins the European championship on Elba (driver: Warmbold) 1974 Scirocco and Golf introduced in Austria • Porsche Holding established • VW and Audi importing businesses merged to create Porsche Austria Ges.m.b.H. & Co • Distribution system consolidated • Porschehof III built 1975 Stocks of VWs and Audis top 500,000 1963 Porsche Zell am See and the branch Porsche businesses opened in Klagenfurt, Villach and Wolfsberg 1956 Customer service building and 1978 The Rabbit is born • Golf emerges for 80 added to model range • Dealerships opened in Wien/Liesing and Dornbirn • Accessories wholesaler Auto Z founded 1962 Porsche 356 succeeded by Porsche 911 1953 VW insurance company founded 1955 Porsche Konstruktionen KG founded 1972 500,000 cars imported so far • Audi 1971 VW K70 added to the model range • Self-service restaurant on the Areitalm in Zell am See • Car rental service transformed to „interRent“ • New Audi general import company established together with Audi Ingolstadt for the first time • Polo added to model line-up • The VW 412 and K70 models discontinued • Auto Concord opened in Vienna • Auto Danner GmbH acquired and incorporated into Porsche Leibnitz • PIA Wien/Simmering opened • Special stamp „100th birthday of Prof. Ferdinand Porsche“ issued 1976 Porsche 924 introduced • Lease of Upper Austrian AVEG Group with bases in Linz, Wels, Steyr and Kirchdorf • Recreation company Freizeit 2000 established (transformation of the A. Zierler KG, in which an interest had been held since 1973) 1986 Audi 80 with new aerodynamics added to sales line-up 1979 Golf convertible launched • Iltis, an 1987 Catalytic converters become mandatory for Austria • Last VW Beetle registered in Austria • Porsche Bank AG and Porsche Versicherungs AG established • Porsche Linz opened off-road vehicle, added to model line-up • Newly built Porsche Innsbruck facility opened • Zimmer Co. acquired • An auto express service and used car outlet opened in the Sterneckstrasse in Salzburg • ALZ representative office opened in Innsbruck • Golf market share tops 10% for the first time 1988 Audi V8 and Corrado added to line-up • Passat III added to model range • Autohaus Union opened • Construction of Porschehof IV begun • Stake in Taylorix Stuttgart acquired • PRZ Salzburg integrated into Porsche Group • Porsche Holding transformed into Porsche Holding OHG 1980 VW Jetta and Passat II added to 1989 Group restructured • Porsche Inter model range • Porsche Wörgl and Autohandels GmbH Graz opened • Smoliner & Kratky acquired • ALZ representative offices in Linz and Klagenfurt Auto Oberlaa opened • Stake acquired in the Zipperle company • InterRent transformed into ARAC • Launch of environmental diesel versions of Golf and Jetta 1981 Audi Quattro celebrates sensational premiere on rallye circuit • Audi 100, with revolutionary aerodynamic design 1990 New car outlets built in Saalfelden, Hallein, Hohenems and Oberpullendorf • Porschehof IV opened • Launches of new Polo and new delivery van • Environmental award for „Eco“ Golf • Porsche Hungaria established • Majority stake acquired in Joham • Soft-Warehouse established • Externa relocated to Bergheim 1982 VW Santana added to product range • Audi 80 with quattro drive • Baumgartner & Baumgartner Wiener Neudorf brought into the Group • VOWA Innsbruck and Hall taken over • Porsche España S.A. established as Spanish car importer 1977 Volkswagen Beetle imported from Mexico • First 5-cylinder engine in Audi 100 • Sales boom due to impending increase in value added tax • Derby added to the model range • Retail car dealerships consolidated to create Porsche Inter Auto • Allmobil Fahrzeughandels Ges.m.b.H. (used cars) established in Vösendorf • Leasing agencies (ALZ) set up in Vienna and Graz • „Prof. Ferdinand Porsche Award“ of the Technical University, Vienna, granted for the first time – this best endowed automobile construction award in the world is handed out every 2 years to „inventors“ of important technological innovations market • Product range expanded by Golf syncro • Seat Malaga launched 1983 VW, Audi and Porsche: Group models delivered top 1,000,000 • Golf II launched successfully • AVEG Group restructured • Porsche Systems Engineering (CH) established 1984 All Audis available with quattro drive • Audi 90 added to the model range • Part sales centre opened in Wals, Salzburg (ATS 300 million investment) • Allmobil Autohandels Ges.m.b.H. established to import SEAT cars 1985 Complete range of catalytic converters available • Jetta Cat succeeds in 1991 Porsche Hungaria starts sales • Sales centre for Porsche Inter Auto Innsbruck and Externa Innsbruck opened • New Audi 100 presented at the Hofburg in Vienna • Market launch of SEAT Toledo • Porsche Leibnitz newly opened • Launch of Audi convertible • ARAC concludes licensing agreement with EuroDollar • Austrian launches of Golf III, Audi 80 and Porsche 968 • Autohaus Mayer and Autohaus Gerstinger taken over 1992 Intercar founded to act as Skoda importer • Introduction of VW Vento • Merger of Porsche Computer Services and Externa • Euro-Elan project started • Externa Linz and Externa Graz commence business operations • Autohaus Retzer taken over • Externa largest IBM PC dealer in Austria • ARAC launches Hungarian operations • PPH founds JIPO subsidiary in Czechia • Launch of Porsche Inter Auto Bratislava • Porsche Inter Auto Praha begins sales operations • Sonauto subsidiary Chrysler CSFR established • Scrap-car recycling: VW Importer and shredders plan pilot facility • New dealership opened in Budapest 1993 Porsche Hungaria: Audi showroom in Budapest opened • Special model Golf convertible Classic • Golf syncro and Golf 16V in Austria • Zimmer Hungaria founded • Porsche Speedster in Austria • Foundation of Externa Brno, Bratislava and Prague • Porsche Ljubljana established, moving into TAS offices • PIA Pest established • PIA Simmering newly built • New Seat Ibiza in Austria • Porsche Ljubljana becomes importer for Slovenia • Vento Europe added to the model line-up • Used car campaign „Weltauto“ launched • Porsche Hungaria: new spare parts sales centre opened • Zipperle: majority stake acquired by Magna 1994 Diesel engine boom: VW brings TDI • Porsche Slovakia Importer moves into new premises • Externa Budpest founded • Seat Cordoba presented • Skoda Felicia launched • Porsche Bank Hungaria chartered • Porsche 911 convertible presented • Golf Variant VAN added to the model range • Audi Avant RS2 launched • Porsche Holding restructured • PIA Kufstein opened, Seat Wiener Neustadt opened • PIA Bratislava expanded • Audi A8 and Audi A6 launched • Seat Toledo 16V • Seat Linz opened • Porsche Insurance Agency starts operating in Hungary • Auto Z expands to Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia • Porsche Tiptronic introduced to market • 90,000 people attend Pink Floyd presented by Volkswagen in Wr. Neustadt • Porsche Carrera 4 presented • New Polo added to the model line-up • Porsche Hungaria: official opening of new Porschehof and PIA Pest • New Audi A4 comes out • VW: VR6 syncro launched Chronicle. Chronicle. Die Chronik. 1995 Audi A4 TDI and Audi A4 1.8 Turbo new in Austria • Golf Rabbit in GTI look • Porsche 911 Turbo and Carrera 4S presented on the Salzburgring • VOWA Innsbruck opened • Externa split into system development and IT • Turning the first sod for new dealership and Porschehof (digging up a Beetle) • Retail dealership Porsche Ljubljana opened • Rolling Stones in Zeltweg presented by VW • Golf TDI convertible and Audi TDI convertible join the model range • SDI engine for Golf and Vento • Treasury Division POFIN in Freilassing • Great ARBÖ Automobile Award goes to Audi A4 • Seat bases: AVEG Linz, VOWA Innsbruck, PIA Wien-Liesing, Seat Samergasse • Skoda Felicia estate car presented • Start to build Porsche Slovenia retail dealership and importer • New Seat Toledo and Seat Inca 1996 Externa Kfz (passenger cars) transformed to Porsche Informatik • Skoda Pickup comes to Austria • VW bus/van T4 comes to Austria • Special model Felicia Bully on the occasion of Icehockey WC in Vienna • 500,000th Golf in Austria • Polo Classic available • Porsche Boxster in Austria • New VW Passat • New Audi A3 • PPH and JIPO sold • Exchange of shares: Sonauto 100% Porsche Holding, Porsche España 100% Porsche AG, Stuttgart • Seat Alhambra launched • New VW LT programme • Audi A3 wins the Great Austrian Automobile Award of ARBÖ • Impending „NOVA“ tax rise (tax based on standard fuel consumption) causes sales boom • TDI Grand Prix: lowest consumption for Audi A4 at 2.0 l • Training Centre „Ost“ opened in WienLiesing • Bon Jovi at Wiener Neustadt and Wels presented by Volkswagen 1997 Pilot start of CROSS dealer system • Skoda Octavia launched • New Porsche 911 • New Audi A6 • New Passat estate car • New Golf • New Seat Arosa • Skoda Munich East and West start operating • 2,000,000 cars sold by Porsche in Austria • New management structure Porsche Holding • Porsche turns 50, 50 additional apprentices admitted • Audi A8 TDI launched • PIA St. Pölten opened • New dis- tribution network, separation of brands completed • World premiere: Golf with TDI engine takes part in Semperit Rallye for the first time • New part of PIA Prague opened • Last Night Party at the old Porschehof 1998 Opening ceremony of new Porschehof and dealership • Openings of Porsche Bratislava II, Porsche Maribor, Porsche Ljubljana, AVEG Linz-Leonding • Porsche Wels (former AVEG) goes purely VW, Porsche Wels Thalheim (former Retzer) becomes exclusive Audi Centre • New Golf convertible • Quickservice starts as pilot project • Audi A6 estate car launched • Porsche 911 convertible launched • Prof. Ferry Porsche dies at the age of 88 in Zell am See • Passat TDI with monobloc injection technology • New Golf 4motion • Wholesale and retail business starts in Romania • Externa sold to debis • Audi TT launched • Openings of Porsche Wien-Donaustadt, Porsche Graz-Liebenau, • Porsche Slovenia and Porsche Ljubljana, Porsche Slovakia and Porsche Bratislava II • VW Lupo, VW Bora launched • 3 l Lupo wins the ARBÖ Environment Award • Group’s market share rises from 29.1% to 31.5% 1999 New VW Beetle launched • Louise Piëch dies aged 94 in Zell am See • New Audi A4 • Porsche Klagenfurt opened • Porsche Holding holds interests in PGA, a French automobile retail chain • New Seat Toledo • Audi TT quattro and Roadster • Porsche Holding starts joint venture in Croatia as importer of Skoda • New Golf and Bora estate cars • Porsche top model 911 GT 3 • First 4-wheel model of Skoda: Octavia 4x4 • 3 l Lupo launched • New Seat Ibiza and Cordoba • Porsche Boxster S • Skoda Fabia added to the model range • Great Automobile Award of ARBÖ won by Audi TT • New VW Polo • International expert jury elects Prof. Ferdinand Porsche „Automobile Designer of the Century“, and his grandson Ferdinand Piëch „Automobile Manager of the Century“ 2000 Joint Venture in Croatia is extended to the brands VW, Audi and Seat • PZ-Auto takes over Porsche imports to Croatia • New: Audi A2 and allroad quattro • New Seat Leon • Special model Golf Rabbit and almost all VW models equipped with ESP as standard • Exclusive Cars takes over Bentley and Rolls Royce distribution in Vienna • Porsche Wien-Hitzing opened, former „Gerstinger“ turned into Porsche Wien-Pragerstrasse • New Seat Alhambra • Seat Cordoba WRC wins the National Rallye Championship • Porsche M5 opened in Budapest • 50 shilling coin: „125 years Prof. Ferdinand Porsche, 100 years Lohner Porsche“ 2001 PGA acquires an interest in the Dutch car dealership chain Nefkens • Skoda opened in Salzburg • New VW Centre at Asten • A2 1,2 TDI, Audi’s 3 l model presented • VW enters the top segment: Passat W8 • Prag Proscz opened • Porsche launches the GT2, the fastet 911 • Skoda among the five best selling brands in Austria • Seat Alhambra used as „Taxi Orange“ in the TV series of the same name • Exclusive Cars Vienna takes up direct selling of Lamborghini • New exclusive dealership for Seat and Audi in Graz • Porsche Budweis opened • Audi R8 wins at Le Mans with FSI technology • Fourth Polo generation presented • Skoda Zagreb opened • Warranty period for VW, Audi, Skoda and Seat extended to 24 months • 100,000 Skoda models sold in Austria since 1992 • PIA acquires 4 premises in Munich for the distribution of Skoda and Seat • New Seat Arosa 2002 PGA buys the French retail chain CICA • A&S opens new locations in Munich • New Ibiza boosts sales at Seat • New Management Board of 3 for Porsche Holding • PIA founds Apprentice College • VW Phaeton presented in Geneva • Construction of retail dealership in Bucarest started • VW presents the world’s first 1 litre car • New Porsche Boxster presented • Considerable recession of the market • VW training for car salesmanship certified by the Chamber of Commerce • Golf supersedes the Beetle as the world’s most produced car • Audi convertible launched • Regulations for tax-saving trucks reintroduced • FSI, the new petrol direct injection, star- ted • The Golf R 32 introduced • New No Exemption Regulation takes effect • World premiere of the new Audi A8 • Porsche Cayenne waiting to be launched 2003 Porsche Slovenija takes over Skoda imports • Relaunch of Seat Córdoba • VW gains new market segments with the Touran, the New Beetle Cabriolet and the Touareg • Autohaus Strolz in Bregenz becomes a PIA enterprise • World premiere of Porsche GT in Geneva • Audi launches the new A3 • 5th generation of the VW Transporter and the new Multivan introduced • Parts Center Budapest opened • Production of VW Beetle phased out after 68 years • 5th Golf generation celebrates its world premiere at the IAA • Worldwide Dealers’ Convention for the new Golf with 8,000 participants takes place in Carinthia • Launch of Lamborghini Gallardo • Block Exemption Regulation (BER) becomes effective as from October 1, 2003 • Professor Ferdinand Porsche Award goes to Uwe Borchers, designer of the comfort seat, of Johnson Controls • Extension of Parts Center Salzburg opened • First ranks of Autorevue Award for Audi A3, A4 and A8, as well as for VW Polo and Sharan • Smoliner Vienna opens Audi and Seat Center • New Golf introduced on the market • Record sales for Porsche due to the Cayenne • After three declining years overall passenger car market picking up again 2004 Porsche SCG takes over import of VW, VW light commercial vehicles, Audi, Seat and Porsche for Serbia/Montenegro • Porsche Romania invests EUR 25 million in new company HQ in Bucharest • Porsche takes up import of VW and VW light commercial vehicles with new subsidiary in Bulgaria • PIA becomes active in Italy and takes over the automobile company Meroi with three locations in Friuli • New Porsche showrooms opened at Porsche Wien Liesing and Innsbruck Mitterweg • Four PIA branches open new Audi hangars: Leibnitz, Oberwart, Wolfsberg and St. Johann • PIA Croatia opens Porsche Zagreb Jankomir • Porsche Bank Romania established • Weltauto starts in Croatia and Romania • 100 years Louise Piëch: big birthday party in honour of the company’s founder • First VW models equipped with series diesel particle filters: Passat 2.0 I TDI PD, Phaeton and Touareg 3.0 I TDI V6 • Austrian premiere of the new Golf 4MOTION • A myth is back: the new Golf GTI • World premiere of Golf Plus in Bologna • Gold for Golf: ARBÖ Award goes to the Golf for the 3rd time • International press presentation of Audi A8 W12 • Model fireworks at Audi: new A6, A3 Sportback and the new A4 • Feature shared by the new Audi generation: the single frame grille • Altea and Toledo usher in new design era at Seat • New generation of Skoda Octavia and Octavia station car • Successful introduction of the new VW Caddy • Award for Transporter T5: “Van of the Year 2004” • New at Porsche: 911 Carrera, 911 Carrera S, 911 Turbo S; Boxster and Boxster S • Bentley introduces Continental and Arnage T • New Lamborghini Murciélago Roadster 2005 Offensive at VW: Golf Plus, Passat, Polo, Fox, Jetta, New Beetle, Passat Variant • Audi gains strongest in the Austrian automobile market • VW, Audi, Seat and Skoda first brands to offer solution for a backfit particle filter in Austria • Skoda introduces new Octavia station car • Porsche brings out new 911 and new 911 convertible and presents Cayman • A&S Munich buys the company Bauer, thus acquiring additional dealers in Greater Munich • New four-heads management of Porsche Holding and structuring of VW world and multi brand world • PGA buys BMW dealer in Warsaw • 25th anniversary of quattro • Prof. Ferdinand Porsche Award goes to developer of synthetic fuels • Porsche Holding starts up in China opening their first showroom at Hangzhou • Porsche Holding founds new subsidiary in Albania and shows the brands Audi and Seat at Porsche Tirana 2006 Porsche Bank and Porsche Informatik celebrate 40th anniversary • Eurocar Italia buys VW dealers located in Triest and Gorizia • Polo fever at VW: CrossPolo, Polo BlueMotion, Polo GTI • New construction and reconstruction of PIA branches in Zell am See, Steyr, Leibnitz and Wolfsberg, Maribor, Rijeka, Bratislava, Olomouc, Landsberg, Prague, Plzen and Budweis • Porsche Hungaria reports new record sales of almost 44,000 vehicles • VW and Skoda make up police car fleet und Porsche Bank takes care of entire fleet management • Driving fun with Audi S3, S6 and S8 • Premiere of VW Eos • Restored in new splendour: Porsche Alpenstraße opened • Porsche Tirana gets new Skoda showroom • PIA plans five new Skoda dealerships in Czech Republic • Glamorous market entry for R8, RS 4 Avant and Cabrio, TT Coupé and Roadster • VW Multivan once more best van of the year •Historical victory in Le Mans with Audi R10 TDI • Skoda premieres: Octavia Scout, Octavia Laurin & Klement and Roomster • SEAT’s ‚Formula Racing’ concepts: Altea FR and León FR • Porsche Bucuresti Vest I opens VW and Skoda showrooms • Porsche Graz Kärntnerstraße celebrates the opening of Austria’s largest showroom • Model fireworks à la Porsche 911: GT3, GT3 RS, Turbo and Targa • VW commercial vehicles have had the second best year in their history in Austria with a market share of 28.2% (incl. minibuses) • LT successor Crafter launched • New showrooms for Audi and Skoda at Porsche Kufstein, InnsbruckMitterweg and Deutschlandsberg • PGA buys two new car dealer groups • Eurocar Trieste opens Audi showroom • Skoda: Motor of the 2006 Cycling WC in Salzburg and main sponsor of the Tour de France • New location in Serbia: Porsche Beograd Ada • 1001 HP celebrate a premiere on Austrian roads: Bugatti Veyron • Biggest automobile centre in Dalmatia: Porsche Split inaugurated 2007 Porsche Österreich celebrates its 60 years anniversary • Splendid annual balance for the Porsche Bank Group with 250,000 contracts • „Professor Ferdinand Porsche Preis 2007“of the TU Vienna awarded to Dipl.Ing. Hans-Michael Güther, who devel-oped the carbon-ceramics brake • PGA buys car dealer group SAS Carlet in Central France • Volkswagen celebrates 25 million Golf cars • Two new Chronicle. Chronicle. Die Chronik. models in SEAT’s B segment heralded for 2009 • Audi R8 enters the automobile stage • New Audi Hangar of Porsche Sofia Zapad opened • The Audi A5 and S5 models celebrate a glamorous launch • 100.000th Audi A4 delivered in Austria • Audi takes part in the Wörthersee Tour for the first time • Audi Tradition celebrates jubilee of its predecessor brand: 100 Years DKW • A&S Landsberg opens new VW Piazza • 75th anniversary of Four Rings: In 1932 the brands Audi, DKW, Horch and Wanderer merged • Audi heralds the world’s cleanest diesel to be produced in series as from mid 2008 • SEAT presents first 4x4 model the Altea Freetrack • The New Small Family presents itself: Up!, Space Up! and Space Up! Blue • Audi secures second TDI victory in the Le-Mans 24-hour race • A&S moves to new premises in Munich • Porsche St. Johann celebrates 20th anniversary • Porsche Inter Auto buys Autohaus Stipschitz • New generation of best selling Skoda model version: the Fabia station car • 911 GT2 with 530 HP most powerful 11 model so far • Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles celebrates „60 years with Bulli“ • First victory for the SEAT Leon WTCC with TDI engine • Augsburg group Schwaba joins A&S Munich • First details concerning the Cayenne Hybrid: fuel consumption to be reduced by some 25% • Presentation of the new Tiguan • 25 years of Caddy at Volkswagen • Eurocar Trieste opens new VW showroom • Tribute to a Porsche racing sport classic of the sixties: Boxster RS 60 Spyder • Porsche Maribor opened • New VW dealer opened in Landsberg • Porsche Holding reaches new business year record with a turnover of Euro 11.83 billion • New location for Porsche Zell am See • Porsche Macedonia takes over Skoda imports • Porsche Leibnitz opens new VW Piazza • Porsche Part Center Budapest gets bigger by doubling its capacity • 30 years of Golf being number 1 in model ranking • Porsche Informatik introduces CROSS throughout Eurocar Italia • Spare Parts System – SPS - introduced in Serbia, Kosovo, Bulgaria and Macedonia • SAP starts at Porsche Slovenija and Porsche Bank Hungary • Weltauto starts in Italy and Slovenija • Europcar is number 1 in Austria • New Ecologisation Act passed • Automobile year 2007 closes at 30% market share for the brands of the Volkswagen Group • Golden steering wheel for VW Tiguan, Audi A4 and Skoda Fabia • Bentley Continental GT Speed: With 610 HP the fastest Bentley ever built in serial production 2008 60 years of Porsche sports cars • New Skoda dealership for Porsche Ceske Budejovice • First four-door VW Coupé: Passat CC • New: Porsche Cayenne Turbo S, Boxster and Cayman • Skoda Fabia Combi, Fabia Combi GreenLine and Superb launched to the Austrian market • Porsche Holding expands business with China • New: Seat Ibiza as SportCoupé • Comeback of a sports car legend: VW Scirocco • New: A3, S3 Sportback, A4, A5 and S5 • 20th anniversary of VW California • TVZ Salzburg takes over parts supply for all brands in Croatia • “Blue” campaign with Sharan, Touran, Caddy box van und Caddy station car as TDI BlueMotion, as well as Passat BlueTDI • Dynamic driving pleasure: Audi Q5 • Entire Skoda model line-up with Electronic Stability Program ESP as standard equipment • 911-generation change for Carrera, Carrera 4 Targa and Targa 4S • Seat Altea Freetrack 4WD • Volkswagen Junior Masters Soccer Tournament and international finals of the European Junior Masters in Salzburg • Porsche Holding starts importing into the Ukraine • Little brother of the T5: VW Caddy MaxiVan • Hightech work of art: Audi RS 6 • Premiere at Porsche: Cayenne equipped with Diesel engine • Friends of the environment: Seat Ibiza Ecomotive, León Ecomotive, Alhambra Ecomotive • Porsche Beograd Sever opened • New Audi terminal und Porsche showroom for AVEG Linz • Skoda Fabia Super 2000 links up with 100 years of motorsport history • Turnover and sales all-time high for Porsche Holding (12.8 bn. Euro, approx. 600,000 cars) • Seat’s new saloon is named Exeo • Skoda Octavia - revival of a bestseller • New location for Porsche Steyr • Porsche 356 celebrates its 60th anniversary • Marked sportiness: TT TDI, TTS and S4 • Porsche Holding MD Christian Klingler appointed new CEO of Sales at Volkswagen. Management Board consists of three members: W.D. Hellmaier, Kurt Loidl and Hans-Peter Schützinger • The world’s most powerful Diesel-SUV: Audi Q7 V12 TDI quattro • More highly rated than ever: the new Golf, Golf GTI, Golf Plus • Allrounder: the new VW TransVan • PIA expands location in Pilsen by new Skoda dealership • New member of the Porsche family: the four-door Panamera • Audi A3 convertible and A5 / S5 convertible – the pleasure of driving with the top open • Golden Steering Wheel and Great Austrian Automobile Award for Skoda Superb • VW Phaeton new • Opening celebration at Porsche Bratislava • Audi A6: Winner with new strengths • Porsche Centre in Ningbo, China, opened • PIA grows by purchasing Autohaus Zankl in St. Pölten • Breathtaking: Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport, Lambor-ghini Gallardo LP 560 and LP5604, Bentley Continental Flying Spur Speed, Arnage Final Series and Azure 2009 100 years of Ferry Porsche • Volkswagen’s anniversary in Austria: 60 years ago (1949), Porsche Konstruktionen GmbH started the import business with Volkswagen in Austria • PIA Prag-Prosek opens new Porsche center • Audi celebrates 100 anniversary • Porsche Holding develops sales volume to 13.65 billion Euro • With Exeo and Exeo ST, Seat takes off in the compact executive class • New power packs: Porsche Boxster, Boxster S and Boxster Spyder • Range of models grows with the new Skoda Yeti • 25 years of Teilevertriebszentrum (Parts Center) • Bentley celebrates 90 anniversary with the presentation of: the Continental GTC (Speed), the GT Supersports with promising FlexFuel drive concept and the new Grand Touring Limousine Mulsanne • Porsche Bank starts deposit business via online banking • PIA starts up the first Audi Terminal in Croatia • BlueMotionTechnologies: new VW umbrella brand for a world of efficiency • In 2009, Seat ranks for the first time among Austria’s Top Ten car brands, th th Ibiza for the first time number 1 in the A0 segment • Porsche Panamera celebrates World Premiere in China • New Skoda „athletes“: Octavia RS and allroad version of Octavia Scout • Porsche Holding launches second Porsche dealership in China (Jinhua) • „Advance through Technology” with the new Audi A4 allroad quattro, A5 and S5 convertible, TT RS, A5 Sportback and Q7 • Veyron Grand Sport 16.4 celebrates Premiere during Bugatti’s year of its 100 anniversary • Seat revives its range of models with the new León, Altea and Altea XL • „Professor Ferdinand Porsche Award 2009“ goes to the developers of a Li-Ion battery for cars – Prof. Dr. Herbert Kohler and DI (BA) Michael Keller • Skoda Yeti wins the Austrian award „Goldenes Lenkrad Österreich“ • The most sportiest 911: Porsche 911 GT3 and GT3 RS • For the first time, Seat shows a high profile at the GTI Meeting at Wörthersee introducing two Austrian Premieres: Ibiza Bocanegra and León Cupra • Environmentally friendly AdBlue Technology for TDI engines of the Crafter LCV models • New leading top model among the series sports cars: Porsche 911 Turbo • VW model offensive: Polo, Golf Variant, Golf Plus, Golf GTI and GTD Golf R and Scirocco R, Passat and Touran TSI EcoFuel, Touareg and Tiguan with BlueMotion Technology • 25 years of success: Seat Ibiza • First Porsche with compression-ignition engine is launched: Cayenne Diesel • Remake of Transporter, Multivan, Caravelle and California, Caddy 4MOTION • Ultimate super sports cars: Lamborghini Murciélago LP 670-4 SuperVeloce, Gallardo LP 550-2 „Valentino Balboni“, Reventón Roadster • Raimund Baumschlager celebrates 8-time Austrian championship in his Skoda Rallye-Fabia S 2000 • 75 years ago: Porsche was commissioned to develop a car for the people, the Volkswagen get ready for take-off • Apart from direct savings Porsche Bank expands its offer to term money • New at Audi: A1, S5 Sportback, RS 5, A7, R8 Spyder, A8 and A8 L • Porsche Novi Sad opens new VW-Dealer • Skoda Superb station car and the new Fabia and Roomster generation celebrate their launch • Super lightweight: Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera. Super fast: Gallardo LP 570-4 Spyder Performante • New VW showroom at Porsche Graz-Liebenau • Porsche Cayenne available with hybrid drive for the first time • Porsche Holding expands activities in China and plans three new Porsche Centers • Revival of a bestseller: VW Caddy • From car to cult object: 60 years VW mini-bus „Bulli“ • 60 years Seat • Skoda takes part in Wörthersee GTI Meeting for the first time • New top models of the 11-series: Porsche 911 Turbo S, GT2 RS, Carrera GTS and Speedster • New in the Seat model line-up: Seat Ibiza ST station car, Ibiza ECOMOTIVE, Alhambra, Leon GT and Alhambra GT • Logistic masterstroke: Porsche Informatik moves its computer center • Skoda Fabia RS now also available as station car • British elegance: Bentley Continental Supersports Convertible and Continental GT • Polo GTI is back • Raimund Baumschlager again wins the National Rallye Championship in a Skoda Fabia S 2000 • With the Amarok, Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles also enters the segment of middle-class pick-ups • Porsche WienHietzing opens new showroom trio of VW, Audi and Seat • High-class flair for the middle class with the new VW Passat • 20 years of Porsche Hungaria • Porsche Bank realizes highest market share ever (21.1%) and clearly is number 1 in car leasing business • Change from fiscal year (4/1 – 3/31) to calendar year • Porsche Holding back on the way to growth with a turnover of 12.837 billion Euros in 2010 2010 Porsche Holding keeps business 2011 Volkswagen shows group brands Hellmaier as speaker of the Management Board and forms together with Kurt Loidl and Hans Peter Schützinger the new three-person management team • The newly founded subsidiary Porsche CZ takes over the responsibility for the import business of Volkswagen, Audi and Seat in the Czech Republic • First appearance in South America: Porsche Colombia starts the import business of Volkswagen • Porsche Holding Salzburg takes over the management of all retail activities of the Volkswagen Group in Spain and Poland • New Management Board consists of four members: Alain Favey, Kurt Loidl, Hans Peter Schützinger and Johannes Sieberer volume 2009/2010 at high level with a turnover of 12.221 billion Euros • 30 years at AUTO 2011 • New versions of VW Tiguan, Beetle, Golf convertible and Crafter • Volkswagen AG acquires auto trading business of Porsche Holding Salzburg July 2012 th quattro • Generation change: VW Touran, Sharan, Touareg, Eos, Jetta and Phaeton • Porsche Holding back on the way to growth with a turnover of 12.837 billion Euros • New presentations: Audi A6, RS 3 Sportback, A4, A5, Q3, A6 hybrid and Q5 hybrid quattro • Premiere of the Cayman R and Panamera Turbo S and 911 Carrera 4 GTS • Reconstruction of Porsche WienPragerstraße • Exemplary driving with Panamera S Hybrid and 918 Spyder • Seat Ibiza GT features an extra portion of sportiness • Anniversary: 30 years of the GTI Meet at Wörthersee • The “Professor Ferdinand Porsche Prize 2011“ goes to Dr. W. Huhn and K. Fadel for the development and use of new LED lighting technology in automobiles • Openings of new Chinese Porsche Centres in Taizhou, Hangzhou und Suzhou • Auto & Service celebrates 10th anniversary at Frankfurter Ring, Munich • Porsche 911 Carrera: tradition meets modernity • New dealership PIA Rijeka is built • VW celebrates 35 years of Golf GTI • More style, even more efficiency for the new Seat Exeo • World premiere of the cleverly new compact up! • Gerstinger Leopoldau wins silver medal of the Audi Twin Cup, the World championship for Audi technicians and service advisers 2012 Alain Favey is to succeed W. D. Survey of dealerships. The Structure. Porsche Holding Automobile Retail Automobile Wholesale CHINA Automobile trade with the brands of other manufacturer & Financial Services Overseas & Systems POLAND NETHERLANDS GERMANY Brands of Volkswagen Group and Porsche SLOVAKIA Dr. Hans Peter Schützinger Kurt Loidl Alain Favey (Speaker) UKRAINE CZECH REPUBLIC Multi-Brands Johannes Sieberer AUSTRIA HUNGARY ROMANIA FRANCE SLOVENIA ITALY CROATIA SERBIA BULGARIA MONTENEGRO KOSOVO MAZEDONIA SPAIN Porsche Austria Importeur of VW, Audi Porsche Inter Auto, Austria ALBANIA Porsche Bank GREECE Porsche Insurance Allmobil Importeur of Seat Porsche Sports car distribution Intercar Austria Importeur of Skoda Exclusive Cars, Vienna Direct selling of Bentley, Bugatti and Lamborghini Porsche Konstruktionen KG Parts distribution Automobile-Retail Austria COLOMBIA Porsche Financegroup Hungary ARAC/Europcar Hungary Hungary BRAZIL ECUADOR Slovenia 1) Porsche Inter Auto Hungary Auto-Z Accessories Wholesale Porsche Inter Auto Slovakia Porsche Inter Auto Czech Republic Porsche Hungaria Porsche Inter Auto Slovenia Porsche Slovakia Porsche Inter Auto Croatia Porsche Slovenia Porsche Inter Auto Romania Porsche Romania P. Z. Auto, Croatia Porsche Serbia Porsche Financegroup Montenegro Porsche Financegroup Bulgaria Porsche Financegroup Croatia Porsche Bulgaria Porsche Albania KPI Retail, Poland 2) Automobile-Wholesale Porsche Financegroup Serbia Volkswagen Group Retail Deutschland (VGRD), Germany Volkswagen Group Retail Spain (VGRS), Spain Germany 2) Eurocar, Italy 2) Porsche Kosovo Romania Porsche Colombia Porsche Financegroup Romania Porsche Financegroup Slovenia 1) Hungary Kosovo Croatia 1) Management Responsibility 1) Bulgaria Montenegro Macedonia Kosovo Croatia Slovakia Bulgaria PGA Motors, France PGA Motors, Poland PGA Netherland, Netherlands PGA Ellada, Greece Czech Republic Italy Albania Albania Ukraine Spain 2) Poland 2) Czech Republic Ukraine Porsche CZ Slovakia Serbia Macedonia Automobile trade with the marques of other manufacturer Porsche Ukraine Montenegro Romania Porsche Financegroup Ukraine Serbia Austria Slovenia Porsche Automotive Investment, China 2) Porsche Macedonia Joint Venture VENEZUELA ARAC/Europcar Austria Volkswagen Financne Sluzby Slovakia Porsche Werbemittlung 1) Porsche Informatik Colombia China France Joint Venture Neatherlands Automobile-Direct sales Poland 1) Austria a. m. Greece 2) Management Responsibility Facts and Figures. Turnover, 2011 (in billion EUR) Domestic Abroad Abroad 7,3 billion EUR Domestic 4,0 billion EUR Year 2011* Total 11,3 Domestic Abroad 4,0 7,3 * With fiscal year 2011, Porsche Holding Salzburg reports for the first time on its consolidated wholesale, retail and financial services revenue according to IFRS. However, the revenue figures cannot be compared with the previous year due to the fact that it was a stub fiscal year (1st March until 31st December). New Car Sales, 02/03 – 2011 Total Domestic Abroad 500.000 Year 450.000 400.000 Domestic Abroad 03/04 324.563 134.334 190.229 350.000 04/05 344.325 131.964 212.361 300.000 05/06 416.131 146.880 269.251 250.000 06/07 436.979 143.788 293.191 200.000 07/08 470.421 141.058 329.363 150.000 08/09 473.512 142.584 330.928 100.000 09/10 420.824 156.106 264.718 50.000 0 Total 02/03 318.842 127.297 191.545 2010* 432.191 157.270 274.921 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 2010* 2011 2011 484.621 187.169 297.452 Employees,02/03 – 2011 Total Domestic Abroad Year Total 02/03 13.463 5.002 8.461 03/04 14.067 5.123 8.944 14.000 04/05 14.670 5.215 9.455 12.000 05/06 17.077 5.225 11.852 10.000 06/07 18.846 5.238 13.608 8.000 07/08 19.780 5.279 14.501 6.000 08/09 20.634 5.374 15.287 4.000 09/10 20.299 5.412 14.887 2010** 20.859 5.510 15.349 2011 5.788 15.593 20.000 18.000 16.000 2.000 0 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 2010* 2011 21.381 Domestic Abroad PORSCHE holding Vogelweiderstraße 75 5020 Salzburg Austria Tel. 0043/662/4681-0 ** Change from fiscal year (4/1 – 3/31) to calendar year. Published by: Porsche Holding Gesellschaft m.b.H., Public Relations, 13th Edition July 2012