Nov - IPMS Patriot Chapter
Nov - IPMS Patriot Chapter
THE PATRIOT IPMS Patriot Chapter Newsletter Pip Moss, Editor November 2013 Meeting Info Billerica, MA The next Patriot Chapter meeting will take place on Friday, October 1, at 7:30 p.m. at the First Parish Unitarian Church in Billerica, MA. The church is located on Concord Road, just as it meets Route 3A (Boston Road) at the Billerica Town Common. The November meeting will be a build session with a business meeting, Show-and-Tell, and a raffle. One item on the business agenda will be the election of officers for 2014. Pip Moss built this 1/48 scale Kyushu J7W1 Shinden from the venerable old Hasegawa kit, raised panel lines and all. It’s really quite a nice kit, especially for its age, and the build was relatively simple and straightforward. It’s OOB except for some photo-etch seatbelts. Paints are Alclad Aluminum mixed 50-50 with Semi-Matte Aluminum for the under surfaces, Model Master IJN Dark Green for the upper surfaces, Model Master Deep Yellow for the leading edge ID stripes, and Mr. Color Propeller Color for the prop. Decals are from the kit. The model was built without the ventral radio masts to reflect photographs taken of the two prototypes at the end of WW2. In This Issue October Meeting Minutes................................................................................................................. 2 Show and Tell List & Raffle Report................................................................................................... 2 Show and Tell Gallery......................................................................................................................... 3 Upcoming Events............................................................................................................................... 6 IPMS/USA Membership Form.......................................................................................................... 6 Baycon Flyer....................................................................................................................................... 7 Minutes from the October Meeting C HAPTER President Dave Schmidt called the meeting to order at 8:08. About 17 members were present. Dave reported that Patcon was a great success both financially and in terms of the audience reaction. He reported that the Elks club was also pleased with the event and hopes that we will return next year. He said that all the members of Patriot Chapter should be proud of what they accomplished. Dave also said that in light of all this, he is preparing to deliver a check to the Elks reserving the hall for Patcon next year. Dave turned the floor over to Bill Michaels for further details. Bill reported that financially the club cleared far more than had been anticipated. Bill also reported on the recent examination of Rich Rycroft’s model stash. Bill estimated that there are about a thousand kits and that we should plan to sell them off over the course of about a year. The first portion will be sold at GraniteCon in the near future. Bill outlined a plan for selling the kits over the next several months, mainly at model contests. He proposed that at some point this winter during the lull between area contests, we could even hold a sale at one of our meetings, alerting other area club members to come by and take a look. Following Bill’s report, Dave reminded members that the Collings Foundation “Battle for the Airfield” will be held in Stow on Columbus Day weekend. Dave suggested that we do Saturday as a club outing. Several members responded favorably to this idea. Dave then opened the floor to nominations for club officers. Nominations were as follows: Dave Schmidt for President. Pip Moss for First Vice President. Bill Michaels and Alan Beeber for Second Vice President. Bill Michaels and John Touloupis for Treasurer. Rick Lippincott for Secretary. Nominations will be re-opened briefly prior to elections at the November meeting. Dave then introduced our newest member, Jason Faulkner, from Chelmsford. This ended the business portion of the meeting, and the proceedings moved directly into Show and Tell. After Show and Tell there was a brief break for the sale of raffle tickets, followed by the raffle. After the raffle, the meeting broke up for the night. —Rick Lippincott, Secretary Show and Tell Tony D’Anjou..................................... 1/48 PV-1 Ventura (Revell) Mathew Fleury.........................1/35 Hotchkiss 38(H) (Trumpeter) Kurt Kunze.........................................................1/35 M2 (Dragon) Pip Moss..................................... 1/48 J7W1 Shinden (Hasegawa) John Walker.................................... 1/35 Tiger I (Ital-Draga-Miya) Raffle Report October winners: Matt Fleury, Dragon 1/35 Std.Kfz. 234/4 “Pakwagen” John Touloupis, Tamiya 1/24 Ferrari Testarossa John Walker, Hasegawa 1/72 Bf 109G double kit Kurt Kunze, Tamiya 1/35 Schwimwagen. We sold $81 in tickets, and (thanks to some great deals) we paid $50 for the prizes, so we made $31, taking our year-to-date profit to $168. —Bill Michaels, Vice President Meeting pics by Karen Lippincott Page 2 Show and Tell Gallery Two views of Tony D’Anjou’s 1/48 scale Lockheed PV-1 Ventura, built OOB and painted with Model Master enamels. Decals are from the kit. Tony adds, “The lower nose guns looked toy-like, so I replaced them with .50 cal. barrels from the spares box.” Mathew Fleury’s 1/35 scale French Hotchkiss 38(H) observation vehicle, built OOB and painted with Tamiya and Vallejo acrylics. Markings are for a vehicle commandeered by the Germans in France, 1940. Matt adds, “The tracks are several links too long.” Page 3 Show and Tell Gallery (continued) Two views of Kurt Kunze’s 1/35 scale M2, built OOB for the most part and painted with Model Master enamels. Decals, from the kit, are for the 1st Armor Division, Operation Torch, 1942. Kurt adds, “The kit was a bear to put together. The back half of the body did not want to mate with the chassis, the .50 cal. mount was diffficult to assemble, and the tracks were tricky.” Page 4 Show and Tell Gallery (concluded) Two views of John Walker’s 1/35 scale Tiger I no. 712. John describes it as Ital-Draga-Miya. The hull, wheels, turret and tracks (modified to early style) are from Italeri. The gun, mantlet and spare track are from Dragon. The figure and tools are from Tamiya. John used Tamiya acrylics with AK Interactive filter and wash, plus pastels, weathering powders and oil paint drybrush. Decals, from the spares box and modified, are for the 10th Panzer Division, Tunisia, 1942–43. This tank was captured and currently resides at Fort Benning, GA. John adds, “Lots of small tweaks to tracks, wheels, smoke dischargers and tool clamps.” Another view of Pip Moss’s 1/48 scale Kyushu J7W1 Shinden. Page 5 Upcoming Events November 3..................Baycon 2013, IPMS Bay Colony, Knights of Columbus Hall, 304 Highland Avenue, Attleboro, MA. Contact Robert Magina: [email protected] or 508-695-7754. November 9..................LIARS 2013, Long Island Auto Replica Soc.,, Freeport Recreation Center, 130 East Merrick Rd, Freeport, NY. Contact Rich Argus: [email protected] or 516-884-2270. March 18, 2014.............MassCar 26th Annual Model Exhibition, Holiday Inn, Taunton, MA. March 30........................Valleycon XXIV, IPMS Wings & Wheels, Knights of Columbus, 460 Granby Road, Chicopee, MA. Contact Al LaFleche: [email protected] or 413-306-1270. April 6.............................Downeastcon 2014, IPMS Southern Maine, Thornton Academy/Linnell Gynmasium, 438 Main St., Saco, ME. Contact George Bangs: [email protected] or 207-625-8007 April 13...........................BuffCon 31, IPMS Niagara Frontier, Knights of Columbus, 2735 Union Road at William St., Cheektowaga, NY. Contact Tom Faith: [email protected] or 716-683-4897. April 26...........................Can Am Con 12, IPMS Champlain Valley, Plattsburgh Holiday Inn, 412 Route 3, Plattsburgh, NY. Contact Frank Baehre: [email protected] or 518-561-4265. May 2–3..........................NoreastCon 43, Region 1 Convention, American Airpower Museum, 1230 New Highway, Farmingdale, NY. Contact Robert DeMaio: [email protected] or 631-707-3442. September 14................Patcon 2014, Hudson Elks Lodge, 90 Park Street, Hudson, MA. 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