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Equipment Energy efficiency Program Discussion Paper Improving the Energy Efficiency of Industrial Equipment This paper has been prepared for the Equipment Energy Efficiency Committee under the auspices of the Australian and New Zealand Ministerial Council on Energy September 2010 A joint initiative of Australian, State and Territory and New Zealand Governments © Commonwealth of Australia 2010 This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the: Commonwealth Copyright Administration Attorney General’s Department Robert Garran Offices, National Circuit Barton ACT 2600 or posted at: http://www.ag.gov.au/cca Prepared by Ian McNicol, Sustainability Victoria with support from EnergyConsult. This Report is available at www.energyrating.gov.au September 2010 2 Foreword Through the Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program, governments in Australia and New Zealand work cooperatively to increase the energy efficiency of new appliances and equipment which are supplied into our markets. The aim of the program is to increase the average energy efficiency of equipment sold, increasing energy productivity and therefore competitiveness, reducing energy bills for consumers, and reducing greenhouse and other environmental emissions. Important: Purpose of this discussion paper and next steps The E3 Program already regulates the energy efficiency of three-phase electric motors which are widely used in industry, but to date, in comparison to its coverage of appliances in the residential sector the program has a relatively low coverage of equipment used in the industrial sector. Following consultation on this discussion document, further work will be needed to develop the ideas discussed here into policy and practice. These steps will involve: The development of a 10-year Strategy on Industrial Equipment has been a part of the E3 work program since the mid-2000s. It was given added impetus in 2009, when the Council of Australian Governments announced an intention to expand minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) significantly into the industrial sector to cover a wider range of industrial equipment. This Discussion Paper is the first step in developing the E3 Program’s Strategy for Industrial Equipment. It presents an analysis of the contribution that industrial equipment fuelled by electricity and gas make to energy use and greenhouse emissions in Australia and New Zealand, and investigates the feasibility of increasing the energy efficiency of key industrial equipment through a regulatory approach. This discussion document is not a statement of Australian and New Zealand Government policy. Stakeholder feedback on this discussion paper will be used to inform the development of a 10-year Strategy on Industrial Equipment, which will be sent to the Ministerial Council on Energy for consideration in the second half of 2010. • development of a 10-year strategy to improve the energy efficiency of industrial products • research and consultation to produce product profiles for the key technologies covered in the strategy, and the cost-benefit of regulation and possible measures • consultation on Regulatory Impact Statements about the possible measures, and changes to the appropriate technical Standards • recommendations to the Australian and New Zealand Ministerial Council on Energy. This process is expected to take at least two years, with much formal and informal input sought throughout from stakeholders in Australia and New Zealand. New Zealand remains committed to the principle to align its energy efficiency standards and labelling regime with Australia. However, any subsequent policy proposals will need to align with New Zealand priorities, satisfy New Zealand cost-benefit criteria, and be suited to New Zealandspecific market characteristics and circumstances. The potential expansion of MEPS to cover a wider range of industrial equipment will mean that the program affects a wider range of equipment manufacturers and suppliers. We are keen to engage with these stakeholders as part of the development of the Industrial Equipment Strategy, and welcome stakeholder feedback on the paper and the proposed Strategy it puts forward. Mel Slade Chair, Equipment Energy Efficiency Committee i Executive Summary This Discussion Paper sets out ideas for improving the energy efficiency of new industrial equipment such as motor-driven systems, that is, electric motors connected to equipment such as pumps and fans, and gas fuelled equipment such as boilers. The paper presents a high level analysis of the issues to stimulate input from industry. Stakeholder feedback will be used to inform the development of a 10-year strategy to address the energy efficiency of new industrial equipment. It contains technical information on how industrial processing can be made more efficient, with ideas on how these can be implemented in Australia and New Zealand. Investigating ways to improve the efficiency of industrial equipment is part of the Equipment Energy Efficiency Programme (known as E3) work plan. The E3 programme aims to increase the energy efficiency of products used in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors in Australia and New Zealand. The programme is jointly managed and administrated by the New Zealand and Australian Commonwealth governments, and the governments of Australia’s states and territories. Governments in both Australia and New Zealand have ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and securing energy supply at least cost through a range of measures. Improving the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment is considered one of the key measures1. 1 See for example: National Strategy on Energy Efficiency, COAG, July 2009. ii What is industrial equipment? Most industrial equipment forms part of a wider electric motor driven system used in manufacturing, mining and agriculture. Key equipment includes pumps, fans, air compressors, process chillers and gas fired boilers. Why make industrial equipment more energy efficient? The problem Collectively, industrial equipment uses a lot of energy. Around half of all industrial electricity consumption in Australia and New Zealand is used by motor driven systems. Gas-fired steam boilers account for around one quarter of industrial gas consumption in Australia and around two-thirds in New Zealand. Consequently, small inefficiencies in individual parts at plant level can lead to high energy waste on a national scale. However, for many businesses, investing in more energy efficient equipment is simply not a primary concern. The cost of electricity or fuel is only a small portion of their overall business costs, so potential savings tend to be outweighed by the focus on keeping the production line running. This is where interventions like regulation could help. For example, stipulating the minimum energy efficiency of a new pump or fan would reduce the need for businesses to actively consider energy efficiency versus other ongoing business costs. Internationally, a number of countries already regulate key industrial equipment through Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS), or utilise endorsement labelling or efficiency certification programs. Many initiatives could be adapted easily for our markets, to achieve useful energy savings and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. It would also align our markets with international markets, thereby helping them to remain competitive. Benefits of improved efficiency Improving the energy efficiency of industrial equipment could save significant amounts of energy. As well as reducing operating costs for business, the wider benefits include reduced national demand for energy, less need for investment in energy infrastructure, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. It is estimated that at least 20% of the energy currently used in motor systems and 10% or the energy currently used in steam systems2 could be saved cost effectively through energy efficiency improvements – that is, the up front cost would be redeemed by the savings over the lifetime of the unit. Over ten years, it is estimated that a programme which applied measures such as those presented in this discussion paper could achieve: • annual greenhouse abatement of up to 2.8 Mt CO2-e for a net benefit of $1,509 million in Australia; and • annual greenhouse abatement of up to 196 Kt CO2-e for a net benefit of NZ$529 Million in New Zealand, from 3,393PJs of energy savings. Costs of improved efficiency The incremental costs for businesses ($/kWh of annual savings) from measures such as those presented in this document are small in relation to their savings – and ongoing energy costs without intervention. Ideas for improving the energy efficiency of industrial equipment Australia and New Zealand already regulate the energy efficiency of three-phase electric motors up to 185 kW in size, and the ideas proposed in this document are complementary. Electric motors do not stand alone, but form part of a motor driven system. The system generally includes the electric motor and any related controls, a mechanical transmission system and a driven machine and its associated downstream components. The ideas proposed in this document include: 1. Energy performance test standards for key equipment, where possible based on international standards. Key equipment includes pumps, fans, air compressors, industrial chillers and gas fired boilers; 2.Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for key equipment; 3.Mandatory disclosure of key energy performance data for publication on publicly accessible web sites, and for use in equipment selection and system optimisation tools; 4. Definition of high energy efficiency levels within standards, to assist businesses to identify the best performing equipment. In addition to assisting businesses to select high efficiency equipment suitable for their applications this would facilitate the introduction of government incentives to encourage the uptake of high efficiency equipment. Some equipment types might be subjected to all four measures, while others might only be required to disclose energy performance data based on standardised tests. For some products it may be appropriate to implement voluntary testing and disclosure schemes initially, followed by mandatory schemes. This approach was used for television energy labelling and is also proposed for swimming pool pumps. The highest priority items for action are clearly industrial pumps, fans and gas-fired boilers. Further detailed analysis for these products should cover their use in both the industrial and commercial sectors under the banner of ‘non-domestic’ equipment rather than just industrial equipment. 2 The majority of these savings come from system optimisation and best practice measures such as correct motor sizing, matching the driven equipment to the load profile, use of variable speed drives in appropriate applications, and reducing downstream losses in the system. Use of high efficiency motors and high efficiency equipment (eg pumps, fans) can realise a relatively small but significant proportion of this potential. While the focus of the E3 programme is primarily on MEPS and labelling, initiatives for best practice or maintenance could run alongside the more regulated approach. iii Have your say Comments on this discussion document are welcome, and will help to shape development of the 10-year Strategy. The box below highlights key questions which the E3 Committee is particularly interested to obtain feedback on. However, this list is not intended to be comprehensive or prescriptive. We welcome all comments on any issue of concern that arise from this paper. Feedback can be sent to [email protected], and should be received by close of business Friday 12 November 2010. Key Questions 1. Do you agree with the market data presented on the different types of industrial equipment? If not, are you able to provide better or more accurate market data? 2. Do you agree that current practices within industry are leading to equipment with a relatively low energy efficiency being installed, because businesses focus on upfront costs rather than lifecycle costs? 3. Do you agree that market failures and other nonprice barriers are limiting the uptake of energy efficient industrial equipment? If yes, what do you think are the key market failures and barriers? 4. Do you think that there is a case for extending the coverage of the E3 Program to regulate the energy performance of additional types of industrial equipment? 5. Which, if any, technologies do you believe should be regulated (and why) and do you agree with the priority assigned to the different types of equipment? 6. Which measures do you believe have the greatest potential to increase the energy efficiency of the key types of industrial equipment? 7. Do you think the suggested timing for the introduction of these measures is appropriate? 8. Do you have an opinion on the standards – Australian and New Zealand, or international standards – which could be used as the basis for testing and regulating the energy performance of the key types of industrial equipment? 9. Are there any additional measures which the E3 Program could be considering to increase the energy efficiency of industrial equipment? 10. Are there any additional types of industrial equipment which you think should be considered for regulation? iv Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 P urpose of the Discussion Paper 1 1.2 Energy & Greenhouse Impact of Industrial Equipment 1 1.3 Overview of the Discussion Paper 4 2. The Policy Context 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Global Perspectives on the Role of Energy Efficiency Policy 5 2.3 The Policy Context for Energy Efficiency in Australia and New Zealand 6 2.4 The Equipment Energy Efficiency Program 6 2.5 The Rationale for Regulating Industrial Equipment 8 3. Electric Motor Systems 12 3.1 The Importance of Electric Motor Systems 12 3.2 Approaches to Improving System Efficiency 13 3.3 Improving the Efficiency of Components & Systems 14 4. Pumps 17 4.1 Pump Market & Impacts 17 4.2 Pump Technology 19 4.3 Approaches to Improving Pump Energy Efficiency 20 4.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Pumps 24 5. Industrial Fans & Blowers 25 5.1 Fan Market & Impacts 25 5.2 Fan Technology 27 5.3 Approaches to Improving Fan Energy Efficiency 27 5.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Fans 32 6. Air Compressors 33 6.1 Air Compressor Market & Impacts 33 6.2 Air Compressor Technology 35 6.3 Approaches to Improving Air Compressor Energy Efficiency 36 6.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Air Compressors 38 7. Industrial Chillers 40 7.1 Chiller Market & Impacts 40 7.2 Chiller Technology 41 7.3 Approaches to Improving Industrial Chiller Energy Efficiency 41 7.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Chillers 42 v 1 Executive Summary 8. Industrial Boilers 8.1 Boiler Market & Impacts 44 8.2 Boiler Technology 46 8.3 Approaches to Improving Boiler Energy Efficiency 46 8.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Boilers 49 9. Towards a 10-Year Strategy for Industrial Equipment vi 44 50 9.1 The Case for Action 50 9.2 Key Priorities for Action 50 9.3 Potential Impact of an Industrial Equipment Strategy 53 9.4 Development of an Industrial Equipment Strategy 57 References 59 Appendices 61 Appendix 1 – Model of Industrial Energy Use in Australia and New Zealand 61 1Introduction 1.1. Purpose of the Discussion Paper The Australian and New Zealand Governments, and Australian State and Territory governments, work cooperatively through the Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program to increase the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment sold, and have a long standing commitment to develop an Industrial Equipment Strategy. The E3 Committee is ultimately directed by the Ministerial Council on Energy, comprised of Energy Ministers from all jurisdictions. In Australia, E3 operates under the auspices of the National Framework for Energy Efficiency (NFEE) and the recently agreed National Strategy for Energy Efficiency (NSEE). Currently a range of domestic electrical appliances, and some lighting, industrial and commercial equipment offered for sale in Australia and New Zealand are subject to mandatory energy labelling requirements and/or mandatory minimum energy performance standards (MEPS). Labelling requirements apply to domestic refrigerators and freezers, clothes washers and dryers, dishwashers and single-phase air conditioners, and more recently televisions. MEPS apply to refrigerators and freezers, electric storage water heaters, three-phase induction motors (0.73kW to <185kW), distribution transformers, three- and single-phase air conditioners, linear fluorescent lamps and their ballasts, commercial refrigeration, external power supplies, set top boxes, commercial building chillers and close control air conditioners. MEPS were recently introduced for televisions, and for both incandescent and compact fluorescent lamps in Australia. Regulation of standby power in a wide range of home electronics and other equipment is under consideration, as is the regulation of boiling and chilled water dispensers, a wider range of commercial and industrial refrigeration equipment and components, and lamps and lighting equipment. Energy efficiency regulations are based on energy performance tests, and labelling and minimum performance requirements published in joint Australian-New Zealand Standards, and are established through a consultative standards process. Australian State and Territory, and New Zealand regulations then call up any energy labelling or MEPS requirements which are contained in these standards. They also specify penalties for non-compliance. In Australia, State and Territory legislation is necessary because the Australian constitution gives these jurisdictions responsibility for resource management issues, including energy. In regard to industrial products, three-phase induction motors and distribution transformers are already subject to MEPS. A proposal to increase the stringency of MEPS for distribution transformers is currently under review, and the energy efficiency of lighting equipment used in industrial and other sectors is also being addressed as part of the Greenlight Australia strategy [NAEEEP, Nov 2004]. The purpose of this Discussion Paper is to explore the potential for the Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program to facilitate further energy and greenhouse savings in the industrial sectors in Australia and New Zealand through the development of MEPS, labelling programs and other related measures for a wider range of new industrial equipment. The paper presents a high level analysis of the issues and proposes a 10-year Strategy to address the energy efficiency of new industrial equipment, as the basis for initiating discussion with industry and government stakeholders. The focus of the paper is on measures which can be implemented through the E3 Program. It is not the purpose of the paper to canvass other, broader measures to improve the energy efficiency of industrial equipment or of industry more generally. While the focus of this Discussion Paper is primarily on industrial equipment which uses electricity and gas (natural gas & LPG), some classes of equipment (eg pumps, fans and boilers) have applications across the industrial and commercial sectors, and so any measures that regulate the energy efficiency of these products are likely to have an impact in the commercial sector as well. 1.2. Energy & Greenhouse Impact of Industrial Equipment The ‘industrial sector’, which is defined for this study as including manufacturing, mining and agriculture, is a major contributor to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in both Australia and New Zealand. The projected business-as-usual growth of combined electricity and gas consumption in the industrial sectors in Australia3 and New Zealand is shown in Figure 1. Australian data [ABARE 2007a & b] shows that in 2005/06 the industrial sector consumed 776 PJ of electricity and gas, equivalent to an estimated 136.1 Mt of (full fuel cycle) greenhouse gas emissions. This is projected to grow [ABARE 2007b] to 1,101 PJ in 2019/20 (or 153.6 Mt of greenhouse emissions). In New Zealand the combined electricity and gas consumption in the industrial sector is estimated at 88.2 PJ in 2006, equivalent to around 5.2 Mt of greenhouse emissions. This is expected to decline in 2008 and 2009, and then grow slowly to around 106.6 PJ in 2020, equivalent to around 5.5 Mt of greenhouse emissions [MED 2009]. In Australia the consumption of electricity and gas in the industrial sector is estimated to be around ten times larger than in New Zealand over the period 2005/06 to 20019/20. 3 The Australian projections are from [ABARE 2007b] and were made without taking into account Australia’s ratification of the Kyoto Protocol, the Australian Government setting carbon pollution reduction targets for 2020 and 2050, any Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme or the increase of Australia’s Renewable Energy Target to 20% by 2020. 1 Figure 1: Projected Electricity & Gas Consumption in the Industrial Sector [ABARE 2007], [MED 2009] 1,200 Total Elec & Gas Consumption (PJ) 1,000 800 Australia 600 New Zealand 400 200 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 In Australia the consumption of electricity and gas in the industrial sector are of a similar magnitude, while in New Zealand’s industrial sector electricity consumption is around twice the level of gas consumption (see Figure 2). To develop a 10-year Strategy to increase the energy efficiency of key industrial equipment, it is necessary to understand the contribution that these equipment types make to electricity and gas consumption, and therefore greenhouse emissions, in the industrial sector. EnergyConsult was commissioned to develop a model of energy use and greenhouse emissions in the industrial (defined as manufacturing, mining and agricultural) and commercial 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 sectors in Australia and New Zealand4. The model provides an estimated breakdown of energy end-use into the key industrial equipment types which are likely to be amenable to MEPS, and generates savings and cost-benefit estimates for two policy options which could be used to drive energy efficiency improvements for these equipment types: (1) the implementation of MEPS; and (2) the implementation of a limited best practice program which targets the sale of new equipment. The estimated equipment energy end-use breakdowns for electricity and gas in 2005/06 derived from this model are 4 See Appendix 1 for further information on this model. 1,200 120 1,000 100 800 Gas Electricity 600 400 2005/6 2019/20 Australia 2 80 Gas Electricity 60 40 20 200 0 Energy Consumption (PJ) Energy Consumption (PJ) Figure 2: Split between Electricity and Gas Consumption in the Industrial Sector [ABARE 2007a & b], [MED 2009] 0 2005/6 2019/20 New Zealand Figure 3: Equipment End-Use Breakdown for Electricity in the Industrial Sector 2005/06 Air compressors 3.6% Fans 4.9% Pumps 12.2% Pumps 13.4% Industrial chillers 3.3% Fans 7.2% Air compressors 5.6% Industrial chillers 4.9% Other motor drives 24.5% Other motor drives 24.4% Other 44.6% Other 51.5% AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND Figure 4: Equipment End-Use Breakdown for Gas in the Industrial Sector 2005/06 Boilers 25% Other 36% Other 75% Boilers 64% AUSTRALIA shown in Figures 3 and 4 respectively. While there is some variation – mainly due to structural change within industry sub-sectors - these percentages are projected to remain fairly stable out to 2020. Motor driven systems, that is, electric motors connected to equipment such as pumps and fans, are estimated to account for around half of all electricity consumption in the industrial sector in Australia (48.5%) and New Zealand (55.4%) [EnergyConsult 2008d]. The MEPS which have already been applied to three-phase electric motors only reduce the energy losses in motors as they convert electricity into motive power for a particular application. While motor MEPS are delivering worthwhile and cost effective greenhouse savings, the majority of the energy consumption in motor driven systems is not covered by these MEPS. Key industrial electrical equipment which may be amenable to a MEPS approach includes ‘off-the-shelf ’ pumps, fans/ blowers, air compressors and industrial chillers. In Australia this group of equipment is estimated to account for around 24.0% of industrial electricity use, while in New Zealand it is estimated to account for a larger share of around 31.1%, mainly due to a larger contribution from fans and industrial NEW ZEALAND chillers [EnergyConsult 2008d]. The ‘other motor drives’ group includes mixing, grinding and materials handling equipment, and accounts for around one-quarter of industrial electricity use in both Australia and New Zealand. While this equipment is unlikely to be amenable to MEPS, there is a significant potential to reduce energy consumption by optimising system efficiency through the selection of appropriate system components such as motors and couplings, and the use of speed control systems. In Australia, energy consumption in the ‘other’ group of electrical equipment is dominated by electrolytic and metallurgical equipment in the metals industries, while in New Zealand it is dominated by furnaces and kilns [EnergyConsult 2008d]. This type of equipment is large, expensive and generally custom-made for specific applications, and is unlikely to be amenable to initiatives which target new equipment at the time of sale. Gas fired boilers are the main item of gas equipment considered to be amenable to a MEPS approach. They are estimated to account for around 25% of gas consumption in the industrial sector in Australia and a much larger 64% in New Zealand [EnergyConsult 2008d]. In both Australia 3 Figure 5: Greenhouse Breakdown for Electric & Gas End-Use Equipment Other - elec 42.0% Other - elec 31.1% Boilers 4.7% Other motor drives 19.9% Other - gas 13.8% Industrial chillers 2.7% Pumps 10.0% Air compressors 3.0% Fans 4.0% AUSTRALIA and New Zealand the ‘other’ gas equipment category is dominated by energy use in furnaces and kilns. These are also unlikely to be amenable to a MEPS approach. The contribution of industrial equipment to greenhouse gas emissions is also an important consideration when assessing the need for government intervention to increase energy efficiency. The energy end-use model has been used to estimate the contribution of different equipment end-uses to greenhouse emissions arising from combined electricity and gas use in the industrial sector, and this is presented in Figure 5 [EnergyConsult 2008d]. The importance of measures targeting electric motor systems is evident from Figure 5, as this area is estimated to account for 39.5% of total industrial emissions resulting from electricity and gas in Australia and 38.7% in New Zealand. At 19.2% of New Zealand emissions, boilers are also a clear priority for action. Boilers 19.2% Other motor drives 17.0% Industrial chillers 3.4% Other - gas 10.9% Air compressors 3.9% Fans 5.1% Pumps 9.4% NEW ZEALAND 1.3.Overview of the Discussion Paper This Discussion Paper explores the potential for implementing mandatory minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) for a further five types of industrial equipment, and other equipment focussed measures to improve the energy efficiency of new industrial equipment in Australia and New Zealand, over a 10-year period. Section 2 of the paper discusses the policy context and rationale for further expanding the E3 Program’s coverage of equipment which is regulated for energy efficiency in the industrial sector. Most industrial equipment forms part of a wider system, and Section 3 of this paper discusses approaches to reducing energy consumption in electric motor systems, including electric motors. While the focus of this paper is on the driven equipment (pumps, fans, etc), it is important to understand the role which increasing the energy efficiency of this equipment could play in efforts to improve the overall energy efficiency of motor systems. Sections 4 to 8 explore the potential for using MEPS or other energy efficiency measures to increase the energy efficiency of key items of industrial equipment. These include: pumps; fans; air compressors; industrial chillers; and industrial boilers (Sections 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 respectively). The final part of the Paper (Section 9) proposes a Strategy to improve the energy efficiency of new industrial equipment over a 10 year period and beyond, based on the proposed implementation of MEPS for key products and the implementation of a limited best practice program targeting new equipment, and considers the potential impact of this strategy. 4 2 The Policy Context 2.1 Introduction The greenhouse abatement and climate change policies of Australia and New Zealand have evolved steadily since the early 1990’s, and have followed similar policy trajectories. They started with information programs, moved to regulated standards and labelling and programs to promote the uptake of renewable energy, and then to the current situation where national emissions trading schemes are seen as a core element of efforts to achieve medium and long-term greenhouse abatement goals. 2.2 Global Perspectives on the Role of Energy Efficiency In the international arena, energy efficiency is increasingly seen as a central component of a strategy to reduce global greenhouse emissions.This is reflected in advice the International Energy Agency provided for the 2008 G8 Summit5: Improving energy efficiency in all sectors of the economy is fundamental and urgent. It has the greatest potential for CO2 savings and the lowest cost (in most cases negative costs). Energy efficiency can deliver results quickly. But our analysis of recent efficiency trends shows that the past ten years’ performance in IEA member countries has declined to about half the rate of improvement in previous decades. A fundamental turn-around is needed. ('Towards a Sustainable Future') Energy efficiency has been, and remains, an important element in the response to climate change in both countries, and is also seen as a way to increase business competitiveness and improve the security of energy supply. In both Australia and New Zealand it is clear that energy efficiency, including regulated equipment energy efficiency standards, will continue to play an important role in addressing the challenge of climate change, stimulating economic growth, and achieving a range of other policy objectives if it: • Lowers the operating cost of business (by reducing energy consumption) meaning they are more competitive with reduced carbon dioxide emissions; • Lowers the overall cost of achieving national greenhouse abatement targets, by providing least-cost greenhouse abatement; • Drives energy efficiency improvements in those sectors of the economy where, due to a range of market failures and non-price barriers relating to energy end use, the carbon price signal resulting from an emissions trading scheme is likely to have a relatively small impact; The IEA projects global primary energy demand could grow by 55% from 2005 to 2030, raising serious energy security and environmental sustainability concerns. How will we meet energy demand? …. How will we mitigate the resulting 57% increase in carbon dioxide emissions? Rapidly implementing energy efficiency measures is the crucial first step towards addressing these challenges at low or negative costs. (25 IEA Policy Recommendations) The onset of the Global Financial Crisis has also seen a number of major economies turning to energy efficiency to provide an economic stimulus as well as addressing environmental issues. In announcing a range of new energy efficiency efforts under the US Recovery Act in June 2009, both US President Barak Obama and his Energy Secretary, Stephen Chu, noted the important economic benefits of energy efficiency6: One of the fastest, easiest, and cheapest ways to make our economy stronger and cleaner is to make our economy more energy efficient. … That’s why we made energy efficiency investments a focal point of the Recovery Act. (President Obama) • Helps to address any adverse distributional impacts arising from an emissions trading scheme. When it comes to saving money and growing our economy, energy efficiency isn’t just low hanging fruit; it’s fruit lying on the ground. The most prosperous, competitive economies of the 21st century will be those that use energy efficiently. It’s time for America to lead the way. (Stephen Chu, Energy Secretary) 5 A range of publications are available at: http://www.iea.org/G8/index.asp . See for example: 25 IEA Policy Recommendations, ‘Towards a Sustainable Energy Future’ - IEA programme of work on climate change, clean energy and sustainable development, and 2008 IEA report Energy Technology Perspectives: Scenarios and Strategies to 2050 6 http://www.energy.gov/news2009/7550.htm 5 Governments in both Australia and New Zealand have ratified the Kyoto Protocol, and are committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and securing energy supply at least cost through a range of measures. Improving the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment is considered one of the key measures7. 2.3 The Context for Energy Efficiency in Australia and New Zealand Australia In July 2009 the Council of Australian Governments (CoAG) agreed a National Strategy for Energy Efficiency (NSEE) to accelerate energy efficiency efforts across all governments through a range of measures which include Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) and Energy Rating Labelling for energy using products. Under NSEE measure 2.2.1, which covers the MEPS program, key element (b) notes that the NSEE will: ‘Expand MEPS significantly into the industrial equipment sector to cover off-the-shelf products in areas such as: compressors, boilers, industrial chillers, pumps and fans, heat exchangers and refrigeration equipment. ‘ New Zealand While industrial energy efficiency measures can contribute cost-effectively to reducing greenhouse emissions, in New Zealand greenhouse abatement is seen as a secondary benefit as the energy sector contributes less to greenhouse emissions than in Australia. This is due to two main reasons: renewable sources already contribute some 65-70% of New Zealand electricity supply (which is expected to increase further in line with its renewable electricity target8); and, a high proportion of New Zealand’s emissions come from the agricultural sector which is not significantly related to energy use. Improving industrial energy efficiency has the potential to provide the following key benefits for New Zealand: • Economic growth – through improved productivity and international competitiveness. • A more secure energy supply; It also reduces the need to run fossil fuelled generation (particularly during periods of high demand or supply shortage), reduces the need to invest in new energy supply infrastructure, and reduces the amount of renewable electricity required for New Zealand to achieve its renewable electricity generation target. The government is reviewing the New Zealand Energy Strategy (NZES) and the companion New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NZEECS). The revised strategies are expected to support the government’s overriding goal of maximising economic growth. It is expected that secure, environmentally responsible and affordable energy, as well as using energy more efficiently and developing energy resources, will support the global competitiveness of firms and provide tangible evidence of the government’s commitment to environmental responsibility. The government remains keen to encourage energy efficiency gains, as this saves consumers money, reduces demand for electricity, with a consequent positive effect on New Zealand‘s energy emissions profile. New Zealand ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2002, and is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions back to 1990 levels, on average, over the period 2008 to 2012 (or to take responsibility for any emissions above this level if it cannot meet this target). Measures that help reduce energy-related greenhouse gas emissions make an important contribution to meeting this target. Furthermore, in August 2009 the government announced a conditional 2020 emission reduction target range of 10-20 per cent below 1990 levels. In addition, the government has a domestic responsibility target of reducing net emissions to 50 per cent below 1990 levels by 2050. As a central part of its climate change policy the Climate Change Response (Moderated Emissions Trading) Amendment Act 2009 was passed in November 2009 to implement a workable and affordable emissions trading scheme for New Zealand. 2.4 Equipment Energy Efficiency Program Government regulation to promote the sale of more energy efficient products has been a key element of Australia’s response to the challenge of climate change for over 16 years. Mandatory appliance energy labelling for domestic refrigerators and freezers was first introduced by the NSW Government in 1986, followed shortly afterwards by other states. Mandatory labelling for other major electrical appliances also followed. The National Appliance and Equipment Energy Efficiency Program (NAEEEP) was created in 1992 under the auspice of the then Australian and New Zealand Minerals and Energy Council (ANZMEC)9 as part of Australia’s National Greenhouse Response Strategy, and led to a nationally coordinated program of mandatory labelling for six key domestic electrical appliances. Work also commenced on the introduction of minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) to eliminate the least efficient products from the market. 7 See for example: National Strategy on Energy Efficiency, COAG, July 2009. 8 The New Zealand government has an aspirational goal that 90 per cent of the country’s electricity will be generated from renewable sources by 2025 (based on an average hydrological year) providing it is not at the expense of security of supply. 6 9 In 2001, ANZMEC was replaced by the Ministerial Council on Energy, comprising Energy Ministers for all Australian jurisdictions and New Zealand. Under Australia’s 1998 National Greenhouse Strategy, the program was given a mandate to expand its coverage to the commercial and industrial sectors, and the program focus shifted from energy labelling to MEPS. The first MEPS were introduced in 1999 for domestic refrigerators and freezers and mains pressure electric water heaters, and these were subsequently followed by a number of other domestic, commercial and industrial products, so that by the end of 2009 a total of 18 product types had been regulated for MEPS. New Zealand has participated in monitoring the Australian program since the late 1990’s, and in 2001 the New Zealand government created its own mandatory MEPS and labelling program. Since then Australia and New Zealand have sought to operate a coordinated Trans-Tasman scheme, to meet the requirements of the Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition Agreement (TTMRA), and to provide economic efficiencies for both government and the industry sectors impacted by efficiency regulations. Energy Ministers from all Australian jurisdictions and New Zealand convene as the Ministerial Council on Energy (MCE), the body responsible for making decisions to regulate the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment. In July 2004 the MCE endorsed Australia’s National Framework for Energy Efficiency (NFEE), and around the same time the formal name of the program shifted to the Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) Program. The program was given a mandate to shift from its traditional focus on electrical appliances and equipment to take on energy efficiency regulation for gas appliances. Since the late 1980s, common domestic gas appliances have been subjected to MEPS and energy labelling through an industry-run scheme coordinated by the Australian Gas Association. These requirements are mandatory in some Australian jurisdictions where MEPS and labelling form part of a mandatory safety certification process. The first gas product (water heaters) is yet to be formally regulated by the E3 Program but regulations are scheduled to be introduced in October 2010. Under NFEE Stage One, covering the period 2004/05 to 2006/07, the MCE endorsed the following general principles to underpin the implementation of the Program: –– Use of market regressions to remove an agreed percentage of the least efficient products from the market – where there is no basis for international comparison or as part of a staged regulatory process to ease industry toward more stringent regulatory targets in the future; • Harmonisation of the regulatory work program with New Zealand; • Test standards and regulatory levels to be based on international standards where possible, or on joint Australian/New Zealand standards where there is no international precedent; • Regular review of existing MEPS levels to increase stringency levels, with guarantees of maintaining regulatory periods of 4 years, unless a shorter cycle is agreed with industry stakeholders. At its October 2006 meeting, the MCE provided some guidance on the overall mandate for NFEE Stage Two (which commenced in July 2008): ... new energy efficiency measures which deliver net public benefits, including low cost greenhouse abatement measures that do not exceed the cost of alternate measures being undertaken across the economy. Previously, the E3 Program was constrained to ‘no regrets’ measures, meaning regulation would only be contemplated where the proposal resulted in net community benefit. The policy context for the E3 Program has continued to evolve over the last few years, with COAG’s recent agreement to the National Strategy for Energy Efficiency. It is recognised that even with a price signal for carbon emissions, impediments are likely to remain that will prevent businesses from taking-up all cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities. These impediments arise from a range of market failures and barriers, especially information failures and split incentives. In this context, a key rationale for energy efficiency regulation is to address the market barriers or failures which hinder the uptake of cost-effective energy efficiency10. • A mandate to regulate any energy-consuming product, subject to a positive cost-benefit study, and stakeholder and community consultation. The additional benefits of reduced peak demand and reduced water consumption could also be taken into consideration, where appropriate; • MEPS levels to be established by selecting the most appropriate option (in decreasing order of preference) from: –– Leading the world with regulatory standards - where this approach is economically viable and is supported by resident industry; –– Matching world’s best regulatory practice – where there are reasons to align with major trading partners; 10 National Strategy on Energy Efficiency, COAG, July 2009. 7 2.5 Rationale for Regulating Industrial Equipment Historically, the energy efficiency performance of Australasian industry has been below average compared to other developed countries. In Figure 6, which presents the results of a recent IEA analysis of energy efficiency performance from 1990 to 2005, energy intensity is taken to be a proxy for energy efficiency [IEA 2008a]11. At an annual average percentage change in energy intensity of -0.6 % per annum, the Australian performance is considerably worse than the average for the IEA member countries of -1.3% per annum. New Zealand, at -1.8% per annum, has performed considerably better than the IEA average, although lags behind both the United States (-2.0% per annum) and Germany (-2.4% per annum). The IEA’s average energy intensity figure is boosted by substantial energy efficiency improvements in a few of the larger countries. For example, Germany’s fast rate of improvement was strongly influenced by the closure of large inefficient plants following reunification in the early 1990’s. Australia has a relatively energy intensive manufacturing sector due to: the large proportion of energy intensive raw material production; relatively inexpensive energy prices; and structural changes in the economy towards the more energy intensive sub-sectors of manufacturing, such as basic nonferrous metals. The IEA study concluded that: Accelerating energy efficiency improvements is a crucial challenge for energy and climate policies. Governments must act now to develop and implement the necessary mix of market and regulatory policies, including stringent norms and standards. In both Australia and New Zealand, energy efficiency is seen as an important element of a comprehensive response to climate change, stimulating the economy and ensuring security of energy supply. Regulated equipment energy efficiency standards are one of a range of potential energy efficiency measures that could improve industrial energy efficiency12. 11 The IEA methodology for analysing energy end-use trends distinguishes between three main components affecting energy use: activity levels, structure (the mix of activities within a sector) and energy intensities (energy use per unit of sub-sectoral activity). A reduction in energy intensity represents an improvement in energy efficiency. The figures need to be used with caution as a range of factors, including the energy intensity base from which a country’s performance is measured have large impacts on the rate of improvement. A number of international, Australian & New Zealand studies have highlighted the role that energy efficiency can play in 12 Australia’s National Strategy on Energy Efficiency, and New Zealand’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy provide information on the range of measures being pursued by governments. Figure 6: Comparison of Industrial Energy Efficiency Performance 1990 to 2020 [IEA, 2008] 8 Figure 7: McKinsey & Company’s Australian Greenhouse Abatement Cost Curve for 2020 delivering low cost greenhouse abatement over the coming decades, and these are consistent with analysis undertaken by the International Energy Agency [IEA 2008b]. The most recent of these [McKinsey & Company 2008] estimated that in Australia almost 80 Mt of greenhouse abatement could be achieved by 2020 from measures that had a net negative cost of abatement, with the majority of opportunities provided by energy efficiency measures. McKinsey and Company presented the results of their analysis as greenhouse abatement cost curves, and the curve for 2020 is shown in Figure 7. Based on their analysis, the least cost measure relates to improving the energy efficiency of electric motor systems, with an estimated net cost of close to –AU$200 per tonne. The report recommended that the Australian Government rapidly pursue the negative-cost opportunities by introducing standards and/or incentives to address current market imperfections which are leading to the opportunities on the left-hand side of the abatement curve not being taken up. They noted that it was important to act quickly because every year that energy efficient products were not taken up by the market ‘the greater the volume of negative-cost opportunities we lose’. Further, they noted that the ‘cost of creating a new energy-efficient asset is typically a fraction of the cost of retrofitting it later, or retiring an asset before its useful life is over’. A recent New Zealand study has also highlighted the extent to which energy efficiency can provide cost effective greenhouse abatement and deliver net economic and social benefits [Covec, 2007]. The Covec study estimated that energy efficiency could provide greenhouse savings of 0.67Mt by 2010 and 2.7 Mt by 2030 at a net cost of abatement of less than $0/tonne. In a similar vein to the McKinsey and Company, the Covec study concluded that: There are opportunities for ‘no cost’ and ‘low cost’ improvements in energy efficiency in all sectors examined. Many of these are associated with long run investments for which delays in implementation will result in many years of additional energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. … Many of the energy efficiency opportunities are associated with market failures and will not necessarily be encouraged by price instruments such as carbon charges or emissions trading. Rather they require targeted intervention. As noted above, current debates on energy efficiency policy focus on whether the policies will be complementary to 9 an emissions trading scheme by addressing market failures and other non-price barriers which result in a sub-optimal uptake of cost-effective energy efficiency. There are three key market failures and barriers which can be addressed through energy efficiency policies such as regulated minimum energy performance standards: • Split incentives (also known as principle-agent problems); • Information failures, including information asymmetry; and, • Bounded-rationality (defined below) Garnaut [2008, page 444] noted that: ‘A substantial proportion of the low-cost low-emissions opportunities in Australia are in sectors that are affected by information and principal–agent market failures. Much of the mitigation potential in these sectors could be achieved relatively early.’ Further, he argued that the market was more likely to overcome these barriers in large firms. Split incentives (or principal-agent problems) occur when one party (the principal) pays another party (the agent) for a service, but the parties have different incentives [Garnaut 2008]. An example of this is a firm which uses an electrical contractor to select and install a new electric motor to replace a faulty one: - the contractor is likely to replace like-with-like, reducing equipment costs, risk of error and the time taken to select a motor. The electrical contractor does not pay the firm’s energy bills, and therefore doesn’t have an incentive to lower the ongoing energy cost of the motor. Even if a firm has an in-house electrical department, the principle-agent problem can still occur, as the electrical department is unlikely to be responsible for the energy bill, and restoring production as quickly as possible is likely to be a higher priority than saving energy. Garnaut [2008] notes that split incentives ‘may entirely insulate some decisions from a carbon price, potentially reducing the adoption of low-emissions options’. Information asymmetry occurs when two parties to a transaction do not have equal access to relevant information [Garnaut 2008, page 452]. Potentially significant information asymmetries exist where industrial equipment is not ‘energy rated’, making it difficult for non-experts to assess its level of energy efficiency or determine its energy costs. Garnaut notes that this ‘allows opportunism, as a product manufacturer could mislead a buyer on the efficiency of a product, which the buyer is unable to verify’. The preferred policy in response to information asymmetry is the mandatory disclosure of energy performance, as occurs with common household appliances such as refrigerators. However, Garnaut [2008] notes that: ‘Mandatory disclosure may not always be able to address information asymmetries, if bounded rationality prevents one or more parties from usefully applying the information, or if one of the parties is not the actual decision maker’. Minimum energy performance standards can help circumvent the need for individuals to identify and avoid equipment that has high ongoing energy 10 costs, by removing the least efficient products from the market. Garnaut [2008, page 447] notes that ‘Even where individuals have access to sufficient information, they may make decisions that appear personally suboptimal for reasons of ‘bounded rationality’. Bounded rationality is the concept that individuals and firms may not be able to always make perfect or optimum decisions, as their knowledge and processing abilities are limited. In some cases, socially suboptimal outcomes result.’ A key cause of bounded rationality relating to the purchase of industrial equipment is that energy represents only a small percentage of the operating costs of most firms, and is ‘noncore’ business. This may mean that little attention is given to reducing energy consumption through the purchase of more efficient equipment; attention is focussed on the main cost centres, or on activities that can improve the quality or marketability of a firm’s products. According to ABS data, energy expenditure accounts for a relatively small percentage of overall expenditure in the main sectors where industrial equipment is used in Australia [ACG 2008]: • 7.94% of overall expenditure in the mining sector; and • 7.17% of overall expenditure in the manufacturing sector. Data on energy costs prepared by NIEIR for the Victorian Government [NIEIR 2003]. shows that in Victoria, in all but the most energy intensive industries (Metal Products), energy costs represent a very small share of overall production costs. Table 1: Energy Costs as a share of material costs in Victorian industry sub-sectors Industry Electricity Gas Mining 2.7% 0.1% Food, beverages & tobacco 0.8% 0.5% Textile, clothing, footwear & leather 2.2% 0.7% Wood, paper & printing 1.6% 0.7% Petroleum, coal & chemical 0.9% 0.4% Non-Metallic mineral products 1.7% 2.4% Metal products 4.3% 0.7% Machinery & Equipment 0.5% 0.1% Other manufacturing 0.1% 0.0% Manufacturing The low share of energy costs in overall costs for most businesses, and the generally non-core nature of energy use results in a fairly low price elasticity of demand for industrial energy use. It is estimated [ACG 2008] that in the industrial sector in Australia, the ‘own price elasticity of demand’ for electricity is -0.38 and for gas is -0.30. These estimates suggest that over the long term, a ten per cent increase in energy prices would lead to a reduction in demand for electricity of 3.8 percent and for gas of 3.0 percent. The Allen Consulting Group report concludes that in the industrial sector: Given the inelasticity of demand for energy and the small percentage of overall expenditure energy consumption represents, pricing mechanisms alone under moderate price increases expected in the coming decade, are unlikely to drive industry to close the energy efficiency gap. Minimum energy performance standards can be of use to firms because they remove the least efficient equipment from the market, and therefore circumvent the need for individuals to identify and avoid the equipment which has the highest ongoing energy costs. Garnaut concludes that there ‘is a case for standards where bounded rationality and principal–agent problems render other policy options ineffective’, and that if they are ‘designed appropriately, with good knowledge of the costs and benefits and sufficient lead time for industry to respond, experience from both Australia and abroad has indicated that they can be cost effective in supporting the uptake of low-emissions options’ [Garnaut, 2008, page 458]. He suggests that if regulated efficiency standards are introduced they should focus on: • performance, rather than specifying technology • features that are unlikely to affect consumers, such as energy efficiency … • removing poorly performing products, as it will be generally easier to identify the products that are the least cost-effective for the majority of users, than the products that are the most cost-effective options for all parties in all circumstances These have been the underlying principles for the development of the MEPS programs operating in Australia and New Zealand since inception. 11 3 Electric Motor Systems 3.1 The Importance of Electric Motor Systems Electric motors do not stand alone, but form part of a motor driven system. The system generally includes the electric motor and any related controls, a mechanical transmission system and a driven machine and its associated downstream components. The driven machine relates to the application, and in industrial applications generally includes pumps, fans, air compressors, conveyors, grinding and milling machines, and machine tools [UKMTP 2006 & 2007]. Globally, electric motor systems are estimated to account for around 60% of all electricity consumption in the manufacturing sector [IEA 2007]. In Australia it is estimated that electric motor systems account for around 49% of electricity used in the industrial sector (manufacturing, mining & agriculture), and in New Zealand for around 55% of electricity used in this sector [EnergyConsult 2008d]. In the United States pumps, air compressors, fans and refrigeration chillers account for the majority of electricity used by industrial motor systems. Data derived from EnergyConsult’s industrial model (see Figure 8) indicates that these are also significant areas of electricity end use in Australia and New Zealand, although electricity use by air compressors and fans is estimated to be less significant than in the US. Figure 8: Breakdown of Industrial Electricity Use by Electric Motor Systems13 Other motor drives Industrial chillers Air compressors Fans Pumps 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Aust 13 NZ US US data from [IEA, 2007], Australian & New Zealand data from [EnergyConsult, 2008]. Note that ‘Other motor drives’ includes conveyors, grinding & milling, and machine tools. 12 Even though motor systems are used widely throughout industry and account for around half of industrial electricity use, they are not usually the direct focus of industrial energy saving initiatives. One suggested reason is that ‘each industry tends to focus their energy management efforts on the main industrial process in which they specialise, rather than supporting systems, such as motor systems that are not unique to their industry’. [IEA 2007] The very high level of electricity consumption in electric motor systems has meant that in recent years governments have begun to consider ways in which the consumption of these systems can be reduced [IEA 2006 & 2007; UKMTP 2006 & 2007; Brunner 2007]. An analysis by the IEA suggests that worldwide there is potential to improve the energy efficiency of industrial electric motor systems by around 20 to 25% [IEA 2006]. If this level of energy savings could be fully realised by 2020, this suggests a total potential saving of 10.6 to 13.3 Mt CO2-e per annum in Australia, and 0.8 to 1.1 Mt CO2-e per annum in New Zealand. In addition to significant greenhouse abatement, this would also generate significant economic benefits through reduced electricity costs to business: $1,121 to $1,400 million per annum in Australia; and $224 to $281 million per annum in New Zealand, based on current energy prices. In the context of an emissions trading scheme, these energy and cost savings would assist companies to reduce the impact of a carbon price on their operations, and could lead to overall lower abatement costs, rather than reducing total national greenhouse emissions. Motor systems, particularly for pumping and ventilation, are also used extensively in the commercial sector. Thus, measures to increase the energy efficiency of industrial motor systems are likely to also have spin-off benefits in the commercial sector. 3.2 Approaches to Improving System Efficiency Energy efficiency is generally quite high in electric motors but often quite low in electric motor systems. The IEA estimates that the average motor system has an overall efficiency of only 45% [IEA 2006 & 2007]. An example of a motor system used for pumping is shown in Figure 9. In this case the overall system efficiency is only 31%, with significant energy losses occurring in the pump, throttle and distribution system (pipe). A range of approaches can be used to increase the overall efficiency of motor driven systems. Key options include [IEA 2007]: • Use of high efficiency electric motors; • Correct sizing of the motor to match load requirements – many motors are oversized, resulting in reduced efficiency and lower power factors; • Use of variable speed drives (VSD) where there is a variable load, to match motor speed and torque to load requirements; • Use of high efficiency couplings between the motor and driven machine; • Use of a high efficiency driven machine (eg, pump, fan, compressor); • Optimisation of the downstream distribution system, and elimination of losses and leaks; • Use of high efficiency end-use equipment; • Proper maintenance and repair. An example of an optimised pump system is shown in Figure 10. Overall system efficiency has been increased to 72% by increasing the efficiency of individual system components and replacing an inefficient throttle control with a VSD. In this example, the high efficiency motor is responsible for around 4% of the overall improvement in system efficiency and the high efficiency pump is responsible for around 12%. The other measures are responsible for around 84% of the increased system efficiency. Figure 9: Schematic of a Standard Pumping Scheme [IEA 2007] Figure 10: Schematic of an Energy Efficient Pumping Scheme [IEA 2007] 13 3.3 Improving the Efficiency of Components & Systems practice and incentive programs14. This might include information and training, best practice design and operation guides, and optimisation tools for new and existing systems. Such programs could be supported by incentives such as rebates, white certificates15 and tax incentives. The key challenge with best practice programs is to motivate enough of the target user base to engage and so ultimately realise the potential savings. Figure 11: Impact of System Boundary on Savings Potential [Brunner 2007] Improving motor efficiency Australia and New Zealand are amongst the leading nations in addressing the energy efficiency of electric motors. Mandatory MEPS targeting the three-phase induction motors which are used to drive most industrial electric motor systems were first introduced in October 2001 and subsequently made more stringent in April 2006. The Australian and New Zealand MEPS levels are now equivalent to the most stringent in the world – IEC efficiency class IE2 – although the United States is committed to implementing more stringent levels from 2011, as show in Figure 12. Australia and New Zealand are considering the introduction of more stringent motor MEPS. With electric motor systems the size of the potential energy savings which can be achieved are very much a function of the boundary which is used to define the ‘system’ (see Figure 11). The system boundary is also relevant to the type of government intervention which could be used to drive improvements to the overall system efficiency [Brunner 2007]: • Electric motor - MEPS and mandatory labelling programs may be useful to drive increased motor efficiency, but will only capture a small percentage of the overall system savings potential; • Core motor system - A combination of MEPS – either for individual system components or for the ‘core motor system’ – coupled with performance rating schemes (mandatory or voluntary) and/or system optimisation tools could drive increases in energy efficiency of ‘core motor systems’, and capture a moderate amount of the overall system savings. Energy rating schemes and optimisation tools are likely to be most useful where they can provide information on all of the components available in the market. This might be achieved through voluntary agreements with industry associations that have good coverage of the market and are cooperative with government; otherwise, a regulatory regime (eg MEPS or mandatory rating and information disclosure) that requires disclosure of performance information could be used in a publicly accessible tool; • Total motor system - Capturing the much larger potential savings available through optimisation of the overall electric motor system is likely to be difficult through a regulatory regime, and is the domain of best 14 Improving the efficiency of the ‘core motor system’ Internationally, the most significant progress that has been made on increasing the energy efficiency of electric motors has been through regulated MEPS. While this has significantly increased the energy efficiency of new motors sold in those countries with regulations, the potential improvement in motor system efficiency remains largely untapped [IEA 2007]. Only a few countries have implemented minimum performance standards for system components such as pumps, fans, compressors and chillers (see Table 2). There is not yet an international consensus on the acceptability of the test standards used to assess energy performance or the adequacy of the performance information for these products [UKMTP 2007]. A number of international efforts are underway to address the energy efficiency of the ‘core motor system’. The new IEA Implementing Agreement on Efficient Electrical-End Use Equipment16 includes the Electric Motor 14 Although regulatory regimes can be used to encourage industry to adopt best practice approaches. For example, Australia’s Energy Efficiency Opportunities program, mandatory for large energy users, requires businesses to undertake assessments and publicly disclose the results of the assessment. Victoria and Queensland have similar state-based programs in place, with the Victorian program requiring companies to implement opportunities with a payback of three-years or less. 15 White Certificates are tradeable energy efficiency certificates which represent a defined amount of lifetime energy or greenhouse savings achieved from energy efficiency measures. The Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) Scheme is an example of such a scheme. See: http://www. esc.vic.gov.au/public/VEET/ 16 See http://www.iea-4e.org/ for general information and http:// www. motorsystems.org for information relating specifically to the Motor Systems Annex. Australia, Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom are currently participating in this Annex.. Figure 12: International Implementation of Electric Motor MEPS [Brunner, 2007] Systems Annex (EMSA). This aims to promote the energy efficiency of poly-phase electric AC motors and motor systems in applications such as pumps, fans, compressors and mechanical drives used in industry, infrastructure and large buildings. Variable speed drives and permanent magnet motors are also included in the scope of this work. Table 2: International Implementation of MEPS for Core Motor System Components (Brunner 2007) Country Australia Brazil Canada China 3-Phase Pump Fan Motors X X X X X Chinese Taipei Costa Rica European Union Israel X X Malaysia Mexico X X New Zealand Philippines Republic of Korea USA Total Chillers Compressor X X X X X X X The European Union’s Framework Directive on the EcoDesign of Energy Using Products18 adopted in 2005, allows the European Commission to set performance requirements for products sold in the European Market [UKMTP 2007]. Under this Directive, work is progressing on four product categories relevant to motor systems: • Electric motors 1-150kW; • Water pumps (in commercial buildings, drinking water pumping, food industry, agriculture); • Circulators in buildings; X • Ventilation fans (non-residential buildings). Analysis and stakeholder consultation on these products was undertaken from 2006, and final reports were published in April 200819. This work holds out the possibility of developing X X X 11 Standards for Energy Efficiency of Electric Motor Systems (SEEEM)17 was an international community of practice involving a range of government, industry, utility, academic and NGO organisations. The initial focus of SEEM was on accelerating the harmonisation of test standards and MEPS and labelling for electric motors, standards for motors with VSD and standards for small motors. The work of SEEEM was merged with EMSA in 2009. 3 2 2 1 17 See http://www.seeem.org/background.php 18 See: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/demand/legislation/eco_design_en.htm for general information and http://www.ecomotors.org/ for information on activities related to motor systems 19 See: http://www.ecomotors.org/documents.htm#2 15 test standards and performance levels for pumps and fans which have a wider level of international acceptance. Australian and New Zealand programs introducing energy efficiency best practices to industry include: The Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP) brings together Australia, Canada, China, India, Japan, Republic of Korea and the United States of America to address the challenges of climate change, energy security and air pollution. In January 2006 the Australian Government committed $100 million over five years for the partnership20. Under APP, the Buildings and Appliances Taskforce is working on the harmonisation of test procedures for a range of products including electric motors and electric motor systems. • The Australian Government’s Energy Efficiency Opportunities program - requires Australia’s largest energy using corporate groups to undertake energy efficiency assessments, and to publicly disclose the results and measures they are taking to reduce energy consumption24; Improving the overall efficiency of electric motor systems • State mandatory schemes such as the Victorian Environment and Resource Efficiency Plans and the NSW Energy Saving Action Plans26 - require large energy users to undertake audits, prepare energy saving plans and, in the case of Victoria, implement energy efficiency measures up to a 3 year payback; While increasing the energy efficiency of the ‘core motor system’ has an important role to play in increasing the efficiency of motor systems, the presence of energy efficient components provides no assurance that the overall motor system will be energy efficient. Misapplication of energy efficient equipment, such as variable speed drives, is common and the benefits from a high efficiency motor will not be fully realised if the motor is running well below capacity. As noted by the IEA, this will ultimately require changes to institutional culture within industry [IEA 2007]: Industrial energy efficiency policy and programmes should aim to change traditional operational practices and to integrate best practices into the institutional culture of industrial companies. Effective policies to promote industrial system optimisation include energy management standards and related training, system assessment protocols, capacity building of system experts through specialised training initiatives, training to raise awareness of plant engineers and managers, tools for assessment and documentation of system energy efficiency, case studies and technical materials. • The motor bounty scheme operated by New Zealand’s Electricity Commission provides an incentive to industry to remove existing inefficient motors and replace them with new MEPS compliant motors25; • The Motor Solutions Online web-site, hosted by the Department of Climate Change ad Energy Efficiency, provides information and advice on optimising motor systems27; • The Energy Efficiency Exchange web site has been established as part of the National Framework for Energy Efficiency, to provide a clearing house of information on energy efficiency best practice, including access to information about motor system optimisation28; • Sustainability Victoria’s resourceSmart Business Program has released a suite of best practice guides, including guides covering electric motor systems.29 Internationally, there are a number of examples of successful programs that are working to achieve a best practice culture within industry [IEA 2007]: • The US BestPractices program, under the Department of Energy’s Industrial Technologies Program, works with industry on energy management practices in industrial plants21; • The Canadian Industry Program for Energy Conservation, provides technical assistance to manufacturing and mining companies on energy efficiency22; • The Motor Challenge Programme run by the European Commission offers technical assistance to companies seeking to improve the energy efficiency of their electric motor systems23. 24 See: http://www.ret.gov.au/energy/efficiency/eeo/pages/default.aspx 25 http://www.electricitycommission.govt.nz/opdev/elecefficiency/programmes/industrial/electric-motors/index. html/?searchterm=motor%20bounty 26 See: http://www.epa.vic.gov.au/bus/erep/default.asp and http://www.deus. nsw.gov.au/energy/Energy%20Savings%20Action%20Plans/Energy%20 Savings%20Action%20Plans.asp 20 See: http://www.ap6.gov.au/ 27 See: http://www.climatechange.gov.au/what-you-need-to-know/ appliances-and-equipment/electric-motors.aspx 21 See: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/industry/bestpractices/ 22 28 23 29 See: http://www.oee.nrcan.gc.ca/industrial/cipec.cfm See: http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/energyefficiency/motorchallenge/index.htm 16 See: http://www.ret.gov.au/energy/efficiency/exchange/Pages/default.aspx See: http://www.resourcesmart.vic.gov.au/for_businesses_2101.html 4 Pumps Pumps are used widely throughout industry to transfer liquids for processing, to provide cooling and lubrication, and to power hydraulic systems. Pumps are also used in the commercial sector to pump water as part of heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, and in the water supply and treatment sector to pump water and sewerage [US DoE 2006]. No data is currently available on the installed stock of pumps used for industrial applications in Australia and New Zealand. Industry estimates suggest that in Australia the market for pumping equipment exceeds $1,000 million annually, with approximately 60% of the market accounted for by locally manufactured products. There are some fifty companies manufacturing pumps in Australia and several hundred who import, resell or supply products. It is estimated that local manufacturers of pumps employ more than 2,500 people, and around the same number are employed by agents, distributors and other businesses supplying product and services to the pump market.30 Figure 13a: Imports and Exports of Pumps - Australia31 The Australian Bureau of Statistics collects data on the import and export of pumps into and out of Australia. Data on the value of local production is also collected, although pumps and pumping machinery are combined with air compressors. Data on Australian imports and exports between 1999/00 and 2006/07 is presented in Figure 13a, and data on the value of imports, exports and estimated local manufacture over the same period is presented in Figure 13b. Figure 13b: Value of Imports, Exports & Local Production of Pumps - Australia32 Total Imports Total Exports Local Manufacture $450 $400 $350 $300 Value ($M) 4.1 Pump Market & Impacts $250 $200 $150 Total Imports $100 Total Exports $50 4,000,000 $0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 3,500,000 Number of Units 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Over the period 1999/00 to 2006/07 pump imports averaged 3.15 million units per annum with an average customs value of $299 million. During this period exports averaged 329,000 units per year for an average customs value of $81 million. While the value of both imports and exports increased over this period, the estimated value of local manufacture remained relatively steady and averaged $373 million per year. Taken as a whole, the data on imports exports and local manufacture suggest that the value of Australian sales of pumps has remained relatively constant and averages around $606 million per year. This is consistent with industry estimates once tariffs, retail mark-ups and the sale of pump parts are taken into account. 30 Information from Pump Industry Australia website http://www.pumps. asn.au/industry.htm 31 Exports & Imports - Australian Bureau of Statistics, International Merchandise Trade: Reciprocating positive displacement pumps (excl. those for internal combustion piston engines but incl. those for swimming pools); Rotary positive displacement pumps (excl. those for internal combustion piston engines but incl. those for swimming pools); Centrifugal pumps, nes for liquids (incl. pumps for swimming pools); Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device, nes (incl. pumps for swimming pools). 32 Import & export data from Exports & Imports - Australian Bureau of Statistics, International Merchandise Trade, as for Figure 13a. Local manufacture data from: Manufacturing production: Estimated value of sales by selected Commodities Produced (MIOCC) Australia, Pumps & Pumping machinery - It has been assumed that pumps account for 85% of total. 17 Figure 14a: Imports & Exports of Pumps – New Zealand33 Total Imports Total Exports 800,000 Number of Units 800,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 One industry commentator estimates the size of the New Zealand pump market, including pump parts, as NZ$80 million [AIM 2005]. Statistics New Zealand publishes data on the import and export of pumps, but does not publish data on the value of local manufacture. Data on New Zealand imports and exports between 2000 and 2007 is presented in Figure 14a, and data on the value of imports and exports over the same period is presented in Figure 14b. Over the period 2000 to 2007 pump imports averaged 0.77 million units per annum with an average customs value of NZ$67.2 million. During this period exports averaged 56,000 units per year for an average customs value of NZ$5.2 million. Analysis of energy end-use by segment using EnergyConsult’s industrial model suggests that in 2006 in Australia pumps accounted for 47.2 PJ of total electricity consumption (12.2%) and 13.6 Mt CO2-e of greenhouse emissions in the industrial sector, while in New Zealand it is estimated that pumps accounted for 7.9 PJ (13.4%) and 0.5 Mt CO2-e of greenhouse emissions. The key segments with the largest use of pump energy are shown in Figure 15. In Australia, pumping energy consumption is highest in the mining, wood, paper and printing, chemical products and other manufacturing35 sectors. In New Zealand, pumping energy consumption is highest in the agriculture, wood, paper and printing, other manufacturing and chemical sectors. In both Australia and New Zealand pumps are the most significant single contributor to energy consumed by industrial motor systems: in Australia they are estimated to be responsible for 25.3% of total electricity consumption from industrial motor systems and in New Zealand 24.2% [EnergyConsult 2008d]. Figure 14b: Value of Imports & Exports of Pumps – New Zealand34 Total Imports Total Exports $90 $80 $70 Value ($M) $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 33 Import & export data from Statistics New Zealand Infoshare website for: 841350 - Pumps; reciprocating positive displacement pumps, n.e.c. in heading no. 8413, for liquids; 841360 - Pumps; rotary positive displacement pumps, n.e.c. in heading no. 8413, for liquids; 841370 Pumps; centrifugal, n.e.c. in heading no. 8413, for liquids; 841381 - Pumps and liquid elevators; n.e.c. in heading no. 8413 34 Data sourced from Statistics New Zealand, as for Figure 14a. 18 35 Other manufacturing includes: Food, beverages & Tobacco; Textile, clothing & footwear; Other metal products; Machinery & equipment; and, Other manufacturing Figure 15: Estimated Energy End Use by Pumps 2006 [EnergyConsult 2008d] 30 AUSTRALIA Petajoules (PJ) 25 20 15 10 5 0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products Iron and steel Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction Commercial Mining Agriculture Commercial Mining Agriculture 2.5 NEW ZEALAND Petajoules (PJ) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products Iron and steel 4.2 Pump Technology Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction Figure 16: Main Types of Pumps There are a large number of different types of pumps available on the market (See Figure 16), but there are two main categories of pump, centrifugal (also called rotodynamic) and positive displacement pumps36 characterised by the way in which they impart energy to the fluid being pumped. Positive displacement pumps pressurize the fluid by squeezing it with each piston stroke or shaft rotation. Centrifugal pumps work by adding kinetic energy to a fluid using a spinning impeller. This fluid then enters the diffuser section of the pump where it slows and the kinetic energy is converted into pressure [US DoE 2006]. While for many applications either a positive displacement or a centrifugal pump could be used, centrifugal pumps are more common because they are simple and safe to operate, require minimal and fairly straightforward maintenance, have characteristically long operating lives, and can operate under a broad range of conditions [US DoE 2006]. Centrifugal pumps are the largest group in terms of sales and type. Data from the UK shows that centrifugal pumps have a 71% market share, while rotary pumps have 21% and reciprocating pumps 8% [UKMTP 2007]. Import data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Statistics New Zealand suggests that centrifugal pumps also dominate the local markets. 36 http://www.pumps.asn.au/industry.htm Centrifugal pumps are used for domestic applications such as pressure pumps and swimming pool pumps. Applications in mining, manufacturing and agriculture include high pressure process pumps for oil refineries, slurry pumps for abrasive solids handling, large pumps for water and wastewater treatment, and borehole pumps for ground-water pumping37. Centrifugal pumps have a variable flow/pressure relationship – the flow rate is lower when pumping against a high system pressure (or head) than when pumping against a low system pressure. Understanding this relationship is essential to properly sizing a pump and designing a system that performs efficiently [US DoE 2006]. 37 http://www.pumps.asn.au/industry.htm 19 In contrast, positive displacement pumps have a fixed displacement volume. This means that the flow rate of the pumped fluid is directly proportional to the pump speed, and the system pressure depends on the piping system’s resistance to this flow. One disadvantage of positive displacement pumps is that they can potentially overpressurise the piping system and related components, and so require more system safeguards, such as relief valves, to protect both the piping system and the motor. However, the characteristics of positive displacement pumps give them advantages in applications where the [US DoE 2006]: • working fluid is viscous; • system requires high-pressure, low-flow performance; • pump must be self-priming; and • working fluid must not experience high shear forces Rotary Positive Displacement Pumps are usually used for pumping viscous fluids. Applications include pumps used for oil transportation and power transmission, and progressing cavity pumps for manufacturing processes and for handling water and slurries. Reciprocating Positive Displacement Pumps are used for metering precise doses of fluids, often chemicals requiring corrosive-resistant materials of construction38. 4.3 Approaches to improving Energy Efficiency Pump Energy Efficiency The energy efficiency of a pump is the ratio of the power output of the pump – related to the head, flow rate and specific gravity of the fluid being pumped – and the mechanical power input. Pump operation is defined by a set of characteristic curves (see Figure 17), which relate head, power and efficiency to the flow rate. For most efficient operation the design of the pump should be matched to the pumping application such that the required head and flow rate match the maximum efficiency (or ‘Best Efficiency Point’) on the efficiency curve [EU 2001]. Figure 17: Characteristics of a Typical Centrifugal Pump [EU 2001] The dependence of pump efficiency on both head and flow rate makes comparing efficiencies more complicated than for many other types of electrical equipment. Pump efficiency is usually determined at the ‘Best Efficiency Point’ but the operational efficiency of the pump might differ considerably from this rated efficiency because [EU 2001]: • The pump may spend much of its time operating at a flow rate (or head) below its design duty, meaning that the efficiency will be lower; • The efficiency of the pump is likely to deteriorate over time, so the actual efficiency of the pump will be less than its rated efficiency when new. Australia and New Zealand Currently there are no mandatory energy efficiency requirements for pumps sold in Australia and New Zealand. Australian Standard AS 2417 – 2001: Rotodynamic pumps: Hydraulic performance acceptance tests – Grade 1 & 2 specifies hydraulic performance tests for acceptance of rotodynamic pumps (centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps), the main types of pumps used in industrial applications. The Standard is identical with ISO 9906:1999. It is applicable to pumps of any size and to any pumped liquids behaving as clean cold water, and contains two grades of accuracy of measurement - grade 1 and grade 2. The standard includes methods to measure the pump and driver power input, the pump output, the pump efficiency and the overall efficiency. It may be possible to use this standard as the basis of a future regulatory program. While there are currently no regulatory requirements for pump efficiency in Australia and New Zealand, there are a number of government programs to promote pump efficiency: • Sustainability Victoria has developed an Energy Efficiency Best Practice Guide on Pumping Systems, as part of suite of best practice guides for its ResourceSmart Business program; • The Energy Efficiency Exchange website, developed as part of the National Framework for Energy Efficiency, provides access to a range of fact sheets and best practice manuals relating to pump systems produced by both Australian and US government agencies39; • The Motor Solutions Online website hosted by DCCEE provides general best practice information on pump systems40. 39 http://www.ret.gov.au/energy/efficiency/eex/technologies/motors_ pumps_fans/Pages/Motors,PumpsandFans.aspx 40 38 http://www.pumps.asn.au/industry.htm 20 http://www.climatechange.gov.au/what-you-need-to-know/appliancesand-equipment/electric-motors.aspx International Table 3: MEPS & Labelling for Pumps41 As shown in Table 3 below, China, Israel and Mexico are the only countries which currently have mandatory standards for pump efficiency, and Iran and Mexico are the only countries which have mandatory labelling requirements, in this case specifically for centrifugal pumps. Korea operates a voluntary certification scheme for pumps. Voluntary labelling of pumps is undertaken in the European Union for circulating pumps and in Mexico for deep well, submersible and vertical pumps; Mexico also has a voluntary endorsement label for centrifugal pumps. Mandatory standards for clear water Single Stage, MultiStage and Multi-Stage Well pumps came into effect in China in December 2005. The methodology and requirements are based on GBT13007-1991, which was devised by Chinese pump manufacturers and used as the basis for recommended efficiencies. However, as a result of lobbying from manufacturers the 2005 efficiency levels are lower than the original standard and are intended to eliminate the worst 15% of pumps from the market. The standard specifies mandatory minimum values of ‘Best Efficiency’. A new standard has been proposed, and it is expected that more stringent requirements – which would eliminate 90% of current pumps on the market – will come into effect in 2010 [AEA 2008a]. Mandatory standards for axial and centrifugal pumps were introduced into Israel in 2004, but no information is available on the scope of these standards, the test standards used or the efficiency requirements. Iran has a mandatory labeling program for centrifugal pumps which is administered by the Standards and Industrial Research Organization of Iran. The label is based on the European energy label design (although it is a mirror image and has Persian script). No information is available on the test standards, their scope or energy efficiency requirements. The Korean Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO) operates a voluntary certification scheme for pump efficiency. This targets centrifugal water supply pumps (single and multi-stage) with discharge branches from 25 to 200 mm bore. The scheme requires pumps to meet a minimum ‘Best Efficiency’ (designated the A efficiency) value, and to maintain a certain lower minimum efficiency (designated the B efficiency) for all flows within the specified range for a pump’s discharge bore. This is intended to encourage broad high efficiency curves. [ATA 2008a] Mexico has a comprehensive mandatory MEPS and labeling program covering centrifugal, deep well, submersible and vertical pumps, implemented by the National Energy Savings Commission. While there are different requirements for different types of pumps, the Mexican program seems to be based on ISO 3555 Class B Centrifugal, mixed flow and axial pumps; Code for acceptance tests; Class B, which has now been superseded and replaced by ISO 9906:1999 Rotodynamic pumps - Hydraulic performance acceptance tests Grades 1 and 2. Country MEPS Labelling Scheme National Test Standards Axial pumps Israel Centrifugal pumps China Iran Israel Korea Mandatory - Mandatory Mexico Mandatory Mandatory Voluntary GBT13007 NOM-004ENER-2008 Voluntary EN 1151: 2006 Mandatory Voluntary NOM-006ENER-1995 Mandatory Voluntary NOM-010ENER-2004 Mandatory Voluntary NOM-001ENER-2000 Mandatory Mandatory Voluntary Circulating pumps European Union Deep well pumps Mexico Submersible pumps Mexico Vertical pumps Mexico The Mexican program does not seem to apply to any pumps used in manufacturing applications, although some pumps might be used in agricultural and mining applications (see Table 4). The requirements for centrifugal pumps apply only to pumps used for residential applications. The requirements for ‘deep well’ pumps apply to vertical turbine pumps used in deep agricultural wells; the requirements for ‘submersible’ pumps applies to submersible clear water pumps; the requirements for ‘vertical pumps’ applies to vertical, external motor, turbine pumps used to pump clean water. Mexico also has the Sello FIDE, a voluntary energy efficiency endorsement seal given by the Fideicomiso para el Ahorro de Energia Electrica (FIDE) since mid-1995. In March 2005 Europump, the European Association of Pump Manufacturers, launched an energy efficiency labelling scheme for circulating pumps used in residential and commercial central heating applications42. The scheme is based on an industry self-commitment to improve the energy performance of these pumps through energy labelling and applies to: • Stand-alone circulators with integrated pumps and motors; • Wet running centrifugal pumps; • Pumps sized up to 2.5 kW 41 Information from http://www.apec-esis.org/, (UKMTP, 2007b) & (AEA, 2008a) 42 http://www.europump.org/ 21 Figure 18: Share of each efficiency class in the production of participating companies [Europump 2007] Table 4: MEPS & Labelling for Pumps - Mexico Pump Type Scope Centrifugal Clean-Water Pumps and Motor Pumps With a Power Rating of 0.187 kW to 0.746 kW. Deep Well Submersible Vertical Electromechanical vertical turbine pumps with external or submersible motor of 5.5 kW to 261 kW used in deep agricultural wells. Submersible clean water pumps. Vertical, external motor, turbine pumps used to pump clean water Energy Efficiency Requirements Rated Power Min. Efficiency 0.187 to 0.373 kW 45% 0.560 kW 50% 0.746 kW 55% Rated Power Min. Efficiency 5.6 to 14.9 kW 52% 15.7 to 37.3 kW 56% 38.0 to 93.3 kW 60% 94.0 to 261 kW 64% Pump Capacity Min. Efficiency 0.3 to 0.5 L/s 40% 0.5 to 2.0 L/s 49% 2.0 to 5.0 L/s 62% 5.0 to 10.0 L/s 69% 10.0 to 15.0 L/s 71% 15.0 to 25.0 L/s 73% 25.0 to 30.0 L/s 74% 30.0 to 60.0 L/s 77% > 60.0 L/s 78% No details available. The pump label is based on the European energy rating label with a scale from A (highest efficiency) to G (lowest efficiency). It assumes an agreed range of duties against which the circulating pumps are measured. There are currently eight companies participating in Europump’s industry commitment - estimated to account for 80% of the EU 27 circulator market – and in 2006 90.2% of these companies labelled their circulating pumps. Market data from Europump (see Figure 18) indicate that this program is having a significant impact on the circulator pump market, with a significant increase in the percentage of Class A and B pumps manufactured since 2004, largely at the expense of Class D pumps [Europump 2007]. In addition to the existing industry labeling scheme, work is being undertaken in the European Union on mandatory standards for pumps under the Framework Directive on the Eco-Design of Energy-Using Products. Mandatory standards have been proposed for both Circulating Pumps and Water Pumps [AEA 2008a&b]. Circulating pumps It is proposed that minimum standards be introduced in Europe for stand alone circulating pumps (up to 2.5kW) used in central heating applications, based largely on the Europump voluntary labelling scheme. The proposed minimum standard is a Class A energy efficiency rating, to be introduced in 2012. This would be supported by a revised labelling scheme to encourage the development of higher efficiency pumps. The MEPS would be based on the existing technical standard EN 1151-1:2006, although this will be revised to allow measurement of circulator performance to a tolerance that is adequate for a mandatory MEPS scheme. The current standard has too large a tolerance on the operating head, does not specify tolerances on equipment used to measure flow, and does not provide specific guidance on how efficiency should be determined [AEA 2008b]. Water Pumps It is proposed that minimum standards be introduced in Europe for Water Pumps used in commercial buildings, drinking water, agricultural and food industry applications. The types of pumps to be included are [AEA 2008a]: • Single stage close-coupled (end suction close-coupled); • In–Line end suction close-coupled pumps; • Single stage water (end suction own bearing); • Submersible multistage well pumps (4’ & 6’); • Vertical multistage water pumps. 22 It is recommended that the MEPS be implemented in a number of stages from 2010, with the aim of removing the worst 40% of pumps from the market by 2020 to achieve savings of around 3.5% at little additional cost to the endconsumer. MEPS which aim to eliminate the worst 10% of pumps from the market are proposed for 2010, and this target would be lifted by 10% every 3 years to hit 40% in 2019. The MEPS would be supported by a defined high efficiency standard [AEA 2008a]. In most applications, pumps spend much of their time operating some way from their design (Best Efficiency) point, and pump efficiency can drop off significantly below the 50% duty point. To account for this a so-called ‘house of efficiency’ scheme has been devised which sets minimum efficiency criteria for 100% rated flow (Best Efficiency), and slightly lower minimum efficiency criteria at 75% and 110% of rated flow (see Figure 19 below). This is to prevent pumps that perform very poorly when operated away from 100% rated flow, from passing the simple (rated flow) efficiency threshold, [AEA 2008a]. Energy Saving Options Pumps are less than 100% efficient due to three main areas of loss [CERF/IIEC 2002]: 1. Mechanical loss – losses produced by friction of the bearing and impeller. This can be reduced by enlarging the diameter of the impeller and through surface treatment. 3. Hydraulic loss - this is the most significant loss within the pump, especially at low flow rates. It is affected by the shape of the pump impeller, roughness of the pump body and viscosity of the pumped fluid. The losses are mainly generated at the impeller and the guide vane, and surface treatment of these parts can increase efficiency. Attention to the design of the flow channel can also improve efficiency. The efficiency of pumps can be improved through design changes which reduce these areas of loss although, as with other electric motor systems, the largest potential savings come from overall system improvements. The UK Market Transformation Program estimates total potential savings for pumping systems of around 40%, broken down as follows (UKMTP 2007b): Selecting higher efficiency pump 3% Selecting a better sized pump 4% Better installation/maintenance 3% Better system design 10% Better system control 20% The energy efficiency of the pumping system will also be improved through the selection of a more efficient motor drive. In Australia and New Zealand this is already being driven to some extent by the MEPS for three phase induction motors. 2. Volumetric Efficiency – this is related to the clearance of the sealing gap. Figure 19: Proposed EU method for assessing compliance for water pumps [AEA 2008a] Figure 20: Components of Pump Losses [CERF/IIEC 2002] Disk Friction and Mechanical losses Flow leakage loss at wear rings Hydraulic losses Useful (hydraulic) power 23 In Australia, the projected energy savings from pump MEPS is 2.3 PJ per annum (or 3.3% compared to BAU) after 10 years, with additional savings of 3.7 PJ per annum (5.5%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 6.0 PJ per annum (8.9%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 1.3 Mt CO2-e per annum after 10 years. 43 The modelling is based on a 10-year program from 2010 to 2020, to give an indication of the energy savings which could be expected after a 10-year period. Actual savings would depend on when any measures are introduced. 24 60 55 50 45 40 35 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 30 Figure 21b: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Pumps – New Zealand BAU MEPS BAU & MEPS 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 10.0 9.5 9.0 8.5 8.0 7.5 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 2008 EnergyConsult’s industrial energy model has been used to estimate the potential savings from new energy efficient pumps over a 10-year period43. It is assumed that an average saving of 3.5% per pump can be achieved through MEPS, and that a best practice program could achieve average savings of 20% but is taken up by only 30% of the market over this period. The resulting projected energy savings in both Australia and New Zealand are shown in Figure 20. 65 2007 It is estimated that MEPS for pumps could drive costeffective average energy efficiency improvements in the range of around 3% to 7% for each new pump installed. In addition, a best practice program - based on equipment selection and system optimisation tools - focussed on new installations would be expected to achieve additional savings in the range of 4% to 34% for each new pump installed. The overall savings achieved would depend on the uptake of the program by industrial consumers. 70 2006 Analysis undertaken by the UK Market Transformation Programme [UKMTP 2007], suggests that price competition in the pump market is strong and that systems are sold based on price rather than life-cycle costs, which results in low installed efficiencies. Further, they note that there are no formal mechanisms to identify high efficiency pumps or pumping systems which is also the case in Australia and New Zealand. BAU MEPS BAU & MEPS Electricity Consumption (PJ/Yr) The E3 Program has the potential to drive improvements to the energy efficiency of new pumps through a combination of measures. These include minimum standards to remove the less efficient pumps from the market, and the development of tools to support best practice programs to help consumers optimise the energy efficiency of the overall pumping system at time of installation or upgrade. Figure 21a: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Pumps – Australia Energy Consumption (PJ/Yr) 4.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Pumps In New Zealand, the projected energy savings from pump MEPS is 0.32 PJ per annum (3.4%) after 10 years, with additional savings of 0.53 PJ per annum (5.6%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 0.86 PJ per annum (9.0%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 95 Kt CO2-e per annum after 10 years44. 44 The slight differences in the % savings achieved by MEPS and best practice programs in Australian and NZ can be explained by different rates in the growth of the pump stock which are, in turn, related to differences in industry structure and growth rates. 5Industrial Fans and Blowers 5.1 Fan Market & Impacts Fans are rotary bladed machines which move air, although a distinction is made between fans and air compressors (which work at higher air pressures of greater than 350 kPa). They are used widely in both industrial and commercial applications, for ventilation, air circulation, blowing and drying. Fans usually form part of a wider fan system which also includes an electric motor and associated control system, a drive system, duct- or pipe-work, filters and outlet diffusers, flow controllers, and possibly a heat exchanger [US DoE 2003; FI 2008]. Over the period 1999/2000 to 2006/07 fan imports averaged 2.96 million units per annum with an average customs value of $79 million. During this period exports averaged 146,000 units per year for an average customs value of $10 million. The estimated value of local manufacture averaged $140 million per year. Taken as a whole, the data on imports exports and local manufacture suggest that the value of Australian sales of fans is around $208 million per year. Figure 22b: Value of Imports, Exports & Local Production of Fans Australia46 Total Imports No data is currently available on the installed stock or sales of fans and blowers used for industrial applications in Australia and New Zealand. Total Exports Local Manufacture $160 $140 $120 Value ($M) The Australian Bureau of Statistics collects data on the import and export of fans into and out of Australia, as well as data on the value of local production of ‘industrial fans’. The types of fans used in industrial applications fall under the ‘fan nes’ category, although this category is likely to pick up fans used for some other applications. Data on Australian imports and exports between 1999/00 and 2006/07 is presented in Figure 22a, and data on the value of imports, exports and estimated local manufacture over the same period is presented in Figure 22b. $180 $100 $80 $60 $40 $20 Figure 22a: Imports and Exports of Fans - Australia45 $0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Total Imports Total Exports 3,500,000 Statistics New Zealand publishes data on the import and export of fans, but does not publish data on the value of local manufacture. Data on the value of imports and exports of fans to and from New Zealand over the period 2000 to 2007 is presented in Figure 23. Over the period 2000 to 2007 the average customs value of fan imports averaged NZ$25.7 million, and of fan exports averaged NZ$0.1 million per year. Number of Units 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 2006/07 2005/06 2004/05 2003/04 2002/03 2001/02 2000/01 1990/00 0 46 45 Exports & Imports - Australian Bureau of Statistics, International Merchandise Trade: 841459 Fans nes. Import & export data from Exports & Imports - Australian Bureau of Statistics, International Merchandise Trade, as for Figure 21a. Local manufacture data from: Manufacturing production: Estimated value of sales by selected Commodities Produced (MIOCC) Australia, for ‘Industrial Fans’. 25 Analysis of energy end-use by segment using EnergyConsult’s industrial model suggests that in 2006 in Australia industrial fans accounted for 18.8 PJ of total electricity consumption (4.9%) and 5.4 Mt CO2-e of greenhouse emissions in the industrial sector. In New Zealand in 2006 it is estimated that fans accounted for 4.3 PJ (7.2%) and 0.3 Mt CO2-e of greenhouse emissions [EnergyConsult 2008d]. Figure 23: Value of Imports & Exports of Fans – New Zealand47 Total Imports Total Exports $35 $30 The key segments with the largest use of fan energy are shown in Figure 24. In both Australia and New Zealand energy consumption by non-domestic fans is estimated to be highest in the commercial sector. For industrial applications fan energy use is estimated to be highest in the non-metallic mineral products, iron and steel, mining, and wood, paper and printing sectors in Australia, and in the wood, paper and printing, other manufacturing48, iron and steel, and basic non-ferrous metals sectors in New Zealand [Energy Consult 2008d]. Value ($M) $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 In both Australia and New Zealand fans are estimated to be the second largest single contributor to energy consumed Figure 24: Estimated Energy End Use by Fans 2006 [EnergyConsult 2008d] 25 AUSTRALIA Petajoules (PJ) 20 15 10 5 0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products 4 Iron and steel Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction Commercial Mining Agriculture NEW ZEALAND Petajoules (PJ) 3 2 1 0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products Iron and steel Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction 48 47 Import & export data from Statistics New Zealand Infoshare website for: 8414590900 - Fans; n.e.c. in item no. 8414.5 26 Commercial Mining Agriculture Other manufacturing includes: Food, beverages and tobacco; Clothing and footwear; Other metal products; Machinery and equipment; and Other manufacturing. by industrial motor systems: in Australia they are estimated to be responsible for 10.1% of total electricity consumption from industrial motor systems, and in New Zealand for 13.1% of industrial motor system electricity consumption [EnergyConsult 2008d]. In both Australia and New Zealand the energy consumption of fans is more significant in the commercial sector than it is in the industrial sector. In Australia, in 2006 fans are estimated to have consumed 23.8 PJ (13.4%) of electricity in the commercial sector, producing 6.7 Mt CO2-e. In New Zealand, the corresponding figures are 3.9 PJ (13.4%) of electricity in the commercial sector and 0.24 Mt CO2-e [EnergyConsult 2008d]. and compact, and are commonly used in ‘clean air,’ lowpressure, high-volume applications. They are frequently used in exhaust applications where the airborne particulate size is small, including dust streams, smoke and steam. Axial fans tend to have higher rotational speeds than centrifugal fans with the same capacity, and so are generally noisier. They have a severe stall region that makes them unsuitable for applications with widely varying conditions [US DoE 2003]. Figure 26: Tubeaxial Fan [US DoE 2003] 5.2 Fan Technology There are two main types of fans: centrifugal and axial, while mixed flow fans are a combination of both. The different types of fan are characterized by the path of the airflow through the fan [US DoE 2003]. • Centrifugal fans are the most common type of industrial fan. They consist of an impeller with multiple blades rotating within a scroll or spiral shaped casing. The rotating impeller draws air in through a central inlet and pushes the air outwards into the volute shaped casing and out through the air discharge. Centrifugal fans can have several types of blade shapes, including forward curved, radial-blade, radial-tip, backward-inclined, backward-curved, and airfoil. They are sturdy, quiet, reliable and capable of operating over a wide range of conditions. They can generate high pressures with high efficiencies and can be constructed to withstand harsh operating conditions, so they are frequently used in applications with ‘dirty’ airstreams, in material handling applications, and in applications with higher temperatures [CERF/IIEC 2002; US DoE 2003]. Figure 25: Centrifugal Fan with Forward-Curved Blades [US DoE 2003] • Mixed flow fans are a combination of centrifugal and axial (propeller) fan. They combine the ability of the axial fans to move large volumes of air and the centrifugal fan’s ability to operate at higher pressures [CERF/IIEC 2002]. A range of factors determine which type of fan is best suited to a particular application, including the pressure, airflow rate, efficiency, space constraints, noise generation, drive configuration, temperature range, variations in operating conditions, tolerance to corrosive or particulate-laden airstreams and cost [US DoE 2003]. A distinction is often also made between fans and blowers. A fan generally has a working pressure is below 34 kPa while blowers generally operate at working pressures higher than 34 kPa but less than 350 kPa. [CERF/IIEC 2002]. 5.3 Approaches to Improving Energy Efficiency From a component perspective, the main losses which occur in the ‘fan wheel’ relate to mechanical losses, clearance and aerodynamic losses [CERF/IIEC 2002]. Significant increases in fan efficiency can be achieved by reducing the aerodynamic losses through improvements to the design of the impeller or blade, such as aerofoil bladed design (curved and twisted profiles instead of flat sheet metal blades) and additional features such as winglets as the end of the blade to reduce tip losses. Computational Fluid Dynamics allows optimisation of impeller or blade design, but is relatively expensive. [FI 2008] • Axial fans use rotating propeller blades to generate aerodynamic lift which pressurises the air and creates and air-stream parallel to the axis of the fan. They are available in a number of different types including propeller (the simplest), tubeaxial and vaneaxial. Axial fans are light Taking a wider perspective, the efficiency of industrial fans can be increased through the use of more efficient motors, and more efficient transmissions systems where the motor isn’t directly coupled to the fan shaft. In Australia and New Zealand, the motor MEPS will therefore already be helping to drive improvements to the efficiency of fan systems where a 27 three-phase induction motor is used as the motor drive. As with all motor systems, the largest potential savings can be achieved through optimising the overall fan system, with savings of up to 30% possible. Key areas where savings can be achieved include [FI 2008; UKMTP 2006; IEA 2007; US DoE 2003]: • better selection of fans to suite the application; • replacing or modifying over-sized fans; • using variable speed drives, variable inlet vanes or multiple fans rather than dampers where the application has a variable flow rate; • fixing leaks and damaged seals; • correcting poor airflow conditions at fan inlet and outlet; and, • reduce air flow resistance in the ductwork or piping. Fan Energy Efficiency The energy efficiency of a fan is the ratio of the power imparted to the air stream by the fan to the power input to the fan. The power (W) of the air stream is the product of the total pressure (kPa) and the airflow rate (m3/s) [US DoE 2003]: Energy efficiency = Airflow rate (m3/s) x Total pressure (kPa) Input Power (W) A slightly different way of looking at fan energy efficiency is static efficiency, which uses static pressure instead of total pressure in the equation shown above. When assessing fan performance, it is important to know which type of energy efficiency is being referred to [US DoE 2003]. The scope of the fan efficiency metric could simply be the fan (or ‘fan wheel’), or could cover the motor drive, transmission system and fan. The first approach is more relevant for centrifugal fans, where the motor drive is usually separate from the fan. Some axial fans have an integrated fan/motor, and in this case it might be more appropriate to define the energy efficiency by the ratio of the power output from the fan to the power input to the motor. Fan power is proportional to the cube of the rotational speed of the fan. Thus, significant energy savings can be achieved if the fan is chosen so that it can adequately serve the requirements of a particular application at a lower speed. [US DoE 2003]. The performance of a fan is quite similar to the performance of a pump. The operating characteristics of a fan are defined by a performance curve which plots the developed pressure and power required over the range of airflow rates the fan is able to generate (see Figure 27 for an example). 28 Figure 27: Performance Curve for Centrifugal Fan with ForwardCurved Blades [US DoE 2003] As with pumps, fans also have a ‘best efficiency point’ (BEP). This is the point on the performance curve – at a specific pressure and airflow rate – where the fan energy efficiency is highest and it achieves its peak efficiency. Operating a fan at or near to its BEP not only ensures energy efficient operation but reduces wear and on-going maintenance requirements. Operating a fan too far away from its BEP increases bearing loads (and therefore wear and maintenance) and operating noise [US DoE 2003; FI 2008]. Fan performance curves and typical peak efficiencies are different for the different types of fans. Table 5 shows typical peak efficiency values for different types of fans, based on 2005 European data [FI 2008]. Table 5: Typical Peak Efficiencies of Different Fan Types [FI 2008] Fan type Centrifugal Axial Fan total efficiency % (peak) Aerofoil 88 Backward-curved 84 Backward-inclined 80 Foward-inclined 70 Van-axial 85 Tube-axial 75 Propellor 55 Mixed-flow 75 Tangential 25 It is important to note that the overall efficiency of a fan system will be considerably less than the peak efficiency of the stand-alone ‘fan wheel’. This is due to losses in transmissions, motors and control, and due to resistance and leakage losses in any ductwork or piping that the fan is connected to. In addition to this, the fan may be selected at a duty point other than that for its peak efficiency, in the interest of cost, size, outlet velocity, noise etc [FI 2008]. Table 6: MEPS & Labelling for Industrial Fans51 Country MEPS Australia and New Zealand Centrifugal blowers Currently there are no mandatory energy efficiency requirements for fans used in industrial or commercial applications in Australia and New Zealand. Republic of Korea Australian Standard AS ISO 5801-2004: Industrial fans Performance testing using standardized airways, sets out methods for the determination of the performance of industrial fans of all types, including the determination of fan power and efficiency, except those designed solely for air circulation, such as ceiling and table fans. It is identical to, and reproduced from ISO 5801:1997. This standard has been used in a number of international schemes for fan efficiency, and could form the basis of any MEPS or labelling scheme in Australia and New Zealand. While the title of the standard refers to ‘industrial fans’, this is intended to cover all non-residential fans, and so would cover fans used in both commercial and industrial applications [FI 2008]. While there are currently no regulatory requirements for fan efficiency in Australia and New Zealand, there are two government programs to promote fan efficiency: • The Energy Efficiency Exchange website, developed as part of the National Framework for Energy Efficiency, provides access to a range of fact sheets and best practice manuals relating to fan systems produced by both Australian and US government agencies49; • The Motor Solutions Online website hosted by DCCEE provides general best practice information on pump systems50; International China is currently the only country which has a minimum energy performance standard for fans, although some countries have mandatory requirements on the energy efficiency of ventilation systems as part of building regulations. Six countries have voluntary labelling or certification schemes which apply to either fans, or to ventilation systems. A summary of the current status of MEPS and labelling for fans used in industrial or commercial applications is shown in Table 6. 49 http://www.ret.gov.au/energy/efficiency/eex/technologies/motors_ pumps_fans/Pages/Motors,PumpsandFans.aspx 50 http://www.environment.gov.au/settlements/energyefficiency/motors/ Labelling Scheme National Test Standards Voluntary - Industrial fans China Denmark Voluntary ISO 5081 ISO 5081 PNS 1481:1998 ISO 5081 ACMA Denmark Voluntary ISO 5081 Republic of Korea Voluntary - Sweden Voluntary system - Philipines Mandatory Voluntary Mandatory being considered United States Ventilation fans & systems United Kingdom Mandatory system - China has minimum energy efficiency standards for industrial fans, although Chinese manufacturers do not appear to be particularly aware of the standard. The Chinese MEPS is based on ISO 5801:1979 Industrial fans - Performance testing using standardized airways and covers centrifugal fans, axial fans, and centrifugal fans with external rotor motor for air conditioning equipment. The MEPS are based on the ‘fan wheel’, but do not make explicit whether the requirements are for static or total efficiency. The MEPS levels, which depend on specific speed and the pressure coefficient, are shown in Table 7 [FI 2008]. Table 7: Chinese Fan MEPS Requirements Fan type MEPS requirements Centrifugal 61% to 86% Axial 66% to 78% Centrifugal with external rotor motor for air conditioning 43% to 59% The Republic of Korea has a voluntary endorsement labelling scheme for both centrifugal blowers and ventilation fans. The scheme is operated by the Korean Energy Management Corporation (KEMCO) who issue a high efficiency certification label for products which meet certain standards. Information on the test standards used and the minimum performance requirements for certification is not readily available. Denmark has a voluntary endorsement labelling scheme for fans called Spareventilator. Fans can be labelled using the Spareventilator logo if they comply with specified minimum energy efficiency requirements at their best efficiency 51 Information from http://www.apec-esis.org/ 29 Figure 28: Total Fan Efficiency of Spareventilator Fans (not including motor) [FI 2008] point52. The requirements depend on the type of fan and the maximum shaft power, with higher efficiencies required at higher shaft power. The program is based on the ISO 5801 test standard, and covers centrifugal (radial) and axial fans with maximum shaft powers up to 1,000 kW. In addition to this, the scheme also sets out requirements for fans used for transporting dust and particles, and material, and for chamber fans. Figure 28 shows the energy efficiency of fans meeting the Spareventilator requirments in October 2007, against the minimum efficiency requirements for different fan types [FI 2008]. The Philipines is considering introducing mandatory labelling for industrial fans, based on the Philipines National Standard PNS 1481:1998, which is based on the international standard ISO 5081: Industrial fans - Performance testing using standardized airways. A number of European countries – Sweden and the United Kingdom - have schemes which rate the energy efficiency of ventilation systems using specific fan power (SFP), a measure of the specific energy consumption of the fan per volume of air delivered. Because this measure takes into account the efficiency of different system components as well as losses in the ductwork, it does not necessarily provide a good indication of the efficiency of the fan used. The UK has adopted SPF as the basis of ventilation system minimum requirements in its new building regulations, and Germany is also considering this approach [FI 2008]. The US Energy Star voluntary endorsement labelling program covers a range of fans used in residential applications: ceiling fans, kitchen range hoods, bathroom and utility fans, and in-line fans [FI 2008]. However, the Air Movement & Control Association International (ACMA)53 has established a Certified Ratings Programme for Fans – Air Performance. This scheme certifies fans which meet minimum performance requirements set out by AMCA. The program applies to fans within the scope of AMCA International for which performance rating catalogues are published, and there are special requirements for agricultural fans. Four different rating methods can be applied, and the efficiency can be either static or total. Ratings published in the ACMA catalogue need to identify which method has been used and the basis for the efficiency figure [FI 2008]. Work is currently being undertaken in the European Union on mandatory standards for fans under the Framework Directive on the Eco-Design of Energy-Using Products (EuP). Mandatory MEPS have been proposed for ventilation fans in non-residential buildings, although they could be applied more generally to the specific categories of fan, rather than tied to a specific fan application [FI 2008]. Based on analysis undertaken for the EuP, MEPS have been proposed for eight categories of fan in the European Union, where the input power of the electrical motor powering the fan is in the range 125 W to 500 kW (see Table 8). However, it is recommended that the following types of fans be excluded from the requirements [FI 2008]: • Smoke extraction fans not to be used for general ventilation • Fans for solid material transport 52 For further information see: http://www.spareventilator.dk/tekst_hvader. asp?m=2&lang=uk 30 53 For further information see: http://www.amca.org/ Table 8: Proposed European Fan MEPS Levels, 2010 [FI 2008] • Fans for transport of gases other than air • Fans for emergency smoke extraction purposes, having less than 25 operating hours per year It was initially proposed that European MEPS be introduced in 2010, and that in 2020 the MEPS requirements be made more stringent by increasing the initial efficiency requirements by 4%. For categories 6 (box fans) and 8 (cross flow fans) it was proposed that there is an intermediate adjustment to the MEPS levels in 2012 for low power fans [FI 2008]. Further negotiations have been undertaken on the scope of the regulations, test method and MEPS levels. The regulations are now scheduled to commence in January 2012 and be made more stringent for all fan types from January 201554. The proposed European MEPS levels would be based on either the static or total efficiency of a ‘fan’, which is taken to comprise the motor drive and transmission as well as the ‘fan wheel’. The MEPS are based on the minimum allowable best efficiency point and are related to the electrical power input to the fan motor (see Figure 29). A new test standard ISO12759 is being developed to measure the energy efficiency of fans over a range of operational modes55, and this will be used as the basis of the EU regulations [FI 2008]. The EuP study recommends against implementing a labelling scheme for fans, but suggests that an Ecolabelling (or endorsement labelling) be used to identify fans that are 25% better than the MEPS level established for their fan category/power. It also recommends that fan suppliers be required to disclose information on the performance of their fans in a uniform way, and that this be used as the basis of information in print, internet and CDs [FI 2008]. Figure 29: Proposed European MEPS for Fans, 2010 [FI 2008] 55 54 Personal communication from Hugh Faulkner, March 2010. Personal communications from Hugh Faulkner & Frank Klinckenberg, March 2010 31 5.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Fans The E3 Program has the potential to drive improvements in the energy efficiency of new fans through a combination of measures. These include minimum standards to remove the less efficient fans from the market, endorsement labelling to help consumers identify high efficiency fans, and best practice programs to help consumers optimise the energy efficiency of the overall fan system at time of installation or upgrade. Analysis undertaken by the UK Market Transformation Programme suggests that price competition in the fan market is strong and that systems are sold on price rather than lifecycle costs, which results in low installed efficiencies [UKMTP 2007] Initial discussions with Australian and New Zealand industry stakeholders suggest that very few customers undertake a life-cycle costing when selecting a fan. Based on the EuP analysis, it is estimated that MEPS for fans could drive cost-effective energy efficiency improvements in the range of 10% to 15% on average for each new fan installed. In addition to this, a best practice program – based on equipment selection and system optimisation tools - focussed on new installations would be expected to achieve additional savings in the range of 15% to 20% for each new fan installed, although the overall savings achieved would depend on the uptake of the program by industrial consumers. It’s important to note that any energy efficiency requirements for industrial fans would also have an impact of fans used in the commercial sector; in fact, based on the EnergyConsult modelling, the impact in the commercial sector would be expected to be somewhat larger than in the industrial sector. EnergyConsult’s industrial energy model has been used to develop an indicative estimate of the potential savings over a 10-year period56 for a program targeting the energy efficiency of new industrial fans. It is assumed that an average Figure 30a: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Industrial Fans – Australia saving of 12% per new fan can be achieved through MEPS, and that a best practice program could achieve average savings of 20% but is taken up by only 30% of the market over this period. The projected energy savings in both Australia and New Zealand over a 10-year period are shown in Figure 30 below. In Australia, the projected energy savings in the industrial sector from fan MEPS is 2.2 PJ per annum (or 9.4% compared to BAU) after 10 years, with additional savings of 1.0 PJ per annum (4.1%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 2.2 PJ per annum (13.6%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 0.67 Mt CO2-e per annum after 10 years [EnergyConsult 2008d]. In New Zealand, the projected energy savings in the industrial sector from fan MEPS is 0.47 PJ per annum (9.7%) after 10 years, with additional savings of 0.20 PJ per annum (4.2%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 0.67 PJ per annum (13.9%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 75 kt CO2-e per annum after 10 years57 [EnergyConsult 2008d]. Savings in the commercial sector are even more significant. In Australia, the projected energy savings in the commercial sector from fan MEPS is 3.5 PJ per annum (or 9.8% compared to BAU) after 10 years, with additional savings of 1.5 PJ per annum (4.3%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 5.0 PJ per annum (14.1%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 1.1 Mt CO2-e per annum after 10 years [EnergyConsult 2008d]. In New Zealand, the projected energy savings in the commercial sector from fan MEPS is 0.49 PJ per annum (9.5%) after 10 years, with additional savings of 0.21 PJ per annum (4.1%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 0.71 PJ per annum (13.6%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 78 kt CO2-e per annum after 10 years. [EnergyConsult 2008d] Figure 30b: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Industrial Fans – New Zealand BAU MEPS BAU & MEPS BAU MEPS BAU & MEPS 5.0 Energy Consumption (PJ/Yr) Energy Consumption (PJ/Yr) 24 22 20 18 16 14 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 3.8 The modelling is based on a 10-year program from 2010 to 2020, to give an indication of the energy savings which could be expected after a 10-year period. Actual savings would depend on when any measures are introduced. 32 57 The slight differences in the % savings achieved by MEPS and best practice programs in Australian and NZ can be explained by different rates in the growth of the fan stock which are, in turn, related to differences in industry structure and growth rates 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2006 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 56 2007 3.6 12 6 Air Compressors 6.1 Air Compressor Market & Impacts Compressed air systems are widely used throughout the industrial sector; it is estimated that between 65% to 75% of all manufacturers use some form of compressed air system. The compressed air can be used as an energy source for certain manufacturing processes, including powering pneumatic tools, packaging and automation equipment, and conveyers. Many manufacturing industries also use compressed air for combustion and process operations such as oxidation, cryogenics, refrigeration, filtration, dehydration, and aeration [EnergyConsult 2008b; NAEEEP 2001b]. The Australian Bureau of Statistics collects data on the import and export of air compressors for Australia. Data on the value of local production is also collected, although air compressors are combined with pumps and pumping machinery. Data on the level of imports and exports to Australia over the period 1999/00 to 2006/07 is presented in Figure 31a, and the data on the value of imports, exports and estimated local manufacture over the same period is presented in Figure 31b. Figure 31b: Value of Imports, Exports & Local Production of Air Compressors - Australia59 There has been no comprehensive study of the population of air compressors currently operating in Australia and New Zealand. A 2001 study [NAEEEP 2001b] estimated that there were around 1 million air compressors with a rating of less than 20 kW in use in Australia, and that annual sales were around 100,000 units per year with the majority (77%) being air compressors in the range 2.25 to 20 kW. It was estimated that 90% of these units were driven by an electric prime mover, 9% by petrol and 1% by diesel. Total Exports Local Manufacture $80 $70 $60 Value ($M) Figure 31a: Imports and Exports of Air Compressors - Australia58 Total Imports $50 $40 $30 Total Imports Total Exports $20 250,000 $10 $0 200,000 Number of Units 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 150,000 100,000 50,000 2006/07 2005/06 2004/05 2003/04 2002/03 2001/02 2000/01 1999/00 0 Over the period 1999/00 to 2006/07 Australian imports of air compressors (excluding those mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing) averaged 110,300 per year for an average customs value of $40 million. During this period exports averaged 112,700 units per year for an average customs value of $20 million. The value of local manufacture is estimated to have averaged $66 million per year. Taken as a whole, the data on imports exports and local manufacture suggest that the value of Australian sales of air compressors has remained relatively constant at around $89 million per year. 58 Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, International Merchandise Trade. Imports - 8414802062 Reciprocating or rotary air compressors or pumps (excl those mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing) having a capacity exc 3 but not exc 25 cubic metres of free air delivered per minute; Exports - 84148002 Air pumps, air or gas compressors & ventilation or recycling hoods incorporating a fan (excl. hand or foot operated air pumps, compressors for refrigerating equip or mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing & hoods having a maxi horizon side =< 120cm); 84148000 Air pumps, air or other gas compressors and fans and ventilating or recycling hoods incorporating a fan nes. 59 Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, International Merchandise Trade for Imports and Exports. Local manufacture - Australian Bureau of Statistics, Manufacturing production: Estimated value of sales by selected Commodities Produced (MIOCC), Pumps & Pumping machinery. Data only available for selected years. It has been assumed that air compressors account for 15% of the value of pumps and air compressors, based on IBISWorld 2004. 33 Figure 32: Value of Imports & Exports of Air Compressors – New Zealand60 Statistics New Zealand collects data on the value of imports and exports of air compressors for New Zealand, but does not collect data on the value of local production. Data on the value of imports and exports over the period 2000 to 2007 is presented in Figure 32. Over this period the average value of imports was NZ$22 million per year and the average value of exports was NZ$10 million. Total Imports Total Exports $40 $35 Analysis of energy end-use by segment using EnergyConsult’s industrial model suggests that in 2006 in Australia air compressors accounted for 14.0 PJ of total electricity consumption (3.6%) and 4.0 Mt CO2-e of greenhouse emissions in the industrial sector, while in New Zealand it is estimated that air compressors accounted for 3.3 PJ (5.6%) and 0.2 Mt CO2-e of greenhouse emissions. In both Australia and New Zealand use of compressed air is largest in other manufacturing61 and iron and steel. In Australia it is also significant in the mining, chemical and non-metallic mineral sectors. In New Zealand it is also significant in the wood, paper and printing, chemical and basic non-ferrous metals sectors, as shown in Figure 33 [EnergyConsult 2008d]. $30 Value ($M) $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Figure 33: Estimated Energy End-Use by Air Compressors 2006 4 AUSTRALIA Petajoules (PJ) 3 2 1 0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products Iron and steel 1.0 Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction Commercial Mining Commercial Mining Agriculture NEW ZEALAND Petajoules (PJ) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products Iron and steel Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction Agriculture 60 Import & export data from Statistics New Zealand Infoshare website for: 8414800100 - Compressor outfits; 8414801101 - Compressors; freepiston generators for gas turbines; 8414801900 - Compressors; n.e.c. in item no. 8414.80.11 34 61 Other manufacturing includes: Food, beverages and tobacco; Clothing and footwear; Other metal products; Machinery and equipment; and Other manufacturing. 6.2 Air Compressor Technology compressed air through a check valve to the 2nd stage where it is further compressed and delivered to the storage tank. Oil may be used as lubricant to reduce wear and tear as result of friction between reciprocating piston and stationary cylinder. Where oil free air is required, oil separators or filters may be used, or an oil free compressor design. Reciprocating compressors are generally the most energy efficient compressors, both at full and part loads [EnergyConsult 2008b; NAEEEP 2001b, CAAA]. Air compressors are used to convert electrical energy to high pressure air that in turn can be used for a number of applications, especially in the mining and manufacturing sectors. The majority of compressed air systems, especially the small and medium-sized units, use an electrical motor as the prime mover, although portable units generally use a petrol or diesel driven motor. Large air compressor systems running for extended periods of hours may be more economical to run by a gas engine [EnergyConsult 2008b; NAEEEP 2001b]. Air compressors are classified according to the way air is compressed. There are three main types of air compressors:Reciprocating, Rotary Screw, and Centrifugal. These basic types can be further classified on the basis of number of compression stages, cooling method (air, water, oil), drive method (motor, engine, steam, other), lubrication (oil, oilfree), and packaged or custom-built. Air compressors form part of an overall compressed air system, and a typical system is shown in Figure 34 [EnergyConsult 2008b; NAEEEP 2001b]. Reciprocating compressors use a reciprocating piston to compress air into a storage tank through a valve. The motor shuts off when the pressure in the tank reaches a specified level. As compressed air is used, the pressure inside the tank drops, and the motor restarts to build the pressure back up again. The reciprocating compressor can be a single or two stage system. In single stage systems (typically 800 to 1,000 kPa), only one piston chamber is used to compress air. In two stage systems, generally large-capacity industrial scale compressors, the first compression chamber delivers Screw (or rotary) compressors generally consist of two meshing helical screws located within a casing which rotate in opposite directions to compress the air. Both oil injected and oil free versions – which have no oil in contact with the air as it passes through the compressor – are available. The power consumption of screw compressors during unloaded operation is normally higher than for reciprocating types. For this reason they are normally used to provide a constant ‘base load’ compressed air requirement to avoid excessive unloaded operation [EnergyConsult 2008b; NAEEEP 2001b]. Centrifugal compressors use high speed rotating impellers to accelerate air and raise air pressure. To reach the required operating pressures, several impeller stages are required. They are generally used in larger central plant air compressor applications which require compressed air volumes in the range 500 to 14,000 L/s. Centrifugal compressors are oil free; the only lubrication is in the drive system, which is sealed off from the air system. Centrifugal compressors are recognised for their ability to operate for long periods without maintenance. These compressors are fairly efficient down to around 60% of their design output [EnergyConsut 2008b; NAEEEP 2001b; CAAA]. Figure 34: Typical Compressed Air System Distribution Inlet filter Receiver Packaged compressor & motor Separator Aftercooler Compressor controller Air line filter Dryer Regulator 35 6.3 Approaches to Improving Energy Efficiency Air Compressor Energy Efficiency The energy efficiency of an air compressor is the volume of air delivered at a particular pressure divided by the power input, measured in Litres/second/kW or m3/second/kW. However, as Ellis has noted, the definition and measurement of air compressor efficiency has many pitfalls because, while measurement standards do exist, they have not always be accurately and consistently applied [NAEEEP 2001b, USDoE]: • Data is often specified for full load operation (full capacity and specified full-load discharge pressure), but as most systems operate at part load for much of the time, a comparison of part load efficiency is also important; • The actual full-load power requirement of an air compressor can exceed the nameplate rating of the motor, so the energy efficiency should be based on actual power consumption; • Manufacturers may use a ‘flange-to-flange’ rating for air flow rate that does not include inlet, discharge and other losses, which can lead to overstated efficiency ratings. In addition to this the energy consumption of accessory components such as cooling fan motors, may not be treated consistently; • Manufacturers may apply different ranges or tolerances to performance data; Australia & New Zealand A study undertaken for the E3 Program in the early 2000’s [NAEEEP 2001b] looked at the potential for introducing MEPS for packaged air compressors in Australia, but recommended against introducing MEPS at that time, mainly because: the potential savings from MEPS were relatively small compared to the savings from improving the whole compressed air system; and, (2) it was felt that there was no split incentive affecting the air compressor purchase decisions, the main barrier being related to information failures62. This report concluded that measures such as the provision of information on the design, operation and control, and energy efficiency labelling based on common standards, was the best way forward. A concrete outcome of this was that the E3 Program worked with the Compressed Air Association of Australia to produce a series of information brochures on efficient compressed air systems [CAAA]. More recently the Energy Efficiency Exchange website has been established for industrial energy users, as part of Australia’s National Framework for Energy Efficiency. This provides general best practice information on the design and operation of compressed air systems, as well as links to useful publications and tools produced by a number of Commonwealth and State government industrial energy efficiency programs, as well as useful international resources63. In New Zealand, working groups have been set up to address compressed air system efficiency on a voluntary basis. The Electricity Commission is running a Compressed Air Systems (CAS) Best Practice Electricity Efficiency programme in conjunction with qualified compressed air system auditors and the Compressed Air Association of Australasia (CAAA). The programme includes a CAS Auditor Accreditation Scheme, which is maintained jointly by the Electricity Commission and the CAAA64. The Electricity Commission also has observer member status for the ISO committee ISO/TC 118/SC6, currently charged with the development of an energy audit standard (ISO/ CD 11011) for compressed air systems. It is hoped that ISO 1101 will eventually replace the locally developed standard as an integral part of the CAS Auditor Accreditation Scheme and an international standard for all CAS auditors. Currently no energy performance standards apply to compressed air systems in Australia or New Zealand, although some standards regulate other features of compressed air systems [EnergyConsult 2008b]: • AS 2221.1-1979 covers the methods for measurements of airborne sound emitted by compressor units; • AS 4297-1995: Underground mining - Stationary air compressors is based on an international standard and establishes standards for the safe design, construction, installation and operation of stationary and skid-mounted air compressors for general use; • AS 4637-2006: Measurement of pump displacement and free air delivery of a reciprocating air compressor package. This Standard sets out a simplified method for determining pump displacement and free air delivery of a reciprocating air compressor package with a maximum pump displacement of 2,400 litres per minute. It provides information for manufacturers, suppliers and users of air compressor packages to facilitate grounds for agreement. It should be noted that AS 4637-2006 does not measure the energy performance of the compressed air system, only the free air delivery. A MEPS or energy labelling scheme usually relies on the creation, or use, of an energy performance test that would typically be incorporated into an Australia/New Zealand Standard. AS 4637-2006 could be a suitable candidate for expansion of the performance test to include energy measurement, and subsequent MEPS levels. The current scope of AS 4637-2006 is limited to reciprocating air compressors of up to 2,400 litres per minute in output, or motors up to a rating of around 30 kW [EnergyConsult 2008b]. 63 http://www.ret.gov.au/energy/efficiency/eex/technologies/compressed_ air/Pages/CompressedAir.aspx 62 More recent studies on energy efficiency have noted that split incentives (or principle agent problems) can still exist where the person responsible for purchasing equipment is not the person responsible for operating it and paying the energy bills. 36 64 See: http://www.electricitycommission.govt.nz/opdev/elec-efficiency/ programmes/industrial/cas and http://www.electricitycommission.govt.nz/ advisorygroups/pjtteam/CAS While there are currently no MEPS which specifically target air compressors in Australia, the MEPS for threephase electric motors which were first introduced in 2001, and subsequently made more stringent in 2006, will have increased the energy efficiency of some air compressor systems. Ellis estimated that 90% of air compressors with a rating less than 20kW had an electric prime mover, and that of these 37% would have a three-phase electric motor [NAEEEP 2001b]. International Currently, only the People’s Republic of China has mandatory MEPS for air compressors. GB 19153-2003, which covers MEPS for displacement air compressors was published in May 2003, came into force in November 2003 and was updated in April 2005. China also operates a voluntary labelling scheme for air compressors through the China Certification Centre for Energy Conservation Product65. Some industry level voluntary standards have been developed by the American Compressed Air and Gas Institute (CAGI) in conjunction with their European counterparts PNEUROP66. These simplified performance testing standards have been incorporated as addenda to the International Standards Organisation (ISO) Standard ISO 1217: 1996, Displacement Compressors Acceptance Tests. These standards were adopted by the membership of CAGI and will be reflected in performance data published in manufacturers’ literature [EnergyConsult 2008b]. In the US and Europe, the following standards have been developed for measuring air compressor performance: • CAGI/PNEUROP - Acceptance Test Code for Bare Displacement Air Compressors (PN2CPTC1); • CAGI/PNEUROP - Acceptance Test Code for ElectricallyDriven Packaged Displacement Air Compressors (PN2CPTC2); • CAGI/PNEUROP - Acceptance Test Code for I.C. Engine-Driven Packaged Displacement Air Compressors (PN2CPTC3); • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Power Test Code 9, Displacement Compressors, Vacuum Pumps, and Blowers; and, • International Standards Organisation - ISO1217 Displacement Compressors Acceptance Tests. In addition to these test standards, there are a number of well regarded best practice programs operating in the United States and Europe. The focus of these programs is mainly on maintenance and operations of air compressor systems, rather on driving increased sales of more efficient air compressors [NAEEEP 2002]: • Compressed Air Challenge (US)67 – Launched in 1997 and operated as a voluntary collaboration between manufacturers, distributors, end users, government, utilities, energy efficiency organisations and research organisations. The program is run by a committee which comprises members from the US Department of Energy, utilities and industry associations. The main aim of the program is to provide accurate and up-to-date information on compressed air system design, performance and assessment methods using a range of resources, including: fact sheets; resources manuals; Pressure Point newsletter; AIRMaster+ Software; and, Training seminars. • US DoE BestPractices Program68 - Run by the Office of Industrial Technologies, the program helps industry identify plant-wide opportunities for energy savings and process efficiency, including compressed air systems. The program provides information, training and grants for implementation and R&D projects. In addition to promoting the Compresses Air Challenge, the BestPractices program contains a number of downloadable resource manuals. • UK Carbon Trust – was set up by the UK Government in 2001 as an independent company with a mission to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy69. It provides a range of services to industrial energy users to assist them to reduce their carbon footprint and save energy, including general energy efficiency best practice advice, information brochures on specific topics, and interest free loans for upgrading to energy efficient equipment. This includes a series of publications on compressed air systems. Also, in the UK, the Enhanced Capital Allowance scheme enables businesses to claim 100% first-year capital allowance on investments in eligible energy-saving equipment. While energy efficient air compressors are not eligible under this scheme, a range of energy saving devices and controllers that can be used as part of a compressed air system do qualify. The US AirMaster+ program is an interactive software tool that enables assessment and analysis of compressed air systems. It is available as a free download from the Compressed Air Challenge website, requires training to use, and the US Department of Energy provides a helpline that users can call for technical assistance. The software allows users to enter information about their businesses compressed air system and compressed air requirements, and can then be used to [NAEEEP, 2002]: • Calculate energy, air flow and dollar savings from any combination of eight energy efficiency measures; • Keep a maintenance record system; • Analyse replacement compressors using a catalogue of commercially available air compressors; • Undertake a lifecycle analysis for air compressor projects. 65 67 66 68 See the CLASP website http://www.clasponline.org/clasp.online. worldwide.php?product=97 http://www.compressedairchallenge.org/content/library/factsheets/ factsh8.pdf See the Compressed Air Challenge website http://www. compressedairchallenge.org/index.html http://www1.eere.energy.gov/industry/bestpractices/compressed_air.html 69 http://www.carbontrust.co.uk/default.ct 37 Energy Saving Options It is estimated that when electricity is used to produce compressed air, more than 75% of this energy is lost in the process of conversion, making it one of the most expensive forms of ‘energy’ used in industry70. This also means that there is significant scope for cost effective energy savings. Typically up to 86% of the total cost of a compressed air system over its physical life, including investment and maintenance costs, is the cost of energy [EnergyConsult 2008b]. A major study on air compressors in the European Union [Radgen & Blaunstein 2001] estimated the energy saving potential over a 15 year period for a range of measures that were considered to be cost effective (under 3 year payback). This study estimated that total savings of 32.9% were possible, with the majority of this coming from savings in operation and maintenance – especially eliminating leaks – and system optimisation. The breakdown is shown in Figure 35. When installing a new compressed air system, or upgrading an existing one, savings can be achieved by selecting the most energy efficient air compressor. This would involve selecting the most efficient type of air compressor, or combination of air compressors, for the specific application, and then selecting the most efficient models available. Figure 35: Typical Compressed Air System [Radgen & Blaunstein 2001] Major savings opportunities are found in system optimisation and selection. Optimising the parameters of compressed air system with facility requirements can help improve the overall system efficiency without compromising reliability or performance. The most practical step is to identify all the uses of compressed air in the plant, by volume, pressure, and applications, to create a compressed air demand profile. This can then be matched to equipment and overall compressed air system specifications e.g. one or multiple compressors, central or scattered location, type of end-use equipments etc [EnergyConsult 2008b]. Other significant savings in the energy consumption of compressed air systems can be obtained through: • Identifying and eliminating inappropriate uses of compressed air; • Checking for and eliminating leaks; • If compressors do not need to run continuously, installing shut-off timers or automatic timer switches to turn off compressors when not required; • Using cooler air from outside rather than the hot air from the compressor rooms; • Measuring pressure drop between the receiver tank and the discharge point and if the drop is excessive (greater than 10%) investigating if system components and pipes are obstructed, restricted, rough or incorrectly sized. 6.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Air Compressors The E3 Program could drive improvements to the energy efficiency of compressed air systems through a combination of minimum standards to remove the less efficient air compressors from the market, and best practice programs which assisted consumers to optimise the energy efficiency of the compressed air system in which the air compressor is located at time of installation or upgrade. Based on the analysis of the energy saving potential for air compressors in the European Union [Radgen & Blaunstein 2001], it is estimated that MEPS for air compressors could drive energy efficiency improvements of around 2.5% on average for each new air compressor installed. In addition to this, a best practice program focussed on new installations would be expected to achieve additional savings in the range of 10% to 20% for each new air compressor installed, although the overall savings achieved would depend on the use of the program by industrial consumers. Significant additional savings (10% to 20%) could be achieved through best practice maintenance and operational procedures. 70 Energy saving potentials in compressed air systems away from the compressor, a presentation by Presented by: Frank R. Mueller of Bako Equipment, in Beijing China on 12th June 2007 38 As MEPS in Australia and New Zealand already target threephase electric motors, and the majority of air compressors used for industrial applications are likely to have threephase motors, the main target of a MEPS targeting air compressors would be the compressor unit itself. As noted above, the potential savings from this are likely to be modest in comparison to the savings which can be achieved from system optimisation and best practice maintenance and In Australia, the projected energy savings from air compressor MEPS is 0.34 PJ per annum (or 2.0% compared to BAU) after 10 years, with additional savings of 0.60 PJ per annum (3.4%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 0.94 PJ per annum (5.4%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 0.2 Mt CO2-e per annum after 10 years [EnergyConsult 2008d]. 13 11 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 9 Figure 36b: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Air Compressors – New Zealand BAU MEPS MEPS & BP 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2.8 2008 EnergyConsult’s industrial energy model has been used to estimate the potential savings over a 10-year period71 for policies which target the energy efficiency of new air compressors. It is assumed that an average saving of 2.5% per air compressor can be achieved through MEPS, and that a best practice program targeting new installations could achieve average savings of 15% but is taken up by only 30% of the market. The projected energy savings in both Australia and New Zealand are shown in Figures 36a and36b. 15 2007 Voluntary labelling/certification schemes are not necessarily taken up by all equipment suppliers in an industry, and often mean that only the most efficient products are certified/ labelled. The development of a mandatory certification/ energy labelling scheme for compressors in Australia and New Zealand would ensure that data was collected for all air compressors covered under the scope of the scheme, and would facilitate the development of on-line equipment selection and system optimisation tools. 17 2006 • Certification/labelling for entire compressed air systems – this could relate to the soundness of the design process or to the energy performance of the entire system. 19 2006 • Certification/labelling for specific system components (eg air compressor), based on a measure of their energy performance (eg L/s/kW). It would be important for this scheme to provide data on full- and part-load energy performance, so that the most efficient unit for a specific application could be selected; BAU MEPS MEPS & BP Energy Consumption (PJ) Air compressor manufacturer’s could use a range of design strategies to develop more energy efficient air compressors, including use of high efficiency electric motors, speed controlled motors, more efficient compressors, better controls, etc. The study on European air compressors [Radgen & Blaunstein 2001] noted that the development of a certification and/or labelling scheme is an essential component of efforts to assist users to design, purchase and operation of compressed air systems, and put forward two possible approaches to be considered: Figure 36a: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Air Compressors – Australia Energy Consumption (PJ/Yr) operation. In New Zealand, the projected energy savings from air compressor MEPS is 75 TJ per annum (2.0%) after 10 years, with additional savings of 131 TJ per annum (3.5%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 205 TJ per annum (5.5%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 23 kt CO2-e per annum after 10 years [EnergyConsult 2008d]. 71 The modelling is based on a 10-year program from 2010 to 2020, to give an indication of the energy savings which could be expected after a 10-year period. Actual savings would depend on when any measures are introduced. 39 7Industrial Chillers 7.1 Chiller Market & Impacts Chillers are used in space cooling equipment in commercial buildings and for refrigeration in many industrial processes, especially in food processing and the chemical industry. Industrial chillers are a refrigeration system that cools water or some other fluid72 to provide a coolant for cold storage, manufacturing and laboratory processes. The applications for industrial chillers are varied and include: food processing and storage, ice making, process cooling in the plastic, rubber and pharmaceutical industries, mechanical engineering and machining cooling applications, air drying for compressed air, solvent coolers, milk coolers, aerospace production, and medical facilities [NAEEEP Oct 2004b; E3 2009b]. A recent estimate suggests that there are around 17,000 industrial chillers installed in Australia and New Zealand [E3 2009b]73. MEPS for the chillers used in commercial building HVAC systems were approved for introduction in Australia and New Zealand from July 2009. However, the scope of the standard used as the basis for these MEPS largely excludes the types of chillers used in industrial processes. Analysis of energy end-use by segment using EnergyConsult’s industrial model suggests that in Australia in 2006 industrial chillers were responsible for 12.5 PJ (3.3%) of total electricity use and 3.6 Mt CO2-e of energy-related greenhouse emissions in the industrial sector, while in New Zealand they were responsible for 2.9 PJ (4.9%) of total electricity use and 0.2 Mt CO2-e of greenhouse emissions. As shown in Figure 37, in Australia the key segments with the largest use of industrial chiller energy are other manufacturing74 (largely in food processing), chemicals, mining (largely oil and gas) and agriculture. In New Zealand the key segments are other manufacturing, agriculture and chemical products [EnergyConsult 2008d]. Figure 37: Estimated Energy Use by Industrial Chillers in 2006 6 AUSTRALIA Petajoules (PJ) 5 4 3 2 1 0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products Iron and steel Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction Commercial Mining Agriculture NEW ZEALAND 1.6 1.4 Petajoules (PJ) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products Iron and steel 72 Brine (salted water) and glycol are used in some applications. 73 This includes 9,000 chillers for process and cold storage refrigeration and 7,950 for milk vat refrigeration.. 40 Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction 74 Commercial Mining Agriculture Other manufacturing includes: Food, beverages and tobacco; Clothing and footwear; Other metal products; Machinery and equipment; and Other manufacturing. 7.2 Chiller Technology Chillers produce their cooling effect through a refrigeration process which relies on vapour compression (heat given off) and expansion (heat taken in). The compressor is the key component of the chiller, and the main categorisation of chillers is based on the type of compressor and the compression technique used. There are four different types of chillers: reciprocating compression; scroll compression; screw-driven compression; and centrifugal compression. The prime mover is generally an electric motor, but steam or gas turbines may also be used on larger systems [EnergyConsult 2008a]. Chillers can also be categorised by the type of refrigerant gas used. Most chillers use a fluorocarbon refrigerant, and some use ammonia [E3, 2009b]. A further categorisation of chillers is based on the heat rejection technique. Chillers can be air-cooled or watercooled. Water-cooled chillers incorporate the use of cooling towers which improves the chillers’ thermodynamic effectiveness compared to air-cooled chillers [EnergyConsult 2008a]. The main chiller applications in industry are manufacturing process refrigeration, cold storage, and milk vat refrigeration. Chillers which use ammonia as the primary refrigerant are commonly referred to as Industrial Refrigeration systems. They are generally based on screw compressors or large reciprocating compressors, have refrigeration capacities in the range of 110kW to 1,055 kW or larger, and are used in large process refrigeration applications and the majority of new cold storage applications [E3, 2009b]. The most common type of chiller, and the one which accounts for the majority of electricity consumption, is the packaged liquid chiller. Packaged liquid chillers are factorymade prefabricated assemblies which are specifically designed for cooling liquid, and are available with refrigeration capacities in the range 1kW to 1,000kW. They could be based on any of the four different compressor types, and consist of a single unit with various components such as the chiller unit, condenser, and pump station with recirculating pump, expansion valve, no-flow shutdown, internal cold water tank, and temperature control. The internal tank is used to maintain the temperature of cold water and eliminates temperature spikes. Closed loop industrial chillers recirculate some chemical coolant or water with conditioning additives as the coolant for water cooled components. The chilled water flows from the chiller to the end-use and back [EnergyConsult 2008a; E3 2009b]. If the water temperature differential between inlet and outlet is high, a large external water tank is used to store the cold water. In this case the chilled water is not going directly from the chiller to the application, but goes to the external water tank which acts as a ‘temperature buffer’. The cold water goes from the external tank to the application and the return hot water from the application goes back to the external tank, not to the chiller [EnergyConsult 2008a]. The less common open loop industrial chillers control the temperature of a liquid in an open tank or sump by constantly recirculating it. The liquid is drawn from the tank, pumped through the chiller and back to the tank. An adjustable thermostat senses the makeup liquid temperature, cycling the chiller to maintain a constant temperature in the tank. 75 7.3 Approaches to Improving Chiller Energy Efficiency Australia & New Zealand Currently, no energy performance requirements apply specifically to industrial chillers in Australia or New Zealand. The standard AS/NZS 4776 Liquid-chilling packages using the vapour compression cycle covers commercial packaged chillers and is the basis of MEPS regulations agreed for implementation from July 200976 [E3 Dec 2008] In New Zealand these regulations are expected to be introduced in December 2009. The new mandatory chiller MEPS cover commercial chillers with a refrigeration output capacity of greater than 350 kW. The intended target of these regulations is chillers installed in commercial buildings as part of a HVAC system. While the standard does not specify the intended application of the chiller, the scope of the standard specifies temperature conditions typical for space cooling applications77, making it unlikely that it will apply to many chillers used in industrial applications [E3 Dec 2008]. During 2009/10, the E3 Committee is developing a 10year Strategy on non-domestic refrigeration equipment78. This strategy will be the main vehicle for progressing the development of any MEPS for industrial chillers. The draft strategy proposes that minimum standards based on Coefficient of Performance79 be implemented for compressors used in all types of non-domestic chillers, and that minimum standards be implemented for fan motors rated between 5 and 2,000 Watts used in non-domestic refrigeration systems. These ‘horizontal’ standards would also impact on chillers used in industrial applications [E3 2009a & 2009b]. 75 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiller 76 The standard is split into three parts: Part 1.1: Method of rating and testing for performance—Rating; Part 1.2: Method of rating and testing for performance—Testing; Part 2: Minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) and compliance requirement. 77 Leaving chilled water of 4 – 9oC, entering condenser water temperature of 18 to 40oC or entering condenser air-dry-bulb temperature of 13 to 52oC. 78 The strategy In from the Cold: Strategies to increase the energy efficiency of non-domestic refrigeration in Australia and New Zealdn was released in October 2009 and is scheduled to be finalised in late 2010. 79 Coefficient of Performance (CoP) is the ratio of the refrigerating capacity of the compressor and the energy consumption of the compressor. 41 International Four countries have mandatory minimum energy performance standards relating to water chillers:- USA, Canada, Chinese Taipei and the People’s Republic of China, and Israel has voluntary minimum standards80. However, like the new Australian and New Zealand MEPS requirements, these regulations relate mainly to the performance of chillers used for space cooling applications. The USA, Canada and Chinese Taipei all test chillers to ARI 550/590 or the equivalent standard [EnergyConsult 2008a]. Currently there are no mandatory MEPS or labelling requirements which apply to industrial chillers. The People’s Republic of China has a voluntary labelling scheme for all types of chillers81, which is run by the China Certification Centre for Energy Conservation Product (CECP). While the basic requirement for the products certified by CECP is to meet certain quality, safety and environmental standards, no specific information on the chiller certification program is available in English. A number of voluntary schemes are operating in Europe. The UK Government’s Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) scheme has established a set of performance specifications for compressors to serve as the eligibility criteria for a capital allowance write-down. The Association of European Compressor and Controls Manufacturers (ASERCOM) manage a voluntary program which certifies the performance of compressors [E3, 2009b]. There are a number of standards used overseas which could be used as the basis of a MEPS program covering industrial chillers in Australia and New Zealand [E3 2009b]: • EN13771-1 (2003) Compressors and Condensing Units for Refrigeration – Performance Testing and Test Methods – Part 1: Refrigerant Compressors. This describes a number of selected performance test methods which allow the determination of the Coefficient of Performance; • ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 23-2005 Methods of Testing for Rating Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors and Condensing Units. Energy saving options Technologically there are number of options that can be used to improve the energy efficiency of industrial chillers. These include intelligent control systems, improving heat transfer, use of efficient compressor technology, use of an efficient prime-mover (eg motor), and use of ‘free cooling’ [EnergyConsult 2008a]: • Intelligent control systems can control all aspects of chiller operation to ensure that coolant supply matches refrigeration demand. The control system can be used to control water flow, output of the prime mover, flow control of coolant, improved temperature sensing at end-use and optimisation between changing cooling requirements at end-use point to the output of the chiller. • Improved heat transfer can be achieved by minimising heat losses due to leakages and poor insulation, use of material with better heat transfer and corrosion resistance characteristics, and improved and unrestricted flow of coolant. • Use of more efficient compression technology can improve the efficiency of the chiller. Centrifugal and scroll types compressors are generally considered to be more efficient than the reciprocating type that is commonly used. In addition, optimum sizing and use of an efficient prime mover can also improve energy performance of the chiller. • ‘Free cooling’ – use of lower ambient temperatures to pre-cool the make-up or returning water to the chiller - is yet another way of minimising energy input to the chiller. Free cooling is particularly useful for industrial chillers, as they often operate irrespective of weather conditions, and can be achieved with a temperature differential of as little as 1oC. 7.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Industrial Chillers The E3 Program could drive improvements to the energy efficiency of industrial chillers through a combination of minimum standards to remove the less efficient chillers from the market, and best practice programs which assisted consumers to optimise the energy efficiency of the refrigeration system in which the chiller is located at time of installation or upgrade. Based on the analysis undertaken for the proposed commercial chiller MEPS in Australia and New Zealand, it is estimated that MEPS for industrial chillers could drive energy efficiency improvements in the range of 5% to 10% on average for each new chiller installed. In addition to this, a best practice program focussed on new installations would be expected to achieve additional savings in the range of 2% to 25% [EnergyConsult 2008a] for each new chiller installed, although the overall savings achieved would depend on the use of the program by industrial consumers. EnergyConsult’s industrial energy model has been used to prepare a preliminary estimate of the potential savings over a 10-year period82 for policies which target the energy efficiency of new industrial chillers. It is assumed that an average saving of 8% per chiller can be achieved through MEPS, and that a best practice program – based on equipment selection and system optimisation tools - could achieve average savings of 10% but is taken up by only 30% of the market. The projected energy savings in both Australia and New Zealand are shown in Figures 38a and 38b. 82 80 http://www.clasponline.org/clasp.online.worldwide.php?product=37 81 CLASP Website: http://www.clasponline.org/clasp.online.worldwide. php?product=111 42 The modelling is based on a 10-year program from 2010 to 2020, to give an indication of the energy savings which could be expected after a 10-year period. Actual savings would depend on when any measures are introduced. More detailed estimates will be prepared as part of the commercial refrigeration equipment strategy. Figure 38a: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Chillers – Australia In Australia, the projected energy savings from industrial chiller MEPS is 0.8 PJ per annum (or 5.1% compared to BAU) after 10 years, with additional savings of 0.3 PJ per annum (1.8%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 1.1 PJ per annum (6.9%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 0.2 Mt CO2-e per annum after 10 years [EnergyConsult 2008d]. BAU MEPS MEPS & BP 18 Energy Consumption (PJ/Yr) 17 In New Zealand, the projected energy savings from chiller MEPS is 0.18 PJ per annum (5.1%) after 10 years, with additional savings of 0.06 PJ per annum (1.9%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 0.24 PJ per annum (6.9%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 26 kt CO2-e per annum after 10 years [EnergyConsult 2008d]. 16 15 14 13 12 11 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 10 Figure 38b: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Chillers – New Zealand As noted above, further work on industrial chiller MEPS will be progressed as part of the E3 Program’s 10-Year Strategy on non-domestic refrigeration equipment. A more detailed assessment of the feasibility of regulating the energy efficiency of this equipment, and the energy and greenhouse savings which could be achieved, will be undertaken as part of this work program [E3 2009a & b]. BAU MEPS MEPS & BP 4.0 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 1.0 2006 Energy Consumption (PJ/Yr) 3.5 43 8Industrial Boilers Boilers are an important item of industrial equipment and are also used widely in the commercial sector. In industrial applications, boilers are generally used to generate steam or high-temperature hot water (100oC to 200oC) hot water. Steam is used for many industrial process heating applications, and is also used to control temperatures and pressures during chemical processes, strip contaminants from process fluids, dry paper products, to drive mechanical processes, and as a source of hydrogen for steam methane reforming in chemical and petroleum refining processes [IEA 2007]. Unlike the United States [ORNL 2005], there has been no comprehensive study of the population of industrial boilers currently operating in Australia and New Zealand. Two studies on boilers have been undertaken for the E3 Program. The first of these [NAEEEP 2001a] explicitly excluded industrial boilers, and while the second study [NAEEEP 2004a] covered boilers used for domestic, commercial and industrial applications, it focused only on oil-fired boilers and contained no data on the installed stock of gas fired boilers. Over the period 1999/00 to 2006/07 imports of boilers averaged 5,428 per year for an average customs value of $10.2 million. During this period exports averaged 6,979 units per year for an average customs value of $3.5 million. The value of local manufacture averaged $35.3 million per year. Taken as a whole, the data on imports exports and local manufacture suggest that the value of Australian sales of boilers is currently around $50 million. Figure 39b: Value of Imports, Exports & Local Production of Boilers - Australia84 Total Imports Total Exports Local Manufacture $45 $40 $35 $30 Value ($M) 8.1 Boiler Market & Impacts $25 $20 $15 The Australian Bureau of Statistics collects data on the import and export of boilers for generating steam and hot water, as well as data on the value of local production. Data on the level of imports and exports to Australia over the period 1999/00 to 2006/07 is presented in Figure 39a, and the data on the value of imports, exports and estimated local manufacture over the same period is presented in Figure 39b. Figure 39a: Imports and Exports of Boilers - Australia83 Total Imports Total Exports 35,000 $10 $5 $0 1999/00 2000/01 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Statistics New Zealand collects data on the value of imports and exports of boilers for generating steam and hot water, but does not collect data on the value of local production. Data on the value of imports and exports to New Zealand over the period 2000 to 2007 is presented in Figure 40. Over this period the import of boilers had an average customs value of NZ$1.5 million, and the export of boilers had an average customs value of NZ$1.9 million. Number of Units 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 2006/07 2005/06 2004/05 2003/04 2002/03 2001/02 2000/01 1999/00 0 84 83 Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, International Merchandise Trade. Imports & Exports - Watertube boilers with a steam production exc 45 t per hour; Watertube boilers with a steam production not exc 45 t per hour; Vapour generating boilers (incl. hybrid boilers but excl. watertube boilers and central heating hot water boilers capable also of producing low pressure steam); Super-heated water boilers. 44 Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics, International Merchandise Trade for Imports and Exports. Local manufacture - Australian Bureau of Statistics, Manufacturing production (Data only available for 2001/02, 2002/03, 2004/05 & 2005/06): Estimated value of sales by selected Commodities Produced (MIOCC) - 276921 Super heated water boilers and steam generators (includes parts) (except central heating boilers); condensers for steam or other vapour power units. Figure 40: Value of Imports & Exports of Boilers – New Zealand85 Total Imports Total Exports $8 $7 Value ($M) $6 $5 $4 $3 Analysis of energy end-use by segment using EnergyConsult’s industrial model suggests that in 2006 in Australia boilers accounted for 98.9 PJ of total gas consumption (25.3%) and 6.4 Mt CO2-e of greenhouse emissions in the industrial sector, while in New Zealand it is estimated that boilers accounted for 18.6 PJ (63.8%) of total gas consumption and 1.0 Mt CO2-e of greenhouse emissions. Boilers are also responsible for a significant amount of energy consumption in the commercial sector, especially in Australia: in 2006 it is estimated that they accounted for 20.7 PJ of gas consumption in the Australian commercial sector, and for 2.3 PJ in New Zealand [EnergyConsult 2008d]. $2 $1 $0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Figure 41 provides an estimate of the total gas use of boilers by segment, for both Australia and New Zealand. The major industrial end-using segments in Australia are Chemical products, Other Manufacturing86 (especially food processing) and Wood, Paper and Printing (mainly in the paper industry) and Mining. In New Zealand the main end-using segments are Other manufacturing, Wood, paper and printing, and Chemical products. [EnergyConsult 2008d] Figure 41: Estimated Energy End Use by Gas Fired Boilers, 2006 60.0 AUSTRALIA Petajoules (PJ) 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products Iron and steel Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction Commercial Mining Agriculture NEW ZEALAND 8 7 Petajoules (PJ) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Wood, paper & printing Chemical products Non-metallic mineral products Iron and steel Basic non-ferrous Other metals manufacturing & construction Commercial Mining Agriculture 85 Import & export data from Statistics New Zealand Infoshare website for: Boilers; watertube boilers with a steam production exceeding 45t per hour; Boilers; watertube boilers with a steam production not exceeding 45t per hour; Boilers; vapour generating boilers (excluding watertube boilers), including hybrid boilers n.e.c. in heading no. 8402; Boilers; superheated water boilers 86 Other Manufacturing includes: Food, beverages and tobacco; Clothing and footwear: Other metal products; Machinery and equipment; and Other manufacturing. 45 8.2 Boiler Technology Boilers and/or water heating systems use various types of fuels to raise the energy content of water to generate hot water or steam that in turn can be used for a number of applications. Many fossil and non-fossil fuels are fired in boilers, but the most common types of fuel include natural gas, coal and oil. Bagasse, wood waste and black liquor are also used in some industries, and some boilers (mainly in commercial applications) use electricity as the primary fuel [EnergyConsult 2008c]. Boilers can be categorised on the basis of their output (hot water or steam), and their capacity. The main types of boilers used in Australia and New Zealand are shown in Table 9 [NAEEEP 2001a]. Boilers which produce only low temperature hot water are used mainly in domestic (eg central heating) and commercial applications. Table 9: Typical Boiler Types & Capacities in Australia Type Low temperature hot water High temperature hot water Steam Typical temperature range Typical size range 80 to 95oC 10 kW to 5,000 kW 100 to 200oC 50 kW to 6,000 kW+ 150 to 250oC 500 kW to 50,000 kW+ Industrial boilers can also be characterized by the type of heat transfer system they use – either firetube or watertube - and by the fuel-burning system. In firetube boilers the water is stored in the main body of the boiler and the hot combustion gases pass through metal tubes immersed in the water, and they heat the water via conduction through the firetube. Firetube boilers generally burn gas or oil, or both. Their main advantages are their simplicity and low cost. They are best suited to producing hot water or low-pressure steam [ORNL 2005]. In watertube boilers the fuel is combusted in a central chamber and the exhaust gases flow around metal tubes that contain the water. The watertubes are heated by a combination of radiation from the flame, and conduction and convection from the hot combustion gases. Small watertube boilers are generally fired by gas or oil, but larger units generally use coal, refuse, wood wastes and by-product liquids and gases. Watertube boilers tend to be more complex and expensive than firetube boilers, but they can produce steam at very high temperatures and pressures [ORNL 2005]. Boilers are occasionally distinguished by their method of fabrication. The term ‘packaged boiler’ refers to a boiler that is shipped complete with heating equipment, mechanical draft equipment, and automatic controls. ‘Field-erected boilers’ are too large to transport as an entire assembly. They are constructed at the site from a series of individual components [EnergyConsult 2008c]. 46 The type, output and capacity of the boilers used in industry differs between industry sectors [ORNL 2005; EnergyConsult 2008c]: • The food processing industry uses both high temperature hot water and steam. While some large boilers are used, this industry is characterised by a large number of small natural gas-fired packaged boilers; • The pulp and paper industries are major users of industrial steam, and generally use large steam boilers. As they also require a large amount of electricity, some businesses use combined heat and power (or cogeneration) systems to generate both electricity and steam. Wood chips, wood waste, and black liquor may be used to fire these boilers; • The chemical industry has a large number of both small and large boilers. These could be fired by gas, process byproducts or coal/coke; • The petroleum refining industry is characterised by large steam boilers. These are commonly fired by by-product fuels or by natural gas; • The primary metals industry, especially steel making, use large boilers in a range of processes including onsite power generation and turbine driven machinery. By product fuels such as coke oven gas and blast furnace gas are often used to fire the boilers. 8.3 Approaches to Improving Boiler Energy Efficiency Australia & New Zealand Currently there are no energy performance requirements for gas-fired industrial boilers in Australia and New Zealand. Previous studies which have looked at the potential for boiler MEPS or labelling either excluded industrial boilers, or only considered oil-fired boilers [NAEEEP 2001a; NAEEEP 2004a] and recommended against the implementation of MEPS. Given the relatively small impact and declining market for oil-fired boilers (less than 2% in 1998/99), any reduction in energy or greenhouse gas that could be achieved by regulation was likely to be too small to offset its costs. Two Australian Standards – AS 2593: 2004 and AS 1228-2006 – specify requirements for the design construction and operation of boilers, but they do not contain any energy performance requirements or test methods [EnergyConsult 2008c]: • AS 2593: 2004 Boilers—Safety management and supervision systems. This standard specifies the requirements for the operation of boilers, including unattended, limited attendance and fully attended, and for all types of fuel firing. It also details the checking, testing and maintenance requirements for each category of attendance. This standard was substantially updated in 2003 – 2004 by Standards Australia/New Zealand Standard Committee ME/1, Pressure Equipment, to cover the changes within the pressure equipment industry regarding the introduction of self regulation. • AS 1228-2006 Pressure equipment – Boilers. This standard specifies requirements for materials, design, construction, inspection and testing boilers as defined in AS/NZS 1200. It specifically applies to the design and construction of boilers, including superheaters, re-heaters and economisers. A MEPS or labelling scheme usually relies on the creation, or use, of an energy performance test that would typically be incorporated into an Australia/New Zealand Standard. AS 2593:2004 could be a suitable candidate for the inclusion of an energy performance test and subsequent MEPS levels. Chinese Taipei has had mandatory MEPS for gas- and oil-fired steam boilers (but excluding through-flow boilers) since 2003. The standards are based on full load performance including any heat recovery systems, and seem to cover boilers which could have industrial applications. The standards relating to different types of gas-fired boilers are shown in Table 11. Table 11: Chinese Taipei Gas-Fired Boiler MEPS levels88 Capacity Range >= 30 ton/hr >= 10 to < 30 ton/hr >= 5 to < 10 ton/hr < 5 ton/hr International Currently gas-fired boilers are subjected to energy performance requirements in Canada, Chinese Taipei, Czech Republic, EU Member Countries, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, UK, as shown in Table 10. Canada, Chinese Taipei, EU Member Countries, and Republic of Korea impose mandatory minimum energy performance requirements on gas-fired boilers. Energy labelling is mandatory in the European Union, while Canada, Chinese Taipei, Czech Republic, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, UK have voluntary labelling schemes for gasfired boilers. Table 10: Summary of International Performance Standards & Labelling for Boilers87 Conutry MEPS Labelling Scheme National Test Standards Canada Mandatory Voluntary CAN/CGA P.21991 Chinese Taipei Czech Republic EU Member Countries Mandatory Republic of Korea Slovakia United Kingdom Voluntary Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Voluntary Watertube Smoketube 93.5% 92.5% 91.5% 90.5% 92.0% 91.0% 90.0% 89.0% The United States does not currently have any energy performance requirements for boilers, but the US Department of Energy’s ITP BestPractices Program provides website access to a range of information resources as well as steam system software assessment tools89. Energy Saving Options Figure 42 shows the typical energy losses which occur in a boiler during the process to convert the energy in the fuel to steam or hot water. As can be seen, typically the thermal efficiency of a boiler varies between 75 – 77%, although the efficiency can depend on the fuel – a well designed coalfired boiler has a typical efficiency of 84%, while a boiler fired by spent liquor might have an efficiency of only 65%. The efficiency of the boiler can be improved by improving the combustion efficiency and minimising the losses [EnergyConsult 2008c; IEA 2007]. Figure 42: Typical losses in a gas-fire boiler KS B 8101 KS B 8127 KS B 8109 Voluntary Voluntary While four countries currently have mandatory performance requirements relating to gas-fired boilers, only Chinese Taipei seems to have standards which cover industrial boilers. The Canadian MEPS and voluntary labelling scheme, effective from 1998, covers only packaged gas-fired boilers for use in low-pressure steam or hot water central heating systems which have an input rate of less than 88 kW. The European Union mandatory MEPS and labelling scheme, also effective from 1998, applies to hot water boilers with liquid or gaseous fuels in the range of 4 kW to 400 kW. The scheme operating in the Republic of Korea since 2001, covers both MEPS and mandatory labelling, but is restricted to gas boilers used in domestic applications. 88 CLASP Website: http://www.clasponline.org/clasp.online.worldwide. php?productsumm=260&product=61 87 CLASP Website: http://www.clasponline.org/clasp.online.worldwide. php?product=61 89 http://www1.eere.energy.gov/industry/bestpractices/steam.html 47 Figure 43: Example of an industrial steam system [US DoE 2004] Various techniques can be used to reduce losses and improve the energy efficiency of boilers [EnergyConsult 2008c]: Figure 44: Estimated Steam System Use and Losses in United States [US DoE 2004] Energy conversion losses 10% • Improve combustion efficiency. A range of options are available, including: economisers, combustion air preheaters, flue gas condensers, flue gas analysis, oxygen control, air infiltration, exhaust draft control, scale deposits and turbulators. Boiler losses 20% • Improve blowdown heat recovery using deareators. • Reduce radiation and convection losses using boiler reset control and boiler sequence control. Investing in more energy efficient boilers can be worthwhile for businesses. A US industry sourcebook estimates that energy costs typically account for around 96% of a boiler’s lifecycle costs, with the initial capital cost accounting for only 3% and maintenance costs around 1% [US DoE 2004]. It’s important to remember that boilers usually form part of a wider steam (or hot water) system, for example as shown in Figure 43. An analysis of steam systems in the United States estimated that the overall system efficiency of steam systems was only 55%, with losses of around 30% occurring in the boiler and 15% in the distribution system, as shown in Figure 44 [US DoE 2004]. A wide range of opportunities are available to reduce the losses which occur in steam systems downstream from the boiler, some of which are very cost effective, as shown in Table 12 [IEA 2007]. As with compressed air systems, the elimination of (steam) leaks can also provide very cost effective savings. 48 Distribution losses 15% Steam to processes 55% Table 12: Options for increasing the energy efficiency of steam systems [IEA 2007] Typical Savings Typical Investment ($US/GJ Steam/Yr) Steam traps 5% $1 Pipe insulation 5% $1 1 – 3% $5 Measure Insulate valves & fittings Reduce excess air 2% $5 Feed-water economisers 5% $10 Return condensate 10% $10 Flash condensate 0 – 10% $10 Improved blow down 2 – 5% $20 Minimise short cycling 0 – 5% $20 Vapour recompression 0 – 20% $30 Vent condenser 1 – 5% $40 8.4 Potential Savings from More Efficient Industrial Boilers Figure 45b: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Industrial Boilers – New Zealand91 EnergyConsult’s industrial energy model has been used to estimate the potential savings over 10 years90, of targeting the energy efficiency of new gas-fired boilers used in industrial applications. It is assumed that an average saving of 4% per boiler can be achieved through MEPS, and that a best practice program could achieve savings of approximately 10% if taken up by 30% of the market. The projected energy savings in both countries are shown in Figures 45a and 45b. Figure 45a: Estimated Savings for Policies Targeting Industrial Boilers – Australia BAU MEPS BAU & MEPS 150 27 25 23 21 19 17 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 15 In New Zealand, the projected energy savings from gas-fired boiler MEPS is 0.89 PJ per annum (3.3%) after 10 years, with additional savings of 0.54 PJ per annum (2.1%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 1.42 PJ per annum (5.4%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 76 kt CO2-e per annum after 10 years [EnergyConsult 2008d]. The implementation of MEPS for boilers would also have impacts in the commercial sector. In Australia, the projected energy savings in the commercial sector from boiler MEPS is 0.9 PJ after 10 years, with additional savings of 0.6 PJ per annum delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 1.5 PJ per annum. Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 0.09 Mt CO2-e per annum after 10 years [EnergyConsult 2008d]. In New Zealand, the projected energy savings in the commercial sector from fan MEPS is 0.07 PJ per annum after 10 years, with additional savings of 0.04 PJ per annum delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 0.12 PJ per annum. Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 6 kt CO2-e per annum after 10 years. [EnergyConsult 2008d] 140 Energy Use (PJ/Yr) 29 2006 EnergyConsult estimate that MEPS for industrial boilers could achieve savings in the range of 3% to 5% on average for each new boiler installed. [EnergyConsult 2008c] In addition to this, a best practice program focussed on new installations might be expected to achieve additional savings of around 10% to 15% [IEA, 2007] for each new boiler installed, although the overall savings achieved would depend on the use of the program by industrial consumers. BAU MEPS BAU & MEPS Gas Consumption (PJ/Yr) The E3 Program could drive improvements to the energy efficiency of steam systems through a combination of minimum standards, to remove the less efficient gas-fired boilers from the market, and best practice programs to help consumers to optimise the energy efficiency of steam systems in which boilers are located at the time of installation of upgrade. 130 120 110 100 90 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 80 In Australia, the projected energy savings from boiler MEPS is 4.5 PJ per annum (or 3.2% compared to BAU) after 10-years, with additional savings of 2.7 PJ per annum (2.0%) delivered by a best practice program, or a total energy saving of 7.3 PJ per annum (5.2%). Estimated total greenhouse gas abatement is 0.47 Mt CO2-e per annum after 10 years [EnergyConsult 2008d]. 90 The modelling is based on a 10-year program from 2010 to 2020, to give an indication of the energy savings which could be expected after a 10-year period. Actual savings would depend on when any measures are introduced. 91 The sharp decline in estimated boiler gas consumption between 2006 and 2007 is an artefact of the model used to prepare these estimates. It is based on NZ Ministry of Economic Development projections which see gas use declining in the short term. 49 9 Towards a 10-year Strategy 9.1 The Case for Action The analysis in this discussion document presents a case to develop a 10-year strategy to improve the energy efficiency of industrial equipment. Motor systems and gas-fired steam systems (or boilers) are responsible for a significant proportion of industrial (manufacturing, mining and agriculture) energy consumption. In Australia, motor systems are estimated to account for 49% of total industrial electricity consumption, and boilers for 25% of total industrial gas consumption. In New Zealand, motor systems are estimated to account for 55% of total industrial electricity consumption, and boilers for 64% of total industrial gas consumption [EnergyConsult 2008d]. • Split incentives – an electrical or mechanical department, or an external contractor, is usually responsible for specifying and installing the equipment. An operational department is usually responsible for the capital costs and running costs of the equipment. Even then, the operational department might focus more on keeping a production process operating rather than minimising energy costs A number of studies have estimated that cost-effective savings of between 20% to 25% are possible by optimising the energy efficiency of motor systems, and savings in the range of 10% to 15% for steam systems [IEA 2006, IEA 2007, US DoE 2004]. The economic and environmental benefits of realising these savings are very significant. By way of illustration, if these savings could be fully realised by 2020, this would lead to: The expansion of Australia and New Zealand’s E3 Program beyond motors and industrial transformers to encompass a wider range of industrial equipment would help to unlock some of the energy and greenhouse saving potential and other benefits associated with motor and steam systems, by helping to address split incentives, information failures and bounded rationality. • In Australia, greenhouse abatement of 11.5 to 14.7 Mt CO2-e per annum, and energy bills savings of $1,177 to $1,485 million per annum based on current energy prices; Internationally, a number of countries already regulate key industrial equipment for MEPS or include this equipment in endorsement labelling or efficiency certification programs. Recently in the European Union, the EU Directive for Energy Using Products has meant that significant effort has been focussed on developing test methods and regulatory levels for pumps and fans with industrial and commercial applications. Other international groupings, including the IEA Implementing Agreement on Efficient Electrical-End Use Equipment, SEEM and APP are also working on internationally harmonised approaches to testing and regulating electric motor systems. • In New Zealand, greenhouse abatement of 1.0 to 1.3 Mt CO2-e per annum, and energy bills savings of $245 to $311 million per annum, based on current energy prices. The energy savings would assist industry to more easily manage their energy consumption, make them more competitive and reduce the impact on their operations of increased energy costs resulting from any emissions trading scheme. An emissions trading scheme (ETS) is being implemented in New Zealand and is still the subject of debate in Australia. While the introduction of emissions trading in both Australia and New Zealand will generate a carbon price signal which should encourage further uptake of energy efficient technologies in industry, for most businesses energy costs are only a small proportion of overall costs and energy is noncore business. These factors result in a relatively low price elasticity of demand, which suggests that over the short to medium term complementary measures will be needed. Further, a range of non-price barriers relating to industrial equipment, and to relatively complex motor and steam systems in particular, mean that businesses generally take a conservative approach to replacing equipment and often don’t consider overall system efficiency: • Equipment such as pumps, fans, air compressors, etc, and the motors which drive this equipment are often oversized for their application, resulting in significantly lower operating efficiencies; 50 • The focus of most businesses is on maintaining production – the need to have a system which works often means that like is replaced with like, and system changes or the use of different, more efficient equipment can be seen as a risk. This is sometimes referred to as bounded rationality; At its meeting held on 2 July 2009, all Australian governments (through COAG) announced their intention to significantly expand the E3 Program under the banner of the National Strategy for Energy Efficiency. This includes a commitment to: ‘Expand MEPS significantly into the industrial equipment sector to cover off-the-shelf products in areas such as: compressors, boilers, industrial chillers, pumps and fans, heat exchangers and refrigeration equipment’. This Discussion Paper has presented a high level analysis to assess the current Australian, New Zealand and international context for regulating these types of industrial equipment, and to identify the priority products for further consideration. 9.2 Key Priorities for Action EnergyConsult’s model of industrial equipment energy end-use was used to generate indicative estimates of the energy and greenhouse savings which could be achieved by implementing MEPS for a range of key industrial equipment at levels consistent with those implemented or being Table 13: Estimated Energy & Greenhouse Savings from Industrial Equipment Efficiency Program AUSTRALIA Average Saving per new unit installed (%) Product Best Practice MEPS Pumps Fans Air comp. Ind. chillers Boilers TOTAL 3.5% 12.0% 2.5% 8.0% 4.0% 6.0% 6.0% 4.5% 3.0% 3.0% Total Energy Saving 2020 (PJ/Yr) Best Practice MEPS 9.5% 18.0% 7.0% 11.0% 7.0% 2.3 2.2 0.3 0.8 4.5 10.2 GHG Saving 2020 (Mt/Yr) Total 3.7 1.0 0.6 0.3 2.7 8.4 6.0 3.2 0.9 1.1 7.3 18.5 MEPS 0.48 0.47 0.07 0.18 0.29 1.49 Best Practice Total 0.79 0.21 0.13 0.06 0.18 1.36 1.27 0.67 0.20 0.24 0.47 2.84 New Zealand Average Saving per new unit installed (%) Product Best Practice MEPS Pumps Fans Air comp. Ind. chillers Boilers TOTAL 3.5% 12.0% 2.5% 8.0% 4.0% 6.0% 6.0% 4.5% 3.0% 3.0% Total 9.5% 18.0% 7.0% 11.0% 7.0% Energy Saving 2020 (TJ/Yr) 323.0 467.3 74.6 177.2 878.5 1,920.5 Figure 46: Relative Contribution of Equipment Types to Greenhouse Abatement AUSTRALIA Boilers 16% Pumps 45% Industrial chillers 8% Air compressors 7% Fans 24% NEW ZEALAND Boilers 25% Pumps 32% Industrial chillers 9% Best Practice MEPS 532.2 204.5 130.6 60.7 544.1 1,472.2 Total 855.2 671.8 205.3 237.9 1,422.6 3,392.8 GHG Saving 2020 (kT/Yr) MEPS 35.9 51.9 8.3 19.7 46.8 162.5 Best Practice 59.1 22.7 14.5 6.7 29.0 132.0 Total 94.9 74.6 22.8 26.4 75.8 294.5 considered in other jurisdictions, in companion with a limited best practice program. A best practice program would not seek to optimise the energy efficiency of all existing motor and steam systems, but would use equipment selection and optimisation tools incorporating the energy performance data collected through the MEPS process to assist companies to optimise these systems when installing new equipment. The results of this analysis are presented in detail in Table 13, and graphically in Figure 46. To aid comparison, the analysis assumes that the MEPS and best practice programs for all equipment are implemented for a 10-year period from 2010 to 2020. Based on the potential for greenhouse abatement92, the highest priority products in both Australia and New Zealand are pumps, fans and gas-fired boilers – these products could deliver around 85% of the total savings identified. In New Zealand, the greenhouse saving potential for boilers is slightly greater than the greenhouse saving potential for fans, due to both the high percentage of industrial gas used by boilers and the relatively low greenhouse coefficient of electricity in New Zealand. The EnergyConsult model has also been used to assess the potential benefits and costs of an industrial equipment energy efficiency program which targeted key industrial equipment with both MEPS and an associated best practice Air compressors 8% Fans 25% 92 From the New Zealand perspective reduced energy costs and improved energy security are a higher priority than greenhouse abatement. However, viewed from this perspective pumps, fans and gas-fired boilers would still be the main priority. 51 program targeting new equipment at time of replacement. Due to the nature of this model (see Appendix 1) the incremental costs for businesses arising from the MEPS and best practice programs were specified in terms of $/kWh of annual savings, and the savings figures used are shown in Table 1493. The benefit-cost ratios for the best practice component of the program are also high, and especially high for electrical equipment, reflecting the higher cost of electricity compared to natural gas. While there is uncertainty in the cost data used for the best practice analysis, the cost benefit ratios are well above unity. This means that costs would have to be significantly higher for the benefit cost-ratios to fall below 1. Table 14: Estimated additional cost for cost-benefit analysis The analysis demonstrates that a realistic MEPS program, based on regulatory levels already implemented or being considered elsewhere, could deliver cost-effective and worthwhile greenhouse and energy bill savings. The benefits would be even greater if a limited best practice program was combined with the MEPS program, using the information collected from the MEPS program, to encourage businesses to purchase higher efficiency products and to optimise the overall motor or steam system when purchasing and installing new equipment (but not existing equipment or systems). Product Estimated additional cost ($/kWh) MEPS1 Best Practice2 0.04 0.30 0.40 0.45 0.07 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Pumps Fans Air compressor Industrial chillers Boilers The cost-benefit analysis is shown in Table 15. The benefitcost ratios for all equipment MEPS are greater than 1 in both Australia and New Zealand. The benefit-cost ratio for pumps is by far the largest. Fans and boilers have the next highest ratio, followed by air compressors and industrial chillers which have similar benefit-cost ratios. The benefit-cost ratios for New Zealand are all higher than for Australia. This partly reflects the lower discount rate used for the New Zealand analysis, and also the relatively higher cost of electricity and gas. Based on the analysis of the costs and benefits and potential greenhouse savings, the highest priority products for action are industrial pumps, fans and gas-fired boilers. Air compressors and industrial chillers are a secondary priority. The highest priority products are also likely to be the more straight forward products to regulate, as suitable standards either already exist or, as in the case of pumps and fans, a significant amount of work has been undertaken on test standards and the definition of performance levels in recent years. Table 15: Benefit-Cost Analysis for Industrial Equipment Energy Efficiency Program AUSTRALIA - 7.5% discount rate MEPS Product Cost ($M) Pumps Fans Air comp. Ind. chillers Boilers TOTAL $18.0 $123.1 $26.4 $71.6 $61.1 $300.2 Benefit ($M) $333.9 $325.2 $50.2 $124.4 $119.4 $953.2 Best Practice B/C Ratio 18.6 2.6 1.9 1.7 2.0 3.2 Cost ($M) $15.5 $4.1 $2.2 $1.1 $10.2 $33.0 Benefit ($M) $550.7 $143.4 $88.0 $42.7 $64.4 $889.3 MEPS & Best Practice B/C Ratio 35.6 35.0 39.8 39.8 6.3 27.0 Cost ($M) Benefit ($M) $33.4 $127.2 $28.7 $72.7 $71.2 $333.2 $884.6 $468.6 $138.3 $167.2 $183.8 $1,842.5 B/C Ratio 26.5 3.7 4.8 2.3 2.6 5.5 NEW ZEALAND - 5.% discount rate MEPS Product Pumps Fans Air comp. Ind. chillers Boilers TOTAL 93 Cost ($M) $2.9 $29.7 $6.6 $17.2 $13.6 $70.0 Benefit ($M) $83.9 $121.6 $19.4 $46.3 $59.9 $330.9 Best Practice B/C Ratio 28.6 4.1 2.9 2.7 4.4 4.7 The analysis here is presented from a consumer perspective. 52 Cost ($M) $2.5 $1.0 $0.6 $0.3 $2.4 $6.7 Benefit ($M) $138.2 $53.2 $34.0 $15.9 $34.0 $275.1 MEPS & Best Practice B/C Ratio 54.5 53.7 61.6 61.7 14.3 41.0 Cost ($M) $5.5 $30.7 $7.2 $17.4 $15.9 $76.8 Benefit ($M) $222.0 $174.7 $53.4 $62.1 $93.8 $606.1 B/C Ratio 40.6 5.7 7.4 3.6 5.9 7.9 Impact in Australia 9.3 Potential Impact of an Industrial Equipment Strategy The estimated potential impact of an industrial equipment energy efficiency program on industrial energy use in Australia over a 10-year period is shown in Figure 47, and the estimated impact on industrial greenhouse emissions over this same period is shown in Figure 48. The savings are referenced to the projected BAU electricity and gas use of the equipment covered95 by the program, and show the impact of MEPS only, and of a combined MEPS and (limited) best practice program. EnergyConsult’s industrial model has been used to provide an estimate of the potential overall impact of a MEPS and limited best practice program targeting key industrial equipment over a 10-year period94. A program covering pumps, fans, gas boilers, air compressors and industrial chillers would cover around 24% of industrial electricity use in Australia and 25% of industrial gas use. In New Zealand, such a program would cover around 31% of industrial electricity use and 64% of industrial gas use. It is estimated that after a 10-year period a MEPS program could achieve savings of 0.9% (10.2 PJ per annum) of total industrial electricity and gas use, or 3.9% of the covered energy use. If supported by a best practice component, the overall program could achieve savings of 1.7% (18.5 PJ per annum) of total industrial electricity and gas use, and 7.1% of the covered energy use. It’s important to note that this is a preliminary estimate and gives an indication of the potential maximum savings which could be achieved over a 10-year period. In practice, not all equipment is likely to be covered by these measures (MEPS and a best practice program), any regulations might not cover all types of each equipment in each category (eg all types of pumps or fans) or all applications, and the implementation of any MEPS regulations is likely to be staggered rather than all equipment being regulated from the same date. Further, more detailed analysis is required to obtain a more accurate estimate. The E3 Program uses Product Profiles – detailed market, technology, regulatory and cost-benefit analysis for specific items of equipment – as the vehicle for this more detailed level of analysis. In terms of greenhouse gas abatement, after 10 years the MEPS program is estimated to achieve savings of 1.0% (1.5 Mt CO2-e per annum) compared to BAU emissions from industrial electricity and gas use, or 4.2% savings compared to BAU emissions from the covered energy use. The addition of a best practice component could lift savings to 1.9% (2.8 Mt CO2-e per annum) compared to BAU emissions from total Figure 47: Estimated Impact of Industrial Equipment Program on Energy Use - Australia 300 250 Covered - elec Covered - gas Covered - Total Covered Total - MEPS Energy Use (PJ/Yr) 200 Covered elec - MEPS Covered gas - MEPS Covered Total - MEPS & BP 150 Covered elec - MEPS & BP Covered gas - MEPS & BP 100 50 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 94 The modelling is based on a 10-year program from 2010 to 2020, to give an indication of the energy savings which could be expected after a 10-year period. Actual savings would depend on when any measures are introduced. 95 This is the specific use of the equipment, eg electricity use of industrial pumps or gas use of industrial boilers. 53 industrial electricity and gas use, or 8.0% of BAU emissions from the covered energy use. Over the 10 year period, the cumulative greenhouse emissions are estimated to be 9.6 Mt CO2-e for MEPS, and 18.2 Mt CO2-e for a combined MEPS and best practice program. The estimated greenhouse abatement from industrial equipment MEPS over a 10-year period is shown in Figure 49. MEPS for pumps and fans deliver by far the greatest abatement, followed by industrial chillers and air compressors. Figure 48: Estimated Impact of Industrial Equipment Program on Greenhouse Emissions - Australia 40 35 Covered - elec 30 Greenhouse Emissions (Mt/Yr) Covered - gas Covered - Total Covered Total - MEPS 25 Covered elec - MEPS Covered gas - MEPS 20 Covered Total - MEPS & BP Covered elec - MEPS & BP 15 Covered gas - MEPS & BP 10 5 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Figure 49: Estimated Greenhouse Abatement from Industrial Equipment MEPS – Australia 1.6 1.4 Greenhosue Savings (Mt/Yr) 1.2 1.0 Boilers Industrial chillers Air compressors 0.8 Fans Pumps 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 2010 54 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Figure 50: Estimated Impact of Industrial Equipment Program on Energy Use – New Zealand 50 45 40 Covered - elec 35 Energy Use (PJ/Yr) Covered - gas Covered - Total 30 Covered Total - MEPS Covered elec - MEPS 25 Covered gas - MEPS Covered Total - MEPS & BP 20 Covered elec - MEPS & BP Covered gas - MEPS & BP 15 10 5 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Impact in New Zealand The estimated potential impact of an industrial equipment energy efficiency program over a 10-year period on industrial energy use in New Zealand is shown in Figure 50, and the estimated impact on industrial greenhouse emissions over this same period is shown in Figure 51. As for Australia, the savings are referenced to the projected BAU energy use of the equipment covered by the program. It is estimated that after a 10 year period a MEPS program would achieve savings of 1.8% (1.92 PJ per annum) of total industrial electricity and gas use, or 4.0% of the covered energy use. If supported by a best practice component, the overall program could achieve savings of 3.2% (3.39 PJ per annum) of total industrial electricity and gas use, and 7.1% of the covered energy use. In terms of greenhouse gas abatement, after 10 years the MEPS program is estimated to achieve savings of 2.9% (162 kT CO2-e per annum) compared to BAU emissions from industrial electricity and gas use, or 6.0%96 savings compared to BAU emissions from the covered energy use. The addition of a best practice component could lift savings to 5.3% (295 kT CO2-e per annum) compared to BAU emissions from total industrial electricity and gas use, or 10.9% of BAU emissions from the covered energy use. Over a 10 year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 period, the cumulative greenhouse emissions are estimated to be 1.0 Mt CO2-e for MEPS, and a total of 1.8 Mt CO2-e for a combined MEPS and best practice program. The estimated greenhouse abatement from industrial equipment MEPS over a 10-year period is shown in Figure 52. MEPS for fans and boilers deliver the greatest abatement, closely followed by pumps. Industrial chillers and air compressors deliver the lowest greenhouse abatement. It is important to note that the savings estimates provided for both Australia and New Zealand are for a program which has been implemented for only ten years. The life of the equipment to be targeted is typically in the range of 12 to 20 years, so the potential savings from both the MEPS component and the best practice component of the program would continue to build for another decade or so, even if the MEPS levels remained stagnant. Pumps, fans and boilers also account for a significant amount of energy use in the commercial sector. A MEPS and best practice program for these products should, therefore, have spill-over effects in the commercial sector. Based on the same energy saving projections, this would generate additional greenhouse savings of 1.2 Mt CO2-e per annum in Australia and 96 kT CO2-e per annum in New Zealand after a 10-year period. 96 Greenhouse abatement as a percentage of BAU is higher in New Zealand than in Australia, because in New Zealand the marginal greenhouse coefficient for electricity (used to estimate greenhouse abatement from electricity savings) is somewhat higher than the average greenhouse coefficient (used to estimate BAU greenhouse emissions). 55 Figure 51: Estimated Impact of Industrial Equipment Program on Greenhouse Emissions – New Zealand 3.0 Greenhouse Emissions (Mt/Yr) 2.5 Covered - elec 2.0 Covered - gas Covered - Total Covered Total - MEPS 1.5 Covered elec - MEPS Covered gas - MEPS Covered Total - MEPS & BP 1.0 Covered elec - MEPS & BP Covered gas - MEPS & BP 0.5 0.0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Figure 52: Estimated Greenhouse Abatement from Industrial Equipment MEPS – New Zealand 0.20 Greenhosue Savings (Mt/Yr) 0.15 Boilers Industrial chillers 0.10 Air compressors Fans Pumps 0.05 0.00 2010 56 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 9.4 Development of an Industrial Equipment Strategy implemented, these MEPS would impact on chillers used in industrial applications. As a result of the analysis presented in this Discussion Paper it is proposed that a 10-year strategy be developed to consider the inclusion of certain key items of industrial equipment in the E3 Program which could subject them to some level of regulation relating to their energy performance. It is proposed that the strategy move beyond a simple MEPS approach to include a best practice element, which facilitates the optimisation of motor and steam system efficiencies when new equipment is purchased and installed. The key tools proposed for inclusion under a strategy are: This discussion paper indicates that air compressors are a lower priority for MEPS, and it is clear that the greatest benefits would be achieved through system optimisation programs targeting existing systems. This suggests that a ‘watching brief ’ should be maintained for air compressors during the next few years, and that more detailed analysis not start until the work on pumps, fans and boilers is well advanced. 1. Energy performance test standards, where possible based on international standards; 2.Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for key equipment; 3.Mandatory disclosure of key energy performance data for publication on publicly accessible web sites, and for use in equipment selection and system optimisation tools; 4. Definition of high energy efficiency levels within standards, to assist businesses to identify the best performing equipment. In addition to assisting businesses to select high efficiency equipment suitable for their applications this would facilitate the introduction of government incentives to encourage the uptake of high efficiency equipment. Some equipment types might be subjected to all four measures, while others might only be required to disclose energy performance data based on standardised tests. For some products it may be appropriate to implement voluntary testing and disclosure schemes initially, followed by mandatory schemes. This approach was used for television energy labelling and is also proposed for swimming pool pumps. Analysis in this discussion document suggests that the highest priority items for action are clearly industrial pumps, fans and gas-fired boilers. More detailed analysis of these products should be undertaken over the next two years, before developing any detailed regulatory proposals for consideration by industry and government stakeholders. These products are also responsible for a significant amount of energy consumption and greenhouse emissions in the commercial sector. Thus, the further detailed analysis for these products would cover their use in both the industrial and commercial sectors under the banner of ‘non-domestic’ equipment rather than industrial equipment. Work on industrial chillers will be progressed through the E3 Program’s Non-Domestic Refrigeration Equipment Strategy, which is currently under development. The draft Strategy, released in October 2009 for comment, proposes the introduction of horizontal MEPS for both compressors and fan motors used in non-domestic refrigeration systems. If This discussion paper has specifically excluded industrial furnaces and ovens from its analysis, partly because many of these are likely to be custom designed for specific applications and partly because there has been little international activity for these products. It is suggested that these also be the subject of a ‘watching brief ’, with more detailed analysis a possibility in five to ten years. A possible 10-year Industrial Equipment Strategy is mapped out in Table 16. Further detailed work needs to be undertaken before any regulatory measures can be introduced. This includes: • Preparation of a 10-year Industrial Equipment Strategy, informed by feedback on this discussion document • Preparation of Product Profiles for each type of equipment covered by the 10-year Strategy as the basis of further stakeholder consultation. This includes a more detailed assessment of the current and likely future market for the equipment, the current and future energy and greenhouse impact of the equipment, an assessment of the energy performance of existing stock and new products sold, and a review of relevant existing standards which could be used as the basis for regulations. Another important role of the Product Profile is to identify the measures which are appropriate to a specific type of equipment, and the scope of coverage of any regulatory measures97; • The development of a concrete regulatory proposal, based on the stakeholder feedback from the Product Profile and if regulatory approaches to driving energy efficiency improvements are shown to be appropriate; • A Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) assessing the environmental, social and economic benefits and costs of the proposal. Positive results would progress the proposal to the Ministerial Council on Energy for a final decision. 97 For example the type, size range and applications of industrial pumps which are appropriate for regulated MEPS. 57 Table 16: Proposed Timetable for Action Equipment 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 High Priority Pumps Prepare Product Profile Prepare Proposal & Regulation Impact Statement Standards development and possible implementation of MEPS Fans & blowes Prepare Product Profile Prepare Proposal & Regulation Impact Statement Standards development and possible implementation of MEPS Boilers Standards development and possible implementation of MEPS Prepare Proposal & Regulation Impact Statement Prepare Product Profile Medium Priority Air compressors Maintain watching brief on international developments Industrial chillers Work on to be progressed under the NonDomestic Refrigeration Equipment Strategy Prepare Product Profile Work program will depend on outcomes of Product Profile Low Priority Furnaces and ovens Maintain watching brief on international developments If only pumps, fans and gas-fired boilers are ultimately regulated as a result of the Industrial Equipment Strategy, this would still generate very significant savings in the industrial sector after a 10-year period: • In Australia MEPS alone could deliver savings of up to 1.24 Mt per annum (6.0 PJ pa) or a cumulative saving of 7.9 Mt over a 10 year period for an NPV of $576.3 million (at 7.5% discount rate). The addition of a best practice element would result in total savings of up to 2.4 Mt per annum (16.5 PJ pa) or a cumulative saving of 15.3 Mt. • In New Zealand MEPS alone could deliver savings of up to 134 kt per annum (1.7 PJ pa) or a cumulative saving of 839 kt over a 10 year period for an NPV of NZ$219 million (at a 5% discount rate). The addition of a best practice element would result in savings of up to 245 kt per annum (2.9 PJ pa) or a cumulative saving of 1,504 kt. To ultimately realise the full savings potential from motor and steam systems, the E3 Program will need to work in conjunction with and support other government energy efficiency programs in Australia and New Zealand which are focussed on facilitating the introduction of best practice into industry. Development of equipment selection and system optimisation tools using data collected as part of MEPS and/ or labelling programs could provide valuable support to such best practice programs. 58 Prepare Product Profile Work program will depend on outcomes of Product Profile Consideration should also be given to developing government programs which specifically aim to optimise the energy efficiency of motor and steam systems across industry. The US ITP BestPractices Program provides a good model for this, as it has an integrated approach which uses information, training, software tools and incentives. All steps in this process will be undertaken in conjunction with affected industry stakeholders. Stakeholder feedback is now sought to help to shape the final Strategy proposal that is sent to the Ministerial Council on Energy for Decision. The key questions are listed in the Executive Summary. References AEA Energy & Environment [AEA], Appendix 5: Lot 11 – Water Pumps (in commercial buildings, drinking water pumping, food industry, agriculture), Report to the European Commission, February 2008a AEA Energy & Environment [AEA], Appendix 6: Lot 11 – Circulators in Buildings, Report to the European Commission, February 2008b Allen Consulting Group [ACG], Potential Mandatory Energy Efficiency Investment Requirements: Cost benefit analysis of program options, for SEDO, April 2008 Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics [ABARE], Table F – Australian energy consumption, by industry and fuel, July 2007a Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics [ABARE], Projected Total Final Energy Consumption by Industry and fuel, December 2007b Australian Industrial Marketing [AIM], Pump Market Research Project 2005, July 2005 Brunner, C. SEEM Update – International harmonisation of motor standards saves energy, APEC Workshop, Beijing, 3 December 2007. CERF/IIEC, Study of Pump & Fan Market in China, Report for Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory & the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, December 2002. Compressed Air Association of Australia [CAAA], Efficient Compressed Air Systems brochures. Covec, Sustainable Energy Value Project: Evaluation of Options for Intervention in Stationary Energy Efficiency, Report for EECA, February 2007 Department of Climate Change [DCC], Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme – Green Paper, July 2008 Department of Energy [USDoE], Improving Compressed Air System Performance – A sourcebook for industry, Compressed Air Challenge. Energetics, Industrial Energy Efficiency Options Proposal for 10-Year Plan, NAEEEP Motors Industry Forum, 13 September 2005a Energetics, Industrial Energy Efficiency Options Proposal for 10-Year Plan, NAEEEP Industry Forum, 15 September 2005b EnergyConsult, Background Paper on Industrial Chillers, for Sustainability Victoria, 2008a EnergyConsult, Background Paper on Air Compressors, for Sustainability Victoria, 2008b EnergyConsult, Background Paper on Industrial Boilers, for Sustainability Victoria, 2008c EnergyConsult, Model of Industrial Energy Use in Australia & New Zealand, for Sustainability Victoria, 2008d (See Appendix 1) Energy Efficiency Working Group [EEWG], Consultation Paper – National Framework for Energy Efficiency Stage 2, September 2007. Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [E3], Switch on Gas: Revised Work Plan for 2007 to 2007/08, Discussion Paper, October 2006. Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [E3], Technical Paper: Distribution Transformers – Potential to Increase MEPS Levels, by T.R. Blackburn, October 2007 Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [E3], Consultation Regulation Impact Statement: Minimum Energy Performance Standards & Alternative Strategies for Chillers, by Energy Consult, December 2007. Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [E3], In from the Cold: Strategies to increase the energy efficiency of non-domestic refrigeration in Australia and New Zealand – Draft Strategic Plan, Mark Ellis & Associates et al, October 2009a. Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [E3], In from the Cold: Strategies to increase the energy efficiency of non-domestic refrigeration in Australia and New Zealand – Background Technical Report Volume 2, Mark Ellis & Associates et al, October 2009b. European Commission [EU], Study on Improving the Energy Efficiency of Pumps, prepared by ETSU, AEAT PLC, February 2001 Europump, First briefing document on the Europump’s ‘Industry Commitment to improve the energy performance of standalone circulators through the setting-up of a classification Scheme in relation to Energy Labelling’, 13/9/2007 Fraunhofer Institute [FI], EuP Lot 11: Fans for ventilation in nonresidential buildings – Final Report, Report to the European Commission, February 2008. Garnaut Climate Change Review Draft Report, June 2008. IBISWorld, Pump and Compressor Manufacturing in Australia C2866, 2 December 2004. International Energy Agency [IEA], Industrial motor systems energy efficiency: Towards a plan of action, 7 July 2006 International Energy Agency [IEA], Tracking Industrial Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions, OECD/IEA, 2007 International Energy Agency [IEA], Worldwide Trends in Energy Use and Efficiency: Key Insights from IEA Indicator Analysis, 2008a 59 International Energy Agency [IEA], Energy Technology Perspectives, 2008b Malaysian Energy Centre EE and Conservation Guidelines for Malaysian Industries, July 2007. McKinsey and Company, An Australian Cost Curve for Greenhouse Gas Reduction, 15 Feb 2008 Ministry of Economic Development [MED], Energy Data Files, Table E (Gas) and Table G (Electricity), 2009a Ministry of Economic Development [MED], New Zealand Energy Outlook, 2009b National Appliance & Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [NAEEEP], Analysis of the Potential for Minimum Energy Performance Standards for Packaged Boilers, by Mark Ellis & Associates, March 2001a National Appliance & Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [NAEEEP], Analysis of the Potential for Minimum Energy Performance Standards for Packaged Air Compressors, by Mark Ellis & Associates, March 2001b National Appliance & Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [NAEEEP], Report on the Success of Compressed Air Programs, by EnergyConsult, February 2002 National Appliance & Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [NAEEEP], Energy Labelling and Standards Program throughout the world, by Energy Efficient Strategies, July 2004 National Appliance & Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [NAEEEP], No Action Proposal – Oil Fired Boilers, by Energy Consult, October 2004a. National Appliance & Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [NAEEEP], Analysis of the Potential Policy Option: Commercial Building Air Conditioning Chillers (Vapour Compression), by EnergyConsult, October 2004b National Appliance & Equipment Energy Efficiency program [NAEEEP], Greenlight Australa: A strategy for improving the efficiency of lighting in Australia 2005 – 2015, by Mark Ellis & Associates, November 2004. National Appliance & Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [NAEEEP], Joint Work Plan and Policies for the Triennium 2005-06 to 2007-08, April, 2005. National Appliance & Equipment Energy Efficiency Program [NAEEEP], Background Report and Options Proposal – Industrial Energy Efficiency (Draft), by Energetics, 06 May, 2005 New Zealand Electricity Commission [NZEC], New Zealand Electric Energy Efficiency Potential Study, by KEMA, 2007 Oak Ridge National Laboratory [ORNL], Characterization of the U.S. Industrial Commercial Boiler Population; by Energy and Environmental Analysis, Inc, May 2005 60 Radgen, P & Blaustein E (Eds), Compressed Air Systems in the European Union – Energy, Emissions, Savings Potential & Policy, 2001. Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria [SEAV], NFEE: Energy Efficiency Improvement in the Commercial Sub-Sectors, by EMET Consultants, February 2004 Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria [SEAV], NFEE: Energy Efficiency Improvement Potential Case Studies – Industrial Sector, by Energetics, March 2004 Sustainability Victoria [SV], Energy Efficiency Improvement Potential in Victoria’s Industrial Sector, by Energetics, August 2007 US Department of Energy [US DoE] & Air Movement & Control Association International, Improving Fan System Performance – A Sourcebook for Industry, Prepared by LBNL & Resource Dynamics Corporation, 2003 US Department of Energy [US DoE], Improving Steam System Performance – A Sourcebook for Industry, 2004. US Department of Energy [US DoE], Improving Pumping System Performance – A Sourcebook for Industry, prepared by LBNL, Resource Dynamics Corporation, Alliance to Save Energy & Hydraulic Institute, May 2006. UK Market Transformation Program [UKMTP], Sustainable Products 2006: Policy Analysis and Projections, 2006 UK Market Transformation Program [UKMTP], Sustainable Products Consultation, Chapter 7, 2007a? UK Market Transformation Program [UKMTP], BNM08: Developing supply chain initiatives to improve pump systems efficiency in the UK, Version 1.2, 26/06/2007b. Appendix 1 Model of Industrial Energy Use in Australia and New Zealand EnergyConsult developed a model of energy use and greenhouse emissions in the industrial (Agriculture, Mining, Manufacturing) and commercial sectors in Australia and New Zealand. The model provides a breakdown of energy use into key industrial equipment, and calculates energy and greenhouse savings and cost effectiveness estimates for a range of policy options which could be used to drive energy efficiency improvements for this equipment. Conceptual Model The conceptual approach used in the model is described below: The model relies upon ABARE and New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development (MED) forecasts of energy use by segment and the NFEE/NZ energy end-use breakdowns [SEAV Feb & Mar 2004; SV 2007; NZEC 2007] to calculate the business-as-usual (BAU) energy consumption by segment and end-use. The estimated energy use of the new and replacement equipment is used as a proxy for sales and stock turnover and hence inputs to potential savings. In this way, the actual stock and sales of equipment are not required in order to provide the estimated energy savings resulting from MEPS and other measures which target efficiency improvements as new equipment is installed. This simplifies the model and removes the need to assume stock and sales numbers. The amount of BAU energy used by the new and replacement equipment is modified by the estimated savings potential to calculate the impacts of MEPS or other policy measures. NZ MED energy outlook by segment to 2030 ABARE energy by segment to 2030 Country energy by segment and fuel to 2030 End-Use share by segment (NFEE + NZ) Technology life, MEPS/Policy dates, GHG EF BAU Energy End-Use by fuel, Segment to 2030 Calculated Savings by End use (New and replacement) Estimate High and Low% savings by End-Use Tariffs and incremental costs of efficiency Cost/Benefits Energy End-Use by fuel, segment to 2030 Policy Energy End-Use by fuel, segment to 2030 61 Model Categories Model Inputs and Outputs The model covers the period 2006 to 2030, and disaggregates energy use as follows: The model has been set up to allow the impacts of two types of energy efficiency policies to be assessed: CountrIES • Minimum Energy Performance Standards (MEPS) for new equipment sold; • Australia and New Zealand Sector • Agriculture • Industrial (includes manufacturing and mining) • Commercial Segment • Agriculture • Mining • Wood, paper & printing • Chemical products • Non-Metallic mineral products • Iron and steel • Basic non-ferrous metals • Other manufacturing & construction – includes Food, beverages & tobacco; Clothing and footwear; Other metal products; Machinery & equipment; Other manufacturing • Commercial End-use by Fuel • Pumps – electric • Fans – electric • Best practice programs to help companies optimise the efficiency of motor systems (eg motor + pump) and steam systems at the time new or replacement equipment is installed. The savings relate only to the new equipment which is installed, and do not reflect the savings which might be possible for a system optimisation program targeting all existing systems. The key inputs to allow the modelling of these policy scenarios are: • Equipment Life – average useful life of the equipment (see Table 17 below); • % Savings - Estimates savings which can be achieved for each end-use equipment type for both MEPS and best practice measures; • Measure implementation period – Allows the Start year and Finish year for each measure to be varied; • Energy tariffs – Average tariff for electricity and gas for Australia & New Zealand (See Table 18); • Greenhouse coefficients for electricity and gas – the average electrical coefficient has been used to estimate BAU greenhouse emissions, and the marginal coefficient has been used to estimate greenhouse savings (See Table 19 below); • Equipment costs – Incremental cost of MEPS compliant equipment compared to average equipment (See Table 20); and • Government costs – Estimated cost to government of implementing MEPS or best practice programs; • Air Compressors – electric • Industrial Chillers – electric • Motor Drives – electric Equipment Type Average Life (yrs) • Other – electric Pumps Fans Air Compressor Industrial Chiller Boiler 12 15 15 20 15 • Boilers – gas • Other – gas 62 Table 17: Assumed Average Life of Equipment Best Practice Program Table 18: Assumed Average Energy Tariffs Country Australia ($AU/TJ) New Zealand ($NZ/TJ) Electricity Gas $22,222 $29,583 $4,000 $7,770 Table 19: Greenhouse Coefficients for Electricity used in Analysis Country / Coefficient Australia – Elec (Av) Australia – Elec (Marginal) NZ – Elec (Av) NZ – Elec (Marginal) Greenhouse coefficient in selected years (kT/PJ) 2006 2010 2015 2020 288 61 - 272 265 51 167 250 239 51 111 225 211 51 111 The model calculates the impacts of savings in addition to the MEPS by applying a savings attributed to the implementation of a Best Practice Program which focuses on the savings from the motor system – where motor systems are optimised for efficiency - and the use of better matched components. Such a program would build on the data collected from the MEPS, such as motor and component size, efficiency and applications to perhaps create motor system matching applications. As the programme will most likely utilise voluntary delivery methods such as information, demonstration, and education/seminar, the savings will probably not reach the theoretical technical potential, however significant savings are available. The costs of the programme are attributed to government – as the implementation of voluntary programmes requires sufficient resources to influence and provide advice to the end-users, and the customers – as the end-user may need to purchase additional equipment (such as VSDs) or services to obtain significant energy savings. Some of these costs may be negative or actual capital savings due to the purchase of smaller motors. Table 20: Estimated Cost of Implementing MEPS Equipment Type Estimated Cost ($/kWh/yr saved) Pumps Fans Air Compressors Industrial Chillers Boilers $0.04 $0.30 $0.40 $0.45 $0.07 The key outputs from the model are: • BAU energy use & greenhouse emissions – by country, sector, segment and end-use equipment; • Policy energy use & greenhouse emissions – by country, sector, segment and end-use equipment, for MEPS and best practice policies; Footnotes 1 Estimates for pumps and fans are based on cost and savings data in the EU Energy Using Products analysis for these products. Estimates for industrial chillers are based on the 2008 RIS for commercial chillers. Estimates for air compressors and boilers provided by EnergyConsult. 2 Little data is available to estimate the cost to end-users of best practice programs. Some measures such as using appropriately sized equipment could have a negative cost, while some system improvements can be achieved at very low cost. The initial estimate provided by EnergyConsult was $0.01/kWh. • Energy & Greenhouse Savings – by country, sector, segment and end-use , for MEPS and best practice policies; • Customer cost-benefit analysis - $ savings and costs from the customer perspective, as well as the benefit-cost ratio for a particular NPV; • National cost-benefit analysis – total national costs (including government costs), customer savings, as well as the benefit-cost ratio for a particular NPV. 63
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