What happens after surgery?


What happens after surgery?
What happens after surgery?
A bandage is applied. This may be changed to a
lighter dressing after a few days. Any stitches will
be removed at 10-14 days. You will be allowed
to use your elbow normally at this point.
Tennis Elbow
(outside of the elbow)
Golfers Elbow
(inside of the elbow)
required. The
physiotherapist will advise you on exercises.
Muscle strengthening exercises are started at
about three months.
Tennis/Golfers Elbow
Produced by The Orthopaedic Hand and Upper Limb Service
What are the risks of surgery?
The risks of surgery are rare but include infection,
stiffness, and nerve injury.
How Successful is Surgery?
Surgery is successful in 70-80% of cases. When
surgery does not relieve the pain, no further
treatment has been shown to help.
Sources of further patient information:
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is not
responsible for the content of external internet sites.
Produced by
The Orthopaedic Hand and Upper Limb Service
Illustrations by
M Briggs Medical Illustration Royal Preston Hospital
Production date Review Date -
What is Tennis/Golfers Elbow?
These are conditions that affect the outside
(tennis elbow) and inside (golfers elbow) of the
elbow. Although they do occur in tennis players
and golfers they are more common in nonsporting people. They are seen more often in
middle-aged people and in males and females
How is Tennis/Golfers Elbow
The doctor can usually make the diagnosis in
clinic. Occasionally x-rays and other tests are
How is Tennis/Golfers Elbow treated?
What causes Tennis/Golfers Elbow?
The doctor will discuss the treatment options
with you. The treatment options are:
Tennis elbow and golfers elbow are due to
inflammation at the site where the muscles
of the forearm attach to the bone around the
elbow. No one knows exactly what causes these
conditions. They rarely affect people past the
age of 65.
For mild cases a period of rest for 1 to 2 weeks
will relieve the symptoms. This is often combined
with an avoidance of repetitive handwork and
other activities that make the symptoms worse.
Also for mild cases, a special pressure pad may
What are the symptoms of Tennis/
Golfers Elbow?
The patient will experience pain and tenderness
over either the outer side or inner side of the
elbow. This may follow a period of activity and
will get easier after a period of rest. In more
severe cases the hand can feel weak and the
grip less strong resulting in difficulty performing
certain tasks.
In more severe cases a short course of
physiotherapy followed by regular exercise, may
help with pain relief.
Again for more severe cases injection of a local
anaesthetic and small amount of steroid can help
relieve the pain. Current evidence suggests that
these injections provide excellent short-term
pain relief but in the medium term, your pain may
return. These injections can be repeated if they
are of benefit. Occasionally, some of the steroid
will leak into the skin resulting in an area of
lightening in the skin, which can be permanent.
Surgery is reserved for cases that recur or
persist despite the other forms of treatment.
What does surgery involve?
Surgery involves freeing or releasing the inflamed
area of the elbow. It can be performed under
local anaesthetic, regional anaesthetic (block)
or general anaesthetic. The surgeon will discuss
this with you. Whichever type of anaesthetic you
choose, the surgery can be performed as a day