about - Oak Lawn Public Library


about - Oak Lawn Public Library
"Who's Who in Oak Lawn."
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ihrig,
9322 S. 53rd ave., well-known
in our community, share the
spoltlight this week. Bob and
Alice are !rom St. Paul, Minnesota. They both graduated
from the University or Minnesota and met at church
in that town.
Bob's first job was with a
daily newspaper in Cairo,lll.;
he also wrote for the St. Louis
Post Dispatch and the Chicago
Tribune. Alice's first job was
with the Minneapolis Tribune.
Both are former newspaper
peq)le with careers in journalism.
Bob is a plant manager in
Joliet wor~ in graphic arts.
He served on the 123 school
board and is now on the Oak
Lawn Mental Health Board.
on the Planning and Development Commission and is
now chairman of the Zoning
Commission which is studying the revision or zoning and
related codes. Alice is also
remembered for her work with
the illinois Constitutional
Much success is wished the
Thrigs as they continue to
serve their community.
* **
Alice Ihrig
His hobbies are photography
and garde~ including the
collecting of cactus.
Alice is presently a village
truStee and is slated to run
for Cook County Assessor in
the Republican primary this
spring. She is presently chairman or the lllinois Mental
Health Planning Board and
chairman of the lllinois Health
Cost Board which rules on
cost exception requests from
hospital and nursing homes.
On the executive board or the
American Library association and member of the Library Council, both elected
positions, she is incoming
president or the lllinois Library association. A member
of the YMCA board and also
serving on the Search Committee for the State Board or
Education, she finds time for
the hobbies of sewing and
maintaining a personal clipping file of the history of Oak
Alice is a past president
or the lllinois League or Women Voters, past president or
Americ an Library
Trustees association andSuburban Library System and,
member of the Oak Lawn library board.
Alice says her interest· iri
politics first began whe~ she
was observing the Oak Lawn
Village Board meetings and
the 123 school board meet~s. She served ten years
Oak Lawn Park Distiict
Steering Committee has completed their two year study
of the Oak Lawn parks, programs and facilities. The 115page report was submitted by
committee members Ron
Kehoe, Art Patterson, John
Opitz, Judith Browne and Rita
Smith. Included in the report
were 37 specific recommendations and 101 good
The 58-acre Simmons Park
at 6500 W. 93rd st. was recommended for major development by the committee. Plans
include a large outdoor swimming pool, achildrens'wading
pool, and a multi-use building. The committee recommended three handball courts
be established in Oak Lawn
and that pay night lighting on
tennis courts be initiated and
that tennis courts be added to
Beverly Lawn Park at 99th
and Kostner ave.
The need for more park
facilities in Oak Lawn, east of
Cicero, was suggested, also
continued developmentofHarker Park at 105th and Lockwood ave. was recommended.
In 1971, the Oak Lawn
League of Women Voters did
both a study and random
sample resident surveyonthe
parks•. In the past year ARC
consultants did another random sample recreational survey and now with the report
of the two year study by the
steering committee, Oak Lawn
park.s haye been thoroughly
S~~ed WIth many good sugg stions to help the hard\ _~ -\0, 14
working park board.
Mrs. Roch's first grade
class and Mrs. Miller'sSpecial Education class of Oak
View school, 110th and Knox
ave., attended the live performance of "The Nutcracker" at the In-the-Round
Theater in Chicago. Forty two
children attended this beautiful Christmas production as
an enrichment activity.
Following the performance,
the actors mingled among the
audience andthe childrenwere
able to meet the performers.
Chaperones for the trip
were Jan Bakar, teacher-aide
to Mrs. Miller, and first grade
mothers: Mrs•. John Brice,
Mrs. Donald Dahlgren, Mrs.
Wayne Preston and Mrs. Dale
The next meeting ofHarnew
school PTA, 9100 W. Austin,
will be held at 7:30 P.m.,
Tuesday, Jan. 8, in the large
Speaker on a consumer education program to help select
best products for the
money will be the program.
Presentation of colors will be
by Girl ScO\ltTroop 186. Election of a nominating committee will take place. Hostesses for the evening are the
first grade room representatives.
Astro-Notes: H~ard more
discussion this year about the
Wise Men in the Christmas
story, maybe it's because the
new translation Bibles such as
the Living Bible use the word
astrologers in place of Magi
or Wise Men. The Wise Men
from the East were indeed
Chaldean astrologers. BabyIon was the cradle or astrol-·
.ogy and the sciences or astronomy, mathematics and astrology were all one science
then. Astrologers were respected for their knOWledge as
were doctors and other professionals.
Before the Middle Ages, astrologers had to do their own
star-gazing and therefore
were also astronomers such
as Tycho Brahe, Johannes
KeIper and Sir Isaac Newton.
Today we have ephemersis,
astronomical tables published
by the United States Government and the Die Deutsdhe
Ephemeride published inGermany to tell us the position or
the planets at any given time.
Trained professional astrologers today are mathematicians with some knowledge or
astronomy but not necessarily
astronomers since these computation tables are readily
available to them, the work
having been done by professional astronomers.
\ -\0 _\en 4.
The Morris family wishes this column's readers a
very happy new year. Michael, 17, is a senior at Oak
Lawn high school and Kathleen, 13, is an eighth grader
at Covington school. Husband Dave is a sales manager
for I\Jlied Van Lines. A thank you to all who have c~n­
tributed to this column this past rear, birthday~, a~mv­
ersaries, weddings, family gathermgs and.orgamzatlOnal
news. Keep those cards and letters commg to 5183 W.
Otto pl. or call to give us your news ~nd s.hare your
happy moments or concerns for others 1Jl thiS column
throughout the coming year.
93th and Tripp ave.
Broderick, Oak Lawn Park
District president, reminds us
that a HED PENNA T at Oak
Lawn Lake, 96th and Lake
dr. or Southwest
Lagoon, 102nd and Major,
means that the icc is too
thin for skating.
Natural icc areas will be
!<>cated in the following Oak
Lawn parks after significant
are maintained for three to
four consecutive days: Beverly Lawn, Brandt, Dillon, Harker, Lawn Manor, Phillips, and
Simmons parks.
* ,.,<
Two Oale Lawners who participated in the outdoor
Chrisunas pageant at Lutheran Church of the Apostles
in Alsip were Bruce WunluCk,
5608 \ (. 1 "th st. as Joseph,
and Jim Rebholz, 4908 Oak
Center dr., as one of the
Wiseman. The pageant was
seen on channel five TV on
Sunday, Dec. 23.
* ••
The Oak Lawn Baseball for
Boys Women's Auxiliary is
planning a night at the theatre, Tuesday, Feb. 5. The
play is a comedy "Reluctant
Debutante" starring JoSeph
Cotton at Drury Lane. Curtain
time is 8:30 p.m. and ticl{ets
are $4. each and can be oblained from the following ladies: Therese McNicholas,
10421 S. Lawler; Evelyn Rus.:.
in, 9940 Park ave.; Marcie
Colantone, 8937 Sproat ave.,
and George Washington Savings and Loan, 10240 S. Cicero ave.
The ftoy Clark PTA meets
at 3 p.m., Wednesday, Jan.
16, in the school gym, 105th
and Lockwood ave. "Take
Time to Learn What PTSA
Means to Us" is the program
for the evening. A panel ma(\e
up of students, teachers and
administrators will discuss
the subject. Dr. Lowell Johnson, supt. of Dist. 218 and
Mrs. Ball, president of RichThe next concert of the
ards PTSA will participate Soulhwesl SymphoI\)' Orchesin the program.
Ira under the direction of ,\1fred ,\uhVlU"m will be at 8
p.m. SatlU"day, Jan. 19, at the
"A Better Understanding" Evergreen ParI, high school,
is the tille of the January 99th and Kedzie. Tickets are
meeting of the McDonald- available at Rossi Music
Hannum PTA. Frank Connell store, 4865 W. 95th st.; or
will speal{ on consumer pro- writc to Hobert W. Wolf, 9837
tection at 8 p.m. Tuesday,
The sb.1h graders of Oak
Vicw school, 110th and Knox
ave., recelll~' enjoyed a
geology field trip which was
the culmination of a geology
science lUilt and many stops
were made to stud,)' and discuss what had been taught in
class. There were H students
and fmu' adults, Mrs. Rohloff,
11'. Rohloff, who conducted the
fie Id tour and chaperone mothers' 1\1rs. Ileinen and Mrs.
Yariolls forest preserves
were yisiled, soil testing was
donc, samples lal,en back to
school and observed on the
were obsen'ed, areas where
the ice sheetS had done some
SCOlU"ing to the land, the higheSI poi.l1l of land around at
Swallow CIill and Blue Island,
and IHUlting for fossils at a
quarry. .\Ithough
weather was quire wet and
cold all were dressed warmly
as the trip was fun as well
as educalional.
-:' ,;.: J(~
.\stro-. 'otes: The last two
columns discussed aStronomy
and mathmatics in relation to
astrology. Unfortunately probably only half of those claiming to be astrologers are
mathmaticians whocanaccurately calculate a natal chart
based on governrnent published astronomical tables.
Since astrology is based on
the theory that events on earth
and personal psychological
traits correspond directly
with your exact moment of
birth, unless you begin with an
accurately calculated birth
chart or a picture of the heavens as they were exacUy at
your moment of birth, a correct analysis or interpretation would be impossible.
What can be done to qualify
people to call themselves professional astrologers? Licensing and testing, as is done
in the medical profession or
passing a bar exam to become a practicing attorney,
are possibilities.
The Oak Lawn Library encourages groups to tour and
visit the downstairs children's section of the library.
Children from the nursery school at Pilgrim Faith United Church of Christ watch a fairy tale on a special
television set. Exhibits and live gerbils can also be seen
by visitors to the library.
Hearing tests given by the Illinois Departm~nt of
Public Health are being given this week to the children
of the church nursery school. Openings still are available, call Jan Guthrie-425-7043_.
On Jan. 23, history is being made as a new legitimate
theatre on Dearborn st. called "The First Chicago Center" is opening and is the
first new theatre in the Loop
since the Civic Theatre opened in 1929.
The Youth Service League
has been fortunate in procuring 52 seats for the opening
production of •'The Decline
and Fall of the Entire World
as Seen Thru the Eyes of
Cole Porter;" It's a five person review that ran for 17
months in New York last season.
Enroute to the Loop, the
group will stop at the Parthenon restaurant, 314 S.
Halsted st. for a dutch treat
luncheon from their a la carte
menu. This is a warm and
friendly Greek restaurant and
serves excellent food.
Bus leaves Green Oak shopping center at 11 a.m. and will
return by 6 p.m. Cost is
$ 7. 75 for members and $8.50
for non-members. This price
includes transportation, theatre tickets and arrangements. With only 52 tickets
there will be only paid reservations, so call Dorothy
Swanson-422-4771 before Jan.
17. If no answer, call Kay
Barz-422-3653. Make checks
payable to Youth Service
League and mail to Dorothy
Swanson, 9136 S. Sproat ave.
(This trip is in place of the
Arlington Theatre since they
do not have matinees during
the week.)
Jerry Sloan, Chicago Bulls
Basketball player, will speak
at a special meeting of the
Covington PTA, 91st and 5200
ave. at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday,
Jan. 23. Mrs. Raymond Siple,
9113 S. 54th ct., is president.
A Round Robin hockey tournament made up of 16 high
schools in the buruban area
was held Jan. 2, 3, and 4
at Oak Brook Twin Ice Forum. Oak Lawn's team took
second place.
According to Scott McNally,
recreation director for the
Oak Lawn Park District in
the past six years the park
district has increased its offering of programs from 20
in 1968 to over 100 in 1974.
The offices of the park district at 94th and Kenton are
open a total of 71 hours a
week. Weekedays from 8:30
a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturdays
from 8:30 a.rn. to 5 p.rn. The
phone number is 424-7300,
registration for the winter
programs is now in progress.
"Cooperation" is in evidence as the park district uses
facilities in all four Oak Lawn
elementary school districts,
122, 123, 125, and 126.
Birthdays: Marion Busch,
10316 S. Long ave., Jan. 7;
Ruth D'Amico, 9212 S. Sproat
ave., Jan. 6; Nancy Stillwell,
4049 Dean dr., Jan. 16; and
Betty Archbold, 9317 S. 51st
ave., Jan. 17.
* **
Pinewood Derby night for
Cub Scout pack 3652 is 7:30
p.m. Friday, Jan. 18, at Dearborn Heights school, 9600 S.
Rutherford. The piJ.ck is planning a Blue and Gold dinner
on Feb. 15 at Oak Lawn Community church, 9000 S. Ridgeland ave.
"Career Education" is the
program for the next meet~
of the Oak Lawn Community
high school PTSA, scheduled
for 7:30 p.m., Thursday, J~n.
24 in the school cafeterIa,
9400 Southwest hwy. Speakers
will be: Tom Bartels talking
on pre-vocational workshop,
a program for handicapped
children; Helen Gerken speaking on personal and public
service occupations; Bob Burdan will have a slide presentation on sales or retail trade
occupations James Brown
will talk about office occupations, cosmetology, and other
related programs.
Parents, teachers and students are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Astro-Notes: What would
you like to read about in this
section of the column? Do
you just want to read about
individual Sun signs e.i. Aries,
Taurus, etc.? Would you like
to read about famous people
explained astrologically? Are
you interested in future events
and trends, how astrology
works and its history? Please
let me know what you would
like to read more about by
sending a postcard to Mrs.
David Morris, 5183 W. Otto
pl., Oak Lawn, 60453.
\ -\1-\'1,1.\
Grace Morris
School district 123 has a
new assistant superintendent.
Dr. Paul "Dirk" Manson is
presently a •principal in
Greenwich, Connecticut; married and the father of two
children, ages four and eight.
Dr. Manson has taught in
lIolly, Michigan and has been
a principal in Portland, Mich.
His educational background
includes major concentration
in guidance, biology, chemistry, math and educational administration. His doctoral
dissertation was in the area of
pre - kindergarten development diagnosis. lIe has his
B.S, and M.I\, from orthern
Michigan university and his
Ph. D. from Michigan State
university. !lis salary will be
$22,500 effective March 1,
1974 until June 30, 1975.
Open House is planned for
the next meeting of the Brandt
PTA, 8901 S. 52nd ave. at
7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday,
Jan. 29.
The teachers will be on hand
to greet the parents and children in their classrooms, which
all have their own special
touches for this night.
There will be a bake sale
in the corridor outside the
featuring homemade
goodies from the kitchens of
the Brandt mothers. Tom
Ivano, school principal has a
few other surprises, one of
which is a miniature Art Fair.
Everyone is invited to spend an
enjoyable evening.
St. Germaine's Women's
club plans Western Weekends
of fun for the over -21 on
Friday and Saturday, 'Feb. 8
and 9, and again on Friday
and Saturday, Feb. 15 and
16. Visit the country store,
enjoy a Chuck Wagon dinner,
dancing and see a wonderful
show called "Deep In the Heart
of Taxes." Some surprises,
too. Tickets are $7.50 per person and can be obtained by
calling 425-3213 or 636-0873.
* * '"
Happy birthday to Allison
Davis, 8729 S. 51st ave. on
Jan. 4 and to Denise LaFave,
8721 S. 51st ave. on Jan. 22.
Also Olive Markle, 9349 S.
54th ave. on Jan. 25.
Founders' Day will be observed at the next meeting of
Oak Lawn Hometown PTA
Council at 8 p.m., Thursday,
Jan. 31, at Hometown school,
89th and Duffy ave., Hometown. The program for the
evening will be "How Title
I Functions in District 123."
An explanation and demonstration of the Title Iprogram
will be given by Title I administrator, Mrs. L. Cross.
Program chairman is Mrs.
Lee Sears, 4702 W. 88th pl...
Hometown, and president of
the Council is Mrs. Alvin
Busch, 10316 S. Long ave.
'" '" *
Too cold for you? Plan a
Bahama weekend with the St.
Germaine Holy Name Society
for April 19 to 22. Reservations at $175 per person
can be obtained from James
Whelton, 425-9086 or Tony
Cupp, 239-5800.
* '" '"
"Car $ense." a do-it-yourself auto maintenance program, will be presented at
7 p.m., Friday, Jan. 25, at
the Oak Lawn Public Library, 94th and Cook ave. Henry
Cernota of Moraine
Community college will be the
'" ':'
Oak Lawn Hometown school
district 123 issued a room
utilization report at its last
board meeting. Brandt school
is in use every evening: Girl
Scouts. Monday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday; Park
District programs, Tuesday
and Thursday; Theater Guild,
Mondays; YMCA, Wednesday
and Thursday and Friday; Boy
Scouts. Wednesday; PTA,
Tuesday; and St. Gerald, Friday.
Clark school: Park District
programs, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; Scouts,
Monday, and Tuesday; YMCA,
Monday and Wednesday; Great
Books;I'uesday; PTA, Wednesday; Oak Lawn Evergreen
Park Rangers Friday.
Covington school: YMCA,
Monday and Saturday; Park
District, Tuesday and Thursday; St. Gerald, Monday,
Scouts, Friday; PTA, Tuesday, Trinity Covenent, Friday.
Gasteyer: Scouts, Monday,
Wednesday and
Park District,
Tuesday, and Thursday; Green
Oak Reform church, Monday;
PTA, Tuesday; and YMCA,
Wednesday, and Saturday.
Hannum school: St. Catherine. Monday; Elim church,
Tuesday and Thursday; Scouts,
Tuesday. and Wednesday; St.
Germaine, Wednesday and
Friday, YMCA, Wednesday
and Thursday.
Kolmar school: Scouts,
Monday, Tuesday. and Wednesday; Park district, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Frid!'-y; PTA,
Monday; St. Catherme, Monday and Friday.
McDonald school: St. Catherine, Monday; Park district,
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
and Friday. Scouts, Wednesday, St. Germaine, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and
YMCA, Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday.
Sward school: YMCA, Monday and Saturday; Park
district, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; Scouts,
Wednesday and Friday.
'" * *
Astro - Notes: A Librlan
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 24) woman's
education is never complete
for she is forever weighing
life's values, considering.new
fields, can take up a hobby
(or new type of man) late in
life. Her side interest is psychology. She usually paints
or sings. Has a variety of
boyfriends, makes each one
feel important but her real
love may be the black sheep.
As a teacher or mother she
is unforgettable, her mind is
never one track. But the divorce courts are filled with her
-1.~ .\'1...,~
summarize the status of educational bills in Springfield.
The continental breakfast is
free and all those interested
in education legislation are invited to attend.
The breakfast is sponsored
by the joint efforts of the
PTA, school administrators,
and school boards of the south
suburban area, specifically
Mrs. Thomas Whalen, illinois
PTA legislation chairman;
Mrs. David Morris, PTADirector, District 34; James Cerone, chairman, South Subdivision illinois Association of
School Boards; Mrs. David
Sorrick, legislative chairman,
South Subdivision lllinois Association of School Boards;
Dr. Douglas McGugan, superintendent, school district 123,
Oak Lawn, illinois Association of School Administrators;
and Dr. William D. Smith,
superintendent, school district 126, Alsip, Hazelgreen
and Oal, Lawn, 1.\5A.
Evelyn Folk, 9358 S. 50th
ave., recently returned home
from Christ Community hospital after leg surgery. Evelyn
celebrates a birthday Feb. 5.
Other birthdays: Barbara
Eagan, the gorgeous blonde
who works at Emmett's Beauty
shop, celebrated Jan. 27. The
Campbell soup twins, Kathy
Morris, 5183 W. Otto pl., on
Jan. 22 and Donna Kroll, 5179
W. Otto pl. on Jan. 23.
Feb. 9, 1874. Congratulations
to Trinity and we'll look forward to news of their big
Did you read in the "National Enquirer" that Oak
Lawn, illinois, is listed as
the eighteenth safest city in
the United States? Lakewood
Ohio is safest and the only
other illinois town ahead of us
is Arlington Heights listed as
* * '"
Faith Un i ted
Church of Christ, 9411 S.
51st ave. begins another series of seminars Sunday, Feb.
3, continuing through March
24. The seminars are held
between the Sunday morning
worship services approximately 10 a.m. to 10 :45 a.m.
The subjects offered will
be "Human Relations Training," an examination of the
principles of human behavior
effecting interpersonal relationships and development of
individual skills, leader is
Phil Theodorou; "Make a Joyful oise," an exploration of
the music used in Christian
worship, leader is Helen Oppenheim; ''Ethics in the Business WorId," an advilnced
program, dealing with the energy crisis, multi-national
corporate interference in sovereign
affairs, militaryindustrial complex, business
operations and pay-offs, deceptive advertising, open to
those who attended the previous introductory courses,
leader is Dick Peterson; •'Introduction to Transaction Analysis," using materialS such
as the books "I'm Okay,
You're Okay" and "Games
People Play," leader is Harriet Murphy; and "Re-adjusting to Change," a contemporary bible study, using letters of James, Peter, John
and Jude, leader is Dave Paton.
For further information, the
church office number is 4224200.
The Oak Lawn Community
Pre-school will hold its first
parent meeting at 8 p.m.,
Wednesday, Feb. 6 at Salem
United Church of Christ, 9717
Keiki Wahine Kathy Bragg 0IFY" Junior Girl), strums
S. Kostner ave.
the Ukulele announcing the upcoming Johnson-Phelps
Puppets for Parents a
VFW 5220 Luau to be held from 8 p.m. till??':bn aturday,
group sponsored by Erikson
Feb. 16, at the Post Hall, 9514 S. 52nd ave.
Institute for Early Childhood
Donations of $7.50 includes dinner, dancing and enEducation will be leading our
tertainment. Tickets are available at the hall on Wedprogram for the evening. The
nesday and Friday evenings or call 636-3785, on a first
Institute is part of Loyola
come basis.
university and specilizes in
Entertainment by Tia Molokai who will instruct the audpre-primary education.
ience in the dramatic and sinewy movements of her native
The performance by the four
dances. Music will be provided by the Hawaiian Islanders.
puppeteers is designed to
M. Dwyer is Post Commander, Wally Cummings is chairstimulate discussion concernman of the affair and Margie Hill, Auxiliary member, ing ideas for ,raising children.
* .~ '"
is preparing the Luau feast.
Astro- otes: Women's Lib
Everyone is invited and refreslunents will be served aft- series. Tbe Virgo (Aug. 24
through Sept. 23) woman has
Father Emmett Regan, new- er the discussion.
been the backbone of business
Kay Lisak, 6530 W. 93rd st., 1y appointed pastor ofSt. Ger.~ * '"
recently returned from Long maine parish, was busy with
In case you are wonder- for many years, and so it is
Beach, California, where she six receptions after all the ing what happened to the not surprising how many of
attended the funeral of her Jan. 5 and 6 services. Father "Friendly Crossing Guard" these women are leaders in
sister, Grace Snidergol, for- Regan served 26 years at Holy at 93rd and 52nd ave., Bev- the women's lib movement.
merly of Worth, who had been Name Cathedral and since erly Bragg. Bev had to jwnp
Virgo women could succeed
ill for over a year.
1966 was pastor of St. Hel- out of the way of a motorist as veterianarians, truck and
Kay's daughter, SP 4 Helen enas parish in the Fernwood making a right turn and bus
drivers, typesetters,
J. Lisak, came home on a neighborhood of Chicago. sprained her ankle. Bev will bookbinders, editors, printthree week leave from ug- Father Regan succeeds the be limping around the house ers, or publishers. Young Virsburg, Germany. It was quite later Father Walter Sheridan for at least the rest of the go women could set their goals
a surprise, everyone knew the who founded St. Germaine par- week. Don't ask her how she on a M.D. degree adding a new
secret except mom and dad. ish in 1963.
feels about the new right hand dimension as a doctor. Virgo
Kay's family were all together
on a red light and its school teachers might want
'" * '"
Jan. 19 when her oldest daughA legislative breakfast is affect on school crossing to try breaking into the maleter, MaryJaneMadixandfam- scheduled for 9:30 a.m., Sat- guards. She'll tell: you.
dominated proffessions of
ily, came in from Decatur. urday, Feb. 2, at Gaddis school
superintendent of schools, or
* '" '"
The rest of the married child- 9300 S. Keeler ave. State legTrinity Lutheran church, school principals.
ren in the family live close islators
the 8th, 97th and Brandt ave., kicks
by and the family gathering 9th, and 28th legislative dist- off its Centennial year obser\ ·:'1 -\'11'4
included ten grandchildren.
ricts have been invited to at- vances on Sunday, Feb. 10.
« '"
The church was founded on
to answer auestions and
"Who's Who in Oak Lawn"
Dick and Doris Napier, 10124 S, Buel,l ct., have ~ived
in Oak Lawn 15 years. Their son, Mike, ,11, a sixth.grader at Gasteyer school, plays trombone m the Intermediate Band and collects insects and rocks.
Doris and Dick celebrated their 15th wedding anmversary on Jan, 24. They have coordinated ~atechism classes at St. Linus for two years. The family enjoys camping hiking and good music.
Dick works for H.U.D. Insurance and F~~ce; his
hobbies are photography and oil painting. Dons IS president of the Gasteyer PTA and her hobbies are crewel
and sewing.
>:< >:<
Mary Pronoitis, 9732 S.
Kenneth made the Dean's List
for the first semester at illinois State university at Normal. She's planning to be a
special education teacher.
urday, Feb. 9, and again Friday, Feb. 15 and Saturday,
Feb. 16. Visit the Country
Store, enjoy a Chuck Wagon
dinner, dancing and see the
show "Deep In The Heart of
Taxes." Tickets are $7.50
per person; call 425-3213 or
Dr Douglas McGugan's 19
year'old son was hospitalized
last week.
Joe Asnenbach, .9121 S. 54.th
aye :U!fM~ a .heart attack..~
and is in intense care at
Ghriit Community· hospital.
Don't forget those Western Jim Eichberger, 5323 W. 90th
Week-ends for the over 21 st. is alaos in CCH recoversponsored by the St. Germ- ing from surgery.
aine's Women's club coming
,:c. * *
up Friday, Feb. 8 and SatAt the recent Chamber of
Commerce Installation Ban2..-1~\cnu.
quet held at the new Sheraton
Irm, officers for the organization of businessmen were
formally installed. Frank J.
Boblak is the new president;
Merrill Stenhom, first vicepresident; Davis Boyd, second
vice president; Joseph McDarthy, treasurer; and Betty
Sann, secretary.
Jerry Wavering, president of the Spartan Athletic
Booster club, turned over
$4500 to Oak Lawn Community high school for the purchase of needed athletic equipment and uniforms. The money
is the result of a Swimathon,
Donkey Basketball Game and
the selling of football programs•
Happy birthday to Marge and
Dale Clinkman, 5175 W. Otto
pl. on Jan, 27 and Jan, 29.
* >:c >:<
Rev. Herbert Duenow? pastor of the Half Day United
Church of Christ, is giving a
book review, Beulah Land, a
new novel by Lonnie Coleman, at the Feb. 7 Women's
Guild meeting at Pilgrim Faith
United Church of Christ, 9411
S. 51st ave. Luncheon is at
12:30 p.m., $1.50 payable at
the door. Reservations should
be made by calling Nancy
Stillwell, 422-0678. or Doris
Temple, 424-2187.
* * >:t
Astro-Notes: Women's Lib
series. The Leo (July 24
through Aug. 23) woman has
long been in the entertainment field but not in decision
-making positions such as TV
producers or directors, public
relations people or theater
managers, now is maybe the
time to make the move into
this predominately male area. In the wide world of sports,
Leo gals could try for coach.
Leos make fine
jewelry artisans and this has
been a pretty much exclusive
male profession UP to now.
to create window arrangements without sewing.
The hostesses for the evening will be the room representatives from the fifth grade
rooms of Mrs. Foerner, Mrs.
Lagen and Miss Prazma.
* *
Dr. Robe r t Poindexter,
former assistant superintendent in District 123, and .now
superintendent in District 87,
Berkeley, m., was awarded
a PTA life membership at the
last meeting of the Oak Lawn
Hometown PTA Council. The
life membership honors those
who have worked for the welfare of all children and youth.
sending $25 in the name of
the recipient to the s tat e
scholarship fund.
* * ~'c
Kay Siple, 9113 S. 54th ct.,
president of Covington PTA,
celebrated her birthday, Jan.
31, at the PTA Council meeting.
'" '" '"
A Roller Skating party sponsored by the Gaddis PTA will
be held from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.,
Tuesday, Feb. 12, at the Oak
Lawn Roller Rink, 9121 S.
Cicero ave. Call chairman
Liz Schulman - 425-0466 for
further information.
'" '"
Brownie '" Lisa
"Who's Who in Oak Lawn"
Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Traczyk, 10405 S. LaPorte,
have lived in Oal< Lawn for
eight years. They have three
children, Lisa 11, Edward M.
10, and Karin, six. Lisa has
read every • ancy Drew book
ever published and is a member of Girl Scout Troop 62.
Edward loves hockey and football and little Karin is enjoying school and learning to
Pat is president of the Clark
PTA and a member of Girl
Scout Troop #62 Committee.
She taught C.C.D. classes for
the last three years. She
enjoys crocheting, sewing and
occasionally a bowling game
with the family.
with polio at the age of three,
Pat attended schools for the
physically handicapped. She
graduated from Spalding high
school having been very active
there as president of the National Honor Society. She
worked for several years in a
variety of positions, the last
being an airline reservation-
ist. She married her high
school sweetheart; Ed is employed by 'ational Can Corp.
as assistant manager of twopiece can lines in the Manufacturing Engineering department. Pat hopes to return
to school and finish her college education.
'" '" '"
Congratulations to C h u c k
Middleton, Timber Trails
District Commissioner Boy
Scouts of America, who is the
1974 Oak LawnSERTOMA Man
of the Year.
'" * *
" othing is Impossible to
the Willing Heart and Hands"
is the theme of the Harnew
PTA's second meeting of the
year to be held at 7:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, Feb. 19, in the school
gym, 9100 S. Austin ave.
Colors will be presented by
the Cub Scouts and Webelos
of Pack 4651 and Boy Scout
Troop 1651. Before the program, the nominating committee will give its report. Aggie egmzow will show us how
Smith tells
us about her Brownie Troop
227 which put the motto:
"Scouting is 3/4 Outing" into
practice as they have had six
outings since September.
The troop of 26 girls meets
at Hannum school, 98th and
Tripp ave., has picked apples
to make taffy applies at Lake
Zurich, seen a film on the
Chicago Fire at the Chicago
Historical Society, attended a
Sing-Along in Old Town, taken
a tour of Quaker Oats at the
Merchandise Mart, attended
the "Wizard of Oz" play at
Richards high school and visited "Buttons" the clown.
During the winter months,
Brownie Leaders Charlene
Mann, Doris Hendrick and
Lynn Lane have planned a family dleigh ride in St. Charles,
and a tour of the Museum of
Science and Industry. Among
their other projects were Valentine tray favors for Oak
Lawn Convalescent Home, October investiture, trick and
treating for U ICEF, a big
Christmas show,JanuaryPTA
name tags and donating a basket for Thanksgiving.
'" '"
February* birthdays
Charlene Wavering, 5216 W.
88th st., Feb. 7; Rita' Beard,
5191 W. 88th pl., Feb. 14;
and JoAnn Buschbach, 9761 S.
Brandt ave., on Feb. 15.
Mary and Don Artus, 9135
S. Central ave., are the proud
parents of a daughter, Melissa, born Friday, Feb. 1.
The Artus family has three
sons, Tim, David and Daniel;
so Melissa has caused quite
a bit of excitement.
Founders' Day will be observed by the Covingion PTA,
9130 S. 52nd ave., at 8 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 19, in the new
school gym.
"You are the PTA", a legislative film, will be shown
in addition to Founders Day
observance. Cub Pack 3473,
sponsored by the PTA, in observance of the anniversary of
the Scouting program, will be
the color guard. Refreshments will be served and
everyone in the community is
'" * *
Dave Pitrak, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Pitrak, 9229
S. KE\eler, senior class president at Oak Lawn Community high school, and Terry
Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gus Jones, 9737 Tully ave.,
received honorable mention in
Congressman Robert Hanrahan's high school essay contest.
High school students
in the lllinois 3rd District
were asked to write on "What
A Citizen Can Do To Conserve Energy."
Astro-Notes: Women's Lib
series - The Aquarian (Jan.
21 through Feb. 19) woman by
temperment was suited to
move into the business world
long before it was a "popular cause." Their friendly
personalities and skill in
meeting the public are assets
in the business world. Scientists and inventors are often
Aquarians, as are electricians, but how many women
enter these fields? Aquarian
women should try for pilot
jobs; none of the domestic
airlines employ women in this
Aquarian women have done
much better in the area of
social science and psychotherapy. Astrology is being
used increasingly in conjunction iwth psychotherapy and is
another natural field for an
in addition to a
science fair displaying original exhibits by the students
of the school. Refreshments
were served bY the fifth and
sixth grade room mothers under the direction of Mrs. Jerome Nagel, social chairman.
t,e ::C
•'Who's Who in Oak Lawn"
Bill ~nd Joan Hoey, 4645 W. IOOth st., have four children: Ehza~th, 13, Edward 11, Ellyn, 8, and Richard, 6.
and one whIte poodle named Sugar. Elizabeth is a cheerleader at McDonald school; Both Liz and Edward are in
the school band. The Hoeys have been married 17 years.
Joan tells us some of her toughts "Since the birth of
my first child I stayed at home. Hm;ever, I took courses
on WTTW, Channel 11 College and completed two years
of college; receiving an Associates of Arts Degree in
June, 1971, from Southwest College."
"It wasn't until three years
ago that I become interested are my hobbies? I answer
in commWlity and school af- everything••especially somefairs. I started my 'outside thin? I know nothing about ,"
Bill Hoey is an electrician
the home' activities bybecoming editor of two newspapers for a contractor in the loop.
simultaneously, The Batter This is a very energic en•
Up, the Oak Lawn Baseball thusiastic family.
tot * *
for Boys newspaper and the
"Join Hansel and Gretel
PTA Newsletter for McDonat the Roy Clark Winter Carald-Hannwn schools."
"This year I became PTA nival" is the theme for a day
president at McDonald-Hann- of fun from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
un schools and when asked Saturday, Feb. 23, at Roy
what PTA stands for to me Clark school, 105th and Lockit means Passing Time Ac- wood ave. PTA Carnival
tively. I have devoted a great Chairmen, Mrs. Edmund Ball school PTSA sponsorsanOp_
deal of my time to PTA be- and Mrs. Stephen Blank have en House, Parent Teacher
cause I feel it can be some- planned something for every- ~Onference starting at 7 p.m.
thing Positive To Achieve in one with games and prizes. ill the school cafeteria, 94th
this apathetic world of to- There will be two cakewalks and 60uthwest hwy. Parents
day. With PTA many times and a third mini cake walk may pick up a map of the
you can see some of the re- for tiny tots; a "Granny's school rooms in the cafeteria.
* * ~,
sults today, now--not tomor- Corner" -- handmade bout~lem.United Church of
row' The PTA at McDonald- iquej a "Gingerbread House,"
Hannum schools have a Junior peni\Y candy, cotton candy and ChrIst will hold its annual
Great Books program and a popcorn shop; a "Witches rwntnage sale from 9 a.m. to
Picture Lady program both of Den," spook house; and "Ye 8 p.m., Tuesday, March 5
which I am involved and enjoy Olde Forest Inn," serving and 9 a.m. to noon, Wednes~
chili dogs, pizza, pastry, cof- day, March 6 in the church
Fellowship Hall, 9717S. Kost"I recently worked with 16 fee and soft drinks.
boys and girls from the eighth
ner ave. Many bargains and
Joe Ashenbach was recently "nearly new" items will be
grade at McDonald school and
put together a "Roaring transferred from Little Com- offered for sale.
* *"
'20's" show for a school car- pany of Mary hospital to Mer"Take Time to Honor Our
nival. The show was so well cy hospital still in critical
received that the children have condition according to wife Founders" was the theme of
the Roy Clark PTA afternoon
put the show on for various
adult groups and have a per- Millie.
forrnance coming up for the
Celebrating a birthday Feb.
Oak Lawn Senior Citizens."
10 was Elaine Gandy, 4208
"I enjoy music and have become a member of the Oak W. IOOth st. * ':<-,;.(
Lawn Hometown PTA Chorus.
Oak Lawn Community high
"World Day of Prayer" observed in 16 countries will be
hosted in this area by the
Pilgrim Faith United Church
of Christ, 9411 S. 51st ave.
Services begin at 1 p.m. Friday, March 1, in the church
sanctuary. All churches are
invited to participate.
i,.: ,.o.c
Trip to the World renowned
Art Institute plus a bus trip
to view picturesque Art Murals painted on walls by artists in the HYde Park area
are planned by the Youth Ser~
vice League for Thursday,
March 7. BuS leaves Green
Oaks shopping center at 9:45
a.m. and returns about 5 p.m.
Cost is $8.75 per members
and $9.50 for non-members'
this includes -a guided tour of
the rt Institute, a buffet luncheon, arrangements bus fare
and all admis sions, taxes and
tips. For reservations call
Roena Soliday, 425-4776. uno
answer call Lois McNerney
424-5566. Please make res~
ervations before Feb. 28.
Make check payable to Youth
Service League and send to
Roena Soliday~ 9724S. Kostner
ave. Trip limited to 50 peopte.
Coming up on April IT will
be the League's spring Ulncheon at the Barn.
Cindy Holmes, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Holmes
?606 S. Parkside ave., a sen~
lor at Oak Lawn Community
high schOOl, was awarded a
Citation and a $25 savings
bond by the Veterans of Foreign Wars :i.rl recognition of
excellence :i.rl the Voice of
Democracy Broadcast Scriptwriting program.
t,c ;.:<=
Beverly Bailey, daughter of
Dr. and Mrs w Alan R. Bailey,
9201 S. Keeler ave., was cited
as an outstanding student writer by the a-tional Council of
Teachers of Bnglish. Beverly
was one of 850 finalists chosen from 6,400 juniors repre'senting schOOls from the 50
states and :rnerican schools
senting Friends of Channel
11, will provide the program,
"Everything You've Always
to Know About
South West Woman's club
holds their monthly meetings
at Colonial Savings and Loan,
95th and Cicero ave., on the
third Monday of each month.
President of the club is Mrs.
William McGrath, 4605 W.
106th st. Members of the Education department include:
Mrs Alvin Busch. chairman,
103i6 S. ~ ave.; Mrs. John
Kenney, 9245 S. 55th ave.;
Mrs. Ronald Botica, 14748
S. Clifton, Midlothian; Mrs.
Earl Ewert, 7660 W. Carmichael, Palos Heights; Mrs.
Robert Hawks, 9231 S. Winchester, Chicago; Mrs. Willlam Leise, 3705 W. Pippin,
Chicago; Mrs. Franklin Oakes
12746 Palos ave., Palos
** *
Pictured Qett to right) are: Mrs. Lowell Phillips, Mrs.
F. R. Remer, Mrs. Jack Bollito, and Tam Ivano.
At the recent Founders' Day program of the Brandt
PTA held in the school library, 8900 S. 5200 ave., two
life memberships were awarded. One life membership
was given to Marian Remer who has been active in PTA
and Scouts for many years and the other was awarded
to JelUlie Bollito who is president of Brandtand was a girl
scout leader for many years.
A life membership is the highest award in PTA signifying someone who has volunteered their time for the
welfare' of children and youth; a $25 contribution is
sent to the state scholarship fwld in the name of the
recipient. A recipient need not be a member of the
PTA but may qualify by virtue of having given unselfishly of his time and talents over an extended period
of time for the welfare of children.
JoAnn Phillips is program chairman and Tom Ivano
is principal at Brandt school.
a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday,
March 7. The "Nearly New"
Amy Collins, 9724S. Brandt
booth will be one of the main
celebrated her first
features, with slightly used
birthday, Feb. 23, by sharing
articles at bargain prices.
a birthday party with her broMrs. Dale Clinlanan and
ther Bill, who will be eight on
Mrs. Thomas Moan, ways and
March 1.
means chairmen, and Mrs. T.
H. Gasteyer, II, president, are
Next door neighbors, the
in charge of the fund raising
Calantone and McGrail famevent.
ilies, on the 8900 block of
* ••
Sproat ave., are performing
The Education department
in the St. Gerald's production
of the South West Woman's
for Hollywood"
club is sponsoring a benefit
starting Friday March 1.
breakfast for
WTTW, Channell!, at 9:30
The Wamen of St. Raphael's
a.m., Wednesday, March 6, in
Episcopal church. 9701S.49th
the Florida room, at the Oak
ave., will hold their annual
Lawn ParK District, 94th and
Spring Rummage Sale from 9
Knox. Viv Mikolite, rep're-.
Preschool parents attention! Dennis Waicosky, director of the Oak Lawn Montessori school, will speak on
"What to Expect From Your
Preschooler" at 7:30 p.m.,
Thursday, Feb.2S. .in the
Brandt school library, 8900
S. 52nd ave.
This meeting for preschool
parents is sponsored by the
combined efforts of the Brandt
and Covingtoo PTAs. Preschool chairman for the Covington PTA is Linda Nowak
and chairman at Brandt is
JoAnn Philli.ps.
•• *
Harry Munch. capt. of the
Oak Lawn Police dept. is
up and aroundl~goodand
16 pounds lighter after his
nine day stay in Christ Communitj' hospital for a pulled
muscle and pleurisy.
It was standing room only
at the St. Germaine Holy Name
Societj' Father - Daughter
Communion Breakfast Feb.
10. Over 150 fathers and
daughters attended. The Society will combine hono~
the athletic teams and a father and son communion breakfast, Sunday. March 10.
Basketball is big business
in the Oak Lawn Park District
as 410 boys, ages 9 to 14
compete in 44 team,s. President of theCiceroWestBoard
is Jack Cleveland, and of the
Cicero East is Bob Peterson.
The 1974-75 Oak Lawn Park
District basketball program
will be expanded to include
freshman and sophomore high
school teams. Registrations
are now being accepted,
• *•
"World Day of Prayer"
services will be held at 1
p.m., Friday. March 1, atPUgrim Faith United Church of
Christ, 9411 S. 51St ave. All
churches in the area are invited to attend.
The Oak Lawn Park District
girls volleyball tournament
will be held in mid-March.
Teams from all Oak Lawn
elementary schools will be invited to participate in both the
pretournament and the cooference play be~ March
• • •
Astro-Notes: Women's Wb
series. The Pisces (Feb. 20
throogh March 20) woman, by
the nonagressive nature of
the sign, has simply avoided
competing with men for better
jobs. Not lacking in skill or
talent, but lacking the desire
to aggressively demand their
rights, Piscean women have
often been kept in meek, servUe roles. Our institutions,
nursing homes, hospitals, prisons, sanitarium, and orphanages need skillful workers and
reformers with compassion
and understanding. These are
Pisces' jobs; she should demand and get.
If you are yOU11t enough.
you might consider ,Ii career
as a navy recruit or lady
marine, also owningandoperating a gas station. Not too
many women become pharmacists and chemistry is another natural study subject and
career goal for many Piscean
women. You might want to
train as an aneathetist•
Christ 9411 S. 51st ave. For
furthe; information and reservations, call 425-9829.
'" '"
Anyone interested
in trying out for the Oak Lawn
Theater Guild? They are casting for a musical to be given
in May at this time. Call
422-5476 for further information.
'" '" ~,
Sarren Keneipp, left, 5829 Lynwood dr., was prese~t­
ed a PTA Life Membership by Oak Lawn Comm~ty
high school PTSA president, Carol Randle, 8845 S. Kildare, Hometown, at the recent Open House sponsored by
the PTSA.
b ~ h
Keneipp, president of the OLCHS school oar~ as
served since 1950 when the high school was built. He
had previously served on the District 122 school board.
His contribution in time and talent for the welfare of
children and youth has been great.
,~ '" '"
S. Kostner ave.
Puppets for Parents, a
A special meet1llg on t~e group sponsored by Erikson
RTA is scheduled as a ~ublIC ' Institute for Early Childhood
service to the commumty.by Education will be leading our
the Brandt PTA. The meet1llg group for the evenir!g•. TheInwill begin at 7:30 p.m., .Wed- stitute is part of Loyola 00nesday, March 13, m the iversity and specializes in
school gym, 8901 S. 52nd ave. pre-primary education.
'" '" '"
The performance by-the fOUl"
"Surplus COI~ege Gradu- puppeters is designedtostimates" is the subject of speak- ulate discussion concerning
er Carol Kleiman at 8 p:m., ideas for ra' ing children.
Thursday, March 7! at RICh- Everyone is vited and reards high school Little The- freshments will be served
ater, 107th st. and Central after the meeting.
ave. Sponsors for the pro'" '" ,~
gram are the Oak Law?-Palos
The Oak Lawn Community
Br~c~es of the ~me~canAs- high school Girls BasketsoclatlOn of Umverslty W0- ball team has won all four
games it has played this year.
Mrs. Klelffian IS a ~e- The girls on the team are:
lance writer. .Her ax:t
Mary Ellen Kaslry, Terri
have been publIshed ~ the Spitzer, Nancy Castillo, DiSunda~ Tnb?Jle, ane Ellison, Pam Crossett,
Sphere and Tenms magazmes Diane Schlorgel Gail Hackamong others. For five years, stock, Karen Gailagher Sandy
she wrote a tri-wee~ col- Scaduto Jean SObOl,' Kathy
Tnbune'" Lang Lorraine Hurt, Tina
urnn• in the Chicag
L-;~ W
entitled "Wor,UJ.'6 oman. Barajaz, Manager Ka~ Zhe,
She was selected Parents and teacher Miss Leighton
without Partners' Woman of Hohn. This is the the second
the Year for 1973. She has year for the girls' basketthree children. Her areas. of ball team..
concentration are the working
'" '" '"
woman, child care centers
Another P.E.T. course is
and tennis. For additional in- planned for 7:30 p.m. to 10:30
formation phone 323-6280.
P.rn. Tuesday evenings start'" '" '"
ing March 26 for six weeks.
. Jerry and Nancy DeLap, liThe Oak Lawn Cornrn~ty censed instructors of Dr.
Preschool has rescheduled ItS Thomas Gordan's Parent Efparent meeting at 8 p.m., fectiveness Training course.
Thursday, March 7, ~t Salem will teach the technique at PilUnited Church of ChrISt, 9717 grim Faith United Church of
Cub pack 3652 sponsored
by the Oak Lawn Community
church and Rev. Samuel Bauer
who received his 25-year pin
at a recent Blue and Gold
dinner, has 40 active boys.
Cubmaster is Bill Lancaster
and assistant cubmaster is
Dan Walsh. Webelo leader
is Harvey Hendrick, 1.R.man
is Don Brown, chairman Nancy Radzienda. Den Leader coach is Peggy Walsh and serving on her committee are
Pat Brown, Dea Lancaster,
Gloria Mallet, George Sapulich, Carol Polerecky, Jane
Schultz and Linda Nork.
Treasurer is Nancy Pedritti
and secretary is Jan Neuhold.
Social chairman is Phyllis
Brevitz. Den mothers are Judy
Hendrick, Deanna Lancaster
and Lois Krisik and assistant
den mothers are Sharon
Walsh, Nancy Pedritti and
Sharley Rause.
Covington PTA will honor
the various scout troops, Blue
Bird and Discovery club units
at 8 p.m., Tuesday, March 12,
in the school gym, 9200 S.
52nd ave.
Plans are in full swing for
the St. Germaine Holy Name
Society St. Pats, St. Joe Party planned for Saturday, March
16, according to Bob McDonough, vice president.
The Oak Lawn Park District
will cooperate with the Oak
Lawn Senior Citizens Committee by offering Arts and
Crafts and Knitting classes at
the 95th and Raymond ave.
Drop In Center. Registration
is free.
/Astro-Notes: Women Lib
series. The Cancer (June 21
through July 22) woman can
draw on the same astrological
traits as her male Cancer
counterpart and four of the
most famous businessmen of
all were Cancerians: Wanamaker, Rockefeller, Astor,
and Rhodes. The trend towards
starting small, horne-based
businesses fits the welldeveloped horne ma~ skills
of the Cancerian woman.
Preparation of specialty food
items, catering, party planning, cooking schools, childcare centers can all be profitable businesses combining
skills and talents Cancel' may
be shy at selling but if you
really believe in what you are
selling your sincerity comes
Michael Morris, 5183 W.
Otto pl., celebrated his
eighteenth birthday Wednesday, March 6. Mike is a senior at Oak Lawn Community
high school. Htl is a member of the Oak Lawn Hockey
team sponsored by the Oak
Lawn Park District. The team
took first place in the state
tournament last Saturday in
Oak Brook. His hobby is model
railroading. A member of the
G.M. & O. Historical Society,
he's presently building another train layout, this one
a model roundhouse in his
bedroom. Mike plans toattend
Lewis university this fall.
Joseph p. Hill, 5311 W.
89th st., was reelected Seam
Squirrel of Nwalkao Hogh Pot
Pup Tent 42 which meets at
the Johnson-Phelps VFW Post
Hall, 9514 S. 52nd ave. at
their February meeting.
officers elected
were: John Ryan, 9736 S. 49th
ave. as Blanket Bum; Robert
Klein, 9116 S. 53rd ct. Hide
Gimlet; Calvin Kelley, 9724
S. Minnick ave. Provost Marshall; Leonard Reno, 9824
CooK ave., Shirt Reader; Joseph Czuban, 8120 S. Lamon,
Burbank, Jimmy Legs; Baldomero Ayson, 5617 W. 103rd
ss. Sky Pilot; George Rez-
anka, 8849 W. 93rd ct., Hickory Hills, Shyster; Jerry Harmon, 5509 W. 83rd pl., Burbank, Keeper of Lousy Records; and Dr. Joseph Lieberstein, 12700 Timberland In.,
Palos Park, Pill Pusher; Vincent Rossetti, 5408 W. 89th
st., Custodian of the Crummy
Duffle Bag.
Also elected were Tightwads Roy Scanlon, 3938 W.
153rd st., Midlothian, Arthur
Sumner, 9422 S. 8Ist ave.,
Hickory Hills, andCalvinKelley. Appointed were Herb Ashenfelter, 9117 S. 54th ave.,
VFW Booster chairman, Harry 'Bus' Yourell, 9524S. Kenton, newshound, and James
R. Bennett, 9510 S. Campbell, HWlgry Cootie. Robert
Klein will serve as hospital
The Pup Tent will have a
public installation of officers
on Saturday, March 23 in the
VFW hall and the public is
invited to attend.
In the planning stages is
a champagne brunch honoring
Alice Thrig, Republican candidate for Cook County assessor. The Sheraton Inn has been
selected for the event, which
will take place at 12:30 p.m.,
Sunday, April 28. Tickets ($10)
and tables ($80) may be obtained by contacting Shirley
Vogel, 499-0615;DorotilyPetersen, Ga 2-4103; Harriet
Murphy, Ga 4-3487; or Kay
Barz, Ga 2-3653.
The baseball facility at
Lawn Manor school will pe
approved in a joint venturf of
Oak Lawn Baseball for Boys
and the Oak Lawn Park District. Harlon Anderson is
president of the Oak Lawn
Little League.
Astro-Notes: Women's Lib
series. Although the Taurus
(April 21 through May 21)
woman loves her home, many
have .alrea~ gone to the very
t<?p ill busJ?ess and profe~Sions as wItnessed by their
listing in Who's Who directories. Real estate is a natural
field for Taurus and there are
~s many women as men sell1IIg real estate today.
The Taurus woman has al-
ways been an investor and
after 177 years, a woman,
Muriel Siebert, secured a seat
on the ew York Stock Exchange. You might like to try
the field by joining investment
clubs which study the market.
A New York bank has a
vice president who not only
overcame prejudice to her
sex but to her race as well
Banking is an excellent field
for Taureans as are all financial fields.
Aim high. Remember Golda
Meir, premier of Isreal, is a
Taurus born May 3, 1898.
and Dr. Nancy G. Roman is
Chief of Astronomy and SOlar Physics for NASA. born
May 16, 1925.
Appointed summe
ger of Oak Lawn P~r~~=
trict Southwest Pool was Guy
Guzzo; of Central Pool, Rich
Flanigan. Swim Coach will be
Gary Tauss
; **
Oak Lawners don't have to
wait for the '76 Olympics
The Oak Lawn Park District
Olympics will be held June 1
to June 8.
FlSH is a very simple pro. gram that assists people who
have an emergency need to
fiJ¥l a persoo who would like
to help•••A cancer patient who
needs transportation for cobalt treatments ••••An elderly
couple needing some help
while both are ill. If you are
wil~ to serve as a volunteer in this program and would
like more information, call
Lois Hannan, 425-2423, a representative of Oak Lawn Community FISH.
Sharon Novobielski, historian for the McDonald-Hannwn
PTA, gives the following synopsis on school district 123
which is very interesting.
Cook Avenue school at one
time served all the children
of District 123 from June
1905 to 1938 when Covington
school was built. It was followed IU> shortly by the other
eight schools in the district.
In 18 years ten bond issues
were passed for the building
of district schools. 1950,
Sward was built. 1952, McSumay was a big day in the life of George Busch of Busch
Donald was built. 1955, Brandt
Bros. Realty as he celebrated 60 years in the ,real ~state
and Gasteyer were built. 1956
business with an open house for his many friends m the
Gaddis was built. 1962, KOloffices at 10200 S, Cicero ave. Son Al and his wife Mar~on,
mar was built. 1964, Hannwn
was built and 1967, Clark was.
10316 S, Long ave., helped celebrate the happY,occasIOn.
It was in March of 1914 that George and his brother built.
Frank opened an office at 79th and May sts.
McDonald school was named
_--:-_-:-~--:::_-=---:--after Agnes McDonald who
meeting of the St. Germaine was a very enthusiastic PTA
"Winnie the Pooh" will be Holy Name Society in his worker. She also worked very
on stage for the first time in search for Catholic War Vet- diligently for the build~ of
Oak Lawn at Covington school, erans for the Oak Lawn Post. the Oak Lawn high school.
91St and 52nd ave.
St. Germaine Holy Name
Hannwn schOOl was named
Pooh Bear and his frierxls Mens Smoker will be held at after James Hannwn who was
will be portrayed by Junior 8 P.m., Friday, March 29, s~rintendent of the school
at the parish hall, 98th and district at the time. A one
Gi,rl Scout Troop 242.
This is the second produc- Kolin. Donations are $5 For time he was a teacher at
tion Or the troop. Last year tickets call Ray Best, 422- Bremen Township and also an
the girls did "Snow White and. 2300.
assistant to the president at
the SevenDwarfs"whichmer***
Triton college. He ispresentited them dramatic badges.
Cathy and Gene Gremley of ly living in Alva, Oklahoma.
Plan to see Pooh Bear at Frankfort
Square, became
. ***
C~on at 7:30 p.m., Fri- parents of their second child,
Astro-Notes: Women's Lib
day, March 22, and 2:30 p.m., a baby boy, named Eugene series. The Sagittarian (Nov.
Saturday, March 23. Tickets Jason on Feb. 22 at Little 23 through Dec. 21); woman
are only 50 cents.
Company of Mary hospital. has always had a certain
Proud grandparents are amount
of vocational inSomething new has been. Mr. arxl ~s. George Grem- dependence. With your natural
added•••an Art Fair has been ley of Millard ave., Ever- good luck you have often
added to the annual Brandt green Park, Mr. and Mrs. cracked sex-barriers and
PTA Science Fair and Hobby Ray Schneider, of 91St Pl., paved the way for other woShow. The show begins at 7:30 Oak Lawn. Mrs. Carolyn Pil- men to enter restricted occup.m. until 9:30 p.m., Thurs- on, Evergreen Park, is great- pations. But the job is only
half done.
day March 21, at Brandt grandmother.
sch~l, 8901 S. 52nd ave.
The baby as well as his
Until a few years ago, joc_
father were named after Bro- keys were all men. Another
Ethel Schuemann, 9526 ther Eugene Pilon, moderator field that is natural for SagParkside ave., is in Christ at Brother Rice high school. ittarius is in complete turCommunity hospital recoverThe new baby received an moil over the problem of sex.
ing from back surgery.
warm welcome Clergymen and church lead* * 01<
from his proud little sister, ers have been almost wholly
News from St. Germaine: Michelle Lynn, who is almost men, while women stayed in
The basketball teams of St. three years old.
the background meekly obey1,-'Z.\- ~,,-\
Germaine parish were honor***
ing and serving. They were
have always
ed at the Holy Name Society
A Rummage sale is plan- among
the most faithful
their out·
breakfast meeting, Sunday, ned from 7 p.m. to 13 p.m., churchgoers, but were allowMargaret Mead
March 10. Coach Dan LaPorte Monday, March 25, and from ed a limited voice in church spokerJIless•
. one of the world's mos
was also honored with a spec- 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. Tuesday, government. Now women are 1S
jJ'lent anthropologists an<
ial plaque presentation.
Ma.rch 26" by, the ~omen's demA'
to be crdained,
~d impact, of ~el
A busy man is George Guild of Pilgrun Fa1th Un- asking to sit on church govBehnle, past command~r of ited Church of Christ, ~11 ernment boards and looking Iwo k in soc1al arxl sClentifi
the Ryan - McCormick ost S. 51St ave. For further m- for ways to end sexually de- fierds is incalculable.
1609 of the Catholic War Vet- formation call: 974-4485 or meaning roles.
e ans He attended the Marcn 424-8705.
Grace Morris
"Welcome to Oak Lawn"
Edith and Arthur Elgermes, 9047 S. Central ave., former
residents of Riverdale, have recently moved into Oak Lawn
with their three children, Nancy, Charles, and Susan. Susan
attends special education classes at Gaddis school and the
other two children are students at Covington school.
Arthur is employed by Interlake Steel. Edith's hobbies
include se .... ~ and crocheting. We welcome the Elgermes
family to our community.
The St. Germaine annual
faculty sports day will be
Sunday, March 31, at McDonald school 99th and Kostner
ave. Facuity and coaches will
participate in volleyball and
basketball games, according
to John Kozul, athletic committee co-chairman.
):: t,c
The final plans are being
made for the St. Germaine
gram chairman is Mrs. Lee
Sears, 4702 W. 88thpl., Hometown.
March birthdays: Jean
Ruckman, 8720 S. 55th ave.,
March 17; Al Busch, 10316
S. Long ave., March 18; Barb
9853 S. 51st ave.,
March 19;
Helen Whalen,
8928 S. Beck pl., Hometown,
March 20;
Jennie Bollito,
5175 W. 88th st., March 20;
and Marian Refner, 5249 W.
88th st., March 23.
Clark PTA held one of its
most important meetings of
the year last Wednesday. The
Holy Name Society "Bahama topic for the evening was the
Get Away" April 19 to 22. problems of child molesting.
For reservations, call 425***
Don't forget the Sward PTA
Art Fair from 9' a.rn. to 5
* * '"
Marsha Guenzler, Amer- PoW-., Saturday, March 30, at
ican Field Service Americans the school, 99th and Brandt
Abroad student, will speak ave.
at 8 p.m. Thursday, April 4,
at the Pilgrim Faith United
"AI'\Ything You Want To Be"
Church of Christ Women's and "Joyce At 34" are the two
Guild meeting.
Marsha, a films to be presented at the
senior at Richards high school, 8 p.m., Thursday, April 4,
lived with a well-to-do Java meeting of the
Oak Lawn
family and has a variety of Branch of the ArnericanAssoIndonesian experiences, danc- ciation of University Women.
es, travel and school.
The meeting will be held at
Everyone is welcome. Hos- 7240 W. 92nd st., Hickory
tesses are the Sarah circle;, Hills.
chairman is Betty Arechbold,
"AI'\Ything You Want ToBe"
9317 S. 51St ave. Pilgrim is a short, hmnorous glimpse
Faith church is located at 9411 at the high school girl andher
S. 51St ave.
plans for the future bounded
by male and female roles of
Lee Annette Horvath, 8912 the past. "Joyce At 34" is
S. 51St ave., was named to a New Day Film telling the
the Who's Who of American story of Joyce, about to be a
Colleges and Universities. first time mother, and her
Lee is a senior at National acceptance of the future with
College of Education in Evan- the help of her family, friends
ston and is student teaching and neighbors.
at Glencoe South grade school.
Hostesses for the evening
are Mrs. David Farnan, Mrs.
Come one, come all to the Raymond Venezio and Miss
Fun Fair and Bazaar from Carol Danis. For additional
11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, information phone 323-6280.
April 6, at Harnew school,
9100 S. Austin.
Astro-Notes: Women's Lib
There will be eight games to series.
The ~ Aries (March
play for all ages, hot dogs, 21 through April 20) woman
chips, pop, popcorn and penny may have had an early excandy to fill you UP and you perience with a drab, unincan do your Easter, Mother's spiring and dead-end job which
pay and Father's Day shopping prejudiced her against the
at our While Elephant andBa- value
zaar booth.
the home. Time to try again.
All proceeds will go to bqy You may read of the changadditional equipment for the ing place of women in the
new ~arning Center at Har- armed services a little ennew.
viousiy if you are now too
old to join (mother thought
The next meeting of the Oak "nice girls" stayed at home).
Lawn Hometown PTA Council But if you are yoong enough,
will be at 8 P.rn. Thursday, Aries, the military may be an
March 28, at Kolmar school, ideal career for you, also
105th and Kolmar ave. This police work. Do automobiles
community service meeting fascinate you? Maybe you
will present an opportunity have always changed the oil
for you to meet all the school and sparkplugs in your own
board candidates running for car,
could it be possible
election in School Districts that••••
229 and 524,
Eileen Ford, an Aries, born
grammar school, high schools March 25, 1922, has made it
. and college. President of the to the very top as a business
council is Mrs. Alvin Busch. eJ(eCutive running the Ford
10316 S. Long ave. and pro-
committees are: Kitchen, Mrs
David Culver; Handcraft, Mrs.
Fred Dumke and Mrs. Fernleigh Johnson; Homemade
Bakery, Mrs. Donald Rogers and Mrs. Harold Sawyer'
Homemade Candy, Mrs. Rob~
ert Henthorne
and Mrs
Charles Johnson; White Ele=
phants, Mrs. Lee McCollum
and Mrs. Edward Jennings'
Waitresses, Mrs. Allan Kel~
son; Decorations Mrs Dale
Clinkman, Mrs. Thorru:s Moan, Mrs. Edmond Hood, Mrs
Jerome Chilik. and Mrs. J~
Saunders•. Publicity, Mrs. Albert Ebel~ and Mrs. Edmund
Come and enjoy lunch "under the big top."
Happy anniversary to Don
and Shirely Kroll, 5179 W
Otto pl., April 27.
** *
and Joe Bragg prepare kreatopetes for the
~~ek, BO<?th at the Johnson-Phelps VFW 5220 and Aux-
ilIary s third annual International Dinner.
Soups, salads, desserts, pastries served along with
f~s.from ~erica~ Bohemian, Chinese, German, Greek.
SiberIan, Irish, italIan, Polish, Amish, Scandinavian and
Spanish recipes will be featured at the Mothers Day dinner
Sunday, May 12. Dinner will be served from 11:30 a.m.
to 5.p.m: at the VFW Hall, 9514 S. 52nd ave.
Donatlo~ are $3.50 for adults, children under 12 years
$2 and children under five free. Tickets are available
at the post hall on Wednesday and Friday evenings or
call 636-3785.
Margie Hill is chairman of the event, M. Dwyer is
~ost Commander and Ruth Nollinger is Auxiliary president.
Happy birthday to Al Hackstock. 8705 s. 51st ave., on
April 25.
This time of year luncheons abound and many look
forward to May luncheons with
lots of good eating before the
start of swmner vacations.
Luncheons seem to wini UP
many of the club activities and
close their
books with spring luncheons.
Some groups share their activities with everyone.
A reminder of the Southwest Women's club annual
salad luncheon served from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, May 1, at theSertoma
Job Training Center, 4343 W.
12'-" ·f •• Alsip. Donation for
. are $2 and tick
'''!qsed at
... to door Cl.,. ~
,1. p.m. to 6 p.m.,
Suna. i, April 28, according
to pastor Father Regan.
The Women of St. Raphael's
Episcopal church, 9701 S.
49th ave., will hold their
annual Spring Luncheon from .
11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Thursday, May 9. The theme of the
Luncheon and Bazaar will be
The Bazaar opens at 10 a.m.
and. closes at 3 p.m. and will
feature handcraft, homemade
candy, homemade bakery, and
white elephants.
Tickets for the luncheon
are $2.50 and may be purchased in advance by calling
Mrs. T. H. Gasteyer, n, president, 424-7318, Mrs. John
Saunders, 445-2170, and Mrs.
Dale Clinkman, 424-4846.
Mrs. Dale Clinkman and
Mrs. Thomas Moan are in
charge of the event and their
chairman of the following
Tickets are still available
for an elegant champagne
brunch to be served at 12:30
p.m., Sunday, April 28, in
honor of Alice Thrig, candidate for Cook County Assessor
Tickets can be obtained by
calling Alice Ihrig headquarters, 422-8860, Kay Barz, 4223653, Dorothy Petersen, 4224103, or Harriet Murphy' 4243487.
Qak Lawners had a chance
to see a preview showing of
the Prairie Jr. high's production of "FiddleJ: On The
Roof" April 22, at Oak View:
school! 4625 W. l10th st. If:
you nussed it, performances'
wil.l be given at 7:30 p.m.,:
Fndayl April 26, Saturday·
April :.: 7, and at 2 p.m., Sun~
day, April 28.
* **
Astro-Notes: Taurus (April.
21 through May 21) parents'
are usually very patient at.
least with their own children. •
They have distinct ideas about
how children should be brought •
up, and if other people's child- •
ren transgress in their home·
they will say little but inwardly fume. With their ownchild- .
ren they expect good manners,
good conduct, parental respect'
and family layalty; otherwise
they can be a little over in- :
dulgent and spoil their children with good things of life.
If they do not get the standards
,pf behavior from their children that they expect then they
are deeply hurt. The usual
method of training children
the way they want them is to
reward good conduct and withhold some treat for naughtiness.
_ _ _ _ _•
purchase of special equ4>ment
for use of the firemen or
educational films.
Ann Bennet4 9510 S. 55th
ct., is the general chairman;
Irene Pearson is co-chairman; Marie Bulow, tickets;
Margaret Hunt, prizes, and
Doris Elich.. refreshments.
Tickets may be obtained from
members, at the door or by
calling 424-2067 or 422-0486.
Everyone is invited to come.
At the organization meeting of school District 229, Oak
Lawn Commtmity high school,
Ron Ketchmn was elected
president and Robert Henthorne was elected secretary.
Re-elected to the board was
Shirley Sears and newly elected James Bailey. At the
mee~ the resignation of
Maurice Phelan was accePted
Jolm Bulow was named to
fill out the term.
* *
Members ~ the Roy Clark PTA s~ lunc~eonfashion show committee, Mrs. Allan Hermann, charrman
and cO'-chairmen, Mrs. Robert Borowski and Mrs. AI~rt
Jurkacek, are planning an afternoon of pleasure featurIng
current fashions and fine cuisine.
The affair will be held between 12 :45 and 3 ~.m.,
Wednesday, May 15, ~t the Sheraton Inn, 93rd and CIcero
ave Ticket donation 15 $5 per person.
Fashions sewn by members of the Roy Clark PTA
will be modeled by their creators. Installation of new
officers by Mrs. Allan Hermann will be part of the pr~gram. New officers are: Mrs. Edward Traczyk, presldent; Mrs. Stephen Blank, vice president; Mrs. Walte;
Saunders recording secretary; Mrs. Robert Borowski,
correspo~ secretary; and Mrs. Albert Stuba, treasurer
This luncheon will bring to a close an eventful
year' in PTA for Roy Clark school, 105th and Lockwood.
'" . . *
Porter Orr, after a recent
operation, is recove~ in
Christ Community hospital.
His room number is 428 if
you would like to send him
a card.
The Oak Lawn Park District is ha~ a public forum,
Wednesday, May 1, to answer
questions on the uPComing
park referendum scheduled
for Tuesday, May 28.
Good food, good friends and
good entertainment abounded
at the second annual Kolmar
PTA Pot LuckMother-Daughter Night. In order to accommodate the large turnout the
event was held in the St. Nicholas hall. Entertainment was
provided by Jimmy Cross.
By the look of happy faces
as the guests departed all
seemed to have a great time.
Gifts were presented to
President Mary Ann Quinn at
the dinner. Mrs. Quinn ends
her second term as president
of the Kolmar PTA and will
be lea~ Oak Lawn to make
a new home with her family
in Minnesota.
Reservations for the Frlday, May 17, St. Germaine
Spr~ Dinner to be held at
the Beverly Country Club are
being taken by calling 6365024 and 424-2125. Cost is
$12.50 per person.
Don't forget St. Raphael'S
Women's luncheon planned for
Thursday, May 9, at the church
9701 S. 49th ave. Tickets
may be purchased by cal~
Mrs. T. H. Gasteyer,II,president at 424-7318, Mrs. John
Saunders at~45-2170andMrs.
Dale Clinkman at 424-4846.
.. * *
At the reorganizationmeeting of school District 123,
Bruce Middaugh was
reelected president of the board,
Marguerite Moline was reelected secretary. Ian Mac
Ritchie and AlvIn Busch were
re-elected to the board.
The annual card and games
parQ' sponsored by the Oak
Lawn Fire dept. Women'sAuxiliary for the benefit of the
fire dept. will be held at 7:30
p.m., Tuesday, May 21, at the
Oak Lawn VFW hall, 9514 S.
52nd ave. Proceeds of the
affair will be used toward the
The Southwest Women's
Club will hold their annual
Sp~ Luncheon at 12 noon,
Saturday, May 18, at the Rosewood Irm, Blue Island.
Installation of new officers
will take place. They are:
Mrs. Robert Hawks, president; Mrs. Robert Hermes,
first vice president; Mrs.
Robert BoIme, second vice
president; Mrs. James Aldworth, recording secretary;
Mrs. Morris Kulovitz, corresponding secretary and
Mrs. Arthur Anderson, treasurer.
Invited honored guests inelude Mrs. V. Holmberg, nlinois Federation president;
Mrs. Edward Jurow, Third
District president; and Mrs.
B. Roeslaar, Third District
Entertainment will be provided by the A cappella Choir
of the Morgan Park high
school. For further infonnation and tickets, contact Mrs.
. F. Roxas, 423-2480.
(June 22 through July 23)parents are hard to convince by
anyone outside the family that
their child could be naughty.
If proof is there, then they are
sure their offspring only behaved like that because of the
influence of some associate.
So the first trouble that arises with neighbors or at
school makes the Cancerian
try to protect and shelter
their miscreant. Their intense loyalty can be a rock
of security to a child or it
can be the sanctuary to which
it runs and hides when the
world is seeking retribution.
Cancerians are genUe people
and a naughty rebellious child
distresses them. They often
try to punish by showing how
hurt they are. Tears are
more likely to be used than S-1A91t.{
a stick. Confined indoors,
sent to bed, is their idea of
punisllirlg a child.
er's club are: Carol Ortmann,
president; Sandy Walsh~
vice president; Pat Bnun,
secretary' and Mary Crilly,
treasurer: Install~ officer
and moderator was Father
Chapell, who installed officers
in the parish hall after a cold
buUet supper recently.
* '" •
Anne T. Maiberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Maiberger, 10032 S. Kilbourn
ave., was among MacMurray
college stllients honored at the
Honors and Awards Convocation dur~ the receqi Parents' Weekend held onl camp-
The awards recognized stu-
linda Nowak
"Who's Who in Oak Lawn"
New C~on PTA president is Linda Nowak, 9356
S, Slit ave" shown here with
her two daughters, . C~th
8, and Carrie, 21 mon s,
Cynthia is a third grader at
C~on school, 9100S,52nd
ave. Linda's husband, Ed, isa
Prosthetic Representative for
the Veteran's Admin1stration
and a st~ s~er of his
wife's community work.
The Nowaks came to Oak
Lawn four years ago !rom
Chicago \lPOIt the recommendations of a friend; they came,
they looked and stayed.
Linda enjoys crochetiJW,
new ideas and plans for their
hame, and this year plans to
have a vegetable garden. Last
1Ul' u Preschool Chairman, Linda became interested in a relatively new area of
PTA which offers parent educatIon to moms and dads of
pre-school age children. She
has stulUed and c<llJlPleted the
Basic and Advanced PTA
Courses inclllilJW parllamentary law and thus has prepared herself for a rewardq but very busy job of a
local unit PTA president. A
good year ahead is wished
to Linda.
Newly installed oft'lcers for
the 1974-75 St. Gerald Moth-
dents who have demonstrated
academic excellence and campus leadershiP. Miss Maieberger. a philosophy major,
has received Highest Honors
in General ScholarshiP.
'" * •
Bonnie Perschau, 8948
Meade ave., is home, from
Christ Community hqspital
after a five and a half week
stay foll~ back surgery.
I'm sure all her friends will
be glad to hear she is ~
fine as she 'continues her convalescence at home. Drdp fier
a note.
A reminder to bicyclll riders to observe the rules of
the road. There have been
a large number of bike aCcidents mostlY doe to the bicyclists'S carelessnessorbelJW unfamiliar with bike safety. Ask for a booklet on bike
rules at the Oak Lawn P911ce
station, 94th and Cook ave.
Joe Schifierdecker, SOl1 of
Robert and Marianna Schitferdecker, 9749 S. 50th ct.,
a sentor at Brother Rice l!fgh
school, was recently notib.ed
that he is to be featured in
the Eighth Annual Edition at
''Who's Who In High Schools"
Joe is an nJ.inois State Schol
ar a member of the' Nation·
al 'Honor SocieQ<, president ot
his Junior Achievement c~­
pan,y which is co-sponsored by
Nabisco, vice president I of
Medical Explorers at Chrlst
ConununiQ< hospital, an instructor in St. Gerald's ccn,1
and 11 an organist andplaniSt.'
Joe holds several trophies
awarded by the Youth BowU~
Association at Oak LawnBowI
aDd Brother Rice high school.
He is also the owner of a
Bronze Medal awarded by the
1973 Explorers' Olympics. He
recently particiPated in the
Explorers' Nationsl Conve~­
tion in Was~on, D.C asthe
rept'esentative at Medical Explorers of Christ Communlt;y
<0 -1.0-\'\,1.\
Astro-Notes; Leonian (JulJ(
24 through A~. 23) parents
see their otr-sprlJW as ex..
tenslOllS of themselves ~
tberefore want them to ~
and be a ~red1t to them. Badl
behavi« on the part of their
children hurt. their pride. A
hurt Leo roars and sulks but
does not stoop to petty behavioI'. Parents at this sign incliDll to leave the reprimandq to the other parent, but
If the buck is passed back,
then a talk about the seriousne'l of the crime ia likely.
With older children scme sort
of "tine" or stoppageolpocket money or special treat is
Often used. It is very Leonisn
to demand an apology. Uke
all tire signa a try17 exasperated Leon1an can hand out
a wallql, tott Will fee the pro_
Joe pl&r\S to stilly Blot- cedure is ."lither W¥Ugni1led.
. Medical E~erlJW at Mar- Most Leos get alq well with
quette university in Milwauk- children and are respected
ee upon graduation.
by them•
she would like to hear' b\..
her friends, so send Cardl
Nancy Vogel, 14, ia:afresh.man at Oak Lawn Community
high school and has been on
the honor roll for four consecutive marking periods.
"Who's Who in Oak Lawn"
Shirley and George Vogel, 9612 S. Kedvale, are very
active members of the community. George serves on the
Oak Lawn high school board, ~hairman of "Building and
Grounds committee, on Finance committee, Council of
Government, Tri-County Representative for District 229
and commi~teeman for Scout troop 1605. He is past president of the St. Paul Lutheran school boar<l. past officer
Bridgeview Loyal Order of Moose, past coach YMCA
basketball, Webelo leader, Youth Work Justice and involved
in Social Community of Justice.
Shirley is presently involved in Alice Ihrig's campaign
for Cook COWlty Assessorar~spea~engagements
and public appearances for the candidate. Shirley was on
the committee for Alice's Champagne Brunch and is'
chairman of the \lPCo~ White Elephant Auction. She
is a member of the Oak Lawn Garden Club, a Republican
Precinct Captain and Committee Woman for Boy Scout
troop 1605. Professionally, she is a memorial counselor
and designs bronze memorial markers.
George and Shirley recently returned from the island of
Freeport in the Bahamas.
Debbie Vogel
The Vogel's son, Donald,
is 11 years old and a student
at McDonald school. He plays
cornet in the school band and
is attending Summer Band at
Sward school. A member of
Boy Scout troop 1605 has
achieved the rank of first
class in less than a year
under the guidance of Chuck
Framie. scoutmaster.
Debbie Vogel, 17, completed
Oak Lawn high school inthree
years and at the same time
was a May graduate of Cameo
School of Beauty Culture. She
has been invited back to Cameo
in the Studentteacher program
to further her education in
Cosmotology. Debbie received an award in fashion hair
styling at the Conrad Hilton
hotel and a proficiency award
in hair colo~ from Clairol.
John Vogel, 20, will complete his studies in Radiologic teclmology in the fall
and plans to continue his
education at DePaul university. John, a member of the
American Society of Radiologic Teclmologists, received
an awardinSelectedNewStudies in Nuclear Medicine Technology.
Nancy Vogel
Astrid Jakel, 5181 W. 881
st., who is Mrs. Gunther JI
kelt is a newly elected membl
of Kappa Delta Pi, an hono
society of George William
college, Downers Grove.
Astrid is a June graduat
of George Wllliams with
bachelor of science in SocII
Eighteenof the 286 student
of class of 1973-74gradua~
class were elected by the fac
ulty and graduat~ student
to Kappa Delta Pi on tho
basis of scholarship. prate.·
sional capacity. and persona
Nancy Scaduto, 9248 S. 53rd.
ave•• is in Chicago Osteopathic
hospital with a sliPped disc
which has been pressing on the
nerves in her right leg causing pains in the leg. Nancy
had back surgery last year.
It will be a long summer of
recuperation for Nancy and
Does it sometimes seeD
everybody went to Lind·
bloom!l? I've never met aD,J'
one who lives in Oak LaW!
who graduated from Mortell
high school, my alma mater,
but I think Lindbloom grad.
uates moved en masse to OU
Lawn and Hometown. Nawtbl
classes of JW1e, 1948, Jan·
uary, 1949. and JWJe. 1941.
from Lindbloom are planJl!JW
a joint 25 year reunion. TbI
date is Saturday, Oct. 5, and
it will be at the Beverly COIDItry Club. If you are interested in attend~, pleaae
contact one of the followiJW
Class of JlDle 1948: Da".
Walery. 422-4424 home, 5999393, Reavis high schooL
Florence (Hawks) Allen, 4232166, Shirley (Orr) Sear..
423-6461, Robert McC~.
Class of January. 1949:
Shirly (Burgehardt)
Class of JlDle 1949: Louise
(Bianchin) Walery. 422-4424,
Betty Brueggenan, 425-02so.
Frank and Aldona (Jablonsld)
Slonina, 425-1263, Emil Wilkins, 424-3181.
•• *
Astro-Notes: A Basic Astrology coorse will be beg!n~ Wednesdayeve~s,Jul7
17, for six weeks. For further
information. call 425-5833-
household chore in separate
The new officers for the Oak locations but under similar
Lawn Hometown PTA Council . circumstances. Both were usof District 123 were installed ing an ordinary toilet bowl
last month at the Council's cleaner. Dissatisfied with the
annual Dinner and School of way stains were being removInformation for incoming off- ed, each decided to add a
icers and chairmen. The new household bleach and stirred
officers· are: Mrs. William the mixture with a brush. as
Melvin, 8887 Ryan rd., Home- a result, one died and the
town, treasurer; Mrs. Lowell other spent a long time in a
Phillips, 5357 W. 90th st., hospital.
president; Mrs. Allan HerWhat occurred in each of·
mann, 4832 W. 106th pl., vice these cases were the generpresident; Mrs. Edgar Smith, ation of a poisonous gas when
9840 S. 51st ave., recording the users decided to combine
secretary; and Mrs. Clarence two or more cleaning agents
Twichell, 10032 Harnew rd., commonly found in almost evEast, corresponding secre- ery household. The addition of
tary. Installing officer was the chlorine bleach, a sodiwn
Mrs. Thomas Whalen, 8928 hypochorite solution, to an
S. Beck pl., Hometown, who acid - producing substance
serves as legislation chair- such as a toilet bowl cleanman on the Council and is ser or just plain vinegar, will
the state PTA legislation suddenly release a quantity
chairman and volunteer lobby- of toxic chlorine gas. Similist in Sp~eld•
arly, when it is mixed with
other alkaline matter, suchas
The sound of wood saws ammOl1ia or lye, the chemical
trimming branches and cut- action liberates ahighlydangting u,p fallen trees is still erous and possiblydead!ygas.
Never mix bleaching agents
heard all around '>OOr bouse,
Where some good size U'ees with any of the following: toiwere u,prooted and blocked let bowl cleaners, ammonra,.
streets and damaged garages lye, rust removers, vinegar,
and roofs when the storm hit or oven cleaners. In short,
never mix bleaching agents
Oak Lawn last June 20.
with any other cleaning com...
ponents for any reason.
Happy birthday to Shirley
•• *
Kroll, 5179 W. Otto pl., on
Bike safety is so very imJuly 5.
portant in summertime and
... ...
the Oak Lawn Police have a
At last Sunday's 10 a.m. safety comic book called
church service, the official "Ghost Rider" which gives
installation of two additional bike safety rules in cartoon
staff members took place at picture form. Remember to
Pilgrim Faith United Church follow the traffic, stay close
of Christ, 9411 S. 51st ave. to the curb, and ride on the
The Rev. Alan Eickelmann right side of the street. Slow
was installed as the Minister down at intersections; you
to Youth and Young Adults, might have to stop and walk
and Mrs. Gerald DeLap as dir- your bike across busy streets.
ector of Christian Education. If you would like a copy of this
Nancy and Al join the staff booklet, stop in at the Oak
with the Rev. Edward R. Goltz Lawn Police station, 94th and
and Rev. Chester Uthlaut in Cook ave.
providing a broadening pro•• *
gram for the church.
Astro-Notes: A Basic Astrology course will be beginI understand the consecI1l- ning Wednesday evenings, July
tion of the St. Nicholas Greek 17, for six weeks. For further
Orthodox church, 103rd and information, call 425-5833.
Kolmar ave., was one of the
most beautiful and memorable
1-\\- 0.1"l
events to take place. The services begun at 8 a.m. and
were completed at 2 p.m.
Those attending were greatly
moved and will always remember the day•
Watch out for "detergent
gases"! Recently a peculiar
type of accident struck two
undertaking a
powered posidon missile submarine. h<Jmeported inCharlestoo. S.C,
Frederick Smif'h, 5613 W.
103rd st., received a B,S.
degree in Electrical E~­
neering from illinois Institute
of Teclmology at commencement ceremonies May 12•
Children in grades three
through eight are invited to
register for the arts am
crafts program scheduled for'
the month of August at the Oak
Lawn Library, 9444 S. Cook
The classes will be held
each Thursday afternoonfrom
1 to 2:30 p.m., starting Aug.
1 and continuing to Aug. 29.
Parents may register their
children at the library. Further information may be obtained by calling 422-4990•
Adult leaders ~ Boy Scout Troop 682, Nick Deplarls,
Darrell HammomS, Charles Wach am Milt AI¥iersen
were acknowledged at the last c~n PTA meeting
of the year.
Don Russo, son of Louis
and Adeline Russo, 9900 S.
KilbDurn ave., was recently
-8l"aduated Magna Cum Laude
from Bradley university in
Don received his
Bachelor of Science degree
Troop 682, sponsored by
from the College of Business
Pilgrim Faith United Church
of Christ, presented Edwin
He will continue his studies
Koziol his Eagle Award. the
at St. Louis University School
highest rank in ScoutiIlt <Xl
of Law.
• ••
Jtme 11.
Robert Henthorne recently
The Eagle Award was prereceived the John PhillipSousented to Ed by the Assistant
sa Award from Kenneth KistScoutmaster Charles Wach.
ner, MusicDepartmentChairD~ his scoutiIlt years, Ed
man at Oak Lawn Conummity
earned the rank of Assistant
high school. The award is
Senior Patrol Leader, Senior
presented each year to the
Patrol Leader, Instructor am
outstaOOing senior music stuearned the Scout Catholic Adent at the high school. Robert
ward "Ad Altare Dei Award"
has been bam president for
am now Eagle Award.
the past two years and Director of the Pep Band. Last
Dr. Robert Ekstrom, Minyear he was chosen by other
ister of Music, at Trinity
bam students as theoutstaOO,
Lutheran church, ~7th am
ing section leader. He was
BraOOt ave. was honored at
All kiOOs of paper, news-. also a Marching Band Rank
the recent Cmvention for the print, magazines, catalogs,
Leader and a medal winner in
American Union of Swedisht cardboard, cartons, etcetera,
the State Music Contest in
S~rs in Minneapolis with are acceptable.
Call the
polo and Ensemble for tnunthe distinquished Gold Medal church Office at 636-6161
for outstaOOing achievement Monday through Friday before
has received a muam contribution to Swedish noon to arrange for pickup sicRObert
scholarshiP at nlinois
if you cannot bring your
State university. The summer
• • •
papers to the church.
he is wor~ as a counselor
C~tulations to Captain
at the Interlochen Music Camp
Harry Mw1eh of the Oak Lawn
Thanas N. Flessor, son of
in Michigan. Robert is the
Police dept. <Xl his electionas Mr. am Mrs. Nicholas T.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
president of the lllinois Chap- Flessor, 10836 S. Kolmar ~ve.
L. Henthorne, 9629 S. ~
ter of the F,B.I. National A- haS been c<mmissionedaseccademy Associates.
ond lieutenant upon compleAstro-Notes: Virgo (Aug.
24 through Sept. 23) children
• • •
tion of the U,S. Air Force
The Oak Lawn Chamber of Reserve Officers T~
are rarely rebellious or downCommerce is s ~ a Bi- Corps program at nlinois Inright
cycle Safety Week from July' stitute of Technology.
mostly they want to please
Lieutenant Flessor, who
29 through Aug. 4.
am oblige. They will listen
to reason if they have trans• • •
also received his B.S. degree
~ the week of July 22 in management, is a member
A "good ~
through 27, a paper drive will of Delta Tau Delta.
to" should be sufficient to
be corxlucted by the pupils. of
He graduated in 1970 from
make them c<Jmprehem what
the Vacation Bible school at St. Ignatius high school.
you consider is right am
Elim ~licalFree Church
• • •
wrong. Unless they know the
100th am Kostner ave.
Navy Seaman Apprentice
reason why they cannot act in
Proceeds will be added to Jim H. Stancik, son of Mr.
a certain way. they are not
the dally missionaryoffe~s am Mrs. Richard Stancik,
impressed. Sp~ without
am will be used by the Slavic 9003 S. Natana, has reported
explanation is a bit senseless
Gospel Mission to get Bibles for duty aboard this nuclear:
for them.
into Russia.
''Who's Who in Oak Lawn"
Mr. and Mrs. George Winslow, 4124 W. 100th st., share
their lives with us this week
in our Who's Who. Marty and
George came to Oak Lawn in
1948 with son Christopher and
three years later son John
was born. Martybeganheractive career in community life
when the boys began scliool;
that was about 1958 when she
joined the PTA and the Community Chest. She began her
work in the Chest by handling
welfare cases, became Welfare chairman, vice president
and then president. There
were many professionally
conducted fund-raising campaigns during her presidency
and this was a very rewardq part afhervolunteerwork.
At present Marty's chief
love in public life is the Southwest Symphony Orchestra. She
acts as publicity agent and
has coordinated the mailing
for the organization. Several
SRO seasons in a row have'
forced a move to a larger
hall. Marty is also a member
of the Oak Lawn Civic Center committee.
Marty was born in Buffalo,
New York, lived in many cities in New York and Illinois
and Massachusetts. She graduated in Physiology from her
father's Alma Mater, Cornell
university at Ithaca,
York, and she was working as
a blood technician at Children's hospital in Pittsburgh
when she and George met.
George Winslow
Marty began in PTA as
program chairman at McDonald school. She again worked
her way to the presidency of
the organization. She presently is Cultural Arts chairman
on the Oak Lawn Hometown
PTA Council. She feels PTA
helped her develop the ability
to talk in front of crowds and
other skills that have aided
her in public relations for
the Southwest Symphony Orchestra.
~ I-\q1~
George was born in the
District of Columbia and
started school in Baltimore,
Maryland, then Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. He has three
degrees in Physics from the
Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie-Mellon
university), the last being a
Doctor of Science.
George worked on two research projects at Carnegie
Tech during the Second World
War where he says the high
point was learning to make
excellent concrete. Marty and
George were married on
March 25, 1944. They moved
to Chicago in 1946 when
George became a member of
the Chemistry Division of the
Argonne National Laboratory
then neWly created out of the
Metallurgical Laboratory of
the Manhattan Engineer Dis-
trict. Mary and George moved
to their present home in 194-8
where having raised their two
sons, they have reverted to
During his tour at Argonne,
George worked on the theory
of alpha decay, optical properties of thin films ofgraphite
and uranium dioxide, and aspects of the thermodynamics
of the latter compound and of
thorium dioxide.As .. he says,
back in the real world, hewas
long active in the Beverly
Lawn Civic association, put in
three years as a Cubmaster,
was briefly on the board of
the Southwest Symphony Orchestra. And as a member of
the Morgan Park Methodist
church, taught Sunday school
for adults. He is a volunteer
reader for Educational Tape
Recording for the Blind, at
10234 S. Kedzie ave.
George took two evening
semesters of oil ~ at
Moraine and has
p~ Pennsylvania Dutchtype Hex signs. He says
other kinds of painting such
as interor and exterior wall
seem to interfere. with his
creative art.
'The Winslow's son, Christopher, is married and living
in Baltimore, Md. He works
for the Department of Defense in a job requiring much
knowledge of computer circuitry and his wife teaches
fifth grade in Baltimore County.
John Winslow is now in
graduate school with a Teaching Fellowship at the University of Maryland where he began in mathematics after his
brother persuaded him to go.
'flUs summer, he is working
as a Statistician for the
Bureau of the Census. John
loves college life, he continues
to play tuba in the basketball
Pep Band. John was in the
Concert Band -. and football
marching band at Richards
high school. A memorableevent in ,John's young life was
John Winslow
being struck by a car and
being in traction for a couple
of months at Christ Community hospital.
The Winslow family, each
one of them, has made a valuable contribution both to the
community they live inas well
as living interesting, productive lives.
A surprise 25th anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. George
Eckert, 9801 S. 55th ave.,
was planned by her sister Mrs.
Richard Murphy of Chicago.
Lois is the sister of Capt.
Harry Munch of the Oak Lawn
Police dept.
Happy birthdays to Sharon
Melchart, July 15, and Peg
Kolb, July 19.
Astro-Notes: The Leo (July
22 through Aug. 21) woman's
personality is felt across a
room (even shy Leo females
are unforgettable). Never
write off a Leo in a campaign or crusade. This is the
sign of a woman whose courage is quietly enduring. She
won't give up when she feels
she is right. This is a happy
lover when her affection is
reciprocated. But beware of
sidered on an equal basis.
If interested, contact president Andy Anderson at 423-
Chuck Burdelik
Music, music, all the time
is this youhg man's motto.
This exceptiooal musically
talented IS-year old is Chuck
Burdelik, son of Mr. aOO Mrs.
Walter Burdelik, 5230 W. 88th
st. Chuck began his musical
career in third grade at Brandt
school with Ken Bender as his
instructor• ~ eighth grade,
he woo a scholarship to the
University of Minnesota.
Chuck will be go~ into
his third year at Oak Lawn
Community hJgh school this
fall. Ken Kistner is his present instructor. This summer
he is attendq Natiooal Music
Camp at Interlochen, MichJgan
where he has received straight
A's on his progress reports.
Havq heard Chuck play
"Harlem Nocturne" like a
professional at the tender age
of 10, I was pleased when
his next door neighbor brought
me his picture and a story of
his mUsical progress. She is
as proud of him as she is of
her own and all ~ poople
who are' doq good things.
Sandy Dorgan, public relations gal for the First Natiooal
Bank of Oak Lawn, is hOOle
~overing from a stay at
Christ Community hospital.
AllJ1er friends are wis~ her
a speedy recovery.
Received a call from a fel-
low crossing guardtoremember Clarence Watsm, whowas
a crossirw guard at 99th and
Kostner and served for over
27 years, who was ill, WlfortuDately Clarence passed away
at Christ Connmmity hospital
Tuesday. Many were concerned about him and will remember him and his dedicatioo to Oak Lawn.
Awlkations for Lit tl e
~ Managers for the 1975
season are DOW'beingaccepted
All applications will be Coll-
Offer" for ~ adults, 18
to 28 years old, is being sponsored by Garden Methodist
church, Pilgrim Faith United
Church of Christ aOO Trinity
Presbyterian church.
date is Friday, Aug. 16, at
Trinity Presbyterian church,
100th aOO Kostner ave. The
party begins at 6:30 P.m. and
dress informally.
• • •
Oak Lawn Library offers
Fun and Fantasy for three,
four aOO five year olds on
Wednesdays at the library
from 10:30 to 11 a.m., and
from 1 to 1:30 p.m. For kindergarten, first, second and
third graders, it's Saturdays
at 10:30 to 11:15 a.m. Please
register by cal~ Oak Lawn
Public Library, 422-4990 or
Private Richard C. Rounds,
19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Rounds, 4125 W. 99th
pl., completed an airframe
repair course at the Army
Transportation school, Ft.
Eustis, Va.
He was trained in the maintenance and repair of aircraft
structural parts, slieet metal
surfaces and fiber-glass and
plastic sections of army aircraft.
Marilyn Savage, Oak Lawn
Library Trustee, was recentlY
elected to the Board of Directors of the Suburban Library system. She is the
secmd trustee from Oak Lawn
to be elected.
Mrs. Savage was elected to
the library board in 1973 and
prior to that time held positions in the Sward school PTA
and was secretary for both
the Worth Township Young
Republicans and the Worth
Township Regular Republican
Daryl D. Swanson, 4724 W•
99th pl., received a B.S. degree in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineer~ from DUnois Institute of Technology
at recent commencement
Six students from Oak Lawn
have been named to the Dean's
Honor List at Augustana college, Rock Island. This list
covers students whose grade
point average is in the A
range, from 3.50 to 4.00.
The students are: Barbara
L. Anderson, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Mcjrgan L. AndersOn,
Thursday, AUl\1st 15, 1974
REPORTER Sect. 2. Pal~ 9
----..-:.==:.:.:.:.:.:=..:.:.:..:..::..:....::..----------5236 Oak Center dr.; George
T. Boerema, son of Mr. aOO
Mrs. George H. Boerema,
10020 Maple ave.; Linda M.
Klemka, daughter of Mr. aOO
MI:S. Walter J. Klemka,.9320
S•. Major ave.; Arthur L.
~ Jr., son of Mr. aOO
Mrs. Arthur Lang, 8717 Ste.
vens dr.; Diana J. Milles,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Milles, 4122 Dean
dr' and Richard E. Pantarotto, 9317 S. 55th ave.
Political Science major
Robert Dillon, SOIl of Mr.
and Mrs. Leo J. Dillon, 9713
S. KeJm"!th '\ve., received his
Bachelor of Arts degree frml
Saint Leo college, Flon.lA
Cathy Zieler tells us how she became interested in
SJ.D. (Sudden Infant Death). Cathy is shown here with
her family, husband Jim and children, Jennifer, 6, Jim
Jr., 5, Jeremy, 3 1/2, and Julie Anne, 22 months old.
Jim is president of the Oak Lawn Chapter of the Combined Counties Police association and Cathy is an officer
of the Chicago Chapter of N.F.S.I.D.
The Zielers became interested in the NatiOl\a1 Foundation for Sudden Infant Death through a newspaper article
about a year and a half ago in which Carol Dargis, then
vice president of Fund Raising for the Chicago Chapter
and now president of the Chapter, requested volunteers
for a fund-raising event in the area. After talking with
Carol, they realized the desperate need for people to become aware of S.LD.S. also known as crib death. Carol
told Cathy about her daughter Cynthia, well laved and well .
cared for, who became the victim of the dreaded killer
of infants. The baby was 4 1/2 months old when she was
found lifeless by her parents. Since the baby was the
same age as the Zieler's youngest child, they became
quite concerned as 12,000 healthy, happy and well-cared
for babies die each year, nearly 600 of those in the
Chicago area.
Officer Zieler, who has been Fly-In in Oshkosh, WiScona member of the Oak Lawn sin, Aug. 3.
police department for seven
Mike will use the scholaryears, recently appeared ship at SJ.U. where he is in
on the television program his second year of Aviation
Common Ground as a mem- Technology. Mike flew his
ber of a panel discussing 1912 Bellanca airplane, which
S.LD.S. Other members on he completed building from
the panel were Dr. John Con- pictures a year ago, to the
nelly of Loyola Medical Cen- convention, and will fly.it to
ter and Dr. Litner, Chief of Carbondale for the second
Child Therapy at the Institute time as he starts school this
for Psycho-Analysis and a fall. The triP will take the
parent of two SID victims. better part of two days, acThe Zielers have each been cording to Mike, since he flys
working on educating the pub- at only about 45 miles per
lic, Cathy as public relations hour and must stop every 50
and education chairman and miles for gas.
assistant to the president, and
Jim is preparing a brochure
Barbara Kantor, 4505 W.
for police and firemen since 100th pl. is one of the many
they are usually the first to area residents who is volunarrive on the scene. Theyfeel teering her efforts to recruit
if they can prevent thought- workers for the fall memberless conunents to grieving ship drive of the Moraine
parents of 'crib death' vic- Valley Community Concert
tims such as ,••••looks like association (formerly the
another baby suffocated under Southwest Suburban).
the blanket" or ":••looks like
Community Concerts, a
the baby choked on his food," non-profit association, qperthey will be accomplis~ a ates on the principle that ingreat deal in acknowledging stead of spending money for
SJ.D. as totally unrelated to advertising, membership fees
suffocation, regurgitation, should be spent on musicians
milk allergy, and all other booked with Columbia Artists
causes of death in infants. of New York. Mrs. Kantor
We thank the Zielers for volunteers her efforts by tellsharing their concern with us ing her neighbors, friends,
and wish them success in their and business contacts about
education program.
the concert group that has
brought fine concerts to the
Mike Murphy, 4923 W. 99th area for 13 years.
st., was awarded a ContinMrs. Kantor complained,
ental Teledisne scholarship "I'm secretary for the St•
.at the Experimental Aircraft Xavier college Alumni asassociation Convention and sociation and the Oak Lawn
Community Pre-School and I
belong to the American Association of University Women,
but I stil have a hard time
getting workers, becausethe
members of these groups arE
already over-burdened witt
activities. I have to react
newcomer/l who are not in·
volved with too many grouPI
and especially, senior citiz·
ens are urged to contact me.
I'll welcome all iriquirles at
'" '" '"
Grace Morris
The Women's Guild of
Christ Memorial church will
hold a IWlcheon on Sept. 18,
at 12:30, in the church hall,
4916 W. 107th st., Oak Lawn.
Good food, samples, games
and prizes. Donation $2 and
tick~ts may be purchased at
the door.
• ••
The Sward PTA held their
first Jlleet~ of the school
year with entertainment provided by the South West Suburban Knights Chorus.
Dorothy Beckley, principal,
introduced the faculty members and Mrs.' Kenneth Griffin, PTA president, present
members of the Sward PTA
Dr. Paul Manson,
assistant school superintendent, answered questions per;:'
taining to school administration.
Sward PTA is planning a
benefit performance at Drury
Lane for Nov. 15. Tickets
are available fromPTft,-members. Sward school is at 98th
st. and Brandt ave.
Ill • •
Billy Collins, 9724 Brandt
ave., was awarded the most
improved male' swimmer trophy in the eigbt and under age
grqlp by the Oak Lawn Park
• * •.
Marge Huskey, wile of qak
Lawn Trustee Herb Huskey,
is in Christ Community hospItal having suffered a heart
* ••
The first meeting of the
Brandt school PTA will· ,be
Tuesday, Sept. 17, in the
school gym, 8901 S. 52nd ave.
The meeting starts at 7:30
p.m. Principal Tom Ivp.no
will introduce his staff and
Dr. Dooglas A. McGugan, superintendent of District 123"
will give the welcoming address.
• * *Baseball for
The Oak Lawn
Boys Women's Auxiliary has
elected the following officers:
President Judy Wolff; Vice,
President Joan Hoey; Recording Secretary Esta Anderson;
Corresponding Secretary Ceil
and Treasurer
Carole Jolly,
The installation dinner wiJ.t
be at Fox's Pub, 9240 S. Cicero ave., Monday, Oct. 2L
Cocktails at 6:30 P.rn. and
dinner at 7:30 p.m. Tickets
are $6.50 and can be obtained
from Carole Jolly, 636-4930,
or Bernice Bearby, 499-1586.
Entertainment will be furnished by four local ladies who'
attended Oak Lawn Park District Belly dancing classes.
The four are: Zhandra, Alicia,
Autima, and Jorra:
• ••
Trinity Lutheran church,
97th and Brandt ave., and the
Lutheran church women have
set the dates for their rummage sale, Tuesday, Sept. 24,
Wednesday, Sept. 25, and
Thursday, Sept. 26.
Navy Lieutenant (junior
grade) Fred C. Klein, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey C.
Klein, 9812 S. 51st ave., participated in the Exercise "Pagasa m" on the island of
Panay in the Republic of the
Philippines, as a crew member aboard the destroyer es'!
cort USS Davidson.
The joint U. S. Philippine
exercise involved 14 ships,
120 aircraft and 10,550 Navymen and Marines. The ten
day exercise provided essential training to ensure the
operational readiness of the
participating forces, primarily in the area of amphibious
A 1971 graduate of the' U•
S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md., he joined the Navy
in 1967.
• * * Aquarian
(Jan. 21 through Feb. 19)children corne UP against authority
if they are DOt properly understood. These children early
value their independence and
throw themselves into the current coumercultural group.
Threats are of no avail. Rimson with them if you can,
try to see their viewpoint,
get ahead of them with information if you don't agree with
them, and keep your COOl,
whatever their age.
Jf- Jf-
Carnival time at C~Board members are: Mrs.
were the PrA exton school, 9130 S. 5200 ave., Donald Novak, cultural arts; ecutive board, room repsponsored by the PTA, will Mrs. Bernard Haim health resentatives and prlcture
be f1un 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., and mental health; Mrs. Ger- ladies. Mrs. Earl Luke, . .
Saturda.Y, Sept. 28. "Cake hardt Engelmann, hospitality; cia! chairmala, made all tbe
Walk," "Cane Toss," and Mrs. Ronald Simpson, legis- arr~menta for the 'NI7
"TW the Cat" are a few d. lation; Mrs. Norbert Buttliere successful neq.
the games planned for this and Mrs. NolanMurl'aj', memThe Prqp'lD1 waa tIliI
festive occasion. A Country bersh4l co-chainnen; Mrs. "Sound Fitter. UDklo,"JD8IDooo
Store and Novelty Booth a- Edward Clafl::y and Mrs. Char- bers of the Society tor tbe
l~ with a new Craft Booth, les Balesteri, newsletter co- Preservation ana Encourage..
which will feature IDlique chairmen; Mrs. John Brod- ment of Barber Shq) Quar_
hand-crafted items such ad erick, parent education and tet S~ in America, ~
decaupage and terrarium gar- conservation; Mrs. Joseph international service project
dens and demonstrations as Cachey Jr., pre-school ser- is the Institute ol Logopedia.
to how these items are made, vices; Mrs. Charles Mitchell; where children with seven
is also planned, acc~ to program books; Mrs. Edward speech detects can reeeift
carnival chairman Mrs. Jos- Severa, PTA Magazine; Mrs. hJgh1y specialized treatmeat
eph Sivel.
Jerome Nagel, pUblications; necessary to help them l1ft
A more trfghte~ thanev- Mrs. Ed Dettloff, publicity more normal lives. TheIl'
er "Spook House" and a var- chairman; Mrs. David Ber- theme is ''We s~, that_
iety of food and refreshments an, rea~ and library; Mrs. shall speak."
• • •
should encourage everyone to Mario Rizzo, recreation; Mrs.
make a family da3 of the ev- Peter Bulow am Mrs. CorThe Youth Service Leagae
nelius O'Connor, room rep- is pl~ their first t!V
•• •
resentative co-chairman; for Wednesday, Oct. 2; plaM
For kids! The Johnson- Mrs. Allan Hermann, schol- include walldblf tours of tbe
Phelps VFW Auxiliary Junior arsh4l; Mrs. Alvin Bush, Wright home and studio, UIlGirls' Unit is sponso~ a school education; Mrs. Albert ity Temple, one of the oldcl8t
"Hot Dog Da.r," from 11 a.m. Jurkacek and Mrs. Robert Gil- Oak Park homes and the HIauntil 3 p.m., Saturda3, Sept. tmier, social co-chairmen.. torical Societybuildq. LuDell
21. in the VFW hall, 9514 S.
• • •
will be at 1:15 p.m. at the
5200 ave.
Parents and teachers of the Oak Park club. After IUDela
Potato ch4ls doritos, pret- Gaddis PTA enjoyed a deli- the tour will continue ~ baa
zels, and Iql will be served cious dinner am a chance to thrwgh the Oak Park-River
with tho hot dogs. Proeeoda get acquainted with each other Forest historicaldilltrlet.M:r.
will be used for the IDlit's at the annual pot luck dinner Shepard, an architect andiElCvarious projects which in- last Tuesday ev~. Gaddis turer, will accompan;ythetoar
clude visits to nursiJw homes school is located at 9300 S, by bus and point out places ~
in the area where the girls Keeler ave. Each year Gaddis interest.
provide treats and entertain- PTA has invited parents to
Price of the tr4l OncludJlw
br~ a dish and eat supper lunch, transportation, etc.) fa
WorkiJw withthelDlit:pres,. with their children's teachers $11. Bus will leave Greea
ident, Kathy Bragg, will be her who were introduCedbyschooi Oaks shq)p~center, 95thand
mother, Beverly, Auxiliary princlpaI Joan Corder, at the Cicero ave. at 9 a.m. and
chairman of the junior unit; first me~ of the school will return at approximatel7
Bobbie Genemaros, co-chair- year. Also introduced by PTA 4 p.m.
man and Frances Sullivan, president Mrs. William MelReservations must be in ~
president of 'the ladies auxFrida3, Sept. 27. Phone Vf!1riliary.
nice Palmer, 598-1637,orI<8l'
• • •
~any of Mary osp tal, wefih- Sarracino, 422-2434. Thetrfp
"A Better World Through l11g 4 lbs. 2 oz. arxl baptis- is limited to one bus, 80maa
ParticWation" will be the ed on Sept. 1 at Our LadiY of reservations early.
theme of the September meet- the Ridge church. Proud
ing of the Roy Clark PTA grandparents are Florence - Airman Kevin M. Kiely . .
a t 8 p.m., Wedne ........., . . . . cage Ridge am Joseph arxl of Mr. and Mrs. John C.
18, in the school gym, 105th Midge Schneider
also of Kiely, Jr., 10941 S. Kennetlt
arxl Lockwood ave.
Chic."'" 1 > 1 A - '
ave., has graduated fr<:m tbI
A welcoming address to the
...- &_v.
U. S. Air Force radar reo
parents and the introduction
~ -\C\ -\'\11.1
pairman course conducted bJ
of the faculty will be given by
the Air Training Command U
Richard Cahill, princWaI.
Keesler AFB, Miss.
Guest speaker is Dr. DouglaS
The airman, nowquallfiedto
install arxl repair air tramc
A. McGugan, superintendent
of schools for Dist. 123. Mrs.
control radar equWment, fa
Edward Traczyk, president of
be~ assigned to Watertolnl
the Clark PTA will introduce
. Air Force Station, N.Y. 1m'
the foll~ PTA officers
duty with a unit of the Aeroand board members: Mrs.
space Defense Command.
Stephen Blank, vice president;
A 1970 graduate of Marl8t
Mrs. Robert Borowski, corhigh school, Airman Kiely atresponding secretary; Mrs.
temed Moraine Valley Community college.
Walter SaundeI1l;, recording
secretary; and Mrs. Albert
Barbara, is the daughter ~
Stuba, t::ea
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dan~
noras, 4020 w. 100th st.
The Good Timers square dance chili will be holding
square dance lessons from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. starting
Monday Oct. 7, in the Mt. Zion Lutheran church social
hall, 104th and Kostner. Lessons are for beginners
and the first lesson will be free and a nominal charge
will be made for the remaining 20 lessons. Lessons will
be held each Tuesday except for the secood week of the
month when they will be held on Monday.
The Good Timers hold square dances in the Mt. Zion
Lutheran church social hall on the first and third Saturday of each month from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. and all experienced dancers are invited to attend. Nationally known
caller, Bob Berning, will call.
For further information, contact Larry Smith at 4243358.
The Women's auxiliary of
Christ Community hospital is
having their second tag day
Wednesday, Sept. 25, or in
case of rain, Thursday, Sept.
26. Proceeds of the tag day
are for the Building Fund at
The annual Fall Rummage
Sale, sponsored by the Women's Guild of St. Raphael Episcopal church, 9701 S. 49th
ave., will be held from 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 3.
Donna Meyer, a representative from Hinsdale Sanitarium, was the guest speaker
at the afternoon meeting of the
Sward PTA. Mrs. Meyer
spoke on smoking and its related di§.eases. A film strip
was shmm of actual lung damage. Eighth grade students
were invited to attend the
Sward PTA is planning a
theatre party at Drury Lane
for Nov. 15 and anyone wish-
ing to purchase tickets can ~o
so by cal~ Adriann Vander
Linde, 425-1443.
The Women's Guild of Pilgrim Faith United Church of
Christ, 9411 S. 51st ave.,
will hold its first meeting
of the year at 8 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 3. Naomi circle is
hostess for the evening and
the program will be "Adventures in Reading," mini-book
reviews under the direction
of Laura Uthlaut. The meeting place is Pilgrim Hall in
the north end of the building.
How many parents knowhow
much it cOst for their chUdren
to eat lunch at Oak 1.llwn
Wauld you believe 50 cenu
for the Type A lunch which
is planned for high nutrition1 levels. The Oak Lawn high
school cafeteria is greatly
improved since last year both
food-wise and cleanliness.
Kids seem to be picking uP
after themselves and looking
after their surroundings.
On a recent visit to the
cafeteria, a few of us PTSAers
who visited the cafeteria last
year were very pleased with
what we saw. Monday, Sept••
16, the menu was orange juice,
hero sandwich, pickle, potato
salad, milk and a dish of
peaches for 50 cents which is
the cost each day. There is
one hot meal served once a
week; this week's special was
breaded pork steak and
mashed potatos. Prices are
kept low through federal food
and milk subsidies. It's certainly cheaper than buYing
lWlCh meat at today's prices.
forget Covington
PTA's Fun Fair schedu1edfor
4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturday,
Sept. 28 in the school gym,
9130 S. 52nd ave.
Gaddis PTA is ~lanning its
Fun Fair from 3 p.m. to 7
p.m., Saturday, Oct. 5. in the
school building, 9300 S. Keeler.
• ••
The Oak Lawn Council of
Governments (COG) will be
holding its second annual dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m.,
Thursday, Oct. 3, at theSheraton Oak Lawn, 94th and Cicero ave.
According to Alice Ihrig,
the speaker will be Robert
E. Merriam, chairman of th!l
Federal Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations and executive vice
president of Urban Investment
and Development co. of Chicago. Merriam holds an M.A.
in Public Administration from
the University of Chicago, and
has had an illustrious career
in public service. He will
speak to the grQlU) about their
aims and the kind of cooperation, they can achieve. COG
is made uP of the boards
of government such as the
village, library, patk and
school boards within the village of Oak Lawn.
A testimonial dinner was hosted by the Oak Lawn Pollee
Dept. Club, Inc., Monday, Sept. 23, atEdmund'srestaurant
for retiring police radio dispatcher, Edward Hunt, after
more than 30 years of public service. Pictured are Hunt
and his wife, Margret, who recently celebrated their
40th wedding anniversary.
Hunt owned the Deluxe Market on 95th st. during the
early 40's and was also a volunteer fireman during the
same period and was often seen l"IlIlIliJl: from his store
to answer a fire call while still wearing his apron.
When the fire department was first chartered, he was a
member of the original group of volunteers. He also
served as a Justice of the Peace in Oak Lawn for eight
years and worked for the Secretary of State's office for
six years. He served as Township school district trustee
for eight years and ran for Village President in 1965.
For the last eight years he has served as a Radio
Dispatcher for the Oak Lawn police dept. At the testimonial dinner, club president KennethD~n,presented
Ed with a watch, a plaque and a lifetime membership
in the Oak Lawn Police Department Club, Inc.
The Oak Lawn CommWlity
high schoolR.O.T.C. under the
guidance of COl, Sanger and
Sgt. O'Neil, visited Rantoul
Air Force base the weekem
of Sept. 26, 27, and 28.
Mrs. Marie Peterson of
Iowa City, Iowa, will be staying at the home of her son,
Larry Peterson, 9349 Tulley
ave.. for about three weeks.
She is a shut':'in and those
who know the Peterson family
might like to stq> by or sem
Garden Methodist
church women are planning a
Fall rummage sale from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursday,
Oct. 3, and from 9 a.m. to
11 a.m., Friday, Oct. 4, at
the church, 100th am Central
ave. Bargains and a nearly
new shop, plus coffee and
donuts are available. For
further information, call Kate
Staley, 425-2518.
Still many activities going
on at the Trinity Lutheran
church. At the Oct. 13 worship services, guest speaker
is Pastor Hafermann am everyone is encouraged to come
in old-fashioned dress. At
7 p.m. that evening, the Centennial Sacred Choir will sing
in costwne in concert and at
8 p.m. a Secular Concert with
sing-a-loog in the Auditorium.
At the Oct. 20 worshiP services, the men will sit on the
lectern side and the womenon
the pulpit side as was done
years ago.
Cub scout pack 3652, sponsored by the Oak Lawn Community church, 9000 S. Ridgeland ave. will hold a garage
sale Saturday, Oct. 5, at Don
and Pat Brown'S, 6414 W•
89th pl.
Fall Seminars begin at Pilgrim Faith United Church of
Christ, 9411 S. 51st ave. on
Sunday, Oct. 6, and continue
for eight weeks. The seminars meet between the regularly scheduled worship services from 10 to 10:45 a.m.
Subjects covered in the five
seminars are: Human Relations Training, leader Phil
Theodorou; Hinduism, leader
Ted Oppenheim; On This I
leader Dave Paton;
Church Resolutions on Society, leader Margaret Woodruff;
and Search for God,
leader Grace Morris. Further information available
through the church office, 4224200. Regular Sunday services are 9:15 a.m. and 11
• ••
Appointments to the Oak
Lawn Youth Commission were
made at the Sept. 24 Village
Board meeting. They are'
District one, Arnold Kroon,'
teacher, 8800 S. Merrimac'
two, Gerald DeLap, sociai
9113 Sproat ave.;
three, Louis Novinson, sales'man, 5375 Edison st.; four
George Vogel, construction
manager, 9612 Kedvale' five
Charles T. Powers, 'schooi·
supt. #133, 5065 Lamb dr·
Lenon Wisdom, retired, 450'9
W. 10lst st.; and members
at large,
JoAnn Phillips
homemaker, 5337 W. 90th st.~
Gary Tomaszewski, hospital
education director, 8905 S.
Sproat; Theodore Oppenheim,
Principal, Gasteyer, 5836
Lynwood dr•
. Non-voting members: Jerilyn Isenegger, student at Oak
Lawn Community high school
9221 S. Ridgeland ave.; and
John A. Losacco, Jr., student
at Richards high school, 4227
W. 108th PI.
Advisory team: Richa'rd
O'Neill, Family Service Director; Lt. Lee Ammerman,
Youth Officer, Oak Lawn police dept.; and Dr. Theodore
Gast~yer, chairman, Family
SerVIce Board.
Astro-Notes: Basic AstrOlogy class begiming at 8 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 15.
further information, call 4255833.
Lorraine and Dr. Douglas McGugan, sUPerintendent of the
school district.
COG is made "1> of representatives !r<ll1 the village,
the park district, school districts 122, 123, 126, 218,
and 229, the public library and Worth township. State
legisators and Congo Robert Hanrahan are also members
with the Oak Lawn chamber of commerce as an observer.
The group has asked Moraine Valley Community college
to become a participant. The objectivies of the organization are to share ideas affecting the c<ll1ffiunity and to
cooperate in solving problems.
Alice Duig, village trustee, introduces Robert E. Merriam and his Wife, Marguerite, to the elected officials of
Oak La\\'ll meeting at the second annual dinner of COG
(COWlcil of Governments). Merriam, chairman of the
U. S. Advisory Commission on Inter-governmental Relations and executive vice president of Urban Investment
and Development co. of Chicago, spoke to the group on
areas of government studied by the Advisory Commission
such as school finance, land use and resources. He complimented the assembled representatives of the various
taxing bodies in Oak Lawn for their efforts at a meeting
together to discuss their shared problems. He felt all
local governments would benefit from joint cooperation
but thia is a rarit¥ in Jn06t towns, cwes and villages.
• • •
Kolmar PTA will present
Aggie Nehrnzow, who will talk
about Window Treatment at
8 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 15, in
the school gym, 105th and
Kolmar ave..
• • •
"Education and Hypnosis," will be the subject of a
talk by Edwin C. JoImson,
Certified Hypno Technician,
at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 15.
at the Albert H. Brandt PTA,
89-1 S. 52nd ave. Room representatives will be introduced at this mee~.
Brandt PTA is preparing for
their annual carnival which
will be held from 5 p.m. to
9 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2.
• ••
McDonald Hannwn PTA's
theme for the month "A sensitive being, a creative soul"
will be followed "1> by a craft
demonstration with speaker
Jane Drynan at 7:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, Oct. 15, at McDonald school, 99th and Kostner
• ••
The Southside Bar association, a group of lawyers and
judges who volunteer their
time to demonstrate the judical system, will present a
mock trial at the Second
Sunday series, 7 p.m. Sunday,
Oct. 13, at Pilgrim Faith United Church of Christ, 9411
S. 51st ave•
•• •
Bob Hq)(!, s\lPBrintement of the Oak Lawn parkdistr1et,
Police Chief Ace Hein, and Ernie Kolb, village clerk,
attended the dinner held Thursday, Oct. 3, at the Sheraton
1m in Oak Lawn.
The Oak Lawn Police dept.
will arra~e for speakers on
1:rime prevention in the home
or business if any grOl\PS are
• ••
The next meeting of the
Oak Lawn League of Women
Voters will be at 1 p.m.,
Thursday, Oct. 17, at the Oak
Lawn Public Library, 94thand
Cook ave. Presentation of the
local, state and national items
to be studied this year will be
featured. The public is invited
to attend.
AttendIJv from school district 123 were Bruce MIdlSa\llh,
president of the school board, and his wife Evelyn,
At a get acquainted tea,
,Gaddis PTA introduced their
room representatives for the
coming year. They are: A.M.
Kindergarten, Mrs. George
Gannon, and Mrs. Joseph Dinovo, P.M. Kindergarten, Mrs.
Martin Oassan, and Mrs.
George Poulos, first grade,
Mrs. Walter Koglin, Mrs. Carl
Mrs. Jon Marshall, Mrs.
George Traynere, Mrs. Gene
Sbalchiero, and Mrs. Jon Maniatis, Third Grade, Mrs. David Hughes, Mrs. John Kraan,
Mrs. Lawrence fliovak, and
Mrs. RalPh Risse, Fourth
Grade, Mrs. Anthony Pazda,
Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. Earl
Laske, and Mrs. Frank Szyszke.
Fifth grade, Mrs. Clarence
Hoffman, Mrs. Vincent Vitro,
Mrs. Kenneth McGuire, Mrs.
-------Leo Fogarty, Sixth grade,
Herbert Beck, Mrs.
Keenth Klotz, Mrs. Leonard
Peterson, ard Mrs. Fred Filipiak, Seventh grade, Mrs.
Casimir Kush, Mrs. Eugene
Klocask, Mrs. TonyDobowits,
Mrs. Charles Green, and Mrs.
Floyd Roberts, Eighth grade,
Mrs. Ronald Crane, Mrs. John
Ruff, Mrs. Richard McAllister, aoo Mrs. Thomas
Maras, Special Education,
Mrs. Loyd Breiter, Mrs.
Robert Donnan, Mrs. Joseph
Koudelka, and Mrs. Thomas
Ill • •
Astro-Notes: Basic Astrology classes starting Tuesdays, Oct. 15. For further information, call 425-5833.
Ann BIll Jolm BroderIck, oak La1nl perk d1str1et
commissioner and Jim and Vivian Banser representing
the village cc:mmusims, discuss the eve~'s speaker
Robert Merriam, at the recent Council of Governments
annual dimer at the Oak Lawn Sheraton Inn.
The Council of Governments is an inConnal orgamzation of. the elected officials of the ~ bodies in Oak
Lawn. Those particJpatq include the village of Oak
the Oak Lawn park district, School Districts ~,
12r"125, 126, 218, and 229, the Oak Lawn public library,
and Worth Township. Recently included were Moraine
Valley CCDlDlun!ty college representatives.
JOIiii Bulow: member or - - - - - _
schQol board ~ District 229,
A new group SAM (Singles
and his wife, Marguerite, and and Marrieds) is annomlc~a
Larry Hansen, also rep- getting acquainted offer. It's
resenting Oak Lawn high a "Corne as you were party,"
school district 229, and his where were you in 1962? This
wife, Arm, shared an inCorm- walk in nostalgia takes place
ative eve~ also.
at the Pilgrim Faith United
• • •
Church of Christ. 9411 S.
St. Catherine of AleJCaDdria 51st ave. at 8 p.m., Friday,
39'ers (Senior Citizens) in- Oct. 18. Cost is 50, cents
stalled newofficera recently. per person, really a bargain
They are: Anna Dino, pres- in these days of infiation.
ident; Marian Hall, vice pres- There will be a twist contest,
ident; Florence Ryan, aecre- a limbo contest and a prize
tary; Mary Ellen Bransfield, for the most creative costwne
treasurer, and Rev. Fr. Jdm So corne as you were in 1962.
M Kane modetiltOr.
'Me~ at'e at 1 p,m. the
A night of fun is planned
first and tb1rd ThurSdays of for everyone at the annual
the rnoRth in the Alexandrias Brandt PI'A Carnival to
~il, 10606 S. Kedvale aye. be held from 5 p.m. to 9
p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2, in the
Roy Clark PI'A cordially school gym, 8901 S. 52nd ave.
invites parents to their annual Food will be served in the
Open House frorn 7:30 p.m. to Goblin Inn, a sweet shoppe,
9:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 16, cake walk, country store and
at 105th and Lockwood ave. the ever popular spook house
The theme is "ABetterWorld plus ma~ games and prizes
throogh Invitation" and will will be part of the fun. A
afford each pare~ an oppor- special attraction this year
tunity to visit their child's will be the Moon Walk.
c la a a room, kindergarten
Mr. and Mrs. Michael COlthroogh eighth grade. Re- antone, 8937 S. Sproat ave.,
freshments will be served by are carnival co-chairman and
the Kindergarten and second those assisting them are:
grade room representatives Spook House Audrey Gorka;
assisted by Mrs. Albert Jur- Goblin Inn,
Schiavirti; Gobkacek and Mrs. Robert Gil- lin Inn Dining Room, Frieda
tmier, PI'A social chairmen. Hogan and Rosemary Davis;
Sweet Shoppe, Angie Forliano;
~?W1try Store, <!~ Pre~s,
Game' Fran Suchy; Wheel of
F~e, Agnes Viles; Bottle
R~ Sarah Fle~; Shoot
the Chute, Renee Htner; Tic
Tac Toe, Marlene Baxa; 711, Jean Burns; Circle Race,
Katie Dillon; Swinger Ball,
Eileen Burns; Krazy Bugs, Jan
Burke; Hi-Striker, Tom Sturday; Hoopla, Phyllis Kennedy;
Spin-O-Prize, Darla McGrail;
Swisheroo, GlenC~ham;
S~ Gallery, Dale Brines;
Bwnper Car, Ma,rge Eichberger; Cake Walk, P~t Stancik; Check Room, Edie Vallancour; Candy Korner, Kaye
,Siedis; Cotton Candy, WaYn.e
Gray; and Popcorn, Jeanette
Woods, Mary Delaney; ,
Also Small fry rooni, Beth
Gierach, Roseanne Garritano,
Denise Pesek, Linda "Beekman; Rame, Carol Macaitis,
Mary Ellen Kearns; Clowns,
Helen Wolf, Noreen Campbell,
Rosemarie Kazmierczak,
Jane McCart, Cashiers, Charlottee
Smitko, Jan BrineS, Norma
Stuart; Beverage Booth, Lillian Miskiewicz, Rita Walsh;
and Special attraction, Moon
Walk, Judy Popp, Lori Sturdy.
Rummage Sale planned for
7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Monday,
Oct. 28, and from 8 a,m. to
3 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 29 at
Pilgrim Faith United Church
of Christ, 9411 S. 51st ave.
Sponsored by the Women's
Guild. Call 974-4485 or 4248705 for further information.
Pancake breakfast given by
Boy Scout troop 652 will be
from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sa~-.
urday, Oct. 19, at the Oak
Lawn Community church, 9000
S. Ridgeland ave.
A truck will be located in
the par~ lot of the Oak Lawn
Cornmtmity church, 9000 S.
Ridgeland aVl:., fDr you to
bring your old newspapers
for recyc~, on Oct. 25, 26,
and 28. No magazines
or catalogs please.
* '" *
A new study group is forming sponsored by the Women's
Guild of the Pilgrim Faith
United Church of Christ, 9711
S. 51st ave. The first meet-,
ing will be at 7:30 p.m., dessert and coffee and at 8 p.m.
a book review by Harriet Murphy entitled "The Wonderful
Crisis of Middle Age" will be
given. Anyone is welcome to
corne Wednesday, Oct. 23, in
the church lo~e. For further information ,call Harriet
Murphy, 424-3487.
* ••
- Reminding all eighth graders in Chicago'S Southwest
... ... _-
ana Vlew me SIX
Quaker Oats test kitchens in
the afternoon. Lunch will be at
the unusual Magic Pan, dining on delightful ham and
cheese crepes and apple sizZle.
The bus leaves from Green
Oaks at 8 a.m. and returns
around 3:30 p.m. Price includes lunch and tip is $9.75.
The trl,p is limited to 50
people so get your reservations in by Oct. 30. Mail
check and reservation to Mrs.
T. J. Wojtysiak, 400~W.I06th
pl. Oak Lawn, 60453. orphone
Jean Pirie, 425-2627, or Sandy Wojtysiak. 424-6029•
• • oe<
The Oak Lawn community high school marching band
will play in the homecoming parade at 11 a.m., Saturday,
Oct. 27, and at halftime during the football game which
begins at 12:30 p.m. The homecoming dance begins at
8 p.m. in the Spartan gym.
The Spartan Band is planning their candy sale from
Saturday, f1V. 2, to SWlday, f1V. 17. The door-to-door
campaign, selliJlt Heath Bars and Mints for $1. is aiming
at $2,500 in proceeds for band equipment. Some of the
equipment planned for purchase is a electric base amplifier, two base clarinets, two marchings alto horns,
soprano flute, two piccolloes and a tuxedo for the assistant band director to match the rest of the group.
*' * J;~
Kelly Joy Sirles is a member of the Christmas Seal
Queen's coort and is se~
as a goodwill ambassador for
the 1974 Christmas seal campaign through personal ap-
"Women's Chang~ Role
in the Church" is the title of
a panel discussion planned for
1 p.m., Thursday, Nf1V. 7,
at Pilgrim Faith United
Church of Christ, 9411 S.
51st ave. The Women's Guild
program will feature a woman
minister, women seminary
students, and a women lay
leader in a discussion of
women's role in the church.
A dessert buffet and coffee
will be served. Margaret
Woodruff, 6311 W. 90th st., is
Women's Guild president.
ew in our conununity are
Dorothy and Art Pierson, 9810
Kolmar ave. Art is an attorney with offices across the
street from Edmunds restaurant. Dottie is choir director of MoraineValley Community church and Art is
chairman of Deacons at the
olds: David O'Cormor and
twelve year olds: Scott Wise;
13 year olds: Douglas Keith.
These winners will compete
in the Park Forest Southwest
Z one competition.
Teens: Got a problem? Call
448-3111Keens: Got a problem? Dial
S-E-N-I-O...It-S (736-4677)
Need helP in an emergency?
Call FISH, 448-3303.
Kelly Joy Sirtes
pearances on radio and television.
Marty Winslow, 4124 W.
looth st., returned fran Boston. Altbough the death of an
elderly alUlt was the reason
for the visit, it was an enjoyable visit with family and
friends and see~ the sights
of Boston.
The Youth Service League's
Nf1Vember trl,p will see the
,Phil Donahue T.V. show inthe
Mrs. Kenneth Griffin,president of Sward PTA, announces her executive board for the
1974-75 school year as follows: vice president, Mrs.
Clarence Twichell; secretary,
Mrs. Donald Gillies; treasurer Mrs. Anthony Marchese;
art appreciation, Mrs. Richard VanDerBilt; character and
spiritual, Mrs. Harold Ruhnke; hospitality, Mrs. Grace
Woods; cultural and community services, Mrs. JoIU1 Mitchell; )Ivenile protection,
Mrs. Harold Burge~s; legislation, Mrs. Richaril Napier;
membershiP, Mrs. Arthur
Steinberg; patter, Mrs. Cy.ril Wochokj pre-school services, Mrs. Jay Van Dahm;
project, Mrs. Adriim viuKlerUnde,
publicity, Mrs:
Edgar Smith; room representative, Mrs. Donald Rudd;
safety and health, Mrs. Harold Post; scholarshl,p, Mrs.
Fred Roessler; social, Mrs.
Carl Petersen; and ~
and library, Mrs. George
The United Methodist W0men of Garden Methodist
church, 100th and Central
ave.. will hold a Fall Festival Bazaar from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. and from-7 P.m. to 9
Sward PTA will sponsor
a "Night at Drury Lane" at
8 p.m., Friday, Nov. 15. Free
tickets were awarded for,perfect attendance at general
meetings during the 1973-74
school year.
>I< >I< >I<
Kolmar PTA will welcome
all parents to an open house at
Kolmar school, 105th and Kolmar ave., at 8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12, Parents will
have an opportunity to visit
their children's classrooms
and talke to their teachers.
>I< >I< >I<
The Kolmar PTA offices
and chairmen for the 197475 school year are; President,
Mrs. Anthony Martincic; Vice
Tom Randick;
Treasurer, Mrs. Sid Brodzinski; Recording secretary,
Mrs. Richard Gliwa; Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Stephen Zurawski; Social and
Hospitality, Mrs.
O'Connell and Mrs. Raymond
Schwenkel; Room Representatives, Mrs. Alex McKibbin
and Mrs. Ramon Aaplund;
Publicity, Mrs. LeRoy Klaus;
Internal Publicity, Mrs. Arlend Widen; Membership,
Mrs. James McLaughlin and
Mrs. Frank Cismaski; Health
and Sauk Signals, Mrs. William Staltze; PTA Magazine,
Mrs. James McCarthy and
Mrs. Richard Ray; Program
Committee, James Paziotopoulos, Mrs. Tom Randick
and Mrs. Anthony Martincic;
COWIcil Delegates, Mrs. Joseph Fredericks, Mrs. Richard Miles, Mrs. Gus Boudosj
Legislation, Mrs. Richard
Ray; Safety, Mrs. Joseph
Fredericks; Historian, Mrs.
Anthony Bedalow; Liason,
Richards high school, Mrs.
Greg Curran; Pre-School
chairman, Mrs. James McLaughlin; Picture Lady; Mrs.
Russell Caifane; Cultural
Arts, Mrs. Greg Curran;
Scholarship, Mrs. George
Kuper; Ways and Means Mrs.
Edwin Kalisz, Mrs. RonSchtlegan, Mrs. James McCarthy,
Mrs. Richard Ray, Mrs. Richard Gliwa, Mrs. Richard Miles, Graduation class, Mrs.
Peter Kladis, Mrs. Bernaad
Stieman, Mrs. Tom Kwiatkowski. Mrs. Glenn Kunz.
Returning home from stays
in Christ Community hospital
are Marge Huskey and Mary
* .. *
A pre-holiday Bazaar is being planned by, the women's
fellowship of Oak Lawn Com-
monthly meeting on es ay,
Nov. 5, at the Holiday Inn,
95th and Kostner ave,
Dinner will be served at
7 p,m, and the meeting will
start at 8 p.m. Our speaker
will be Steven Venora and
his subject is "Hospital Dentistry," All south side dental
assistants are invited.
munity church, 9000 S. Ridgeland ave., for 1 p.m. to 9
p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12 and
Wednesday, Nov. 13. The ladies have been crocheting, knitting and sewing to make your
Christmas shopping a delight.
A white elephant booth will
take the place of the regular
autumn COWltry store. A bake
sale and a hamburger and hot
dog luncheon table are planned
and Christmas cards will be
sold as well as hand-made
Christmas decorations. There
will also be a table with home
made jellies and canned goods.
* '" '"
The Oak Lawn Library will
present the Southwest Symphony Chamber Orchestra in
concert at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 6. The Chamber
Orchestra under the direction
of Alfred A, Aulwurm will
present music by J. S, Bach,
J. C. Bach and Bela Bartok
and the Brandenburg Concerto
in G Major.
Officers of the St. Germaine Women's club are: President, Grace Scurrah; Vice
President, Peg Willner; Recording Secretary, Mary Ann
C ichows ki; Corresponding
Secretary, Jane Thomsen; and
Treasurer, Carolyn Curley.
* **
James Robert Woods
James Robert Woods, son
of James and Jean (Lindelsee) Woods, 9300 S, 55th ave.,
was born at Little Company
of Mary hospital on Oct. 6,
The Junior Air Force ROTC
of Oak Lawn Commlnity high
school Parent association, are
currently having a fund raiser with the awarding of a
turkey on Wednesday, Nov.
13. Donations are 25 cents.
* '-, ~'
Two members ofthe OLCHS
ROTC are Kathryn Bragg,
Airman of "B" Flight, and
2nd Lt. Michael Bragg, Adm.
Officer and "C" Flight Commander. Kathy is also active
in the school PEP Band and
president of the Junior Girls
Unit VFW 5220. Michael is a
member of the school marching band. Parents of Kathy and
Michael are Joe and Beverley
Bragg, 5220 W. 88th st.
Charles L. Theisges, 5839
W. 88th pl., recently celebrated 25 y.ears of service with
the Peoples Gas Light and
Coke company.
Fireman Lt. Ron Murray
will be the guest speaker at
8 p.m., Tuesday, Nov, 12, at
the Covington school PTA
meeting in the new gym, 9130
S. 52nd ave. The program will
center around Christmas decorations and fire safety. A
short film about choosing toys
with safety features will be
Beverley Bragg, Covington's crossing guard will also
speak about child safety to and
from school and how parents
can help her in her job to
The South Side Branch of
the ChicagoDental Assistant's
association will hold its
Edward E. Gordon, a representative from the Better Business Bureau, will be guest
speaker when Sward school
PTA meets at 8 p.m, Tuesday, Nov. 12, in the school
gym, 99th and Brandt. Gordon will speak on the services
of the Better Business Bureau.
Also on the evening's
agenda. will be Mrs. Lowell
Phillips, president of the Oak
Lawn Hometown PTA Council. Mrs, Phillips will explain
the function of PTA in today's
To add to the evening's activities, a book fair will be
held to raise funds for the
coming year.
'" * *
Awards night for Boy Scout
Troop 1605 sponsored by St.
Germaine church, was held
Oct. 24 under the direction
of Scoutmaster Chuck Frome.
First Class was awarded
to Jerry Kruder and Don Vogel. Star was awarded to John
Lezay, Tim Dawn, and Don
Vogel. Life award to Nicky
Jaschuk. Merit badges as follows: Canoing Nick Jaschuk, Greg Lyons, JerryKruder, John Lesay, Tim Dawn,
Don Vogel, and Bart Kostrubala; Citizenship, Nation,
World, Shotgun and Rifle, and
Firemanship, Lyons, Lezay,
Kruder, Dawn, and Vogel;
Shortgun and Rifle, Kostrubala; Reading, Reptile Study,
Pets, Sports, Animal Industl1;
Art. Dog Care, Nick Jaschuk;
Aviation, Lyons; Coin Collecting, Lezay, Music; Vogel;
and new Scouts, Jim Thompsen, Jeff Thompsen, Robert
Lezay and Gary Kostrubala.
** *
Astro -Notes: When Uranus
enters Scorpio on Nov. 21,
a seven:yearperiod of change
will begin for Scorpios, Taurus, Leos, and Aquarians. They
won't be the same people after
the exciting experiences about
to come their way, Uranus
has been in Libra for the past
seven years; ask any Libran
if he is the same person he
was seven years ago and he
will tell you he has changed
and come to know himself
better than he ever did. Arians having received the opposition of Uranus have probably changed jobs or careers
in the past seven years.
Grace MorriS
J. Chilewski, Department of
Math, St. Xavier college, will
use as his topic "A Whole New
World--The Metric System,'f
when he addresses the Brandt
PTA at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday,
Nov. 19, in the school gymnasiwn, 8901 S. 5200 ave.
All interested persons are
invited to attend. Sitter services will be available. Refrestunents will be served
by the third grade room representatives.
Donna Steffen, daughter of
Jean Steffen, 8712 S. 51st ave.,
was married to Wayne Akin on
Oct. 26, at St. Gerald's church.
They spent their honeymoon
at the Abbey in Lake Geneva.
They are resi~ in Chicago
The maid ofhonor was Mary
Javorsky, 5191 W. Otto Pl.,
and the best man was Jack
• ••
Thinking of Christmas? Peggy IUsk, treasurer, and
Karen Merle, program chairman, of the Oak Lawn
Branch of the American Association of University Women are busy organizing a Wine.,.Tasting and Christmas
Boutique to benefit the local as well as national scholarship fund. The event will take place at 8 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 21, at the Am-Vets Hall, 11426 S. Lawler,
Alsip. Everyone is invited.
Thomas J. Costelllo, 10537
S. Tripp ave., recently celebrated.his 35th Anniversary
of service at illinois Bell Telephone company. He isacommunications maintenanceman
at the company's office at
6250 S. Claremont.
A Mock Trial. put on by
the Southside Bar association,
a grouP of lawyers and judges
who volunteer their time to
demonstrate to the public a
civil jury trial, will by the
program at the Gaddis PTA
meet~ at 8 p.m. Tuesday,
Nov. 19. at 9300S. Keeler ave.
Hostesses are the kindergarten and second grade room
representative. Baby sitting
is available.
The Greater Oak Lawn Senior Citizens 'enjoyed a Halloween party, at the Menard Activity center.
Martha Martin, chairlady directed a costume and games
Costume winners were Rose Johannas and Olive Markel. Pictured are Rose, Martha and Milton Martin.
Game awards went to Antoinette Grizz and Wanda
Peg Richards, and the newly formed "Glee Club"
"Everything Has A Priceare practicing every Friday. They will entertain soon
Shoplifing Costs You Money,"
at the Christmas parties.
- - - - - - - - - - - - a panel discussion inclu~
a local retailer, law officer,
Think metric! It will soon
teacher, student and parent,
become necessary for us to
will be the program at the
change our way of measuring.
8 p.m. meeting of the Oak
To help ease us into this
Lawn Hometown PTA Council,
methOd of thinking, Dr. Roger
The smorrebrod willbefolby a historical pageant,
U1 costwne and with historical mementoes telling the
story of the 100-year history
of Trinity Lutheran church
Music by Dr. Ekstrom, lead~
er, William DeYoune!, pian***
ist, Cherub Choir, Youth Choir
The next meeting of the Roy and Choir groups, and proClark PTA will be held ~t duced by the Couples chili
9 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20, U1 and Young Adults
the school gym, 105th and
LOCkwood,~ve~ A "Continental
Astro-Notes: The SagBreakfast will be served by ittarian (Nov 23 through Dec
the second and fo~ grade 21) man's fiery enthusiasms
r?Om representatives, as- extend from sports to more
SISted by Mrs. Albert JU;- intellectual or political cruka~ek and Mrs•. Robe~ Gil- sades. He needs a liste~
tml;r, PTA social chau:men. woman, likes to expouIKl his
'Ihe guest sp~aker wi.ll pc theories. If she has a prob?r. Thomas !IeJIlll, specialist lem all the better because
~nd . Gyn- he's Mr. Fix-it in person
eocology. His topiC will be from household disasters to
B~east and Uterus Can~er. emotional snarls. A gal with
Films fr<?m the American wit and mischief can intrigue
Cancer. Socl~y are scheduled. him but she must know how to
~r. HeJIlll will cond!lct a ques- do a bit of subtle leaning in
tlOn and ~nswe.r p~rlOd. Guests some department of their
ar.e co~dially U1Vlt~d to att: nd partnership
this tunely and informative
\\-\&.\. \C\1~ (c~.)
scheduled for Monday, Nov.
18, at Brandt school, 8901 S.
52nd ave.
Program chairman is Mrs.
Lee Sears, Hometown, and
Council president is Mrs.
Lowell Phillips.
The .Oak Lawn League of
Women Voters has planned an
evening. meeting for Novembel'. The program will be in
two parts, the first will be
on Land Use, and the second
will be a pro and con discussion of ERA (the Equal
Rights Amendment). The time
is 8 p.m. and the place is
Pilgrim hall, Pilgrim Faith
United Church of Christ,. 9411
S. 51st ave.
The Southwest Symphony
Orchestra will perform at 8
p.m., Saturday, Nov. 16, at
Mother McAuley Liberal Arts
high school, 3737 W. 99th st.
is Alfred Aulwurm. Season tickets are
$ 7.50, student, $3.75; single
$1.50. Tickets are available
at Rossi Music store, 4854
W. 95th st.
* * ",
The Altar Guild of Trinity Lutheran church, 97th and
Brandt, is planning a Danish
Smorrebrod for 5:30 p,m.,
Sunday, Nov. 17. The literal
meaning of smorrebrod is,
"bread and butter" •.•but what
a difference. Thinly-sliced,
buttered bread piled high with
taste-tempting and eye-pleasing fillings ... 17 varieties. The
imaginative, colorful garnishes make them a real work of
Add an assortment of delicious salads, a teasing variety of cookies, and beverages and you have a rare
Congratulations to Liz and
Al Schulman, 9333 S. Kolmar
ave., who became parents ofa
7 lb. 9 Q"I.. baby girl named
Suzanne. Liz finds time to
be recording secretary of the
Gaddis PTA.
On Saturday, Nov. 9, the
Junior Girls Unit of JohnsonPhelps VFW 5220 visited the
Bowman Nursing Home, 3249
W. 147th st., Midlothian. They
entertained the 91 residents
with songs, played garnes, awarded prizes, and distributed
carxly favors and fresh fruit
and combs to each resident
The Junior Unit members tak~
ing part in this event were
Kathy Bragg, Janet and Janet
Anderson, Debbie Hayes, Lori
Krzos, Jackie Strong, and
Tracey Thompson. The unit
also visited the Oak Lawn
Convalescent Home and distributed candy favors and
fresh fruit to the residents
there. Chauffers were Auxiliary member Ann Bennett and
Nwalkao High Pot #42 member Joe Bragg.
,~ ,~
Officers and board chairmen of the Covington PTA
are: President Mrs. Edward
N?wak, 9356 ~. 51st ave.;
Vice President Mrs. LenScaduto, 9248 S. 53rd ave.; Sec~
retary Mrs. Donald Artus
9135 S. Central ave.; Treas~
urer ·Mrs. Larry Peterson,
9349 S. Tulley.
Cultural Arts Mrs. Ray Edling, 9122 S. 54th ave.; Ecology Mrs. Robert Hennessy
9419 S. 54th ct.· Health Mrs'
Ray Siple, 9113 S. 54th ct :
Hospitality Mrs. Thomas Go:f~
er, 9127 S. Sproat ave.; and
Mrs. Joseph Minelli, 4943
W. 915t st.; Juvenile Protection and Safety, Mrs. Terrance Hayne, 9111 S. 55th ave.;
Legislation Mrs. Donald Doles, 8724 S. Sproat; Magazme,
Mrs. Larry Randle 9325 S
Membership Mrs'
Donald Reed,' 9420 S: 54th
ave. and Mrs. Louis Mazzoct'o, 5436W. 95thave.; c ys
letter. Editor Mrs. Ronald
CereVlc, 9157 S. 55th ave'
P~nt Education Mrs. Ge;~
aId DeLap, 9113 S. Sproat.
Program Darrel Hammonds
9258 S. 54th ct., and Mrs. Joe'
Aschenbach, 9121 S. 54th ave .
Publications and ScholarsmP
Mrs. James Smith, 9]29 S'
54th ct.; Publicity Mrs Pat:
rick Fritz, 9348 s. 51st ave.;
Room Representative chairmen Mrs. Claude Powell, 9323
S. Tulley, and Mrs. Darrel
Hammonds, 9258 S. 54th ct.;
Social Mrs. Bernard Malas,
9]22 S. 55th ave. and Mrs
Richard Pluta, 9312 S. 51st
ave.; Cqrnival Mrs. Joseph
Sivel, 9319 S. 51st ave.; Principal Lorelle V. Cutforth and
teacher representative Charles Baines.
Marine PFC Edward M. Evans, 8813 S. 51st ave., graduated from recruit training at
the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego. Physical conditioning, discipline and team
work are emphasized during
Marine recruit training.
Classes included instruction in close order drill Marine Corps history. iiJt aie!,
uniform regulations and military customs and courtesies.
Fifty-four Oak Lawn Community high school students
were accepted intotheSpartan
Chapter of the National Honor
S<><;iety: Cheryl Bailey, Candy
Baltrnan, Kathleen Bellas
Chris Blazina, Kathy Boyle:
Darlene Campbell, June Conrad, Sue Constantine, Virginia
Cowart, Stephanie Demes,
Robert Dodge, Jean Dvorak,
Anne Fabian, Rita Flaherty
Karol Gasteyer, Ralph Gmn;
Laura Green, Barbara Hamer
Paul Hattimer. Judy Heitma~
Barbara Hach, Belinda Jagiel:
ski, Audrey Jakel, Mark Jakel, Maria Kane, Kim Kiley
Chris Kotas, Roxanne Koudel~
ka, Michella Latas, Julie Peterson, Joe Pope, Holly Price
Chuck Reardon, Debra Ric~
Luisa Rizza, Elizabeth Roubek
Kevin Scanlan, Franz Schlunk,'
Ed Schmidt, Carol Sills, Loralee Spriesch, Daron Steen,
Sue Stermer, Peg Tabor, John
Thorton, Donna Vah1 Ron
Charmaine V~rbeck,
Debbie Wende, Diane Wende
Rhonda Wiltshire, Son d l' ~
Wiltshire, and Cindy Witham.
"Christmastime" is the
theme of the December Women's Guild meeting at Pilgrim
Faith United Church of Christ,
9411 s. 51st ave. Christmas
music and devotional progJ;amming is planned for 7:30
p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5 in
Colonial hall. Hostesses' are
the new Women Today circle
and each of the five circles
will decorate a table with
Christmas cakes, candies,
safety and juvenile protection,
Mrs. Wayne Gray, 5119
W. 90th st.; scholarship, Mrs.
Robert Smitko, 5401 W. 89th
st.; social, Mrs. William Hogan, 8725 S. 51st ave.; social, Mrs. Jack Davis, 8729
S. 51st ave.; and teacher representative Peggy Risk and
principal Tom Ivano.
A paper
your old
to collect
per. will be.
in the parking lot of Oak Lawn
Community church, 9000 S.
Ridgeland ave., on Friday,
Nov. 29.
Joan and Skip Pearson became parents of a daughter,
Jane Ann, born Oct. 7, at
Little Company of Mary hospital, weighing seven pounds
two ounces.
Officers and board chairmen of the Brandt PTA are:
president, Mrs. Jack Bollito,
... ' .....
5175 W. 88th pl.; vice-president, MI's. James Eichberger,
5323 W. 90th st.;
secretary, Mrs. ThomasSiedis, 5508 W. Alexander pl.;
The Oak Lawn Park District programs are in full swing
treasurer, Mrs. Ronald Goras many residents participate in t.he fall ~chedule.
ka, 8733 S. Stevens dr.
Gymnastics instructor, Mike McElhgott, a.ssls~S one ?f
Block Mother Chairman,
his students on the trampoline. InstructlOn ~ baSlC
Mrs. Ray Carty, 8908 S. 49th
tumbliJlt and trampoline are part of the gymnastl~ p.roct.; Brandt Bridge Editor,
gram taught at the Brick Building and Menard BUlldwg.
Mrs. Fred Preuss, 8921 S.
50th ave.; carnival, Mr. and
for home decorating or gift- Mrs. Michael Colantone, 8937
ing, featuring wicker and tips S. Sproot ave.; ecology, Mrs.
on buying and serving wine James Gierach, 5377W, Alexfor holiday entertaining. Re- ,ander pl.; health and magaserve a seat by calling Kay zine, Mrs. Clarence Johnson,
Barz, 424-3653 by Nov. 27. 5162 W. 90th st.; hospitality,
The Barn is located at 30do Mrs. Frank McGrail, 8933 S.
W. 127th st., Blue Island. Sproat ave.; legislation, Mrs.
James Popp, 5401 W. 88th st.;
On Sunday, Nov. 3, the Jun- membership,' Mrs.
ior Girls Unit of Johnson- Dillon, 5518 Otto pl.; publicPhelps VFW 5220 went to Oak ations, Mrs. William CunningForest hospital for the Vet- ham, 5261 W. 90th st.; picture
erans Halloween party. The lady, Mrs. Dale Brines, 5192
girls made candy favors, and W. Otto pI.
brought fresh fruit which they
Mrs. Ronald
distributed to the Veterans. Stancik, 5516 W, Alexander
They also helped them play pl.; publicity, Mrs. Jerry
Bingo, and served sandwiches, Lane, 8709 S. 50th ave.; readcoffee and cupcakes. TheJun- ing and library, Mrs. Daniel
ior members taking part in Pesek, 8931 S. 55th ct.; room
A Ceramics class taught by
this activity were: Kathy representatives, Mrs. Joseph
instructor, Bob Courtney,
Bragg, junior pres'dent; Janet Forliano, 8825 S. 50th ave.;
demonstrates the technique on
Debbie Hayes;
the potter's wheel. Ceramic
Jackie Strong; Tracey Thompsculpture is also taught in the
son; Lori Krzos; and Beverley
class which meets at the White
Bragg, junior chairman. Also:
Building, Lake Shore Park.
Nwalkao High Post #42 Mem***
ber Joe Bragg; George ReMembers of the Youth Serzanka' John Ryan; Lou Pervice League are having an
schau; and auxiliary mem"Afternoon Gala" at 1 p.m.
Francis Sullivan; Ann
Wednesday, Dec. 4, at The
Bennett; Lu Perschau; and
Barn. A display ofiurnishings
Seam Squirrel Post
5220 ,
member Frank Sullivan.
Jerome M. Carberry, 4336
W. 107th :.>1., son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jerome M. Carberry,
hab enroUod liS a
at Loras college, Iowa's oldest colle;~e, in a Business
Administration course.
"Defend Yourself" is the
theme of the new Tax Shelter
Seminar at 7 p.m., Friday,
Nov. 22, at the Oak Lawnpublic library, 94th and Cook ave.
Call 422-4990 for further information.
The regular monthly meeting of the Oak Lawn Senior
Citizens Council has officially
been changed from the first
Tuesday to the first Monday
of the month. Meetings beging
at 9:30 a.m., at the Cook
school, 9526 S. Cook ave.
Astro-Notes: Libran (Sept.
24 through Oct. 23) children
aim to please, they desire
harmony and pleasantness in
their environment, they want
to be loved and included in
what goes on, so do not usually create discord, because
their way is to coax, sweettalk, and ask nicely. In fact,
they get away with a great
deal just by use of charm.
If you have to punish them,
spankitlg seems ugly to them,
better to send them to bed or
isolate in some way. Show
your disapproval and limit
sweets, social occasions,' a
new dress or special treat,
and they will get the message.
On Tuesday, Dec. 3, at 7:30
p.m. the Oak Lawn Community
high school Parents for ROTC
will sponsor a bake auction in
the Junior-Senior Lounge at
the high school, 9400 Southwest hwy. A short meeting
will be held at the close of
the auction and refreshments
will be served. Donations of
baked goods would be greatly
appreciated and can be made
by calling Ev Pope at 4990636.
\1..-\1.-\,\14Head coach is Margaret
Groth. The Oak Lawn girls
also finished secOlXi in the
District Tournament. Pla~
in the district meet were'
Sheri Burgess; Loraine Hurt:
Gail Shaw, Deb Schmeltzer:
Jean Dvorak andVickiSchaar'
Jean and Vicki went on to th;
state m~ held in Ar~
Heights and lost to Addison
Trall in the first round.
J~ Vllchucl4, sophomore,
had an~seasmrec­
ord of 10-0•
Assistant. Cubmaster Richard Nash and Institutional
Representative Joseph Bragg preserit their pack's chart
to PTA President Jennie Bolito. Cub Scout Pack ~
has been sponsored by the Albert H Brandt PTA ~
th2e last 15 years. Pack 3442 has a t~l of 43 boys a:
2 active adult leaders.
Kay Barz recently returned from a trip to London.
Kay is the former writer of
this column aM still very
active in the community.
The Kolmar ave. PTA officers and chairmen for the
1974-75 school year are:
President, Mrs. Anthony Martincic; vice president, Tom
Randick; treasurer, Mrs. Sid
Brodzinski; recording secretary, Mrs. Richard Gliwa; and
Mrs. Stephen Zurawskir . '
Social and hospitallty, Mrs.
William O'Connell, Mrs.Raymood Schwenkel; roomrepresentatives, Mrs. Alec McKibbin, Mrs. Romon AspluOO'
publicity, Mrs. LeRoy Klaus:
internal publicity, Mrs. Ar~
land Widen; membership
Mrs. James McLaughlin, Mrs:
Frank Cismoski; health and
sauk signals, Mrs. William
Staltze; PTA Magazine, Mrs.
James McCarthy, Mrs. Richard Ray; program committee,
Principal James PaziotqlOOlos, Tom Randlc\{, Mrs. Martln1c; councll delegates, Mrs.
J, Fredericks,Mrs.R.MUe~
and Mrs. G. Boudos.
Legislation, Mrs. Richard
Ray; safety, Mrs. Joseph
Fredericks; historian, Mrs.
Anthony Bedalov; cultural arts
liason Richards high
s~hool, ¥rs. Greg Curran;
pre-school chairman, Mrs,
James McLaughlin; pictur~
lady, Mrs. Russell Caifane'
scholarship, Mrs. Geo~
Kuper; ways aM means, Mrs
E, Kalisz, Mrs. R. SchUe:
ban, Mrs. J. McCarthy, Mrs.
R. Ray, Mrs. R. Gliwa, Mrs.
R. MUes; graduation class
Mrs. p. Kladls, Mrs. B, Stie:
man, Mrs. T. Kwiatkowski,
and Mrs. G. Kunz.
Trinity Lutheran church,
97th and Brandt ave., wllihave
a Congregational Christmas
party, sponsored by the Couples club, at 5 p.m., Sunday
Dec. 15. in the church aud:
itorium. A fun program is
planned with Christmas ~~
entertainment and a visit from
Santa Claus. A Potluck supper with each family b ~
a hot dish, casserole, salad,
or gelatin mold, double the
amount your family would eat.
Co1Iee and desert will be provided.
.. -
The Oak Lawn Community
high school girls' tennis team
finished second in the SICA
Conference with a conference
record of !our wins and one
loss; its season record" was
The Oak Lawn Community
Grandmothers club recently
installed new officers for the
1974-75 year. They were:
president, Christine DoIun'
vice president, Ann
treasurer, WaI¥la Borkowski;
and secretary, Katherine MoIenarL
Ins~ omcer, Mae Glllice, National Organizer and
past president of Evergreen
Park club. Insta~ escort,
Barbara Kellogg, insta~
Chaplain, Ruth Braden.
. Celia Dumke, eldest grimdmother and Ella Krause,
~st grandmother, were
awarded a gift from the club
Christine Dohm, Ruth wood
and Ann Krause were delegates to the 33 amual convention held at the Westward
Ho hotel in Phoenix, Arizona.
The National Federation is
a "not Cor profit" social, educational and charitalie organization, to promote interest in, work Cor, and contribute to, research on children's
diseases. Today 15,000
Grandmothers bel~ to 873
member clubs.
.. -
Airman Eugene S, Greene,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
B. Greene, 5717W, 88thpl.,
has been assigned to Sheppard AFB, Texas, after comple~ Air Force basic training, Airman Greene is a 1974
graduate of Oak Lawn Community high school•
Astro-Notes: Last May the
third amual International Astrological Symposium was
held at Boston university
roW dis~-
lne ;:,partall AtnletiC OO>Ster club of Oak Lawn CommWli1y high school recently hosted the Eighth Annual Fall
Sports Award Night in the
school cafeteria. Jerry Wave~, president of the Booster club, summarized the objectives of the club am c~­
ratulated the athletes. Each
coach presented a trophy to
the athletes' selected as the
"most Valuable Varsi1y Player" by their teammates on
oasis of their performance
and leadership throughout the
Recipients of the "most valuable" awards were: TomEllisOn (junior), golf: RichRenz
(sophomore) cross cowrtry·
Rob Welke (senior), football;
Kathy Boyle (senior), swirnm~: Roxanne Fox (junior).
gymnastics: and Lorraine
Hurt (senior), tennis.
The concert was open tothe
public and attended not only
by frieoos and relatives of
the Chorus, but by college
facul1y am students as well.
Navy Aviation Storekeeper
Airman Vincent L. Caracciolo, son of Mr f am Mrs. Vincent L. Caracciolo, Sr., 10212
S. 5200 ave., has left Alameda, California, aboard the
nuclear-powered attack aircraft carrier USS Enterprise
on a deployment to the Western Pacific. As a member of
Tactical Electronic Warfare
Squadron 137, he will participate in tra~ exercises
while the Enterprise is opera~ as a component of the
U. S. Seventh Fleet. Caracciolo is also scheduled to
vis;.t several countries in the
Far East d~ the cruise.
A 1972 graduate of Harold
The Junior Girls Unit of L. Richards high school, he
5220 decorated 110 joined the Navy in November,
P~le Potato Chip cans fill- 1972.
ed with cookies for the veterAstra-Notes: In the wake
ans at Oak Forest hospital:
also wrapped stationary for of the comet in January, there
residents of the Bowman ensued a chain of government
NursiIlt Home am Oak Lawn collapses. ours be~ the 14th
Convalescent Home. collected in early August. Of the large
toys for the children at Gard- countries, the only rema~
en school and participated in Capricorn leader is Breznev
the Village Christmas Tree of Russia (Richard. Nixon am
lighting. Their activities also Willy Brandt of West Gerincluded arr~ for the lnal\Y were also Capricorns).
donation of two pianos to a
nursing home am alo~ with
the Auxiliary purchas~ 12
gifts for boxS in. an orphanage
and helped with the Post
Christmas children's party•
Santa Claus (Special Officer Frank Sullivan) listens to
the children of Oak Lawn policemen at a special Christmas
party held Saturday afternoon, Dec. 14, at the K. of C.
hall, 5830 S. 95th st.
Officers newly elected to
serve the Freshman Class at
Oak Lawn Communi1y high
school are: Janet Racinowski,
president: Tracy Thompson,
vi~e president; Mary I.v'nn
Miller. secretary; and Denise
Salvati, treasurer. The freshman.class sponsor is Karolyn Falta•
The warmth and charm of
St. Xavier college flowed into
the lives of 45 elementary
school children Dec. 13, when
The party was plamed by Marim Tueful, president
the Oak View Chorus, under
of the Oak Lawn Police Wives Auxiliary am Ken Da~the direction of ,Marianne
man, president of the Oak Lawn Police club.
Rock, presented their first
concert in McGuire Hall.
back soon cheerlng the whole
The Oak View Chorus, comNancy Scaduto, wife of Oak
family onward.
posed of intermediate grade
Lawn high school basketball
boys and girls from Oak View
coach Len Scaduto, 9248 S.
Dee Dee Chapman, daught- school, !lOth and Knox ave.
53rd ave., is back in Chicago
er of Mr. and Mrs. Donald expressed their holiday feel~
Osteopathic hospital for posChapman, 5340 W. 10200 st., ings in song during a 40 minsible back surgery. I'm sure
recently received a special ute Christmas concert.
Nancy would appreciate cards
Featured in the "ChristbaI¥l award duriIlt a cmcert
duriIlt her holiday stay away
mas Crystals of Music" proat
from her family.
Kostner ave. A contest was gram was Frank Fuastella as
Nancy'S daughter Sandy is
held for nam~ the District soloist for ..AChristmas Balcaptain of the cheerleaders
123 baI¥l for the.south side of lad." There was also Frosty
and of course son Steve is in
district. Dee Dee's entry, the Snowman (Mike Mulcon:
the newspapers these days
VikiIlts," was selected rey) and "The Little Dnunaloog with his dad as the basby baI¥l, members. Thomas mer Boy," (Dave Koepke) who
ketball season commams atSagan, baI¥l director, present- entertained the audience as
tention. Hope Nancy will be
ed the prize which was a met- part of the performance which
ended with .. A Holly Jolly
Scoutmaster Bernard Jiricek, Troop 442, and Institutional Representative Joseph
Bragg present their BoyScout
Charter to Mrs. James Eichberger, vice president of the
Albert H. Brandt PTA, sponsors of the troop.
with Assistant
Scoutmasters Larry Bragg,
Dale Purdy, Steve Vogt, John
Burns, and Don Suchy, recently took the trOOP on a
weekend campout to Lakewood, Wisconsin, where the
scouts demonstrated their
telents in coo~ and hiking.
Scouts particiPating in this
weekend event were Mike
Bragg, John Burns, Robert
Burns, Robert Flem~, Frank
Hogan, Greg Pokorney, Don
Johnson, Dave PurdyandDave
• ••
The Junior Girls Unit of
Johnson - Phelps VFW 5220
visited the Garden school for
the Handicapped, 8333 S. Austin, Burbank, on Tuesday, Dec.
17. The girls were accompanied by chairman Beverly
Bragg, 5267 w. 89th st.,
and S/Sgt. Leroy Brigham,
U.S.A.F., Hometown, anddistributed toys, candy and sa~
Christmas carols.
Cheerleader sponsor Joyce
Icenogle recently announced
the new Varsit,y Cheerlea~
Squad of Oak Lawn Communit,y
high school for the winter
sports season. Cheerleaders
selected are seniors: Sandy
Scaduto, captain; Jeri Isenegger, and Tia Schultz: Juniors: Kim Carlson, Dale Dietschwiler, Roxanne Fox, Dolores Haynes and Cheryl Konrath, and Terri Reardon.
Cadet Scott Girvin, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Girvin,
9749 Brandt ave., has been
promoted to the rank of Corporal in the Reserve Officers
Tr~ Corps at the MissoUri Military Academy, Mexico, Mo.
The Academy is one of the
nation's le~ prep schools
for boys in fourth to 12th
grades. Last year M.M.A.'s
JROTC unit was cited as an
hooor unit with distinction by
the U. S. Department of the
D. Huber,
S. Brandt' ave., received a
Bachelor of Arts degree in
elementary education atNorth
Central college in Naperville
on Sept. L A 1970 graduate
of Oak Lawn high school, Beth
is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Huber•
Navy Seaman Recruit Lawrence W. Walrath, son of Mr.
and Mrs. LeRoyWaIrath, 9732
S. Tulley ave., graduated from
recruit training at the Naval
Center, Orlando,
Hometown school, Duf(y
and Kildare, Hometown, is
one of the ten schools in the
Oak Lawn Hometown school
district' 123. The Hometown
PTA officers and boardmembers are: President, Mrs.
Harold WoIroun, Vice President, Mrs. Samuel Burns,
Recor~ Secretary, Mrs.
James Keltner, Correspond~ Secretary, Mrs. George
Randle: Treasurer, Mrs.
Charles Matts.
Character and Spiritual Education, Mrs. Frank Comise,
Health, Mrs. Chester Nelson,
High School Service, Mrs.
James McElligott: Historian,
Mrs. Henry Gubernat: Hos-='
pitality, Mrs. Frank Klutscharclt, Legislation, Mrs.
Lee Sears, MembershiP, Mrs.
John Kenny, Progrant, Mrs•
Richard Hamilton, Program
Book Mrs. David Evans: PTA
Magazine, Mrs. Martin Safstrom:
Publications, Mrs.
Norman Sullivan, Pre-Schoo~
Mrs. Daniel Lantz: Publicity
(Tempo), Gail Murray, Pub.
licity (news releases), Mrs;
MellOlass Papageorgio: Picture Lady, Mrs. Richard
Baker: Rea~ and Library,
Pat Atoor, ~metown school:
Mrs. Robert
Room Representatives, Mrs. Douglas Blyth,
Safet,y and Juvenile Protection, Mrs. Ronald Hillebrand,
and William Day, Hometown
,school: Scholarship, Mrs.
Gerald Gill, Social, Mrs. Salvatore Fiore, Teacher Rep,
resentative, Mary McNichols,
and Means, Irene Hartman,
,and PrinciPal, Charles Hayes,
Hometown school•
• ••
A thought for the new year:
"I do not ask of any man
alive that he know all the
answers. I only ask a great
caring....an honest and humble
caring about what happens to
human beings and their
hopes......and that I ask of
myself as well as of another."
Bonaro Overstreet.
\-0..- ,\1';
daughter tIC Mr. and :\Irs.
\\ illiam L, \Iarh"e(er, was
l'sc'Jlied b,\ Alan )\icholson
and \\a~nt' Anders(m.Barbara
,Jean Haines, daughter of Dr.
and :\11':-. Dall' S. Haines, was
l'SCortl'd b,\ Hick :\liraoc'lIi
and Hr,\ ,lilt ,Jl'nnings. .JO~('l'
AlUl S/l'! iga, d,ul/.:hter (J( Mr.
and \In,•. IIIM'ph :\\ S',eUga,
lias l'SCllltl'd b.\ (;aQ Schube/1h and \\ altl'l' (;"bUsch.
'" ...
StOl"ekl'epl>" Sl'aman
,\pprentice Da\ id \I, E~h.J
son of M,r. and :\11':-'. Et'land
F. Engh, ;;;}f;9 \\'. 90th st••
ha~ deplo,\ ed to till' \It>dite ranean aboard the guidl'd
m i~~ill' frigate I'SoS Coontt,
for eXll'ndt'd opet'alions 1\ ith
unit~ or the I S, Shth Fleet.
The C"llnlt i:-. :-chl'duled to
retltrn 10 itl> homl'IXJJ"t at \111'folk, \ i1'ginia, ne"t ~la,\ •
• **
The Oak La\\n l'al'k Districlpn~I'aml'o\l'rsman..\at'ca:-.
or activities. :-Oel\ Lng Ull>U'UClOl', \niw \ardema: dl'mon:-u'ales thl' fine poim:-. of machine :-'Iitl'h~ 10 onl' ,0f I~er
students. The cour:-.c includes ('hoosing and ad,lust1llg
a pattl'rn and finishing the a:-.sembll'd ~al'menl lO a professional look,
(;raduat~ [rom the i'\aval
T,'aining Cl'ntl't' at Great
Lahl'l> is \ar,\ man .Jon \\'.
Tilth, slln o( :\11'. and \Irs.
\\' illie Toth" 552 9 W. H8th st.
And graduating (rom re('ruit
tra~ at the \aval TJ'a~
Center, San Diego, California,
is :'\a\'~' Fireman Hl'Ct"llit '\Iark
!olin IIf :\Ir.
and :\II's. George Selml'siter,
Sr., 9740 S, Cook a\c.
* '" '"
\('knOI\ Il:'llging (;i1'1 S<:tXlt
leadl'rs o( troops I>pllns"red
b~ thl' Brandt PT \, accOl'ding to Truup Consultant I1elen
\\ nlf, are: Bnmnie Truop 7H,
Barbara \Ic(;oldrich and SuI,anne Iladdatt: I:kol\ nil' Troop
511~, llelUlel' l!utOWt' and '\anc~'
Cummings; .Junio)' TrtXlP 242;
\anc~ Pokorne~', (;el'l'~' :\Iarkovitt and :\Iariannl' SaWlderl>;
,Junior Troop 372, I.t'tma Sexton and 13eck.\' J)W1Il; Cadette
Troop 59-l, ,Jeanette Carbone.
Astro-\otes: Libra (Sept.
24 through 0('1. 23) males arc
usual~ imeresting spl'akers,
can per 'uade emotional listteners that ideas "arc for
~'our 0\\11 good." .\pparentl~·
Thc Park IJistdct's Lightcd Schoolhou~e prtlgl'am isan
peace _ makers, the~' cause
eveni.ng aCliyi~ (or IUds of all agcs in tl\>eration at strat1\ ild~' complicated lo\'l~ probegical~' located s('hool g,~ms. \ 0111',\ ball and basketball
lems, innocently (',') stirring
are the most popular sports. Pi('IUred is the Dt'Il\>jl'alousies, attract schemers.
In Men's Basketball program at (;a:-'le,\l'I' s('hoot "hith
Old admirers pop up after
is \\eU attended erer,\ TUl'sda~ l'\'ening, ,~lthtlUg~ ~h,e fall
ma~' ~'ears, create unique
programming -is l\l'lI altl~, the nel\ spnng ~cllnUes of
rivalries. l.ove is his deep
the Park Distl'i('( I\lll o(fel' ~ tlU all tlpptlliwl1t,l 10 learn
concern, bUl he can't bear to
nel\ skills til' polish uP on old onc:-., Think about joining
lose affection, wants a flock.
some pal'l<, distl'iN activit~ in 1975.
:\Iood.\'. he can be ma~' things
- - - - - - - - - - - - - to different audiences. Rut he
•• *Thl' dl'butantes included rarel~' ool'es becau e he actThe
social e\ ent of Ihe
Ca 1/1.\
Buschbach. uallv believes in )'ainoo\\ s, far
year is the alUlual Chl'i.'>lma:-.
daughlel' of :\11'. and \It's. flung dreams Ihat make a fireCotillion sponS(Jred b~ thl'
,Jaml':- Hllschbach. CathY was side chat seem exciti~,
\\'omen's ,\u.xiliar,\' of ChdM
l'M'lIrtL'd b,\ Michael Hanus
Communi~ hospital Ill' Oak
and :-Ote\cn ,IW'inl'k. ('armen
Lawn (now to be knlll\n as
Ilgusla Can allo, daughter oI
If you go ice skat~ this
Christ hospital), This ~ e3.J."
Dr, and :\IJ'~. Aj:(UStin D, ('3.J.'- \\inter, the Red ('ross s~'s
the debut of local debs took
\'allll, II a:-. esc(Jrted b,\ Thomas to skate in supen'ised areas
place in the Grand Ballroom
Pa\lik and Agustin Can'aUt). where the ice is at least
oI the Martinique on Sunda~,
\Ia~art't Hose Kapelinski, three or four inches thick.
Dec. 29. The dinner dance
daughtl'r of '\11'. and \lrs. Ed- :\ever skate alone and never
and presentation o( the girls
ward hapt'l inskio was escorted build a fire on the ice. Be
by their fathers \\as again a
b\ (;ar\ .I<*,n ne~'n"lds and careful \\hencrossing ice over
spectaeular6 beautiful l'vem.
Kenneth A, Flisak. (,hristine rwuli~ \\ater. C'w'rents can
Fresh flowers mostl,.\' pointr: laine K<trdosh, daughter of erode and melt ice from besettias fUled the baUrmmand
1\11'. and Mrs. Edward ./. Kar- 101\. If you ac cidentall,Y break
graced the tables on (ootl'd
dosh, was l'scorted b J)unald throllgh the ice, don't uJ' to
Pi'destal centerpieces. Two
l'ipIIlla and (;l'rald Vinci. climb out on tht' thin ice aroWld
bands furnished mnti nual
\Iaureen AM Lundy, daughter the hole. E:\'tend both arms
music. Chairman (or the 1974
of :\11'. and I\Irs. .Iames G. along the stu'face of the ice
Christmas Cotillion was :\I1's.
l.und.!, \\asescorted by Thum- and then kick hard. This \\ ill
Edward KapelinslU, 1O~ 1 S,
as Sl'llll.\' and I\lichael Hem'y. help lift the bod," OntO sulid
Minnick ave.
1.,\ nne
1\13.J."ie :\Iarhoe(er, ice, Then roll to safl'l,'.
Sgt Loretta Phifer retired (rom the Oak Lawn Police
department on Dec. 31., after 27 years of service. Sgt.
Phifer started on the police department on Nov. 11.,
1947. In past years, she did everything from water bills to
shoveling coal in the stove at the station.
She greatly aided in the transformation from a largely
part-time police department in 1947 to the modern
full-time police department which Oak Lawn has now. She
will be greatly missed.
Pictured at the recent retirement party at the Holiday
Inn, Dec. 16 are: seated trom left to right: Master of
Ceremonies for the eveningj Bernie Witty; Chief Gerhard
Heln. Standil'Ig are: Officer KeMeth Dangman, president
of the Oak Lawn Pollce Department club who has just
presented Sgt. Loretta Phifer with a plaque tram the club,.
On Satw:day, Feb. 1., the
Oak Lawn Community high,
school will hold its 16th Annual Band Festival. This is
the flrst year competitive jazz
chorus groups will participate
in the all day festival.
The afternoon complimentary concert will be Northwestern Jazz Ensemble directed
by Clifford Colnot featur~
Roger Pemberton, vocalist.
The eveniJlt performance will
feature the three ~ contestant bands plus the Air
Force Academy Jazz Band.
Tickets can be obtained at
the hJgh school.
Tickets are still available
for the Jcimson-Phews Auxiliary VFW 5220 Card Party,
to be held at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 21., at the post hall,
9514 S. 5200. ave. Donation
Is $1.25 and tickets are available at the post hall Wednesday and Friday evenings. Shirley Anaman is chalrmanofthe
event aoo. Frances Sullivan is
at $1.50.
The bus will leave Green
Oaks shopping center at 8:50
a.m. and will return there
at approximately 3:30 p.m'.
The fee for the trip is $5.50
which includes transportation,
admission and guide fees,
but does not include your
Please phone Roona Soliday, 425-4776 or Lois MeNearney, 424-5566 with reservation. Space is limited
and must be paid for by Jan.
22. Checks may be mailed to
Roena Soliday, 9724 S. Kostner, Oak Lawn, 60453.
The Air Force JWlior ROTC
Par nt. of Oak Lawn CommWlity IUgh school are .ponsoring a "Dinirlr-In" for all
the cadets and their fathers,
7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 17 in the
school cafeteria. Donation is
$2.50 and tickets are available at the high school.
Special guests are S\U)8rinterxlent Joe Lynch, Cadet
Colonel Michael Miller, University of nUnois ROTC and
members of the United States
Air Force.
The Youth Service League
is planning its next trip. Plan
to see "Chicagoan's In Paris," a beautiful, unique couA new, study group sponturiere originals exhibit worn sored by the Women's Guild
by Chicago society of the past of Pilgrim Faith United
at the Chicago Historical So- Church of Christ, 9411 S.
ciety. This interesting mus- 51st ave. will meet at 7:30
ewn is famous for its out- p.m. for retreslunents and a
st~ cotlection of Civil book review at 8 P.m.. in the
War memorabilia and Lincoln church lounge, Wednesday,
material and has a fascinating Jan. 22. The book "Open Marexhibit of Pioneer crafts man- r!age" by Nena and George
ned by the musewn's person- o 'Neill will be reviewed by
Mrs. David Morris and reThe first stop will be at the
Lincoln Park Conservatory
for a "preview of sllling"
complete with guide aoo. lecturer. With luck, this may include a preview of the beautifUl Azalea-Camellia ,show.
Then, before going on to the
musewn, there will be a stop
at the Original Pancake House
located at Clark, Lincoln Park
West and Armitage for brunch.
freslunents are courtesy of
Mrs. Richard Petersen.'
...... *
Astro-Notes: Because the
Aquarian (Jan 21 through Feb
19) woman is capable of using her mlrxl over her heart
when necessary, this gal is
always lntr~ to the men.
Even those who appea docile,
easy going arxl preterxl to
be t1mld, may turn out tohave
strong wills arxl usually do
more or less what they please•
Sh is a master ofp.ycholOBY,
arxl makes a Sood nur.e. Travel and slghtseeq intrigue
her alX1 she can pitch her tent
in arl1 land. There are some
AquarIan women who are will1ng to forsake tradition to
follow their dream••
their efforts and to chat with
their teachers.
The Brandt mothers are
busy in their kitchens preparing homemade goodies for
the PTA Bake Sale to be held .
on this evening in the corridor
outside the gym.
The Oak Lawn Hometown
PTA Council of District 123
is planning a Founders' Day
extravaganza at 8p.m. Thursday. Jan. 30. at Clark school,
105th and Lockwood. Everyone is invited to the choral
and band presentation of the
history of the school system
in District 123 and the PTA
in particular.
Participating in the program will be the PTA's of
Clark, McDonald - Hannum,
Gaddis, Hometown. Kolmar,
Brandt, Covington. Gasteyer
and Sward schools. All schools
will be involved in honoring
their Past PTAPresidents and
Life Members. Joan Hoey is
chairman for this event.
Marine Pic Phillip E,
Grask, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward M. Grask, 10013 S,
Cook ave., graduated from
recruit training at the Marine
Corps Recruit Depot, SanDiego.
Vivian Kelly. Loyalty Day chairman for the JohnsonPhelps VFW Ladies Auxiliary. used a patriotism theme of
red, white. and blue table and room decorations for the
r.ecent visit of Edgar Ingram, president of White Castle
Systems. where Vivian is a trainee supervisor. Using the
auxiliaries flag and banner and Buddy Poppies for centerpieces. boutonnieres were presented to the dignitaries.
Mr. and Mrs. James Gulli
are happily announcing the
arrival of their first grandchild, born Jan. 7 in Christ
hospital. Weighting in at eight
pounds. two and a halfounces.
Jennifer Ann is the first child
of Bill and Rose Collins and
the first great-grandchild of
Lucy Malabarba.
The Johnson-Phelps VFW
Post and Ladies Auxiliary are
sponsoring a Drug Abuseprogram at 7:30 p.m•• Monday.
Jan. 27. in the post han.
9514 S. 52nd ave. The Drug
Unit of the Cook County Sheriff's Police will put on a prol!'ram of films and exhibits
which will be followed by a
question and answer period.
Admission is free and family
groups. including children.
are urged to attend and learn
more about this problem which
is a growing concern to all
Mike and Susan Dollear.
who live in Chicago? announce
the arrival of their first child,
Michael William, born Jan. 10
at Holy Cross hospital. The
proud grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. John Feltes. 9545
S, LaCrosse ave.. and Mr.
and Mrs. John Dollear, Chicago.
The children of Brandt
school have been working very
hard all year. Now they are
inviting their parents to come
to open house at 7:30 p.m. to
9 p.m" Tuesday, Jan. 28, at
Brandt school, 8901 S, 52nd
ave., to see the results of
Roger Marx, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Marx, 9260 S,
Meade, is a sophomore at
Missouri Valley college in
Marshall, Missouri. Missouri
Valley is a four year liberal
arts college in mid-MiSsouri,
which awards Bachelor of
Arts. Music. and Science degrees. The college's academic
offerings range from art to
criminology to religion to
micro economics. The college was founded in 1889 as
a Presbyterian related educational institution.
Roger is majoring in Hwnan
Relations. Roger graduated
from Oak Lawn CommunitY
high school in 1972.
Astro-Notes: A basic astrology course will begfu at
8 p.m.. Tuesday. Feb. 14
in Oak Lawn. For further information. call 425-5833.
1- L'?> -\91'S
"Who's Who in Oak Lawn"
Our fcatured famQ\' is the Hobert Hopes, who live at
8835 ~Iobile avc., and include \\lie Barbara and children
Debra, 17, Deirdre, 12, and Diane 4, Bob was appointed
general superintendent of the Oak Lawn Park District
August 1971 and is currentt· enrolled at Governor State
university working on a masters degree in public service.
Bob and Barbara met at Fenger high school in Chicago
and were married in 1952, Members of Pilgrim Faith
Cnited Church of Christ, Barbara sings in the church
choir, is a Cadette Girl Scout co-leader and room
mother at Simmons Jr, high school PTA. Her hobbies
include scwing, reading, and piano.
Daughter Debra also sings \\ith the church choir, is
an active member in the Oak Lawn Community high
school enior Girls' Chorus, sang with fVCC Messiah
December 1974, and plays piano and sews. Debra was a
delegate to Youth in Government in Springfield in spring
1974 and has been renominated for 1975. A member of
the Pilgrim Faith Youth Group, she also enjoys writing,
reading, ice skating and cooking.
Deirdre is an honor roll student at Simmons Jr. high
school, participated in plays with the Oak Lawn Park
District drama class, and is interested in arts and crafts.
Deirdre is active in the church youth grou,p also, and
enjoys roller skating, piano and sewing.
Diane is the emerging !;lope, currently enrolled at
Pilgrim Faith Nursery school. The newest addition to
the family is Heidi, a German Shorthair Pointer.
• After five years of milneeded."
itary service, Bob received
his B.S, at N.!. U. in 1959,
Sward school PTA will
taught physical education and
present a Founders Day prorecreation in Sterling and
gram at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Feb.
Park Forest, coached basket11, in the school gym, 99th
ball, wre stling, and track. Reand Brandt. ave. Mrs. Kensigning teaching 1964, Bob
neth Griffin, PTA president,
worked for a trade associawill present life membershiPs
tion where his major duties
to Hazel Johnson and PatSarwere public relations and laniak for their many years of
bor relations.
dedicated service to the PTA.
Bob's hobbies include fishEntertainment for the evening, hunting and reading. His
ing will be provided by the
current literary interest is
District 123 Band under the
the contemporary history of
direction of Thomas Sagen.
the l . S. SlUlreme Court.
Refreshments will be served
Presently a member of the
following the meeting.
Illinois Park and Recreation
Society and officer in the COOk
If you like rock music and
COlUlty Assn. of Park Directmusic from the fifties and
ors, Bob is currently active
sixties, you will not want to
in drafting enabling legi~lation
miss Covington PTA's meetto benefit park districts. Bob
ing at 8 p.m., Tuesday, Feb.
states his goals for the park
11, in the new gym, 9130
district as follows: "Oak Lawn
S. 52nd. ave.
has the 17th largest park disGuest musicians will be a
trict in the state of illinois
rock grou,p featuring Gary
in terms of assessed valuaRamiraz
and the Skyways.
tion. In terms of facilities
No children will be admitted
we rank in the lower 25th perunless accompanied by an
centile. It is my goal to proadult. Don't miss a bit of
vide the citizens of the villnostalgia.
age with recreational facilities that are so desperately
•• •
Rachel Circle of the Women's Guild of Salem United
Church of Christ, .9717 S.
l(ostner ave.,
presents a
Dinner Fashion show at 6:30
p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 11. It
will be held at the Martinique
restaurant with Jean McCarthy of Evergreen Plaza presenting fashions.
Dan and Sue Henry, Palos
Heights, became parents of a
son, David Joseph, 8 lb. 3
oz., Jan. 15, at Little Company
of Mary hospital. Grandparents are BU! and Elva Van
Howe, former owners of the
Pine Tree Mobile Home Park,
now residing in Hickory Hills.
•• *
The next meet~ of Oak
Lawn Community high school
PTSA will be at 9 a.m.,
Thursday, Feb. 6, starting
with rolls and coffee in the
teachers cafeteria. A tour
of the art department will
begin at 9:30 a.m.
guide will be Bob Dominiak,
Art Dept. Chairman, who will
provide commentary through
the photography dept., Applied
Arts, such as leather work.,
Art I, n, and m, (painting),
and the Commercial art class
as well as a showing of ceramics. Everyone is invited
to join this interest~ tour.
Park in the student parking
lot on the west side of the
•• *
Astro-Notes: A Basic Astrology course will begin at
8 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 11.
For further information, call
Page 6. Sect. 2 REPORTER
The .\IUlual Spring Concert
of the Oall Lawn Commwlity
high sch?OIC?nCe11 Band..un-.
del' the dll'ecllOn of hen hlStncr \Iill begin a.t S p.m.,
Fl'iday, :\Iarch :!l, mtheSparIan g.\-rTl, !Hlh and Southwest
Guest performer II ill be
mch ~Iatteson, soloist on tile
baritone "!1d Y.alne trom1><?"e.
Matteson l~ dll'e?~Or of .Jazz
ba~s ~t :--;~1l1h I exas, , S~ate
UI1lverslt~' 111 Denlon, I exas.
.\dmjssion is $1.50 (or adults,
$1 for student s, and under 12
,~ ':. ':'
Brandt school art instructors Anne Lappe and Marcia
OIS~n,. are helping students
pl'epal't' their work for a combination art and crafts (air
to be held from 7:30 p.m. to
9 p.m., Tuesday, March 18
in the halls and gym of the
school 8901 S. 52nd ave.
Inte:ested adults in the
commwlity are welcome to
display their art and craft
work at this event. For further information, call the
school office, 423-0520.
Celebrating the G5th birthday of Camp Fire Girls, the
Bluebird groups sponsored by
Coyington P'!'.\ will attend
Sl1l1da\' church services at Pilgrim 'Faith l"nited Church of
Christ on I\larch 16. Bluebird
leaders are Emily l\Iirelli,
Sande Handle, Laura Collachia
and ~1.1l'y Mazzocco.
):; i,:
l3arbara Banach, 48l:! IV.
911th St., was recently hospitalized with an emergency
Thursday. March 13. 1975
l3us Yow·elL. 8th Dist. State
Hepresentative, had the roof
of his car crushed by a steel
tube falling 0(( the bac I of a
trucll between here and
Springfield. Yourell waS not
* * .:'
The Oak Lawn Garden club
is again offering residents
an opportwlity to purchase
Hadiant Flowering Crab Apple trees for early April planting. The trees are six to eight
feet in height with a trunk
caliber of one and a half to
two inches and cost $16.50
Lucille Henthorne,
chairman, reports
that a
smaller tree is also available
for a lower price.
The Garden club has been
sponsoring the planting of the
Hadiant Crab Apple trees for
the village so they will become known for this particular
type of planting, just as Lombard is known for their lilacs. The deadline for ordering the trees is Monday, March
24 and a call to Mrs. Henth~rne at 422-3730 will
reserve a tree for you.
* ,;c
Martha Dumke, wife of the
John Hyun will be installed
mayor, spent last week in as Seam Squirrel of the NwalkChrist hospital and is recov- ao High Pot Pup Tent 42,
el'ing from surgery at home. Military Order of the Cootie
:;; * ::;
(honor degree of the Veterans
Huskey, wife of of Foreign Wars) in a ceremtlllstee Herb I1us!ICY, after ony to be held at 8 p.m.,
mal1,)' postponements of open Saturday, March 22, in the
heali surgel'Y, was operated .Johnson-Phelps VFW post
on last Tuesday and is recov- halL. 9514 S. 52nd ave.
ering nicely at Hush-Presby.James l3ennett, past comterian-St. Luke's Medical mander of the second Dist.
Ceiller, 1753 \\', Congress, ~lOC, will, be the installing
officer and James Felton, past
. commander of the third Dist;
,\ tour of the business de- VFW and second Dist. MOC,
pal1ment is planned for the will
serve as maste~ of
next meeting of the Oak Lawn ceremonies. Othel' officers
Commwlity high school PTSA. are Hobert Klein, J.oseph
Halls' and coffee will be ser- I3ragg, John Marcek, Vmcent
ved at 9 a.m. in the teachers Hossetti, Calvin Kelley, Edcafeteria and aftel' a short
business meeting, the tour of
the ~~ing, ~hortha~ and
commercial section of the
business department will begin. The date is Thursday,
March 13. For further information, call Carol Randle,
PTSA president, at 423-2110.
:;: )::
The J\mlor Girls of VFW
5220 thank eveJ'Y0ne for making their penny social a success.
\\" in .\Iiller, ,Joseph Czuban,
.Jerry lIarmon, Dr. J0geph
Lieberstein, 110y ScanlQn and
,\Ii Sumner.
The short ceremohy will be
followed by refreslunents and
danculg. The public is invited
to attend.
The Oak Lawn Garden club
will again sponsor their annual visit to the Chicago Flower Show at McCormick Place
on \\'ednesday, April 9. The
chartered bus for the trip will
leave 95th st. and 55th ct.
at 10 a.m. and return ShOl1!y
after 3 p.m. The cost for the
trip and admission tickets is
$4.50. Call club president,
Mrs. Clarence Veague, 4225504, or Mrs. Charles Meloun, 422-2256, for information and reservations.
For area residents who plan
to attend the nower show,
but cannot attend .\pril 9, the
club has discounted tickets
available for $2.50 the price
at the door is $3.50. These
may be ordered by calling
Mrs. Veague or Mrs. Meloun.
Spring registration of Oak
Lawn I3aseball for boys is
Saturday, March 15, and Sunday, March 16, noon to 5
p.m. at the Field House, 98th
and Central ave.
.. *
Gaddis PTA meets at 8p.m.,
Tuesday, March 18, in the
school gym, 9300 S. Keeler
ave., and has programmed a
film on different kinds ofarthritis in keeping with the theme
"Alert to Your Health," The
Hometown Theatre Guild will
also ente11ain that evening.
l1efreslunents will be served
by the fifth and seventh grade
room representatives.
and that they are•
One of the hazards of being a crossing guard: The
crossing guard at 93rd aOO
5200 ave. held out her hands
to keep the children back,
suddenly she felt a sharp pang,
a kitvlergarten child had bitten her hand. The question
is, "Should the crossingguard
get a tetanus shot, or should
the child be quarantined for
ten days?"
Ral ph & Bess Petro
Who's Who In Oak Lawn:
Ralph and Bess Petro, 9000
S. Central, have lived in Oak
Lawn since 1954. Ralph recently retired from Herriott
Truc~ co. Bess worked 25
years for her brother Alex
Schnitz at the S & S stores
(still located at 5240 W. 95th
st.). Bess's other brother is
the owner of Oak Lawn Family Shoe Store known to many
as Uncle Eli.
Ralph was born in Grand
Crossing, Chicago. Ha~
served in the Army Field
Artillary during World War
IT with 18 months in Europe,
RaJ.ph is a member of the
VFW. Both Bess and Ralph
have received citations for
selling poppies and for Diabetes Tag Day.
Bess is a member of the
Business and Professional
Women's club, and Honorary
Den Mother of Timber Trails.
The Petros have no children
of their own but love kids and
nieces and
nephews. Also a member of
Senior Citizens and the 5220
Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW,
Bell loves clothes, costwne
jewelry aOO party-going with
her husband.
Ralph is a former coin collector aOO now his hobby is
good food. The Petros are
members of the Garfield Ridge
Hebrew CongregationTemple.
Bess says ' 'Age is only a
nwnber, we'reyoungatheart"
At the recent legislative
breakfast sponsored by the
district PTA's, lllinois Association of School Boards and
schools, state representatives
from the 8th, 9tI\ 27th and 28th
legislative districts participated in a discussion of UPcoming legislation in Springfield as it affects education.
. Rep. Ted Meyer CD. 28th
dist.) discussed collective
barga~ versus tenure for
teachers. Rep. Dick Kelley
CD. 9th) responded to questions on the distribution of
federal funds through state
offices to local schools. Rep.
Jane Barnes (R.8th) included
information on school) and
Approximately 80 people atteOOed the March breakfast
at Gaddis school, 93rd and
Keeler ave. The breakfasts
are scheduled on Saturday
morrungs at intervals during
the on-going sessions ~
Springfield to keep area reSidents informed of legislation
pertaining to education and to
exchange ideas and have feedback from constituents to representatives.
The Johnson-PhelpsV.F.W.
Post and its Ladies Auxiliary
are planning a first for Oak
Lawn - a Health Fair for all
residents in the village. The
Fair will be held at the Oak
Lawn Community high school,
94th and Southwest hwy., from
1 to 9 P.m., on Wednesday
aOO Thursday, April 2 and 3.
Among some of the free
tests to be offered will be
blood pressure, diabetes, vis-
ion, foot examinations and infonnation on many other subjects.
A reminder about the Oak
Lawn Garden Club's trip to
the Flower Show at McCormick Place on Wednesday, April
9. Call president Mrs. Clarence Vaague, 422-5504 or
Mrs. Charles Meloun, 4222256.
A Flea Market is being
planned by the V.F.W. for
April 20. More information
can be obtained by calling
Ann Bennett, 422-0486 or Lucille Perschau, 599-3192.
Marine Lance Corporal Elmer T. Tregoning, m, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer T. Tregoning, Jr., 5152 W. Alexander
pI reported for duty with the
3;d Marine Aircraft Wing at
EI Toro, Calif. Tregoning is
a 1973 graduate of Oak Lawn
Community high school ~
joined the Marine Corps m
July 1974.
The foll~ artists will be
exhib~ their work: Mary
J. Allen, Kathy BarneS, Bar-
bara Bulatvla, Mary Butori,
RaymoOOa Cassata, Donald
Collins, Dorma Woody Corn-
elius, Palos Heights; Joyce
DeBella, Oak Lawn; Jeanne
Dekan, Grace C. Dolph, J...ydia
Freytag, Dennis GibbOOs,
Hickory Hills; Edna Gorse,
Evelyn D. Graben,Fran Graziade!, Oak Lawn; and Isabel
Halverson, Palos Hills.
Also Carl S. Hanson, Hollis B. Hess, George Horalek,
Joseph Konas, Palos Hills;
Gustav Korn, Patricia Major,
Oak Lawn; Frank G. Morrone,
June Mrakava, Anthony Oleynichak, Walter A. Renn, Matilda Rogers, Ebba ltohan,
Richard Ryan.
Also John R. Schall, Chase
Smith, Mildred Stateman, O~
Lawn' Sqlhie StroPe&, Doris
Ta~ Dolores Tuffs, Worth;
Lydia'Venuso, Hickory Hills;
Stephen Wikstrom, Diana C:.
WitoWski, Annette Wrooski,
and Jacob Zoetvelt.
dividual keeps whatever
money is made from the
sale of their articles, clothing, knickknacks, appliances, games, household articles
or miscellaneous
items. Food for shoppers
will also be available.
One may call Ann Bennett,
general chairman, 422-0486,
for informationaIXl reservatio~,or Lucille Perschau,
599-3192. Frances Sullivan
is president of the auxiliary.
The Oak Lawn Lions club recently enjoyed a "Roaring
20's" night with a dixieland band and everyone in costwnes
of that era. Shown, left to right, are Jerry Lewis, Ethel
Schuemann, and Glenn Frankland, all active in the Lions
service club. Chairmen for the night was Marge and Dale
college Dist. 524. The school
board election is from noon
The Oak Lawn League of to 7 p.m., Saturday, April 12.
Women Voters held a very
* '" *
Sward school PTA will
successful candidate's night
last Thursday at Pilgrim present its annual "Spring
Faith United Church of LWlCheon" at 1 p.m., WedChrist. The large meeting nesday, April 16, at Banhall aoo overflow room were ana's Steak House, 94th am
filled with voters listening to Cicero ave. The luncheon
the candidates from their will be served family-style
districts discuss the issues and tickets are $4.50 per
in their areas. Co-chairmen person.
A short business meeting
for the evening were Harriet Murphy and Dorothy will be held in which new
officers for the 197576 school year will be inCandidates for the school stalled. Electedofficersare:
boards in this area can be Adeline Furie, president;
heard at Gasteyer school, Adrian VanDerLinde, vice
5345 W. 99th st. at 8 p.m., presitle'tlt; Barbara W~t".
Monday, April 7. The meet- treas r" fWd J?oris emier,
ing, sponsored by the Oak recordiilg secretary.
Lawn Hometown PTA CounEntertainment for the aftcil, will present candidates ernoon will be provided by
for Oak Lawn Hometown the eighth grade mixed chorDist. 123, Richards high us under the direction of
school Dist. 218, Oak Lawn Mrs. Drwnmond.. Further
high school Dist. 229, and ticket information can be
Moraine Valley Community obtained by calling 425-1286.
Spring is rapidly approaching, and the JohnsonPhelps VFW Ladies Auxiliary is again sponsoring
a F1ea Market in the post
hall, 9514 S. 5200 ave., from
noon until 6 p.m., SW¥lay,
April 20.
Tables for the display of
merchaOOise will be available at $5 each and the in-
The April Women's Guild
meeting of Pilgrim Faith
United Church of Christ,
9411 S. 51st ave., will be a
luncheon meeting at 12:30
p.m., followed by a program
on "Women and Missions."
Katie Booth of the Chicago
Metropolitan association is
the speaker aoo hostesses
are the Shirley Circle. Reservations can be made by
calling the church office,
422-4200, or Shirley Haaker, 422-0489.
* '" *
Navy Construction man
Mitchell J. Lackey, son of
Mr. am Mrs. Dallas W.
Lackey, 6248 W. 92nd st.,
from recruit
tr~ at the Naval Training Center, Great Lakes.
* * '"
Navy Operations
Specialist Third Class James L.
Agee m, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James L. Agee, Jr.,
6108 W. 97th st., has returned to San Diego aboard the
guided missile destroyer
USS Robison after a sixmonth cruise in the Western Pacific.
.. * *
Edward Rask was elected
for his second term as president of the Greater Oak Lawn
Senior Citizens Club. Rose
Arnold is vice president for
the 1975-76 year and Marie
Albert is secretary. Christine Dahl is treasurer.
Trinit;y Lutheran's annual Sp~ Rummage Salewill
be held from 9 a.m. to 9
p.m., Wednesday, April 30,
and from 9 a.m. to noon,
Thursday, May 1. in the
auditorium, 9701 S. BralK1t
In additioo to the usual
clothing, small appliances,
am all sorts of household
items, an added attraction
will be a plant table.
Rummage sales always
have a great appeal to ~
and old alike. One persoo's
trash is often someooe·
else's treasure.
in the church l~ and the
group will walk the two
blocks to the courthouse before the court is in session
at 9:15 a.m.
The Women's GuildofPUgrim Faith United Church
of Christ, 9411 S. 51st ave.,
is pl~ a trip to the Oak
,Lawn Fel~ Court on Wednesday, May 7. Anyooewish~ to attem can come for
rolls and coffee at 8:45 a.m.
.l{ .1.1.\' \t:\'S
In recognition oftheir con~
services to the
BraIK1t school children, the
room representatives will be
honored by the BralK1t school
PTA board members with
a luncheon to be held at
1 p.m., Tuesday, May 13,
in the school all-purpose
All current room representatives and staM-bys are
invited to attend this annual
Larry Lux, assistanttothe
village engineer, was the
guest speaker at the recent
League of Women Voters of
Oak Lawn meetq. He explained the RTA study which
has begun in the village to
determine transportation,
needs in this suburb. The
study is being done through
home interviews; the personal for the studywasmade
possible by the federalgrant
to employ people out-ofwork and over 40. Approximately 2,080 Oak Lawn
households will be surveyed
to find out how many trips
and where peq>le go in a
day's time. This is a neces-'
sary study to qualif,y for RTA
The Junior Girls Unit of
V.F.W. 5220 have been very
A remiMer of the Monday
active this year and received many awards for their evening and Tuesday, April
year's work at the recent 28 and 29 rummage pale at
annual Junior Girls Confer- Pilgrim Faith U.C. of C.,
ence in East Peoria. At- 9411 S. 5.lst ave. 'For furte~ the conference were:
ther information, call 424president Kathy Bragg; Janet and Laura Anderson; Pat- 8705.
ti Browne, M!U'Y Czubanj
WUliam Eide, 9155 S. 51st
Joan Danta, D'Ilbbie Hayes; ave., recently retired from
Lorrie Krzos; Laura Moon, Commonwealth Edison
Kim Heil, Jackie Strong, where he was a 45 year
Tracey Thompsoo. Accom- veteran the utUlt;y. Ire has
the girls were:
daughters Bonita, Mrs.
chairman Beverly Bragg and two
Fitz Sendelbach, and Ruth,
April HejJ..
Mrs. Frank NekvasU. Plans
Ten g1rlS received charms include traveling throughout
and pins for over 100 hours the United States and abroad.
of volunteer aervice each
in IDJI'S~ homes and hospitals. This is over 1200
hours of combined volunteer
service. The unit received
a second place trophy for
their Americanismprojects,
marching in parades, selling poppies and dis~
bwnper stickers and pins.
Outs~ Program Above
and Bey<Di was also awarded.
A mother-daughter dessert me~ at 7:30 p.m.,
Thursday, May 1. is planned by the Women's Guild
Pilgrim Faith United
Church of Christ, 9411 S.
51st ave. The program "Women in'the Bible" is a collection of portrayals by Mrs.
Donald Kaiser•
•• •
A first for Boy Scout Troop 614, sponsored by st.
Gerald's Holy Name" Society, when four scouts from
"the troop received Eagle ~tatus at one time. Pictured
left to right are:
John Conrad, Kevin Burke Tim
Allen and Ralph Arnold. Presenting the awards' were
Congressman Martin Russo and Village Clerk Ernest
More than 100 people attended the ceremony that
marked a first time in the troop's history for four
members to receive rank at one time•
•• •
Clare am Harold Hamstra, 9743 S. Brandt ave.,
are popping their buttons
over the arrival of their first
granddaughter. Parents are
Kathy and Garret Hamstra of
South Holland.
Our neighbor Dale Clinkman, 5179 W. Otto pl., is
in Christ hospital. The neighborhood 4th of July cele-
bration just isn't the same
without our guitarist•
• **
Anybody wonder why it's
On Saturday, Ma~' 24, Coleen Costello, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. William Costello, Peoria, became the bride
of Richard Nevins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Janies Nevins,
9137 S. Monitor ave. at St. Joseph Catholic church in
Elgin, with the reception following at the Ramada Inn
Jim Nevins, now residing in Albany, New York, was
his brother's best man. Colleen's brother, Allan Costello, and Tom Moriarity, also attended the groom.
Tim and Tom Nevins, Rick's twin brothers, were ushers
at the, ceremony. Lisa Scarlatta was Coleen's maid
of honor. Kathy Converse and Maureen Nevins, Rick's
sister, wee bridesmaids.
Relatives and friends of Coleen and her family traveled
from ~eoria, Springfield, Canada, and the Chicago area
to atteoo the wedding. Rick's paternal grandmother,
Agnes Nevins, Lynn, Massachusetts, was also present,
al~ with his aunt and uncle, Marcella aI1d Richard
Costin, and their three children, and another uncle,
J<im Nevins, all of Lynn, Mass. Rick's maternal grandmother, Mary Ryan, attended, as did his several aunts
am uncles, numerous cousins, and friends from Chicago
and surrounding communities.
Despite stormy, soggy weather, the sun shone upon
the bridal coqple as they emerged from the church.
After a motor trip honeymoon to Canada, Colleen am
Rick, graduates of Northern illinois university, are at
home in Elgin.
so quiet on Brandt ave. between 97th and 98th? Well,
Doug Jones, Jack and Mike
Collins, Mike and Bill Bila
and Steve Bennesh are off to
Boy Scout camp.
JoYce Stroh and Alice Ihrig have set-uP a tour of Oak
Lawn for incoming foreign
interns at Christ hospital.
Going along on the bus tour
scheduled for Thursday, July
17, are Alice Johnston and
Shirley Vogel. All the gals
are members of the Oak
Lawn League ofWomenVoters.
.. '"
Vacation Bible School is
planned" for 9 a.m., Monday,
July 21, at Pilgrim Faith
United Church" of Christ,
9411 S. 51st ave. The bible
school will last for two
weeks. Diane Dellorto and
Rose Becker are the gals in
charge. Nancy DeLap is the
Director of Christian Education.
this young man!
George Dempsey, 9748 S.
Brandt ave., just finished a
week of training at the Dick
Motta Basketball Camp.
An all day board orientation and salad IWlCheon is
planned for 10 a.m., Thursday, July 24, at the home of
Mrs. David Morris, 5183
W. Otto pl. for the League
of Women Voters of Oak
Lawn. A state League board
member will conduct the
day'/> workshop for officers
and board members of the
local League.
Shown above are senora Luz Vila, widow of Pancho
Vila, and Richard and John Hansen, 8825 S. Tulley ave.
Not everyone takes a vacation like this one but the Hansen faJ?ily, Ann and Larry, sons Richard and John, did.
Trave~ to EI Paso, Texas, they entered Mexico by
~ traveling across the Chihuahua desert to Cuidad,
Chihuahua. And from there boarded the train written
about in the May, 1974, issue of Readers Digest, the article "The Most Dramatic Train Ride in the Hemisphere."
While in Chihuahua before boar~ the train, theytoured the city which is the home of Pancho Vila. They stayed
at the Hotel Victoria, a beautiful s~ of Mexican WOOd
c~s and ceramic tiles incl~ a "step-water
fall" of tile in the courtyard. The town shows the influence
of the Spaniards from the 300-year-old cathedral Quinta
Luz to the viaduct still be~ used to carry water from
the mountains.
Boar~ the train to Creel and the Cq>per Canyon
Lodge, deep in the ~ area of the Sierra Madres,
where they were to stay for the week, the day-Io~ train
ride was straight uphill almost all the way. The scenery
from the open cars was breathtaking. Arri~ at the lodge
and discover~ excellent Mexican food and great coffee,
inspite of no electricity at the lodge.
Water pressure was maintained by gasoline generator.
Kerosene lamps were in each room and heavy wool
blankets on the beds. Each -room also had its own wocxlbu~ stove. Beautiful murals of Indian life decorated
the walls of the lodge.
The Indians in the area are called the Tarahumara.
Many live in caves and farm corn where they can find
level spaces; they also raise cattle, goats, sheep and hags.
The Hansens were able to fish and take side excursions
to the beautiful canyons ~ rivers sur~ the area.
Wa~erfa1lSand caves prOVlded further subjects for picture
the .way back to Chihuahua, they rode an Italian
Flat tram which was so quiet and smooth they h<Lrdly
noticed the steep grade. From Chihuahua, they boarded
a bus for Juarez and the tri,p back home.
Help wanted: Anyone interested in joining the study
on hand gun legislation
should call Joan Healy, 4235987, president of the Oak
Lawn League of Women Voters. The committee will begin work in the fall.
Yuuko Yasuda, Oak Lawn
youth Exchange student, is
staying at the home of Alice
and Tom Johnston, 4709 W.
102nd st. Yuuko is 17 and a
13 grade student in the city
of Kitakyushi, Japan. She is
S~Ol"\-"d by the Kitakyushu
LIOns club. The Johnstons
~ave had ~ open house to
mtroduce Yuuko to fellow
Lions and are loo~ for
families who are pl~
very special summer~
who mightincludeYwkogiving her a broader look at
"American" activities. Call
the Johnstons for further information, 422-4173.
Shirley Vagel, president
of the Oak Lawn Garde
chili, acted as general arrangements chairmanforthe
dinner of the
H·')metown Garden club. The
dinner took place Tuesday,
Aug. 5, at the Oak Lawn
Sheraton hotel.
Incom~ officers were in
stalled by former president
Dorie and Hal Wiltshire
celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on July 30,
They took a Caribbean cruise
and were completely surprised with a party given
by their children. Many
friends and Dorie's sister
and family from Michigan
attended. The Wiltshire
children include Rick and
his wife, Donna, of Rantoul,
m" Bob, Rhonda andSoodra,
Hal is the new appointed superintendent of Oak Lawn
Community high school.
Mr. and :\11'5. Haymond Tl"embus, 5UI; w. otto pl.,
spent an interesting sum'TICl" \ acalion in ~lo.ntana ju~t
20 miles from Ihe Canadian border. The~ \lSlted Ray s
sister .Joyce and hel" husband, who live in Hungry Horse,
Montana, nine miles west of West Gl~cier :\ationa~ Park.
Because of ice and snow, the park did not open this year
until June 28. Year round li~inthisarea is a challenge.
In winter the only way out of your home and into town
is skis.
Pat and Ray hiked four miles up into the snow capped
mountains of West Glacier Park. They hiked through
Logass Pass and saw IIid~en ~ak.e, ~ sight rare except
to those willing to look [or It. Flshing m clear streams m
whillh you can cup your hands and drink the mountain
spring water and being chased by a grizzly bear were
part of the adventure of this vacation. Eagles, moose,
white mountain goats, Mountain lions and deer as well as
the grizzly bear abound in this wilderness area.
>I< >I< >I<
Johnson-Phelps VFW 5220
and auxiliary are ha~ a
Pancake Breakfast from 8
a.m. until 1 p,m., SWlday,
Sept. 7, at the post hall,
9514 S. 52nd ave. Donations
are $1.25 for adults, children 12 years old and Wlder
$1. Tickets are available at
the post Wednesday andFriday evenings or call 4235220. Chairmen of this event
are Frank Sullivan and Patricia Rezanka. Post Commander is Roy Berni s and
Beverly Bragg is auxiliary
Airman Patricia A. Doering, daughter of r«r. and Mrs.
Jamcs N. Doering, 9405 S.
McVicker ave., recently
completed basic training
in the U. S. Air Force air
operations field at Keesler
AFB, Miss.
Airman Doering is a 1974
graduate of Oak Lawn Community high school.
* * ,~
Airman Jeffrey J. Pawlik,
son of Stephanie W. Zad,
5190 W. Alexander pl., has
been assigned toBlytheville,
Ark., for duty in the fuel
sevices field after comple~ Air
Force Basic
training. Airman Pawlik is
a 1973 graduate of Mendel
Central high school in Chicago.
Mrs. Charles Knoblauch,
9221 S. Monitor ave., won
first prize in the home category of the Oak Lawn Garden club's Third Annual Beautiful Yards contest.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Lynglip, 5529 W, Alexander
pl., were a close second
and in the multi-family division, the Karl Triphams,
10134 S. Crawford, wonfirst
prize. SecoDd prize in this
category went to Parshire
South Condominium development, 99th and Keeler ave.
Third and fourth place in
the home division were Mr.
and Mrs. ~rge netucci,
10448 S, KlJpatrick and Mr.
and Mrs. Emmett Meyer,
4201 W. 103rd st.
Mrs. Eugene Suich. 9417
S.Kolmar ave., won third
place in the multi-family
Astro-Notes: Saturn in
Cancer, the past two years,
has conjuncted Pluto in the
horoscopes of people born
from 1912 to 1937, ~
major c~es in life styles,
broken marriages and new
~s. Notice how many
Cancer (June 22 to July 23)
mothers who have an Aries
(March 21 to April 20) teenager are experienc~difficulties this summerasSaturn
Can eel' and
,squares Aries. If other
factors agree, then Saturn
m~ into Leo in midSeptember will bring relief to these situations.
Stork News
Pl~ the u,pco~ Pilgrim Faith Adult Seminars
are committee members: Carol Theodorou, 10537 S
Lorel ave.; Dick Petersen, 9541 S. Brandt ave.; Jerry
Lap, 9113 S. Sproat ave.; aoo Harriet Murphy, 4923 W.
99th st.
The series will begin at 10:00 a.m. SW¥lay, Oct. 5,
aoo will continue, in the time period between the two SWlday worshfp serviees, for eight consecutive weeks. Pilgrim Faittt United Church of Christ is located at MIl"
S. 51S~ ave. Ch~h office munber is 422-~OO.
SubJects covered in the seminars will be: Art and Religion, Death and Dying, The Empty Nest, and The Value
Clarification Workshop.
Art and Religion, coordinated by Helen Oppenheim, will
discuss the relationshfp between religion and arts forms
such as architecture, paint~ and sculPture. An opportunit3" to explore this interesting facet of church history
through art. Guest speakers will add to the format.
The Empty Nest, coordinated by Nancy and JerryDeLap, deals with the time in
people's lives when children
leave home, retirement and
cl1aJlre occur. Do you plan a
one bedroom apartment on
Lake Shore Drive, golf everyday, sleeping every
morning., when you no longer have to work for a liv~? In this seminar, you will
have an OPPOrtunit3" to look at
your plans for the future and
how you might come to a
realization of those plans.
The seminar will hear peo_
pIe newly retired, widowed
and divorced
, and those
whose children have left for
college discuss their feel~.
Death and Dying, Carol
Theodorou and Rev. Edward
Brooks, chaplain at Christ
hospital, are coordinating
this seminar which will explore the various aspects of
g~ef. G}lest speakers,~'
diSCUSSIon and role pl~
will enable participants. to
better. understand the gnef
The Val u e Clarification
Workshop will attempt toidentity the values by which we
live day by day. It will dist~h these from ideal
values, those by which we
would like to live, but for
the most part ~o not. How
~ affect our live~ ~ what
pnce must be paid if we
should change ~ values and
th~rebY our lives. Gerald
~chaels, Counselor Mo~­
ame Valley .colleg? ' will
use class diSCUSSlon.and
structured ~oup exel;"'C15es
as his semmar. techn;iques.
The latter se~ will on!y be four weeks m dura~­
Ion, f!1e other three will
last e~t wee.ks.
Wor~ WIth. the semmars COmmlttee 15 Rev. Edw~rd. It. Goltz, pastor of
Pilgrlffi Faith Church.
Wm Louis Schaafsma
Bill and G.race Schaafsma
of Worth recently became
the proud parents of a baby
boy, William Louis Schaafsma, born Aug. 18, at Christ
Hospital, Oak Lawn.
The new arrival was a
healthy 6 lbs. 15 oz. at
birth and 20 inchesinle~
are Mr. ~Mrs.HenryIwema
of Oak Lawn. Paternal
grandparent is Mrs. Bernice
Schaafsma of Palos Hills.
Proud father Bill Schaafsma is one of the owners
of Sid's Greenhouse in Palos
to come and meet the board.
Baby si~ is available.
.. '"
Lorraine McCleve~, 4521
W. llOth pl., has been busy
the past two months volunteering her services for the
Moraine Valley Communit,y
Concert Association's campaign to sell concert series
tickets. She is area chairwoman and welcomes calls
about the community C<llcert series at 636-1748.
David Rar1kin was appointed choir director of Trinity
Presbyterian church, 10600
S. Kostner ave.
The Brandt School PTA
will hoi d their first fall
meeting at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 23, in the school
gym, 8901 S. 5200 ave.
The welco~ address
be given by Dr. Douglas
Trinity Presbyterian ch- will
urch will host a family re- A. McGugan, Supt. of School
treat, Friday, Sept. 26, to Dist. 123. Thomas Ivana,
Sunday, sept. 28, at West- the school principal, will inminister Woods, Saugatuck, troduce teachers and staff
Micbgan, according to Rev•. for the 1975-76 school year.
A -BiCentennial Flag CeRichard Rogers.
remony" will be given by
'" ••
Women winners in thevil- some of the students, deslage golf tournament were: cribing and displaying a
first place Harriet Lenz· ~utiful collection of Bisecond Plac~, Dottie COPps;' centennial historical flags.
The new president of the
third place, ancy DeLap;
and fourth place Marilyn Brandt PTA, Mrs. Thomas
Siedis, welcomes everyone
q. \~ - \'\1 ':>
Marine Lance Corporal
William J. Carollo, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Santo Carollo,
8813 S. McVickers, has been
promoted to his present rank
while serving with Force
Troops at the Marine Corps
Base, Camp Lejeune, N.C.
A 1974 graduate of oak
Lawn high school, Carollo
joined the Marine Corps in
July, 1.974.
on~ is expected to practice
their pre-planned exit drills
in the home.
There are two openings for
three and' four Years olds at
the Pilgrim Faith Nursery
school, 9411 S. 51st ave. For
further information call Jan
425-7043 or the
church office, 422-4200.
Nancy Beth Twichell
Harnew PTA will hold ita.
second meeting of the year at
7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 9,
in the school gym, 9100 S.
Austin. Introduction of the
faculty and principal is planned
for the evening as well as an
explanation of the new Ginn
reading program being ta~t
in District 122 this year. Miss
Nancy Updgraffwill explain the
new readlng program.
Refreshments will be served
by the room representatives
from Miss Jacobsen's morning kindergarten and Mrs.
Ruppert'S morning and afternoon kindergarten. Babysitting will not be available.
Nancy Beth TwIchell, 7 lbs.
5 01.. was born Aug. 23, at
Christ Community hospital.
Parents are Bud and Donna
Twichell, 10032 Harnew rd.
East. Nancy Beth was born on
her sister Julie's 12th birthday. Brothers Berry and
Bobby alsowelcomed their new
Start saving your appetite
baby sister.
Mom Donna is newsletter for the "Flapjack Festival",
chainnan for the Oak Lawn Sunday, Oct. 14, sponsored by
Hometown PTA Council. She the St. Germaine Holy Name
Bob Bray is the
attended the Councll luncheon Society.
in August, went home am had pan c a k e breakfast-brunch
baby Nancy, then brought the chairman.
new baby to the next ~ouncll
Covington PTA meets at 8
meeting in September. She
hasn't missed a meeting or an p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 9, in the
new school gym, 91st and 52nd
edition of the newsletter!!1
On Tuesday, Oct. 9, resi***
The first meeting of the
dents are invited along with
Guild of Pilgrim
the rest of the state to participate in Operation EDITH. Faith United Church of Christ,
(Exit Drill In The Home). At 9411 S. 51st ave., will be
5:55 p.m. on that date the Thursday, Oct. 4, when the
sirens will be sounded. Every- Naomi Players present "The.
Guild WearsManyHats".D~S-
schools as the perceptual
training teacher. Miss Phillips, ~ her graduate
sert and coffee· will be served work at Chicago state univerat 7:30 p.m., followed by a sity in the field of learning
brief business meeting and. disabilities, is a graduate of
program. Naomi Circle, with the University of Illinois, ChiRuth Anderson as Chairman, cago Circle Campus \\there she
are hostesses for the evening. graduated with honors.
."' .
Happy birthday to George
Benton, 5171 W. Otto pl. on
Sept. 27. Birthday greetings
to LoWell Phillips, 5357 W.
90th st., on Oct. 5.
More birthdays: Margare1
Woodruff, 6311 W. 90th st. on
Sept. 17.
Sandra Scaduto,
9248 S. 53rd ave. on Sept.
24. Phylis Powell, 9323 S.
Tulley, on Sept. 14.
* and nine year
Attention eight
old boyS! Recruitment night
for cub scouts will be at 8
P.rn. Friday, Oct. 12, in the
new gym at Covington school,
9130 S. 52nd ave. Scoutmaster Paul Cline will begin the
1973-74 scout year at pack
night with requests for den
mothers, assistant den mothers and dads to helP out as
Webelo leaders. Outings are
being planned for throughout
the year.
"The Animals Are After
You" is the title of a financial
planning seminar presented by
the Oak Lawn public library,
9444 S. Cook ave. every Monday 'evening at 7:30 p.m. to 9
p.m. starting Oct. 8 through
Oct. 29. Register now and
learn how to combat inflation
and successfully plan your finincial future. No cost. Call
Oak View school, l10th and
Knox, has three new staff
members added to their faculty. Fifth grade teacher, J.
O'Connor, graduated with a
Bachelor of Science in Education from Northern nlinois
university; he also studied
Physical Education.
Helen Miller joins ,the staff
as a Learning Disabilities teacher. She received her B.A.
from Chicago State university.
M.A, in Counseling Psychology
and graduated Summa Cum
Laude from National Christian
Wliversity in Dallas, Tex. Her
background includes T.M.H.
and E.M.H. teaching,
Louise Phillips joins the
staff of Oak View and Lane
•• *
* '" •
Astro-Notes: Scorpio (Oct.
24 through Nov. 22) women
have a deceptively easy and
gentle way about them that
belies their strengthandcourage particularly in adversities
that might plow other signs
under. But one look into those
penetrating often hypnotic eyes
will convince anyone of the
great independence of thought
and action and relentless ambition inherent inScorpio. The
highest types of this sign make
wonderously accurate amateur
psychiatrists; neighbors taking their problems to her door.
Friehds trust her with indiscreet disclosures. The Scorpio lover can be unbelievably
loyal, protective and passionate, but no sign can so irrevocably change its tune when
Poindexters will continue to
reside in Oak Lawn.
Barbara is a school teacher
at Glen Oaks in Hickory Hills.
Their daughter, Susie, is a
sophomore at Oak Lawn Community high school where she
is a porn-porn girlj son David
is an eighth grader at Sward
school. Bob will be missed
in 123 school system but is
wished every success in his
new position.
The membership drive kickoff for the St. Germaine Holy
Name Society will be Sunday,
Oct. 7, according to Bob Mc
Donough, membership chairman.
"Batter Up" - but not baseball. It's the Pancake Breakfast Brunch, Sunday, Oct. 14,
at St. Germaine, 98th and Kolin.
St. Germaine Holy Name Society chairman for the event is
Bob Bray.
covington PTA's Carnival will feature balloon ladies,
Nancy Scaduto, 9248 S. 53rd ave. and Millie Aschenoach,
9121 S. 54th' ave. greeting people in the hallways of hhe
school, 9130 S. 52nd ave. The fun fair starts at 4 p.m.
until 8 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 29.
Ring toss, a wishing well, spot pitch, 7-11 game, tip
the cat, two cake walks, a sweet shop and spook house are
planned for the event. Also a Country Store selling handmade items and a family supper will be served in the
school's new gym. Tickets can be purchased inside the
school doors.
Marge Lindelsee, 9825 S.
54th ave., is resting with a
broken foot.
The Johnson-Phelps Post,
Veterans of Foreign Wars, is
sponsoring a Mardi Gras, 9
p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6 in the
post hall, 9514 S. 52nd ave.
Tickets which are $6.50 each,
may be purchased from the
chairman, Margaret Hill, 6363785, or at the post on Wednesday or Friday evenings.
Costume is optional and everyone is invited to join the fun.
PTA Hospitality Day was
held at Roy Clark school, 105th
and Lockwood ave. Tuesday,
Sept. 11. Mrs. Charles Mitchell, PTA hospitality chairman and Mrs. Edward Carey,
co-chairman, officiated at the
occasion and introduced Douglas A. McGugan, Ed., D., Superintendent of school District
123. Dr. McGugan welcomed
the new parents and spoke on
parent involvement. John
Loecke, acting principal at
Clark, acquainted parents with
the school curriculum and after
refreshments, the day ended
with a tour of the school.
Assistant Superintendent Dr.
Robert C. Poindexter is lea~
"cilool District 123 to become
the new superintendent inBerkeley school District 87. The
The Oak Lawn Public Library is starting a new service for citizens of Oak Lawn.
Beginning Oct. 2, free bus
service will be provided to the
library and back to designated
stops. Most of the stops are
schools and shopping center.
For a complete schedule, call
the library, 422-4990.
Ian MacRitchie, 8940 S. 49th
ave., was returned to 123
school board by appointment to .
replace John Deniken who has
moved to Colorado. MacRitchie served for many years
on the board.
Rummage sale timeatGarden Methodist church, 100th st.
and Central ave. is set for Oct.
3,4, and 5.
Ken Kistner, chairman of
the music dept. at Oak Lawn
Community high school, is
looking ahead to plans for the
annual Jazz Festival
to be
held Feb. 2, and -CandY Day
sales which brings in money
for band uniforms and a Memorial Day music camp possibly at a college campus this
New teachers at Oak Lawn
Community high school are
Douglas Ward, science dept.
and asst. gymnastics coach;
Ruth Ann Jenkins, health and
physical education;
Moore, social science and
physical ed dept.j and John
Brodemus, biology, replacing
Carol Baumeister who recently
A total of 3, 187
students enrolled at Oak Lawn
this year.
Youth Service League plans
many interesting bus trips during the year. Their lllpst re-
Congratulations to Judy
Brandenberg; 8912 S. 55th
ct.. 10 years old and a student at Brandt schooL Judy
won first place in the grape
stomping contest at the
Eighth Annual Grape and
Wine Festival ~t Paw Paw,
Mich. last weekend. Judy
recei~ a $25 savings bond
as her prize.
resentative, Mrs. FrankMcGrail, 8933 S. Sproat ave.;
Safety and Juvenile Protection, Lawrence McGurty,
Brandt school; School Education, Thomas Siedis, 5508
W. Alexander pl.; Social,.
Mrs. James Huttner, 8901
S. Sproat ave.; Teacher Representative, Peggy Risk and
School Principal Thomas
Recently elected officers
of the Green Oak American
Astro-Notes: The next
Legion Post 757 will be in- meeting of the astrol~cal
stalled .at 8:30 p.m., Satur- study group will be 8 p.m.,
day, Oct. 25, at the post Friday, Oct. 3. In Septemhall, 9354 S. 53rd ave.
ber, Uranus entered Scor. The omcers for 1975-76 pio and Saturn entered Leo,
are: Commander Joseph W.
the lecture will be 00 the
Haas; Senior Vice Commaneffects these new planetary
der Bruno Bilek; Junior Vice positioos will have on your
Commander William Keen- -planets. For information,
er; Sergeant at Arms Alexcall 425-5833.
ander Bastien; Finance OffiP.1S
cer Roy C. Haa; Chaplain
David Morris; and Judge Advocate Carl Klein.
1be "Ro8mIn' Perschaus," Louis, BonnleL~ and
Lucille are back home from a three week vacation to
the W~st Coast and south to Tiajuana. The Perschaus
live at 8948 S. Meade ave.
Their first week of travel~ and Sightsee,~ includt;d
the Pioneer Village and Buffalo Bill Cody s ranch m
W~ and then on to Reno and San Francisco. There
they spent several hours in Fisherman's Wharf. ~rom
there the family traveled to Los Angles for the ~htary
Order of the Cooties Supreme Convention. Ulu IS publicity chairman for the Grand of lllinois and is a member
and a delegate of Nwalkao High Pot #42 of Oak Lawn and
Lucille is Flag Bearer for the Grand of lllinois and currently serving as president of G.I. Can #11 M.O.C.A.
of Burbank and was a delegate.
After the Cootie ~convention.the Perschaus were
also delegates from the Joimson-Phe4>s VFW 5220 Post
and Auxiliary to the VFW convention. Both conventions
were held in Los Angeles, Calif.
They continued their travels by visit~ San Diego,
Tia)lani, Las Vegas Hoover Dam and then started for
home. Daughter BonrrleLu is now back i;n school in C~­
bondale where she attends Southern ll~is university.
A reminder
of the
Women's Guild meeting at 8
p.m., Thursday, Oct. 2, at
Pilgrim Faith United Church
of Christ, 9411 S. 51St ave.
Katie Booth of the Church
_ is speaker.
Women United
The Brandt PTA announces their list of board
members: President, Mrs.
Thomas Siedis, 5508 W. Alexander pl.; Vice President,
Mrs. Ronald Stancik, 5516
W. Alexander pl.; Secretary, Mrs. Daniel Pesek,
8931 S. 55th ct.; Treasurer, Ronald Stancik, 5516 W.
Alexander pL
Mrs. Richard Sofinowski,
8833 S. Sproat ave.; Block
Mothers, Mrs. Wayne Bartholomaus, 5421 W. Alexander pl.; Brandt Bridge Editor, Mrs. John Sadler, 9009
S. 49th ave.; Carnival, Mr.
and Mrs. Michael Colantone,
8937 S. Sproat ave.; Educational Development Committee, Mrs. James Eichberger, 5323 W. 90th st.;
Health and Hospitality, Mrs.
Clarence Johnson, 5162 W.
90th st.; Legislation, Mrs.
Glen C~ham, 8816 S.
Sproat ave.; Membership,
Mrs. Howard Bradtke, 5369
W. Kimballpl.; Publicatioos,
Mrs. Richard Walega, 5333
W. Avery pl.; Picture Lady,
Mrs. A. Hoger, 5166 W.
90th st.; Program, Mrs.
Ronald Stancik, 5516 W. Alexander pl.; Program Book,
Mrs. James Cwnmings, 5270
W. 91St st.; Publicity, Mrs.
Anthony DeAngelis, 8900 S.
49th ave.; Reading and Library, Mrs. JohnSturdy, 8829
S. Sproat ave.; Room Rep-
Pa~t' 2.
t't't. 2 Il.EPORTER
Thursday. October 9.1975
People from the Bad People"
is the theme of the Covington PTA meeting at 8
p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 14, in
the school gym, 9130 S.52OO
A film entitled "Child
Molesters" will be presented. All parents are urged
to come and see this film
Preparing ''hobo stew" are Frank Sullivan, Joe Bragg,
that deals with a serious
and Roy Bemis in anticipation of the .Johnson-Phelps
problem of this day and age.
VFW Post 5220 Hobo Dance, Saturday, Oct. 18, at the post
Children may attend with
hall, 9514 S. 52nd ave.
their parents, where this
The public is invited to attend. The dance begins at 8
film has been shown there
p.m. until 12 p.m. Donation is $4 per person and tickets
have been no adverse efare available to the post hall on Wednesday and Friday
fects on children viewing
evenings, or call 423-6251.
it. But parents should use
the Blind, illinois Camp Li- their own discretion whethThe Women of TrinityLu- ons for visually handicapped er to allow their children
theran church" 9701 S. children and Lions Mobile to .accompany them or not.
Brandt ave., will hold their Glaucoma screening unit. It IS an excellent but aweannual rummage sale from Dave Morris is Candy Day some film that should
be viewed by all parents
9 a.m. to. 9 p.m., Wednesday chairman.
of school-age children, ac***
Oct. 15, from 9 a.m. to noon,
George Vogel, 9612 S. cor~ to Betty Schmitz,
Thursday, Oct. 16. There
will be a wide assortment Kedvale ave., a member of Covington PTA publicity
of clothini, household art- school board 229 and a mem- chairman.
Refreshments will be sericles, toys, and miscellan- ber of the Oak Lawn Youth ved
following the meeting.
Commission, is in Christ
eous items for sale.
Clark school will be the
The Lions club of Oak
The Oak Lawn Garden club place for a Doughnut Day for
Lawn is preparing for the
annual Candy Day fund rais- is pl~ a garage and Danny Kickert, Wednesday,
Oct. 15. Donuts will be sold
er, Friday, Oct. 10. Funds mini-bake sale from 9 a.m. by
the dozen ($2) or individto
raised are used toward the
Lions support of Dogs for 16, and Friday, Oct. 17," at \lally,
9620 S. Kedvale ave. Money
Astro-Notes: This reportraised at this sale is to be
used for the club's beauti- er will be speaking on the
fication projects in the vill- "Age of Aquarius and What
is Astrology?" at the Oak
age of Oak.Lawn.
Donations of small house- Lawn Baseball for Boys Wohold items and used jewelry men's Auxiliary Installation
would be greatly appreciat- Dinner at 6:30 p.m., Monday,
ed. For information, call Oct. 13, at the Medium Rare
Lucille Henthorne, 422- restaurant, 103rd andSouthwest hwy. Call Joan Hoey
636-2111. for further i.nfor~
"How to Tell the Good matian.
Holiday Inn. Tickets are
$5.50. Membership is open
to all grandmothers who
would enjoy working for handicapped children.
Ann Krause is president
and Mabel Forsythe will be
installing officer. Call Ann,
599-8108, or Mabel, 5995689, for reservations•
...... ...
Dis~ up "Gennan"
food served at their annual
Oktobearfest are members of the G.!. Can Pup Tent
#11 and their Ladies Auxiliary, Military Order of the
Cootie (honor degree of VFW) from left to right: Jolm
Buss chief cook' Helen Schanz, Auxiliary hospital chairman" Seam Squh-rel rt O'Donnell and Auxiliary president Lucille Perschau. Proceeds of the dinner are used
for hospital work.
On Sept. 29, 25 members of the Pup Tent and Auxiliary
sponsored a games party for 115 veterans at V.A. Lakeside hospital (formerly V.AV. Research) where they
distributed 125 canteen books as prizes and served doughnuts homemade cakes and coffee. The Auxiliary also
pre~ented a 19 inch black and white television set to the
hospital for use of the patients as well as 203 paperback
books and 12 guitar instruction and song books.
... 01< ...
"The Singing Youth" of
Hometown ChrIstian church,
4340 W. 87th st., are presenting, in a premier perfonnance, the Widely acclaimed musical "1 Love
America." The musical under the direction of Youth
Pastor Gary Hill, will be
held at 7 p.m" Sunday, Oct.
19. Admission is free, and
the public is invited. A free
will offering will be taken.
... ... ...
Mrs. Thomas Whalen,
Hometown, will be one of the
speakers at the PTA District
34 Fall Conference to be
held Wednesday, Oct. 29, at
Prairie Junior high school,
Alsip, according to Supt.
William Smith, publicity
chairman for District 34
PTA. Mrs. Whalen is the
state legislation chairman
of the lllinois Congress of
Parents and Teachers.
... ... ...
The Johnson-PhelPs VFW
Auxiliary is sponsoring· a
"Flea Market" from noon
until 6 p.m., Sunday, Oct.
26, at the post hall, 9514
S. 52nd ave. Residents who
would like to convert some
of their used household articles into cash are invited
to rent a table at their sale
which are being assigned on
a first come, first served
basis. Lillian Bemis, chairman, assisted by Irma
Streich and Jean Zemait,
invites everyone to
come and shop for the many
bargains. Further infonnation and reservation of a
table may be obtained by
calling Jean Zernait at 4223174.
... ... ...
"Ghosts of Old Chicago"
might describe the next trip
planned by the youth Service
League. Take a step back
through history with a visit
to the Jolm J. Glessner
House, a handsome 1886
mansion in the once fashionable Prairie ave. area and a
stop for lunch at the Black
Forest restaurant, famous
for their German C~.
Then walk through Graceland cemetery where the
shapers of Chicago (Pullman,
Palmer, Marshall
Field, etc.) lie buried under monuments of a design
and quality no longer attempted.
Price of trip (including
lunch, transportation, etc.)
is $10.50. Bus will leave
Green Oaks shopping center,
95th and Cicero ave., at 9
a.m. and will return at approximately 4:45 p.m.
Reservations mustbeinby
Wednesday, Oct. 22. Phone
Jean Pirie, 425-2627, or
Margaret Rickman, 5994035. Please send your check
to Mrs. John Pirie, 4028
w. 106th pl., Oak Lawn,
60453. Make checks payable
to the Youth Service League.
When making your reservation, please state your preference for lunch from one of
the following: Sauerbraten,
Beef Tips, or Filet of Sole.
Pat Vacco, wife of Evergreen Park mayor TonyVacco, is back in Little Company of Mary hospital. Pat
had surgery this summer
and the recovery process
has not been a smooth one.
The Community Grandmother's club will hold its
installation meeting at 6:30
p.m., Sunday, Nov. 2, at the
On Tuesday, Nov. 11. the
Third District Dept. of ll11-.
nois Veterans of Foreign
Wars arid its Ladies Auxiliary will hold a Veterans
Day Parade in Oak Lawn.
This will be a night parade.
Boy scouts, girl scouts,
school bands, church groups,
ROTC units, Little League,
American Legion, VVFW units are all urged to participate.
Assembly will be in the
vicinity of 95th and Menard
(5800 \\') to 95th and Mayfield (5900 W.) at approximately 7 P.m. Step off will
be at 7:30 p.m. sharp. \\'rite
to Frank J. Burcl, parade
marshall, 4012 W. 105th pl.
Oak Lawn, 60453 before
Wednesda~·, Xov. 5, if your
organization would like to
* lie
Peo;>le born
between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.
are somewhat retiring. If
they tP-splay leadership, it
will be behind the scenes.
Their will is directed toward exploring the resrources of their own unconscious. Psychology and psychic
research interest them aOO
they can find self-expression through work in large
institutions such as hospit.,
als, asylums or places of
spiritual and physical retreat. Service to others can
provide them with recognition and fulfillment.
... ......
The Jolmson PhelPS Auxiliary to VFW 5220 is having a Flea Market from 1
p.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday, Oct.
26, at the post hall, 9514
S. 5200 ave. Donations of $5
will reserve a table to :8e11
your white elephant articles.
The public is invited to par_
ticipate, tables available on a
first come basis. Reserve
yours now. Refreshments
will be available.
Lill Bemis is chairlady
for this event and can be
reached at 735-6642.
Beverley Bragg is auxiliary president.
Johnson Phelps Veterans of Foreign Wars Past 5220
joins in the Oak Lawn Bicentennial celebration by pre-
senting a check to Oak Lawn Bice.nte~al Chairman
Dottie O:son. Making the presentatlo:l. l~ Post Commander Roy C. Bemis and Auxiliary President Beverly
All are invited to the annual PTA Fun Fair at Gasteyer school, 5345 W. 99th
st., from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
Saturday, Oct. 25.
The festivities will include
a Bazaar, Kids Korner,
Christmas Shoppe, bake
sale, Spook House and Cake
Walk in addition to the many
games am prizes.
Fair chairman is Irene
Cartwright. All proceeds
from the fair will pay for
special school equipment to
be used by the teachers and
The Women's Guild of Salem United Church of Christ,
9717 S. Kastner ave., will
hold their armual "Holiday
Festival" from noon to 3
p.m., Sunday, Nov. 16.
Many lovely handmade gift
items will be for sale, as
well as seasonal decorations
There will be a Goody Booth
featuring baked goods, candY,
jelly, etc.
The Salem Cook book with
favorite recipes of Salem
church members andfrlends
will be available for sale.
Also featured will be a
"Live Plant Booth" and a
, 'White Elephant Booth."
Coffee and cake will be available.
"Happy Birthday America" was the theme of a
slide presentation by guest
speaker Michael Cole, Western Electric, at a recent
Brandt PTA meeting.
Room representatives and
the PTA board are working
with Brandt parents on the
armual carnival to be held
from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, No/. 8.
The "Young at Hearts"
of Trinity Pre sbyterian
church will host a progressive dinner, Saturday, Oct.
25. Karen Bronkhorst, Sharon Molton and Jan Korenchan are joint chairpersons
for the event.
Navy seaman David A.
Mickelson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold A. Mickelson,
9756 Rutherford, was graduated from Basic Electricity am Electronic school
at the Naval Training Center,
Great Lakes•
George Vogel, 9612 S.
Kedvale ave., continues his
convalescence after surgery.
George is a member of Oak
Lawn high school school
board and serves on the Oak
Lawn Youth Commission.
A reception for newlyweds
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stenbom, who were married in
Bellevue, Nebraska, was
held at the Holiday Inn. Mrs.
Stenbom is a graduate of
Kearney state college, Bellevue, Nebr.
Bob is a graduate of Iowa
state university and presently a student in the School of
Veterinary Medicine at the
U. ofL
• ••
Don't forget the "Flea
Market" sponsored by the
JoIu1son-Phelps VFW Auxiliary, from noon to 6 p.m.,
Sunday, Oct. 26.
Profound Thought for the
Day: Womcn use to 'reform'
husbands and now they are
trying to raise their levels
of consciousness. Of course
neither works!
Pictured from left to right are: Beverley Bragg, president Oak Lawn VFW 5220 Auxiliary; Thomas C. 'Pete'
Walker, New London, Connecticut, Commander-In-Chief
of the VFW of the U.S,; Glerm Grossman, National pre~­
ident VFW Auxiliary; and Virginia Mach, Third District
p~esident Dept. of Ill. Ladies Auxiliary VFW and member
of auxiliary VFW 2165.
The Homecoming celebration honoring national president to the Ladies Auxiliary of Veterans of Foreign
Wars of the U.S., Mrs. John Grossman, was held recently in Rosemont. Glenn, a past president of the Ill. Ladies
Aux. VFW, has served on a national level as Guard,
Conductress, Chaplain, Junior and Senior vice president
as well as many other offices on all levels of the organizatJon.
PTA District 34 traveled
... '"
Spr~eld and the state
An Arts and Crafts Show to
is being plarmed by the Oak legislature in support of full
to schools" RepreLawn high school PTSA from funding
throughout the
10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday,
area went to
Nov. 15, in the schOOl cafe- district
state capitol, by bus las
teria, 94th st. and Southwest Thursday
hopes of an ovhwy. Marge Culik, Ways and erride onin the
Means chairman; Gloria Vit- veto. Marion Busch,
ro, chairman of the Art Show; 34 director, arranged
ard Mary Fran MelVin, Ways transportation and coordinand Means chairman, plan ated the activities of the day.
for the big event. Spaces
... '"
are still available and furth,Porter Orr is hospitalized
er information can be obtained by calling Gloria Vit- at Christ hosIVtal.
ro, 425-9733.
... ...
Gasteyer PTA announces
Plan~ a pre-holidayba- it~ executive board memzaar Wednesday, Nov. 5, ard bers: Officers, president,
Thursday, Nov. 6, are the Marilyn Kasman, 10140 S,
ladies of the Oak LawnCom- Buell ct.; first vice presinumity. church, 9000 S. dent, Gerri Grabowski, 9932
Ridgelard ave. A White El- S, Buell ct.; second vice
ephant booth, bake sale and president, Irene Cartwright,
many hardmade items for 19115 S. BlIell ct.; secreyour Christmas gift giving tary, Melba Cope, 10013 S.
will be available.
B1:lell ct.; treasurer, Barb-
'" '"
ara Windt, 5428 W. '99th pI.
Chairmen: Character and
Spiritual Education, Diane
Malatesta, 5409 W. 99th pl.;
Gasteyer Gazette, Barbara
Watson, 5441 W. 99th st.;
and Rita Murdoch, 9717Warreno Health and Safety, Pat
Ganzer, 5555 W. 96th st.;
Hospitality, Pat Porges, 9938
S. Cook ave.; Legislation,
Gert Scupin, 5204 Oak Center dr.; Luncheons, Pat Sorrentino, 10023 S, 53rd ave.
and Theresa Serefino, 10109
S. Lawrence ct.; Membership, Gerri Lazara, 5513 W.
Oakdale dr.; Parent ard
School Education, Pat Baecker, 9611 Robertson; Picture
Lady, Dorothy Wolf, 9837
S, Warren; Program Year
Book, Ellen Spellman, 9934
S. Cook ave.; Publicity, Kathy
Protapas, 5341 W. Oakdale
dr.; Reading and Library,
Dorothy Wolf, 9837, Warren;
Recreation, Marlene Tucek,
9944 S. Buell ct.; Scholarship,
Virginia Almer, 10144 S,
Minnick; Social, Rene Stengel, 5548 W. Oak Center dr.;
and Dottie Brooks, 9840 S.
54th ave.; Ways and Means,
Maryarm Tomczak, 5425 W.
99th pl. and Donna DiMiele,
5429 W. 99th st.
Gasteyer PTA meets the
fourth Tue sday evening of
each month in the school
gym, 99th st. and 53rd st.
'" '"
Astro-Notes: People who
were born between 8 a.m. and
10 a.m. are particularly interested in friendships and
group activities. They will
be helped by their friends
and the working out of these
re~ti9nships is imPortant to
them. There may be ambition for grO\.U> leadership and
a strong drive to gain recognition
through mental
aclftevements and originality,
generally accomplished with
the aid of friends singly or
in group activity.
People born at this time
have strong humanitarian
feelings and a sense of brotherhood, with respect for
universal human dignity.
They like to see things in
terms of universal laws that
apply impartially to all. They
avoid bias and favoritism.
Dilute honey with water to
sweeten grape juice, lemonade, orangeade and most fruit
\O-so \q7$
425-5833 .
Kathy Schweiger
Kathy Schweiger, the five
foot, 70 lb. freshman swimm~ sensation from Hichards high school swam her
way to a District first in the
500-yard freestyle held at
Oak Forest high' school last
Swimming as a first-year
team in their new pool, the
Hichards' girls finished with
a respectable 3 and 3 conference record. Qualifying
for the State Meet with Kathy
in the 500 free and the 200
free, was teammate Sue Barry accompanied to the state
meet at New Trier East by
their coach Diane Leapley.
Kathy, the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. ,Joseph Schweiger,
54.12 Drury In., is looking
forward to three more years
of competition in the newly
formed girls lllinois High
School Swimming association
program and hopes to inspire
Alan Robert Kolosh, 8905
young ~mimm()rs in the ne\\·!..y
organized Hjchards Learn- S. 50thave., received a BachTo-Swim program headed by elor of Science in Business
Administration at recent
Coach Tom Kobierski.
* ~e ~,:
commencement exercises at
The Brandt PTA invites Roosevelt university.
everyone to their 12th annual
Receiving Master's decarnival, to be held from 5
p,m, to 9 p.m ' Saturday, Xav. grees from Northern lllinois
8, in the school, 8901 S, university'S graduate school
were: Joseph Allard, 10744
52nd ave.
Food will be served and Kostner ave~; John Cramer
there will be the ever popu- 10600 Kildare ave.' Naomi
lar spook house, cake walk, Hornick, 4205 W. 107th st.;
sweet shop, country store, and Thomas Kueton, 4630
balloon dart, bottle ring, 7- W. 88th st., Hometown.
11, swisheroo, hoopla, and a
Len Wisdon, youth comnew Boutique and Greenery
missioner in the sixth disShoppe, plus many more.
Mr, and Mrs. Michael Col- trict, has organized his disantone, 8937 S. Sproat ave., trict's youth board. They will
carnival chairmen for the meet at Lawn Manor school.
second year, with the help of Plans are being made for
the PTA board, room rep- pool and ping-pong tables
resentatives, Brandt parents and other recreational events
and children and teachers for youths in that district.
are looking forward to seemg
The Oak Lawn Hometown
instead of their
The menu for the evening
will be pizza, sausage, hot- regularly scheduled November board meeting will take
dogs, and sloppy joes.
a tour of the Special Educa***
Lois Bamberger, circle tion facilities in the district
chairman, will be comment- at 1 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 18.
ator for a unique fashion
The French club at Oak
show modeled by Educational
will make
Secretaries at the next Women's Guild meeting, 7:30 French pastries to sell at
p.m., Thursday, Nov. 6, Pil- the PTSA Arts and Crafts
graim Faith United Church show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
of Christ, 9411 S. 51st ave. Saturday, Nov. 15.
A fun-filled evening with
Astro-Notes: The first
fashions hat are not for sale.
Friday night astrological
* * >~
Ray Stewart, a senior the- stu~ group meets at 8 p.m.,
ological stud~nt from Mc- Fnday, Nov. 7, to discuss
Cormick Seminary is now comparision charts, Elizaserving Trinity Presbyterian beth Taylor and Richard
church of Oak Lawn as apart Burton and your own. How
time associate to Rev. Rich- do they work? For further
information, call 425-5833.
ard Rogers.
• Stewart is a graduate of
Brownie Troop 227 has
Tulsa Uf!iversity and served
at the Riverside PresbYter- already been busy preparing
ian church last year as part its schedule under the direcof his field work experiences. tion of Charlene Mann and
\\-10 -\C{1$
Page 6, Sect. 2
REPORTER Thursday, November 13, 1975
PuP Tent members and their auxiliary of (U. Can #11
of Burbank, had a b~o party for 115 veterans at Lakeside,
V. A, hospital formerly known as \" A, Hesearch hospital.
Prizes of canteen books were given to the winners
and eventually every vet was a winner. After the games
cotIee and donuts were served. Dur~ the refreshment
period, the auxiliary presented a portable Television to
the patients and Hon Fiedor, Chief of Recreation of
Theraphy accepted the Television on behalf of the patients.
Pictured arc: I{on Fiedor, Chief of Recreation of
Theraphy; Lucille Perschau, president of G.l Can 311
M. O. C. A.; Ann 13ennett, Grand of Illinois hospital chairman;
Mary Dvorak, V.A.V.S. representative; Helen Schanz,
V.A. V.S. deputy representative; patient Arthur J •. Jackson;
and sill~ are patients Daniel Taylor and Harold Nelson.
Covington PTA recently
showed the film "Step from
the Shadows" at their November meeting. The theme
"Our Biggest Drug Problem" featured spoaker Shirley Sisson from the South
Suburban Council on Alcoholism. Mal13' junior high students accompanied by their
parents were in attendance.
Covington school is located
at 9130 S. 52nd ave.
The executive board for the
1975-76 year is: Officers,
preSident, Mary Massocco,
5436 W. 95th st.; vice president, Sharon Perfetto, 9316
S. 55th ave.; secretary Mary
Artus, 9135 S. Central ave.;
treasurer Linda Nowak, 9356
S. 51st ave.
Committee chairmen: Bicentennial, Laura Collachia,
9234 S. 48th ct.; Carnival,
Phyllis Pewell, 9323 S. Tul-
ley and Betty Schmitz, 9216
S. 54th ct.; Cultural Arts,
Maureen Edling, 9122 S. 54th
ave.; Educational Development, .Janice Twigg, 9212 S.
51st ave. ; Flier, Dorothy Fitzgibbons, 4942 W. 92nd st.;
Health, Audrey Chickerillo,
9340 S. 53rd ct.; High School
Service, Donna Hammonds,
9258 S. 54th ct.; Historian,
Mary Mazzocco; Hospitality
and Social, Judi Hennessy,
9419 S. 54th ct. and Rose
Simpson, 9251 S. 50th ave.
and Sharon Hayne, 9111 S.
55th ave.
JlNenile Protection and
Safety, Laura Collachia;
Legislation, 8724 S. Sproat
ave.; Membership, Rosemary Reed, 9420 S. 54th ave.
and Nancy Scaduto, 9248 S.
53rd ave.; Newsletter, Janet
Cerevic, 9157 S. 55th ave.
and Toni Ahern, 9137 S. 54th
Nov. 9 and John LaFave, 8721
S. 51st ave., Nov. 15.
Congratulations to John A.
Miller who was formally inducted into the Oak Lawn
Sertoma club at their regular NovemMr meeting. Jack
is a Data Base Administrator for National Can comp~
in Chicago. He and his wife,
Nancy, and their three children live at 9805 S. Kostner
ave. The men of Oak Lawn
Sertoma are pleased to welcome him to their organization.
Two vacancies have occurred in the Pilgrim Faith
Nursery school. 9411 S. 51st ave., according to Jan
Guthrie, director of the pre-school. The pre-schoolers
are pl~ a trip to the Oak Lawn Library at the end
of this
as part of their learning program. For
more information, call Jan, 425-7043 or tlfe church
office, 422-4200.
lications, Diane Malatesta,
5409 W. 99th pl., membership
Brighten up your winter,
Jo Anne Lavery, 10000S. 52nd
look forward to an April 19
ave.. mental health, Barbara
to 22 ''Bahama Get Away"
Watson, 5441 W. 99th st.,
sponsored by the St. Germnewspaper publicity, Barbara
aine Holy Name Society. TicYukel, 9836 Warren ave.
kets are now available, at
Program, GerriBrabowski,
$175 per person. from Tol\Y
9932 Buell ct., program yearCupp, trip coordinator, 239book, Toni Gremo, 10121Mu15800. A group of more than
berry; recreation, Barbara
150 is anticipated.
Windt, 5428 W. 99th pl., scholarship, Anne Cunningham,
"Have Experts: Will List9715 Minnick; social, Hazel
en" is the theme for the GasBenson, 5216 Oak Center dr.
teyer PTA meetiJlt scheduled
and Gert ScuP!n, 5204 Oak
for 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27
Center dr.; ways and means,
in the school gym. 99th and
Ronnie Lynch, 5309 Oak Cen54th ave. Richard O'Neil, dirter dr.
ector of Oak Lawn Family
Services, and staff members
Gail Markle, 4633 W. 106th
will form a panel to discuss
pl., is home from the hospitthe emotional changes of
al and feeliJlt better.
children through the school
The annual Pre-Advent DinPresident is Doris Napier,
ner Dance of St. Raphael Ep10124 Buell ct., first vice
iscopal church will begin at
president is Joan Hoskins,
7 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 24,
5233 W. 99th st., second vice
at the Sabre Room on West
president is Norma Caruso,
95th st. Tickets are avail10131 Minnick ave., secretary
able by calling Len Pearson,
is Marlene Tucek, 9944 Buell
Jr., 424-3428.
ct., and treasurer is Marilyn
Kasman, 10140 Buell ct.
Happy· birthdays to Ron
PTA chairmen are: GasteyStancik, 5516 W. Alexander
er Gazette, Joan Ziska, 10137
pl., Nov. 11, and his wife,
Lawrence ct., health and safePat, on Nov. 15. Also Karen
ty, Marge Henry, 5500 OakEdling, 9122 S. 54th ave.,
dale dr.; hospitality, Jane
Mangan, 10120 Mulberry; legII ·1.1.-\"I"1S
islation, Shirley Pozdol, 9926
Cook ave.; luncheon, Vicki
Wllk, 5536 Oak Center dr.
and MaLIllee Panozzo, 5521
W. 99th st., magazine and pub-
The Youth Service League
of Oak Lawn is sponsoring
a Christmas shopping trip to
the WOOdfield Mall at Schaumburg on Wednesday, Nov.
28. The bus will leave the
Green Oak shopping center at
95th st. and Cicero ave. at
9 a.m. and will return about
4 P.rn. The price for members is $4 and non-members
$4.75 Membership dues of
$2 may be paid at this time
and entitle you to reduced
rates on all future trips.
Eat at the place of your
choice and just to name afew:
The Orange BOWl, Marshall
Fields, Woodfield restaurant,
The Bumbleberry, (they also
sell delicious fresh pies and
bread to take home). In addition to the large department stores they are mal\Y
newly opened spcialty shops,
and also Lord and Taylor.
For reservations, call Jean
Pirie, 425-2627, address4028
W. 106th pl., if no answer,
call Vernice Palmer, 5981637. Reservations must in
and paid for by Nov. 24. All
checks made payable to the
Youth Service League.
The meetings of the Oak
Lawn Park Board are held
at 8 p.m. on the second Monday of each month at the Adm~tration Center, 94th and
Knox, and are open to the
public. "Your interest in
your parks, programs and
services is welcomed," said
John Broderick, park board
Astra - Notes: December
will be a .difficult month as
there are ~ affiictions to
the United States chart. The
president's troubles aren't
over yet. A major difficulty
around Dec. 9 and 10 could
result in real money problems for the country by the em
of the month. A solar eclipse
on Dec. 24 may cause more
than the usual rash of holiday
family upsets and quarrels.
Be forwarned and avoid unnecessary confrontations.
subscribe today
is planning its annual Christmas party' for 7:30 p.m.,
Tuesday, Dec. 9, at the home
of Mrs. Laurence Hansen,
8825 S. Tulley. Mrs. George
Vogel, president ofJhe club,
will be co-hostess.
A traditional theme is
planned with an old fashioned sing-along, games and
refreshments. The Garden
club has had a busy year and
is looking forward to the new
• ••
Vivian Banzer is stillhospitalized at Little Company
of Mary hospital Wldergoing
tests. I'm sure she'd appreciate hearing from triends•
• ••
Vincent Folk has returned
home after surgery and his
recent hospitallzation.
Christmas items for sale
at the bazaar planned for
7 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 4, at
Pilgrim Faith United Church
of Christ, 9411 S. 51St ave.
and a Christmas program at
8:30 p.m. are part of the
Women's Guild plans. Ethel
Schuemann, 9526 Parkside
ave. is chairman of the baiaar and Ruth Jillson, 5321
w. Franklin ave•
Other Oak Lawners at
Christ hospital are Bertha
Rask, and Frances Jorgensen.
• ••
Pictured are Lorraine Finnery and Ken Johanson, members of the Oak Lawn Theatre Guild, as they practice
for the upcom~ production "Bracko, the Frog Prince."
This fairy tale play performed by adults is the Oak Lawn
Theatre Guild's annual Christmas play for children. Performances begin at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 6,
and 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., SWlday, Dec. 7, on the stage of
Richards high school Little Theatre, 10600 S. Central ave.
Tickets are available at the door or in advance at 3893431 or 499-0619.
"Bracko, the Frog Prince" is the fairy story of a prince
who turns into a frog before your eyes and the great
Wizard performs other feats of blUlgling magic. A horned
monster appears by the name of Hildgard (Lorraine
Finnery). And Siegfried, the Dragon (Ken Purse) lurks
in the murky moat, frightening the lovely princess (Mary
Jo Purse) and her nanny, played by Romy Ball, along
with playmates, Oak Lawners Elizabeth Morris, Karen
Opitz, and Kathy Luxen.
Other cast members under the direction of Dave Alberts, include Dick Foertch, Oak Forest, Ken Johanson,
DeKalb, and Bill Burnett, Jr., Chicago.
Audiences have enjoyed the past performances of children's shows including Cinderella, Hansel and Gretel,
Wizard of Oz, and last year's Sir Slob and the Princess.
Tickets for this year's performance at $1.25 for children and $1.50 for adults.
It's never any fun to spend
a holiday in the hospital away
from the family. One Oak
Lawn family had two members in Christ hospital for
Thanksgiving. Ritchie Hackstock. 8705 S. 51st ave., a
sophomore at Oak Lawn high
school, and his dad, AI, are
both receiving treatment and
tests. Hopefully, both will be
returned home ingreat shape
for the Christmas holidays.
The Oak Lawn Garden club
The Oak Lawn Hometown
PTA Council of Dist. 123
will hold its annual December board meeting and pot
luck luncheon at 12:30 p.m.,
Monday, Dec. 8, in the library at the Adminiatrative
Center. JoAnn Phillips, 5357
W. 89th st., is president of
The, Oak Lawn League of
Women Voters will combine brunch and their December board meeting at 10:30
a.m., Thursday, Dec. 11, at
the home of Grace Morris,
5183 W. Otto pl. Joan Healy
8946 Beck pl., Hometown, is
president of the Oak Lawn
Wednesday, Dec. 10, the
Hometown Garden club will
enjoy their first Christmas
,pa~. There will be a $3
grab bag for the members
bringing a gift. "We hope to
see all of the members in
the Arts and Crafts room at
7:30 for a evening of goodies and fun" said Jill Iver-s.
• ••
Astro-Notey: The regular
first Friday of the month
astrological study group will
meet at 8 p.m., Friday, Dec.
5 at 5615 W. 95th st., Room
208. Subject will be •'Ecll,pses, New Moons and Full
Moons.," How 0.0 these phenomenon affect you? Also a
study of President Ford's
chart and how ecll,pses affect him. For further information on this group, call
(mores Penny LoI.IPakos and
Margin Flavin, Oak Lawn;
'and freshmen Karen Carlson
and Sue Barrett, Oak Lawn. '
Richards Campus E~lish I
instructor Jearmette Ridder- '
hoff is sponsor of the Leo
club, the youth arm of the
Oak Lawn Lions club.
Lu Perschau, 8948 S. Meade ave., (second from left)
llsus about her visit to the Veterans of Foreign Wars
\tional Home in Eaton Rapids, Mich., on illinois Day
at month. Also pictured arE! Oeft to right): Lowell
ermon, Decatur, Jr. Past Commander of the Grand of
inois M.O.C.; Doris Gibbs, Dixon, Past President Grand
nlinois M.O.C.A.; and Lynetta Sherman, Decatur,
,esident of Grand of illinois M.O.C.A. Lucille is present of Q..I. Can #11 M.O.C.A.
The Home is home to children of veterans who are dis~led or deceased and hundreds of children are provided
r by the orgairlzations of the VFW. The third district
l"W which includes Oak Lawn, was represented by two.
ISloads of people from this area.
***son, Al and
Father and
chard Hackstock, continue
ir hospital stay at Christ
spital. Richard, a sophoIre at Oak Lawn high, is in
.ction. And his dad is rerering from surgery.
..inda Larson, 5313 W.
nball ave., was rushed to
os CommWlity hospital
possible ear surgery.
t home convalescing and
ious to hear from friends
Vivian Banzer, 9329 S.
oat ave., and Vince Folk,
S. 50th ave.
ly Scout troop 1605 spon- •
d by St. Germaine
~h, plans a special fam:tyle dinner and Christparty for the boys and
parents, Saturday, Dec.
Skits by the scouts are
of the program and a
from Santa Claus tops
is armual event. Chuck
:me is the scoutmaster.
mbers of the H. L. Richhigh school Leo club
elling Benson's fruit
for holiday giving. The
ire hard at work progifts for needy fam!l the area including
.skets and checks. the
uso plans to host holirties for handicapped
club officers recently
for the 1975-76
year are: President
Vice President, 'Jeff
ta, Palos Heights;
resident, Kathy Kvitos Heights; Secretary,
Shepard, Worth;
rer, Laura Kolar, PaIghts; and Publicity,
<nudson, Oak Lawn.
bers of the board of
rs include seniors
djelicandLisaSwand\k Lawners; juniors
.mbeck and Rob Stualos Heights; sopho-
The Women's Guild of St.
Raphael's Epis c opalian
church, are making and donating gifts to the patients at
Contagious hospital, Chicago. Children's needs include soft toys, dolls, rattles, tootsie toy cars. Adults
can use deodorants, bath
posters, combs, etc. Members of the guild plan to
decorate at the hospital and
fill stockings. For further
information call Nancy Culver, 42~-4659. Marge Clinkman, 5175 W. Otto pl., is
guild president.
. Airman TerryC. Ellis, son'
of Mr. and Mrs. Linsey C.
Ellis, 9941 Harnew rd., recently completed basic training at Lackland AFB, Texas.
His next assignment will be
at Chanute FB, ill.
Airman Ellis is a 1968
graduate of Richards high
Astro-Notes: People born
between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.
seek distinctionthrough their
work and service. They are
usually excellent workers
because they take pride in
their work. However, they
demand outwa-rd gestures of
appreciation and if these are
not forc~, they can be
ill-disposed toward their
employers and fellow employees and are likely to
change jobs. Employers born
at this time can be demanding and authoritarian toward
their employees; employees
born at this time will demand
many rights and privileges
and will expect to be noticed
and appreciated as equals.
attending in the compan,y of Richard Rogers.
Scoutmaster Earle Whinna
Alice Misiorowski, 4521
were: Kevin Burke, Tom Dol- W. 99th pl., is a fonner
an, Bob Adams, Steve Al- president of the Trinity Wolen, Bill and Mike Bila, Jack men's Society and fonner
and Mike Collins, Dan Cron- church school superinten0« * >«
Gasteyer in, Ken Dalan, Mike Consen- dent. For several years she
school, 5345 W. 99th st., tino, Tim Kelliher, Ray has been director of the Vaentertain their families and Dearth and Doug Jones.
cation Bible school. Alice is
friends at the arulUal musical
a leader in the McDonald
The congregation of Trin- school PTA Great Books
Christmas program Dec. 18.
Patricia Kuzmak is music ity Presbyterian church, program and has been active
department director. Theo- 10600 S. Kostner ave., elect- in the McDonald-Harmum
dore S. Oppenheim is school ed three ruling elders to PTA.
serve for three years. Alice
Karen Lockow, 10637 S.
Misiorowski, Karen Lochow, Kenneth ave., has been an
'" '"
John Morrissey,
son ot and Clay Hayes will be or- active participant in both the
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mor- dinated ,in January by Rev. choir and vacation Bible
rissey, 9225 S. Massasoit,
school. She is a member of
the ChristianEducationcomMichael Morris
was elected vice president
of the junior class at Rockmittee and the Eva~lism
Michael Morris, son of ford college. He is a chemcommittee.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morris, istry major.
Clay Hayes, 10404S. Keel5183 W. Otto pl., has reMorrissey, a varsity baser, is a fonner elder of the
ceived this certificate of ketball and baseball player,
church and serves as repcompletion to become the ,has been on the honor roll
resentative to Presbyterian
youngest rain engineer at ~ every semester at the colMission Council 8 and to the
Chicago Presbytery. Clay is
the Chicago and ~orth- • lege. He is a resident aswestern Railroad.
sistant for Talcott hall, a
a member of the Guidance
Mike graduated from Oak freshman men's dormitory.
and Assistance committee of
the council and serves on the
Lawn high school in June,
• '" '"
executive committee of the
1974, went to work at the
New officers for the Oak
Chicago Presbytery and the
CNW as a switchman, com- Lawn Chamber of Commerce
executive committee of the
pleted training as a fire- are: President, Davis Boyd;
United Presbyterian Men.
man and trainee e~eer Vice President Joseph Mcand was then admitted into Carthy; Vice President Betty
Airman Dennis Bosi, son
the engineering program this Gallo; Treasurer, Milton Anof Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.
fall. He has fulfilled his life derson; and Secretary BarbBosi, Sr., 9011 S. Parkside
long ambition. His hobby?.. ara Kozlarek. They will be
ave., recently completed
model railroading.
installed on Wednesday, Jan.
basic training at Lackland
• '" '"
28. Merrill Stenbom is outAir Force Base, Texas. He
Handel's Messiah' will be going president.
is now assigned to Lowry
presented at Trinity Luther'" 11\ •
an church, 9701 S. Brandt
Boy Scout troop 619, sponAFB, Colorado.
ave., by the Trinity choir, sored by St. Gerald's church,
the Chicago Choral Society. served as color guards and
Astro-Notes: May the
and the Blue Island Com- ushers at the Food and Drug
symbolism of the Star of
Bethlehem proclaiming the
munity chorus, at 7:30 p.m., Industry "lunch - 0 - Ree"
Sunday, Dec. 28. Dr. Rob- held at the Continental PlaPrince of Peace continue in
ert Ekstrom is director. za hotel last week. Scouts
our hearts all year lo~.
Merry Chris1mas.
1'2-1.'> -,C\,S
is no admission
charge, but a free-will offering will be accepted. Members and friends are invited
to attend.
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