Prescription for chloasma


Prescription for chloasma
Prescription for chloasma
Prescription for chloasma
Composition: Ganshu (BL 18), Shenshu (BL 23), Fengchi (GB 20), Yingxiang (LI
20), Taiyang (EX- HN5), Quchi (LI 11), Xuehai (SP 10). Taichong (LR 3) and Zhigou
(TE 6) are added if there is hepatic qi stagnation. Zusanli (ST 36 ) is added if there is
asthenia of spleen. Ouanyuan (CV 4), Qihai (CV 6), etc. are added if there is asthenia
of kidney.
Source: Acumox Therapies for Dermatitis compiled by Li Liansheng et al.
Action: Regulating and supplementing liver and kidney, regulating qi to activate
blood circulation, and clearing away heat to eliminate dampness.
Elucidation: Chloasma is also called "dusty complexion", "blackish facial patch" in
TCM. Its popular name is "butterfly patch". Its etiology and pathogenesis are as
follows: Depression of hepatic qi caused by prolonged mental depression results in qi
and blood stagnation on the face. Or asthenia of kidney and spleen, as well as qi and
blood leads to damp-heat evaporating up to the face. The principles of acupuncture
should be regulating and supplementing liver and kidney, regulating qi to activate
blood circulation, and clearing away heat to eliminate dampness. Ganshu (BL 18) and
Shenshu ( BL 23), the Back-Shu points of the liver and the kidney respectively, are
selected to regulate and supplement the liver and the kidney in order to aim at the
basic cause of the disease. Fengchi (GB 20), an acupoint of the gallbladder meridian,
can be needled to disperse stagnated hepatic qi, to regulate facial qi and blood. Both
Yingxiang (LI 20), an acupoint of the large intestine meridian, and Taiyang (EX-HN
5), an extra point, whose locations are near to the patch predilection site, can be
needled to clear away heat, to eliminate dampness on the local region, to dredge and
regulate qi and blood to dissipate blood stasis as well as patch. Qu-chi (LI 11), an
acupoint of the large intestine meridian, can be needled to clear away heat, to dispel
wind, and is effective in treating various kinds of dermatitis. Xuehai (SP 10), an
acupoint of the spleen meridian, can be needled not only to invigorate spleen to
eliminate dampness, but to activate, to nourish blood. Quchi (LI 11) is a commonly
used acupoint in treating many kinds of dermatitis. Taichong (LR 3), the Source-Yuan
point of the liver meridian, is added to disperse stagnated hepatic qi, in coordination
with Zhigou (TE 6), an acupoint of the Sanjiao meridian, to strengthen the effect if
there is hepatic qi stagnation. Zusanli (ST 36), an acupoint of the stomach meridian, is
added to invigorate spleen-stomach to generate and transform qi and blood if there is
asthenia of spleen. Guanyuan (CV 4), Qihai (CV 6), etc. are added to nourish renal qi
if there is asthenia of kidney.
Indication: Chloasma. Manifestations: pale brown, brown or light darkish patches
around zygoma, forehead, upper lip or orbit, sometimes like butterfly, most with clear
edges, no unwell feeling like aching, itching, etc., aggravating in Spring and Summer
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Prescription for chloasma
and lessening in Winter. If accompanied by dysphoria, hypochondrium fullness, bitter
mouth, the disease is the syndrome of stagnated hepatic qi. If accompanied by dull
yellowish, nonlustrous complexion, palpitation, short breath, flatulence, poor appetite
and pink tongue, the disease is the syndrome of asthenia of splenic qi. If accompanied
by blackish complexion, cool hands and feet, aversion to cold, pain and weakness of
the waist and knee joint, the disease is the syndrome of asthenia of renal qi.
Performance: Ganshu (BL 18) and Shenshu (BL 23) are all bilaterally selected and
needled obliquely internally 0.5 - 0.8 cun. The needles are manipulated with the mild
reinforcing-reducing method to make the acu-esthesia produced.
Fengchi (GB 20) is bilaterally selected and inserted about 1 cun toward the apex of
nose. The needles are manipulated with reducing method achieved by
swirling-rotating to make the obvious acu-esthesia produced.
Yingxiang (LI 20) is needled obliquely or horizontally about 1 cun toward the focus.
The needle is manipulated with the reducing method achieved by swirling-rotating till
the acu-esthesia is felt.
Taiyang (EX - HN 5 ) is needled horizontally 0.5 - 1cun toward the focus. The needle
is manipulated with the reducing method achieved by swirling-rotating till the
acuesthesia is felt.
Quchi (LI 11) is bilaterally selected and needled vertically 1 - 1.5 cun. The needles are
manipulated with the reducing method achieved by swirling-rotating and lifting
inserting to make the acu-esthesia transmit upward and downward.
Xuehai (SP 10) is bilaterally selected and needled vertically 1 - 1.5 cun. The needles
are manipulated with the reducing method achieved by swirling-rotating and
lifting-inserting to make the obvious acu-esthesia produced in the local region.
Taichong (LR 3) is needled vertically about 1 cun. The needle is manipulated with the
reducing method achieved by swirling-rotating to the tolerance of the patients.
Zhigou (TE 6) is needled vertically 0.8 - 1.2 cun. The needle is manipulated with the
reducing method achieved by swirling-rotating and lifting-inserting to make the
acu-esthesia transmit upward and downward.
Zusanli (ST 36) is needled vertically 1 - 1.5 cun. The needle is manipulated with the
reinforcing method achieved by swirling-rotating and lifting-inserting to make the
acu-esthesia transmit upward and downward.
Guanyuan (CV 4) and Qihai (CV 6) are needled vertically 1 - 2 cun. The needles are
manipulated with the reinforcing method achieved by swirling-rotating and lifting
inserting to make the acu-esthesia produced in the local region, transmit downward.
The above needles are all retained for about 20 minutes during which the needles are
manipulated 1 - 2times. The treatment is given every day or every other day. Ten
times make up one course.
Clinical material: Fairly good effect achieved in the treatment of chloasma with the
traditional body acupuncture. Guo principally selected bilateral Shenshu (BL 23) and
Ganshu (BL 18), the points of the gallbladder meridian, as well as Qihai (CV 6), an
acupoint of the Conception Vessel. Retain the needles for 15 - 30 minutes during
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Prescription for chloasma
which warming needling was applied for 5 - 10 minutes. Supplement bilateral
Yingxiang (LI 20). Moxibust 3 7 moxa cones at the focus. The treatment was given
once a day. Seven days made up one course. Of 25 cases, 21 were clinically cured, 3
were significantly effective, and 1 effective. Bai adopted acupuncture in coordination
with messaging the points' area and medicine osmosis to treat 174 cases of chloasma.
The points selected were Baihui (GV 20), Feishu (BL 13) or Geshu (BL 17), Ganshu
(BL 18), and Weishu (BL 21). Dadun (LR 1) or Taichong (LR 3) was added if there
was stagnated hepatic qi. Sanyinjiao (SP 6) or Xuehai (SP 10) was added if there was
asthenia of spleen. Taixi (KI 3) or Fuliu (KI 7) was added if there was asthenia of
kidney. Select two points each time. All points were selected in turn. The treatment
was given once a day. Ten days made up one course... Consequently, 130 were cured,
42 were significantly effective, 2 effective...[ChinaJournal of Acumox, 1995, (5). 51]
Typical case: Tian, a female salesclerk of 30. The patient had suffered from chloasma
for two years, esp. on the zygoma, cheek, upper and lower lips with dark brown color.
No significant effect achieved after herbal medicine and oral vitamin
C. Concomitant symptoms included swelling eyes, hands and feet in the morning,
menstruation with 10 - 15 days delayed and scanty as well as pink menses, cold body
and limbs, being disinclined to talk and short breath, pink tongue with teeth mark,
sunken and small pulse. Shenshu (BL 23), Ganshu (BL 18), Mingmen (GV 4) and
Zusanli (ST 36) were punctured with the reinforcing method and warm needling
applied on each needle for 5 minutes. The needles were retained for 30 minutes. The
needle on Fengchi (GB 20) was manipulated with the reducing method, and was not
retained. The treatment was given every other day. Auricular points such as Ovary,
Uterus, Liver, Kidney, Spleen, Stomach, Large Intestine, Lung, Endocrine, Subcortex,
Adrenal Gland, Cheek, Forehead were pressed. The treatment was given every other
day. Six to seven points were selected each time and pressed 3 4 times every day by
the patient. The points on both ears were selected alternately. Mter 20 times of
treatment, chloasma on the face and other signs disappeared completely. In order to
strengthen the effect, only press the auricular points 5 times. The patient was cured.
[ Acumox Therapies for Dermatitis published by Tianjin Science and Technology
Publishing House, Oct., 1993]
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