100 Series re-review - Sept 2005 - meridian
100 Series re-review - Sept 2005 - meridian
Since1977Meridian hasbeenoneof Britain's leading audio manufacturers. Howard Popeck recallsitsBSMeridian Series1 system, a collection of components whose lookshavestoodthetestoftime melgingphoenix-like, or shouldthat be families, andit really worked, lt madeNaimpre- the sevenblack-cased 101swithchrome front Cinderella-like, flomthetumoilof lecson amps ofthesame erasound anaemic oneverythingplates anddeepbluelettering. These areutterly via the short-lived priceless Orpheus designs,Bob otherthantheLinnAsakcartridge. beautiful, andprobably now. Stuart andAllenBoothroyd announced thearrival Even today, my101Bdriving myMeridian M1s Frommemory the 102wasa stand-alone m-c of BS Meridian in the pagesot Hi-FiNews28 givesa bassslam,tightness andattackthat is step-upthat reachedprototype stagebut was - aneffortless years ago.TheSeries 1 system initially comprisedastonishing 25H2.Admittedly, the neverreleased. The 103 is a modestlooking the 101 pre-amp, power the 103 power ampandthe M1'smidrange isa bitold{ashioned nowandthe two-box ampwithMeridian's characteristic astonishing M1active speakers withsixon-boardtreblelackstrue sparkle.Nevertheless, this transparency, basscontrol andsuperb dynamics power ampsanda radical electronic crossover. combination today represents the referenceandnatural detailwithout harshness. Youlookat This was shortlyfollowedby a brilliant standard in bassperformance beatenin my thetinyboxes andwonder howtheyachieved the r e f i n e m eonf t h e 1 0 3 i n t ot h e 1 0 3 Dt.h eo n l v f y$ . , a d e q u a t1e0 4 F Mt u n e r ,a n d t h e j u * i t i a O $ powerampririers. resendary r05 mono Duringthe Ihe ViSUalS af g Staf k and thg COSmetiC 1970salloftheseitems werefavourably reviewed (occasionally ecstatically so)around theworld. Thevisuals arestark.Thecosmetic desisnis design is timeless. Theylookasmodern timeress Thecomponent,'#;,ffi*,i;.; today as thgy did back in thg latg 1970q ss a st h e yd i db a c ki n t h el a t e1 9 7 0 sF. i n i s h ei nd brownor black,the 101/i03combination was short on facilities,virtuallyidiot-proof giventhe comparatively primitive and experience only by the WilsonPuppies, the dynamics, sonically a revelation. Excellently engineered from LumenWhite Flames andthe Burmester B100. components thatwerethenavailable. architectural extrusions with an unshakeable lvleridian wasn't thefirstto usetheactive speaker BobStuartoaidcloseattention theeffects of - t h e P h i l i p sl V o t i o n aFl e e d b a c kpower focuson sheermusicality and listenability, the p r i n c i p l e supplies on power amplifier sound. lt was (although preceded 1 0 1 ,a n dl a t t e r ltyh e 1 O 1 Bp r e - a m p l i fgi earv, e speakers it. Nevertheless it promotedrumoured never substantiated) thatthis dramatically moreexpensive unitsa realrunfor theconcept andrefined it to a highdegree. mighthavebeeninitiatedby considering how themoney. MylVlark Levinson ML6apre-amp was Naim achievedits characteristic sound moremusical, lesstransistory, andmorenatural, USEDBARGAINS exemplified by the NAP250. Perhaps it was butthenit wasalmost27 timesthe price.The Today the 101 seriespre-amps aretremendouscareful tweaking of theNaimpower The supply? justifiably differences werenoticeable butnotjaw-dropping. value ontheusedmarket fetching ridiculously low NAP250 wasgaining highaccolades prices giventhe clarityandtransparency That's a remarkable achievement. of the forthethen-new aspects of rhythm, timingandso The101pre-amps hada carefully engineeredreproduction. Theyuse DIN plugsthroughout,on. The Meridian response wasthe three-box system designed to optimise LP inputpreciselyotherthanthe laterversions, whichhad RCfu i03D withtwinpower supplies. The103could for all the majorm-ccartridges viacustomisedphono female connectors ona shorttrailing lead easily beupgraded to thei03D. reolaceable matchbox-sized modules.These forLPinput.Thebrown versions were cosmetically ln puremusical enjoyment termsI personally included theSupex, Denon andFidelity Researchmoredurable thantheblack, butthe'realprize'is feel the 103D has neverbeenbetteredbv productwasfirstreviewed Meridian by Hi-FilVews in the0ctober 1978issuewhenMartinColloms looked at theMeridian 101 MC withthe105power in a six-way amplifier testof pre-andpower 'Thisclean-looking product amps.Heconcluded: completely satisfied generous themajority of labandlistening requirements, andoffered power delivery aswellasgreattolerance of difficultspeaker loading', ln theJune1981edition ot Hi-FiNewsthe Meridian 105i101 amp system wasrevisited by MartinColloms whonoted:'TheMeridian system hasshown continued improvement, notably in termsof noise quality'. levels, RIM accuracy, distortion andsouncl 62 SEPTEMBER 2005 Hlfil.leu,s www.hifinews.co.uk TheJune1981issueol Hi-Fiflewscafiaeda revies,0f liet Oyl01, plusan adyeilfor an add-onm-cmodule forthe 101Control Unit uk www.hifinews.co. oI Control Above: Meridian's Series1 pre-amplifier, ampchassis andtwooutboard Unit,topsa stereo PSUs, oneperchannel. Good cleansecondhand examples canmakethesespectacular buys ) Hi-FiNewsSEPTEMBER 2005 53 lt stands Meridian. comparison to anypower amp prices yetcanbepicked upto f,2.5kattoday's up BobStuart(picturedleft)andAllenBoothroyd founded on eBayfor as littleas f,200.Puttingultimate in 1977aftertheydiscovered Meridian theyhadshared p o w et ro o n es i d et,h e 1 0 1 B / 1 0 3cD ombination interests regarding audioequipment andphilosophies shows conclusively thatamplificatron of musical product line-up design. lts is designed andmadeat its performance not far has evolved very duringthe factory in Huntingdon, England. Since1977the past29 years. I believe it is impossible, within Meridian Audiodesigns havereceived muchcritical thecontext of therelease dateandtheprice,to - it'sa workofgenius including acclaim winning theDesign Council Award for over-praise thiscombination Outstanding British Product three times as well as (and in everyrespect very reliabletoo). No winning theEISAEuropean Product of theYeartwice. software, no RS232ports,no multi-channel and lmpressive stuffin anylanguage. no gimmicks.Just watertightengineering p r i n c i p l ei nst e l l i g e nat lpyp l i etdo a c h i e v i nt hge goalof musically realistic listening. waythatUSAcompanies American Worthy if onlyforthecleverness suchasGreat of mention, of Despiteall this, the 103/Dwas modestlySoundand Threshold for the userinterface, had beenachieving the lVeridian 104 FMtuner powere ad ta r o u n4d5 R M Sp e rc h a n n edlo, u b l i n gyears. TheNAP250 of thatera,notwithstanding wasa sensible, if farfromexceptional sounding, into 4 ohms.Meanwhile, two speakers were its timing and rhythm,soundedfeeblein tuner.The 1970swerethe pinnacle of tuner gaining prominence giantssuchas Trio, andnotoriety andthe then comparison unless used withbass-heavy speakers.designfromthe Japanese power Meridian ampsjustdidn'thavesufficient Even today, the107isa toughactto follow. Sansui andYamaha. Personally speaking, tuner muscle to partner them. Thegauntlet having beenthrowndown,soto designhasn'tbeenthe pinnacle of lVeridian's First,theGale401Aspeakers. pleasant Chrome ended, speak, Meridian tookonthechallenge oftryingto expertise. The104sounds enough today heavy, andcapable of uncommon dynamics if you coaxa half-way decentsoundout of the Linn andlooksgoodwiththe 101andpartner amps, couldovercome the3.4ohmsat 5kHzload. These lsobarics for owners whowouldn't choose the butnothing more. speakers weresubstantially free of colorationN a i ms o l u t i o A n .t t h a tt i m em a n yN a i md e a l e r s although witha slightly risingtreblewhichwas literallyrefused to sell Naimamplification to T H EM E R I D I ASNO U N D otherwise sweetanddetailed. Meridian roseto c u s t o m ewrhsod i d n 'ot w na L i n n1 P 1 2M . e r i d i a n ,So howwouldone characterise the Meridian t h e c h a l l e n gwei t ht h e t w i n m o n o b l o c1 k0 5 s . nodoubt withoneeyeonthedawnofdigital, built sound fromthe 1970s? Well,crisper andclearer Manyof theseweresoldwiththeGales withthe five setsof its lsobaric amolification solution. thanalmost anything elsefromthatperiod. lt is 105sconnected to thespeakers onshortspeaker leada s n do n l o n gs i g n al le a d fsr o mt h e 1 0 1 8 , Theresulting soundwasalmostethereal, very light,openand airy. However Meridianhad another aceup itssleeve: thelVeridian 107. xxThe103Dstands comparison to power pricesyet ampsupt0 82.5kat today's canbehadoneBayfor as littleasf200s RE-BADGED ORPHEUS? In reality the 107wasa re-badged version of an ampfromtheprevious Boothroyd-Stuart company, Orpheus. Aneffortiess 150RMSinto8 ohmsand threepairsof 105sandnocrossover. Eachpairof lively, eventoday.Undercertain circumstances n e a r ldyo u b l i ni gn t o4 o h m st,h i so n e - b ouxn i t 105power ampswascustomised fortreble, mid withinappropriate loudspeaker matching, it might - butnothing clad in copper-coloured minor glass was andbass respectively, lt wasneat, tidyandprecise betermed assounding mildlybright - to a degree. magnificent. Frommemory, onlyninewereever - andit worked Oncein place, the morethanthat.Butit'sthebassthancontinues built.Whether thiswasprudent recycling of old sonicshortcomings of the lsobarics became to impress. Transients aredelivered witha speed, product stockortherelease of a statement is far apparent and Meridian, sensibly, turnedits precision, liveliness, impactand controlthat - forall therightreasons. fromclear.Mybetisthatit wasa bitof both. attention to otherandmoreworthwhile ier/ cannot failto impress amplif projects Thiswaswithout anydoubtthef irstUKpower speaker andnewactive speaker designs It'sa coldbassif youlike.I prefer to thinkof it amplifierto produceproper,appropriate and ofitsown.These included theclever butultimatelyh a sh a v i nngoa r t ifc i a l liyn d u c ebdl o o m . authoritative bassweight, slamandcontrol in the disappointing M3sandthepeerless M2s. TheM1 active speakers deserve a pageall on theirown.Theyarecertainly worthbuying for up t o [ 9 0 0 a n dI w o u l d ns' e t l lm i n eB. u tr e m e m b e r that thereare no replacements for anyof the original driversand the electronics trayshave components thataredifficultto replace, youwant The104 isn'tworthchasing unless thecomplete set.The103isgreat, butthe103D is amazing. Youaren'tgoingto find a 107,so we'llleave it atthat.Thei0iB isoneofthefinest reproducers of vinylavailable at anycost- but yougetwithit, orat leastcan checkwhatcables o b t a ianf u l lc o m p l i m eonf D t I Nl e a dfsi r s t . So,wheredoesthat bringus?Well,whenI v i s i t etdh e M u n i c h i g h - e nsdh o wi n A p r i tl h i s yearI putmyheadintothelVleridian stand. There wasa bigscreen showing a 'boom-bash' movie. Thenoise was,wellmerely hiJi.lt wasn'tmusic. Thepre-amp(topleft)with its S-pinDINsocketryfor line-levelsourcesandpoweramp(topright)with I didn'tstay.I suddenly feltveryold,somewhat two setsol speakerterminals;belowtheseare PSUs,eachwith powerleadsbut no speakerconnections nostalgic andjusta bitgloomy. I 64 SEPTEMBER 2005 }}FIIe'ils www.hifinews.co. uk