Oil Recycling_Brochure2
Oil Recycling_Brochure2
R ECYCLE W ASTE A NTIFREEZE W HEN Y OU D O I T Y OURSELF , D O I T R IGHT . Ethylene glycol is the organic compound widely used as automotive antifreeze and is produced from natural gas, a nonrenewable resource. Waste antifreeze may contain heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and chromium in high enough levels to make it a regulated hazardous waste. Waste antifreeze should never be dumped on land, poured down a storm drain, into a ditch, dry well or septic system, and never discharged into our sanitary sewer system. Meridian residents may recycle their waste antifreeze at the following locations: Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events Every Monday (except holidays) 2130 W. Franklin St. 12:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Meineke Car Care 1975 E. Fairview Avenue Mon-Sat 7:30 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Public Works Department Environmental Division For additional information, please contact: Meridian Public Works Department Environmental Division 33 E. Broadway Avenue Meridian, ID 83642 208-898-5500 / 208-898-9551 (FAX) www.meridiancity.org R ECYCLE U SED M OTOR O IL U SED M OTOR O IL : A P OLLUTANT OF C ONCERN Used motor oil is often contaminated with lead, magnesium, copper, zinc, PCBs and other heavy metals picked up from the engine. Motor oil dumped down stormdrains, into canals, ditches, or on the ground will seep into, and contaminate, our ground water. Stormdrains direct water and pollutants to our creeks and canals, not our wastewater treatment plant. I T ’ S E ASY TO D O I T R IGHT . M ERIDIAN U SED O IL C OLLECTION L OCATIONS F OR R ESIDENTIAL O NLY — 5 G ALLON L IMIT /V ISIT A UTO Z ONE 1626 N. M AIN S T . 888-1430 E INSTEIN ’ S O ILERY 1210 E. F ARIVEIW A VE . 888-9188 J IFFY L UBE 360 E. F AIRVIEW A VE . 887-5436 J IFFY L UBE 1645 S PRING V ALLEY LANE 888-4509 M EINEKE C AR C ARE 1975 E. F AIRVIEW A VE . 887-9163 N APA A UTO P ARTS 80 W. T AYLOR 888-4465 S CHUCK ’ S O’R EILLY A UTO P ARTS 24 E. C ALDERWOOD D R . 888-4815 S CHUCK ’ S O’R EILLY A UTO P ARTS 2420 N. E AGLE R D . 888-0805 S CHUCK ’ S O’R EILLY A UTO P ARTS 1915 E. F AIRVIEW A VE . 288-2116 H OUSEHOLD H AZARDOUS W ASTE C OLLECTION E VENTS Meridian’s drinking water source is groundwater. We pump directly from the Treasure Valley Aquifer. W HEN : E VERY M ONDAY (E XCEPT H OLIDAYS ) W HERE : 2130 W. F RANKLIN S T . (S ANITARY S ERVICES C OMPANY L OCATION ) T IME : N OON —7:00 P . M . R ESIDENTIAL C URBSIDE C OLLECTION Used motor oil from cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, farm equipment and lawnmowers can be recycled and re-refined! Thank You -for helping protect Meridian’s water supply and environment! R ESIDENTS CAN PLACE UP TO 2 GALLONS OF USED COOKING OIL AND / OR MOTOR OIL PER WEEK NEXT TO THEIR CARTS ON THEIR COLLECTION DAY FOR RECYCLING . P LACE OIL IN TRANSPARENT 1- GALLON PLASTIC MILK JUGS . O IL MIXED WITH AUTOMOTIVE LIQUIDS , FOOD , OR OTHER MATERIALS WILL NOT BE COLLECTED . C OMMERCIAL M OTOR O IL R ECYCLERS G EM S TATE O IL R ECOVERY LLC 13280 S. C HOLLA D R . 562-1808 S AFETY K LEEN C ORPORATION 6334 S UPPLY W AY 342-8882 T HERMO F LUIDS I NC . 2801 B RANDT A VE . 465-4800