Susan Heffelfinger, Ph.D. Education


Susan Heffelfinger, Ph.D. Education
Susan Heffelfinger, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Education:
Augustana College, Rock Island, IL
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, magna cum laude
Graduate Education:
Finch University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School,
North Chicago, IL (University name now changed to Rosalind
Franklin University of Medicine and Science)
APA-accredited program, Advisor: John E. Calamari, Ph.D.
Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, awarded June 2002, Thesis title:
Anxiety Sensitivity and Ventilator Weaning in Inpatients with
Ventilator Dependent Respiratory Failure
Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology, awarded April 1999,
Thesis title: Cardiac Threat Schemas: Evaluation of Conceptual
Implicit Memory
Postgraduate Training:
8/00 - 8/01
Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
APA-accredited Clinical Psychology Internship
Supervisor: James D. Hart, Ph.D.
Rotations in Primary Care, Neuropsychology, Multiple Sclerosis
Clinic, Palliative Care, Childhood Abuse Group Treatment, and
OCD Residential Center Treatment (off-station placement at
Rogers Memorial Hospital in Oconomowoc, WI)
6/02 – 6/03
Anxiety and Agoraphobia Treatment Center, Northbrook, IL
2,000-hour Postdoctoral supervised clinical experience
Supervisor: Karen L. Cassiday, Ph.D.
Academic Appointments:
Assistant Professor, Menninger Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Clinical Assistant Professor, Voluntary Faculty, Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine
Honors and Awards:
University Merit Fellowship Recipient, FUHS/CMS, 1996-1999
Phi Beta Kappa, Augustana College, 1994
Dean’s List, Augustana College, 1990-1994
Presidential Scholar Program, Augustana College, 1990-1994
Who’s Who Among Students at American Universities & Colleges
Omicron Delta Kappa, National Leadership and Honor Society
Mortar Board, National Senior Honor Society, 1994
Aristeia, Freshman Honor Society, 1991
Psi Chi, National Psychology Honor Society
The Geraldine Wallin Sickler Scholarship for Distinguished Achievement in
Psychology, Augustana College, 1994
Professional Licenses:
Licensed Psychologist, State of Texas, 2004 (License #32422)
Licensed Clinical Psychologist, State of Illinois, 2004 (License #071-006675)
Work History
4/09-present Licensed Psychologist, private practice, Houston, Texas; Independent
Contractor, Houston OCD Program, Houston, Texas.
Staff Psychologist, The Menninger Clinic OCD Treatment Program,
Houston, Texas. Supervisor: Throstur Bjorgvinsson, Ph.D.
Independent Contractor, Psychology Service Corporation,
Houston, Texas.
Independent Contractor/Cognitive behavior therapist, The Menninger
Clinic OCD Treatment Center, Houston, Texas, Supervisor: Throstur
Bjorgvinsson, Ph.D.
Independent Contractor/staff therapist (6/98-7/00 and 8/01-6/02),
Postdoctoral fellow/staff therapist (6/02-6/03), Anxiety and
Agoraphobia Treatment Center, Northbrook, IL,
Supervisor: Karen Cassiday, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychology Extern, Center for Pain Control, Libertyville, IL
Supervisor: Elizabeth Semenchuk, Ph.D.
Clinic Coordinator, Anxiety & OCD Treatment and Research Program,
Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical School,
North Chicago, IL (Responsibilities: 50% research, 50% clinical,
administrative, and training). Research responsibilities included
maintaining extensive database of psychological data from past and
current clients (data collection and data entry). Gathered repeated
measures on various self-report symptom questionnaires (i.e., ASI,
BDI, BAI, Y-BOCS, STAI, etc.). Involvement in several research
projects utilizing database and conference presentation preparation
Clinical Psychology Extern, Pediatric and Family Services Clinic, North
Chicago, IL, Supervisor: Chinni Chilamkurti, Ph.D.
Independent contractor/Behavior Therapist, Lake Bluff, IL
Supervisor: Anne Maxwell, Ph.D. Provided Lovaas behavior therapy in
home to 4-year-old child with Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
Clinical Psychology Extern, Anxiety & OCD Treatment and Research
Program, Supervisor: John Calamari, Ph.D.
7/95 - 7/96
Clinical Psychology Extern, Cardiac Rehabilitation Program, Lutheran
General Hospital, Park Ridge, IL, Supervisor: Joseph Zander, Ph.D.
12/94 - 9/96
On-Call Counselor, Lake County Health Department, Waukegan, IL,
Supervisor: Mr. Patrick Leary, M.S.
Research Assistant, Augustana College. Assisted with research on
prospective memory and cognition, including aspects of study
design, data collection, and conference presentation.
2/93 - 5/93
Psychology Counselor’s Aide, Humility of Mary Homeless Shelter,
Davenport, IA
Research Information
National Scientific Participation:
Professional societies:
American Psychological Association
Anxiety and Depression Association of America
International OCD Foundation
Invited lectures, presentations, research seminars:
Van Kirk, N., Brown, K., Anderson, E., & Heffelfinger, S. (2012, July). Overcoming
Unacceptable Thoughts. Workshop conducted at the 19th Annual International
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation Conference, Chicago, IL.
Heffelfinger, S., Brown, K., Daniel, J., & Bjorgvinsson, T. (2011, March). Ethics and
ERP. Paper presented at the 31st Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of America
Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Powell, D., Heffelfinger, S., & Bjorgvinsson, T. (2008, March). Engaging family
members to facilitate treatment of OCD. Paper conducted at the 28th Annual Anxiety
Disorders Association of America Conference, Savannah, GA.
Wuyek, L., Heffelfinger, S., & Daniel, J. (2008, March). Ethical Issues in Behavior
Therapy. Paper conducted at the 28th Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of
America Conference, Savannah, GA.
Bjorgvinsson, T., Boudouvas, C., Heffelfinger, S., & Powell, D. (2007, July). OCD
and Families: Working within the Transition Zone. Workshop conducted at the 13th
Annual Obsessive Compulsive Foundation Conference, Houston, TX.
Bjorgvinsson, T., & Heffelfinger, S. (2007, November). Challenges in treating
Adolescents with comorbid OCD and Asperger’s Syndrome. Paper (break-out
session) presented at the annual Independent Education Consultant Association
(IECA) Fall Conference, Hollywood, California.
Bjorgvinsson, T., & Heffelfinger, S. (2007, November). Family Accommodation of
Symptoms in Severe Anxiety Disorders: Detangling anxiety symptoms from family
interactions. Paper (break-out session) presented at the annual Independent
Education Consultant Association (IECA) Fall Conference, Hollywood, California.
Bjorgvinsson, T., Wetterneck, C., Hart, J., Webb, S.A., Powell, D.M., Azzouz, R.,
Entricht, T.L., Chasson, G.S., Heffelfinger, S., Davidson, J.E., & Stanley, M.A.
(2007, March). Treatment outcome for adolescent OCD in an inpatient setting.
Poster presented at the 27th Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of America
Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Bjorgvinsson, T., Wetterneck, C., Entricht, T.L., Hart, J., Heffelfinger, S., Chasson,
G.S., Powell, D.M., Webb, S.A., & Stanley, M.A. (2007, March). The role of well
being in OCD: Is it the First Step in the Model for Chage? Poster presented at the
41st Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Heffelfinger, S., Chasson, G.S., Haslam-Hopwood, G.T., Plamondon, M., &
Bjorgvinsson, T. (2007, March). Inter-rater agreement between Self- and
Clinician-Reports of the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale in Inpatients.
Poster presented at the 27th Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of America
Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Heffelfinger, S., Chasson, G.S., Powell, D.M., & Bjorgvinsson, T. (2007, March).
Challenges in Treating Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Pervasive
Developmental Disorders. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Anxiety Disorders
Association of America Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Wetterneck, C., Hart, J., Heffelfinger, S., & Bjorgvinsson, T. (2007, March). Care
for the Caregivers: Burnout and Stress in the Caregivers of Anxiety Sufferers.
Paper presented at the 27th Annual Anxiety Disorders Association of America
Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Heffelfinger, S., Calamari, J.E., Workman, D.E., Lawm, G., Kelly, J., & Burns, J.B.
(2002, March). Anxiety Sensitivity and Ventilator Weaning in Inpatients with
Ventilator Dependent Respiratory Failure. Poster presented at the Anxiety
Disorders Association of America 22nd National Conference, Austin, TX.
Heffelfinger, S., Calamari, J.E., & Zander, J.R. (1999, November) Cardiac Threat
Schemas: Evaluation of Conceptual Implicit Memory. Poster presented at the
Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy 33rd National Convention,
Toronto, Canada.
Calamari, J.E., Hale, L.R., Heffelfinger, S.K., Janeck, A.S., Taglione, P., & Schisler,
R. (1998, March). Anxiety sensitivity in children and their parents. Poster
presented at the 18th National Conference of the Anxiety Disorders Association of
America, Boston, MA.
Janeck, A.S., Calamari, J.E., & Heffelfinger, S.K. (1998). Cognition and obsessivecompulsive disorder: Appraisals of and beliefs about intrusive thoughts. Poster
presented at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy 32nd
National Convention, Washington, D.C.
Calamari, J.E., Lau, J.J., Heffelfinger, S.K., Hale, L.R., Janeck, A.S., & Weertz, M.
(1997, November). Anxiety sensitivity in adolescents: A risk factor for panic
attacks. In B. Rabian (Chair), Anxiety sensitivity in children: An evaluation of current
research. Symposium presented at the Association for the Advancement of
Behavior Therapy 31st National Convention, Miami, Florida.
Calamari, J.E., Wiegartz, P.S., Janeck, A.S., & Heffelfinger, S.K. (1996,
November). Anxiety sensitivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Poster presented
at the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy 30th National
Convention, New York, NY.
Bjorgvinsson, T., Hart, J., & Heffelfinger, S. (2007). Obsessive-Compulsive
Disorder: Update on Assessment and Treatment. Journal of Psychiatric Practice,
13(6), 362-372.
Bjorgvinsson, T., Wetterneck, C., Powell, D., Chasson, G., Webb, S., Hart, J.,
Heffelfinger, S., Azzouz, R., Entricht, T., Davidson, J., Stanley, M. (2008).
Treatment Outcome for Adolescent Obsessive-Complusive Disorder in a
Specialized Hospital Setting. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 13(3), 137-145.
Heffelfinger, S., Calamari, J.E., Workman, D.E., Lawm, G.., & Kelly, J. (2006).
Anxiety sensitivity and ventilator weaning: A preliminary analysis. Anxiety,
Stress and Coping, 19(3), 211-226.
Calamari, J.E., Hale, L., Heffelfinger, S. K., Janeck, A.S., Lau, J.J., Weerts,
M.A., Taglione, P.A., & Schisler, R.L. (2001). Relations between anxiety
sensitivity and panic symptoms in nonreferred children and adolescents. Journal
of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 32(3), 117-136.
Heffelfinger, S.K., Calamari, J.E., & Zander, J.R. (2000). Do Cardiac Patients
Develop Disease-Specific Threat Schemas?: Evaluation of Conceptual Implicit
Memory. International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health, 5, 1-15.
Janeck, A.S., Calamari, J.E., Riemann, B.R. & Heffelfinger, S.K. (2003). Too
much thinking about thinking?: Meta-cognitive differences in obsessivecompulsive disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorders 17(2), 181-195.
III. Teaching Information
9/12-12/12; 9/11-12/11 Clinical Assistant Professor, Voluntary Faculty,
Baylor College of Medicine. Co-led weekly Cognitive Therapy II seminar course to
Psychiatry residents. Presented lectures on cognitive behavior therapy technique.
3/10-5/10 Clinical Assistant Professor, Voluntary Faculty, Baylor College of Medicine.
Co-led weekly seminar, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents, to
psychiatry fellows. Presented lectures on CBT treatment for a variety of disorders.
9/09-12/09 Clinical Assistant Professor, Voluntary Faculty, Baylor College of
Medicine. Co-led 10-week cognitive therapy course to psychiatry residents and social
work interns. Presented lectures on cognitive therapy technique and case examples.
1/98-7/99 Clinic Coordinator, Anxiety & Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment
and Research Program, Finch University of Health Sciences/The Chicago Medical
School, North Chicago, IL. Responsibilities included training new student therapists
in cognitive behavior therapy assessment and intervention strategies and cofacilitating weekly group supervision meetings.
6/02-6/03 Postdoctoral fellow/Cognitive Behavior Staff Therapist, Anxiety and
Agoraphobia Treatment Center, Northbrook, IL. Co-supervised five student therapists
in outpatient psychology clinic, including weekly group supervision and individual
supervision as needed. Created clinical training lecture series on cognitive behavioral
assessment and treatment issues and presented to clinic student staff.
Heffelfinger, S. (2012, July). Brief Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Presentation to
psychiatry residents at Baylor College of Medcine, Houston, TX.
Heffelfinger, S. (2011, September). Confidentiality and Boundaries. Presentation to
clinical staff at Houston OCD Program, Houston, TX.
Heffelfinger, S. (2011, January). Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder. Presentation to psychiatry residents at Baylor College of
Medince, Houston, TX.
Heffelfinger, S. (2006-2008). Bimonthly lecture at OCD Program Family Day
Workshop. Reducing Family Accommodation. The Menninger Clinic OCD Treatment
Program, Houston, TX.
Heffelfinger, S. & Sweat, L. (2008). ERP: Practical Tips. Presentation to clinical
staff at The Menninger Clinic OCD Treatment Program, Houston, TX.
Heffelfinger, S. (1998). Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Anxiety Disorders.
Panel presentation at the annual Tri-State Psychology Conference, Augustana
College, Rock Island, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (1997). Getting Into Graduate School. Colloquium presented at the
annual Tri-state Psychology Conference, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (2003). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Panic Disorder: Recent
Developments. Presentation to clinic staff at AATC, Northbrook, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (2003). Ethical Issues in the Practice of Psychology. Presentation to
clinic staff at AATC, Northbrook, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (2003). Cognitive Therapy and Exposure Strategies for the
Treatment of Religious/Scrupulosity OCD. Presentation to clinic staff at AATC,
Northbrook, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (2003). Professional Issues Lecture. Presented to clinic staff at
AATC, Northbrook, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (2002). Selective Mutism and Anxiety Disorders in the Classroom.
In-service presentation to school staff at Rogers Elementary School, Chicago, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (2002). Careers in Psychology and Biology. Panel presentation to
undergraduates and faculty at Augustana College, Rock Island, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (2000, November and 2001, March). Case conference presentations
at the PRIME Multi-disciplinary Conference, VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI.
Heffelfinger, S. (2001, April and August). Case presentations to Psychology
Department, VA Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI.
Heffelfinger, S. (1998-2000). Presented at and participated in the monthly
Cognitive Therapy Case Conference at RUSH University, Chicago, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (1996). Coronary Heart Disease: The Mind-Body Connection.
Community lecture presented at the annual Heart Fair sponsored by the Division of
Cardiology, Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, IL.
Heffelfinger, S. (1996). Effects on the family when a loved one has heart disease.
Presentation to the Mended Hearts Support Group, American Heart Association,
Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, IL.