– File > Info – Cleanup Tools Outlook 2010


– File > Info – Cleanup Tools Outlook 2010
Outlook eMail Cleanup
Information Technology Services
September 25, 2012
Contact the ITS Helpdesk at 402-559-7700 or [email protected] with questions.
Outlook 2010 – File > Info – Cleanup Tools
Outlook 2007 – Tools > Mailbox Cleanup
Outlook Cleanup Tools
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Ask yourself:
 How big is my current
mailbox? You are limited to 2
 How big are the emails? –
arrange by size
1GB = 1024 MB
10MB = 10240 KB
1MB = 1024 KB
1KB = 1024 Bytes
Big, probably the size of your entire mailbox if you send
attachments and saved all your mails of the last couple
of years
This would be a message with a big attachment. The
sending/receiving size limit of a message has often been
set to somewhere between 10 and 20 MB.
Normal size for a message with a small attachment
Small, probably a mail with just some text in it
Ways to clean up your email
 Delete (goes to deleted items
o Skip the Deleted Items folder and get rid of the mail straight away by pressing DELETE use
SHIFT+DELETE to delete the message permanently.
o Outlook 2010 has a Delete All option from any folder
 Deleted Items – Empty deleted items folder (right click) (items automatically delete after 7 days)
 Junk E-Mail – Empty junk mail folder (does not delete automatically)
 Inbox, Sent Items and other mail folders
Large messages need to go first – Sort by size – All mail options
Once your trash is empty, continue the cleanup process with first finding the largest chunks in the mailbox. In
most cases you'll find that 20% of your mailbox items account for 80% of the size. If you are using Outlook 2003
or later, you can find these large chunks by using a Search Folder called "Large mail". If you do not have this
folder, you can create it via;
Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007
File-> New-> Search Folder…
Outlook 2010
tab Folder-> button New Search Folder
In the dialog that pops-up, select "Large mail" and set the "Show mail at least this large" option to 5120 KB (which
is 5 MB). If not a whole lot of messages are found, you can reduce this to 3072 KB (3 MB).
Moving email to a folder removes it from your inbox and may make it easier to find, BUT is still part of your email
Drag and Drop to your Computer/Network
Move email to a folder on your computer. This may require resizing your windows so that you can click, drag and
drop onto a computer folder with both windows open. Otherwise you can right click and select Copy and then find
your computer folder and right click and paste. This actually COPIES the message to your computer. You need to
delete it from your email to free up space in Outlook.
Remove attachments from messages. Open the message and right click on the attachment and select remove
With Outlook 2010, you can also remove attachments from the Reading pane by clicking on the attachment and
selecting Remove Attachment from the Attachments tab on the Ribbon.
NOTE: All e-mail saved outside of Outlook Exchange should be on a secure network server.
Refer to Retention and Destruction/Disposal of Private and Confidential
Information Policy
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Clean up Conversations in
If you are using 2010, you are
probably using the
Conversation Grouping, as that
is the default view. This can be
a great tool for saving space:
1. You can find all
messages which have
been replied to (if
someone changes the
subject, it begins a
different conversation).
2. Expand the  to see
all messages in the
3. Some conversations
have “sub”
conversations. Click
the red dot to expand
that conversation.
4. If you try to delete a
specific message, it
could delete the entire
5. Use Clean Up (located
on the Delete grouping
on the Home tab). This will leave only one copy of each message and remove duplicate messages in the
6. Ignore a conversation that you no longer need to be a part of. This will place the conversation in the
deleted items folder.
Outlook Cleanup Tools for the Mac – Outlook 2011 - http://blink.ucsd.edu/technology/email/tasks/otlk11-clean-upmailbox.html
Sent Items – delete attachments and consider sending Links in the future
Calendar – usually they are not large unless the entry contains attachments. You can sort by size in the
list view of the calendar to find those – View > Change View > List
Contacts – same as with Calendar – may want to remove duplicates too.
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Convert messages to PDF
If you have Outlook 2010, you must have Acrobat X to save as PDF.
If you have Outlook 2007, you can use Acrobat 9 or later to save as PDF.
From Outlook 2011, you can print to Adobe.
From Outlook web (OWA), if you have Acrobat 9 or later, you can open individual messages and click the Printer icon,
which takes to you a “Printable View” and from there you will have the Adobe to PDF icon, which will save the Web page
(message) to a PDF.
NOTE: All e-mail saved outside of Outlook Exchange should be on a secure network server. Refer to Retention
and Destruction/Disposal of Private and Confidential Information Policy
General Tips To Keep Your Mailbox Small
Don't store attachments in Outlook but store them outside your mailbox in a folder on your hard disk where it
belongs. Example; My Documents folder, My Pictures folder, a corresponding Project or Programs folder, etc…
Send as few and small attachments as possible. If you know the receiver can also access the file on the same
network like this <\\servername\sharename\foldername\filename.doc> or use Insert-> Hyperlink (set Word as the Email Editor to have a more user friendly interface for this option
If you need to send attachments, send them in a compressed format like zip-files. This will save you some
bandwidth and the receiver some mailbox space; hopefully he/she will return you the favor.
Periodically check the size of the individual folders by using the Folder Size button in the properties of Outlook
Today so you can react on a fast growing mailbox in time. This way you prevent the need to clean your mailbox for
several hours at the end of the year and be able to do it with just minutes a week or even a
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