December Holiday Dec 1 – Dec 24, 2013 Double Promotion Package


December Holiday Dec 1 – Dec 24, 2013 Double Promotion Package
December Holiday
Double Promotion Package
Dec 1 – Dec 24, 2013
December Holiday
Promotion Summary
For a 24 day shopping period, from December 1st through December 24th,
Ebates is offering a participation opportunity for up to 24 merchants who are
eager to achieve substantial growth. The merchants in this promotion will
offer Double Cash Back. Ebates will include substantial website and email ad
placement support including:
t Max Cash promotion icon at the top of every page
t Homepage banners
t Homepage “Featured Stores” inclusion
t Dedicated December Holiday landing page
t Weekly emails to all active Ebates members
Recent Promotion Results
Our promotions have been very successful at
increasing the number of shoppers and overall sales
for our merchants. To the right are some statistics
from last year’s promotions.
December Holiday (2012)
Change from Previous Year
Sales ($)
December Holiday Double Promotion Package
©2013 Ebates Performance Marketing, Inc. Confidential Recipient Use Only
December Holiday
Premier Banner
Site-wide Max Cash &
Special Landing Page
Your banner will rotate with other participating
merchants and ensure that you receive top billing for
all visitors to–located on the top of the
homepage directly beneath the top navigation.
Max (Maxwell Cash) is featured on every page and is
the best way to let shoppers know about Ebates’ latest
promotion. Users who click Max are taken to a special
landing page that features sponsoring merchants.
Home Page Featured Store
Our home page “Featured Stores” are always among
the top performing placements on
throughout the year. Each participating merchant will
be featured in this placement during the promotion.
December Holiday Double Promotion Package
©2013 Ebates Performance Marketing, Inc. Confidential Recipient Use Only
December Holiday
Weekly Marketing Emails
Participating merchants will be promoted in an email sent to our list of active
Ebates members.
December Holiday Double Promotion Package
©2013 Ebates Performance Marketing, Inc. Confidential Recipient Use Only
December Holiday
Contact Us Today
We welcome your participation in our December Holiday Double Promotion
package and believe that together we will drive impressive growth.
This Double Promotion package includes all of these
proven ad placements:
Total Cost for Inclusion
A La Carte Value
Home page banner
Home page featured store
Weekly emails to all active
Ebates members
Total Advertising Value
Plus commission rate increase
for Double Cash Back
In order to make this program a success, we are asking
participating merchants to increase their commission
rate in order to double the Cash Back that Ebates
offers to shoppers.
Contact your Ebates Sales Team
Find out how we can work together to increase your sales!
Hollie Carley
[email protected]
Erin Monette
888-634-0098 ext 228
[email protected]
Bob Staub
[email protected]
Jane Chun
[email protected]
Amy Salvi
888-634-0098 ext 242
[email protected]
Sandi Wohlford
888-634-0098 ext 240
[email protected]
Brooke Box
[email protected]
December Holiday Double Promotion Package
©2013 Ebates Performance Marketing, Inc. Confidential Recipient Use Only
December Holiday
Summary of Required Art Creative Specifications
Homepage Banner
Due two weeks before start of promotion
t If you prefer specific products or images to be
featured, please provide a high-quality image
t Ebates will create the banner
Landing Page
Due two weeks before start of promotion
t If you prefer specific products or images to be
featured, please provide a high-quality image
t Aggregator link (not required)
Marketing Email
Due two weeks before start of promotion
t If you prefer specific products or images to be
featured, please provide a high-quality image
t Coupon or offer (up to 135 characters of text,
including spaces)
t Aggregator link
All initial creatives are due at least two weeks prior to launch. After the deadline for supplying creatives has
passed, Ebates can accept changes only if the full, complete creative is submitted (and according to spec).
Our creative team cannot make copy or graphics changes to creative after deadline has passed, and we reserve
the right to use the existing creative if a completed alternative is not submitted in time for publication.
December Holiday Double Promotion Package
©2013 Ebates Performance Marketing, Inc. Confidential Recipient Use Only