Document 6487868


Document 6487868
May 13, 2010 Vol. 46 No. 17
The University of Western Ontario’s newspaper of record
PM 41195534
High school invasion
I care about …
Communicating in a crisis
Hundreds of high school students descended
on campus last week for a number of science
and music events.
Suppose someone asked you to photograph
something you care about in the community. A
London girl guide’s image has made it to the Art
Gallery of Ontario. Guess what it is.
The annual emergency exercise turned a
spotlight on how Western will communicate
if the worst ever happens.
Page 7
Page 11
Page 3
boost a
Queen’s Park
wants 20,000
more spaces
B y P a u l M ay n e
Paul Mayne, Western News
Faculty of Engineering professor Horia Hangan, principal investigator of the Wind Engineering, Enerergy and Environment Dome (WindEEE), will focus
his research on wind tunnel simulations to study wakes, boundary layers, jets and tornado-like vortices.
New project chasing future of wind
A $23.6-million
dome may attract
wind industry to
B y H e at h e r T r av i s
ind turbines might be
sprouting up across
Ontario’s landscape, but
the future of wind farms could lie
within a six-sided dome soon to be
housed at The University of Western Ontario’s Advanced Manufacturing Park.
As the world’s first hexagonal
wind tunnel, the Wind Engineering,
Energy and Environment Dome
– otherwise known as WindEEE
Dome – will help improve structural engineering of wind turbines
and design of wind farms.
WindEEE is also intended to pro-
tect against wind’s darker side.
“Wind has good and bad sides.
Its force can spin windmills or disperse clouds, while at the same
time it can also destroy lives and
properties,” says Horia Hangan,
principal investigator of the dome
and a professor in the Faculty of
“At WindEEE, all our work will
be focused on ways of enhancing
the creative energy of the wind
and ways to dissipate its destructive nature.”
WindEEE Dome will be the first
project built in London’s newly
established Advanced Manufacturing Park, a joint venture between
Western, Fanshawe College and
the City of London. A ceremony
was held on April 30 to launch the
Hangan’s research focuses on
wind tunnel simulations to study
wakes, boundary layers, jets and
tornado-like vortices. His work will
further understanding of wind flow,
INSIDE: Academe 12
wind energy, pollution dispersion,
and how winds affect structures
such as buildings and bridges.
WindEEE Dome is designed to
be 40 metres across and will contain more than 100 fans, each about
one metre in diameter. Together,
they can create winds of up to 100
kilometres per hour. It will simulate high-intensity
wind systems, including tornados,
downbursts and gust fronts that
cannot be created in any existing
wind tunnels. Smoke will be used
inside the WindEEE Dome to allow
researchers to watch the effects
and patterns of storms in progress.
The ability to improve wind
energy predictions using largescale models of wind farms is
already attracting industry interest, says Peter White, president
and CEO of London Economic
Development Corporation.
“We are in talks with two significant wind manufacturers. They are
looking at long-term capabilities to
develop and manufacture better
products,” says White, noting the
WindEEE Dome is a prominent
selling point.
“A facility like the WindEEE
Dome allows us to work with the
wind industry, the building products industry, and companies that
are involved with advanced materials to look at ways to enhance
their product, (and) better protect
The dome can serve as a test bed
for wind turbine manufacturers.
“We want to become a leader
in research and development for
new things related to wind energy,”
says Hangan.
“We are studying wind turbine
blades and while we will study the
aerodynamics of the blades and
how to improve them, there are
issues related to the way they are
constructed and materials that are
ncreasing first-year enrolment
beyond the planned 4,450 for
the 2010-11 school year could
cause “a lot of challenges,” Provost
and Vice-President (Academic)
Fred Longstaffe told Board of Governors members April 29.
“One, meeting our first-year
course guarantee; two, meeting
our first-year residence guarantee;
and three, meeting our obligations
to faculty in terms of their ability
to put the classes on,” he said, noting the university is already a long
way through the offering process
for students.
The talk of increasing first-year
enrolment was sparked with the
provincial funding announcement
of $310 million earlier this year
to create 20,000 additional spaces
in colleges and universities. As
committed to in its Strategic Plan,
Western’s first-year undergraduate
intake is locked at 4,350. The only
modification, starting in 2010-11,
has been to add 100 spots for firstyear international students.
Filling all of those spots is presenting its own challenge.
Gitta Kulczycki, Vice-President
(Resources & Operations) said it
appears only 25 of the international spots will be filled, allowing
for the 75 remaining spots to be
filled by domestic students, while
staying within the plan.
“We are currently looking at
what we can do beyond that,” she
While the province has set aside
money for schools that boost enrolment, it is geared to covering dayto-day operating costs, not funding
the additional classroom or office
At Senate last month, Western President Amit Chakma said
boosting enrolment shouldn’t be
made without careful planning
because Western could lose quality. He hopes to address the issue
at Senate tomorrow (May 14).
Continued on page 6
| Careers 12 | Classifieds 12 | Coming Events 11 | Conference Calendar 11 | Student Services Bulletin 12
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Western’s next provost ready for Western run
itting the pavement each
morning at 5:30 a.m. for an
early morning run, there
is nothing to disturb Janice Deakin
during these 50 sacred minutes,
void of meetings, assignments and
Her daily regimen helps bring
into focus the day ahead. It is this
discipline and assiduous work ethic
she brings to her new position Aug.
1 as Provost and Vice-President
(Academic)-elect at The University
of Western Ontario.
She is the first female in the university’s history to hold this senior
Deakin, currently Associate VicePrincipal (Academic) and Dean of
Graduate Studies at Queen’s University, will succeed Fred Longstaffe who has served in the role
since 2005. She is also former director of the Queen’s School of Kinesiology and Health Studies.
“This is an impressive university. It’s commitment to excellence,
to students, to community and
accountability I find compelling.
The accomplishments of this institution are absolutely phenomenal
and these are the things that have
drawn me here,” she says.
Running might be an individual
sport, but at work Deakin is a team
player who values collaboration.
“Institutions are best served
when people work together,” she
says. “I have been well served in
my work career by listening and
learning. It will be a challenge in a
“My brother and I were
brought up to see the
opportunities that postsecondary education
afforded us.”
Janice Deakin, Provost and VicePresident (Academic)-elect
short period of time to learn about
Western’s culture and practices and
meet people, but I think that’s my
number one priority.”
Among the titles on Deakin’s
bookshelf is Malcolm Gladwell’s
The Outliers, which carries the message that an individual’s success is
often a group project and doesn’t lie
in the hands of a single person.
In that vein, she plans to meet
with faculty, staff and students to
suss out the opportunities and challenges at Western and build her
understanding of the community.
“Coming from kinesiology is a
strength in a number of ways. Most
schools of kinesiology are made
up of academics and students who
are interested in the humanities
through to the bench sciences.
Understanding different segments
of the academy, different ways of
knowing, and different ways of
addressing problems has been very
“I understand the university
wants to move and increase its
Heather Travis, Western News
Janice Deakin is the new Provost and Vice-President (Academic)-elect at
The University of Western Ontario and the first woman to hold this senior
international presence, both Western going out into the world and
increasing its international presence on campus through the development of curriculum that has
an international appreciation and
focus. I hope to be able to contribute
to that initiative based on my experience from Queen’s,” she says.
A first generation Canadian,
Deakin’s parents emigrated from
Britain and she was raised in Smith
Falls, Ont., north of Kingston. She is
moving to London with her partner
and two pet Bedlington Terriers.
Deakin holds three undergraduate degrees from Queen’s in psychology, physical education and
education. She earned her Master
of Science degree at McMaster
University and her doctorate in
kinesiology at the University of
“My mother was a school principal. My brother and I were brought
up to see the opportunities that post-
secondary education afforded us.”
Her brother is involved in international education and lives in
She has served as president of
the Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology,
president of the Canadian Council
of University Physical Education
and Kinesiology Administrators,
Vice-Chair of the Ontario Council of Graduate Schools and was a
member of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities joint
task force on graduate expansion
through the Reaching Higher initiative.
Deakin is one of Canada’s foremost researchers in evaluating
the determinants of expert performance in such sports as figure
skating, the martial arts, basketball
and volleyball. She has published
extensively within her field and
has provided technical reports to
such agencies as the Department of
National Defence, NATO and Sport
In addition, she has long been
recognized as one of the country’s
premier basketball referees and
was the first woman to referee both
World Championship and Olympic
medal games.
“Our search committee saw in
Dr. Deakin, a high-energy, seasoned, academic leader,” says
Western President Amit Chakma.
“Her track record shows her to be a
strategic thinker and an extremely
capable leader who can build
effective teams and networks.”
Second Annual
Suzanne Bernier
in Skeletal Biology
Spring Perspectives on Teaching
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
University Community Centre, Room 146
View Program/Register at:
Keynote Session: 9:00 –10:30 a.m.
“The Entitlement Generation - Implications for the Classroom”
Jeanette McDonald, Wilfrid Laurier University
Plenary Session: 10:45 -12:00 p.m.
“Generation Me: Student Voices”
Panel of undergraduate students facilitated by Mike Atkinson, Teaching Support Centre
Concurrent Sessions:
“A Patient’s Voice: An Innovative Approach towards Teaching Ethics and Professionalism”
Barry Schwartz (Dentistry), Richard Bohay (Dentistry)
“Writing to Learn: Using Exploratory Writing in the Undergraduate Classroom”
Lee-Anna Sangster (Philosophy)
Joint Motion Program in Musculoskeletal Health Research
The University of Western Ontario
Dr. Karen J. L. Burg
Hunter Endowed Chair and Professor
of Bioengineering
Interim Vice Provost for Research
and Innovation
Clemson University, South Carolina
“Engineering Tissue Test Systems
to ProvideNew Insights
into Skeletal Biology”
Friday, 14 May 2010, 1:30 PM
Auditorium A, 3rd Floor, University Hospital
Everyone welcome!
“Reflection in Teaching: A Tool for Learning”
Jennifer Boman (King’s University College)
“Embedded Information Literacy: An Arts & Humanities Model”
Fran Gray, Marni Harrington and Christy Sich (Western Libraries)
Registration is free and everyone is welcome.
Please join us following the lecture for a reception
Sponsored by the Dr. Suzanne Bernier Memorial Fund,
School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Schulich School of Medicine
& Dentistry, Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, Department of
Anatomy and Cell Biology, and CIHR Joint Motion Training Program in
Musculoskeletal Health Research and Leadership
N E W S m ay
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Communications gets emergency workout
B y H e at h e r T r av i s
ew media has created new
challenges in the world of
emergency preparedness
and communications.
Social media forums, such as
YouTube and Twitter, can be used
to disseminate information quicker
than more traditional forms of communication. Whether the information is accurate or not, whether it
provides context or shows a piece
of the whole puzzle, the information shared with the community is
sometimes beyond the control of
professional communicators.
On May 3, The University of
Western Ontario held a mock emergency exercise – a chemical spill
and fire in the Chemistry Building –
and to complicate the made-up scenario, a YouTube video of the event
was leaked and a local radio station received unconfirmed accounts
from a student witness. Although
these were part of the mock exercise, they represent realistic concerns.
The use of social media is “a reality of today,” says Elgin Austen,
director of Western’s Campus Community Police Service.
It is easy to think of an emergency
exercise in terms of the role police,
fire or other emergency responders
play, but effective communications
– both internal and external – can
be critical to ensuring everyone’s
As part of the Harmony 5 emergency exercise, the university’s
communication tools were tested.
This included mass e-mails, an
emergency version of the Western
home page and emergency-related
messaging on the main telephone
switchboard, updates to the university’s Twitter feed, Facebook page
and YouTube channel.
“Communications is always
the most difficult,” says Austen,
explaining the goal is to be as transparent as possible in the case of an
There is an expectation from the
Paul Mayne, Western News
HazMat team members John Neil and Mike Gaylard assist a student actor from the site of a mock chemical spill and
fire at the Chemistry building. The exercise is an opportunity for campus emergency responders to improve their
effectiveness in dealing with potential emergency situations at the university.
public that Western be proactive,
from alerting people there is an
emergency situation, through providing the information people need
to keep themselves safe, adds Helen
Connell, Associate Vice-President,
Department of Communications
and Public Affairs.
“Family, friends, colleagues,
alumni and the general public
expect to receive facts and information on the situation and how
Western is responding,” she says.
“These exercises provide us with
an opportunity to test not only our
emergency plans, but how we react
as a team and as individuals when
we are under pressure. They allow
us to hone our skills.”
While internal communications
can be easily managed, the widespread use of smart phones and
external media who arrive on the
scene can present complications.
By introducing scenarios like
a YouTube video or a local media
interview into the simulation, campus communicators were able to put
in place a strategy for a response.
“Social media is increasingly
where people are turning to for
their information. While we encourage people to check Western’s home
page regularly for information during an emergency, we also post
updates on the situation to Facebook and Twitter,” says Connell.
This is the fifth in the series of
Harmony emergency training exer-
cises at Western. Campus responders involved in the exercise included
Campus Police, Student Emergency
Response Team, Fire Safety and
Emergency Management, HazMat
Team, Emergency Response Team
and Emergency Operations Control
“It is important to do the exercises so that everybody is able to
understand the gravity of the situation and understand how to do
things correctly so we have the
most positive outcomes possible,”
says Austen.
“With the number of emergency
teams that we have, the multidisciplinary areas they are from, we
have to train together and communicate because each one is specialized in their own skills and responsibilities. Putting everyone together
can make a strong team if we are
working in a co-ordinated way.”
This year, the exercise involved
a chemical explosion and a fire, and
an unknown substance was created
as a result of a chemical spill. Six
people received minor burns and a
triage was set up in the building to
assess the injuries.
The HazMat Team arrived at the
scene and helped a student to a
safe area. Dressed in green and yellow protective suits, the team took
samples of the unknown substance
for testing.
Although this was all a simulation
and actors played the role of students in the lab, the response was
as realistic as possible, with campus
responders performing their duties
in the same way they would during
an actual emergency.
Austen says it is important to
run through the motions of an
emergency response so everyone
becomes familiar with their roles
and can make improvements to the
response measures.
“Yes, these things do happen. We
want to be able to prevent them
from happening, but should they
occur, we want to be prepared.”
New revenue sources essential for future
B y P a u l M ay n e
he Board of Governors unanimously approved The University of Western Ontario’s
2010-11 capital and operating budgets, ringing out the final year of
Western’s four-year planning cycle
on a note of restraint.
“I am satisfied that the focus of
this budget is the best interest of
our students, as well as ensuring
the success of our academic and
research ambitions,” says Board of
Governors Chair Frank Angeletti.
He describes the budget as fiscally responsible and transparent.
Projecting revenues of $564.2
million and expenditures of $586.1
million, a shortfall of about $22 million will be made up from an operating reserve.
“Despite the financial constraints
we face, Western aspires to be not
only one of the best universities in
Canada but to be recognized as one
of the best in the world. As president
(Amit) Chakma has said on many
occasions, for Western to accomplish our goals, the university must
find new sources of revenue, including successfully delivering on our
$500-million campaign goal.”
To assist in that goal, a one-time
allocation of $12.5 million will be
used to support donor-matching in
the campaign. The money will allow
the university to pursue private
donations, through supplementary
university contributions, in areas
of high priority such as endowed
chairs, student financial aid and
research initiatives.
Other one-time allocations
include $4.9 million for Canadian
Foundation for Innovation matching funding; $2.5 million towards
the Inter-Disciplinary Initiative
fund (to be allocated over the next
five years); and $1.2 million towards
the Doctoral Supervision Internal
Grant (DSIG).
Budget restraints for faculties
and supports units will continue.
The budget document notes a staffing reduction is expected in University Machine Services. Activity has
been low due to fewer projects from
the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel,
which itself suffered layoffs last
year and is undergoing a review to
assess the future of the operation.
“While the whole university has
had to weather the economic downturn in the last year, it continues
to be particularly challenging for
those units that are dependent on
research contracts with the private
sector and other organizations for a
significant portion of their operating revenue,” says Angeletti.
Angeletti feels the university has
remained strong during the financial crisis and can weather what
is expected to be tighter financial
support provincially.
“Western enters the last year of
this planning cycle anticipating flattening provincial funding in comparison to the revenue growth earlier in the decade,” he says. “While
we do not know all the details, the
province is clearly signaling that
we are entering into a new era of
austerity for the public sector. Universities, including Western, will be
expected to do our share to contain
growth in expenditures.”
Internationalization continues
to be a priority for the university,
with plans to increase the number
of first-year students by 100 and
improve Western’s incoming international class numbers. Western’s
levels are about 2.8 per cent, less
than half the provincial average.
While only 25 of these spots may
be filled this fall, for the first time
these students will be eligible to
receive scholarships in 2010-11,
with the university setting aside
$250,000. An additional $50,000
will support international student
recruitment and $50,000 for English
as a Second Language initiatives.
Tuition for new first-year international students will rise six per cent
(to $15,530), with a four-per-cent
increase for continuing international students (to $1,240).
For Canadian students, first-year
tuition will increase 4.5 per cent to
$5,159 (with the exception of Engineering - $8,743; Media Technology
Program - $5,450; and Nursing $5,159). There will be a four-percent increase for all continuing
The provincial government
announced the current tuition
framework will continue for another
two years, adding 10 per cent of
the increase would be set aside for
needs-based student aid. The estimated tuition set-aside funding for
2010-11 is $11.3 million.
In the capital budget, Western
is spending $112 million, with $55
million for new construction, the
majority for the new Ivey building
($39 million) and the Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment
Facility (WindEEE) at more than
$9 million.
Just over $20 million targets
major renovations, the two largest
being Physics & Astronomy ($8.1
million) and Stevenson and Lawson
halls ($7 million).
“The federal and provincial economic stimulus funding enabled us
to move ahead with construction of
the new Ivey building eventually
allowing other academic areas to
occupy the current Ivey building.
The Physics & Astronomy building
has long been in need of updating
and we’re pleased this project is
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From the Western News
archives of May 10, 1990
■ Graphic Services plans
its second, free colour laser
copier demonstration in the
lower floor lobby area of the
Social Science Centre. In fairness to everyone, only one
copy, of one original, per person will be allowed.
■ Huron University College
breaks ground for a $4-million
Education Centre to house the
faculties of Arts and Theology at the college. Pledges
and donations constitute over
three million dollars of the
funding for this new building
to be built into the hill behind
and beneath the existing college. This project will maintain the historic architectural
character of Western’s founding college.
■ Western’s GST Task Force
will offer information sessions
about the new federal Goods
and Services Tax. Task force
chair Tom Vine pointed out
that “a lot of clarification is
required because the GST regulations have not been written.”
■ Mechanical Engineering
students Eric Besseling, Doug
Finkbeiner and Steve Thompson will bring their “Straight
Forward” super fuel-efficient
motor vehicle to the 14th
Annual Shell Canada Fuelathon. Team organizer Professor
John Tarasuk, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, says
of the vehicle that “we’re very
optimistic about its chances.”
Previous team records include
last year’s 3,632.6 miles per
imperial gallon achieved by
the University of Waterloo and
the standing record of 5,691
mpg set in 1986 by the University of Saskatchewan. The
three-day event covers five
laps of the race course.
■ UWO Children’s Theatre presents The Phantom
Tollbooth, a play based on the
book by Norton Juster in Talbot Theatre. Directed by Mary
Neill, Department of English,
she explains this story is about
“Milo, a chronically bored little boy, who, surrounded by
all that Mattel can offer, has
‘nothing to do.’”
■ For sale: two window air
conditioners, $100 each negotiable, three bicycles, $15
– feature by Joshua Safer
Contributed by Alan Noon ([email protected])
JJ Talman Collection/Western Archives
The Sciences Building (Physics and Astronomy) completed in 1924 by the Putherbough Construction Company of London displayed many innovative
features. Located on high ground and with a commanding position facing south, its large windows permitted plenty of natural light into the modern
laboratories. Two large amphitheatres at each end seated 140 students each. Pipes and various conduits were left exposed to permit easy maintenance and repair. The building was serviced by two electrical systems including an in-house DC current supplied by batteries in a basement room.
Shown is a nursing physics class and one of the amphitheatres.
PUBLISHER: Helen Connell
EDITOR: David Dauphinee
REPORTERS: Paul Mayne,
Heather Travis
“Western provides the best
student experience among
Canada’s leading researchintensive universities.”
TMI Media
Jennifer Davila
Denise Jones
[email protected]
CampusAd, 519-434-9990
Kevin Goldthorp
WESTERN NEWS is published by
The University of Western Ontario
Department of Communications and
Public Affairs every Thursday.
A reduced schedule is in effect
during December, May, June, July
and August.
Letters: noon Friday
Events Section: noon Wednesday
Advertising: noon Thursday
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US $65 USA, $85 other
Westminster Hall
TELEPHONE: 519-661-2045
FAX: 519-661-3921
Post Office: Please do not forward.
Return to Western News,
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London, Ontario N6A 3K7
with new address where possible.
EMAIL: [email protected]
N E W S m ay
1 3 ,
2 0 1 0 Letters to the editor
Students, faculty
sought as London
I want to reach out to students
and faculty of The University of
Western Ontario. As a sales manager for the London Convention
Centre, I seek opportunities to bring
conferences and conventions to the
city of London for the purpose of
driving economic growth.
Conferences have positive effects
on our city. They attract tourists
who spend tourist dollars, create
jobs and gain national exposure for
our city. When the convention centre hosts a conference, we use local
hotels for guestrooms, local suppliers for food and beverage, and
employ staff to work the function,
often students from local schools.
To attract conferences to our city,
provincial and national associations
need the help of a local member
to assist with planning. They can
be faculty members or students
who are members of an association or that have an interest. In the
city of London, we consider these
dedicated individuals as “ambassadors” and without them, hosting
a conference in our city would not
be possible.
Being the ambassador of a conference has its benefits. There is
a sense of personal achievement
when you see an event come to fruition and knowing that your contributions helped your local economy.
It also opens doors to learn and
network within your chosen field
by direct involvement an association. Not to mention, it looks great
on your resume for future endea-
I hope that this letter will persuade a reader who was considering getting involved in bringing a
conference to London, to pursue
it further. Or, perhaps it has educated someone about the important
difference they can make in their
own city. Whatever the case, your
involvement matters and we need
your help and support to bring conferences to our beautiful city.
For more information, contact
me ([email protected]).
Lauren Arnett
Unions declare
intention to bargain
We, the undersigned employee
groups at The University of Western Ontario, declare our intention to
participate in good-faith bargaining
with the employer during forthcoming collective bargaining negotiations.
We note the March Ontario budget affirms the rules of collective
bargaining remain unchanged, and
as unionized workers our right to
collective bargaining is not diminished by the recently introduced
budget legislation.
Furthermore, analysis of the
Ontario government’s budget indicates university operating revenues, across the province, are
expected to rise, not fall, by roughly
6.8 per cent.
In this context, we remain resolute in purpose and prepared to
engage in constructive discussions
to reach fair and equitable collective agreements.
Ahmed Alassuity,
GTA President, PSAC Local 610
Regna Darnell,
UWOFA President
David Empey, UWOSA President
Iain Findlater,
UWO Operating Engineers,
IUOE 772
Steve Pepper,
CUPE President Local 2361
In Memoriam
Janet Colley
Former Dentistry staff member Janet Hossack Colley died
March 18 at University Hospital at the age of 88. Colley had 13
years of service at the university prior to her retirement in 1986. A
funeral was held at Westview Funeral Chapel in London. She was
the wife of the late Richard Mervyn Colley (2007) and mother of
Doug (Mudite) and Richard (Liz). Those wishing to make a donation
in memory of Janet are asked to consider Arva United Church or
the charity of your choice.
Understanding the Bodily
Experience of Cerebral Palsy
We are exploring the body in adolescents and young adults with cerebral
palsy. The study consists of an interview lasting approximately one hour
at either your home or a community location of your choice. You may be
asked to participate in a second interview. If you have cerebral palsy and are
between the ages of 14 to 25 years of age, and would like to participate in
this study please contact Laura Brunton at 519-661-2111 extension 87459
for more information or to enroll in the study.
Review of the Don Wright Faculty of Music
A Senate Decanal Selection Committee for the Don Wright Faculty of Music has been
constituted and is now engaged in a review of the Faculty’s operations and of its Dean, Bob
Wood. Input from faculty, staff, students, alumni and others associated with the work of the
Faculty forms an important part of the assessment of the Faculty’s scholarly and educational
programs, its academic plans for the future and its administration. This input also will be
valuable as the Committee develops a sense of the characteristics that are most important in a
Dean and in the selection process itself.
Those wishing to make comments directly to the Selection Committee may address them to: Dr.
Fred Longstaffe, Provost and Vice-President (Academic), and Chair of the Decanal Selection
Committee for the Don Wright Faculty of Music, Natural Science Centre, Room 119A, The
University of Western Ontario, London, ON N6A 5B7. These submissions will be shared with
Committee Members, but otherwise kept in strict confidence.
In addition, and as part of the review process, External Reviewers will visit the campus on June 3
and 4, 2010. They will meet with members of the University and Faculty administrations, and
with representatives of particular constituencies within the Faculty, including students, to seek
their views about the Faculty’s operations, especially over the term of the current Dean. The
Reviewers’ itinerary also will include open meetings to which faculty, staff and students will be
invited. The External Reviewers are:
James Forger, Dean, College of Music, Michigan State University
Richard Kurth, Director, School of Music, University of British Columbia
Betty Anne Younker, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University of Michigan
You are also encouraged to make written submissions to the External Reviewers regarding any
aspect of the Faculty’s operations, and the characteristics required to be a successful Dean in this
Faculty at this time. Submissions may be addressed directly to: “External Reviewers – Don
Wright Faculty of Music, c/o The Office of the Provost,” prior to May 31, 2010. Submissions
addressed in this manner will be reviewed only by the External Reviewers and will otherwise be
held in strict confidence.
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1 3 ,
2 0 1 0 mediterranean restaurant
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Role sought in
wind farm project
Continued from page 1
dYfgcbU`hcif WU``
used in those blades. We also look
at the wind effects on the whole
structure of a wind turbine ... starting from the blades, the rotor, the
tower and the foundation.
“We also want to be part of the
certification process; we want to
be part of the way wind farms are
developed,” he says, noting more
can be learned about how wind turbines interact.
The $23.6-million price tag for
WindEEE Dome is being partly
funded through the Canada Foundation for Innovation ($9.5 million)
and the Ontario Research Fund
($9.5 million). The land was donated by the City
of London in Phase IV of Innovation
Park on Bradley Avenue east of
Veterans Memorial Parkway. London provided 25 acres to Western,
plus 3.2 acres that will have joint
access. Replacing the dandelions and
rolling terrain on the northern part
of the land will be the dome. Construction will begin late this fall and
the building should be operational
by June 2012. Last fall at the London Economic
Development Corporation Summit,
Western President Amit Chakma
encouraged city leaders to work
together to develop partnerships
and innovation. The Advanced Manufacturing Park is an example of
how city partners are collaborating
to attract new industries and investments to the area, says Chakma.
“The Advanced Manufacturing
Park ... is really a field of dreams,”
he says.
The city will be strategically
recruiting companies that integrate
well with Western and Fanshawe’s
research interests, says White.
“As companies work through
where they are going to be located
and set up, more and more they are
trying to establish facilities in areas
where they can have that interlink
between research, commercialization and development.”
The dome will attract top
researchers, graduate and postdoctoral students who “want to get
their hands on the facility,” says Ted
Hewitt, Western’s Vice-President
(Research and International Relations).
“It’s going to offer a unique
capacity for research and development in wind engineering that no
one else offers in the world.”
As the first of its kind, the construction of WindEEE Dome will
also be a research project. Builders
will study the efficiency of the fan
placement and the systems used to
create the wind, and will become
the model for future domes, says
In addition to the WindEEE Dome,
Western is pursuing a second project for the Advanced Manufacturing Park. Western is seeking funding for
a partnership with the Fraunhofer
Institute of Chemical Technology in Germany to establish The
International Composites Research
Centre and to bring a large-scale
press for testing and manufacturing lightweight composite parts for
the auto sector and other London
industries. Western now has three research
parks. In addition to the new
Advanced Manufacturing Park, the
Research and Development Park
has its original 50-acre park adjacent to Western’s campus, and an
80-acre Sarnia-Lambton Campus.
Opera takes the stage
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The best young, budding opera
singers, pianists and directors will
take the stage at the Paul Davenport
Theatre May 22 to perform sample
scenes from some of the top operas
of all time.
The Canadian Operatic Arts
Academy is presenting 25 scenes
by renowned opera composers for
two free performances at 1 and 7
p.m. The Paul Davenport Theatre
is located in Talbot College at The
University of Western Ontario.
The Canadian Operatic Arts
Academy is an elite international
program that provides singers, pianists and directors with the skills to
obtain, realize, and sustain a prolific
and rewarding career in the operatic profession.
Internationally acclaimed faculty from La Scala in Milan, New
York, Montreal and across North
America have been preparing the
young singers for this performance.
Topics include role preparation,
performance practice, collaboration, dramatic exercises and study,
audition training, promotion, management, and vocal and physical
For more information about the
May 22 program, visit music.uwo.
Need help with your career?
“It’s Time to Get Smart with Your Career”
London District Christian Secondary School Grade 11 student Amber McCallum learns how to prepare a diagnostic cast at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry’s dental clinic during Discovery Days in Health Sciences.
1 3 ,
2 0 1 0
Calling themselves Carbon-Based Life Forms of Tuesday, the Seaforth-area team of Connor Selves, Michael Watterwork, Parker Hrudka and Jake Vincent celebrate success in a bridge-building competition during the Let’s Talk
Science event.
Youth movement across campus
he face of Western’s student population was much
younger this past week as
close to 1,000 elementary and secondary students spread out across
campus for a variety of learning
From exploring the electrical
activity of brain cells to belting
out tunes in a choir, faculty and
students opened Western’s doors
to introduce young students to the
excitement and fun sides of learning.
For example, hosted by University of Western Ontario science students, the All Science Challenge
was a daylong enrichment competition for more than 150 Grade
6-8 students from about 10 schools
across southwestern Ontario.
Combining an exciting question
and answer competition with buildit-yourself design challenges, the
day proved to be a learning experience for all.
“We get just as excited, if not
more, than the students themselves,” laughs Western graduate
student volunteer Alysha Croker,
of the Let’s Talk Science initiative
being held at 11 universities across
Canada this year.
Students were tested in biology,
biochemistry, chemistry, earth and
environmental science, engineering, mathematics, psychology and
It’s a great way to bring excitement into learning science by teaching the students how to solve problems individually and as a team,
adds Croker.
“Science is a valuable skill to
learn and we want to make it as
exciting as we can for the students
to want to learn more,” she says. “To
Photos by Paul Mayne, Western News
A Catholic Central High School vocal group performs at the Paul Davenport Theatre during the Kaleid Choir Festival
held in the Don Wright Faculty of Music.
see their faces light up when they
get something for the first time or
see a cool experiment – that’s what
it’s all about.”
Seaforth, Ont.-area student Jake
Vincent says the day was filled with
interesting challenges.
“Science is just like art in that
you need to be creative in what you
do, but in different sorts of ways.”
While Vincent and his pals were
talking science, less than 100 metres
away at the Don Wright Faculty of
Music, close to 500 elementary and
secondary students were exercis-
ing their vocal chords at the fifth
annual Kaleid Choir Festival. The
three-day festival included a concert and training session with Finnish six-voice a cappella ensemble
Kaleid artistic director and Music
professor Jennifer Moir says the
number of school and community
choirs grows annually and having
Rajaton on hand made it even better.
“When people sing together, good
things happen,” says Moir. “What’s
appealing to them (Rajaton) is this
is not for elite choirs but inspires
all levels of experience. It’s one of
the things that makes Kaleid unique
and one of its strongest features.
It’s designed to celebrate amateur
choirs with a diverse program and
provide exposure and inspiration.”
Exposure to internationally
acclaimed artists is part of the
inspiration. But so is exposure to
the other choirs and directors at the
festival, adds Moir.
“It really is a kaleidoscope of
voices,” she says. “When you bring
people together and ask them to
sing, a magical community is created.”
Science was front and centre for
the 9th annual Scientific Journey, as
hundreds of local Grade 11 students
traveled down a ‘road to discovery’
with three top Western researchers.
Presented by Western and Partners in Research, Scientific Journey
was an opportunity for the community to learn about innovative
research projects.
Elizabeth Gillies, Denis O’Carroll
and Amanda Moehring shared their
knowledge about improving human
health, cleaning up contaminated
groundwater and the genetics of
evolution and species formation.
For the first time, students also
had the opportunity to tour science
facilities including the Biotron,
Material Sciences Addition and the
Claudette MacKay-Lassonde Pavilion.
Continuing with the science
theme, Discovery Days in Health
Sciences was a one-day workshop
that gave secondary school students
and teachers the opportunity to
explore career options in medicine
and the health sciences.
Put on by the Canadian Medical
Hall of Fame, students heard lectures from Sumit Agrawal (Department of Otolaryngology) and Tim
Wilson (Department of Anatomy
& Cell Biology) before selecting
among more than 35 different
From spatial hearing and auditory virtual reality to the human
genome and cardiovascular pathology, the students gained a clearer
picture of what it would be like to
be a health professional by interacting with researchers, clinicians and
educators in their real-life work
1 3 ,
2 0 1 0
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Teaching assistants honoured
The Society of Graduate Students
honoured its top teaching assistants
during a ceremony May 5 in the
Great Hall.
Twenty Graduate Student Teaching Awards of $500 are presented
annually to graduate students nominated by their students and course
instructors. The awards are sponsored by the Society of Graduate
Students, the Graduate Teaching
Assistants’ Union, and the School of
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.
“Graduate student teachers are
vital to Western’s mission,” says
University of Western Ontario President Amit Chakma, the MC for the
“They are among our most exciting and stimulating teachers and
they are engaged in developing
techniques in the classroom and
laboratory which will enhance their
own careers as scholars and teachers.”
The winners for 2009-10 are:
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Felipe Quintanilla – Hispanic Studies
Fatima Patel – English
Jennifer Kozak – Hispanic Studies
Jerri-Lynne Cameron – English
Jeremy Greenway – English
Alex Laliberte – Biology
Giulia Pepe – Kinesiology
Morgan Kleiber – Biology
Michael Hamilton – Geology
Avedis Karadeolian
Jeff (Hsien Chi) Wu – Computer
Jeff Shantz – Computer Science
David Allison – Electrical & Computer Engineering
Ryan van der Zanden – Environmental Engineering
Jenna Cameron – Computer Science
Stephen (Cheng Chi) Lin – Sociology
Livia Veselka – Psychology
Kyle Paul – Sociology
Kristen Izaryk – Linguistics
Marco Dattilo – Economics
Photos by Heather Travis, Western News
Computer Science teaching assistant Jeff (Hsien Chi) Wu talks with University of Western Ontario President Amit Chakma after the ceremony
honouring Graduate Student Teaching Award recipients. Wu was one of 20
graduate students to receive the award during a reception held May 5 in
the Great Hall.
Reza Azarderakhsh of the Graduate Teaching Assistants’ Union congratulates English teaching assistant Jeremy Greenway on his receiving the
Graduate Student Teaching Award.
! !
N E W S m ay
1 3 ,
2 0 1 0 Service and support
marked Banks’ career
Former Law librarian and a professor emerita Margaret Banks died
April 29 at Parkwood Hospital.
Banks, 81, will be remembered
by her friends and colleagues as a
loyal and considerate friend. To all
she was a meticulous scholar and a
generous supporter of education,
religion and those in need.
“For the first two thirds of the
law school’s life, Margaret was one
of the most important people in the
school,” said Ian Holloway, Dean of
Western Law.
“The Law Library has an ethos
of service and support that is rare
today and that ethos originated with
Margaret. And she planted the roots
so deeply that it is hard to imagine
the school without them.”
Banks joined the Law library in
1960. From then on, until her retirement twenty-five years later, her
dedication to the interests of the
school was unwavering.
In addition to being a professional
librarian, Margaret was a trained
historian and was the first female
member of the law faculty. In 2001,
her acclaimed biography of the
expert on parliamentary procedure,
Sir John Bourinot, was launched in
the Law Library.
She was an authority on the law
and custom of parliament, and during her career she had occasion to
be consulted by the Speakers of
both the House of Commons and the
Legislative Assembly.
“Margaret Banks really was an
extraordinary person,” said Hol-
Margaret Banks
loway. “We were truly blessed to
have had her as one of the builders
of our law school. We will all miss
her terribly.”
A funeral service was held May
3 at St. John the Divine Church in
Memorial donations can be made
to the Margaret A. Banks Prize in
Geriatric Medicine, Foundation
Western, The University of Western Ontario, Westminster Hall,
Suite 110, London, ON N6A 3K7, c/o
Donna Swanson.
History repeats itself in a tale of power, struggle & redemption
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Timothy Vernon, Conductor
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Drew Minter, Giulio Cesare
Lucia Cesaroni, Cleopatra
Spring Convocation takes place during the week of Monday, June 14 - Friday,
June 18, with ceremonies at 10:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Members of Faculty,
Senate, the Board of Governors and Emeritus/a Professors are invited to take
part in the Academic Procession. Full information on joining the academic
procession (including order of ceremony, honorary degree recipients, assembly
and regalia) may be found on the Senate Website:
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1 3 ,
2 0 1 0 W E S T E R N
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Recognizing excellence among faculty, staff and students
Ladiges wins
Julie Ladiges, working on a Master of Engineering Science degree
in digital signal processing and
hearing science, has won the 2010
AMEC Master’s Scholarship in
Along with the $10,000 scholarship, she will receive an all-expense
paid trip as a guest to the Canadian
Engineering Memorial Foundation’s Annual Awards Luncheon in
Vancouver May 28.
“The award is conditional on me
giving two outreach presentations
about engineering,” says Ladiges.
“I plan to do one presentation in
London and one in my former high
school in Almonte, Ont. It will be an
interactive demo where I make live
recordings of the students playing
instruments or singing/whistling
and we look at and listen to the
recordings to see how changing the
sample rate affects the sound.”
New lessons
in evolution
A team of the Biology Under-
Licensed under L.L.B.O.
graduate Society (BUGS) won a
Japanese Restaurant
Licensed under L.L.B.O.
Discover A Taste
of Japan
Japanese Restaurant
Authentic Japanese Cuisine
Japanese Restaurant
Discover A Taste
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DAYS/WEEKLUNCH: 11:30 - 2:30
national competition for helping
to teach evolution to elementary
school students.
To mark the 150th anniversary
of the publication of “The Origin
of Species” and Charles Darwin’s
200th birthday, The Vancouver Evolution Festival organized a competition designed to educate students in
Discover A Taste of Japan
LUNCH: 11:30
- 2:30
Authentic Japanese
MON - SAT 4:30 - 10:30,
LUNCH: 11:30 - 2:30
SUN 4:30 - 9:30
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- 10:30,
- 9:30 Rd. S. (at back)
DINNER: MON - SAT 4:30 - 10:30, SUN 4:30 - 9:30
Authentic Japanese Cuisine
Grades K-12 about evolution.
Prior to making their competition
submissions, BUGS tested their
teachings on four classes of grades
6-8 at two local schools, and developed an online evolution simulator.
BUGS submitted five proposals
and won a first- and two third-place
awards, totalling $750. A portion
of the earnings is being donated to
BUGS for future evolution outreach
View the simulator at
Engineering student
gets research
travel ‘voucher’
Mechanical and Materials Engineering graduate student Brian Vermeire has a little more travel money
thanks to a scholarship dedicated to
supporting his studies abroad.
Vermeire is a recipient of the
2009 Canada Graduate Scholarships
– Michael Smith Foreign Supplements provided by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research
Council of Canada, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council and the Canadian Institutes
of Health Research to Canada Graduate Scholarship holders.
This scholarship supports highcalibre Canadian graduate students
as they pursue exceptional research
experiences at institutions outside
of Canada.
There are 250 supplements available each year, valued at up to $6,000
each to help offset the cost of study-
ing outside of Canada for a three- to
six-month period, including travel,
tuition and accommodation.
Student, faculty
member receive
nursing awards
Joyce McInerney, a professor at
the Arthur Labatt Family School
of Nursing, has received the Excellence in Teaching Award from the
Council of Ontario University Programs in Nursing (COUPN).
The award adds to an already
long list of teaching awards garnered over 30 years, for her impassioned teaching that is supported by
practical experience in midwifery,
intensive care, acute care, general
surgery and community nursing.
In addition, at the student level,
COUPN presented the Award for
Excellence in Professional Nursing Practice at the Undergraduate
Student Level to Deivi Gaitan for
establishing the Latin American
Nursing Student Initiative at Western to facilitate community development and promote global health
COUPN, an affiliate of the Council of Ontario Universities (COU),
works in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care
and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to deliver the
highest quality nursing education to
prepare students for practice and to
support the province in meeting its
human health resource needs.
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DINNER: MON - SAT 4:30 - 10:30, SUN 4:30 - 9:30
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N E W S m ay
1 3 ,
2 0 1 0 11
Coming Events
May 13
CIHR Joint Motion Training Program in Musculoskeletal Health Research and Leadership. A
forum for the exchange of ideas and development of initiatives in musculoskeletal health
research. Runs until May 14. [email protected]
The Book Store at Western – author reading with Valerie Miner. “After Eden” The Book
Store, 4 p.m.
May 14
Third Annual Suzanne Bernier Lecture in
Skeletal Biology - Karen J. L. Burg, Professor
of Bioengineering, Clemson University, South
Carolina. “Engineering Tissue Test Systems to
Provide New Insights into Skeletal Biology”
Auditorium A, University Hospital, 1:30 p.m.
Reception will follow. Everyone is welcome.
Huron University College - Centre for Public Theology Conference, “HIV-AIDS and the
Churches: Responses to the Pandemic in Africa
and Canada.” Speakers include: Archbishop of
Rwanda, Emmanuel Kolini; Western, Rwanda
Project, ‘AIDS and Africa’. Robin Gill, Michael
Ramsey, Modern Theology, University of Kent
and Honorary Provincial Canon of Canterbury
Cathedral, ‘AIDS and Religious Ethics’. Oveta A
Fuller, University of Michigan Medical School,
‘Religious Leaders as Trusted Messengers in HIVAIDS’. Katy Attanasi, Regent University, ‘Complex
Realities: Black South African Women, HIV-AIDS
and Pentecostalism’ May 14 & 15. 6 p.m. Dr. Darren Marks at 519 438-7224, ext. 279 or dmarks@
May 16
NanoONTARIO 2010, the Ontario Nanoscience
and Nanotechnology Workshop - Provides a
venue for Ontario-based academic, industrial
and governmental researchers to present their
latest achievements in nanoscience and nanotechnology and provides a platform for the
exchange of ideas and development of new
collaborative projects. Runs until 18th. Ivey Business School. Visit: Eldon House Anniversary Lecture Series –
London Fanshawe Horticultural Society master
gardener Elmer Jorgensen and The University of
Western Ontario classical studies professor Kelly
Olson “Heritage Garden: the blending of gardens
past and present. 481 Ridout St. N. 2 p.m.
May 18
Friends of the Gardens (FOGs) volunteers
- annual plant sale. 12 - 2 p.m. B & G building
courtyard, ground floor, between B&G 0120
and 0187, across from Material Sciences Addition 0203 (rain or shine). Proceeds towards
undergraduate student bursaries. Perennials,
hostas, natives, trees, shrubs, annuals, biennials, herbs, vegetables, fruits, ornamental
grasses, house and water plants. List available
soon at: Remaining plants for
sale Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 12 - 1 p.m.
Donations must be potted or bagged in soil,
labelled and left at B&G loading dock (clearly
marked: “FOGs”).
May 19
Spring Perspectives on Teaching - The Teaching Support Centre is offering a one-day conference on teaching-related issues for faculty,
staff, graduate students, and post docs “The
Entitlement Generation - Implications for the
Classroom”. 9 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. University Community Centre, Room 146.
Toastmaster’s Campus Communicators –
Improve your public speaking. Meets every
Wednesday. UCC 147B. 12 p.m. Visit:
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures presents “La Tertulia” Spanish Conversation Group. Anyone wishing to speak Spanish
and meet people from different Spanish-speaking countries is welcome. Wednesdays at 3:30
p.m. UC 117. Email [email protected]
May 26
Huron’s Faculty of Arts and Social Science
“Research at Huron Day” Celebrates and supports the research faculty members are doing
and also functions as a forum to plan future
research. Guest speakers discuss external funding for fellowships and grants. Ted Hewitt,
Vice-President (Research & International Rela-
May 13-14
CIHR Joint Motion Training Program - Annual
Retreat - Musculoskeletal Health Research and
Leadership. The workshop brings together
researchers and trainees from four Western
faculties (Engineering, Health Sciences, Richard
Ivey School of Business and Schulich School
of Medicine & Dentistry) and five institutions
(Western, London Health Sciences Centre, Lawson Health Research Institute, McMaster University and University of Guelph). Contact joint.
[email protected].
Ontario Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Workshop - The workshop will provide a venue for
Ontario-based academic, industrial and governmental researchers to present the latest
achievements in nanoscience and nanotechnology. It will serve as a platform for the exchange
ideas and development of new collaborative
projects. This workshop will be held at the
Richard Ivey Business School. Information can
be found online at:
May 17-19
This photo, The Bell Tower, by 12-year-old Girl Guide Katie Keene will be on display at the Art Gallery of Ontario as
part of the Canadian Girls Say... exhibit. The goal of the Girl Guides of Canada art project is to empower girls to use
photography to explore and speak out about things they care about in their community. Keene says the tower at
University College “makes me glad that Western is in London” and “it gives me a great university to go to when I
am older.”
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Toastmaster’s Campus Communicators –
Improve your public speaking. Meets every
Wednesday. UCC 147B. 12 p.m. Visit:
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures presents “La Tertulia” Spanish Conversation Group. Anyone wishing to speak Spanish
and meet people from different Spanish-speaking countries is welcome. Wednesdays at 3:30
p.m. UC 117. Email [email protected]
Send submissions to [email protected].
Conference Calendar
May 16-18
Photo by Katie Keene
tions) Western, Stephanie Holbik, Ministry of
Research and Innovation, and Melanie Katsivo,
International programs consultant, Western.
9:45 a.m. – 4 p.m. Great Hall Contact: Lauren
Kolokziejczak 519 438-7224, ext. 277 or lkolodzi@
Magnetic Fields: Core Collapse to Young Stellar Objects - This international conference
will bring together scholars to help build a
broader view of how various processes relate
to one another during the late stages of star
formation. Ivey Spencer Leadership Centre.
The chief organizer and local contact is Shantanu Basu, Director of Theoretical Physics in
the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
May 19
Spring Perspectives on Teaching - The Teaching
Support Centre is offering a one-day conference
on teaching-related issues for faculty, staff,
graduate students, and post docs, 9 a.m. – 4
p.m., University Community Centre, Room 146.
Keynote: “The Entitlement Generation - Implications for the Classroom.” Conference program,
registration available at:
May 22-23
Philosophy of the Mind, Language, and Cognitive
Science - This graduate conference will include
Richard Samuels (Ohio State University) Fred
Adams (University of Delaware) as keynote
Send submissions to [email protected].
This column features conferences based at
Western or in London for a student, staff or
academic audience.
& Alterations
M ay
1 3 ,
2 0 1 0 W E S T E R N
Access Western News
Conference Calendar
For rates and information, contact advertise@
A lookahead to scholarly conferences at Western or in London, this feature includes links
to the conference website to assist with early
registration and calls for registration. Contact
[email protected].
Coming Events
The weekly feature outlines seminars, sporting events, lectures and cultural events for
the coming week. Send submissions at least
two weeks in advance to comingevents@uwo.
ca. Events may also be posted on the events
calendar at
Faculty & Staff
Have you presented an important scientific
paper, earned a milestone appointment or published a new book? [email protected].
We welcome your opinion. Offer praise, criticism
or a fresh take on the news, or any aspect of
campus life. Letters of up to 300 words should
be submitted to [email protected].
1338 Blanchard Road
Western News welcomes Viewpoint articles
of about 600 words. Offer a perspective on
campus and post-secondary education issues.
Send submissions or find out more at [email protected].
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Faculty members, have you been interviewed
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provided on how to obtain media coverage for
your research.
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St. 519-433-0975 or email [email protected]
Gorgeous executive end unit condo in quiet
enclave. Three bedrooms, ensuite with jacuzzi, 2
car garage finished walkout basement. Balcony
June Convocation
The deadline to apply for the Spring 2010
Convocation has passed. Please check the convocation website for details convocation.uwo.
ca. Details about the graduation ceremony are
online. Online tickets for the ceremony will be
available starting in late May. Extra tickets may
be available through your faculty.
Summer Calendar
The 2010 Summer Calendar is posted online
at Printed copies are
available from your faculty or Student Central,
in the Western Student Services building. Registration for summer sessions is on now.
Student Central
Student Central (formerly room 190) is located
in room 1120 of the Western Student Services
building attached to the UCC.
Summer Hours are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday between 9am-4pm and
Wednesday 10am-4pm.
Visit us at
A great North London location
close to everything
Adelaide St N
Sunningdale Rd E
Fanshawe Park Rd E
backs onto wooded area. Yard/snow maintenance incl. Furniture negotiable. Avail end of
Aug. $1,650. Phone 519-473-7616.
Sabbatical Housing
One-bedroom fully furnished apartment - Richmond/Grosvenor - 10-15 minute walk to Western.
Very quiet, suitable for graduate student or
visiting faculty. June 1, 2010- July 1, 2011. Call or
e-mail Allan: 519-432-2016; [email protected].
Cottage for rent
Beautiful three-bedroom, waterfront house with
private beach in quiet part of Port Stanley. Two
full bathrooms and five appliances. Big deck and
great view of Lake Erie and sunsets. Available
for two-week periods starting in June, July,
August and September. $1,200 per week. October
– May, $750 per month plus utilities. Call Steven
at 647-999-2930.
Halina Koch Bed & Breakfast, 250 Epworth. Share
an artist’s home of white-washed walls and old
beams in London North, patio fireplace and
internet. Within walking distance of Western,
LHSC–UC and St. Joe’s. 5 minutes to downtown.
Rates $55 - $75/day. Rates vary depending on
length of stay. Special price for guests commuting every week. Call 519-434-4045. Email:
[email protected] Visit:
For Classifieds, call 519-661-2045 or send email
to [email protected]. Rates: faculty, staff and
students - $15; others and services/commercial
ads - $20. Beyond 35 words, please add 50 cents
per word. Payment must accompany ads. Submit
by 9 a.m., Thursdays to Western News, Suite 360,
Westminster Hall. No refunds. Visit Classifieds
Online at
PhD Lectures
Craig Steinback, Kinesiology, The Influence of
Ventilation on Integrated Sympathetic Neural
Control During Chemoreflex Stress, May 14, TH
3101, 9 a.m.
Brian Clancy, History, A Time for Change: Clark
Clifford and the Struggle to End the War in
Vietnam, 1965-1968, May 14, N/A
Heming He, Chemistry, The Influence of NonStoichiometry and Rare Earth Doping on the
Oxidation and Dissolution of Uranium Dioxide,
May 17, ChB 115, 1:30 p.m.
Richard Oskirko, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Assessment of Topography Seismic Site
Effects, May 17, SEB 3102, 9 a.m. Shannon Benson, Music, The Twentieth-Century
Operas of Robert Ward, May 18, N/A
Nikola Toljic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Estimation of Change to Mass Ratio
Distribution in Particles Charged by Conduction,
May 18, TEB 234, 9:30 a.m.
Ewan Gibb, Biochemistry, Mechanisms and Consequences of Homing Endonuclease Regulation
in T4-Like Bacteriophage, May 20, MSB 384,
1 p.m.
Fabrizio Di Muro, Business Administration,
Arousal Congruency and Consumer Choice, May
20, Ivey 2R09, 10 a.m.
Shadi Keshavarzmanesh, Mechanical and
Materials Engineering, Increasing Adaptability of Assembly Process Planning and Control
Using Function Block Methodology, May 21, SEB
3102, 9 a.m.
David Wilton, Health and Rehabilitation Science, Prognosis in acute whiplash: Development
and initial validation of a new clinical screening
tool, May 25, EC 1330, 9 a.m.
Heifeng Song, Chemistry, Synthesis and Applications of New Ferrocene Conjugates of Nucleosides and Nucleotide, May 25, ChB 115, 1 p.m.
Please send submissions to [email protected].
A central Web site displays advertisements for
all vacant academic positions. The following
positions are among those advertised at uwo.
Please review, or contact the faculty, school or
department directly.
applications for a 10-month limited-term position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the
area of Hispanic Literature with a focus on
Transatlantic Hispanic Studies, to begin Sept. 1.
Applications must be received by May 20. uwo.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities – Department
of Philosophy - Invites applications or nominations for the Rotman Canada Research Chair
(Tier I) in Philosophy of Science to begin July
1, 2011. Further information on the program is
available on the CRC web site at The
successful candidate will play a key role in the
academic leadership of the Joseph L. Rotman
Institute for Science and Values (rotman.uwo.
ca). Review of applications will begin on Sept.
1 and will continue until the position is filled.
Faculty of Arts and Humanities - Department
of Modern Languages and Literatures - Invites
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Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
- Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology - Seeking the following cardiologists for
full-time clinical academic appointments to
The University of Western Ontario. Applicants
should be certified, or eligible for certification,
in Cardiology by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or equivalent.
Candidates must have an MD or equivalent, and
must be eligible for licensure in the province of
Ontario. Applications will be accepted until the
position is filled.
All positions are subject to budgetary approval.
Applicants should have fluent written and oral
communication skills in English. All qualified
candidates are encouraged to apply; however,
Canadian citizens and permanent residents
will be given priority. The University of Western
Ontario is committed to employment equity and
welcomes applications from all qualified women
and men, including visible minorities, Aboriginal
people and persons with disabilities.