The Way We Share EPL BUSINESS PLAN 2011 - 2013
The Way We Share EPL BUSINESS PLAN 2011 - 2013
The Way We Share EPL BUSINESS PLAN 2011 - 2013 INTRODUCTION Through “The Way We Share”, EPL’s 2011-2013 Strategic Goals, the Board of Trustees set out an exciting and challenging path which acknowledged the trends and opportunities in our environment and aligned with the City of Edmonton’s own strategic plan, entitled “The Way Ahead”. As we approach our 2013 Centenary, our pursuit of excellence requires a focus on flexible and innovative approaches to services and operations, the growth of internal capacity and the prioritization of existing resources. Over the next three years we will strengthen our commitment to our community-led service philosophy through a deeper understanding of customers and communities and enhanced ways to connect with them. Thanks to unprecedented capital development, a rich and easy-to-use online presence and innovative service delivery models, thousands more Edmontonians will have ready access to our services. In recognition of our unique role in the community, digital literacy services will be designated as a core service, complementing EPL’s long-standing commitment to early literacy services. Our collections will reflect the increasing demand for digital content and our programs will focus on what we do best. Sharing and collaboration will be the principles underlying staff development and the building of leadership, customer service, and technology skills. Key to achieving service excellence will be the simplification of processes, both those involving customers and internal operations. Sustainable business practices will be implemented from human resources, financial and environmental perspectives. Woven through the objectives and strategies in the 2011-2013 EPL Business Plan is a vision of an organization focused on customer service, committed to a collaborative work environment and characterized by evidence-based decision-making. EPL has adopted a leadership program whose premise is that, no matter which positions we hold, we are all leaders. There is an integral part to be played by each and every staff member as we embark on our next three years together. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Business Plan Team wishes to sincerely thank EPL’s Board of Trustees for their leadership in the development of “The Way We Share” – a strategic plan with a clear and compelling vision of service excellence. The 2011-2013 Business Plan objectives and strategies which will carry EPL into the future were developed through stafffacilitated discussions online and through meetings across this organization. Many, many thanks to our EPL facilitators, to the participants in the Fort Edmonton celebration event and to all of you who challenged our assumptions, questioned current practices and identified so many opportunities – the “low-hanging fruit”, the “brave things” and most importantly the biggest difference we could make for our customers over the next three years. EPL’s LONG-TERM PLANNING FRAMEWORK WHAT SHARED VALUES OUR MISSION LONG TERM WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE VALUE WHY WE EXIST WHERE WE ARE GOING MEDIUM TERM OUR VISION OUR STRATEGIC GOALS OUR OBJECTIVES AND STRATEGIES SHORT TERM HOW WE WILL GET THERE WHAT WE WILL DO Together with our values, mission, vision and strategic goals, EPL’s business plan objectives and strategies provide the framework for our long-term planning. What we believe and why we exist, as outlined in our values and mission, are the foundation. Our vision sets the direction. Our goals, objectives and strategies clarify what we will do to take us there. 4 SHARED VALUES Who we are and what we value NO IN Co m Ac mu tiv nit ato y r FUN & FRESH IDEAS CHAMPION E TIV VA PASSIONATE ABOUT SHARING RT PE OR EX IGAT V NA UNRIVALED VALUE HUMAN IN C CO RED NT IBL EN E T OPEN KNOWLEDGE SEEKER EPL’s values wheel is a reflection of who we are and what we value as an organization. It is an expression of our passionate commitment to share with everyone. It describes, defines and inspires us. 5 6 MISSION VISION Why we exist Where we are going We share. We are experts in providing access to the world’s information, ideas and entertainment – enabling a lifetime of learning, engagement and possibility for every Edmontonian. STRATEGIC GOALS How we will get there OUR COMMUNITY We strengthen neighbourhoods and communities by creating connections and understanding needs. We go beyond traditional boundaries, fostering collaborative relationships to build relevant and responsive library services. OUR CUSTOMERS We are an integral part of the daily lives of all Edmontonians – at every stage of their lives. We know and listen to Edmontonians. Everyone feels comfortable and welcome. EVOLVING TECHNOLOGIES We leverage evolving technologies to help Edmontonians connect locally and globally with ideas, information, entertainment and each other – when, where and how they choose. OPEN SPACES We create open, safe and inspiring physical and virtual spaces. A LEARNING CULTURE We are passionate, engaged and confident in our work. We learn and share knowledge and skills to achieve our potential and beyond. We build our capacity for change by working together. SERVICE EXCELLENCE We deliver efficient and effective services with creative, sustainable, diverse and eco-friendly resources and practices. 7 OUR COMMUNITY We strengthen neighbourhoods and communities by creating connections and understanding needs. We go beyond traditional boundaries, fostering collaborative relationships to build relevant and responsive library services. 1 2 8 OBJECTIVE Fully implement the Community-Led Service Philosophy (CLSP) as the core of what we do – the foundation for service delivery, planning and relationships. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Spread the words about CLSP so that all EPL staff embrace the philosophy (2011-2013) • Expand the range of services and staff outside our walls (2011-2013) • Rigorously evaluate CLSP initiatives (2011-2012) • Understand and eliminate the top 5 barriers to underserved communities (2012-2013) • Time audits indicate 70% of Community Librarian activity focused on CLSP • Time audits indicate that 5% of other service point staff time is spent outside our walls • Survey results indicate 85% of staff have a clear understanding of the CLSP OBJECTIVE Creative service delivery models offer more ways to connect with communities and customers. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Explore alternative service delivery methods to meet the needs of underserved areas of Edmonton (e.g. bookmobile, story van, kiosks, lending machines, eplGOs) (2011-2012) • A minimum of 2 new service delivery models implemented 3 4 OBJECTIVE EPL understands the composition of Edmonton’s neighbourhoods and understands our customers. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Develop and implement service point community profiles (consisting of demographic factors and trends, service area descriptions and community assets) (2011-2012) • Expand demographic analysis to include behaviour-based market segmentation (2012) • Implement regular customer surveys (2012-2013) • Behaviour-based customer segments replace demographic segments OBJECTIVE EPL establishes a framework for formal and informal partnerships. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Develop criteria for establishing and evaluating Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) and other partnerships and implement annual planning (2012) • All new and existing partnerships follow established framework 9 OUR CUSTOMERS We are an integral part of the daily lives of all Edmontonians – at every stage of their lives. We know and listen to Edmontonians. Everyone feels comfortable and welcome. 1 10 OBJECTIVE Increase active EPL memberships. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Eliminate membership fee for Edmonton residents (2013) • Implement an annual membership drive, engaging all staff in the campaign to increase memberships aligned with community-based targets (2012-2013) • Develop audience-specific marketing campaigns (e.g. expanded L-Pass) (2011-2013) • Enable online and external membership activation (2011) • Develop plan to increase membership renewals (2011) • 100% increase in active memberships over 2010 2 3 OBJECTIVE EPL is recognized as Edmonton’s #1 resource for early literacy experiences. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Offer early literacy programs when and where customers want them (e.g. evening, weekend, online) (2011-2012) • Grow our early literacy services and programs to incorporate leading-edge approaches (2011-2013) • Strengthen collaboration with current partners (e.g. Alberta Health Services Early Intervention Program, Centre for Family Literacy) (2011-2013) • Develop additional partners and sponsors for early literacy services (2012-2013) • Increase in attendance at Early Literacy programs, and reduction in waiting lists • Increase in library cards issued to babies • Rating of “Excellent” from 95% of program attendees achieved OBJECTIVE Position digital literacy services as a core library service with staff and customers. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Define, expand and promote our digital literacy services and programs (2011-2012) • Review and implement recommendations of the Technology Training Subcommittee (2011-2012) • Offer digital literacy programs when and where customers want them (e.g. evening, weekend, online) (2012) • Develop partners and sponsors for digital literacy services (2013) • Increase in offerings and attendance at digital literacy programs • Rating of “Excellent” from 95% of program attendees achieved 11 4 5 12 OBJECTIVE EPL offers popular programs that align with our values and reflect what we do best. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Review and evaluate new program proposals and pilots before being offered, moving away from single service point program development (2011-2012) • Define core programming in remaining target areas (school-aged, teen, adult, seniors, multicultural) and eliminate 80% of non-core programs (2011) • Assess current programs, increasing offerings of programs that are well attended and eliminating one-off, low priority programs (2011) • Implement twice annual system-wide program planning (2012) • At least 80% of each branch’s program titles are EPL core programs OBJECTIVE EPL anticipates growing customer appetite for digital, on-demand content, while maximizing customer experience with traditional materials. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Improve eBook / eAudiobook experience for customers and advocate for barrier-free digital borrowing (2011-2013) • Increase digital content which can be found through our catalogue (2012) • Put materials in the hands of customers more quickly through reduced wait times, streamlined processes, and innovative lending models (e.g. sandbox, device lending) (2012) • Implement Collection Management and Access review results and new tools (such as Collection HQ) to maximize use of traditional collections (2012) • Build and distribute unique digital content through partnerships (2012-2013) • Increase in overall circulation (2012 – 15% increase over 2010, 2013 -- 25% over 2010) • Increase in circulation of digital collections (2013 – 1,000% over 2010) • Increase in eBook/eAudiobook collections (2013 – 10% of total collection or an increase of 700%) • Decrease in turnaround time for holds and orders 6 7 OBJECTIVE Customer service – find a way to say Yes, find a way to say Hi! STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Implement system-wide best practices for “on the floor” customer service model (aka roving) (2011) • Establish service standard in which every customer is greeted and welcomed (2011) • Rejuvenate customer service training (2012) • Implement bold methods to identify staff (e.g. uniform) (2012) • Equip staff to provide core services on the floor (e.g. mobile devices, roving circulation) (2012) • Secret shopper ratings show that 95% of customers are greeted upon entry • Increase in Customer Satisfaction Survey results: 95% feel welcome OBJECTIVE EPL entices readers, viewers, listeners and gamers with incredible content, conversations and personalized recommendations. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Reframe readers’ advisory from the transaction to the transformational conversation (e.g. rename the service, extend to all formats) (2012) • Mine borrowing preferences and patterns to provide personalized recommendations (2012) • Entice customers to provide ratings and reviews (e.g. prizes and promotion based on community credits) (2011-2013) • Share high interest staff picks on, newsletters, social media, and Bibliocommons (2011) • Implement best practices for merchandizing collections to entice readers, viewers, listeners and gamers (2012) • Dramatically increase multimedia content on our website (e.g. book reviews, programs, tutorials) (2012) • Increase in circulation of profiled picks • Increase in readers’ advisory conversations with customers • Customer feedback on personalized recommendations shows high satisfaction levels 13 EVOLVING TECHNOLOGIES We leverage evolving technologies to help Edmontonians connect locally and globally with ideas, information, entertainment and each other – when, where and how they choose. 1 14 OBJECTIVE Online services are easy to use – at home and on the go. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Implement single sign-on approach for our website, Library Online, Bibliocommons and databases (2011) • Create more social, mobile-friendly version of the EPL website (2011) • Influence the development of social media and mobile products and/or apps by library vendors (2011-2013) • Implement usability standards for online services (2012-2013) • Increase staff access to key tools (2011-2012) • Usability study shows high levels of customer satisfaction • Increase in use from mobile devices 2 3 OBJECTIVE EPL is our community’s digital workspace. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Simplify Wi-Fi access and investigate demand for wireless printing access (2012-2013) • Implement self-service fax, scanning, and colour/double-sided photocopying (2012) • Simplify computer booking, printing and payments (2011-2012) • Implement MS Office on public computers (2012) • Investigate temporary network storage for customers (2012) • Implement mobile devices zones (e.g. laptops, access to power) (2011-2013) • Create digital learning spaces within and beyond EPL walls (e.g. mobile labs, media labs) (2013) • 95% of staff rate printing as dramatically improved • Reduced customer complaints OBJECTIVE Investigate opportunities to create a shared catalogue. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Work with Metro Federation partners to share an ILS (2013) • Determine costs and benefits of joining consortia (e.g. NEOS) (2011) • Participate in discussions with The Alberta Library or Public Library Services Branch around shared ILS initiatives (2011-2013) • Enhanced regional collaboration 15 OPEN SPACES We create open, safe and inspiring physical and virtual spaces. 1 16 OBJECTIVE We understand how customers use our spaces and do something about it. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Research trends and analyze how customers interact in and use our library spaces through the 21st century library space internship project (2011-2012) • Establish best practices for co-existing spaces (e.g. for creation, work, study, play, conversation) (2011-2012) • Audit attractiveness and ambience (e.g. lighting, artwork, features, sightlines, flooring, de-cluttering, cleanliness) (2012) • Standardize furniture and equipment selections (2011-2012) • Develop a best model for shelving to support access and way-finding (2011-2012) • Revise Milner spaces to a single desk, “on the floor” service model (2011-2013) • 90% of customers rate EPL spaces as “comfortable and attractive” • Reduced customer complaints about noise in the library • Improved custodial audit satisfaction levels with ‘good to excellent’ rating at all EPL facilities 2 3 OBJECTIVE Customers and staff feel safe at EPL. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Strengthen partnerships with law enforcement and other agencies working on safety issues (2011-2013) • Increase “on the floor” services, providing greater staff presence (2011) • Review of security services (e.g. contracts, technology, equipment) (2011-2013) • Build staff skills (e.g. Non-Violent Crisis Intervention training, staff meeting presentations and discussions) (2011-2013) • 50% reduction in number of serious incidents • 95% of customers and staff feel safe in EPL spaces • 70% of all staff complete Non-Violent Crisis Intervention training OBJECTIVE Our customers find what they are looking for quickly and easily. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Implement standardized, simple, customerfriendly way-finding (e.g. signage, interactive and online maps, holds pick up, LCDs and promotional materials) (2011-2013) • Explore alternatives to Dewey to support interest area groupings (2011-2012) • Surveys show that 80% of customers find what they are looking for • Achieve 90% customer satisfaction rating 17 A LEARNING CULTURE We are passionate, engaged and confident in our work. We learn and share knowledge and skills to achieve our potential and beyond. We build our capacity for change by working together. 1 2 18 OBJECTIVE Staff are skilled and enthusiastic in helping customers with technology. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Implement a training model to increase staff skills and confidence in use of technology (2011-2012) • Champion digital literacy services as core services, incorporating innovative approaches (e.g. recognition, peer coaching) (2011-2013) • Staff surveys reflect increased comfort levels and competence with technology • Decrease in referrals to e-Services OBJECTIVE Develop, recruit, recognize and retain high-performance, engaged, service-centred staff who share the EPL story. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Enhance recruitment and selection processes (e.g. job postings, interview techniques) (2011-2012) • Update job descriptions and advertisements to reflect our mission, competencies and brand (2011-2012) • Build engagement and ability of staff to fulfill their key role as EPL ambassadors and advocates (2011-2013) • Increase meaningful system-wide and local recognition (2011-2012) • Initiate practices to support employee work/ life balance (e.g. flex time, telecommuting, job sharing) (2013) • Increase in employee engagement survey ratings (90% of staff are highly or somewhat engaged in 2012 survey results) 3 4 OBJECTIVE EPL is a dynamic learning organization powered by staff sharing. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Improve usability of staffweb as a tool for sharing (2012-2013) • Improve internal communication and information management (e.g. internal chat services, shift change huddle, document/ records management) (2011-2012) • Increase job exchanges (2011-2012) • Expand peer coaching (2011-2012) • 90% of permanent staff participate in an annual job exchange/shadow OBJECTIVE Staff learning infrastructure supports individual and collaborative learning. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Offer new and varied training delivery methods (e.g. online, system-wide PD Day) (2011-2012) • Implement results of core courses learning needs assessment (e.g. orientation) (2011-2012) • Conduct follow-up learning needs questionnaire (2011) • Reinvent Next Generation grant program (2011) • Increase in training offered through online delivery • 10% increase in employee engagement survey ratings 19 SERVICE EXCELLENCE We deliver efficient and effective services with creative, sustainable, diverse and eco-friendly resources and practices. 1 20 OBJECTIVE EPL’s practices are customer-centric and easy to understand. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Simplify circulation policies and business processes (e.g. holds, borrowing, fines, plain language) (2012) • Implement user-friendly card management options for households (2011) • Expand and simplify online room booking and stock ordering business processes (2012) • Implement consistent hours of service (2013) • Increase customer online account management and payment (2011-2013) • Streamline financial processes (e.g. single point of payment) and align budget process with planning cycle (2013) • Provide manager access to real-time data for financial and human resources information (e.g. vacation allowances, absences, SAP, year-to-date budget) (2011-2012) • Streamline staff scheduling processes (2011-2012) • Reduction in customer complaints • Increase in customer positive feedback • 50% of customer payments are made online 2 3 OBJECTIVE EPL reduces its environmental footprint. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Expand internal and external recycling options and efforts system wide (e.g. multifunctional garbage/recycling containers) (2012) • Reduce carbon footprint of delivery fleet (2011-2013) • Reduce paper usage (e.g. blue holds slips, internal forms, Board packages, print booklists, Wildcards bookmarks) (2011-2013) • Review ways to share community information using formats other than paper (2011) • Reduce power consumption by 15% • Expand internal and external recycling options and efforts system wide • Reduce paper consumption by 25% OBJECTIVE EPL diversifies our sources of revenue to support sustainability. STRATEGIES • Establish Centennial endowment fund (2011-2013) • Maximize grant and sponsorship opportunities (2011-2013) • Review Books2Eat as a fundraising event (2012) • Explore opportunities for new types of fundraising events (2011-2013) • Explore further fundraising roles for Friends (2011) DESIRED OUTCOME • Revenue from grants and donations exceed $1 million 21 4 5 22 OBJECTIVE Staff complement meets current and emerging service needs. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Adjust staffing and scheduling to align with peak activity measures (e.g. evenings, weekends) (2011) • Increase diversity of EPL staff to better reflect the communities we serve (2013) • Implement talent management/succession planning strategy to increase internal pool of employees with capacity to fill leadership positions (2011-2013) • Implement structure for addressing short-notice emergency staffing needs (2011) • Increase in world language capacity to deliver services • Reduction in short notice emergency requests for staff coverage • Increase in positive staff and manager feedback OBJECTIVE EPL grows our volunteer base through enriching opportunities. STRATEGIES DESIRED OUTCOME • Develop a consolidated volunteer management infrastructure, including recruitment and recognition program (2013) • Create new volunteer opportunities (2013) • Increase in volunteer hours by 50% • Increase in world language capacity to deliver services We are excited about all the amazing things we are going to accomplish in the next three years. We look forward to the involvement of every branch, team and staff member in bringing this plan to life! It starts with you. Spread the words. 23