iPad Tips and Tricks


iPad Tips and Tricks
iPad Tips and Tricks
iPad Tips & Tricks
Before you begin
Setting Auto-Lock
Creating a passcode
Automatically wipe the iPad clean
The iBooks App
iBooks App
Downloading and installing iBooks
Add books to iBooks
A couple of iBooks notes
Creating your own PDF files
Creating your own ePub files
Generally Fun Tips and Tricks
Charging your iPad
Close apps that you’re not using
Turn off auto-rotate
Take a screen shot
Transferring your iPad’s photos to your computer
Moving icons around your Home Screen
Create folders for your apps
Keyboard Tricks
Caps Lock
Shift hold
Enter a period by typing a double space
Quickly hide the keyboard
Hold down keys for special characters
Hold down the dollar ($) symbol for foreign currencies
Hold down the hyphen key (-) to access dashes and
Other special characters you can access
Selecting text
Using the magnifying glass
Using different keyboards
Email and Web Browsing
Access a list of domains
Highlight part of a message before replying
Create a link to a web page on your Home Screen
Other Stuff
Useful free apps
iPad Tips & Tricks
Before you begin
All the cool and fun tips in this booklet are easy to follow but there are
just a couple of pre-requisites before continuing on:
• Have you installed iTunes on your computer?
• Have you set up your Apple ID and entered your billing
information for the iTunes store yet? Yeah, I know, why do you
have to enter a credit card if all you want to do is download the
free apps? It’s frustrating but, at 2:00 in the morning when you
decide that you just have to have the full Angry Birds app and you
have to have it now, you’ll be thankful!
• Is your iPad charged? The battery life on the iPad is actually really
good so, as long as your battery is charged at least 50%, you can
easily get through this booklet and watch some funny YouTube
Congratulations on your new iPad! It may appear new and daunting or it
may be as familiar as your iPhone that you’ve owned since it was first
introduced in June 2007. Either way, your iPad has some fun and helpful
shortcuts that you may not be aware of.
Hopefully there’s something in here for everyone. If you have an idea to
add to this, please send an email to [email protected].
Let’s start with making sure your iPad is secure! here we go…
Setting Auto-Lock
You can tell the iPad to turn off the screen, or automatically lock, after a
certain amount of time has passed: 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes,
15 minutes, or never.
Access the Auto-Lock from the iPad’s settings under General > AutoLock.
Creating a
For further security, you can set a four-number passcode to unlock your
iPad. To turn on the passcode, go to the iPad’s settings and go to
General > Passcode Lock and enter the four digit number.
For even stronger security, turn off the Simple Passcode and you can use
any length combination of alpha and numeric characters.
Automatically wipe
the iPad clean
After you set a passcode, you can tell the iPad to erase all the data if
there are 10 unsuccessful attempts in a row to unlock your iPad.
Obviously, if you choose this setting, you need to make sure your
passcode is easy to remember and that you should use iTunes on a
regular basis to back up your data.
The iBooks App
iBooks App
Downloading and
installing iBooks
Why start with this app instead of a general section? So that you know
how to copy this booklet onto your iPad for future reference! But don’t
worry, the general stuff comes next.
iBooks is a free app that allows you to install books in two basic formats:
PDF and ePub books. Books can range in price from free (which is always
good) to a few dollars. Once you have iBooks installed and know how to
add a PDF to your library, you can easily and quickly create your own
body of work and add it to your iBooks library. Or your students can add
it to their library, etc.
Get ready to install iBooks:
• make sure your iPad is plugged into your computer and that
iTunes is open
• Click on the iTunes Store link on the left hand side of your screen:
Once the store appears (it may take a few seconds), you’re ready to find
and install the app:
1. Type iBooks and press Enter in the search bar (upper-right corner
of iTunes). Sure you can search the store in other ways but, since
we know the name of the app, why create extra work?
2. You’ll see several apps that are available. Not only do you want
the free iBooks (ignore all the others) but make sure you select
the iPad app, not the iPhone app. The iPhone version will give you
a tiny reader in the middle of your large iPad screen. Remember,
select the iPad version!
3. Click on the button that says “Free”. You’ll be prompted to sign
into the iTunes store with your Apple ID and password. Go ahead
and enter it and click “Buy”. Yes, it is free and you still have to say
“Buy” but don’t worry, you’re not being charged for anything!
4. You’ll see a little spinning icon and a number. The spinning icon
means that there is an active download happening and the
number is, well, the number of apps you are downloading! (this
really is quite straightforward):
Once the icon goes away, the app has been downloaded to your
computer. Now you need to get it onto your iPad. This step is even
1. In iTunes (where everything happens), click on the link for your
iPad under the Devices section on the left:
2. Click the Sync button in the lower-right corner and then wait for
the sync to finish.
3. Turn on your iPad, scroll to the second page of the iPad and you
will see your new ‘app:
Add books to
So you’ve installed iBooks, opened it up and... wait, there are no books!
iBooks is more like a bookshelf than anything else. Like any set of
bookshelves, you have to add your own books to it. Let’s go ahead and
add this book.
Before we do that, make sure that you’ve done the following:
• Created a new folder in your H: Drive called My eBooks (get in the
habit of saving all of your books to this folder).
• Saved this file as iPad Tips and Tricks.PDF in your My eBooks
Ready? No pictures this time to help you because, if you’ve gotten this
far, the next steps are so easy that you won’t need pictures:
1. In iTunes, go to File > Add File to Library…
2. This brings up the Add to Library dialog box. Navigate to your My
eBooks folder and find iPad Tips and Tricks.PDF.
3. Click Open and it will appear that nothing has happened. That’s
okay, something happened but you just can’t see it yet.
4. Click back on the link for your iPad, just like you did when
installing iBooks and then click the Sync button.
5. Once the iPad has finished its sync, open iBooks on your iPad
and… wait, it’s not there?
6. iBooks keeps PDF files separate from what it normally considers
“books” (and, no, I don’t know why). In the upper-left corner of
iBooks, there is a button that says Collections. Tap that and you
will see a drop down menu where you can choose between books
and PDF files. Tap the PDFs button and you will go back to the
bookshelf and now you can see the file.
A couple of iBooks
Just a few other comments about iBooks and the books you install:
• iBooks is capable of using PDF files (as you just experienced) and
ePub files. ePub files are what iBooks sorts as “books”. When
browsing or shopping for books, always get either the ePub or PDf
• All apps for the iPad must be purchased and downloaded through
iTunes. Books, whether PDF or ePub files, can be purchased or
downloaded from anywhere to your computer. You just need
iTunes to transfer those files to your iPad.
• Want to get started reading? Check out the Gutenberg Project at
www.gutenberg.org for tens of thousands of free books. Lazy
readers beware, most of the books there don’t have pictures.
Creating your own
PDF files
At some point, you’ll ask (or should ask) if you can create your own PDF
files to be loaded into iBooks. You sure can! Here are some tips for
creating PDF files to read on your iPad. BTW (that’s the cool person’s
short-hand for by the way), I’m assuming you have Adobe Acrobat
installed on your computer and know the basics of creating a PDF. If you
don’t, submit a request to Information Technology to purchase and
install Acrobat.
• Decide if you want to create a file that is landscape oriented
(where the screen is wider than it is taller) or portrait oriented
(where it’s taller than it is wider).
• The iPad screen, in pixels, is 1024 × 768 and, in points, is 768 ×
576. Depending on which application you’re creating the content
in (Word, PowerPoint, etc.) you will need to set the page size in
either pixels or points.
• iBooks doesn’t recognize PDF bookmarks so don’t waste your time
creating them, either.
Creating your own
ePub files
You can do it but it’s either more expensive (you need additional
software) and a little more complicated (you need to be aware of some
design limitations) or it’s cheap and really complicated (you need to do
some coding of XML). Far greater complexity than allowed in this
Generally Fun Tips and Tricks
Okay, the heavy duty lifting is over and now let’s delve into the cooler
things you can do with your iPad. Unlike the “cool things of the past”
such as big hair and denim/polyester leisure suits, these cool tips will
actually help you!
The following don’t really fit into any category so I’m calling them
“general” or “miscellaneous”.
Charging your iPad
Your iPad comes with a USB charging cable and a block for using with an
outlet. Plug the iPad into your computer to sync with iTunes but plug the
iPad into a wall outlet to charge it. Your computer doesn’t provide
enough voltage through the cable to charge the iPad.
Close apps that
you’re not using
When you’re using an app and you want to switch to a different app, you
press the Home button to see your Home Screen and select a new app.
But the previous app is actually still running in the background. After a
while, these background apps may slow down your iPad.
Get to your Home Screen and then press the Home button twice to see
the multi-tasking bar with all your open apps.
Tap and hold any of the app icons in the multi-tasking bar until they start
shaking and you see a red dash in the upper-left corner of each icon
(this is the edit mode). Tap the red dash on every app to close them.
Once you’re done, press the Home button once to exit the edit mode.
Turn off autorotate
Once you load your literary favorites into iBooks, you’ll want to start
reading them. If you’re anything like me, you enjoy reading in bed. So
you climb into bed with your iPad, lay back to enjoy your book and, next
thing you know, the stupid screen rotates 90°!
Get to the multi-tasking bar again (like you just did) and then scroll all
the way to the left:
Tap the icon to lock, and unlock, auto-rotate:
Take a screen shot
If you want to take a picture of your Home Screen and share it with
someone, you can! The “why” is up to you but I’m happy to share the
To take a screen shot, simply press the Home and Lock buttons at the
same time. You’ll see the screen fade for a second and, assuming you’ve
got the sound turned on, you’ll hear the sound of a camera’s shutter.
The screen shot is placed into your Photos app under the Saved Photos
Transferring your
iPad’s photos to
your computer
Okay, now that you have some screen shots and other pictures (that you
may have saved from the web or emails) in your Photos app, you likely
want to transfer them to your computer. Not a problem! Just open
Windows Explorer (Start > My Computer) and you will see your iPad
listed as a device/drive. If you click on it, you will see all the pictures in
the Saved Photos folder on your iPad. Just drag and drop the files
whereever you want.
You need to note that only the Saved Photos folder can be seen in
Windows Explorer. You will need to use iTunes to sync other photos and
folders between your computer and the iPad. I won’t cover that here
because if you have other picture folders on your iPad, that means you
already know how to use iTunes to put pictures on your iPad!
Moving icons
around your Home
As you add more and more apps to your iPad, you may want to start
grouping them instead of the iPad’s preference to just add each new app
after the previous one. It’s easy to move the icons around: tap and hold
any icon on your Home screen until you see them all start shaking and
there’s an “x” in a black circle on the corner of each icon (reminds you of
the multi-task bar, right?):
Once the icons are “shaking all about”, simply drag any icon to where
you want it to be. When you’re done, press the Home button to exit the
edit mode.
Create folders for
your apps
Instead of just placing the app icons near each other, you can create
folders to contain apps grouped by, well, any criteria you want. Folders
are a great way to organize your apps and keep the Home Screen
relatively uncluttered.
To create a folder, go to your Home Screen and enter the edit mode (tap
and hold so that the icons start shaking). Drag an icon on top of another
and let go. That will automagically create the folder and place both apps
inside. You can even rename that folder instead of acquiescing to the
iPad’s opinion on what the folder should be named.
To add more apps to a folder, go back into edit mode and drag the app’s
icon onto the folder icon.
Keyboard Tricks
Caps Lock
Double-tap the Shift key to turn on caps lock. Tap the Shift key once to
turn it off.
Shift hold
Sometimes you just need to use CAPS LOCK for a brief moment, such
as emphasizing a word. Tap and hold the shift key while you type the
word. Once you’re done, lift your finger off of the shift key and the
keyboard will automatically go back to lower-case letters.
Enter a period by
typing a double
If you are typing a lot of text, you can easily type a period by simply
pressing the space bar twice. This allows you to keep typing without
having to divert your attention to finding the period.
Quickly hide the
The keyboard takes up half the screen and sometimes you want to see
the entire screen without the keyboard. Just tap the Hide Keyboard
key in the lower-right corner.
Hold down keys for
special characters
You can directly access special characters by holding down certain keys.
Hold down letter keys to access accented letters.
Hold down the
dollar ($) symbol
for foreign
Holding down the dollar symbol ($)on the keyboard allows you to
directly access foreign currency symbols.
Hold down the
hyphen key (-) to
access dashes and
Hold down the hyphen key (-) to access an en-dash and a bullet.
Other special
characters you can
To access…
Hold the…
– (en-dash)
— (em-dash)
• (bullet)
- (hyphen)
° (ordinal)
0 (zero)
… (ellipsis)
. (period)
¿ (upside down question mark)
? (question mark)
¡ (upside down exclamation mark(
! (exclamation mark)
‘ (opening single quote)
’ (closing single quote)
‘ (apostrophe)
« (opening chevron)
» (closing chevron)
“ (opening double quote)
” (closing double quote)
„ (double low quote)
“ (double quote)
Selecting text
To select a word or phrase so that you can copy (or cut) and paste it, tap
and hold a word. You’ll be asked if you want to select the word or
After you select the text, you’ll have grab handles in the upper-left and
lower right of the blue shaded selection that allows you to stretch or
shrink the amount of text that is selected as well as the option to cut,
copy or replace the selected text.
Using the
magnifying glass
Let’s face it, that text is small and trying to place the cursor precisely
where you want it can be an exercise in frustration. The iPad has a
magnifying glass available to make seeing the text and cursor location
Tap and hold your finger over any word and the magnifying glass
appears. Once you let go, the option to select text appears.
Using different
The iPad allows you to use alternate keyboard layouts than the standard
QWERTY keyboard, such as the Dvorak layout.
To change keyboard layouts, go into the iPad settings and click on
General > Keyboard > International Keyboards > English
Email and Web Browsing
Access a list of
When you are in your email application or surfing the web with Safari
and typing in the address, you don’t have to type the last part of the
address (the domain) such as .com, .edu, etc.
When typing an email address, press and hold the period and, when
entering a web address in Safari, press and hold the .com key.
Highlight part of a
message before
When replying to an email and you only want to quote part of the
original message in your reply, use the text selection tip you learned on
page 27 to select the portion of the email you want to quote and then
Create a link to a
web page on your
Home Screen
If there is a web site that you like to visit regularly, you know you can
always bookmark it. But did you know that you can create an icon for
that site on your Home Screen and, when you want to visit the site, you
can click the icon and automatically launch Safari and go to there?
To add a web site to your Home Screen, open the site in safari, tap and
hold the Utilities button, then select Add to Home Screen.
Other Stuff
Useful free apps
Here is a short, and by no means comprehensive, list of some useful free
apps that you may want to install on your iPad
Social Media
With the university’s emphasize upon social media and a stronger online
presence, here are a few apps to get you ready to follow all the various
Twitter and Facebook accounts:
• TweetDeck: allows you to track, and post to, your Facebook,
LinkedIn, and Twitter accounts from within one app. Available as
an app for your iPhone, iPad, and your computer, you can sign up
for a free TweetDeck account. With a TweetDeck account, if you
also install TweetDeck on your computer, then you TweetDeck will
keep all the settings between the two applications sync’d.
• Create a Facebook icon on your Home Screen. In an earlier tip,
you were shown how to add a web site to your Home Screen. Add
a Facebook icon to your Home Screen for quick access. Currently,
there is not a Facebook app for the iPad but do not install the
iPhone app for Facebook as it gives you a small display in the
middle of your screen.
Accented Letters 23
Acrobat (see Adobe Acrobat)
Adding Web Pages to Your Home Screen 32
Adobe Acrobat 10
Alternative Keyboard Layouts 29
Apple ID 1, 6
Apps 10
Best Practices 13
Buying 5, 6, 33
Facebook 33
iBooks 8
iPad v. iPhone 6
Syncing 5, 6, 7, 9
TweetDeck 33
Useful and Free 33
Auto-Lock 2
Automatic Periods 21
Auto-Rotate 14
Icon 14
Lock 14
Backing Up Data 4
Bookmarks 10
Buying Apps 1
Caps Lock 19
Charging Your iPad 12
Closing Apps 13
Create Folders 18
Data Protection 4
Double-Space 21
eBooks 5, 6, 9
Email 30, 31
Replying 31
Selecting Text 31
ePub Books 5, 9, 10
Erase Data 4
Facebook 33
Folders 18
Create 18
Foreign Currency Characters 24
General Settings
Auto-Lock 2
Passcode 3, 4
Getting Staretd 4
Getting Started 1, 2, 3
Grouping Icons Together 18
Gutenberg Project, The 10
Hide the Keyboard 22
Home Button 13, 15
Home Screen 13, 17, 18, 32
iBooks 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
Icons 13
Arranging 17, 18
Create Folders 18
Web Pages 32
International Keyboards 29
Internet 30, 32
Internet Browser 30, 32
Charging 12
Landscape 10
Portrait 10
Screen Resolution 10
iTunes 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 33
iTunes Store 5, 6, 33
Dvorak 29
Show/Hide 22
Keyboard Tricks 19–29
Alternative Keyboards 29
Caps Lock 19
Hiding the Keyboard 22
Periods 21
Shift Hold 19
Shift-Hold 20
Special Characters 23–26
Foreign Language 29
Landscape Oriented 10
Library 5, 9
Add File 9
Lock Button 15
Locking 2, 4
Multi-Tasking 13, 14
Passcode 3, 4
Erase Data 4
Required 3
Simple 3
Turning On and Off 3
passcode 3
Passcode Lock 3, 4
PDF Books 5, 9, 10
Bookmarks 10
Create Your Own 10
MS Office 10
Photos 15, 16
Portrait Oriented 10
Safari 30, 32
Saved Photos 15, 16
Screen Resolution 10
Screen S 15
Security 2, 3, 4
Keyboard 29
Shift Hold 19
Shift-Hold 20
Simple Passcode 3
Special Characters
Accented Letters 23
Bullets 25
Dashes 25
Domains 30
Foreign Currencies 24
Hyphenation 25
Punctuation 26
Special Punctuation 26
Sync Cable 12
Syncing 1, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16
Photos 16
Windows Explorer 16
Taking a Screen Shot 15
Transferring Photos to Your Computer 16
Turning Off Auto-Rotate 14
Turning On Caps Lock 19
TweetDeck 33
Twitter 33
Typing Punctuation Marks 26
Typing Upper Case 19, 20
USB Charging 12
Web Browsing 30, 32