Art Newsletter February 2014


Art Newsletter February 2014
As in all of your classes, teachers will tell you whether or not you can use your devise in class or transitions. Assume you may not use your devise in Art until permission is given. With permission, you are encouraged to take pictures of your artwork as it progresses but NEVER pictures or audio of people. British artist, David Hockney created this landscape on his iPad using Brushes 3. Do you think digital art like this has the same artistic value as an oil painting? Organic robots
“I enjoy working around the theme of robot and
trying to mix it with organic elements such as fur,
cables, toys, feathers, human body parts, etc
(personal work).” Genevieve Gauckler. Also by
Genevieve, the artwork below left. What’s
happening here? ipad & iphone apps for creating art you may like.
Brushes 3 Auryn Ink
Let’s Create