How to start a poultry farm (Part 4)


How to start a poultry farm (Part 4)
How to start a
poultry farm (Part 4)
In the previous edition of Ubisi Mail we looked at what a healthy environment
for chickens looks like. In this edition we take a closer look at the role that
­temperature plays in a comfortable environment for chickens.
A comfortable environment is all the conditions that influence the existence, growth and welfare of
the chickens. These conditions are:
•Air composition
•Feed and drinking space (floor space)
The temperature (hot or cold) will play a big role in how fast
the chicken grows and how much it eats during the rearing
process of broilers and pullets. Temperature can also play
a major role in the production of eggs. There are three
ways to produce heat in poultry houses:
1. Heat produced by chickens
The amount of heat produced by chickens will depend on:
• The breed of chicken: For example, broiler breeders are bigger than most layers.
• Sex of the bird: Heat produced by hens is much higher than heat produced by cocks.
•Age of the bird: The older the bird gets, the more the body mass increases. Therefore it will
produce more heat. This is a very important aspect in the rearing of broilers.
•Caloric value of feed: If the caloric value of the feed is high, the chicken will produce more heat.
• Activity of the bird: If the chickens are very active, they will use their energy to run around
and will not transfer this energy into the meat.
•Light intensity: If the light is too bright, especially in broilers, it will lead to an increase in activity.
2. Heat entering the house through the roof and walls
In South Africa the amount of heat that enters or exits the house, is mostly through the roof. The
heat that will enter the house will depend on the:
•Size of the house
•Type of construction and materials used
•Position of the house in respect of the sun (for example north-facing).
3. Artificial heating
Heat produced by means of artificial heating, will depend on the type of heating equipment and
method that you will use to increase or decrease the temperature in the house. UM
Poultry farming:
•Hoenderboerdery: Temperatuur
•Ukufuya izinkukhu
•Ufuyo lweenkuku: Iqondo lobushushu
•Thuo ya Bomaditshibana: Themperetjhara
• K
eep the environment in the poultry house at the right temperature. The chickens will eat
enough, grow fast, be healthy and pullets will produce more eggs.
• H
andhaaf die regte temperatuur binne die hoenderhok. Die hoenders sal genoeg eet, vinnig
groei, gesond wees en lêhenne sal meer eiers lê.
• G
cina isimo sokushisa ehhokweni sikahle nje. Izinkukhu zizodla kahle, zikhule masinyane, ziphile
kanti ezamaqanda zizowazalela abe maningi.
• G
cina indawo ekufuphi nendlu yeenkuku ikwiqondo lobushushu elifanelekileyo. Amantshontsho
aya kufumana ukutya ngokwaneleyo, akhule ngokukhawuleza, abe sempilweni entle kwaye
amathokazi aya kubeka amaqanda amaninzi.
• Boloka tikoloho e ka tlung ya bomaditshibana e le themperetjheng e nepahetseng. Dikgoho di tla ja ka
mokgwa o lekaneng, di hole ka potlako, di phele hantle mme tse tshehadi di tla behela mahe a mangata.
• C
hickens produce heat: Depends on the breed of
chicken, sex, age, type of feed, activity.
• Hoenders bring hitte voort: Hang af van die
hoenderras, geslag, ouderdom, voertipe en
• Izinkukhu zikhiqiza ukushisa: Kuya
ngohloba lwezinkukhu,ubulili, ubudala, uhlobo
lokudla, nezikwenzayo.
• Iinkuku zenza ubushushu: Kuxhomekeke
kuhlobo lweenkuku, kwisini, ebudaleni, kuhlobo
lwefidi nakwinto eyenziwayo.
• D
ikgoho di hlahisa motjheso: Hona ho ya ka
mofuta wa dikgoho, bong, dilemo, mofuta wa dijo,
• P
oultry house: Heat enters or escapes through the roof and walls. It depends on the size of
the house, type of construction, building materials, and the sun and season.
• H
oenderhok: Hitte kan deur die dak of mure binnekom of ontsnap. Dit hang af van die grootte
van die hok, die tipe konstruksie, boumateriaal, die son en die seisoen.
• Ihhoko: Ukushisa kungena noma kuphume ngophahla kanye nezindonga. Kuya ngokuthi likhulu
kangakanani, uhlobo lokwakhiwa kwalo, izinto elakhiwe ngazo kanye nelanga nenkathi yonyaka.
• Indlu yeenkuku: Ubushushu bungena okanye buphuma ngophahla nangeendonga. Oko
kuxhomekeke kubungakanani bendlu yeenkuku, kwindlela eyakhiwe ngayo, kwizinto eyakhiwe
ngazo, kwilanga nakwixesha lonyaka.
• Ntlo ya bomaditshibana: Mofuthu o kena le ho tswa ka marulelo le mabota. Ho tla ya ka
boholo ba ntlo, mofuta wa kaho, methiriele ya ho haha le letsatsi le nako ya sehla.
rtificial heating: Helps to regulate the temperature.
unsmatige verhitting: Help om die temperatuur te reguleer.
kushisisa okwenziwe: Kusiza ekulawuleni izinga lokushisa nokubanda.
Ubushushu obenziwayo: Bunceda ekulawuleni iqondo lobushushu.
Motjheso wa maiketsetso: O thusa ho laola themperetjhara. UM