How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy


How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
Key words: land policy, emigration, land administration, natural resources
According to the World Bank, during last several years 15% of Ukrainians emigrated abroad
which is 6,6 mln. people. Only during 1 month (July-August, 2010) the population decreased
by 0.02% that is 8,900 people. There are a lot of reasons and explanations for this such as
economical, social, political instability. It leads to decreasing the population of Ukraine twice
within next 20 years. And it is not the case just for Ukraine. Mexico, India, Russian
Federation, China suffers from such a disaster. This problem can be resolved by means of
human land policy and land administration.
This paper analyses preconditions for imbalance of living standards in different countries and
labour emigration as a consequence of it and also suggests approaches to meet people
requrements in their countries of origin by means of land administration and land policy.
Согласно данным Мирового Банка за последние несколько лет с территории Украины
эмигрировало 15% населения страны, что составляет 6,6 млн. человек. Только на
протяжении 1 месяца (с июля по август, 2010 г.) население уменьшилось на 0,02%. А
это 8,9 тысяч человек. Причины этого лежат, в основном, в экономической, социальной
и политической нестабильности экономики страны. Сохранение такой тенденции в
ближайшие 20 лет может привести к уменьшению числа населения Украины в два раза.
Эта угроза сохраняется для стран Мексики, Индии, Российской Федерации, Китая.
Одним из способов решения этой проблемы может быть эффективная земельная
политика, отвечающая интересам населения страны.
В данной статье проводится анализ предпосылок, повлекших дисбаланс в уровнях
жизни населения разных стран мира, и как следствие: трудовую эмиграцию.
Предлагаются подходы к решению проблемы эмиграции методами земельной
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
One could argue why the emigration should be restrained? Emigration existed for all times.
And to stop it is like catching a haer by butterfly net. If some personalities reject the idea to
go abroad then the world, probably, wouldn’t count of such geniuses as Igor Sikorsky,
Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Albert Einstein, Erich Fromm, Charlie Chaplin, Franz Liszt, Maria
Skłodowska-Curie. A free man in a free world makes own decision where he/she should
work, live and in which society. I can hardly object that if I wouldn’t live in the country
where emigration has been reached the scope of catastrophe.
According to UNCTAD1 the number of emigrants over the world has been increased from
195 to 214 millions during 5 years (2005-2010). There are more then 3.5 % of the population
on the Earth which live aside of the country of their birth. 70 million among them are those
who migrated. The share of Ukrainians in global migration processes is impressed: there are
about 45% of them live outside Ukraine. More than 10% from total number of emigrants in
the world are Ukrainian labour emigrants which are about 8 million people. [Ukrgazeta, 2010]
The reasons for this are well-known to everybody:
- poverty: lack of money, inability to have property, to issue a loan for business development,
etc. For poorest countries from Central and East Africa where people can’t have full-value
food, home, medicine, elementary conditions of life the poverty is the first and the only
reason to migrate. Each fifth on the planet belongs to this category.
- lack of social security (healh, work, protection of human rights);
- lack of self-actualization: in professional activity, socially;
- small salaries, incomes;
- environmental deterioration (purity of water, air,bowels, soil);
- reduction of national health protection level. With regards to Ukraine this level dropped to
place among 100 countries in the world.
- impossibility to accomplish own expectations;
- high level of corruption. For instance, Ukraine took 134 place among 178 countries in
applicable rating as of 2010. [Statistical Department, 2010]
- scarcity of land and other natural resources, and struggle for sources of prosperity from the
powerful structures.
The consequences. Despite the fact that UN experts make a positive conclusion regarding free
migration of people thinking they could bring bigger net income into world output there are
number of negative consequences (Table 1). These consequences threaten the normal
UNDP - United Nations Conference for Trading and Development
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
functioning of both the donor-countries2, which lose their gene pool as well as rezidentcountries3 for which immigrants become a solid disaster (photo 1).
Table 1
Consequences of mass labour migration process
Negative consequences
The acceleration of
economic growth due
for goods and services
The deterioration of
criminal situation in the
country which hosts
of The
production costs due to interethnic
low manpower costs
indigenous peoples
of The
by emigrants’
from over native population
(emigrants have not being
propagate own culture in
The acquerement of
new technologies and
living standards of
developed countries
by the indigenous
and securities
employment outside
the country, which
leads to decrease of
The improvement of Unmanageable extention
demographic situation of foreign population
in the country
comparing to number of
indigenous inhabitants,
especially in EU
“Brains flow-out”. Debasement
scientific & technical
progress of the country
The reduction of tax
decrease of tax payers
The loss of majority of
handicrafts, skills to
work on the land by
young generation –
Nobody inherits in
skills from the aged
separation, divorces,
increasing the number
of lonely aged people,
Savings on training of The increase of illegal
highly skilled workers manpower
Use of foreign workers
as a buffer to the case
of layoffs – emigrants
will be laid off in the
first place
regulation, deportation)
* - If initially Western European countries were mostly the centre of labour migration, then since 1970 of the last
century the manpower market of Middle East were rapidly formed. The number of migrant workers (4,5 million)
donor-countries – countries which export labout emigrants
resident-countries – countries which import labour emigrants
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
prevailed there over the number of local workers (2 million). Unit weight of foreign workers in total manpower
of Arabic countries is significant. In the UAE it is 97%, in Qatar - 95,6%, in Kuwait - 86,5%, in Saudi Arabia &
Bahrain - 40% each.
** - Among countries which “were founded” by emigrants like Australia, Canada, USA only Canada was able to
create a multicultural society by integrating people of different origins, which, however, preserve their cultural
heritage. While the U.S. has already built up a huge wall at the border with Mexico in order to stop millions of
illegal immigrants. Some of the countries from EU try to do the same as long as EU became very attractive for
Africans and majority of Asians even though for some of those who have reached the EU and haven’t been
losted on his way the life in Europe often became a nightmare.
(Photo 1. Immigrants from Tunisia and Libya have arrived on the island Lampedusa, March, 2011)
In fact, such countries as Australia still attract additional manpower from Eastern Europe and
Asia for the development of natural potential of the country.
However the majority of population from the countries with high living standards oppose
against invation of emigrants. Especially those who do not want to integrate into new society
but impose own cultural traditions into the society to which they came. The indigenous
population from Germany, Belgium, Sweden, France, other EU countries raises the alarm.
It becomes clear from generalized data presented in table 1 that the problem of labour
migration can not be considered as separate one for donor-countries. It is an international
issue which should be jointly resolved. In this regard, it seemed interesting to investigate the
entire given problem and means of overcoming it in the context of land policy for the benefits
of population from donors-countries and residents- countries.
Preconditions for imbalancing of living standards which leads to such an appearance as
mass labour emigration
Any country needs a labour and financial resources as well as raw materials for its
development and well-being of the population. Since XV-XVI century the development of
European countries and North America had been achived at the expense of exploration and
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
colonization of the world. With time in the middle of XIX century a new economic system
was estiblished based on world resources’ redestribution. It has 2 highly developed centres in
Western Europe and North America.
Over time, therefore, visible disparity in living standards of population from other countries
of the world occurred as well as disproportion in their usage of nartural resources and
converting them into capital. Owing to the indicator of living standards (GDP)4 invented by
American economist Saimon Kuznets, who was Russian by origin, the countries were diveded
into groups. This paper applies the division of countries’ by GDP per capita proposed by UN:
- Advanced developed countries. The countries where GDP per capita is over 20,000 $ (prices
as of 2010) [Econoblog, 2010]. Western & Central Europe, the USA, Canada, and Japan are
among them. Israel, South Korea, Singapore, the countries of Persian Gulf are also in this
group. Today this group has attributed Oman, Kuwait, Mexico, which 10 years ago were
considered as middeveloped.
-Middeveloped countries. Countries with GDP per capita of 10,000 - 20,000$. This category
includes the Baltic countries, Eastern Europe within the EU (as Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro,
Poland, Hungary, Romania), also Turkey, some countries in South America (Argentina,
Brazil, Venezuela, Panama), and Russia.
- Underdeveloped. Countries with GDP per capita of 5,000 to 10,000$. They include China,
Egypt, Latin American countries like Peru, Columbia, and some Arabic countries as Syria,
Algeria, Tunisia and others. Also some part of former Soviet republics belongs to this group.
- Developing countries, where GDP per capita amounts 1,000 to 5,000$. Comparing to prices
of 15-years’ prescription the situation has changed significantly. If in 1995 year 60 countries
belonged to this group, including China, but today African countries remain there (like
Morocco, Ghana, Zambia, Kenya), the Caribbean and South Asia and Central Asia (India,
Indonesia, Nepal, Tanzania, Fiji, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan), some South American
countries (Vietnam, Nicaragua, Yemen, Cambodia), Pakistan and Moldova.
- Poor countries, where GDP per capita of less than 1000 $ - (Congo, Liberia, Zimbabwe,
Nigeria, Syera-Leone, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar).
Repairing an omission, poor countries which were exempt from colonialism seeking to catch
up the level of development of North America and Western Europe. But predatory destruction
of natural resources in poor countries doesn’t give desired indicator of economic stability and
poverty reduction. Only 10% of the population from developing countries is considered as
rich. While 10 to 15% of people in developed countries is poor. On the other hand in the same
GDP - Gross Domestic Product - the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a
country's borders in a specific time period, though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis. It includes all of
private and public consumption, government outlays, investments and exports less imports that occur within a
defined territory
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
state of America's the fortune of 1% of the richest people is equal to the total incomes of the
poorest 90%. [Gariga N.M., 2009]
By the way, another American, Jeffry Sachs noted that the price of desire to be a welldeveloped country with high GDP turns out to be too high: “Our gross national product
includes each felled tree, drained reservour, and excessive marine catch, which essentially
means the exhaustion of national wealth. Searching surplus profits the air and water in China
have been polutted. Demolishing of rainforests in Brazil and Indonesia is accepted as a norm.
For 16 years the world still hasn’t elaborated an agreement on the introduction of measures to
fight climate change or adapt the mankind to irreversible processes.”[Jeffry Sachs, 2011]
Would it be ever possible for the developing countries to catch up the level of living standards
of advanced-developed countries? And what are the reasons for the existence of such
І. First assumption is in the uneven distribution of natural resources, both inside the country
and in general on the planet. Logically speaking the richest nation should have the most
natural resources inland. However there are facts against it. The largest areas of fertile land
are in USA, India, China, Japan, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. But the most productivity of
agricultural lands is observed in the countries with the least productive land like Japan,
Netherlands, Great Britain. While congested Asian countries which are procured with land
resources (China, India, Kazakhstan, Singapore, Bangladesh, Republic of Korea)
experiencing an acute shortage of fertile land and reducing the area of productive land due to
their degradation, mining, poor management culture.
Therefore, the efficiency of land use (and material well-being as a consequence) does not
depend on the level of resources’ procurement.
ІІ. Second assumption can be in overpopulation. Indeed where the bigger amount of people
arithmetically should be the smaller amount of distributed resources among them. This is the
case now that more people on the planet are concentrated in countries with low per capita
income. About 30% of them is concentrated in South and South-East Asia (India, Indonesia,
Pakistan), 25% - is in East Asia (China, Japan). The average population density is 270 people
per square kilometer (India). So the population of these countries relatively evenly distributed
throughout the territory.
We have opposite situation in the highly developed North America (6%) and most European
countries (12%), and the only Asian country with high GDP is Japan. Here the density of
urban population extremely exceeds the national average. For example, in the Netherlands
population density is 440 persons per 1 In Japan - 330 persons per 1 92% of
Greate Britain population resides in urban areas. Moreover in some blocks of London
population dencity makes up to 25, 000 per 1, while in Scotland ther are only 8 people
per 1 But for all that level of GDP per capita is still high in this country and amounts
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
As follows, figures give also counter-evidence to our 2d assumption.
ІІІ. Then, perhaps, an explanation should be found in superhuman abilities of the indigenous
inhabitants from developed countries who genetically have skills to manage resources or
distribute them? Then, in contrast, the population from developing countries is not able to
create a civilization?
There are enough evidences against this argument. First of all according to Encyclopedia of
Great civiliztions [Editions Flerus, 2008] written language was originally discovered in 3300
B.C. in the Middle East: on the territories of Mesopotamy where first towns of Sumerian
civilization were built up (today there are lands of current Iraq and Iran).
Afterwards new civilizations of Assyria, Babylonia, Persia and Egypt have been gradually
flourished. In III century B.C. the largest city was Carthago (now Tunis) where streets were
paved with stones and gutters, with luxurious mansions of rich merchants and 6-story
buildings for the poor on. The same development could be observed in Indian civilization
which emerged about 2500 year B.C. Some of the premises were equiped with bathes and
toilets with well-developed water-supply and sewerage systems.
Chinese civilization which emerged about 5500 year B.C. gave the world paper production
technology used until today. The Chinese proved to be great traders, opening the “Silk Route”
that united European and Asian states. Ancestors of most of the people, now living in third
world countries have had such experience in the trade, agriculture, crafts, that Norman
Vikings, Romans and Greeks were needed centuries to achieve such high standards of living.
On the other hand today’s trend towards opportunities for earning “easy money” (in the
entertainment business, trade, oil industry, stock-exchanged, etc.) absolutely deprives
incentives to work and develop for the human as one should have. So to some extent a person
can actually lose skills which were inhereted from previous generations. An example of this is
low rate of efficiency demonstrated by Ukrainians on the drawing 1, despite of the fact, that
Ukrainians considered very efficient workes for all times.
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
Diagram of capacity for work (drawing 1)
In fact, inspite of above-mentioned trend the dynamic of GDP indexes of countries in
transition indicates economical growth over time. That does prove the capacity of the
countries’ to use their potential and move to another group by rates of economic development.
It is the case for China, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, Singapore. According to World Bank
the half of the global economic growth in 2011 will be provided by developing countries.
[Econoblog, 2010]
So, nation abilities or inabilities can not be an argument for disbalancing of living standards.
ІV. Let’s consider another prerequisite for disbalancing in living standards as excessiveness of
peoples’ needs in certain countries. One famous American politician said that thirst appears
in thirsty environment. In the system with large number of released money the one should
spend them on something. Therefore it makes no sense to keep a one-time package, even
though it becomes a mountain of environmentally hazardous garbage in Silikon Valley. Why
the one should save and make with the only one or two beds for the whole life, or to repair
them if there is a queue of sellers with modern, better products in front. Most electronic
devices, furniture, cars and even houses are made out for single use. Why the one should
preserve the natural fertility of the land if it is possible to add fertilizers endlessly, spend fuel,
use advanced technology and obtain high yields of crops anyway? Why think about
tomorrow’s problems of global warming, if today it is a demand for valuable wood of
rainforest and one needs to cut trees down to gain from it as much as possible?
Scientists estimate the total population of Europe, Japan and the U.S. is 20% of the world,
while their energy needs are 70% of total consuming. Another example indicates the average
statistical need in raw materials for American, either directly or indirectly, is about 1600 tons.
This indicator for the Indian is 50 times less. [Smirnov E.N., 2009] Can it be the truth that the
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
Indian needs less than American? I think the problem here is much deeper and it’s not related
only to satisfictaion of essential human needs for food, water, home, health.
The point is that some of developed states comprehended the value of things i.e. resources.
They made up the costs for these resources and put them into market circulation. Later on,
during financial manipulative operations on the market the value of the capital increases and
its indicator doesn’t depend on production cost anymore. In that way skilled entepreuneur can
acquire a profit several times bigger than initial cost of resources. The more ones acquired, the
more he should spend. Then, in countires with well-developed market conditions people’s
needs along with their value much higher comparing to undeveloped countries.
It concerns the value of the labour to the same extent.
In market conditions emigrants are considered as a resource which has supply and demand all
over the world. Economists prove that the efficiency of manpower export 5 times exceeds the
export of goods. For instance profit from manpower export of labor in the Arab countries
make up to 20-30% of the total currency value. Some donor-countries joined the developed
group thanks to exports of labour force (Turkey, Brasil). According to International Migration
Organization each year Ukrainians send home from 5 to 8 billion dollars which is equil to the
whole scope of foreign investments. Therefore, Ukrainian labour emigrants can be considered
as serious investors. [BBC, 2010]
V. Our economists continue to list the reasons for disbalancing in living standards of different
countries of the world by:
- external debt crisis as a result of dependent position of developing countries within the
system of internation labour distribution,
- development of scientific and technological progress, change of industrial structure and
external market conditions regarding usage of many raw materials, which leads to outflow of
the capital.
Undoubtedly all the above preconditions and contr-evidences are evenly affecting the
difference in levels of economic development in developed and poor countries. However they
prove also that the situation can be changed. This is the core idea in comprehension of the
answer to the question: How to stop labour emigration? We should make changes to satisfy
people’s needs in the countries of their origin. Thereupon our task is to support changes by
means of land policy, which would lead to the increase of living standards.
1. Well, in this regards one step should be made towards elimination of population density
and its distribution in most parts of the country. This aspect can not be subject to presence of
natural resources. However availability of natural resources should be taken into account
when making policy on settling people and defining specialization of production, where
people can apply their abilities. How can this be achieved?
A) It can be started from reorientation of specialization in “exhausted (undeveloped)
regions”. For example, people living in mine settlements in Lugansk region (Ukraine) could
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
return to cultivation and livestock production on the exhausted from mining lands which were
abandoned. A new technology of agriculture with little employment can be implemented on
these black soils. Here we have existent utility infrastructure with the lowest price for
accommodation at 10 to 100$ per squre metre.
A new full agriproduction cycle should be implemented exactly in such regions: starting from
cultivation, growing the crops, processing, selling, and finishing by the development of cattle
farms based on fodder supplies and meat and dairy production. Production from these
territories could be sold at internal domestic market (Donetsk, Kharkiv region) and compete
with Russian and international producers of agricultural products. Ukraine, with a population
of 46 million could produce the food for 120 million people, while potentially it could feed
200-250 million people. During crisis times agricultural sectors is not less profitable than oil
industry. [Econoblog, 2010]
Another specialization on abandoned lands could be the development of wood production. It
seemed effecient to reforest quarries. The forest in Ukraine is considered as insufficient
resource which is placed unevenly on the territory. During independence time the valuable
species of beetch were feeled in Carpathians, sputtered on the wood for barbecue and
exported abroad. According to inhabitants of the Transcarpathian territories they consume
themselves imported furniture produced from chipboard.
In this regard, it seemed efficient to involve the population of Western Ukraine, which always
suffers from unemployment, into restoration of wood industry on lands particularly covered
by trees. Although, in this context, big capital investments are needed because of the necessity
in training and long-term land development. On the other hand, the development of wood
industry will provide an opportunity to restore the traditional craft skills for the master in
If Brazil is the superior in worldwide timber production, it should focus its efforts on poor
people involvement into different kind of activites in this industry like manufacturing,
plantations, growth regulation and monitoring. This would help not only to resolve the issue
of partial employment, but also to counteract to global environmental problems associated
with deforestation.
The same principle on restoration of regional economy focusing on the most competitive
resource can be applied to Moldova. It is worth rehabilitating those territories of Moldova,
where the climatic features, terrain conditions and the remaining infrastructure of the Soviet
times allow developing horticulture and viticulture. In order to encourage farmers the state
should support them with fair economic conditions such as credit lines, low quotation, good
leasing conditions for usage of modern automated machinery and equipment.
Usage of the most competitive natural resource which is peculiar to each country of Third
world would make them leaders in the world market in their own sector. And the way to the
welfare lies in the establishment of inter-sectored trade system, where all of them would be
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
B) Another means to eliminate congestion of population can be urban planning aimed at
removing large industrial or service centers (like clothes or shoe factories) outside the city.
This mostly concerns metropolises, which concentrate today the majority of peoples’
activities, major industrial and shopping centers, and hence financial flows. Moving large
industrial complexes into suburbs or to the places with source of raw materials will ensure the
dispersal of working places away from metropolises centers. Urban transport, utilities will be
relieved also of people. Establishment of the manufacture in suburban place, where permanent
residents live, and especially in the presence of raw materials will let benefits to the owner by
means of reduced production prime costs. Development of business there will support the
development of the environment in a way of maintenance access roads, lights, transmission
lines, etc. It will improve indirectly the living conditions of the country’s population.
II. The next way to keep manpower within the country is revival of forgotten crafts: sheep
breeding, pig breeding, horticulture, beekeeping, handcrafts, etc. Besides skills, the craftsmen
need the means of production, one of which is land. The approach which should be used for
implementing this goal will be shown on the example of Ukraine.
According to Land Code each citizen of Ukraine has the right to obtain up to 2,0 hectares of
the land free of charge for gardening, garage, summer-housing, homestead land, vegetable
gardening and farming. In reality, most of the urban population (workers, intellectuals) still
have not taken the opportunity to issue land ownership, as defined by the law and not going
to. At the same time, the peasants who work on the land or going to accelerate their
economies are really in need of such land which hasn’t been distributed yet. Besides, those
employees who work temporarily abroad and will return back with the money could also
invest into agrarian sector. But they also suffer from insufficient size of land parcel for
business development.
А) The means which could help in these cases is a consolidation of undistributed or unused
land into some reserve as Land Bank for more efficient circulation. Having land reserve the
state will be able to satisfy the needs in land for different categories of the society such as
social workers, intellectuals or workers by their first request. The land should be available on
terms of permanent or temporary use without the right to sell it. In case of inefficient or
inappropriate use the land should be returned back to circulation for its subsequent
B) Another means for revival of crafts is a possibility for collective land management. This
regulation is now extracted from the Land Code of Ukraine. But it is of great need for the
people who are not able to manage their own economies independently. If the people on the
West of Ukraine are able to cope with small individual plots as of 1,0 to 2,0 hectares, then the
East suffers from inability of peasants to handle area of 4,0 to 6,0 hectares by their own
(without technical and technological support). Most of the peasants are not leaders by the
nature and used to work in collective farms. However the modern method of joint land
management means transfer of land shares from each peasant to one master on terms of lease,
with the right to be employed by the master and work on the same land. And, as a result of
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
such cooperation, the master takes income, while peasants as landlords receive so-called
allowance in the form of natural products (hundredweight of wheat or sugar for the season
working at the field).
Under such conditions of land management nobody talks about renewable natural resources.
Since the land parcels of different sizes belong to large number of owners one can hardly talk
about usage of crops- rotation or pasture-rotation schemes which allows increase productivity
under reuse of resources without chemical fertilizers.
In 1904 Ukrainian scientist K.Voblyj. [K.Voblyj, 1904] has already investigated the problem
of rural wage labor. He made a conclusion that in capitalism conditions small-scale peasant’s
economy is doomed to extinction. This has been proven by 20-years of land reform in
Ukraine. Small-scaled land parcels managed by poor, inexperienced in modern methods of
farming peasants becomes unproductive and lead to bankruptcy.
To resolve this problem in modern conditions the peasants should have intention to put
together their land shares on equal terms, and also divide the profit according to the share of
participation in joint managing economy.
Only in this case farmers or collectives of farmers could move up to higher forms of market
relations as cooperation based on the establishment of trade batters. Farmers would join cooperatives in compliance with different areas of the business and specialization. It can be
either sales / selling products, whether technique / repair of agricultural machinery or
processing of raw materials. After all it is impossible to imagine any U.S. or the Netherlands
farmer who does business outside the cooperatives. Ukrainian farmer initially put into a
position where he cultivates the land, grows crops, process or sell products alone. Most
farmers simply fed farming products to livestock, as it’s not profitable to drive it to the city.
At the same time cooperatives in Denmark and Finland sell 90% of total value of the milk, in
Sweden and Norway it is 100%. The share of livestock cooperatives in all the Nordic
countries is 80%. [Petrieva G.A, 2005]
If together with cooperation in the internal market the external cooperation will be gradually
arranged it would definitely work for balancing of economic levels in the different countries.
Argentina, Ukraine, Brazil would purchase farming equipment from Germany on equal terms
of exportation agricultural products made by their own.
ІІІ. Not the last tool for solving the problem with emigration is regulation of occupational
pattern in land management sector. Lack of professional staff in land sector now becomes an
obstacle for good and efficient performance in land management. Today in Ukraine most of
professionals in land sector such as soil scientists, agronomists, land managers, plant
protection specialists, veterinarians, zoologists, forestry specialists either emigrated abroad or
engaged in other business activities like apartments repair, selling etc. On the contrary former
tractor-drivers, musicians and sellers work now for land management sector. Theories which
study today in universities of some former Soviet republics can hardly be applied to practical
work in order to make the land sector competitive. At the same time the plead of new
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
generation of farmers was born who have intention to work in agribusiness and have initial
capital for the development of large-scale production but do not have educational skills and
sufficient knowledge in new trends and technologies.
So, aimed at ensuring high standards of living the level of training of skilled personnel should
be improved to secure its employment in accordance with the relevant qualification.
Educational framework for such specialties as agronomist, agrichemist, soil specialist should
be re-evaluated based on the requirements dictated by the time.
In this context the introduction of support programs for young and experienced professionals,
encouraging them by prestigious jobs on a competitive basis, opportunities to have training in
business environment at manufacture or abroad, by benefits related to housing would be of
great use. The state should foster respect to the profession, the desire to increase knowledge
and training. After all, experienced professionals are demanded in every village, town, each
settlement working in the field, not just in the offices.
Conclusions. To sum up, I should note that any nation should not live only for satisfaction of
natural instincts. It must have a goal for its development. One noble goal which would allow a
person to develop and the state not to loss its authority could be the improvement of the
welfare of each citizen, and therefore living standards of the whole country.
We can start from very little for this.
To create conditions for the use of different forms of management on the land such as state,
municipal, cooperative, collective, rent, leasing forms, and not to give priority just to private
To ensure access to land resources for all levels of population. Allowing market circulation of
agricultural land, to remember that the land for Ukraine is a strategic resource like the oil to
Libya and forests for Brazil. Therefore, primarily to protect citizens of their own country from
the bankruptcy and loss of resources as it is done in UAE. At the same time long-term lease
should have a longer duration (more than 10 years) for creation attractive business
environment for foreign investors. Establishment of the land bank (reserve) will provide free
access to land and its availibility even to the poorest citizens.
To provide a legal and economic framework for cooperation.
To ensure good working conditions and equal respect to the specilaities regardless if it is a
businessman, a sewer, a teacher, a solder, or an official. To overcome the situation in a
society where speculators gain more than a real producers of the goods.
To implement regularly a strategy on elimination of population congestion based on
availablility of working places and comfort living conditions in resettlement areas.
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011
The progress in implementing at least these measures which are set forth above will allow to
higher up the living standards in donor countries thereby to stop the outflow of population
from them.
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Magazine Today jointly with New Your Times. p.2.
6. Encyclopedie Fleurus Junior Civiliztion. Editions Flerus.- Paris., 2008, p.190.
7. Smirnov E.N. Introduction for the world economy course. Economical geography of
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9. K.Voblyj. Transatlantic emigration, its preconditions and consequence. Experiment based
on statistical-economical research. — Warshava, 1904.
10. Petrieva G.A. & others. Cooperation and agroindustrial integration of AIC. М., Kolos,
Ms. Oksana Sukhova, born in 1977. Graduated as a specialist in Land Management in 1999
from Kharkiv State Agrarian University, Ukraine; and as M.Sc. in Land Management from
Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden in 2004. Since 2005 work for BlomInfoUkraine Ltd at the position of Quality Control manager, 2009 – Project manager.
Project Manager Oksana Sukhova
BlomInfo-Ukraine Ltd,
Address: 03040, Kyiv, Demiivska Str., 43
Telephone: +38 044 258 72 66
Fax: +38 044 258 7418
E-mail: [email protected]
TS05G - Innovative and Pro-poor Land Records and Information System II - Paper 5032
Oksana SUKHOVA, Ukraine
How to Stop Emigration by Land Policy
FIG Working Week 2011
Bridging the Gap between Cultures
Marrakech, Morocco, 18-22 May 2011