Document 6496765


Document 6496765
Morning News Classifieds -.233 3671
4Cu- Savannah Morning News. Tuesday, June 22,1S&9 ****
Cafeteria workers learn how
to make leaner, healthier foods
Tto Associated Pra*«
ATHENS — Being a lunchroom
worker has never been easy.
But nowadays, the cooks of mystery-meat fame are also expected
to produce low-fat cafeteria cuisin» for, hordes of fast food fanatics.'
.".'New federal rules that became
mandatory this year require feder' ally subsidized school lunch programs to limit fat and saturated fat.
.-.- So cafeteria workers are having"
to. learn new ways to limit fat and
sodium without turning meats into
tasteless mush' .
V.."Ai least 60 Georgia cafeteria
WOfkers are attending the School
Nutrition Culinary Institute at the
Jeff Blake/The Associated Press
University of Georgia this summer
Ruthann Swanspn, a Untvaratty of Georgia professor, speaks to a group of
to dp just that
. .
; " • During a recent lesson at the fed- school lunch wotken laat weak about proper food preparation at the 10th
qr;ajly-funded institute, 10 women annual School Nutrition Culinary Institute, In Athens. New federal .rules that
learned to use a computer program became mandatory this year require federally subsidized school lunch propam
thai evaluates, menus for fat, sodi- to limit fat and saturated fat So cafeteria worker* are having to team new
unv and carbohydrate levels.
: ways, to Omit tat and sodhim without turning meals Into tasteless mush. :" Scrolling through a- recipe for
"Lasagne South of the Border,"
they, ran nutritional checks oh the
ingredients, adding and subtract-.
ing spices and foods to change the
fat #nd sodium content;
,', .'i^'What you need to decide is
what you are actually going to
diunp in there," said: Njna
Ma'rable, -an institute instructor
and a faculty member of the uni. yersity's College of Family and
Consumer Science. ;
•'Cheese? One percent? T\vo percent? Non-fat? You have to choose
what you're, really going to put in
your pot," she said. "Knowledge is
., ' The hands-on classes also
require the chefs to score the taste,
appearance and texture of differ-euUow-fat brownie recipes. '
wasn't too awful," said
Harrell of Upson. County
tasting one recipe.
cafeteria workers also disJeff Biai-e/The Associated Pre&s
-what to do with the cans of
e piiree the federal govern- PauMte Williams of the Georgia Department of Education, participating In the
has been shipping to public 10th annual School Nuttftion Culinary Institute at the University of Georgia,
evaluates a tow-fat brownie, describing Its appearance, texture and taste.
I I4\irns out the fruit mush is a
3HSP low-fat substitute for butter
JJfiaked goods.
y-ftlany of the school chefs point
4Ut that, while menus have
changed under government guidance, kids haven't.
"I see those kids .throwing a lot
j Incorporation which will
of food away," said Gloria Graham,
a cafeteria worker from Thomas
Bob Moms/Sa-annah Morning Ne*.s
Laohard WMfa; known localy as "Sandman" became of the elaborate sand castle* he builds, Just finished this wall sign
from an okt Coke ad. The wail sfci Is on an Inside wall of Savannah Trade Antiques on Warner St. Just off W. Bay St. Miller,
a sfei patter by trade, has painted signs on businesses all over the cKy. H« has been bulWI^ sand castl^ and pattrthig
slejtsforthe pact 13-years. The slfn took him about a day and a half to paint.
Newspaper seeks to open
in Rankiii Smith case
By Dtck Petty*
The Associated Press
ATLANTA — A woman's claim
that she is an illegitimate child of
Rankin Smith Sr, the late Atlanta
Falcons owner, led to arguments
before the Georgia Supreme Court on
Monday,over whether a judge acted
properly in sealing the court records
on the case.
"This case cries out for guidance
from this court for meaningful guidelines," Frank Davis Jr., a lawyer for
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
told the state's highest court
Without clear instructions from the
Supreme Court, he said, trial judges
will find it too easy to overlook "the
critical party, the public," when
William W. Shearouse, Jr.
• incorporate .
For the Firm
JUDE Enterprises, Inc.,
•Notice of Intent to Incorporate '
: will tw delivered to the Secretary
Solar Reflection, Inc.
.Notice of intent to Voluntarily ! of State for filing in accordance Notice is'given that Articles of
• Dissolve a Corporation
• with the Georgia Business Cor- Incorporation which will
Motlce is given that a notice of : porotion:Code (O.C.G.A. Sec. 14- incorporate
*ifent to dissolve
: 2-101). The initial registered
SOLAR Reflection, Inc. .
: office of the corporation will be will be delivered to the Secretary
Georgian corporation with its : located at 315 Commercial of State for filing in accordance
gistered office at 334 Kensing- • Drive, Suite C-4. Sovonnoh,' with the Georgia Business Cori Drive, Savannah, Go. 31405, Georgia and its initial registered poration. Code. The' initial regisi been Delivered to the Secre- : agent at that address is Michael tered office of the corporation
' of State- for filing in occor- H. Graham, Attorney at Law.
will be located at 221 Executive
Michael H. Grohom Circle, Suite 3. Savannah; Georonce with the Georgia Business
Corporation Code. Anyone hav- :. Notice of Intent tb Incorporate
gia 314U and Its initial regisI a claim against thfs corpora- Notice is given that Articles of : tered agent of sucti address will
lion please present same via cer- Incorporation which will
be George DTUVM Jr.
tified mail lo the address stated incorporate
Duffy, Feemster & Lewis. LLC
•hove Exceot for claims that
, .
Matthew M. Bush
•tt contingent ot the time of the '
Assoc., Inc.,
. Notice of intent to Incorporate
fifing of this notice or that arrive
i* elven that-Articles of
Bfter the filing of this notice, a : will be dellverod to the Secretary Notice
Incorporation which will .
Boim riot otherwise barred will } • of State for filing In accordance incorporate
.. • •
Te barred unless o proceeding to with the Georgia Nonprofit CorKENDALL'S Auto, If*..
Tnforce the. claim is commenced ; poration Code. The initial reels"Srithin two years oiler the publi- : tered office of the corporation will be delivered to the Secretary
will be located ot 14 East State 'of State foe filing In accordance
jjatioo of this notice.
: Street, Savannah, GA 31401, and with the Georgia Business Cor^L
Alvin Hitt,
its initial registered agent at poration Code (O.C.G.A. Sec. 14"Notice of Intent to Incorporate
such address it ' •
201.1). The Initial registered
otict is given that Articles of i William w. Sheorouse. Jr.
office of the corporation will be
located at tf4 voilevbrook Rd., Code".
International, inc.
.Savannah, G4, and its Initial The initial registered office ot will be.dellvtred to the Secretary
registered agent at such address the corporation is located at 1190 of State for filing In accordance
is Richard K. Smith.
King George Blvd., Savannah, with the Georgia Business CorWilliam D: Cannddy, CPA GA 31419, and Iff Initial regis- poration Cod*.-The Initial regis. -.
Incorpofotor .tered agent at such 'address Is tered office of me corporation
Elaine C. Powalka, DMD.
will b« located ol 311 West
Notice of Intent to mcorporgte
Elaine C PowolKa, DMD Broughfon Street, Savannah, GA
Notice is given that Articles of
;. .
Registered Agent 31401, and Its Initial registered
Incorporation which.will
agent at swch address is Aaron
Notice of incorporation •
NEW LEGACY Community
Notice Is given, (hot Articles of L. Buchsboum. .
• Aaron L, Buchsboum
Incorporation for
• Development Corporation'
EMPIRE tending Co., Inc.
Notice of Intent to Incorporate
will be delivered to the Secretary
of State for filing'in accordance have been delivered to the Sec- NoUct Is given that Articles of
with the.Georgia Nonprofit Cor- retary of State for filing In accor- Incorporation which will
poratfoh Code. The Inlliot reols- dance with me Georgia Business
tered office of the corporation Corporation Code.^h* Initial regSOUTHSIDE town Care, Inc.
will be located ot 471? Oakview istered office of the corporation will b*.d*ljv*red to the Secretary
Drive, Savannah, GA, 31405 and Is located gt 7393 Hodgson of Slate for filing In-accordance
its initial registered agent at Memorial Drive, Suite 102, with the Georgia Business Corsuch address is George Ponder.
Savannah, Chatham County, .poration Coo*. The Initial regliWilliam K. Broker Giorgio 31406, and lt».li|ltfal reg- lerfd office of the corporation
Attorney for Incorporotor istered agent at such oddVtss Is will bt located ot 512 Red Oofc
Neil A. Creasy.
Urfvc, Savannah, Georgia I1419i
Silvers, Simpson t Grtmy, P.C. and Hi' rtglsMnd agent ot such
Dentistry, Inc.,
By: Nell A. Creasy address will be Kenneth E. Hall.
has been duly Incorporated by '- • _'
Charles Donnte Gotch
Notice ol Intent to H
the issuance of a certificate of
Notlc* of intent to Incorporate
incorporation by the Secretary of Notice is given that Articles of
'k» is given that Articles of
Slate, in accordance with the Incorporoltoh wfclch will
tlo whleh will
applicable provisions of the Incorporate
"Georgia Business Corporation
WEB VentuVes
40 Part of the
1 Burned raptory
Ancww to PravkHM Puzzto
7 tatao
- t2
•• is Edmonton
hockey team
Z 16 Hone relative MPondortlni
*' 17!
18 Auto
23 Taxi
r *£%}*•*
57 UMorw
31 nMWVft fUfMl
In challenging 'that ruling, tjie
newspaper contends the trial judge
failed to follow the established proc£
dure, which calls Tor a hearing, and
acted against the state's longstanding
presumption that court proceedings
and records should be open:
"This is an important case for the
court because we urge the court'to
articulate for the* public, for. judges,
for this state what the ground rufeV
are in sealing records," Davis said •
. He said there is no indication that
a hearing was held or that proper evidence was presented to justify closing
'•'•'•.'•• 1
A judge cannot close the record
simply to avoid causing general
embarrassment to' the parties, the
lawyer said.
KINGSTOWN Properties, Inc,
will be delivered to the Secretory
of State far filing In accordance
with the Georgia Business Cor,
poration Cod*. The Initial registered office- of the corporation
will be located at 17 E. 33Td
Street, Savannah, .GA 31401, ond
Its Initial registered agent at
such address is Ttofito C. Sieoy.
VTckl B. Dunn
Administrative Assistant
or photo copied bids will be ol 10:00a.m. ql the proiect site.
Bidding documents mov. be
obtained at the office- of the
Dot*: June 24,1999 of 3:00 p.m.
Th* nom* of the proiect is: Ren- .Architect, Gunn-M*yerhoff-Snav •
ovations" and Additions, RICH- .Architects, P.C., 42S E. PrtstMOND HILL LIBRARY, Bryan dent Street, Savannah. CA. .
County, Richmond Hill. Ga. - , Applications for documents
The Owner is: Statuboro ! together with deposit of $IS.«0
Regional Library Board; Lois- M. i per. set, should be filed promptly
Roberts, Director, 124 South j wi)H „.tl>«
- . 'Architect. ..
Main St., Stotesboro, Ga. 30458, material will be forwarded, skip912-7M-)32t.
! ping charges collect, as soon os
Th* Architect is: Cogdell and I passible. The full amount ol
Mendrata Architects. 517 E, Con- ; deposit for one set will b* refundgress St.. Savannah,'Go, 31401, i ed to each general contractor
912-234-6311. ' • • • - • • • :•• - I who submits a bana fide bid upon
Th* SCOP* of Work it the con- j return of such s*t un good condl. Invitation for Bids '
stnuction of renovations and lion within 10 days after date pf
Sealed bids for the construction additions to the existing library •opening of bids. All other
of the
building In Richmond Hill, Ga. ) deposits will be refunded with
Renovations and-Additions will The Prelect bidding is open. The ; deductions approximating cast
be received from qualified bid- award will b* In In* best Interest of reproduction of documents
der* by the Owner, opened and of the- Owner. The Contractor- upon return of same In good cap
read blood- in the Conference must submit bids for .the entire Hit ion wimin lo days after dote
Room of the Richmond Hill worlt ond eoch alternate.
of bids.
~~- - —
Library .located .at M07 Ford Bidding documents are available ( Contract, If awarded, will p»
Ave., Richmond Hill, Go. Mailed for Inspection at the offices of i a lump sum basis. No bid may
bids shooltf be wnt, to Mr. W. th* Architect: Oodg* Plan Roam .withdrawn, for a period ot ,
Donald Cogdell, Jr., A1A, In Savannah, Go., ond CMP 1 days after time has been catted
Cogdell and Mendrola Archi- Office* In Savannah, Ga..
i. on the date ol opening.
. .,:•
tects, 517 E. Congress St., Savon-, Bidding documents may • be i Bids must be accompanied bVb
nah. Go. 31401. No facsimile bids obtained from the Architect for a I bid bond in an amount not le^s
ol •"•».
wi SIM
*i^w p*r
fw* s*t,
ar«f „ Fifty
riMT per
*^tr" i than
•••»•" *
"* ***
«"•»» ^•w.
— -.Tr~
deposit of
cent (50%) of each deposit will j. Performance ond Payment Bond
will be required -in an amount
be refundable^ provided the doc
uments ore returned to the' equal to 100% of the contrail
, .,
Architect within fifteen (15) days price.
after the opening of bids. The The Owner-reserves the right to
remaining fifty percent (50%) reject any ond all bids and to
will be ustd to Otter the cost of Waive, technicalities-and-Infor..
printing ond handling ond will be molitles.
Board of Regenls'of'the
non-refundable. No refunds will
University System of Georgia
be nude for documents returned
By: William K. ChathorVl
after fifteen (15) days. Refunds
Vice Chancellor for Facilities
will be mode tq bonq fide bidders
only.. .
Bids will be binding for a period
Invitation lo Bid • , •
of'sixty (tb) calendar days from Sealed bids will be received bv
the date bids ore opened.
th*.Board of Education for .(He
Time for construction It two hun- City of Savannah and county of
dred and forty (240) consecutive Chatham at the Purchasing
calendar days from Nolle* to Depl., 201 Bull SU Room 113,
Savannah. Go. 31*01.
A non-mandatory, prebid meet- C99-23
Ing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Spencer Elementary School
June 10. 1*99. at the prelect ilfe. storm/water repairs. Prebld conAll bids art to be accompanied ference to b* held June 24, 1999,
with a bid pond of not less than ot 2pm, 201 Bull St., Room JB2.
five percent (5%) of, the bos* Bid opens July 1, 1999. of No other form ot guarantee C99 24
is acceptable.
i D*r*nn* Middle School fencing.
Performance bond ond tobor ond Prebid conference to' be held
material payment .'bond in the Jon* 22, 1999, 201 Bull SI,, Room
amount of )0o% of the contract 302, at 2prn. Bid Opens June 29,
1999. at 2pm.
amount will be required. '
The Surety and insurance com- C99-2S
panies must be licensed to do Coastal Mlddl* School irtigotMn
business In the State of Georgia Protect. Prebid confertnce lo be
and have a rating of B-I- or bet- h»ld J«rt« 22r 1W9, Ml .1
Roof) JW» ot 3pfn, Bh
ter In Best's Insurance Guide.
The bidders' attention Is directed J«W 29, 1999, ol 3pm.
to AIA Document 00701 • Instruc- C992t
Garrison Elementary School retions to Bidden.
Bids- or* to be submitted on Ih* roofing. Prebid conference lo fee
Form of Proposal provided In held June 24, 1999. 201 Bull SI..
HM proiect manual, enclosed In a Room 302, al 3pm. Bid opens
scaled opaque envelop* bearing July 1, 1999. ol 3pm.
the name and address of the bid- Al the time ond place nofid
der, identification of contract above, bids will be publicly
being bid and name of proiect. •opened. No extension of the bidAll bids must comply with In* ding period will b* mad* unless
lows ond regulations of the State Indicated by-written addendum.
Plans am) specifications ore
ot Georgia.
The Owner reserves th* right to available from (he Board Octifn
relect any ond all bids, ond to antf Construction Ollice, 201 Bull
award the contract In Ih* best St., Room MS, with o Plan
deposit of $M. Any quesllp**
Intern! Of tnt Own*r.
shall be directed lo the Board's
Mr. W.P. CogotM. Jr.
Design and Constructions,
AIA, os Agent
for th* Owner
Board ol Education ls,'«n
Cogdell ond Mendrolo
Equal Opportunity Employer. .
Vanessa Milter-KalgWr
••' i
S17 E. Congress Si.
Director of Purchasing • ',
Sovonnoh, Go. 31401
Invitation to BM
Invitation to Bid
Sealed bids will b* received »r
Sealed proposals from General th* Board of Education tor the
Contractors will M received bv City of Savannah ond County of
th* Board ot R*g*nts of th* Unl- Chatham ol trie Purchasing
v*rsltv Systems of Georgia, Depl., 201 Bull SI, Room Jl).
Owner, at Savannah Slot* Uni- Savannah, Go. ]I401.
versity. Colston Admlnlttralion, 2002
Building, Comerenc* Room A B Foil sports equlpment/iuppiiet.
until }:OOp.m(EDST>. Legally Opens July 7, 1999, ol 2pm
Prevailing time on Monday. 2003
Jurat n, 1999 tor th* Renovation « Hand held radios, opens July II.
of Hill Hall • Phase II, Savannah 1999, at Horn
State University, B.O R Con
tract IBR»9 9*04.
Code ol conduct handbook!,
At th* time ond ploc* iy>led opens July 13. 1999, ot 3pm
obove, the proposals lor eoch EB9920
proiect will bt publicly opened Carpel cleaning service Savon
and read. No *xteni!on ol the noh High School, optni June 7<
bidding period will be mode
1999. at 3pm There will be a pr«
There will b* o mandatory pre
bid conference on June 72, 1999
bid conference. Tuesday. June 22 ot 11:30 am. Tn Room 213 ot XX
0C1QQ QnEJ 0000
51 Attracthw vtow
SSActrtM ,
JacqmMnt —
66 You don't Myl
deciding whether records should be
closed. •'-..'
••'•', '.'.'•••'• The newspaper is suing to unseal
the records in a suitTiled last year by
Kimberlee Sullivan, who sought to
exhume Smith's body to substantiate
her claim that she is his illegitimate
but acknowledged child and is entitled to a portion qfhis estate.
Smith died iu 1997 of heart failure
at age 72. His five, children now own
the NFL team, and son Taylor Smith
is the Falcons'president.
Ms. Sullivan's suit has not yet gone
to trial, but the attorneys' written
motions and other filings have-been
sealed by the trial court, where a
judge found that "the potential harm
to the. parties' privacy .clearly outweighs public interest"
nmran nnra mnnm
raomaon nHmracns
munaran rannmnra
5 Having
1 UK
6 OfthtlMKJh
7 Churth
36 On ttw briny
37 CotnfMM pi
3 High .
• V*x
finding for
10 Ending for
11 Draft org.
13 Clyde's .
1ft Coda
10 Stir
23 Roman leader
t4 Actresa
32 Hit Pghoy
34 Arrange
43 Clothing
41 Act Ilka a
47 Shea Stadium
41 BeorhoMer
49-da Janeiro
SO Forerunner of
52Pot-au- —
53 Ofcnlnuthra
54 Atty.'s