Document 6497237
Document 6497237
QUESNELCARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, March 16th, 2005 BIS ' B12 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday; March 16, 2005 COMMUNITY HOW TO PLAGE A CLASSIFIED AD w/mmr/mm Serving Northern British Columbia or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BC From left to right, Erriie Kuehn, Ken Lewington, Peter Couldweii, Elaine Couldweii and Lynda Kuehn gather round to accept a $1,000 gift from the Royal Canadian Legion. Lewington, the Legion president, hands off $500 for the Where the Rivers Meet Country Blue Grass Jamboree, an event on April 21 to 24 at the Seniors^ Centre: The remaining funds will be used by the Quesnel and District Seniors' Society to train advanced student musicians. Joyanne Pursaga photo Royal Canadian Legion president Ken Lewington presents Denis Lessard of the Highland Games Society with a $1,000 cheque to help pay for this year's events. The games celebrate Scottish heritage and iriclude traditional sporting events such as the caber and sheaf tosses. This year's games will be heldon June lOand 11. ^ J accepted HOURS: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday ANN0WCEMENTS(H9 Annwineements 3 Aiudveruries ,6 BIrtte 9 BWxtey* n ChureJi«„...._.„__u~_ SPECIAL EVENTS & MEETINGS ETC... ARTS FEST 2005 Artists are invited to exhibit their work and strenthen tlieir arts practice. Entry deadline Mar, 17. Regs and submission forms available from Central Inteiror Reg. Arts Council, 2880, 15th Ave., RG. V 2 M I T l , 250-562-0024 or from your local Arts Counci T H E POLYJESTERS sponsored by Quesenl Live Arts Sat., March 19 at Chuck Mobley Theatre, Tickets at Save-On-Foods, B6cB Music or at the door are' $18 ea, $15 for seniors 8c students, or $55 for family of four. SENIOR CENTRE NEWS Tai Chi classes, Mon. 9-9:45 am, Craft classes, basic sewing begins May 4 fron 10-12 pm. March pot luck March 20 at 5 pm. PROSTATE SUPPORT GROUP M T G Mar. 18 at 7 pm at Cancer Society office. FREE WRITERS WORKSHOP presented by Ques. Writers Group sponsored by The Quesnel Church now/ i5 -tt^ -h^ YJOr^ippers shall ydrehip •ttie Fattier infipirH-and in •huttv &od is a spirit and •ttiey Vvwsf w/orship in spirit and in -hvttv . : Please join us. call w-3n^. . A s k for Kim. . CROONER'S CAFE at AnBC Comm. Arts Council, first of three on Mar. 18 from 2T4; glican Church hall April 2. No charge for musicians. ; pm.. facilitiated'-by:-Jeah Speare at Seniors. Centre. For more info ELVIS IS BACK Advance tick992-1567 or 992-0587. : ; • ets now available for "In Memory of the King" Stuart MacLeod CAN. CANCER; SOCIETY'S tribute artist. April 2 @ Chuck DAFFODIL SALES March 18, Mobley Theatre. Tickets at Rec 19 and 20th at Extra Foods, Centre and the Side Door ResWal-Mart, Canadian Tire, West taurant, West park Mall or call Park Mall, while quantities last. Leona 747-0947. WRITING FOR STAGE WORKSFIGP 8-week course 49TH ANNUAL RUPERT starts Mar<ih 21, sponsored by NITE in Vancouver on April 2. Kersley Pliyers, instoructor Roy This event is for past and presTeed, $50 registration, call 747ent residents of Prince Rupert. 1925 for more info:: For info or tickets, call Sheila Dorval at 604-299-4599, email [email protected], or phone SPRING PHOENIX PROLeigh-Ann Mehan at 604-944G R A M @ Amata House begin3289 :/ , ning Mar. 22 and running every Tues. 9:30-11:30 a.m. A 10-wk educationainformational pror TIPTOE THROUGH T H E gram^ idenrifying! abuse and the TOMBSTONES presented by effects. Call to registei^ limited Hixon's Canyon Creek Players seating, childcare provided free, Apr. 7 at 8pm, tickets $5 availno cost for program..For more able at the door. Dinner Theatre ino call 992-7321. • performances Apr. 8, 9, 15 & 16 with tickets $20/person in advance. Doors open at 6 pm. MODEL RAILWAY SPRDSIG For ticket reservations contact MEET Mar. 25 to 27 at SeNancy Robertis at 992-9106. niors' Centre. To register call Bill at 747-1878 or email bl>[email protected] or fax FRIENDS OF WELLS C O M 992-8317. MUNITY H A L L ' ANNUAL DINNER AND AUCTION Apr. 30. $50/plate or $350 fora table EVENING OF T H E STARS of eight. For reservations call FESTIVAL FINALE April 1 at 250-994-3330. Chuck Mobley Theatre Tickets $10 ea at Cariboo Ford. PRINCE RUPERT HOMECOMING May 16-24,2005, for BC OLD TIME FIDDLERS more info email info@princerupe ASSOC MONTHLY DANCE Sat., April 2 at Elks Hall, 8: LORD TWEEDSMUIR 30 pm to 1 am. Admission SENIOR SECONDARY 20$8 includes lunch. Ticket s at YEAR REUNION June 11. Harkins. For more info contact. them, tweedsm uir1985@yahoo,ca SYLVIA'S CAFE PRESENTS STAN NELSON MEMORIAL JAMBOREE June 24, 25, Sc 26, tickets $20/ea at Sylvia's Cafe, Rec Centre, Side Door Restaurant, Fri. night headliner Steve Hillis (tribute to Garth Brooks) Sat., Elvis tribute artist Stuart MacLeod. For more info call Leona 747-0947. . AL-ANON CAN HELP Has your life been affected by someone else's drinking? If so call 249-5968 or 747-1706. Meetings POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP M T G Tues., from lOam-12 noon at the WRC, 690 McLean Street. For more info call 992-5130. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP NO-HOST LUNCHEON on last Thursymbnth at the Mr. Mike's 11.45 am. For moi-e info call Kay 992-6551. QUES. COMMUNITY RESPONSE NETWORK meets the first Thurs. of each month fronri 12 - 1:30 pm in the upper, board room at hospitaL New members always welcome. For more info call Mary @ 7472059. VASA LODGE card parties every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 7:30 p.m at the Cariboo Vasa Lodge Hall, 449 Westland Road. For more info call 992-1018. SENIORS SOCIETY FRIENDS OF BARKERVILLE DINNER MTGS first Thurs. MONTHLY M T G is held the of the month 5 pm upstairs at 4th Thursday of every month. Country Haven Restaurant. For ; Office open between 10-2 pm more info call Pat 747-0112 . y weekdays. For more info call 992-3991. DROP IN GRIEF GROUP PROSTATE CANCER SUPevery Wednesday of the month PORT MTGS last Thurs. of in 2nd south dayroom at G.R. every other month, 7:30 pm @ Baker Hosp. from 4 to 6 pm. 332 Front St. Contact Ron at 992-2726. . QUES. AMATEUR RADIO CLUB MTGS second Wed. of each month at the Friendship EATING : DISORDERS Centre from 7-8:30 pm. For ANONYMOUS meet ^Mondays more info contact Steve Lasure 6:30 - 7:30 pm in Anglican at 992-8347. Church hall basement, 465 Kinchant Street. For more info call 992-5097. CAN. CANCER SOCIETY RESOURCE CENTRE hours Mon-Fri 10 am-3 pm. For more BREAST CANCER SUPPORT info call 992-6551. Everyone MTGS 2nd Tues. of every month welcome. at 7 pm @ 332 Front St. Contact Vi 747-1030. QUES. YOUTH SOCCER QUES. SINGLES COFFEE monthly nitg the third Wed. of GROUP meet Wed., evenings each month. Call Linda at 983from 7-9 pm @ Baker Creek 6922 for locations. Coffee Co. 40ish and older LEARN ABOUT FOSTERmeet for coffee, hikes, bowling, ING CHILDREN Ques. Foster dances, etc. Parents mtg every 3rd Tues at QSS school at 7 pm. Everyone welcome. For more info call 991-5199. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SUNDAY SERVICE at 11 am in Board Rm of the Arts & Rec Centre. The public is warmly invited. For more info call 9927309. FRIENDS OF BARKERVILLE meet the first Thurs. of the month at 5 pm upstairs in Country Haven Restaurant. For more info call Ann at 992-5097 or Pat at 747-0112 — The deadline for the Wednesday Obsen/er is Monday at noon, and the deadline for the Weekend Edition is Wednesday at 5pm. All meeting notices and regular submissions to Community Calendar must be renewed every three months. Due to the volume of material, we will be clearing it . periodically 18 Coming Evenl.s ..-..-..—IS. Coming Events „ . — 18 Congratulation*.;....™;.--".—u.-.;—--21 : EngagementWWdlng.^,——™—24 >. Funeral Oirectory..27. InUemoriam., -30 Obituaries— -33 Tha nits -36 PERSONAL»-» Business personals-...^ 5$ Healtli/Beauty 60 Lost & Found65 Personals. ..70 PsycWcs.. ..75 Singles-. .lyavelTours/Vacation.. -85 WANTEP 100-149 Wanted.. -14S MERCHANPIS51SQ-249 Antiques.-.:— ™-155 AppBanees ^ 160 •Arts & Crafts 165 Auctions.. .170 Buiiding Materials.. -175 Computers..-. .180 Consignments-.-... .185 Ffreamis .190 FirBwood.-.™-.—~ .195 FreeglverBway.. .200 Furniture.: .205 ; Garage Sales.-. -210 Garden Equipment.. -215 MIsceBaneous^. -220 Music ,. .JOS Sporting Goods Tools* -:.J35' TMeorSwap. ..240 Business Opportunities .i .Careen^ Dayeare-n Edueation '. HelpWkntedProtessional.. SldlledlMes. Tlitoringu Vbtwtfeera—. Work Vented M -254 .258 -262 -266 -270 -274 Accounting.; AppBsncM Automotive— BuBdlngServfemCatering-..; _ Carpentry CMdCm.—. .302 .304 .80S .308, -310 .312 .J14 -91S -318 .320 ..322 ClBtnJng ConBtFUctlon H M U ^ Orywili: Edueatlonmiloring. EiceiMdian.-., Home Support Hous* Sittings hvestnwnl. JanAoriaL.^ UndscaplngiOaRlenlng-: ItoeWnaniWding HlscOaneout Service* J Muslo Lessons PaWfeg PMograptv:. ftumbJng J78 .282 J286 , -290 .325 .328 .330 334 .336 .338 -340 342 344 346 348 .350 .362 ..:.3S4 .366 Poob^pas. RoofingSnowplowing. -.358 ..360 -362 -364 -366 -368 TVucidng Yard & GardenRENTAL 4<KH99 Apartments. -404 Bact)elor Suite . . .408 Basement Suite... -.412 Cablns/Cotlages.416 Commerdal -420 Condos...-;.424 Duplex/Fourplex.. 428 For Rent or Sale-. 432 Halls/Auditoriums -436 Houses -440 Miscellaneous. -444 Mobile Homes.448 Modular Homes... „4S2 Rooms -456 Room&Board. -460 : Seniors/R^anent Accom,-.-. 464 Shared Accommodation.—. 468. ,Stooge „.-.„-... -„:__„ -472 Suites .476 Tourist Accommodation.. -480 To»mhouses -484 wanted to Rent -483 ' Warelwuses 492 REAL ESTATE 500-?99 Acreage/Lots „ 506 Cabins/Cottages.. .512 Commefcia) Business. -518 Commercial Property-. .524 Condos .530 i DuplexJF^plex.. -536 Farms/Ranches-. -542 Fof Sale Of Rent-548 Houses — .554 Laleshore——.. -560 Mobiles -566 Modular Homes.. -572 Open H o u s e s . -576 OutofTown-584 RV sites -590 Twnhouses-596 PET»FARM6m49 -606 Farm Equipment. -612 Feed & Seed FruB/Produce«eat. -624 Horsa.; -630 Uvestodt—.:: -S36 Pets--642 1>aiiea .648 DID Y O U ever follow the Leader? The Cowichan News Leader is turning 100 in April. T o celebrate, we're producing a special edition commemorating the last 100 years of the newspaper and the Duncan area it serves. We're also hosting a community party at the B C Forest Discovery Centre on May 1, 2005. If you used to work for the paper, or have any stories to share, or. if you just want to join in the fun, contact the C o w - . ichan News Leader at 10Ovears ©vinewsQroup.cdhi 30 In Memoriam Canopies Cars ClasslctPtrfs AUT0ligT1VE75Q-7W 750 -7S2 -788-774 -780 ThxkS. -786 Vans/Buses. .792 H0TI^E3TOIPEflSMIW9 Legtf Notices : ^815' Tenders 830 L A R G E M A L E cat, black with gold eyes, missing, since Feb. 26/05 from McLean St. area downtown. 992-3261. Sharon Xellet^ and K^LLh VJaUcLnS U30uld nice Lo announce Lhe engagemenL of LheLr daughLer Hotljj Ann VJaLk-Lns F O U N D O N Lewis Drive, March .12, small dog. Call to claim. 991-0608. 70 Personals S E X Y B R U N E T T E looking for generous gents for discreet encounters 991 -6256. Lo 160 Appliances Leon iAJat^ne. Faullcner, son of GaO) Faulkner. UJeddLng Lo Lajae place JO(y 9, 2,OOS aL RoberL's f^oosL. FRIDGEADIRE FULLSIZED W A S H E R A N D DRYER $500 O B O . 747-8362 SINGER CANISTER Vacuum cleaner $50. 992-7135 IMPROVING YOUR BAR SIZE woodgrain look cube fridqe. $50. 992-7135 HEART ODDS AGAINST & STROKE CANADA'S FOUNDAnONOF B.C.& YUKON #1 KILLER Your In Memoriam gift is a lasting tribute. Please mail your donations to the address beiow and include your name and address, along with: the name and address of the nextof-kin for an acknowledgement card. Mail to Quesnel Unit, Box 4026, Quesnel, BC V2J 3J2 cDMedicAIert A U W A Y S ON C A L 1- w w w . m e d i c a l e r t . c a 33 Obituaries 175 Building Materials 33 Obituarie.s OBITUARY TRIBUTES To place an obituary tribute please call 992-2121. „ V/OOE^KVll»K Obituary tributes are $45/single spot. $75/double spot and '$i04/triple spot and includes archiving on our Internet site. i-saa-asa-isDv 10MILLION S Q / F T LIQUIDATION Laminate....$.49 sq/ft, 12 ml laminate $1.99 sq/ft. Laminate tile (from)....$.99 sq/ft. 1x6" knotty fir....$.80 sq/ft, 3 1/4" oak, maple or birch pre fin....$3.99 sq/ft, 3 1/4" J a panese cherry pre fin...$4.75 sq/ft, 3 1/4" bamboo pre fin....$3.99 sq/ft. T O N S M O R E ! 1-800-631-3342. For all the news... The most complete coverage of Quesnel & area. Reach over 24,000 readers per week $9.35 one issue $13.49 two issues $18.46 six issues $33.00 12 Issues INPWTBYS«K99 Equlpment.660 ; Uiggfngnknber:. -670 Hachtnery .680 MMng: -S90 flECflEATI(m7W-749 .AlitrafL. -705 ATV*-. -710 -71$ BoattMarine. -720 -725 .Hotofcydct^ -730 RVs -73$ Rentals..„740 SnMnobOei. :.745 TMWSwap-. 65 l.ost & Found L O S T : F E B R U A R Y 27th, at Walmart. Small black purse, would like to get this back very much. (Reward) please call 249-5106 1-888-S99-4999 992-2121 Bagpiper bonus 24 Enjjagemenl/ VVeddinus Call ENERGUIDE for Houses Energy Assessments Energy Grants Phone Bluegrass boiinty 24 Engagement/ VVeddinjis 3 Announcement.s 20 word classifieds WREFUNDS: Plus GST Clip, Mail or Fax. rbeciatslflidoonti 188 Carson Ave. Quesnel BC V2J 2Aa Name 2. 5. 6. 7. ..• 3. 9. 10. 11. 14. 15. •' 4. ••••••• '' 8.^• 12. . .: -.. OBSERVER FREE internet posting. I AHounmrdcitar •Med* ue potted: OA ttie Internet et.v Ph: 992-2121; Fax; 992-5229 1. • • 13. FREE Items volued at less than $100 or pets to be given away will run Free for 4 issues. • 16. Address Post. Code Ph:_ Method of Payment • Cheque 17. 18. 19. 20. • Money Order • Visa ••Print clearly and use dark pen for good fax Additional words Please print your ad with one word per line. Add 26e per word per issue oyer 20 words. Bold Face type - double. Box rental $7.00. reproduction^^ B14 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, March 16th, 2005 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday^ March 16th. 2005 BIS Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! 36 Thanks 170 Auctions 170 Auctions 36 Thanks 220 iMiscellaneous Auction Sale The/fcMnU^ of Saturda:^ March 19th, 2005 • Sale Time 8:00am AUCTION held by slide presentation at the Holiday Inn 9816-107th Streeti Grande Prairie, A B and Live Intemet Bidding register with COMPLETE DETAILS at www.wolffauctlons.conti (or) for a CATALOGUE and MORE DETAILS Fax: (250) 242-6803 • Site Phone: (250) 242-6800 o r Email: [email protected] RECEPTION: Eveiyone Invited March 18th, 7K)0pm - 9:00pm paU^cUiiMe/Carey (ivv(^ CO ype<U^WELCOMING at the Holiday Inn, Grande Pirairie, AB • Catatogues will be available online by March 10th brat the viewing. thcLyxhyowto-'Re^/. Ccinon/ • Selling assets fonnerly belonging toBuHmbose Operating Corporalion of Tuniibie.r Ridge, BC • .Purchasesrfiustberemoved.theweekof.March21st-24th,8:(>Darato5:00pm. TRUCKS: '. ' ' i9i98WesternSfar4964FT/APickerTmck,1996WestemStar4964FT/ACraneTtuck • 1986 Westem Star 4964-2 T/A Lube Truck,1982 IHC 1724 S/A Pole CAT Trvick • 2001 Ford F250 Super Duty 4X4,2001 Ford F150 • 1998 Ford F250 Super Duty 4X4, Mechanic Truck with WeWer, Compressor, etc. WCGv much/love/CLTid/ TERMS: Advance'Bids must be arranged ,24 hrs. prior to auction. No. jahone bids will be ' •accepted at the Auction. Full settlement onSale Day by cash or approved cheque. Letter, of credit required from bank. Everything sold as is where is, no guarantees are made " or irinplied. Please inspect all merchandise prior, to bidding: Listing subject to add,itions & deletions. Sale,conducted by Wolff Auction Servides Ltd, Dapp, Alberta.^ ^ ALSO OFFERING BY PRIVATE TREATY: 170 ton and 240 ton rock trucks, CAJ 9920 Loader..D9N.Tractor, DION, DIOR tractors, (4) P&H 21OOBLEshovels, (4) IR and GD Electric. Drills, 42,000 square foot.main shop building'and .Oil tank farni,'35 ton. and '5 ton overfiead.cranes, (16) large overhead doors and rnahy other Items. . . For complete list Email: KIWANIS BARGAIN Office Furniture Sale - Sahali Centre Mall, Kamioops. March 18, 19, & 20 - proceeds to Kivyanis Elder Mentor ProgramKanfiloops Food Bank , Now Offering a separate glass policy with no deductible onyourhomel 333 Reid St. •992-6611 « ZTA . F.trnilu i YEAR O L D ALUMINUM S H E D , 12' W X 8' D X 5' H. $250.747-8362 : STAINLESS / STEEL double sink, double faucet, spray nozzle, connections, 20.5 x31x 6.5 $75.747-2285 . : , • - STAINLESS STEEL single ; sink, no hardware drilled for single faucet. 20x20.5x7 deep $20. 210 Garage Sales in Canada Unique optxsrtunlty to own and operate a 2006 Pete with zero down. Vbu must have a minimum ONE YEAR Hat deck highway experience able and willing to run CANADA / USA and possess good references. . . Steve or Andre (800)663-0099 SIGN B U S I N E S S , Ltd. C o . for sale. Located in Quesnel B . C . Bucket truck, storage shed, computer, cutters, tools, stock, goodwill and more. 250-9926848 maga- .3/4" X 13" $55. 747-2285 - 258 Careers 258 Careers MANAGEMENT TRAINEE. Major Canadian Corporation looking for team member in Financial Service Sector. Career Opportunity. Competitive Income. Email Resumes to: [email protected] T R A F F I C C O N T R O L course being offered. Meets all B C requirements. To pre-register. Phone: 747-2236 GST 270 Help Wanted Spring is Close! EXPERIENCED LOG loader/hoe chucker operator and Feller buncher operator for the Johnston straits, camp situation. Please fax resume to Ted LeRoy Trucking. 250-2863661 GcHin'Tiine For Planters! 19th o f M a r c h M a p l e Park M a l i ' Chief Executive Officer Barkerville Historic Town is a living museum and one of. thelargest most significant historic sites in British Columbia. Barkerville is an original BC boomtown depicting the gold rush era frorn the mid-1800's and attracts an average of 100,000 visitors per year providing an annual economic impact of S"7 million for local communities. T ™ ^ ^ additional word 992-2121 Futures Builders" fl own business! FREE LUNCH HOUR SEMINARS April 6, May 4 12 noon-1 pm •-<''- Phone today to Register! Located at 679 Hwv. 97 South 747-1212 Smithers. B.C. • OVERHEAD DOORS eration of a new hot oil energy system, loading and unloading Kilns, and general Kiln and Energy System maintenance. Shift work will be required. A competitive wage and benefit package is provided.,.Interested applicants should submit their resume and cover letter to: General Manager, Pacific Inland Resources Box 3130 Smithers, B . C . VOJ 2N0 Fax #: 250-847-5520 Email: [email protected] Deadline for applications is March 31, 2005. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Occupational Therapist Permanent Full-Time-36 hours per week ^ .rf start Date: As soon as possible Closing Date: March 18,2005 tattles: with the cooperative direction, dialogue and supervision of the School District 28 Oirector III Iii (ittJnKtwn and the Ogesrtel & District Child Development Centre Executive Director, the Oe«ipatt(»u«l| Jitietaptsf will ascertain and assess school aged children's current conditions and to select andpfep»f.' Specifctreatment programs: to admiriister treatments, apply techniques and direct activities relctedssWi tortxjcupational therapy; provide rehabilitation services to children who are physically handicapped W f l <j8VSlopmentallyf delayed; to provide direction and sujaport for the children's Parents. Teachers aid fei^l ^itdent Support Wo'ri^isrs. Supervises and moriitors Occupational Therapy Programs earned out tiytte ^wfent Support Workers and otherone-to one workers, as appropnate. The OccupationalTheri^jlst: " noA collaboratively with the School District Support Services Team under the guidance of the « Coordinator ot Support Sewices. -BEAT THE SPRING RUSH - CunyRepaIrs Brian Kurt Pedersen, Executive Director Quesnel & District Child Development Centre Association 395 Elliott Street. Quesnel, B.C. V2J1Y4 Phone: (250) 992-2481 Fax: (250) 992-3439 j||j^^^^^_^^^^EitiaiM|urt@cdCj^^ 266 Education $65 NCCP Introduction to Competition-Part A, May 7 & 8, $105 (formerly. Coaching Theory I) Helen Dixon Centre will be closed for the Spring & Easter break, from March 19, reopening on March 30 N O W HIRING special Equipment Operators ($19.75/hr.) and Laborers ($14.00/hr) for our Quesnel Division: Operators must possess class 3 with air and be able to multi-task. Physical labor involved. Must be on call and available to work out of town at week intervals. Mandatory Training. Fax resume 604881-2585 ., : V E R N O N CIVIL ENGINEERING Company Ipoking for experienced field inspectors. Excellent communication skills, familiar with underground servicing, contracting, municipal standards. Please fax resume in confidence: 250-503-^1024. H E A V Y D U T Y mechanic. Local logging company has opening for Journeyman HD Mechanic. Must have experience on coastal equipment. Union operation. Fax resume to: 250-2879259. A r e you 19 to 100+ years of age and want your Grade 12 Graduation?, Helen Dixon Centre, 241 Kinchant Street • S E X S M I T H U S E D Farm Parts requires a partsman, journeyman or apprentice and a parts dismantler. Agricultural experience an asset. Wages negotiable. Rod © 1-800-340-1192 (Sexsmith, Alberta) M Lawn & Garden Equipment • ATV*MotorcycIiB SERVICED TODAY ft Cell: 991-6501 E-mail! duckfaateoTfsc^.cDm .Contact: V.H.F. (Maritime Radiophone Operator), Apr. 4, 11 & 18, come see us at Cumg GET YOUR OualHteatlons and Training: •Demonstrated ability to be a member of an MdegfeemOpcupational.Therapy : 4lust be eligible fbr membership In the Canadian interndisciprinaryteam ^iSSIxxim of Occupational Therapists and the B.C. •Ability to relate effedivel/ with p»ents and dMmk •Abiii^ to organize time and work assflnmenls SoAVfbrOccupdSonal Therapy independently •PwAxis O.t physical meddne is preferred • •Physical ability to cany out the duties of the progwi*'^ >l*eviouspaecliatric experience . Salary: Paramedical Cdleciive Agreement ' Grid Levef 9, Schedules The suctessfiji candidSe wiU!« eligH* for a tuition reimbursement of up to $8.000.00' A d d to Y o u r P e r s o n a l L e g a c y ! WCB Occupational First Aid Level 1: Apr. 2 & 16, $88 WCB Transportation Endorsement, April 17, $108 WCB Occupational First Aid Level 3, starting Apr. 18 or May 16, $670 FoodSafe Level 1, April 16 or May 14, $62 FoodSafe Level 2, Advanced, 2 sessions. May 28 & June 4, $87 Simply Accounting, Advanced, April 2, $41 Pov^erPoint Presentations, March 31, $17 Basic Computer Skills, Apr. 4, 6, 11 & 16 or May 7 & 14, $99 983-6900 or <f<; class 4 and 5 power engineers. Your duties will include the op- 266 Education likAduHl start your Pacific Inland Resources a division of West Fraser Mills Ltd., For mbre information about Barkerville visit our web site at 266 Education Business So you want to •M: located in Smithers, JB.C. is accepting applications for qualified This position requires an individual who thrives on the challenge of building a successful heritage attraction in an emerging tourism market, has 5-7 years of experience in a senior management role in cultural or heritage tourism, possess a minimum of a bachelor's degree in business management or related discipline or has equivalent experience and is prepared to live and work in an unique remote community in the Northem BC Interior. Deadline for Applications: March 25,2005 , Belter ENERGY SYSTEM/KILN ATTENDANT The incumbent will have proven experience in managing heritage resources with integrity and sensitivity, fund raising and income generation, external cooperation and relations, marketing, promotion, effective personal and interpersonal behaiviours, visioning. direction setting, developing a competent and empowered workforce, prgahizatibnal management and client focus; To explore this opportunity or to apply with letter, resurne and 3 references, contact Greg Robart by: eriiaii: barkervilleCEO( Fax: (250) 392-4475. "The ' 1 ^ Pacific inland Desources The newly formed Barkerville Heritage Trust, which is responsible for the operation of Barkerville, is seeking an exceptional leader as Chief Executive Officer to work with staff, volunteers, local communities and on-site merchants to: • Manage and strengthen the organization using the best practices of the heritage tourism industry. • Increase income through attendance, commercial ventures, grants and fund raising. • Preserve maintain and upgrade the Barkerville assets consisting of 133 heritage buildings, over 500,000 artefacts and operating infrastructure. . : aXOuoMdCCanMhr OBSERVER 270 Help Wanted 270 Help Wanted «478? P R O P A N E S T O V E , counter top 17 THE K E R S L E Y Players are hosting a Writing for the Stage Workshop. 8 week course, starts March 21, Instructor: Roy Teed. $50.00 Workshop registration. Call 747-1925 for more information. I Quesnel # Williams Lake • 100 Mile House 2 weeks 25 words or 3 communities less, 75c ^ - 2004 $20 for all Coleman 2 burner For further Informatiori or to apply, please submit your resume in confidence to: THE TRI-CITY CLASSIFIED BUY 992-7135 insert, Applicants must have a British Columbia or Intefprovincial certificate in the millwright trade and grade 12 or GED diploma. Preference given to applicants with a sawmill maintenance backgrouiid -together with a welding ticket aiid hydraulics experience. 'Irbubleshooting abili^ and computer literacy are also required along with strorig leadership and communications skills. Applicants must be highly motivated, team oriented and safety conscious. 254 Business Opportunities and pant or skirt hangers. $0.25 -$1.00 each 992-7135 DOGS Tembec Inc., an integrated forest products company with log han/esting, lumber manufacturing and pulp operations located in the south east corner of British C^oiumbia, requires a Millwright for its Elko Forest Products Division.This position will be on a compressed wori< week schedule, Thuisday to Sunday.. ,. Tembec Industries Inc. TEST DRIVE zines, 2001 . MILLWRIGHT-ELKO S O U T H W E S T E R S U P E R sport Human Resources Department hat L Yellow $10, Admiral by P.O. 80x4600. Cranbrook, BC VIC 4J7. Big K overalls XL yellow $40, Fax: (250) 426-3406 Admiral by Big K jacket X X L or email: [email protected] yellow $40, Wellington boots. size 11 yellow $20, Wellington boots size 7 1/2 navy. $20. M.M.O.S. ladies sailing gloves blue $10. 2 equipment bags: TAYLOR PROFESSIONAL abt 25" long $15 e a c h . . Phone Training Services.. Heavy 250-747-3608 Equipment Training. Class 1 & 3 Driver Training. Super "B". Training. Prince, George and Kelowna. Call Toll Free: 1-877860-7626 or 250-860-7624. 220 Miscellaneous 25 E M P L O Y M E N T OPPORTUNITY • M U L T l FAMILY Garage Sale; Saturday March 19. 8:30am 191 Redden Road. Antique furniture, collectables & Misc. Also baby & children's items. 10 MILLION S Q / F T LIQUIDATION Laminate...$.49sq/ft:. 12 ml O C C A S I O N A L CHAIR uphol- Laminate...$1.99 sq/ft..' laminate (From)...$.99sq/ft., 1x6" stere'ij beige tweed. 31" wide tile knotty fir...$.80sq/ft., 3 1/4' oak. $40.747-2285 . maple or birch pre : fin...$3.99sq/ft., 3 1/4" Japanese cherry pre fin...$4.75sq/ft., 3 1/4" bamboo pre fin...$3.99sq/ft. TONS MOREI 1-800-631-3342 M A R C H 19,2005 - Saturday. 9am - 2pm. 2168 Bartkow A L P I N E 6 disc changer. Alpine Close Road (Bouchie Lake 50 watt X 2 channel amp. Alpine area) From town, its 2 minutes cassette deck/ am/fm tuner. past Quesnel golf course; turn $180.250-552-9148 "right' at Bartkow road (before hill to Rocky's store) FOAM COVERED hangers, E S T A T E G A R A G E sale: one day only. Saturday March 19th 10am - 4pm. Furniture, canning and gardening items, china cabinet, lots misc. household items. 3268 Hanson Rd., just off Redbluff. South of Quesnel 7km . from Walmart. Paid $500 asking $250 T A K E O V E R well established Video Store with room to develop your ovyn thing, with Drive Thru access. Big Guys have come and we're still here. Interested? Call: 983-8739 COFFEE TABLE, walnut, 46"x20"x14 1/2" high! $40 7472285 •;•'• INSURANCEi^ns across from the Post Office 210 (laraj^e Sales 205 Furniture 266 Education Special Notice: 992-5162 scription please visit ;: 2 T O A S T E R ovens $20 & $45. Microwave $30 Proctor Silex steam iron $10 992-7135 ONE Phone: Delton (780) 954-3895 or Brad (780) 954-2108 • 1-800-840-6232 Email: [email protected] •Website: 440 Reid street of Wells. For complete job de- G L A S S S H E L V I N G , various sizes $3-$10 each 992-7135 747-8362 HEAVY DUTY CAT SHOP-A TOOLS AND FULL MACHINE TOOL SHOP EQUIPMENT: Approx 20 Welders including liliirer 3 phase SRH-444. AC/DC • Miller Delta Weld 450 DC Welding Power Sources w/ Acklands .24 volt Wire Feeders •Miller Bobcat 225. AC/DC 8500 Watt gas Driven Welder/Generator • 2 HD Arboga Drill Presses • ^1995 AIM 12.000,1b 4 Post Vehicle Lift* Heckart BRSO.Badial Drilling Machine •Approx 160 Morris Tapered.Bitsupto...3."'•Sofia Universal Engirie Lathe w/ 120".Bed.' 32".' swing 'Advance Mo TY-330 x.1000.13 inch High Speed Precision Lathe w/ 36.inch Bed •Sofia Universal.Engine Lathe'w,/ 80" bed & 20". swing Granite Slab Precision' Measuring Table (accurate up to 4/1 OOOths of 1 rinch) • 'Portable Lirie.Bore Machine • Heckart.Mo FW-40Q/vi/2 Iviiliing Machine •.Power Team 2 hp IHyd Pressure Power Unit. •Numerous large PortaPowerAttaichments > OTC Air over Hyd 10,000 PSI; Power'Supply • Thermal Dynamics Pak Master 50 .XL Plasma Cutting System. •Janox • Fluid flower Ltd Hyd Station w/ 40 hp elecmotor •. Flexco 60 inch Conveyor Belt Lacer • Caterpillar Diagnostic EquipmentSky Jack.Sj'R25 Electric tyianlitt • (6) ShurFlame 1 million BTIJ Constr Heaters •Canadian Wheel 150 ton Air over Hyd Floor jack • 100's. of shop tools and much, much more! CHECK OOB WINDOW FOR WEEiUY SAVINGS ONSEBVICES&PBODUCTS velopment Co-ordinator, District G R A D D R E S S size 9 worn 1 FORKLIFTS: '• . ' . ' " • • Clarklift GPX55 9700 lb Propane, Forklift Towmotor 6000 lb Propane Forklift • Raymond 4000 lb Elec Forklift jjUESiiiniARBERSHaP M A R K E T I N G & Economic De- after 3:00 pm time, Community Ref# 7-702 or Call 1-705-7269070 Call 747-3144 VIEWING OF ASSETS: Strongly recommended March 10th-18th, 8:00am- 5:00pm • DIRECTIONS FOR yiEWING: Bullmoose Mine, located .26 km west qi Tumbler Ridge. • on Chetwynd Highway lo Bullmoose Operating Corporalion sign, turn left, drive i 9 i<rn / toMine.' .. - • r •[ - •• . Ph: 9924121 See your a(ls on-line! www.bcclassified.c^^ HOME W O R K E R S NEEDED!!! UP T O $1.5Q0/WEEK. Assembling products / Stuffing envelopes. No experience neededFree information ^ Free Standing Direct Vent Natural Gas Stove Comes with all. hardware and chimney. Like new condition. $1700 new. Asking $500.00. Tumbler Ridge Energy Services LTD A hCg^thcuik/yow to- 258 Careers For Sale Unreserved Bullmoose Mine Disposal Auction fbomCly fbr their help, love/ Oynd/ uv\d£ritci4xdCng/ 88 IHAIR wm m LL HEAUHyBODY B16 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, March 16th, 2005 QUESNELCARIBOO OBSERVER Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bccIassified.cora www Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! wv^v^ CCESS BUSINESS ING A C C K S S 270 HelpWanted Y O U It K I J T I I K E T O D A Y ! offering up-to-dcrte courses in •COMPUTER SOFTWARE •BOOKKEEPING and OFFICE PROCEDURES SASKATOON TRANSPORTER HOTSHOT is now hiring 1 tons and power units w/wo step decks for B.V. and freight hauling throughout Canada arid the U.S. Year round work, lots of miles and home tinne, benefits, excellent earnings. 306653-8675. .: 270 Help Wanted 270 HelpWanted 346 Mi.scellaneou.s Services SEVERAL POSITIONS available at seasorial wilderrieiss re-; sort ill central BQ. Head Chef & 2 server/housekeepers. May.1 Oct 31. Fuli-tinrie. R & B included. 250-243-2433 [email protected] THE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBiSERVER $24.99/FIRST MONTH for a 5A-651 Wade Street Call PatColboume - 992-8750 RJGHIB^A^R GlflCRDENS NURSERYcurrently accopfing resumes for fhe fbllowing pbslftons: Review Before You Renew ' Garden Center Sales Clei-k • Landscape Maintenance •Landscaper • Golf Course Maintenance . • Golf Course Receptionist/ Food & Beverage Services - ' F o o d Safe'and 'Serving It Right' required Please send resumes to Box R C / O Ttie Quesnel Cariboo Observer 188 Corson Ave. Quesnel BC, V2J 2X6 prior to March 20,2005. Only applicants selected tor Interviews will be contacted. ^Successful applicants will te<juir9W,H.M.I.S. and Bosic first prior to hiring.^ PeriTianent carriers are required for the following: (Gassoff Rd) (iBarkerviile Hwy,iElgin,; McLean, Omega, Schemeriaur Shaver & Swallow) (Agate, Beryl, Dragonview PL, Flint & Gook) (Barker, . Booth, Norwood, & Vernon) (Norwood & Bradshaw) (Belcarra, Gook, Jay & Renyard) (Westfraser, Ruric Spring & Skyline); Pregnancy Outreach Ques-Cu Insurance Agencies Ltd. 253 Reid Street 992-5559 P r o g r a m Coordinator Permanent P a r t - T i m e -21 hours per week •svw.. Date: As soon as possible p=CfosingDate: March18,2005 . ^Duties: Plans and implements the Pregnancy Outreach Program in ^accordance with the policies and philosophy of the Child Development Centre. ;?EI)sure that provision of services are provided, to high nsk pregnant women, ^supervises all program staff and volunteers, coordinates the program and ils responsible for all services related to and delivered under the Pregnancy ^Outreach Program. Evaluates and assesses for high-risk pregnancies. ^Qualifications and Training: .?« Registered Nursei experience in obstetrical nursing with two yearsexpenf-ssm in community health or Registered Dietician with two years experience. | l*Adminlstrative experience. .,' |!*'Substance abuse and nutritional experience and backg round, ^j* Must have a valid driver's licence and owntransportation for travel to home i/isiis.etai ^•>hyskal ability to carry out the duties of theprogram. '"•^ * ComniensuratewithHSACollectiveAgreement iry: !.<lontact: Kurt Pedersen, Executive Director Quesnel & District Child Development Centre Association 395 Elliott Street, Quesnel.B.C. V2J1Y4 - Phone:(250)992-2481 Fax:(250)992-3439 Email: [email protected] ;^ routes please , 992-2121. PAINFUL FEET? Marathon Orthotics Plaster Casted Custom Made Orthotics Daily Use •Sports •Diabetic ;-.; ^ • •A Pteiscriptidn & Non Prescription Custom Fitted Bi^ces, Splints. Compression Stockings Etc. Dieter Beisel, M.C.PA., EXTBAWDTH DIAeEnC FOOTWARE Registered Physiotherapist 992-5527 iTWO-WAYRMIIOi. Quesnel Physiotherapy ClinicMarathon Orthotics 370 Kinchant Street -AKrHURB .| URROWS &C0. Accounting Services it -I • 1 E-Filing Income Tax Consulting Serving Quesnelfor45 years Fax 992-9223 Phone 992-5171 138 McLean Street V2J2N7 ^ t Temporary P a r t - T i m e - 1 2 hoiirs per w e e k Term off Position: April 4, 2005 to Sept. 1, 2 0 0 5 • StartDate: As soon as possible • CloslngDate: March .18,2005 Under t^8 supewision ol the Supported Child Care Coordinator, pnmanly supports ttm ;| 'tmi&on of children, eligible (or Supported Child Care in the child care settng chosen by thar I^Rte, as assigned by the SCC Coordinator. Assesses the needs of the Daycare prevHtef. fem^f isdasid, developing Individual plans in conjunction with the family and other sen/ee providcfs, li&aftig inclusion of children in Daycare settings. ^toWcatlons and Training: •Abilitytocommunicate effectively wiA parentsi; rtartyChJdhood Education Special Needs |iu$ line years recent related experience or an : andchil*en . j^HQiVialent combination of educalion, training and •Abilitytoprepare accurate reports and assessments. ,'. iprfence:-.. . •Knowledge of Supported Child Care f '^drivers'license and vehicle for travel and objectives SSftMFrttAideCertlicate •Abifity to vnc1( aflexbleschedule; llUbl^to comminicate effectively verbally and •Physical abilitytocany out Ihe duties ofthe iftWtlsig" program ^^tbltytowcrkindependently and as a team. Jaicey at No deppsiL No refusal. Long Inc. ' Homes requires experienced log home builders. Piece work rates & M S P benefits. Fax resumes to 250-3953802 or call 250-395-4922. Attention Norm. HANDY PERSON, 10-20hrs per month. Duties include minor repairs/painting, & cleaning rental properties. Len 1-250717-5683 BRONCO TRANSPORTATION System ly Inc., looking is for to deck & Clean Pre-emTest Scott. re- • bachelor suite furnished • 2 bedroom unfurnished 282 Tutorin DOES YOUR teacher, available \ 992-2201 for tutoring K-7 Call Ellen 992-2555 . 1 BDRMS starting $365, 2 328 Finance/ -bdrms, $400. utilities Included. Mort^a^c New' renovations, clean, quiet, family oriented. NEED MONEY NOWI If you have equity in your home, we can helpl Can't prove income, slow credit, bank says no! Call Rick Graves at Rick Graves & Associates. 1-604306-0891. Parking, stor- age, laundry, 992-3563, 1 OR 2 BEDROOM, adult oriented. quiet, North Quesnel bUilding. 1 block from Gold's Gym. Laundry, security entrance. 992-5550. 992-0113 344 Macliine/ Weldinjj; WELDER MILLER Idealarc A C / D C , 50ft leads, stinger, helmet, rods, Arcair K46oo air arc attach. Hardly used, a l l . like new. $2200. Phone (250)-992- Smart Spenders Shop firSt In our . Renaissance II Apartments • 2 becirooms • 2 full baths Rent as low as $350 per mo. \Security entranceX Classified PageSI Call 9 9 2 - 2 1 2 1 992-2806 Apaitmenls $300/mo. 2 BDRM, level entry. Clean, • gas f/place, ideal for semi retired couple. Shared laundry, no smoking or pets. Must be quiet. Ref Required. Avail immediately. Limited parking. $550/mo. 747-1990. 2 BDRM suite in Uplands, ground level entry. Natural gas fireplace, fridge, stove inc. No dogs, non smoker. Avail. April 1. $350/mo. 992-8562 ask for Rick. 1 BDRM bsmt suite, North Quesnel, private entry & driveway. . Includes washer/dryer, gas & Hydro. $500/mo.. Available April. 992-7792 after 6pm lease approx. 1200sq/ft. 146 Bariow Avenue Central Dovyntown Location Recently renovated. 600 sq/ft on Upper level. Air conditioning. Available immediately. Call Brian at 992-0177 or 992-2252. RETAIL OR OFFICE SPACE 992-2187. clean, Renaissance I OFRCE SPACE FOR RENT or Downtown Quesnel, child need extra help with school? B C certified Johnson Sub. ground level entry. No dogs or cats, includes heat, light & c a ble. Call 992-7288 or 992-8834 420 Commercial Available Immediately. 3130 or 747-4694 eve. Kurt Pedersen, Executive Director :^ Quesnel & District Child Development Centre Association 395 Elliott street, Quesnel, B.C. V2J1Y4 Phone: (250| 992-2481 Fax: (250) 992-3439 Email: [email protected] your home (604) 888-8777 Paramedical Collective Agreement / Grid Level 2 Ontact: Chateau St Laurent must. Drug bedroom ^Make machinery a Call 1 BC/AB. abstract. quired. & 2 currentclass run experience apartments. NORTH QUESNEL. Security door,. laundry facilities, clean and quiet. 992-6684. 1 2 BEDROOM 412 Ba.sement Suite bin. 3 BEDROOM ^ TOWNHOUSE. 992-9772. ' 3 BDRM spacious townhouse, 11/2 bathrooms, full basement, front & back fenced yard. 3RD MONTH FREE. Ref. required. Available Immediately $465/mo. 992-1283. Small pets welcome. 524 Conunercial Property OPPORTUNITIES GALORE! 566 Mobiles 1972 HOMESTEAD mobile home, new gas furnace & hot waterheater, washer/ dryer, fridge and stove. $7,000. 7473983. WELLS - in town, older 2 bdrm - mobile with carport (Common Roof). 4 appliances included. Large shop. $30,000 Call 992-8900 eves, or leave message. 488 Wanted to Rent 992-1195 1& 2 bedroom apartments. 2 bedroom house. 1 bedroom basement suite. 1 bedroom, c a - 524 Commercial Property 'A place you can be proud to call home' 575 poherty Drive 992-7868 PACIFIC LOG elevator, laundry facilities, resident manager. N.R.U. . 1 & 2 bdrm. 2 batbniom suites. Free hot water. Rssidenl manaaer. Rents fram$300./mo. 1-866r747-3425 Dial A Phone Quiet, spacious & clean 1 & 2 bdnn suites. Free hot water,- Starting from VISTA MANOR' & LARK ARTS 484 Townhouses 404 Apartments WILKINSON APARTMENTS 1, 2 & 3 bdrm^ some newly renovated, ceramic tile, gas fireplace, fridge & stove, vert, blinds, spacious decks & balconies, security entrance. 404 Apartment.s distance 4.4 cents per minute. BK Two-Way Radio • Maple Park Mall I^Supported Child Care Consultant OHTHOnCS are covered tiy Ertended Medical Insurance Financial Statements Mobility location at Maple Park Mall. We are looking for a dynanriic, energetic individual with a great attitude towards learning new things. As a team player you will vvork in the retail sales environment. Please bring in person your resume to our Maple Park Mall location in Quesnel BC. Or email us at [email protected] with the word **Resurne". in the subject line. This IS a permanent, part time position, with approx. 20 hrs per week. ? | ^ | ^ Weekend shifts are necessary. call DISCONNECTED? ployment BK Two-Way Radio Ltd. has an opening in our Telus CARIBOO-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. WHATADEALII PHONE 992-2121. N e e d service? First month $25, Step Permanent Part-Time - Inside Sales GET THE most out of your advertising dollari $47.00 plus G S T ($.75 for each additional word over 20 words) puts your ad in,The Tribune (Williams Lake), The Observer (Quesnel), The Free Press (100 Mile House) and for 2 weeks. . drivers 992-2888 105 McLean Street phone line. Reconnection with no credit check, no deposits, no one refused. Call or visit Tollfree at 1-866-444-3815 or Email; [email protected] Anyone mterested in these PHONE GaylePerison 404 Apartments for rent or lease. Approx. 1200sq/ft. 146 Bariow Avenue. Central Downtown location. Recently renovated. Lower level. Air conditioning. Small courtyard, Available immediately. Call Brian at 992-0177 or 9922252. •; RETAIL / OFFICE space for rent. 331 Reid St (Next to AIM) Available March 1st. Please drive by. 250-991-2006 after 6pm 42S Duplex/ I'ourplex 2 BEDROOM, North Quesnel, private entrance'and driveway, no pets. Low rent for good tenants 992-5796. 428 Duplex/ Fourplex • 2 BDRM suite in 4 plex, $495/mo., includes utilities. Available February 1 s t . ' . 1 BDRM suite $375/mo., includes utilities. 992-5115 ask for Bob. 506 Acrea^e.s/Lots QUIET 3 bedroom in 4 plex, close to Voyageur School and Daycare, includes w/d, $450/month. 992-7740. 3 BDRM lower duplex near Riverview School and West Park Mall. Fenced backyard. References required, no pets, $425/mo., , - W/D hookup. Available April 1st. Call: 9925710 1 BEDROOM basement suite in 4 plex in North Quesnel. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer, heat and hydro included. Clean and quiet. $350/mo. 249-5883 side by side duplex. Carport, patio, storage, shed, W/D hookup. 992-2774 440 Houses BE RECONNECTED for 39.95 per month. Phone disconnected? Free long distance. No refusal. 1-866-747-3425; Dial a Phone Inc. 2 BDRM, 3 bdrm., fridge, stove. Close to West Pari< Mall . Available immediately. 7473878 - 2 BDRM 5 appliances, utilities incl. Non smoker, . no pets. $600/mo. 992-6996 $750/MO. PLUS utilities or rent to purchase with $35,000 down. 4 bdnm rancher with heated shop, garden house, etc.. On 1 acre, subdividable 1 -604-8700576 or 768-6423 cell 4 BDRM, full basement, laundry hookup, storage shed, fenced yard. 992-5990 SMALL 4 bdrm, fenced yard $600/mo., 2 bdrm North • Quesenl, $500/mo.. 1 bdrm cabin 3 miles from Quesnel. 5 acres. $275/mo 992-8963 476 Suites NEW 2 bdrm ground level suite. satellite included. $410. Please call after 4:30 pm. 9929508, CM) M e c l i c A l e r t ALWAYS 1400 s q . ft. 2 bedroom house, 2 baths, built in vae, sundeck, hot tub and large carport. 3 bay shop, 16" ceiling plus office and lunch room. Compressor, spray booth & hoist included on 5 acres of .Commercial Property! $245,000 WANTED TO Lease: 40-200 Acres of productive tillable land (Hay or Grain). 250-549-6562 (Vernon, BC). Also available for selective loqqing work. Hallis Lake & Hydraulic Rd areas, lovely 1 -5 ac homesites from $19,500. [email protected] $747-3515 548 For Sale or Rent BUILDING LOT with view of Fraser River Valley, South of Quesnel. South West exposure, just under 2 acres. 747-4554 KERSLEY 1 acre treed lot, off OM CALL wwvv.inDdic<i) l - B D D - 6 6 a - 1 5 a 7 5 ACRE view lot. Hydraulic Rd., $21,500 747-0065 or (604) 4675341 1 ACRE with 2 mobile homes. Close to all amenities. Quiet area, landscaped. Ready to move in $94,000 obo 747-3648 or (250) 614-2391. 518 Commercia IJusiuesses WELL ESTABLISHED downtown restaurant in Vemon. B C . Good return on investment $69.000. Phone 550-2139. LOCATION, LOCATION, Location. For Sale: Used car & R V dealership. 20M For Lease: 2 acres fenced & lighted sales lot plus office and managers R.V. site. 400 ft Highway 97 frontage 1 mile north of Penticton. B C $2,000 per month. Purchaser must: Quality for Dealer Licenise. Have good knowledge of used car, truck & R.V. values. Have good business and people skills. Have min $30,000 to inveist in business. Vender assistance & financirig available. Contact Wayne @ 250-493-7355. ; THE ONLY FAMILY FUN CENTER in Vernon, B C . Over $200,000 in equipment. Asking $49,000. Phone 550-2139. 554 Houses KERSLEY, 3 bdrm house on 1 acre. Spacious rooms, gas furnace plus wood heater, out buildings and good water. Asking 132.500. App. to view 747• 1157. , . •••• ,;' : 5 BDRM house over looking Hallis Lake. $189,000. 7473896 call after 6 pm. 554 Houses LENNOXHOME COMFORT SVSTEMS THE O R E A T I N I O C D O R S HEATMO V A VENTLATION ARCONOmONMO An Independent I£MNOXA^^\„ 991-0033 OR SELLING a house? Display your infonnation on our website which is advertised in local papers prov• ince wide. Website @ or call 1-888-392-4409. v LAKEVIEW 3 newer family bedroom home, Wiles & Cindric SURVEYING British Columbia Land Surveyors 992-2265 plus 3 B D R M full bsmt home. 2 •bathrooms, 2 bay carport, fenced yard, shed, apple trees, garden. 2 city lots. Fridge, stove, drapes & blinds included. Quiet' neighborhood. Very clean, asking $100,000. 747- pari<like double garage, large C A R S O N SUBDIVISION, Road. 0581 eves. 983-3704 days. brick patio. Phone for appoint- sq/ft, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. $85,000 249-6002 4 B D R M view home. 3 baths, Area. 4 bedrec. room, sunroom, double garoom house, 3.99 acres. B a m . rage. Southhills/Oragon Lake shop, fenced/x fenced, recent area. 747-3077. renovated. 2 car garage. Ig. vinvl deck. $140.000. 249-5570 BOUCHIE LAKE 4300 SQ. ft. executive home. 10 acres, south of Quesnel, large shop with 2nd 2 bedroom home, bam, sheds, greenhouse, much more. $398,000.' 250-747-0448. 5.5 BDRM, 3 bath. 2 floors fully finished, in-law suite on 4+ acres on cul-de-sac with view. Minutes from shopping, schools. or call 983-8739 . ave., Quesnel B.C. Asking $30,000 and buyer take over the mortgage payments of $255.00 every two weeksi. Phone: 992-3437 after 6pni everyday. TOP QUALITY Hay and various other hay for sale.. Price quoted includes delivery. We deliver! Call V A N D E N B E R G HAY F A R M S L T D . Kent: (403)3307853; Harry: (403)382-1082. GOOD MIXED GRASS hay. In Bam $4.00 per bale. Delivery? 992-3500 624 Fruit/ Prodtice/ .Meal EASTER'S COMING! Turi<eys for your table - frozen. 10 - 26 lbs., all natural, hand plucked. ($2.50/lb) Call Judy 747-2115. LIVESTOCK 70lbs,$75. MEATGOAT, 249-0245 IOOS ment. 249-5013 1260 PICARD Fraser $64,000. 747- 630 Morses setting, gas fireplace, full basement, acres, West 618 Feed & Seed P R I M E 5 acres with 3 bedroom double wide home, & outbuildings, View of beautiful Milburn: Lake. Price $77,000 Phone: 249-5301 ; 554 Houses BUYING 5 Close to town. 3 BDRM mobile with addition: on 7.6 acres, set up for horses. Has large shop 30X50, with hoist compressor, ISkms south (250) 747-2300 Don't C e t L e f t O u t in t h e r*, cold! 24 HR. Emergency Service NEW peaked roof, doors, deck. 4 appliances. Setup for horses. 1997. IMMACULATE. Family park. 2 bdrm, ensuite w/jetted tub. Skylight, built in dishwasher, laundry room, sundeck. $55,000.747-3991. . 992-8985 BRIGHTWAY ACRES: Cul-de-sac $21,000 747-3963 2 BDRM Gas, YOUNG PROFESSIONAL couple moving to Williams Lake. Looking for house to rent for May 1 St. We have stable income, no kids, and we are too busy to party. References can be supplied. Please Call: (250) 638-8499. Wednesday, March 16th, 2005 B17 566 M()l)iles FOR HORSE & TACK AUCTION. Sunday, March 27th 11:30am. 4071 McLean Road Quesnel. Please Consign Horses & Tack eariy. Phone B . C . Auctions 250992-2459 566 .\l<)l)iles SALE Ws the perfect time to buy. Interest rates are low, college Is opening soon and this home Is perfect for a starter home or for rental Income. , 12x52 two bedroom mobile on 1 acre of property. N/G fumace and water. Includes fridge, stove, washer, dryer. Wood stove in living room. Small front decl( and back porch area. Bacic yard is fully fenced. Paved driveway. Storage shed. South of town, only minutes to shopping and school. $52,000.00; Call 747-3144 after 3:00 pm QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, March 16th, 2005. B15 Bia'QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday, March 16th, 2005 815 LegalNotices ^/ QUESNEL-CARIBOO ll:99^21]l.SeeJO|l^a(iso•|l•liIle!ww^,fe^^ Ph: 992-2121 TACK . Everything from 2 0 % - 1993, 25.9FT Nomad Travel 50% off! Circle S Western Wear trailer, slide downtown. 992-2811. stored under cover. 992-6408 GILBVIEH BULLS 22' DUTCHMAN for sale: 4 long yr., 4 yr. $1,500 - $2,500. out, queen bed, 5th wheel, ful- ly loaded. Complete with hook- Volume discounts. Will keep till up hitch; Excellent & clean con- May 1st. Ph. 296-0145 Double dition plus extras. $12,000 992- O Gelbvieh 7184 way Deere construction backhoe. 21.5 loader, 4 bucket $17,000. condition, will short box or a import pickup. Includes bed with a foam tress, stove & jacks. ft Fleetwood 6.. Awning. mat- Fox Rd., or phone 992-^9231 TRAILER SALES. Now available - full line of well built flat deck trailers fronrt utility sire to commercial applllcations/ Best prices aroundl 250-3964607 or 877-420-5998. 2001 Honda Civic 82,000 km, auto, cd/mp3 new winter tires, Honda wanranty, no GS.T, only Asking WANTED Birch Sayv Logs 1995 29' Class A Itasca Wirinebagd Suiicruiser. Excell. cond. Owner:: retired couple, no smoking, rriileage: 68,650 km. Ford chassis - 460,0/D, generator, AC roof/dash, electric •. step; 2 TVs, CB and handset, gas stove/oven/microyvave, rear and front heaters, queen island bed, shower/bthrm, awning, patio entertainment centre; $50,000. To see and enjoy contact for appt. Please call 250-74^3608. Sevett Industries 992-6871 $13.500.00 992-8053 1997 JEEP 1995 Ford Mustang GT 450C John Deere kms, or trade on wheel loader. Leave message. 747-1432. 710 .VTV'.s 1997 350 YAMAHA Wolverine. 747-M59 Excellent condition wel] maintained and serviced. Runs awesome. $4500 obo 250-296-9116 715 Boiit.s/Marlne 14' ALUMINUM Merc. 250-992-0092 . sage: 249-9663 1995 STARCRAFT Outboard 175 hp Mercury motor, 26'/2'Motorhome Tourna- ment 180 Ski/Fishing special, 18" Bowrider, 1975 Pace Arrow approved in B.C. For G o o d , Bad or New Credit O A C . Low rates. Low payments. 0 down. Trades okay. Call 24 hours. Free Delivery. 1-877-839-4695. 4 new tires, full size fridge, brakes redone, gen. set and $16,500. air conditioning Leave message. 249-9663. ^8.5 FT 1976 Fibreform with Road Runner A s k i n g $6000.00 747-3224 boat top, good condition, no motor, Cruiser, 1990 CELICA GT, condition. $5250. Phone: (250) import preferred. Call 392-2851 249-9663 (eves & msg) @ 1968 (Cost $3,200) New gas fibreglass baja kit, good condition. 747-1181 300 Series, 223 Standard 2000 FORD Focus Wagon shape, power theft, (Red windows, keyjess roof rack. Good Condition $3,500 o.b.o; 1999 DODGE Chev 2500 parts - 350 Vortec engine cAw electrical harness & brain box, complete rear end, com^ plete 4x4 front end Including, steering box, rad c/w cpwi & front yolk, hood, 2 doors, left front fender complete, front seat, heater, dash 8i misc. parts. 1956 Ford pick-up & panel parts. 1986 Mustang coni^ plete. Phone: 992-8900 or 2000 780 SUV's & 4\4's $5000 or O.B.O. 740 Snowmohiles Phone 992-3006 1998 . speala For You. 1-800-668-1507 SUMMIT X670, lots of ex- tras 3800kms, & 1996 Summit 670 1700kms, condition. both Danchuk excellent ski doo deck, alum ramp. $10,000 for GMC Safari AWD, 128,000km, loaded, very nice. $8700, 4 months after market warranty left. 992-3508 FORD 1992 chip exhaust package. 747-3483 1995 Cadillac Deville, 8 cyl, burgundy ext., tan leather interior. Excellent condition. Remote keyless •fentry. 147,000 kms. Power everything. Must sell. $8,75000 obo. Explorer, Automat- player 316,000km. $3,500. Hard Top and SoflDqi, i back seat, 2 sofl doors^; 8000 en winch. . *8,000.00 992-9669. 992-8985 THURSDAY, Mar. 17th • 6:30 PWl SHARP! OAR & T R U C K AUCTION SELLING 100-125 VEHICLES including 5 PHH Gov't Lease Vehicles ^pfiT A\ -J^^ r«.CS C e n t r a l Interior A u c t i o n s L t d . .^174 COWAnr ROAD. P R I N C n C E O R C C PO„ i^po CALL (250) 562-5200 wv.(W.c i n u c t i o n s . b c . c n scheduled Quote documents and further details are available from the package. Loaded .. than 2:00 pni April 6. 2005 to the address below, al which 786 Trucks 1997 auto., FORD F l 50 excellent $7,800. 992-9785. 4x4. blue, condition. lo perform the contract according to its terms quality of work and For timeliness, financial stability of firm, and cost. JeffRahn ' • '.V;'; •;' : ^ Suite D^ 180 North 3rd Ave: : Williams Lake. B G Laramie, - ' • r J y M I Q 2A4 .• • V Phone: (250) 392-3351 towing ,v ' V . ^ y ; ' ; \ ^ 94-CHEV S10 ext cab 4x4, 5 CALL THE speed, new tires, muffler, block Land heater, battery, oil cooler/hoses, 95,000km. Excellent British condition. $10,500. O B O 747-1353 and Water Columbia A corporation of the government of British Columbia 792 Vans/Buses FORD CENTRAL CARIBOOTRANSFER i'Haveyou renewed your subscription tothe Quesnei Cariboo Obseivef? 992-212L 16' box. $23,000. 992-6892 FORD AEROSTAR, deliv- ery van, with bam doors, lined Application fbr a Permit Amendment Under The Provisions of the • Environmental Management Act wood waste at the Central Cariboo Transfer Station located In Williams Quote documents and further details are available from thiB undersigned. Completed quotes are to be de- I. Robert J. Patterson of Gibraltar Mines Ltd., PO Box 130 McLeese Lake, B.C., VOL IPO, Intend to submit this amendment livered no later than 2:00 pm April application fo the Regional Waste Manager to amend Permit PE-416, issued July 13,1971 and last amended October 6, 2005 to the address below, al 14,2004 which authorizes fhe discharge of effluent and tailings from a copper-molybdenum mine and mill complex to a which time a public opening will tailings storage facility and the Gibraltar East Pit. take place. it right. The land upon which the facility is situated is DL3728 (P1D-015-074-994), located near McLeese Lake, B.C., within the The Cariboo Regional District does Cuisson Creek watershed. The land upon which the discharge occurs is mineral claims HV 5 and HY 9-16 and Mining not bind itself to accept the lowest So if at times they fall short, let their editors k*now. If they can't solve the problem, contact the B.C. Press Council, a voluntary body that looks into and tries to mediate unresolved reader complaints about news and pplniori in B.C. newspapers. Leases described as Lot 3596, 3597, 3601, 3602, 3705, and 3706 within the Cariboo Mining Division located near or any quote and resen/es the right McLeese Lake, within the Cuisson Creek watershed. - to reject all quotes. Selection-will be \3m RESS COUNCIL 201-1290 Broad street Victoria, B.C.V8W2A5 The amendment requests that the following condition be changed. based upon such factors as qualifi- From: No authorized discharge of water to the receiving environment. cations, experience. (especially on To: An authorized discharge of water to the Fraser River. similar projects), ability to perform The water discharge is required to support a mini-hydro electric generating facility. the contract according to its temis Thei land upon whteh the fadl'ity will be situated and Ihe discharge to the Fraser River will occur is occupied crown land (including held availability of contractors' workforce Gibraltar Mines ltd., under pemiit 8040 and described as a portion of DL 5106, located hear Hill Rd., within the E-mail: (oun(il@b(pre$s( Web: bcpresscoundLorg timing requirements), Marguerite area of B.C. and The maximum rate of water discharged from this facility to the Fraser River will be 190 litres per second on a continuous reputation for quality of wori< and basis."'. for timeliness, financial stability of subcontractors, if applicable, Any person who may be adversely affected by the proposed amendment and wishes to provkle relevant nifonnation may, firm, and cost. within 30 days after the last date of posting, ptibilshing, senrice or display, send written comments to the applicant, virith a JeffRahn copy to the Regtonal Manager, Environmental protection at Ste. 400-640 Bortand Street, Williams Lake, B.C., V2G 4T1. Environmental Sennces Coordinator The klenlity of any respondents and the contents of anything submitted in relatk>n to this application will become part of Suite D, 180 North 3rd Ave. the publk: record. Williams Lake, BC,V2G2A4 Dated this 4th day of Mardi, 2005. Phone:(250)392-3351 Pli. 250-384-3344 Fax: 250-384-3346 1-800-665-1636 Contact person. Telephone No. 1-250-297-6211 v. Contractorsmust demonstrate they have successfully completed a silviculture sur^ vey c6ritact(sj with the Ministry of Forests; BC Timber. Sales, or a major forest licensee, arid surveyed a rninimurti of 1500 hectares iri one (1) contract, in last two (2) years:The bidder must have completed a minimum of 700 hectares of free-growirig.surveys,' and a minimum of 200 hectares of rriulti-layer surveys in the past two (2) years; • 2) Contractors must demonstrate the capability to submit survey data in an electronic format compatible with Genus. ' ,.• 3) Contractors rriust demonstrate that they have previdusiy.had.a pi-oducfion rate of 35 plots per day. , • . .• ' •; ' ,;• •.- • 4) Contractors must have at least one Accredited Silviculture Surveyor (British Columbia) per fieildaew. ouALrnr P E R F O R M A N C E 1) Contractors must not have been assessed greater than $500.00 for any non-compliance of contract standards on any silviculture surveys contract in the past two (2) years. ;.. ' ELIGIBILrrV . • 1) The contractor must not have had any canceled or unsuccessfully completed Silviculture Survey contract(s) within the past two (2) years. • •' : . ' 2) The contractor must be registered with. Workers' Compensation Board and Ministry of Labour (Employment Standards Branch) at the tiriie of evaluation. : Interested applicants are to forward a resuriie and reference letters by Aprill, 2005 to:. • ••. ; '1.. •,. Attention: Paul Ekeli Ministry of Forests, BC Timber Sales 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel. British Columbia, V2J 3M5 Contact Bob Taylor or Paul Ekeli of the BC Timber Sales Quesnel field team for further information al (250)992-4400. . Cariboo Regional Dislrict is Lake. NOTICE RELEVANT. EXPERIENCE«>RODUCTIVITY accepting quotes for the chipping of al the site on March 24,2005. .. want to qet The presentation, scheduled for 1:00 pm ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTrON The Ministry of Forests; BC Tirnber. Sales. Quesnel Field Team, invites applications from qualified silviculture survey contractors. This is not a call for tenders. Contractors must submit a resume and reference letters. Successful applicants will be contacted regarding the time and date of a mandatory oflice viewing of the contract(s). Subsequent Invitations to Terider may have the potential of being option-to-reneyy iEoiitracts of up to three (3) years at the ministry's discretion!; WOOD CHIPPING Ail contractors must attend a site with plywood. $1700 Good con- Newspapers Classified! INVITATION F O R P R E - Q U A L I F I C A T I O N P U B L I C T E N D E R - 2005 S I L V I C U L T U R E S U R V E Y C O N T R A C T S STATION to book your B C Y Blanket Diesel, Cube Van. dition. 992-1105 INVITATION TO QUOTE Inc. B C Timber Sales ( B C T S ) Cariboo-Chilcotin Business Area OTHER CONDITIONS OF 1-800-665-1636 Excellent condition. Asking $26,500. 250.747-3441 .Ptovlncf ol - MkMiiryol T^i Binlth'Coiumbia Toifil* ' undersigned. Completed quotes are to be delivered no later Environmental Services Coordinator brake, Attention: Paul Ekeli. Ministry of Forests, BC Timber Sales • . ' . 322 Johnston Avenue, Quesnel, British Columbia. V2J 3M5 Contact Vince Skalicky or Paul Ekeli of the. BC Timber Sales Quesnel field team for further information at (250)992-4400, . for 1:0Q pni at the site on March 24, 2005. ; workforce and subcontractors, if applicable, reputation for : . ic, 4x4, p/w, p/l, remote start, CD 1962 Chrysler Saratoga, 361 V8. push button, auto, runs and looks good. $3,000.00. 747-1487 W-/> S.L.T. BC Timber Sales (BCTS) . Cant>oo-Chilcotin Business Area . INVITATION FOR PRE-OUALIFICATION PUBLIC TENDER-2005 VEGETATION MANAGfeMENT - MANUAL BRUSHING CONTRACTS The Ministry of Forests, BO.Timber Sales, Quesnel Field Team, invites applications from qualified vegetation management - manual brushing contractors. This Is not a call for tenders; Contractors must submit a resume and reference letters. Successful applicants Will be contacted regarding the time and date of, a mandatory office viewing of the contract(s). Subsequent Invitations to Tender may have the potential of tieing option-to-renew contracts of up to three (3) years at the ministry's discretion. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE/PRODUCTIVITY 1. Contractors must demonstrate; they previously completed a rrianual bnjshing cbntract(s) with the Ministry of Forests. BC timber Sales, or a major forest licensee^, of aminimumof 180 hectares in one 0) contract inthe past two (2) years. 2) Contractors must demonstrate that they have previously had an average production rate of 130 hectares per. month. QUALrrV PERFORMANCE « 1) Contractors must have achieved an average of 90%' quality rating on all cornpieted manual.brushirig contracts in ttie past two (2)^y^^ ' '. . 2) Contractors must not have had an assessment greater than iSQO.OO for any noncdmpliahce of contrair^t standards'on any manual brushing, contract in the past tvyo (2) years. OTHER CONDITIONS OF ELIGIBILrTY •; ' 1) The contractor must hot have had any canceled or unsuccessfully completed manual brushing conti-act(s) vyithjn the past two (2) years^ 2) TTiefcontractormijst be registered with Workers' Compensation Board arid Ministry of Labour (Employment Standards Branch) at the time of evaluation; Interested applicants are to forward a resume and reference letters by April 1. 2005 - All contractors must attend a site presentation, x/cab, diesel long box, auto - 1992 1996 No reasonable offer refused.; 398-8492 chipping of wood waste at the Central Cariboo Transfer (including timing requirements), availability of contractors' 747-1487 774 Parts 1981 CJ 5 JEEP Trim Tabs, New Top, No Trailer Medic Alert 1997 4x4 Dodge 1 ton dually diesel. Well built 9' flat deck. Removable upright tool boxes with sliding drawers. $18,000.00. 1998 sale. 747-5128 leaive message. Regional mpfc 'ni Hi \ ability Lots of Fun! dition. $3600 obo. Jim 1-866- iDattery. Asking $2,900. Privaite Cariboo qualifications, experience (especially on similar projects), C D , awesome stereo, mint con- FOR SALE 1958 Ford 4 Door Sedan, BC Timber Sales (BCTS) Canboo-Chilcotin Business Area •, Site Plans • Vanous Locations - QuesnelTimber Supply Area Contract SD/2006/TCC/QU/02 TMe Quesnel Field Team, BC Timber Sales, Cariboo-Chilcotin Business Area invites tenders for Site Plans - Various .Locations - Ouesnel Timber Supply Area. Sealed ten-, ders will be received by the Ministry of Forests, BC Timtier Sales. Cariboo-Chilcotin Business Area, 200 - 640 Borland Street, Williams Lake, British Columbia, V2G 4 T I , up to 10:30 a.m. local time, March 30,2005. Late submissions will not be accepted. Tenders must lae submitted in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the information package. Infonnation packages are available at Ministry of Forests, BG Timber Sales, Carit>oo-Chilcotin Business Area office at the above address or frbm thei BC Bid website; This project is subject to funding in the 2005/2005 fiscal year. If further inforrnation is required, please contact Mike Klassen, R;P.F., Practices Forester, of the Quesnel Field Team, at (250)992-4400. Station located in Williams Lake. -815 Legal Notices 1 CiS.lntt ol MWilry ol aiilllh Cblumtilf -'Foiti.l* . - Be advised that any response to this advertisement will be time a public opening will lake place. considered part of the public record. For information, contact The Cariboo Regional District does not bind itself to accept the FOI Advisor at Land and Water British Columbia Inc.'s the lowest or any qiiote and reserves the right to reject regional office. all quotes. Selection will be based upon such factors as BEETLE 983-2862 or 747-0788. (250)983-2259 or 992-9231 Good condi- FOR SALE 120,000 kms. Auto., am/fm FOR SALE 1986CADltLAC DeVILLE SEDAN New rriotor 2 yrs. ago. Nevv brake ^ shoes, new Struts. $3000.00 obo. 747-0999 Cell 991-6547 110.OOOkms. 0113 white, 200,000 kms, new motor MUST SELL!! 302 Ford 30 hrs. on . 1999 GMC Crewcab. S L E Mod- DUE T O ILL HEALTH Leg Rebuild 30 hrs. on The Lands File Number that has been established for this application is 7408255. Written comments concerning this application should be directed to Art Kaehn, Land and Water Licensed Officer at 455-1011 Fourth Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 3H9 (565-6779). Comments will be received by LWBC Inc. until April 15,2005. LWBC inc. may not be able to consider comments received after this date. tion. $21,000. 992-5550 or 992- loaded, 4069 V F150 X L T . loaded, or newer. With no rust, 4 cyl., silver, has asking $1,700. Phone; 250-593- 1982 Bellboy - 26 ft. live aboard FORD 1993 condition. 57.000km 249-5109. $11,500 1993 31ft. Class A, GM 454Jual air generator, microwave, TV, split bath, queen island bed. New brakes, new floor, awning, all the extras. Very clean, non smoking, excellent shape. $35,000.00 extras 815 Legal Notices ailllih Columbia F o o i l l Take notice that Terese Miction Gamache of Quesnel, BC has made an application tothe l^nd and Water BC Inc, OmINVITATION TO QUOTE ineca Region. Land Management Office, for an agricultural • CENTRAL CARIBOO TRANSFER STATION property within part of District Lots 3207,3572and 10244 WOOD CHIPPING and unsurveyed Crown Land, Cariboo District near the: Chubb Lal<e.. The Cariboo Regional District is accepting quotes for the 991-9922. pump cost ($350), new 5 year anti of remote start, box cover. Great auto, light green, new transmis- entry, Lots $14.000 obo. 747-1056 Taurus, 4 doors, locks, mirrors, remote trailer, full wheels/tires. wagon 94 $3000 low 70 km, power win, sunroof, mirror, locks. Cruise, air, keyless entry, alarm, tinted win, AL rims, 4 disc. CD, warranty & more. $9,500. great 4x4. 804-3371. 2000 NEON LX sion SUbaru Wagon WANTED STATION warranty, low kms, air, cruise, AUTO LOANS FORD 1992 Land Act: Notice to Apply for a Disposition of Crown Land 815 Legal Notices GMC Jimmy - excellent 178,000kms 747-8408 auto. Asking $19,500. 747-8628 1992 Station 1987 condition •• totally restored 350 el. 747-0199 Leave. rnes- SALE: WorldSave Big O n Trucks, Cars, S U V ' s . Vans, many unresen/ed! Auctions in Kelowna every Saturday 11:00 am; viewing MonSat. 9 a m - 5 p m . Call toll free 1-866-967-5365. ' with 700 R transmission, 2 sets Caravan, low boat w/25 hp $3,000.00 Sport Camaro, 768 Cla.ssics excellent 2003 PT '97 Mallard Trailer Model 26m, lge fridge, microwave, 3 burner stove, • oven, air, Insulated and ' heated tanks, awning ; and hitch. $16,000 obo. FOR Loyale $1,000. 983-8603 after 6pm crawler good condition. $20,000 - O B O T J . 90,000kms: 1995 DODGE kms, no rust, very reliable! 392- bucket, faaick-hoe, low hours - ; condition. trade for 4x4 747-3162 5550 or 992-0113. 5077 or747-0062. 1978 Excellent 815 Legal Notices OKANAGAN AUCTION Good condition. $11,900. 992- 120,400 km, 5.0 L, V8 high output, full load, veryclean, 5spd. std. trans. $9,000. "PICK A Car" under 680 Machinery player. CD/MP3 good condition. $2500 o.b.o. or 5th MOTORHOME FORSfiLE winter tires, 1978 RALLEY $695.00, can be seen at 169 & (250)675-4759 door, $13,500: O B O 250-992-8053 Asking $7,900 Phone: 250-593-4069 Phone: Civic, 4 Michelin 815 Le<;;al Notices 786 Trucks auto, 81,000kms, warranty, new fit a wheel trailer. Good condition^ Sleeps 450B JOHN excellent 2001 HONDA camperette in 762 Cars 1989 660 R(|iiipiiient LIGHT WEIGHT 762 Cars 762 Cars 756 Canopies 730 RV'.s 636 Livestock See your ads on-line! www.qoesiielol)semr.coin B I PtoikKo el Mmniry ol |T3/ linliN ColumkU FofOfU B C Timber Sales (BCTS) Cariboo-Chilcotin Business Area INVrrATION FOR PRE-QUAUFICATION PUBLIC TENDER - 2005 MECHANICAL SrTE PREPARATION ~ POWERDISCTRENCHING,EXCAVATOR M O U N D I N G / SCREEF1NQ AND PIUNG C O N T R A C T S The Ministry of Forests, B C Timt)er Sales, Quesnel Field Team, invites applications fn^m qualified mechanical site preparation - power disc trenching and mourxfing/ screefing and piling cotitracfors. This is not a call for tenders. Contractors must submit a resume and reference letters. Successful applicants will be contacted regarding tlie time and date of a mandatory office viewing of the contract(s). Subsequeint Invitations to Tender may have the potential of Ijeing option-to-renew contracts of up to threis (3) years at the ministry's discretion. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE/PRODUCTIVrTY 1. Contractors must demonstrate they haye previously held a rhechanical site preparation contract(s) in the last two (2) years with the minimum individual contract sizes listed in the following activities: 2. Power Disc Trenching contract(s) a minimum of 500 hectares 3. Excavator Mounding/Screefing contract(s) a minimum of 200 hectares 4. Pilingcontract(s) aminimumof 50hectares QUALfTY PERFORMANCE 1) Cpritractors must haye achieved a minimum of 90% quality rating on all completed mechanical site preparation contracts in the past two (2) years. 2) Contractors must not have had an assessment greater tttan $500.00 for any rioncornpliance of contract standards on any mechanical site preparatkxi contract in the past two (2) years. OTHER C O N D m O N S O F EUGIBIUTY 1) The contractor must hot have had any canceled or unsuccessfully completed Me^ chanical Site Preparation contract(8). with the past two (2) years. 2) The contractor must be registered with Workers' Compensation Board and Ministry of Labour (Employment Standards Branch) at the time of evaluation. EQUIPMENT T Y P E AND STANDARDS For power disc trenching: prirne mbverts) are tp bo equipped with a hydraulically powered disc trencher capable of hydraulk: down pressure and a V-blade attachmenL The maximum ground pressure ofttiemachine must not exceed 8.0 (psi) pounds per square inch. For excavators: bucket capacity is to be 0.5 to 1.0 cubic yards, and has to be equipped with a mounding rake, hydraulk: thumb, and bnish guard. The maximum ground pressure of the machine must not exceed a ground pressure of GJ) (psO pounds per square inch. . Interested applicants are to forward a resume and reference letters by April 1, 2005 to: . • -- ; • Attentton: Paul Ekeli Ministfy of Forests, BC Timber Sales 322 Johnston Avenue, (}uesnel, British Columbia, V2J 3M5 Contact Grant Johannesen or Paul Ekeli of the BC Xmtotx Sales Ouesnel field team for further infonnation at (250)992-4400. B20 QOESNEL GARIBOO OBSERVER Wednesday. March 16* 2005 Colour M e E a s t e r Biiimsr :;^Piciure^;for;^^ win^ prize! Colouring Contest Closes Maroh 23/05. Bring your entries to the Quesnel Cariboo Observer 188 Garson Avenue 2 Categories Age 0-6 yrs Age 7-12 yrs.