Document 6498248
Document 6498248
ONE MAN'S MEAT XWfiTHFR MAN'S POISON Right to Kntnt It has come to our attention that daily newspapers published in this part of the State arc, worried about the news competition given them by The Independent-Leader. We are indeed flattered. T h e Independent-Leader publishes stories that are new. However, our source*.of information are the result of many yean of hard work, making friends and sen-ing the' community in even- possible way^ The people, we fee!, have confidence in us because we make every effort to be fair and impartial. '. O'f course, it is only human to err and we do not say that through the years we have not made any errors in pigment.' However; they were Just that—errors in judgment and not vicious personal attacks for personal gain. Our reporters know that the paper comes first and they cannot in- dulge in any personal vendetta.". When we have criticized, we have made even- effort to be constructive and to offer alternatives which in our judgment could solve situations. We have not condemned, just for the sake of condemning, 4 Now, we ieam, there is pressure being brought to bear for the mayor to discontinue his Wednesday press conferences. Why? All public officials, from the president down to mayors, hold press conferences, to make themselves available to all members of the press at the same time so they may ask questions. We are willing to take Our chances at the press conferences and in addition go out and, dig up our own information or additional fact's to present a fair tod true picture We feel that you, our readers, have the right to know and despite any pressure from any group we will defend your right to know. 1401 Trout River Blvd.'Petersburg, for the past ten y e a r s ^ motto on Wlr 3401 ,it w a s a pleasure to receive the! We Trust." F,a 'Tercentenary edition of your pa-, 1. Preparation- -,-,. !i)or from my sister Mrs. Edward way to fnrre ;hi> f(—v 'Springer, of Berry St. jChaplains in our ' v » >::, l Ii nin the , ir ^ in^ndent-Leader: ]'• I enjoyed it very _much. much. the Congress. " [ v •Your Tercen , Kindest personal regards to «"» Slate Lepi-u ,.,, Corieratulations' " Soon there »ii: ,,. a ''pmtv I«ue was a remarkably johnny Royle. to do away W!--r (j I mid » b " " ! Sincerely, Thanksgiving Dav'..,'. '*I.*ant to thank you for the! Joseph P. Gimaldi ing the holiday >,-.,• ',• paper as we are enjoying it very "" name to Harvest F ( . ' , much 'Editor. Mv wife Florence, the former! independent-Leader; ..... having r . i ' , such title Florence Voorhees really enjoyed; u cannot be denied that there with God. showing the picture? of'her r e l a - ^ a disquieting trend, and per-j This attempt to n' tives to all our children. There haps rt is even a deliberate, from the public lif, r< -. wa<; a picture of her Grandfather,|movement, to eliminate God and,being prepetraM b - ' ; her mothers graduation picture.! tnf mention of His Name from p - o u p " w n o n ; U e J her sister in another, and the pit-i pUhlic life in our beloved country.|hearts that there u y' ture of her 23-24 Basketball, team ^ suspicion that there is a the name of f r «^,, T ' iV brought back memories of thr old j^iiberate movement afoot in thisjthey are-seekir.t: to ,~ WHS. I direction is supported by recent; godless philo^o, h-, ','-"' I even found my face, in the c v f , n [ s since the day the United;majority.of (;<>dV.:-,r picture of the Businessmens Han-[states Supreme Court decid-,fearinn citizens i -< "••ad quct netting across the table from' pf ) l n a t j s w a s unlawful to prayithey are succeedx; you nnd Ruth. \m the public schools, the follow- the apathy, -' of riio' When 1 think back to the time m g things have happened: Even fnany putoi. you took over the paper orrMain than would pear to be With more the reallyy fine sMra nnecessary, St. II can can appreciate appr hool!pressures of the* ecessar)i mmaannyy ssc c hool!p EHOU5BTO job you have done with it, authorities have' even banned the « M i o'f r e s s i n s1 Again Ii want say thanks ami kjnBin|! » Asain »am to w saj u«»»= "' [singing Qr or ^the ^^titm recitation in in the!«P tne;"!""5""" m conducted separately tor each department of municipal government and then a hearing will be held on the budget as a whole before adoption. Board President Vincent Renz has December as a target for presentation of the 1964-1965 Board of Education budget. Previously the budget wa* not introduced until January, There has been much criticism in the past that people have not had sufficient time to study the financial measures which are complicated even for those who have read budgets for many years. This action, on the part of both bodies, should eliminate such criticism in the future. Under the Capitol Dome I f J. Jmpb Gribbtas How to measure a newspaper ad Published as fact by a columnist with a rather impressive record for long-range accuracy, it purports that a number of T-I and T-10 ground-toground Intermediate range missiles suddenly appeared on the island during May, following the arrival of three Soviet bloc ships. The weapons are described as, capable of carrying nuclear warheads and ^ having a range of from 400 to 600 included in this volume. Sincerely, David S. Davies Executive Director State of New Jersey Tercentenary Commission. (are being made to Man and equip!man consumption some day after T h a t report is r e p r e s e n t e d as being "similar to the plight of many new facilities presently under!a State law is amended to allow p i-i their sale, but it is not very prob-i based o n "hard i n f o r m a t i o n " given Residents, things are getting construction the ln,i abl?. ; U. S. authorities by what is described l0Ugh !L f* J X Out in Indiana, Biologist John ' ^p r ot p eor t y bei f iconfrontd x ouis a m t c w u n , t » i .-l*.. p tg,~..., ™ — . - . . . . . . . everycooking possible way. Alas "highly reliable sources" inside Cu- 'i vling confrontedAnd withlike dwind-:aid programs, Allen in tried starling maftto bankbeaccounts. Mr. iquirements for and debt increased service. re- breasts ter his patience ran out, he con- LEGALIZED GAMBLING: - cluded they were terrible, "tastes St. Petersburg, Fla. According to the published y 1, 1964 Bingo an like liver that's been left on the those sources say the IRBM's are hid- fop the hard times ahead. during Editor sidewalk for a week." den in carefully camouflaged storagei on July l the state of New J c r - ^ ^ ^ ^ ,urch, veterans, civjc: The New Jersey Farm Bureau Independent - Leader: g its new allot- a n d y^un areas which can't be spotted by high- i e y fire company groups believes the Grackle falls into the Having been in business in St.! totahng $s«. c,- d , i r s t meitt squads. _ [category. flying U-2 planes. . b the th LeRislatiirej Lplat _ , ,. , . . .. . , 046 authorized by legalized fcrngo,'the sin Assume, for a moment, that it were jxwible to clip this display mewaRe from each copy of this newspaper printed for today'i issw, and that these clipping w « * neatly stacked before you, From P e r h a p s t h e Story h a s been distort- for spending during the new fis-j^ f^MM was realized while1 DISCRIMINATION1: - Country New ed or exaggerated. O n t h e Other hand,!? 8 1 5"ear Such funds c o m e '^'legalized raffles produced $9,953,- flubs and swimming clubs Hi Ni trOm IiM and 6 6 laxes it m u s t b e recalled there were DersiSt6as° ^ f " '!70ti. Chi.rch groups received over Jersey have been warned by li mu&i o e recanea m e r e were persist- a k n h o l l c ^.mge and mhentance'^ o( lhe ai ; i)Unl (k . orge s . riaus, Director of the Slute ent reports of this s a m e sort of t h i n g levies, and other sources, and not _ churches Division of Civil Rights, not Registered were ».- ^ ,.-. ,. m a n y m o n t h s before t h e verified find-'one cent comes from local prop-' HeEis.irea ,.29 reluous conyreRalions, a 7 5 ' " di.uTimmate opainst prospecrace ings precipitating the October, 1962, [y t 4 x e s ' -. Ireligious organizations: 852 c h a r i - : ^ d lreligion ™ t e l e bore c ancestry ^ 5 e of during ' Hie surplus balance this y e a r , , . « | | j 776 (ab e Ol aft za i ms; crisis. ma hot summer ahead. p expected In reach $19,000 0 0 0 , t i . o r i ; a i r t M , i o n 9 , m {eternal 1ll-f T h p S ; a t e nf Jersev has ut if all the H-V moneyj allotted lorganizivinns' m sn veterans veitrrans organui(;«ii•> , u^ ^ w When is the last time, you took a cold, hard look at your investment situation? First, remove all dippings which appeared in copies spoiled in distribution, or which were otherwise undelivered, left over, returned, a or used in our office for file or checking copie*. Since no one read Sitte, they can go m to the wa»tepaper. Second, remove those message* which appear*) in copies delivered to subscribe™ behind in their payments, service copies to adverti* and agencies, employes, any complimentary , or promotion lists, and all others which d» not qualify as paid circulation. Just fox the record, you might want to count the numbw of these, but then they go into the wastepaper, km, pent this year, the balance «icxt|| z a ,j o n s . 4S2 c j v j c a n /i service H.^Y prohibited discrimination une 30 will onlyy reach $8,000,000.!a n dd sseenni ( , e c ] u b s . 510 o R i r i a | in- pU-os otferins! acco mod at ions' and u'creational services overnor Richard J. Hughes tas;vo!imteer ,, re companies- 72 tir^t'01" It may be that Congress is at last shall become Acting President until iformed all of his cabinet of-! aid squad- and 14 official rescue ! " lht> P u l ' ^ since i m For the ff ^ Tjie o u t o l a ) 5 1 5 1 i,.it -ix months the dhrision has about ready for a realistic appraisal the Chief Executive's disability is ter- cers that such tapping of sur.,. - 1 The Legalized Games of Chance b w " ^rveying a number of clubs of the problem of Presidential succes- minated. ;ons cannot -ontinue, and he has C o m m i s s l ( j n , w h i c h - i i t . c n s e s s u c h If; d^tprmino whether certain ex sion, so starkly dramatized by the Kenked that that they they devi.« devise ways ways and; and; f i r ( ) U n s rc . |j()rts they have received i-l«sn>nary devices bting used to In the latter connection — If the iked eans to arrive at a ppom; « h e r e^; ^ jj ^^W ; ^ {mm i n R 0o a and n d k e cp nedy assassination. from bbin P ""writies out are in violaR President refused to acknowledge his mnuat expenditures for existing, ii r a f f j je s ' [ m s s i n c e A p r i l 2 , I lion of the law. That can be inferred from the fact own disability, the Vice President irograms fit within the State's an-, 19M w h e n t j ) e v WK m a d e pI e ^ a | i The criteria h h that a Senate subcommittee has now fit an-, 19M criteria for deti-iTninlng l di withinf the State's iti ' w h e n t j ) e v WK m a d e I e ^ a | i The could, with the concurrence of the Ca- irograms lwht tht r o r not a ual expenditures for existing pro-j ' c n , ^ . ^ , , operated dur' ' particular clubj The come up with a specific proposal on binet, • declare him disabled and as- iual ;ramsrevenues. iit within the State's an- i n e t l i e |>,. a l year ending June 30 : o r P l a c e »f accornodation is disprocedures for both filling a Vice-Pres- sume the powers and duties — though 1963 at a cost of $144,092.70. As a tmctly private are varied. Direc-, But as school attendance l jr p f a u s a d m l l s idential vacancy and for providing not the office — of President. In case :reases with a greater population, ls o n e w h ihe eh in-1 mOppose. ^y^ attempt the commission a U e r sof aav to lax the "' a > s a C r i v a t e c l-u b However, ;ls flr anlze(i ;intt continuity of government if a Chief the Slate must provide more and• proceeds tf legalized names cf R operated for the The world changes, U the President challenged that action l ! a l bl ncflt of more money if the present le(?is-| h , riainjing such levies' c > i c l l b l v e a m l c -l:|ual -' Executive should become disabled. changes, and changes. Per-1 the issue would be put up to Congress lated formula is followed. At the vk'c oiiance \ or one which 1rfdeti act from the ability Basically, it provides that whenever where it would require a two-thirds same time, the State operationsi qua ijfi e( j organizations to e a r r v ^ cIK'rilll-''l by its membirs or soaal goals, the potential an a nt c r securities, your income, you | services and ^ ^* representative emthe office of Vice President shall be- vote to sustain the Vice President's as section of the budget has been oout u t tjieir worthwhile se ployed or selected by them 11 p e m e i . Tbty all ci increasing yearly between $13,activities. come vacant the President can select sumption. "This year marks the 000,000 and $20,000,000. change. The Htmmission also frowns on a. man for the job, subject to approval State As part of the belt tightening' bingo piavine'Sn"commercial halisl t e ™ i a I o f tnp '°» mdi np Granted that the need for such t of N e w J c r s e s a i ( of both the Senate and the House, and procedure to be followed, Gov- ^ recommends that the 1957 lawi v." i Pfaus.' Pi'rha|w tbu Is i er the: time to take another food that in any case where the President provision would be rare, it would seem ernor Hughes has asked top State authorizmp such acUvity be re- ,, Man J[ £»& iT<™. will:. - l o o k at ,your officials not to fill any of the 2,300 pealed. If it is not repealed. t l . ( ^ n i t e d S t a t e s a " d t r , r u investment I „ j shall declare in writing that he is un- the proposal rates consideration. vacancies incurred by the re- commission proposed that a feel•* vacalioning tare Thousands of I situation. As k one of W j It's like insurance—necessary onlj tirement of that Number of State of $.500 per yea> be charged in-! 1 0 "™* w ^ be v j us on t h e " Registered able to discharge the powers and du" Representatives | lsll I!g way to the New York World's I to help you review yo employees this summer. The work stead of the present $100. ties oi hfs office the Vice President In an emergency, but necessary. I fair. The State is desirous that no' jectivn, investments a a i I previously done by the retiring employee will be spread over the BLACKBIRDS: - Those black'citizen or visitor be embarrassed circumsuncfs. He's ready to remaining employees in the var-birds looking across Delaware]in any way by lieing denied the dork with you. Presidential Succession ious departments. Bay and waiting patiently for the use of any facility or service of-1 A proposed Constitutional amendsuccessor, but Congress would hav< Stale Budget Director Abram fifekls of (inn in Salem and otlkr fered by a place of public accomodalion." Presidential Succession ment that would "effectively guard jthe final say so. against a vacancy in the White House j The same situation would prevai; has been approved by a Senate Judici- kinder the bill on Presidential dlsabili ! ary subcommittee. ty. Authored by Senator Birch Bayh, Under the present law, the line of Indiana Democrat, the proposal prosuccession would automatically put vides that immediately upon the the House Speaker in the White death of a President, the Vice PresiHouse, dent, as he steps into the number one Though the Bayh plan is not idea}, spot, would nominate a new second it would, provide a measure of democtfnan. He would have to be confirmed racy while allowing some flexibility by a majority of both Houses. , in choosing a successor. The advantage of the legislation is Congress should take some action that it offers something for both slides. to provide for an emergency at this • The Vice President would choose his session. KOOOBBIDGB PUBLISHING COMPANY I M I H H Ft Campion, PrtcideM A T n t n r e r PubflBbed Weekly on flwrsday i t 7:00 A. M. Strwt SSI N. J. Cartant, N. J TtUptaw: I B 4-UU Telepbooe: Kl 1-6400. Chirk* E. MaO - O MYMT TlW - DM, 10, Mtl GLAMOR GIRLS •-'•41 T o „ M i s s L h W ^ e g i a n c e to the flag and" 11 of lour staff who had a' 1 Preparations are being made * e » A m * . : , : > Hand in turning out an excellent'" <•»«* '" the courts the use of| Ittmtmued or, P J : . Tercentenary Edition of The Independent-Leader. It is a wonder1*0 ful job and an important contri bunion to the Tercentenary celebration. One in a series We are planning to create a volume of all the Tercentenary of message* to advertiser! editions for the State Library. It will be presented to Governor. Richard J. Hughes before 1964 is . t | over as a record of what the New, " l ^ Mmile* In Cuba? There's a startling and ominous report kicking around Washington circles — though so far officially discounted by the Pentagon-; and State Department—to the effect that Russia is again sneaking ballistic missiles Into Cuba. ds ;• ,vi5h you many more successful j p ^ i ^ c h o o l s of the fourth stanzaj *•* tame and ir ne vears, ;„( 'America" and. such songs as " ^ tthe lynaE^m-; as ever, tiod Bless America" which in- This great coun:Hugh M, Tompkins vokes the name of £od. reached a state uj 1 2. The reading of the Bible in leading Mr. L. F. Campion, | public schools has been forbidden (I* " e a " 1 1'iihfisher. ! by Court decree. John F. r Independent-Leader: of ™ w o r l d *> A< 3 A Court case is now pending June 30, I California to remove the words: prayer excep1. Dear Mr. Campion: hind the Iron ' : and '-300- "Under God" from the Pledge of Congratulations public school^ o: V: Earlier Target Dates It was heartening indeed when both the Board of Education and the mayor announced last week that their respective budgets will be introduced much earlier this year which will enable those, who are interested, to have sufficient time to study both budgets. Under the new form of government, the budget ia no longer prepared by the Municipal Council but by the administrative branch of the local government. Usually, the municipal budget was advertised in February or March. This year, the administrative offices are aiming for completion of the measure by November. Hearings will be to the Edit or MENUS: — Studciils at llie six Ntw Jersey State colleges may have "seconds when they go to bit-ikfast, lunch and dinner after' next September, except sue special dishes as once-a-weck charcoal-broiled steak. Under a new contract awarded to the Slater School and College Services- of Philadelphia, trje' breakfast menu calls f o r a ehoite of three juices, cereal, choice cf two fruits, choice of two entrees' i meat three times a wecki and choice of five leverages, one ofi uhich must be milk For luch, t h e r will b<- a iliuice of two hot entrees, two green vegetables, choice of three desserts, and choice of five beverages, including milk. For dinner,! three will be ,a choice of live^l salads, one green; choice of two hot entrees, choice of three deSserts and choice of five beverages, including milk. , , You look a little tired at this point-we 11 help by oounting the number of clipp"»S5 appearing in copies sold with premium.^ ifl combination with othef publicaUow, and M specrat«. We'U also count the number soki in clubbing often or a* a result of a conUst or tft an insurance offer. Reated now? Give u s a hand and we will the cUppings in • & • ( • Hacks for each "tf and town in wWdTopie* were duitrib"^ (just exactly where jwery copy of th> went-to the p»yin| customers only) we count each stack for the record. Now, while you relax and finish reading thi» message after counting and measuring «ur circulation In so many different w a v s v you would liie to see what it costs each of Own Your Share of American Business 1. LWATSON &C0. the paying customers to buy a copy « this newspaper? Member, New York Stock Exchange Then again, if all this talking about of the w«|ys the Audit Bureau of t " regularly counts Mid measures our you tired out, just atk toisee a cop latest ABC Report Perth Anirwy National Bank Bldg. 'erth Ambuy, N.J. HI t ABC's stacks of mures U M. A. WEIANT COUI-ON ««rl>'« and tell you a | m t deal mow »bout UH distribuUon ol your tdvertisini ****** in this newspaper. Hesidont Partner 34 Years in Perth Amboy M4a Now our stack is down to only the payi"8 customers. Count the number of clippings ui the stack. When that's done (and the exact ngw» recorded), separate the clippings into tlin* separate stacks-one for thoie distribute to readers in your central inarket; one for u**e distributed to readers living outaide tin* market, but who shop here regularly; and one for those copies delivered to reader, hvim elsewhere. Count each stack and, when y« to* these figures accurately recorded, divide the clippings in separate stacks by method oJ delivery (carriers, dMUn, vendor*, mail, and so forth), and count each stack ] T. L. WATSON ^ CO. P. A. National Bank Bldf. Perth Amboy MiftuM aeud me & frM copy of frequency of tornadoes in puld d i v i d e a d . n e r j thrM Jersey has caused the State Di- month* lot 30 yeart or tuor* vision 0I c ' vi ' .Defense to jnstall Name a direct weather teletype from r "Where would you M'without me nagging and nag- the Urjited States Meteorological Address i station tn New Yor^ to its. comCity ging and nagging and goading you on?" I (Continued Suifage l«) f 18 20 Greei ttrwt
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