Document 6498715
Document 6498715
fBB .WB8TWBLP OT.-J.l LEADER, THURSDAY. J«WE_19, 1062 THE WESTFIELP LEADER Idiots Can't Vote! How to Be Safe inthe Water Family Life The New Jersey Constitution prohibits Entered at the Post Office »t Westfleld, N. J., any idiot or insane person from voting; On PhyUh Page Bradshaw - YM.CA. Rules for WaHr Safety a* feecond CIUBB Matter. Specialist in Human Rchtu,m » l u l l . , "fr-*.Publlnh** l>hur*dan «t We«t«el(L New Jersey, therefore, if you are an idiot, or insane Rutgers, the Slate University by The -WMtflelil Lender Printing an* Publishing —don't vote. (Article II, Section 6.) DONTAtTSMPTA RtSCUt Company. An Independent Newspaper. GOING OUT NTHtWATVt. UNLWSS If you are qualified to register and to Offlclil Paper tor the Town of Westdeld and WITH, THE CROWD ' Borotiyh of Moustftillftide. vote, it is not too early to think about Sixtcen-yeav-oltl Sally wails bitvouke* move BulMcrlptlon fates $2.60 a year In advance. teny, My parents ate always getting out the vote for the National Established 1890. complaining that I g 0 o u t JL stand tlatT^iN election on November 4. OltLce: SO Elm Street, tvestfleld, N. J. much and that they don't i,nOw Tel. WE 2-4407 — WE. 2-M08 In the last Presidential election, more my friends. Now they're suying I can go out only once a week and than 400,000 registered New Jersey Member with somedne they know. Isn't that Quality Weeklies of New Jersey citizens did not vote. This represented horrible 1 They make me feel m,e New Jersey Press Association SAFE BOATING more than all of the registered voters in National Editorial Asioclatlon away and getting a job!" Now that nice weather has come running Sally's desire to go out with the any one county in the State—•there were WH£N RESCUING SOMtto most of the United States, OUT crowd is natural and noima) NATIONAL I D I l P I I A t • ONE. STAY OUT OWWATCB, 17 people out of every 100 in New Jerlakes, rivers and streams will be to be with others of the IF POSSIBLE. TMY TO KBACH^ full of boating enthusiasts out for Needing sey who could have voted, but didn't. age is part of the growing HIM WTUPOiX, CLOTH-. a day's fishing, camping or just same for adolescents. Bein" in In the election of November 6, 1951, plain cruising. More canoes and aprocessIN 6 om THKOWH/M crowd is necessary for whole. rowboats than ever, before will soms development. out of 2,362,689 New Jersey citizens who SOMgTHtNO BUOYANT. have gasoline powered motors to registered, only 1,397,465 voted—965,- . Y«t the crowd does present probpropel them. And wHh the greater 224 people who could have voted, failed use of these motors, fire hatarda lems for Sally's patents. These problems can be solved in .i manincrease. to do so. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1952 ner satisfactory to both Sally and Sf~»' * ntscue, ALWAYS Federal regulations on larger To vote on November 4, ia ia necessary her mother and father but there craft are mandatory and provide needs'to fie some give and take on HOLD ONTO SOMtto register before September 25. , * Freedom Is Not Free for signal lights, sufficient iife pre- both aides, \, If POSSItLS. •a M . 1» servers and fire extinguishers as - Sally'* parents do worry about As they view, the "warm up bouta" MUST - equipment. On smaller nt Chicago leading to the great national The Perfect Guert she ia going, who her craft. It 13 left to the operator to where are and what she is doini;. classic known as the Presidential Elecfurnish his own safety equipment friends The rarest of individuals is the perfect It is important for her parents to or ignore it, tion next November, taxpayers are re- guest. realize that it is their responsibilWe'd like to suggest a few safe- ity to help Sally understand that minded of a contribution they must make He's the one who thinks of the little ty precautions, Gasoline is highly they are interested in her wheremien GETTING INTO to build a better America. things. He notes what time the family dangerous when improperly. used. abouts because they lovt. her antl (OM HtLPfNG SOMC "Freedom is not free," points out the retires and adjusts his own program acCarry your fuel in. a special can that they are not just prying into KLSflNTO)A SMALL manufactured and ' approved for lirr business. This is much easier New Jersey Taxpayers Association. "The cordingly. If the family has meals at a BOAT,USK srcitN on, such purposes, never in • glass re- to do when there is a good relaBOW. HOT SlOfSS. THIN privilege of the ballot carries with it the definite hour, the perfect guest makes it ceptacle. Be careful when Ailing tionship between Sally and hev YOU WON'T CAPS-IXC IT. duty not only to vote, but, in addition, a point to be on time. regular or outboard motors to pre- parents. vent spilling the fluid. Don't perSally's parent!) should Know her to understand the issues that underlie He practices the old adage, -"When in mit a lighted match or cigarette the choices appearing on the ballot or Rome, .do as the Romans do." in or near the boat while you are ;«itor, l.*M«r: voting machine. .' • refueling. And if some of the liCo*fratutatiofu,an in order t Drivers, vacation driven in particular, Our Shipping Clerk, quid is spilled, wipe it off at once. "Between now and November, the can be perfect guests, toD, when they're In open boats this is not difficult. I OLD BILL LADING' In campaigning by the candidates who away from home. boats with covered areas it is ' S a y s . . . . . harder to get rid of the gasoline have 'thrown their hats into the *ing\ There's a strong chance the vacation and as it usually drips down into should be matched only by activity of driver will spend a good part of his eld." vf their ^i>bbyin*, the an enclosed, unventilated apace, it forced » Town Council climbed into the ring, and are flexing driving in another state. In a sense he'll tave b e c o m e s extremely haxsrdous. THOSE WEEDING BILLS elect th« Btoiioial for l Don't start the motor until you The bride wore white, the citizens who themselves have be a "guest" of that state. ; * have ventilated the area so fumei The bridegroom, blue; their voting muscles as they seek out the •re dissipated. A stray spark can He must learn the traffic regulations Expreit Appreciation Her Dad's bank balance best course for the nation to follow. cause an explosion. If you wipe off Had a crimson hue. of the state' in which he is traveling if your boat with rags and they be"Entirely aside from any partisan con- he wants to insure himself a safe trip. Editor, Leader: HAVE A SIMILE? come oil or gasoline-soaked, get rid association extends thanks 1 "As procrastinating as the mod siderations, there are certain funda- He must obey localspeed limits. He must to Our These are loans, snsjg ty i you and your staff for your fine ern bride In acknowledging a wed- of them promptly. They may not explode but they sure can'start a mentals to be determined which will be familiarize himself with the nature of cooperation and.spirit of friendli- ding gift." bank, to help finance the wt^ mean blaze. ness at all times in publicizing our vital to the future of the nation. Today, the country he'll be driving through. labor and materialsfori activities during the year, which passing of Katherine Brush for example, no one can properly exerLife preservers or seat cushions Above all, he'll remember that just has added so much to the success willThe MEVEIYDAY be quite a loss to many of her used for preservers arc always inr e p a i r s or additions it t cise his voting franchise as an American because he's a "guest" he has no right of our projects. We wish you in fan's. I enjoyed all her hooka, and dicated. Even the best of swimLMKtfKF houses of people in this citizen Without at least an overall ac- to expect special privileges so far as traf- turn full success in all your vari- that is why I take exception to mers are.'likely to find them helpcms undertakings And dealings Robert Ruark when he stated in quaintance with the fiscal isues. A few fic is concerned. ful in unexpected emergencies. An with the public. his article entitled, "A Lady equally important item of equipvital fiscal questions upon which the Sincerely, This July, with the "Fourth" coming Named Key" that her book called ment is an Underwrlters'-approved (Mrs.) George C. Dreyety' Young Man of Manhattan was a tire extinguisher. Many boat ownvoter may well ponder between now on Friday and making a long week end, Secretary, badly written story. I am no au- ers still have their boats and lives and Election Day are: the "perfect guest" tourist driver w'ill Waidlaw Mothers' Assn. thority on literature but I always because they were able to stop a Fast action on application! i "Should deficit spending be continued, be more welcome than ever. Wardlaw School, eagerly awaited a new book by small fire before it got out of hand. HERE'S WHAT IT such loans allows borrower! li| Ploinflelcl. Katherine Brush. She had a deor should reductions be made in order The holiday week end will entice exThese extinguishers are built of lightful style, far more readable such MEANS TO YOU start needed work promptly.Q sturdy materials that they to make income equal outgo? tra thousands of motorists to the highthan anything F. Scott Fitzgerald are able to stand the rough hundis low,,a turned out. . - , , iH "If spending cuts should be made, ways. Some will be using the holiday To The Graduate ami exposure to .-outdoor .</• ' - \ ' ,» • • • ' week end to get a head start on their where can they be made? tb(jr ihey will be subject to in You, the happy graduate Friend of mine ttv fr. And if they are inspected '"Can reductions be* applied -without- annual two-week vaction. Others will be Father's Day cravat » i t » - , , ^ _ Of Nineteen Fifty-two, CMW ia t*r fMll Mormition m a mmy-savi* I d kept filled, they will not fait follows: "Bill, got eight top and week-enders, dashing off for three days' Have many years awaited your handicapping our defense effort? the boatman when he needs them. only two lower drawer ties." Commencement to come true. of fun before they return to the old • "Is Congress equipped with adequate You know those lower drawer grind. • Now that day has come at last; facilities to weigh spending needs? selections! The kind you don't Granted.Patent . Too many will throw caution to the Life really is worth while— wear until you've raised a beard. For New Method "Similar questions could be asked winds when it comes to traffic safety. And, carefree, you search out fl « NfWjtMffrl wesTfieio concerning many state and local issues, Thinking only of the holiday, they'll cut place And speaking about, beards reByron M. Vanderbilt, 244 SylAmong the rank and file. minds me that Christopher Mor- vania but of one thing the voter may be sure: loose on already crowded highways, enplace and. Frances Bascom THIO1MIT IANKINO INtTiniilON IM IWMM ley once said that people do not of Staten Never before has he cast a ballot of dangering not only their own lives but Knowledge you have thus far Island, have been grantGARW'OOD BRANCHES - SCOTCH FUW raise beards, they lower them. ed a United States patent for a ' more far-reaching significance than this the lives of otBers. gained JVUmbtr tf M*ral Dtpwlt Ininrim (•*, ' method for preparing a compound Say, Oldtimers, remember away Is but a grain of sand one will be, for the issues behind the They'll be dangerous demonstrators Upon a beach spread far and wide buck when mothers would say to which may be used as a surface General Election of 1952 are the most of the truth that "Speeders Lose." whining' kids, "Cut it out this min- coating. Dr. Vanderbilt and Miss Between the sea and land. ute, want to grow,up to be a cry- Bascom are members of the staff momentous that have confronted . the Who will be the winner? The driver Fleeting years wilt leave their of the E«so Laboratories of the baby?" Shades of Johnny Ray! nation. Standard Oil Development Co., who win* the respect of all, and the one mark! FOR CRYING OUT LQlJD Linden. , "Get out and vote--but know what who'll win a safe trip there and back, In wisdom you will grow. Binsf, Perry, Vic and Frankie, you are voting for." "Tis then you'll full realize will be the driver who always plays it All of them have passed their How little you still know! heyday; safe. tion time, If you have a homo Now gals reach for a hankie freezer the task of morning enterHe'll cheat death out of this holiday Happiness* nnd sunshine will At mere mention of Johnny Ray. taining is further simplified. 'The Cynical Excuse Not always hide from view by courteous, considerate and careful breakfast menu listed' below; ran One cynical excuse is given for extend- driving. The bui'dens of a war-torn world—• CARTOON-OF-THE-WEEK Its trials, and shadows too. It's by Litchy in the Brooklyn • be prepared days ahead of time, ing the price and wage c.ontrol law, and, The scene, a butcher shop and stored, frozen, till the day of He'll be the perfect guest. presenting OPS with a new lease on life. ' .»' • But, wander not alone, my friend. and incident!}' on the wall there is your party. M n M Strawberry-pineapple fruit cup It is that this is politically expedient, parFor pitfalls will be rife. . a sirjn reading, "Steaks on E-Z FiAsk God to guide your faltering nattie Plan.", The owner turns to with fresh mint garnish. Assortticularly in a general election year when Other Papers Say: steps ' his helper and says, "I think they'd ed hot bieada: cornbread, orange most of our alleged statesmen are leanlike it better if we just quoted the biscuits, cinnamon rolls, jam, butAH through this worldly life; ter, coffee. ing over backwards trying to please all Public Schools Study Needed price per ounce." ' ' The frozen fruits will thaw in some day you may graduate . FREDERIC WALTERS voters and alienate none. The New Jersey Taxpayers Associa- That fin hour or so, at room temperaTo things of higher worth, • ACThis point of view is something of an tion supported a resolution at Trenton And leave behind a life well spent' ture. They should be taken from the freezer by 8:30 or 9 o'clock. insult to the collective intelligence of the this year which would have provided You're Invited To In serving Him on earth. For those who do not have freez—Agnes K. Strenkert. American people. It presupposes that an objective study of the. cost, quality CONGRATULATIONS, NEWlYWfDS A Breakfast Party er space, the breakfast party can they accept, innocently and completely and needs of public school education in be easily prepared by using some By MARY.TV, ARMSTRONG of the many mixes on the market.', noncritically, the theory that a politically New Jersey. The resolution passed the Man »o atari your marriage off on the rig Orange Biecuite Union County Home Agent controlled economy is better than a free, Assembly, died in the Senate Education ing . . . wilh a $y«»«matic mvingi pr«»«"" 2 cups flour fully competitive economy. Our living committee. June, with its weddings, gradua4 teaspoons baking powder FSOWAt I tions, bon voyages, showers and standards are by far the highest in the % teaspoon salt The association is still advocating the birthdays gives plenty of chances * Vi cup milk world, t h e average worlfer enjoys a authorization of this study. U l savings flnane* your future home, furnituti for parties. One type of celebra1 tablespoon grated orange buying power that is known only to the Safe Operation •vtntually . . .your family. , tion gaining in popularity is a We hope the association succeeds. rind relative few in most other nations. Some Contrary to public opinion, the people of late-hour breakfast party. In 4 tablespoons fat For Trips Cited June, too, the house is likely to be of the things that we look upon as virtual New Jersey pay a lot for public school, Sift flour with baking powder S a v . part of ev.ry payche.k here. With your in tip-top shape, just fresh from and salt. Add orange rind. Cut With more than 63,000,000 mo. its spring houseclenning. The garnecessities are considered almost unob- education. The oft-made statement that tion* and our worthwhile returns, you'll *°pfl in fat with 'pastry blender. Add torists pjanning to take to the tainable luxuries elsewhere, And all of New Jersey is almost at the bottom of road a lubitemtlal cash reserve. throughout America this sum- dens will help to further beautify milk gradually to make a soft these benefits have come out of the free the list of states as far as state support mer on short trips and long jaunts, it with a colorful array of flowers. dough. Knead gently then pot to it becomes more important than Also from 10 a.m. to near noon, W-inch thickness in an oblong SERVING NEWIYWEDS SINCE 1W» enterprise system. of schools is concerned is true, but mis- ever for car owners to make cer- your house is comparatively cool, shape. Cut strips 1 to IVSi inches No one can say whether prices would leading, State aid here is comparatively tain their vehicles are in the best and your guests will thoroughly wide, 10 to 12 Inches long. Gash shape possible in the enjoy the feeling of getting away one long .edge, every % inch. Roll go dowri a little or go up a little if the small. But the actual per pupil operating mechanical interest of their own safety and from their household routines to up each strip. Plaeo In greased controls were abandoned and the free cost of the public schools in the state the safety of others on the high- help celebrate with you. muffin pans, gashed edge up. Put market restored in entirety. That is be- is surpassed only by one other state, and way. For every party, there must be one tablespoon sugar over each food—food that tastes good, but biscuit, then sprinkle with one tais.50 per cent above the national averside the point anyhow. The controls That advice was offered yesterday by Joseph C. Osmnn, manager doesn't involve too much prepora- blespoon orange juice. Bake ' in place costly, artificial burdens on the age. 460 F.'oven 12 to 15 minutes. of the Trenton division of Keymanufacturer, the farmer, the retailer, It seems pretty clear that we in New, stone Automobile Club. aniams. While having these things labor, nnd all others concerned in the Jersey are spending enough on public "Muny travelers were killed and checked, it aliio would be advisable ' production und distribution of goods. school education. The questions that injured during the summer vaca- to have thorough inspections made They nre particularly onerous to the arise are whether all of this spending is tion period last year in accidents of such things as cxlinust syBlemB, cars that wero mechan- windshield wipers, horns, rearsmall business, and nre a barrier to its being done wisely, whether we are get- involving ically unsnfo," he declared. "In and sidc-vlcw mirrors nnd growth and progress. They make an ting mnxirmim value for our education fact, competent safety rrseorchors view window glass. "elite" group of political appointees dic- dollar. Another question, of course, ia have found that on tho nvaruKo AGENT ALLIED VAN U "Such precaution!* should be takof every nine traffic deaths oc- en by all cur owners a fuw days tators of the economy. They disrupt the the quality of the education, particularly one LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE curs in accidents involving auto- before setting out on u trip. Of normal, historical methods of doing busi- in the financially poorer nrens. mobiles with mcchanicul defects. STORAGE WAREHOUSES courKe, this in especially the case ness. And, in the long run, thoy discourmost cases tlivuc defects can for.lhosti who drive cars ulsjht or The answer to these and many other lie"In adjusted or repaired rather oab- 10 yearn old, or older} In that cateage Incentive and create needless scar- guedtions should bo found in the com241 North Ave. " ily und at reasonable cost, for ox- gory It lias boon found that thorcity. p'rohenaivo study which the taxpayers' purts liuvu found that the major ough maintenance check-ups ara WE. 2-4464 mechanical deficiencies are worn needed progressively more often to The controls should be struck from the group advocates. tires, faulty broken, badly focused PACKING CRATING ante operation. statute books. —New Brunswick Home News b d l l h t H and loose steering nicch- Insuro "Jlu sure and be safari" 83 832**8 ie Mail Bo> ELDTRU! Check Your Car, Owners Warned HENRY P. TOWNSEND
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