Document 6501898
Document 6501898
' •*• 'A>ty&\ " ^W-^,*WVfWW "^ ^ IV < 4, ^^V^r, X ' r J*? V*<v:* SWUNG HOMI IMFHOVtMlNT tOUIOH :;mwm \v+. No toiger a rich mart pdayt h t e ; ccotttd fir QQodltlQtitag it becomtng a necessity in tt* Ufa of tht axidUle income hMteown«r. Today more than three milBoo American homes are centrally air conditioned, anil their number £1 mushrooming at a rate of 500,000 annually. this Is a treod living. are mstve to surfaces areas play. have simple to with to the panels seams have merely an atlnstallaexisting REMODELING A BASEMENT? START AT THE TOP, is the foggesttai here. In this recreation room, unsightly overhead pipes are camouflaged hy a wood framework covered with woodgrained cherry paneling to match J HUlSJllHItUtAH-lAlaitDAY MARCH I t , 1M7 the walk. Similarly, meters can be hidden by wood-frame boxes with paneled surfaces. Boxes include small storage shelves. Used here, masoaite panelling. one of the largest mansfactirara of raddantial air coodittonIng systems. If $1,000 is hard to come by —as it sometimes is — then it may help to know that central air conditioning can be readily financed. Oat Hay Be Under %\tm One reason for this rapid growth is that whole house air conditioning is not nearly as expensive as many people think. It can be installed in many moderately-sized homes for substantially less than $1,000. Even larger homes—such as an existing eight-room house with a hot-air furnace and adequate ductwork—sometime* can be completely air conditioned for as little as $1,000. This estimate is provided by the General Electric Company, ScUfflasof porattoos, I payment is ateBnmts art 1 m?*+ ^^^^***&$, 24, or » moo terest rate. Banks and sxvfeqp associations u s i m trfi rtcsptivt to loans uodir Tttte l%tf the Federal Hewing Atafadstration law. The** loans wttcfe may be paid off la as mac* s i five years, are! jAtractive cause they are fc*#id< % FHA. A secured bank loan may ba used if you own property, insurance, stocks, bonds, or other collateral and offer any of them as security. The Federal Housing Administration has stated to its field appraisers that * within a few years, any home without air In a new home, the bank, savings and loan association or other lending institution general* ly is willing to add the entire cost of central air conditioning to the original mortgage. In existing homes, other financing plans are available. In states where "open end1' mortgages are permitted, the owner may add the cast of the air conditioning to the original mortgage and pay off the loan by extending his mortgage. Dealers Can Help In some cases, air conditioning dealers can arrange finano &m?&» and appropriate cabteft should be located near the food preparation, toodng and cleanup centers of the kitchen. Make aura doors and drawers of cabinets and appliances doal block traffic aisles when tbty are open. New home at old address ged qualities, >bed for spot oing over the ing areas. stores and selections of ndsome color nations. V | * 1 1\ 1 When the family needs larger, i presence of friends and neigh- spending only minimum amount to maintain their homes. Home more luxurious quarters, with >bors close by. ownership is the single most Never before have homeownan extra bath, a modern kitchen,! \: important investment the typical ers throughout the nation had more bedrooms, a spacious! so good a "climate' for re- family makes in a lifetime. Yet, family room—is it time to' modeling as now. the average expenditure for move? Nowadays, a great many By taking advantage of exist- home remodeing during 1966, ing conditions, many families was; only $231, Hall pomts out. homeowners would answer: can start now to enjoy the comUnlike many major expendi••No!" forts of a modernized home. In tures for purchases which quickMany families are discover- fact, indications are that the ly deteriorate in value, the ing that the best move toward! present year should be a ban- money spent for home remodelachieving the aim of better, ner one for home improvement, ing projects will keep on adding more comfortable living is not Hall says. to the value of a home. There's to move at all, I He has Just one word of cau- no better investment, Hall mainInstead, homeowners now look tion. Too many families are tains. for—and find—a "new home'* at j the old address. | So says Edgar V. Hall, execu-1 ::ve director, National Home \ Improvement Council, pointing out that interest in improving existing homes by remodeling; —to increase livability. enhance ! appearance and upgrade value —is growing apace, and for some very sound reasons. By concentrating on a new kitchen, an extra bath, a room addition or modernization, homeowners, find that they are now able to have, in existing homes, the luxury features and advantages ] that they have always longed for—and that usually come only with a new home. j iflcOCKl ce- The monthly payments for such improvements are substantially less than for payments on a new home. In addition, the family avoids the ordeal of moving. j While these are good reasons ! t^ remodel no*\ there are still more powerful factors involved :r. the trend to ""having a new rr-me at the old address." savs Thinking of Remodeling Your Kitchen? Then start with a PHILCO 19 ft NO FROST SUPERMARKETER 33 REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER r Hall. A few of them are: 1 Mortgage money has been ..-. Limited supply, making it d^f.jult to buy a new home. Alt.-tjugh the mortage situation-rows some signs of improvement, there are still relatively few buyers for "used" homes, :' r the same "tight money* reason. So, it's probably harder f sell the present home—there _st aren't enough buyers. The alternative of staying put r.nd improving the existing home .5 made roil more attractive by the fact that the availability of funds for home improvement :^es not present a "tight money" problem. Them are numerous sources wfflmg to :«nd finds far refaodeUng pro2 Qualified remodeling eont--acton who can do expert work ire on the increase. The industry has come of age, and the -nethical operator is Because of the leveling off ••? the new home market, more arid more buiJders are fc-rrang to reanririrng And baiting materials defers, re&l^ang the :-jrrent ned. are opening more rr-ma improvement oenters to :ffer plans for complete remodeling Jobs, from beginning to end, with expert beip. 3 The nation's bonding materials manufacturers are tun>- g out an mcreasmg number of new aad better products, many of which are designed ?pecf.caSy for remodeling. How to make a clean sweep with electric heat. MOOB. IfftTfA Nobody likes house cleaning Yet everyone likes a clean house. So how do you have your cake and eat it, too? Easy. Just live in a house with electric heat. You won't get rid of the housecleaning, but you'll sure do a lot less of it. With electric heat, there's no fuel to burn, so there's no soot, less dust. Your house—your floors, rugs, walls, drapes and furniturestay cleaner, longer, So you clean less, have less to clean. You stav more comfortable, too. Electric heat is even and steady. There are no drafts, and you can control the temperature in each roonu If you're planning to build or remodel, make a clean start. Find out more about electric heat by calling our nearest office. Or mail the coupoiu Big Upright FREEZER and Full-size REFRIGERATOR Sand for fhla FREE booklet on alectrlc horns heating. "with ice-maker" side by side New Tart State Efeetrk a Oas Cm% C*4JT!IK S. T. Kq 245 fe. MO FROST • H7O dtf-*:.-sf tvr • Atfwstabii •***«: *d*-*st Ink* 1 ^ 12 en. ft. NO DffltOSTlMG le+nqtr*** r • He ^tfroitiAg tvr • 4 id.mstakki ti^ i tfe'm, rtt#±i4 trapr, jWt-w! fa«t tmm l t « . f r . e f rtw Hi tmry^mi tt*ftntstrf'ri^>tar VKWZ &t, »«d mar* »•- t»C-t4?t;:.! ai \ *t'-:fri*r pet ?>• vG* # l »&tn§t Itss ^ta I am planning to • Build Q Buy Q RtaodfiL Please send me your FREE booklet cm, electric home heating. Ktas. Look for Otis Gold Medallion . . . it Sftswas tht comfort sad ccuverrtence c! Total Hactric livts$ ia fiat hozses trerprhtrs. Yea lire better electrical y . . . ta a Geld MsdiKinfi Addrtta. NO&S coQSnbute to tfc* deanoc •J-* ruy put and ftx up.'' Not -* least of these is the coo -. eraeoce of schools wbere the •:hjdrer* are already well eslabiishad Tbmz tbtrt t the shopxn£ area, where :ae housewife JK well kno»T.. and the familiar wnxnoto MM00ERS A Tax-paying, Investor-owned Utility OCT Of tm WAT.. . WT USS TO MY) US. Route 11, Mooen, N.Y. Telephone 263-7123 .1M W&--*0 j ;
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