mile·stones—noun - Living Beyond Breast Cancer


mile·stones—noun - Living Beyond Breast Cancer
mile·stones— noun
actions or events marking a significant change
2011 Annual Report
y e a r s
LBBC indelibly
changed the breast
cancer landscape
by giving women
a place to turn
for information,
and support.
y e a r s
ince its inception in 1991, Living Beyond Breast Cancer
LBBC’s comprehensive educational programs and services include
has grown from a small group of volunteers operating
national conferences, teleconferences, regional community
out of founder Dr. Marisa C. Weiss’s home to a leading
meetings, newsletters, the “Guides to Understanding Breast
national education and support organization with an
Cancer,” a robust website, the toll-free Survivors’ Helpline,
annual budget of $3.5 million.
recordings, transcripts and the Paula A. Seidman Library and
Resource Center. The organization offers dedicated initiatives
At the time of LBBC’s formation, very few resources existed
for the newly diagnosed, young women, women with advanced
for women affected by breast cancer. It seemed no one was
breast cancer, women at high risk, African-American women
talking about life beyond treatment. LBBC indelibly changed
and Latinas. In addition, programs designed for caregivers and
the breast cancer landscape by giving women a place to turn
healthcare professionals are available to help them meet the
for information, connection and support.
needs of women affected by breast cancer.
In the early years, the organization focused solely on the
While LBBC’s services have expanded significantly over the years,
post-treatment experience. It quickly evolved to provide
its mission remains the same: to empower all women affected by
assistance to women at all stages of diagnosis, in treatment,
breast cancer to live as long as possible with the best quality of
recovery or living with metastatic disease. Today, LBBC stands
life. LBBC’s unwavering commitment to mission delivery is what
as a highly respected information aggregate, touching the
has made it the organization it is today and will carry it forward
lives of tens of thousands of women.
for as long as there is need.
Dear Friends,
As I reflect on my last decade as a member of the Living Beyond
Breast Cancer Board of Directors, and as Board Chair for the past
two years, I am struck both by how much has changed and how
much has remained the same.
This past year—2011—proved significant in many ways. Despite
the backdrop of a very challenging economy, LBBC remained
fiscally sound. Even faced with the culmination of our three-year
grant from the National Philanthropic Trust, we made thoughtful
decisions that allowed our programs, resources and staff to not
only endure, but to flourish and grow.
We received our first-ever federal grant—a multiyear award
from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—to
develop programs and services to educate and support young
women with breast cancer. The CDC grant reaffirms the
importance of our work for this underserved group and its
prestige will open many new doors for LBBC moving forward.
“We have built a solid reputation as a leader in breast cancer education and support.”
We launched the national expansion of our signature education
Our 20th anniversary is indeed a time to give pause and to
and fundraising event beyond Philadelphia, hosting the first
acknowledge all who have helped LBBC reach this milestone.
Yoga on the Steps® in Washington, DC.
We salute the amazing staff at LBBC—many of whom have
been with the organization for a decade or more. We honor
We strengthened our partnership with White House | Black
the incredibly dedicated volunteers, friends and supporters
Market and built relationships with two additional brands
who have given so passionately and selflessly of their time and
under Chico’s FAS—Chico’s and Soma Intimates.
resources, including my colleagues on the Board of Directors.
Most importantly, we celebrate all of the courageous women
And perhaps most notably, we celebrated the 20th anniversary
who have come to us in need and warmly remember those we
of LBBC. We are no longer “the new kid on the block.” We have
have lost along the way.
built a solid reputation as a leader in breast cancer education
and support. Yes, 20 years have gone by, and there have been
It has been an absolute privilege to serve.
many changes along the way. Still, we remain true to our roots,
continuing to provide women with the information and support
they need at the most personal level.
Lisa Bayard
Chair, 2010–2011
LBBC Board of Directors
LBBC’s history is one of hard work
and perseverance; of meeting need and
remaining true to its mission.
eaching a milestone as momentous as the 20th anniversary
of Living Beyond Breast Cancer inevitably calls for a look back
on the past two decades of events that helped mark significant
stages in LBBC’s development. As is the case for most institutions,
it is not one turning point, but a series of accomplishments along
the way, that have guided the course. It is these smaller, but no less
significant milestones that tell the true story of an organization.
LBBC’s history is one of hard work and perseverance; of meeting
need and remaining true to its mission. Because of this, LBBC is and
will always be the place where women can turn to for information
about the latest advancements in breast cancer treatment and care
in accurate, easy-to-understand language. LBBC empowers women
to make the best choices for themselves regardless of age, stage of
diagnosis, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or ability to pay.
This 2011 Annual Report celebrates not only the organization’s
achievements over the past year, but the many milestones that
have marked LBBC’s journey since 1991—defining its history and
shaping its future.
M i l e s t o n e s
Radiation oncologist
Marissa C. Weiss, MD,
creates Living Beyond
Breast Cancer, identifying
an enormous need in the
community for information,
connection and support for
women following treatment
for breast cancer.
800 women attend LBBC’s
Annual Fall Conference,
where they establish
powerful connections with
their peers, are presented
with tools to help gain
knowledge about how to
make informed decisions
and become advocates for
LBBC across the country.
LBBC’s Board of Directors
reconfigures to include
individuals in positions to
help LBBC grow in response
to increasing interest in the
organization’s programs
and services.
In February, LBBC co-hosts the eleventh C4YW (Annual
Conference for Young Women Affected by Breast Cancer)
Providing Access
to Information
in Orlando, FL. LBBC also hosts the 5th Annual
Conference for Women Living with Metastatic
Breast Cancer in April and its annual News You
Can Use: Breast Cancer Updates for Living Well
conference in October, both in Philadelphia. Thousands
of women—representing nearly every state in the country—
are in attendance and thousands more access the resulting
transcripts, audio recordings and educational materials
from each conference archived on
LBBC is invited to present at the 1st International Consensus
Conference for Advanced Breast Cancer, held in November
in Lisbon, Portugal. The Conference assembles more than 800
thought leaders from 64 countries, tasked with developing a
set of consensus guidelines for the management of metastatic
breast cancer (MBC). LBBC’s presentation shares key findings
from a comprehensive survey of nearly 700 women living with
MBC, conducted by the organization to guide the development
of new and expanded programs.
The second edition of Getting Connected: African-Americans Living
Beyond Breast Cancer is released. The updated publication includes
offering support
and guidance
new perspectives from women navigating life
after diagnosis. More than 50,000 copies of this
award winning book have been distributed since
it was first published. LBBC’s collection of culturally
specific publications also includes We Celebrate Tomorrow: Latinas
Living Beyond Breast Cancer, written in both English and Spanish.
The LBBC Survivors’ Helpline continues to thrive, serving 34% more
callers in 2011 than 2010. This national, toll-free telephone service
is staffed by a dedicated team of women diagnosed at all ages
and stages of breast cancer. These women understand what having
breast cancer means and what to expect, and they have made the
commitment to “give back” by offering one-on-one peer support,
information and hope to callers. Helpline volunteers receive
specialized training and log nearly 2,000 hours of service annually.
For the ninth consecutive year, LBBC partners with several leading
organizations to produce the four-part Survivorship Teleconference
Series, reaching thousands of women around the world. In addition,
LBBC hosts 14 free, interactive teleconferences in 2011, sharing vital
information on the latest treatment options, research data and
quality of life issues.
M i l e s t o n e s
LBBC begins work on Getting
Connected: African-Americans Living
Beyond Breast Cancer, an inspiring,
culturally specific resource featuring
personal stories of diagnosis, treatment,
recovery and life after treatment told
by women of color.
The LBBC Survivors’ Helpline is
created to connect women who are
newly diagnosed or undergoing
treatment with trained volunteers
in similar circumstances who offer
compassion, information and
support in a confidential setting.
This significant turning point allows
women across the nation to call
LBBC for one-on-one guidance
after diagnosis.
LBBC conducts its first teleconference,
Navigating Your Way: A Guide for the
Newly Diagnosed, attended by 700 women.
M i l e s t o n e s
The first Yoga Unites® for LBBC is held on the steps of
the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The event, conceived by
yoga instructor Jennifer Schelter, MFA, is the result of the
inspiring story of Courtney Kapp. Ms. Kapp, a young mother
of three who was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age
of 40, used the practice of yoga during her treatment and
recovery as part of her overall wellness plan. Orchestrated by
Living Beyond Breast Cancer CEO Jean Sachs, MSS, MLSP,
Yoga Unites provides participants the chance to serve as
grassroots fundraisers to support LBBC’s services.
LBBC reaches out to
the newly created Young
Survival Coalition to cohost the annual Conference
for Young Women (now
C4YW), combining resources
to provide a much-needed
forum for women diagnosed
with breast cancer under
the age of 45. More than
500 women attend.
LBBC continues to partner with other organizations including the
Young Survival Coalition, the Triple Negative Breast Foundation®,
the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network and the American
quality of life
Cancer Society®, to allow the delivery of stronger and
more comprehensive programs. is expanded to include a new section about triple-negative
breast cancer, with tailored medical and psychosocial information for
women with this diagnosis. The site’s new “Share Your Story” feature
invites women to write about their own experiences with breast
cancer. More than one million people visit in 2011 to access
the most current information available.
The organization’s signature education and fundraising event, Yoga
Unites® for LBBC, is renamed Yoga on the Steps® and LBBC leadership
directs a national expansion initiative. In Philadelphia, the 9th annual
open air yoga class and healthy living expo draws 1,200 participants and
raises almost $290,000. In October, the first Yoga on the Steps: Washington,
DC attracts over 200 attendees to Freedom Plaza and raises nearly $60,000.
That same month, Denver is announced as the event’s third host city.
LBBC works with doctor-researchers nationwide to develop a new
title, Understanding Palliative Care, for the metastatic breast cancer
community. The new publication joins the organization’s “Guides to
Understanding Breast Cancer” library.
LBBC secures its first federal grant from Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC). First-year funds of $250,000 from this threeyear grant will allow LBBC to develop new and expanded
programs for young women with breast cancer. LBBC is
among only seven organizations nationwide selected by
CDC to receive funding for this purpose.
In August, LBBC is accepted into the Combined Federal Campaign
(CFC), the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace
payroll deduction giving program. LBBC immediately begins
engaging and preparing a corps of volunteers from across the
U.S. to introduce the organization to potential donors through
speaking opportunities at CFC charity fairs and campaign events.
In November, LBBC recognizes 20 years of empowering women
at The Butterfly Ball: Club 20. This “special edition” of the annual
gala recognizes the extraordinary leadership of the five individuals
who have chaired the LBBC Board of Directors since its inception.
Jean Sachs, who was named executive director (now CEO) of LBBC
in 1996, is presented with LBBC’s highest honor—The Founder’s
Award. Club 20 is attended by more than 500 guests and raises
over $550,000 for LBBC’s education and support programs.
M i l e s t o n e s
Charity Navigator, the nation’s leading
nonprofit evaluator, recognizes LBBC as a
“Four-Star Charity,” an elite ranking earned
by organizations that exemplify exceptional
fiscal responsibility—exceeding industry
standards and outperforming most charities
within their particular cause.
The National Philanthropic
Trust presents LBBC with a
three-year, transformational
grant in the amount of $2.25
million—the single largest
grant ever received by LBBC.
LBBC’s goals of increasing the
organization’s reach by 35%,
building greater awareness
among underserved populations
and embarking on a strategic
planning process to lay the
groundwork for continued
growth are achieved.
Dear Friends,
Each year, 230,000 women are diagnosed with invasive
constituents—from the delivery of easy-to-understand
breast cancer. Over the past two decades, services for
information, to the quality of our educational programs
these women have changed dramatically, as has the
and materials to the invaluable support of a peer network.
medical and psychosocial understanding of the disease
and its impact. With tremendous innovations occurring
While LBBC began in and remains headquartered in
in treatment and care, information surrounding breast
Philadelphia, the need for our services is just as great
cancer is becoming increasingly complex. To know
in cities across the country. Moving forward, our goal
anyone who has been diagnosed with this disease is
is to impact more women through the expansion of
to understand the daunting physical, emotional and
our programs and to find new ways to reach newly
financial challenges it brings.
diagnosed women who don’t know about LBBC.
Living Beyond Breast Cancer remains the best place for
We are very enthusiastic about hosting our signature
women to turn to help make sense of evolving information
education and fundraising event, Yoga on the Steps®, in
and how to apply that information to make informed
cities across the country, including Denver and Washington, DC.
decisions. What continues to differentiate us from other
In 2011, C4YW (The Annual Conference for Young Women),
breast cancer organizations is how we connect with our
was held in Orlando and will continue to travel to different
“Living Beyond Breast Cancer remains the best place for women to turn.”
locations across the country. And, we are energized about
who have walked with us side by side over the years. Our
putting to good use our grant funding from Centers for
achievements live within the tens of thousands of women,
Disease Control and Prevention.
families, caregivers and healthcare providers we have
touched—and who have touched us—on this journey.
In 2012 and beyond, we will continue to build on
the organization’s strengths—an extremely efficient
As we celebrate the last 20 years, and prepare for the
utilization of funds, the passion and knowledge of
next 20 years, we appreciate more than ever your
our tenured staff, meaningful relationships with experts
ongoing confidence in LBBC. There is so much more
and funders alike, the guidance of a medical advisory
to do.
committee comprised of over 60 of the world’s leading
breast cancer experts and our unique ability to connect
Warmest regards,
with women at the most personal level, regardless of
our growth.
We are enormously proud of all that LBBC has aspired
Byron Hewett
Jean Sachs, MSS, MLSP
to and accomplished, and we are deeply grateful to all
Chair, 2012–2013
Chief Executive Officer
LBBC Board of Directors
For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011
Operating Expenses
8%Administration and Management....................$250,215
Operating Income
19% Program Sponsorship........................................$717,194
3% 2%
13% Special Events....................................................$489,884
4%In-Kind and Donated Services...........................$131,588
Conference Fees................................................$100,700
2%Cis B. Golder Quality of Life Grant...................$77,755
Liabilities and Net Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents........................... $1,740,061
Accounts Payable.......................................... $123,215
Grants and Contributions Receivable.......... $346,192
Accrued Salaries............................................ $9,184
Prepaid Expenses........................................... $8,287
Accrued Vacation.......................................... $7,301
Total Current Assets...................................... $2,094,540
Accrued Payroll Taxes.................................... $1,005
Investments.................................................... $3,403,146
Total Current Liabilities................................. $140,705
Deferred Rent................................................ $20,793
Total Liabilities.............................................. $161,498
Office Furniture and Equipment.................. $166,631
Software........................................................ $39,371
Less Accumulated Depreciation................... ($145,400)
Unrestricted................................................... $5,014,442
Total Equipment............................................ $60,602
Temporarily Restricted.................................. $402,985
Total Net Assets............................................. $5,417,427
Total Liabilities and Net Assets..................... $5,578,925
Security Deposits........................................... $20,637
Total Other Assets......................................... $20,637
Total Assets.................................................... $5,578,925
Auditors: Larson Allen, LLP
2011 c o n t r ibu t o r s
$250,000 +
$50,000 – 99,999
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Celgene Corporation
Novartis Oncology
boobies rule!!!
$100,000 – 249,999
$25,000 – 49,999
Cline Cellars
Genomic Health
GlaxoSmithKline Oncology
Iredale Mineral Cosmetics, Ltd.
Irene Kelso*/Professional
Recovery Services
Unite for HER
$10,000 – 24,999
American Cancer Society,
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Community
Partnership Grant
Geraldine & William Campbell
Cancer Support Community
Cancer Treatment Centers
of America at Eastern
Regional Medical Center
Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention
Centocor, Inc.
Donna & Frank Colaco
Comcast-Spectacor Foundation
Maureen & Nathan Doron
Marie & Joseph Field
Robert B. Golder
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Health Promotion Council
Hess Foundation, Inc./
Connie & Sankey Williams
Lisa D. Kabnick, Esq. &
John H. McFadden
The Kapp Family Foundation
Kenilworth Creations, Inc.
The Lipstein Family
Kevin G. Lokay
Jack McCusker
Myriad Genetic, Inc.
Pfizer Oncology
Pfizer Pennsylvania Community
Grants Program
Joanne Quinn/Clarence J.
Venne Foundation Trust
Peggy Robinson & Ray Thomas
Saatchi & Saatchi Science
Jennifer Chalfin Simmons &
Albert Simmons
Soma Intimates
Under Armour, Inc.
Margaret & Andy Zuccotti
$5,000 – 9,999
Aberdeen Asset
Management Inc.
Bessemer Trust
Boehringer Ingelheim
Heidi & James Boudreau
Cindy & Larry Cherry
Deloitte LLP
Fieldstone 1793 Foundation/
Mrs. Henry A. Jordan
Karen & Chris Gagnier
Independence Blue Cross
Insider Guides, Inc.
John Harding Family
Kathleen & Hal Kamine
Jean L. Karotkin
Lockheed Martin Employees
Andrea & Abraham Morris
Peabody Orlando Hotel
Premier Meeting Solutions
Mira Rabin & Thomas I.
Nancy & George Reider
Alan L. Saltiel/Paula A.
Seidman Fund
Frances Seidman
SmartWool Advocacy Program
Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Veridex, LLC
$1,000 – 4,999
Abelson Legal Search
Abington Memorial Hospital
Susanna E. Lachs Adler &
Dean Adler
Barbara & Todd Albert
BJNB Foundation/Jaqueline L.
Desiree & Frank X. Altiere, III
American Cancer Society/
New York
Anita International
Anjali Power Yoga
Aria Health
Paoli Hematology-Oncology
Associates, P.C.
Joanne & Dan Austin
The Barra Foundation, Inc.
Lisa & Rod Bayard
Rod Bayard & Partners
Laurie Beach
Beaconfire Consulting, Inc.
Jackie & Lawrence Beck
Julia & Chip Behr
Berlin Family Foundation
Helen Berntsen
Jacki & Eric Blumenfeld
Patricia Brett
Linda & Bob Brockway
Mrs. R. Scott Brown
Liane & Philip Browne
Estelle Byrne
Mary Beth & William Casey
Cherchies Ltd.
Christian Motorcyclists
Hope & Robert Clair
Huisking Foundation
Daniel Comer
Genevieve Conallen
Debra & Steven Copit
Cozen O’Connor
Michele Creed-Littman and
Leslie Littman
Emily & Howard Cutler
Connie & Tom Davidson
Barbara & Howard Davis
Jessica DeGroot & Jeffrey
Diagnostic Imaging, Inc.
Diamond Sports Co. Inc.
Brian Dickinson
Digges Charitable Trust
Marlene & Melvin Dion
Divine Survivors Society
of Glastonbury, CT
Eden Charitable Foundation
Jeanne & Mike Egan
Amy Eichhorn & Bill Walters
Roslyn & Charles Epstein
Amy & Steve Erlbaum
Everything But Water
Donna & Barry Feinberg
Shelly & Scot Fisher
Jill & Mark Fishman
Wanda E. Flowers &
Donald Peacock
Liz & Jim Foo
Terry & Larry Frangiosa
Sabitha & Michael Friedman
Sonja & James Gilch
Matching Gifts
Jean & Jeff Griffiths
Beth & Steven Haas
Danielle Halstrom
Randie & Robert Harmelin
Samantha & William Harmelin
Susan Harmelin
Hope & Eric Haron
The Hassel Foundation
Heart String Quilters
Traci Hecht & Lawrence Sachs
Paulina & Byron Hewett
Pamela J. Jamieson
Johnson & Johnson
Matching Gifts Program
Joseph Levine & Sons
Memorial Chapels, Inc.
Mildred (Mit) & The
Honorable Curtis Joyner
Shireen & Homi Kapadia
Nancy Kaplan
Courtney & Steve Kapp
Jeanne G. Kaskey
Kathy Killian
Valerie & John Kraus
Colleen & Keith Kryka
Eileen & Allan Laufgraben
Stephanie & Richard Lawrence
Susan Lessack & Jeffrey Kahn
Albert Lutz
Manchu Times Fashion Limited
Diane & Tom McMeekin
Margaret Means
Kathy & John Melligon
Mercedes-Benz of Fort
Washington & West Chester
Meridian Bank
Palma & Steven Merkel
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Merlin
Meyer Capital Group
Abby & Steve Mezrow
Cindy & Arthur Miller
Kristin Mongello
Alixandra & Keith Morgan
Martha & Peter Morse
Newell Rubbermaid
Beatrice O’Donnell &
Kevin Canavan
Omega Hospital, LLC
Janene & Geoffrey Osborne
Carol & Al O’Shaughnessy
Laurie & Alex Pachetti
Elisa & Michael Pansini
Nicholas Pantaleone
Gina Paoloni
Patient Advocate Foundation
Regina & Richard Patterson
Andrea Pedano & Steve Geckle
Donna Perri & Ken Kirsch
Shelley & Mike Pessina
Peggy & Jon Petrakis
The Philadelphia Phillies
Pink Wings
Mark Plamondon
Maria & Kenneth Pollack
Popo & Co Inc.
Patricia & George A. Poporad
Denise & Jeffrey Portner
Judy Pote
Premier Meeting Solutions
Maureen Priest/Moyo Yoga
Pure Romance
Michele S. Reimer & Jeffrey
Rena Rowan Breast Center
Research Advocacy
Network Inc.
Retail Resource Group, LLC
Riedel Crystal Of America Inc.
Muriel & Rudolph* Robinson
Theresa & Michael Rodack
Caroline & Joseph Rogers, Jr.
Anne Rosenberg
Lyn M. Ross
Marcia & Ronald Rubin
David Sachs
Jean Sachs & John Knapich
Ellyn Golder Saft &
Stephen Saft
Mori & John Sasso
Michael D. Schaber
Lisa & Gary Schildhorn
BJ Schnell
Nancy & James Schwartzman
Herschel Seder
Harriet Shaw
Maribeth & Marc Sheridan
Suzanne Shneider
Siemens Caring Hands
Caren & William Skutch
Ann Ricksecker &
David G. Smith
Robin Bender Stevens &
Ed Stevens
Beckie & Ray Stubbs
Katherine & Michael Stultz
Karin B. Takiff & John Franck
Tenet Healthcare Corp.
Teva Women’s Health Inc.
Thor-Lo Inc. & Subsidiaries
Tierney Communications
The Estate of Arlene
David R. Trinkley &
Kevin M. Gianotto
Jerry Usatch
Valley Green Bank
Vaxco Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Michelle Vichnin & Mitchell
Judith & David Wachs Family
Margie & Brian Wargon
Warnaco Inc.
Willig, Williams & Davidson,
Abigail Wolf & Jonathan Weiss
Susannah Wolf & Douglas
Wendy C. Wolf & Jack E. Behrle
Barbara J. Yorke & Paul Villa
Young Survival Coalition
Nancie Zane & Stuart Charme
Zateeny Loftus, LLP
Janie & Mickey Zolot
$500 – 999
A Jar for My Tears
Harriet & Gene Abroms
Hallee & David Adelman
AIG Matching Gifts Program
Herawati M. Alvarez-Correa
Attilio Esposito, Inc.
The Baldwin School
Joy & Aaron Bannett
Jenna & Greg Bayard
The Beauty Suite
Judy F. Berkman, Esq.
Pamela & John Berman
Jil & Bart Blatstein
Esther Wachs Book &
Leslie Book
Elizabeth & Bruce Braunewell
Breast Investigators
Bridge View Paper Company
Bright Pink
John W. Byrne
Rebecca & James Byrne
Center for Cancer Care and
Hematologic Disease
Charme Silkiner Jewelry Design
Chemo Beanies
Susan M. Chialastri
The Children’s Treehouse
Ellen & Win Churchill
Terri Cohen
Complete Interiors
Jeanne & Mark Connelly
Elizabeth Cook
Eleni & Gregory Costa
Paula Cramer & Warren
Genie DaPron
Elizabeth H. Dautrich
Deutsch Garfield
Philanthropic Fund
Dr. Bruce Lloyd Talus
Memorial Fund of the
Philadelphia Foundation
Dr. Susan Love’s Research
Joseph W. Eades
Empire Health Care
Kirstin & Jeff Engelman
EV Endeavors, LLC / Rub-On
Jennifer & Matthew Finn
Linda & Steve Fischer
DoryEllen & David Fish
Annabelle Fishman
Flair Boutique LLC
Melissa Flanagan &
Dennis Casterline
Brie & Dan Fleishmann
FORCE Facing Our Risk
of Cancer Empowered
Marilyn Frank & David
Gabay & Gottlieb Cosmetic
Surgery Associates
Ruth Garfield
Susan & Steven Gartenberg
Linda T. Giovinco
Wendy & Richard Glazer
Bunny P. Glick & Stanley
Glenelg Country Middle School
Sherry & Morrie Gold
Juliet Goodfriend &
Marc Moreau
Karen & Liran Gordon
Lisa & Bruce Grossman
Guilliom Family Foundation
Nadine & Gerald Gushner
Joan & Jim Haggerty
David Hall & Creg Oosterhart
Annette & Allen Hansen
Katherine Hatton &
Richard Bilotti
Louise & Peter Havens
Loretta J. Healy
Judy & Jerry Herman
Gladys & Maurice Hertzfeld
Holistic Network, Inc.
Natalie Hrubos &
Joseph Stone
Denise Hyater-Lindenmuth &
Philip Lindenmuth
Katherine & Thomas Hylinski
Imerman Angels
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
InterDigital Communications
Corp., LLC
Patricia & Robert Isen
Jennifer M. Jones
Marcia & Ernest Kahn
Debra Kimless-Garber
Gigi & Robert Kitei
Connie & David Kittner
Linda & Tom Knox
Komfort&Kare Home Medical
and Mobility
Brittany Korb
Barbara L. Kosciewicz
Sylvia & Martin Kreithen
Keith A. Lampman
Erin Landon
Joyce & Ronald Landon
Kim & Warren Lane
Michele Langer & Alan
Richard Cohen
Robert Leib
Jennifer & Eric Leventhal
Natalie Levkovich
The Licht Family
Randy & Brian Lipkin
Patty Ann & David Long
Mademoiselle Salon & Spa
Metropolitan Area Platform Tennis Assoc.
Lynn & Joe Manko
Nancy & Jimmy Margolis
Lynn A. Marks & Clifford
Thomas A. Martin, Jr.
Susan Mathias
Liz McDermott
Rachel & G. Richmond
Medford Student Activities
Merck Partnership for Giving
Metastatic Breast Cancer
Nancy & David Milberg
Victoria Mills & John Flock
Karen & Handsel Minyard
Jenna Montone
Pat Moran
Ann & Thomas Morris
Kathleen* & Hal C. Morris
Martha Morse
Corie & Evan Moskow
National Breast Cancer Coalition
Sari & Mike Nordsiek
Linda & Don Oken
Elizabeth & Jordan Padgett
Holly & Marshall Pagon
Jennifer Paul
Susan & Victor Peracchia
Pink Kitchen
Pink Link
Pink Lotus Yoga
Mary & Jeff Plamondon
Jill & Jon Powell
Evelyn & Edward Rosen
Elise & William Rouse
Roxborough Manayunk Lioness
Club/Susan Peracchia
Annie & Paul Sachs
Donna & Tom Scully
Lesley & Richard Seitchik
Judy Senderowitz &
Tom Asher
Dorel Shanon & Stuart Bogom
She Rocks 4 Cancer
Shipley School
Lenore & Bernard Simmons
Leila & Lowry Smith
SaraKay & Stanton Smullens
Babs & Harvey Snyder
Holly & Larry Stone
Kate Stover & Tim Wood
Takeya USA
Temple University Dental
Hygiene Alumni Club
Celeste & Gary Terrinoni
Anne Terry
Thomas Welsh Builder
Thousand Words Press
Jackie & Joe Tripoli
Jason Troxell
Janie & Aaron Ufberg
USCG Port Security Unit 307
Peggy & Ellis Wachs
Kathy & Richard Warden
David G. Ware
Patricia D. Ware
Carole Weeks*
Penny & Warren Weiner
Wendy Queen LLC
William Penn Corporation
Judy Williams
The Honorable Flora B. Wolf
Tracy & Derek Wood
You’ll Never Walk Alone
Breast Cancer Foundation
$250 – 499
The 2nd Baseman Inc.
A Taste of Olive
Dorian P. Abel
Abe’s Market
Angela & Frank Abruzzese
Aetna Foundation
Matching Gifts
Sylvia & Russ Aiello
Phyllis & Dale Allen
Carey Anders
Elizabeth Anderson
Linda & Al Angello
Jayne Antonowsky
Jill & Paul Aschkenasy
Josephine Assad
Julia K. Atkins-Hastie &
Steve M. Hastie
Atlanta School of Massage, Inc.
Kris & Rocco Ballarini
Sally & Mo Barron
Sherry Batts
Kathy & Barry Bernsten
Julie & Robert Berton
Stephanie Bertrand
Sandra M. Berwind
Bishop Shanahan High School/
The Boys & Girls 2011
Varsity Hockey Teams
Amy Blake
Karen M. Bobear
Alicia & Francis Bonner
Marilyn H. Borgman
Howard Brenner
Broadridge Matching Gifts
Kristi L. Buckman
Amanda & Charles Burch
Nan & Joseph Bylebyl
C & D Technologies
Cancer Legal Resource Center
Cancer Support Community
Kathleen D. Canouse
Theresa Carey
Nicole Cashman
Lee A. Casper
Casting for Recovery
Cherry Hill Health &
Racquet Club
CJ & Eck’s Bar
David W. Clark
Josephine Cohen
Kate & Kevin Connors
Erin C. Cook
Darlene* & John Cooke
Helen L. Coons
Cure Bowl Presented by
Orlando Sports Foundation
Monica & Joseph DeFeo
Sandy Delbalso
Jolie & Scott Deutschman
Devine Brothers, Inc.
Colleen G. DeVirgiliis
Val & Ronald Dickson
Sharon Dion & Matthew
Rose DiValerio
Ami A. Dodson
Marcea & Jude Driscoll
Andrea & Tod Drucker
Shana Duda
James W. Duffy
Elizabeth & Associates, LLC
Allison N. Eng-Perez
Nancy & Scott Erman
Events in America LLC
Eviama Life Spa
Exude Benefits Group, Inc.
Faith & Hope Boutique
Families Who Support Breast Cancer Survivors, Inc.
Lisa & Michael Feldman
Jaimie & David Field
Phyllis & Paul Fink
Julia & Sam Finney
Ruth & Newell Fischer
Debby Freedman &
David Wycoff
Elsie Freeman
David Fuhrman
Donna & Edward Fuhrman
Leeanne Gelletly
Mitch Gerstein
Doris Gidding
Maxine & Jay Goldberg
Ruth & Mervyn Golder
Martha & John Goppelt
Millie Gorson
Carlos Grass
Clair & Chuck Greenberg
Julie Ann & Alan Gubernick
Janine Guglielmino Oliveira
& Nelson Oliveira
John Gustafson
Jane & Paul Harris
Brandan S. Harvath
Hillmont G. I.
Anne O. Hintermeister
Amy Dara Hochberg
Dena M. Honesty
Judy & Christopher Huber
Judith R. Hyman
I’m Too Young For This!
Cancer Foundation
In the Pink Boutique, Inc.
Joyce A. Johnson
Renee & Phil Johnson
Ann M. Kaczmarskyj
Rita & Keith Kaplan
Judith & Maurice Kaplow
Diane Karle
Rinah J. Karson
Caren & Steven Kaufman
Carolyn Keller
Kathy Kelly-Borowski &
Jim Borowski
Irene & Walter Kieba
Claudia Kiernan
Phyllis Kimmel
Eve Klothen
Elana & Louis Kohn
Sara L. Kouten
Kathleen & John Kovach
Sherry & Michael Kravitz
Susie & Michael Lastowski
Steve Leamer
Erica L. Lefkoe
Nancy & Daniel Leibovitz
Helene & Herb Levine
Susan & Jeffrey Levitt
Laura P. Liss
Cynthia Livingston &
Bruce Wilson
Melissa Long
Louisiana Breast and
Cervical Health Program
Luna’s Landing
Lisa Lynch
Macquarie Matching Gifts
Josephine S. Madej &
Thomas Rees
Tori & David Magagna
John Maguire
Sandy Martin
Marciene & Herman
Catherine & Ken McClellan
Francine G. McNairy
Annie McQueen
The Melior Group, Inc.
Wanda Mial
Jill & Donald Miller
Julie & Harris Miller
Douglas Mitchell
Toby Mittin
Irving Morris
Carrie Mulherin
Lisa & Pete Muracco
Maggie & Brien Murphy
Shannon Myers Cancer
Amy & Jordan Nadell
Patrick Neff
Gwen L. Nelson
Carolyn Newby
Sandra & M. Frank Norman
Therese Obringer
Lexy & Gene Onofrio
Sandra & Warren Ormerod
Kimberly & Carl Oxholm
Rosemary Paljug
Stacy Paris
Yvette & Christopher
Deborah & Mark Peluso
Marianne & William Perilstein
Ruth Perlmutter
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Pink Ribbon Journey
The Pittsburgh O’Bama
High School Community
Service Project
Sharon & Harry Pollack
Sonya Pollack
Arabella & James Pope
Pope John Paul II High School/
2011 Girls Volleyball Team
Jill Porter & Fred Hamilton
Kimberly A. Price
Prudential Foundation
Michael J. Purcell
Ruth & William Quick
Donna & Irving Raber
Sandra Ranke
Greta Reimann
Susana & Pepe Revol
Charlene K. Roberts
Rachel K. Ross
Peter Roth
Daphne C. Rowe
Ruth & Marvin Sachs
Tiffany Sanders
Justin M. Schaber
Stephanie & Robert Schaeffer
Lorraine & Mark Schapiro
The Honorable Allyson &
David Schwartz
Lynn & Samuel Scott
Robin Several
Sister Network Inc.
Kelly & Mike Sloane
Joanne & Anthony Soslow
St. Joseph Parish
Debbie & Rick Stamm
Donna & Harvey Sternberg
Len Stolker
Catherine M. Stringer
Raymond Stubbs
J. Tamburo
Team Awesome Dodgeball
Gregory S. Terrinoni
The Yoga Center of Medford
The Young Women’s Breast
Cancer Research Program,
Cara Thompson
Marie Tokasz
Diana Tomai
Jennifer & Brian Toner
Jane Tumpson
Tyndale Company, Inc.
U-Haul of Phoenix Metro
United Stationers
Lynn & Eric VanVeelen
Kelly Venneri
Vertex Fitness
Villa Maria Academy Lower
School/Wear Nail Polish
to School Day
Viva Las Chicas
Barbara Wagner
Linda Wallace
Amanda Watkins
Wawa, Inc.
Jayne Weinstock
Westing Bridge LLC
Ruth & Kenneth Wexley
Jo White
Amy & David Williams
Ratna & Hema Yadla
Craig Yarwood
Yoga Love & Peace
Daneen B. Zangari
Jeffrey Zaun
Special Events & Fundraisers
$10,000 – 49,999
$500 – 999
15th Annual Paddle
Tennis Rally
Abington Friends School/
Students Taking Action
Against Cancer (STAAC)
Centennial Volleyball Digging
for the Cure/ Harleigh A.
Club La Maison
Montgomery County
Community College/
Think Pink
Salon Ziza
St. Mark Antiochian Orthodox
Church/Breast Cancer
The Students of Burlington
County’s Institute of
Technology, Medford, NJ
Think Pink Drink Pink
Penns Wood Winery
Strasburg Cellars, LTD
$1,000 – 9,999
Celebrate Life Event/
Joy & Steven Rubeo
Claire Dickson, An Evening
with Meaning
Jackie Agnes Foundation/
Annual Halloween
Salon Envy
Emily Schmidt’s Breast Cancer
Rally for Life
Villanova Haunted House
Wagner Middle School/
Breast Cancer Walkathon
Dan Brody Photography
Evantine Design, Inc.
Gloss PR
Govberg Jewelers
Iredale Mineral Cosmetics, Ltd.
J&S Audio Visual
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
Le Castagne
Masters Group Design
Peche/Peachtree & Ward
Prism Color Corporation
Stella Artois
Philadelphia Magazine
Southern Wine & Spirits
Two Paper Dolls
White House | Black Market
Design: Masters Group Design | Photography: Laurie Beck Photography
All women pictured are LBBC volunteers whose lives have been affected by breast cancer.
Jean A. Sachs, MSS, MLSP
Chief Executive Officer
Kathy Arocho Administrative Assistant,
Development &
Elyse Spatz Caplan, MA
Director of Programs &
Josh Fernandez
Web Content Coordinator
Lynn Folkman
Volunteer Coordinator
Kevin Gianotto
Associate Director,
Marketing & Corporate
Amy B. Grillo
Associate Director,
Educational Programs
Janine E. Guglielmino, MA
Director of Publications &
Strategic Initiatives
Arin Ahlum Hanson, MPH,
Project Manager,
Young Women’s Initiative
Catherine Crème Henry
Outreach Coordinator
Rhonda Hernandez
Administrative Assistant
Jenna Jackson
Special Events Coordinator
Nicole Katze
Writer & Editorial
Ashley Scioli
Program Coordinator
Anna Shaffer
Web Content &
Editorial Manager
Celeste C. Terrinoni, CPA
Director of Finance &
Christine Ware, MEd
Manager, Database
Information & Technology
Board of
Lisa Bayard
Robin Bender Stevens
Vice Chair
Wanda E. Flowers, Esq.
Sandy Lipstein
Jackie L. Allen, MBA
Phyllis H. Allen, Esq.
Jennifer Armstrong, MD, FACS
James Boudreau, JD
Vicki Klopp
Development Coordinator
Howard A. Cutler, JD, MBA
Sandy Martin
Director of Development
& Communications
Byron D. Hewett
Danielle Halstrom
Valerie Kraus
Mary Beth Mills
Manager, Annual Giving
Colleen Kryka
Rachel Pinkstone-Marx
Marketing &
Communications Assistant
Lynn A. Marks, Esq.
Barbara Lopez
Andrea D. Pedano, DO
Jonathan M. Petrakis, Esq.
Denise Portner
Lisa S. Schildhorn
Susannah Wolf, MS
Barbara Yorke
Medical Advisory Board
Janet Abrahm, MD, FACP
Generosa Grana, MD
BarbaraRabinowitz, PhD, RN
Jayne Antonowsky, MSW,
Hester Hill Schnipper, MSW
Ann Honebrink, MD
Evelyn Robles Rodriguez, RN,
Fran Barg, PhD
Cliff Hudis, MD
Hope Rugo, MD
Kim Blackwell, MD
Lisa Jablon, MD
David Sachs, MD
Andrea Mechanick
Braverman, PhD
Noah Kauff, MD
Mary Ellen Scheckenbach-
Forman, MAc, LOM
Ginger Borges, MD, MMSc
Mercedes Castiel, MD
Andrea Cheville, MD, MSCE
Debra Somers Copit, MD
Emily Conant, MD
Wendy Demark-Wahnefried,
Angie DeMichele, MD
Susan Domchek, MD
Frederick Duffy, MD
Tom Frazier, MD
Greg Garber, MSW, LCSW
Judy Garber, MD
Mitchell L. Gaynor, MD
Elizabeth Ginsburg, MD
Julie Gralow, MD
Lydia Komarnicky, MD
Nancy Lin, MD
Musa Mayer, MS, MFA
Rick Michaelson, MD
Kathy Miller, MD
Cindy Miller, MSW
Cynthia Moore, PhD
Maurice Nahabedian, MD
Kara Nakisbendi, MD
Larry Norton, MD
Kutluk Oktay, MD, FACOG
Leslie Schover, PhD
Lillie Shockney, RN, BS, MAS
Jill Stopfer, MS, CGC
Carrie Stricker, PhD, RN
Page Tolbert, MSW
Michelle Vichnin, MD
Carolyn Weaver, RN, BSN,
Lynn Westphal, MD, FACOG
Beverly Whipple, PhD, RN,
Funmi Olopade, MD
Ruth Oratz, MD
Faith Ottery, MD, PhD, FACN
Ann Partridge, MD
Bert Petersen, MD
Living Beyond Breast Cancer
Empowering all women affected by
breast cancer to live as long as possible
with the best quality of life.
354 W. Lancaster Avenue, Suite 224 | Haverford, PA 19041 | 610.645.4567 | Survivors’ Helpline 888.753.LBBC (5222) |