Document 6503858
Document 6503858
R«x*ll Medical News w u 5 ; r • si 1 K< I' h V \ 4 If )••• v . ; - — i in Courage fJombitaea wiih Oulture Bfafces; the Eerfeptf Subject of the Mikado* Catarrh is cleaily the cause ^of The national ideal of Nippon tor debility. No person free of catarrh •many, many centuries has been the union of the soldier and the scholar In in my opinion was ever troubled with one. A jmah who is brave, but at, the debility. So you will readily undersame time is hot cultured and gentle, stand that the cure of debility deis very far from commanding the adpends entirely on the cleaning out thiratipn of his cpuntrymen. Tho of the catarrhal parasites.. K.o degentle flower of culture alone is- not bility cure will e\ei cure you as lixig sUfHcient for the making of an ideal as you have catarrh. Catarrh is tne man, to pur way of thinking, says a cause. Debility is the result, •i'hen Japanese soldier-, in Success Magazineget rid of the cause No remedywill every cure jou but a eatarvh It was the historic; night of the 26th of May> on the hillslopes of the Nanremedy, and no other lemedy w:ll do shah: We had driven the ..Russians it but Rexall Mucu-Tone; T'niak-; edpwn the hillside. The Nippon army this statement because I know what bivouacked upon the battlefield atop Mucu Tone lb and what it will dp - ^ of the Nanshan. Camp fires flickered and doesn'tnt stand to.reaspii that upon as sad and bloody a field of hat-; a remedy designed for one partictie as, one could possibly see. >An ofular purpose — as Mucu-Tone for ficer, who had missed a comrade, was catarrh only—is going to give-researching oyer the battlefield for his lost friend. Hejhajl wandered long far sults a hundred times better thjm a into the nights At length he came upon cure-all that, aims at every disease twp soldiers who were trying to bury in the dictionary ?_ the remains of .a heroic dead man; Then I back up our statement As the light of his lantern fell upon with the broad and liberal guarantee the lifeless body, the officer who had that if .Mucu-Tone fails to give you been wandering up and down the: field of carnage was electrified by the any relief we refund the price you piy discovery of the remains of his old; me, X can afford to make this statecomrade. Without a word he brushed ment because we know Mucu-Tone aside the two-privates who were about wiH positively cure you, since Mtrcuto put the body into its. last resting Tone acts entirely different to any place. Around the forehead of the other remedy we know of and we dead there was a piece of white cloth think I know them all. Mucu-Tone stained with blood. The officer who acts in a scientific way by first of all had been searching untied the cloth. At first it appeared like a bits of innodestroying the deadly catarrh algerms cent towel, but when the officer shook •^—^ ridding the system of every trace. it out in the light of his lantern there Then as the very name^-Mucu-Tone •fluttered;-upon the night wind the par -^-implies, it tones up the mucous tipnal flag, with the round, red sun. of tissues, .jtbe.. tissues oft which th» Nippon dyed in the center. There was catarrhal parasites live. Then there upon the 'flag something, besides: the is a chaiice to get well. No other sun. In spite of the.-stains of bloodj 'NEW SPRING BLOUSES. one had , little trouble in making >out remedy but Rexall Mucu-Tone will dp it Get Mucu-Tone. It destroys HE intense interest felt by be cleaned nearly ao often. The sleeves ;the^tees -of'a classic couplet. It was t-ne young gin in wfisnrsnir , have much ininess at tne snoumer, and Written with' ink qf rusty red. Unevery trace o^he'germs of catarrhT wears is almost painful, and rat. the wrist there is a trimming of questionably, it was written with jt'heals and soPthesthe tissues. I t "blood. The dead: soldier must have the mother that fails to un^ ; strapped stitching. tones up the entire system. I have written it with his-own blood, before defstand this phasein her The other blouse is intended tfor dresi a large trial size for. fifty cents that daughter's development may jsier Wear. It is made of white material going into, action. The couplet read: I g u a r a n t e e to give results. I make a sad mistake; either ^^wool, silk, pr soft satin-^and the one "Forever shall we guard thy standWaht you to try a bottle on riiy per- chjtle her unduly for vanity, or eise pam- from which the cut was copied had spots ard, O sovereign, prince, even if this sonal recommendation. per her until she becomes entirely aT>^ of turquoise-blue. It whs piped with tiir- our life shall vanish "with the dews of sorted in the matter of dress. The mid- qupiseThlue silk, and the buttons used on the morrow!" S P E N C E R B. H A L L . dle way Is the sensible, the yolte and sleeves were edvered with Rexmll Ateacy At this age girls are peculiarly sensi^ the same silk. Notice the box-pleated Watching for a Sure Sigh. itive, and to give them a lair measure of sleeVses, and. the shape 6f the yoke. ''Those two men talking together content by all means endeavor to dress Either of these blouses may he made of there are 'worth a good many milr them so they do not feel out of place in soft ehallis and have for trimming a over lions between them." "their set;" perhaps never again will' pretty lace collar. ; "Which is the richer?" • they have just this same anxiety about Beep yokes and- chemisettes are very Specifics cure by acting directly o n the"I don't know positively, but watch ilothes as at the period when itlsabbut pretty for misses, and at present are.' stek parts without disturbing the rest of :ime to do' up the hair and lengthen the very popular. Ofepe de chine is a suit- the bishop, who's going to speak to the system. skirts;: But though remembrance of the able material for the young girl's best them." i No. 1 for Fevers. ''Why?" time when we had this girlish longing frock. A pretty design has soft folds ., No. 2 " Worms. after a complete and pretty wardrobe coming from the shoulders and crossing "See. which one he shakes hands No. 3 '' Teething; with first. "r-Life. '• No. 4 " Diarrhea. J ' ^ makes us sympathetic, oil the other in front. A deep girdle of SQflrihbon, hand there Is influence to lead' us,ta«warii very-long in front, is worn with this, and GOOD NEWS. No. 7 " Coughs. elders strenuously to cheek any tenders; fastens at one side with a knot and long MANY NEWARK READERS HAVE HEAR No. 8 ** Neuralgia. IT AND PROFITED THEREBY. cy on the young girl's' part for over- ends hanging down. A chemisette of - No., 9 " Headaches. dress and inordinate display. We all; cream net, hand-tucked, is worn with, " Good news travels fast," and the No. 10 " Dyspepsia. thousands of bad back sufferers in Newsee entirely too much of the high school this waist, and a little trimming of ark No. 11 " Suppressed Periods. are KJad to learn that prompt relief is girl's absorption in dress to the detricream insertion may be used on the within their reach. Many a lame, weak " Whiter ment of her studies and wholesome outwa&t, though we prefer It without. The and aching baek is bad no more; thanks " Group. door exercise; better she: were clad in stock shouKLbe transparent, stiffened tO'Doan's Kidney Pills. People are t%llr " The Skin. homespun and hob^hailed shoes than with light feather-bphe. And, by the ing the good news of their experience " Rheumatism. • given over to French heels and Silk pet- way, we might as well mention here with the Old "Quaker Remedy. Here " Malaria, ticoats. that stocks for women and girls are td is an example worth reading: ,w No. 19 "Catarrh. ,. Mrs. CJharles Schlee of No. 43 Maple Enough 61 the sermon. Now for the be very largely on this Order the coming Street, Lyons, N. Y., gays: ' ' I could ' No. 20 f Whooping Gough. season; a very comfortable as well as fashions. -. hot be induced to recommend Doah's No. 27 "- The Kidneys. Our illustration shows a couple of pretty fashion. Kidney Pills if the use of this remedy in No. 30 " The Bladder. '" ' With such a frock might be worn this my family had not thoroughlyr convinced blouses that are among the newest of No. 77 " La Grippe. summer either a Charlotte Corday hat me of its infallibility in cases of kidney I n smallboltles of pellets thatfittfae vest the spring modes iox the demoiselle, The of -light blue silk, or a soft straw] complainti Newspaper accounts of the one worn by the standing figure is made pocket. At Druggists or mailed, 250^ eacb. done by this medicine led my bus^Sfr* Medical Guide mailed free. of creanwcolored wool; the front is trimmed with only a wreath of flowers; work - Humphreys' Me<l. Co.,Cor. WlUiam* Join Street*, fairly full, to hide any youthful Want of pink would be very effective with the band to procure a box, and we found that they absolutely performed all that they New York. curves; the deep collar is of the self-; light blue," pastel^combinations are es- promised. I will be only too pleased to material and finished with stitching in pecially pretty for the youthful face. give further particulara about symptoms, My; advice to Washable Japanese silks, which come etc.) to any enquirer. green, blue or any color desired. The front part is arranged to form a charm- in a variety of attractive colors and de- sufferers from kidney complaint is to^use ing little vest,, buttoning down the cen- signs, are popular for evening frocks for. Dpan'a Kidney EillSi" Plenty more proof like this from New. Agents of either sex should to-day ter, and stitched to match the collar. A young girls, and Chint silk is liked for ark people. Call at Hank's drug store elder sisters as well as children. The pretty feature of this model istheinner .write Marsh Manufacturing Co., 538 Lake vest of soft white lawn; this can be eas- young girls, "and China silk is lilted for and, ask wh** his customers report, Street, Chicago, for cuts and particulars ily removed, for the frequent washings it shops will fail to take her Into ac- For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. 'FosterrMiiburaCo,, Buffalo, N,Y., sole of their handsome Aluminum Card Casewill need, the blouse itself not having to count. agents for United States. ; with your name engraved on it and filled Remember the name- Poan's-and take -jath_lQO_JGaihjng„. or Business Cards.: •no substitute. Everybody orders them. Sample Case and 100 Cards, postpaid, 40c. This Case THE RICHEST MAN IN THE trlmmiiiiBS are of blue the shade of the and 100 Cards retail at 75 cents. Send WORLD., flowers irl the jtbpds. Hair ribbon and The richest man in, the world ean not 40c at once for case and 100 cards. 1 w33 stockings, should match trirhmihg. have hia kidneys replaced nor live withSpeaking of styles for small boys, out them, so it is important not to neglec Buster Brown affairs still continue; these organs. IF Foley's Kidney Cure is whether the popularity is owing to the taken at' the first 'sign of danger, the name or to the designs themselves it symptoms Will disappear and yoUr health would be hard to Say. Both hoys and will be restored, as it strengthens and Inalluactages. girls are less fussily dressed than for- huilds lip these organs as noth ng else Oscar Bowman, Lebanon, Ky., merly, and'everything Chosen for them will. writes : " I have used Foley's Kidney seems Jo he principally with reference Gure and take great pleasure in stating it cleuMs, aoothn and heala to whether or ndt It will wash. A very ciired me permanently of kidney disease,^ tbe diieued membranes* sensible turn btfoshion's wheel. which certainly would have, cost rne my It cw catarrh and drive* Vj^ite wool stockings for the small, life." S.B.Hall. •w»y ft cold in tbe head phesSre much In vogue, and it is ineed-, quickly. less to Bay .these articles have to be JUGGLING WITH DYNAMITE. C m m Balm it placed into the nostrils, spreads © m the membrane »nd is absorbed. Relief Is lmtubbed Very frequently. But they are Is no more dangerous than to neglect SMdiate anda enrefoUows. It is not aryihg—doei pretty, go yell with dresses and "Bus-* kidney disorders. Foley's Kidney Cure »ot produce sneezing. Large Size, 60 cents at Dragter BroWhs" of any and all Colors, corrects irregularities and has cured many gist* or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents. ^The stores are showing now some exr severe cases after other treatment has 3tLT BHOTHBBS. MTy*Jreafltreet.New cellent additions to the child's wardrahe; failed^ It builds, np tbe: worn out, tissues bibs that have.sleeves attached, or rath- andjestoreshealth and vigor. " I was BIMPIiB AND PllETTY. er we may say they are half-attached, troubled with kidney complaint for about twp years," Writes A. H. DaVia of Mt. HEY 1bllow after the ttOdeg" .being.sewn in only part way around Sterling Iowa? "hut two bottles of Foley's worn by womankind:^lar- There are to he had over-ails of divers Kidney Cure effected a permanent cure." 8orts„ very wnsible dark gingham slipger growth. 'JPe^tureii of '•B'/KHau. IMPERIAL HAIR RESTORATIVE. thosj'e^ptc^urie'dher'e'are the ons for the creeping baby. square neck ahd the effect of ' Sashes are not so much in evidence as RuShyille, Ind. once; the small ones, if their mothers Messrs. Ely Bros :--I have been a great; broad, full shoulders. > If the little maid If plWtafc do not, seem really affected by themove- sufferer frdm catarrh and bay fever and Try it (or Dandruff, Falling Hair, Etc. teied many thihgs> but found ; no permaor if hsr slimness isa round; Blirnhess, ment toward a simple life. Unexcelled for a Hair Dressing. , ' . ETJ^EN OSMQNDB. nent relief until I found it in Ely's Cream cut the frock low in the hedt and Jet her Bairn about eight years ago, and we have - GUAJfMNTEEIJ *-— wear it without .the guimp; but_lf she " been fast friends ever since. Highly ^Satisfactory. be painfully thin cover deficiencies by : 8 OZ. BOTTLE $2.66 • Rev. R. M. Bentley. ; Askum-^Is yoW patient with the kindly; tticker. . ' „ rdit s'i,rji''Aa! Messrs- Ely'Bros.:—Find eJiclOsed 50 grip progresstt| as rapidly as you exThe"auit;:fqr,ith« olde* ;|lrl^made: or v cents, for which please' send me your ' ;"~M •• • •' pongee (which, by the way, is in excel- pected^ Cream Balm. I fihd your remedy the Dr. JPatfee, (jiibIlalitly)-^-Ya9, thank quickest and most permanent cure for lent material to select for '* child'g you. ike has already developed pneucold in the head, eatarrh, etei . frock), and Is trimmed with bands and „ ^ . Yours truly, folds of self material. Pongee:Is silky, monia.—Judge. , Dell M. Eottc r, cornea iff beautful^ahadea, andla-morfe Gen. Mgr. Arizona Gold Mining Co. Application of the Idea, durable than silk; altoiptt can be nicely 1 CHiCHBirrBB'S^HGI.lSH. laundered. The rough sort, known as dayman (in frpiit of mirror)-^? don^t know whether to wear a white necktie Why suffer^ with spring, tiredness, Bhanting, or imported, is the bttt Rear"cross feeling, ho stnength, rip appe•or rf'hla«k3>ii»''th'is fren:*ii«;.':> What is mean ing and moat becoming. The otheif littite? Hollister's Rbcky Tea will make tle frock is made of challli, a nic*ium- good j&rm ?9*, * »»ft °y«r ^-.,.....—, , eo* iyoa T ^n and keep you wetL 35 cents. mer atuff, and waahable. It buai white MA,.Ctoyn^^Iorofo ni.--Chicago, Jea or tablets, S. S. Mall. . t It" ground with light blue t*aH', ind tlw Tr«rtrn«. T H I OEHTftUR COMPANY. NCW TOBK OITT. Uniform excellent quality f o f OVer 3 q u a r t e r Of a C e n t u r y has^steadily increased the sales of LION OOFFEJB,, The leader of all package coffees. [ion Coffee HUMPHREYS' • £ ':."\i is now used in millions of homes. Such popularsuccess speaks for itself. I t is a Jrosittve proof that HON COFFEE has the Confidence ol the people. ' The uniform quality of LION COFFEE survives all opposition. LION COFFEE k e e p s i t s o l d friends a n d m a k e s n e w o n e s e v e r y day. Has e v e n m o r e tban its Strength, Flavor and Quality to c o m m e n d it. On a r r i v a l from the plantation, It Is c a r e l u l l y r o a s t e d at our factories and s e c u r e l y p a c k e d In 1 l b . s e a l e d p a c k a g e s , a n d not o p e n e d a g a i n until n e e d e d for u s e I n t h e h o m e . This p r e c l u d e s the possibility 0.1 a d u l t e r a t i o n or contact w i t h g e r m s , dirt, d u s t , Insects or u n c l e a n h a n d s . The absolute p u r i t y of HON COFFEE Is therefore g u a r a n t e e d to the c o n s u m e r . Sold only in 1 lb. packages. Lion-Head onfeyery paokage. , Save these Lipn-£eads for valuable premiums. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE L . . . _. WO0LSON SPIOE CO., Toledo, QHo. How to Make Money m Frocks for the Small Children ' Nasal CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm M ;| tL Tickets on sdle daily, March 1 to May 15, Chicago to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Taeoma, Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver. Cbrrespondingly low rgtes from other points'., iDaily and personally conducted excursions in through Pullman tourist sleeping cars from Chicago to Portland, San Francisco and Los_ Angeles-without change. Double berth only £7.00. Fast trains, choice of routes. Meals in dining ears (a la carte). Write us for information as to the resources and opportunities, the Wonderful climate and kindly soil of^the Pacific Coast, how to ' get there, how lpngit takes and what it costs via the Chicago, ^ Union Pacific ahdoNorth-Western Line. Booklets and folders A , sent postpaid on receipt of 4 cents in stamps. GRAY HAm I c _ CURES' * Always Remember the Full Name Laxative gromo Quinine Kelley's Drug Store. ElMftffcr "&it£X-i£0$- > on Box. 8Sc 7 . them in the house. Take one;whenjoufeef bilious or dizzy. They act directly on the iiyer.i&fc£gE; Want your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM'S • hMntiml hrawiior richWack? Use .Hr-